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MaDlamini by MahlakoChauke
My name is Khensani Ntsuku Maluleke. I am 18 years old and I
am doing my matric at a local school called Rivoningo secondary
school. I am tsonga and I reside in Malamulele in Giyani. I live
with my 2 aunts and 3 cousins. Aunt Siliva and aunt Sharon are
my aunts. Vutomi who is 21 years old and Nkateko who is 16
years old are aunt Sharon's children. Muhluri who is 23 years
old is aunt Silvia's only child. And as for my parents i don't know
them. My mom died shortly after she gave birth to me, so aunt
Silvia took care of me along with aunt Sharon's help and i'll
forever be grateful. I don't know who my father is but I keep
hearing my aunts saying he's a black American and that he was
around and my mom was a prostitute who won her way out of
him but then unfortunately i was conceived that day and he had
to leave. So I guess that's why this explains why I have this
weird hair and eyebrows. I am lightskinned and I am a size 34
on the lower body and i wear small for the upper body. I have
one best friend and her name is Tintswalo. We've been friends
since we were little kids. We will in a poor settlement where
most houses are made out of mud or man made bricks. Except
for my aunts my family depends on the government SASA
money to help us through but mine has been cut off since I
have already turned 18. Muhluri works at some company as a
security and Vutomi said she doesn't want to work or futher her
studies. She's very lazy I tell you and well Nkateko has a stinking
attitude just like her mom Sharon. Muhluri is cool just like aunt
Silvia who raised me.
This is my story......
Chapter 1
We have just finished finished writing our final exams and well
the school decided that we have our matric dance after writing
and I don't want to go. Don't get me wrong but I have no date,
no outfit, no shoes, no make up, no money, basically nothing.
Tintswalo atleast has a date and a dress, all she's in need of are
shoes she said to me. Her family isn't struggling so life is good
on her side. Her mother is a nurse and her father is a police
*****I went to her house because she had called me to come. I
arrived and went in*****
Me: tswalo
Tswalo: kamora ya mina ( my room)
*****I went to her room and found a bunch of dresses on the
bed and 3 pairs of heels on the floor.*****
Me: and then
Tswalo: its for the matric dance
Me: ohh
Tswalo: ohh... miri ohhh ( you're saying ohh)
**** she said sarcastically****
Me: i know and i'm not going
Tswalo: wa penga wa famba ( you're crazy you're going)
Me: na mhani? ( with who?)
Tswalo: me
Me: you
Tswalo: yes me
**** she said as she took off a red dress she was wearing*****
Me: what about Xinyori?
**** Xinyori is her boyfriend****
Tswalo: he'll be there but i'll be with you
**** i just looked at her****
Tswalo: please
Me: haii haii ( no)
Tswalo: pretty please
Me: okay
**** she jumped up and down and came to suffocate me with a
hug. I pulled her off****
Me: i don't have an outfit
Tswalo: you're standing infront of dresses darling mos

Me: hmmm
***** I started scanning the dresses one by one as I was
looking for the one i'd like. Tintswalo likes short things so most
of these dresses were short except for one blue long dress with
a slit and fur on the breast*****
Tswalo: are you even looking
Me: yah
Tswalo: you're standing in one place
Me: I am looking
Tswalo: hmmm stay away from the white one
**** I guess that's her dress. It's short and it reveals a lot of
skin but it's nice. I took the blue dress, took off my clothes and
surprisingly it fit me. I wonder why because Tintswalo is a size
30 and wears extra small for her upper body so there's no way
this dress could fit her. I looked at the dress then at her.****
Tswalo: what
Me: why
Tswalo: why what?
Me: why did you buy me a dress?
Tswalo: i wanted you to go to the dance and so I got you a dress
and shoes your size so that you go with me and be my date
Me: what about Xinyori?
Tswalo: we broke up
Me: huh
Tswalo: he was cheating with that bitch Ntsako
Me: huh
Tswalo: actually he's dating Ntsako. He was only playing me. He
wanted to get inside my pants... he did then went back to his
Me: mxm why do boys do this
Tswalo: ahh well. I've accepted that I was played. It is what it is
Me: ayi mara
**** i mumbled****
Tswalo: anyway I can see you like the dress and it fits perfectly.
Try on the shoes and look at yourself in the mirror
**** I did as I was told and damn! I looked like a model from a
magazine. It hugs my curves and ass and that kind of worries
Tswalo: its justfor one night chommi

**** she said as if she was reading my mind. I just nodded then
I took off the dress and shoes and went back to my old worn
out black jeans and a long blue t-shirt I got from my aunt
written behind "2008 government water..." the rest of the
words aren't clear. My aunts said it was my mom's t-shirt and it
has become my favourite t-shirt since it was apparently the one
she wore most of the times.
We chilled for a while then when it was getting late i went back
home with dress and shoes. I arrived and found Nkateko dishing
up pap and tomato soup. That meal is one of my favorites. We
don't get to eat meat everyday 5 or 6 times a month is all we
get. I went to the room all girls share and put the clothes in my
wardrobe. The door opened and Vutomi came in*****
Tomi: hi
Me: hey
Tomi: wa ya ka matric dance ( are you going to matric dance?)
Me: ya
Tomi: ohh okay
**** then it was silent. She was blusing on her phone. I left the
room and went to go eat. I took my plate and sat down on the
floor with Nkateko. Muhluri wasn't back from work and aunt
Sharon was probably at her boyfriend's house. *****
Me: mhani ( aunt/mom)
Siliva: hmm
Me: Tintswalo borrowed me a dress and shoes for the matric
Nkateko: auw i thought you weren't going

**** i ignored her and waited for Siliva's response.****

Siliva: hmm it's not short right?
Me: yes it's not
Siliva: okay you can go but I want you back home as early as
**** is she for real my subconscious asked. I just nodded and
continued eating.***
Me: thank you
Siliva: its okay
**** when we were done eating, I washed the dishes then Hluri
came back late and ate. I went back to the room and slept
leaving the rest gossiping about who knows what since we cant
afford a tv*****
*****The following day I woke up and cleaned the house then
ate porridge for breakfast. When I was done I bathed and wore
my blue jeans and a nice yellow top Siliva bought for me last
year december along with my sandles. Aunt Siliva said she's
taking me and Nkateko shopping since in December it will be
full at the mall.****
Me: i'm done
Nkateko: let's go then
Tomi: where are you guys going?
Nkateko: mall
Tomi: okay wait for me then
Siliva: sesi you don't have a job so where are you going? Who is
going to pay the taxi fare
**** Vutomi sat down and looked down. Aunt Sharon entered
the house and went straight to her room her and Siliva share.
We walked to the tar road to catch a taxi. It came after 5
minutes of waiting then we got in and paid. We got there and
bought clothes and a few for Muhluri since he never gets a
break from work. After all that shopping we went to roots
butchery and bought ice creams then we went to the taxi rank
to catch a taxi back home. When we got home, I went straight
to the room and put my clothes in my wardrobe as they were in
the plastic then I went to Tintswalo's house.****
Me: Tswalo!
**** i shouted 4 times. The door opened and her mother
appeared ****
Mrs Maringa: aye Khensi ( hello Khensi)
Me: aye ma ( hello ma)
Mrs Maringa: Tswalo o fambile ka Petros ( Tswalo went to
Peter's shop)
***** well Petros is the small supermarket where we buy
groceries and a few items.****
Me: ohh okay thank you ma
***** She smiled at me and left leaving the door open. I left
and went to Petros. I got there and found her talking to some
guy who.was driving a big black car. I don't even know it's name
but I can tell that it's expensive. I went to her noticed that there
were 3 men in the car.*****
Me: Tswalo
Tswalo: ohh hey
Me: hi
***** i also said to the guys in the car. They greeted back but
there was one seated at the back who was looking at me in a
way I couldn't understand. I moved my focus to Tintswalo who
was flirting with the hot driver*****
Guy: so aren't you gonna introduce us to your friend
Tswalo: ohh. Guys this is my friend Sani and Sani this is Muzi (
guy driving), this is Nathi ( guy seated on the passenger seat)
and this is Nhlaka (guy seated at the back)
Me: hmm
Nathi: hmm
Me: yes hmm
Muzi: hayi thula wena ( shut up)
**** he said directing this to Nathi****
Muzi: so when am I going to see you again?
**** he asked looking at Tswalo and this fool blushed ****
Tswalo: after my matric dance on Saturday
Muzi: but i'm leaving tomorrow night mos
Tswalo: okay tomorrow night then

Muzi: nina noy'2 vala amehlo wena sisi bheka le ( you guys close
your eyes and sister please look there)
**** he said pointing fingers at me and the guys in the car. He is
probably telling me to give them space.****
Me: aii Tswalo you know where I live so you'll find me there
Tswalo: haii Sani wait here i'm coming
**** I went into the supermarket and then after a while she
came in blushing****
Me: and then
Tswalo: eish
Me: i'm listening
Tswalo: okay. So yesterday around 19:30 I came here then I met
these guys and they asked me for directions to the palace and I
gave them. Muzi asked for my number and I gave him the
wrong number and left. They followed me home. Then at night
he kept throwing stones on my window. I woke up and opened
the wibdow. He asked me for my real number and I gave him to
prevent him from waking up my parents. He called it to make
sure its the one. Then we walked the whole night and talked like
we were long time friends. Then I saw him again now.
Me: so you just met him
Tswalo: don't judge

Me: i'm not

**** she just looked at me****
Me: okay sorry. I hope he doesn't play you
Tswalo: I hope so too. Mara chommi he's hot neh
Me: yah
**** she told me more about him and we laughed about most
of the stuff she said about him then we bought the vegies her
mom sebt here to buy here in the first place. We went back to
her house and luckily her mom wasn't home or else we
would've been interrogated as to why we took long. We found a
letter on the fridge written " please finish off cooking. There
was an emergency at work and I had to go". I helped Tswalo
finish cooking then when we were done we went home and she
helped me cook. We cooked pap and chakalaka. When we were
done we chilled for a while and she told me more about her
zulu boyfriend. When it was late she left then I ate and slept
after that****
The next day
**** my ringing Mobicel phone woke me up and it was a call
from Tintswalo.*****
Me: hmmm
Tswalo: hey
Me: hmm
Tswalo: are you still asleep
Me: mmmmh ( yes)
Tswalo: wake up!!
**** she screamed into my ear and it woke me up****
Me: did you have to scream
Tswalo: yes.
Me: mxm
Tswalo: so any idea of what you're goingto do on your hair?
Me: nah i'll just tie a bun
Tswalo: come home around 17:00 and we will do it together
Me: okay thank you
Tswalo: no problem. I'll see you then
***** she dropped the call. I did the bed then I washed my
face. I wore shorts and a t-shirt with flip-flops. I went to the
living room and found Tomi seated on the couch. *****
Me: hey
Tomi: hey
Me: how are you?
Tomi: fine. Uhmmm mama said you must do that cow dung
thing you do
Me: hmm okay bye
Tomi: where are you going?
Me: to get the poop
Tomi: ohh
**** I know her mom told her to do it but she won't. I'm used
to it then I will be called lazy and she'll be praised in all the
good names whereas she's the lazy one. I took a bucket and
went outside the gate. I walked for 2 minutes till I saw dung. I
picked it up and tried filling the bucket. When I was halfway the
bucket, a car ran over the poop I was about to take. It stopped
and someone came out.*****
Me: ayi ayi
**** I said pissed off****
Guy: uhmm i'm sorry
Me: its okay i'll use what I have
Guy: why are you picking up cow dung?
Me: to make the yard look neat
Guy: ohh can I help
Me: ohh i'm good thank you
Guy: I insist. Remember I ran over your dung
**** my dung he said... I laughed and he laughed too. I looked
up to him and I was met by a good looking caramel guy. He
looks familiar thou****
Guy: uhmm my name is Nhlaka yours?
**** yess I knew I knew him from somewhere. He was the guy
seated on the passenger seat yesterday in the car Muzi was
Me: my name is Khensani
Nhlaka: you are very beautiful Khensani
**** I blushed then shook my head. How can I be beautiful
with a sweaty face and old worn out shorts and t-shirt?****
Nhlaka: why does it look like you're disagreeing with me?
Me: can you see how I look?
***** he made me stand up and then he looked at me from the
head to the toe. I tried looking at him but I couldn't. My eyes
wandered around neighbours houses.*****
Nhlaka: you still look beautiful in your sweaty face and clothes.

**** I blushed again. This guy must be enjoying making fun of

me. I mean where have you seen a clean handsome guy tell a
dirty ugly girl that she's beautiful? Huh huh? ****
Nhlaka: can I have your number
Me: okay
***** he took out his phone and I dialed my number and gave
it to him to save it. He saved it as Sani Sani. He helped me take
the poop and filled 3/4 of the bucket. Then he forced me to get
inside his clean car and accompany me home. We got home, I
gave him a chair to sit on then I went inside the house and
found Tomi asleep on the couch. I washed my hands then I took
a small bucket and poured water and sunlight liquid for him to
wash his hands. I gave it to him and he washed his hands. His
eyes wandered around as he wiped his hands. He was looking
at our 6 roomed house built with man made bricks and hasn't
yet been plastered. *****
Me: thank you for your help
Nhlaka: my pleasure
*** i just smiled****
Nhlaka: so this is home for my beautiful lady ?
Me: yah
Nhlaka: ohh okay
Me: uhmm tea or juice
Nhlaka: water please

***** I went inside the house and got a glass from the
cupboard and rinsed it. Then I poured water from the fridge
and mixed it with tap water. I gave him the glass and he gulped
down the water. He asked fro another glass and I did the same
thing and gave him. And like the previous one he gulped it
down in less than a second. I started preparing the cow dung
while he was walking around the yard. I layered the ground with
poop making sure to do a good job. He was still seated here
watching me. At 12:00 I had completed my chore then I washed
my hands and grabbed a chair and sat next to him****
Nhlaka: hmm the yard looks neat
Me: lol it will look neat when it has dried off
Nhlaka: you're good at this
Me: thank y....
**** My thank yous got interrupted by a shocked Vutomi
leaning on the door. She clapped her hands once in awe.****
Me: uhmm Tomi this is Nhlaka and Nhlaka this is my cousin
Nhlaka: hello
Tomi: la jola? ( you're dating?)
Nhlaka: not yet
**** I looked at him and felt butterflies in my stomach. I looked
back at Vutomi and she had disappeared.****
Nhlaka: I better get going. I'll see you
Me: where are you going ?
Nhlaka: back to Johannesburg
Me: ohh
**** no lies no lies a part of me was sad that he's leaving. ****
Nhlaka: yah
Me: what were you doing here?
Nhlaka: to ask for permission from the chief to build a mall here
Me: phh that's nice
Nhlaka: yeah
Me: okay then travel safely
Nhlaka: I will. Thank you
**** I just nodded. Silence filled the air. We both looked at each
other. He was wearing black shorts with a white adidas t-shirt
and nike takkies. Did I mention that he's tall. I don't remember
telling you but he's tall and very handsome I tell you. He leaned
on the car and opened his arms asking for a hug. I went closer
to him and gave him one. He smelled so heavenly and I smelled
sooo bad. I tried pulling out but he squeezed me more and then
pulled out but still holding me.****
Nhlaka: auw waze wamuhle bo ( you're soo beautiful)
Me: huh?
Nhlaka: I said you're beautiful
Me: ohh that again
Nhlaka: yes that again. Khensani you are beautiful and you must
tell that to yourself everyday
****I sighed. He cupped my face with one hand and leaned in. I
know what this means. It means he wants a kiss. I've seen this
happen a lot of times on tv. I looked down and he pulled my
chin up and perked my lips then my forehead and stayed in that
position for a minute or 2. He looked at me and smashed his
lips on mine. His lips started moving I did nothing. He must be
asking himself why I am not doing anything. Shit! .... I quickly
pulled out****
Nhlaka: i'm sorry
Me: uhmm eish
Nhlaka: first time?
**** I nodded. He nodded too. He perked my lips and I moved
away from his face. He looked at me. I remembered I didn't
brush my teeth****
Me: uhmm I forgot to brush my teeth
**** he smirked*****
Nhlaka: I don't mind
Me: huh
Nhlaka: if I want you in my life then I'm gonna have to wake up
next to you everyday with your morning breath and still kiss you
**** I chuckled lightly and he laughed. He perked my lips again
then my forehead****
Nhlaka: let me go
Me: okay bye
**** he got into his car and drove off. I turned back blushing
and went back into the yard and into the house being careful
not to ruin where I layered the dung. I got inside and saw a pot
on the stove. I opened it a found porridge from the morning. I
dished it up and went to the living room and sat down ready to
Tomi: hmmm you're blushing
*** I blushed even more****
Tomi: I saw you guys kissing
Me: okay
Tomi: so you're arent dating?
Me: yes
Tomi: hmmm
Me: yah
**** i finshed eating and then washedthe dishes. I chilled for a
while then at 16:30 I went to bath. After bathing I wore my blue
jeans and my 2008 t-shirt and flip-flops. I took the dress and
shoes as they were in the plastic and went to Tswalo's house. I
got there and found a hair and make up artist.*****
Me: aye ( hello)
Everyone: aye (hello)
Tswalo: chommi tsama hansi ( sit down)
**** I sat down on the chair and the lady started doing my hair.
When I was done I got a call from an unknown number. I
ignored it and watched the other lady do Tintswalo's make up
while the hair lady did her nails. My phone kept ringing I still
didn't answer it. Then a messgae notification poped up the top
of my screen and the message reads as follows "hey Sani. Its
Nhlaka please answer my calls". He called again and I
Me: hello
Nhlaka: finally
Me: I saw your missed calls and I was doing my hair
Nhlaka: ohh okay. Send me a picture when you're done
Me: I will
Nhlaka: any plans for later on. I miss you
**** I know you can't see it but my heart just did a blackflip
hearing him say "i miss you".****
Me: I am going to my matric dance
Nhlaka: ohh do you have transport?
Me: hold on
**** i put the call on hold aand asked Tswalo if we have
transport. She said no and looked stressed immediately after I
asked that question. I went back to the call****
Me: no we don't
Nhlaka: we?
Me: yes me and Tswalo
Nhlaka: okay. Can I take you guys there?
Me: uhmm no problem. Thank you
Nhlaka: so i'll be fetching you at your house?
Me: no at Tswalo's house
Nhlaka: uhmmm i'll ask Muzi
Me: ohh okay
Nhlaka: i'll see you neh
Me: okay
Nhlaka: what time should I come
Me: around 18:30
Nhlaka: okay bye
Me: bye
**** I dropped the call and saved his number then I got dressed
and the make up lady did my make up. It was 18:30 when we
were done.*****
Tswalo: chommi o sasekile( you're beautiful)
Me: nakhensa. Na wen o saske ngopfu ( thank you. You're also
very beautiful)
Tswalo: thanks
**** we heard a car hooter. We all went outside and saw Muzi
and Nhlaka in the car. The got out when they saw us. They were
both in black suits and looked handsome. Nhlaka's jaw dropped
on the floor as he looked at me. I blushed. Tswalo's mom came
out to see what's happening****
Mrs Maringa: who are you?
Muzi: hello ma. We are their chauffeurs for the night
Mrs Maringa: Tintswalo
Tswalo: mama we need transport. Remember papa went to
Mrs Maringa: how much is the transport?
Muzi: no fee is needed ma
**** she looked at them suspiciously****
Nhlaka: uhmmm here are our numbers ma
**** he gave her 2 cards. She nodded ****
Mrs Maringa: I want you girls back before 1
Muzi: they'll come back in one piece ma
Mrs Maringa: what are your names?
Muzi: I am Muzi and this is Nhlaka
**** she looked confused and worried too. She took them
pictures saying its for her to show the police who took her
children. The guys looked shocked or scared I don't know but all
I know is that Tintswalo's mom is serious.****
Mrs Maringa: have fun girls
Me: yes ma
**** we took pictures with her and then got into the car and
drove to my house so that my family can see me****
Nkateko: haaa is this Sani
Tswalo: the one and only
Tomi: o sasekile ngwana mhani ( you're beautiful aunt's child)
Me: thank you
Sharon: hmmm
****she said with bother her lips curved up looking at all of us
including the guys. Aunt Siliva was quiet with teary eyes****
Me: mhani ( aunt)
Siliva: hmm
Me: o sharp? ( are you okay?)
Silvia: ya. Tomorrow I need to talk to you neh
Me: okay
Tswalo: lets take pictures
Sharon: and you are?
**** she asked looking at the guys. They introduced themselves
and exchanged numbers with aunt Silvia. We took pictures
using Muzi's phone. We drove off to the community hall where
the matric dance is taking place since our school hall is not big
enough for the ball. We arrived and all eyes were on us from
the car to the guys and us. But mostly the guys. Nhlaka grabbed
me by the waist and kissed me. I heard some loud cheers. I
pulled out and looked down blushing. He pulled my chin up and
perked my lips.*****
Nhlaka: enjoy and no funny business
Me: okay
Nhlaka: i'll come fetch you
Me: didn't you guys say you're leaving tonight
Nhlaka: we will leave tomorrow morning
Me: okay
**** I walked away from him and turned around. He was still
standing there looking at me. I walked in and disappeared to
the photo booth. After taking photos most eyes were on me. I
spottes Tswalo seated on a couch with 2 girls from the
accounting class. I greeted them and they greeted me back then
made a space for me to sit. I sat down next to Tswalo.*****
Girl 1: my name is Bianca
Girl 2: my name is Amukelani
Me: my name is Khensani
Tswalo: you all know me
**** we all chuckled lightly. We got drinks and waited for the
ceremony to start****
Amu: so are you guys dating those hot guys
Tswalo: yes
Bianca: they are sooo hot
Tswalo: we know
**** the girls looked at each other and I faced the other way.
They stood up and went somewhere.****
Me: did you have to be rude
Tswalo: hayi I don't want them near Muzi
**** I kept quiet****
Voice: what muti did you use to score them
**** we both turned back and it was Ntsako. Tswalo's worst
Tswalo: our hearts
Ntsako: you mean the ones they're gonna break because
honestly your pussys aren't good
**** she said the last part looking at Tswalo****
Me: fuck off bitch before I slap you
Ntsako: slap who
Me: you
**** she came towards me and poked her finger on my
forehead. I stood up and slapped her hard on her cheek. I
pushed her to the ground and hit her a couple of times until Mr
Sithole, my geography teacher came and held me back. There
was a crowd already surrounding us. Tswalo was trying hard not
to cry.****
Mr Sithole: and then
Ntsako: she started it. She hit me
Me: yeyi yeyi you provoked us.
Mr Sithole: Ntsako I know you very well. Now stay away from
any trouble or else you'll be thrown out. Stay away from
Tintswalo and MaMaluleke.
**** Ntsako stood up and sulking and angry. She left with
Xinyori running after her. Mr Sithole left after checking if we're
Me: Tswalo don't mind her or Xinyori
Tswalo: mxm
Me: Tswalo this is our matric dance night. Think about this night
and your zulu boyfriend
**** she laughed and I joined her. The rest of the night
continued with Bianca winning the best dressed category and
another couple winning the best couple of the night.....*****
Nhlak's POV
****my name is Nhlakanipho Vusimuzi Dlamini and I am 22
years old. I currently reside in Johannesburg Sandton and I live
with my brothers. I am originally from KZN and I am from
royalty. My father is King Manqoba Dlamini and my mother is
Queen Mandisa Carol Dlamini. I have a younger sister who lives
with my parents and her name is Noluthando Dlamini.
Nkazimulo, 27 years of age is the eldest. I follow along with my
twin brother Nkosinathi. Nkanyezi is the last boy in the family
and he is 19 years old. Then the 15 year old Thando is the last
born. Muzikayise is actually my cousin but we consider him our
brother and he's 23 years old.
I am into property and I own the company " Vusimuzi
properties" ..... and yes I named it after myself. You might be
thinking that I am very young to be owning a company hey....
well then I have just started it and it's slowly but surely growing.
I am in a relationship with Thulisile, a princess from where I am
from and I am not interested in her at all. My family chose all of
us wifes from royalty. But as for Thuli .... haii I deserve better.
Not that there's anything wrong with her. She's beautiful and all
that but I am seeking for more. Khensani is just what I need and
want. I love her with my all. Yes I know its too early but I am in
love with her and i'm going to make her my wife. ****
***** we went back to the palace and went straight to the
room we were placed in. Nkanyezi was still at school in Cape
town and Nkazi was back home with his soon to be wife doing
whatever they're doing there.****
Nathi: ohh senibuyile manje ( you're back now)
Muzi: yah
Me: I wanna sleep
Nathi: haaa wait tell us what happened with that girl

Me: who
Nathi: Soso, Samu, Sasa, Sano, Soni
Me: Sani... Nathi it's Sani... Khensani
Nathi: ayike kyafana konke ( its all the same)
**** I shook my head chuckling. I told them the dung story....
basically everything. ****
Muzi: uyamthanda neh?( you love her hey?)
Me: too much bro
Nathi: so quick
Me: shut up. It's love man
Nathi: uzothin ngo Thuli?( what about Thuli)
Me: ayi ayi let's not even go there. I am not there
Nathi: tell that to your mom
Me: wena Muzi that girl
Muzi: I think I know what love is
**** Nathi and I burst out in laughter****
Me: wow the player is actually in love
Nathi: I see that. The last time I checked Muzi wasn't into dark
skinned girls, he likes the yellow bones
**** we laughed harder. Muzi joined in too****
Me: look even mom knows you like yellow bones
Nathi: ande.... phela uZanele yi yellow mello ( true. Zanele is a
yellow bone)
Muzi: mxm
Me: what happened vele
Muzi: with?
Me: dark dindi
Muzi: love bro.... love happened

Nathi: hmmm
**** we burst out again****
Muzi: her dark skin drives me crazy yerrr and she's a black
beauty. Her skin is smooth. Especially....
Me: ayi okay sizwile keh ( we heard )
**** Muzi laughed****
Nathi: too sad I didn't find one
Muzi: your parents chose Londi for a reason
Nathi: tsek! Nawe they chose Zanele for a reason
Muzi: mxm
Me: is it me or only Nkazi is interested in the girl they chose for
him to marry?
Muzi: nah it's not you. I've also noticed
Nathi: hmm I didn't
Me: you must look at the way he looks at her
Muzi: and the way he's controlling over her
Me: and the way he cannot let go of her
Muzi: and they he worships the ground she walks on
Me: and the way he makes her look like the only girl alive or the
only person in the room
Nathi: and the way you guys are sabweling( craving) their
couple goals
**** we all laughed. ****
Me: hayi wena
Muzi: but I'm glad he loves her
Nathi: yeah ayy. I wonder if Nkanyezi will love the one they
chose for him
Me: who is it?
Muzi: Thando's friend
Me: which one?
Muzi: Mbali
Me: Mbali Mkhize?
Nathi: yes
Me: ayi we will see
**** I took off the suit and slept with my boxers. I set an arlam
for 23:00. When it rang I switched it off and went to get
refreshed since Giyani is hot as fire. When I was done I got
dressed, took my wallet, car keys, phone and left. Muzi
apparently left 20 minutes ago. I drove to the community hall
and parked the rented car. All eyes were on me when I entered
the hall. I saw Khensi from afar dancing with some girls. Atleast
its girls or else I would've commited a crime. I approached her.
She saw me and jumped on me. I picked her and hugged her
tightly then I put her down. She almost fell, I quickly held her
from not falling. ****
Sani: baby wa mina ( my bae)
**** I just looked at her. I think she's had too much to
Sani: oops you didn't ask me to be your girlfriend
**** then she laughed. I kept a serious face****
Sani: baby you came to fetch me
Me: yes are you drunk?
Sani: no no nah. I don't drink
Me: Khensani how many glasses did you drink
Sani: bottles bottles and glasses
**** then she laughed. ****
Sani: okay. Maybe i'm drunk mara why are you soo serious
**** then she laughed harder. I couldn't hold it I laughed too. I
took her glass and took a sip. It was a cocktail but I think she
had too much of it****
Sani: baby
Me: hmm
Sani: they said it's sex on the beach
**** we looked at each other then after 2 seconds we burst out
in laughter once more. Sani is never drinking again****
Me: baby let's go
Sani: yassssss
**** she swayed her ass and walked dizzly to the table she was
seated on and took her clutch bag and said her goodbyes. I
walked out with her hand in hand and reached the car and
opened the passenger door for her and she got in. I went to my
side and I got in****
Sani: baby please take me to my favourite place no one knows
Me: and that is?
Sani: go straight and turn left at the school
**** after I turned I looked at her.****
Sani: go straight till you reach the forest
Me: huh?
Sani: yes just go
**** I drove for like a good 15 minutes and reached the end of
the houses****
Sani: turn right then left

*** I did just as I was told****

Sani: and we've arrived at our destination
Me: here
**** I asked looking at the thorny plants, the trees, the long
grass and listening to the sounds of insects. I wonder why this
place could be her favourite. And where does she know it from.
If gangstars from Giyani would find this place they'd build a
warehouse here and do their dirty work here and no one would
even know. I opened my door and then went to her side abd
opened hers.****
Sani: follow me
*** I followed her lead. We walked for about 5 minutes then
she opened a small gate. There was a fence too. We walked for
about 10 minutes and reached a small wooden house. She bent
down searching for something under the old mat. Argh and my
eyes just had to look at her ass. I got a boner same time. She
got the key and unlocked the door. She put the lights on and
this place was dirty and dusty I must say. I'm sure the house is
abandoned. It had a small single bed, a small kitchen and a
small wardrobe withthe doors falling apart. The wardrobe had a
male and female's clothes.****
Me: uhmm baby
Sani: hmm
Me: is everything okay
**** she sighed. She wiped a chair and told me to sit. I sat
down. She told me everything about her family. Her mom dying
after Sani's birth. Her father leaving the country and everything
else. She told me this house was ger father's house and then
her mom stayed in it till she died. She said her aunt Silvia had
shown her this place once and it has been her favourite ever
since it holds her parent's memories.****
Me: i'm sorry about your parents baby

Sani: ahh well I won't lie and say I don't wish they were here
but I do. But right now I hate my dad
**** I pulled her into a comforting hug. I checked my hand
watch and the time reported to be 00: 15. We left the place and
she locked and put back the key under the mat. We got to the
car and drove towards her home. I noticed Muzi's car parked at
Petros. I also parked behind him****
Me: stay here
Sani: okay
**** i got out and knocked on Muzi's window. He opened it. I
saw his left hand behind his back. He brought it back when he
realised it was just me***
Me: and wena you just park nje nje there are tsotsis ( gangstars)
who can just kill you or do something
*** Muzi just looked at me***
Me: mxm just drop off your girl
Muzi: sho
**** I got into the car and asked her to look at me. She did****
Me: umuhle standwa sam ( you're beautiful my love)
Sani: hmm?
Me: you're beautiful
**** she blushed then thanked me****
Me: I need to teach you Zulu neh
Sani: yaaa
**** she giggled.****
Me: mii ( as in take)
**** I said handing her a bottle of water. She drank with no
questions asked. She gulped down half of the water in the
bottle. As soon as she closed the cap I got closer to her face and
kissed her lips. I did the kissing till she got a hang of it and
kissed me too. She tried pulling out but I deepened the kiss and
kissed her with all the love I have inside of me. I pulled out and
we tried catching our breaths from the hot passionate kiss. She
was catching hers like she was running a marathon.*****
Me: Sani breathe with your nose nextime neh
**** she nodded. I started the car and drove to her place. I got
out and opened the door for her. I grabbed her body and kissed
her one more time. We walked to the gate then I perked her lips
and forehead and she went inside.****
Sani: thank you
Me: my pleasure baby
*****she locked the gate and I wentinside the car. I saw one of
her aunts looking at us through the window. When Sani
reached the door she closed the curtain. I hope nothing will
happen to her. I drove off after making sure she's okay.****
The next day
**** we woke up at 4am and refreshed. We said oyr goodbyes
to the king and queen and apologised for not being able to have
breakfast with them and left with Nathi being the one to drive
since he got much more sleep than Muzi and I. ****
Nathi: did you say goodbye to your ladies?
Me: yah
Muzi: my baby is said i'm leaving
Nathi: you've already left mos
**** I laughed so did Nathi. Muzi only shook his head with a
Me: atleast they are going to varsity

