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The graph illustrates the change in car ownership in the UK over the 30-year course from 1975-2005.
The initial impression from the chart is that the figure for 2 cars and 3 or more cars enjoyed
upswings,while 0 car and 1 car showed the opposite pattern.It is also evident that 1 car was
dominantly higher than the others,with 2 cars undergoing the most dramatic.
In 1975, the figure of owning two cars was fewer than 5% per household.However, it increased
significantly after 10 years, up to approximately 5%. From 1995 to 2005, the ratio of households
using their own car continued to rise steadily to about 6% to 10% respectively this increase was the
same as three cars owners between 1975 to 2005, the numbers were experienced an upward trend,
about 8% to 14%, 15%, and nearly 20% respectively.
In contrast, almost 45% of the people had no car. however, this figure decreased dramatically for the
following years, about 24% in 1985, and 20% at the end of the period. Meanwhile, there was
approximately 45% of the car owners had one car; but this percentage declined significantly to about
38% before it went up remarkably to 45% again in 2005.

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