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FALLEN FLOWER by Patricia Maraga
Chapter 01
Here is the matrix of a scripted life,being born-junior primary-
senior primary- collage/varsity-work-get married-have kids then
lastly die.
What we forget is, our life isn't scriped by our own hands. It got
curves and tangles to untangled, mystery that take a life time
to solve.
People says that we are all looking for a missing puzzle to
complete our lives. While the missing puzzle that unlocks each
and every door is said to be education. But what happens when
education fails to open the door.
It's frustrating to know you have the key but it's for the wrong
door. The question remains, which door? And if there is really a
So is Magwaba Muvhuso. She holds a bcomhons in human
resource management but still wakes up everyday to bask on
the sun if not slaving around for her aunt and precious cousins.
She have lost all hopes and dreams she had before varsity and
three months after varisty.
Muvhuso is just a girl, that what describes her best. She had
dreams and was happy at some point. That all ends the day her
mother passed away. Her father couldn't wait any longer as as
he also pass away three months after her mother and she was
just 10 years of age.
Yes they were not rich like her aunt but they were happy family
filled with laugher and a warm home filled with love. She
always wanted love like theirs until they all died and hated love.
Because she feels like love is the reason her father couldn't stay
with her.
They didn't just leave her to a cold and cruel world but to the
cold arms of her aunt. She suffered and still surfer under her
care and 99.99 percent of the pain is inflicted by her.

It is blazing hot today. Her cardboard shark is hot as outside but

she doesn't have strength to wake up. All she want is to lay on
her mattress. And sleep her problems away. She doesn't want
to face anyone, she just want to reminisce happy moments with
her parents. Beside hating the fact that they left her behind the
ice cream and tea dates she used to have with her father and
the kitchen moments with her mom...makes her longer for their
presence more. Her aunt have never done that with her. She is
just a stranger to her.
Her aunt and cousins adds to the bottomless list of her
problems, it doesn't get old nor the wound get healed she have
tried. Their words cuts her deep each time the decide to utter
something so is their reachings. How could she forget, when all
they do is to remind her what she wishes to forget most. And
rules she have to live by, but they only applies to her. Like...
"MUVHUSO" her aunt's voice screams her name from outside.
She keeps quiet and awaits all the insults coming her way.
"Hey...Muvhuso" she says banging her thread hanging door. She
pulls her blanket over her head and keep quiet.
"Mxm...even though you keep quiet just know you have a tank
to fill when you wake up" she announced.
Then she hears foot steps walking away, she let go of the
breathe she never knew she was holding.
Mxm, where were we before getting interrupted. Ooh,
yes. The rules she have been taught. Here goes the first one,
the darker you are the more uglier you're, but this rule applies
only to women. Here is the reason why not to men as well, real
man is a dark toned man, with unruly hairs or chiskop
buff body, hazel eyes, and over flowing pockets.
Rule number two, is just the confirmation of the first rule that
only apply to her and many other black toned women as her.
No one is ever going to love her, who wants a black woman as a
And that have been proven to be right all the time. She have
tried dating before but that doesn't even last for a mere 7days.
It ends before the next Sunday and that is it. So she took
herself off the dating streets.
After few hours of wondering how it could have been if her
parents were around she decided to wake up and start with her
day. She neatly fold her blankets, then walks out. The first thing
is to fill the tank even though the sun is hot and it's only 9
0clock by then noon it's will be hotter. She takes the bucket to
the pipe just few houses away from her home, after the back
and forth journey of to and from she finally filled the tank and
other empty buckets of water. Then does her daily chores. By
one 0clock she is done, she takes a bath then head to her
friend's place Maria.
Maria, is just two years older than Muvhuso which makes her
25 years old and she works in town as a cleaner at the mall. She
is the only person muvhuso refers to as a family and trust her
with lots of things. Ever since she moved back home from
university she have been going through the most and
depression and anxiety was slowly consuming her until she met
She was sent to buy grocery at the Indian shop in the
community, she was hungry and it was very hot. Then she
fainted. The only person who helped her was Maria, she didnt
even know her name by then and that how they become best
friends. Every time she is hungry she knows if she comes here
she will go home with a full tummy.
She gets to Maria's place the gate wasn't closed. She get in
knocks and waits for respond.
Maria opens the door for her and excitement couldn't be
avoided from her face. You could tell she is walking on cloud
"Guess what" Maria says first before she could even great her
"what?" Muvhuso asks throwing herself on the couch that is
Maria , stays alone. She doesn't have family and she have been
surviving very well by herself. Which is one of the reason they
gell so well together.
"Mxm, I said guess Hai ask me but anyway I will tell you" she
says retrieving her laptop from the bag. Switch it on and go
straight to emails.
"Here look"she says giving it to her. She frowns taking it and
then start reading.
"Ohh...God...oh my god" she says as tears flows from her
"Believe it baby, don't cry" Maria says bring her to her embrace.
"I...I just don't believe it" she says hugging her friend back.
"Better believe it. And don't get too happy you still have an
interview " Maria says spoiling the mood and making her to be
more nervous.
"But still, I have never been called for interview of any job"
Muvhuso says and Maria looks at her.
"Believe in seasons and time. It wasn't your season and time
but now it is. When one door opens the others will do the same
as well Muvhuso. Even if this is not the kind of job you did go to
school for but money" Maria says.
Muvhuso nods, she no longer cares about any type of job she
get as along as it maintains her she is good. And beside being a
waitress is way much better than slaving around for free or sun
They read the email again together and stumble upon
something they didn't notice before. Their heart drops as they
see the date of the interview.
Chapter 02

She have never been late a day in her life but today...she over
slept. If it wasn't for Maria she would have been late. She is
busy searching her clothes for a better clothes but she couldn't
find any. She have already bathed and should be going in 30
Yesterday when they saw that the interview is today, they were
shocked. No time to prepare and also money to buy
clothes...not just clothes appropriate clothes.
Just kidding with what money, she can't borrow money from
Maria as she can't pay her back. The food and sanitary towels
she provides for her are enough. She is old for pit sake and her
own responsibility not Maria's responsibility.
Her phone beems indicating a message from Maria. She reads
the message then throw herself on her mattress. She is
devastated, maybe she should just let this job pass. She doesn't
even know how to answer the interview question or know how
to hold the tray like they always do. She is inexperienced and
chances are slim. The her phones rings.
"Hello" she says and Maria's voice echos through the speaker of
her phone.
"Open the door, do you want ghost to eat me here. Or you're
aunt short boys" she says. She wasn't even whispering. But she
say she is afraid.
Muvhuso drags her feet to the door, open then turns back.
There is a basin of water she was bathing with at the center of
her match box shack. She is no longer ashamed of her
shack. And it's all thanks to Maria. She made her see that she
should be grateful she have a place to hid her head. Other don't
"Here, take " says giving her a plastic bag. "You have already
bathed musi. You have to impress them...30 minutes early is the
rule sis, we talked about it yesterday" she says giving her some
elderly sister eyes.
"I know, what is this" she says taking out clothes and a pair of
It's just a waitress interview, right she doesn't have to week
"I can't take this" she says with teary eyes. Last time she was
bought clothes was when her parents were still alive. Ever since
then she was a second hand girl or buy clothes with her bursary
money while she was still at varsity.
"I am not having my sister walking to the interview room
naked" she says and that makes muvhuso to chuckle.
"I will wear this" she say showing her a Jean that looks a bit
bigger than her as she have lost some wait. She bought it while
still on varsity.
"Still, muvhuso. Wear the clothes in brought for you so we can
go" she says looking at her watch. She knows that Muvhuso
doesn't have transport money so she will have to ask her taxi
driver boyfriend to take her for free.
"But..." she says and Maria looks at her.
She really loves Muvhuso like her own sister, and there is
nothing she wouldn't do for her.
"But nothing Muvhuso. Do you want your aunt to wake up
while your still here. So that she can mix her voodoo shit and
your things don't work out. If you want to sit here and blame
the world do so Muvhuso. But don't blame anyone but yourself
for not trying" she say getting worked out. She times Muvhuso
can be handful and need a reminder of her situation. She won't
give up on her but she have to let her see reality of things.
slowly wears the shirt and a black trouser that Maria has
bought for her. She looks beautiful. She then applies the lip
gloss and she breath feeling beautiful. She have a bald head. So
minus one problem.
It is now 10 to 6 when they leave. But they didn't exepect her
aunt to be up at this time. But ist summer so, the Sun is already
"And now, Muvhuso. Where do you think you're going " she
asks folding her arms with attitude and Maria pulls her.
"She is accompanying me to town" she says.
"Who is going to clean...make breakfast and laundry" she says
and muvhuso looks at Maria.
"She will come back full keep your expired food. And it's not like
you feed her. So die I'd you have no hands to help yourself"
Maria says, continuing to pull Muvhuso. She knows that if she
let her handle her aunt she would now be going to look for
sweet potato leaves for her neighbor's pigs because her aunt
told her so.
They quietly walk to the main road and the taxi stops and they
get in. Maria as always was busy conversing with her boyfriend
while Muvhuso us busy shitting on herself. With fear. She keeps
thinks what if she don't get the job. Will she be cursed like she
was told by her aunt. Does having a degree counts for
something in today's world. She have done everything she can
but still depends on other people at the age of 24 years
old. She fails to buy toiletries for herself not to mention
panties. But she have no one to tell. She can't be telling Maria
what she doesn't have as she is also trying to make the ends
meet for herself.
They get to town, both get off at the same place. It's not 8hoo.
They walk towards where the interview will be held. She looks
at her and hold her hands.
"Call me after the interview okay" she says and muvhuso nods.
"Dont be afraid and good luck okay. I love you" she says kissing
her cheek.
Muvhuso walks towards where others where. She greet them
and they greet back the continue with their conversation. She
just stands there bitting her nails with fear. And shaking as well.
By 8:20 the doors are opened. Then they are told to get inside.
She is still afraid. She feels like she will faint soon. Her heart is
beating right at her plums.
"We haven't opened yet, so I would like to believe that
everyone here is here for interview" a Young, short man says.
He had his formal blue trousers and sky blue shirt with a blue
jacket as well without tie. He looks good and well built as well.
"We are here for the interview" they all said in a chorus.
"Okay, please follow me" he says and they walk to the back
office. Every one went in one by one for interview.
Afte 2hours they are done and told not to go as they will be
informed today about. Who got the job. They only need 4
people and 10 people come for interview.
They are waiting while others where conversing, but Muvhuso
keeps praying she gets the job. She needed it as her starts point
of break through.
"Hello everyone" the man comes back and says. Capturing each
and everyone's attention.
The nerves were sky rocketing, her heart galloping, sweat
particles gather on her forehead. She feel a weave of hot air
hitting her and she breath out. Those close to her looks at her
weirdly but she was afraid and couldn't control it.
"Magwaba Muvhuso...." her name is called and fear held her so
bad. And the names of ther three were read.
"This are the names of people who are hired please follow me
to the office" the man says. She couldn't believe that she got
the job. After failing to answer half of their questions. She only
knew herself and being a hardworker that all.
**Chapter 03**
Maria's boyfriend Elias have agreed to take muvhuso to and
from work for free only this month. She is grateful for that.
Maria promised to take her out this coming Saturday to
celebrate that she found a job. Her aunt doesn't know about
the job. Yesterday she comes back early and do all the house
chores and even cook lot of food for today as well.
She have to go to work...the thought only on its own taste
sweet. But taste sweeter as it leaves the tounge. She works
three weeks a months and off one week. Their offs rotates. But
that doesn't matter.
She have already bathed and wore the black uniform that they
were given yesterday. She takes her headbag and walks out. She
finds her aunt sitting under the avocado tree that is there. It is
just ten minutes after 6 and she is already sitting under the tree
watching people rushing for their taxis to work and school kids.
"Morning aunty" she says disposing her dirty bathing water
ready to leave.
"So, you will be accompanying your friend everyday these days.
Who will sweep the yard while you are busy whoring the whole
town. Wee muvhuso, you will die like your mother. I can clearly
see she was you're role model" she says clapping her hands in
She wanted to tell her where she is really going but knowing her
aunt. She will make her buy grocery with her R2500 salary. And
that will make Maria go crazy. That she know for sure.
"I will see you when I come back ma" she says as she
attempts to walk further.
"Ooh...before you go. Come here" she says and she walks close
to her.
She is still in her night dress and covers it with a gown. Her head
wrap has moved to the middle of her head but that's not the
case. If she sees nothing wrong with it then nothing is wrong.
"Go make me a cup of tea before you go" she says calmly and
she knows it just a tests.
"But aunty...I...I.. I will be late"
"Late for what Muvhuso, you don't work. No one will hire you
so there is no way you will ever be late now go" she says getting
worked up.
"Muvhuso...muvhu..." Maria didn't finish calling her as she sees
her standing with her aunt. She looks like she is afraid of
"Muvhuso...let's go" Maria says and her aunt chooses to
"She is not coming. Mrs Radzuma asked for her to come and
help with gardening. Go to your boyfriends alone and leave my
child" she utters with attitude. But she knows, Maria doesn't
give two cents of what she think of her. Her only priority is
muvhuso and what she have to do is to get her out of this place.
Then she is done.
"Muvhuso, let go. She can go do gardening herself. It's not like
they will give you anything in return" she says and muvhuso
looks at her with pleading eyes. She don't want to disobey her
aunt. She knows how she can freeze the fire from hell if she
gets angry. But she also needed this work even though Maria
made her promise not to tell anyone.
"Muvhuso" she says in a stern voice and she knows. She have to
go. She looks at her aunt.
"Sorry ma" she says and her aunt. Choosing to disobey her for
the first time in her life.
No one saw it coming. She immediately grab her by her hand
and give her a clap. She haven't beat her in years and now she
will be going back to beating her. She is being disrespectful, she
knows the punishment.
Maria runs inside the yard and pulls the crying Muvhuso close
to her. She doesn't say anything but drags her away. They are
getting late.
"Muvhuso...muvhuso" her aunt scream her name. But Maria
doesn't stop pulling her. Actually she starts to walk fast.
"If you get out of this yard don't ever come back here" she
threatens but Maria is savage and doesn't care. Muvhuso
tensed up.
"She won't..." Maria says. She is angry that muvhuso allows
that old witch to do as she please but she will address it later.
They walked out if the yard and she let her go and starts
walking fast. Muvhuso follows the suite.
They quietly walk to the main road and luckily the taxi is also
late. They stand there is silence for few minutes. The taxi get
comes, they get in and it continues moving. Maria converse
with her boyfriend while Muvhuso quietly sit and looks out the
window. You can see five fingers on her cheek, but there is
nothing she can do. She have no make up to hide the marks.
They reach their destination and get off. Maria searches her bag
and takes out R50 note.
"Here, buy lunch" she says and Maria wants to say no but Maria
doesn't give her a chance.
Muvhuso can see that she is angry with her but choose to let
her be. And now she is giving her money. She feels like she
doesn't deserve her.
"Dont leave me after work" she says and continues with her
journey. Maria works as a cleaner here at the mall. And what
she earns keep her going and makes her live her life very well.
She is also a UNISA student. She can multi task very well.
Muvhuso nods and walks to her work place. She gets there by
the opening time and start with her day. They unpack the chair,
cleans the whole place and make sure they are ready to start
their day.
Her day is going smoothly, even though she makes mistakes
here and there but it is all understandable as it's her first time.
People have been looking at her weirdly and she would find
herself gulping a ball of emotions down her throat now and
again. She is a cry baby by nature and crying out makes her let
go after crying.
Three gentlemen and two women walks in and she wears her
best smile ever and walks to them.
"Good afternoon" she says and one of the woman smiles and
politely answers her. Giving back the same energy.
"Good afternoon to you too" she says.
"A table for five" she says and the woman nods.
Then she leads the way and she goes to take the the menus and
gives it to them.
"Can you give us a minute please" the lady says and she excuse
"You scored yourself a fat tip vhusi" Ndulamiso, her colleague
says smiling at her. She is kind and cheerful as well. The Yolo
type of person and doesn't everything like it's her last day on
"Why..." she asks smiling as well.
"Iweeh, vhusi. Don't you know who they are?" She asks
" I don't. Should I know them. Who are they" she
And the lady raise her hand. She takes her note book and strolls
to them.
"Who did that to you?" a guy who have locks and side cut ask
giving her intense look.
"Mmh..." her eyes pops out surprised. People have been giving
her weird looks but don't ask her.
"Your cheek muvhuso" he says. When did he read her name on
her name tag. She doesn't know and she seems suprised how
he knows her name. She is sure her poverty is not that much
published or has she been to covers of those charity case or
those giving back to the community famous people like them
do so.
"Rendani..." the other guy with dread locks as well warns.
"What..." he shrugs and looks at her again.
"We would like today breakfast special for all of us and two cups
of black coffee with no sugar" the lady says.
The dread lock guy looks at her, his eye light up and smile forms
on his face.
"But mama
I don't want coffee" he says trying to sulk and the lady shakes
her head.
"Can I have orange juice and a coffee with milk" the lady says.
The Rendani guy haven't stopped looking at her. She tries her
best to do her job.
"Five special breakfast. Two cups of black coffee, one glass of
orange juice and one cup of coffee with that all" she
asks because they are five and only four drinks.
"And your fovourite drink for me" Rendani says and she smiles
She wasn't told what to do when the customer wants her
favourite drink. So, she don't know what to say.

"Sir..." he cuts her short.

"Rendani...but daddy to you" he says and her eyes nearly fall

out of their socket. And other laughs.

"You will never stop with your silly things neh. You're scaring
the kid Rendani" his brother khumbudzo says.

"He would like a milk shake" Mbengi says.

And they all laugh beside Muvhuso. She just look at them like a
bunch of crazy people.
"Mmmh...milk shake it is" she says then walks away.


"What was that all about?" Mbengi asks and Rendani laughs.

"Do you think it's funny attending your dinner dates, lunches,
breakfast. You guys swap salivas infront of me and touch hands
while I hold a candle" he says.

"Because you're still busy sexing them and them sexing you.
You're not just a laddies man but..." Shandu cuts Mbengi
"Shhh, we don't want to let Muvhuso know that her man is not
just fucking anything with two legs and a dress but he is also
being fucked" laugher erupt.

Rendani doesn't find it offensive that they talk about his sexual
life anyhow they like. He has given them that access. He even
tells them how his weekend wae like in detailed way. I mean

"Hawu know me very well" he says and mbengi gives

her a look.

"One touch, equals two bullets on your head. You will dream
about Muvhuso on your way to hell. You will never get the
chance to..." shandu kicks his feet gentle to make him keep
quiet because Muvhuso is coming their direction, but not
Mbengi he continues to talk.
"You will never get chance to introduce her to you're whoring
ass" he says.

"There you go" Muvhuso says placing the food on the table and
that made Mbengi to laugh on his own, thinking he heard him,
then his fiance shandu joins him.

Muvhuso awkwardly place the food on the table and walks

aways. Every now and then she would catch Rendani looking at
her. At times she would feel his eyes on her but she doesn't turn
to look at him.
She continues mingling with other customers, always asking
them if they are still okay.

Every one in Rendani's table walks out leaving Rendani

alone. He raise his hand and she walks to him.
"Can I get the bill please" he asks and she nods and walks back
to the till, collect the bill and Walks back to him.

" heart what happend to your cheek" he says taking

out his wallet.

"Mmmh, nothing" she says and he looks at her. His looks feels
different from other looks. His looks awaken the foreign feelings
in her and shyness covers her. She looks down not knowing
what to do with herself and he chuckles.

"So, he beats you" he says. And she immediately raise her


"Are you going to pay sir" she asks and he looks at her again like
really look at her.
"Tell him that Rendani Munyai said he should sleep with one
eye open. I don't have a wife who is anyone's play ground. I will
slaughter him by myself" he says then gives her the bill then
stands up and walks out. Leaving her confused.
**Chapter 04**

The day went by pretty fast. She can't stop thinking about
Rendani and how crazy he is. She smile thinking of him. She is
glad that he manages to make her forget her miseries in a
minute with no effort made

She now is sitting on the bed at Maria's place. Maria took her
in. She will be staying with her until she is ready to spread her
wings. Can you believe that even stopped her from going to
take her clothes because she think her aunt would have done
something with them. That's how cautious she is. And that
makes Muvhuso to think she is crazy. Muvhuso knows her aunt
is bad news but not bad, bad, bad like Maria says she is.

"Muvhuso" Maria calls her name. It's the third time calling her.
Without answering.
"Mmmh..." she absent mindlessly say.

"You know, that you're welcome here right" she says trying to
ease her mind. She can see that muvhuso is drowning in her
thoughts. She too knows the pain of being casted out by family,
butshe doesn't want Muvhuso to feel lonely while she is there.

"I know" she says smiling.

"Thank you Maria. May God bless you ubandently" tears clouds
her eyes as she says that.

"Come here" Maria says pulling her into an embrace. "You're

my little sister. We are family. Blood means 7 0clock but being
there for each other makes us family" she says kissing her
"So...tell me how was your first day at work" Maria says
changing the topic. As much as she would like her to open up
to, she want her to do so when she is ready.

"It was okay" she says. Smile forming on her face.

"And that smile...mmmhh" she say wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing...let me cook as my way to say thank you" she says

running away from spilling the beans.

She knows nothing about what she have been feeling. But she
has heard that when you inlove with someone you feel it. But
when you hate someone what do you feel?. For sure you don't
feel the swarm of butterflies in your stomach. Tounge tide and
feeling nervous.
"Dont worry. Elias said he will bring us food. So...spill it out. Did
you get promoted?" she asks with a cheerful smile.

"Get out of her, what promotion. It's my first

day...Remey6mber...and I knew nothing about farm breakfast
let alone English breakfast and customers wanting your
fovourite drinks. So, promotion is far from me" she says,
laughing thinking of Rendani. He was the first customer to want
her fovourite. Coke with fusion orange juice. She didn't see that
on the menu and its her fovourite.

"So...out with it, what is making you laugh like a girl inlove"

She looks down, then smile.

"Aah, Muvhuso" she says with her eyes all out.

"What I am is just that I had a crazy customer today" she

"Mmh...and his craziness impressed you" she says.

"Not like that...but he asked me to order him my fovourite

drink" she says.

"And..." she says giving her the go on look.

"And he said I should tell my boyfriend to stop beating his wife"

she says and she feels excitement building up from within and
being afraid at the sametime.
"Oooh...what his name" she asks with excitement. Nothing
surpass girls talk and gossip. Those talks are juicy
and if the girl is real to you they are also eye opening.

"Rendani..."she says

"Rendani...Rendani" she says trying to think.

"Yes do you know him. Yeah you might know him they say his
family is famous"

"Don't tell me it's Rendani Munyai" Maria says. Her facial

expression changes when his name escape her lips. It's like she
is disgusted by saying his name. So you can imagine what his
presence will make her feel?
"Its you know him" she asks the obvious. Her face
couldn't turn like how it is now if she didn't know him.

"Just stay away from him" she warns.

"But..." Maria's phone rings and it's Elias. She stands up and
leave. Leaving Muvhuso shocked by her outburst.


"Did you find her?" He asks Mbengi. Who is busy with his

"There is nothing here. Why didn't you ask her by your own" he
says still focused on what he is doing.
"How would I do that." He says rubbing his head in frustration.

He surely do know how to drop their panties not asking them

out like normal people do. His phone do have numbers of
countless girls but none of them did he asked their numbers.

"How do you ask others?" Mbengi question.

"That the problem. I am afraid of her. I tried to act strong but...I

can't. It's like she has a hold over me." He says getting more

"And you laugh at me when shandu just give me one look and
swallow all my Bundu acts in one go" he says laughing.
"You're not helping" he says. Standing up going to the kitchen.

He is not much of a coward but there are two things he is afraid

of in his life. Number one being SARS. Number two being dying
young. But that list seems like it's needs to be visited
again. Then adds his third fear MUVHUSO in bold caps letters.
She doesn't even know it but, it is what it is.

Even when he discovered news that almost destroyed him three

years back. He saw his life flash right infront of him eyes and his
world crumble down. That didn't scare him that much. It was
before his fear of dying young developed. That near death
experience made him realise that life is complex thing. It's
doesn't seem to be short yet it's too short. His life could have
ended just like that. Just because he thought the man he was
told to be his father wasn't his real father.
Since the incident, he has changed a lot. Everything he does, he
does it to his best ability. I mean everything, he didn't only
channel his energy into girls and women he also started his own
'side hustel'. As he calls it. He has his merch... SMILE, LIFE IS
TOO SHORT. He is now focusing on introducing his own wine.
He have been working in it for quite sometime now.

How he handle everything will amaze you because no day goes

by without alcohol in his system.

"Just go lay down boy" Mbengi says to Rendani who has walked
back to the kitchen. With a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"So, he is afraid to ask her out" shandu asks on disbelief, sitting

next to mbengi.

"Yep...he needs some mama what what" mbengi says. Laughing

about what is only known to him.
"Mama, what...what...for what?" Shandu asked alarm.

For three years she have been staying with him but she still not
so used to him. His tounge. He just say what's comes to his
mind just like that.

"Yeah...babe. The bring back lost loves. Beka wena wedwa.

The...light the candle and maze meal plus egg at 12 0clock she
will come running to you. The eat her panties..."

"I get you're point" she says laughing. She knows the explaining
would have made paragraphs filled with lier. Who eat a person's

"So where would she get her panty" shandu asks.

"His a panty dropper. He will work his magic" mbengi says.

"You're not helping. You're advise suck. You know what?

guys suite each other very well" he says walking to his bedroom
when he is at Mbengi's place.

"Thank you. Baby" shandu screams back and mbengi laughs.

"I am not your baby" Rendani screams back.

"You're crazy, you know" mbengi says.

"Thank you" she says kissing his cheek and snuggle next to him.
And they both laugh.
**Chapter 05**

**MAVIS(Muvhuso's aunt)**

"Why haven't she come to take her things" musiwalo, her first
daughter says throwing herself on the couch.

She have been pacing up and down, trying to figure out why
Muvhuso isn't home or haven't come to take her clothes. Today
Mark the third day since, she haven't come back home.

"I dont know...look...look. how everything is like" she says

showing around with her hands. How dirty the lounge, the
kitchen and the house in all.

"Should we file a missing file docket?" Murangi asks.

"Missing...who?. She is not missing. She feels like an adult now.
No longer need our protection or us" Mavis says. With her hand
resting on her breast, thinking hard. She look messy as well.
But who wouldn't be. Having to learn to do everything on your
own. Cleaning after yourself is not easy. Especially if it has been
long since you done that.

"So, what should we do?" Muvhuso asks her mother, but her
phone beeps indicating a msg from her friend. Making her
mother not 5o answer.

It's a picture, she opens the picture and it's none other than
Muvhuso in ....uniform.

"Mma" she says holding her mouth, and eyes popping out.
"What...what is it?" Murangi says snatching the phone.

"Yoh!, yoh!" She says. With her mouth wide open in suprise.

"Mulandu(what wrong)...let me see" Mavis says. Handing out

her hand.

"She works mama" Murangi says giving her the phone.

"I would know if she..." she didn't finish her sentence. Murangi
hands her the phone , muvhuso's picture displayed.

"So...she work. How?" She asks that out loud.

"Why are you saying that mma" murangi asks. But she didn't get
the answer. Mavis is suprised as well as to how she got the job,
she have never been in dark on anythin in this community. She
knows everything from whose chicken eats whose crops.
Whose child is dating whose child. Even whose child is studying
in university and what. She is always well informed.

"Did you curse her?" Murangi asks suprised by her mother

behavior. She knows her mother and Muvhuso don't mix.
They're like oil and water the only difference is that Muvhuso
don't hate her back...or maybe she does but who knows and
cares as well. No one.

"How can you ask me such thing" she says standing up and
limping her way to her bedroom. She had to get to the bottom
of this.

She couldn't believe that muvhuso...muvhuso...muvhuso her

brother's child is working. After everything she have done. After
raising her and trying to make her different from her mother,
she found a job and runs away with a Maria. It's true an apple
doesn't produce lemons. And apple doesn't fall far from its tree.
Muvhuso is already following her mother's foot steps.

She takes her phone and calls her, after some time she

"Aunt" she says , answering her call. Its not cold nor warm. Just
that...offish a little.

" could you, heh" she says with her loud voice.

"What did I do aunt?" She innocently asks.

"Aunty...Aunty f' foot. Who gave you permission to go.

Tell me who gave you permission" she screams at her.
"Aunty..." she cuts her short.

"Now that you found a job you look down on us...on me

Muvhuso. I took you in while you still smell of breast milk. Raise
you like my own child. Now that you work we are nothing to
you Muvhuso. Don't you know that family is everything. Family
fights, but they love each other. They are always there for each
other in times of need. But choose to go to that
witch friend of yours" she stutter, with her loud raised voice.

"But you said I shouldn't come back to your house aunt" she
says with tears streaming down her face.

"Yoh...yoh..yoh, now she talk back. Yoh

Paul wee. Why didn't he take his rubbish with him. Now I have
to suffer..."
"Leave my father out of this aunty..." she cuts her short as well.

"Now you talk back. You're a woman now. Not just a woman.
But a grown ass woman. I see you have grown some wings
baby. I will squash you." She says, with a threatening voice.

Muvhuso keeps quiet, busy wiping her tears. But they just keep
coming out.

"Nothing good will ever come your way Muvhuso. Nothing, no

matter where you go in this world happiness and peace shall
never locates you. You're a piece of shit and don't deserve to
live. You will find me not the other way round Muvhuso, you
will kneel right infront of me asking my forgiveness." She curse
Muvhuso cries even more. Mavis then drops the call breathing
heavy. She pace up and down. She then take her phone and
type something on her phone. She sends the msg and then
throws herself on the bed.and scream out loud. She scream her
pain, what she was feeling in side. The pain and betrayal by the
kid she raised. She didn't trust her enough while applying for
that job to tell her, going for the interviews or when she have
found the job. She then tries to connects the dots, her endless
visits to Maria's place, her endless early in the morning town
visits with Maria. She should have known that Maria was a bad
news from day one and forbid their relationship from first day.


He have her names in full. He knows where she stay. The taxi
she uses to go to work. Her favourite color. Her happy
moments. She is perfect, but is he perfect for him?. That the
only question that keeps his mind awake even at night. He
wants to pursue her but is it worth it. She is all he think about.
Her smile, her big eyes. Her not so big and not so small head
that chiskop fits her well. She is a flower. But doesn't have the
guts to claim her. To call her his flower. She makes him nervous
but anxious and curious as well. She makes him think of his
kids, how will they look like. His light skin blended together with
her dark toned colour.

He doesn't know what he is doing here, but he is here. He is at

the restaurant where Muvhuso works. He isn't hungry but he
had to see her. He gets in and sit.

"Good afternoon" she says with her cheerful voice. And he

smiles widely. He stares at her for a minute then clear his throat
when he realizes he have been caught staring.

"Can I take you our tonight" he nervously proposed.

"I asked what you would like to order sir" Muvhuso says and he
smiles revealing his white well packed teeth.
"Uuuum, but I have checked throughly on this menu. But I
could've find my fovourite dish" he says with a smirk.

"And that would be?" She asks.

He kicks his lips slowly and seductively "Muvhuso" he says with

his broad voice.

"I am not a meal nor a drink sir" she says.

"Not theirs but mine. So can u take you out tonight" he says

"Are you a player" she asks remembering her conversations

with Maria. She just blunt it out. She can't take the words back
even though she is busy scolding herself for asking such
"A player me, lols never. But I have heard so countless times. So
to answer your question. It depends on how you want to see
me and what I have presented to you. And for you my love I
have given you a lover...a humble and funny man. So don't take
what others say about me" he says, with a serious tone.

"But..." he cuts her short.

"Dinner with me tonight my heart" he says and she smile

blushing at the same time. Maria warned her. She told her to
stay away from 'Fuckers, like Rendani' her words not muvhuso's

"Sorry, I will be busy" she says and he looks at her

"Okay...then give me your tens" he says. He immediately sees
that she wants to deny so he decides to beg her.

"Please my love. Your conditions. I will not call with..."

someone cuts him short.

"Big daddy" Livhuwani says kissing his cheek and lowering her
hands to his lower body.

"Fuck..." he curse. With clenched jaws.

**CHAPTER 06**


Growing without both parents wasn't easy. Even though she

had relative who raised her but when shit hit the fence they
would always choose their daughters and sons over her. That
made her to learn to stand on her own and fight her own battle.
She relay on no one and take each day as it comes while
securing a bright future while at it. Her parents didn't have
much so they didn't leave her anything, just pity eyes from

"Maria" Elias says for the fifth time. He could see something is
bothering her but he doesn't want to meddle on her business.
He knows how much Maria hates univated guests on her
"What..." she snaps at him. He sigh and just look at her.

"Uuum sorry babe...just that, you know what never mind" she
says looking outside the window. Gulping the emptiness down
her troat.

They were at the taxi rank, just two of them. Elias was taking
break and having lunch with his girlfriend. They always do like
this, spend the lunch hour together.

"What's wrong with you Maria, since morning you have been in
this sour mood. Did I do something wrong my love. If I did
please tell me so we can sort it out. But just know that what
ever I did I am sorry, it wasn't my intentions to hurt you" he
speaks fast. With his heart beating fast. He loves Maria with his
all. Not because she is his first in everything, but because she
present herself well and you can see she has a bright future
ahead of her. That is why he is always supportive of her
" my love you did nothing wrong" she says holding his
hands. Looking deep his eyes.

"But why are you like this. What's wrong. Please don't tell me
it's nothing" he says, with his voice filled with concern.

"Dont worry babe, it just that I had an argument with

Muvhuso" she says, then breath out loud.

"Okay, what were you fighting for" he asks. He also loves

Muvhuso as Maria's younger sister of course. And would hate
to see their friendship ends just like that.

"Just sister's squabbles that all" she says dismissively.

"Ooh, okay but what ever it is my love please try to solve it.
You're an adult here try to be the bigger person and I have seen
how much you love her and she love you too. Can you try to
solve it. I know sometimes you can be hard headed when you
want to but not this time please." He says planting kisses on her
hands and she laugh out loud.

This is how their talks always ends if they are not near a bed. If
she aren't screaming his name and calling all his clan names.
Thanking his parents for giving birth to him and God for giving
him to her in a sliver platter. It ends in her laughing her lungs

But this time she laughs hating herself in the process. As much
as he makes him happy and very much understanding. She
couldn't tell him what they were fighting for. How do you tell
your boyfriend that Muvhuso is falling in love with Rendani and
you hate it without sounding offish to your man.
"Look at the time...lunch time is over my love let's go." He
kisses her forehead then perk her lips. Takes her lunch bag and
leads the way, accompanying her to her work place. They walk
with him telling her sweet nothing just to see her smile and


She have been curled in a ball form, not wanting anything. She
just wanted to cry until she couldn't anymore. But what will she
say she is crying for. A man. Who isn't her man. Yes he did flirt
with her but what then...nothing. He was going to make her his
side chick. Use her then after throw her like a used chappies,
that's how it was going to be.

She come home from work early, after that Rendani and his
woman episode. She lied T work. She said is sick so they let her
go. But, it's true her head is pondering very hard, she feels like
ripping her head off just to give herself some break.

The door opens

Maria walks in and throws herself on the bed. Right below
Muvhuso's feet.

"Muvhuso...are you okay" she asks. She was worried when she
didn't see her get in the taxi. She tried calling her but her phone
leads her straight to voicemail.

"I...I..." she stutters then clear her voice.

"Are you crying" Maria asks take the blanket off Muvhuso.
"Muvhuso, what wrong my love" she says with feeling worried
sitting close to her. Wuth her hand resting on her shoulder.
'Maybe something happend or she lost her job' she thought to

"Nothing...don't worry about me" she says turning to the other


"Why are you crying Muvhuso...don't give me that rubbish

please" she says, getting angry.

"Its not like you care about what is making me cry Maria. I am
sure you want to gloat in my pain " she says and Maria chuckles
in anger as well.

"Whats wrong with you...gloat...gloat because of what

exactly. You're not saying anything Muvhuso other than
blubbering shit" she says, with a loud voice.
"If I tell you that it's because of Rendani what would you
say...huh...beside I told you soo. What will you say" she says
with a loud voice as well. She is angry and feeling betrayed at
the sametime.

"I dont understand why you're feeling hurt, because I told you
to keep the fuck away from that fucker. And if you didn't then
you deserve it" she says with zero fuck. She wants Muvhuso far
from him and that's that. Nothing more Nothing less.

"Like, I told you. You wouldn't care" she says with a raised

"Okay...okay...what did he do" she say. After calming herself.

"He kissed other chick right infront me" she says and a loud sob
escape her lips. Maria chuckles feeling no sympathy at all.

"Next time he will fuck and get fucked right in front of you. So
stay away from him muvhuso. You're too innocent for him" she
warns her.

"But...but I love him. I..." she cuts her short.

"What do you know about love Muvhuso. You're Still a

baby. Focus on getting your life in order not getting a dick " she
says feeling annoyed.

"You know what. I am not going to entertain this. I am going to
Elias's place. When I comeback better have collected yourself
together. Hehehe, you don't care about me. What's this, I took
you in and helped when your family cast you out like a used
pad now that you think Rendani love you, I am nothing a
stumbling block to your happiness" she says, standing up.

She goes to the wardrobe, takes her clothes out, packs them
and her toiletries. Then calls Elias. After some time, her phone
beeps and she walks out feeling angry as ever.

Muvhuso is left thinking of what has just happened. As well as

asking herself what happened. Why she is crying. Rendani is not
her man nor will he ever be. Her aunty told her countless time
that no man will ever love her. Her mother told her to always
stay away from boys as they would bring her nothing but
trouble. But did she listen. She didn't and it hurts. She should
just stay far away from Rendani, asks Maria to forgive her and
focus on building herself. Self love first.
She then wakes up, turn on her phone and the moment it's on a
messages and missed calls flood her phone.
She opens the message from the numbers she doesn't
know. And it's reads.

"I am not perfect my love. I have many flows more than just a
normal guy could have. But I am not just a normal guy, I am
Rendani Munyai. But just know through all the shitty thing
around me, you're my sunshine and my hope in love. I love you
and you will love me back someday. Goodnight my love and
stop crying. That girl is none factor in both our lives". She reads
the message two times then throws her phone away.
**CHAPTER 07**


"I messed up" he says to himself pacing up and down in his

bedroom. He doesn't know what to do. It's obvious Muvhuso
have heard things about him that why she asked if he is a
player. And she just proved her right.

"Damn Livhu...dammit" he screams in frustration. He wanted to

punch something so that he can feel the pain he is feeling in his
heart physically.

The door opens and both his brother looks at him like he is
some kind of mad man...or even better a comedian, the whole
Mr bean trying o solve some mystery.
"And now" khumbu says walking in. He is worried about him.
He can tell something is bothering him.

"Can you believe that I messed up things before they even

start" he says kicking his bed.

"Hayi...hayi...hayi, stop taking your frustration on the bed. Do

you know how much it cost" mbengi says.

"Calm down bro and tell us what you're talking about" mbengi
says sitting on the bed.

"That bitch...that bitch ...she...she " he clicks his tounge, then

clenched his jaws. He is frustrated but filled with anger as well.

"Calm down will you" khumbu says.

"She will never agree....she will never agree to be my woman
after all that disgusting things" he says .

Khumbu pulls him and push him to sit on the bed. They could
see that it's bad but what is it. Rendani doesn't get angry
easily. The only time they thought he will disown them because
of his paternity he didn't. Even though till today his relationship
with his mother is still rocky but he never blamed his brothers
for anything.

They sit quietly for sometime, before Rendani breaks the silent
even himself.

"You know what. I need a smoke" he says with his red eyes. You
can tell he is not okay but...he doesn't know how to really open
up. He can't pours his out easily.
"You don't smoke rendani" mbengi says and he chuckles.

"I do..." he says then silence befall the room again. Until
khumbu decides to ask.

"Since when" khumbu asks.

"Since I realized I have never spend time with my father and I

will never. Never get to know him. Maybe if I did know him as
an uncle but...your mother took that away from me. Because
she slept with her husband's sister and then blames her sister
for her sins. And I play. What does that makes me...a constant
reminder of her infidelities. A cancer to her sister. But you
know what. After that huge turn over in my life. A had to find a
way. A way to live with my pain. I never danced with my
demons but I tried to packed them away..." he absent
mindlessly says.
"Rendi..." khumbu says feeling sorry for him. Mbengi just looks
at him feeling like a failure.

He looks at their eyes and sees his fears. His afraid of being
pitied. That makes his wounds to bleed more.

"You know what...lemme get out of here" he stands up, takes

his long strides to the closet. Take out his biker jacket and
boots. He wears them and walks back to his brother. They were
still sitting silently.

"Wanna join me...or you want to join your women" he says with
a smile. You can't tell it's a forced smile but now looking in his
eyes you can his world crumbled down. How
everything fell on him but he is still standing.
"Rendani..." mbengi says.

"See you later or tomorrow" he says and walks out without

giving them a chance to say anything. He find Shandu busy
watching TV.

"I am going out shandu" he says kissing her cheek .

"Your brothers?" She ask, because she knows they were in his
room. She is the one who called them when Rendani comes
home looking lost and frustrated. Banging the cupboards and
kicking the sofas, thinking he was alone.

He didn't answer that but walks out. Gets in his car and drives
out. He doesn't know where he is going but he want to shake
his problems away. He takes his phone and call one of his
"Dzi khou wa gai()" he says as soon as phumudzo answers the

"Yoh...boy dzi khou kwasha momisi" phumbudzo says, but he

can't hear him clearly because of the noise in the background.

"Okay, give me twenty" he says then drops the call.

In twenty minutes he is driving in, it is packed and finding the

packing spot is not easy.he drives around until he find one.
Packs his car. Take his phone type the message.
"I am not perfect my love. I have many flows more than just a
normal guy could have. But I am not just a normal guy
I am Rendani Munyai. But just know through all the shitty thing
around me, you're my sunshine and my hope in love. I love you
and you will love me back someday. Goodnight my love and
stop crying. That girl is none factor in both our lives". He press
send then switch off his phone and leave it in the car.

He find them at their favourite spot and when the crowd see
him they go crazy. Whispers and girls screaming and other
throwing themselves on him. He smiles

"Yoh, boy it's been a minute" phumudzo says. Giving him

brotherly hug.

"Yeah...I was so busy. But worry not big daddy is here" he says
feeling himself.

"Here is the space big daddy" one of the girls says creating a
space for him.
He kiss their cheeks before sitting between the two ladies who
were wearing Close to nothing but you can see their
beautiful. Even the bulge on Rendani's trouser is showing a bit.
"I need something to eat first" he says, the waitress come to
their table and he order food for himself and everyone who is
hungry. Food come they eat and the real party begins. Booze,
girls everything was there.

Their favourite song plays and they stand up fill the dancing
spot and they dance with some girl tweaking right on his croch.
He was ready to rep out her skirt right there but...he didn't.

"Let take this party to my place" phumbudzo says. And they all
know what went down to such parties. He couldn't say no so
they take the party to phumudzo's place. Which isn't that much
of a distance from momisi.

They get there, continues to drink and smoking. They are only 8
of them. The girl sitting on top of Rendani starts kissing him. He
kissed her back and deeps the kiss. He feels the other kiss being
planted at the back if his head and he groans. He wanted to
realize not time for foreplay.
He grabs the one sitting on him butt and squeeze them tight.
Then breaks the kiss. Push the girl off him. Stands up pulls her
hand and thr other ones hand then goes to one of the
He gets in and doesn't wait for them to walks in closer he
attacks her with a kiss.

The other girl unzip his jacket and helps him to take it out. Then
unbutton his shirt. She slipped her head inside his trouser after
unbuttoning and uziping them. She squeezed his di€k and he
groans out loud while she moans then kiss his spine.