Muzi: I hope its Wits because it's closer

**** we arrived home at 9am. I went to my room and found
Thuli asleep on my bed. I packed my bad and unpacked the one
from Giyani. I shook her. She opened her eyes and smiled. I kept
a serious face****
Thuli: morning baby
Me: hi
Thuli: you're back
Me: mmh (as in yes)
Thuli: weren't you supposed to be back last night?
Me: we got held up and we were too tired to drive in the night
Thuli: ohh okay. What's the time?
Me: half past 9
Thuli: what time we're leaving?
Me: half past 1
Thuli: hmmm
**** I went downstairs to the kitchen and found Londiwe and
Zanele eating****
Me: hi
Them: hey
Londi: where is Nathi
Me: angazi ( i don't know)
Zah: how was Limpopo?
Me: fine
**** I made myself bread spred with peanut butter and jam
with juice and went to the living room. I decided to call
Sani: hello
Me: Khensi
Sani: how are you?
Me: i'm good and you
Sani: eish
Me: what's wrong?
Sani: uhmm Ntlaka
Me: baby before you continue, its Nhlaka not Ntlaka
**** she giggled****
Me: or just call me Mr Dhlamini
Sani: your surname?
Me: yes. What's yours?
Sani: Maluleke
Me: okay so what's wrong MaMaluleke ?
Sani: uhmm eish i'm sorry about last night
Me: what happened?
Sani: haaa mara
**** I took a sip of my juice and chuckled as she was trying to
explain herself with the i...i.. uhmmm.... she sighed****
Me: Khensani what are you sorry about?
Sani: getting drunk
Me: baby look. Its okay to drink and have fun. Just don't do it
too much
Sani: okay
Me: I love you
Sani: hmm
Me: I said I love you
**** there was a 5 second silence****
Sani: me too
Me: you too what?
Sani: I love you too
Me: that's more like it
**** she chuckled. The sound of her laughter makes me
Me: o sasekile baby wa mina ( you're beautiful babe)
**** she laughed at me. I let her laugh and I ended up laughing
Sani: where did you learn Tsonga from or that sentence?
Me: hauw baby I was at the palace mos and my woman is
Tsonga so I am gonna have to be fluent in it
Sani: okay I hear you. Thank you
Me: I left Giyani
Sani: ohh when
Me: ngo 4 ekseni ( at 4am)
Sani: ohh so you're in KZN?
Me: no i'm Joburg but I'll be leaving soon for Natal
Sani: ohh okay travel safely then
Me: thank you
Sani: uhmm I have to go my aunt is calling me
Me: ohh okay. Enjoy the rest of your day. I'll call you later
Sani: okay
Me: na ku rhandza ( I love you)
Sani: na mina na ku rhandza ( I love you too)
**** I dropped the call.and saw Thuli standing at the entrance
of the room with tears streaming down her face. Damn! She
heard me. But i'll deal with that later.****
Me: how long have you been standing there
Thuli: long enough to hear you confess your love to another
Me: ohh alright
**** I took my food outside with me to the porch. I sat there
and ate. After a good 5 minutes of being there alone Thuli
showed up****
Thuli: who is she?
Me: ayi Thuli its just not you
Thuli: why are you cheating on me
Me: Thuli not now please
Thuli: Nhlaka
Me: ayi sisi ngithe hayi manje ( I said not now)
**** she left fuming. Honestly I feel sorry for her and mostly for
her believing the lies my mom and aunt sold to her of being
happy with me. When I was done eating. I went back into the
house and washed my dishes. I got my laptop out and did some
work in the dinning room. After a while I got a call from my
Me: ma
Ma: yini lento engiyizwayo Nhlaka? ( what's this i'm hearing?)
Me: ini ma ( what?)
Ma: u su ya jola manje ( you're dating now)
Me: hayi ngiyeke tuu ma. Ngikutshelile ukuthi mina
angimthandi uThuli ( leave me please. I told you I don't love
Ma: awumthandi kanjani e muhle, futhi e funda, futhi e ngu
nkosazana ( how can you not love her when she's beautiful,
getting educated and also when she's a princess)
Me: ma angimthandi kuphelela lapho ( I don't love here and it
ends there)
Ma: Nhlaka kodwa...( Nhlaka but...)
**** I interrupted her before she could finish her sentence****
Me: bye bye ngizokubona ntambama. Ngiyakthanda futhi ube
nosuku olumnandi ( i'll see you in the evening. I love you and
have a wonderful day)
Ma: asikayiqedi lendaba ( we're not done with this matter)
Me: uzoyiqeda nomyeni wakho ( you'll finish it with your
***** I dropped the call before I get insulted for disrespecting
the king who is afterall my father. I went back to doing my
**** after the call with my man. Hmmm my man already and
he hasn't yet asked me to be his girlfriend. Aunt Silvia called me
and I went to her*****
Me: mhani ( aunt/mom)
Siliva: sit down
**** I sat down then I realised that it was only the two of us at
Silvia: please be honest with me okay
Me: okay
**** shit i'm scared now. I wonder what thi is about****
Siliva: are you dating that boy
Me: uhmm which one
Silvia: the one who brought you home last one. The one Tomi
said was here when you were layering cow dung
**** I cleared my throat***
Me: uhmm no
Silvia: then what are you doing with him?
Me: he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend yet
**** I looked down after saying "yet" very slowly. She
Silvia: Sani I don't want you to be like your mother who didn't
even have a relationship with your father. She was just a whore
who threw herself to him and we all knew this. I know she's
your mother but don't be like her
**** I sighed. But then hearing her calling my mom a whore
hurt me.****
Silvia: In two months you're going to varsity and I don't want
you dating boys who are going to use you. I don't want you
sleeping around with boys who don't know where you're
standing with them. Know where you are standing with him. I
don't want you wasting your time with someone who doesn't
have pure intentions. Bring back a degree not a baby. Do you
hear me?
Me: yes aunty. I promise I won't
Silvia: Khensani don't promise me lies. Just make sure you don't
get into trouble and that you don't fall into traps like getting
pregnant for having a blesser or else die pope sal danse
Me: yes aunty
Silvia: know about this boy's intentions before it's too late
Me: okay I will
Silvia: good. I hope you will keep your promise.
**** I nodded. ****
Silvia: i'm going to see Maria
Me: okay
**** Maria is her friend. I stood up and did my washing. When I
was done I ate then I went to go bath and chilled. I texted
Tswalo to check if she's home and she told me she's at the mall
shopping for clothes with her parents. I just chilled and then
cooked later on. I told my cousins and aunts about the matric
dance and how it was. When it was late I went to bed but I
didn't sleep. I became online on whatsapp and facebook*****
**** We arrived in KZN just in the right time for dinner. We got
into the house and went straight to our rooms to put our bags
then we went downstairs to join the rest with dinner.****
Ma: Boys and makotis (daugters in law)
Us: Sanibonani ( greetings)
Dad: travelled safely?
Nathi: yebo ( yes)
Nkazi: yoh na buya nibamnyama ( you came back dark)
Nathi: tsek
Me: mxm you're bored neh
Muzi: ayi suka
Khethiwe: Stop it and eat marn
**** Khethiwe is Muzi's mother. Her husband died 7 years ago
and Muzi is the only child to his parents. We usually call
Khethiwe mama and my mom as ma. We ate throwing in a few
words there and there just talking about Giyani. When we were
done eating, the helpers cleared up and we went to the living
room and sat there. Thando wasn't home she was doing a
sleepover at her friend's house.*****
Ma: Muzi
Muzi: ma
Ma: ushada nini ( when are you getting married)
Muzi: in 6 years
Mama: haibo why so long
Muzi: I'm still young
Mama: we are not getting any younger
Ma: twins
Me: in 10 years
Nathi: angina cherry so not anytime soon ( I don't have a girl....)
**** that statement broke Londi. I could tell by her almost
teary eyes. My mom and aunt were shocked. Dad was just
watching and Nkazi had disappeared with Zinhle****
Ma: how can you say that
Mama: you have Londi mos Nathi
Nathi: ma nawe mama. Ngicela ningicazele ukuthi why
nisikhetela intombi?( mom amd you mother. Please tell me why
you're busy choosing girlfriends for us)
Mama: they are princesses and you are a prince
Ma: royalty marries royalty
Me: that's just nonsense
Ma: we paired you up early so that you can have a connection
and know your partner before you get married. I had to know
your father when I was already married. We are doing you guys
a favour.
Nathi: we didn't ask for one. We don't want it
Ma: Nathi look where your father and I are. I mean we got
married without knowing one another but look where we are.
Look at where Khethiwe and Mqoqi ended. They ended up
happily married.
Me: ma just because it worked out for you guys doesn't mean it
will work for us
Ma: it will you just have to try
Mama: look Nkazi is happy

**** she said as the love birds appeared holding hands. They
sat down****
Nkazi: what's going on?
Nathi: I want to marry a girl chosen by me so does Nhlaka and
Nkazi: hmm
Mama: but look at how Nkazi is happy
Me: I am Nhlakanipho not Nkazimulo
Nathi: and I am Nkosinathi not dad, uncle, our grandfather, fore
grandfathers or even Nkazimulo
**** I looked at him with a bored " are you for real" expression.
He stuck his tongue out. All this time Muzi was quiet****
Me: sies that's gay

Nathi" voetsek
Me: nawe nja ( you too dog)
Ma: so Nathi uthi ufunan ( what are you saying you want)
Nathi: a girl chosen by us
Ma: you want to bring in half naked girls in the royal house to
be abo makoti ( to be daughters in law)
Me: aiike
Dad: ngiyanizwa bafana bam kodwa keh kuzoba nengkinga ( I
hear you boys but there's going to be a problem)
Me: yin leyo ( what's that)
Dad: you'll have to take the girl you want to marry as a second
Nathi: haii ithi uyadlala
*** he said chuckling a bit. Dad shook his head. ****
Nathi: bese laba ba zo ba o mamkhulu? ( these ones are going
to be the first wives?)
**** he asked looking at Londiwe then back at dad. Dad
nodded his head ****
Me: haiike. I'm not taking Thuli as my wife
Ma: the problem with you is that shaangane you're dating neh
Nathi: ayyy ma its tsonga not shaangane. That's an insult
Me: how do you know that?
**** I looked at her then Thuli then back at her****
Ma: yes she told me
Me: its no problem. The problem is you elders of this family
wanting me to marry Thulisile and I don't want to
Ma: so you go to Giyani for some work bese uyafeba ( then you
Me: yeyi angifebelanga muntu mina. Angijoli noThuli futhi
angimthandi! ( I didn't cheat on anyone. I am not dating Thuli
and I don't love her)
Dad: Nhlaka don't raise your voice at your mother
Me: she must stop forcing this situation and let me live my love
life in peace nx
**** I left after saying that and left Nathi complaining now. I
guess it's his turn. I went to my room to think and I thought
about this for 2 hours and all I want is Sani. I called her...****
Sani: Ntlaka
Me: weeeeh Khensani call me Dlamini
**** she giggled****
Sani: okay sorry bab'Dlamini
Me: sounds better. How are you baby?
Sani: i'm good and you?
Me: i'm good but tired from the trip
Sani: ohhh then you must rest
Me: I will
Sani: how's home?
Me: its okay hey. How was your day?
Sani: it was okay. How was yours
Me: tiring baby
**** I heard someone knock on my door.and then heard Nkazi's
voice. I went to go open and three people flooded in. I
continued taking to Sani then my dad entered the room and
told us that he wants to talk to us. I said my goodbyes to Sani
and promised to call her later on. *****
Me: and then
Dad: let's start here. Never raise your voices at your mothers
siyezwana ( are we clear)
**** we all nodded****
Dad: siyezwana na? ( Are we clear?)
Us: yebo hlubi
Dad: good. So I am going to tell you something. Never talk to
your mother about what I about to tell you guys

**** we nodded. Then he sighed****

Dad: I also didn't love your mom
Me: huh
Dad: yes I didn't. I love Nomsa
Nkazi: Nomsa as in MaMkhize? Mbali's step mom
Dad: yes and it's her mother
**** ohhh in tradition there's nothing like a step mom or father
or sister or step anything...****
Nathi: manje what happened?
Dad: we were dating. Then I was told I had to marry your mom.
I refused just like you guys. Then I ended up marrying her since
the throne was mine and I had to marry a princess. Nomsa
wasn't a princess so she had to be my second wife. I still
continued dating Nomsa while married to your mom. I wouldn't
even touch her. My heart was with Nomsa. I got Nomsa
pregnant in order for her to agree to marry me. I knew she'd
leave if I told her I had wife and since she was pregnant she
wouldn't have any other option than to agree. And when I told
her I had wife she left me.
Nathi: so you have a child out there?
Dad: Nathi would you listen
**** he kept quiet and nodded.****
Dad: when she found out she was pregnant she came and told
me. Then I paid damages to her family and she let me be in the
baby's life but still refused to marry me. When the child had to
be born we found out that she had died. It was a still born baby.
**** I felt my heart crack. Dad let out a tear and quickly wiped
it. ****
Dad: after a few months she left me for good. Then I found out
that your mother was having an affair with Godloza.
**** all our eyes poped out****
Nkazi: you mean Godloza Godloza
Muzi: Godloza Mhlongo?
Dad: yes that one.
**** I made sure she ended the affair. I blamed her for the
death of Thandi the still born baby and I also blamed her for
Nomsa leaving me.

**** he sighed then let out another tear***

Dad: my sons don't ever be like me. Don't do the same mistakes
I did. Never do them
Nathi: what did you do?
Dad: I started abusing your mom.
Me: you beat her
Dad: yes and I... I..
**** the tears kept coming****
Nathi: you....
Dad: I raped her too
Nathi: how can you rape your wife
Dad: Nkosinathi and you guys don't you ever dare in your life
sleep with your wives or anyone without their permission
**** we nodded****
Dad: that's how your mother lost her virginity. I raped her and
beat her up. I also insulted her in every possible way. I hurt her
very bad
Nkazi: so Godloza didn't get to break her virginity?
Dad: no. It was still a 2 weeks affair when I found out. Anyway.
The abuse carried on for 8 months then one day Godloza
kidnapped her. I said I didn't love your mom right, instead I
hated her right?
**** we nodded****
Dad: but I've never went crazy over someone like that. I knew it
wasn't because my punching back has been kidnapped. It was
because she was still my wife and someway somehow her
presence meant a lot to me
Nathi: you were mentally ill struu
**** he said in a whisper but Muzi and I heard him because we
looked at him then back at dad****
Dad: so I found her then shot Godloza and that's how he ended
up in a wheelchair. I stopped treating her like a dog and gave
her the freedom she wanted. One day she ran away. I went over
to Godloza's place and she wasn't there. I went to her home
and she wasn't there too. I thought that's where they were
hiding her. I looked for her and didn't find her. I found her in
Pinetown after 5 months. I was doing business there and she
was working for my partner. She was heavily pregnant
Nkazi: with me?
Dad: yes. I begged her to fix things with me and come back
home. I needed her. I knew I loved her the very moment I beat
her up for being with Godloza. I kept begging her until you were
born. She let me be in your life but refused to come back home.
When you were 7 months old she agreed to come back and try
things. She gave me a chance amd I took it and made sure I
don't do anything wrong. We took counselling classes and tried
to work out our marriage and making it a success along with
being parents. I know she has forgiven me but she'll never
forget the trauma I put her through. I've never had eyes for any
woman since that day she agreed to fix things. So boys I
understand when you say you dont want to marry the
princesses but they might be your soulmates that's all i'm
**** he stood up and headed to the door****
Dad: ohh and moral of the story. Treat your wife with respect.
Care for her and love her at all times. Be honest because she
finds out the truth you'll regret yourselves and she might not
come back just like your mom did. Never lay a finger on your
wife and never have sex with her without her permission.
Always treat her like a queen she is and she'll stay. Ohhh and
give her money too
**** then he walked out. We chuckled then silence filled the
room. I guess everyone was still digesting what dad had told
Nathi: so mom went through all that
Me: yah neh
Nathi: but dad doesn't look like someone who'd do that
Me: that's why he changed so that his children don't become
the person he was
Nkazi: he really loves ma. He worships the ground she walks on
Muzi: yah just like someone we know
Nkazi: who
*** we looked at him. He laughed and shook his head. We
laughed too***
Nkazi: once you find your soulmate then you'll understand
Me: hmmm
Nathi: where am I gonna find one

Nkazi: why are you still looking for one when Londi is there
Nathi: mxm. Fsek
**** he said and left. We laughed at him and the rest of them
left. I called Sani again just like I had promised*****
Sani: hey
Me: babe i'll talk to you tomorrow. I am very tired amd all I
want to do now is to sleep
Sani: ohh okay. No problem
Me: goodnight
Sani: goodnight
Me: ngiyakthanda yezwa ( i love you)
Sani: na ku rhandza ( i love you)
**** I dropped the call and took off my clothes. Thuli entered
the room as I was getting inside the sheets. *****
Thuli: ma forced me to sleep in here
Me: haiibo
Thuli: you can go ask her if you dont believe me
Me: hayi sisi lala i'll go to the guestroom (no sleep...)
**** I took my car keys and the bag I came with and went to
the guestroom. I put the bag on the floor, put the keys and
phone on the headboard and got into the covers and
**** I woke up and did my morning hygiene. The house was
clean today so no cleaning was needed. Nkateko went to visit
her father's family and Vutomi left early in the morning. She
didn't say where she was going. The aunts and Muhluri went to
work. Its been a while since I saw Muhluri because he now work
overtime. He leaves and comes back very late at night. I ate... as
I was washing the dishes Tswalo came in.****
Me: ohh hey. I was gonna come to your house
Tswalo: for?
Me: to bring back the dress and shoes
Tswalo: who's gonna wear them. Keep them
**** her mom is also slender so she's right. No one is going to
wear it****
Me: thank you
Tswalo: I miss Muzi
Me: I feel you chom. I miss Ntlaka too
**** she laughed at me****
Me: what
Tswalo: you can't even pronounce your man's name
Me: mxm I didn't say he must be zulu and have a name
Tswalo: so you're dating.... like its offical
Me: I don't know
Tswalo: what do you mean?
Me: he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend
Tswalo: hmmm do you think he's serious with you
Me: I don't know
**** I told her what aunt Silvia told me****
Tswalo: I agree with her. You must ask him where you're
Me: yah yah I will
Tswalo: lets take a walk
*** we went out. I locked the door and put the key in the
flower pot near the door on the stoep. ****
Me: i'm worried about my results
Tswalo: me too but I have hope that we passed
Me: yah ayy
**** we saw Xinyori and Ntsako holding hands. They noticed us
and decided to walk to us. I looked at Tswalo and she looked
cool. Cooler than the last time.****
Nyori: awww baby look who's here
Ntsako: it's the gold digging bitches. Where are your 2 minute
blessers now
**** then they laughed*****
Tswalo: fuck you
Me: Ntsako you should be the last one to talk
Ntsako: what are you going to do
Me: i'll rearrange your face and body in 2 minutes
Ntsako: mxm
Nyori: so wena Tintswalo you fuck rich guys now
Tswalo: yes
Ntsako: i'm sure her vigaina is the big hole of Kimberly
**** they laughed****
Tswalo: atleast they fuck me so good. They make my legs shake.
Have you ever done that
**** she asked looking at Xinyori. He clicked his tongue and left
with Ntsako running behind him. I looked at Tswalo and we
both burst out in laughter***
Me: and then?
Tswalo: what
Me: shaking legs... what's that
Tswalo: you really wanna know
Me: yah
Tswalo: okay. Lets go home and i'll show you
Me: who's home
Tswalo: mine
**** we turned around and went to her house. She was home
alone. She connected her phone to the wifi router then went to
a porn site and searched for videos. As we watched the videos I
felt disgusted and aroused at the same time. I felt my panty
getting wet. The girl's legs shook and she screamed in pleasure.
In the next video the girl sucked the guy's peins. I was beyond
disgusted. Tintswalo saw my face and laughed at my
Me: hayi sies
Tswalo: its oral sex
**** she had tears in her eyes and still dead from laughing. The
guy also licked the girl's vigina and put his finger in and ate her
Me: Tintswalo

Tswalo: hmm
Me: did you ever do this
Tswalo: uhmm
**** she laughed harder. I still looked at her****
Tswalo: yes but the other way around. Muzi fingered me only
Me: haaaaa you did it with him
Tswalo: yep
Me: hmmm how is it
Tswalo: do you think the girl is screaming out of pain or
Me: pleasure
Tswalo: exactly
Me: so it's nice
Tswalo: yes.
Me: hmm
**** in the third video the girl's legs shook and she peed***
Me: yoh she peed
Tswalo: she didn't pee. She squirted
Me: what thats manje because she peed
Tswalo: its not just pee. Its pee that comes from the sex tension
Me: huh
Tswalo: yes if it was normal pee it would've come out and
immediately wetted the bed.
Me: haii haii this sex things of yours
**** she laughed at me****
Tswalo: lets watch another one
Me: haii Tswalo
Tswalo: one more then we're done
Me: okay
**** on this one the couple was using very different sex
postions. *****
Tswalo: this one is called woman on top
Me: because she's on top
Tswalo: yes
Me hmmm
Tswalo: and this is called doggy style
Me: what
**** she laughed at me.***
Tswalo: if you could see the look on your face
Me: why do they call it that
Tswalo: because that's how dogs have sex
Me: ohh
Tswalo: this one is missionary
**** the guy was on top of the girl. This is what I know sex to
be. Kanti shem I knew nothing. Finally the video ended. Her
phone rang and it was Muzi calling. She put him on loud
Tswalo: yise
**** Yise I thought to myself. Is that a pet name? Out of all pet
names Tswalo chooses to call him yise****
Muzi: love. How are you
Tswalo: i'm good and you?
Muzi: i'm good. I miss you a lot
Tswalo: me too
Muzi: what are you doing?
Tswalo: i'm just chilling with Sani
Muzi: ohh where's her phone
**** I looked around and searched myself and didn't find it.
Me: at home I think
**** I whispered****
Tswalo: she left it at home. Why are you asking?
Muzi: Nhlaka has been trying to call her
Tswalo: ohh she'll see the missed calls when she gets home
Muzi: yeah
Tswalo: are you still in KZN?
Muzi: yes but I want to see you so badly. So I think i'll come
there next week sunday or Saturday after my afternoon
Tswalo: okay. You work on weekends too
Muzi: yes baby, being an architect is not nice
Tswalo: but I thought you love your job
Muzi: I do but its too much
**** Tswalo laughed. Aii I left the room because listening to
their conversation is boring me. I switched on the tv and
watched a movie. Tswalo followed me still on the phone this
time it wasn't on speaker. Great I just watched porn a few
minutes ago and then the movie happens to have a sex scene.
The volume was high...***
Tswalo: no no baby no. It's the tv
**** she yelled. I looked at her for a brief moment. The look on
her face said " please don't kill me" I laughed at her. Her face
relaxed after a few seconds****
Me: na buya neh ( i'll be back)
**** I said to her. She nodded and took the remote to lower
the volume. I left and went home. Tswalo doesn't live far. Her
house is just one street away. I got home and unlocked the
door. I went in, took my phone and left. When I got in she was
still on the phone. I looked at my phone and I had 17 missed
calls and 8 voice messages. With 2 messages. Nhlaka is crazy. I
mean who calls 17 times and leave 8 voice messages. I am even
scared to open my whatsapp. I listened to all the voice
messages and in theast one he said he's going to come if I don't
answer. In the messages he asked me to answer my phone and
asked for forgiveness if he did anything wrong. So sweet of him.
Since I don't have airtime I made him a please call and he called
almost immediately.****
Nhlaka: Khensani
**** he sounds irritated. Am I in trouble for not answering my
Me: bab'Dlamini
Nhlaka: unjani? ( how are you?)
Me: good and you?
Nhlaka: ngiryt uma uryt. Uthi uyishiyeleni iphone? ( i'm good if
you're good. Why did you leave your phone?)
Me: huh?
**** this language is gonna be the death of me****
Nhlaka: why did you leave your phone?
Me: I didn't. I forgot it
Nhlaka: hmmm. And mami you need to learn isizulu fast. I don't
like english and I can't keep translating
Me: I am learning
Nhlaka: serious
Me: yes
Nhlaka: who's teaching you?
Me: you. You speak it and translate right
Nhlaka: you forget wena
Me: oho
**** I heard a female voice ****
Voice: bhuti ngicela ukuya e mall no Mbali ( bro can I go to the
mall with Mbali)
Nhlaka: no
Voice: bhuti mara ( but...)
Nhlaka: angifuni Thando ( I don't want)
Thando: ngiyakzonda ( I hate you)
Nhlaka: uzongi zondela into ekhona uma ngiceda la ( you'll hate
for something reasonable when i'm done here)

Nhlaka: baby
Me: hmm
Nhlaka: sorry about that. That was my little sister
Me: ohh you have a little sister. How old is she
Nhlaka: 15 and very disrespectful
Me: she can't be that bad
Nhlaka: yeyi this one needs a serious hiding
**** I chuckled. ****
Nhlaka: baby
Me: hmm
Nhlaka: are you busy next week the whole week?
Me: no why?
Nhlaka: I want to be with you
*** I felt butterflies in my stomach and blushed. ****
Nhlaka: mami
Me: hmm
Nhlaka: so can I come
Me: yes
Nhlaka: thank you. So i'll see you Saturday
Me: yes
Nhlaka: I love you
Me: I love you too
**** Tswalo was done with her phone call. She watched tv****
Nhlaka: will your family let you be away for a week
Me: ehh no no no
Nhlaka: uhmmm its okay then I guess i'll have to see you during
the day
Me: yeah
Voice: Nhlaka woza mahn ( Nhlaka come)
Nhlaka: yah ma ngiyeza ( i'm coming)
Ma: uphi uMuzi?
Nhlaka: angazi ( I dont know)
Nhlaka: sorry babe that was my mom
Me: ohh
Nhlaka: yeah
Me: sounds like you're needed you can go and call me at night
to tell me what you've been busy with
Nhlaka: no they can wait
**** i heard some sounds and shuffling ***
Me: what's going on. Where are you going?
Nhlaka: i'm goingoutside far from where they can see me
because they are disturbing me
Me: ohh
Voice: Nhlaka uMa uyak'biza ( ma is calling you)
Nhlaka: okay
Voice: uyaphi ( where are you going)
***** this guy'sspeaker is loud because I can hear what these
people are saying even thou I can't understand what they're
Nhlaka: ngiyahamba ( i'm going)
Voice: kodwa uMa uyak'biza ( but ma is calling you)
Nhlaka: Thuli ngikuzwile mahn yerr. Yekela ukuba iscefe ( Thuli I
heard you. Stop being a nuisance )
Nhlaka: baby are you still here?

Me: yes. What's going on vele

Nhlaka: they are preparing for my mom's bithday party
Me: ohh that's nice. How old is she turning
Nhlaka: 50
Me: ohh that's old
Nhlaka: yeah. She said she wants grandkids so me and you have
to make it quick
Me: heeeei
**** he laughed at me. I laughed too***
Nhlaka: i'm joking. For now
***** we talked about cars to houses to our liles and dislikes.
Tswalo even made food for us. I ate while talking to him. We
talked for almost 45 minutes. *****
Voice: bafo
Nhlaka: huh
Voice: hauw bafo uhleli la mzuzu wonke umuntu ufunana nawe
( you're here and everyoneis going mad looking for you)
Nhlaka: bangifunan ( what do they want from me)
Voice: angaz ( i don't know)
Nhlaka: okay ngi busy keh ( i'm busy)
Voice: ngan ngoba usefounin( with what because you're on your
Nhlaka: ehe ngikhuluma no MaDhlamini wam ozayo ( i'm taking
to the future MaDhlamini)
Voice: mxm
**** I kept listening even thou I understood nothing*****
Voice2: Nhlaka uYezi ukulinde e airport ( Yezi is waiting for you
at the airport)
Nhlaka: shit. I forgot
Voice2: i'm sure ulele la ekhona ( he's probably asleep where he
Nhlaka: mxm
Nhlaka: mami
Me: hmm
Nhlaka: I have to go fetch my brother at the airport aneh
Me: okay no problem we talk later
Nhlaka: ngiyakthanda yezwa
***** I know what this means. ****
Me: nam (me too)
Nhlaka: nawe ini? ( you too what?)
Me: na mina na ku rhandza ( I love you too)
Nhlaka: say it in Zulu
Me: mara
**** he laughed at me. I laughed too***
Nhlaka: I'll let it go for now bye
Me: bye
Nhlaka: I'll call you later before you sleep neh
Me: okay
**** he dropped the call.****
Tswalo: hmm you took time shem
Me: don't act better, you were also on the phone for over an
Tswalo: mxm
**** I stood up and washed the dishes. Then we went home so
she can help me cook. When we were done we went to Petros
and bought a few snacks then we chilled outside the shop and
watched people pass*****
**** I arrived at the airport and found Yezi on his phone. He
stood up when he saw me and approached me with a huge
smile on his face and his luggage in his hands. We bro hugged
then ended it almost immediately.****
Yezi: bro
Me: Bafana
Yezi: hayi hayi uyabona manje sizoxabana ( nah nah you see
now we'll argue)
**** I chuckled. He hates being called that but he's been called
Bafana ever since birth. ****
Me: how long have you been waiting
Yezi: not long
Me: hmmm
**** I took one suitcase and walked to the parking lot. We
arrived home at 17:37 and took his luggage upstairs. I went
downstairs to the kitchen to get some water and I found Nkazi
and Zee kissing with Zee on the counter and Nkazi between her
legs. I cleared my throat and they stopped. Zee kept her head
on Nkazi's shoulder and hid her face. Nkazi looked at me and
laughed. I chuckled. ****
Me: hayi bafo ku se kitchi lana, siyenzela ukudla okwangempela
la, asidli amakhehe asemzimbeni lana ( bro this is a kitchen, we
make real food in here, we don't eat body cakes here ( meaning
having sex))
Nkazi: sorry. Babe let's go
****he said chuckling. He carried her out and she still hid her
face. I shook my head and took out a bottle of water from the
fridge and drank. I refiled the water and put it back. Mama and
ma entered with Zah, Londi and Thuli behind them. ****
Ma: auw Nhlaka umlandile uNkanyezi? ( did you fetch
Me: yah
Mama: why isn't he coming down to greet us
Me: angazi ( I dont know)
**** speak of the devil. He walked in and greeted the moms
then side hugged the ladies and left with the moms to wherever
they were going. He was answering their questions about
varsity. *****
Me: asidli yini namhlanje? ( aren't we eating today)
Thuli: hambo cela intombi yakho ye shaangane ukuthi ipheke (
go ask your shaangane girlfriend to cook)
Londi: cha ubaba uthe sizodla e resturant ( no, dad said we will
eat at a restaurant
**** they both answered almost at the same time. I looked at
Thuli and she looked away with an attitude. Then I looked back
at Londi. Zanele was just quiet and watching.****
Me: hmmm
Londi: kahle kahle why wena nabo bhuti bakho ningasithandi? (
why don't you and your brothers love us)
Me: ungazo ngibuza umbuzo o dom ( don't ask me a stupid
Thuli: it's not stupid. I mean look at us Nhlaka, we have the
bodies, the beauty, the class, we're getting educated and we're
princesses. What's not there to like?
Me: personality Thuli. Character!
**** I left immediately after saying that and went to the living
room where I found the rest of the fam seated there. The ladies
came in shortly after I did and sat on a three-seater couch. I sat
with Yezi and Muzi on a two-seater couch. Ma and the couple
were seated on another 3-seater couch. Nathi, Thando and
Khethiwe were seated on another 2-seater couch. Dad was
seated on a single couch directly facing the tv. *****
Nathi: Bafana uthi why uze early?( why did you come back
***** Yezi took a sip of his juice****
Yezi: firstly my name is Nkanyezi, secondly mom has a birthday
party tomorrow angithi, thirdly school is closed and last but not
least I missed my family. You excluded of course
Dad: I hear all that but here are the results?
Yezi: they'll come out tomorrow
***** Dad nodded. Nathi looked at Yezi with a bored look.
Dad: Thando
Thando: baba ( dad)
***** we all looked at her. She put her phone down.*****
Thando: 6 December baba ( dad)
Ma: I hope there are distinctions on that piece of paper nawe
Bafana ( you too Bafana )
**** they both nodded****
Nathi: so awungitshele poi awunacherry nyana ( so tell me boy,
don't you have a girlfriend)
***** we all looked at Yezi and he choked on his drink. Muzi,
Nkazi, Nathi and I held ourselves from laughing. ******
Nkazi: usharp poi ( are you okay)
Yezi: yah
Nathi: phendula umbuzo wami ( answer my question)
Yezi: anginayo intombi ( I don't have a girlfriend)
Ma: kwakhule ngoba kuzomele ushade intombi yasebukhosini e
zo khetwa yi thina abadala bakwa Dhlamini ( that's good
because you'll have to get married to a girl from royalty chosen
by the elders of the Dhlamini family)
Yezi: why mos i'm not the the next chief
Mama: bonke abafana basebukhosini kufanele bathathe
inkosikazi ephuma ebkhosini..... kunjalo nje ( all boys from
royalty have to marry a girl from royalty.... its just like that)
**** it became silent after she said that. I believe all the guys
hate this topic except for Nkazi since he's happy. *****
Nathi: when are we eating? I'm hungry
****he asked, breaking the silence****
Dad: masambeni manje ( let's go now)
**** we all went different directions. I went to my room and
took my phone, wallet and car keys then went to the garage and
reversed the car. *****
Nkazi: where to
Ma: baba siyaphi?( where are we going)
**** she asked since dad didn't hear Nkazi****
Dad: ngi gharlele ispurs ( i'm craving for spurs)
Ma: e spur ( to spurs)
**** we got into four cars and leftm we arrived here and had
dinner over light conversations. Muzi was seated next to me
and I noticed that he was quiet*****
Me: Muzi usharp( are you okay?)
****I whispered into his ear****
Muzi: yah
Me: hmmm
**** we continued eating. Muzi and Zanele were stealing
glances from each other. I wonder what that's about. We
ordered some dessert and talked about people from the council
or rather the elders were. Muzi was still quiet. Zanele laughed
and smiled a bit there and there. When we were done eating
we went back home and everyone went wherever they went. I
went to my room and left the door opened. Thuli came in and
closed it****
Me: did ma force you to sleep in here again?
**** She sighed****
Thuli: ma said that as much as this room is yours, its also mine
Me: hmmm so you and your mom just sit all day and talk about
you getting half of what's mine neh. Must be nice
Thuli: Nhlaka kod..... ( Nhlaka but...)
Me: ayi yekela ( ayi leave it)
**** I said not wanting to hear another word from her. I went
into the bathroom. I took off my clothes till I was left in my
boxers then I brushed my teeth. I went to the closet and got my
gown and slippers. Thuli removed all the unnecessary
decorating pillows on the bed revealing her skin in the short
night dress she was wearing. I approached the door and
attempted to open it. ****
Thuli: so you're going to leave the room everytime I get in
Me: yes. You apparently like it right. So take it. I'll get myself
another room
**** she kept quiet. I walked out and banged the door. I
bumped into Muzi while walking down the passage chatting to
Sani on whatsapp . Muzi was on his phone too.*****
Me: eish sorry man
Muzi: it's okay
Me: Muzi man we grew up together and I know you. Why are
you so distant and quiet lately
Muzi: nex mfethu ( nothing man)

