Design and Sizing of Electrical Installation Systems

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Single load design current (IB)

Design Current I B= (for single – load)
V × p . f × eff
Taking p.f = 1 and efficiency = 100%
I B=

For three phase:

Design Current I B=
√ 3 V L × p . f × eff

Design Current I B= (for 3 phase load)
√ 3 × 400× p . f × eff

Applying diversity factor (DF):

Diversity implies that not all load is connected at the same time and it differs for different
types of load.

Design current IB (new) = IB x DF

MCB size per load/circuit

MCB size = IB x MCB safety factor = 1.75 for Air-conditioners and 1.25 for any other load
i.e add 75% for air conditioning and 25% for any other load
NOTE: Some general basic circuits have standard MCB protection sizes already deduced and
Normal Cooker/stove------------------30A
Socket outlet ring circuit --------------30A
Socket outlet radial circuit with 6 socket outlet points-------------30A
Socket outlet radial circuit with 4 socket outlets---------------------20A
Geyser circuit-----------------------------------------------15A
Lighting circuit ----------------------------------------------5A or 10A depending on the number
of lights per circuit and power rating of each light. LEDs draw very little current so they can
be many on one 5A MCB

DB MCB size = The largest IB among the three phases x MCB sizing factor ( 1.25) OR
double the largest MCB in the DB.
Add future expansion of 5% to 20%
Apply Diversity of 70%
NB: Total load per phase = total IB single phase + total IB for 3 phase ( note: three phase
load is distributed among all phases)
1. Find the total current for all the load supplied from this DB
2. Apply diversity factor or Demand factor (DF) to find the total design current IB. ( not
all the load is connected at the same time). Typically D.F = 70% for the load centres
or DBs/Transformers/Cable sizes etc
3. Apply also sizing factor or safety factor = 25% of the total current
4. Add Expansion allowance of between 5% and 20%
5. Take the nearest larger standard size on the market

MAIN DB MCB SIZE = (Largest line current IB total x 1.25) + expansion allowance 5 -20%
(of largest line current IB total) OR double the largest DB SIZE
NOTE: After finding the MCB current, take the nearest STANDARD size MCB eg 20A,
30A, 100A, 800A etc
Safety or operation factor of 25% is added to the total current (i.e total current x 1.25)
Expansion allowance of between 5% and 20% may be added to the total current also.

For three phase systems, KVA rating = KVA=√ 3 V L I L

Where, for 11KV/415V transformer or system, secondary VL = 400 - 415V and primary VL
= 11KV and the line current is the total load current per phase (R/Y/B)

The supply to a building installation is from an 11KV, 50Hz distribution line and the building
requires 415V, 50Hz supply. If the load current or secondary current is 350A, determine the
KVA rating of the transformer for the building. Hence determine the primary current of the
KVA=√ 3 V L I L= √ 3 400 × 350=242.48 KVA

Take 250KVA (standard size)

KVA 242480
Primary current of transformer = = =22.044 A
11 KV 11 KV
NB: KVA rating can be calculated using either primary or secondary current and voltage.

Likewise, for a load of 500A, 415V, 50Hz, transformer rating:

¿ √ 3 400 ×500=346.4 KVA Take 315KVA standard

And for a load of 800A, 415V,50Hz, transformer KVA rating:

√ 3 400 ×800=554 , 24 KVA Take 500KVA

 200KVA SUBSTATION requires 2 x 2.2 earthing rods and earth mate
 A 500KVA SUBSTATION requires 4 x 2.2 earth rods and earth mate made of 50 –
100mm2 copper wire
 SUB DB EARTH SPIKE TO BE 1.2m length

Use data sheets to tally the load current for each circuit and load centre/DB with the standard
Calculate as follows:
Determine the design current Ib.
2 Select the rating of the protection MCB/FUSE (In)
3 Select the relevant correction factors (CFs).
4 Divide In by the relevant CFs to give tabulated cable current-carrying capacity It .
5 Choose a cable size to suit It .
6 Check the voltage drop.
7 Check for shock risk constraints.
8 Check for thermal constraints.

With the value of Ib select the nominal current rating (In) of the protection MCB, such that
¿ ≥ Ib.
This value may be taken from IEE Regulations Tables 41B1, B2 or D, or from
manufacturers’ charts.
If the selected In is giving too high cable sizes and impedances, hence high % voltage drop
(more than +/- 6% ) it is changed to the next lower value.
Cable Current-carrying capacity (It)

After choosing the value of In (current protection device size) which tallies with the
calculated design current IB, find the current carrying capacity of the cable (It).

In In
Where I t= =
CF s G . A .T . S

Where: G ---- is the grouping factor (how many cables are running alongside with this cable)

A ---- is the ambient temperature factor ( At what ambient temp is it exposed to, eg
for cable free in air

its around 300C and underground at a depth of 0.5m is 150C etc)

T ---- is the thermal insulation factor ( e.g PVC max operating temp is 700C, and
XLPE is 900C)

S ---- is the protective device factor (depends on the current protective device, eg fuse
to BS3036 etc.
Fusing factor is the ratio of the minimum current for a fuse to melt to the
maximum current a fuse can withstand before melting.

Apply all correction factors if they are all affecting the whole length of cable run as shown
For this cable:
 The cable is run in a group of other cables for the whole length, so grouping factor G
is applied
 The cable is run under high ambient temperature for the whole length, so ambient
temperature factor (A) is applied
 The same cable is also run in a thermal insulation media for its total length, so thermal
insulation factor (T) is applied.
 Since the protection is a fuse to BS3036, it has also a fusing factor S = 0.725, depends
on the type of protection used, if no fuse is used, no fusing factor is applied.
Now, if the correction factors are not affecting the whole length of run of cable, only the
worst of them is applied together with the fusing factor which is always for the whole length.
Therefore, for the cable run below, if the product of G and A is greater than T, then Cf and Ci
are considered only. Otherwise if GxA is less than the T, apply GxAxT

In In 30
I t= = = =82.76 A
GATS Ci C s 0.75 × 0.5

In 30 30
Then without the BS 3036 fuse, I t= = = =60 A
GATS Ci 0.5

Choice of cable size

Use the (It) value to match with the cable size from tables in Appendix 4 of the IEE
regulations which gives a list of all cable sizes, current carrying capacities and voltage drops
of various types of cables.

For PVC- insulated singles cable, single phase, run in conduit, with a current carrying
capacity of 45A, and the installation is by reference method 3 of Table 4A, the cable size is in
Table 4D1A column 4 which is 10mm2 (column 1)

Voltage drop verification

After getting the cable size, do voltage drop verification i.e is it still within 4 – 6% range of
the supply voltage.

If it is exceeding the maximum permissible voltage drop, then the cable size picked should be
changed to the next thicker cable to keep the voltage drop of cable at the maximum
permissible voltage drop.

4% x 230V = 9.2V for single phase and 4% x 400V = 16V

mV × I B × L
The voltage drop of the cable is V c=
A 16mm2 two core copper cable runs for 23m and is clipped direct, carrying a design current
of 33A, Determine the voltage drop of the cable.
mV × I B × L 2.8× 33 ×23
V c= =V c = =2.125 V (m V per metre length of cable is from table
1000 1000
4D1B )
Now, =0.92 % which is within the 4% range, so the 16mm2 is a suitable size

Maximum permissible cable run or length can also be determined by transposing the equation
V cmax ×1000
mV × I B
3. EARTHING SYSTEMS (equipotential bonding, cpc sizing, earthing of steel columns
and all exposed metal structures)
4. LPS SYSTEMS (lightning protection systems)

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