He stops kissing the other one them looks at them with lustful

"Play with each other" he says with his deeper broad and
strachy voice.
The girls starts kissing each other, touching each other and
squeezing each other breasts and bums. He looks at them while
he slowly takes his clothes off.
"Get in the bed" he command them and they do as told.
He tells them to starts eating each other's pu$$y while he
strokes his troabing di€k. Listening and watching them licking
and fingering each other.
He slowly walks to the bed and he opens wider the legs of the
other girl. And he licks her from behind. His touch flips, licks
then her. Then he insert his finger.
The girls gaps and attempt to stop eating the other one.
"Dont stop" he say fingering her.
"Daddy..." she whispers.
He takes his finger out, smells it then lick it with a smirk.
**CHAPTER 08**


Waking up to an ass right on your face could be the best feeling

that surpasses all of them. This...this is where he should be and
this is the life he knows. He looks at them having no regret at

He gets out of the bed making sure he doesn't wake thee

sleeping beauties. He wears his boxer and walks to the kitchen.
The smell of bacon makes his tummy to grumble and he smiles.

"Morning baby" he says to his friend phumudzo.

Phumudzo clicks his tounge with a smile plasters on his face
before he answers.

"F'sek mani Rendani. You're busy smiling with your

morning...morning while you sleep like a king and as for me I
slept like an okapi knife" he says sulking.

"Not my fault man...but you should have joined us. I needed

some sausages myself not only red meat or a cake" he says

"Nah...thank you. I want something fresh and we both know

you aren't" he says then rendani takes one vianna before he
could even bite it phumudzo beat him with a spoon on his

"You don't touch food without washing your hands. Did you
wear protection when finger fucking the girls last night. about protecting your di€k from STIs but eat them
with your mouth" phumudzo says annoyed.

"Eating you want me to throw it back" he asks holding

his laughter.

Phumudzo makes the disgusted face.

" it" he says.

"Where is madam when you're busy cooking for your guest"

rendani says. He have been meaning to ask since yesterday and
when he says let's take the party to my place he wondered even
"I dont want to talk about it now. You tell me about the hot
waitress. When are we testing her. Chowing the forbidden fruit"
Phumudzo says and Rendani's face changes but he quickly
compose himself.
"I dont know what you're talking about" he says then
phumudzo laughs.

"If you dont know...then I will show big daddy who I am talking
about. I will be the one going fishing. And..." Rendani cuts him

"Play far away from Muvhuso, phumudzo. She isn't like all other
girls. She is different. One look at her...just one, Or just greeting
her I tell you. I will cut your balls. Cook them for you. I heard
they make a great potato salad. I will serve them to you. Don't
play with me" he says with a serious tone.

Phumudzo laughs. There is no denying that Rendani loves the

"What did I say...what about her friend" he asks because he
know their history.

"I love her but also want to protect her from me. Her friend is a
none factor in my life" he says switching on the kettle.

"Ooh okay. How are you planning on protecting her from you.
And what could you possibly do to her." He asks.

"Shred her heart." He says

"Ooh...I...see" he says.
"Ooh you're here" one of the girls that were sleeping with
rendani says walking in. Wearing rendani shirt which only
covers half of her booty curvy body.

"Where did you think I possibly go" he seductively asks and she
blushes hiding her eyes.

"You left" she says then shrug her shoulders. It's not the first
time she have slept with Rendani. When she wakes up she finds
him gone with just a letter left if lucky or nothing at all.

"Come here. Give me some sugar" Rendani says.

"Not in my kitchen guys., get a room please" he

says and the laughter erupt.

She have recites her apology few times. Written it down. What
she have done is wrong,she shouldn't have talked to Maria like
that. Maria loves her. She is the only person who doesn't just
only show up in rainy days, she dances with her in the rain as
well. She can't lose her friendship over a boy who isn't hers
even to start with. Just because she likes him and she thoughts
he reciprocate the love too.

It's now after work, she have even bought her flowers and
chocolate to ask for forgiveness. She walks to the taxi rank
gets to the taxi and find Maria and Elias only.

"Hello" she says with a smile on her face. Maria looks at her
over whelmed by emotions seeing flowers on her hands.
"Hey...who is the lucky guy" Elias asks with a smile plastered on
his face.

"Rather ask. Who is the lucky lady" she says.

"Ooohk...who is the lucky lady then" he asks.

"Maria..." she says then Elias laughs. Maria just looks at her.

"Ummm, I am sorry Maria. I shouldn't have talked to you the

way I did yesterday. I was hurt and inpain but that doesn't
justify anything. I love you not only as a friend but a sister as
well. We have been through a lot together but I love and I don't
dream of my life and don't see you in it please forgive me" she
says handing her the flowers and the chocolate.
Maria smiles not believing it. That muvhuso is sorry and even
bought her goodies. Yeah...they're goodies because it's a
chocolate. And flower's. It's not everyday she gets them, Elias
doesn't understand how flower's makes a woman feels. But that
the story of the other day.
"Thank you babe...I am also sorry for the way I talked with you"
she says sheding some tears.

Elias look at them happy, even though her wasn't told what
happened between them. He is happy they manage to solve
their misunderstanding.

"Come here, don't cry" muvhuso says hugging Maria. "I love
you big sis" muvhuso says kissing her forehead.

"I love you too little one" Maria says. And they both girls. Elias
takes out his phone and snap few pictures. The moment needs
to be captured. It's beautiful.
**Chapter 09**


The serenity in her life is exceptional. She haven't been at peace

like this ever since her parents pasted away. She is in her happy
place, and hope it stays like that until forever comes. With
Rendani out of the picture everything is going smoothly.

Today it's months end, and marks the first day she will be
receiving her wage. She is over the moon and can't wait to
share it with Maria.

But for now her legs are aching, we all know how it's like
months end. People fills up restaurant treating themselves with
all goodies. But not for her as it's one of the days she gets lots
of tips.The place is packed, sweats and smiling lines are glued
on her face.
Customers aren't the easiest creatures to deal with. They take
the customer is always right to such unexplainable extent and
sometimes you find that the customer is the one who is wrong.
Like the customers she is serving now.

She bite her lip trying to supress her rising anger, she needs this
job and can't allow them to ruin it for him.

"Mam, I am sorry. For the mistake. I would..." she says looking

at her aunt.

Ooh, Yes...her aunt Mavis, and her two side bitches are the one
giving her problems. She is sure they ordered steak but now
they said they ordered ribs with wigs and regular chips.
"Call your manager. We won't be served by uneducated people"
Mavis screamed.

"Aunty plea..." she whispers.

", I am not your aunt now. You think your that all. I
want you fired. You're useless, and not appreciative" she
continues to scream for everyone to here her.

The manager walks to their table, wearing the biggest grin of

them all.

"Is there any problem mam" the manager asks.

"Yes. She is rude. Didn't you teach her that the customers are
always right" she screams.
"Shhh, madam. Can you please keep it down. We are sorry for
the inconvenience. I will be the one to take your order and it's
in the house" the manager says.

When hearing that what ever they order is in the house, a smile
formed on her face.

"You should fire her" Musiwalo chipped in.

"We will solve that as well" the manager says. "Let me go take
the note book while you go through the menu." He says.

Muvhuso is standing there looking like a lost and wet puppy.

The manager didn't say anything to her but the looks he is
giving her makes her nervous.
"They are my family, they..." the manager cuts her short.

"Not now Muvhuso, now I have to clean up your mess. I will

deal with you later" the manager say with a serious tone but his
face plasterd with a smile.

Muvhuso nods, wipe her now failing tears. Take a deep breath
and walks back to under other tables.


Have you ever stare at something until you picture it alive. Its
motions. It the way he has been staring at her picture. He could
imagine her smile, hear her contagious laughter that makes him
laugh at that thought only. How he could hold her close to his
heart and hide her from the world not to hurt her. But at the
sametime afraid of hurting her himself. He knows his capable,
he can break her until she can nolonger recognize herself. But
the dreams he have been having lately. If it's not his late
aunt(Mrs....), it's his real dad, sometimes the man he thought
was his dad but most of the time the old woman who always
comes in his dreams claiming to be his grandmother, from his
father side.

He tries really hard to supress those dreams, he have only

shared them with Mbengi, surprisingly they are bit close.
Mbengi is the brother that protects him but allows him to make
his own mistakes and also rectify them on his own while
khumbu...yeah khumbu is khumbu
the fact that they grew together and khumbu has to be the
bigger brother at all times still counts. That is why he is always
on his case,doing follow ups because he knows, what he did
also reflects on him and the punishment that awaits him as the
big brother. That makes the reason why he always over
protective of him what he have failed to do is to choose how he
enjoys his life. Sexually to be exact.
He keeps tailing himself that dreams are just projections of our
thoughts and aren't meaningful. While in culture some dreams
have meaning. At first he used to dream of a woman slipping
away and he knew he is the only one who can solve her. He
could see her face but couldn't remember it exactly how it was
like when he wakes up. Until he dreams of his grandma, telling
him "she is the one...Rendani, your helper...your rib" is what she
keeps saying.

He could wake up soaked in wet and confused. Who is she?

What does it mean she is his rib? How is he supposed to find

The first name that comes to his mind is Muvhuso's name. He

couldn't shake off the feeling that it's her. He have seen women
and men from all walks of life. Dated all race what's left is
Indian. Those Indian brother are very much protective of their
sisters and also the myths of them being locked. He wound
have loved to to see the locked 🔒, vagina but...that wasn't
going to happen. In all the experience, no woman have ever
had an effect on him like Rendani.
She doesn't even have to make an effort, just one glance. His
walls crumbles down leaving his heart unguarded. He feels
weak on her presence. But still want to shield her from the

A smiles forms on his face when he remembers her dry joke.

"I am not a meat nor a drink sir" that sent him off the chair to
the floor. He couldn't laugh at that time but yoh.

"Mind to share a joke" shandu asks walking in the kitchen.

He quickly switch his phone off, and placed in on the kitchen

island. He clears his troat. Then attempt to drink his already
cold coffee.
"Do you love her?" Shandu asks, switching on the kettle.

He just looks at her, gulped down his cold coffee. Avoiding to

answer her questions.

"You don't have to answer, I know you do. And mbengi have
told me about your dreams" she says.

"Damn mbengi. I knew he couldn't hold himself when the

pussy is good" he mutter.

"No...not like that, he is worried about you. You don't have to

answer to me how you feel about her but hear me out" she
"Love is a good thing. A wonderful thing. An experience that I
am grateful I am now experiencing even after the mountains I
have been through. What I have learned is not to take things
lightly. Even if it's smallest thing but if they have an impact on
my life then it matters. Yes, other dreams are meaningless while
others are meaningful. Ancestors works in a way that we might
not understand but when they do and we don't take them
serious it might end up with some serious and severe
punishment Rendani. I know you know that it isn't just a dream
but she is yours. Your rib and you have to save her. And only you
can" she explained.

"Do you think, it's her as well" Rendani says after some moment
of silence.

"Do you think so? What I think doesn't matter but what you
think matters. Why do you keep having same dreams from
different people talking about the same thing. Open your eyes
Rendani. Or you will have no one to blame but yourself." She
"But I am not good for her Shandu" he said.

"We are all humans. We all have flaws. I was beaten, I lost my
sister for love that brought me pains but mbengi loved me as I
am. What I am saying is, don't go to her as a Saint but a human
being with flaws. But be sure you want to try. Try change your
ways not for her but for you. Is this the life you want to live? A
life of partying and changing women like it's a new trend? Dont
you want to settle down with one woman, and know that
through it all the success and hardship she will hold you down."
She said.

Rendani sigh, taking in what she is saying. It hit home real bad
and he knows it's what he wants also. Have kids and grow old
with one woman. But he is afraid of opening up. Allowing
someone to invade her privacy, and laying his dirty laundry out
for someone to see his scars.
"Consider yourself like that the gods decided to bring your
soulmate right infront of you, without even trying. Others find
theirs after they have been divorced five times and have ruled
out love in their love. With no hope of any love they find it. But
for you. You are chasing your blessing by your own." She says
taking the two cups of tea and walking out. Leaving him buried
deep in his thoughts.
**CHAPTER 10**


The idea was to get her fired. With the last cent in her pocket
she goes to restaurant. The whole Mavis magwaba, setting her
foot in a restaurant when she can cook chicken for herself at
home but because the plan was to mess thing up for Muvhuso
she goes there. And things worked out like a bomb. She knows
Muvhuso is a cry baby, she is easily manipulated. And that job
was the only thing that makes her think she have smelled roses
of freedom. But what is freedom without a roof on top of her
head. And the money she think is going to set her free.
There is no one who can live with a person who doesn't
contribute financially. It's obvious that Maria is going to sends
her packing and Mavis will be here. Taking her rightful place as
caring aunt for 60 seconds.

The house smells bad, the curtains and coaches cloth haven't
been washed since Muvhuso left. The pots, yoh it's a mess.
Plates are washed when you want to use them and there is no
other alternative that can be used. The takes aways that are
rotten and doesn't have legs to take themselves out. The
kitchen bin is overflowing. It can make You question the mental
health of people living there. Even a person who isn't well
mentally stays in a better place than here.

"What do we do now?" Musiwalo asks, her mother.

"We sit and wait" Mavis replied.

"We can't just..." Mavis cuts her short.

"Heyi, I am tired trying to think. If you have anything better

than sitting tell me. And stop adding stress to my pounding
head" she yells.
"But ma..." musiwalo says but Mavis cuts her short again.

"But nothing Musiwalo. Stop giving me problems and use that

brainless head of yours to think of something. Give me
solutions not complains. I am tired already" Mavis barks at her.

"But...why do you want her to come back here ma?" Murangi

chipped in.

"Yoh...Mudzimu wanga wee( God)" she dramtically

said. Raising her hands up in surrender.

"What ma?" Murangi asks.

"Yoh, stop being miss goody two shoes Murangi. Aren't you
tired of cooking. Look at the house. Take a good look. We are
living on a pigstay and you see nothing wrong" she screams at

She naturally has a very loud voice and when she screams even
cockroach hids before they get squashed.

"But, ma. I think we shouldn't have ruined for her at her

workplace..." Mavis cuts Murangi short before she could even
explained what her statement mean.

"Ao tell me how we were going to get her come here begging
us to take her back. Don't tell me stupid things" she barked at

"Listen before you bark at me please" she said feeling annoyed.

"I am saying maybe we shouldn't have ruined her job. The
money her father left is no longer that much, and soon it will
run out. I think we could have shifted all the house
responsibilities to her if she kept her job" murangi suggested.

"She wouldn't come. If she is working stop being stupid"

musiwalo chipped in.

"Okay" murangi says then stand up and leave.

"What if she doesn't come back?" Musiwalo asks.

"If she doesn't...I will make her forcefully. I wiltake the matters
to Makhulu, I know she will give me something to bring her
back home" she says focusing on TV. She no longer want to talk
about these.
She have tried to play nice and if she forced her hand into going
to Makhulu then it's all in her. Maria has been consulting for
almost her whole life and Makhulu never disappoints. She is
good in what she does. She have customers coming from far
who are just like Mavis.


They are sitting watching TV with Elias as well. She is busy

narrating what happened to at her work to day.

"I almost lost my job" she utters.

"Atleast you didn't lose it babe. You're a hard worker my love"

Maria said.
"Yeah...and we mustn't stick on negative vibes but positive
vibes. So, you guys should be preparing yourself. I am taking
you out tonight" Elias announces.

"Yeah" both Maria and Muvhuso squeal in excitement.

Elias excused himself. Giving them time and freedom to doll

themselves. After 30 minutes and so Maria and Muvhuso makes
their way out. Looking hot and ready to hit the club.
Their looks will make man glues their eyes on them. Makes girls
to hold close their man just to mark their territory.

Maria is in her dust pink glamaker lantern sleeve ruched zip

back satin bodycon dress. Paired with light brown clutch bag
and light brown metallic chunky heeled gladiator sandals. Her
38 inches Brazilian weave.
Muvhuso is wearing double crazy a black mesh puff sleeve v bar
rhinestone dress paired with red velvet tie leg chuncky
heeled sandals, and red clutch bag. Her chiskop shining. Make
up on point.

They both looking dashing. Elias's mouth hangs open when his
eyes lays on the beautiful mermaids right infront of him.

" look beautiful ladies" he compliments them.

They get into Elias 's Red polo vivo and hit the road. Going to

The get there and find the place not yet packed. For sure month
end the place is always packed, it's only 8pm and that is still
They sit order hot chilli wings and they starts enjoying their
It's Muvhuso's first time being here and she have never tasted
alcohol before
so Maria is the one who order for both of them.

She ordered savanna for both of them while Elias orders

hunters dry for himself. They even get a hubbly and fun starts.

They are busy enjoying themselves. Until they heard a

commotion. People were making loud noise screaming big
daddy and girls busy throwing themselves on the guy. Maria
knew exactly who big daddy is, so she sits down and instruct
muvhuso to do the same without telling her who the guy is.

They continue enjoying themselves having some fun. Standing

up dancing near their table and then sits down and continue to
drink in peace. Enjoying their time together.
"I want to go to the loo" muvhuso whispers to Maria.

"Okay, do you want me to accompany you?" Maria asks.

Muvhuso shakes her head and Maria gives her direction to the
rest room. She stumble her way to the loo. Gets out and finds a
guy standing right on her pass way.

"Sorry..." she whispers.

"Muvhuso, what are you wearing?" Rendani asks. He haven't

seen her in anything this short.

"Clothes...can I please pass" she whispers feeling annoyed.

He opens the way for her and let her pass. He looks at her until
he sees where she is sitted then heard back to his friends.

It's now after 2am, Maria is so wasted. She have been

complaining about being horny. So, it's time they go.

"Muvhuso, I think I should take you back to your place" Elias


"Mmmh, I will Uber don't worry. I am sure she will be needing

some quicky for the road. And beside, I should give you some
privacy" muvhuso answered.

"Thank you babe and be safe please" Maria says pulling Elias.
And they left. Muvhuso sits there and drink her two bottles that
are left and stand ups staggered little then starts to stumble her
way out.

She walks out to the parking then laughs at herself

remembering she haven't find an Uber for herself. The searches
her bag looking for phone and it falls down. She couldn't squart
to pick the bag, so she takes off her shoes as they feels heavy
and her legs were paining her. She then takes picks bag, take
her phone out.

"I can see you are ready to go" Rendini said walking towards

"Yeah...can you help me, please" she asks.

"Sure" he says. He wasn't really drunk.

"Please find me an Uber " she said. Handing him her phone.

He takes her phone and pulls her to his car.

"Rendani..." she whispers.

"I will take you home don't worry" he promised her.
They get to his black Bentley. He opens the passenger sit for
her. He then jogs to his side. Gets in and gets ready to drive
"I never thought I will see my wife at a club. Wearing nothing"
he said.
He is answered by snors coming from, muvhuos. He chuckles
then shakes his head.
"I love you mama" he confessed then kiss her forehead and
drives out.
**CHAPTER 11**


Creating conversations with yourself is important. As they help

to build self confidence, and interpretation of things.
The conversation the heard with Shandu plays in his mind each
and every word makes a loud noise and fight to be heard.

He isn't in the mood for anything, he just want to sleep. Cover

himself from anything that seems to wants to be closer to him
but he can't even close his eyes without hearing some onld
woman voices talking to him.
"Make it quick...your wife" until he gets frustrated and wants to
only just lay awake. Counting the seconds, minutes to hours left
till the sun rises.
He is laying on his bed busy on his phone. He has been making
follow ups on his merch. People have been waiting for a while
now and he hates that other have pre-ordered and waiting too
long makes people not to trust you with their money in future.

A msg pops up.

"Do you want to go out tonight" the message said, from


He wants to say no but, what the use of sleeping while

ancestors haunt you like you killed them.

"Yeah sure" he replies.

"Let's say 23:00, momisi" phumudzo suggested.

"Sure thing boy" he replied.

He then puts his phone aside and his brains drift back to the
conversation. His dreams, maybe he should consult. But to
whom. He would have asked his mother but...but the pieces of
their broken relationship hasn't been placed back
together. Even though the relationship would have cracks but it
could have been better. Now uts just scattered glass with no
intentions of sweeping them away or just try to mold it back. In
few minutes he is sleepy and then it's light out.

"Rendani...Rendani, your wife." The voice said in his dreams.

"They will kill her Rendani, she have run out of luck. Save her
Rendani" his grandma's voice says in his dreams.
"But I am not married grandma" he replied.
"We have chosen her for you Rendani." She said .
"But how would I know her" he asks.
"You know her" she replied touching his hand.
"Whatever happens hold her close to your heart. I will be there
through it all" she starts to evaporate.
"Grandma...grandma, wait..." he screams but get intrupted by
the other voice screaming as well.
"Save my daughter please. Save my daughter" the voice
screams until it gets faint.

He wakes up to mbengi shaking him. His heart beating fast. His

forehead covered with sweat particles.
"I have to save her" he mumbles.

"Who ?" Mbengi asks looking at him with a worried face.

Something is not right. He could see that. He has to do

something maybe find him a medium or anything that could
help his brother.
"I need some water" he says getting off the bed and walk out
leaving his brother behind.

He is now getting ready for the night out. He doesn't feel like
going but phumudzo forced him. He wears his black jeans
a black hoodie and timberland boots with a black beanie. He
walks down the stairs and find both his brother sitting. By the
look of things it's like they were in the middle of a hitted

"Gossipers" he said standing looking at them.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping" mbengi suggested and rendani

"And give the underground gang a play field never" he replied.

"See you when you see me good people" he attempted to walk

out but mbengi speaks with him.

"You can't be partying whole we have to find ways to help you."

Mbengi said.

"We will talk in the morning"he replied and walks away.

He gets in the garage and take his black Bentley and drives to
momisi. By the time he gets there is 23:00. He sends Phumudzo
a message asking where he is then waits for him.
After 30 minutes phumudzo tells him he is also here so they
walk in. The crowd go crazy as usual. Girls to be exact. He isn't
that much enthusiastic like he is always like. His dreams are now
weighing him down.

They ordered their drinks. Enjoying sitting at their spot.

Something tells him to roam around and he couldn't believe his
eyes. He looks at her for the longest time and he is then
convinced that what he is seeing is correct.

"Is that Muvhuso?" Phumudzo whispers in his ear and he nods.

"Does she drink?" He asks again. Then Rendani shrug his

He has to keep his eyes on her. He thought to himself. He have
been starring at her dancing. He wanted to go to her but he
knows that Maria won't even allow him to say even hi to her. He
doesn't want Muvhuso to know and judge him on the life he
has been living but he wants her to judge and knows him
according to the life he will be living. That is why today he
hasn't touched or danced with anyone. He is busy looking like a
married man with a pregnant aggressive wife who is moody as

After some hours he see her standing up heading to the resting

rooms area.

"I will be back" he says to phumudzo and wits not for his

Muvhuso gets in the toilet and he stands outside waiting for

her. He sees her coming then looks the other side, act like he
didn't see her while blocking her way.

"Sorry..." Muvhuso whispers.

"Muvhuso, what are you wearing?" He asks. He haven't seen
her in anything this short.

"Clothes...can I please pass" muvhuso whispers feeling


He opens the way for her and let her pass. He looks at her until
he sees where she is sitted then head back to his friends.

"Did you talk to her?" Phumudzo asks before he could even sit

Rendani shakes his head and gulped down what us left in his
bottles. He has been nursing this bottle since they arrived.
After sometime he see Maria and his boyfriend walking out and
this was the perfect opportunity for him but he chooses not to
disturb her. He wanted to see if Maria will come back but she
didn't. After some time Muvhuso stands up as well and walks
out with her things.

"I am going" rendani says to phumudzo and he nods. There

was no way he was going to convince him to stay a little but

He walks out and finds muvhuso picking up her bag from the
ground. He could tell that she is wasted and people could take
advantage of her. He makes his way towards her.
"I can see you are ready to go" Rendini said walking towards

"Yeah...can you help me, please" she asks.

"Sure" he says. He wasn't really drunk.

"Please find me an Uber " she said. Handing him her phone.

He takes her phone and pulls her to his car.

"Rendani..." she whispers.

"I will take you home don't worry" he promised her.

They get to his black Bentley. He opens the passenger sit for
her. He then jogs to his side. Gets in and gets ready to drive
"I never thought I will see my wife at a club. Wearing nothing"
he said.

He is answered by snors coming from, muvhuos. He chuckles

then shakes his head.

"I love you mama" Rendani confessed then kiss her forehead
and drives out.

He couldn't take her to her place so he takes her home with

him. As he is currently living at mbengi and shandu's place he
takes her there.

He gets home, park his car inside the garage. He then carry her
to the his room but before her could even take the first stair
Mbengi clears his throat.
"Shhh" rendani whispers and continues to his room. He gets in
and looks at her not knowing what to do. Whether to take off
her dress and dress her with his shirt for her to sleep
comfortably or not.

But with him being himself, he walks to his closet, takes out his
basket tshirt. Take off her dress and then dressed her with a
tshirt then tuck her in.
He walks back to the lounge and finds mbengi sitting waiting for

"I know I promised I will never bring any of my girls in your

place but..." mbengi intrupt him.

"You touch her Rendani, I will wipe your black ass. I tell you. I
will ask shandu give her something to wear and as for you. You
will be sleeping here" mbengi announces.
"I have already given her my tshirt and tucked her in." He says.

"Are you crazy Rendani. How can you undress her like that"
mbengi said feeling defeated. "So you want me to trust you
with sleeping on the same bed with her" mbengi added.

"I also don't trust myself. I will use Khumbu's room when he is
here" rendani replies. Then they stand up part ways.
**Chapter 12**



"Please help me, help me. Help me." Muvhuso

screamed. She was burning in a furnace. She could see people
moving up and down. With their heads covered with cloth.
Wrapping their bodies with black cloth as well. She couldn't tell
if they were walking bare footed or not. Some were wearing
rags, looking lost and skeleton like. They seems distraught and
not intact with themselves.
"Help, please help" she continues to scream until her voice get
strachy. Her tears were no longer falling. Her skin started to
peel off her body. The smell of her burning skin fills the whole
furnace and she hold herself from throwing out.
"Plea...please" she wailed.
"Baby...Muvhuso" a faint voice whispers from afar. She keeps
quiet a little trying to recall where she has heard the voice.
"Ma...mama" she said faintly. With hiccups.
"I am sorry baby. please Forgive mommy"her mother said and
tears starts flowing down her face. She can't cry or scream
anymore only water works. She was tired. And has already
accepted her fate. She was going to die here and that was it.
"Can you take me with you mama. I am burning here. I can't
survive this, I will die ma" she whispers.
"Muvhuso...don't fall asleep baby girl. Fight my love" she
encourages her.
"The fire. Give me water then mma" she said.
"Where am I mama?" She asked.

"Muvhuso" Rendani said, slapping her face softly.

Muvhuso shoot her eyes open. She looked a bit disoriented.

She looks around and couldn't recognize where she is.
"Please don't hurt me" she begged, while squeezing herself to
the headboard.

"Ssshhh...mama" he said softly going closer to her. He wraps his

arms around her and cuddle her.

Mbengi and shandu, just sits there staring at them. It was their
first time witnessing this side of rendani.

After sometime she calms down and then it hits her, she is not
at home.
"Re...Rendani" she said in a faint voice.

"Are you calm now?" He asks before he let her go. She nods.
"Why..." Rendani intrupt her before she finishes what she
wanted to say.

"You were asleep so I decided to take you with me. I am sorry if

you're not happy with that" he apologetically said.

"And why, am I wearing this top?" She asks, playing with her

"Mmmh...Muvhuso, I am the one who changed you. To sleep

comfortable" shandu chirped in.

It is now she that she sees that they have company. Muvhuso
"Thank you for allowing me to crash here" she said.

"No problem sweetie. Just come downstairs and have

breakfast" mbengi replied
flashing her a Colgate smile.

"We are coming" Rendani replied annoyed.

"We..? What will you be left doing. She wants to wake up

Rendani. Play far from the kid. Yoh, I don't trust you. And I can't
trust you with this beautiful mama" Mbengi added. Smiling.

"F'sek man, get out of my room" Rendani replied, with a fuck

you sign. Throwing a pillow at mbengi.
"I will leave, but I am going to leave the door open just incase.
Muvhuso wants help. One scream...just one scream, I will be
your savior Muvhuso" He said, waking out laughing with
shandu. And indeed he left the door open.

He looks at her. His heart beating fast. His heart melts at her
presence. He sees his future and his whole world sparkling in
her eyes.
He smiles and she smiles back. Immediately the room becomes
too small for both of their emotions. They stare at each other
for sometime until Muvhuso breaks the stare.

"I...I should get up" he said.

"Ooh...yeah. That door leads to the insults Sarah will give you
some of her clothes if you want mine you will choose. Over
there" he said, pointing at his closet.
"Okay" she replied and he stands up and leave her to get herself


Her galloping heart will lead her heartattack. She is frustrated,

she have run out of ideas where muvhuso could be at. Muvhuso
has no friends beside her and she has no family.

"Baby calm down" Elias said trying to calm Maria.

"How can I? What if something happened to her. Elias we left

her drunk. I can't forgive myself if..." she sobs.
"We will find you baby" Elias added.

"What if her aunt took her, or that busted Rendani" she says
pushing out of Elias's embrace.

"Why Rendani?" He asked alarmed.

"I...I don't know but..." she bites her lower lip.

"What? Are you still seeing your ex Maria?" He asked.

", it's just that..." Elias interrupt her before she finishes.
"So you love him. For how long. Did you even stop loving him
Maria. Tell me if I am wasting my time with you. Have you ever
stopped loving him?" Elias talked fast in a hurt tone.

"How dare you accuse me of such Elias" Maria screamed at


"Dont you dare raise your voice on me woman. Just answer the
fucken question. Do you still love him?" He said raising his
voice higher.
"This is not about me and don't make it about me Elias. This is
about Muvhuso" she raised her voice higher than his.
"I said don't raise your voice on me." He warns her.
"Or what Elias. Or what. You will dump me" she challenged
"You know what. I can't do this" he then walks out leaving
Maria sobbing.
**CHAPTER 13**


She glance at the time on her side alarm. It was the exact time.
Muvhuso should have been here, if she was to come back
home. She then kick off her blanket ut 5 am in the morning.
She She goes to the kitchen and take the 25l bucket and walks
out of the kitchen to an out side tap.
She fills the bucket with water then carry the bucket back to the
house. She then pours some on the kettle and starts
preparing water to bath.
She leaves to kettle to boil and head back to her room searches
for her phone under the bed. And then calls Makhulu for an
"Mama" she says as soon as makhulu answers the call.
We all know how witch doctors are like. They wake up before
dawn and starts to prepare for the day ahead.

"Mavis" is her says, with her broad deep voice that fits well a
man. If you don't know her and you has only communicated
with her over the phone you will think you will be meeting a
man. A man with musled looking all yummy. Only to meet up
with a skinny woman, whose skin looks not healthy. With eyes
smallest eyes and cream white hard wrap. Black teeth because
of that black powder she places under her tounge then throws
it out.

"I will be visiting you today mama, I need some help " Mavis
says biting her lower lip. She still owes makhulu some few
thousand and she might refuse to help her out. Makhuku is the
best on what she do, and the only one who understands her.

"I know Mavis" makhulu harshly says.

"What time, should I come" you should have been here by now.
She then drops the call.
She heave a sigh. That goes the way she didn't think it would
but she is glad it did.

She make her bed and goes back to the kitchen fill up the kettle
again and after a fifth kettle the water is warm enough for her
to bath. She takes the basin and the bucket to her bedroom.
Pours the water and starts bathing. After few minutes she is
done. Apply lotion on her body and walks to her wardrobe.
Look for something to wear and she optioned wearing a red
dress with some white collar and on the arms. Wears her black
kicks and wrap her head then takes a jersey with her. Put it in
her hand bag. She then carry her water outside
she walks back take her bag and by 6 0clock she is already at
the road waiting for a taxi.

The taxi arrives gets in and continues with her journey. By half
six she is getting into the taxi to madimbo. After the taxi was
full, they start traveling there.
She is the last person to get off the taxi and walks to wear
Makhulu is found. She gets there and find the place full. Her
yard was filled with big cars and she fills so small being here.
But deep down she knows that everyone here is like her, there
are here to take advantage of other people destination and
their fates. All the blessing the get are some kind of a blood
blessing. Sacrifices are always made. And innocent people are
the ones who always get hurt.

By twelve 0clock she is getting in the raundoval to be help.

"How can I help you mavis" makhulu ask, looking down. She has
a beaded wig if I can call it that on her head. Her roundovalis
but smoky but you can't see where the smoke is coming from.
The smoke makes it difficult to see how exactly the inside look
"Muvhuso..." makhulu intrupt her as she starts making her
weird sounds.

"The muti is wearing off." Makhulu says shaking her head.

She then takes her leather bag where she places her bones.
Then starts chanting things in an unknown language. After
some times be she throws the burns and starts reading them
shaking her head.

"Its bad...ho vhifha tshothe(it's real bad) she says shaking her

"Paul is angry...he is fuming with anger and you know how

dangerous an angry ancestor is like" she says.
"But we have blocked him musi Makhulu" Mavis utters

"We have but he is trying to fight hard for his daughter. Hence
why he is angry. He wants your soul." - makhulu

"But he can't get to me right" Mavis asked a bit afraid. And

makhulu immediately senses her fear.

" I have told you countless times Mavis. This doesn't require a
weakling and fear isn't what people like us must have. Dont fear
anything with me on your corner. I have to tell you the truth
and the consequences before helping you. So you understand
what at stake" she says.

"Paul have asked some other strong spirit to tie their son's fate
with her daughter's fate" she says.
"What does that mean?" She asked.

"It means she has a soulmate. She is tide with other ancestors
once they meet. And the bond is created between them we
won't be able to get to her." She says.

"But...but how "- Mavis.

"And they have already met" she says.
"But once they have sex with each other that when the tie will
be officialsed." She announces.

"So, where to from here?" She asks.

"There is a girl here. A girl who is close to her we can use her
instead" makhulu says.
"Who" She replied.

"We can make her hate Muvhuso more than anything. At the
end she will kill her but we be the one to collect her spirit." She
says and Maria nods.

No matter how much she could hate to kill Muvhuso, she

couldn't leave to see her prosper in her life.
Makhulu then takes out the black powder and gives it to her.

"Every day at 12 0clock midnight and 3 am wake up. Light two

black candles and call Muvhuso's name three times. Say what
ever you want and it will happen." He says handing her the
black candles as well.
"This, you have to sprinkle it on Maria's clothes saying bad
things about muvhuso. So she might see her as an enemy" she
says handing her a small bottle of dirty like water and then gives
her the brown powder as well.

"Bath with this, and drink with your kids. They should also bath
with and and after bathing with it they should again bath after
48hours" she says handing her the lust remedy.

"Now go. We will talk about the payment" she says then looks
at her straight in her yes. Her eyes were chilli red. And you
could swear you have seen some coming out of her eyes and
nose as well.
**CHAPTER 14**


She is running out if ideas on what to do. Should she go to the

police and report a missing person docket. But the way that
SAPS works she can't survive it. Their questions only annoyed
the living day lights out of her. And the 48 hours wait would kill
her. She can't sleep without knowing.

She have tried by all means to push the argument she had with
Elias at the back of her head. It's not the first time he acts like
that whenever Rendani's name comes up in their
conversations. But not like he is to be blamed, or insecure. A
lot has happend ever since they started dating. The cheating,
the lies everything but because of love he holds on hoping she
has learned her lesson. There were times that the emotions
were roof breaking and she thought he was going to beat the
shit out of her but he had never layed his hands on her. He
always walked out of argument to go and calm down. Come
back when he is ready to talk. So, she knows she will face him
when he has calmed down. Her main priority now is to find

She tries her number again hoping that this time it will go
through. But nothing. She screams frustrated then throw
herself on the bed.

"Muvhuso, where are you dammit" she says, feeling

emotional. Her eyes moisten and the vein on side of her head

"Maybe she is at her aunt" she thought to herself. But why

would she go there in the first place. Mavis hate her so is her
baboons she can't go there even or her desperate
moments. But because she is clueless she might as well go
She get out of her bed, wear a black jean and some loose black
shirt, and a jersey with a scarf. She take her kicks put them on
and walk out. She is ready to tell them where to get off if they
has held her friend against her will.


She is in Maria's leggings and banging shirt and a size 5 sandals

on her size 3 foot. She looks like a clown but a beautiful clown
in her case.
They are busy eating, she is quiet. Listening to mbengi and
rendani busy dissing each other. And Shandu giving her
husband those warning eyes but mbengi end ups making fun of

There is warms in this house, and it makes her wish her parents
were still alive. Maybe they could have given her siblings
already. She envy their relationship and how much they laugh
about their dry jokes. Her cousins doesn't even want to smell
her scent. They even hate her shadow and at times she
wonders why they never killed her.

"Muvhuso...muvhuso are you okay" shandu says .

She didn't realise that she had zoned out.

"Mmmh...yeah, I am alright. Just that I should get going. My

friend might be worried about me" she says smiling.

"Ooh, can't you go later. Have lunch with you. It's not easy
staying with this men the whole day." Shandu pleads.

"Mmmmh..."- Shandu.
"Please his Queen...her sugar and spice. His heart beat" mbengi
utters smiling. Holding his laugh.

"Fuck you,mbengi" Rendani says also smiling.

"Please...we will have a braai. We catch up when they braai" -


"Okay...why would I say no to meat" she says.

"Then braai it is let me call khumbelo as well" shandu says

standing up running to her room.

"Can I use your phone. I want to send my Maria a msg she

might be worried about me" she says. Looking at Rendani.
Before he could even and replied mbengi chirped in.

"You can take mine" mbengi offered. Rendani breath out in


"Okay"- Maria.

She takes his phone and stands up walking a bit far from them.
Both Rendani and mbengi bust out in laughter. A whose size 36
in size 40 clothes. Even the laggins she is on are not even tight
they are so loose and her small foot on shandu's big foot.

Its been an hour since she has arrived home. She is tired from
all the traveling, she wants to rest and have some food but
there are none. Murangi is the one who cooks everyday but
today she is not at home only Musiwalo is. And she is lazy as
they come.

She have been sitting munching on some oranges to fill her

tummy. When Maria walks in. And she laughs clap her hands
once calling Musiwalo yo come and be her witness.

"Yoh...yoh Musiwalo come. Yoh

when they say the lucky star is shining upon me I thought it was
all a lie but Hai(no), they were right." She laughed out loud.

Maris feels like turning back, but she is already here and has to
face her and do what she is here for.
"Mma...Maria " muvhuso screams walking close .

"I am not here for that" Maria says standing not far from them.

"Then what do you want" Mavis asks with a cold voice.

"Let's offer her a chair before she falls, it looks lie she is carrying
the world shoulders" - musiwalo.

"Be quick then" Mavis says, then remembers Makhulu saying

that she should get Maria's clothe.

Musiwalo offers Maria a chair, she sits wipes her tears before
she could even speak.
"I am here, looking for muvhuso ma" she says after wiping her

"Didn't you take her maria" musiwalo says with a mocking


"I did...but yesterday...yoh, I lastly saw her yesterday and I

thought she is here" she says.

"Yoh...did you go to the police?" Mavis asks standing close to

her and starts comforting her by rubbing her shoulders.

Mavis takes her scarf and starts wiping her tears using it. After
some time she takes the scarf and give it to musiwalo signals
her to go to the house with it.
Musiwalo walks away with it. Mavis continues comforting her,
telling her that everything will be fine. With a happy heart. One
problem solved. After some time Maria's phone rings. She takes
it Out and look at it without recognizing the numbers.

"Answer it honey. It might help us when searching for

Muvhuso" she suggested.

"Okay" she says answering her phone.

"Hello" she says then keep quiet.

"Hello, Maria. It's muvhuso I want to tell you that I am okay.

And safe. I will be back later" Muvhuso says.

"Muvhuso. Do you know how worried I am" Maria says.

"I am safe, sorry for not telling you earlier" muvhuso says.

"Where are you?" Maria asks.

"With Rendani's family" she says. "Look we will talk later neh.
Bye, I love you babe" she then hangs up.

Maria wipes her tears more relieved then look at Mavis.

" she is okay and safe. Sorry for bothering you" she says.
"No problem my child. Muvhuso is still my brother's child. I
should also know whats is happening with her" she utters.
"Okay ma" she says. Then stands up and bid goodbye. Mavis
even accompany her.
**CHAPTER 15**


If you had told him years back that there is love, he could have
laughed on your face and ask you what weed you were
But now, here he is feel all typer ways. His heart beat fast and
slow at the same time. At times his heart beat like it's going to
stop at any moment. His stomach fill with butterflies. He feels
feeling which are foreign. Unexplainable in his world. He may
not understand what's happening with him but he knows this is
one kind of confusion weed he rather smoke for the rest of his
life. If being prisoner to love then he is a willing prisoner. He
looks at her, he beauty, her smooth and flawless skin. Her
shinny head. And he smiles showing his beautiful teeth.

"What...?" Muvhuso asks looking at him.

They were sitting in Rendani's car. Outside Maria's place. It is
already dark outside, it's half 8 I'm I'm evening.

"Smitten by your beauty my Queen" he says, then bites his

lower lips.

She smiles looking down, then starts drawing maps on her


"Muvhuso look, I dont want to play games. Run around, with

you" he blows some air out. Then look at her. This is his first
shot at love. He has never court a woman before and now he
fears rejection.

"I love you Muvhuso, I wish to have taken my time watching

romantic movies, reading romantic novels or reciting poems
that declares the depth of your love and brings your heart out
to display. I could have had a romantic way to declare my love
for you. A candle light dinner, under the moon. I can organize
that but I can't hold back how much I love you. Because this
love is too burns deep with and cries to be explored. I
have tried trust me I have, but my strengths can't hold down
what's it meant to be. I love you Muvhuso" he sincerely lays his
heart for her to see.

"But...I. you have a girlfriend Rendani" she replies.

Remembering that day and that girl.

"I have a past yes. But my girlfriend, my woman, my wife. My

children's mother. My queen is right here next to me Muvhuso."
He says and keep quiet giving her time to let it sink in and
gathers courage himself.

"I am not saying answer me now but tell me if you feel nothing
for me. Even if it's the smallest thing and you're not sure if it's
love, tell me dont you feel anything" he says and muvhuso bites
her tounge. Thanking the lord for the dark toned skin, if not
hse could have turned a tomato long time ago.

"I...I do feel something for you. But I am afraid" she says looking

"I am afraid as well, my love. I have never dated before. I have

never courted a lady before. So you can imagine how hard it is"
he laughs brushing his head.

"Let's get to know each other first before heart breaks" she

"You make it sound like a bad boy my love. I was just a boy
afraid to wear the big pants" he laughs taking her hands into
He plants kisses on them. And that made Muvhuso a blushing

"What ever you decide babe, just know you're my won. I will be
just waiting for your go ahead to let the whole world
know. Because we are going to be a couple goal" he continues
to kiss her hands while their giggles fills the car.

He stops kissing her hands and looks at her and he vows to

himself. Come thick or thin , he will also be there to hold her

They sits in the car for few minutes until they call it a night.
"Its getting late, I should get going tomorrow I have an early
morning" she announces and he pouts a little.

"Do you really have to go" he sulk.

"Yebo, beside I still have to talk with Maria" she says.

He furrow
then kiss her forehead. Unlock the car.

"Okay, let's us get you inside the yard safe and sound. If
anything happens to you. I will die" he says getting out then,
jogs to her side open the door of her, then helps her get out.
Open the back and takes out her bags.

He holds her hand and walks inside the yard with her. Before
they could reach the door. He makes her stop kiss her forehead
and look deep in her eyes.
"I love you. And I will call you to say goodnight. But sleep tight
anyway." He stole a kiss on her lips and walks back. He turns
and finds her stuck on the same place and laughs.

