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Grammar Lab 1 Review Test Name: ______________

Date: _____________ Class Time: ___________

Part 1: Cross out the wrong answer to complete the sentence.

1. A noun/verb is a person, place, or thing.
2. Verbs/Adverbs of manner change how we do an action.
3. We can replace a noun with a verb/pronoun.
4. An action is also called a verb/preposition.
5. We use adjectives/verbs to describe a noun.

Part 2a: Change the adverb into an adjective.

1. beautifully
2. angrily
3. hard
4. fast
5. narrowly

Part 2b: Change the adjective into an adverb.

1. dangerous
2. slow
3. good
4. heavy
5. quick

Part 3: Use the correct form of the ‘be’ verb.

1. I _______ in love with kimchi.
2. Terry _____ playing football with his friends.
3. The dog _____ sleeping.
4. _____ the children outside?
5. What _____ you doing right now?

Part 4a: Cross out all the vowels in the sentence.

Splodge and Mabel are fighting because Sticky ate all of Mabel’s carrots.

How many vowels are there? _____________

Part 4b: Circle all the consonants in the sentence.

Ruff has invented a new machine which creates fizzy ink for Splodge.

How many consonants are there? _____________

Part 5: Replace the noun with the correct pronoun.
1. The rabbit loves carrots.
-> _______ loves carrots.
2. Splodge eats mud pies every day.
-> ________ eats mud pies every day.
3. This is my book.
-> This is _______.
4. That person enjoys hugging rabbits.
-> That person enjoys hugging ______.
5. The book is being read by Mabel.
-> The book is being read by ______.

Part 6: Match the nouns to the correct article.

milk / sock / orange / uniform / bookshop / hour / cheese / money / item
a an some

Part 7a: Circle all the adjectives.

big / quickly / beautiful / interesting / jump / red / ugly / smart / boy / chicken

Part 7b: Match the sentences.

Ex. Splodge’s face isn’t clean. They’re fat.
1. I’m not hot. I’m cold.
2. That bird isn’t beautiful. We aren’t quiet.
3. We’re noisy. It’s dirty.
4. Splodge is clever. It’s ugly.
5. Hippos aren’t thin. He isn’t stupid.

Part 8: Circle the correct verb form.

1. Splodge is drinking fizzy ink. (present continuous/past simple)
2. They’re going to eat some pizza. (present simple/going to)
3. The man and cow jumped over the moon. (present continuous/past
4. What are you doing? (going to/present continuous)
5. I’m happy. (past simple/present simple)
6. I love comic books. (going to/ present simple)
7. Are you going to finish that? (going to/present continuous)
8. The teacher worked for ten hours straight. (present simple/past simple)
9. Watch out, Ruff’s machine is going to explode. (past simple/going to)
10. Do you like kimchi? (present simple/past simple)
Part 9: Use the correct preposition of time to complete the sentences. (in/on/at)
1. Devin’s birthday is ____ August.
2. My favourite holiday is ____ the 25th December.
3. ____ Winter, I like to go snowboarding.
4. Class starts ____ ten past three.
5. Grammar class is ____ Friday.

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