Me: Mthokozisi《 his second name》

**** he sighed***
Muzi: let's go to my room
**** we walked to his room. I closed the door after walking in.
We both sat on the bed****
Me: you're not waiting for me to ask you again right
Muzi: Zanele is pregnant
Me: hmmm
**** I said with my eyes poped out****
Muzi: yeah
Me: is it yours?
Muzi: yah
Me: how sure are you?
Muzi: she's 7 weeks and I remember hitting it a month and
three weeks ago
Me: weeeh
Muzi: fucked up right
Me: when are you going to tell the parents?
Muzi: soon..... but fuck i'm dead man
Me: what about Tintswalo?
Muzi: i'll tell her
Me: hmmm. So you ate the cake before you even married her. I
thought you didn't like her
Muzi: this is not funny
Me: am I laughing
Muzi: mxm
Me: uyamthanda?( do you love her?)
Muzi: I dont. I was horny and she was too
Me: wait did you pop the cherry and made her pregnant at the
same time
**** he looked at me with a bored look. I couldn't help but
Muzi: fusek Nhlaka ausasizi nok'siza ( piss off Nhlaka you're not
even helping)
Me: sorry keh. Hmmm mara she didn't enjoy mos
Muzi: fuck you
Me: wait how is the baby going to come out. Go fuck her more
so that the whole atleast gets bigger
Muzi: yeyi Nhlaka shut up
**** I laughed at him again then sobered up***
Me: Tell your parents before her belly starts showing
Muzi: I don't want to marry her
Me: ehh ehh you poped the cherry and made her spat
(pregnant) same time akere
Muzi: mxm
Me: umithisile Muzi ( you impregnated her)
Muzi: yah I know hauw. Don't rub it in my face.
Me: you want the baby?
Muzi: yeah. I'll take my responsibility
Me: ayi goodluck thaima ( dad)
Muzi: tsek. It looked like you were leaving your room. Where
were you going?
Me: guestroom
Muzi: why?
Me: to sleep there. Akere your mom gave Thuli my room
**** he chukled lightly. ****
Muzi: I see. You can sleep in here
Me: with who?
Muzi: me
Me: you
Muzi: yes me
Me: that's gay
Muzi: mxm fsek ( piss off)
Me: you want me to be pregnant too hayi no thank you thaima
( dad)
Muzi: uyajabula neh ( you're happy right)
Me: yes
**** we laughed.****
Me: call your baby momma and cuddle with her. Entlek fuck her
so that the whole can be bigger
Muzi: voetsek Nhlakanipho( piss off Nhlakanipho)
Me: I love you man
Muzi: that's gay
Me: fsek
Muzi: nawe nja ( you too dog)
***** we laughed then I left the room worried about him and
what's going to happen. I went to the guestroom and layed on
the bed. I talked to Sani on whatsapp then slept when she said
The next day
***** I woke up and did my morning hygiene. I cleaned
thereafter and ate. Vutomi hasn't come back home since. I
logged on into facebook and just viewed whatever that was
there. Muhluri walked in. What is he doing home at this time.
Its only 11am and him and the aunts work.*****
Me: bhut mi lava ini la?( bro what do you want here)
Hluri: I live here remember
Me: yeah but aren't you supposed to be at work
Hluri: I got a promotion so I am off for the whole week
Me: thats great news
Hluri: yeah so won't you stand up and hug your brother you
haven't seen for 3 weeks
**** I stood up and hugged him. He sat down then I made him
food. I washed his plate when he was done****
Me: should I pour you juice
Hluri: no i'm fine for now
Me: okay
Hluri: I hear Sharon saying you have a boyfriend
***** I swallowed a huge lump. Muhluri might be my brother
but he's the only male in this house so that kinda makes him
the father****
Me: no I don't
Hluri: Khensani
Me: he's not
Hluri: who is he?
Me: who?
Hluri: Khensani who is he?
Me: Ntlaka
Hluri: surname?
Me: Dlamini
Hluri: huh. Yi muzulu? ( he's zulu)
**** I nodded. He still looked at me shocked****
Hluri: Vutomi said he's rich. He drives a nice car
Me: i'm not sure about rich but he does drive a nice car
Hluri: he's a blesser
Me: no
Hluri: how old is he?
Me: 22
**** Thank goodness I asked him yesterday when we were
chatting. Imagine if I didn't know****
Hluri: hayi. Do you trust him
Me: yes
Hluri: hmmm. Please take carw of yourself Khensani. I am a guy
so I know how some guys are. Some will make you pregnant
and leave you alone to raise the baby. Some only want your
virginity then they disappear or get a new girl. Some are there
just to play you. Be careful who you associate yourself with.
Me: I will
Hluri: good. I think I want that juice
**** I went to the kitchen and made him juice then I gave it to
him. We chilled the rest of the day and later on I cooked. Only
aunt Siliva came back. Aunt Sharon went to her boyfriend's
house. When it was late we all went to sleep. Having the room
to myself was nice. I kept thinking about Nhlaka and how he
was doing. He only texted me at 15:00 asking me how I was and
telling me he's busy and will call me before I sleep. I became
online on whatsapp till it was late. I felt sleepy and tired and
retired to bed at 23:45****
***** the party took place and went well. At 20:00 everyone
was gone and the yard was clean since my mom made the
celebration to be for the whole kingdom. So everyone had
come to celebrate the queen's birthday and had drinks and
food for free. We were all tired when we sat in the living room.
Thando's friend Mbali was making a sleepover today. *****
Ma: thank you soo much for today. I love you all
Dad: you're welcome Mandy. I love you too
Nathi: ayi baba ma said she loves us all not specifically you
Dad: yes and I love her too. You will say your I love yous to her
Ma: you don't have to say it. I'm tired
Mama: hayi ngiyolala mina. Goodnight ( i'm going to sleep)
Us: goodnight
Dad: Mandy lets go
**** The rents left and only the youth was left drained on the
Thando: goodnight
Me: goodnight princess
Mbali: goodnight
Me: sleep well
Nkazi: are you guys gonna sit there
Me: ayi no ngiyolala nam ( i'm also going to sleep)
***** I went to my room, took off my clothes and slept. I heard
the door open and someone move things on the bed. Then the
lights went off and I felt someone getting inside the sheets. It is
probably Thuli. I was too tired to go to the guestroom so I just
let the sleep take over**
1 week later
****Nhlaka said he's coming today and I can't wait to see him. I
did the washing then cleaned the house. Nkateko wasn't back
and Vutomi came back on Wednesday and dissapeared again.
No one is bothered by where she is not even her own mom.
Ahhh why would she be though when she's on a baecation. Yep
a baecation I said with her boyfriend. Her work has closed and
aunt Silvia's work place hasn't closed yet. Muhluri also hasn't
closed. After cleaning I ate then bathed and wore a very short
skirt and a crop top Vutomi bought for me. I don't like short
stuff so i'm just wearing it because i'm at home. The skirt is
denim and the crop top is red. I wore them along with Mr Price
takkies aunt Silvia bought for me when we were buying clothes.
At 16:20 I recieved a call from Nhlaka telling me he's outside.
He's lucky Muhluri went wherever he went and that Siliva went
to Maria or else I was gonna die. I changed into a jean and a
long grey t-shirt. I took my phone and went out. He was leaning
on the car it's name I didn't know. It was white and very nice. I
opened the gate and gave him the biggest hug and he sure did
smell good. He was wearing a blue jean and a white t-shirt. He
placed his lips on mine and kissed me. I responded too. The kiss
got intense and heated. I pulled out*****
Nhlaka: Mami
Me: bab'Dlamini
Nhlaka: umuhle mami( you're beautiful)
Me: ngiyabonga(thank you)
**** yesss I learnt how to saw thank you and I also learnt a few
words. I'm making progress****
Nhlaka: unjani ( how are you?)

Me: ngaphila wena ( i'm good and you)《 I said it wrong》

**** Nhlaka laughed at me. I blushed at embarrassment took
Nhlaka: ngi ya phila nam ( i'm good too)
**** he said breaking it down for me. I laughed and playfully hit
his arm****
Nhlaka: masambe ( let's go)
Me: hmmm?
Nhlaka: let's go
**** he opened the door for me and went to his side and drove
off. We went to the mall and he bought a few clothes. We got
into cotton on. I looked at the prices and damn they were
expensive for me. He took 4 t-shirts and 2 hoodies. I think they
all cost around R3000. Imagine 3 housand for only 6 items. He
asked me if there's anything i'd like and I said no****
Nhlaka: Khensani i'm gonna ask you one last time. Is there
anything you want in here
Me: no
Nhlaka: so you don't like anything?
Me: I do but they're expensive and I don't even have R10.
Nhlaka: pick anything you want. I'll pay for it
**** pay for it. Wait... anything you want... nah i'm not gonna
use his money. *****
Me: Nhlaka its okay and anyway what am I gonna say to my
aunts and brother?
Nhlaka: Khensani are you sure you don't want anything
Me: yes
Nhlaka: okay.
**** he went to the female section and picked 3 dresses, 6 t-
shirts, 2 jeans, 4 crop tops and 3 long t-shirts.****
Nhlaka: what size do you wear baby?
Me: size 34 on my lower body and small for my upp....
***** He started looking for sizes. He isn't buying me clothes
Me: who are those clothes for?
Nhlaka: ezakho ( yours)
Me: huh? But I said I don't want any clothes
Nhlaka: yes but I want to buy you clothes and I am gonna do
Me: this shop is expensive anyway
Nhlaka: Khensani please
Me: okay. But I don't like that t-shirt
Nhlaka: which one?
Me: the lime one
Nhlaka: okay
**** he put it back and told me to pick anything I wanted. I
took all the crop tops from him and put them back on the racks.
I took 2 sweaters, cargo pants and a hoodie.****
Nhlaka: is that all?
Me: yebo ( yes)
Nhlaka: okay let's go pay then
***** we went to the till counter and he paid. I'm sure all those
clothes made about R 6000. We left cotton on and went to
Sportscene. I thought my eyes were betraying me when I saw
Muhluri walking towards my direction. He was with a lady and a
baby in his hands.****
Nhlaka: what's wrong
**** he asked seeing the sudden change on my face****
Me: my brother is here. He's walking towards us
Nhlaka: which one
Me: the one wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt.
Nhlaka: let's get in
**** We got into sportscene. Lucky me Muhluri didn't see me.
They went into Akermans but something about those 3 didn't
sit well with me. That baby in his hands looks like him. There is
no doubt that that's his child****
Nhlaka: baby what's wrong
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: what's wrong. Are you scared your brother might see
us? Do you want me to take you back home?
Me: no. I'm not scared about that and I don't want to go home
Nhlaka: then what's wrong?
Me: nothing much but I swear that baby in his hands looks like
Nhlaka: do you think that it's his
Me: hmmm ( as in yes)
Nhlaka: hmmm. Maybe he'll tell you guys about it
Me: hmmm
Guy: hello. Welcome to Sportscene. Is there anything you saw
or you're still looking
**** lol we haven't even started looking****
Nhlaka: nah we are still looking thanks man
Guy: sure. Call me if you need help
**** we both nodded. He left to the counter and chilled with
the lady at the till. Nhlaka looked around looking for a shoe. He
took a red and black nike shoe and fitted it. It fit perfectly.****
Nhlaka: what do you think
Me: it's nice. Does it fit?
Nhlaka: yes
Me: it's really nice and expensive
****he chuckled****
Nhlaka: what size do you wear?
Me: Ntlaka don't please
Nhlaka: okay then
Me: thank you
Nhlaka: where is that guy?
**** I looked towards the till and he wasn't there. I looked for
him and found him helping a customer****
Me: hey uhmmm we need you
Guy: uhmmm sure. You'll call me when you need me right?
**** he said directing that question to the man*****
Man: yes thank you
Guy: sure. What's up?
**** he asked directing the question to me****
Me: uhmmm he's asking for you
Guy: he doesn't have a name
Me: he does
**** I said after rolling my eyes at him****
Guy: ohh. My name is Hlawutelo
Me: hmmmm
Hlauw: so won't you atleast give me yours?
Me: no. Are you sick or something. You can see i'm with
someone and you still have the audacity to flirt with me.
Hlauw: I wasn't flirting. I am trying to keep a customer some
Me: I don't need one thank you
Hlauw: woah okay
**** we got to where I left Nhlaka.****
Nhlaka: uhmmm lalela ngifuna lesi kodwa angitholi isize yam
lana( listen here I want this one but I cant find ny size here)
**** he said referring to a white shoe he had in his hand.
Hlauw kept quiet looking at him and just like me, we both didn't
hear a word coming out from Nhlaka's mouth.****
Nhlaka: hauw wa thula wangibeka pho bandla ( you just keep
quiet and look at me)
**** I cleared my throat. The guy looked at me then back at
Nhlaka. The man who he was with called him to come****
Hlauw: nata ( i'm coming)
Me: Uhmmm
**** Nhlaka looked at me*****
Me: language
Nhlaka: iyoh ngaze nga khohlwa mina. Ngyaxolisa mami (I
forgot. I'm sorry mami)
***** he's apologising to the wrong person. I know what
ngiyaxolisa means so he should be apologising to Hlauwtelo not
me. But ayyy this is Nhlaka for you****
Me: it's fine
Nhlaka: I was saying I need a size 8 for this shoe. This one is a 7
***** a whole 8. Nhlaka wears a whole size 8. Muhluri wears
argh I don't know. But who wears such a big size. How long is
his foot. I looked at his foot and it was long. Not too long but
long. I looked down to my size four foot. I wear half his size.
Hlauwtelo went to the store room and came back 2 minutes
later with the correct shoe and size. He went to help the man.
Nhlaka took 2 addidas traksuits, 1 nike t-shirt, 2 addidas t-shirts,
1 addidas hoodie. He paid then we went to put the bags in the
car then went to Wimpy for dinner. The shops were closing and
some had already closed. We sat down and ordered.****
Me: Ntlaka
Nhlaka: hmmm
Me: thank you for the clothes
Nhlaka: my pleasure baby
***** the order came. We ate and talked over light
conversations. When it was late he took me back home. I left
the clothes with him to avoid 100 questions and unnecessary
drama from my aunt and cousin. I arrived home at 19:10.*****
Silvia: where were you
Me: hey
Hluri: where were you?
Me: I went out
Hluri: out where
Silvia: and don't say you were with Tswalo because I saw him
with that boy who took you to the matric dance
***** I kept quiet looking at them.****
Silvia: were you with the other one?
Me: yes
Hluri: are you still a virgin?
*** what the hell. Hebana!****
Me: yes
Hluri: keep it like that till he marries you. We don't want you
ruining your future
Me: I won't
Hluri: good.
***** he stood up and approached the door****
Silvia: ni fambe kahle ( leave safely)
Hluri: yi sona ( bye)
Me: where is he going?
Silvia: work he has night shift
Me: ohhh
Silvia: are you hungry or you ate where you're from
Me: I ate
Silvia: hmmmm. Goodnight
**** She said standing up and making me feel guilty*****
Me: goodnight
**** I also went to the room and changed into my pjs which
were a short and a vest top. I got into bed and lied down
thinking about my day with Nhlaka. My ringing phone disturbed
me from my thoughts and it was Nhlaka. I answered****
Me: bab'Dhlamini how did you know I was thinking about you
**** nah shit that slipped out of my mouth****
Nhlaka: you were
Me: uhmmm
Nhlaka: I knew because I was too. Great minds think alike
Me: ohhh
Nhlaka: I miss you
Me: I miss you too
Nhlaka: I want to see you
Me: now?
Nhlaka: yes
Me: haaa. Aunt is here
Nhlaka: you'll sneak out baby
Me: haaaa
Nhlaka: please
Me: mara Ntlaka
Nhlaka: i'll bring you back before she wakes up
Me: she usually wakes up at 7
Nhlaka: yeah
Me: Muhluri will be back too
Nhlaka: where did he go?
Me: work
Nhlaka: i'll bring you back at 6
Me: promise
Nhlaka: yes
Me: okay
Nhlaka: so can I come now?
Me: yah
Nhlaka: okay come out
Me: huh?
Nhlaka: i'm outside
Me: now?
Nhlaka: yes come out quickly
Me: okay
***** he dropped the call. I wore my purple gown Sharon
bought last year as a birthdag gift. I wore my slippers too, took
my phone and went to go check if aunt Silvia is asleep. She was
snoring, I took a key and unlocked the door and got out. I closed
it very slowly and locked it afterwards. I walked to the gate and
opened it slowly too then I closed it as soon as I was out. I got
inside the car and looked at Nhlaka****
Nhlaka: thank you
**** I nodded. I just can't believe I did that. I can't beileve I am
sneaking out nah infact I sneaked out. If the rents find out
about this i'm good as dead****
Nhlaka: don't worry too much about it. I'll bring you back
Me: it's 9
Nhlaka: yes. We won't sleep
Me: huh
Nhlaka: huh
Me: you said we wont sleep?
Nhlaka: I did
**** I looked at him with a bored look. He took my hand and
kissed it. We arrived at the hotel he's booked in and got to his
room. I sat on the bed and he made a call.****
Nhlaka: uhmm i'll be back neh
**** I nodded. He disappeared into a room I figured was the
bathroom. There was a knock on the door. I went to go open
and it was room service pushing some sort of trolly with three
trays one under the other in the room. The lady left after
pushing it in. The trays had all sorts of junk. I got carried away
by it and took a slice of pizza. Nhlaka came out of the bathroom
in shorts only. He wasn't wearing a t-shirt. I looked at him as he
made his way to me. Those abs and muscles made me go
Nhlaka: Sani
Me: hmmm
**** I looked at him. He had a smirk on his face. He leaned in
down and perked my lips.****
Nhlaka: stop drooling. I'm all yours baby
***** I choked on the pizza I was eating and coughed hard. He
laughed a bit then gave me water to drink. I drank it up and
stopped coughing****
Nhlaka: aren't you hot in that gown. This place is hot as fire
Me: I am
Nhlaka: take it off then
**** I didn't want to expose my thighs and skin to him. He
made me stand up and kissed me. He deepened the kiss while
his hands went up and down my back. He loosened the grip on
my gown and took it off me. He pulled out and looked at
Nhlaka: ngiyakthanda Khensani( I love you)
Me: Ngiyakthanda nam Ntlaka( I love you too)
Nhlaka: Khensani remember on your matric dance day when I
came to fetch you and you were drunk?
**** I chuckled thinking about that night***
Me: yeah
Nhlaka: you called me baby and immediately said oops. Wanna
know why?
Me: why
Nhlaka: you said I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend. So with this
said, Khensani Can you please be my girlfriend
**** I blushed and giggled****
Me: yes. Yes Ntlaka i'll be your girlfriend
****he smiled and kissed me again.
I responded too and then pulled out****
Nhlaka: thank you soo much baby. You've made me happy
**** I just smiled like a 4 year old who has just been given
Nhlaka: hmmmm kanti usexy soh uma uyolala ( you're this sexy
when you're going to sleep)
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: I said you're sexy
**** he is seeing me quater naked. He's never seen me in short
clothes. I forgot to change****
Me: haiibo
Nhlaka: mmmmh bheka nje ( just look)
**** he said looking at me from head to toe and toe to head. I
was blushing and my cheeks were becoming painful.****
Me: ayi stop it
*****he licked his lips and made me turn around. I laughed and
turned around. He hugged me from the back and kissed the
back of my neck and then my the sides. A strange funny sound
escaped my lips. He did this for a while, while lightly squeezing
my boobs. I felt his hand touch my bums***
Me: mmmh Ntlaka stop stop
**** he stopped and turned me around***
Nhlaka: ngiyaxolisa( i'm sorry)
Me: it's okay. It's just uncomfortable. I'm sorry too
Nhlaka: dont be. It's okay. I'm the sorry one here baby
Me: okay
Nhlaka: mara woza la ( but come here)
**** he said grabbing me by my waist****
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: mmmmbbbaaaa ( kiss?)
***** he said pouting his lips****
Me: mmmmbbbbaaa
**** I also pouted my lips and reached his face to give him a
Nhlaka: I got us some snacks
Me: thank you
*****We chilled and talked for the rest of the night. He told me
about his family. I got to know that Muzi is actually his cousin
and not his brother. I also got to know he has a twin.*****
Me: so the twin was the one seated at the back when you guys
were in the car and Muzi was talking to Tswalo at Petros?
Nhlaka: no that was me
Me: huh
Nhlaka: yes. I was seated at the back and Nathi was in front.
Me: ohhh. How is it having a twin
Nhlaka: it's nice but sometimes it's not especially when he does
something worng or when people mistake me for him
Me: I thought it's nice fooling people
Nhlaka: it is but not when one did something wrong and now
they're looking for the culprit
**** I laughed. He did too****
Nhlaka: I wonder if you'll atleast be able to tell who is who
**** sheeesh I didn't think of that. I hope they are not too
identical. I need to know my man*****
Me: uhmm I guess so
Nhlaka: yeah
***** we continued taking until 5am. I chose to leave at 5.
Nhlaka wanted me to stay for one more hour but I didn't agree.
He dropped me off at home and I arrived at 05:30 since he was
sulking and taking his time. He kissed me then perked my
forehead and got out of the car. He opened the door for me and
I got out. We hugged each other and kissed again*****
Nhlaka: I love you
Me: I love you
Nhlaka: sleep well okay
Me: I will. Sleep well too
Nhlaka: mxm how when you're here leaving me
Me: you'll see me mos
Nhlaka: yeah i'll fetch you at 9am
Me: haaa you're giving me only 3 hours to sleep
Nhlaka: yes
Me: hayi
Nhlaka: okay i'll change our plans. I'll pick you up at one
Me: that's better
Nhlaka: okay. Mmmbbbaaa
***** he said pouting his lips asking for a kiss. I got closer to
him and perked his lips. I opened the gate slowly and then
locked it. I walked to the door and unlocked it. I opened slowly
as I peeped in making sure not to wake Silvia up. I closed it
slowly then locked it when I was in. I went to go check on Silvia
and she was asleep. I went to the room, got inside the covers
and slept.*****
**** Days passed by and it was Saturday already. Sani hasn't
seen Tintswalo in a week. She's been spending her week with
Nhlakanipho. But her and Tswalo are still in contact. Last night
Sani sneaked out again and she slept at the hotel with Nhlaka.
They didn't have sex.... they had an innocent sleep after their
night conversations that go up till late.
Nhlaka smiled as he was looking at his beautiful lady. He got out
of bed making sure not to wake her up. It was 8am. He went to
the bathroom and peed. He changed his boxers since they were
wet. He brushed his teeth and washed his face. He ordered
Sani opened her eyes and they were met by a familer but
unfamiler room especially for when she wakes up. She sat up
and rubbed her eyes. She saw Nhlakanipho looking at her and
she smiled. She remembered she sneaked out last night and
jumped out of bed with worry and fear on her face*****
Nhlaka: Sani what's wrong?
Sani: what's wrong... are you seriously asking me what's
wrong... it's 08:15 and I am here.... that's what's wrong
Nhlaka: Sani calm down
Sani: Muhluri is going to kill me. Ntlaka where is my t-shirt?
****he kept quiet and watched her go crazy. She wore her jean
and one sock she found on the floor****
Sani: Ntlaka don't just sit help me look for it and my sock.
**** she threw the pillows and sheets on the floor. She went
crazy looking for her things****
Sani: have you seen my phone?
**** she asked looking for it using her eyes.*****
Sani: Ntlaka
*****she called him looking at him with her hands on her
Nhlaka: hmm
Sani: have you seen my phone, sock and t-shirt?
Nhlaka: Khensani calm down
**** she looked at him with a death stare*****
Nhlaka: sit down and i'll explain
**** she sat down****
Nhlaka: last night when you felk asleep I didn't want to disturb
you so I took your phone and found messages from your aunt
asking you where you went. I told her that you went to Tswalo's
house and you might come back late. She said it's okay and that
you must tell her next time.
Sani: you did what?
Nhlaka: haiibo Sani ngikutshelile mos (I told you)
Sani: I heard what you said. Why did you do it
Nhlaka: to keep you out of trouble and spend more time with
you before I leave
Sani: mxm thanks
Nhlaka: is that how you thank me?
Sani: aii where is my sock?
Nhlaka: I don't know and you're wearing mine by the way
**** Sani looked down to her feet and yep she was wearing his
sock. She took it off and saw Nhlaka looking at her.*****
Sani: what?
Nhlaka: hmmm?
Sani: why are you looki.....
***** she looked at her upper body and noticed she wasn't
wearing anything. Her breasts were exposed and that's what
kept Nhlaka focused at. She grabbed the sheets and covered
herself. Nhlaka stood up from the couch he was seated on and
went straight to her. He gently removed her hands from
grabbing the sheets and they slipped from covering her bare
Nhlaka: damn!
**** he whispered to himself****
Sani: Ntlaka
**** she swallowed hard when she saw Nhlaka's dick getting
hard and ready to poke her.*****
Nhlaka: hmmmm
**** he got on her and cupped her boobs into his hands and
played around with them. He placed Sani's hands above her
Nhlaka: don't move your hands yezwa
Sani: hmmm
**** he kissed her to make her relax. He moved to her neck
and planted soft wet kisses and sucked her leaving red marks on
her light skin. She moaned as he did this. He was still playing
with her boobs. He kissed her shoulders and went down her
body slowly. He reached her right boob and sucked on her
nipple. He did this for a while and did the same on her left
boob. She kept moaning and felt her panty getting wet. He
kissed her stomach and looked at her. She had her head down
feeling all the pleasure. He went back to her face and kissed her.
He pulled out and made her stand up. She stood up. He leaned
in and kissed her again with his hands traveling up and down
her back. His hands went down as he deepened the kiss. His
hands touched her but. He squeezed it and made her moan
while kissing. He played with it for a while his dick got harder
and painful. He pulled out and perked her lips like he always
does after a long kiss. They both tried catching their
Nhlaka: ngiyabuya manje( i'll be back now)
Sani: hmmm
**** Nhlaka went into the bathroom and went into the shower.
He jerked off while the cold water hit his body. He tried hard
not to groan and make any noise. When he was okay he quickly
showered and went out the shower. He grabbed a towel and
found Sani washing her face. He went behind her. When Sani
brought her face up to look at herself in the mirror she nearly
Sani: Ntlaka mahn
Nhlaka: yin?(what?)
**** he asked with a huge smirk on his face. She shook her
head and took a spare toothbrush. She appiled toothpaste on
the brush and a lil water. She bent down again and brushed her
teeth. Nhlaka looked at her ass and saw she was wearing his
boxers he wore after he woke up. He got closer to her and
made her feel his hard memeber down there. She felt it and
gasped. She looked at Nhlaka through the mirror. He looked at
her too and grabbed her by the waist and made her feel it much
Nhlaka: qeda lapho (finish up)
Sani: hmmm
Nhlaka: we gotta have breakfast. We have a long day ahead of
us baby
Sani: mmmmmh (as in yes)
***** he moved and fixed hos boner. He went to the room and
appiled lotioned on his body. He wore his underwear and then
wore black jeans with a black t-shirt and black nike air force. He
applied his cologne and watch. He made the bed and put her
clothes in the basket. He sat down on the couch facing the tv
and waited for her to finish. Meanwhile in the bathroom Sani
got into the shower and showered thinking about Nhlaka and
everything that's been happening between them since they
started dating. She finished up and lotioned in there. She wore
a towel around her body and went to the room. Nhlaka's
cologne was the only smell in the room. It hit her nostrils as
soon as she walked in. She wore her panty and bra she bought
two days ago. Nhlaka chose it. It was a blue lace panty. They
were a set of 3. She wore a black demin skirt and a black crop
top. She wore socks she found on the bed and wore nike air
max. She mattched Nhlaka. It was the first time she was going
out in short clothes and revealing clothes. She applied her
perfume and that made Nhlaka turn around to look at her. His
mouth hung and his eyes poped out. Sani combed her hair and
tied a neat bun. Nhlaka switched off the tv and approached her.
She took Vaseline and opened it. She was about to apply it on
her lips when Nhlaka took it from her and kissed her lips.****
Nhlaka: umuhle mamas (you're beautiful)
Sani: ngiyabonga papas(thank you)
**** Nhlaka gave her the vaseline back. She appiled it to her
lips and they left to the dinning room of the hotel. They sat
down and waited for their food. It arrived in 5 minutes. They
ate up and went to enjoy their day.*****
***** Meanwhile in the same hotel, in room 225 Muzi and
Tswalo lied naked on the bed after their amazing session. They
had 3 rounds and Tswalo was too tired to have another one.
Muzi had a big dick and he knew how to make her crazy and
take her places she's never been to.*****
Muzi: Tswalo you know I love you right?
Tswalo: hmmmm
Muzi: yeah. Which university are you going to?
Tswalo: Wits. But remember I am still waiting for my results. I
hope I passed
Muzi: I believe in you baby. You passed
Tswalo: hmmm I hope so
Muzi: woza keh (come then)
Tswalo: hmmm Muzi i'm tired. We've been at this for 3 rounds

Muzi: mara ubaba uvukile (but baba has waken up) 《 he calls
his dick baba》

Tswalo: haii wena na baba wa wena ( you and your baba)