"Stop daydreaming love. It's not safe for a lady to be out at this
time. She then snaps out of it. Takes her bags and knock once
then gets in.

Rendani gets inside his car, and sits there smiling alone. Until he
starts his car and drives back home.


Her mood ticked. Happy doesn't explain truly how she feels.
She is jubilant. She feels successful, joyful, lively, merry. You can
list them all. She is pleased with herself and how lucky charms
works before she even use them.
This type of moments calls of celebration. That is the reason
she is on her feets today. Standing behind the stove and busy
messing up the pots. She knows her way in the kitchen there is
no denying that, but laziness got her bad.

The house, is smelling nice, musiwalo has been eyeing her

weirdly. She knows her mother is upto something but what is

"Mmmh, smelling nice in here" she catwalks her way into the
kitchen. And Mavis chuckles shaking her head. She counties her
hyming her joyful tune songs as she was before she gets

"Mma" Musiwalo anxiously says, shaking her body.

"Haven't you missed nicely cooked home meal" Mavis asked.
She is happy and she wants nothing to stop her from this kind
of happiness, she deserve it after all. And she doesn't want to
share anything yet, there is that saying that says don't count
your chicks before your eggs hatch. She want to celebrate this
on her own. But I due time they will celebrate together.

"I have...but...whats the occasion" she anxiously asks.

"There is no occasion my love"- Mavis.

"But..." Mavis intrupt her.

"No, no, no. My dear go and set the table" Mavis says and
continues with her cheerful tunes. Sing God is good at all times.
Dancing here and there.
Musiwalo walks to the dining room, sulking. Sets the table and
walks back to the kitchen.
She keeps standing there hoping Mavis will spit it out but

After something they start taking bowels to the tables. And

merlot wine. Musiwalo's eyes pop out when she see it.

"They will fall to the floor my love. Any way where is your
sister" she asks pouring them wine on their glasses.

"Sleeping at a boyfriend's place" Musiwalo says and Mavis sigh.

"I wish she was here to share this moment and toast with us" -
"Mmmh, what are we toasting for" musiwalo tries to fish the
information but nothing.

"To family, unity. More money. More success. And too much of
everything that will bring joy in our lives" Mavis says holding
her glass up and musiwalo follow the suite.

"To family " musiwalo says. They laugh and starts dishing for
themselves. Laughing at the silly jokes they are sharing.
**Chapter 16**


Love not forced, it's the kind of love that loves out loud. She
have been around alot of people. Family to be quiet exact, but
they always made it a point to make her feel lost and
Given a chance to define Family in one word she could
choose...hate, or pretends. That what Family are good at laugh
with you while laughing at you.
Hers, weren't just backstabers. They never supported her nor
see anything good coming out from a child whose parents died
of aids.
And her father's family make it their tasks to inform her how
her mother killed their brother because of aids. While what the
community talks of her parents differs from her family.
She heard that her dad was a laddies man. And was the one
who infected her mother with Hiv and aids. But it's doesn't
matter now. All she have to do is to focus on herself and her

She looks at the Maria's whose breathing fire because she was
with Rendani this whole time.

"But I am safe Maria. And he didn't force me to do anything"

she says, defending Rendani.

"Do you know him Muvhuso, stop being stupid man. And for
once in your life listen to me" Maria's screams at her. If there is
a stick right next to her she could have long given Muvhuso a
beating of her life. It is written on her face.

"How would I know him, while you keep getting mad about
anything. If I tell you he said hi to me you get mad. What? Do
you want him?" She utters getting agitated as well.
"How dare you Muvhuso, I take you in. Help you build your life
and then just because I am looking out for you, you accuse me
of wanting a panty drop. Daddy... big daddy. How dare you"
Maria yells.

"Did he drop your panty? That the reason why you don't want
him near me?" Muvhuso asks, screaming at Maria's level as

"You're so full of yourself Muvhuso. You're full of shit. And if

you're thinking of continuing with this sickness with him. Then
find a place to stay" Maria says, then gets out of the house
banging the door on her way out. Leaving Muvhuso confused as

They have already bathed with the powder she was given. Even
though Murangi was a bit reluctant. It now midnight, they're all
up. Wrapping black hard wraps on their heads. They go to
Muvhuso's room which is outside the main house. Light the
candels in the middle of the room . And she starts saying what
she wants while pouring the black powered she was given.

"I declares her losing her job. And people hating her for no
reason. That whenever she get touched by a man may her skin
gets burnt leaving a mark. I declare
she never knows peace or happiness and for everything she
touches turns to dust" while she was busy saying all that. The
room becomes cold instantly.

"Thank you great one" Mavis says then the room temperature
returns to its normal temperature.
She then took out the black liquid and looks at it. She smiles
then starts spraying the liquid on the jersey.

"By sparying this, I am saying to Maria. That she should..." the

scarf starts burning.

They tried to stop the fire as she was told to bury the Maria's
clothe afterwards but with no luck. The scarf burns fast and
faster until it is burnt all of it. Immediately the wind blows
inside the house and the ashes be blown away.
Leaving Mavis and her daughter suprised.

They then immediately ran to the house Mavis takes her phone
and call Makhuku's numbers and she answers on the fifth ring.
"Her ancestors are guarding and fighting for her. We can't get
to her but only your niece." Makhulu says immediately when he
takes the call.

"So mma, what must we do?" - Mavis

"At the moment nothing. Her guardian won't place nice, we

attack her in anyway. And already we have invaded their
territory. So let her be and focus on Muvhuso" - Makhulu.

"Okay" she then drops the call and look at her daughers.
"We have to let her be" she sits in the chair and let breathe

"So, we wake up for nothing. In this cold weather" musiwalo

"No we didn't. It's Maria we can't get to but muvhuso we are
done" she replies.

"Let me go rest" Murangi stand up and walks to her room.


She wakes up at the middle of the night breathing heavily, and

sweating. It's like she was poured by a full bucket of water.
She looks around and sees Maria sleeping on the couch.
She had a weird dream. She was burning in a furnace of fire and
her parents keep apologizing. She wakes up when she felf like
she was finally giving up in life.
She gets out of the bed and walks outside even though it's not
safe. She go to the outside tap and collect some water using a
She is still burning. After filling the bucket to carry ut back to
the house. Fill the basin with water then bath.
Afterwards she feels a bit better.

After bathing she goes out dispose the water, gets back to the
house and look for her phone under her pillow and see that he
has five missed calls from unknown numbers and he think it's
Rendani. She then toss her phone aside and then sleep again.
By the time she wake up, Maria is already down with bathing.
"Morning" she says but doesn't get a reply.

She then gulps down the emptiness and do the bed. And starts
to get ready herself. Then they walkout together even though
Maria has earphones plugged in her ears.
Elias come and gets them. Maria sits at the back sit and Elias
just chuckles, shaking his head.

"Are you guys okay?" Muvhuso asks Elias as she was sitting at
the seat him.

"We're good. Don't worry" he replies and continues focusing on

the road.

They get to where they get off and get out of the taxi. Walk
together even though they were not talking with each
other. Until they partways.

Her day at work goes on really fast. Even though she kept on
thinking of Maria. While ignoring Rendani's calls. He even
showed up at work just to beg her to answer his calls but she
It's now after work and the manager have asked them to stay a
bit after work as he has an announcement to make.
People keep mumbling why they were asked to stay without
any heads up.

The manager walks in and the room becomes quiet. And the
nerves kicking in.

"Mmmh. Thank you everyone for being here at such a short

notice. Let me get straight to it." He says looking at them then
opens two envelops.

"I have good news and a bad news" the manager continues to
"The good news is that, we will be introducing a new dish next
week Friday so tomorrow we will be sample testing and wines
as well."- Manager.

The staff, claps and whistle. Who wouldn't be happy for free
food. Everyone loves free food. Okay, not everyone but many
people likes free food .

"The bad news is. We will be retrenching some of the stuff

members. We have seen how much we spend on salaries and
we decide to cut down the expenses. The following names are
of people who starting from tomorrow they shouldn't come."
Then he starts reading the names. Everyone is praying that their
names shouldn't be part of retrenched group.

"And the last one is Magwaba Muvhuso" the manager says.

**CHAPTER 17**


She felt her world crumbles down right on her face. She slowly
walks to the out of the mall, with tears rolling down her face.
She couldn't keep them. What she was feeling is too much. She
wanted what she is feeling inside to stop, but the wound is too

How is she supposed to survive with nothing. Even the smallest

amount of money, that she endured hard labour for it, just
vanishes on a thin air. Nothing of hers ever come to success.
Now she have to face Maria who isn't talking to her. Maybe
when she tells her she have been ignoring him, it will easy with
the tension.
She enters the road before looking at her both sides. Her mind
is not here but her body is. People starts screaming. Cars stars
to hoot.

"Heyi, khaladziiii. (Hey, sister) " loud voices screams before she
could even turn to look.

She sees herself fly high before she heats the ground. Cars
brakes fast, and people gathers around her. She starts coughing
out blood.

"Re...Ren..dani" she whispers before it becomes light out.

Stress lines are already visible on his face. He couldnt
understand why she was no longer talking to him. They talked
right, and she choose friendship and he is more than
willing take baby steps.

"What wrong?" Mbengi asks sitting the couch.

Rendani has been pacing up and down. Screaming at himself

and kicking mbengi's furniture for no reason at all.

"Nothing" he exhale the air. Brushes his head. His dreads were
let loose
not styled. He continues pacing, clenching his jaws.

"Okay, scratch that. Let's try again. What have Muvhuso done
now?" He asks, smiling. Remembering his days. His own
journey with shandu has never been a easy one. Helping
Shandu to conquer depression, helping her to rebuild herself.
And not build her happiness and mental wellbeing with the
foundation, cement and pillars called human being was never
an easy project. But now he is happy that everything is going
well. And she can now open up, talk about her past life without
crying. But the pain in her eyes is inevitable.

"She is not answering my calls. Since last night" he says then

throws himself on the couch.

"Did you upset her, in anyway?" Mbengi asks.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence" he mumbles, enough for

mbengi to hear him.

"What...?" Mbengi says shrugging his shoulders.

"Why would you think that I did something wrong to her?" He

"Because you're unpredictable " he replies.

"Okay, I didn't. She just stopped on her own" he says and

silence fills the room.
"Can I use your phone" he asks mbengi.

"Sure" mbengi gives him his phone then stands up walk away
going to his partner.
To be continued.
**CHAPTER 17** Continuation.


He is anxious. Can't put it together. He is all over the place. He

is restless. The wholeday he haven't heard from her. He can't
even eat, sleep or just engage in a small conversation with his
brother. And for once in a longest time he wanted to be close to
his mother. He hates her, sure. Wants nothing to do with her,
yes. But today in three years he need her. Even if it is to scold
him. Shout at him. Tell him he need God, because no normal
person can sleep with men. He needs her.

His face is red, so is his eyes also his nose. He is laying on his
side on the bed. He stretches his hand under his side pillow and
take his phone. Her face, brightens his screen. His sleeping
queen. She was asleep when he took the picture or should I say
pictures of her. His tears drops and immediately wipes it and
"Call me my angel. I am dying here" he mutters.

He log into his call phone book, search his mother's contact
then hit the call option. It rings for few minutes until his mother
picks the call.

"Hello" she says, in her squeaky voice.

He doesn't say anything. He sobs silently.

"Rendani" she says, holding her breath. It's been three years
since he has received a call coming from her son. She is happy
and afraid at the sametime.
"Hai, maybe it mistakenly dialed my numbers" she says hanging

He then tries Muvhuso's number once again then it takes him

to voicemail. He throws his phone aside then close his eyes.

His mind takes him to that day in the car. He shut his eyes,
fighting back not only the tears but the memories as well.

After sometime, he get out of the bed. Goes to his closet. Take
out his track suits. Put then on. Wear socks and his slides. He
takes his be car keys and phone. Run out of his room like he is
being chaised.

"Hey, whatsup"mbengi says standing. In suprise.

"I am going to her place" he say.

"To do what? To force her to talk to you?" He says raising his


"If I have to then, I will kidnap her" he says, withouting giving it

much of his thought.

"What?she will..."- Mbengi

"Hate me. Then I will make her fall for me again. Now I have to
go bye. Dont wait up" he runs out.

He drives to her place in the highest speed and get there. Light
out. House locked, and no sign of anyone. But he has to go and
try his luck. And that is to knock
on their door, like a typed off deductive, told were drugs are
But no one answers even though he swears on breaking the
door if they don't open.

He walks back yo his car. Kick the car tire in frustration.

"Being stressed like this, doesn't suit you. Mr" a girl's voice says
and he stops kicking it but doesn't turn to look at her.

"I am Mulalo, and what can I can. This beautiful rare species"
Mulalo's says seductively.

"Do you know who stay here" he asks turning to face her. And
her jaws drops. She didn't think she will ever see this guy ever
again. She have seen him few times here. Few years back.
"Maria's ex. Mmmh, what your name...mmh Rendani aka big
daddy" mulalo says, impressed by how her chicken brains were
showing growth. Maybe they were slowly developing into a pig

"Do you know what time she will get home?" He asks. He has
no intention of flirting with her. The whole big daddy. Doing
things the other way that isn't big daddy's way.

"Oooh, you didn't hear" mulalo asks catwalking to him. And he

stares at her shake, the ass. The one God takes a rest before
continuing with his art. He wasn't in hurry that's the fact. He
took his time and make sure she envy eyes get filled with lust.
Her dress shows off her figure and butt very well, showing
those sexy long legs of hers. She is got a beautiful body no lie,
and knows how to maintain it as well. Her name should have
been sin instead of Mulalo. But his heart has already claimed
its owner. No beauty should surpass that of a heart owner in
"Know what?" He asks licking his lips.

" mmmh, her friend has been involved in a accident" she says
touching his tracksuit top.

"Accident" he says alarmed.

"It all over the social media" she says taking out his iPhone,
inside her handbag. Start touching it for sometime then gives it
to him.

"Here"she says showing him. His eyes wides and hand trembles
holding her phone. He looks at her and zoom the picture it's
her, no lie. His heart beat fast, like it will stop any moment.
Then gulps at the emptiness while his heart shatter at the sight.
**CHAPTER 18**


"Than...thank you" Rendani says handing her, her phone back.

"Mmm, are you and Maria..." he cuts her short.

"I have to go" he runs to his side, get in the car. Starts the car.
But he couldn't drive. His hand are shaking like a leaf, his heart
pounding hard. Breathing abnormally. It feel like his heart will
close in anytime. Tear clouds his eyes. The pain he is feeling is
more than what he felt when he was told that Mr Munyai
wasn't his real dad. He wants to someone to tell her it's a lie.
But he saw her.
He takes his phone and dialed Mbengi's number.

"Can you please come get me" he whispers.

And that alarmed mbengi, because when Rendani left he was

going to check on his lady and now he sounds shettered and in

"Where are you" mbengi asks. Standing up taking his car keys
on the table and shout I will be back to whoever he is talking

"I will send you the location. Hurry please" he mumbles.

"Give me a minute" he assures him.

Rendani sends mbengi his location. And then rests his head on
the steering wheel. And try so hard to catch his breath. Finding
his happy place.

After sometime mbengi knocks on his window. Rendani unlocks

the door and open Rendani's side door.

"Rendani " he says with a concerned voice.

"She was involved in a car accident" he says looking at his

brother with blood shot eyes. His face red like a tomato. And a
vein poping on the side of his head.

"Did, she make it?" He says in a low voice.

Rendani shrug. I tried her numbers and it led me to voicemail.

"And her friend" - Mbengi.

"Her friend is Maria" he utters hoping he gets the message


"So..."mbengi says. Rendani keeps quiet.

"Ooh, you mean Maria, your ex" his eyes popping out.

Rendani heave a sigh before he nods. It's the one and only.
"Okay. Let me call her. So we can find where Muvhuso is"
Mbengi suggested.

"She won't tell you. Can you ask Shandu to call her. She can say
they are colleagues and she found her numbers on Muvhuso's
stuff" Rendani says. He is no longer crying but you can see, that
he is broken. And if she is dead, he will drop dead as well.

"Okay, give me her numbers"- Mbengi.

Rendani hands Mbengi the phone and he recline his seat and
take a deep breathe
shut his eye. Hold his thumb and prays she is okay.
Mbengi walks a bit further from Rendani. Calls his woman and
inform her of the situation before asking her to call Maria. She
They then waits for her call in silence.
After what feel like forever, shandu call them and and tell that
she is at Tshilidzi. She wants to drive herself there but they said
they will call her to update her.

Then mbengi calls one of his boys to come get his car. Rendani
moves to a passenger seat while mbengi sits behind the
steering wheel.


She was still at work when she heard that there was an accident
and a lady that work at one of the restaurants at the mall was
ran over by a car. She runs to the scene, like everyone else.
When things like this happens, they are always spectators. She
had her phone in her hand to take videos and pics. She also falls
part of the statics of those who post accident pictures on social
Indirectly informing the family members of the demise that has
befall them. Running with others busy fishing information.
How did it happened ? Didn't the lady check if the robots where
red? Does the lady even know how to cross the road? Those
were the questions directed to those who witnessed the
Some asks if she head earphones plugged in. And other
concluded that she was drunk.

Her phone already in camera, ready to capture every part. And

to her surprise, Elias's taxi is parked on the side of the road not
far from the scene. Her eyes lands on the lady laying there and
she feels like she her eyes were failing her. Her phone drops and
a loud sob escape her mouth. She runs towards the road but
Elias blocked her way before she reach her. He embrace her.
Whispering to her ears.

"I am sorry,Maria. I didn't see her until it was too late" she kept
sobbing until she couldn't anymore.
And no other words were shared between them.

The umbulance, took its time to get here and after an hour of
her laying on the scorching hot road and the sun hit straight to
her. The paramedics finally arrived. And took her to the
hospital. The police also arrived and took Elias statement.

Maria then took a day off at work and rush to the hospital with
her friend. Elias heart breaks even further.
It was an accident. She didn't see her. And if we were to check
faults, he isn't at fault. Muvhuso is the one, but because he see
her as a sister and he is also a person. He feels guilty and prays
that she heal and her the words I forgive you coming from her
**CHAPTER 19**

It's funny how tragedy bring family together. But the same glue
that sticks them together in pain fails to stick them together in
break throughs and success.
Mavis and his baboons are also at the hospital, acting like a
caring family.
Mavis has cried more than anyone else and you would swear
Muvhuso is declared dead.

Maria keeps playing with her hands while Elias prays she
survive. So he can feel at easy atleast her death can be on his
hands. It will eat him inside slowly until he succumb as well. It
has been five days with no change on Muvhuso's
condition. She only has broken bones and that is her arm and
leg as well. But she is unconscious, and the only explanation is
that she hit her head hard on the hard surface when the
accident occurs.
Mavis denied Rendani to take her to a private ward atleast as
she didn't want to hear anything about private hospital.
As for Rendani and Mavis, insults are always thrown his way
when ever he visits, but he is a man right. So he is ought to take
it like one.

Muvhuso is in a public ward with 7 other women as well. Her

bed side is always filled during visitation hours but none of
them says anything to her. It's like they are always here to
observe her, check the changes and go back home and gossip
about how her dark tone color is turning pale and lifeless.

At this times there is no hope, doctors don't know what is it

that is keeping her from walking up.

Rendani already looks like a walking stick. The fact that he

wasn't thick in the first place makes it more visible. Eye patches
, stressed lines on his face. He doesn't even sleep. He can't even
focus on anything. He even shifted the rest of his
responsibilities to Mbengi.
Mbengi is the one who have to make sure his merch arrives and
being sent to the right customers. What is holding up his wines
to be released.

Rendani has a busy schedule and only him knows how he keep
it up from being a 8 to 5 worker, his own boss on the side
hustle, being a party animal and running after women. Then
court the other woman who stole his heart on the side. His day
always starts at half four everyday. And goes to sleep early in
the wee hours, that's how his schedule is like. Now that he
can't even keep his focus on making the tea only if not calling
the American medical specialist to come camp here and when
they turn him down he insults them, telling them he won't lick
their assess, he is staving himself. The only thing he has ever
done in full is to bath, but it's not fully done, the bush on his
armpits is the proof of that, so the only thing he has ever done
in full is to drink the whole water bottle. And never lock himself
in his room. Then visits Muvhuso, after the visits he locks
himself again.
Mbengi and khumbu has long run out of comforting words.
They can't repeat "I am sorry" words everyday like a broken

So they give him what he hates the most 'pity eyes' his skin is
already pale from not eating healthy and lack of sleep. But it
cringes on their stares.
Like right now they are staring at him.

"What?" He question them without even raising his eyes. He

can feel their eyes boring his skin.

"You look homeless" - khumbu.

"I dont have a home" he replies.

"Ooh, is that how it is now" - Khumbu.

"I am going to the hospital" he stands up cutting their


He is no longer a boy, his home is not where his mother raised

is. He is a man, who is ready to settle down. Have someone to
count the stars with and see if they would wake up with a wet
sheets. Someone to confide to and he knows he has already
found her. But she is laying in a hospital bed fight for her life if it
can be placed in that way. He is a man his home is where his
woman is and that woman might die, leaving him cold,
homeless and lost.

He walks to the main road to catch a taxi, he doesn't feel like

driving himself today. It has been cold for the past days and it is
still cold. He is in his Grey track pants and a black hoodie. A
beanie and. He stops the taxi, gets in a looks outside the
window as taxi takes him there.
His phone rings and it's Muvhuso's cousin Murangi. They
exchanged numbers just to update each other about Muvhuso's
condition. Murangi saw how Maria didn't want Rendani here
and how Elias clenched his jaws in his sight and saw it as an
opportunity to befriend him.

"Hello" his voice involuntary coldly says.

Murangi chuckles
because he always like this or sometimes asks who he is talking

"You're rude Mr" Murangi says, smiling.

"Yeah, sure. I am on my way to the hospital " he informs her.

"She has woken up" she says suppressing her happiness.

"Ooh, okay. Thanks for informing me" he then drops the call. His
face lighten a little with hope.

The drive to the hospital seems long now, if he had taken his car
he could have been there. Now the taxi keep hooting even
when the dog is walking by it hoots. He gets to the hospital
after counting to 1000. Get off and his long strides gets him to
her ward very quickly.

She is in her bed, holding Elias hands. Talking to him. Maria is

quietly observing as usual. And the aunt is crying her lungs
Their eyes met and he smiles , fighting his tears. She smiles back
at him. Before he could say anything. Murangi speaks walking
towards his.

"Ooh you're here. You didn't take long" - murangi.

Maria bust out into a laughter. Elias looks at her. Maria smiles,
she isn't going to cry. Not infront of her aunt.

Murangi kiss his cheek then hugs him. He uncomfortably hugs

her back.

The doctor walks to them and smiles.

"Muvhuso, we wouldn't keep you here as we are happy by your

progress. We didn't find anything wrong with you beside the
broken leg and arm only. So we will release you today. " the
doctor says and Mavis starts talking in tounges happy.

"I am so glad you will be coming home, my love" Mavis says and
Muvhuso's eyes wides.

She can't take care of herself. So, she embraces herself to be

passed around but not to her aunty. Even though Rendani hugs
women, and let them kiss him on his cheek jnher presence, she
knew the fight between him and Maria was going to erupts on
who is taking her in. Not her aunt.

"Over my dead body, she is not going anywhere with you"

Maria chipped.

"She is my daughter Maria, and you have a day work. You can
see she can't even take herself to the toilet. Bath herself. How
will she survive during the day" Mavis asks feeling proud of

"I dont know yet, but I will make a plan" Maria replies.

"I can take her in, I don't have any other responsibilities and my
sister in law can help her with woman stuff" he says.

"That will never happen" Mavis says.

"Why don't we ask her to choose, for herself." Elias suggested.

"That would be better" Rendani says looking at her. She could

see pain on his face even though he is trying so hard to hide it.
He looks bad and she have never see him like how he is at the
She doesn't know who to choose, Maria or Rendani. Maria
hates Rendani and everytime when he visits they are going to
fight. At the same time she can't stop Rendani from
visiting. And choosing Rendani would feel like a betray to her
best friend. Is she even allowed to choose a boy over

"Muvhuso"- Maria.

" mmmh, I choose...this is not easy" muvhuso says.

"What is it that is not easy Muvhuso. You're choosing me right"
Maria says looking at her.
Muvhuso looks down. Her eyes move from rendani to
Maria. Her heart tells her to choose Rendani her brains tell her
to choose Maria. She truly don't know. And confused.
**CHAPTER 20**

Her eyes moves from Elias to her cousins at the other far end.
But they couldn't hold any kind of stare between her and
Rendani. Even if she let's him go round in circles when it comes
to his feels, she knows she feels something for him as well. But
afraid to explore it. What if she chooses him over Maria and he
leaves her at some point. What could become of her. She have
to be wise on this one.

"I choose Maria" she says, drawing maps on her bandaged


Maria mischievously smiles. Rendani and Elias both clear their

throat. Mavis decide to tell her where to get off, since she feels
like she is to good for her.
"How do you think, she is going to take care of you. You know
what Muvhuso. You're dead to me and the rest of Magwaba's
family. How could you choose an outsider instead of your own
family." She utters fuming with anger. No one knows why she is
this angry.

"You've never been a family to her. You abuse her. Make her a
slave while you feasts on her father's money. You failed to even
buy her a pair of shirts or just a bathing soap. And now you
want to raise your family card nonsense" Maria says. Fuming as

"You take me lightly, do you know who I am. Stop talking to me

like you're taking a shit" Maria says pointing at Maria.

But that doesn't shake Maria. It makes her insult her even
"What would you do. Do you voodoo things on me. Newsflash
old hag, you see my guides protect me always. Nothing you do
will get to me. So play far as well" Maria says the clicks her

No one saw it coming. Musiwalo slaps Maria hard om her

cheek. Before Maria could stand up Elias engulfs her with his
big arms making it impossible for her to walk to musiwalo while
Rendani grips Musiwalo's hand.

Musiwalo and Maria are busy bickering at each other. What is

being exchanged would sure make an adult goes deaf.

"Quiet" Muvhuso screams. While other patients are staring at

them as they turned themselves a colour film. Nurses where
not around that is the reason why no one was coming to stop
what they were doing.
"Ma, please take your children and leave" she says looking at

Mavis dramatically claps her hands and laughs shaking her


"Yeah...take your baboons" - Maria.

"Zip it mani Maria" Elias says frustrated. Maria listen to him and
keep quiet.

"I am going to let you go. But one move closer to her. I will rip
your heart out. I am tired already and don't make me meet your
ancestors woman" rendani says with a cold tone and Musiwalo
Mavis walks out, musiwalo follows her mother. While Murangi
stays behind.

"Mmmh, will you be alright" Murangi asks. Looking at Rendani.

All eyes moves to Rendani and he clenched his jaws. Then nods.
She then catwalks her way out.

Silence, awkwardly befell them. Maria is looking every where

but not here. Muvhuso is busy drawing maps
trees, moon and stars on her bandages. Elias is looking at
Rendani weirdly. And Rendani is looking at Muvhuso. He just
wants to talk to her for a moment. Only the two of them. He
has seen that Maria influences Muvhuso's life and that includes
making decisions and all life aspects but this is about the two of

"Can I talk to muvhuso. Alone please" rendani says looking at

Elias and Maria.
"What do you want to say to her. Muvhuso didn't I tell you to
play far from this panty dropper"-Maria. Looking at Muvhuso
who just keep quiet.

"Babe let's give them space" Elias says, pulling her. And she
lazily follow him. Busy mumbling things that only the two of
them can hear.

Rendani takes few steps closer to Muvhuso. Deepens his hands

in his pants pocket. Dreads dangling on the sides. A bit red eyes.
And his dry lips.

"How are you feeling" he says looking deep in her eyes and she
shift her eyes to his chest. Then keep quiet.

"Are we fighting already" he whispers.

"Do you love her" she asks and Rendani chuckles.

"I love you...You know I am not Maria's fovourite person. So I

needed updates at times I was not here. So she offers to do so
for me" he says and she laughs.

"In exchange of what, sex?" She asks angrily. And that makes
Rendani to smile weakly.

"She said she wants nothing but don't worry I will put her in her
place. Now, that you're going home. Am I allowed to come and
visit you" he says the last part with a serious face.

"Maria..." he cuts her short.

"I am talking to you Muvhuso. Not Maria. The same reason I
wanted her out., so me and you can talk withouther being your
spokesperson" He says between his teeth.

"Its her place. So her rules."she shrug

"Because it's her place I am not allowed to see my woman.

Great" he mumbles.

"You can come in the afternoon. While she is at work" she


"Not that I have much of a choice"- Rendani

Maria walks back in and gives Rendani disgusted looks. She
come back alone without Elias.

"Your three minutes is up" she says throwing herself in the chair
and rendani chuckles. If she wasn't Maria's friend he would
have long strangle her and dump her lifeless body at the
dumping site.

The nurse walks in with Muvhuso's discharging papers. Maria

takes them and sign.

"Mama, I will call you and please answer my calls" he says and
she nods. He kissed her forehead and Maria looks like she is
going to burst.

He turn to looks at Maria. "Do you have transport to take her

home." He asks.
"We will use a taxi" she replies giving an attitude.

"Where is your boyfriend?" he asks.

"Gone" she replies.

"I come using a public transport. Let me call my brother. To

come take you guys at home." He says then walks out to make a
phone call.

He walks out, leaving Muvhuso and Maria. Maria giving

muvhuso looks that can send her to early grave.
"What was that for. Didn't we talk about it muvhuso" she
scolded her.

"But he doesn't want to listen to me" muvhuso replies then


"If I find him at my place Muvhuso. Yeses...father God help me

because wow, I will pour him with hot water mixed with oil. I
tell you. I am not joking. You have to be stern tell him to fuck
off" she says annoyed, by Muvhuso's behavior.
"Why did Elias left us here?" Muvhuso asks. curiously.
"He said he can't do this anymore" Maria replies then shrug her
shoulders. Fighting back her tears.
Leaving Muvhuso with questions. Why could Elias say that.
What is going on between them. But she decides to zip her big
mouth as well.
**CHAPTER 21**


One thing life has taught or what she think life is, is that some
people in life come with luck. Some comes to this world already
with full force behind them cheering for them. Others born with
sliver spoon directed straight to their mouths and they lived like
queens and kings. While hers on the other side, she has to fend
for herself.
Yes, even though she lost her parents at a younger age and her
relatives took her in. Takr care of her and gives her everything a
child could ask for. But they couldn't be her parents. She could
feel the void once in a blue moon. Until she miss them daily.
Hearing other kids telling their parents that they love them, and
they receive it back. While she have to tell a picture and hope
they hear her. She couldn't get it back and that could cut deep
everytime. Sh could just lock herself in her room and cry until
she couldn't. She needed them and they weren't there to utter
the words back. Which turns her to person she is today. A
person who smiles dying inside. A person who lends a helping
hand while she needed help herself as well. Someone to tell
her, she is a princess and who believed in her silly dreams. And
Rendani becomes that person , when they meet.

She was only 19 years when they meet, fresh from high school.
With no hopes and dreams of getting admission to higher
institutions. All she ever wanted was to get any job and stand
on her own. The other reason why she begged her aunt and
uncles to let her go. Even though they let her go with a
condition of sending her pocket money every month. That was
the least they could do. They didn't want to be blamed of
caging her and limiting her from reaching higher heights. She
felt the need to set herself free from them and they weren't
going to hold her back. Even though the told her, she can go
and explore the world but anytime she feels like coming back
she shouldn't think twice.

That how her life started, looking for the place to stay and
building herself a one roomed house. She get mixed with crews
involved her in shady and kinky things. And that how she met
Rendani. He could always guard her, and at times becomes
protective of her. And that made her believe he needed
sex. They could just chill and vibe just the two of them and
then she learns to open up to him. Tell him her fears. Her
wishes, and offload some of her pain. And he would always tell
"Babe, you're still young. I need you to focus on your future. If
you feel securing that degree on a full-time schedule do it part
time. But don't just sit and cry for what has already happen. I
am not saying don't cry for your parents. Cry. But dont cry and
be stagnant at the sametime." He would always say.
And she listened, that is why today she is a registered student.
And work as a cleaner. And partway with the crew she was in.
She didn't it with hope that he would want her, but her never
said anything.

But after the accident, that happen 3 years back. Her and
Rendani become too close. They end up having sex. After sex m,
Rendani regretted it and she said it's what she needed. So, they
kept going back yo each other for more sex, and the sex was
under no umbrella. They were just having fun. Until she find
that Rendani wasn't having sex with her only but with thousand
other girls too.
That broke her, she hoped to build something with him. And
when she confronted him. He never disagree. And he told her
he thought that what she wanted. Sex. And nothing more. That
broke her, she tried to keep her distance.

The she meet Elias

helps her get over Rendani. But in her heart she couldn't.
Everytime there were disagreements between her and Elias,
she could run back to Rendani. And because Rendani could
think she needed sex, she could give her, his best, then leave
like always. Sex, tainted their relationship, actuallyit destroyed
it and nothing of it left but memories. Elias would find out. And
gets more angry but as times goes on he could come back at
her and forgive her then life goes on.

But this time its like she have lost him for good. 7 days, with no
communication. Even a hi. Nothing. She also haven't seen his
taxi on the roads. She have tried calling, but he doesn't pick up
and now she is thinking of going to his place. Elias's parents
know her and it wouldn't be weird.
"I am going out" she say, looking at Muvhuso. Who isn't talking
at her at the moment. Things aren't just bad, they're worse.

Muvhuso, doesn't understand why Rendani is not allowed to

come here. Rendani and muvhuso are fighting because
Muvhuso always chooses Maria in everything. While Maria
herself has a mountain right infront of her.

"Would you like anything before I go"- Maria

Muvhuso shake her head and continues looking outside. She

looks depressed. Yes there are plenty of unpleasant words that
Maria have said to Muvhuso. But she didn't think she will take
them so seriously.
"Okay, I will be going" she sigh, the takes her bad and walks out.
Locks the door. That how things are like. She doesn't want
rendani at her place without her presence. So she locks her

The distance to Elias place isn't that too long. Only a 35 minute
walk if you are doing the tortoise walk. She gets to his place.
Knocks and they invite her in. She could go straight to his back
room without greeting the parents first.

"Ooh, Maria. What a pleasant surprise" Elias's mother says

hugging her. It's been a minute since she lats saw her.

"I been busy mama" she replies with the fake smile on her

"Mazwale(my daughter in law)" his dad said walking in the

"Aa" she greets back.

"Is Elias here mama" she asks.

Before she could even answer, Elias walks in. Looks at Maria and
his face fell. He turn his attention his mother.

"Don't wait up ma. I will be home late." He says then walks out.
Leaving, his parents suprised at how he didn't even
acknowledge his girlfriend.

Maria looks down, and stomping her foot, fighting back the
urge to scream out loud and agony.
Elias'parents looks at each other then shrug.
**CHAPTER 22**


"Are you going to mop around, staining my wife's couches until

when" Mbengi asks throwing himself on thr couch next to his
depressed brother.

"Until Jesus come back" Rendani replies taking a can of

Heineken that is on the coffee table infront of them.
He looks at it before pouring the contents down his troat and
The alcohol is already in his system, he has been drinking since
morning, drowning his problems with alcohol and hope they get
drunk as well.
"Drinking won't change anything man. You need to eat" mbengi
tells him.

Rendani chuckles, shake his head and continue emptying the

can. He doesn't need food, he wants to numb his heart. His
He haven't been sleeping well lately, he keeps dreaming of dead
people and they keep torturing him with a heart piercing
screams. He doesn't know who the screams belongs to but his
grandma, keeps telling him about time that he is losing. And he
always wake up with a pounding head, feeling like he was hit by
a truck.

"You can get Maria, to let you see your girl by drinking. Rendani
man up and face your shit" Mbengi says getting agitated by his
brother behavior. Rendani is no longer a baby. He needs to face
his shit like a man, he claims he is.
"I don't want to talk about Mbengi. I guess my own shit mixed
with dead peoples shit is too heavy for me. And it's stinks. So let
me drink." He says squashing the empty can with his hands.

"But Rendani..." Rendani cuts him short.

"You know, what let me go enjoy my drink at the bar. I can't deal
with noise right now. I want peace and you don't have it"
he stands up pick up thr other 5 cans that were next to him.
Then he walks the kitchen and throw then in the bin. Take his
care keys and drive away in a high speed.


She no longer cries at her situation. She has cried for too long in
her life. That much that crying no longer calms her soul but just
dehydrate her. The void and wound that never heals deep
down her heart, keeps producing pain always. It's cancer. It's
curable if you take charge early but not if it not ut can take your

She looks at their pictures, their videos and all happy moments
flood her mind and she chuckles. But just mention the name
Rendani and everything changes. Her mood, her facial
expression and it doesn't need to be spelled out for one to
know that Rendani is the reason why Elias chose to walk out of
his relationship. Maria and Rendani were what she calls
couples goals, with classy. They ticked all the boxes of her
dream boyfriend in the future. But Rendani, in his silence. Just
the mentioning of his name caused someone a relationship. A
life time partner. And love so rare and pure. She wonders, what
is it that Rendani has.

She last saw him a week back. Maria found him here when she
comes back home. They were chilling talking about
everything. Rendani being his cheesy self. And stealing kisses
here and there. Telling her how much he can't wait to put a ring
on her finger. Claim her infront of the whole world. And how he
will treat her like a real queen she is.
She was busy giggling, being closed in by walls of love until
Maria speaks and everything changed. Words were exchanged
and things almost got physical between Rendani and Maria. No
scratch that
Maria almost beat the shit out of Rendani by the iron rod. And
when Rendani ask Muvhuso to go with him. She chose
Maria. And until then, he haven't call, send a text or anything.

Maria on the other side has been locking her, inside. Saying she
doesn't want fuckers inside her yard. Things then reached the
point where Maria blames Muvhuso for her break up with Elias.
If she didn't bring Rendani in their lives, she wouldn't have blub
about him always to Elias. Making Elias tired and wants out.

She hears the lock turning, then switch her phone off. Then
continues to look outside. Maria walks in, it looks like she have
been crying. She throws herself on the bed.
"Are you okay" muvhuso asks, turning her wheelchair to look at

"Yeah" Maria replies turning to look at the other side.

"I am sorry Maria. I didn't know that me bringing Rendani over

will destroy your relationship with Elias. I can beg him to come
back to you. And I could make sure I tell Rendani off. And tell
him not to talk to me ever. " she says as guilt consume her.

"You failed the first time. What makes you think you can
succeed this time" she replies with a bored voice.

"I will make a plan" she says. Playing with her bandages.
Maria clicks her tounge and turns to look at the other side. Take
the pillow and place it on top of her head then squeeze it tight.
That how their conversation ends. Or she starts shouting at
her, telling her no one will ever loved her the way she do.

Muvhuso keeps quiet and continues to look outside. In silence.

And the house becomes dead quite.


He has been sitting on his own at the far end corner in the club.
Minding his business. Drinking quietly. His phone is off. So he
needed this kind of peace. Because it's not yet late, the club can
be quiet. Until 5 in the evening then people will be flooding in,
and music will be so loud.

"Can I sit with you" a guy voice says. Then he shift his eyes to
the person standing infront of him. It's Elias.
"Its a free country my man." He says then takes the glass infront
of him. And burn his troat with its contents.

The waitress, come to their tables. Elias order black label while
Rendani asks for a refill.

"How are you" Elias ask narrowing his eyes at Rendani. He has
been burning just to have a one and one conversation with a
man that always make his woman go crazy.

"What can I say. Okay. I guess" ge shrug, then empty the glass.

"How does it feel like" What he asks and Rendani looks at him
curiously. Then chuckles.
"What?"- Rendani.

The waitress, brings their drink. Thank her then they both take
a sip.

"Making girls go crazy about you" Elias laughs his own

statement. Then drink again. He is drinking straight from the

"I don't, the go crazy on their own" he answers.

"And Maria" Elias looks at him, like really look at him. He wants
to look at him and see if he is telling lies of truth.
"What about her" rendani replies not even bothered.

"Do you love her. Like do you still want her back?" He asks
looking at him.

This is no longer drinking together. It fits to be one on one

questioning session and that is not what Rendani is here for. So
is Elias. But seeing rendani made him wonder. He has questions
that only one of them can answer and Rendani is the best
person for that.
**CHAPTER 23**


This isn't what ye signed for, but because he is here now asking
him silly questions. He might as well play along and get over
and done with. Most guys hate him because of his lifestyle but
they also had to understand he has never force anyone into
sleeping with him and his friends. They do it willingly.

"I don't love her. I only love one woman. And that woman is
Muvhuso buy your chick seems to be standing on my way" he
utters taking a sip looking at him.

"But do you realize, that is because maybe you promised her

something"- Elias.
Rendani laughs, looking at Elias. He is feeling sorry for him. He
really doesn't know Maria behind the acting Maria.
"I promised her nothing at all. I never wanted to sleep with your
cherry but she kept on forcing. And forcing and as a man I give
in. I told her this changes everything. Our friendship. She said
it's okay. And I give it to him. And big daddy fever caught her
and she's always here asking for a dose" Rendani replies with a
chuckle. Remembering how that dose is making things difficult
for him and his lady.

"Do you realize that you left this woman broken. Like beyond
repair and the next person they are with have to pay for your
sins" he says and rendani smiles.

"If they catch feelings then yes. But there are rules. And I always
lay them down for them to know before we hit. So them
catching feeling have nothing to do with me" he replies. Taking
the last sip of his drink.

"Rule?" Elias says raising his eyebrows.

"You won't understand. Youre too sweet and other than that. I
am trying to move past that life. I was told I have to " Rendani
says then shrug. "Do you love her?" He ask.

"Who"- Elias

"Dont play dumb with me. Maria who else" he says signaling for
the waiter.

Elias chuckles, draw a circle on his black label. Then heave a

sigh. He then flick his eyes to Rendani.

"I loved her, really bad" he absent mindlessly replied. Thinking

of all their happy moments. Before muvhuso and rendani saga
they were happy. Even though Rendani has been a third and a
silence partner in his relationship. But they were happy.
"So, you know longer love her?" - Rendani

"Its hard loving a woman who still hold on, hoping the ones
they love most will come back to them. In a relationship I think
the same energy I am giving should reciprocate, but..." He
keeps quit blows some air. His eyes are already glassy. This has
always pained him. Rendani just look at him giving him a
moment to himself.

"I can't hold on to someone who doesn't give assurance. I know

that once you say you need her. She will leave me high and dry
coming to your rescue" he says blinking away his tears. This is
his first heart break. When he find Maria he thought he found
his happily ever after.

"So you too broke up" Rendani asks.

Elias nods
continues to take deep breathe. He can't be like his brothers
and sisters who cried after just three sips of alcohol. He has to
break that record. Making a new one.

"Ooh, I see"- Rendani

"That day at the hospital. And you...Muvhuso" he says

changing the topic from him and Maria to rendani and

"Your ex is standing on my way. What's left is kidnapping

muvhuso" he says and they both laugh.
Rendani' s phone rings. He wanted to toss it away but the name
caught his eyes. It's muvhuso. He looks at it ring until it stops
ringing. Then it starts again.

"Muvhuso" he says as soon as he answers the call.

"Can you come here now please" her faint voice says. He
wanted to say no but his voice betrays him.
"Give me 15 minutes" he says, then. Elias phone rings as well.
"Its Muvhuso " he says looking at Rendani. Rendani nods, Elias
answers his call.
"She wants me to come to their house now" Elias says.
"Me, too" rendani answers. Taking out few R200 rand notes
place them on the table.
"Drinks were on me. Let's go" they stand up and runs out.
**CHAPTER 24**


"Where is he. Did he say he is coming" Maria asks pacing up

and down.

They got everything figured out. Or she thought they did.

Muvhuso is going to choose her once again then they relocate.
That how it is. She have thought about it very hard, they will
figure out the rest as time goes by.

