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Five E Model in Planning Science Lessons


Teacher: Espelimbergo, Janelle N. /Estopace, Corina I.

Date: April 24, 2024

Topic: Weather

Grade level: Grade 3

Reference: 21st Century Science and Health p. 254-259

Materials: Visual aids, pictures, flash cards, music

Value Integration: Cooperation/ collaboration

Learning competencies/ lesson objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

a. Define and know what weather is

b. Tell and describe the different kinds of weather; and

c. Participate actively and display a sense of enthusiasm to group activities regarding the topic.


Teacher's Activity Pupil's Activity



Good morning, class! Good morning teacher!

Before we start let us pray first. (Pupils will remain standing while the teacher
leads the prayer)

Our father in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy

Our father in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in
kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and
heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us
forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from heaven.
not into temptation, but deliver us from heaven. Amen.

Please be seated.
None, Teacher.
Okay, let us first check your attendance. Is there
any absent today?


Class, do you remember our lesson last meeting? Yes, teacher

What it is all about? It is all about weather and it's ements

Very good! So, can anyone tell me what weather

Weather is what the sky and the air outside are
like. It is how much sunshine or rain you have in
your place each day.
Very good!

Okay class, let us read the following words that are

written in the flash cards.

-Sunny Day -Rainy Day

-Cloudy Day -Stormy Day

-Sunny Day -Rainy Day

-Cloudy Day -Stormy Day



Class, do you want to play a game?

Okay, look at the colored papers under your

chairs. There are four different colors, this side will Yes, teacher!
be the group red, group blue will be here, yellow
group please stay at the back group of red, and
group green, stay also at the back of yellow.

Yes teacher!
Go to your groups now.

Are you familiar with the game 4 pics 1 word?

Good. I have envelopes here, these envelopes

Yes teacher.
contain pictures. Just like the game 4 pics 1 word,
you must figure out what is being described in the
pictures. If you already figured out what it is, just
shout the color of your group. The first group to
answer correctly will receive a prize.

Are you ready?

Ready, Go!

Yes teacher!


What have you observed from the pictures that I

have given to you?

The pictures, is all about the different kinds/types

Very good! of weather.



Based on the activity that you did, do you have

now an idea on our new lesson today?

Very good!
It is all about the weather teacher.
Our lesson for today is all about the different kinds
of weather here in the Philippines. let's get
started. Are you ready?

Yes teacher.
In our previous lesson we learned the behavior of
different weather elements and these elements
bring about different types of weather. These arw
sunny, cloudy, rainy and stormy day.

Weather is what the sky and the air outside are

like. It is how much sunshine or rain you have in
your place each day.
We have different kinds of weather, I will be
showing you some pictures. All you need to do is
describe what you see regarding the picture. Here
is the first picture.

Can anyone tell me something about the picture?

• the sun is shining brightly

Very good! All answers are correct. The sun shines
brightly and the sky is clear. There are few clouds • There is less clouds
in the sky at all. So what do you think is the • The children can play outside.

Verry good! It's sunny day.

Everybody Read.
Sunny Day, teacher.

Children are playing outside.

Others go to the beach

Some people are drying fish and other foods

Some people are drying their clothes.

We wear thin clothes during sunny day

Okay thank you.
We also need hat or umbrella to protect ourselves
What do you do during sunny day? from the heat of the sun.

What else?

Teacher we go out and go in different places like

malls and beach.
Very good!

Here is the next picture. Can you tell something

about this picture? Teacher, my mom washes our clothes.

Verry good. As you see, the sky is covered by

The sky is covered with clouds
clouds. So what type of weather is that?

Verry good!

Cloudy day, teacher.

Everybody read.

It's a cloudy day.

The sun is covered with clouds.

Sometimes it's windy.

It is not too hot because the sun is not shining

Okay thank you. brightly.

We can play outside during cloudy day because it's Some farmers prefer to work in the field during
not hot. cloudy days.

Next picture. How about this one?

• There is no sun.

• The clouds are dark

okay very good, if there are many clouds which • There is rain
bring rain and the sun is covered by clouds what
do you think is the weather?
Correct! It's raining day.

everybody read.

Rainy day, teacher.

The sun is not shining.

Rain is falling

People wearing raincoats or jackets.

Okay thank you.
They use umbrella, hat and boots to avoid getting
On a rainy day, we should stay inside our house wet.
because we might catch a cold or we might be sick
Some children take a shower.
if we get wet in a rain.
Some play in the rain.
Who among you has tried to take a bath in the

It's okay sometimes to take a shower in the rain

but we need to be careful and we should not do it
always. Did you understand class?

How about this one?

(pupils will answer)

Yes teacher.
Very good! There are dark clouds, heavy rains, and • there is lightning.
strong winds. What kind of weather is that?
• there is no sun
Correct! Sometimes, there are lightning and
thunder. A stormy weather can cause power • the clouds are dark.
outages, floods and landslides. • there is strong wind
please read.

Stormy day, teacher.

The weather is stormy.

The wind is strong.

There is heavy rain.

There is lightning and thunder.

Okay, thank you. So class during stormy day we
should stay inside house or go to the safe places The streets are flooded.
because it's too dangerous to go outside. The
Some electric post and trees are uprooted.
stron wind can destroy houses and trees.
Some rooftops are blown away.
Did you now fully understand the different kinds of
weather? People wear thick clothes.

Okay very good.


If you really understand what is lesson today, can

you tell me what are the different kinds of
weather? Yes teacher.

Again class what is weather?


Very good! Again, what is the weather if there is a

sun? Sunny, cloudy, rainy and stormy day teacher.

Correct! How about weather with big clouds? Weather is what the sky and the air outside are
Excellent! How about when the clouds get too like.
heavy and fall as rain?

Very good! Sunny day, teacher.

How about if there's a strong wind and have heavy
rain, thunder storm and lightnings?
Cloudy day, teacher.
Very good.

Everybody understand the lesson today! Let's give

five claps to ourselves! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Rainy day, teacher.


Application: Stormy day, teacher.

Class, we will play a game called passing a ball. I

will pass the ball to Queency and then Queency
Five claps- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
you will pass the ball yo your seatmate up to the
last pupil at the back while playing and singing the
baby shark song, but when the music stop the
pupil who hold the ball will pick a question in this
box, then the one who will answer the question. If
you got a correct answer you will review a prize.
Did you get it?

Identify the weather conditions presented in the

illustration and paste your answer.

Yes teacher.
In which illustration/s it is best to go hiking,
camping, field trips, and going to beach?

In which Illustration/s it is best stay at home to

avoid getting cough, flu and being sick?

Sunny day Cloudy day Rainy day Stormy day

This illustration present sunny day.

Illustrations number 3 and 4


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Write your answer in ¼ sheet of paper.
1. What is the weather when a big part of the sky
is covered with clouds?

a. Windy day

b. Cloudy day

c. Sunny day

2. What is the weather when the sun is shining


a. Rainy day 1. B

b. Cloudy day 2. C

c. Sunny day 3. B

3. When do you wear a raincoat outdoor? 4. B

a Sunny day 5. C

b. Cloudy day

c. Rainy day

4. Which if the following characteristics is a sign of

good weather?

a. dark clouds

b. bright sun

c. lightning

5. What is the weather when the clouds is dark;

there is heavy rain, and a strong wind?

a. Cloudy day

b. Sunny day

c. Stormy day


Write a short story about your unforgettable experience during a stormy weather.
Prepared by:

Espelimbergo, Janelle N.

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