***** Muzi got on top her her and kissed her. He slipped his
dick into her pussy. He moved and stopped for 10 seconds when
he felt her walls hug his dick.*****
Muzi: fuck!
**** he groaned and continued moving. Tswalo moaned as she
felt pleasure kicking in. He moved faster and sped up his pace.
She felt her body tense up and the next thing her legs shook
again for the fourth time since they started. Muzi didn't stop
when she had her orgasm. He continued. Tswalo didn't know
what to do to herself. She didn't know where to touch. She
grabbed his arms and tightly held on to them. Atfer a while he
felt his body tense up and his legs becoming weak. He moved
faster and shot all his juices into her. He groaned and fell onto
her. They catched their breath and their strength. After a while
they both stood up and went to bath. After their innocent bath
they dressed up. Tswalo wore a white off the shoulder above
the knee dress. Muzi wore blue jeans and a white t-shirt. They
both wore white nike air force.*****
Tswalo: Muzi we didn't use a condom
Muzi: eish. Let's go buy the morning afters
Tswalo: yeah
**** she had a look of worry on her face****
Muzi: you won't fall pregnant don't worry
Tswalo: okay
**** They left the hotel and went to the parmacy. Muzi went in
and bought the morning afters then went to Spar and bought
water for her. He also bought a few goodies for her. He got to
the car and gave her the plastic bag. She took the pills and
water first and drank 2. Then she looked at what else was there.
She saw a packet of lays chips, 2 chocolates and maynard
Tswalo: thank you
Muzi: my pleasure. Seat belt on please
**** he said starting the car. She put it. The car drove out and
they went to the mall. They went to Spurs and got lunch. When
they were done they walked around the mall not knowing
where to go. Tintswalo saw Maria, Silvia's friend. She carried on
walking like nothing's wrong. Maria and her mom work
together at the hospital. Maria saw her and walked up to
Maria: awww Tswalo
Tswalo: hello ma
Maria: young man
Muzi: hello ma
Maria: does your mom know you're here galavanting the mall
with boys
**** Muzi looked at this woman pissed off. Tswalo tried taking
her hand out of Muzi's hand. Muzi tightened the grip*****
Tswalo: ma he's just my friend
Maria: hmmm I knew you were no good. Your mom is always
praising you and saying things like my daughter Tsakani is a
whore and that she's pregnant. Well let me tell you baby. She
used to galavant the streets with men who had money abd she
ended up pregnant. Ask me where the father of the baby is....
he dissapeared and this one is also going to do the same to you.
He's going to knock you out and dissapear nx. You and your
mother disgust me!
**** she left just like that. Tswalo stood frozen. Muzi
approached Maria and that's when Tswalo came back to earth
and stopped him from creating a scene and doing something
Muzi: did you hear what she said about you and your mom
Tswalo: I did. Leave her alone tuu
Muzi: okay. I'm sorry she said all that to you. She's just jealous
of you
Tswalo: ahhh its okay
***** they continued with their shopping.
Let me tell you why Maria is bothered by Tswalo and Sani.
Tsakani her daughter, was also friends with Sani and Tswalo.
When they got to high school, Tsakani changed and started
liking boys and sex. She fell pregnant in grade 10 and had an
arbotion. She fell pregnant again in grade 11 and had a
miscarriage. She's heavily pregnant now with an old man's
baby. Maria is bitter because Tswalo and Sani remained to be
good girls and all she wishes for now is for their lives to get
destroyed just like her child's life. To her bad luck, Maria's
second born Katekisani who is 14 years old and in grade 8 is
also pregnant.****
1 week later
****On Sunday Nhlaka left Sani and dropped her off at her
house. Muzi left on Monday since he had a meeting with a
business man from Tzaneen so he left Giyani Monday morning
for his afternoon meeting.
Nhlaka has been busy with his company and finalising deals for
the year and all that. Sani has been catching up with Tswalo and
all their topic was about was the Dlamini brothers.*****
*****Nhlaka was on his way home from work. It's been a while
since he had enough sleep and today he was gonna rest
because in 3 days they were closing and there was going to be a
end year party. He listened to the radio and there was a
amapiano song playing. He danced with his head and saw a car
crash into a truck just behind him. He looked at the mirrors and
got a shock. He then bumped into something and stepped on
the break. He quickly got out and put his hands on his
Nhlaka: weeeh nkosi yam ( ohhh my God)
***He carried the lady into his arms and applied pressure on
her blood wound. He put her in the backseat and drove off. He
arrived at the hospital and she was admitted. He went back to
the reception area and filled in all needed. He called his twin
Nathi: bafo
Nhlaka: where are you?
Nathi: at work why?
Nhlaka: I need you to come to the hospital
Nathi: are you dying?
Nhlaka: no I bumped into someone and she got hurt
Nathi: she
Nhlaka: yes mahn. A she I said
Nathi: okay i'm coming
***** Nhlaka sat on the benches waited for Nathi and the
doctor. A few minutes later he saw Nathi approach. He stood up
and they bro hugged then told him what happened****
Nathi: yooo atleast the ancestors don't want you now
Nhlaka: tsek! You're not getting rid of me anytime soon
**** They sat and waited but no one came. Then a nurse
approached them then the doctor followed. They both stood
Doctor: uhmm I'm sorry I came back late. I had other patients to
take care of
Nathi: yaaah
Doctor: uhmmm Naledi Molokwane right?
**** the twins looked at each other****
Nhlaka: uhmm we don't know who she is. I just happened to
bump into her and brought her here
Doctor: ohhh. Well then you brought her here in time. She had
lost a lot of blood but we were able to get her blood.
Nhlaka: so how is she?
Doctor: she's actually not bad for a person who's been in an
accident and who has lost blood.
Nhlaka: uhmm okay. Can we see her
Doctor: sure follow me
Nathi: you didn't say who you are
Doctor: ohh sorry. I am Dr Van de Merve
Nathi: ohh but not you. Her
Nurse: me
**** she asked shocked. The doctor and Nhlaka went to the
ward the lady was in****
Nathi: yes you
Nurse: why
Nathi: I want to call you by your name or do you prefer
sthandwa sami ( my love)?
***** she looked down and blushed like a teenager in love. She
was very young and beautiful.****
Nurse: I am Nandipha Khumalo
Nathi: awww MaDlamini wami bo ( my Mrs Dlamini)
**** she blushed again****
Nandi: no. Ma Khumalo you mean
Nathi: not for long
***** she blushed and giggled. She turned around and left him
standing ****
Nathi: where are you going?
Nandi: nginomsebenzi bhuti (i have a job)
Nathi: wait
**** he tried rushing to her and she quickly turned and
disappeared. He smiled to himself and went to go look for his
***** meanwhile. Nhlaka was left with the paitent after the
doctor left to give them space. She was quiet and looking at
him. She looked very young.*****
Nhlaka: hi
Lady: h..hi
Nhlaka: how are you feeling?
Lady: in pain and tired
Nhlaka: i'm sorry
**** she nodded***
Nhlaka: why weren't you looking though?
Lady: I was. The robbot was closed and you were supposed to
stop but you didn't
**** Nhlaka sighed.****
Nhlaka: uhmm my name is Nhlaka. Yours?
Lady: Naledi
Nhlaka: ohh nice to meet you Naledi even though it had to be
under these circumstances
Naledi: uhmm yeah
Nhlaka: uhmmm did you call your family
Naledi: uhmm I don't have my phone with
Nhlaka: ohh yeah uhmm give me their number and i'll let the
hospital call them
Naledi: okay
**** she gave her her parents numbers. The door opened and
Nathi came in. Naledi looked confused but more ecstatic that
she's in a room with 2 handsome guys who happen to be twins.
If it wasn't of the dresscode she wouldn't know who is who***
Nathi: hello
Naledi: hi
Nhlaka: uhmm Naledi this is my brother Nathi
Naledi: okay
Nathi: how are old are you?
Naledi: 19. Why?
Nathi: hmmm not bad. I think I can make you my wife
**** Nhlaka choked on his saliva. Nathi shot a death stare at
him and he recovered from coughing. He looked towards the
door and saw the nurse Nathi was flirting holding a tray of food
about to cry. Nhlaka cleared his throat. Nathi looked at him and
Nhlaka kept staring at the nurse. Nathi looked towards Nhlaka's
direction. Nandi walked towards them.****
Nandi: hello sisi
**** she said faking a smile. Naledi smiled back***
Nandi: it's time for you to eat your food and rest
Nhlaka: uhmm nurse when will she be discharged?
Nandi: probably in two days. I don't really know.
Nhlaka: ohh okay thanks.
***** Nhlaka left and went to the reception to call Naledi's
parents. They arrived in 20 minutes and he explained what
happened. Naledi's father was angry at him but glad that his
daughter was okay and that Nhlaka will be taking care of all the
medical expenses. Her mother was glad her baby was fine and
that Nhlaka was a gentleman enough to bring her to hospital.
Nhlaka left after apologising to Naledi's family and went home.
Nathi left the hospital when Naledi's parents arrived. He tried to
talk to Nandi but she wasn't having any of it. He followed her
and saw her walk down the road. He got into his car and drove
to her. He almost bumped into her and got her startled.*****
Nandi: ohhh Nkosi yam! ( ohh my God)
**** she screamed when she thought she was dying. Nathi
came out of the car. She walked away faster. He got into the car
and drove and parked in front of her. He got out again and left
the door wide open with the key still on the ignition****
Nandi: what do you want from me
Nathi: Nandi get in the car
Nandi: I don't want. I don't know you. What if you are a rapist
or a human trafficker
Nathi: Nandipha ngena e motweni ( get inside the car)
***** he said getting agitated with a low tone. She got scared
and got inside. He also didn't know what just happened. He got
inside too and started driving****
Nandi: where are you taking me to?
Nathi: seatbealt tuu
**** she put it on and looked at him with the ' I asked you a
question look'****
Nathi: where do you live?
Nandi: Alexandra
Nathi: hmm that's where i'm taking you.
Nandi: you didn't have to. I was gonna catch a taxi
Nathi: that's what I don't want. I don't want my wife catching a
taxi while i'm here
Nandi: i'm not your wife
Nathi: you will be my wife soon
Nandi: mxm
**** she looked out the window. He sighed and looked at her.
She had a fair caramel skin. She was not slender or plus size.
She was just normal sized and perfect for him. Her braids made
her look even more cuter. He looked back to the windscreen
and continued driving.****
Nathi: ngiyaxolisa mntungwa (i'm sorry)
Nandi: what are you sorry for huh? Are you sorry for flirting
with that girl or for almost bumping into me and forcing me into
your car
Nathi: all of that
Nandi: hmmm
Nathi: but then why were you jealous with Naledi?
Nandi: mxm. You said you're gonna marry me and now you
were telling her the same
***** Nathi looked at her and smiled. She said "mxm" and
looked out the window****
Nathi: look at me
Nandi: if you keep looking at me you're gonna cause an
Nathi: Nandi look at me
**** she did then quickly moved her eyed from him. He kept
looking foward and at her****
Nathi: Nandipha
**** she looked at him. He looked deep into her eyes.****
Nathi: so you wanna marry me
Nandi: you said that hauw and no I don't
Nathi: hmmm. Where do you exactly live?
Nandi: 12th avenue
Nathi: okay
Nandi: you know the place
Nathi: lol yeah.
Nandi: ohh where you're from?
Nathi: originally from KZN eMlazi but I live here in Sandton
Nandi: ohh
Nathi: you?
Nandi: i'm from Kwa-Mashu and I live here in Alex. In a 3
roomed place
Nathi: is it yours?
Nandi: yeah. Started renting this year
Nathi: ohh I see. Independent I like that.
Nandi: yeah. Uhmm see that house with the black gate
Nathi: which one. There are many black gates here
Nandi: before the hump
Nathi: yeah
Nandi: yeah that's where I live but in the yard
Nathi: ohh can I come in for some tea?
Nandi: uhmm sure
**** he parked in the yard and they got out. They passed a lot
of rooms and got to Nandi's room. She unlocked the burglar bar
and the door then locked the buglar bar. It was a small room
but felt like home. He sat down and kept his eyes busy. She
disappeared into a room and changed from her uniform into a
long strapless yellow dress and slippers. Nathi was on his
phone. He put it into his pocket the moment she walked out the
Nathi: damn
**** he said under his breath****
Nandi: uhmm sorry for the wait. I needed to be much more
Nathi: it's fine
Nandi: uhmm tea, coffee, water or juice ?
Nathi: Tea please
Nandi: ohh okay then coming right up. Wait
Nathi: hmm
Nandi: whats your name
**** Nathi chuckled and she giggled.****
Nathi: hmmm wifey doesn't know me
Nandi: haii marn... sooo?
Nathi: I am Nkosinathi Bhekumuzi Dlamini
Nandi: ohh okay Muzi
Nathi: ayyy don't call me that
Nandi: why? Its your name mos
Nathi: my brother's name is Muzikayise so he's the only one
called Muzi
Nandi: ohh that one. Your twin?
Nathi: ohh no. He is Nhlaka
Nandi: ohh okay. How many siblings do you have?
Nathi: 5 you?
Nandi: 2
Nathi: hmmm manje le tiye yona?( what about the tea?)
Nandi: ohhh jah sorry
**** she took out cups and a tray. She boiled the water and
took out sugar and milk and put them on the tray. She took out
2 teaspoons and placed them in the cups. She took 2 teabags
and placed them in the cups. Luckily for Nathi he isn't going to
have the tea dry. Nandi had baked some scones yesterday since
it was Sunday. She put 4 scones on a side plate. She wanted to
go sit down but she decided against it and waited for the water.
The kettle stopped 3 minutes later. She took the tray with her to
the dining room and placed it on the coffee table. She went
back and came back with a damp dish cloth and the kettle.
Nathi wiped his hands and she poured the water into both cups.
Nathi poured in 2 teaspoons of sugar and milk. She took back
the kettle and poured 3 teaspoons of sugar into her tea*****
Nathi: so much sugar
*** she chuckled****
Nandi: aybo it's not too much
Nathi: hmmm who baked these?
Nandi: I did
Nathi: you lie
Nandi: no I really did
Nathi: hmmmm I need to get the uncles ready yerrr
Nandi: what for?
Nathi: ilobolo sisi ( bride price/ dowry)
***** she blushed. They continued conversing and kept the
convo going and going. They even had dinner and dessert. Nathi
left when he saw how tired Nandi was. It was already 23:40.
She had fallen asleep on the couch. He picked her and carried
her to her room. He searched for her pjs and found a night
dress and headwarp behind the pillow. He undressed her and
dressed her into her night dress. He didn't tie the head wrap
though because he couldn't. He opened her sheets and got her
inside and covered up. He washed the dishes she said she was
going to wash when he left. When he was done he went back to
her room and went through her things looking for a paper. He
found a book and teared a paper from it. He took out a pen
from his trousers and wrote down a letter. He placed it under
her phone, kissed her forehead and left. Locking was a mission
for him. So he took the key and locked the blugar door and
threw the key in and then closed the door. He went to his car
and drove home.
When he arrived everyone was asleep. He went straight to his
room and heard noise when he passed Zanele's room. He got
closer and heard moans and groans. He stood there for a while
tring to figure out what's going on. He heard Zanele moan
Muzi's name and right then and there he knew Muzi was gonna
have a big problem with the elders. He went to his bedroom
and slept.
****It's been a week since Nhlaka left and i'd be lying if I said I
don't miss him. Last night I slept over at Tswalo's house. It's
already 8pm and we've had dinner prepared by her mom. Her
dad went to Mokopane so it's a girls time only and since her
mom is a nurse, her shifts changed and she works night shift
most of the times. Today she left after cooking.*****
Tswalo: Sani Sani Sani Sani
*****she sang my name clapping her hands making a beat****
Me: what?
Tswalo: there's a pens down party at Rismati's house
Me: okay
Tswalo: don't bore me tuu let's go hauw
Me: haii haii
Tswalo: mxm stay here and sulk
Me: sure
**** she went to the room and changed into a very short black
mini skirt and a black crop top with black nike air force. She put
on a bit of make up and a weave on****
Me: hebana weave?
Tswalo: yep Muzi bought it for me
Me: how much was it
Tswalo: R2000
Me: haaaa Tswalo 2k for hair
Tswalo: yes. Open for me when I return. Byeee enjoy being
Me: bye enjoy don't do anything silly
Tswalo: I wont
**** she got out and I locked. I watched tv while chatting to
Nhlaka on whatsapp. We talked till it was late then I went to
The next day
***** I woke up and Tswalo wasn't in the house and her mom
was to come back in 30 minutes. I called her phone for a couple
of times and she didn't answer. I cleaned and made breakfast. I
heard the gate open. I quickly rushed to the gate and saw
Tswalo's mom get in. I kept panicking. She got to the door and
unlocked it. ****
Mrs Maringa: hey baby
Me: hello ma
Mrs Maringa: how are you
Me: i'm good and you
Mrs Maringa: i'm tired
**** I smiled awkwardly. I went to the kitchen and made her
food while she went to bath. I tried calling Tswalo but this fool's
phone was off. Her mom finished and ate up. I washed her dish
and made her a cup of tea****
Mrs Maringa: where is Tintswalo? Is she still asleep?
**** I kept quiet and ignored her. She called out her name a
couple of times and heard no answer. She stood up and went to
her room. She came back fuming when she didn't find her
anywhere in the house. The gate opened again and a car got in
the yard. Fuck! Tintswalo's dad was here and she still wasn't
here. Tswalo's mom kept her eyes on me. I stood uncomfortably
by the counter. The door opened and he came in****
Mr Maringa: hello
**** nobody responded. He looked at me then back at his
Me: morning
Mrs Maringa: Maringa your daughter isn't home
Mr Maringa: where is she?
Mrs Maringa: that is what Khensi is going to tell us
*** they both looked at me. I looked down****
Mrs Maringa: you can't talk now! Talk!
Me: went to a pens down party last night
Mr Maringa: where ?
Me: at Rismati's house
Mrs Maringa: tjerrr this child thinks she's old to go to parties
huh. Is she even a virgin?
**** I kept quiet and looked at them. There is no way i'm
answering that question. The answer is no because Xinyori
broke it****
Mrs Maringa: Khensani I asked you a question
Me: I don't know
**** I said also shrugging my shoulders. Both her parents shot
a death stare on me. I looked at them trying not to feel guilty.
The gate opened again and it was Tswalo wearing a blanket that
was covering her body. She had her heels in her hands and her
hair was the conrows she had under her wig. Her make up was
rearranged. She looked horrible and smelled horrible too. She
got closer to all three of us who were standing next to each
other looking at her.****
Mr Maringa: Tintswalo where do you come from huh?
**** she looked at all three of us and ran to the sink where she
threw up.****
Mrs Maringa: voetsek Tintswalo voetsek!!
**** she cursed out. Her dad was beyond furious. He got to her
and held her by neck and choked her. I tried helping my friend
but her mom held me back and told me to go home. I refused
to leave my friend to die. She looked like she was about to take
her last breath. *****
Mrs Maringa: okay okay stop!
**** her father beat her up. Punches flew and my friend looked
dead. Her mom went behind her father and stopped him****
Mrs Maringa: John you're gonna kill the child
John: no child of mine goes out partying
**** Tswalo's dad walked out.****
Mrs Maringa: Khensani help me take her to her room
*** we carried her to her room and laid her on the bed. Her
mom cleaned up the blood and wounds. She apilled some
cream and bandages. She asked me to bring a bucket, bathing
soap and her body cloth. When I came back she had her
undressed. She bathed her and dressed her up. When she was
done, she cleaned the blood in the kitchen****
Mrs Maringa: Khensani stop crying and go home. Tintswalo will
be fine
Me: i'll stay
Mrs Maringa: Khensani go home. Tintswalo will be fine
**** I stood up, took my belongings and left. Along the way I
wiped my tears. I got home and saw a lot of cars outside and up
and downs happening. I got inside and Silvia dragged me to her
room quickly****
Me: what's going on?
Siliva: Vutomi is getting married
**** my eyes poped out.****
Me: what
Siliva: i'm shocked as you are. The negotiations went well and
they married her with R80 000.
Me: huh who is she marrying?
Siliva: a rich Nigerian old man
Me: haaah
**** I was shocked but not so shocked. I wasn't shocked an old
Nigerian man was marrying her. I was actually shocked that
she's getting married. I don't know if you get me but it's
Me: where is she?
Siliva: in your room with Nkateko
Me: ohhh
Siliva: are you okay?
Me: yeah
Siliva: why does it look like you were crying
***** Siliva knows me better than anyone. Is she like a mother
to me than just an aunt...****
Me: I wasn't. I didn't really get enough sleep
Siliva: ohh okay. Go congratulate your cousin
*** I left her room and went to the girls room. I got in and both
of them looked at me*****
Nkateko: ohh hey
Me: why wasn't I told that you are getting married?
Vutomi: it happened so quick sorry
Me: okay so who's this guy
**** she immediately blushed. Nkateko and I laughed at her.
Tomi: his name is Treasure
Me: hmmm so you found yourself a treasure
*** she laughed***
Tomi: hayi wena
Me: where is he from?
Nkateko: Nigeria
Me: ohhh. How old is he?
Tomi: 37
Me: ohh okay. Do you love him
Tomi: too much
Nkateko: are you happy?
Tomi: too much
Me: that's all matters
***** Siliva came in the room and told Vutomi to dish up for
her husband. I stayed and bathed. There was music and
ululations heard. I quickly bathed and wore a long dress and
pumps. I also wore a headwrap and went out. Everyone was
almost done eating. I wasn't hungry and the only thing on my
mind was Tswalo.*****
Nkateko: Sani
Me: hmmm
Nkateko: Vutomi is calling us. She wants to introduce us to her
**** we went to where they were. There were 6 guys seated
under the tree. Vutomi came back from the kitchen and walked
to us. Nkateko and I did a formal greeting****
Tomi: bros this is my sister Nkateko and my cousin Khensani
Guy1: cousin is beautiful. You can be ma wife
***** I looked at him in disgust. He looked older than all of
them and was wearing a wedding band on his ring finger. They
all laughed and found what he said funny. I didn't. He looked at
me and smirked****
Tomi: hayi big bro. She's old enough to be your daughter
Guy2: you are also old enough to be Treasure's wife
****everyone went silent. Vutomi looked embarrassed****
Guy3: leave my wife alone. Owemji you are married to 3
women so I don't know what you want from this child. And you
Obed this is my wife and you are going to give her respect.
***** so this is the husband. He looks a bit younger than all of
them and much more good looking. I guess that's why Vutomi
chose him.*****
Obed: i'm sorry bros
Owemji: sorry but I can still make her my wife
**** Treasure shook his head. I greeted the rest and left. I went
into the house and helped around the kitchen. Later on the
groom's family asked to leave and take their bride with. I went
to the room to help Vutomi pack her clothes*****
Nkateko: so you're going just like that
Tomi: yes
Nkateko: so i'll be left alone?
Tomi: you're not alone. Sani is here
Nkateko: she's going to University remember
Tomi: ohhh then you're alone. I'll come see you somedays. Sani
will be here every holiday.
Nkateko: mxm
Tomi: atleast you'll have the room to yourself huh
Nkateko: yeah
**** The door opened and Muhluri came in****
Hluri: are you guys done
Tomi: almost
Hluri: okay your husband is getting impatient
**** Tomi laughed and we helped her zip up her suitcase. Hluri
took it and left. We had a group hug then Vutomi hugged all the
aunts and uncles. She and her husband danced for a while.
Then they left. After they left we cleared up in the house and
left some things the way they were to finish up tomorrow. I
went to the room and took out my phone. I tried switching it on
and it was off. I charged it and slept.*****
**** nobody is testing me like Khensani today. She isn't
answering her phone. Nothing. I tried her phone one more time
and took me to voicemail. Right now I am in KZN. It's been 3
days since work has closed.****
Muzi: what's wrong with you
Me: eish it's Sani
Nathi: trouble in paradise?
Me: she's not answering her phone
Yezi: is it me or Zanele has gained weight
**** we all looked at him*****
Me: why are you keeping tabs on Zanele
Yezi: haiibo. It's just visible weight gain. Even ma could see
Muzi: anything wrong with that?
Yezi: no
**** Nkanyezi's phone rang. He smiled, stood up and went near
the pool. We were seated outside and enjoying the fresh
Nathi: Muzi umithisile? (Did you impregnate her?)
Muzi: ubani?(who?)
Nathi: both me and you aren't stupid and we're not going to
start now.
Muzi: yah she's pregnant
Nathi: aha! Tell your elders before it shows
Muzi: angifuni ukushada (I don't want to get married)
Me: you should've thought of that when you were hitting it
Muzi: mxm
Nathi: hehe. Eventually Mandisa and Khethiwe are going to see
that she's pregnant
Muzi: I know that
Nathi: what about your current Tsonga girlfriend?
Muzi: she's not supposed to know
**** he looked at me. I nodded****
Muzi: Nhlaka i'm serious
Me: i won't say anythinh hauw
Nathi: ayi nina
Me: wena what's going on between you and that nurse?
Nathi: we are dating
Me: it's official?
Nathi: yes u Nandi is mine
Muzi: who's Nandi
Me: a nurse from the hospital Naledi was in
Muzi: ohh and how is Naledi
Me: she's okay. I last spoke to her 2 days ago. She said she's fine
Nathi: that's good
Yezi: what's good
Me: ayi we're long done with the topic hauw
Yezi: mxm.
**** Thando and her friend Mbali approached us holding trays.
Thando was holding a tray of glasses and drinks. Mbali was
holding a tray of fruits. They put them on the table and left. The
whole family came outside and sat down next to us****
Nkazi: suka lapho wena (move)
Yezi: why
Nkazi: I want to sit here
Yezi: hayi hayi
Ma: why are you bullying my child
Yezi: yah ask him mommy
**** we all laughed at them****
Nathi: ma you're calling an old man a child
Ma: yes he's my child. You are all my children and you'll forver
be my baby boys and girl
**** she said the last part looking at Thando who looked bored.
I shook my head and Nathi made a fuss about mom calling us
her babies. Everyone else was just watching and snacking on
the fruits***
Me: where is dad?
Mama: he went to the council's meeting
Me: ohh
Londi: haii Zanele you're finishing the fruits phela
**** we all looked at her except for ma and Nathi who were
still in a silly argument. Muzi gave Zanele a death stare. Zanele
apologised and shared the fruits with the girls.****
Muzi: Zah
**** she looked at him***
Muzi: let's go
Mama: hauw where are you going?
Muzi: out
Zanele: uhmm okay
**** she stood up and they left.****
Mama: Twins aren't you gonna take your ladies out
Me: mama please not now
Mama: auw Nhlaka
Me: hayi
Thando: ayi Mbali masambe (let's go)
Yezi: niyaphi? ( where are you going to?)
Thando: so bukela itv ( we are going to watch tv)
**** they stood up and left. Nathi was now on his phone. Him
and ma stopped arguing****
Ma: haibo where are the fruits
Thuli: in Zanele's stomach
Ma: haiibo
Mama: Zanele eats way too much these days
Londi: maybe she was just hungry
Ma: haii umithi uZanele (she's pregnant)
Londi: no it can't be
Thuli: haii no she's not
Mama: haii uqinisile uMandisa( no Mandisa is right)
Ma: I wonder who made her pregnant
Mama: do you think it's Muzi
Ma: if it's him he knows what to do. I won't tell him
Zee: but we are not sure if she's pregnant yet
Ma: Zinhle I have 5 children. I know when someone is pregnant
Zee: aiike okay ma if you say so
****I went on social media and left them wondering. I texted
Muzi and told him the moms suspect that Zah is pregnant. He
replied with "i'll tell them tomorrow". We chilled outside till it
was late then had dinner. The princesses left and went to their
parents house. I went to my room and dialed Sani's number
again. It didn't even ring. I went to sleep worried about her****
**** I woke up and cleaned around the yard and in the house
with my aubts and Nkateko. We had breakfast when were
Nlateko: ma what are you going to do with the money?
Sharon: that's non of your business
Siliva: hmmm you already want to use the child's bride price
Sharon: you are just jealous that my daughter got married to a
rich man who loves her and that your son doesn't even have a
Hluri: actually I do
Siliva: mxm who would be jealous of the whore of a daughter nx
Nkateko: haii Siliva
Me: Nkateko shut up
Hluri: there's something I need to tell you guys
**** we all looked at him****
Hluri: I have a child
**** aha I knew it. I knew that the baby he had in his arms the
other day was his child. Everyone was else was shocked.*****
Siliva: what?
Hluri: I said I have a child and he's 8 months old.
Sharon: hehe
**** she clapped her hands once. Nkateko took the dishes and
disappeared into the kitchen****
Siliva: who is the mother? Where does the child live? Have you
been supporting the baby? Does this girl's family know about
Sharon: what about the damages?
Hluri: I saved money to pay for the damages. The girl is my
girlfriend Rhandzo. She and the baby live at her parents house.
And yes the girl's family know about this
Siliva: why didn't they come to report the damage you did
**** he kept quiet. Siliva looked disappointed****
Sharon: i'm sure she's a whore
Hluri: yeyi Sharon please
Sharon: hayi let me go enjoy my money
**** she stood up****
Sharon: do you want to borrow pampers money. I can borrow
you you know
Siliva: Sharon famba nx (go!)
**** aunt Sharon left. I went to go bath and gave Siliva and her
son space. After bathing I wore a grey tight and a long grey t-
shirt. Its actually Nhlaka's t-shirt. Shit! I forgot to text him. I
unplugged my phone from the charger and put it on. I wore my
socks and slip in flip flops. I combed my hair and tied it into a
bun. I need to go do my hair. My phone vibrated a lot of times
and even moved probably 20 cm away from it's initial position.
I grabbed it and yoh the amount of missed calls and texts from
Nhlaka were enough to write 3 pages of a book. I texted him
and told him everything that happened except Tswalo's story.
He called me immediately after reading the message****
Me: hello
Nhlaka: Khensani how are you?
Me: i'm fine wena? (You?)
Nhlaka: i'm fine. How did the lobola negotiations go?
Me: they went well. Vutomi is a gone girl
Nhlaka: ohh I see. You'll also be a gone girl
Me: one day hopefully
Nhlaka: yeah. Uhmmm mami I need to go. I'm glad I heard your
Me: ohh okay bye.
Nhlaka: Ngiyakthanda Khesani(I love you)
Me: Ngiyakthanda nam Ntlaka (I love you too)
***** he dropped the call. I webt to Tswalo's house and
opened the gate. The door was slightly open. I knocked***
Mrs Maringa: come in!
**** she yelled from inside. I went inside and went to the
dinning room where I found her seated on the couch watching
Me: hello ma
Mrs Maringa: hello nana. Tswalo is in her room
Me: ohh thank you ma
**** she didn't even turn back to look at me. I went to Tswalo's
room and knocked****
Tswalo: come in
**** I went in and found her on her phone. She was laying on
the bed****
Me: hey
Tswalo: hey
Me: how are you?
Tswalo: i'm not fine Tswalo. I went to a party and came back
naked. My dad almost killed me. My boyfriend is ignoring me. I
am ashamed of myself. Nothing is right
****I sat down next to her and gave her a tight hug. We pulled
out. She wiped my tears off my face. I didn't even notice I was
Tswalo: don't cry Sani. I'll be fine
****I never know what to say so I just kept quiet and
Tswalo: I heard Vutomi got married
Me: yeah. To a rich Nigerian old man
Tswalo: haaa you lie
Me: no i'm not. Muhluri apparently has a child
Tswalo: haaa from where
Me: apparently he impregnated his girlfriend
Tswalo: iyoh
Me: yah
**** Tswalo and I chilled in her room and conversed on random
**** Muzi was busy pacing up and down the room thinking of
how to spill the tea to his parents. All the guys were in the
room. Nkazi and Yezi knew about the pregnancy last night.****
Nkazi: ayyyy Muzi hlala phansi mahn( sit down)
**** Muzi ignored them and kept pacing from left to right****
Nathi: haii mahn Muzi you're making us dizzy hauw.
Nkazi: sit your ass down mahn!
**** Muzi finally sat down****
Nhlaka: get your shit together mahn
Muzi: mxm
Nkazi: you are going to stand up, ho out, take Zah in your hands
and tell your parents
Nathi: do it before bab'Dhlala does
**** bab' Dhlala is the family traditional healer.****
Muzi: okay keh
Nhlaka: sharp we're going down
**** they all got out and left Muzi in his room. After 10
minutes of re-colecting himself he took his car keys and left the
house. He went to the Hlope palace and was let. He was lead in
by one of the guards. He was told to wait in the living room. He
sat down and in 2 minutes the chief walked in****
Hlope: sauwbona Dlamini (hello )
Muzi: yebo Hlope (hello)
Hlope: ulethwa yini la? (What brings you here?)
Muzi: bengisacela ukutshontsha uZanele (Can I please talk to
Hlope: ohhh haiike no problem.
**** the chief left and her daughter came down after 5
Muzi: hey
Zah: hey
Muzi: I decided that we're telling my family today
Zah: hmmm
Muzi: yes. Wear decent clothes please
Zah: we're going now?
Muzi: yes Zanele now
**** she went upstairs and came down 10 minutes later
wearing a long floral dress with sandles and a headwrap on her
Zah: i'm done
Muzi: great. Let's go
Zah: let me tell my dad
Muzi: okay. I'll be waiting in the car
**** Muzi got out and got inside the car. Zanele came out and
got inside the car too. Their ride back to the Dlamini household
was quiet. There was complete silence. They arrived and Muzi
parked outside. They got out and webt straight to the living
room where everyone was except for Thando, Khethiwe and his
Nkazi: auw Zanele
Zah: hello
Nhlaka: how are you?
Zah: i'm good
Muzi: baphi abazali? (Where are the parents?)
Manqoba: si la (we're here)
*** he said as he and his wife walked in hand in hand.****
Mandisa: auw Zanele
Zanele: sauwbona ma no baba (greetings to you mom and dad)
Manqoba: yebo ntombi (hello girl)
Mandisa: ufunan la? (What do you want here?)
Muzi: ulethwe yim (i brought her here)
Manqoba: ohh
Mandisa: why
**** she asked sitting down and resting her feet on her
husband's lap****
Muzi: there's something we need to tell you
Nathi: errr masambeni nina (lets go)
**** he said looking at Nhlaka, Yezi and Nkazi. Muzi shot a
death stare at him****
Muzi: no you can stay. You are also gonna hear this anyway
Manqoba: i'm sure they already know
Yezi: we dont
Manqoba: the look on your faces says it all
**** they remained quiet and focused at Zanele and Muzi. They
sat down. Muzi sighed****
Muzi: uhmm Zanele is pregnant with my baby
Mandisa: heh
**** she moved her legs from Manqoba and sat up****
Manqoba: what is the solution to the problem?
Muzi: to pay damages
Mandisa: you have to marry her
Manqoba: your mother is right boy. You have to marry her
Voice: marry who?
**** everyone looked at towards the direction of the voice and
saw Khethiwe standing by the entrance****
Manqoba: sisi sit down
**** she sat down and looked at everyone waiting for an
Mandisa: Zanele is pregnant and Muzi is the father
Khethiwe: haiibo Muzikayise Thokozani Dlamini
Muzi: ma
Khethiwe: hmmmm hmmm shada shada mfan'wami (marry
marry my boy)
Muzi: yaah I will
Mabqoba: Zanele does your family know
**** she shook her head no.****
Mandisa: okay ksasa we're going to come and pay the damages
first. Next week Saturday you are getting married
Muzi: haiibo so fast
Mandisa: yes we don't want people to know she got pregnant
before marriage
Khethiwe: haiii Muzi uthanda izinto nxa (You like things nxa)
**** she left the room.****
Manqoba: let me tell the family
Mandisa: i'll call some too
**** the rents walked out. Muzi finally breathed like a normal
Nkazi: who is the best man
**** Muzi shot a death stare at him and Nkazi laughed. Nathi
and Yezi chuckled Nhlaka just looked at them****
Muzi: Nhlaka
Nhlaka: mina (me)
Nathi: yebo wena (yes you)
Muzi: mxm. Zanele let's go
**** they left. Nkazi left too and the rest just sat and talked
about random things*****
***** the following day the whole family woke up and got
refreshed and ready to pay damages to the Hlope family.
Manqoba, Muzi and Manqoba's cousin Jabu were going. They
left the house at 8am and went to the Hlope household. They
were let in when they arrived. They got in and waited for the
chief. The chief came down and was taken back by the
Dhlaminis. He sat down on his throne and they exchanged
Hlope: Dlamini to what do I owe this pleasure?
Manqoba: we are here to report a cultural crime
Hlope: crime. Who is the criminal
Jabu: our boy Muzi is
Hlope: okay and what did he do
Manqoba: he deflowered one of your daugters.
**** Hlope looked at Muzi with deadly eyes and then looked
back at Manqoba****
Hlope: askies (excuse me)
Jabu: Zanele is pregnant
Hlope: haiibo Dlamini
**** he took out his phone and called his wives and told them
to bring Zanele with. They all came down after a few minutes.
There was tea and cookies on the coffee table but no one
touched a thing. They exchanged greetings with the women and
Zanele. The first wife Gugu sat down almost next to her
husband and the second wife Ayanda sat down next to Zah on a
2 seater couch.****
Gugu: what is wrong baba that has us being called down here
Hlope: The Dlaminis have come to report a crime that has been
done by their son and our daughter
**** the women looked at the Dlaminis. They stared back. Muzi
kept his face on the floor.****
Gugu: which is?
Hlope: I think Zanele should talk
**** they all looked at her. She looked down****
Hlope: Zanele!
**** she swallowed hard then opened her mouth but no sound
came out.****
Ayanda: Zanele baby what is wrong?
Zah: mama i'm sorry.
Ayanda: what is wrong?
Zah: i'm pregnant
Gugu: haiibo
**** her mouth hung. Ayanda just kept her eyes fixed at her
daughter. The chief was looking at his daughter. Actually
everyone was.****
Ayanda: you! Why did you do this huh
**** she asked pointing at Muzi. He looked at her and kept
Zah: ma we did it together
Gugu: yah neh. Ngasho wena Ayanda ngathi lendodakazi yakho
isile shame (I told you Ayanda that your daughter is no good)
Ayanda: please leave my daughter alone Gugu
Gugu: leave my sons too hauw and focus on your daughter who
has shamed our family name. Now the Hlope name will be
dragged on the mud because of this daughter of yours
**** The Dlaminis were watching and thinking about how they
run the kingdom if there's a circus. Zah was crying. Her father
was watching****
Ayanda: you are no better nx. She made a mistake
Gugu: mistake. Hehe did you hear her she didn't even say she
was raped. She said " we did it together" that's no mistake. She
opened her legs for him and let him take her virginity. Uzo
shada bani (who is she going to marry)
Hlope: quiet!
Gugu: haii baba it's true
Ayanda: yeyi yeyi don't you dare
Gugu: I did
Manqoba: Hlope we will take your leave. Please tell us when
you are ready to proceed with the damages and lobola
**** they stood up and didn't wait for an answer. They left the
Hlope household and went back home. They arrived and had a
fruit salad made by Mandisa****
Khethiwe: how did it go
Jabu: iyoh sisi that family is disrespectful
Muzi: the wives are
Manqoba: but Hlope couldn't control his wives
Jabu: I wonder how they run the kingdom
Manqoba: aii. It was a circus nje
Mandisa: hauw so you didn't pay the damages
Jabu: no we got there and told them what Muzi did. He called
down his wives and daughter. When they were told the wives
started having their own aruguments. The chief was just
Muzi: he tried to stop them though
Manqoba: did it work? No
Muzi: its not his fault the wives are like that
Manqoba: haii Muzi. They are queens they should know how to
behave especially in front of visitors
Jabu: and not just visitors. We are from royalty too
Mandisa: hmmm yaz nawe Muzi uhamba umithisa (you go
around impregnating)
Muzi: atleast I didn't choose her to be a wife of the family and
anyway Zah is not her parents
Jabu: yeyi she might be like her mothers
Muzi: aiike
Khethiwe: when are you going back?
Jabu: we told them to tell us when to come
Khethiwe: mmmh
***** the guys and I went out for lunch in Durban. We arrived
there and went to spurs. We placed our order...****
Yezi: manje Muzi what happened?
*** we all knew what he was talking about. He was talking
about the visit at the Hlopes. We all looked at Muzi and opened
our ears except for Nathi who was on his phone. He told us
everything that happened****
Me: so you're waiting for them
Nkazi: haii mos the kingdom is a circus
Nathi: hmm? You want to go to a circus?
**** he asked still on his phone. Yezi and Muzi chuckled. I
shook my head and Nkazi looked at him with a bored look.****
Me: what is keeping you occupied
Nathi: my future wife
Yezi: who?
Nathi: Nandipha
Me: haiike
****our food arrived and we all ate. We were ready to leave by
14:00 but Nathi wasn't. He was still eating****
Yezi: Nathi bro
Nathi: hmmm
Muzi: yaz silinde wena (we are waiting for you)
Nathi: mmmh mmmh
Me: haii bafo we're leaving you then
Nathi: where are you guys going
Nkazi: why are you eating slow
Muzi: he's on his phone
Yezi: Nathi leave the phone and eat tuu
Nathi: mxm you're jealous mahn. Last time I checked you all
have girlfriends. Why don't you check up on them and leave me
alone hmm?
Me: mxm
Yezi: mxm. Ngiyabuya ke (i'll be back)
Nkazi: uyaphi? (where are you going?)
Yezi: ngo shaya i six nine (i'm going to the restroom)
Nkazi: sure
**** I took out my phone and went to whatsapp. Sani was
•••••whatsapp chat•••••
How are you?
I'm good thank you
How are you?
I'm good I miss you
I miss you too
I'll see you in Jan
Yeah ayy.
What are you doing?
At the mall catching
up with my brothers.
Chilling with Tswalo at Petros
Ohh okay enjoy the
rest of your day.
I'll call you later
Okay bye.
Enjoy your day too
I will. I love you