"Stop that, my head is spinning already" muvhuso, says holding

her phone dearly. Maria doesn't know she called Elias as well.
She have heard of people chosing themselves and she now
knows what it means. It means being selfish for once and think
for yourself without thinking of another person's feelings. Well
even though in her case is choosing a boy over her best friend
then so be it. She has everything figured out and hope that the
stars agree with her. She hope that she won't be moving from
bad situation to worst. But what could be worst if she have
survived her aunt.

They heard the car packing outside and Maria sprint to the
window open the curtain slightly. And she smiles. Everything is
coming up perfect. Their bags are already packed.

She catwalks to muvhuso, whose face is already covered by

sweat particles.

"Dont sweat, don't worry. Say what's in your heart my love" she
plants a soft kiss on her cheek.
The knock saved her from another kiss.

"Come in" Maria screams with voice laced with hint of


The door is opened and Elias is the first to appear then

Rendani. She looked at them spooked. Blink several times.
Squart her eyes. Hit her head. Turn to face Muvhuso then back
at the guys.

"El...Elias" she whispers. She have just been at his place not
long ago and he wanted nothing to do with her. And that means
changing the plans moving along to plan b. Which is relocating.
"What are you doing here" she asks giving muvhuso a side eye.

"I called him here" she finally says after taking few deep
breathe. She is a bottle of emotions and could bust any
moment. But the clock hasn't yet strike.
"Wha..what? Call him for?" She utters suprised. She was only
expecting Rendani. Talk about letting a person down gently, but
you end up telling a stone.

"I dont want to relocate, that's why" she says..

"You're moving?" Elias asked, sadness couldn't be missed in his

voice. Right at the moment he hates Maria. But in hate, love
makes much louder volume than that hate.

"Muvhuso" she warns.

"I am not going anywhere with you Maria. I love my friend that I
admit. I am grateful for making me realise that I shouldn't let
my aunt stand in anything makes me happy. And now you're
thr very same person that is standing on the way of my
happiness." Muvhuos says. With a broken voice. She can't spell
out all things she have been through in the past few days.
Because she believed that they could still work out their
relationship. But now its best they go in different directions of
life. If they are meant to be they will meet somewhere in the

we talked about this" Maria says.

"Yes, you talked about this. Tell me to voice out what I feel. And
here is how I feel. I love Rendani. And I am staying. You can go.
But the reason I called Elias as well is for you guys to walk out
your things" she says.

"So you're choosing to boy over me. After

everything. Everything muvhuso. Every fucken thing I have ever
done for you. You choose this good for nothing fucker. That you
know nothing off. He isn't a human being this one. Just a
useless shit. That will kill you before you taste paradise my love"
anger, pain and betrayal hardness her voice as she spit out
Vernon out. That the real makoya...the real Maria rendani

"Say it to my face. That you're choosing the devil you don't

know then the one you know. What could be so bad muvhuso. I
am protecting you here. Trying to save you from making the
biggest mistake of you life sweetie don't be that girl. Please my
love" she squart to be Muvhuso's size.

"Let me grow. Let me spread my wings. How would I know the

harshness of the out side while you close me in. I want to make
own decisions. Fail. Cry. But i want you to be the shoulder i cry
on. The hand that helps me dust myself and tell me not to stop
yet because the world has the greatest success for those who
endure" she says as tears flows down her face.
"But still just can't my love" Maria
says wiping her own tears.

"I have to..." she says.

Both Rendanj and Elias are just standing there dumb struck.
"Mmmh, Rendani, is the offer still on the table" she asks.
Rendani nods, with his hands buried deep in his pockets.
"Yes...yeah, it's still available "he replies.
"These are my bags" she shows him and he looks at Elias. His
eyes move from Maria to muvhuso then the bags. He sigh then
walk towards the bags. It's only one traveler and toiletry bag.
"If you walk out that door muvhuso, we are done. Don't ever
come back here. Even after he hurt you don't "she says.
"Then we will meet at the road side" she wheels herself out.
**CHAPTER 25**


"Are they working ma" musiwalo asks.

They know she have lost her job. They know Maria is frustrated
by the weight on her shoulders. They know everything they are
supposed to know. But nothing ever seems to be working.
It's been a month ever since the spell chanting. Only losing a job
happened and a neat death experience which should have just
saved them more stress.

"I dont know. And it's frustrating" she heave a sigh. Holding her
heavy head.
"So, what now" musiwalo asks.

"I will have to visit makhulu again" she mumbles. Makhulu now
will be ready to collect her debts and she has nothing to offer.
She can't offer her daughter to tokoloshes. If they were saying
she was to give Muvhuso up, then yeah. It would have been

"But you said..." Mavis cuts her short.

"I know what I said unless you have another plan" she yells at
her. She didn't mean to but she also has no plan.

"Okay...sorry" she blows out some air. Then close her eyes. It all
can't end like this. They almost die that night making sacrifices
which aren't yielding any fruits now.
"Marangi is close to that guy...mmh Rendani" musiwalo
suggested and Mavis rise her head so fast and look at her like I
get you. And they both smile.

"You're a genius my love" she tells her with a smile plastered on

her face.

This is what she needed, breakthrough even though it seems as

if there is no way. But breakthrough.

"So, you know how bitchy your kid is, who are we going to do
this" musiwalo tries to fish her mother ways and
thoughts. Mavis chuckles and stand up.

"Whatch and learn my love" she replies heading to the kitchen.

With heart doing voshos. You know what they say about
counting chicks before the eggs hatch. But that only counts if
you say it loud not by claiming it with your heart. If the writings
say so, say it, believe it then claim it. And it will happen.
Muvhuso will be here at her mercy even if she spends a life
time running after her but her victory is certain.

She's hyming her favorite song as she starts with kitchen

chores. Every break through calls for a celebration. So is every
pain we endure. Just that the mood is different but we
celebrate all in the same way. Masiphusize. Day in day out. All
day. Anyway. Any where. And that what Mavis plans to do.


"Babe, I have to go to the office" he says entering Muvhuso's


They have been staying with mbengi for two weeks now. And
they are all happy. Shandu is happy to have a woman to gossip
with and a sister to just bond with. Mbengi is just a person. Full
of happiness and he got no problem in spreading the love.
Rendani he is feeling out of this world. He is always crowding
her space and if she didn't ask to sleep on his own room, they
could have been sharing now.

"Okay" muvhuso replied covering her head with a blanket. She

acts like this everytime she cries.

"My heart, babe" he utters with a defeated voice.

"I am okay, Rendani" she tells him. Holding the blanket with all
her strength.

"Dont do that
mama please." He gently take the blanket off her face and she
hides her face with her plums and he chuckles.
"Come here Okay, my love" he embrace her. Kissing her head.
She now have small hair, because she haven't been to the
barber for sometime now.

" I not of deserving to be love? To live like my pears"

she utters in between her sobs. She cries daily or in her sleep.

"Shhh, babe. You're loved by me and my family. The rest can go

to hell if they have to" he tries to calm her. Brushing and
planting soft kisses on her head.
After some time she stops crying, and they sit quietly listening
to his heart beat.

"You should get going" she says pulling herself out of the
"Tell you what. I am not leaving you. You haven't been out of
this house ever since you got here" he says with a smile that
tries so much to cover his worries.

He is afraid to leave her on her own. He doesn't trust anyone in

taking care of her. Not that shandu can't take care of her. She
can and very much capable. But she aren't shandu's
responsibilities but his.

"I can't..." he cuts her short.

"Can't what. I am only going to the office to sign some

documents and take some of work to do here then I am taking
you to ice cream date. My love. And I am not taking no for
answer" he tells playing with her chin then her noise.

"Okay" she knows, he have made up his mind and no way on

changing him.
"Let me call shandu to come and help you" he excitedly says
then leaves her. She smiles to herself then wait for shandu to
come help her.

In an hour they are leaving. She keep km stealing glances at

Rendani and he acts like he doesn't sit it.

"We are here" he tells. He parks his car and help her to the
wheelchair. Then starts pushing her telling her sweet nothing
and her laughing so hard.

"Rendani" she calls his name in between her laughs and he

smiles at how sweetly his name sound coming out of her happy

"Muthu wanga" he calls her.

"Why do you love me this much" she asks. And he stops
pushing her then squart right infront of her.

"How much" his voice sends tingles right between her legs and
makes her nervous. He is also nervous as well as butterflies
finds home in his stomach. He licks his purplish lips and she
also like hers. And he smiles. Holding back the urge to kiss her
right now.

"This much" she says showing her with her hands and he

"That's too small my love. I love you so much that your hands
measurement are nothing compared to what I feel. I love you so
much and nothing and Noone can understand beside me and
you my love. And one day my dear baby. You will be my wife. I
will wife you and make an honest woman out of you. You will
nurture our seeds one day. And from the first day I saw you I
promise myself. To bring heaven right at your doorstep. Make
you the happiest woman my love. And I tell you, you aren't seen
anything my baby I am going to rock your world just allow me
to" he tells her as he cups her face into his hands and stare to
deep her eyes.

A minute pass, with eyes only pouring out what thy visions for
each other. Hearts making promises that mouth failed to put
them in words. Each heart beat comes with confession that only
hearts understand. His eyes shows her paradise and gives her
hope. It's like they whispers to her ears to trust and believe that
he will never hurt her purposefully and if he did, he will punish
himself dearly for that.

"I love you to Rendani. I..." he didn't give her chance to say
anything further as he attacks her with a kiss.

His lips lock onto hers and their tounge fights for dominant.
With every soul being tied with each other. Feeling being
poured out not in words but actions. They have long forgotten
that they are right infront his work place building. When the
voice, interrupt their session. But if it did go further, they could
have been charged with social indecency.

"Fuck Rendani. Stop chocking the baby. Hayi mani Rendani.

Shoving your tounge down her troat yoh." Mbengi says hitting
Rendani's head a bit hard.
**CHAPTER 26**


They say, when life gives you lemons make lemonade. But they
didn't give us manuals on how to coordinate these life codes.
Not even an idea on how to wake yourself from yourself. That
everytime when they say "don't sleep on you're self" you will
understand how to avoid sleepingon yourself.

There is no other life, she knows of. She runs not chased and
never look back. She have been doing like that ever since.
Boosting about her protection from underground gang doesn't
help as they never give her stability. She has her whole life
carefully planned by them and until she acknowledges them,
appease them she will run all around the world, like a prodigal
daughter that she is.
Her bags are packed, she is ready to move and start
somewhere. She have thought about it very carefully and she
won't stop herself.

Her eyes roam around her small one room that has Happy sad
moments. Her good times with Muvhuso, with Elias and good
times she have given herself.

The bad times she had, countless fights with Elias. Recent bad
encounters with muvhuso. This match box, has had enough
episodes that doesn't fit to fill it. It carries more than the
outsider can ever think of. Four walls and a roof closed in pains
and happiness all at once and she have called it home for years.

Tears filled her eyes, and she smiles fighting them back.
"Dont cry now baby girl" she says to herself. Fanning her face
with her hand.
It aren't easy leaving your whole life behind. No matter how
much you act unaffected, but it does hurts.
A knock, disturbs her from her moment. She wipes her tears.
Inhale then exhale squeezing her hands for support.

She stands up, walk to the door. Do breathe ins before opening
the door. The person knocks again before she could open. She
opens the door and there stand Elias.

His afro head looking like you could find locaste, bees and
spiders on his head. His bushy face hiding his personable face.
His reddish lips appearing out of the forest on his face. He looks
a bit skinny than his normal size.

Her eyes wells with tears, but she smiles hiding them.

" can come in" she opens the door wide, step aside
granting him an access to the house.
He steps in, and silence fills the room. For about a minute or so.
The awkwardness and the tension, you can just cut it with a
Elias clears his troat with his eyes set on her luggage. Playing
with his hands. He is nervous. This day might not be ideal. But
it takes him back to the day he set his eyes on her. She was from
work. In her blue tracksuits and kicks. It was late already and
she looks stranded at the road waiting for a taxi that could take
her home. She stole his heart even though it was dark, but her
calm voice. And her calmness as a person drawn him near to
her. The day he confessed him feeling he nearly wet his pants
but he was very happy with the outcome.

"You can sit" she shows him the bed and he gladly took the sit.
He doesn't want to say anything as he is the one called here.

"Mmmmh...Elias, I will be going away" she says after some

moment of staring at each other.
"Will you come back, for me. For us." He asks with his strachy
voice. He wants to cry too but man don't cry.

Maria shakes her head, with tears rolling down. This is proving
to be harder than she thought. She should have just packed her
things and go away without telling anyone.

Elias stand up from where he is sitting and take three calculated

steps towards Maria. Then squart right infront of her. He places
his shaky hand on her arms, runs it slowly to her plum then
stop. Their eyes lock and a minute pass. They both lick their
lips. Their beat in sync and both hands sweaty and shaking. The
chemistry it still there even though pride makes loud noise than
the love they silently declares for each other.

Maria kisses Elias and at first he doesn't respond until she suck
his bottom lip. The kiss becomes aggressive, with teeth clashing
and tounge bites, fighting for dominant. Tasting each other

They break the kiss, and their breathing has hyped. Still
breathing in sync. He opens his lips but nothing comes up, then
gulp at the ball of nervousness forming deep on his
throat. Then heave a sigh, and try again.

"One more moment before you go, my love. Give it to me" Elias
whispers as he let his tears flows as well.

She nods, holding his face. Then continue kissing each other.
Clothes flies across the room and he hold her to the bed
throws her on the bed then start eating her down to her
Tears wetting their face, with emotions feeling the empty space
in the room. They both needed this more than anything else, he
opens her legs wide open, then chuckle staring at her nana
before endeavor her.
After their sweet love making session, they fall asleep. Elias
hold Maria for a dear life. She untangle herself from his grip.
Wear her clothes with tears on her eyes. She places the elope
that has Muvhuso's name written on the outside on top on the
table where she knows Elias will see it. She doesn't have it in
her to say good bye now. Maybe life will bring them back
together again. After wearing her clothes, she stands on the
middle of her room and sigh, this is the life she have created for
herself and still running away from it. Her eyes lands at Elias,
she feels the urge to kiss his face all over before she goes but
she knows he will wake up, makes it more harder for her to go.
It's best this way.
She grabs her hand bag and her wheels her luggage out. She
walks to the main road to catch a taxi with her head bowed
down and she never look back.

The table is set, and all Murangi's fovourite filled the table. She
is the like the guest of honor, lady of the moment. Queen of
Caribbeans. Her smile has stretched from ear to ear and she
have been showered with praises the whole evening. Busy
stuffing her face with all her goodies. Being asked if she is happy
. It's the first time her mother ever did something like this for
her, maybe for Musiwalo. She even told her that she feels bad
for the way she have been treating her and wants to make up
for all the time she have treated her bad.

"I love you Murangi, and I am proud of the woman you are
today" Mavis says sipping her wine, with a smile of her face.
What she is doing hurts her more but if making Murangi happy
for her to get what she wants then she is more than willing.

"Oooh, mom. You know I have been dying to hear you say such
words to me" she replies as her eyes gets misty.

It's true she have been dying to hear her mother saying she
loves her and proud of her. Even though she did treated her
better then muvhuso but she always knew her mother loves
musiwalo more than anything in this world. At first she thought
it was because Musiwalo's father used to support her financially
when they were young while her father on thr other side
decided to play dead. Actually he is a dead beat , she knows
him and he denied her so...hearing her mother saying that
smoothes her heart and makes her soul feels at home.

"So, any mukwasha(son in -law). For my princess" she asks, with

a grin plasterd on her face.

Murangi smiles shly, and palms her face hiding her blushing self
from her mother. Musiwalo is quietly eating her food grinning
her and there. She is used to being the center of attention and
today, her little sister is getting it all.

"You know, we have to have this kind of talks get. That no

cookie until the 90 days rule have passed" Mavis says wiggling
her eyebrows and laughter erupt from all of them. Murangi
continues to blush and musiwalo laughs but not that laughs
that says she is happy but she is trying to be happy.

"Aah, mom. What if he runs away. Boys this days don't play like
that. They are in it for cookies and love will find them there"
musiwalo says. And Mavis shakes her head.

"That is why I didn't ask for a boyfriend but a mukwasha(son in-

law). Boys will always be Boys but man can even wait until the
night of the marriage" she says. And musiwalo laughs.

"Like you wanted until marriage ma" musiwalo mumbles but

they heard her.

"Musiwalo" murangi screams but not that loud. But a warning

kind of scream.
"Its okay, Murangi. I didn't want and I regret that but that
doesn't mean I should tell you to give this man a run around. Do
you want to be like me? With two kids and not married and no
sign of married. Don't be like me please" she says, then empty
her wine glass down her troat, then fills her glass again.

"Murangi you didn't answer me sis. Let's not talk about me

because we will end up saying things we aren't supposed to
say" Mavis says, side eyeing musiwalo.
Musiwalo shrug her shoulder then mumbles a sorry. And Mavis


"Do you have any man in your life my love?" She asks again and
this time around all eyes lands on her. And she nods. With her
face turning red.
**CHAPTER 27**


Her eyes have been on her daughter, staring at her reddish

voice. She feels jealous, but she have to remind herself why she
is doing this. Wine had been helping her so much, to be able to
pretend and smile. Busy grinning like a chimpanzee. While it
doesn't come from deep within nor good place.

"Look at you mani, no lu tupula sis()" she laughs and then filled
her mouths with wine.

"Mma, you will know when he wants to ask for my hand in

marriage. Until then haah, man you can't be introduced to
boyfriends" murangi says blushing none stop.
"Ooh ooh, boyfriends my sister" musiwalo chipped in with a
squeaky sassy high tone and the all laughs.

"Okay...okay, I dont know if I can call him my boyfriend because

he has been acting up lately" murangi utters raising her hands
up leaning back to the chair.

"Ohohoh, your ass girl baby" musiwalo says. Only two glass of
wine and she is already acting up. It's on his head and flowing
from her veins.

"Haah, he is handsome. And calls not only to stare at him but

heart to melt on his sight before he even utters anything out of
his honey flowing lips" murangi defends her case.

"Uuuuh yummy. Honey tounge. What the name of my future

son in-law" she asks. And watches her as her eyes twinkle, and
a smile formed on her face. Her face dripping with tomatoes
sauce, it's supper red. One of the things of being very light
skinned. Nothing hides under that skin tone.

Murangi unhook her hand bag form the back of the chair. Unzip
it. And search of her phone. Bitting her lower lip. Trying to
supress a smile on her face and blushing. She unlocks her
phone and head to gallery and clicks on the picture of Rendani
she have found in on social media.
Its a picture of him in shorts, shirtless. His locks dangling on the
side and he is dripping wet. And the sack down on his shorts Un
missable. He looks all sorts of sexy, hot sauce,
attractive,handsome. Those abs out to play with a glass of
whiskey on his hand. Minding his own business. It looks like an
unexpected snap but heyi, when they say light skinned dude are
fire, they were talking about him. Just that they didn't want to
hear specific.

"You lie" musiwalo says with eyes popped out.

"I thought he is Muvhuso's boyfriend" Mavis asks with heart
busy doing voshos. This one will be easy. No forcing anything
down her neck just encouraging her to claim what she thinks it's

"You and me both mom" musiwalo says with an amused face.

"Mmmh, he isn't mine yet. But we all know that guys like him.
Like variety not just one meal only" murangi says then shrug.

"Ooh, baby. You choose well. Don't let him slip through your
fingers. Fight tooth and nail for what belongs to you baby." She
tells her and murangi nods.

"I can already imagine, how my beautiful grand kids will look
like. Heyi, girl you hit a jackpot" Mavis says with tears clouding
her eyes.
"He loves me too mama. I know that. He just needs
encouragement that all" murangi says holding her mother's

The room gets filled with a comfortable silence. All of them

busy, thinking about their business but Mavis and musiwalo
keeps talking with their eyes.

"Uuum and you sis, any special man in your life." Murangi asks
cutting her meat before throwing it in her mouth.

"Hey m'jolo nah. Am off m'jolo market. Still healing my heart

before the next heart break. " musiwalo replies then chuckles,
shaking her head.
"And you ma, you're not that old and you deserve to be happy
with someone" she asks Mavis and she smiles.

"I just want you happy my babies. That were I get my happiness
from" she says grinning like she have been since they sit here.

The conversation keeps flowing effortlessly. Leaving Mavis a

happy woman with the out comes of their dinner. She really
didn't thought it will be this easy and was ready to go all out.
But heyi, her lucky starts where shinning on her tonight. And
she hopes they never leave her.


Have you ever loved someone to the point where it hurt. It's
hurts just thinking about the future without them. It hurt
spending the day without hearing their voice
and seeing their face. It's was his first shot in love, with an
experienced woman. He knew it won't be all roses and
sunshine. It will rain also, they will be storms and lightnings as
well but the heart wanted what it wants. His friends did warn
her about getting into relationship with Maria but he wanted
her and no one.
He can't really say he regret, the experience as much as they
fought a lot. They also had lots of happy moments and
memories. She loved and respected him as her man. She listen
to his worst fears, and encourages him to do better. Yes, he
drives his own taxi, after he has finished with his business
administration course at the collage that is found around here.
He couldn't find a job, that when he decided to take his
inheritance he got from him grandparents and buy a taxi, gets
his papers in order to drive taxi. But he also registered with
UNISA, furthering his diploma. That all Maria's doing. She
wasn't just a girlfriend type but a woman type. A wife material,
who thinks for the future not today. And since then he fell
harder for her. Through her cheating scandals with Rendani,
even though Rendanu just want a hit and run.
He did take her back after she apologized, even though she kept
going back he forgave her each time hoping she will change. Let
go of Rendani and focus on him, on them. But when Rendani
started to court muvhuso and that made Maria mad, he knew
there was no turning back in this.

It's been an hour since he waked up,to an empty room. He felt

her untangling herself. But he chooses to close his eyes and act
like he was asleep. Nothing hurt like a good bye, but nothing
hurt more like a goodbye to someone who means the world to
you. But you know you have to let go. He is no longer crying,
but he is defeated. It's like he is carrying the whole world's
problems on his shoulders.
With no solutions like, how our government has been failing to
combat unemployment, poverty let alone keeping their
promises to people.

This has been like his second home. He sigh then get off the
bed. Pick his clothes off the floor. Wear then, then notice a
brown envelope with Muvhuso's name written then he exhale
He has to try to continue in building his relationship with
muvhuso. She is like a baby sister to him and he have grown
fond of her. It will be hard with Rendani watching him like a
hawl but it's better. He can't lose the love of his life and a sister
as well.

He grabs the evelop and walks to the door, open the door then
turn to look inside the house. His eyes roams around. He have
told himself he isn't going to cry but feels his eyes getting misty.
Closing this chapter is harder than what he thought.

"Good bye, love " he says to the empty room. Close it then lock
it and walks home with his head held high. Pain more visible,
people stares at him on the streets while other talks about him
sitting under their mangoes trees. Most of people have seen,
Maria walking to the main road to catch a taxi.
One and one were plused and they make conclusion. There is
no privacy in the villages. They know everything without you
confirming it. And they will inform who ever who doesn't know
your business.
**CHAPTER 28**


Muvhuso is no longer using a wheelchair but a crunch, only one

crunch. Her relationship with Rendani is going just alright. The
day they made it official, rendani refused her to sleep in a
different room as his, even though they haven't sealed it with
sex but they are content and very much happy.
They are having a braai, rendani and his brothers are out side.
Khumbelo haven't arrived because she is from her parents
Shandu has been steeling glances at her while she is busy
minding the pot. She chuckles shaking her head, and keep quiet
as well.

"Have you ever been in a relationship before muvhuso" shandu

asks stirring her pots.
"Nope, he is my first and i hope my last" she replies with a smile
on her face. She truly doesn't want to see her self riding back
and forth. Up and down the dating street. Only one guy who
ticks all the hopes, expectations the dos and the don'ts then she
is alright. And Rendanj is that guy.

"Thats my girl" Shandy says proud

"But you do know relationships needs to be worked on" she
tells her.

Muvhuso nods her head, as she mix the green salad sitting
on the high chair in the kitchen.

"Like yours and brother's mbengi" she says, her voice laced with
admiration and with a smile on her face.
"Brother who, yoh I am not a pastor please. Yoh" mbengi says
getting inside the kitchen.

Walk to straight to his woman, cage her inside her arms and kiss
her neck. She became a blushing mess.

Muvhuos looks at them with admiration. This is the kind of love

that never perish. It grows deeper and deeper at each passing
moment. They love each other, their eyes, the atmosphere their
actions always in sync with the love buried deep inside. And
overflows for world to witness.

"But there is nothing wrong with that brother mbengi" shandu

says laughing, and emphasize on brother mbengi.

"Hai, mani love. Brother mbengi for what. That the reason why I
hate suits and ties and those pointy noise shoes. Mxm, even
Jesus will have to forgive me yoh. Me being jehova witness,
hayi, no."-Mbengi.

"I can already imagine you walking around, door to door

teaching the good news. Holding the Bible" - Muvhuso

"Weeh, baby girl forget. No" mbengi replies sounding like a girl
and they laugher erupt.

"Aah man that girlish man. No yoh disturbing" Rendani says

walking in, wearing flip flops, and some tight shorts. No t-shirt.

"Says a man who hit them both an ass and a pu$$y. Eating some
me and being eaten all the same to you." Mbengi says out loud
"Babe" shandu warns him, slapping his arms.

The atmosphere has drastically changed. Rendani is looking at

his brother with saddened eyes, shandu is wanting for Muvhuso
to react.
Mbengi immediately, picks up the mood change and clears his
troat feeling like a shit.

"Sorry" mbengi says, looking at his brother.

The room becomes quiet, too quiet. You can even hear the pin
drop and the atmosphere became thick. Khumbudzo walks in
he frowns with his eyes moving from rendani who is looking at
mbengi with murderous eyes
shandu is afraid and muvhuso she looks normal- not happy or
angry. But he really doesn't know how she looks when angry.
"Who died?" Khumbudzo asks.

" I need to use a bathroom" muvhuso says, taking her crunch

and limp her way out. Then Rendani following her.

"And now" he ask,looking the couple left behind and he doesn't

get the answer.

"Ooh...kay" he awkwardly says turning back.


After getting out of a serious relationship, don't immediately

jump into the next moving ship. Heal your heart, find yourself
and be smarter when get into the next one. When you are
ready to get your heart broken again. That what his friends have
been telling him, busy drowning in alcohol. The black label
bottles are everywhere in the house.
He haven't bathed, and it's been three days since Maria left.

All he want, is making himself forget about everything. He has

heard about heart breaks but he didn't think they hurt that
much. He wants to cry, but crying haven't healed his heart. He
wants to act strong but how when his soul is wounded. Only
alcohol soothes his heart until next morning then he wakes up
feeling like a shit, back to the drawing board and alcohol seems
like the only answer again and again.
He have been working, and he doesn't see anything wrong with

"We have run out of alcohol" one of his friend says handing him
the last bottle of beer.
"How about we go out tonight. Find some good pu$$y. It will
help you move on. You need to release man" the other one
says, gulping down his drink as well.

"I want Maria, not others. Only hers or nothing" Elias says
opening the bottle with his teeth.

"But she isn't coming back boy, you have to let her go. She isn't
worth it" the 1st friend says.
Elias shakes his head and laugh.
They don't understand, they are not getting him. No one makes
him happy other than Maria.
Maria is his future, his reason to dream but ...but it all blow
away with the air.

"Okay, okay fine we will go" he says. It's only 10 o'clock and he
is drunk, like tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
"Yeah, yeeh" his friend cheered. It's been long since they turn
They increase the volume, and start. Takes out the packet of
cigarettes. Take one, and starts smoking.

The vibe has just picked up, mapiano on the blust. He can't wait
for tonight. Maybe he can just try it, one girl for only this night
ut won't hurt right. So yeah, he is doing it. The room is filled
with smoke. His friends are on hubbly but he feels that it makes
him gets drunk fast and tired so smoking cigarettes for now will
do if he wants to go with them tonight. Loosen up, you only live
once. And tomorrow isn't guaranteed for anyone.

The music stop playing and their eyes moves from what they
were doing. And they pull out of their pool of fun. Their eyes
lands on Elias's mother with a belt on her hand. She looks mad.
Really mad, and she can squash a person with a little hands.
"Elias" her soprano voice say, with shock on her face. Fuming
with anger.

"Mma" Elias says dropping the cigarette that is on his hand. The
alcohol quicky goes out of his system fear fills his body and
visible on his eyes. This is not a good way for your mother to
find out that he smoke.
**CHAPTER 29**


Fear replaces the rush of blood veins in his body. Intestines

moves up his troat. And smell of blood filled his nostrils.
He knows how savege his mother is, one clap can lead you
straight to ICU and now he had dared the she devil herself.
Not that she is a bad person, but she can switch up easily on
you if you cross the line.
Her line, she knows what she wants his son to grow up to be
like. And she have tried by all means to make sure she is what
she want. For the past 25 years, and she can't let him go astray
Not only once or twice but for the hundreds time she always
preach. "I hate that you drink alcohol. I didn't raise an
alcoholic. A drunkard. I didn't give you tavern citizenship, but
you gave yourself. I don't like it but it's okay. Promise me Elias
promise you will never ever smoke. Even when the devil tries its
out most best. You will never smoke. I don't want to lose you to
cancer" she will always tell him and he agrees to keep the
Now he has just let the cigarette fall from his finger. With a
whole box of it infront of him.
Her hand shake, from the anger brewing deep from within. But
betrayal takes the cup. Elias betrayed her, he promised and now
he broke the promise. How is she going to trust him ever

"Mama..." shame covers his body, and his eyes drill holes to the
tiles. His feet can't move. His friends have long runned into
different rooms because of fear. They know she aren't to be
messed with and play hid and seek with each other, an angry
black woman, with a belt on her hand is more dangerous. She
can beat the shit out of you all shade of Grey. Next Sunday you
will be singing here I came to you lord with my sins because you
have vowed to your self never again, will I mess with black

She strolls closer to him and her eyes never dare to move from
him. All she want to know is why? Why is he smoking while he
have promised her he will never smoke. Why he hasn't been
home for days? Why? That all, but her mouths have lost
connectivity of the tounge, brains and the voice. Making her
hand and the belt the only logic language.
Her eyes are blood shot red, she is crying inside. A mother
doesn't have to shed her tears for her child as it will bring
curses and bad lucks on the child. That's what she believes in
and now no matter how she feels she have to let them flow
from her eyes to her heart. Maybe it will cool her heart down.
As long as she doesn't let then roll down her beautiful cheeks
because if they do. She might say what she doesn't mean and
you know the power the tongue have, is enormous.

His head is hanging down in shame, until he feels the belt

leaving a burning mark on his back. The 2nd lash land on his
arms and she keeps them coming. The room is filled with his
groans, her groans and heavy breathing and the sound of belt
kissing his back and his arms.

His tears drops, yearning for the physical pain to be much more
painful that what he us feeling deep down. His soul can't tell
what his physical body is feeling, so it doesn't stop bleeding and
breaking. It breaks more further. He takes it like a man he is
until a husky voice says in a softend toned voice.

"Let him go mama" his father's voice says,filled with so much


His father takes his still fighting mother to his embrace, until she
stopped fighting and just break down in his arms.

"Ssshhh, mama." He comforts her

kissing her forehead until she stopped crying. Only hiccups are

"Are you calm now?" He asks, and she nods.

"Go to the car, we will solve this at home" he tells her and she
goes with no other word said.

Elias father walks to his son, crunch to his size and takes him
into his embrace as well. Elias cries silently, only his arms were

"Let it all out son" he says softly rubbing his blooded tshirt on
the back.

"I am sorry baba, it's just too much. I can't deal with it. It hurt...I
am suffocating baba. I am sorry. I just wanted to numb the pain
daddy. It hearts in here" Elias says pointing to his chest.

His father doesn't say anything but just let him be. Let him cry it
all out. They will talk when they get home. After he has had his
moment he lead him to his car outside the yard. People are
already starring at them in question manner. Trust me, there is
nothing that is called privacy while you leave in the villages.
They make it their point they know everything and anything on
time. The world has the best journalist, but gossip world have
the best best best journalist that knows everything just in time.
Whether it occurred in the bedroom, bathroom,kitchen they
know and when ut happens out in open that is the bonus.

The ride to their house seems long as the atmosphere is very

much thick and tense. Elias is starring down while his mother
keeps looking at him and clicks her tounge. They get home and
all get out, March to the living room.

They all sit down and keep quiet and start the staring

"Elias are you not going to say anything?" His father questioned
him and he sigh.
Do he tell them what he is going through, for sure they know
but just waiting for him to spell it out loud in capital letters to
them. Or he just asks for forgiveness and take his punishment
anyhow it will be served.


His heart is beating right on his plam. He can feel it racing and
any moment from now it might stop beating.
He was never a person who is ashamed and afraid of his life
style. But now, now he prays it leaves peoples lips, if they can't
then they should try to hold it back in Muvhuso's presence.
The sweat particles gathered on his fore head and he have tide
his dreadlocks, as he feels like they are on his way.
He keeps stomping his foot on the tiles because of
nervousness. They have never talked about his past life.
Even when Maria used to call him in all names that possibly
mean a man whore she never asked anything. Maybe it's high
time he tell her everything. But this isn't the way he thought he
will be dropping bombs at her. He needed them to build a
stronger relationship first that he knows she will be angry but
she won't leave him. Now he isn't sure about that.
Muvhuso has been in the bathroom for more than 15 minutes.
And right now he feels like an air is being sucked out of his
After few minutes muvhuso limp her way to the bedroom, she
frowns when she sees him.

"What are you doing here? Are you okay?" Muvhuso asks
concerned, limping to him.

"Are you not angry, sad" he says in a low toned voice looking at
"We all have a past" she says shrugging her shoulders.

"Which I didn't tell you about" he adds to her statement.

"Yeah, and that you sleep with men" her utters with a little bit
pained voice.

"Dont be like that bbe please. That is in the past and I have
changed for better my love " he says taking her hands his and
pulls her closer to him. Hold her by her waist and make her sit
on his lap.

"I dont want to fight both woman and men Rendani, I really
don't " she says looking at his face and he heave a sigh.

"I love you Muvhuso. And I promise you no guy no girl will give
you hassle because of me. I kill castrate them if the shove come
pushing" he says with an assuring voice.

"Are you a bi-sexual?" She asks and he laughs so hard.

"Mmmh, few months back I would have said maybe but now I
am saying nope. I just hating beating the meat" he says and she
shyly smiles hiding her face in his chest.

They sit like that for few moments with rendani planting wet
kisses on her neck and her head.
"Are you planning on growing your hair this time my love" he
asks, because her hair have grown so much. Even though it
unkept but it looks good on her.
"No thank you. I will have to visit the hair salon real soon. I love
my chiskop very much" she says and rendani laughs.
"You love looking like a man" he utters and she pout her lips
and sulking. He laughs and plant a peck on her pouted lips
"My handsome man" he keeps tizzing her.
"Let's go others are waiting for us" she stands up and limp her
way out while Rendani follows behind her making fun of her
and they keep laughing.

It's has been a month since the dinner and now she is staring to
be anxious. She haven't received anything about Rendani and
Murangi. It's like the dinner was a waste of time but she have to
ask her again just to be sure of what cards is she holding.

Makhulu has been a thron in a butt for two weeks now. Sue
tries by all means to ignore her calls but her messages come
flooding her phone and at times screams in frustration. She is
running out of time. Plans had changed. It's no longer just a way
of getting Muvhuso back home but to make sure they have
Rendani right on the tip of their fingers.
He can be their cash cow. And that will make Makhulu to back
off a little.

She smiles at the thought, who wants to stay poor forever. A

rich son in-law is every mother in-law's wishes.
She then kick off her blanket and walk out of her room to the
She finds Murangi making a cup of tea for herself.

"Good morning mama" murangi says with a loud and cheerful


"Whats so good this morning murangi" she frowns her

eyebrows when asking this with her hands resting on the chair.
Looking at her happy daughter.

"Duh, it's a brand new day mother" she replies. With a smirk on
her face. Her eyes flickers with so much happiness and her face
and mood can't hide that.

"With yesterday's turmoil" Mavis replies. Murangi chuckles and

shake her head.
"Breakfast will be ready it few minutes, do you want a cup of
tea while waiting?" She asks changing a topic. Tell me who
count her chicks before the eggs hatch.

"I hate soft porridge yoh, no beackon and eggs and other those
English breakfast have" she asks pulling a chair to sit.

"Cash is running low" murangi says and shrug her shoulders.

"The reason why you should get your man to start taking care of
you" she stare at her hoping to see her reaction. But she

"Am still laying my cards mama, and I scored some lunch date
so. Patience my love" she replies to her mother. And Mavis's
heart do the unending voshos. When she was already thinking
of doing the unthinkable and now the grace is coming through
for them.

and Muvhuso?"-Mavis.

"That one can't keep even one woman ma. Woman can't satisfy
him and man can't also. So what is it that will make Muvhuso
tame the beast in him" she says handing her mother the cup of

"That's my princess. You have to make sure you keep him. Do

whatever it takes and the baby , baby girl can only tie him down
to you" Mavis says then sip her tea looking at her. She have
plant an idea in her mind and she prays it becomes fruitful.

He has been under tight supervision. Her mother is always on

his business. Invading his right of privacy.
It's like she doesn't even understand why she choose to build a
one room house at the back but no black parent who
understand. The rule "knock and wait for answer" at least other
knock and invites themselves in his space but his mother just
turns the lock and gets in.
Go through his clothes, saying she wants to do his laundry.
Monitor his food intake and water intake. How many times he
has bathed a day. And force him to get out his room just to bask
in the sun. Get some fresh air. Open the windows in his room
and for ever watching him like a hawk.

He has told them about everything that happend between him

and Maria and he mother was fuming. But happy at the same
time that her son is free from the claws of that cheater, a lier
and manipulator.
His afro has grown alot and his beards makes his look like a
hobo. But atleast he bath ans smell good as well.

He looks himself in the mirror for few minutes and he realised

how much weight he has lost. He looks like a shadow of
himself. This isn't him.
He so much wants to tell himself that he would never ever give
Maria so much power in his life even when she have chosen to
leave him but he knows how much he will be laying to himself.
Maybe sitting with someone who knows Maria best would help
him find himself again. He turns to the bed and throw himself
to sit on the bed, then take out the brown envelope that
belongs to Muvhuso. He looks at it with so much curiosity of
what inside but he knows, this isn't his message.
He then heave a sign throw the envelope on the bed then rubs
his face.
Maybe talking and spending time with muvhuso will help him or
He reach for his phone on the bed and send muvhuso asking
her for lunch together today.
He then stand up takes his cap and the brown envelope. Takes
his taxi keys and walk out.
It's 5 0clock in the morning so his mother is already up by this
time. He goes to the main house just yo greet her then head

He isn't ready for his first day back at the road. But it will help
him take things off his mind.
**CHAPTER 31**


"You look beautiful girl. Sexy. Yes girl" she says to herself, staring
at her own reflection on the mirror after wearing her make up.

She really knows her stuff when it comes to make ups and how
to make herself more beautiful. You know, enhancing what God
has given you.
A smile forms on her face looking at her curves and her
round ass shaping her body perfectly well.
The black bareback dress and some gold stilettos.

"Mmh girl, your hot" Musiwalo says walking inside her room.
Murangi and Musiwalo are not best of friends. Jealous of each
other but most of it it's fighting for their mother's love and
attention tear them apart.

"What do you want?" Murangi asks with a frown plastered on

her beautiful face.

"Ohh girl, do my compliment taste that bitter" musiwalo huff

then throw herself on the bed. Looking at her bored sister
because of her presence. She was getting under her skin and
that is always a plan.

"You can save it for someone who cares. So let's cut this crap.
What's up?" She turns to look at her.

Musiwalo gives her that devilish smile. Bating her

eyebrows. And her eyes twinkles in happiness emancied on
"RENDANI" musiwalo says, still smiling while paging through her

"What about him?" Murangi asks with with voice filled of stinky

"Look" she gives her the phone with a picture of Muvhuso

sleeping. You can even see that she is sleeping peacefully.

"So?" She widens her eyes saying that, but then act unfazed.

"He posted her" she points out.

"It just shows. He doesn't love you. Only that between your leg
and he run back to his girl home" Musiwalo utters with a smirk.

"All relationships starts differently. But what I know darling.

RENDANI IS MINE...MINE, OKAY" she screams the last part.

"Ooh, she is Muvhuso's man. Not yours my dear" musiwalo

chirps back.

"We will see about that. Is it because mom is now supporting

me. That is why you're acting bitchy" murangi utters.

"What ever that makes you sleeps at night my love. I am just

reminding you. That, the man you call a man whore and you're
ready to tame, is already tamed by an enemy" she says then
stand up, does her victory walk to the door then stops and turn
to look at the girl who looks just like her. They really look alike
even though they don't share a father but they all look like their

"Bye, Mrs Munyai to be" she laughs before slamming the door.

Myrangi left looking at herself. She have to remind herself why

she is doing this as well. It's not only to please her mother by
hurting Muvhuso but it's because of all the days she has spent
with him when Muvhuso was in the hospital. The days she just
sit and listen to him even though he never really opened up but
the little he shared made her fall inlove with him more.
She has never seen a man who encourages you to be the best
person not for anyone but for yourself. That man deserves to be
a motivational speaker. His smart mouth can make him millions
but he gives sessions for free.

She finished looking at herself ,finding no fault on her

appearance then takes the hand bag. Look at herself again then
walk out.
The sun is scorching hot. And she feels like her cheap make up
will melt right on her face. One of disadvantages of not
checking the weather. She sighs taking out the umbrella out of
her handbag and swing her hips side to side heading to the
main road to catch the taxi. It's time like this she wishes she
owns a car. Even though it's a fifth hand Toyota corolla, or that
one people call My father was rich. As long as it will take her
from point A to point B.

She finally gets to the main road, wait for few minutes. Taxis
starts to appear then she flag down the first taxi. Hops in the sit
next to the driver. And starts taking pictures of herself.

In 35 minutes then she reaches her destination. Get off the taxi
and walks to wards the mall. They are meeting at spur. She look
at the time on her phone and she curses. She is 10 minutes
"Fuck" she mutters to herself.

She reach spur and her eyes roams around the place until her
eyes lands on him.

He has his dreadlocks in a bun. A gray tight fit t-shirt. Giving out
every piece of his fine arty body in display. You can see each
and every muscle printed on the shirt, making lusty eyes take
off his clothes everytime they set on him.

He is focusing on his phone, face cracks in a smile. Reveling his

perfect bunch of teeth. But his eyes rever leaves the
screen. He can feel eyes burning his skin, but he has told
himself not to entertain thirsty whores.

Murangi takes a deep breath, look at herself using her phone

onelast time before she cat walks towards Rendani.
Head turns
as the click of her heel hit the tile and makes loud noise that is
unavoidable. She loves attention and she is really loving it.
Her eyes travels to all thirsty boys in the restaurant and she
smiles with her head held high. She got no power or an
aura that command respect but her light flawless skin and how
she dress herself makes sluts jealous. Woman to cling on their
man, forgetting that if he wants her he will always make a plan
even though she tries to tie him down.

Rendani , stops tapping his phone and looks up. Smiles when he
sees her standing right next to her. And like what he always to
do all his female friends. He stands up gives her a side hug, then
opens the chair for her.

"Thank you for meeting up with me" Murangi says looking at

the Greek God sitting across her. Her heart throb for his touch
on her bare skin. Making the swarm of butterflies like it did
seconds ago when his cold fingers lands on her bareback. The
tingling feeling she felt down there and the warms she is still
feeling. She have always heard that saying that says a hen
doesn't announces the day but but right now she is ready to
adjust in this century changes not stick to the 100 century says
that doesn't favour her at the moment.

