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Environmental Impacts: Climate change has significant impacts on the environment, including rising
global temperatures, melting glaciers and ice caps, sea level rise, more frequent and severe weather
events such as hurricanes, floods, droughts, and wildfires. These changes can lead to habitat loss for
many species, extinction of some, and disruption of ecosystems.

2. Social Impacts: Climate change can lead to social impacts such as forced migration due to rising sea
levels or extreme weather events, increased conflict over scarce resources like water, and negative
impacts on human health, particularly for vulnerable populations like the elderly and children.

3. Economic Impacts: Economic impacts of climate change include damage to infrastructure, loss of
productivity due to extreme weather events, increased costs for adaptation and mitigation measures,
and disruption to global supply chains. These impacts can lead to economic losses and slow down
economic growth.

4. Health Impacts: Climate change can have significant impacts on human health, including increased
incidence of respiratory diseases due to air pollution, spread of infectious diseases, and negative mental
health outcomes. Extreme weather events can also lead to injuries and deaths.

5. Geopolitical Impacts: Climate change can lead to geopolitical impacts such as competition for
resources, shifts in power dynamics, and increased tensions between nations. It can also lead to
migration pressures and potential conflicts over refugee settlements.

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