I love you more❤

Nathi: okay i'm done
Muzi: finally yoh
Nkazi: Nkanyezi isn't back yet
Muzi: lets wait for him
**** The waiter came and took Nathi's plate and glass. A few
minutes later Yezi appeared and we left.****
Me: where to gents?
Muzi: lets go to the racetrack
Nkazi: good idea
Yezi: i'm not racing you guys
Me: why not
Yezi: haii you know why
***** we all laughed at him. Haiibo! Nathi wasn't with us
anymore. I looked back and he was walking very slowly smiling
with his phone in his hands and his eyes fixed on the
Nkazi: are that fast
Yezi: ehhh you guys are going to die one day of driving too fast
especially Nhlaka
**** i heard him say that as I went back to get Nathi. I got to
him and grabbed his phone. He quickly looked at me****
Nathi: hayi mahn bafo. I thought it was a gangstar
Me: voetsek Nathi speed up your pace or tell your girlfriend
you're busy
Nathi: sorry man
Muzi: I thought this was a brother's time
Nathi: i'm sorry guys
Yezi: haii
**** we walked to the entrance/exit of the mall and paid for
our parking ticket. We left the mall and went to the racing track.
We requested gusheshes. Mine was black, Muzi's was red,
Nkazi's was blue, Nathi's was white. Yezi stood and took us
videos. We spinned the cars and Nkazi won in the round. Then
we raced around the ground twice and I won. *****
Nathi: yoh haii Nhlaka and Nkazi are going to be the first ones
to die
**** we all laughed****
Me: why
Muzi: haii haii that speed was too much
Me: it was nothing
Yezi: all of you are going to die
**** we all laughed and catched our breaths. *****
Nkazi: let's go to a bar
Muzi: nah stip club
Nathi: don't make babies wena baby daddy
**** we all laughed ****
Muzi: fsek!! Nathi
Nathi: I could do with some ass so let's go
Me: are we watching, touching or taping
Nathi: all of it bro
Yezi: but all of you have women. Muzi has two
**** we all looked at him and he shut his mouth. He's right. We
shouldn't be doing this but I am starving. It's been long since I
had sex and I need it****
Nathi: are you a virgin boy
**** he asked looking at Yezi. We all burst out of laughter****
Muzi: Nkanyezi are you gay
Yezi: haii niyabona manje (you see now)
**** he said pointing us with all this fingers. We laughed at
Nkazi: so are we going?
Yezi: sure
Nathi: lets go get some ass!
Muzi: ohhh yesss
Nkazi: Muzi don't make a baby. Actually no body does okay!
**** we all laughed. Muzi just looked at us and if his facial
expression could talk it would've said fuck you!. We left and
went to lacey's club. We paid at the entrance and got in. It was
dark and there were only dim lights. We went futher down the
room and got to where the strippers were. All you could see
were poles, boobs, ass and hungry men. We sat down on a
couch and ordered booze. We drank and watched the ladies do
their best on the poles. As time went by it got heated as the
ladies were getting naked. I felt my dick get very hard at the
sight of naked girls. One red haired girl looked at me. I signalled
for her to come with me using my hand. She got off the stage
and sat on top of my lap.*****
Muzi: damn!
Nathi: shit!
**** Yezi and Nkazi had disappeared.****
Me: what's your name?
Her: my name is Hlobisile but they call me diamond
Me: hmmm damn! You're soo sexy Hlobi
Hlobi: wanna see how sexy I can be
***** I thinned my eyes at her and nodded. I touched her bare
boobs. She moved my hands from her and made me stand up
and follow her. We got into a room and she locked the door. She
got on top of me..... and the rest is history******
*****it's already 23:30 and Nhlaka hasn't called me. Maybe he
was too tired and he slept. I called his phone and it rang with no
answer. I tried it again and nothing. I sent him a text asking if
he's okay. I slept right after that. The next morning I woke up
and cleaned the house. I washed my clothes then ironed them
after that. Nkateko went back to her father's family and her
mother went to her boyfriend's house. So it was just me and
aunt Siliva.****
Siliva: are you still dating that boy?
Me: uhmm yes
Siliva: do you trust him
Me: yes
Siliva: hmmm
Me: why are you asking?
Siliva: i'm just worried about Vutomi. She got married so young
and with a fast pace just for riches
**** I kept quiet and starred at my phone as I logged into my
facebook account.****
Siliva: he's even way too older than her. Haii mahn. Sani how
old is your zulu boyfriend?
Me: mah?
Silvia: how old is your zulu boyfriend?
Me: 22
Siliva: good age difference not this thing of 16 years. He's old
enough to be her father
Me: mmmh
**** I said concentrating on a picture of Nhlaka and a Nandi
khumz kissing. The girl in the picture might be Nandi Khumz.
My heart started beating fast as I swipped through the pictures
and there were more pictures of them kissing, hugging and
having a picnic.****
Siliva: Vutomi is a gold digger mahn. I mean she got married to
a Nigerian old man because she knows those people have
Me: mmmh
***** I couldn't believe my eyes. I felt betrayed and stabbed in
the heart. Her caption was " I never thought I'd find love but
you proved me wrong. You are one in a million and I am glad
that I got to be with you.... gosh I couldn't even read futher
more. I took a screenshot and logged off facebook.****
Siliva: I wonder when the wedding is going to be. I just cant wait
to see hehe ya neh
****she clapped once and did a nasty jealousy laugh. I stood up
and went outside. Siliva called out my name a couple of times
and I ignored her. I was still boiling inside. Nhlaka is cheating
does she get that huh... huh..?****
Siliva: ye wena Khensani!
Me: what!
Siliva: voetsek Khensani i'm your mother! Don't talk to me like
your peer
Me: sorry mama
Siliva: what's wrong
Me: nothing
Siliva: Khensani what's wrong ?
Me: nothing. I'm fine hauw!
**** Yoh I immediately regretted saying those words to her
especially with the tone I used. She slapped me across my face
and I immediately turned pink. Siliva knew how to slap
Siliva: Khensani I don't condone disrespect
Me: sorry
Siliva: next time it won't be good nx!
**** she stormed back into the house. I left the house and
walked around trying to look okay as possible. I bumped into
Tsakani Maria's daughter. She was my friend before but then
adolescent stage changed her.****
Kani: Sani
Me: Kani
Kani: khunjani?( how are you?)
Me: i'm good you?
Kani: i'm good too. It just this little one making me tired all the
Me: ohh
Kani: yeah. Being pregnant isn't nice at all. Don't let them fool
Me: hmmm
**** I was honestly not in the mood for her*****
Me: uhmm bye
Kani: it was nice seeing you Sani
**** I faked a smile at her and walked to Tswalo's house. The
distance was quite long since I had passed her street. I got there
and knocked. She opened the door for me and gave me a
Tswalo: besto
Me: hey
Tswalo: what's wrong
Me: Tswalo he's cheating on me
Tswlao: who
**** I kept quiet and went on my phone...****
Tswalo: wait what!
*****she said getting into her senses. I showed her the
screenshot I took of Nhlaka and Nandi Khumz kissing****
Tswalo: how dare he
Me: what if I was just a side for him. I mean how dumb could I
be thinking he'd choose a village girl over a city girl.
Tswalo: don't say that. Let's call him
Me: I don't think I want to hear his voice
Tswalo: you must, he must explain
Me: I don't want to get hurt
Tswalo: you are already hurt
**** She took her phone and dialed a number****
Me: who are you calling?
Tswalo: Muzi. He's probably with him
Me: mmmh. When last did you talk to Muzi?
Tswalo: yesterday mid day.
Me: same with Nhlaka.
Tswalo: and the pic was taken today
Me: mxm
Tswalo: damn! He's not answering. Let me call him
Me: what are you going to say
Tswalo: you! You not me. You are going to ask him about what
you saw that's it
Me: okay
**** I gave her his number. She dialed it and it rang. He
answered on the fifth ring****
Lady: hello
**** it's her. Why would his phone be answered by her. I felt
my eyes tear up****
Tswalo: hello. Can I talk to Nhlaka
Lady: who are you and why do you want to talk to my man?
Tswalo: ohhh uhmm no he gave me his number the other day
and asked me to call him.
Lady: nx. Now that you know he has a woman, please stay away
from my man!
***** she ended the call. I wiped my tears and Tswalo came
and comforted me.*****
**** The lobola negotiations took place the following day after
the guys night out. It was already around half past 5 and they
have already accepted their bride. The yard was getting cleaner
by the day. At 20:00 everyone had left and only the people who
live in the household were left except for Jabu and his wife
Samkelo stayed for the night. Zanele moved out and was now
living with the Dhlaminis. Thuli and Zinhle were also here.
They were all seated in the living room except for Nkazi and
Manqoba: i'm soo tired yoh
Mandisa: not as me baba. I need a massage
Jabu: bafo go do the right things but don't make noise
**** everyone laughed****
Manqoba: haii bafo
Mandisa: i'll kick you out wena this is my house
Jabu: sorry tjo
**** he said raising his hands up in defeat. Samke laughed at
her husband. The king and queen left the room and went to
their bedroom****
Samke: when is the wedding?
Muzi: ma said next month
Samke: mmmmh very good. Zanele who's planning your
Zah: uhmm I don't have a wedding planner mah
Khethiwe: haiibo makoti( daughter in law)
Muzi: ayi ngiyolala mina (i'm going to sleep)
Samke: mmmh I see what you're trying to do but it's fine son
Khethiwe: mmmh I see it too
**** everyone looked at them****
Samke: but go. We will talk to Zanele when you're not here
Muzi: huh?
Samke: haii go Muzi
**** Muzi walked towards the exit of the room...****
Khethiwe: haiibo Muzikayise how can you go just like that?
Muzi: hmmmm?
**** he said turning looking at his mom*****
Samke: take Zah with you
**** Muzi brought his eyebrows together in confusion*****
Khethiwe: Muzi you are a married man now
Jabu: mfana wam all they are trying to say is that you must eat
the pussy like never before since she's your wife
Samke: Jabulani mahn!
Khethiwe: haii sies!
****they both said at the same time scolding Jabu for what he
said. The youngsters cracked up in laughter. ****
Muzi: Zanele let's go
Jabu: nazo (that's it)
**** he said with the biggest smile in the room. Everyone else
laughed. Later on they all disappeared to their respective
**** I woke up and bathed. I went downstairs for breakfast
when I was done. Nkazi and uncle Jabu came down 10 seconds
after I did. We all settled on the dinner table. I grabbed 2 slices
of toasted bread, eggs, cheese, bacon and tomatoes. I had my
meal with tea. Everyone ate in silence. When we were almost
done. Khethiwe decided to break the silence.****
Mama: Zanele
Zah: ma?
Mama: how was your first night as Mrs Dlamini
**** everyone looked at her****
Zah: uhmmm... it was nice ma
Mama: hmmmm
Ma: Khethiwe please accompany me to the local church today
Mama: what for
Ma: to hand in chirstmas gifts to the children of the community
Dad: that's a nice thing for you to do my love
**** mom smiled. I stood up when I was done eating and went
to the living room. I switched on the tv. Muzi, Yezi and Thando
joined me.****
Thando: where did Nkazimulo and Nathi go
Muzi: Thando say where did brother Nkazimulo and Nathi go
not that nonsense you just said
Thando: yoh haii sorry
Me: they went to their girlfriends
Thando: wena awujoli? ( aren't you dating?)
**** I looked at her and remembered that I hadn't talked to
Sani since.. urgh I don't know. I stood up and started looking for
my phone. I went to my room and couldn't find it. I went back
to the living room****
Me: did any of you see my phone?
Thando: no but I remember Thuli holding it 2 days ago
Me: are you sure it's mine
Thando: yes. It has a red pouch
Me: where is Thuli?
Yezi: at the porch with Zah and Londi
**** I went to her****
Londi: hey you
Me: hey Londeka how are you?
Londi: uhmm i'm fine
**** she answered slowly. They were all taken back by me
greeting them. They were holding wedding magazines and
Zanele was reading a pregnancy one.******
Me: Zanele unjani wena? (How are you?)
Zah: i'm good and you
Me: good. How is the little one treating you?
Zah: so far so good. Just 7 more months and i'll meet him or her
Me: that's great hey
Zah: yeah
**** she said with the biggest smile ever. I looked at Thuli who
tried to read my face. I smiled at her****
Me: hello Thuli
Thuli: he..hello
Me: are you good?
**** she nodded. I nodded to****
Me: great. Has any of you seen my phone?
**** they all looked at each other. Zanele shook her head no.
Londi and Thuli kept quiet. Nkazi and Zinhle walked towards
Me: Londi?
Londi: no
Me: hmmm. Thulisile?
Thuli: no
Me: okay thank you ladies.
Nkazi: hey
Zee: hey guys
**** they greeted at the same time. We all greeted back. Zinhle
sat down with the ladies. Nkazi and I walked back in the
Nkazi: wassup bro
Me: I am looking for my phone
Nkazi: when last did you see it
Me: the day we went out as guys
**** he looked at me****
Me: nah. I didn't leave it there. I remember charging it in my
Nkazi: tell Nathi to track it
Me: he's gone
Nkazi: future Mrs Dlamini?
Me: yah
**** we laughed and entered the living room.****
Muzi: did you find it?
Me: no
Muzi: let's call it
Me: let's spread out first
Muzi: hayi tell Nathi to track it
Me: call him for me.
**** he called him. In a few minutes Nathi called back and told
us it's somewhere in the house.****
Me: haii this house is big
Yezi: let's ask the helpers to look for it
***** uncle Jabu, aunt Samke and my dad entered the
Jabu: uhmmm we are leaving
Yezi: hauw already
Samke: yes. We will be back for the wedding
Me: travel safely
Nkazi: bye bye
**** they left. I saw one of the helpers passing by. I got to her
and stopped her. I didn't know her. She looked new****
Her: my prince
Me: who are you?
Her: my name is Nobuhle and I am new here
Me: hmm how new are you?
Nobuhle: I was hired 3 days ago
Me: who hired you?
Nobuhle: sis Fikile
**** Fikile is the head house help. She practically raised me and
my siblings.****
Me: hmmm. Listen here we dont want any nonsense. Whatever
you see here stays here. Are we clear
Nobuhle: y..yes prince
Me: I am Nhlaka. Don't call me prince
****She quickly nodded.****
Me: how old are you?
Nobuhle: 21
Me: why are you a domestic worker at this age?
Nobuhle: i'm trying to raise funds for university
Me: hmmm. I am looking for my phone. I need you to help me
find it. It is a Samsung galaxy note 10 with a red pouch/cover
**** she nodded.****
Nobuhle: Prince uhmmm sorry I mean Nhlaka, I saw a lady
holding a phone like that yesterday.
Me: what lady
Nobuhle: she is a princess and she is seated outside with the
new bride
Me: which one?
Nobuhle: the one wearing a yellow dress today
Me: okay thank you. Please steal it for me when you find it and
give to me okay
Nobuhle: okay. I will
Me: thank you.
**** I went back to the living room and sat down. Thando had
took out a game of Monopoly and they were palying. Nkazi
landed in the jail block.****
Thando: nazo!
**** she laughed and celebrated.****
Thando: go to jail
Nkazi: hayi hayi
Thando: hayi bhuti go
**** Thando doesn't talk much or express her feelings and
seeing her happy makes me happy. I watched them play as they
made Thando burst in laughter. 7 hours passed and it was
17:30. Nobuhle came in the room. These people were playing
snake and ladder after playing scrabble and block game.****
Nobuhle: uhmmm bhuti Nhlaka uyabizwa (you are being called)
**** I stood up and followed her outside****
Me: did you find it?
Nobuhle: yes. Here it is
**** She said handing me the phone. I took it and switched it
off. I placed it in my pocket****
Me: thank you. How did you get it?
Nobuhle: Thuli went to the bathroom and forgot it there. She
was on the phone with someone and she was angry
Me: on the phone with someone using my phone?
Nobuhle: yes. She was telling the person on the other side that
she's going to get married to you and that she must stop calling
you. Then she deleted a few things I think... she was on it for a
while then catched her breath and left.
Me: where were you all along?
Nobuhle: cleaning the toilet. I hid myself when she came in
Me: good job Buhle. I'll reward you later
Nobuhle: no need. I was just doing my job
Me: your job is to clean the house not look for my lost things.
Thank you
**** she smiled and left. I went to my room and switched it on.
I went to whatsapp and there were no recent messages from
Sani. I went to my call log and there was nothing at all. Thuli did
delete them just as Nobuhle thought. I dialed Sani's number
and there was no answer. I tried it a few more times and it still
took me to voicemail. I sent her a message asking her to answer
her phone so that I can explain. She saw it and blue ticked me. I
called her again and she answered****
Me: Khensani
Sani: I hate you Ntlaka! Stay away from me. Don't ever call me
Me: woah wait Khensani
**** she was fuming. She started crying. My heart broke when
she cried****
Sani: why huh. You are a player. Fuck you!
Me: Khensani you are not going to use swear words at me again
are we clear
Sani: Fuck you Ntlaka!
****she cut off the call. I wonder what Thuli said to her. She is
literally fuming and i've never heard her this angry. She's always
cool calm and collected. Now she's just angry. I switched off my
phone and put it in my pocket. I went downstairs after 45
minutes of thinking how to approach Sani. I got bumped into
Thando at the passage****
Thando: ohh they said I must call you down for dinner. Sis
Zanele cooked
Me: ohh okay that's nice
Thando: are you okay?
Me: yeah you
Thando: yeah
**** we got to the dinning room. We sat down and ate food
cooked by the new bride. She was good****
Mama: makoti your food is nice
Ma: hmmm very nice
Zah: thank you
Ma: Muzi what do you think?
Muzi: it's amazing
**** he said and smiled at Zanele who blushed. The elders
looked happy. Nathi walked in and dumped his weight on the
chair next to mine****
Dad: and then wena
Nathi: sorry.
Ma: where are you from?
Nathi: hayi ma
Nkazi: you look tired
Nathi: hmmm
**** he smiled. I looked at this replica of mine and shook my
Nathi: i didn't have sex hauw
**** he whispered into my ear. I looked at him and we both
Yezi: what's funny?
Mama: we also want to laugh
Me: hayi it's a twin thing
Nkazi: mxm
Londi: Nathi aren't you hungry? Zah cooked
Nathi: ohh really
**** Zah nodded***
Muzi: it's nice bro you gotta eat
**** Zah blushed as Muzi said this. He got closer to her and
kissed her cheek. Nathi and I looked at each other as we
couldn't believe our ears and eyes. The rest of the family was in
smiles. Londeka stood up and got a plate and started dishing
Yezi: Londi are you also pregnant?
**** we all looked at her****
Londi: no
Zinhle: manje le plate? (then what about this plate?)
Londi: ohh it's for Nathi
Nathi: haiibo. I didn't say I was hungry mos
**** everyone looked at Nathi.****
Nathi: I ate 3 course meal mina. I'm good.
***** Londi stood there looking at Nathi with the plate in her
hand. She looked defeated.****
Dad: Londeka sit down
**** she looked at my dad. He looked at her too and she sat
down. He stood up and left the room.****
Ma: Manqoba
Dad: yeyi awume wena (wait please)
**** everyone literally stopped chewing. We all looked at ma.
She sighed and left the table too****
Nathi: all this isn't my fault right?
Me: shut up
Thando: ay you guys know how to ruin a good dinner
**** she also stood up and left. Nkazi followed her shouting her
Khethiwe: makoti thank you for the nice meal. Let me go too
**** she also left.****
Yezi: what's going on here?
Nathi: angazi nam (I also don't know)
Londi: I am going home
Yezi: ohh let me take you there.
Zinhle: wait for me
Yezi: okay. Wena Thuli (Thuli)
Me: she's not going anywhere until she tells me where my
phone is
**** She looked at me. Londi also turned around and looked at
Thuli: what phone
Me: Thulisile I am not going to play games with you yezwa. That
girl you insulted is my woman and I won't let you play all over
her head and feed her lies about me yezwa. You'll regret it nx.
Nathi: yazin. I think it's better you no longer come here. All of
you except for Zinhle of course
**** Nathi and I left the table. I went to my room and switched
on my phone. I called Sani and it went straight to voicemail. I
texted her on whatsapp and she blocked me. She blocked me
everywhere even on social network. I downloaded facebook
with the hope of finding her. I texted her and wrote a very long
paragraph of apology. After a 10 minutes she texted back "stay
away from me. Leave me alone". She blocked me therefater. I
threw my phone on the bed and went to the bathroom and
took a quick shower and slept after that.***
**** Nhlaka really hurt me I don't want to lie. I am done with
him. He played me. But what was I thinking that a long distance
relationship with a rich guy will work. Who was I fooling!
I sat down under the tree with Tswalo.****
Tswalo: Sani he is not worth it
Me: he is. He made me feel special. He bought me things. He
drove all the way from Joburg just to see me
Tswalo: yeah he did all that knowing that he has a main back
home who's parents' know about
**** I wiped my tears but they kept coming. He was my first
boyfriend and my first heartbreak. I cried till I had hiccups****
Tswalo: Sani don't do this to yourself okay. In 2 weeks we are
getting our results and going to varsity.
Me: yeah
Tswalo: yeah. Cheer up
**** I smiled a little. She hugged me one more time and ended
Me: I love him
Tswalo: I know. This is your first heartbreak. You'll be fine. Next
time don't fall in love with all of your heart
**** I looked at her.****
Me: why didn't you tell me
Tswalo: I don't think you were gonna understand me
Me: so are you saying that you don't love Muzi
Tswalo: I do
Me: so you don't love him with all of your heart?
Tswalo: I do
Me: so what are you actually saying
Tswalo: just don't fall in love with your heart.
Me: what should I use
Tswalo: the copy of your heart
Me: Tintswalo what are you saying
Tswalo: i'm saying that you shouldn't fall in love with someone
you love, fall in love with someone that loves you. Don't use
your original heart or else you'll get hurt and played
**** I looked at her and looked at the people passing by.****
Tswalo: think about it
Me: what you just said doesn't make sense
Tswalo: it does
Me: it doesn't
Tswalo: I fell in love with Xinyori using my original heart and he
played me. I loved him more than he did, or claimed that he did
Me: so you're using a copy now
**** She kept quiet. I looked at her and she looked away. I
looked back to the road****
Me: you see. This thing of yours doesn't work
*** she remained quiet.****
Me: lets go buy snacks
*** we stood up and went to Petros. We got there and bought
snacks and decided to sit there. Bianca and Amukelani, 2 girls
from the commerce class who were with us at the matric dance
aporoached us.****
Bianca: hey guys
Us: hey
Amu: latest gossip
Me: Amu I don't want to gossip
Amu: Tswalo?
Tswalo: who is it about first?
Amu: Ntsako
Me: ayi i'm not interested
Tswalo: tell me
Bianca: let's show you
**** she tapped something on her phone and showed Tswlao a
video. Tswalo's mouth hung as she viewed what was infront of
her eyes. I heard moans from the video. Tswalo leaned in next
to me and started the video all over again. It was a sex tape.
Ntsako has a sex tape****
Me: haaaa!
Amu: look at the guy. He looks old sies
Bianca: he looks Nigerian
**** Bianca is correct. He is Nigerian. The guy on the tape is
definitely one of the men who were there when they came to
pay lobola for Vutomi. I looked closer and it was Owe... Owe
Tswalo: hehe. Yah neh I knew she was a bitch
Amu: I wonder if Xinyori saw it
Bianca: anyway are you guys ready for the results
Me: yeah
Bianca: i'm going to UKZN wnat about you guys
Tswalo: so far
Bianca: yes
Amu: i'm going to University of Limpopo once
Tswalo: Sani and I are going to Wits
Me: Bianca who do you know at KZN
Bianca: i'll meet new people. Who do you know in
**** I kept quiet***
Bianca: see. You also don't know anyone. Bye
Amu: bye guys
Tswalo: bye
Me: Tswalo I think I know that guy
Tswalo: which one? The one from the video
Me: yah. I think it's Vutomi's brother in law or something
because he was there when her husband came to pay lobola
Tswalo: huh you lie
*****she said sucking her lollipop. I shook my head no and she
did the same. We chilled at the shop for a while. My phone kept
ringing and I didn't answer. When I flipped it to see the screen,
it was actually a private number. I accepted the call****
Me: hello
Person: Khensani baby its me
Me: what do you want. Didn't I tell you to leave me alone
Nhlaka: but
Me: nxaaai
**** I dropped the call****
Tswalo: are you okay
Me: no. Can we go
Tswalo: sure
***** we went our separate ways as I went home and she went
to her home too. I arrived and found aunt Silvia, Sharon,
Muhluri seated with a lady I think is Muhluri's girlfriend
because of the way they were seated.****
Me: hello
Them: hello
Hluri: Sani. This is my girlfriend Rhandzo and Rhandzo this is my
littlr sister Khensani
**** she smiled at me and made me forget about Nhlaka for a
Rhandzo: nice to meet you Sani
Me: likewise
**** I went to my room and laid on the bed as I scrolled
through facebook posts.*****
2 days later
**** I woke up and bathed. Today is christmas eve. Khensani
hasn't been answering my calls or texts. I've used everyone's
phone and she blocks their number when she finds out that its
me. I went downstairs and had breakfast.****
Ma: where is Nathi
Yezi: Durban
Ma: doing?
Yezi: spending time with
The guys: future Mrs Dlamini
**** we laughed after saying that. The elders were totally
confused and Thando and Zanele were just watching****
Dad: who?
Nkazi: his girlfriend
Dad: hmmm
Ma: so he isn't interested in Londeka
**** Dad shot a death stare at her and she shut her mouth. We
all continued eating. After eating I took a walk and found myself
near the cow kraal.****
Dad: auw Nhlaka
**** I turned amd saw my dad approach me. He got here and
looked at the cows****
Me: aren't the cows supposed to eat
Dad: they will just now
Me: okay.
**** we became quiet. All you could hear was the livestock of
goats, sheeps and cows.*****
Me: baba (dad)
Dad: hmmm
Me: what's going on between you and mom?
Dad: why do you ask?
Me: everyone can see that things aren't going well between the
two of you
Dad: don't worry son. I'll sort it out with her.
Me: please fix it before new year
Dad: I will.
Me: good
Dad: and you, are you fine
Me: yeah
Dad: love life?
Me: ayi
**** I said facing the ground. I looked back at him. He looked
up ****
Dad: trouble in paradise
Me: yeah
Dad: hmmm I see.
**** I kept quiet ****
Dad: who's this girl
Me: Dad it's early
Dad: ohh so she's not your future Mrs Dlamini
**** he said making quotation marks using his index and midle
finger. I chuckled*****
Me: she is but I doubt it
Dad: what are you saying
Me: we broke up
Dad: hmmm Haii that's yours to deal with
Me: yeah
Sihle: Dlamini
**** we both turned around. Sihle is the royal guard and my
dad's right hand man. He's in charge of all the guards****
Dad: yebo (yes)
Sihle: you have a meeting with the council
Me: on christmas eve
Dad: hayi. Let me go son. Bye
Me: bye
Sihle: bye bye Nhlaka Nathi
**** I chuckled and they left. He calls me 'Nhlaka Nathi'
because he doesn't know who is who even after working for my
family for years. I walked to the pool and sat on one of the
chairs. I closed my eyes and started drowning in a pool of my
own thoughts****
Its Christmas!!!!!
**** Early in the morning I woke up and felt like gospel songs. I
listened to Spirit of praise and started cleaning. When I was
done I took a break then Ntokozo Mbambo's in the shadow of
your wings played. I sang along