"No problem my dear, so how can I be of assistance" he ask,

flashing a smile at her.

"Hawu, Rendi. Let the girl order first. Full her tummy you
know" she says pating his hand that is resting on tops of the

Rendani looks at the time on his wrist watch, then he flickers his
eyes to her.

"Okay, I can do that" he says.

Then they go through the menu. Murangi keeps stealing glances
at Rendani, after sometime Rendani signals for the waiter. The
waiter comes and they places their order.

"So..." she blows some air then smiles awkwardly.

"Murangi, please don't. Why am I here. Really" he can see what

this is but he wants her to say it first.

"Mmm, I don't know how to say it but I guess I shouldn't give it

much thoughts and just blunt it out" she says and Rendani

"Rendani, I know this isn't how this goes like but I...I...I love" she
mumbles and rendani eyes pop out in suprise. But why was he
suprised because all signs where there. Maybe he just didn't
think that she have it in her, to say it out loud like that.
"Mmh, but I don't see you in that way. And beside I am dating
your cousin" he replies to her.

"That doesn't matter, and I don't care. You can have her and can have both of us"_- Murangi.
"No, Murangi look..." he says clasping his hands into hers. And
holding them tight. He takes them and plant a soft peck on
them and that made Murangi to giggle.
She sees Muvhuso walking in with Elias and giggles more, taking
people's attention and when she is sure enough that Muvhuso
saw them she giggles more.
Rendani isn't aware of what is happening.
"Mmh cozy neh" Muvhuso says in a calmest voice. Rendani
freezes right there.
**CHAPTER 32**


"B...babe" he whispers. Turning to look at emotionless

Elias has rested his hand on Muvhuso's should just to hold her
"Babe, it's not what you think. It's not how it seems like it is. It's
just...yoh fuck" he mutters then rubs his face in frustration.
"Sure, you think I don't see it neh. You see your fool when you
look at me. I might be no one Rendani but I can assure you. I am
not anyone's fool. Maybe I was back then, but one of the thing
Maria is close to my heart she taught me alot. And not acting
dumb is one of them" she utters, with a voiced laced with
"But..." he tries to stand and hold her but she steps back.
People were starting to look at them, and others has already
hold their phones ready for action.
"Dont touch me with your filthy hands" she whispers shaking
her head.
Murangi, just sits and sips on her wine, what left is only the
popcorns to enjoy this free Netflix show just free of charge. She
is really enjoying this.
"Babe, please let's get out here and talk" he mutters but she
shakes her head.
"Let's go Elias" she says, holding out her hand for Elias.
Elias look at Rendani then back at Muvhuso, before placing his
hand onto hers. And she drags him out of the restaurant.
"Fuck...just great. You're an idiot" Rendani mutters to himself
hiting his head. He reaches for his phone on top of the table
before he turns to run towards the door. He has to do damage
control as in now.
"Rendani. The bill" Murangi screams a little for him to hear her.
With a sad face on her face.
"Ooh, shit" he says taking out his wallet take out few notes. His
eyes finds her face before he throws them on top of the table,
and feeling of guilt showers him. And he sigh.
"Am sorry" he tells her before running out.
He doesn't know where they went. Which direction to take or
what to do at all.
He takes out his phone and calls her but she doesn't answer. He
tries to call her standing at the mall entrance, until it just goes
straight to the voicemail. His heart beat out of its chest, hands
sweaty and eyes moisten. His eyes where bloodshot red, and
his side head vein poping. He looks like he is ready pounce on
his prey. And being light skinned made things worse, because
his face already looks like a tomato.
He his busy pacing up and down just to calm himself then he
calls Khumbu. He knows Khumbudzo is more understanding and
has always been by his side ever since. Even though he is going
to reprimand him uts better than the kicks and claps he might
get from Mbengi.
"Brother" he says almost sounding like he is running out of
"I messed up pretty bad" he utters, sounding like he is on the
verge to cry.
"What did you do" he hears some shuffling happening and he
knows. He is with his woman and just disturb them.
Maybe he should have called Mbengi, he thought to himself.
"Where are you?" He asks.
"At mom's place. Are you okay. What's wrong?" His big brother
instinct were coming out to play.
"Ummmh..." he says, not knowing what to say next. He has
never been at his real home for three years. If he isn't at
Khumbudzo's place he is at Mbengi's place. He hasn't seen his
mother for 3years now. His brothers tried to convince him to go
see her. And for them to just have a one on one conversation
but he has forgiven her. He still resent her for hiding his
paternity from him. She disgust him, he has learned to leave
without her. Even though sometimes he wishes to just snuggle
close to her and listen to her mocking him saying he will never
get married because girls are afraid of mama's boys. Those
were the good old days, when he was the only one closest to
his mother.

"Mom is not around, you can come" Khumbudzo assure him. He

knows he wasn't going to come is she was around.

"For how long?" He asks.

"Few days" khumbudzo replies.
"Okay, give me five " he drops the call. Runs to the parking spot.
He immediately hops in his car and drive to the place he vowed
to himself never again.
His decision might be childish to others but it's hurts him. How
the family members would disregard him because he isn't one
of them. The reason why he hold tight to the Munyai surname
is just to respect the man who raised him. He raised him well
he respect him even when he is no longer here.

He drives in, nothing has changed in those three years. His

home still looks like how it was three years back. The breeze still
feels the same. And that feels that warms your heart and
makes you smile just because you're home is still there. The
tear on his left eye rolls down and he immediately wipes it.
Khumbudzo walks out, because he has heard his car driving in
but he wasn't coming inside the house, so he gets tired of
waiting for him because of curiosity. The last time his brother
cry, he doesn't even know when or his voice sounds like he
wants to cry maybe when their father died, that was the last
time and it more than one decade ago.
Khumbudzo knocks on the car window and before getting inside
and Rendani laughs.
"Whats that" he asks raising his eyebrows. Who knows before
getting inside the car.
"I can see you're having some moment so I don't want to
impose" khumbudzo shrugs his shoulders and they both
chuckles while Rendani shakes his head.
"Whats eating you bro" khumbudzo asks turning to look at him.
"I Messed up. But that wasn't my intentions...its just that,
everything happens fast and she won't believe me. If it was
here whom I found in that position I wouldn't have believed her
either but I want her to believe me. Trust in me. I would never
hurt her intentionally..." he says, talking very fast. Khumbudzo is
just staring him, because he doesn't know what he is talking
"Ho...slow down man. Tell me what happens. Now you're only
talking in riddles. And you know how bad I am in those shit"
khumbudzo says holding his shoulder.
Then he sigh, close his eyes and tears escape his eyes. He wipes
them. Khumbudzo panics and takes out his phone and type
something then sends to Mbengi.
After sometimes of gathering some strength, he opens his eyes
and look outside then just stare straight infront of him.
"You know that girl, Muvhuso's cousin" he says breaking the
"Which girl. Do muvhuso have cousins" khumbudzo knows
them but he has forgotten about them as they are of no effect
in his life.
"She do have cousins, her aunt's children. They are almost the
same age as her. But the one I used to be in contact with when
she was in the hospital" he replies and khumbudzo seems to be
thinking until he talks.
"Ooh yeah, that flirty girl. Uuummmh Mu... Murangi is her
name kani"- Khumbudzo.
"Yeah...we have been in contact. And she ask me to meet with
her and agree after some begging" he tells him.
"Fuck, Rendani. Don't tell me you slept with that good for
nothing girl. While you promised us that you will never hurt
Muvhuso. Are you forgetting how those underground gang are
like. Yoh munna(man) it's going down I tell you. How can you be
this stupied" khumbudzo says feeling defeated. He knows when
ancestors are angry, they are angry. And they can do the
unthinkable. And his brother chooses to defy them. Muvhuso
doesn't know she is destioned to be with him but he knows. He
has to be the one fighting for this more than Muvhuso.
"I didn't sleep with anyone, just listen." He screams in
"That great, I wound have knocked out your teeth by now" he
tells him.
"Today, we met at spur, I didn't tell Muvhuso about it. I knew
Muvhuso will be meeting with Elias and I didn't think they will
meet at her former working place..." he heave a sigh then pulm
his face with his hands.
This was one of the reason why he despises love, it requires so
many things and when the significant other is hurt by your
actions it has you twice bad. That's why he always enjoyed
being a fuck boy. And leave the heart out of the messy things
like this.
"Murangi confesses her love for me, and when I was finding a
nice when you tell her to fuck off. I clasped my hand into hers.
Peck it and Muvhuso walks in." He tells him.
"And you're here, where is she?" Khumbudzo asks.
"I don't. I tried to call her but her phone leads me to voicemail.
She is with Elias. " he replies.
"And you're here. While you're woman is finding comfort in
another man's arms" he screams at him and Rendani
flinched to the idea of Muvhuso in Elias's arms.
"She would never" he mutters.
Then mbengi's car parked just behind his followed by their
mother's car.
" said few days" he tells Khumbudzo.
"I thought so also. Just face her and you know mbengi still
wants knock you out." He tells him
"Yeah great. And you say this ancestor loves me" he mutters.
**CHAPTER 33**


"Oooh...oh my baby, oh God" Mrs munyai murmured as she

strolls closer to Rendani.
Rendani steps back and she stops on her treks, tears wet her
cheeks. She couldn't hold them back.
She knows what she did back then was evil and selfish but
nothing shattered her more than rejection from her son...her
own son. Her blood.
She loved him, too much and there was nothing she couldn't do
for him, the past is the past and she can't change it but she is
trying daily to change for better.
Past three years haven't been easy.
Even though khumbudzo and mbengi were always there, but
mbengi was there because Shandu forced him to stop acting
like a cat and mouse with his mother. Khumbudzo is the only
person who have been there willingly. Not that she blames
them but her only wish is to have atleast one last supper with
her family. Asks for forgiveness until they are tired of hearing
it,but the one who is affected most by all this doesn't even want
to lay his eyes on her.
Mrs munyai looks aside in shame wiping her tears.
"Sorry" she mumbles, then runs to her room as tears continues
to blind her vision.
Rendani stare at her until she disappears then sigh brushing his
head feeling like a shit.
He even regretted coming her, he starts to think that maybe he
should have come here.
They have already forgotten about the friend his mother comes
home with.
"Ma, you can come inside" khumbu tells the woman whose
eyes have been starring at Rendani. Making him
uncomfortable. He knows he is handsome but he also knows
he doesn't attract wrinkle pu$$ys.
"Dont go, come in as well" she tells Rendani with her husky
deep toned voice. If you didn't see that she is a female by just
hearing her voice only you will starting drawing men images
that will perfectly resembles the man behind the voice. Only to
be met by a woman.
Whose skinned God didn't want to loose his black paint as he
bathed her with it. Her sick looks radiant and it glows. Her eyes
seems like they hide deep meaning that only makes you wonder
what is it behind them. She covers her head with a white cloth.
"Dont make elders angry boy" the woma tells him because she
can't here his foot steps behind her. She didn't turn when
addressing him.
He clench his jaws feeling frustrated and sigh.
The need to know what's hide behind her eyes pulls him to
follow her, even though he didn't want to get inside his
mother's house. But he is inside her yard, hypocrite much.
"When are you planning on taking her home" the woman's
questioned with her eyes on Rendani. He looks at her confused
but his heart tells him that she talking about Muvhuso.
"Yeah, her. What isn't that you want first to happen" her deep
husky voice utters getting agitated.
Rendani keeps quiet and stares at her as well. Even though he
can't keep the glared for mare one second but it's counts right.
"You like playing with fire like it very much. And now
it's not time for boy. It's time for men. Continue to walk with
closed eyes you will bury her" she says looking at him. She
haven't sit down. Her faced transformed to that of a pity. Then
she shakes her head, vibrating. She starts to nod, she mumbles
something site her eyes closed and look at her surrounding like
uts the first now she is realizing where she is.
Khumbudzo runs to the kitchen to get her a glass of water as he
sees her panting. Mbengi glares at her with fear.
The atmosphere have long changes in the house, it's like they is
a heavy spirit hovering around.
Mbengi shakes his head, then brushes it. He can feel things. He
hides it by just being a crazy person.
"We are in the presence of the the Great ones" he says, then
continues after taking a few minutes pause "father is here" he
says. Then raises hi head, his face is hard and and eyes
bloodshot eyes. He shakes his head as well.
The woman goes and sit down as well
khumbudzo comes back with a glass and give it to her, she
pours it all down her throat in one go.
The atmosphere is so thick, you can cut it with a knife. Mbengi
has closed his eyes with head resting on the sofa. He looks like
his is carrying the world in his shoulders.
"Where is my wife, she should be here" the woman's voices
utters, this time it sounds different. Both khumbu and Rendi
knows that voice, it's sounds to familiar and the way it says my
wife has them thinking of their dad, Mr Munyai.
The day Mr Munyai died the doctors said ge died calling for his
wife. He had been in a deep coma for three mouths after he
was involved in a car accident. Then out of the blue one night
he gain conscious but doesn't live till down. He passed away
waiting for his wife. And that still haunts Mrs Munyai to date.
"Dad" khumbudzo says with his eyes buldge out. He can't
believe it. It's the unknown woman whose speaking not his dad.
His father passed away while he was waiting for him to wake up
and come back to run his business. But he left his huge boots
for his size 6 feets to fill and they are very much heavy for him.
Considering his dreams, at some point in life he had to put
them on hold. Atleast now Rendi helps out more often but that
doesn't changes that he chose him as the bearer of hid duties.
"My wife, I want my wife" the woman's face frowns as she utter
and his noise flares in frustration. Then her pointing finger finds
it way to her noise and she starts to disarrange it like how their
dad used to do it when he is angry and frustrated as well.
Khumbudzo sprint to his mother' room. He even forgets some
of the manners his mother taught him. Which is to knock. But
this matter is the matter of life and death.
"Mma, you're friend is having episodes" that is the best way to
explain what has just happen in the living room.
His mother gently placed the picture of her husband on the bed
and tries as quick as she can to wipe her tears. She have
forgotten about her visitor. The situation between her and
Rendani drains her energy always.
"Mma..." he whispers feeling defeated and he hates seeing his
mother cry, so is his brother. He is really caught in between a
hard and and a rock place.
"She hates waiting" she mumbles then walks out leaving
Khumbu to follow behind her. He follows with his head bowed
down like a school kid heading for detection.
They get to the living room and the woman's face changes to a
sad smile. The woman have been quiet ever since she asked for
his or should it be said her wife.
Mrs Munyai smiles back with tears coulding her eyes again. She
is about to starts with her crying episode again. The woman's
smile is just a grin. Mbengi is still sitting in the same position.
"Can I have cup of whiskey in rocks khumbu" she asks as her
eyes leaves Mrs munyai to khumbudzo.
"This boys, think they have grown some wings. Now they make
my wife cry" the woman chuckles looking at three of them.
"He is here Ma" mbengi says with his eyes still closed. Mrs
munyai closed her eyes and screamed out loud. She gets what
he is saying, but why now? She have prayed and asked for so
many years since he died and nothing. No sign, even just a
dream about him. They were times she wished she could see
him, even is she was to see him with his back turned on her it
was something, but nothing. But today his spirit is her. Using his
friend frame to deliver the message.
Mrs Munyai goes and sit as the couch next to Rendani who is
looks like he really don't want to be here.
"Here" khumbu says handing her the cup and she gulps it all
down in one go. Khumbu sits between his mother and brother
of the three sitter couch.
Mbnegi opens his mouth like he wnat to say something but the
woman who is busy acting like their father shakes her head.
Giving him a stern look.
"It have to come to pass. He doesn't have to know yet. If he
changes it won't happen but if he doesn't ut have to come to
pass. It's there, written and waiting for the date, place and the
hour" the woman says then mbengi closes his eyes again.
"What is it?" Rendani asks, he can't shake off the feeling that
they are talking about him. Addressing what ever like he aren't
here. He have to know especially if it might affect Muvhuso.
**CHAPTER 34**


Her eyes are swollen and bloodshot red. She keeps wiping
noise, as fluids keeps running out. They have been sitting at the
benches behind the mall for hours. Elias keeps comforting her,
but there is nothing more he could say.
"I am sorry I...I shouldn't have kept you from your work like
this" muvhuso mumbles her apologies untangling herself from
his warm and comforting embrace.
"Nonsense baby. I am where I should be. And that is being here
with you. I can't just leave you alone like this " Elias replies,
looking at her with concern.
Muvhuso don't open up about her emotions. She didn't cry like
how you would expect a heart broken person to cry like, those
heart piercing screams that makes even the pass-by shed few
The sit in comfortable silence. It's been hours since they have
been sitting here. They should get going soon if they don't want
to travel late.
"I...I dont have anywhere to go. Maybe I should ask my aunt to
take me back. But...but the thought of coming face to face with
Murangi hurts more." She says, breaking the silence.
Elias sigh and brush his head. He have to wear big brother's
protective pants now. He knows how much Maria fought for
Muvhuso to get out of that he'll whole. He can't let her crawl
back in there again. Never.
"Both Murangi and Rendani hurt you and now you're choosing
Murangi. The one who doesn't give a damn care about you and
well being" Elias utters with his left eyebrow raised and a
concerned look. If you didn't know him better one would swear
he want to taste the warmth in between her thighs but that
isn't the case.
"I expect anything from Murangi but I expect peace, love and
protection from Rendani not this nonsense" she says with a
stern hurt voice.
"But he is a human being. He makes mistakes. We all do. But
that doesn't mean he loves you any less" he says and muvhuso
chuckles shaking her head. What did she expect, men stands up
for each other but women are always ready to trash another
women's crown just to gain points and a sit at the men's dinner
"His a man whore after all" she mumbles but enough for Elias to
Elias laughs, thinking of how naive and judge jury post she have
"When you fell in love with him. He was like that. And boy that
man is changing for you Muvhuso. Stop being stupid because
you know very well that your aunt will never accept you at her
home" Elias says. He then takes a few deep breathing session,
close his eyes and tries to calm himself.
"If you dont want to go to where you stay with Rendani then it's
fine. You will go with me. But forget about going to your aunt's
place" he tells her in a more calm voice.
Elias takes his phone and text Rendani, he still have his
numbers. Telling him that Muvhuso will be spending the night
at his place.

She couldn't go home, without some wine. The meeting didn't
go as planned but, that was more than her expectations.
She was ready to crawl, beg, shad few crocodile tears for him to
just give her a minute of his busy schedule. And God saved her
all the trouble.
Nothing made her more happy than the look on Muvhuso's
face. Her eyes shows how broken she was
she was shattered and she prays to return.
Now she is just waiting for a call, from one and only thee mighty
Rendani Munyai. She can't wait to have him eating at the pulm
if her hands.
She smiles to herself, thinking of all naughty things she have
running on her mind. The mind blowing sexual desires making
her finger to travel down just below her navel and she feels
the warmth and wetness of her little girl's warmth. Her breast
hardenes as the thoughts of Rendani touch earlier comes on
her mind and she starts imagining how it would be like. Having
his face buried down in between her thighs while she honey
flows out her mouths and ears. His beards tingling her soft
mound. Her finger involuntarily rubs her Nana, when and how
her hand has slipped right inside her leggings and panties she
don't know. Wine is already in her head making her more horny
topping to her exotic sexual desires.
Mavis clears her throat and she jumps out of the couch,
"" she whispers. With a hand on her chest.
"Dont act nasty on my couch Murangi. Will you wash it man
sies" she says making a face.
Murangi looks down in shame, who wants to be interrupted in
this kind of situation by their parents or anyone for that matter.
"Yeses, don't you have a man to do all that for you man. You're
nasty"- Mavis.
Musiwalo is busy stoping herself from laughing out loud. Hey,
yeses they have seen it all but they have never thought that one
day they can walk in a person busy serving herself yoh.
Mavis claps her hands and sits a the other coach across the
one murangi is now sitting at.
"So, how did it go" Mavis asks. Murangi's lips curles into a smile
and her eyes twitches with happiness.
"More than what I expected" murangi replies
"And" musiwalo asks throwing herself next to her sister.
"Muvhuso walks in on us. My hands were on his and he was
busy planting soft, sensual, wet kisses on them. Biting the tips
of my nails as well" she tells them as her face turns to look like a
tomatoes while blushing.
"No wonder you can't keep your fingers on out of your pants"
Mavis add.
"This was very easy my girl. Now focus kn keep him. Lure him
more and then sleep with him. Pin him with a baby, give him an
heir then my love. You will enjoy the smell of Douwe Egberts
pure Gold Coffee everyday, or you want to continue with this
pee testing like coffees." She says with her eyebrows raised and
Murangi shakes her head. And her mother looks at her like
really look at her.
"Then use what your mama give you and stop acting like a
jehova witness. He should have smesh the cake today" she then
stands up and walk away leaving Murangi contemplating on
whether to call Rendani or not. If she calls she will look
desperate and that not sexy for a lady.
She sigh feeling frustrated, Mavis should have let her celebrate
her victory today with no worries of tomorrow.
**CHAPETR 35**


Confusion, and the tense atmosphere fills the lounge. Everyone

is trembling in their boots. Drowning in their own thoughts. No
ine has ever thought that one of the days they will ever come
into contact with a median. Especially this kind, the one that
changes voice like their fathers, and the whole lounge smells of
mixed weed. Yes, Mr Munyai senior used to smoke when
stressed or frustrated. The woman's eyes has turned bloodshot
red, she can't seems to be able to handle the furry and anger
Mr Munyai is feeling. Her noise keeps flaring and she close her
eyes then opens them.
They move from their mother and Stops at Rendani. Her eyes
travels back to Mrs Munyai, and a smiles forms breaking the
hard surface of her face like how Mr Munyai would always do
when, he was angry. No matter how wrong his wife was and
how much anger he was feeling, he always smiles at his wife,
makes her feel at easy before breaking things for her to
"My wife, I forgive you" the lady utters with her deepened
broad voice.
Tears keeps rolling down her cheeks, she is visibly shaking.
These were the words she wanted to hear more than anything.
Forgiveness coming from her husband.
Khumbu takes his mother into his embrace, comforting his
mother. The woman shakes his head looking at Khumbu, still
"You should have been a girl Munyai" she utters directed to
Khumbudzo. Khumbudzo chuckles, this is his whole life
story. His father used to call him 'my angel' until he became a
teen and starts refusing being called an angel.
"You're the reason I am here" she says looking at Rendani. Chills
runs down his spine, goosebumps covers his body and the room
becomes more tense.
Mbengi by this time he is lighting his fourth cigarette. He can
feel what his father is feeling, he is more connected to the
ancestors than all of them here.
"I haven't been seeing you here at home." She tells him.
Rendani gulps the emptiness down his troat and brush his
His phone vibrates on top of the coffee table infront of them,
before he could reach for it Mbengi takes it and switch it off.
"You have to forgive her son, you're carrying so much anger and
it aren't good for you and those around you. You see the lady in
your life, you might take it as that she is choosen for you by the
ancestors the reason being that she needs you but you need
her too" the lady says after a long sigh.
She is feeling tired. Her shoulders feels heavy so is her chest,
and that is all what Rendani is feeling.
"But she lied about my paternity. That is..." the lady cut her
short. Shaking her head as well.
"You grow up with a father. Introduced to my ancestors. You
have been sheltered by them ever since your first breath. You
are mine, unless those who you think are you're family come to
claim and account for eating what's mine." The woman's voices
says laced with anger.
The woman laughs out of the blue
but not that loud laugh. She throws her head back laughing
with tears rolling down her cheeks and then her gaze lands on
"They choose you, both sides even though what they're doing
is not right. But Munyai ancestors have granted them
permission. And what are you doing, beside making them more
angry" the woman says.
"In tradition, there is no paternity test, and for as far as I know,
you're a Munyai and this yard needs you're presence. The
choosen lady for you should be here as well. On a right way"
the woman says. "I will get dark before the sun shines. She is a
flower, a rose with throns. You too fit like a glove and a hand"-
the woman.
Rendani stands up and head to the kitchen, get a glass of water
and walks back. This is too much for him. But what he knows is
come what may, Muvhuso is his and he will never ever let her
"Forgive your mother first. Don't underestimate your dreams or
hers. The bond you too have built is strong and you just have to
work on trust." She sighs. She is now at her normal self. The
tension have disappeared. And the coldness. Her voice is still
bold but it's her normal voice.
"No one told you that Muvhuso is the one for you but you
knew. Even though your grandmother helped you but still your
instincts told you so. There is a lot going on. A lot is ploted for
both of you to not work out and what worsen the situation is
that your sitting idle. There is no such thing called free lunch.
You have to work hard to triumph over darkness." - the woman.
"What do you mean ma" Rendani's horse voice vibrated out of
his lips.
"Tell him everything thing. Your dreams, what you just feel like
will happen. He is you're guardian. When they want me to
intervine they will let me know" she tells him.
"Sis, can I get some rest. I am tired already" she asks Mrs
Munyai. Mrs Munyai have long stopped crying. She stands up
and leads her to the guest bedroom.
The brothers, sit there in silence. Until they Khumbelo breaks
the silence.
"We are in this together, don't worry. We will fight whatever
that tries to take out wife away from us" he says pating Rendani
on the shoulder.
Khumbelo walks in from the bedroom. She have been locked
herself in there since khumbelo told her not to come out yet.
She could feel the atmosphere was thick. She greets Mbengi
and Rendani walking to the kitchen.
"We are sleeping here tonight kani." Mbengi says and they all
"Let me go take my wife, she can't sleep there alone" mbengi
"And Muvhuso?" Rendani asks.
"Dont worry, I will ask shandu to call her" he assure him. Then
stands up then throws Rendani's phone on the couch. Then
walks out.
The serious Mbengi is a depressing one. He hardly smiles or
even tries to soften his face.
Mrs munyai walks back to the lounge. Before she could say
anything Khumbudzo talks.
"All of us will be spending a night here" khumbu announces and
his mother smiles.
"And Rendani" she asks looking at him and he nods. Powering
on his phone. Then navigates straight to messages and the first
one is from Unknown numbers telling him that Muvhuso will be
spending a night at the person's place.
He immediately calls the numbers, it rings for few minutes.
"Where are you?" He immediately asks, without giving Elias a
chance to answer his phone properly.
"Home" Elias answers.
It immediately registered that its Elias voice and he breath out
feeling at easy. Until he remembers that he wants shag his
woman. And his stomach turns in those thoughts.
"Can I talk to her please" he pleads.
"Give me a minute " -Elias
He hears the movements at the background and the mumbling.
He even heard Muvhuso's voice denying to talk to him. His
heart breaks and a tears moisten his eyes.
He does the breathing excise to calm himself.
"She is bathing. My sister told me. I will call you when she
finished" Elias lies to him.
"Xap, bro" he says then hang up.
Before he could even put his phone back inside his pockets, a
whatsapp come through from Unsaved numbers.
He checks it out, and he finds that it's Murangi nude pictures.
**CHAPTER 37**


If looks can kill, she could have been six feet under by now. The
stares that Elias's family keeps giving her gives her mixed
signals. She have been sitting silently, but she could see Elias's
mother and siblings communicating with eyes. Elias just left her
to go and get her few Necessity toiletry at the spaza shop,
located few blocks away from his house.
Elias sister clears her throat, drawing everyone's attention
including Muvhuso's attention at herself.
"Muvhuso right" her bosy and annoyed voice says, she can't
even hide the dislike on her face. It's like just Muvhuso's name
only have the ability to set her whole mouth in fire.
"Ummmh, yeah..yes" muvhuso replies, tightening her grip on
the cup of coffee. Elias's mom have made it for her, saying it will
help her sleep after noticing her swollen eyes.
"What do you want from my brother" she asks, with a serious
toned voice.
"Mmmh, I don't understand" muvhuso replies confused.
"You think I don't know you. Like I don't know your type. You
take other people's man. Fooling people with the innocent
looks." Elias sister says then clicks her tounge. "Bitch" Elias's
sister murmur.
Elias's mother gaps in shock and her father gave her a
disappointed and disapproving look.
"That not how you speak to another lady Tshililo. Ask for
forgiveness now" her father says with a stern voice. It shows
that he means businesses and doesn't care what the reason
behind the hate and anger comes from.
"But daddy..." Elias's father cuts her short.
"I didn't raise you like that. And this is not how we treat our
visitors" he utters.
Tshililo bites her lower lip, inhale then exhale with her eyes
closed. Her thumb and middle finger connected before opening
her eyes and force a smile.
"I am sorry muvhuso" her apology doesn't seems sincere after
all it is forced.
"So my daughter tell me, why were you crying. Have Elias hurt
you in anyway" Elias mother asks, because of curiosity. Deep
down she knows that Elias would rather die first before hurting
a fine African beauty like muvhuso, not just muvhuso but
women in general. He has soft spot for them and that is one of
the reason he is close to his mother more than his siblings.
"No mma. It's just..." muvhuso bites her lip not knowing
whether to tell her the reason why or not. She is a mother after
all, and she got that motherly warm aura. But then she decided
against it, they aren't her family after all, and people do change.
"Its just that I head too much going on in my life. Elias
suggested I spend my night with people not alone." Muvhuso
lied with her head bowed down looking at her half empty cup
of coffee which is now warm. She is no longer enjoying it but
just drinking it to hide from all their stares.
"I heard you were Maria's friend" one of the sisters adds.
"I wasn't her friend..." Tshililo cuts her short before she could
even finish.
"I knew it...heh, I knew it. You're not just piece of" she
groans frustrated because she couldn't say shit right infront of
her Dad. "You're a back staber as well. Yeses unfaithful children
of God" she mutters, giving a dramatic clap.
"Tshililo" her mother says, scolding her not only with the tone
of her voice but giving her side eye. That one that parents give
their kids, who shares food prepared for visitor with them.
"Its okay Ma, ummmh
Maria wasn't my friend but she is my friend. A sister and closest
to a family to me" she says as guilt consume her, she haven't
even tried to make any contact with her and now she claims to
be her friend. She even deserve a best friend of the year award,
she thought to herself.
"What happend between Maria and Elias" Elias's mother asks.
Muvhuso moves uncomfortable on her sit.
"Ummmh...Elias" she half screams Elias names as he enters. "I
was starting to think that you were lost" she says feeling
relieved. She also doesn't know why Maria and Elias broke up
and even if she did it wasn't her place to tell them why.
"I wouldn't bra, it's my street here. Remember" Elias replies
placing down the plastic.
Elias goes to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee as well.
He comes back and sits down and joins in the conversation.
Elias's mother starts telling Muvhuso about Elias stories when
he was young. Dishing out all the funny stories and
embarrassing him here and there. Telling muvhuso that he used
to wet the blanket until the age of 15. But Elias didn't mind, he
laughs and also adds saying that it's because they allowed him
to have more than enough food plus a cup of soda before going
to bed, so that was expected. She laughs until her stomach
hurts. Tshililo never stops giving her those uneasy stares and
checking if there are any romantic vibes between Elias and
"I didn't mean to steal it was because I was hungry and you told
me not to touch your food" Elias says.
Then they heard a knock on the door. They stop laughing and
look at each other. It's now just after 9 0clock in the evening, it's
rare to have visitors at this time.
"Who is it? " Elias's mother asks still sitting down. With how
the rate of crime is rapidly going up in south Africa you can't
just open your door at this time of the night without knowing
the person. You might open and be welcomed but a gun
pointing straight to your brains ready to blow them up. Just for
your Motorola cellphone and few cents.
"It Rendani Mma, Rendani Munyai" the voice at the other side
of the door says.
Muvhuso's heart starts pounding hard, her hands gets sweaty,
she even fails to hide it.
"Is everything okay muvhuso" Elias's father asks.
Muvhuso nods holding her hands together and exhale loudly.
Elias lightly pats her back giving her some sort of courage.
Tshililo sprint to the door, after hearing that it's Rendani. The
man of her dreams. A man his family promised her to. Maybe
he is here to get her. It's been years since he said he wasn't
ready but she never lost hope.
Seeing smiles on both parents face, Elias sighs as well in defeat.
This is going down, straight to hell. Every time he heard his
parents talking about the arranged partnership between the
families it never gets to the point where he would think it's thee
Rendani Munyai he knows of. But it's been long since any talks.
Tshililo opens the door and her eyes comes to contact with her
Greek God, who looks like he carries the whole world on his
shoulders. He is not alone but with his brothers. She knows
them all. She genuinely smile and gives them space to walk in.
"Tshililo, go make them a cup of coffee" her mother says and
she didn't wait to be told twice.
"Mma, we are not here to stay. We are sorry to disturb you this
evening but we couldn't turn back once we are here" mbengi
respectfully says.
Rendani is busy boiling inside, looking at Elias's hand that is on
Muvhuso's shoulder.
"There is no problem" Elias father says.
"Uummh, we didn't know that Elias and Tshililo were siblings
but..." khumbu says but Rendani cuts him short. He doesn't
care whether Tshililo was Jesus sister. He rejected her back then
and he aren't backing down.
"We are here for my wife" Rendani says, his eyes still fixed on
Elias's hand that is resting on her shoulder.
"But that's not how we do things Munyai" Elias father replies.
"Tshililo is not my wife, I rejected her from the first day. I am
here for Muvhuso, she is my woman" he says with his eyes on
"Over my dead body, never" Tshililo says dropping the tray of
coffee and plate of biscuits on the floor. She couldn't hold it
**CHAPTER 37**


If looks can kill, she could have been six feet under by now. The
stares that Elias's family keeps giving her gives her mixed
signals. She have been sitting silently, but she could see Elias's
mother and siblings communicating with eyes. Elias just left her
to go and get her few Necessity toiletry at the spaza shop,
located few blocks away from his house.
Elias sister clears her throat, drawing everyone's attention
including Muvhuso's attention at herself.
"Muvhuso right" her bosy and annoyed voice says, she can't
even hide the dislike on her face. It's like just Muvhuso's name
only have the ability to set her whole mouth in fire.
"Ummmh, yeah..yes" muvhuso replies, tightening her grip on
the cup of coffee. Elias's mom have made it for her, saying it will
help her sleep after noticing her swollen eyes.
"What do you want from my brother" she asks, with a serious
toned voice.
"Mmmh, I don't understand" muvhuso replies confused.
"You think I don't know you. Like I don't know your type. You
take other people's man. Fooling people with the innocent
looks." Elias sister says then clicks her tounge. "Bitch" Elias's
sister murmur.
Elias's mother gaps in shock and her father gave her a
disappointed and disapproving look.
"That not how you speak to another lady Tshililo. Ask for
forgiveness now" her father says with a stern voice. It shows
that he means businesses and doesn't care what the reason
behind the hate and anger comes from.
"But daddy..." Elias's father cuts her short.
"I didn't raise you like that. And this is not how we treat our
visitors" he utters.
Tshililo bites her lower lip, inhale then exhale with her eyes
closed. Her thumb and middle finger connected before opening
her eyes and force a smile.
"I am sorry muvhuso" her apology doesn't seems sincere after
all it is forced.
"So my daughter tell me, why were you crying. Have Elias hurt
you in anyway" Elias mother asks, because of curiosity. Deep
down she knows that Elias would rather die first before hurting
a fine African beauty like muvhuso, not just muvhuso but
women in general. He has soft spot for them and that is one of
the reason he is close to his mother more than his siblings.
"No mma. It's just..." muvhuso bites her lip not knowing
whether to tell her the reason why or not. She is a mother after
all, and she got that motherly warm aura. But then she decided
against it, they aren't her family after all, and people do change.
"Its just that I head too much going on in my life. Elias
suggested I spend my night with people not alone." Muvhuso
lied with her head bowed down looking at her half empty cup
of coffee which is now warm. She is no longer enjoying it but
just drinking it to hide from all their stares.
"I heard you were Maria's friend" one of the sisters adds.
"I wasn't her friend..." Tshililo cuts her short before she could
even finish.
"I knew it...heh, I knew it. You're not just piece of" she
groans frustrated because she couldn't say shit right infront of
her Dad. "You're a back staber as well. Yeses unfaithful children
of God" she mutters, giving a dramatic clap.
"Tshililo" her mother says, scolding her not only with the tone
of her voice but giving her side eye. That one that parents give
their kids, who shares food prepared for visitor with them.
"Its okay Ma, ummmh
Maria wasn't my friend but she is my friend. A sister and closest
to a family to me" she says as guilt consume her, she haven't
even tried to make any contact with her and now she claims to
be her friend. She even deserve a best friend of the year award,
she thought to herself.
"What happend between Maria and Elias" Elias's mother asks.
Muvhuso moves uncomfortable on her sit.
"Ummmh...Elias" she half screams Elias names as he enters. "I
was starting to think that you were lost" she says feeling
relieved. She also doesn't know why Maria and Elias broke up
and even if she did it wasn't her place to tell them why.
"I wouldn't bra, it's my street here. Remember" Elias replies
placing down the plastic.
Elias goes to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee as well.
He comes back and sits down and joins in the conversation.
Elias's mother starts telling Muvhuso about Elias stories when
he was young. Dishing out all the funny stories and
embarrassing him here and there. Telling muvhuso that he used
to wet the blanket until the age of 15. But Elias didn't mind, he
laughs and also adds saying that it's because they allowed him
to have more than enough food plus a cup of soda before going
to bed, so that was expected. She laughs until her stomach
hurts. Tshililo never stops giving her those uneasy stares and
checking if there are any romantic vibes between Elias and
"I didn't mean to steal it was because I was hungry and you told
me not to touch your food" Elias says.
Then they heard a knock on the door. They stop laughing and
look at each other. It's now just after 9 0clock in the evening, it's
rare to have visitors at this time.
"Who is it? " Elias's mother asks still sitting down. With how
the rate of crime is rapidly going up in south Africa you can't
just open your door at this time of the night without knowing
the person. You might open and be welcomed but a gun
pointing straight to your brains ready to blow them up. Just for
your Motorola cellphone and few cents.
"It Rendani Mma, Rendani Munyai" the voice at the other side
of the door says.
Muvhuso's heart starts pounding hard, her hands gets sweaty,
she even fails to hide it.
"Is everything okay muvhuso" Elias's father asks.
Muvhuso nods holding her hands together and exhale loudly.
Elias lightly pats her back giving her some sort of courage.
Tshililo sprint to the door, after hearing that it's Rendani. The
man of her dreams. A man his family promised her to. Maybe
he is here to get her. It's been years since he said he wasn't
ready but she never lost hope.
Seeing smiles on both parents face, Elias sighs as well in defeat.
This is going down, straight to hell. Every time he heard his
parents talking about the arranged partnership between the
families it never gets to the point where he would think it's thee
Rendani Munyai he knows of. But it's been long since any talks.
Tshililo opens the door and her eyes comes to contact with her
Greek God, who looks like he carries the whole world on his
shoulders. He is not alone but with his brothers. She knows
them all. She genuinely smile and gives them space to walk in.
"Tshililo, go make them a cup of coffee" her mother says and
she didn't wait to be told twice.
"Mma, we are not here to stay. We are sorry to disturb you this
evening but we couldn't turn back once we are here" mbengi
respectfully says.
Rendani is busy boiling inside, looking at Elias's hand that is on
Muvhuso's shoulder.
"There is no problem" Elias father says.
"Uummh, we didn't know that Elias and Tshililo were siblings
but..." khumbu says but Rendani cuts him short. He doesn't
care whether Tshililo was Jesus sister. He rejected her back then
and he aren't backing down.
"We are here for my wife" Rendani says, his eyes still fixed on
Elias's hand that is resting on her shoulder.
"But that's not how we do things Munyai" Elias father replies.
"Tshililo is not my wife, I rejected her from the first day. I am
here for Muvhuso, she is my woman" he says with his eyes on
"Over my dead body, never" Tshililo says dropping the tray of
coffee and plate of biscuits on the floor. She couldn't hold it
**CHAPTER 38**


His forehead creases, he sigh in frustration brushing his head.

This is one drama he doesn't need at the moment. He just
needs his woman and verlaat(leave) their match box house.
Even though he knew from the moment the guy who directed
them here said that you mean that "mooi mamasita's brother
sis T. Bra Elias" that what that drunkard said two blocks away
from here. And since then he have been praying and hoping it's
not the one T he knows with few loose screws in her head. But
it now seems like all the prayers just went invain. He has to
own up to his shit.
"Rendani...don't tell me she's....she is...its her" she stutters,
slowly walking towards them. Her steps looks calculated and
any moment now she will be snapping the head of her prey.
"Her, who did what?" Khumbudzo asks, with an annoyed voice.
Tshililo clicks her tounge and looks at her mom. Her mother is
still shocked about this, Elias father is a very calm man and
doest open his mouth until he have digested everything.
"Mma aren't you going to say something" she says looking at
her mother. Her mother clears her throat.
"Mma with all respect or due respect whatever it is can I take
my woman and go. I truly don't have time for nonsense right
now. I have a lot on my plate and a lot going don't wake up the
sleeping beast mama please" he said with a stern voice.
"Please bra, don't talk to my mother like that" Elias says
standing up. Making Rendanj to also push back his chair
"Or what?" He frowned even more and his voice becomes horse
and and deeper.
"You think I am weak neh, the fact that I let you do whatever
you want with Maria doesn't mean that I will also allow to test
your manhood with my mother" Elias says, feeling anger rising
from the pit of his stomach and he just can't look away.
"What?what did he do to Maria" muvhuso asks for the first
time since the three musketeers have graced them with their
presence right at the witches time.
"Babe..." rendani says brushing his head giving Elias a death
"That doesn't faze me Rendani. From you sleeping with my
woman. Making clean after your mess. You're a dog Rendani
and muvhuso deserve much better than don't deserve
her" Elias says. He have been angry, actually he have been
boiling inside. Asking himself what went wrong in her
relationship and Rendani's name seems to pop up everytime he
hits a thick and strong wall.
"Surely you were failing to satisfy her that why she runs back to
me" Rendani blunt that out without thinking. For the first time
he saw a tear escape Muvhuso's eyes but her hands
immediately runs to her eyes wipes them off. His heart breaks,
but what he said cannot be unsaid. This isn't how he planned to
tell her about his shenanigans with her friend.
Mbengi whistles shaking his head then take out a pack of
cigarettes, light it and starts smoking. Khumbudzo shakes his
head in disapproval, but mbengi is mbengi and when he is
stressed or doesn't give a fuck he does as pleased.
"Fuck you San, You know what I will get you" Elias says, with a
ping of hurt in his voice.
Even though he thought that maybe ut was his bedroom game
that made Maria continues to cheat on him. But always running
back to Rendani bruised his ego. He doesn't trust himself right
at the moment.
"I can fuck you too if you want" the annoyed and angry,
Rendani's loose mouth says without giving much thought to it
until the words have all left his tounge.
Before he could try to soft his voice to call Muvhuso's name. A
Punch lands on Rendani's cheek, the laddies screams. Muvhuso
screams and immediately run out, feeling like her entire
universe is weighting down on her little shoulders. Khumbu
runs behind her, while the boys left killing each other.
There are so many unresolved issues that somehow they
thought they did but now it shows that nothing is resolved. Elias
still harbors hate inside his heart. After sometime mbengi pulls
them apart with help from Elias father. Elias mother already
have her shambok on her hands ready to reliase a first leash to
any of the boys. Both Rendani and Elias are bleeding.
When both Mbengi and Elias's father sees what on Elias
mother's hand they let go of the boys and like angry bulls
they were ready to lock heads.
Elias's mother gives both of them two stripes.
"You boys are disrespectful I see" she says as she continues to
hit them.

