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Astrologer Elaine Estrela

~An unequal world ~

According to FAO records, hunger in the world has reached the astonishing number of 925 millions people worldwide in 2010. As a vedic astrology I get awed to know that hunger still happens in modern society. We have food enough to feed everyone, that is proved. Starvation happens due to a serious of reasons such as restrained access to food in regions hit by war ( as in Sub-saharian Africa ) , estoque de comida in rich countries and persistent rise of food prices in the last three years. While in the developed countries, an increasing number of fat people has grown in the last years, other regions of the globe face famine and death. That is the paradox of this world. Four children dies of hunger each second in the world. Whats the value of human life ? According to vedic astrology we are here to grow spiritually. Does a child can grow spiritually by such miserable reincarnation ? Why such punishment ? Is it some sin of past life or just the effect of humankind greedness ? They are 30 wealthiest people in the world that take 20% of worldwide income. Does it is fair that few people has so much and many so few ? Good news is that, according to FAO estimatives, by 2030, there will be less hunger than today, because of the increasing economic development in huge populated countries such as China and India in the next years.

~Spiritual explaination for hunger ~

According to Kardecism, a spiritualist sect, first established in France, than in Brazil, planet Earth is a place of proof and espiaes to the spirits or jeevas here born. According to Chico Xaviers spiritual chanelled messages, spirits expelled from less developed planets than Earth are born here so as to wash clean their sins. Punishment can be either by poverty, illness or starvation. Since we have 925 millions of people in hunger and three billions living with less than $2.50 dollar a day, we can see that the majority of humankind is made of sin spirits who are suffering from past deeds. This belief is in tune with hindu statement that there are less developed planets than ours, some are truly hellish, such as patala loka. we are in bhu loka, or place of earth which is seven lokas under the most developed planet and seven lokas above the less developed. The administrators of humankind are the semigods and they are represented by the Grahas or planets in our solar system. They obey orders from the living God, Vishnu. They can inflict curses on humankind due to sins committed in past life and from present life also. Starvation, poverty and illness are all curses. They inflict death and a state of almost death condition during life term. Curses are the main cause of humankind misery in this planet. Only by pujas and good deeds can curses be lifted. Starvation is a condition of constant feast, which is imposed by limited access to food. People are fated to die by hunger since they are born. It is a fatal condition. feast is undertaken in several societies so as to clean wash sins, it can last few days. Unlike obliged feast, such as starvation, which is an ultimate imposition of the deity upon the humankind so as to clean very heavy sins. Woldwide organizations stablished to fight hunger, were allowed by the mercy of the semigods so as to relieve this terrible fatal state in several populations around the globe. In India, the goddess related to nourishment is Lakshimi, wife of Vishnu, the preserver of this Universe. She is said to bless with

richness and aboundance people who worship her or please her in such manner. Lakshmi rules the sign of Taurus, in which the sacred bull is exalted and Libra, the exaltation of planet Venus. Europes continent is ruled by the sign of Taurus, being one of the richiest regions of the globe, for instance.

~Astrological explaination for hunger ~

Access to food is a matter of the second house or bhava, in a horoscope. Second house natural ruler is Venus or Lakshimis blessings. A good graha or planet ruling the second house, good planets in the second house, a good moon , which is also related to nourishment, particularly in childhood, can guarantee a long life of bountiness and food. Planets that disturb nourishment are the malefic ones which are Shani, Rahu, Ketu, Mangal and the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as we are dealing with a worldwide problem, that hits populationals contigents in several countries. A personal curse can be seen by rahu, shani, mangal and ketu aspecting good planets such as moon, venus and jupiter. A collective curse, which hits millions of people suffering from the same problem, must be a curse from outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Moon or chandra is related to childhood and first breast. Since four children die per second in the world, we come to conclusion that their mothers cant fed them appropriatly as they are too undernourished. Women in starvation can not gear milk. In rich societies these can be solved by replacing woman milk for cow milk. Chandra or moon should be afflicted in their horoscopes so as to show infant mal nourishment. generally , a wanning moon with a curse from rahu, shani or mangal can disrupt breast feed, but if thus, this moon is afflicted by Neptune, Uranus or Pluto, in a such manner that these children are being infflicted by a global problem, such as starvation due to limit access to resources. Moon also represents our place of birth. if the kharma with the country of birth is good this will be shown in the horoscope.

There is a square between Uranus and Pluto till 2015, two planets which represents huge populations and their present suffering in the world. Uranus is placed in pisces, a sign traditionally associated to the third world and Pluto, a planet of plutocracy and strive for resources. Due to Unequal Income Distribution, there are 925 millions of people suffering from starvation in the world. Until 2015 millions of children and people are to die because of these global issues. FAO forecast that by 2030 there will be less hunger in the world due to India and China economic development. In 2030, Uranus is going to be in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, a trine in earthy signs, showing better income distribution and access to land and increase number of crops. I personally think that Lunar and Solar eclipses trigger massive population starvation, as they are so karmic and have the ability to unleash past sins. We should think about the twenty years cycle of Jupiter-Saturn, which destroy the sign of ARIES, a sign related to life, as it symbolicaly represents the 1st house or Lagna. This cycle can bring more starvation and suffering to parcels of humankind. In short, I believe that famine is related to Unequal distribution of income, a humankind sin, which shows our egotism in helping our brother. We should not blame the semigods for it, but in ultimate instance our own greedness. Since the Roman Empire famine is caused by the domination of minority over a majority.

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