♡♡♡♡I know a place, i can always run to

In times of distress, confusion and fear
And when my enemies surround me
Father I know I am safe
Cause you keep me and hide me in the shadow of your wings
In the shadow of your wings
I know I am safe
In the shadow of your wings
I find relief
You will hold me and you'll guide me
In your righteousness
I find rest, peace of mind
In the shadow of your wings.... ♡♡♡♡
**** the song suddenly stopped. I looked behind me and saw
aunt Siliva watching me with tears in her eyes and her hands on
her sides crayying 2 plastic bags in each hand containing
groceries. I looked at her too****
Me: why did you switch it off
Siliva: it was making noise
Me: ohh sorry. Why are you crying?
Siliva: take these to the kitchen
**** I took all the plastic bags from her and placed them on the
counter in the kitchen. I placed every iten where it belonged. I
went back to the living where aunt Silvia was seated playing
Neyi Zimu's song 'ke mang'. She was playing it at a very low
volume. I couldn't even hear it when I was in the kitchen. ****
Me: mhani (aunt/ mom)
Siliva: sit down
**** I did as I was told to.***
Siliva: do you know where you get your voice from
**** I frowned.****
Siliva: I mean your singing talent
Me: ohhh. No my mom I guess
Siliva: no. Your dad. He was a good singer
Me: how do you know that
Silvia: he sang for you when you were born. I heard his voice
**** she immediately covered her mouth with her hands when
she realised what she had said. She told me my father didn't
even know my mom was pregnant. Where does all of this come
from now****
Me: mhani
Silvia: eish. I'm sorry baby
Me: who is my father
Silvia: your father is American baby.
Me: where is he?
Silvia: in America
Me: but you told me that he never knew mom was pregnant
Silvia: he did. And he left after you were born
Me: why
**** tears escaped my eyes. I cried for a little then wiped my
tears. I stood up and went to go sit outside. After a while
Nkateko, her mom and her mom's boyfriend entered the yard. I
exchanged greetings with them. Aunt Sharon and her boyfriend
sat under the biggest tree in the yard. Nkateko and I went to
the kitchen to prepare food.****
Nkateko: are you okay
Me: yeah
Nkateko: did Silvia buy food
Me: yah
Nkateko: hmmm
**** I started with the chicken and she started with peeling and
chopping. I boiled the chicken then vegies and potatoes too.
Halway our cooking Nkateko washed her hands and left.****
Me: Nkateko! Who's going to finish the butternut
Nkateko: wait ahhh
**** I continued spicing the beef for the braai Muhluri and
Sharon's boyfriend had started. Amapiano songs started playing
and Nkateko came in dancing with the music blasting****
Me: isn't it too early for this
Nkateko: never