Here is how it all happens. She isn't just a go getter, with a self
confidence that can fill a Jojo tank. She wasn't like that, growing
up different from other kids. They used to gang up on her, call
her names and Elias would always be ther acting like her knight
and shinning amour. But that wasn't enough, he wasn't there
always. They could bully her treating her like trash until she
turns to violence. She could beat their arses and while fighting
it was just a mistake she stabbed the boy she was fighting with,
with a pen and unfortunately he died right on the spot. Her
parents told the teacher she was unstable and for sure she was
taken for assement. That is when she was diagnosed with
bipolar. She takes her medications, trying to keep a tight leash
on the voices inside her head. She grows up like that until one
day, whatever happened she didn't want to know. Her father
comes home and announces that one of the richest family in
Venda, their son have asked for her hand in marriage. Because
she disnt believe that anyone could ever love her or even wants
to starts a family with her she agree. They give her pictures of
Rendani and keeps telling her that rendani loves her. Then she
started to stalk him. Until he finds him with Maria and other
few girls plus two guys.
Rendani didn't know about her being his arranged girl, but he
knew about the whole arrangement and disagree from the day
he heard. She started to attend their parties just to see the man
of her dreams even though he seems to be enjoying his life
without her, she hoped to change it one day. She prayed she
could be the woman to tame him. Then one day she
planted bugs and cameras at the room they used to sleep at.
And since then they haven't been removed. In Rendani's room
and Rendani's best friend's room. She then stops attending
parties but be sure to check on their pictures busy pleasuring
each other. She still have them, both picture and videos.
Then come the day where Rendani was supposed to engage her
and all other things, he rejected her. He told them straight that
he doesn't want any woman and would never want one in this
They tried to tell him that it's already done and, she is his wife
and he told them the one who married her should take her for
himself or herself. Unfortunately for her, she was already head
over heels for him. Busy planning the future and already seeing
her world as ut begins and ends with Rendani. She then
decided to work on herself. So she moves away but she always
keep tabs on his sexual life through the bugs and camera
planted. And uts been a year and half now since them. A lot
have changed, she have come back to claim the man she knows
uts hers and nothing will stop her. If she have to bulldoze her
way to his heart then so be it.
After hearing Rendani saying he is here for his wife. Her heart
did all the voshos styles spiced by all africa dances. He soul
whoops in joy. But that is all short lived when she heard the
wife he is referring to...Muvhuso. she was ready to pounce on
her. But looking at Rendanj and his brothers face made her to
sit back a little ton down a bit on his craziness but she was busy
sweating on her sits. She wanted her head here and now. Then
the arguments between his brother and that when he spot
some weaknesses on their relationship and now she just have
to play her cards carefully then, her husband will be come
running to her.
And her dream wedding and honeymoon will happen. After all
this is the man she was promised to and tried by all means to
have him all by herself and nothing is going to stop her now.
**CHAPTER 39**


"You want me to believe that you didn't bring that girl here
because you wanted to hurt you're brother in law" Tshililo asks
with amused voice, even her face cannot hide the excitement.
"That piece of trash isn't my brother in law and will never be"
Elias replies with an annoyed voice. He have been trying to ease
the pain on his swollen lips using ice cubes.
His whole body hurt, not only from few punches he earned
from Rendani but the way his mother whipped them then gave
them a mop to clean her living room. She didn't want any blood
on her tiles, of boys fights for a girl. A mare who is replaceable.
"But he is my husband you know that. He might be in denial
now but soon. He will be kissing my foot, lick my arse while I
live like a queen that I am." Tshililo says.
"You're delusional sis, didn't you see how he looked at
Muvhuso. It was...uuumh what that word, provokly
sexy...ummmh adorable and magical, I hope that how it's said in
the romantic world" their little sister says walking in holding her
school bag.
"What do you know about love and looks wena..." Elias asks
looking at her ready to squeeze life out of her. He didn't send
her to private school to look for love but to come home with
the kind of Harvard English, that flow out of nostril. Not to
experience love from thirsty boys. The one they show her at
home is just enough.
"Hawu, Elias. I know such things. I am growing up, duh" she
rolls her eyes and Elias fought the urge to slap sense back to
watermelon head, occupied by chicken brains. Just simple
letters, U-S-E-L-E-S-S, it's just waste of all the bones and what
what skull. She should have just had a chicken head as well.
"Are you still pure." Elias asks.
"Virginity, long broken. Just look at how her legs look like mxm.
There is no longer a child here. She is a woman. Take them all.
All sizes, fit one fit all" Tshililo says muffing a laughter.
"Duh, not all size, fit one fit all. It is O-N-E S-I-Z-E F-I-T A-L-L" she
rolls her eyes taking her lunch box. Then opens a fridge, take
out three apples and throw them inside her school bag.
"Luvhengo, are you or are you not a Virgin." Elias asks looking at
her. Seeing an angry look on her brother's eyes made her to
muff her replies.
"Ooh, look at the time. Yoh I am running. Mr Martin will be on
my case" She says running out. Leaving Tshililo in her bubble of
happiness. Laughing her arse off.
"Dont laugh T, she is still a child. Full of breast milk and already
spreading her legs no mani. She only what 15, 16" -Elias.
"Yeah, I understand what you're saying. But before she come
we were talking about Muvhuso" Tshililo brings back the topic
they were talking about.
"What about her" he shrug his shoulders adding more ice to the
clothe he is using to press his swollen face with.
"You want her and she is the stumbling block for me to get my
man. So take your dog and I will get mine. Win win situation for
both of us" Tshililo says. Elias keeps quiet like he is having a
inner self conversion. Then he shrug his holders shaking his
"She is like a little sister to me. No matter how much I want to
hurt Rendani
I cannot include her in my selfish motives. She is innocent after
all" -Elias.
"Innocent my foot. While sleeping with my man hayi mani"
Tshililo replied getting angry, squeezing the knife bladr that on
her hand until blood drops on the counter.
"She didn't know Rendani used to have an arranged wife and
beside he rejected you so. Rendani can fuck every hole he
likes because nothing ties him down to you" Elias tells her.
Tshililo stares straight at Elias's eyes. Elias gulps down the
emptiness down his throat as he sees coldness on her eyes. And
he knows, she at it again. Then a smile forms on he face. She is
a beautiful woman, no doubt and debate about that.
"A baby will. A baby right, a baby will tie him to me" she utters
with a bubbly voice. And her face light up.
"You're a genius Elias, I wonder what your doing in taxi
industry. Just use that 5cent brains of yours to get that girl out
of my way, before she ends up six feet under, with maggots
feasting on her pitch black skin" she says dropping the knife and
walks out of the kitchen holding her hand trying to make sure
her blood don't drop on the floor because her mother will have
her for breakfast.
Elias is left in the kitchen dumbstruck. He knows his sister, he
knows what she is capable of. And the lists of boddies that are
maggots foods is long. It's her way or no way at all. When she
wants something she make sure she gets it.
What's left now is, do he start going after Muvhuso to save her
or he just look at the drama about to unfold. But Muvhuso is
innocent in all this.
He is caught between hard and rock place.


It's been a two days and a night. That is long enough, long
enough to know what is going on. Whether the guy is into you
or not. But Murangi hasn't even given her any updates. It
frustrate her to just sit and waits for things to happen. She have
to know everything. When is ut going to happen? How is it
going yo happen? Where it going to happen? That is crucial
information, but dololo.
Even I plain and dry HI, Rendani haven't send. After that sms
that both Musiwalo and Murangi agreed that it can make a man
to just cum, by just reading it. Maybe he he busy beating the
meat, but why would he do so when there is a willing
She have been sitting staring at her kitchen units holding her
cup but it's on top of the table. Her winter gown is still on, and
now it's past 2pm.
She isn't happy, why should she try to look beautiful. Murangi
is busy watching the real wives of Durban. Busy calling them
dramtic and clicking her tounge. While Musiwalo is about and
about. Horing around at this level of hotness. 38 degree Celsius
isn't the weather to be on top of the other. People will faint
"Murangi" she screams her name and she hears her increasing
the volume. And mutters DRAMATIC loud enough for her
mother to hear.
"Murangi" she screams louder than before but its all went
invain. As she kept on increasing the volume until the speakers
blust loud with their dramtic noises.
Mavis clicks her tounge, pushes her chair and strolls her way to
the wall.
The main switch box is at the kitchen wall. She pushed down
the switch and the whole house becomes quiet.
"Damn eskom and their load shedding nonsense."-Murangi.
Mavis goes back to her sit and attempt to take a sip of her 10
0clock made tea. And she force it down her throat.
Murangi walks in, in her biker tights and a crop to. Holding her
phone like those madams, she have been staring at them since
she can't remember when. Maybe their attitude is rubbing off
her through those television screens. Or just practicing how to
be The real wife of Thohoyandou as Rendani is from
"Oooh, it's like you knew how much I need just one sip of a
tea." She utters taking her mother's cup on tea and sip it. Then
spill it out.
"No Ma. This is cold." She says and Mavis laughs.
"I have been calling you" Mavis announces and Murangi gives
her that go on look.
"Haven't he made any contact?" Mavis asks hoping for a
different answer.
"Nope, and he is definitely penetraing her using imagining me"
she mutter.
"Stupied much" Mavis whispers.
"How about we go and visit this other traditional healer, she
knows her stuff" Mavis suggests.
"Thats witchcraft mma" murangi answers with a shocked voice.
She truly doesn't know her mother visits traditional healers.
Only Musiwalo knows because she have been there several
"We are not going to bewitch anyone but just get you cleansed
and some powders and other herbs that will give him that
ngibheke ngedwa feeling and look."-Mavis.
**CHAPTER 40**


Her brains are wide awake, with shutted eyes. She isn't ready
for sun rise, she wished it set right away and save her from all
this. She is even afraid to move her leg across the bed just to
feel if there is still q person sleeping next to her even though
she can feel the coldness and it's emptiness. She knows he isn't
here but afraid to confirm.
She isn't ready to face her mother in law with a throbing heart.
Actually she aren't her mother in law yet but still she isn't ready.
To face the whole family at large. Yesterday when she runs away
and khumbu runs after her, she broke down in his arms. He
didn't say anything beside trying to comfort her. The journey to
this place has been the longest one she has ever traveled.
Rendani keeps staring at her like he is trying to stop himself
from saying anything to her. His face was red and bit swollen,
his tshirt soaked in blood.
When they get here, Rendani's mother runs to her son. And
tries to examine him but he just told her flatly that he is good
he just needs some rest and leave her behind.
No introduction or anything. Not like she needed them and by
look of things, she is convinced that Rendani's mother knew
who she is. They didn't talk much, and she felt relieved. But
now she have to wake up to fave the her misery, she wishes ut
was just a night mare.
Her phone vibrated under the pillow and she opens her eyes,
scan the room and like she sensed. She is alone. Her hand slips
under the pillow and retrieve her phone, opens the message
and it's Elias asking how she is. Instead of answering tears runs
down her cheeks.
She is tired, this isn't the life she signed up for. She wanted
calmness, peace and to be loved. With no drama, she just wants
a drama free life.
"I am falling apart. I am failing, I can't do this..." she halfly type
the message then stare at her phone.
Maria is the only person in this world who understands and
knows what to do all time. And now she is pushed and caged
against the wall and she can't think of anything or anyone
beside her...Maria.
She haven't talked to her ever since, she can't start
conversation like that but...she deletes the message, trying to
come up with new strategy.
"HI, I hope you're okay..." she types another one then deletes it
No mani, in this situation she needs her mother more. She now
understands what her mother meant when she said stay away
from the boys and pave a brighter future for yourself. Now she
knows what she meant. When was the last time she applied
even for typing or tea girl job. She have been so much engulfed
by what seems like nothing now.
The door opens when she is still condemning herself, Rendani
walks. Walking up straight like the world belongs to him,
commanding walls and ceiling to bow down to him. He walks
towards the end corner, takes the chair and placed it right next
to Muvhuso. Who is sitting with her back on the headboard.
He looks at her, muvhuso also looks her him. His face is bit
swollen and reddish. His eyes are bloodshot red, with no
emotion in sight. She feels his cold stares on her and she gulps
the emptiness with her heart racing. She is starting to feel
nervous. The person sitting here isn't the playful Rendani. Who
starts by saying sorry before he scolded her. Then seal it with a
kiss. The one sitting here is pissed, and for'kof will mean for'kof.
She lowers her eyes then starts playing with the duvet.
"Hi" rendani says in his calmest voice. But his voice got no hit of
warmth on it.
"H...hi" she answers, praying for something or someone to just
bulge in here and save her from him. But who is she kidding.
"How are you?" He asks.
Muvhuso bites the inner wall of her lower lip with nervousness.
This isn't what she wants to hear for a batted person. He must
be nursing his wounds, letting her figure things for herself first.
"Good" only that word manages to escape her lips.
"The reason why you saw me with Mu..." muvhuso cuts him
"I caught you Rendani
say it like that. The reason you caught me kissing your cousin's
hand is...not that nonsense coming out your mouth" she tells
him, and he chuckles. His eyes haven't even moved from her. He
exhale then forms a fit with his hands.
"The reason you caught me with your cousin was because she
have been nausea to me. Starting to be a thron, and as she was
the only person who i could relay on when you were in the
hospital. I just didn't want to be seems as rude. I was..." he
sighs, then wipes his hands with his trouser. Muvhuso makes
him nervous, even though he tries to act all strong.
"...and that girl, Tshililo is crazy I am not inlove with her or have
I ever been. She was arranged to me but I refused from day
one. So, she is just crazy" he said, looking at her. Like he is
waiting for her reaction. But nothing. She haven't done
anything, even flaring her noise or blinking fast for a moment.
"If you have nothing to say, I guess I should continue" he adds,
still staring her her.
"I didn't get the agenda of our meeting" she says folding her
hands, and her voice laced with a bit of attitude.
Rendani chuckles again then shakes his head.
"If you didn't get it then listen Muvhuso. And listen careful. I
repeat listen careful, because I will never and I mean it I will
never ever say this again." He says, you can tell the seriousness
of the matter just from his voice.
Muvhuso just stared at her and he caught his bloodshot eyes on
her, she immediately look down.
"Muvhuso, this is a relationship. A romantic relationship. This is
our love story Muvhuso. I am not perfect so is you. And both
have never been in relationship like this one before. So we are
bound to make mistakes. But in all we will be learning but that
doesn't mean one should act in a childish manner. If I do
something tell me and stop this nosense of running away. For
how long do you want to play this cat and mouth game. I am
old Muvhuso, I don't want to play games with you. But this
thing of you running to Elias's home because of something you
could have let me explain you stop struu, it's not attractive at
all. I mean first it was Maria and now it's her ex..." muvhuso
cuts him while he was still speaking.
"Mxm...another ex pointing at the other ex. How funny" she
"Muvhuso my foot while you where busy fucking my
friend. Promising her the world. You know what Mr President, I
don't care where you go and address your speech and to whom
but as for me I say go to hell and burn with other arse holes like
you big daddy. Because this girl...this girl is tired. She aren't no
boys playground. Mxm, will you have finished exploring the
world you want to come to a person who doesn't know other
places beyond Thohoyandou. Go to hell."she screams at him.
He was dumbstruck. He didn't see this coming. The crying
muvhuso. He wanted to hug her but his afraid if she will tell him
"Babe, I..."
Muvhuso shakes her head.
"I can't do this to me, I can't do this to myself. After everything I
understand why Maria was against this even in the first place.
She was saving me from you but I allowed you to fool me." She
"But babe..."
"Dont , please don't. You know why. I hate you but myself more
for being stupied. Actually it's over Rendani. It's over." She tells
him with tears running down her face.
Rendani keeps quiet trying to register everything in his brains
but it is too slow. He can't do it all at the same time. But it's
over keeps ringing in his ears getting loud and loud by second.
Finally a tear drops from his eye.
"I am not strong enough for all the drama you come with
Rendani. I can't...I can't, we are done" she tells him again. And
this time around they pieced through his heart and he feels like
screaming in pain. But he just flinch to her painful words.
He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out of
his mouth. After sometime he opens his mouth.
" aren't happening and will never happn" he refuses,
shaking his head.
**CHAPTER 41**

“Murangi…murangi” she screams her name banging murangi’s
Its four 0clock already and they should be getting ready to catch
the five 0clock taxi to Makhulu’s place. Today is the day and
they have to finish with these things before they even start.
“Murangi, murangi, wake up” she screams again.
“I am up” murangi replies with a faint sleepy voice.
“I am up ya mini. Open this door I want to see it for myself.”
Mavis replies.
After some shuffles and an hour of dragging feet’s. Lock turns,
then the door flies open. She looks at her mother with the
other hand rubbing her eyes.
“Go bath, remember. I am not doing this for me but you. So you
better act the part, I won’t be coming back to wake your lazy
arse.” Mavis reminds her.
“Yeah ma” she replies. Fighting the urge not to roll her big
sleepy eyes.
“Yeah right. We are living in 30 minutes.” Mavis tells her
dragging her feet’s straight to the kitchen to make some cup of
She is already done, she have been up since 3am. So she
prepares herself so they don’t take long.
After one hour murangi walks in the kitchen, looking refreshed
and ready. Her long beautiful legs out to play and a 40 inch
Brazilian weave, making her look like she have just stepped out
of the magazine cover. Let not mention the makeup, because
the girl knows how to draw and colour herself, she fits to be
awarded as the makeup guru. She is always on point, never
“Tell me this is a joke” Mavis says with a frown on her face.
“What ma is there anything wrong with my face, or…” Mavis
cuts her short.
“Go wear a head wrap or something. Wear a long, long dress or
skirt and take a jacket or at least a jersey. Not this nonsense you
come out wearing, like we are going for a date” she tells her
with a voice laced with annoyance.
“But ma…” Mavis shut her up with just one look and she
immediately swallows her complain.
She walks back to her room like a wet chicken, changed her
clothes and come out looking like she is going to fetch woods.
Then they leave, with Mavis complaining about the wasted
time. How long the line will be like by the time they get there.


He has been sitting silently starring at the road, looking like

weird person, just staring at passer-by’s. He has been like this,
for three days now. His mind keeps ringing her words “I can’t do
this Rendani…I am not strong enough for this, for you. We are
He rubs his turned red face, and his bloodshot red eyes. The
ganja in between his fingers, with smoke coming out. He keeps
taking puffs and also a can of Heineken in front of him. It’s a
party for one. And the misfortune of all this is
it is a pity party.
His mother looks at him with a heavy heart. It’s been three days
with him behaving like this. She knows what happened that day.
The morning after he brought his girlfriend home, but she can’t
seems to find a way to tackle this that is why she asked her
friend to help her out.
“Rendani” her squeaky voice says in a low tone. With her hands
clasped together. Praying with her heart for the better
He raised his eyes to her. His bloodshot red eyes haven’t even
tried to hide the pain in his eyes. His eyes look dry, drained and
“I have asked Mbengi to come with Muvhuso and his wife for
dinner” she says.
As soon as she finishes talking, quietness fills the space and she
looks at him expecting a reaction at least from him but nothing.
He just keeps puffing his not mix ganja as it is like his whole life
depends on it.
“She said she can’t do this ma. That I am too much, she isn’t
willing to go any further with me, and what do you expect from
me” he breaks the silence.
“She wants freedom, happiness not lies. But I have never lied to
her. It’s just that I haven’t told her my whole past life, actually I
haven’t even taken my five minutes to update her about my
past” he takes the can and pours it down his throat.
After finishing the contents from the can, then he burb.
“You know what ma; tell the ancestors to go in hell if they think
they can control my life then we shall see. Tell them I was living
my life in peace fucking everything that is ready to be fucked
with no care, until…until they bring her in my life and tried ma. I
tried to change but I don’t see the reason why I should change
for a childish, selfish person like her. I also don’t want her. And if
this time, they decide to kill me with their headaches and
annoying voices, tell them, I said they my fuck themselves.” He
says with pain in his voice.
His broken, and to its depth, it’s like it’s beyond repair. He wants
the pain to stop and the best way is to go back the way things
were like…not giving a fuck.
His mother gulps the ball filled with her pain down her throat,
while shaking her head. She doesn’t know that girl. But she now
knows how deep his love for her is like. Without all this
ancestors scandal involved.
“You don’t mean it Rendani” his mother replies.
“I mean it; call her for your seven colours meal, with three meal
treat. It’s your house and I don’t care. But as for me I don’t
want her also. I have been nothing but a good man for that girl.
At times I had to pinch myself just to be sure that it’s all me…my
doings. And what did she do, she throws its back right on my
face. That the thank you I get from her after everything. She is
just a bitch that all” he finishes by clicking his tongue, then
stands up. He stumbles, before finding his right foot back to the
**CHAPTER 42**


Arriving at Makhulu's place, she is already feeling out of place.

She looks around with discomfort and a frown on her face
couldn't be missed. Her eye looks at the long line that is even
outside her yard.
"This is going to be a long day" she mumbles to herself.
"Dont start me with that kind of attitude. You took lots of time
doing God knows what in there" Mavis mutters her replie,
joining the cue.
"So this is the place. Where the magic happen" she tries to
change the topic.
"Yes, and you can see that there are lot of people who needs
help" Mavis replies.
"Yeah, but why didn't she helped herself. I mean it's obvious she
have some short boys or money rats locked somewhere"
murangi asks. Curiosity getting ahead of her.
"Dont you know that a doctor can't heal him/herself" -Mavis.
"So, the money she gets from healing and bringing back lost
lovers and all magic she performs fails to renovate her home let
alone to just rebuild this nonsense built here" murangi says
with her eyes moving from one roundovel to the other. If it's
not the paint wearing off. The roof looks like it can fall inside
any August.
"Let's focus on what we are here for not what you're
questioning me" Mavis replies. She haven't taken much notice
to how the place looks like, because she is here for help. The
person who recommended makhulu for her 15 years back told
her how good she is and also she can attest to that. She have
been helping her for the longest time now.
"But..." she cuts her short.
"But nothing, we are here for you to get that boy to be yours
nothing else" Mavis reminds her, murangi nods and takes out
her phone and starts paging it trying to push time. Making the
wait bearable.
At last,it's their turn to get in. The sun is already out there
making what is is known for. The jersey she is wearing feels
heavy and suffocating her. Let's not mention the head wrap, she
have headache because of the head wrap and hunger as well.
It's 11 0clock and she haven't eaten anything since yesterday's
dinner at 19 0clock.
They took off their shoes, and crawl to the reedmat that is
there. They both sit quietly with murangi's eyes moving around.
The room is smokey but you can't pinpoint where it is coming
from, and it makes it impossible to see clearly everything that is
in the roundovel.
"Mavis..." the voice rumbles under the beads she have on her
head, covering her face as well.
"Makhulu"- Mavis. The lady shakes her head.
"You like playing with fire, and you will get burnt one of these
days. I told you there is nothing I can do but let's see what the
great ones are saying" - makhulu.
The takes out the cow's skin bag, that carries the
bones(thangu), and start to make some scary sound calling
upon their ancestors and her ancestors to shed some light.
"Zwo tshinyala tshothe...ho vhilingana. Mavis it's bad, very bad.
They are angry and you will experience wrath coming from
them." Makhulu says shaking her head while groaning as well.
"Can you help us with what we are here for. I will cross that
bridge when I get to it" Mavis says.
Makhulu's eyes moves to Murangi and she shakes her head as
"You love dangerous games I see. Just like you're sister"
makhulu said
looking at Murangi. "But I will help you" she says moving her
hand behind her. She shuffles some mayonnaise bottle behind
her, that is now filled with her brown, yellow,black, brown and
all other sort of her things.
"You have to have faith that this thing will work for it to work. If
you don't believe it then nothing will work. Faith works
everywhere on everything" makhulu tells Murangi.
She groans again and a huge black snake hiss falling down,
coming from the rooftop. It rolls itself next to murangi, her back
her stands still. Her body gets covered with goosebumps and a
cold shiver down her spine.
"Mma..." escape her fearful and terrembling lips. She searches
for her hand until she gets it and squeeze it tight.
"Dont move. The great one loves you. We don't want to anger
him" makhulu tells her and she freeze on the spot.
The huge snake hiss right on her ears and she muff her cries.
Hen it licks her cheek. Her heart almost stopped beating.
Then it his going next to makhulu, it nicely packed its self. With
its eyes closed.
"Take off your clothes" makhulu says. Because of fear she
immediately took off her clothes. Makhuku tells her to lie on
her back with her legs wide open. She does as told. Then
makhulu takes out a can of vasseline and black powder, mixed
them together then walks towards her. Them smear it on her
body, rubbing ut as she closes her eyes. She then dips her
middle finger inside the mixture. Then slowly penetrate her
with that finger,pushing deep the Vaseline and the black
mixture inside her vagina. Her thumb starts rubbing her vagina
lips going to her clit and pulling it a little. While her middle
finger keeps going in and out of her, until she feels her organism
building. Then she pulls her finger out and let murangi licks it.
"Where your clothes" she commands her and then walks back
to her side.
Murangi wears her clothes, wishing she could have let her reach
her finish line.
"Add this on your bathing water" she gives her some powder
with few roots.
"And don't wear anything, when you sleep. The great on loves
and marked you. He will be visiting you and from now on he is
your husband "- Makhulu.
"What?" Mavis screams in disbelieve.
"You heard me. I told you to pay my money. So this is the
payment. And girly he doesn't like eating dirty meat. The only
person you're allowed to sleep with is him and that boy
Rendani. For now only" makhulu gives her warnings.
Murangi keeps quiet with her wet eyes. She wanted Rendani,
and maybe this is the price she must pay for that.
"Now get out, don't look back and don't even tell anyone about
anything that happened" he tells them.
Murangi stand up fast and take her things put them in the bag
while her mother reluctantly stand and they walk out. With
both of them walking quietly.
**CHAPTER 43**


Shandu have just told her that they are invited for dinner at the
munyai homestead. She doesn't want to go but she can't be
staying with them and refuse to do what they do. For the past
three days mbengi has been quiet and distant. She knows it's
because she called off things with Rendani and it is affecting
everyone. Apparently Rendani now drinks like a fish and smoke
like those lungs being damaged aren't his.
Her eyes are swollen from all the crying she have been doing.
And it's time like this she thanks her dark toned skin because if
she wasn't this toned she could have been looking like a
"Muvhuso, we will be leaving in an hour" shandu screams
outside while knocking on her door.
"Okay" she mutters her replie. Shandu opens the door and sigh,
looking at muvhuso who has just formed a ball on her bed.
Sinking in the pool of her own misery. They aren't beasties but
she have been through a lot herself and she even lost a sister
while going through that. She walks towards her and sits at the
edge of the bed resisting the edge to hug her from behind, and
console her. This is still her brother in-law's bedroom and she
can't just do as she please.
"Murangi" shandu softly calls her name, placing her hand on
her back.
"I am here for you. Everyone is here for you. You don't have to
slip into depression while we are here" shandu tries to assure
"I am the one who said I can't be with him. In relationship with
him. I will be fine. What hurts me more is that I have been
warned countless time. Maria Warned me but I acted like I
know it all. Like I am the top dog when it comes to love where
else I am just a toothless puppy"- Muvhuso.
"Dont do that to yourself. But what you should ask yourself is
do you love him. Without all that you said people told you
about, what do you want. Do you love him?" - Shandu.
"I...I don't know" muvhuso answers unsure of her answer then
gulp saliva that has filled her mouth. Wetting her throat.
"You dont have to answer to me but you know the answer
yourself. You know, in life i have made bad decisions, i have lost
people i used to hold dear to my heart and i still do but that
life." Shandu says, making muvhuso to raise her head and sit up
straight, listen to her story. She haven't met a person who she
can relate her problems with and its first to have someone who
seems like they carry scars that resembles the same wounds
that keeps bleeding on her.
Shandu's face hardness as her eyes moisten. Her voice becomes
hard and strained she clapsed her fingers together and let out a
"I dont know my father, actually we never met. I loved him and
trust me I still love him. I would give anything just to sit with
him and talk to him and asks some questions that my mother
couldn't answer me. Growing up without him was hard and I
had to grow up fast to take care of my sister , grandmother and
my then bed ridden mother. Then she died because of Aids. The
discrimination and stigma that comes with it strained our family
more and two years later my grandmother follows because of
aids as well. She contacted it when taking care of my mother. So
you can understand the pain, under the dark cloud hovering
around us. Our family members wanted nothing to do with me
and my sister. My sister's father and her paternal family resisted
her as well and atlest I was saved from that pain because I
never know mine. I failed grade 12 and could go back. And
there was this guy wanting to be in relationship with me for the
longest time so I ended up in relationship with him" she gulps
the ball of emotions that has long formed, a tear escape her
left eye and she immediately wipes it.
"At first it was a lovely relationship, we made it to couples goals
magazine and people's lips. We were happy until he started
abusing me. He could manipulate me into believing I made him
cheat on me because I wasn't giving him my innocence. I could
find women underwears,lips and all things girls leave I their
man's cars and houses just to make their existence presence
felt. But he would lie, I asks he beats me all sort of blue and
black but one thing he did was to get me a job and Munyai dairy
offices as a receptionist. That were I met Mbengi and all the
brothers. I could asks for endless day offs and leaves just yo
nurse my bruises. And they all noticed. My sister who was in
grade 10 by that time she could asks me to leave the guy but I
couldn't he loved me in my eyes. Things escalated to the point
where he thought I was cheating on him with one of the
brothers and I wasn't. It's just that the friendship between me
and the brothers have grown even though I knew that mbengi
loves me. Then oneday...he..." she pauses take a deep breathe ,
close her eyes with her head raised up to the ceiling.
" I was breaking off things with him
finally I got the courage and it ended it tears, scars, depression
and many suicidal attempts" she says fighting thr urge to break
down. She have told herself countless times that she should cry
like a victim but smile showing her victory. She is a winner after
all and she gives thanks to mbengi and his brothers more than
herself. Even though they always tell her, that she is the one
who has done most of the work but still, their support and
believing on her in worst hour gave her strength to face it all.
"What do you mean it ended in tears" muvhuso asks.
"He shot me on the stomach..." muvhuso exclaims making
Shandu to pause.
"Yoh! Jehova"- Muvhuso.
"Mu baby died. My sister comes home early from school and
unfortunately he shot her on the head and she died on the
spot." She says playing with her fingers.
"I hope he is rotting in jail...mxm, he belongs there" muvhuso
mumbles. Then clicks her tounge.
"He was a coward, he couldn't face the music so he shot
himself as well and he died. I carry guilt in me and pain. But this
family have been with me through all that. They have showed
me love and support. I am not saying my relationship with
Mbengi was okay but it wasn't like this. I was broken and all I
could do is to try and avenge for myself but I was doing it to the
wrong person. He tried to help me put back the pieces of my
life and learn to love again without holding anything" she says
with a smile on her wet face.
"The reason why I am telling you this is, we all have so much
going on and so much we have been through but one thing for
you, you aren't alone. You have found a home and a family in
us. Rendani loves you no matter what and that makes us to love
you as well. Don't fight battles that aren't yours to fight. He
have a past so what, you didn't find him a child but a man. Who
aren't a Virgin to begin with. What I am asking you before you
do anything with your life just give him chance to talk to you. If
he aren't saying anything ask him, he will never lie to you. I
know You have heard a lot about him and you have never asked
him or you acted unbothered, but you have to
communicate. Communicate is the best in every
relationship. Before you closed all doors talk to him first, find
your closure before you find yourself in place where you hurt
others because you thought you have been played." Shandu
asks her while holding her hands. Muvhuso nods.
"We have 30 minutes left or we will take a taxi there. I know
mbengi will leave us here."
"Okay" replied.
"Yeah, now cheer up and smile. Life is to short to stay sour" she
says pulling her cheeks. Making muvhuso giggle.
"How to you do it?" Muvhuso asks.
"Do what?" She asks confused, but in a playful way.
"Like after everything" - Muvhuso.
"I face it, allow myself to go through it. Then smile but the
most important thing is to take all things to the creator. Pray
about everything and you will see." - shandu.
"Before you turn me T.D Jakes, go prepare yourself" shandu says
then walks towards the door and turns to her before closing it.
"25 minutes left" she says.
Muvhuso stands up do the bed. She have already bathed, so
she will just wear her clothes and do a bit of make up to hide
her swollen eyes.
** CHAPTER 44**


Her eyes have been moving around since they got her. Hoping
to see him, but he isn't at sight. Both mbengi and Khumbudzo
have disappeared somewhere in the house and they just keep
coming to take three bottles of beers every now and then.
Mrs munyai is the one doing all the cooking with some laddies
and she refused them to help her out.
She said she is the host, and they must relax and allow
themselves to be spoiled by their mother in law. There is her
lady friend, she keeps steeling glances at muvhuso who have
been holding her cup of lemon tea for too long without sipping
Shanu and khumbelo are busy conversing about anything and
"Muvhuso....muvhuso" khumbelo calls her name.
"Mmmh...mmmh" she says turning her head towards where
she is being called.
"Are you okay?" She asks.
"Yeah, I am okay" she replies taking a sip to her warm tea.
"Mma, have been calling you" Mbengi says. She didn't even
notice that everyone is here. Even the person she wanted to see
most. She haven't seen him but his scent is there just that this
time it is mixed with Marijuana. Even the burning sensation of
his boring stares on her left cheek is there.
"Ooh, okay" she says, placing her cup down then stand up. She
sways her hips to the kitchen with pair of eyes staring at her
back. But she acted unaffected. Deep down she wants him to
follow her around like he always does.
"Mma" she calls her name entering the kitchen.
Mrs Munyai, smiles sweetly at her like always.
"Come, I wanted to you to taste salt for me" she says.
Muvhuso keeps quiet and walks towards her pots, take the
wooden spoon. She have been cooking with and taste. She
moans, as the meat melts on her tounge, making her tummy to
grumble. Reminding her, that it's been days since she have had
a proper meal.
"How are you?, like how have you been holding up" she asks
with a concerned voice. Filled with warmth and motherly love.
It makes her miss her own mother. It makes her miss her
family...her mother and father. This family always makes her
wonder how life could have been like for her if she had a
mother. Maybe she could have been a big sister with a creche of
brothers and sisters. But God had other plans which till to date,
she haven't even grasped the plans he had for her.
"Sssh, baby don't cry" Mrs munyai says. Pulling her to her
She keeps sniffing her tears, Mrs munyai keeps rubbing her back
allowing her to cry. She don't know her that much but she
knows. There is no way their fore father can bind them together
if there is no love there. Its just that they have a lot to work
themselves on, a lot have to be ironed and they both needed
help and because muvhuso doesn't have people rallying behind
her. They might all rally behind both of them. They are family
after all.
After sometime she stopped sniffing and Mrs munyai let her go.
" sorry"- Muvhuso.
"Dont be, we all need a chest to cry on sometimes. And I am
happy you let it out" she tells her, still giving her sweet smile.
"Now, go before Rendani comes to check on what is happening.
Then pretends he is here for his beer" she says .
They say speak of the devil and it shall appear, Rendani enters
the kitchen with his one hand buried inside her pants pockets
and the other one rubbing his not styled locks. While looking
down. He goes to the fridge and takes the bottle of beer open
it then turns to go.
"See, I told you" she says laughing her soprano voice, making
Muvhuso to giggle.
"You look beautiful when smiling. My love" Mrs munyai says ,
making muvhuso to blush.
before he comes back again. He doesn't trust me with you" she
says laughing. Muvhuso's face beems with a little light of
happiness, that Mrs munyai had just lighten for her.
She walks back to the living room and finds Rendani sitting
where she was sitting. She tries to locate a place she could sit
but the only vacant space is next to Rendani. She looks around
again then look at Rendani who have his eyes on his beer
bottle. She goes to take her cup of tea and turn back.
"Where are you going?" Shandu asks. Making everyone to look
at her again.
"Mmmmh, to the kitchen" she answers pointing towards the
kitchen and then starts walking.
"To refill my cup. This one is cold" she finishes entering the
The clock have just strike 19:00. The table is filled with all
goodies and the tantalizing fragrance of grilled chicken and
potatoes, takes the cup. Everyone is busy licking their lips while
waiting for Mrs munyai to finish her eating prayer. To already
waiting to devour in the food people, her prayer is very long, it
fills 4 A4 papers. And prays for the sick and those who don't
afford such goodies. Who ever initiated 'God bless our food
before we eat AMEN' prayer is a boss. He/she should be sent
Mrs Munyai's address , to teach her how to recite it, not making
her own prayers depriving people food.
After the prayer, plates, forks, knifes, spoons starts making
some noise. After they are all done eating every lady have a
bowl of Ice cream infront of her while Rendani and his brothers
continue with their drinking, atleat they ate.
"Will we be going back?" Shandu question, seeing the rate they
have been drink on, since they get here.
"If you want to wake up in heaven. While Satan finally get a
chance to dip his fork on me then yeah my love. I will safely
deliver our souls and our bodies to mortuary" mbengi replies.
Mrs Munyai and her lady friend chuckles and both shake their
"Just make sure my name is safely updated to the will. Because
you can't die, then I inherit your undies and not your money. I
get the money while khumbu gets the undies. Because he will
be taking over big brother's pants and shoes" Rendani mutters
and they all laughs.
"You should be the one to inherit them, a thi you like boys too
much" - Khumbu.
"Never, his don't smell nice"- Rendani.
Khumbu and rendi laughs. While others keeps quiet.
"What were you doing with them in the first place. Yeses, you're
banned from my house from now on" - Mbengi.
"Yeah, right. We have heard enough. Now the reason why I
called you all here" Mrs munyai says. And they all focus on her.
"I know it isn't my place. But I couldn't sit and look at the things
happening. I am clueless as well but we are here because of
Rendani and Muvhuso." She announces.
Muvhuso looks down, while Rendani looks at his mother. He
knows she is about to announce everything she knows. That it's
the ancestors who have choosen him for her and everything her
family have done to her. And he doesn't want her to find out
like this.
"Mma, can I have time with my woman first. Before you say
anything" rendani asks his mother.
Mrs munyai looks at Muvhuso then Rendani. She then look at
her friend and the friend nods.
"Okay, you can" she replies.
Rendani gets up then he goes to Muvhuso and helps her stand
up and pulls her out of the house. The walk to the back of the
house and he sits on the stairs while muvhuso sits infront of
him in between his legs. His hands wraps on her then plants a
kiss on her shaved head.
"Hi" his broad and deep voice rumbles out. Making the swarm
of butterflies to form in her tummy.
They have a lot to work on but she knows, she loves him more
than anything in her life.
"Hey" she softly replies.
** CHAPTER 45**


"I am sorry, I am so sorry my love." He says after a long sigh.