picture junk park ka bo 2
Le bo abuti ba bula boot
My sister tie your shoes
Cause thina we move ×2
Keri ahh ahh ahh ahhh hehe
Hehe hehe ×2
**** she stopped stiring the pot and started dancing. I took the
tray that had the steak and went outside to where the braai
stand was. I got there and gave them the meat and went back
in. At 13:30 we were done cooking. I went to go bath. I wore
blue jeans with a white top and Mr Price takkies. Nkateko had
also changed and wore a short denim skirt with a braless black
top and black all stars.*****
Sharon: are you girls done
Nkateko: yes and we're very tired yoh!!
Sharon: dish up then
***** Nkateko dished up for evryone while I prepared the
drinks and water to have them wash their hands. They washed
their hands then Nkateko gave them food. We took our plates
and ate outside under the tree. We watched as people passed
by wearing chtistmas clothes. Later on we had done clearing up
and washed all the dishes including the pots. Silvia had bought
cake for dessert. I dished it up for everyone and we all ate.
Muhluri and Sharon's boyfriend were having beer, while
Nkateko and I had juice. The aunts had Coke. *****
Nkateko: this is my first Christmas without my sister
Sharon: that sister of yours didn't even call to check up on us
Nkateko: I heard you talk to her
Sharon: I called her.
Silvia: she's probably busy at her in lawa
Sharon: busy doing what?
Silvia: Christmas preparations
Sharon: what for when she married into a rich family. They have
Silvia: she's the new bride at the end of the day
Sharon: hayi. They musn't over work my baby
Silvia: its not like she knows how to do anything mos
Sharon: atleast she got married what about you
Silvia: marriage is not an achievement
Sharon: she got something atleast unlike you
Silvia: what about you
Sharon: John is marrying me next year March
***** we all looked at John, her boyfriend****
John: uhmm yess. We were going to tell you
Sharon: you see. I am getting married. Wena (what about you)
Silvia: mxm
Muhluri: calm down. I am paying damages and lobola for
Rhandzo tomorrow
Silvia: who did you tell
Muhluri: I am telling you
Sharon: when did you send a letter
Muhluri: last week and they accepted it and gave us tomorrow's
Silvia: who is us?
Muhluri: uncle Godson and Eloit
**** those uncles are our mother's only cousins****
Silvia: Muhluri why wasn't I told
Muhluri: sorry I forgot mom
Silvia: voetsek!
**** she stood up and went inside the house. I looked at
Muhluri and gave him a disapproving look. I also stood up and
went to my room where I logged into Facebook and viewed
people's posts*****
**** I woke up at around 9:30 am and went downstairs to eat. I
got there and found the whole family already eating except for
Me: good morning family
Mama: morning boy
Ma: where is your twin?
Me: he's not here?
Nkazi: hmm hmm (as in no)
Me: angazi keh (i don't know)
Ma: Nhlakanipho wash your hands
Me: mara ma
Ma: Nhlaka
**** I stood up and went to the kitchen to wash my hands. I
went back to the dinning room. Nathi came in immediately
after I sat down. He came in with Nandi holding hands.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at
Ma: Nkosinathi yimihlolo wan lo? (What mockery is this?)
Nathi: uhmm family meet my girlfriend Nandi
Mama: haiibo
Nkazi: hello Nandi
**** my dad looked furious yet defeated. My mom and aunt
were angry. I was just amazed. They both sat down. Nandi was
shaking, looking nervous. She even had a head wrap on.***
Nathi: I'd like to apologise for this. But I invited Nandi for
breakfast and lunch.
Ma: in who's house
Muzi: ma
Mama: shut up Muzi
Nkazi: I don't think it's fair for you guys to alow abo Thuli and
not her
Ma: Nkazimulo it's not the same
Dad: all of you listen here. I won't allow disrespect in my house
under my watch. Nathi what you did is wrong especially on
christmas. Wena Mandisa treat this young lady with respect.
Ma: Man....
Dad: Mandisa
**** she kept quiet. Nandi was looking at the plate with teary
eyes and Nathi was just annoyed****
Dad: welcome to the royal house young lady
Nandi: th... ngi...
Mama: auw can't she talk
**** everyone looked her****
Mama: sorry hauw
Nandi: ngiyabonga baba nawe ma. Ni no muzi omuhle (thank
you mom and dad. You have a beautiful home/house)
**** Dad smiled at her for a moment then left the table. Mom
watched him walk out then glanced at Nandi****
Nathi: ma
**** she looked at Nathi****
Nathi: ngixolisile right. Why are you looking at my woman like
that? (I said sorry...)
Ma: unga zongilinga Nkosinathi i'm not your age mate.(don't
test me...)
Nkazi: please calm down and eat
Ma: I've lost my appetite
**** she stood up****
Ma: Khethiwe usa hleli (you're still seated)
Mama: hayibo. I am not your puppet
**** she scoffed and left. We all ate in silence. When we were
done. The table was cleared. The youth went outside to the
porch near the pool.****
Nathi: uhmmm so guys this is Nandi and Nandi meet my family
Nandi: hello
Us: hey/ hello
Nathi: as you know. This is Nhlaka
Me: your twin you must say
**** everyone laughed****
Nandi: hey Nhlaka
Me: unjani MaKhumalo? (how are you?)
Nandi: ngiyaphila (i'm good)
Nathi: she'll soon be Mrs....
Us: Dlamini
**** we laughed after saying that.****
Nathi: mxm. Anyway baby, this is Zanele the new wifey Muzi's
Zah: hey beautiful
Nandi: hey
Nathi: this is Thando our little sister
Thando: I won't be little forever
Muzi: you'll still be little no matter how old you are
Thando: mxm
Nathi: this is Muzi... Zah's husband
**** Muzi seemed to be focused on whatever that was on his
Nandi: hey
Thando: Bhut'Muzi
Muzi: hmmm
Nkazi: Nandi is greeting you
Muzi: ohh hey. I'm sorry hey
**** he looked at Zanele and she had a disapproving look on
her face****
Nathi: this is the youngest brother, Nkanyezi.
Yezi: Nandi why did you agree to be his girl
**** Nandi blushed****
Yezi: yhoooo she's even blushing. Aii let's leave it
***everyone laughed.****
Nathi: and this is the eldest, Nkazimulo
Nkazi: MaKhumalo
Nandi: yebo
Nathi: this is future Mrs Dlamini
Yezi: we have heard enough hauw
Zah: Muzi what is keeping you occupied?
**** we all turned our focus to him***
Muzi: uhmmm.... errrr
****he looked at me and I shook my head.****
Muzi: it's work related
*****Zanele looked at him suspiciously.*****
Thando: who wants a drink
Yezi: I do
Nkazi: I think everyone does
**** they got us drinks. We drank up and listened to Nandi tell
us how we met Nathi. We were in stiches as she narrated the
Nandi: imagine. Then he almost bumped me with his car and
forced me into it
Nkazi: hmmmmm Nathi
Nandi: then he took me home. I offered him a cup of tea. We
had tea and talked. We watched a movie snd somewsy
somehow I fell asleep
Nathi: then I being the gentleman I am....
Everyone: mxm/ psssh
Nathi: yes I am. I picked her up and tuck her in bed.
Nandi: I woke up in bed, in my pyjamas with a note on the
Thando: what was written?
Nandi: Future Mrs Dlamini. You sleep way too early... Thank you
for inviting me for tea. It was nice and hot, but not hotter than
you are... have a great night.... blah blah all the nice things
Zah: hmmmmm
Thando: ncaaaw
Me: hayi nina. There's nothing ncaaawish about this fool
Nathi: you're just jealous hauw
**** they all laughed****
Me: you wish
Nathi: tsek
****we chilled and listened to Nathi talk and tell jokes. I took
out my phone and found my eyes looking at Sani's pictures. I
went on whatsapp and texted her. I wrote a long paragraph
apologising for not being online. I have to explain why Thuli
kept answering my calls. I fought my thoughts on this one. After
25 minutes of thinking. I decided to tell her.****
Muzi: usharp bro? (Are you okay?)
Me: yah
**** we had luch in the afternoon without any drama. Nandi
and Nathi left at 17:00. We had our dinner at around 19:40.
After dinner we chilled outside having drinks and listening to
music. We all went to sleep at around 23:00. I checked my
whatsapp to see if Sani had seen my message. I remembered
that she blocked my number. I suddenly became sad and slept.
**** Sani woke up and started chopping vegetables for dinner.
She wanted to prepare it as early as possible. Nkateko woke up
and helped her by making breakfast for the family. A knock was
heard from the gate and Nkateko went to attend it. She came in
2 minutes with her 2 uncles and Sharon's boyfriend. She went
to greet them and continued with her cooking, while Nkateko
made extra bread for tge guests. After they ate, they left with
Sharon and Muhluri. Silvia, Sani and Nkateko were the only
ones left. In 4 hours it was 13:00 and Silvia was hungry. Lucky
for her Sani was done. There were suddenly ulalilations heard
outside and it was uncle Godson's wife Akani and uncle Eliot's 2
wives Hazel and Tawanda. Aunt Tawanda is originallt from
Zimbabwe and she's the second wife. Boom came in their
cousins (their moms' cousin's children).
The eldest is Pilot(age 29) and a married to Mahalia (age 26).
They have been married for a year. Pilot is Godson's son. He is
followed by her little sister Appreciate who is 19.
Aunt Hazel has 2 children, boys who are Joel (age 21) and
Joseph (age 18). Aunt Tawanda has 2 children, girls who are
Salani(age 20) and Shalati (age16). So all in all Eliot has 4
children 2 girls and 2 boys.
They came in and the house was filled with noise. Sani was
bathing. After bathing she wore a a demin jumpsuit skirt with a
crop top inside and white all stars.
She went to the living room and greeted the elders. She took
her food and went outside to greet the youngsters of Maluleke
Sani: hey guys
Appri: Khesani
Joel: hey you
***** as she exchanged greetings with the others, a BMWx5
pulled up at the gate.*****
Nkateko: who is this
Joseph: yerrrr this is a
All guy: beast!!
**** they whistled after saying that. The person in the car
hooted. Nkateko went to go open the gate.*****
Nkateko: Vutomi!!
Shalati: huh
**** Vutomi stepped out of the car with her husband getting
out from the passenger seat.****
Salani: Vutomi is this you?
Vutomi: yes darling
Shalati: Vutomi Maluleke is this your car
Vutomi: its Vutomi Okoro. Mrs Okoro and yes this is my car.
Sani: since when can you drive
Vutomi: Treasure taught me how to drive when we started
Joel: so is this your husband?
Vutomi: yes. Come closer baby
Salani: he looks older
**** she whispered in Shalati's ear. Sani heard them and shook
her head. Treasure went closer. Him and the family exchanged
greetings Nkateko gave him a chair to sit on and went to look
for another one.*****
Treasure: baby let's go greet the elders first
**** they went inside the house to greet everyone. Car hooters
were heard everywhere and 2 cars flew into the yard. The aunts
came out and danced. We also joined them to welcome our
new bride. One last car parked outside and the bride was
probably in that car. She came out and was covered in a
blanket. The aunts and uncles said all their clan names and
welcomed her in the yard along with the baby.****
Sani: ahhhh hello wena Themba. Wena ponki ponki mushy
**** she played with the baby and made him laugh. The new
bride was let into the house so that the aunts can give her rules
of the Maluleke family. There was loud music and dancing. Later
on the bride was to dance for the family, all the girls wore their
Xibelanis (a Xitsonga traditional skirt). They all danced along
with the guys. Later on at night the aunts and uncles left with
their children and they had left after cleaning and clearing up
the yard.*****
Vutomi: ma we're leaving
Sharon: bye bye my baby
Silvia: Tomi what did you cook for your in lwas yesterday
Vutomi: I didn't cook. They have a maid hauw. I actually went
shopping with my husband. Ohh and that reminds me. Sani and
Nkateko I have gifts for you
Sharon: what about me
Vutomi: there is lobola money right
Sani: what is it
Vutomi: come get it yourself. Rhandzo I didn't forget you. I got
you a last minute gift I hope you like it
Rhandzo: thank you
Vutomi: Nkateko go ask Treasure for the keys and get the gifts in
the boot.
Sharon: I heard Shalati saying that's your car
Vutomi: yes. He gave it to me. But I was going to show you my
car when I get it
Silvia: another one?
Vutomi: yes
Nkateko: ahhhh Tomi
**** she screamed. Sani and Rhandzo rushed to her*****
Sani: what
Nkateko: Vutomi bought me a new phone
Sani: did you have to scream?
Nkateko: yes. And take
**** Sani and Rhandzo took their gifts and opened them.
Vutomi bought Sani a laptop and she bought Rhandzo a plate
and mug set.****
Sani: Vutomi
Vutomi: hmmm
Sani: you didn't have to
Vutomi: yeah I didn't but I did.
Sani: ohh thanks
Rhandzo: thank you soo much. I love it
Vutomi: that's good because it was expensive but since I have
enough money I didn't mind. Plus you're Muhluri's wife now.
***** Rhandzo just smiled a little then went to Muhluri's room,
which makes it their room. Sani took her gift to the room and
unplugged her phone from the charger. She plugged her
earphones into her ears and blasted music. She played Alicia
keys ft Drake Unthinkable (i'm ready). Her mind drifted off to
Nhlaka and she found herself thinking about him and their
break up. She unblocked him and saw that he was online. She
typed hello then deleted it. The next song was so Into You by
Tamia. When the song was over, she changed into her pjs and
heard people saying goodbyes. She was too lazy and tired to
tske a bath so she went into bed. Her phone vibrated and she
put it on. It was a message from Nhlakanipho.
It reads as follows: "Khensani. I know i'm probably the last
person you want to hear from but I wrote this message to ask
for your forgiveness, to let me explain and to show you how
sorry I am. Please don't cut me off. Let me explain to you
She sighed and sent him a please call me. He called
Sani: Ntlaka
Nhlaka: Hey. How are you
Sani: talk
Nhlaka: straight to the point I see. Please tell me what
happened to us.
Sani: ohhh so you don't know
Nhlaka: I need to her your side of the story
Sani: mmmh. I saw a picture of you and a lady on Facebook. You
guys were wearing matching outfits and having a picnic. You
went MIA for a while then when I called your phone was
answered by a lady who told me she's yours and that I must
stay away from you
Nhlaka: what lady
Sani: yeyi Nhlaka
Nhlaka: Khensani what lady?
Sani: Nandi Khumz. The lady on facebook
**** she started crying****
Nhlaka: Khensani I am not cheating on you....
Sani: was!
Nhlaka: let me finish please
Sani: go on
Nhlaka: I wasn't cheating and I am still not cheating. Nandi
Khumalo is Nathi's girlfriend
Sani: wow. So you're going to use your twin's name
Nhlaka: are you saying that you can't differentiate between me
and him?
Sani: why did a lady answer your phone?
Nhlaka: that lady is also not my woman. She is a girl my parents
like for me and so she had my phone for almost the who day. I
had been looking for it and I coudln't find it.
Sani: Are you lying to me
Nhlaka: no. This is the truth. Search Nandice on Instagram or
NN Dhlamini and you'll see that Nandi and Nathi are a couple.
Sani: hmmm
Nhlaka: Khensani I want you back as my girl
Sani: Nhlaka my emotions are still over the place
Nhlaka: baby i'm sorry but please don't shut me out. I love you
**** they both sighed****
Sani: goodnight Ntlaka
Nhlaka: goodnight. Ngiyakthanda yezwa (I love you)
**** Sani dropped the call and sighed.****
***** after the call with Sani Nhlaka went back inside the
house, to the living room and joined his family who were
watching a Christmas movie****
Yezi: where are you from?
Nathi: who
*** he asked looking at his phone. ****
Yezi: Nhlaka
Nhlaka: out for fresh air
Manqoba: sit down son. We are watching a movie
Nhlaka: and since when do you like movies?
Manqoba: since the day my daughter was born
Thando: awww baba
**** she blushed. Her father smiled at her too****
Mandisa: Thando incase you didn't know sisi he's still my
**** everyone burst out of laughter except for Nkazi and
Zanele. Zanele was focusing on the screen infront of her and
Nkazi wanted to concentrate****
Nkazi: umsindo bo! (Noise!)
Nathi: hayi wena
Thando: he's my father
Mandisa: we made you
Manqoba: kamnandi kanjani (soo nice)
Nhlaka: hayi baba mahn
Nathi: sies
Muzi: our virgin ears
**** everyone laughed****
Khethiwe: virgin ears wani wena ngoba uyazazi lezinto (what
virgin ears? Because you know these things)
**** they all laughed at Muzi. Their laughter had interrupted
Zanele and Nkazi****
Muzi: tjo ma
Khethiwe: its true. There will be a little one soon.
Mandisa: baby let's go
Yezi: who?
Mandisa: who else? My husband
Nathi: why do I have a feeling that you guys are still... you know
***** Mandisa looked her son dead in the eye and he shut his
mouth. Nhlaka and Yezi had tears in their eyes and Thando was
on her phone****
Manqoba: son. Cleanse your mouth
Khethiwe: and tongue
Nathi: so it's true. You guys still
***** he cleared his throat after saying that. His mother threw
a cusion on him. It hit him and he laughed too. Nobody was
concentrating on the movie now.****
Nhlaka: bro nah stop
Nathi: I was just asking hauw
Manqoba: Baby let's go and leave these young people
Muzi: hayi baba 'baby' sounds soo wrong
Manqoba: why?
Nkazi: you guys are old and you're the king
Mandisa: stop acting like you don't do things to Zinhle and call
her pet names
**** Nkazi shut up and everyone else looked at him****
Nkazi: don't look at me like that
Yezi: so ma you like being called baby?
Mandisa: yes. Only when my husband calls me that
Khethiwe: hayi keh
**** she clapped her hands once and laughed. Everyone joined
her. Then she stood up and went to her room. She missed her
husband and seeing her brother in law and his wife soo happy
made her cry and depressed****
Manqoba: bye kids
Nhlaka: bye
**** the rents left the room***
Muzi: Zah do you wanna sleep?
Zanele: hmmmm (as in yes)
**** they both stood up and went yo their room. A few
minutes later he came back down.****
Nkazi: Thando go sleep
Thando: haaa why
Nkazi: Noluthando go sleep
Thando: ayi keh okay. Mxm
**** she mumbled as she stood up.***
Nkazi: what did you say?
Thando: nothing
Nkazi: hmmm thought so
**** she left. Yezi changed the movie and put on a movie with
sex scenes****
Nhlaka: Nkanyezi change tuu
Yezi: hauw why
Nhlaka: i'm not gomna watch porn
Nathi: ayi poi put an action movie
Muzi: horror please
Nkazi: are you horny Bafana?
Yezi: what no. It's just a movie
Nathi: nah. Bafana are you a virgin?
Yezi: Nathi no
Muzi: then wassup poi. Talk to us
Yezi: nothing
Nhlaka: are you looking for new sex positions?
Yezi: no
Nkazi: Nkanyezi talk mahn
Yezi: it's just a movie hauw
Nathi: hmmm
Muzi: hello my love.
**** he said talking on his phone***
Muzi: I miss you too baby
**** everyone looked at him****
Muzi: I'll come see you in a day. Giyani is not far
**** Nkazi shook his head amd found thr right movie to watch.
Nhlaka went on social media.... Yezi went to get snacks and
Nathi was chatting to his girl. After Muzi was done with his call
he poured himself coke and drank****
Nkazi: Muzi are you aware that you're married?
Muzi: to someone I don't love? Yes I am aware
Nathi: how long are you going to keep your marriage a secret?
Muzi: as long as Tswalo is ready to marry me
Yezi: do you even think she'll marry you knowing that you're
Muzi: she won't know
***** he looked at Nhlaka after saying that sentence****
Nhlaka: I won't say anything hauw
Nkazi: what is your relationship status wena Nhlaka
Nhlaka: single
Nathi: how?
Muzi: you broke up
Nhlaka: she broke up with me
Nathi: what did you do
Muzi: why
Nhlaka: she thinks i'm cheating. We she saw your pictures with
Nandi and since you are the same as me she thought it was me.
Second reason was that Thuli answered my phone when she
called and told her I am hers.... so yeah
Nathi: damn. She must know the difference between me and
Yezi: will she even know it
***they chuckled****
Nkazi: so you are going to let her go
Nhlaka: never. I am trying to gain her trust and get her back
Nkazi: hmmm good. Wena Bafana
Yezi: mina what?
Muzi: are you dating or not
Yezi: I am not dating
Nathi: are you scared of girls?
Yezi: no. I am still experiencing hauw
Nhlaka: HIV is real poi
Nathi: nama STD and STIs
Yezi: I know. I use protection and only 3 girls
Muzi: you have 3
Nkazi: aii you guys must grow up
Nathi: don't act better wena. You've been shagging bitches in
hotels. You shagged two today
Nhlaka: hauw a threesome
Nathi: yes he had a threesome
Nkazi: Nathi you don't need to tell the whole world now
Muzi: future King
Nkazi: mxm
***** they spent the rest of the night having bro talks. When it
was super late they all passed out on the couches****
5 days later
****today's the 31st of December and everyone is exited about
the new year. Sani and I have fixed things but we're taking it
slow. Muzi dissappeared since the 27th and hasn't returned
ever since. To say Ma, Zanele and aunt Khethiwe aren't mad
and worried would be an understatement. They guys know
where he is, thanks to Nathi our IT technician. He's in Giyani
probably with Tswalo which makes perfect sense because Sani
said she hasn't seen Tswalo in days...
I went downstairs to the living room where I found everyone
there except for ma and baba, they were in the middle of a
Nathi: so you guys think I know where Muzi is
Mama: Nkosinathi we know you know
Nathi: aiike keh
****he said raising up his hands in defeat. Zanele shot a death
stare at him. He sat back and got busy with his phone****
Nkazi: Nhlaka
Me: mhhhhh
Nkazi: be honest. Do you know where Muzi is?
****I looked at him. He looked serious, now I didn't know
whether I should lie or speak the truth. Everyone looked at me
waiting for an answer.. ****
Me:mmmh mmmh (as in no)
Nkazi: hmmmm
****I sat down and got on my phone as well. 30 minutes later,
ma and baba walked in looking exhausted. They both looked
like they had re freshened but were still tired and sleepy. *****
Thando: when did you guys come back
Ma: 3 weeks back
Thando: Ma
Ma: Thando I'm soo tired my child not now
Dad: we came back an hour ago. We were just refreshing and
Thando: ohh
Nobuhle: dinner is served
Ma: thank you sooo much. You guys are life savers
*****we all went to the dinning room and took our seats.
Zanele looked like she was about to faint anytime soon. No one
said anything to each other when we ate.... Muzi walked in the
dinning room with his suitcase dragging along behind him.
Everyone stopped eating and looked at him. Zanele looked
angry but relieved that he was still alive****
Muzi: good evening
Mama: voetsek Muzikayise
Ma: Muzi what is wrong heh
Muzi: I'm sorry, I was out for a few days for some air
Dad: are you hungry?
Muzi: no I have just eaten
Dad: leave my presence
Muzi: baba
Dad: voetsek!
****he shouted. At this moment everyone knew that Muzi is in
deep shit. We all continued eating. Zanele tried leaving the
table but ma told her to sit down and feed the baby. She did as
she was told to. ****
Dad: Khethiwe can we talk
Khethiwe: okay
****they both stood
up and disappeared into the second living room. MA also stood
up and went upstairs. Thando helped the helpers clear up the
table and wash the dishes. I loved who my little sister was
becoming. She didn't treat the helpers like slaves or inhuman. I
went to Muzi's room and left the rest downstairs. I
Muzi: who is it
Me: aii are you gonna open or not?
****I heard footsteps getting nearer. He opened the door and
looked at me. I pushed myself in****
Muzi: tsek poi
Me: fuck you Muzi
Muzi: what for
Me: seriously dude. You are stressing your parents and wife
Muzi: Yeyi Nhlakanipho I had a nice time with my woman don't
tell me about that woman
Me: that woman is your wife
Muzi: never
Me: she's the mother of your child dammit. Once the mother is
stressed the baby dies. Do you fucken get that?
Muzi: Nhlaka get out
Me: keep doing this nx
****I went to my room and called Sani. She answered on the
fourth ring....*****
Me: my love
Sani: my man
Me: hmmmm sounds amazing
****she giggled****
Me: how was your day?
Sani: it was fine yours
Me: same here.... So what are your midnight plans?
Sani: I'm going to sleep and wake up in the morning
Me: you better be joking. You want to sleep this year and wake
up next year
*** we chuckled lightly***
Me: Khensani I miss you
Sani: me too
Me: can I come over on the 3rd before work opens on the 6th
Sani: sure
Me: don't you have any gossip
Sani: gossip.... What for
****we both laughed. ****
Me: it's quiet and we need a conversation to keep us going. Are
you okay?
****she sighed. *****
Sani: I'm fine
Me: Mami what's wrong?
Sani: nothing I'm just worried about my matric results
Me: don't worry babe. I believe in you. I'm sure you did well
Sani: I hope so
Me: what are you going to study
Sani: I want to do Geology
Me: hmm that's nice
Sani: yeah. I hope I make it through
Me: Sani try not stress about it please
Sani: I'll try
****there was a knock on my half opened door and it was
Me: that's better. I have to go now, I love you.
Sani: ohhh go where
Me: Muzi just entered my room and it looks like he wants to
talk about something serious
Sani: ohh okay. Bye then
Me: Khensani I said I love you
Sani: I love you Ntlaka
Me: and I also remember telling you not to use my name
Sani: what should I use
Me: there are so many pet names hauw
*****I said as I watched Muzi stand by the door with his focus
on his phone****
Sani: how about baby boo
Me: Yeyi Yeyi don't you dare
****we both laughed. Muzi got alarmed and came inside. He
sat at the other edge of the bed and continued being
entertained by his phone. ****
Me: just call me Nipho
Sani: what's that?
Me: hauw Mami that's the other half of my name
Sani: other half... What is your name?
Me: Nhlakanipho
Sani: ohh what does it mean
Me: Intelligence
Sani: ohhh nice name Nipho
Me: thank you Khensi. Goodnight. Sleep well. Enjoy your new
year celebration.
Sani: thank you. Goodnight. Sleep well too and enjoy the rest of
your night
Me: I miss you
Sani: Nipho bye
***we both chuckled. I dropped the call and looked at this
figure next to me on my bed in my room. He looked at me
Me: what can I help you with?
Muzi: ngiyaxololisa (I'm sorry)
Me: uzxolisa kumuntu o wrong (you're apologizing to the wrong
person). I am not Zanele. I am not your wife. I am not pregnant
with your child. If you have nothing else to say please leave my
*****he sighed.*****
Me: Muzikayise
Muzi: ima hauw (wait). I'm sorry for talking to you like that.
Leaving Zanele like that was stupid but I had to attend the love
of my life
Me: don't explain this to me
Muzi: yhooo okay Nhalka keh
Me: lalela la, Uma ufuna isthembu siyenze kodwa ungabulali
umuntwana wethu (listen here, if you want to be a polygamist
be it but don't kill our child).
Muzi: I'm sorry
****he stood up and left. I closed the door behind his stupid
ass and took off my clothes. I was left with my boxers on only....
I went to sleep****
" ahhh Muzi... Muzi ahhh! Ahhh!"
****I jumped out of my bed as I heard cries and screams. I
went to the direction of the room. Nathi, Yezi and mama flew
out of their rooms. The screams were coming from Muzi's
Zah: ahhh Muzi uyangilimaza. Ahhhhhhh! ( you're hurting me)
Nathi: haii mahn Muzi is seriously fucking Zah at this time
**** it was 23:30****
Me: nah that sounds like rape
Nathi: Ayi Nhlaka you're just jealous that you haven't gotten
Mama: Sue's Nina.
Zah: Ahhhh Muzi ngiyeke. Uyangilimaza Muzi (Muzi leave me
alone. You're hurting me)
****we heard those piercing screams and cries. Ma and Baba
came hearing the sudden screaming. Dad had a gun in his right
Dad: what's going on
Nathi: Nhlaka thinks Muzi is raping Zanele and I am telling him
that it's impossible. They are just having sex
Mama: no Nathi not like this
Zah: Ahhhh Mu.. Ziii
Ma: hayi no this is not normal
Dad: Muzikayise kwenzakalani? (what's going on?)
****there was no answer. Dad tried knocking and asking what's
wrong, but it was like he was taking to the door itself. ****
Muzi: Ahhh Fuck! Ahhh yessss ahhhh
****he groaned. Ma and Khethiwe had those disgusted looks
on their faces. Nathi, Nkazi dad and I smirked. We know the
feeling of shooting our juices into a hot tight delicious pussy.
Zah: mhhh Ahhh ahhh
Voice: what's going on?
****we all turned back and saw the shock of our lives. Zanele
saw how shocked everyone was and her face changed. I mean
everyone was wondering who Muzi was having sex with if
Zanele is here****
Nathi: haiibo
Zah: is anything wrong?
Mama: Makoto where were you?
Zah: in the living room you barely use why? Have I done
anything wrong?
Ma: if Zanele is here who is in there?
Dad: yho haii this boy is testing me
*****they said at almost the same time ignoring Zanele's
questions. The door opened and she tried closing it but dad had
already blocked it from closing. The girl hid looked down. I got
closer to see who it was and it was the new helper...
Muzi: hauw lihle why are you standing there as if you're seeing
****Lihle just stood there as a statue. Muzi came to the door
and his eyes popes out as he saw everyone.*****
Dad: get out of my house! Both of you
****Lihle shook her head a d cried. Muzi just stood there****
Dad: now!
****we all got startled, he left after saying that with mom
following him. A vase hit Lihle. Everyone turned back to see
where it was coming from. Zanele stood there with teary eyes.
She was angry I tell you. Lihle had blacked out from the sudden
hit. Mama's mouth shaped an O as she was gobsmacked. ****
Zah: Fuck you Muzikayise!
Mama: no Zanele!
**** Mama picked up a piece from the broken vase. It took
me 10 seconds to realize that the broken vase was her favorite
vase since my uncle had gifted it to her. She cried as she held
onto the largest piece of the broken vase. Yezi knelt down to
comfort her. Zanele held on to her chest while Muzi attended
the passed out Lihle. Zanele started hyperventilating and I held
her from hitting the fall as she passed out.****
Me: Nathi don't just stand get the cars.
**** Nathi went into Muzi's room and took the car keys. I
carried Zanele downstairs to the garage. Muzi later on came to
the garage and took Nathi's car. Nathi started the car. I told Yezi
to inform the parents what had happened. We got to the
hospital and they were admitted. By the time the parents
arrived here except for aunt Khethiwe it was half past 12
midnight. So much for a new year all thanks to Muzi. The doctor
walked out of the elevator and approached us. We all stood
Doc: Zanele Hlope and Thembelihle Mhlongo
Muzi: yes
Ma: Zanele only
Doc: uhmmm
Nathi: talk
Doc: Zanele has too much stress, and weight loss since she
doesn't eat much. If this continues she's going to lose the baby.
We have run a few tests to check other things which we will
conclude later on.
**** Baba gave Muzi a nasty side eye****
Ma: doc?
Doc: Doctor Mazibuko
Ma: yes young lady. Don't worry I'll make sure Zanele is always
Doc: and has less stress
Ma: yes and that too
***she said that sentence looking at Muzi****
Muzi: can I please see my wife
Ma: hehe she's your wife now
Muzi: doc?
***he said ignoring ma***
Doc: sure you can follow me. Don't you guys want to see her?
Me: I'll come
Nathi: I'll stay and call Lihle's family
Ma: we are leaving. Khethiwe is not okay
Me: okay I'll see you guys at home
**** we followed the doctor into the elevator and silence was
on the menu. I decided to break it****
Me: uhmm who is this beautiful doctor
****she side eyed me****
Doc: I thought I told you my name
Me: your last name you mean?
****she looked at me and blushed. Muzi was in his own world
full of regret I belive... The elevator opened and doc led the way
to Zah's ward. We arrived and got in. She looked towards the
door and her face changed immediately when she met with
Muzi's face. He saw her and still continued to walk in. ****
Doc: let me give you space
Me: bye babes
***she turned around***
Doc: babes
Me: yeah I mean you don't have a name right maMhlongo
****she blushed****
Doc: Lesedi is the name
Me: Lesedi wa mo Zulu? (a Zulu speaking Lesedi?)
Doc: my dad is Pedi and my mom is Zulu
Me: ohh makes sense Lesedi baby
Doc: baby?
Me: that's your second name
****she giggled then blushed and shook her head****
Doc: what's your name
Muzi: poi cela I space no madam
Me: ohh sure
****I looked at Zanele and she was looking the other way. I
looked at Lesedi and we got out****
Doc: what's your name?
Me: Nhlakanipo
Doc: ohh I see. Okay Nhlaka nice chit chatting. I have work to do
Me: auw number nyana( your number?)
Doc: take my card
Me: haiibo
Doc: eish okay keh
****she flipped the card upside down and wrote her cell
number. She gave it to me and I took it. She walked away from
me. When she was about to get into the elevator I called her.
She turned back****
Me: happy new year
Doc: thank you. Happy new year to you.
****she genuinely smiled. I turned and went to go stand near
the door of the ward. Muzi shortly came out. *****
Me: how is she?
Muzi: she's not saying a word
Me: hmmm I don't blame her. Lemme check on her. Don't you
want to go check your call girl?
Muzi: Nhlaka...
Me: Ayi Muzi go
**** I went into the ward and sat down on the chair. She
looked at me and sighed. ****
Zah: why did you leave me alone with him
Me: Zah you need to hear him out. I'm don't condone the
things he did but just hear him out. He's the father of your child
and your husband at the end of the day. You are a princess Zah
don't let Muzi pull you down or make you feel like the bad
Zah: I'm sorry about ma Khethiwe's vase
****I sighed thinking about the sentimental value 8 out of 10
vases have in the house to Khethiwe. ****
Me: you didn't know.
Zah: how much was it?
Me: it was handmade by this other woman who unfortunately
passed away 6 years ago. All the vases in the royal house were
made by her and 8 out of 10 have a sentimental value to
Khethiwe because they were gifts to her from her husband, our
late Uncle, your late father in law. The other 2 are Mandisa's
**** she nodded while crying ****
Me: don't cry. It will be fine. She has many more vases gifted by
our uncle.
Zah: but it won't be the same
Me: ahhh don't worry okay. She'll understand.
Zah: okay. I hope so
Me: let me go now. I'll come fetch you tomorrow morning at 10
Zah: okay.
Me: goodnight
*****I left the hospital and drove with Nathi****
Me: Nathi what's wrong with your brother mara?
Nathi: I don't know. I think he needs psychological help
Me: yho haii
**** we arrived home and went to our rooms. I got into mine,
took off my clothes and into the covers. I dialed Sani's number
and she answered****
Me: hello mami
Sani: hey babe
Me: how are you?
Sani: very sleepy you?
Me: I'll tell you later. I am tired and I also want to sleep
Sani: ohh
Me: happy new year baby
Sani: happy new year
Me: goodnight I love you
Sani: I love you too
*****zzzzzzzz I drifted off to sleep after she hanged up****
days later
***it's been 2 days since new year and it has great. Nhlaka said
he's coming today so I'm getting prepared to see him. I shaved
my hairy legs and punani and my armpits. I bathed after that
and wore blue boyfriend jeans Vutomi I bought for me along
with a nike hoodie and my all stars. Today is a bit cold since it
was raining cats and dogs last night. I combed my big afro and
tied it into a neat bun. My phone vibrated and it was Nhlaka
telling me he's outside. I took my phone, applied Vaseline on
my lips and went out. *****
Rhandzo: Sani going somehwere
Me: yes.
Hluri: going to see someone
Me: I am just going out
Silvia: leave the child alone
**** my aunt winked at me. I left and sent her a heart emoji on
whatsapp. I walked out the yard and saw a BMW x3. I still stood
outside. Nhlaka called.... ****
Me: hello
Nhlaka: woza(come)
Me: in the BMW?
Nhlaka: yebo (yes)
****I approached the car and he got out. He came on the other
side and opened the door for me. I got in while he rushed to his
side. He doesn't seem fine. He's not as bubbly as always. Maybe
it's been long since I saw him. He got in and started driving. He
played Alicia keys unthinkable(I'm ready). I really like this song,
so I started singing. He looked at me and back to the road
ahead. He kept stealing glances from me.****
°°°°°I was wondering maybe,
could I make you my baby,
if we do the unthinkable,
will it make us look crazy....°°°°°
****he took my hand in his and kissed it. I looked at him and he
was still looking at the road. He stopped at a certain place. A
place I've never been to. It had beautiful mountains, waterfalls
and a huge dam. It's as if he knows how much I love nature. I
stood there and looked at the wonderful geographical features.
He took out items from the boot and took my hand. We walked
hand in hand and disappeared in a little forest. After we passed
it there was a full view of the waterfall and mountain. I stood
there admiring God's work and art. I felt arms hugging my
waist. I placed my head on his chest and my hands on his. He
kissed my cheek and we stayed in that position for a good 10
minutes. He kept kissing my neck and cheek. His hands started
cupping my boobs and squeezing them a bit while still planting
wet kisses on my neck. I felt my panty get wet and my breathing
change. I wasn't wearing anything inside the hoodie. When his
hands got access to my bare boobs my breathing completely
changed. *****
Nhlaka: I love Khensani. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused
you. Please forgive me
*****I kept quiet****
Nhlaka: hmmm mami
Me:hmmm. I forgive you
Nhlaka: thank you. I love you
Me: I love you too
**** we got out from that position and sat down. He had
planned a picnic for us and it was so nice. We ate and fed each
other the fruits. He played RNB music and even sang to me.
He's a bad singer but I enjoyed it.*****
Me: you're a bad singer
Nhlaka: mxm
****I laughed at him. He pressed me down and started tickling
me. I laughed as I tried stopping him. He continued then his
hands went into my hoodie again. He played with my boobs and
sucked on them. He came back to my face and started nibbling
on my neck, making my panty wet again. Moans started
escaping my mouth as he played with my boobs and planted
wet kisses on me at the same time. He unzipped my pants. I
stopped him****
Nhlaka: trust me babe. I'm not gonna do something you don't
want to do
****I nodded. He pulled them done and took them off. He
kissed my lips passionately. I felt his finger sliding down my
pussy lips. He pulled out the kiss. I opened my eyes to look at
him and he had a smirk on his handsome face. He continued
going up and down. He took off my panty and parted my legs
and bit more. He went futher behind to get a better access to
my punani. He looked at it with small eyes and put his finger in
my vigiana. He moved it in circles, back and forth. It was
uncomfortable having something in my vigiana. I closed my eyes
and the next thing, I felt his tongue devour my punani. I opened
my eyes and moans started escaping my mouth. I closed them
again as he ate my punani like someone who hasn't eaten in
days. I felt pleasured and didn't know what to hold on to. I held
onto his head and held on it so that he doesn't stop. He
forcefully removed my hands from his head and stopped when I
was feeling flashes of something big coming. I looked at
Nhlaka: don't disturb me while I'm having my meal tuu
Me: mmmmh
Nhlaka: siyezwana? (are we clear)
****I nodded. He hit my high and I winced in pain***
Me: yebo
****he entered another finger making them 2. He went down
again and made his tongue do wonders. Suddenly I moaned his
name and felt like I was going crazy. I felt my legs shake
uncomfortably. He didn't stop. I held onto his head again as my
legs shook. I pissed on his head and felt a flush of
embarrassment. He stopped and kissed my lips. I tasted
whatever liquid is in my punani. I looked the other way as I
catched my breath. He made me look at him and smiled. That
smile was big shem. ****
Nhlaka: what's wrong
Me: I peed
Nhlaka: no you didn't. You squirted. Do you know what that
Me: no
Nhlaka: it means I am good
****I looked at him as he smirked. I blushed. He took off his t-
shirt and wiped me clean. ****
Me: what are you going to wear
Nhlaka: nothing baby
**** he helped me wear my clothes. We stayed there till it was
becoming dark and the mosquitoes started biting. We packed
our baskets and walked back to the car. He drove us to his hotel
room. He said he needs a quick shower. He got into his room
and then straight to the bathroom. I sat on the bed and touched
my phone. I entertained myself with Facebook and whatsapp.
He came out after a while wearing blue jeans and a black
hoodie with black all stars. I wonder where he got those from.
He looked hot in that attire. He sat down next to me and made
me sit on his lap. I got drowned by his scent as he smelled so
good. His phone rang *****
Nhlaka: please answer it for me
Me: haaa
Nhlaka: okay eish. Let me get it.
****I moved from him and he took it from the small coffee
table and picked it up. He disappeared to the balcony. He
sounded angry. He came back 10 minutes later as I picked a
movie for us to watch. ****
Me: are you fine?
Nhlaka: yes baby. What are we watching
***I guess he doesn't want to talk about it so I'll let it slide.
Me: I don't know, how is fast and furious Hobbs and Shaw
Nhlaka: perfect
**** I prepared the snacks and sat next to him. He put my leg
onto his lap and brushed my thigh.****
Nhlaka: I need to tell you something
****I stopped halfway from shoving the lays chips into my
mouth and looked at him. He ran his hand through his face and
sighed while at it. I moved my leg from his lap and put back the
chips from my fingers into the bag. He bent down a bit with his
elbows on his thighs and hands in unison under his chin. His
index fingers were poking his chin. ****
Nhlaka: I am going to be away for a while
Me: okay
Nhlaka: I am going to Russia for 10 months
****I kept quiet and looked at him. He looked at me. ****
Nhlaka: baby I'll be back before you know it
Me: that's November
Nhlaka: yes. It's for business baby I'm sorry
Me: when are you leaving?
Nhlaka: next week Monday
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: I love you Sani. I'll try calling you everyday
****try?? What does he mean try!. I nodded my head. By this
time the movie was halfway and I didn't enjoy it anymore. ****
Me: are we still watching this or...
Nhlaka: I don't know. Tell me what you want to do
Me: please take me to Tintswalo's place
****he opened his mouth wanting to say something and closed
it instead. He nodded, stood up, took his car keys, wallet and
phone. I also stood up and took my phone. We walked out the
room and to the parking lot. I opened the door for myself and
he raised an eyebrow on me. He came to his side and started
the car. He played the radio. It was a Xitsonga radio station and
Thomas Chauke's song Rosa was playing. I kept my eyes on the
window and my head nodding from the music. I sang some
parts of the song. Then boom! Nhlaka decided to put his hand
on my thigh. I decided to ignore that and never looked at me.
Then the radio presenter started talking about love potions. He
called the first number to ask them about their experience with
love potions.
Caller1: hello. Dj Skati. My friend always had relationship
problems. Then all of a sudden her relationships were nice and
mine was falling apart. Then one day I asked her how she keeps
her man since I had lost 3 boyfriends in 7 months, she told me
that she bathes with pink water. I couldn't believe my best
friend would do that for love!
***I laughed out so loud that Nhlaka shifted his attention to
Dj Skati: where do they sell this love potion
Caller1: they sell it in town. In the right corners. There are
yellow ones, purple ones, pink ones, blue powders and even
black ones.
Dj Skat: hmmm that's bad. Okay thank you. Can we talk to our
next caller. Hello 086 4444 445. Hello?
Caller2: hello Dj. I had a girl I liked but not pleasure only. I was
married Dj. But then suddenly I was attracted to the girl more
than my wife. I even had children with her and abandoned my
wife and my son. I loved her with everything had. I had
everything and she took it all. My family thought I was
bewitched, so they took me to a healer and confirmed that I
was bewitched by my side chick. At that time she had
everything of mine. Even my wife's assets. Now she left me, my
wife divorced me and I am left alone. My wife is even married
and that girl is living her life with my money and my wife's
Dj Skati: shame. Sorry man. That's a bad experience
Me: haii mara why did you cheat in the first place.
Nhlaka: you don't have to cheat to get bewitched
****I shot a glare at him. He smiled nervously and looked back
at the windscreen. Then a song by Sho Madjozi, kona played. I
sang along and even danced a bit. I forgot I was in the car with
my boyfriend on that matter, who I am apparently mad at. He
kept stealing glances from me and smiling. Finally we reached
the village, where the roads of sand are bumpy and filled with
dust. By this time Jerusalem by Master KG and Nomcebo was
playing. Don't get me wrong or what, but I hate that song.
Maybe it's because I've heard it everywhere and everyday. So I
switched off the radio and regretted why I did that because
there was dead silence and Nhlaka looking at me. We finally
reached Tswalo's house. I called her****
Me: Tintswalo come out. I'm outside
**** she said okay and I dropped the call. He stopped the car 2
houses away and looked at me. I looked at him too and decided
to be brave. I couldn't stand the stare so I looked the other way.
He held my chin and made me look at him. I looked down. He
pulled my chin up and smashed his lips on mine. He moved
slowly as he did this. I started kissing him too. I wanted him soo
bad and felt sad that he was leaving me for months. I wanted
him by my side every time. We were disturbed by a knock. We
pulled out and he opened the windows. Tswalo stood there in a
smirk but trying so hard to look annoyed.*****
Tswalo: hello Nhlaka
Nhlaka: hey. Unjani(how are you?)
Tswalo: I'm good. Yah wena
**** she said referring to me. I looked at her and said nothing.
Nhlaka got out of the car and came to my side. He side hugged
Tswalo then opened the door for me. I got out and closed the
door behind me. We all stood there in silence. Nhlaka looked at
Tswalo with pleading eyes****
Tswalo: haii make it quick
Nhlaka: thank you
Me: mmmh?
****I asked still puzzled about what's going on. Nhlaka came
closer and pinned my body on the car. He whispered 'I love you
soo much. Don't ever doubt my love for you. Please be patient
and wait for me. I' ll come back to you. Please'
I kept quiet and sighed. He kept planting soft kisses on my neck.
I moaned, he grabbed on my ass and sucked my neck. I moaned
again. I felt his huge bulge on my stomach as he was too close
to me for air to even pass. He eventually pulled out and kissed
me. He kissed my forehead too and told me he loves me. I
nodded. He raised his left eyebrow and still looked at me with
his hands in his pocket****
Me: I love you too Ntlakanipho
****he chuckled briefly and smiled. He kissed my forehead
once more and left. I moved from the car and searched for
Tswalo. She was seated on the huge rock we always sit on. She
was on her phone. I walked to her and sighed thinking that I
have to apologise for Nhlaka's doings***
Me: bestie
****she kept quiet****
Me: Tintswalo I'm sorry, I didn't think he was going to do that.
Tswalo hle
****she looked at me, stood up and put her phone into her
apron pocket.****
Tswalo: come help me finish cooking
Me: ohh okay
****I guess I'm forgiven. We went into the house. She played
some music. I washed my hands and helped her cook. Later on
when we were done, her parents came back home and ate. I
called aunt Silvia to inform her that I'll be sleeping at Tswalo's
house. I know she doesn't approve of it since we are getting our
results tomorrow, but hey I wasn't asking her, I was telling
****seeing Sani sad because of me hurt me. But I have to leave.
So this is why I am actually leaving. My dad thinks we are old
enough to handle parts of the business. The only one left out
will be Yezi since he's still 19. So Muzi, Nathi, and I will be going.
Nkazi went 4 years ago to go do his manly training. So basically
my dad has an underground business, he sells drugs, guns,
bombs, and diamonds. So we are basically criminals. I'd be lying
if I told you that the ancestors approve of this or not. Another
reason is to be taught manhood and how a man should treat
other people, how a mafia leader should be, the rules and
regulations. I feel sorry for Muzi because dad made sure he's
going to be tourted for treating Zanele so bad especially in her
pregnancy stage. Zanele is almost 3 months pregnant, which