"I dont want to loose you. That I know for sure. I want kids who
look like you or maybe a combination of us. I want you to be the
person I come home to. My calmest place and my peace. But
that can't happen..." muvhuso cuts him short.
"You also don't want me?" Her faint voice slips out of her lips
and her heart breaks to thousands pieces as it awaits
Rendani, sighs then plants few kisses on her head and tighten
his wrap around her. He places his chin on her shoulder, his
breath fans her neck to her ear. Making goosebumps to cover
her bare skin immediately, the long formed swarm of butterflies
in her stomach makes things more intense.
"You're my heart in a human form. My happily ever after. My
angel, the topping of it all you're my babe. I can't even try to
imagine life without you ever since I seen you. And the day you
become mine turned me into the most patient man ever. I
loved you then and I still do and I swear even after death I still
want you to be my wife. No matter what. You're too beautiful
for me to want you. I need you." He mutters and tears that have
already formed on her eyes, escape her eyes. He placed his
saliva moisten lips on her neck and plant a soft and wet kiss on
her neck.
She close her eyes, enjoying the sensation she is feeling. The
excitement and the urge of needing more. Fire works...her lips
let out a moan.
Rendani chuckles, then stop kissing her then rubs her arms with
her hands.
He then plants another kiss on her shaved head.
"I have a lot to tell you so focus my lady" he utters with a smirk
formed on his face.
"But...but I didn't do anything" muvhuso defends herself.
"Do I have to show you what you did" he says raising his
eyebrow, while biting his lower purplish lip. Making muvhuso to
palm her face as she blushes, making soft giggles.
"You're blushing my love." He says as his deep voice makes only
two giggles then he shakes his head then chuckles.
Muvhuso shakes her head, Rendani keeps quiet and just look at
her with pure admiration and so much love.
"I love you Muvhuso" words escape his lips not
intentionally. But that is not something to be ashamed of so he
just smile.
After sometime of comfortable silence as they both sink
peacefully on the pool of their thoughts, only this time the
water filled the pool resemble their love.
"I used to party Sunday to Sunday. With countless hook ups.
Hence I got the name big daddy. I got thee Mandela's to spend
and not only few but quite a heft of it. Spend it on girls, parties.
All in all I spend it in good time." He says as he smiles
reminiscing on those moments. He doesn't miss them but he
don't regret them as well. It's all in the past and wants a new
life, have a wife, build a home and the empire for his kids.
Something he never dreamed of , in the past.
"Only khumbu was around by that time, he would be pissed and
all but I couldn't give a damn care about it. My mother would
tell him to belt me sometimes but I loved noise and attention, I
used to get there" he tells her.
"You didn't get the attention you wanted at home?" She asks
out of curiosity.
"I was..." he pauses, exhales
then continues "I didn't get the one I needed most. Only when I
party, smoke, and sleeping around was then I get their
attention....and I thought that maybe it was a good way, to
make them notice me..." He pause again. He have never told
anyone anything. He has never talked to someone about his life,
his feelings and now for this to work he have to let it all out.
"What made you think you were not getting enough attention?"
She asks him and he smiles. He can't let his own tears fall right
infront of her. It will only triggers hers to pour out more.
"I didn't have to know my love. It's what I felt. What I saw. My
mother was busy with her own life so was my father. Mbengi
messing up things out there coming home once a marathon day
in his life. Khumbu was there but he was only a kid as well. He
couldn't notice most of the things and even if he did what more
can a child do"
"Did anything happen to you Rendani" she asks trying to turn to
look at him but he immediately restrain her, he lowers his head
close to her ear. "Dont turn my love" he whispers. And she
nods. Then he plants a kiss right on her ear.
"By the time I turn 17 I got my first tattoo. It's a child who's
crying looking down with her wings broken. And that kid
resembles me in every way." He couldn't fight back his tears
anymore so he let them flow done his cheek. His breathing
pattern has changed. Then he hugs Muvhuso from behind, his
face buried on her neck. She feels her neck getting wet and she
knows he is crying. But he made sure to cage her so she doesn't
turn to look at a small boy he is crying for what never had and
what contributed to a person he is today.
"Rendani" she calls his name softly, he shakes his head and
tighten the embrace squashing her but she keeps quiet and
takes in all.
After minutes of silence, he loosen his arms around her kiss her
neck before he raised his head.
"The broken wings on her resembles my pain and what I have
been through. My uncle molested me, not once, not twice but
countless times. He could do it again and again but because my
mother wasn't there I had no one to fight for me. No one to
report it to..." muvhuso cuts him shirt.
"MO...what. no Rendani" she says as her voice breaks and he
hugs her.
"No my love, don't worry. I am okay. Don't cry" he assures her
giving her kisses.
He do so until she quietness.
"Should I continue?" He asks her and she nods.
"Now listen my love, it's not easy to talk, stop then continues. I
haven't told anyone about this but because I want us to start in
a cleanest slate, I had to" he tells her and she nods.
"The whole ordeal kept playing in my head until I get to the
state where I needed to experience that willingly. So, I asked my
best friend Phumudzo if he could like to try it out. He agreed so
that's how it stared. It grows to the point where we could do a
group sex, with both boys and girls. I am not innocent in all this
but I want to change. I have stopped doing all that ever since I
met you." - Rendani.
Muvhuso just nods, her brains keeps playing molested word
again and again. She knows she can't continue with this
conversation. She can't asks she can't process anything other
than what he has just told her.
"Are you okay?" Muvhuso asks.
"I am" he answers after a short pause. "We can go back. We will
finish this tomorrow. I think I drank too much" he says. Then
kiss her forehead lead her back to the house.
**CHAPTER 46**


"Desperate times calls for desperate measures" she have heard

it countless times. But the thought that oneday she could have
to live with consequences of the desperate measures taken
never occurred to her.
She was fine months before all this. All she ever wanted was to
be a trophy child...a baby girl... a cute little thing that every
mother sees when she lay her eyes on her daughter. But that
spot have never been hers, musiwalo has been sitting
comfortably on it, enjoying all the motherly attention it comes
with. That when the opportunity to do one thing with her own
mother present itself she dipped her claws on it and hold it
Who would think that mothers can mislead you. That they can
make you do things that are out of order, because they are the
ones who calls you inorder.
She sighs, taking in everything. Starring at the wall that is
infront of her. Tears wells on her eyes, one blink they freely
wets her cheeks and a sob escape her lips. She places her hand
on her mouth trying not to wail out loud because others might
hear her from their rooms.
When she is done with her 6 0clock crying, she kicks off the
blanket and limps her way to the wall mirror. Take a look at her
body. It hurts, it's painful covered with black marks and her
vagina is burning. Tears starts flowing again.
"Why did I do it" she mumbles to herself.
Her knees gives in and she falls butt naked to the cold tile. She
closes her eyes trying not to look at herself any longer.
Today marks the third day she have been sleeping with a...with
Makhulu’s thing, she no longer have energy. She have given all
hopes up. No man will ever want her, who would want to share
a woman with a snake...sharing with another man is much
more better than all this taboo.
Murangi had just finished preparing herself to start her day,like
any other day when she isn't going to work, what is different is
that. She isn't in her true self, her character. No make up,
those rings she wears wherever she is pierced. And clothes that
leaves her damn sexy legs out to play not forgetting serving that
butt nicely shaped beneath any satin silk clothes that makes
men's to drool on her. Use their eyes to take off her dress and
grace themselves with how it looks like, only imagination but
the thought that their pockets don't match her stands makes
them to just keep on drooling. She is just wearing a long jean
skirt and the 1960's shirt with a bonnet and her flops.
She pushes herself to the kitchen
finding her mother just sitting silently starring at the walls as
well. She looks like she is thinking deeply. Murangi looks at her,
she feels her tears clouding her sight and fight them back. By
counting down from 10 to 1 slowly while holding the tip of her
pointing finger with the thumb. Make the breathing excise,
then paste a fake smile on her face. She can't show her how
deep she is broken from all the ordeal.
"Morning ma" she says walking towards the counter to make
herself a cup of coffee before she begins with breakfast.
"Any updates?" Mavis questions like how she have been asking
since the day they visited that old woman.
"Its still early ma, can we just a normal morning without you
asking for updates anytime you see me" she softly asks.
Mavis huffs, then clicks her tounge.
"Do you even want this to work Murangi." She asks getting
agitated. "Yeses, I know you wouldn't be able to pull this off
you're useless...useless just like your father and the rest of
them" she mumbles as she takes a sip of her tea.
"If I didn't want it to work I wouldn't be sleeping with snakes
every night while you sleep peacefully without things
tormenting you let's not forget being married to it." She softly
answers. She is drained with no energy left for her to raise her
voice to anyone not to mention argument. "My father might be
useless like other but tell me who would like to live with a
wicked woman like you. Filled with nothing but evilness" she
bite back.
Before Mavis could answer back, musiwalo walks in with a
cheerful smile on her face. She is wearing her shortest night
dress with a short gown as well pushing her slippers.
"Morninh beautiful people" her cheerful voice fills the whole
room. Even though she sensed tension between her sister and
mother she is just too happy to give a damn care.
"Did you win lotto?" Mavis asks, with annoyed voice.
"Duh, mother , do I have to win lotto to be happy." Musiwalo
asks taking the cup of coffee Murangi have just finished making
for herself and mumbles a lousy thank you.
"Thank you"- Musiwalo.
Murangi keeps quiet and pours herself another cup.
"So what makes you this happy while others are angry because
they are married to snakes and enjoying thee modavaso" she
says , side eying murangi. But murangi acts an affected as she
continues with what she was doing.
"I have someone who wants to marry me." She announces
walking away.
"You see, others are being married and you still don't have a
plan to lure that guy in" Mavis mumbles.
Murangi sighs, as she silently sips her coffee. Thinking maybe
she should move away from here and starts afresh somewhere.
Where no one knows her.
"You're busy sulking while others have been sleeping with it
since they started spelling sex with their eyes closed and not
feel ashamed infront of adults." - Mavis.
**CHAPTER 47**


"I will marry her." He utters, looking at his mother. He looks like
he is in deep thoughts until a smile appeared on his face and his
eyes twitches with excitement. His cheeks turns red, as the
evident of his love to her.
"Actually, I want to marry her. Even now if she wants" he says.
Laughter erupts from his brothers while his mother just looks at
his love whipped puppy face.
She could say he's 'looking all cute' but he hated being cute
from the tender age of 11.
"You should see your face bro, yoh...yoh yoh. Whipped.
Whipped. Whipped" khumbu says laughing hard.
"Tell me about it. I wonder what you can do to a person who
can try to separate you guys" mbengi adds, laughing as well.
"That person should have updated their will because wow. I will
be having no mercy struu. That girl is my life" Rendani
His mother laughs then dramatically claps her hands.
"Yoh" leaves her lips and rendani rolls his eyes.
"No you didn't " mbengi utters.
"I just did" he responds. And they all laughs.
"So when are you planning to pop the big question. know" mbeing uncomfortable asks, as he
brushes his head then lick his lips.
Khumbudzo laughs, while their mother just stare at them. She
looks a bit confused.
"I dont know. And even if I know. Do I have to make posters for
world to know" Rendani responds.
"Salt...salt, salt, it can only be salt." Khumbu adds back. Making
a funny face and making a pha pha sigh on the air, while sticking
out his tounge.
Mrs munyai brows her eyebrows, then it hits her. What they are
talking about.
"So you guys are talking about cutting the cake." She says, with
shock. How can they discuss that...yoh boys are bad news. She
thank God that the laddies went grocery shopping or else
muvhuso could have wished this floors opens for her and close
her in.
Both brothers looks at each other then bust out in laugher.
"It is eating the cake ma. Having sex. Actually we should have
said it loud. You know we are having it and this 'I want to marry
her', you have found him on action actually" khumbudzo says,
"And I am still traumatized. He actually owes me full Payment to
the shrink" Mrs munyai responds.
"Send me, how the payment what what works and I will gladly
do, so I can hear the end of this, because wow" rendani
responds. And they all laughs until they all keep quiet, the
atmosphere immediately changes.
"When are you planning on telling her" Mrs munyai asks.
This is one of the topics he never wants to touch on. He will tell
her. She will know about the soulmate thing but he wants to be
her knight before she thinks he is doing what he is assigned to
do. He wants to warms his way to her heart without any
ancestral favors.
" I will tell her ma" rendani replies and walk out of the lounge.
As he dismisess the topic.
"He is running away. And he knows that he girlfriend runs aways
when things gets hots. He wants to have puza face now" Mrs
munyai mumbles.
Both mbengi and Khumbu laughs. "Puza, where did
you hear that" khumbu mutters in between his laughs. As they
continue to laugh.


"This will work. I can feel it in my body. My veins attest to this"

Tshililo says as she shakes her body.
"But...but ut will hurt Muvhuso more" Elias utters. Deeply
buried in his thoughts. There might be another way. This can't
be the only way., no these...these is everything against
his believes and what he stands for.
"Stop being a sissy, my soft hearted brother. This is life. And one
must do what ever it take to have what they desire. And
Rendani is mine. My husband. I will do what ever it takes to
protect my marriage with him" she utters getting worked up.
"No need for your blood to boil sis. Rendani isn't your husband.
He didn't pay a dime for you. And he denied you several times
in several occasions. That is why you drugged him and rape him.
Then took the video. To tie him to you. To your selfish self" Elias
reminds her.
"There is no backing down now Elias. Whether you're agreeing
to this or not. It's going to happen. I will contact that guy myself
if I have to. Yeses working with amateurs" she then clicks her
tounge and storms out of the Elivis bedroom.
Elias looks at the brown envelope that is on top of the bed
infront of him
then sigh.
"I should have given her this long time ago. Its long overdue" he
mutters to himself as he rubs his head.
He knows his sister there is no way, he would convince her to
let this one go. But it wouldn't be bad, to have Muvhuso to
himself. So he thought.
His phone beeps, as it flashes showing that he have received
notification. He takes his phone, unlock it then opens his
messages. It's a picture of Muvhuso and her sisters in law. They
both looks beautiful, and desirable.
He licks his lips as his eyes lustfully lays on her...her. his ex's
Few weeks back he used to see her in brotherly eyes and now
they have turned lustful. He dreams of the things he will do to
her as she lays like a marinated chicken ready for Christmas
lunch as it awaits the feast. And how he will gracefully munches
on her as he dip his joystick deep her gold mine, in between her
"Elias, we should be going in 5minutes if you're still coming" a
voice on the other side of the half closed door says. Making him
to get in touch with reality.
He clears his troat before he answers back.
"Su...sure" he replies
They marches to the restaurant where his guy have told them
he would find Muvhuso at. Elias is holding the ticket to the sit
next to her plus her attention, the brown envelope with
Muvhuso's name written in bold capital letters. Tshililo has the
best fake smile plastered across her face. She have to do this
right. Like they say, fake it until you make it. That's the slogan.
"Ladies" mbengi says, as he holds tight the envelope. His eyes
on Muvhuso as he awaits her reaction on his presence. But no
bad blood is detected. Only a smile even though it doesn't
reach her eyes but she is smiling.
Tshililo secretly do voshos, at the appealing sight. She thought
this will be hard but...nah, it's need for fake tears to
fall and mess up her make up and lashes, not to mention her
"Hi" both muvhuso and the girls answers.
"Mmmh, can we join you guys" Elias asks.
"No..yes" both shandu and muvhuso says at the same time
Shandu looks at muvhuso, with disapproving eye. Then sigh.
"Fine, you can sit" she mumbles after a second.
They sits, Elias's eyes never leaves Muvhuso and everyone could
see that. They place their orders.
"This is for you. Maria left it with me." He utters handing her
the envelope.
"Mine...ooh okay" she says taking it.
"Mmmh, muvhuso. I know we started at the wrong foot and I
would like us to start again. The thing is I thought he was just
delusional and he would come back to me. That why I kept
holding on, to the thoughts that he will come back to me...for
me. But after sitting with Elias down he made me see that I
should let him go. And let you guys have a normal relationship
without me being a nuisance" she says with a sad face that
matches with her voice.
"I understand babe, it's okay" muvhuso replies.
"Can we seal this with a hug?" She asks with a smile of her
"Sure thing" muvhuso replies as she stands. Opens her arms for
Tshililo. And they hug each other.
"Chiskop looks good on you" tshilio compliment her.
**CHAPTER 48**


Her head is about to explode, bust her big head. Her brains
have been widely awake, for the week. She can't seems to
sleep. How can she sleep when she have mountains to
move...towers to rebuild and dry springs to bring back to life.
She have lost weight, she is bit boney. Actually becoming a
shadow of her old self. Everything is heading south and blowing
dust right on her face.
It's 12 0clock midnight, only few seconds left for the whole
house to be filled with Murangi's moans and screams. And that
is one of the situation that has taken most of her brains,
occupying freely making her anxiety skyrocket.
""that is how it starts. When makhulu
tokoloshe(snake husband) enters the kraal. Being her child's
vigina for a mission of no progress.
Nothing, not even a sigh that they will get muvhuso is there,
not even a little hope. Maybe this was all Makhulu’s plan. To
make her pay. That what's also makes her go wild and deeper
into her dark imagination and her thoughts.
"Mmmmhhh....aahhh..aahh" murangi screams a bit higher than
before. Mavis closes her eyes and clench her teeth.
"This was never the price" she mumbles to herself. She can see
her daughter is suffering, but she aren't the most precious thing
after silver and gold not forgetting the paper. You know what
few what few coins can do not to mention the smell of paper.
You can smell it through that plastic thing they gave us at banks
and smile all the way to Louis Vuitton if the muller allows. Those
Mandela heads are important but what more important. Her
not so precious daughter who can give her both satisfaction of
always seeing her niece not making it in life and also luring a
rich Munyai son.
That was the plan...which aren't in motion yet. All she keeps
hearing is her daughter paying for all 9f that but to what
"Maybe I should visit makhulu. Once again" she thought to
herself. "Yeah, I should. She owes me that much." She says to
herself. Before she continues listening to her daughter's
screams like a pig being slaughtered.
Just before the sun rise, she is getting off the taxi. Put on her
doek. And matches to Makhulu’s place.
Today there is no line, and it's the first time finding makhulu at
this time drinking something from those old steel cups. That is
not even in a good condition. She is bare footed sitting on old
maize meal sack. She is an alive skeleton. Her eyes swokened in
their eyes holes, cheek bones limiting her sight at they peek all
out. Her neck buried deep the chest bones peeking out. She
have no tshirt on, so let's not mention how her shrinking skin
and saggy breast. Just an ancestor, an alive walking and eating
"Atlest today there is no line" Mavis says taking a sit on the
wood chair that is next to makhulu. Makhulu keeps drinking her
tea quietly.
"What happened here" she asks taking in her surroundings. She
have been so focused on Makhulu’s appreciation failing to see a
halfly burnt rondoval with no thatchies roofing it but a long blue
plastic. The ancestors roundovel is no longer there, it is burnt
down and there is no restoring it other than building another
"What do you want Mavis?" Her corse scratchy voice utters.
"You know what I want" Mavis replied.
"If I knew I wouldn't ask you. Why are you here" she asks her
"Your things aren't working out makhulu. My child keeps
satisfying your tokoloshes and what do I get. I don't even sleep
at night, while that thing is busy with her" Mavis replies.
"Light and darkness what conquers what?" She asks then sip
her wild roibos tea. Which state bitter and also looks like a
green tea.
Mavis sigh in frustration, she have never been here for
questions but answers. And direction to acquire what she needs
through all odds.
"Nothing conquers each other. Reason why there is night and
day. For Light rules during day and darkness rules during night"
Mavis replied.
Makhulu nods, takes the last sip of her tea. Tears blinds her
vision but she blinks them back.
"Even though there is that. But what ever happens in darkness
will come out in light. And people will see it with their naked
eyes." She utters.
"What do you mean, Makhulu?" Mavis asks with an alarmed
"Every dog has its day, Mavis. Unfortunately both of us will pay
a hefty price. I can't help you" after saying that she attempts to
stand up countless times until she gathers enough strength,
stags few times and only makes three steps, and a lighting hit
her, she let out a painful scream. Mavis runs towards her even
though hse didn't want her legs to do so, but it seems like legs
can think on their own.
"Makhulu" she says looking her her, blooming coming out her
noise, ears and mouth.
"You can't save her, the are already finished with her." Last
words escape her lips then he heart stop beating. The villagers
are already here, crownding them. Mavis don't know what to
do. People are giving her some suspecting eyes, others are
giving her judgemental eyes. She doesn't know what to do
go home or wait for people to call the umbulance.

Her head is placing nicely on her man's chest. Listening to
Rendani jokes, and stories that aren't even true. The aim is to
entertain his lady and he seems to be doing it very well. He is
that much of a Romantic guy, talk of disrespect to his big daddy
statues. But he is trying all for her.
They are sitting laying on bed, with snacks around them.
Rendani is the one feeding her. Playing some love birds melody,
making the mood Romantic.
"How long does it take a lady to want to be married to a guy"
asks kissing her temple and she giggles.
"The moment I say yes to be his lady" she answers. Then
"Ooh okay, so my lady have been waiting for me to ask her to
marry me" he playfully says.
Muvhuso, blushes buring her face on her chest.
"That helps to avoid temptations" she shly, says. Making
Rendani to laugh. He knows what she is saying but he can be
naughty right. He is with his lady right and should be himself.
"Aah, you know. To avoid sex before married. You the bible" she
"So that is the reason why we have been dying here in drought"
he playfully says. With a smirk on his face.
Muvhuso blushes and a smile form on her face.
"so, my lady, my queen, my African lady, my heart in a human
form, my better half. Will you marry me" Rendani asks and
muvhuso immediately turns to look at the man, whose
engaging her laying on his back. With his hand playing with her
ring finger.
"You're joking right" muvhuso asks, searching for confirmation
on his eyes but the glow and the fire, warmth from them tells
her this isn't a joke.
Rendani smiles nervously then shakes his head.
"I am serious like a heart attack" he utters as he now sitting up
straight. Takes her hand into his then plants few kisses.
"For love love or know" she unintentionally asks.
"For sex, can't wait to tap that round curvious ass no lie, but
most of all for love. You're my sunshine, my hope after storm
and my redeemer. You don't know or might have not notice
how much I have grown up in your presence. And I like the
feeling, I have found a home in you and my safest place. And I
love the person I have become making me curious of what the
future holds for me. So please my love...please mama, be this
idiot's wife. The brain to the big brainless head" he says. By now
tears are cascading down Muvhuso's cheek and she nods her
"You know you have to say it mu love. After pouring my heart
out and I get a nod, no babe. Tell daddy what you want, daddy
is listening" he says holding both her hands. Fighting his own
tears from falling down, he aren't a woman and not going to
start now. No matter how much love tries to cripple him he
rather leap than be a chicken. Crying because overwhelming
feeling of being love and loved, reciprocal love. The one which
isn't fitty fitty but you give hundred and she gives hundred
kinda love.
"I want to marry you too" she responds. Earning a heartfelt kiss,
that wraps all their emotions into one. A tear escape his eyes,
making it one to the girls and zero to the boys.
**CHAPTER 49**


He have been living on the hundredth cloud since last night.

What he is feeling can't be cloud nine kinda thing. He called
everyone who have to know and those who doesn't have to.
Announcing to the world that soon he will be getting married.
His mother and brother kept on making fun om how he
"Who does that...who proposed laying on their back."they kept
"What happened to being on your knees." Shandu adds. And
the girls die in laughter. Muvhuso kept laughing but each time
her eyes lands on her handsome fiance she would defend him.
"Leave my man alone" muvhuso would defend his case. And
that was like adding fuel to an already burning fire. Last night
was fun and he is happy he still feel the same way as
yesterday. Waking up with a smile had to be one of the greatest
feeling ever. He smiles more looking at the sleeping black
beauty. She looks so peaceful, more like a sleeping goddess.
And that warm feeling that makes him thank the ancestors for
choosing her for him. He smiles more then place a kiss on her
forehead. Get off the bed, head to the bathroom, and take a
quick shower before he heads to the kitchen to get breakfast
ready. He has to get that ring out of the closet and place it on
that finger. Talk about marking your territory. He smiles, to the
thought. He takes out what he is going to use on preparing the
breakfast for his lady and get down to business.
Half way through it mbengi walks in the kitchen, whistling so
feel good melody and that got Rendani on floor with few
voshos. And they all die with laughter after that.
"The cookie is so good, it even made you wake up to prepare
breakfast for the whole family. Yoh munna(man), we should
appease the ancestors." Mbengi says, with a face hiding his own
"No, I am just a salty happy man. That all" rendani responds.
"He vhanna, salty happy man. Na vha happy, you end up
chopping the onions with a smile on your face. I don't want to
imagine what will happen after she is done quoting abo sex
before marriage is a sin scripture. You will be washing her
panties musi" Mbengi Morks him, but they all know it's a joke.
So he laughs.
Pours her coffee in a cup with a cup of orange juice for himself.
"I am going to tell Mma, that you were whistling inside the
house. Her house to be specific. We will see what will happen
to your Satan's fork and toe self" rendani says a bit loud. Seeing
his mother coming.
"Whatever will die from salt. While you sleep
smelling peaches the whole night" mbengi responds. He is busy
going trough the containers looking for last night left overs. He
isn't a man of English breakfast or what so ever you name them
after breakfast. But a heavy food breakfast. Who Wakes up to
rice and all their seven colour plus a huge piece of wors and
beef meat as breakfast. Not half plate, nope, a whole mountain
to be exact.
"You whistle in my house Mbengi" an angry voice of Mrs
munyai that is on a soprano tone makes him go deaf.
"Shit" he mumbles to himself. But she heard it.
"Get out of my kitchen and go to the toilet" Mrs munyai said.
Rendani laughs out loud, he is still watching the show.
"But mah..." mbengi says trying to sulk.
"Hey out. No one takes shit in my kitchen" she screams and he
walks out. Showing Rendani a middle finger.
The ring is on his hand
his busy contemplating on whether to put the ring in between
her slices or inside her coffee. But he doesn't know what to do.
He looks at it then slips in inside his juice. He will have coffee
today. He gently gets inside the blankets and starts kissing the
back of her neck. Muvhuso mumbles something before she
turns and she smiles looking at his eyes piercing her face.
"Good morning babe" she says. And he smiles wider.
"Good morning wifey" he utters and she smiles.
"Not yet" she says and he narrows his eyes before he breaks it
into a chuckle. Kiss her temple.
"But you're my wife" he tells her.
"Wife to be, my dearest husband to be" she corrects then stick
her tounge out.
He then pulls her closer to him.
"The day I will fuck that stubbornness out of you Nyc nyc." He
whispers and she thank her lovely ancestors for dark chocolate
skin or else she would have been a tomato. His voice his
vibrating right on her earlobe sending weird sensation that she
have learn to be feeling wet, like you know...she is ready for the
", I smell coffee" she says changing the
subject. She knows if she doesn't she might end under him,
while he licks her whole face like an icecream while her
stomach hurts with so much laughter.
"Yeah, but baby. I have something to ask you" he nervously
"Mmmh okay" she says getting serious as well.
"I want us to try each other's favourite so I will be eating what is
your fovourite while you eat mine" he says. Muvhuso laughs.
I have no problem with orange juice but do you eat tomatoes?"
She asks because have never seen him eating them like raw in
"I hate them but I can try out what you love" he nervously
"Okay sure" she says. He takes the tray from the side of the bed
drawer then place it on his legs.
"Can you smell that...yoh, my coffee" muvhuso makes a
dramatic cry and they both bust in laughter. Hse then takes a
fork and chooses a slice of tomato, Rendani mentally prepares
himself for the weird taste of raw tomato.
"Open you mouth" she says directing the fork into his mouth
then he makes na awful face. Close his eyes then open his
mouth. He takes the whole tomato, then chew it still wearing
that face. Muvhuso is busy laughing.
"But babe did you have to?" He says sulking.
"It is your idea of fun after all" she says taking the juice the
takes a sip.
"Not bad...not bad at all" she says.
They are now eating quietly, Rendani's eyes are always on his
favorite juice. Wondering why it is taking long for her to drink
the ring. In the movies it alway one sip then the second one the
girl drink with it. But on his case, muvhuso is half way emptying
the glass.
"What?" Muvhuso asks, when she finds his eyes on the glass.
"Nothing" he responds.
They kept eating until she drinks with it.
"Ooh baby, I think this juice have stones" she says after she
neatly choked on it.
She spills out what on her mouth to her hand, and her eyes
"Really" she screams not so loud. Rendani nods then look at
"I haven't learnt that knees what done and one knee what but,
this is the ring I have bought for you. To look at it and see how
much I value you. Can you please wear it" he says .
"You don't have to." She says giving it to him. He takes it and
slips it onto her finger and immediately she stands up and runs
out of the house calling Shandu and Khumbelo with a happy
voice. Rendani laughs.
"I didn't even seal it with a kiss" he says to himself.
"Laddies " he mumbles.
**CHAPTER 50**


She is extremely tired. She wants to rest but each time she
close her eyes, the picture of that horrifying thing she sleeps
with keeps appearing. Until she hates closing her eyes. Her
room looks and smells like a pigstay. She haven't bathed in a
week and few days. All she do is to lay on the bed, with her sore
legs up. Her body is covered by black patches all over it. Her
head is throbing from all the crying and screaming she have
been doing lately, her voice has be come scratchy as well.
The bedroom door opens and both her mother and sister walks
with. Mavis is holding a bowel of soup on a tray with a glass of
She looks at them walking in, looking at Musiwalo's reaction.
They haven't seen each other for quite sometime. The last time
they saw each other was when Musiwalo announces she was
going overseas with her sugar daddy, she envied that, she
wished it was her running away from all the nightmares she is
faced with but that all happend because of envy. It all started as
a wish...wishing to have the same relationship musiwalo and
their mother had, and she tried all her best to be her mother's
fovourite and that caused her life.
"Here, you have to eat something. To regain strength" Mavis
says putting the tray at the bedside.
"Yoh, Murangi...yoh this place smells bad."musiwalo says
making a face. It's like she will puke any moment.
"I...I am not hungry" murangi says to her mother avoiding what
her sister have just said.
"Girl, I mean, have you looked at yourself no man. Yoh "
Musiwalo utters, standing next to her and looking at her with
pitiful eyes.
"Musiwalo" Mavis warns her.
Musiwalo looks then shrug her shoulders. Mavis keeps staring
at her until she raises her hands as a sign of surrender and then
keep quite. A moment of silence passes until murangi speaks.
"I am tired...I no longer have dreams and hopes. I don't" she
utters as tears clouds her eyes. She let them fall. Musiwalo rolls
her eyes at how her sister is being dramtic. Everyone gets sick
and that doesn't mean they are dying.
"Dont do that to yourself murangi...don't, you will be okay"
Mavis tries to console her.
"Will I be normal? Go back to that murangi I know of. The lonely
girl. Who cries for her mother's love and attention. Will I go
back ma? To the innocent girl I was, Will I go back?Will I ?" She
questions, with a voice laced with pain.
Mavis sigh, because she knew there is no reverse button in this
life. What's done is done and cannot be redone. Mavis have
been warned countless times about what she was doing to
Muvhuso and she never listened. Now it is reaping time.
"Nana, don't hurt yourself like that. There is no need to beat
yourself up for something you won't be able to change, rather
focus on the future" Mavis says.
"For the first time to say sensible thing ma
you're growing up" musiwalo says.
"What future ma? Looking forward, towards what? I no longer
have future. I dont" she utters, as pain accompany each word
she utters. Mavis sigh and musiwalo folds her hands and looks
at her sister throwing tantrums.
"I loved you ma, I cried for you. There are moments where only
your embrace will bring light to my dark world. The time
Rendani looks my way, I wasn't really onto him. Until you also
look my way ma. And that was the best feeling ever. I loved the
attention I got from you until I realise how deep and fucked up
you are but it was too late. I was deep in it with you" she utters,
then wipes tears on her face.
Murangi shakes her head, not giving her mother a chance to say
what she wants to say.
"Can you get Muvhuso for me. I have to see her" murangi asks
looking at her sister.
"You know I don't talk to..." Murangi cuts her sister short.
"I know, but I am humbly asking you" she pleads.
"I will see what I can do" musiwalo


Today has been one of his busiest days, he had a load just
before 4 0clock in the morning and now it's midday, and he
haven't had anything to eat. He is now cueing to buy pap n
tripes(magulu) from the lady who sells at the taxi rank. He is
salivating to its tantalizing smell.
He has been busy on his phone, staking Muvhuso while waiting
for his turn.
Before he knew it, it's his turn.
"Can I get a full plate of pap n tripes, no salads please" he
places his order. The lady that starts dishing for him. Then she
wraps the food for him as they were exchanging money and
food their hands held each other. They both stare at each other
for a moment. Her hand gets moist when she held his.
"You can't see light when dwelling on darkness. Starts moving
before its too late." the lady says. Elias gave her a confused
look, and tries to take back his hand.
Until the lady comes back to her sense.
"Sorry...sorry" the lady utters. Elias just nods and walk away
leaving his change behind. He just didn't want to be there
He goes back to his taxi, eats his food before he starts with his
rounds again. And before knows it, it is time to go back home.
"We don't have to Tshililo" Elias says standing by his bedroom
window. He have been trying to ignore this issue but he knows
once his sister puts her mind into something there is no going
"Too late" Tshililo utters with a mischievous smile on her face.
She is happy and can't be nursing her brother draw backs
"Hit the button post and viral it goes" she says clicking in her
computer as she makes a bubble from her bubblegum. It's more
like a bitchy mode activated and she is ready to live on it.
Elias sighs rubbing his head, then stomps his foot. That lady's
voice rings in her head "you cant see light when dweling on the
"Now we wait for the drama to unfold" Tshililo says bringing
him back to reality.
"Yeah" elias replies.
"Lets pop some champagne babe" tshililo screams running out
of the room. Going to get few bottles and a glass.
**CHAPTER 51**


"Rendani please call me back, asap" muvhuso says, feeling

frustrated over the phone. Rendani didn't come back home last
night and she haven't heard anything from him.
She have to go home today, so that when the Munyai people
come find her home.
"We shouldn't let muvhuso see this" khumbelo's voice says
walking into the kitchen while talking to someone over the
phone. When her eyes lands on muvhuso, she stands on one
spot with her eyes pop out. She isn't ready to tell her but she
also doesn't want to lie yo her. One way or another she will
know the truth.
"Know what Khumbelo" She asks in an alarmed voice.
"Tell me khumbelo, what is it that I am not supposed to see"
she questions. Standing up from where she was sitting.
"Mmm, girl." khumbelo stutters. Holding her phone close
to her.
"Please, did anything happen to Rendani. Is he okay." She
questions, taking her phone and tries to dial Rendani's number
"Yoh, Rendani...oh my God" she says feeling more frustrated.
"Ooh is it that bad...khumbelo. in which hospital" she questions
running out of the kitchen going to get her hand bag.
"Muvhuso...Muvhuso" khumbelo screams her name.
"Heeh, we have to go. Yoh, what will we say to his
mother....Ma" Muvhuso talks very fast, running away.
Mrs Munyai runs to the kitchen, she was checking her flowers
and new leeches tree she have just planted few days back.
"Mulandu, khumbelo."(what is wrong, khumbelo) Mrs munyai
says with her high pitched voice.
"Ma..." khumbelo replies.
She doesn't know how she is going to break this down. Where is
Khumbudzo when she needed him most, in such cases he
should be the one telling his mother. She doesn't want her to
die with high high on her account.
"Don't Ma me mani Khumbelo. Whats wrong. Why is Muvhuso
screaming my name." She questions.
"Muvhuso..."she calls her.
Muvhuso comes back still running, looking like she doesn't
know whether she is going or coming. She just wants to see
how bad Rendani might be hurt.
"Ma...khumbelo let's go" she says.
"No calm down before you faint Muvhuso." khumbelo says.
"No khumbelo, I will calm down once I see him. I have to..."
Khumbelo cuts her short.
"No mani Muvhuso. There is a porn video of him and that girl,
we saw at the restaurant with Elias. I think" Khumbelo blunt it
"Porn what?" Both Mrs munyai and muvhuso asks in the same
"Sex clip, trending number one on Twitter. Everyone is talking
about it on Facebook and most of my contacts have shared it
on whatsapp" khumbelo explains.
"Yoh, Rendani will kill me, ooh my God" Mrs munyai says taking
a sit. She then takes of her tshirt as she starts feeling hot. Her
blood presents starting to rise.
"He...he can't do that to me. He promised, right. He can't right"
muvhuso says, as she feel her knees give him and she falls on
her butt to the floor with tears running down her cheeks.
"I am sorry...I am so sorry Muvhuso" khumbelo says, not
knowing who to comforts. Her mother in law or her sister.
" what what. Rendani. YOH!"Mrs munyai cries out.
Khumbelo runs to the kitchen. Gets a glass of water
runs back and help Mrs munyai drinks the water.
After sometime Muvhuso stands up and walks away. Fresh tears
keeps her cheeks wet.
"Mu...Muvhuso" khumbelo screams her name. She shakes her
head. And keep walking.
She is drowning in a pool of her own tears, she keeps watching
the video. And its been two hours, the bedroom door locked.
There pleasurable screams, his face, her face and the other
guy's face.
The tshirt looks exactly the same with the one he went out
wearing. All black jeans looks the same right. The only thing
that differs them is being ripped or not. The tattoo on his neck,
hands and chest makes makes it more believable. She keeps
crying. She feel like a fool. She believed him when he told her
he changed. He changed for her. What made her feel like she is
special...what made her think he will change for her. Her who
have nothing in life. Just bcomhons in human resource, which is
not opening her doors like it's supposed to. Her father died and
her mother couldn't even wait yo join her husband. What
about her? Who was choosing her, who is choosing her. No one.
Her aunt choose to live with her only to abuse her. Maria
become her saver but that didn't last long. Before she knew it
she was gone also, with only a brown envelope that is still
sealed left. No one wants her closer yo them for life time. It's all
just a short lived happiness and then back to square one.
"Life is not fair, it never has" she says as she wails griping the
pillow close to her face, blocking her screams to fill the whole
room if not the house.
"Where did I go wrong? What have I done. Please,please tell
me. God are you even there. Do my pleas ever reach your ears
or am I not as important as other" she says crying.
She cries until she fell asleep.


Last night have been nice. Beers, meat, Marijuana. Everything

that spells out good life nice vibes. It's been long since there
was a turn up like that. One thing that he regrets right now is
how he is feeling. His head I throbing and phumudzo is busy
screaming his name while shaking him.
"Rendani munna(man) wake up" phumudzo keeps shaking him.
"What? Why are you screaming" Rendani replies. Looking
around and there are two laddies beside him.
He rubs his eyes thinking maybe he aren't seeing clearly. Then
looks at them again. He is sleeping between them. He then
lowers his hands down to feel if his trouser is still on. Alcohol
has long left his body at the moment. No matter what reason he
couldn't stomach hurting his fiance like this. But what will he
"Phew" he breathes as he feels his jean still on. Then gets up.
He is still wearing clothes.
"You thought..." phumudzo asks laughing a little.
"I would be going to mortuary now now. Because I wouldn't
wait for her to kill me" he say carefully getting off the bed.
They walk to the kitchen, together.
"Ohh shit" Rendani says.
"What?" -Phumudzo
"Where is my phone" Rendani asks searching for a his
cellphone. Remembering he haven't talked to his woman.
"Its on the couch with your car keys" phumudzo says walking to
the kitchen.
Phumudzo's phone keeps beeping, announcing notifications
and he have been ignoring them. He took his phone and his
eyes pop out in shock. Seeing him and Rendani trending. He
takes a sit, then view the video and it's them having threesome.
He groins buried deep on the lady's mouth while Rendani was
busy taking it from behind. He whistles.
"I want a charger....sies, porn early so" Rendani says walking in
the kitchen.
"Yoh man, come see this. This is a flop struu" phumudzo says in
a faint voice.
Rendani walks towards him. Takes the phone and his eyes
couldn't believe this.
Yes, he have taken few videos when doing the deeds but this,
this is the first time he sees this one.
"This is us musi" the words left his mouth but that not what he
wanted to say.
"I am fucked" he says taking a sit as well.
"What are we going to do. Especially you. Look at this video, I
am wearing the same color and patten as it. The tattoos.
feeling defeated.
"We will tell her the truth" phumudzo says.
"What truth, this is me. The tshirt I am wearing. I didn't go
home last night. My phone was off and is still off." He says.
"Yoh this is a stuff one" phumudzo says. Immediately
phumudzo's rings and it's mbengi calling.
He answers the call looking at Rendani.
"Open the door" mbengi commands . Then drops the call.
"He is at the door" phumudzo says.
"Amen"- Rendani
**CHAPTER 52**

His tshirt is covered in blood. Lips bit cracked and few bruises of
his lower body. He even got a kick on his testicle and he swear
he felt his soul leaving his body. Mbengi and khumbu have done
a number on him.
"You will never change Rendani" his mother pained voice utters.
"I have changed ma" he replies with his head looking down. His
brothers are giving him evil eyes. Mbengi keeps chuckling then
shakes his head, with a lightened cigarette on his left hand.
"You changed walking around taking videos while
sticking your magic stick in each and every willing hole." Mrs
munyai says feeling annoyed.
Rendani pop his fingers, lick his bloody lips then shake his head.
"Didn't you say you don't love that girl Rendani. Now you don't
come back home mathina you're porn acting sies mani Rendani.
You have a fiance for heaven sake. How do you think she felt
when she saw that video. How she is feeling now" Mrs munyai
continues to pour her heart out.
Muvhuso is still locked in the bedroom, they have tried to beg
her to open the door but it was all invain.
"I wasn't ma...its..." he keeps quiet then exhale some air. The
truth is he went to visit his friend. Then they went out just for
old time sake. Drink so hard, the party was great no lie. Then he
doesn't know what happened. Wake up in between two woman
who were fully dressed so was he. Then discover he is number
one SA trending pornist from limpopo.
"So you're saying it's not you" khumbu questions. He can feel
his gaze with his head bowed down.
He shrug his shoulders, swallowing a lump forming on his
throat, "its me" he utters feeling dirty for the first time in his life
he feels this way.
"I gave up. His big head is filled with water. brains
at all" Mrs munyai says washing her hands on air.
"Ma..." mbengi says.
"What, I am here feeling for that kid. Who is promised the
heaven on earth. And he go back to his ways, just that I am old
now, I should be whipping that nonsense out of the big head
filled with chicken brains" she says then clicks her tounge.
The keep on lashing at him, insulting and questioning him. And
he was getting impatient. The person he should be groveling to
for forgiveness has locked herself and wants nothing to do with
this drama. At last Muvhuso appears in the living room pushing
herself to the kitchen. Rendani immediately stands up and runs
to her. It's her he needs to explain to. She have to give him a
"Babe, I can explain"-Rendani.
Muvhuso looks at him. She stares at his tshirt, trouser and him
"I can't do this" she utters then runs to the kitchen. The laddies
stood up as well and runs after her.
Rendani is left standing on one spot not knowing what to do.
What to say and how to explain himself. He has to recheck that
video again a lot doesn't make sense.
"Don't think because she is choosen for you I won't encourage
her to leave your sorry ass" Mrs munyai says then stands up and
head to the kitchen as well.
"I didn't do it" he says to his brother. He desperately wanted
them to believe him. He will never act like that, not now he
have just committed.
"But is ut you on the video?" Khumbu asks.
Rendani exhale then nods "its me" he utters.
"Can I see the video again" Rendani asks khumbudzo. His
phone is not yet charged, he doesn't want to. Beside this thing
affecting the business and the people of none factor in his life,
it's making things more hard and difficult for him and his fiance.
He have to find a way to prove his innocence one way or
He looks at the video this time around looking at it closely. Yes
its him wearing his branded tshirt. Red in color. Written SKY IS
THE LIMIT but the one he is wearing now is Written SKY IS THE
LIMIT (RM), RM are his initials.
He breathes out.
"This video wasn't taken today, look at the difference on tshirts
" he says showing the interested khumbudzo. He keeps looking
at the video and then he also notice he had no tattoos on both
hands. In the video only one hand has a tattoo of a rose while at
the moment he has tattoo on both hands. Muvhuso's name is
tattooed on his left hand which is plain on the video with no
trace of ink.
"And the tatoos" khumbudzo notifies.
Then a goofy smile forms on his face. He knows he isn't off the
hook as in yet but atleast now he has something to prove that
this is an old video.
Mbengi have already sent the video to his IT guru to check if it's
real and when was it taken and which model took the video.
He has now bathed, looking fresh even though he is limping.
The girls are sitting outside basking on the sun, while trying to
entertain muvhuso. Who is on her own world. Mbengi walks
towards them, she can smell his scent from a distant and feels
his presence as well.
can I have sometime with Muvhuso" he asks. Muvhuso wanted
to refuse but she also is curious how he is going to defend
Shandu and khumbelo stands up and walk away, giving them
privacy. Mrs Munyai is busy minding her rose roses garden and
one leaches trees which wasn't planted long, but by the way
she waters it. It's like she is expecting to enjoy the fruits next
week. Her eyes keeps looking at Rendani. She hates him at the
moment but want them to come out of this situation as well.
Muvhuso is good for her child.
"Muvhuso" he says trying to hold her hands, but she takes them
back. And that bruises him a little, but what did he expect.
"I am sorry my love, that I want home and didn't inform you my
whereabouts. I am sorry for that video but one thing I tell you
now and it's the truth..." muvhuso cuts him short. She just
wanted to know, hear it coming from his mouth.
"Is that you Rendani" she asks.
Rendani looks down, then exhale.
"Babe look..." - Rendani
"Dont baby me Rendani. Is that you. Yes or no thenee are done"
she says as tears escape her left eye.
"Babe don't cry" Rendani says, as he attempts to wipe her tears.
But she slaps his hands off her.
"Dont touch me Rendani, don't" she screams at him.
"Is that you, yes or no. Then if you don't want to answer me.
Just give me few days I will be out of your family's space. It's not
like I am supposed to be happy in life anyway" she says, her
voices carries so much pain in it.
"You're not going anywhere Muvhuso, you're not. We will get
through this together and that will happen with you hear do
you hear me" Rendani says with his voice bit raised.
"Dont raise your voice on me Rendani. I am not the one who
asks you to sleep around. You're nothing but a lying busterd.
And I was a fool to believe you will change for me....just for me,
me Muvhuso. Even my mother failed to hold on for me. No one
chooses me. Not parents, not even God so who are you. I was
just a fool and you know what, it's okay. It's alright. I will be
okay right. As long as I am still breathing" she utters.
Rendani keeps quiet and looks at her. He knows that video
broke her but this is a realization that she is just a fallen flower.
It tries to hold on in life until it withers and die on the ground.
People stomp on it while other sweeps it away. But this is his
fallen flower. His broken angel that somehow he contributed in
"What made you sell me dreams Rendani. Who gave you the
power to make me want to feel things that I no I am not
supposed to feel. What gave you the idea. Was I loveable at
some point then when you were at the peak you realises that
no man, this isn't the one I want. Why didn't you let me go. Like
they have always. My aunt have never tried this hard in loving
me. But, you penetrated the Walls I have long built
around my heart. You didn't just knock them down but you
make it straight to my heart penetrated it's walls and deep
inside you dwell. Only you weren't there for a life time. While I
didn't get the memo on how this is a short time of happiness
until you spread your wings fly away to find love elsewhere. I
despise you for that. You should have let me go atleast." She
says as tears keeps pouring down her cheeks.
"My love, I..." Rendani.
She shakes her head, plum her face and she cries like she have
never cried before. She was letting her past pain all out.
Triggered by that video. She wails like a little baby. Rendani
takes her to his embrace and a tear also escape his eye. This
hurts him more also.
"I will protect you with my life babe. And I will never leave you"
he promises as he kiss her head and squeeze her closer to
**CHAPTER 53**

Two weeks have passed since the whole ordeal. Muvhuso have
given Rendani a chance to hear his side of story. Things aren't
yet back at how they were before all the then sex clip scandal.
It's all a one step at a time. Muvhuso have also started
attending therapy sessions to help her heal from the pain cause
by everyone who left her. Accepting that they were supposed
to, that how life is like.
She have got her mojo back, ready to do this life thing for
herself without depending on anyone. That means she have
started applying again for jobs. Enrolled for a long distance
learning at UNISA, in industrial psychology. If she doesn't get
job on all posts she have applied she will be studying and she is
happy with that.
Right now she is busy helping Rendani in packing his merch and
snacks boxes he sells. Orders have been placed long time ago
but he couldn't focus on that.
"Babe" Rendani says looking at him.
"Mmmh" she says, still focusing on what she is doing.
"Thank you" -Rendani.
"For what?" She questions looking at him. Her eyes travels to
his eyes and their eyes lock for a moment. And that spark that
always makes her feel butterflies on her stomach, the urge to
run her fingers on his well built muscles. Her eyes travels to his
lips and she swallow while rendani licks his lips.
"For being part of my life" he replies after a moment, of adoring
each other.
"One more snucks things, you will draw and colour me. I tell
you" she reminds him. She have been saying this for the past
one week.
"Nothing baby girl. Nothing" he utters. His phone beeps. He
checks it and it's Mbengi, he have sent him location
accompanied by a message telling him to go to that location
right now.
"Babe, I have to go" he says looking at Muvhuso. Touching her
"Now...Rendani have you seen the time" she says in a worried
"Mbengi sent me a message. And a location to go to. And he
said it urgent. Please let me go" he begs.
"But it's now late Rendani, we should be heading to bed" she
wants to refuse but she also doesn't want to be seen as like she
doesn't trust him or act like a clingy girlfriend.
"Okay, let me call him" he says taking his phone out of his
"No, don't go" she says holding his hands.
"Are you sure?" He queries.
Muvhuso nods.
"Yes, yeah. I'm sure" she replies.
He kissed her briefly on lips then her forehead. He then runs
"This looks like the place, he sent for me" Rendani says to
He is at a secluded house that seems to be dumped. With long
It's night for heaven sake and he is at this ghost haunted places.
That he might even die. If anything happens to him no one will
find him here. He breathes thinking that his brother would
never send him to places that aren't safe. But what if his phone
is hacked. He thought to himself.
He calls Muvhuso, it rings few times before she answers.
"Hello" her faint soft voice says. He smiles to himself. He loves
her no doubt about that. And there is nothing he wouldn't do
for her. He live for her, she is his whole universe.
"Hello, Rendani" she says, because he isn't saying anything.
"My love, did I wake you up" he says.
"No babe
but I will be heading to bed right now. Are you on your way
back home. Should just wait for you?"- Muvhuso.
He blushes further.
"No my love, I was just checking on you" he replies.
"Okay, sleep my love. Dream about me. Marrying you" he says
and she giggles a little.
"You're crazy" she utters.
"Crazy in love with you muvhuso" he replies with a bit serious
voice.but still carries so much warms.
"I would do anything for you Muvhuso, Anything. I love you so
much also ways know that " he utters.
"You talk like you're dying." She says then chuckles a little.
"Do you know that song, if tomorrow never comes" he
questions her.
"No I don't." -muvhuso
"It talks about telling you're loved ones how much they means
to you always. Because you don't want yo regreat not telling
them, if there is no tomorrow. Tells them now how you feel
about. So if something happens. They know how much you
appreciated them for being part of their lives" he tells her.
"So, you listen to English songs?" She questioned suprised.
"Yes, who don't. Anyway my love let me love and love and leave
you" he says.
"Okay, love you more and drive safely " she replies yawning.
"Who is Love you more Muvhuso" he utters with his voice bit
serous. She loves this short cut thing and doesn't make sense.
Where is I.
"Boy, you know what I mean. I love you more and drive safely"
she rolls her eyes as she repeat her statement correctly.
"That more like that, my love. I love you more and sleep tight
my love" he says then drops the call.
He drives a bit closer and then sees his brother's car. He drives
inside, park his car.
Opens his door.
"I thought you were no longer coming" Mbengi says smoking.
He have been sitting here for almost 30 minutes smoking while
looking at his brother's car. The issue of his brother and
Muvhuso have made him do things he vowed he will never ever
do. But things have to be done and obstacles have to be
removed always. And that why they are here today. Removing
"What we doing here" Rendani questions looking his brother.
Even though now because there are no longer car lights he can
see him even though not perfectly under the moon light and
the stars.
"Damage control" he replies.
"Couldn't we do it at your house, at home or another place in
the broad daylight." Rendani asks.
"Its not like you were going to have a cookie. The person who
should be complaining it's me and khumbudzo. We left our
women's warmth for your nonsense" he takes the last puff of
him cigarette then throws the stompie down then step on it.
"Let's go" he leads him inside.
Rendani quietly follows. He have questions to ask. But ever
since the video. Mbengi have been like this.
Mbengi is a happy soul, and he never hides his emotions. If he
is happy, he will be sharing jokes, playing around and making
Muvhuso uncomfortable like how they used to do to Shandu.
Until she gets used to them. The only person who didn't really
experience that is Khumbelo as hers was an arranged marriage.
Then when he is hurt, he smokes like the lungs aren't his. And
keeps himself to himself. He doesn't talk much other than
smoking and that what he have been doing for the past two
They kept walking down the starts and everytime they keeps on
going down the darker it becomes.
Rendanj could feel his heart beating out of its cage , but he trust
his older brother. He can't hurt him.
They walk to the last stair and opens the door. The minute he
walks in he couldn't believe this.
"Mbengi...Khumbu" he utters.
**CHAPTER 54**

His eyes widens, and his jaws drops. He didnt expect this. But
what was he expecting, this is Mbengi after all. He is all sweet
and chilled but ruthless to those who tries to destroy what he
adores most. Family. Family means everything to him and he
rather die, if it benefit Family.
And now here they are, trouble seekers captured. They
unknowingly poked the sleeping beast buried deep inside him.
And they have started to pay handsomely for that. Their faces
are covered with bruises and dried blood, blue eyes and swollen
and cracked bottom lips. He didn't do a number on them, but
he has messed with their pretty faces real bad.
"Why are you standing there. Come on man. This won't solve
itself. I have a woman to go to." Mbengi's voice befall filling
each and every empty space in the room and vibrated as it
echoes, and makes sure to remind him of his own woman.
Rendani looks at him not knowing what to do or say. He is slow
sometimes. Mxm chicken brains.
"I dont have the whole night Rendani. We are solving this and
get your wife out of that bull shitted family of hers." Mbengi
utters, lightening the cigarette.
"Rendani" khumbu calls his name.
Rendani raises his hands and walks further in. He stands next to
Khumbudzo whose shirt have dots of blood covering it.
"So..." Rendani utters.
"Tshililo have something to tell you. Isn't so Tshililo" mbengi
says, his tone daring her to refuse.
"Ooh" -Rendani
Tshililo keeps quiet then a laughter erupt. Yes, she is in pain but
the spotlight does it for her. The attention from the only guy in
the universe who have the ability to make her heart race,
slowdown, gallop, feels hot and cold by just being on his
presence. The only guy she have tried to hate so much, but she
ends up loving him more. There is no reason to hate him. He is
everything and beyond what she ever dreamed of. Her romeo.
Even though romeo and juliet ended as corpes, so why does
their ending have to matter. Their's only juliet might die leaving
Romeo with princess in distress.
The three brothers are looking at each other amazed, at her
reaction. She should be begging right, making promises she
knows she won't be able to keep them, if the government fails
how will she be able to keep her promises. But she isn't doing
any of that, maybe she have accepted her fate, but that is not
the same story as his brother. Elias has been silently sobbing.
He has wet himself couple of times only number two is left but
by the way he is, it one can bet that it isn't that far.
"I have nothing to say" Tshililo says after her laughing moment.
She have nothing to say, that is in accordance to answering their
questions but if not, she can sing how deep and deeper her
feelings grows when ever her eyes lays on the Greek God
infront of her.
"Okay, I have something that might encourage you to talk"
Mbengi says walking to the far end table that have knives,
panga, and three different guns laid on it. His hand lands on the
a machete knive, he grabs it then chuckles.
"Still not ready to spill the beans madam" he mocks.
"I have nothing to say to you" she says
all her diva mode activated, mbengi chuckles.
"They will kill you Tshililo" Elias says faintly.
"Do I look like I care. If I die just include my name on the
struggle fighter's list. It's like can see my name on the list inked
on the pages of 'not the first nor the last to die for Love'. And
you know what is much more better. I die a happy woman.
Knowing I died for the man of my dreams. My man, my king. My
heart, my sugar and spice." She flirty utters as her eyes moves
up and done looking at Rendani, busy undressing him. Rendani
brushes his head, then clap once. This is beyond him. Her
craziness is beyond his expectations.
"Let see" mbengi says, dreading his steps toward her. She stares
at him like she is calculating his steps and she chuckles.
"If I wasn't tied to this chair I would have long pounce on you.
Wipe that Mr hero smug on that ugly face of yours" - Tshililo.
Both the brothers laughs out loud.
"Shut up...shut up man. Keep that unruly mouth of yours" Elias
screams. He doesn't understand why she is like this. They are
supposed to cooperate so they set them free real fast.
"No let her talk, a thi she talks too much maybe that one of the
reason you're all here today" khumbudzo utters holding in his
"Were you stalking my wife?" Rendani questions.
"If I say yes what will you do to me" - Tshililo.
Mbengi immediately stab her on her thigh, twist the knife.
"This..." mbengi replies. Tshililo screams in pain while Elias
closes his eyes imagining her pain. They just have to cooperate
right then its all done.
"Tshililo was the mastermind of everything" Elias utters. Not
that he is throwing his sister under the bus, but he is trying to
get the both of them out of this situation.
"Mmmmh, getting somewhere" -mbengi.
Elias sing like a canary, not leaving anything out. And that made
Rendanj and his brother more angry. Tshililo on the other hand
feels betrayed but her own brother. How could he, this isn't
how they should treat each other. Selling blood like this, should
be one of the unforgivable sins.
"How dare you Elias, how could you" tshililo says as her heart
crashes. He shouldn't have.
"I am doing this for us" Elias utters.
Rendani walks to the far end table, takes the gun. He point it at
Elias, who could he love his woman. If he doesn't do something
now, he might be a threat in the future. He closes his eyes a he
pulls the trigger empty the gun at Elias. He was long dead.
Tshililo just stares at him, blank. With no emotion insight.
Then mbengi shoot her three times. They then wrap their
boddies with with body bags making sure their singer print are
not left in anything or any DNA of them. They get in the car and
go throw their bodies in the near by river, then part their ways.
They know the drill, this should be kept between three of
them. Even their wives shouldn't hear of this.

She bites her nails, when she is nervous. Just like today
everything has been prepared for this day but still she isn't
ready. She was even instructed to bath with some things they
have come back home with from some traditional healer. And
they said it's for protection.
He bags is packed, with few dresses.
"I dont want to go back" she sulk.
Rendani kisses her forehead then he chuckles.
"You have to my love and it's only for today and tomorrow " -
"Let's elope" -Muvhuso.
"And miss the chance to kiss and grab that ass infront of
mbengi never" he utters as he smiles. They have made so much
fun out of him and he can't elope. Nope.
"But, I am afraid" she truthfully says.
"Dont worry my love. You know I got you and everyone here
loves you so much. And we all can do anything to make you
happy okay" he assures her.
Then she nods, then he hugs her.
She takes a deep breath before placing walking inside the yard.
Rendani refused to drop her off a the corner a bit far from what
used to be her home. He dropped her at the gate and didn't
even attempt to reverse his car. It is still parked looking inside
the yard.
Her hands are sweaty and she feels like she can drop dead any
moment as her heart starts beating fast. Sweat particles covers
her forehead and a stream of sweat flows down her spin. She
has to remind herself thousand times why she is doing this.
Mavis is not making it easy as she is standing right infront the
front door. Looking at her like she is looking at the arrival of
Jesus christ, we all are waiting in him right, to come and take us
but we might be suprised when he come. Because we aren't
ready for that yet.
"Muvhuso" she screams her name. And muvhuso closes her
eyes. Regretting why she is here. She shouldn't have agreed
when he tries to convince her otherwise.
**CHAPTER 55**


Seeing her brother's only daughter walking with a bag feels like
a dream. She wanted to see her months ago, but that didn't
happen. All hopes of getting her dried when makhulu died that
day. It was obvious that she will never get to her, it was
declaration of defeat. But here she is today, she dont know how
to react. Scream at her just for old times sake, because by just
laying her eyes on Muvhuso hate rises and laced her eyes,
poisonous vernon fills her tounge and ready to spit those harsh
and painful words. At the same time she feels like hugging her,
she might be expecting that but if she hug her she might get to
she had to feel her close to in her embrace just to know its her.
But the car parked just beneath her gate makes her more
nervous. What if she came with her goons and they shoot her
down by just running to her.
"MUVHUSO" Words surprisingly escapes her lips, looking at her
in awe. She looks much more beautiful no doubt. Her curves
and the way she glows is different. The only thing that is still
the same is her bald head, even though it's now suit her more
as it shines beautifully, making each girl want the same hairstyle
as hers.
"Makhadzi " (aunty) she nervously replies cat walking towards
"What are you doing here, like why are you here. Are you
okay?" She questions looking at her.
Muvhuso walks a bit closer to her aunt, today feels like she is
facing her fears and like she have been told at her therapy
sessions. Never to put anything that affects your life aside. Deal
with everything that makes you unhappy or make you unable to
move forward in life. Don't just sweep it under the carpet
because will always be there. That what they have always told
her, and hers and her aunt relationship has been always swept
under the carpet never a one on one session was made in all
the situations.
"Can we sit and talk aunty" muvhuso peacefully asks. She is still
the same child she knows of. The one she instilled fear on her.
The one and only, and feel is still transparent on her eyes and
she aren't even trying to hide it.
Mavis claps her hands and laughs out loud. This is news to hear.
Never in million world did at some point thought of muvhuso
asking for a talk.
"Yoh, what did they do to you mu girl. They ate the cake and
now it's finished. You wouldn't even wait for khumbuli khaya to
come and take you from where you are to comeback home. Yoh
trust the boy. They know how to deal with people. But sis, what
were you thinking that disrespectful young man will marry you
yoh. Nwana wa Paul I feel sorry for you shem. They chowed the
cake, abafana the boys" Mavis says laughing out loud. Even
Musiwalo runs out of the house to see what her mother was
laughing at.
She froze when she sees the person she was asked by Murangi
to look for, has just presented herself in silver platter.
"Muvhuso" musiwalo says with her eyes poped out of their
Muvhuso nervously smiles, tighten the grip on her bags.
"What are you doing here. I mean I have been looking for you.
Yoh girl you look beautiful and the glow wow" musiwalo says
and that compliment is for the first time in her life she ever
head of a compliment coming from her cousin especially
After sometime of questioning her outside they finally took her
side the house. She looks at what was a beautiful and cozy
living room and how the furniture looks like now. They sits
down. And she breathes out.
"I am getting married" she says flashing her ring. And that
answered a lot of Mavis questions and also makes her feel her
hate towards her rises.
"Ooh that nice" musiwalo cheerfully says, after a long silent and
awkward pause.
"So, why are you here?" Mavis asks feeling annoyed. She hates
her and she fails to even hide it.
"Mma"- Musiwalo.
"What?" She barks back.
"They want to do the things in the correct manner. I have
contacted the other family members that should be here and
also I asked them to come here tomorrow or later today as I
have to talk to you first" Muvhuso explains. She promised
Rendani that she will try by all means to get her aunty into this.
She also wants to be his wife badly.
"What?" Mavis scream in shock. She just can't invite people to
her house without her knowledge.
"Okay, meaning we have to go grocery shopping and i have to
get minwenda and all those things" musiwalo says happy.
Musiwalo has learnt a lot in life
since she have been with her sugar daddy. He has taught her a
lot and for their relationship to work, she did so willingly.
"Not in my house." Mavis utters.
Musiwalo keeps quiet and looks at her mom shocked.
"Mma, you can't do that allow her to shine, it's her happiness.
It's her time to shine after all" musiwalo.
Muvhuso is shocked with how musiwalo is on her side. She
never thought that she will be on her side.
"No...a thi ri ndi khou uri Hai. So go and do that bongonous
relationship of yours else where not in my yard" -Mavis replied.
"But it's my father's house" muvhuso utters.
"And she is correct. Her dad built a home for her and we failed
to let her live here peacefully for years. Now she just wants the
people to come and pay the dowry for her and you refuse. No
mom. Why do you hate the poor girl so much"-Musiwalo.
Muvhuso's eyes pop out more in shock, yoh this girl is really on
her side, like what happend to her. Mavis clenched her jaws,
ready to pounce on musiwalo for her loud mouth today.
"Yes, mma why do you hate me so much" muvhuso questions
with attitude.
Answers stuck on Mavis's throat. She gulps the ball of emotions
forming on her throat as tear escape her eyes. There is a lot to
tell her, but she is just a kid. She won't understand. There is a
lot. But she was just doing her revenge. Mavis cries as
memories of her brother and family as a whole comes crashing
her down. There are some memories that are best left buried
and this one are part of those memories. Every time she hurts
muvhuso it quenches her thirst for revenge. The revenge she
promised herself years ago that she will serve it to them...her
"You can do what you want" she stands up and walks to her

"Talk later man" he says to his friend phumudzo over the
phone. He quickly drops the call and get out of his car. Look at
his woman catwalking to him. He stares at her while she hides
plum her face blushing. And a huge grin forms on his face.
"Musadzi wanga"(my wife) Rendani proudly says. He loves her.
She loves him. Even a passer by can see sparkles of love from
both of them.
"Babe" she says running to his arms as he opens them for her.
He brings her closer to his chest and kiss her head countless
"I love you, my queen" he mindlessly utters as she grabs her
closers and she feels like snuggling muj closer to him. Much
more than they ate like now.
"I love you more, my king" she replies kissing his bare chest, as
he is wearing a vest. And he laughs. It always makes him
laughing hearing her calling him her king and kissing him where
ever she could reach at that moment.
"Let's get in the car before you're aunt pour me with hot water"
Rendani says and they both laugh. While he opens the passager
door for her. She gets in then he closes walk to his side, get in
and he looks at her.
"What" she says munching at packet of some dried fruits.
"Like update me, girl" Rendani says and rolls his eyes. And that
made Muvhuso to hurt her tummy with so much later.
"Boy, you love news" muvhuso says laughing.
"You taught me, I live for this gossiping moments. You know
that" Rendani.
"U ya penga ene" (you're crazy) she replies.
"Struu, it made me realise that you trust me. And I am your
friend as well. The fact that you're always ready to update me.
It got me geared up to that as well. I have even told you things
that the guys made me swear I would never say it to anyone.
But because it's you. I have told you and we laugh about it.
Without me worrying how about your perspective when
meeting my friends" he says.
And she laughs.
"Okay...okay fine. I will tell you" she says and he laughs.
"You were going to tell me my love. You gave to" he says.
Muvhuso updates him about anything that was said. How the
house looks likes. How musiwalo was like and they even gossip
about Murangi.
"I heard she have AIDS, did you see her" Rendani.
"You're lying. Murangi is not like that" muvhuso.
"I am telling you Babe. They even said that she looks like a
skeleton. I can even bet on that" he tells her.
"You like playing with money my love. How much" muvhuso
asks.she can't let an opportunity of free money to pass her.
Murangi is more reserved, and doesn't sleep around. Unless on
gets aids from breathing the same air with a person who is
infected the she might agree. As for now murangi is still a
barbie girl.
"How much so you have and would like to bet, Mrs my
information isn't trust worthy" -Rendani.
Muvhuso chuckles and rendani knew she us going to say crazy
"R 10 000" -MUVHUSO.
"DO you have that kind of money lying around" he questions
raising his eyebrows.
"I dont need to have that kind of money or any cent my dear"
"Ooh, how will it work" he questions more curious.
"If you're right, you don't give me that R10000 but R5000
instead. And if I win you give me that R10000." She proudly
replies and finds it more hilarious.
"But I wouldn't get anything musi my love and why do is have
to give you R5000" - Rendani.
"You wouldn't get anything because I am broke. And I will get
R5000 because I am a lady. And always sir the lady is always
right" she says and he laughs at the change of her tone
speaking the last lines.
"Okay, madam" he replies and they laugh.
" look I have to go to town buy groceries and other utilities.
Can you take us. We will use taxi when we come back"
"Its you and who?" He questions
"I will ask Musiwalo" she replies.
"Okay" -Rendani
"Let me go call her." She says.
She kisses him first before running back inside the yard. Leaving
Rendani smiling none stop.
"Damn. Love is a beautiful thing people."he says to himself.
**CHAPTER 56**


He has been pacing up and down. Sweat dripping down his

spine. While he keeps biting his tounge. Things have to work
out. He have prayed for this day and begged the under ground
gang to make it a success. And he has no doubt it will. He is just
nervous like any normal person should.
"Are you going to sit down" Mrs Munyai, ask drinking her 5th
cup of Camille tea just to calm her nerves as well.
Rendani bites his nails then heave a sigh, "I will, once I know it's
all done and went well"
"You know Mbengi can burn that whole house if they tried to
act all smart on him" Mrs munayi tries to comfort him.
"The more reason why I needed him to be there and be worried
as well" he answers, throwing himself on the couch. And
screams scratching his face with frustration.
"Who would have thought that I would see you getting
married" Mrs munyai says, shedding some tears.
A lot has happened, all this years. Raising him wasn't an easy
race. And how she approached the raising him race made her a
bad and mad mother. When she realizes that she became an
obsessed mother. Wanting to do anything for them and also be
their brains. She is grateful for mending things with her sister
even though she died afterwards. And never had the
opportunity to rebuild their sisterly bond but she is grateful for
the opportunity, it madr her a better person. Living a secret free
life. Rendani now knows who his real father is and that makes
her happy even though she lost him at some point, what
matters more now is that he is here with her and has forgiven it
"Mma, who will comfort me. When you're crying" Rendani
says, sitting next to her. He brings her to his embrace and kisses
her temple.
Mrs munyai chuckles, wiping her tears "it's tears of joy, silly"
she says playing with his cheeks, then messes with his dreads.
A minute passes with both keeping quiet,with only sniffs
coming from his mother.
"I love you Rendani" she utters holding his hands.
"I love you too ma" he replies.
She squeezes her hands and a tear falls into their hold.
"Thank you for making me a proud mother. For this...this
moment is everything and never let anyone take it for granted,
hold tight on your woman and never let go. What I could tell
you is, marriage is a beautiful thing. It's intimate and the bond
should be strong. Don't compete with each other, build each
other. Don't make fun of your wife's weaknesses. Stand up for
her if people are making her uncomfortable. Don't build walls
for her, allow her to explore and have fun. But most importantly
respect and communication should be the foundation, even
though you love each other so much but without a good
communication and not respecting each other what you have is
nothing. For when stormy and rainy days comes they will go
with your love. Don't ever raise your hand on your woman or
even scream at her like she is your baby. Talk to her with
respect no matter how pissed you are. I love you boy, and don't
feel pressured by your brother's marriage, but rather
inspired to be much great and better partner to muvhuso. I
don't want you're marriage be like Mbengi, khumbu or mine
and your dad but I want it to be like yours. There is nothing
wrong in taking good points out from others but take what will
work for both of you."
"Mma" he says feeling tounge tide. This is everything. And he
promised himself that this is it. Comes rain or sunshine,
muvhuso is his ride or die.
It's now midday, without any message or call from his brothers
and uncle. Muvhuso is not answering his calls.
He is on his fifth can of Heineken, but still not calming him
down. Something is wrong he can feel it in his bones.
He tries Muvhuso's number again, it rings then stops. A ball of
emotions form deep in his troat.
He pours down his troat the last contents of his drink. Then
walks inside the house to take the car keys. He is going there
himself. To check on how things are going.
The house is already smelling divine, it got him salivating at the
thought of beefstew. His mother knows how to cook it very
well. His tummy grumbles reminding him, he haven't eaten
anything since last night dinner.
He runs to his room, take his jacket and his car keys. Walk to the
kitchen and find his mother busy over working herself in the
kitchen. There are few laddies to help her out.
"Mma, I am going to Muvhuso's place" he announces.
"You're not supposed to do that Rendani. You're not supposed
to see her until later when she is arrives. Don't ruin things for
yourself Rendani because of you're stubbornness." Mrs munyai
tells him.
"But ma" he complains.
"But nothing, come and taste the salt if its enough. Then call
your friend phumudzo to come but don't over drink yourself"
Mrs munyai says, stirring her stew.
"I dont want him
I want my wife. Let me try her with using your phone then" -
"Okay, but taste the salt for me" Rendani pushes himself to
where his mother is. His tummy grumbles loudly and that got
Mrs munyai to dish up for him. Busy telling him that he wants to
look like a skeleton when he meets his he is on some
married at first sight show.

Everything is a mess, she is also messed up. She doesn't know
whether she is going or coming. Her eyes are bloodshot red,
with swollen eyes. She have done enough crying for the year
and now she is no longer crying. Her phone has been ringing
none stop and she can't even answer it. Her voice will sell her
out, that she knows and then the hell will break loose. That's
Rendani for you.
"Calm down muvhuso" Musiwalo says, trying to rub her
shoulders. But she moves before Musiwalo's hands rubs her
The gate is locked, with Mavis insulting each every passing
person or anyone who tries to stop her daring the Munyai's to
try and get inside her yard, or blood would be shed. She aren't
drunk but just being her bitter self. She even have a gun on her
hand. Mbengi is the one leading everything. He aren't afraid. He
has been insulting Mavis back and daring her as well. But this
matter needs one to be vigilant. And he aren't going back
without his brother's wife he trusted him with this task.
The mood and the tension is so thick. Muvhuso is busy
watching through the window. And she can't anymore. She
have to fight for her marriage starting from now. Police have
been called five hours ago and they are taking their sweet time.
She pushes the door and walk towards the gate.
"Muvhuso go back inside" Mavis screams at muvhuso.
Muvhuso looks at her "I am not going anywhere. If you dont
want to accept my dowry get the hell out of my father's house.
This is my house after all. So what is it going to be" muvhuso
challenges Mavis.
"Are you threatening me" Mavis turns to pay attention to her
niece. Who is threatening her. When did the wheel turn this
"I am not threatening you. I rather die than watch you play with
my future. I am not your toy Mavis. I would never be. You think
just because you have been doing as you please for the past
years with my life you can still do so. Nah, forget about that.
This is the new me, and I am willing to stand my ground. I am
getting married today and that's it Mavis." Muvhiso says then
walks inside the house. She search around until she find a
hammer. She don't know how she is going to do this, but if it
means hamming that gate down, then so be it.
"Muvhuso, Rendani is on the phone. He wants to talk to you"
musiwalo says. Running after muvhuso who seems uninterested
but determined to finish what he has started. The whole bunch
of useless relatives are just standing there looking at her. They
aren't helping her out, but when she told them about the
dowry they were so happy now they can't fight for her.
Muvhuso keeps quiet and walks out of the house back to the
gate. Mavis is still on it.
"Go back inside the house or I will shoot your useless sorry ass."
She screams looking at muvhuso. Pointing a gun at her.
Muvhuso stands with her eyes blank, she is emotionless. She is


Rendani immediately pushes the chair runs to his bedroom

leaving his mother alarmed at her reaction.
She also stands up and runs after him.
"Rendani...Rendani" she calls his name, on his heels.
Rendani get out of his bedroom with veins popping o the side of
his head his eyes are already bloodshot.
His mother's eyes lands on the gun in his trembling hands and
she immediately knew, something is wrong.
"What did they do to her" Mrs munyai asked in shattered voice.
Muvhuso is like a daughter to her. They have grown close ever
since they have been living together.
"Mavis have her gunned pointed at my woman. The nerve of
that woman. Mxm" he says breathing heavily.
"Is she okay" Mrs Munyai asks, praying not for the worst case
"I don't know ma, I will see you" Rendani runs, out leaving his
mother with a dish filled with beetroot they were peeling and
She falls down on her knees and starts praying.


"I said go back" Mavis barks at Muvhuso. Who seems unfazed

by her reaction. She looks straight in her eyes. Rage and hatred
burns so visibly from both side. She loather her as much as she
The mission is to get her married and that will happen. She
rather die, rather than being Mavis's slave again.
She walks towards the gate, with Mavis waking backwards as
well. A gun pointed at her.
" I will never ever be you're slave again. Never" -Muvhuso.
Mrs munyai releases the trigger and one shoot is shot. But it
misses Muvhuso and it hits the tree. Tears flood her cheeks and
she trembles as fear covers her. She closes her eyes, tighten the
grip on the hammer and pushes herself forward.
"Recite the lord's prayer" Maria's voice keeps playing on her
head. It's like she is there with her. Praying for her. Praying with
"Our father who art in heaven. Hallow be thy name..." she
keeps whispering the prayer until psalm 23 script unfold before
her, she keeps Reciting them"THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, I
shall not want. He restores my soul. He guides me in the path of
righteousness for his name sake. Even though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL, FOR
YOU'RE WITH ME, your rod and staff, they comfort me" the
script keeps pouring out of her lips.
"I will count from three to zero and you should be back inside
the house" -Mavis.
Mbengi is pissed so is his brother. The uncles are busy calling
the police, everything is just damn messy and no one is paying
Khumbudzo keeps screaming Muvhuso's name telling her to go
back inside. He doesn't want anything to happen to his
brother's fiance or hell will break lose.
Car tires scratches, a gun shot is heard, twice.
"Muvhuso" the crowd screams.
**CHAPTER 57**

Both Mavis and Muvhuso are on the ground. Emotions are

high. Rendani quickly runs out of his car, screaming Muvhuso's
name "Muvhuso" he wails seeing her not moving. He isn't the
one who shot her. Mbengi tries to hold him but he slips off and
the only thing that is stopping him is the locked gate. The crowd
is already there, young crowd with phones out ready to capture
each moment, update their social media five fans about the
latest. His life flashes right infront of him.
He immediately thought of climbing the fence. He has to hold
her, beg her to stay up with him. Help is on the way.
"Rendani" both mbengi and khumbudzo screams his name. But
he acts like he didn't heard them. Pictures are taken, videos,
others are live on their social networks. This isn't about the
reputation, its the matter of heart. Muvhuso has to pull
through, come rain or sunshine.
In what feels like a decade he is finally on the otherside of the
fence. He jumps down and runs straight to his woman.
He falls on the ground , his hands snakes her blood covers his
hands. Tears escape his eyes, he bite his lower lip, trying to
suppress his cries.
"Baby, don't do this to me. Please don't. It's our day. We are
supposed to be happy please Baby don't" Rendani's shattered
voices utters. He looks and feel miserable.
"Baby, Muvhuso" he shakes her.
Muvhuso's eyes slightly opens. She seems weak. A bullet hit
her on her left shoulder and she is loosing too much blood.
"Baby" muvhuso faintly says with a glass of tears on her eyes.
"Thank you, stay awake for me my love. Please" Rendani begs
Muvhuso nods her head, she blinks and tears escape her eyes.
"I fought for us baby." She utters, holding his arm. Rendani
chuckles then shakes his head.
"Thank you my love, but don't ever put your life at risk. How do
you think I was going to survive without you" he says, with a
smile. He plant a soft kiss on her forehead. Thanking God and
the ancestors.
It has been a month since she was shot. Mavis was also shot on
both legs, she is now on a wheelchair. As for muvhuso her arm
is perfectly healing, but she still have a cast on her arm.
"Do you really have to go" Rendani sulk. He doesn't want her
back at that place but that is beyond him.
"I do Baby, and this will be my last visit there" she says, packing
her bag.
She stumbles on a brown envelope, Elias gave it to her. She
holds it, staring at it.
"What is that, are you okay my love" Rendani asks, his voice
laced with concern.
"Am I a bad person" she questions out of the blue. Rendani
gave her a confused look.
"Like, I loose people and never check on them. Maria left, but I
never bother to check on her but that day I got shot. I heard her
voice in my head encouraging me to pray. And Elias, he has also
just evaporated on a thin air and I never bothered to check on
him" she tells him.
Rendani smiles and walk closer to her "You're not my love, you
just have too much on your plate"
She nods and walk to the bed, sit on it then opens the brown
envelope. She takes out the letter from it and she looks at it. It's
truly from her dear Friend Maria. She breath out loud before
unfolding the letter, and her eyes runs through it. Then starts
reading it.

AND WISH LIFE BE KIND TO YOU. If it doesn't then be sure to
choose happiness all the way.


A tear escape her eye after reading the letter. It was her
goodbye letter, without clear details on it.
Right now she feels like a jerk, a most shutty person who feels
her emotions matters from other people.
"Muvhuso" Rendani whispers.
"She have been waiting for my call. Here I am blaming her for
deserting me. She have been waiting for me to forgive her" she
says with a painful smile plastered on her face.
Rendani sigh, then brushes his head. Truthfully he doesn't know
what to say. And how to convince a convinced person that she
is a bad person. "I love you. Muvhuso" he kisses his temple,
then both her hands and play with her cheeks.
Muvhuso laughs, wiping her tears.
"I love you more Munyai" she replies.
"So, when am I going to start hiting it" he asks with a
mischievous smile on his face. He bites his lower lip and batted
his eye lashes countless time.
Muvhuso feels hot blow, on her face. She gives thanks to her
lovely ancestors for being toned.
"Hit what" she asks with a smug on her face. Her eyebrow
raised and she folds her arms looking at Rendani. She is already
looking like Mrs Munyai(senior), her traits are falling on her.
"I can see you're becoming my mother's mentee" he laughs out
loud thinking of his mother doing what she is doing with his
high peaches voice that cracks the windows and blow out the
"Muvhuso" she warns him and he laughs. Then kisses her
cheeks. He moves closer to her ear and his voice rumbles on
her earlobe. Making her heart to beat out of its rib cage. A
swarm of butterflies play in her tummy. His touch sends
sensations down his spine, her panties immediately get wet.
"I want to make love to you so bad, baby girl. I wanna lick you,
worship each and every part on your body. Grace my eyes with
the most radiant, and appetizing skin. I have ever seen" his
voice rumbles. And that's was like, drop your panties and send
me to world of angels, singing the good hymth in a happy tune.
"Appetitizing really , big daddy" she laughs,pushing lightly.
Rendani laughs, taking her bags "I am not good with words my
"And the bags, are you throwing me out" she asks laughing as
"If you don't want my joystick stuck in between the peachy fruit
in between you're legs. Making you scream my name in
pleasure we gotta get going." He says wearing a smirk.
"But..." he cuts her shot.
"Look at this, beating the meat no longer works. It needs the
real thing" he wink at her then laughs looking at her horrified
"Let's go woman" he says, running out of the room.
Today is the day of her dowry. She busy breathing inside the
brown paper beg. Her nerves are skyrocketing and Rendani has
been facetiming her since morning.
"Can you sit down muvhuso and relax please" murangi faintly
says. She now fits to be an illustration of a skeleton. She is
lifeless and can't walk properly without help. If this lands
on Rendani's ears it means she lost the bet.
It's just two of them, in Muvhuso's room.
"I have something to tell you" murangi utters, with with faint
"Is everything okay?" She asks with an alarmed voice. It's
obvious that something is wrong. Even the bones on her face
spells troubled out loud.
Murangi shakes her head and adjust herself on the her bed,
then breathes out loud.
"I am sorry Muvhuso" she says playing with her hands. She feels
ashamed but this needs to be done.
"Its okay, it's not your fault my love" she assures her.
"You don't know the half of the things I have done. I can choose
to say my mother is the one fault but I was part of it. I allowed
her to play with my head and I end up doing things I am not
supposed to do. Things to hurt you and I am so sorry Muvhuso"
she takes a deep breath play with her fingers.
"Chill love, it's okay." She holds her hands.
Murangi shakes her head, she have to say this. Muvhuso have
to know " mother and I, we ...we have..." she
stutters then heave a loud sigh.
The door opens and musiwalo walks in. "You're needed at the
lounge" she says sticking her head inside the room.
"I have to go" she says then stands up and walks out of the
room with a smile on her face.
Life have to be lived with mountains to climb and situations to
go through. I have been on my donws more than I have climbed
the wave of the ups but still. Life chooses to be lived by me. I
see myself as covered by grace and and unaffordable gift of life.
People have tried to make plans of my life. Stop some of the
things in my life to go accordingly but nothing beats God's
It's bad that Murangi had to loose her life.and each time I think
of her I see her last weak face. Her not so tight grip on my plum
"release me please" her faint voice begs for something I wasn't
ready to do. To release her. I know what she did to me, but she
did paid her dues. I never in my life want to relive that moment
in my life. And that means reliving all the moments there after.
And my wedding night included.
It was my time to go with few of my cousins accompanying me
to my in laws. I was already cover in my blanket and all the bags
packets and the Parcels.
She calls my name "Muvhuso". Musiwalo already had her eyes
wetted by tears but she tried to fight them from flooding down
her beautifully painted face with colorful paint and well drawn
lips, eyes and two huge black dots on her cheeks. "She is calling
for you" musiwalo tells me. And I stroll my way to her. She was
no longer sitting, she laid on bad with tried tears on her face.
Her eyes weakly moves and Mavis stares at her unbelieving the
fate right infront of her.
"Come closer, I don't bite" she said, reaching for my hand and
the atmosphere changes. I feel heaviness finding a home in my
heart and emptiness fall through. Nothing makes sense, my
eyes moisten. It was like how I felt the day I lost my parents. I
just wanted to cry and the feeling of being disconnected from
the world sings volumes. I neveously smiles and take two steps
closer to her. I take her hand into mine then plant a kiss. I want
to tell her I forgave her but my tounge couldn't allow me.
"Take care of your husband Muvhuso. Believe in him. Respect
him and build a safer space for him and his vulnerability. He is
going to need you more, there is more to come. Make
communication stronger and everything will follow through. I
love you Muvhuso and I am sorry, for what I did. And I am sorry
for always bringing pain even on your happy moments. Please
say you forgive me" she begs. I wanted you say it, but I can't
because deep down I knew this was her goodbye. The moment
I will utter I forgive you she could be long in heaven, I don't
want her as an ancestor yet. I wanted to build sisterhood bond
like we said we should give it a try with musiwalo. But Murangi
has herself and chooses my day to be her day as well.
"I am tired Vhuso" she announced, what everyone can spot.
Her eyes were dry, lifeless. Even the Vaseline I have just applied
on her lips minutes before I was called to the lounge is no
longer visible.
" Murangi. No" I shake my head countless times fighting
back the edge of wailing but opening the taps of tears.
"Please" she begs.
I continue shaking my head, I can't. I wouldn't do what she was
asking me. It's too much. I still have hopes. If my life did turn
out the way it did surely hers could as well do the same.
"Release me please" she begs. I closed my eyes, trying to
prepare myself emotionally and mentally for this. Mavis wails
out loud while musiwalo supress her cries with a hand on her
mouth. She shared a womb with her, that makes their
connection more stronger than mine.
"Please Vhuso, I am tired. Release me please" she tighten her
hold on Muvhuso's hand.
"I...I...I forgive you murangi" I utter. She mumbles a faint thank
you then closes her eyes. I couldn't watch her take her last
breathe so I stormed out to the back of the house with mbengi
and rendani on my tail. They refused to go back with the
"Muvhuso" they both calls my name at the sametime.
"She is gone, she wanted me to release her. Why Me. On my
happy day, I have to give up a life. Why not her mother"
muvhuso says in-between her sobs. It wasn't an easy decision
to utter those words but she did.
Mbengi have long felt what was happening, he felt it the
moment he enter the compound that, there is a person who is
nolonger with us. She just needs to be released. And saddened
his heart when he knew that his brother's wife was the one
who had to help her cross over.
"She is at peace Muvhuso" mbengi utters.
"You don't know that, you don't hear ghost whispering"-
Muvhuso. "I do"- Mbengi .
"Huh" she raised her head with confusion.
"Close your eyes, think of her then open your eyes and tell me
how you felt" mbengi tells her.
Muvhuso closes her eyes, her face breaks into a beautiful smile
with her hands resting on her chest.
"Open your eyes" mbengi takes her out of the beautiful
moments she was experiencing. He chuckles and looks at her
with snapped eyebrows. "She was smiling, with a headwrapped
in a white cloth. She even tounge my chest" muvhuso utters
"and I feel light, like everything is okay" she continues to say.
"Because she is Okay " khumbu chirps in.
"Can you help me communicate with my parents"- Muvhuso
"They will come to you, when the time is right. Right now our
brother's wife, just get your bags. And we go do what is
supposed to be done tradionally when couple weds. The come
back burry your sister" mbengi says helping her to stand
up. When she gets inside the house the mortuary people have
already arrived to take the corpe. She waited until they have left
with her and the cousins accompy her to her in laws.
Right now she is sitting with her sister wives.
She is sitting with a bottle of peanut butter
packet of chips and a bottle of Coke next to her. She keeps
diping her finger inside the peanut butter bottle then licks her
finger like a small kid licking an icecream lid. Her face sings
pleasure in high tune, while shandu and khumbelo's face sings
disgusted. They're looking at her weirdly and she doesn't even
"I am tired" she says and the laddies chuckles shaking their
heads in suprise. How can one be tired of just eating?
"Then you should rest my love" shandu says, giving her a
mockery face.
"So, you're mocking me"she says, with tears flooding down her
She is a five months hormonal pregnant woman. And at this
rate eating everything that is chips, Coca-Cola and
peanut. Rendani and his brothers are the happiest people alive.
And always caring for her needs. The reason why the laddies are
here. To keep an eye on her while keeping her company.
"We are sorry our baby mama" khumbelo repeats the phrase
that the brothers use always. And they all laughs.
Everything is going well in her life. For the first time she doesn't
have to worry about anything in her life beside when is she
going to buy the next trending sneakers, her swollen feets and
fingers and which weave will fit her better. She is starting to
look like those prom queens she used to ridicule giving them
those judgemental stares, wishing it was her instead. It falls
under the category of positive jealousy right...right.
"So how do you want you're white wedding to be like"
khumbelo asks.
"White wedding, while looking like a whale. Nope. Not me,
really" she says and the girls laughs.
"But you know rendani, want to show you off to the whole
world" shandu utters.
"He should wait until I get back my modeling body. And my
noise in back to its normal size not this nonsense I am looking.
Just look at me. My face, I swear it produces jars of oil every
minute" she says and they laughs.
Her phone beeps on top of the table, and shandu immediately
takes in and looks at Muvhuso.
"Its my hubby with heart next to it" she announces. "Mmmmh"
khumbelo says making muvhuso to roll her eyes to her brain.
"Dont open my messages, what if her sent me a picture of his
erected aka47" she says and the girls laughs.
"You're naughty muvhuso. He can't be sending you his dick
while at work" -Khumbelo.
Guilty washes her and she blushes. Shandu have long opened
the message.
"He said he has a suprise for you and dress beautiful. He is
taking you out" shandu announces. And that hyped the two
laddies to go through her wardrobe. Trying to come up with a
sex outfit for her. They left when Mrs munyai come back from
her Skovel. She is laying on her bed. Have already bathed and
don't know what to wear, but the attire the laddies have long
picked for her rested neatly on the bad. Rendani could be home
any minute from now.
"Baby" rendani says walking in to muvhuso crying.
"What's wrong. Is the baby. Are you feeling pain. Okay, rendani
breathe. Wear your gown and do to the doctor" he said to his
panicking self, taking a deep breath.
"I dont know what to wear and you chose to take me out when
you know that I am fat and have nothing to wear. You hate me
that much. I hate you Rendani, I hate you for you hate me" she
says in-between he sobs. Rendani stands there dumbstruck. He
wants to laugh but he will.make the matters worse than they
are right now.
"Yiu can wear this" he shows her the clothes on the bed and
she looks at them.
"Do you think I will look beautiful and sexy" she questions and a
smile breaks on his face.
"You look beautiful and sexy in anything. Clothes don't wear
you, you wear them" he tells her and she smiles.he wipes her
tears and plants kisses on her face.
They are sitting hand in head at Mgb, the drinks have already
been ordered and they can't get enough of each other.
Mbengi clears his throat, finding way to say what's in his heart.
She still makes him sweat and he love the feeling though.
"I love you" he says, and she blushes rubs his hand with her
fingers. "I love you too" she replies.
"If someone asked me a year ago what wanted, and my future
plans. I wouldn't have choose this life. I dint know, I was capable
of loving someone with no expectations in return. I have grown
a lot since I have met you and I am happy with the man I am
today. I know we all had our differences but one thing in
common was we both lacked pure and simple love. Which we
end up giving to each other. Even though I am to get another
chance in life, you're name will come thousand times in each
and every story. Because I vow my life to you. That I will love
you even when I can't utter the word love anymore. I will lay my
life for you any day without thinking twice about it. Because I
know in you I have found home and someone who will always
be in my corner."
Tears have already wet her face messing with her make up.
Rendani should have warned her that he was going to make her
cry like this.
"I love you too Munyai. And I thank God everyday for you. That
through everything I have been through. You were with me and
going even extra mile to keep me sain. And that I thank you"
she utters. And rendani blushes.
"Let's do this life thing together" he says, then takes their glass
to make a toast.
"To long and happy life filled with lots of blessings" - Rendani
"To our happily ever after" muvhuso.
They toast then share a brief kiss. This is their sign to the new
beginning and an end to chasing each other. A transition from a
boy to a man, a girl to a woman was made , so what would
stand on their ways.

..............................THE END........................

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