means the baby will be born by the time we come back and we
are not allowed to call anyone till October since we will be
finishing the training. So no more ass, pussy, Sani, my company,
my family. Just nothing.
After leaving Sani at Tswalo's house. I went to the hotel and
****Tswalo and I sat on the bed busy with our phones. It was
22:00 and we were both nervous about our results. ****
Tswalo: Sani
Me: hmmm
Tswalo: so tell me about your day with Nhlaka
Me: hmmm what's there to say. We went to a very beautiful
place and had a picnic, then we went to his hotel room where
he told me that he'll be leaving on Monday for Russia and he'll
be back in November
Tswalo: so they are all going
Me: what do you mean?
Tswalo: Muzi sent me a text telling me that
Me: hmm I guess so
Tswalo: I wonder what this is for
***I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my phone. I saw
Nandi Khumz with my mans replica. She tagged him this time
and it was Nathi. I felt bad for getting mad at Nhlaka. She is very
beautiful I tell you and she posted the picture 30 mins ago
meaning they were together. I swiped up and saw a picture of
Muzi and a lady who I guess is Zanele judging from the name.
They were holding hands and looked pretty.****
Me: Tswalo
Tswalo: hmmm
Me: Do you know this lady
**** I showed her the picture and she shook her head. She
looked worried****
Tswalo: is he cheating
Me: uhmmm no maybe it's a sister or cousin. See says the
lobola negotiations of someone went well
Tswalo: yeah you're right
Me: yeah
**** I took my phone and went through the other posts.
Tswalo's dad entered the room and our attention was on
Tswalo: papa(dad)
Mr Maringa: please get some sleep my girls. Don't worry I
believe you passed.
Me: okay papa thank you
Mr Maringa: sleep girls
****We changed into our night dresses after he left. I actually
wore one of Tswalo's oversized t-shirts and we slept***
Tswalo: Sani Sani wake up
Me: hmm hmmm
Tswalo: Khensa I wake up
Me: what's.. The..... Time?
Tswalo: 6
Me: hmm hmm I'm sleeping
Tswalo: Sani but
Me: hmmm leave me alone
****I drifted off back to my sleep and lucky for me my dream
¶¶¶¶¶ dream ¶¶¶¶
Voice: Sani my child
Me: mama
Mom: yes my baby
Me: are you alive
Mom: no baby
Me: then why are you visiting me
Mom: I want you to know that I'm always with you. I love you
my baby.
Me: I love you too mommy
Mom: you look just like your dad
Me: but mhani Silvia said I look like you
Mom: just a little bit. Find me your twin brother
Me: my what?
Mom: you have a twin brother that was stolen during birth. I
could only save one and I manged to save you. Then I died
shortly after that.
Me: mama are you telling me that I have a brother
Mom: yes
Me: tell me more...
Mom: bye baby
Me: wait
Mom: I love you Ntsuku ya Mina (my gold)
Me: mama! MAMA!
****she faded****
Me: no mama wait. Mama come back
¶¶¶¶ end of dream ¶¶¶¶
Tswalo: Khensani wake up
****I felt someone shake me. I opened my eyes and cried. I sat
up and cried in Tswalo's arms. She let me cry till I was okay. Her
parents came in looking like they were ready to chop someone.
Mrs Maringa: my baby what's wrong
Tswalo: she just had a bad dream that's all
**** Tswalo's mom comforted me then left with her husband. I
was soaking wet from my sweat****
Me: Tswalo please get me water
****she stood up and left the room****
Me: okay calm down. It was just a dream Sani. Wait no you have
a brother. A twin for that fact. No wait I saw my mother. She's
beautiful. I wonder where my brother is. Is he still alive. How
has he been. Does he have shelter...
Tswalo: hey Khensani!
***she snapped and waved her hand in front of my face. I
looked at her and got back to Earth. *****
Tswalo: Khensani you are going to tell me what's wrong
Me: Okay. I dreamt of my mother and she told me that I have a
twin brother who has stolen from her at birth before she died.
Tswalo: haaaa. I'm sorry friend. Are you okay
Me: yeah.
Tswalo: come let's bath, have breakfast and go fetch our
***she said that happily, which could mean she actually knows
about her results. I gave her a questioning look and she
Tswalo: okay okay. I passed with a Bachelor and 3 distinctions.
Me: Haaa!
****I screamed and jumped to hug her. We both cried as we
celebrated her achievement. We made the bed together and
decided to bath together. After our bath we lotioned and wore
oversized t-shirts with our black All Stars. I tied my hair into a
puff. She tied her hair into a high bun. She has long relaxed hair
so the bun was pretty big. We applied Vaseline and went to the
kitchen where we had breakfast. I switched on my full battery
phone and went to whatsapp. There were messages of people
wishing me luck most from my distant cousins, Shalati, Joel and
the rest. I opened the message from Nhlaka and he was wishing
me a good luck and said he'll see me before he leaves for Joburg
which is tomorrow. He said he is going to check on the
construction of the mall here. ****
Mr Maringa: go go now
****we left the house and walked to school. We met with
Bianca and Amu the biggest best friends and gossips of the
school and village. *****
Bianca: hey guys
Me: hey
Tswalo: haaalloooo
**** I swear Tswalo was very happy and it was evident in
everything she did. Even a blind man would notice how happy
she is****
Amu: so are you guys nervous
Tswalo: no I got my results and I passed with 3 distinctions
Amu: wow
Bianca: well done. I passed with 2, accounting and Economics
Amu: I passed with 3, accounting, Xitsonga, Life Orientation
Me: well done guys. Amu: what about you Sani
Me: ohh I don't know. I didn't check mine
Them: ohhh
**** we walked and they talked about varsity life. I was quiet
the whole way nervous about my results. We finally got to
school and we got a speech first. Unnecessary speeches from
the Principal and teachers. Then we were to go to the hall.
There were 8 tables inside for classes A till H. My class was A so
Tswalo and I went to A. The Principal was standing there with
the most award winning smile. I greeted him and my class
teacher Mr Sithole. He was very happy too. ****
Mrs Mahlaule: Khensani Maluleke I am very happy with your
results. You've made the school very proud and know around.
Thank you soo much my girl and we'll done for working so hard.
Keep up the good work when you get to varsity.
****I nodded. She asked Tswalo to take a picture of the both of
us. I smiled in the picture. The school SGB comitee was also
there. They all shook my hand and gave me hugs. Mr Sithole
made me sign the class list then he gave me my statement. I
blinked numerous times not believing my eyes. I closed them
and tears started flowing. I got a whole 6 distinctions. I only got
77% in Maths. I almost got 7 distinctions but I'm happy anyway.
Tswalo came and hugged me after she got her statement. We
both cried again. I got congratulated and was told to stay and
wait for a certain company that offers busaries to students.
Only 15 learners were asked to stay as they were the top 15 of
the school.****
Mr Sithole: you are going to get a full bursary, that's going to
pay for everything including books, accommodation, grocery,
and even get pocket money.
Tswalo: that's a great opportunity. Thank you soo much
*****After an hour of waiting. The honourable people came
and they shown around the school first then introduced to us.
We signed forms and gave them our parents details. I gave
them aunt Silvia details, but as a guardian she needed to sign
the documents. So they let us go home and bring the necessary
documents so that they can prepare for everything. Tswalo and
I went home. I got home and greeted them****
Hluri: and then?
Me: I passed with 6 distinctions and got a full bursary
****aunt Silvia cried tears of joy. Muhluri wanted the
statement so I gave it to him. Rhandzo put the baby on the floor
and gave me a warm hug. Aunt Sharon just sat there watching
TV. Ohhhh I forgot to tell you that Vutomi bought us a TV and
installed Dstv on it****
Silvia: I Knew you could do it my baby. I am proud of you. Your
mother is happy where she is
**** I felt warm liquid rush down my face when she mentioned
my mother. She hugged me. I took all the important documents
and told her about what we were asked to do. We went to
school together so that the bursary comitee would meet her.
They exchanged greetings and signed the important things.
Tswalo came with her mom. After all that process, we were
served cake and juice. Everyone could mingle with one another.
An hour later we decided to go back home*****
Mrs Maringa: I'm soo proud of you girls
Silvia: I knew they wouldn't disappoint. Don't disappoint us
when you get to University please
Tswalo: we won't. We promise
**** we continued walking and having meaningless
conversations with one another. We reached our house and
stopped to say our goodbyes*****
Me: I'll fetch my clothes tomorrow
Tswalo: no need I'll come with them
Me: thanks
****we hugged****
Mrs Maringa: you know Silvia, Khensi has a bad dream early in
the morning. She was shouting in her dream
****I quickly broke the hug and saw my aunt shoot a death
glare at me then looked back at Tswalo's mom*****
Silvia: auw she didn't say. Did she disturb or bother you
Mrs Maringa: no she didn't. I was worried about her that's all
Silvia: I'm sure she was just nervous about her results
Mrs Maringa: yes. Okay bye then. Tintswalo
Tswalo: bye
****we walked into the yard. After Tswalo and her mom
disappeared, aunt Silvia stopped me from stepping into the
Silvia: you are not sleeping at people's houses anymore. What
nightmares are these
Me: but it's not my fault. I dreamt of mama
Silvia: huh?
Me: she told me I look like my father and that I have a twin
Silvia: what
Me: yes so it wasn't a nightmare, I just wanted her to tell me
more so I shouted calling her, I didn't think I was shouting in
****she sighed****
Silvia: twin brother
Me: yes she said we must look for him and bring him home so
the ancestors can accept him
Silvia: Yhuuu where are we going to start
Me: I don't know
****we went into the house and it smelled like KFC. Muhluri
bought it to celebrate my achievement. We ate and I ate with
baby Themba on my lap eating my meat only. I didn't mind
though but he isn't supposed to eat a lot if it.
Later on I went to sleep and aunt Sharon didn't even
congratulate me but I guess it is what it is. My phone rang and I
answered it. It was a call from Nhlaka****
Me: baby!
Nhlaka: someone is happy. How did it go
Me: very well. I got a full bursary and I passed with 6
Nhlaka: which subjects?
Me: Life Orientation, Life Science, Physical science, Geography,
Xitsonga and English
Nhlaka: that's amazing baby. So maths yona?
Me: eish 77%. Almost
Nhlaka: you did well baby. I am soo proud of you. Keep up the
good work. Me: thank you. How was your day?
Nhlaka: exhausting. I was busy all day
Me: ohh okay get some rest then.
Nhlaka: I will. I'll pick you up at 10 am okay be ready
Me: Okay I will
Nhlaka: ngiyak'thanda mami(I love you Mami)
Me: Ngiyak'thanda nam
Nhlaka: ulale kahle(sleep well)
Me: hmm?
Nhlaka: Hai you'll figure that one out
Me: mara
Nhlaka: no I'm not telling you this one. Bye baby
Me: bye
****he aborted the call. I changed into my pj's, charged my
phone and went to sleep****
****I drove to Sani house before my family called me for their
family meeting. She came into the car and sat down. I leaned on
to her face and kissed the living daylight out of her. She blushed
and looked at me. I stole a peck from her lips.****
Sani: Dlamini
****my smile grew larger****
Me: mami
Sani: how are you?
Me: I am good thank you, how are you
Sani: great. So where are we going?
****she asked as I started the car and put on my seatbealt. She
put hers to and increased the volume of the song. My baby is in
a good mood damn****
Sani: so where are we going?
Me: hotel. I am sorry love but I'm soo tired today
Sani: ohh okay. No problem
**** we arrived and went in. There were roses, a gift,
chocolates, a congratulation card and teddy bear on the bed.
She looked at me and smiled. I smiled at her and nodded my
head. She jumped on me and embraced me into a hug. I took
advantage of that and held her. I kissed her lips with soo much
hunger and passion. I pulled out and she pulled me back in. I
laid her on the couch. I opened her yellow legs and took off her
tights. I inserted a finger in her. She moaned while kissing. I kept
fingerings her then applied pressure on her clit. I heard her
moan, left her lips and started sucking her neck and the back of
her ears. She moaned loudly as I increased the pressure on her
clit. ****
Sani: mmmh Nhlaaaakkaaaa. Mmh. Mmmh ahhhh
Me: you like it. Oh yeah I know you do.
****I whispered sweet nothings in her ears and drove her crazy.
I felt warm liquid run down and her legs shook uncontrollably. I
stopped and let her catch her breath. I planted one last kiss
before going to the bathroom to wash off and sort out my hard
dick. I went back and cleaned her with a damp towel. I went
back to the bathroom and showered while giving myself a hand
*****Nhlaka really knows how to make me crazy. I think I'm
going to be a sez addict even though we aren't really having sex.
He went to the bathroom and I stayed in the room. I felt the
urge to pee so then I had to use the bathroom. I knocked about
three times and heard water. I walked in and rushed to the
toilet seat. I took off my panties and let them stay halfway my
legs and released the urine. After finishing my business, I wore
my panty and flushed. I looked at myself in the mirror and
admired myself. I got lost into my thoughts as I thought of
Nhlaka and I, my family and University. I felt a hard object press
on my bum and hands grabbing my waist. I came back to Earth
and looked at Nhlaka through the mirror. His eyes were a bit
small. He was looking at me dead in the eye. And... And he was
totally naked. I've never seen him naked before. I tried to turn
around but he refused so I remained in my initial position. ****
Me: Ntlaka
Nhlaka: don't turn
Me: why
Nhlaka: you are going to be traumatized
Me: from
Nhlaka: the beast baby
Me: which one
Nhlaka: this one...
****he said and pulled me close to his dick. I felt it with my ass
and it was hard. I breathed in and out slowly. He turned me
around and kissed me. He put me on the toilet seat and bent
down. I wanted to look down and see his dick but I just
couldn't. He parted my legs and took out my panty. He looked
at me****
Nhlaka: mama cela ukudla(can I please eat)
****I nodded without realizing what the question meant for I
was already wet and wanted more. He looked at it and scanned
it before running his tongue up and down my pussy lips. He
stuck his tongue into my viagina and applied pressure on my
clit. I heald on his head as I couldn't contain the pleasure. He
ate on it like his last meal on earth. After 3 minutes I felt my
whole body shake. I screamed his name as he didn't stop. I felt
like I was going crazy or something. Another orgasm flashed and
this time I squirter on his face again. He cleaned me up using his
tongue and stood up. Damn! I saw his dick in front of my face.
That thing was a beast indeed. He took my hand and let me
stand. He slowly took off my dress and bra. He looked at me
with his sudden smal eyes****
Nhlaka: umuhle mama
**** all I was looking at was the beast that stood up right
throbbing with veins poping. Nhlaka led me into the shower.
Okay who said I wanted to bath though. Argh anyway I went
inside and he stood behind me with that thing busy poking
Nhlaka: I wash you, you wash me.
****he got two towels and gave me one. I took the soap and
then thought of the tap****
Me: shower cap
Nhlaka: ohh damn
****he got out and came back in less than 30 seconds. I wore
the cap and opened the water which started off as cold and I
shivered a bit. He chuckled and then applied the soap on the
cloths. I did the same too and them started with his back. I
washed the whole of his back except for his bums. *****
Nhlaka: don't be scared baby. Wash the ass too
****I laughed and ge laughed too. I washed but I was still
skeptical. He turned around****
Me: what
Nhlaka: the front
Me: weren't you bathing mara
Nhlaka: no
Me: what were you doing?
Nhlaka: I thought of asking you to bath with me
Me: mmmh
Nhlaka: yeah so wash me up baby
****I applied the soap again and started with his neck, then
chest, shoulders and hands. I stopped and looked at this
massive beast****
Nhlaka: it won't bite.
****I swallowed hard and washed it. Nhlaka had a huge smirk
on his face as I washed it. I saw it shooting white things which is
pre cum as I washed it. I stopped. He opened his eyes and
looked at me with worry****
Nhlaka: what's wrong baby
Me: mhhh mhhh I'm done
Nhlaka: ohh so I don't have legs
****I went down on my knees and washed his legs. Fuck!! I
can't believe I'm doing this. I even washed his toes. This bathing
together thing won't work for me. I mean what's the use of
bathing if I'm going to get wet over and over again?. I finally
stood up and he washed my body. He started at the back, just
like I did and then turned me around to do the front. He looked
at me and licked his lips. I looked down shyly as I blushed. He
washed my upper body first and took his time. His hands landed
on my boobs and he started playing with them. I felt warm
liquid fun down my leg since I had my legs closed. He finally got
to the lower body and knelt down. He looked at me and I
parted my legs to give him access****
Nhlaka: damn you wet. Fuck!
****he cursed under his breath. He washed my right leg, then
the left leg. He picked my right leg up and put it on top of his
shoulder. He leaned his head under my private part and
engulfed on it once again and you know what happened next
He dried my body and applied lotion on it. He gave me his t-
shirt to wear and ordered food. He wore khaki shorts only, no t-
shirt. I finally got time to look at my gifts and everything. Inside
the gift bag was a cellphone, a voucher, perfume, a watch and
necklaces.... About 8 of them. I looked at him holding the box in
my hand if my IPhone 8s. He took me a video and then I felt
warm liquid running down my face. ****
Nhlaka: Haiibo manje ukhalelani baby. Hmmm? Mami(why are
you crying now)
Me: the phone. Thank you. You didn't have to
Nhlaka: I wanted to. You deserve it all baby. You have worked
hard on your matric and made me proud. I love you Khensani
Me: Thank you soo much. I love you too
****he stopped the video and put the phone into his pocket.
He came closer***
Nhlaka: waza la ku baba(come to daddy)
****he indicated I come closer. I got if the bed and went closer
to him. I put my arms around his neck and he put his arms
around my waist. We hugged each other for a long time. A
knock on the door disturbed us. We broke the hug and he
opened the door. It was our food. I opened the box of
chocolates and had one. His phone rang and it was written
Me: baby your phone is ringing
Nhlaka: answer it
Me: haaa
Nhlaka: who is it?
Me: Nkazi
Nhlaka: eish okay
****he came to the bed and answered his phone. He said
"sho... Ohh okay" and disappeared to the balcony. I switched on
my phone. This phone was totllay different and I've only seen
the princess holding this phone. The princess I mean Nhlamulo,
the princess of Malamulele. I struggled a bit to find a few spots
and how to download them.****
Nhlaka: uzonya Muzi ngiyak'tshela(you'll shit on yourself I tell
****he sounded pissed off. I got off the bed and opened the
food bags. I switched on the TV and looked for something to
watch. I decided on watching catch up and watched grown-ish. I
like this Zoey girl a lot and this Luka guy is my crush. No wait all
the guys in that series. Nhlaka came back in looking defeated
and threw his weight on the couch. He looked at me as I
watched the series. Zoey and Luka were having a lovey dovey
moment. I smiled as I watched and heard a clicking sound. I
looked at Nhlaka and he tried hiding his phone, but I was too
quick for him. He took his food and stared at the TV too. We ate
in silence. The only sound was the sound of the TV. After eating
Nhlaka put on Proud Mary, an action movie. We cuddled and
watched the movie.****
Nhlaka: dtrrrr dtrrrr pheeeew yah mahn!!!
****he said loudly as he cheered on the gun fight scene. This
man of mine likes action movies hey***
Nhlaka: just look at those shooting skills
Me: Noise!
****I snapped. He looked at me then shut his mouth. The
movie went on for a while then he started getting excited again
when there was another gun fight****
Nhlaka: damn! This woman. Baby don't you wanna be my right
hand woman
Me: no.
Nhlaka: just look at that. She's amazing hey
*****I ignored him till the movie finished. He looked at me and
smiled a little****
Me: remove that smug from your face and take me home
Nhlaka: what did I do now
Me: it's late. Nhlak it's 19:20
Nhlaka: okay then
****we stood up and cleared the room up first then I wore my
shoes. Nhlaka wore a t-shirt, took his car keys, wallet and
phone. I took my gifts in my huge gift bag and we left the room.
He locked then we went out the hotel. He opened the door of
me, I got into the car, I put my items at the back and then we
drove off. I increased the volume as he was playing gospel. I
looked at him. He saw my reaction and chuckled****
Me: you go to church
Nhlaka: no But I like the songs
Me: really. Me too
Nhlaka: which one is your favorite??
Me: I love all of them
Nhlaka: I like Joyous celebration songs
Me: me too and spirit of praise 6 and 7
Nhlaka: hmmm I see. Who do you like in SOP(sprit of praise)
Me: Dumi Mkokstad
Nhlaka: and which song us your favorite?
Me: ngiza kuwe
Nhlaka: ohh okay
Me: which one is your favorite?
Nhlaka: Ska ntsheba wa nyatsa
****I laughed and ge joined me too. Nothing is funny it's that I
didn't know he knows sepedi too****
Nhlaka: what?
Me: you know sepedi
Nhlaka: yes baby
Me: how many languages do you actually know?
Nhlaka: uhmmm...
****he kept quiet as he thought. I sang along to Solly
Mahlangu's siyabonga Jesu.****
Nhlaka: 10
Me: which is?
Nhlaka: isiZulu, English, Isixhosa, Xitsonga, Tshivenda, Afrikaans,
Spanish, Sepedi, Setswana and Portuguese.
Me: wow.
Nhlaka: yep. You need to learn other languages too
Me: yeah. I will.
***we finally arrived home. He got out the car and came
around to open the door for me. I got out with my gift bag. He
looked at me and smiled. He planted a wet kiss on my lips and
pulled out before I could deepen it. *****
Nhlaka: I love you. Thank you for today
Me: my pleasure. Thank you for today and I love you more
Nhlaka: my pleasure.
Me: do this is goodbye
Nhlaka: yeah
Me: okay then I'll see you in November
****I sulked and looked down****
Nhlaka: font sulk. I'll be back before you even notice that I left
****I let out a small breath laugh. He smiled and pecked my
forehead. *****
Nhlaka: bye mami
Me: bye
*****he left. I went into the yard then the house and found
everyone watching Gomora.*****
Me: hello
Hluri: Sani
Themba: Nani nani
****I picked him up and planted kisses all over his cute chubby
face. He laughed and smiled, which made me smile. Aunt
Sharon appeared coming from the kitchen. I let her pass and
she sat down. I took my gift bag to the room and went back to
the living room with the baby still in my arms. He didn't want
me to put him down so I had to have his weight in my arms. I
got to the living room and sat down. Aunt Silvia came in and
looked at me suspiciously. I paid no attention to her and
continued watching TV. *****
Silvia: Rhandzo did Sani come in now wearing this
Rhandzo: yes ma why
Silvia: she didn't change
Rhandzo: no she didn't
Silvia: Khensani!
Me: ma
Silvia: whos t-shirt are you wearing
****ohhhh shit! ****
****ohh shit. Now all the attention is on me. I forgot my dress
at the hotel. ****
Me: uhmmm
Hluri: Khensani you are sleeping with boys now
Me: nnnooo
Silvia: then who's t-shirt is this for. And dont say it's Tintswalo's
don't lie
Hluri: Khensani talk!
***I swallowed. Hluri came closer to me and took the baby. He
gave the child to Rhandzo. ****
Me: it's Ntlaka's shirt
Hluri: who's that
Silvia: is it that Zulu boy
Me: yesss
Hluri: are you a virgin?
Me: yes
Silvia: then why are you wearing his t-shirt
Me: he spiked a drink on my shirt then it got stained by atachar
so he put it in the washing machine and gave me his t-shirt to
wear. So I forgot my dress
Silvia: Khensani are you going to be well behaved in Joburg
Me: yes
Hluri: girls who like things don't become good.
Me: I don't like things
Hluri: you do. What were you doing with this boy in the first
****I kept quiet. He shook his head and watched TV. I saw
Rhandzo looking at me, I looked at her and she smiled a little. I
stood up and went to my room. I changed into my pj's and then
heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was
Rhandzo. *****
Me: ohh hey
Rhandzo: are you fine
Me: yeah
Rhandzo: ohh okay. Sorry for how they shouted at you
Me: it's okay
Rhandzo: so you are dating
Me: yes
Rhandzo: who is it
Me: you don't know him
Rhandzo: ohhh so I guess he's not from here
Me: yep
****we talked a bit then she left when her husband was
looking for her. I slept right after that. *****
After dropping Sani off, I went back to the hotel and packed my
stuff including Sani's dress which I am going to keep. I watched
a movie then slept thereafter.
In the morning I woke up, bathed, ate then hit the road to
Johannesburg. I arrived at 12:00 and went to the house. I
parked my car, got out and went inside. I heard a nice aroma
coming from the kitchen. I went there and found Nkanyezi
watching a full naked girl cooking in my apron. I cleared my
throat and they both shot their eyes on me****
Yezi: Nhl... Bhu...
Me: yebo Bafana
****the girl raised an eyebrow at Yezi...probably because of the
name I used***
Me: unjani(how are you)
Yezi: uhmm I didn't know you were coming
Me: of course you didn't. Young lady get dressed please, when
you're done we have to talk.
****she quickly nodded and stopped the cooking. I rushed
upstairs and changed into a navy blue suit and a white shirt,
with no tie. I wore black socks with black formal shoes and
topped everything up with a nice smell and a neatly brushed
cut. I went downstairs to the kitchen and now the lady was
wearing a school uniform. Yho haii Nkanyezi!!! ****
Me: what's your name?
Her: Az...Azola
Me: from?
Azola: Alex
Me: what grade are you in?
Azola: 11
****I shot a death stare at Nkanyezi and he acted like he didn't
see me***
Me: what are you doing here, naked?
Azola: I... Sorry
Me: answer the question young girl
Yezi: uhmm bhuti
Me: thula wena(keep quiet)
Azola: I came to visit Yezi
Me: during school hours
****she still kept her face down. Her fingers were shaking.
Me: okay. Why were you naked? Are you guys having sex.
Yezi: Hayi Hayi Nhlaka I'm not going to have this conversation
with you
Me: ohh so you'd rather have it with your father when she's
Yezi: she won't
Me: kusho wena(yours words)
Me: take this girl home before your father comes and little girl
stop skipping school and opening legs for boys yezwa
Azola: yes
Me: good. Nkanyezi uzonya wena nx(you'll shit on yourself)
****I opened the fridge, grabbed an apple, washed it and left. I
got into the car and went to work. My little company was
getting big month by month but I still had one branch. Muzi and
I work together but I started the whole thing. He just has 35%
shares in the company. If he wants more he has to buy them. I
don't do family favors. You must work for everything. I got to
work and Parked my car. I git to the reception and greeted the
receptionist who was at lunch... Well the whole company was...
I went into the elevator and up to my office. Muzi is still in KZN
begging Zanele not to leave. I hit to my office and asked the
receptionist to order a meal for me. I need to get a P.A because
I cannot do this to my receptionist..... After a while the food
arrived. I ate then continued with work. *****
Mbali: knock knock Mr Dee
Me: Mbali it's Dlamini hauw
Mbali: how are you Daddy
Me: Daddy?
Mbali: yes D for Daddy
****I chuckled. Okay so Mbali is my high school sweetheart, my
first fuck and Nathi's too. I'll tell yall about that one day. So
since the Dlaminis and Ndlovu's were popular at school. She
was what you'd call a slay queen and wanted to be seen with us
and date one of us. So I dated her first and hit it then my twin
fooled her and hit it too. So basically she's our virginity breaker.
And here she is working as Muzi's P.A. Yeah right imagine the
mess Muzi is getting himself into. ****
Me: I'm good. How can I help you
Mbali: make me cum
****I stopped clicking the laptop and looked at her. She
laughed then waved her hand in the air****
Mbali: I'm joking. You should've seen your face
Me: Hayi Mbali stop making such jokes
Mbali: why
****she grinned her lips and tilted her head. My eyes were
stuck on the big cleavage of hers. I think she saw I was staring.
She snapped her fingers at me and brought me to Earth****
Mbali: are you fine
Me: yeah
Mbali: okay lunch is over let me go
Me: Mbali lunch was long over
Mbali: yeah I know
****she stood up and swayed her huge ass out my office. I
went back to my work and then fixed my boner. Yes that... Mbali
is sexy so of course MrD down there had to react. I wonder how
Muzi copes with her. After work I drove home and parked my
car in the garage. I got in and heard noises of people arguing. I
got to the living room and found Nathi and Nkazi arguing about
Orlando Pirates and Chiefs. Nkazi was smiling like a retard on his
phone and well my father was watching the news... Well they
were finished but his eyes were glued to the TV. ****
Me: good evening
Dad: Nhlaka. How was work
Me: fine. How was your flight
Dad: fine. I miss my wife
Me: already
Dad: yes she's mine hauw.
Me: ohh okay. Did you guys eat
Dad: yes Nkanyezi cooked
Me: he did?
Dad: yes and the good is apparently nice
Me: hauw
****I went upstairs to change then came back downstairs to
eat. After dishing up, I went to the sitting room, where
everyone was seated and joined them, then Muzi walked in and
greeted everyone.*****
Dad: so did you finally convince your wife
Muzi: yah
Dad: hmmm
Me: aren't you hungry poi, Bafana cooked
****Yezi looked at me. I pretended as if I didn't see his nasty
look. Muzi stood up and left. He came back when I was done
eating with a plate in his hands. *****
Muzi: Bafana where did you learn to cook nice food
Me: it's like someone cooked it yaz
Nathi:yah. Did you really cook it
****we asked. He kept quiet. Finally Nathi and Nkazi's
argument was over****
Yezi: I did hauw
****I chuckled. He gave me a death stare and I laughed after
that stare. Dad stood up... ****
Nathi: hauw thaima uyaphi manje? (dad, where are you going?)
Dad: ngiyolala(going to sleep) we have a long day ahead of us
Nkazi: true. But atleast you'll be back in a week yabo
Dad: yes so that I can be in my wife's arms
Nathi: hmmmm udlisiwe wena(you've been fed a love potion)
****we all burst out into laughter. Dad shook his head after
that. *****
Dad: uthando mfan'wam(it's love my boy)
Nathi: yah eyy. I didn't think I'd love someone the way I love
uMaDlamini wam
Nkazi: it hasn't been 2 months mara already uyamthanda
bro(you love her)
Nathi: Ahhh Ebaba uthando lo. Yebo ngiyakthanda lomtwana
nge nhliziyo yam yonke. Futhi ngi zomshada uNandi( this is love.
Yes I love this child with all my heart and I'm going to marry
Dad: hmmm bak'dlisile Nkosi( they fed you a love potion)
*****we all burst out in laughter again then dad left the
Nathi: Bafana let's talk about what happened today
Yezi: Hayi why. Can't you keep it a secret
Nathi: no. We are your brother bro
Yezi: nah you don't tell me when you shag bitches right
Nkazi: woah what's going on here
Nathi: Bafana
Yezi: no Nathi. I am not saying anything neither are you
Nathi: Nkanyezi
Yezi: haii mahn
****he stood up and left the room. We all looked at Nathi. He
stood up and left the room too. Muzi stood up with his plate
and also disappeared.****
Nkazi: what happened
Me: When I arrived from Limpopo, I found a naked girl
cooking.... Yezi was also naked. So long story short. He shagged
a 16 year old girl and then spent the day with her.
Nkazi: damn. He's the man!
Me: he is but he shouldn't disrupt this little girl from school.
She's still young
Nkazi: yeah you're right. So how does Nathi know
Me: he installed cameras in here last week so he keeps tabs
Nkazi: ohh makes sense.
Me: yeah
6 months later
****it's July and the winter is very cold. A lot has happened in
the past few months hey. Tswalo and I went to University. We
study at Wits and it's hectic but nice. It's been a while since we
went home to visit because I got a side hustle at a restaurant
near school. I send money home sometimes and use some of it
for my savings. Tswalo is pregnant. Yes I said she's pregnant,
what's worse is that she doesn't know the father of her child
and she says it's not Muzi. Speaking of the Dlaminis, I've only
talked to Nhlaka once, after he left and that was in March.
March 23rd. I remember very well, it was a short call. I'd be
lying if I said I don't miss him.
We've made new friends, Siphokazi, Ntandokazi and Thatohatsi.
Sipho and Ntando are twins and Sipho is gay.... So yeah...
We were seated on the couch warming up all together with a
blanket and a heater on. We were watching a movie. *****
Thato: hmmm hmmm hmmm
Sipho: what
Thato: it's cold Hayi no
Me: make some tea
Thato: hmmm all I need is dick
Me: ewww
Ntando:Hayi wena
Sipho: yess gal. I'm with you lapho
Tswalo: I want ice-cream
Me: Tswalo don't try to kill the baby tuu
Sipho: you also need dick
****we all laughed and then continued with our conversations.
There was a knock on the door. I stood up and opened. A tall
dark handsome guy stood there. ****
Me: hey. Can I help you?
Guy: I hope I'm not lost. I am looking for Ntandokazi Bhengu
Me: ohh. You're not lost Mr...
Guy: Mr Mokena. Just call me Kaone
Me: okay. Uhm Ntando
Ntando: heh
Me: woza(come)
****I let the guy in and Ntando appeared. She blushed... I
dissapered into the kitchen and made us snacks. I went to the
living room and gave them the snacks. Tswalo was the first one
to eat so I made her a separate bowl knowing she was going to
finish everything.***
Ntando: uhmm ladies
Us: hmm
Ntando: uhmm meet Kaone. And kaone meet my friends,
Khensani, Tintswalo, Thatohatsi and my twin Siphokazi.
Kaone: nice to meet you all
Sipho: what are your intentions with my sister
Ntando: Siiiiipho
Thato: Hayi we all want
want to know vele
Kaone: to be the best person in her life, her husband, to make
her the mother of my children and to love her till my last breath
Sipho: break her in any way. Uzongazi kahle(you'll know me very
Thato: so where are you going?
Ntando: Hayi Thato. Bye guys
****then the love birds left. After 30 minutes there was
another knock, a harsh one this time***
Sipho: haiii ubani manje lona(who's this now?)
****he stood up and went to attend the person at the door. He
came back rather quiet and scared. He looked at Tswalo and
then sat down. Tswalo's parents followed behind. To say they
were shocked would be an understatement. Tswalo looked
down and I saw tears flowing from her eyes to the floor. My
heart beat rate was quick. Thato turned mute. ****
Mr Maringa: Tintswalo what is this!
****He shouted. He looked so angry while her mom looked
rather disappointed. Thato and Sipho stood up and went to
Ntando's room. I stood up too***
Mrs Maringa: where do you think you are going. Sit down
***I sat down. She came next to Tswalo and slapped her so
hard. Tswalo cried, I also started crying. She also slapped me
then slapped Tswalo again with the back of her hand. I held my
now pink face****
Mrs Maringa: who is the father?
Tswalo: I don't know him
Mr Maringa: so you went around opening your legs for every
boy huh!
Tswalo: no
Mr Maringa: then who is the father
Tswalo: I.. D..
****she cried harder. I stood up and comforted her. Her mother
sat down and looked frustrated. ****
Mrs Maringa: Tintswalo mara why?
Tswalo: I'm sorry
Mrs Maringa: why did you keep this is a secret. How long were
you to going to keep quiet about this
Tswalo: till I was ready to tell you
Mr Maringa: pack your bags, you are going back to Giyani. You
will find a Job and take care of your child
Tswalo: what about my studies
Mr Maringa: you should've thought of that when you opened
your legs
Tswalo: it happened last year at the pens down party. But I
don't remember who I slept with
Mrs Maringa: how far are you?
Tswalo: 7 months
Mr Maringa: you are a shame to us! How are you going to raise
this child
Tswalo:I have a job and I've been saving all the money I could
Mrs Maringa: we are going now.
****and just like that, they left. Tswalo wailed like a little baby. I
had to calm her down for the sake of the baby. ****
Me: go rest
Tswalo: thank you
Me: for??
Tswalo: everything
Me: of course. You are my sister.
****she gave me a small smile and left. I cleared up and when I
was done, Thato and Sipho came by. ***
Thato: Is she okay
Me: she'll be fine. Her parents wont be angry forever.
Sipho: shame eish . I hope she gets well ey
Me:I hope so too
Thato: well, we are leaving
Me: okay. Bye
Sipho: plus we have to clean the other room for our new
roommate coming tomorrow
Me: ohh
Thato: yeah they same her name is Omphile
Me: ohh okay. Let's just hope she won't be a bore
Sipho: yeah hey. Let us go then. Bye. Ohh Sani
****I opened the door again****
Sipho: Tebogo says hi
Me: aii tell that roomate of yours that I'm not interested
Sipho: lol I will
****we both chuckled then they left. I closed the door and
started preparing dinner for Tswalo and I. ****
The following day
****I woke up, did my hygiene process and went to the kitchen.
It was 7am and I had 2 classes only I also have work today. I
heard the door opened... I realised that I hadn't locked the door
yesterday. Ntando walked in. I looked at her and she gave me a
smile. *****
Me: morning Kazi
Ntando: hey girl. Why are you up so early?
Me: why are you only coming back now
Ntando: eish Kaone suggested that I sleep at his place. So he
just dropped me off
Me: mhhh
Ntando: what are you making
Me: pan...
Ntando: just count me in
****she said interrupting me and leaving. I continued with
breakfast.... When I was done Tswalo and Ntando came to eat. I
went to change, and wore a black jeans, with leggings
underneath, a vest then a black polo neck with black boots, and
a jacket on top. I wore a hat over my straight back style and put
in some purfume. I fixed my bag and books then went out****
Ntando: damn sorry. So are you fine?
****she was talking to Tswalo about what happened****
Tswalo: yeah. I have to be, for the sake of my baby.
Ntando: do you have any classes today
Tswalo: no
Ntando: mmhhh okay.
***** her phone rang, she stood up and answered it. I looked
at my best friend with pity. As I started with my first bite. My
phone rang*****
Me: hello
Person: Sani baby
Me: Nh.. Nhlaka
Person: yes it's me baby.
Me: ohh how are you
Nhlaka: Sani I can't talk much. I just wanted to hear your voice. I
love you okay
Me: okay bye
Nhlaka: bye. Tell Tswalo Muzi said he loves her neh
Me: okay I will
****tuu tuu tuu tuu... He dropped the call. Tswalo was looking
at me waiting for some answers****
Me: it was Nhlaka
Tswalo: how are they
Me: fine I guess. He was whispering thou. I don't get it. He said
he's gone for business but he calls once in 3 months, he
whispers, he calls for 3 seconds and that's it. Something doesn't
add up. It's as if he's in prision
Tswalo: they're not in prison right
Me: I just don't know. Anyway Muzi said he loves you
Tswalo: I don't think he'd love me, if he saw me now
Me: Tswalo are you sure about what you said yesterday
Tswalo: yes. It happened at Rismati's pens down party. I was
with a guy who's name is Hlauwtelo who works in town at
Sportscene so we....
***I started drowning into my own thoughts. No it can't be
right. Not that guy Nhlaka spoke to in Zulu wanting the correct
shoe size...****
Tswalo: Khensani
Me: mhhh
Tswalo: what's wrong. Are you even listening
Me: I think I know the guy you're talking about
Tswalo: you do
****I narrated the shoe size story to her and even described
him. She cried meaning its him. I sighed and held her hands as
she cried. My alarm to leave rang and I didn't even finish
Me: I have to go now
Tswalo: okay, and your food?
Me: you can have it
Ntando: asambe(let's go)
****we left together. Ntando is studying Chattered Accounting,
Sipho is studying Occupational Theraphy, Thato is studying
Psychology, Tswalo is doing Meteorology and I am doing
Geology. So we all do different courses.
Ntando and I arrived in campus and went our different
directions. I went to my first class of the day. I went into the
lecture room and there were 7 people only. I sat in front and
opened my books. Professor Mhlongo entered and started
lecturing. He looks at the whole class obviously, but I feel like he
stares at me more than everyone else. After the lecture, most
people left. I stayed behind to have more notes written. My
next class is at 11. I felt a figure stand in front of me. ****
Me: professor you're obscuring my view
Professor: I know
*****I raised my head up to look at him. This man his
handsome. His toned muscles show up in that shirt he's
Professor: what's your name?
Me: Khensani
Professor: ohh so you're my top student. Anyway I am Sbusiso
Me: nice to know you, but I prefer Professor
Sbu: but I prefer you call me Babe
Me: no thanks. I packed my things
Sbu: you're not done writing
Me: I know.
****I took a picture of the notes on the screen and left. This
guy is hitting on me. Nx. I went to the cafeteria and had coffee
and a huge muffin. I sat down on my own and ate. At 10 to
eleven I left the Cafe and went to my next lecture room. After
the class, I hurried to my apartment. I got there and found
Tswalo seated with her parents***
Me: good day
Them: hello Sani
****I went to my room and changed into my uniform. I wore
the restaurant's tracksuit and went to the kitchen to make
myself tea. ****
Mrs Maringa: Sani come join us
Me: okay ma
****I poured the hot water into my mug and joined them in the
living room. ****
Mrs Maringa: how is school
Me: it's fine. Ma just the hectic exams only...
Mr Maringa: where are you going?
****he asked as he saw the huge sips of tea I took****
Me: work
Mrs Maringa: you juggle school and work
Me: yes ma. Even Tswalo does but she's on
maternity leave
Mrs Maringa: hmmm I see
Me: uhmm I will take your leave. Bye
Them: bye.
**** I stood up and went into the kitchen. I put my mug in the
sink and left. I walked for 20 minutes till I reached the
restaurant and went in straight into the back. I put my
belongings in my locker and signed the register book. I greeted
my colleagues and started wiping tables and serving people.
When I was done with my shift. I signed the register, took my
belongings, bought food on discount and left. I still walked
though it was 9pm. I walked so fast that a 20 minute walk
changed into a 10 minute one. I arrived at the apartment and
the security let me in. I went to the apartment and went in. I
locked the door and placed my food on the counter. I went to
bath first then wore my warm pj's with warm socks and
slippers. I topped everything with my gown. I warmed up my
food and ate watching TV. I went to Tswalo's room and she
wasn't there. There was a note on the bed telling us that she is
at her parents suit spending time with them. Okay.... I drank
juice while watching TV. Suddenly I heard moans and groans. I
heard Ntando screaming in pleasure. I got so annoyed and put
my earphones and listened to music. Then after their noise was
over I switched off the lights and went to sleep****
****a new day. New people. New everything argh! And
Ntando's moans. So I woke up to them again and this time they
were loud. I made breakfast and then went to bath. Today I
have no classes so it's a full work day for me. I wore my uniform
and had breakfast. I heard footsteps coming closer. Ntando was
in a blue shirt and the guy was wearing his formal pants
Ntando: Sani you're here
Me: good morning to you too
Kaone: hello
Me: please have sex somewhere else. You disturb me from
many things. I made breakfast and now I'm off to work. Bye.
****I left them standing there. I walked to work and signed the
register. I started working at the Cafe side because since it's
morning people would like coffee and muffins. ****
Tebogo: hello
Me: hey. How can I help you
Tebogo: you can be mine
Me: haii Tebogo
Tebogo: why don't you want mara. I can maintain you, you
won't have to work anymore
Me: Tebogo there are customers behind you. Please place your
Tebogo: I want you and a cup coffee and a blue berry muffin.
Me: eat in
Tebogo: yes please
Me: okay that will be R35, 20c
Tebogo: keep the change baby
****he said giving me a R100 note. I gave him his order number
and he left. The next customer came through. It was a lady
dressed very well with a old granny next to her. ****
Me: Good morning. How can I assist you
Lady: hello sisi.
Gogo: hello my child. I want a muffin please
Me: which flavor gogo
Gogo: Nasiphi!
Nasiphi: Blueberry for me and chocolate for gogo
Me: okay. Any drinks?
Nasiphi: tea for gogo and coffee for me
Me: is that all?
Nasiphi: yes thank you
Me: that will be R45,20c
Gogo: Haiibo what's the 20c for
Me: I don't know gogo
Gogo: sip sip give her 50 rand
Nasiphi: there you go
Me: thank you.
****I gave them the change and their order number****
Nasiphi: it's yours
Gogo: yes. God bless you my child
Me: thank you soo much.
*****they went to sit and there were no customers left. I got
Tebogo's order and went to table 6...I put it on the table and
left as quickly as possible. I took Gogo's order and gave them.
They thanked me and started eating. I went back to the till as I
saw more people coming in. ****
Voice: ntokazi we meet again
****I raised my head and it was professor Mhlongo****
Me: we see each other a lot in campus so why would you say
Sbu: haibo it's not everyday where I'd see a beautiful girl like
you in a restaurant as a waitress.
Me: how can I help you Professor
Sbu: I thought I asked you to call me Sbu or babe
Me: I still prefer professor
Sbu: we will see about that
Me: what would you like?
Sbu: cuppacino with a full English breakfast
Me: large or medium?
Sbu: large
Me: anything else?
Sbu: no thank you Khensi
Me: okay.
****he took out his card and I inserted it in the speed point. He
pressed his pin no and I looked around. I saw Tebogo looking at
me. I looked back at Sbu after he took out his card. I gave him
the slip and he sat next to where I am working****
Me: don't you have students to lecture
Sbu: I do but later on
Me: hmmm. Next please
Lady: hey. Can I have 2 English breakfast and two large
Me: eat in or take away?
Lady: take away
Me: okay Mam. That will be R70,30c
Lady: okay.
****she took out her card and inserted it in... I dialed a code
and then she put in her pin. I gave her the slip and then got
Sbu's food. I gave it to him and went to check on gogo and
Nasiphi. *****
Me: are you still okay?
Gogo: yes my child. The cake is nice
Me: I'm glad you're enjoying
Nasiphi: how old are you?
Me: 18
Nasiphi: you're soo young. Why aren't you at school
Me: I am, it's just my day off today so I chose to work
Nasiphi: ohh a hard worker I see. May God bless you sisi
Me: thank you. May he bless you guys to. I have a customer to
attend to if you don't mind.
Gogo: you may leave my child
***I went to the kitchen counter and got the lady's food. I
called out her ticket number. She came and took her food.****
Sbu: can you cook
Me: me
Sbu: yes you
Me: yes and you?
Sbu: I try. How old are you
****I chuckled****
Me: you're my professor yet you don't know how old I am
Sbu: I lecture a lot of students.
Me: I am 18
Sbu: ohh. I am 28
Me: 10 years older I see
Sbu: yes but that doesn't matter right . I mean the heart wants
what it wants
Me: who's heart
Sbu: mine
Me: what does it want?
Sbu: you
Me: well mine isn't interested
Sbu: really
Me: yes sir
Sbu: ohh well I'd like to find that out myself
Me: you're wasting your time
Tebogo: what's going on here
Me: what do you want
Tebogo: why are you talking to her
Sbu: who the hell are you
Tebogo: her man
Me: Yeyi Tebogo don't lie. Me and you are nothing, we've never
been anything and we'll never be anything. Now leave before
you embarrass yourself with the little dignity you have.
*****he gave one nasty look to me and Sbu, then left****
Sbu: who's that
Me: Tebogo
Sbu: I know now tell me what the fuck you guys have together
Me: nothing. Listen here Sbusiso I'd like it if you mind your
business and stop perusing me because I am not interested in
any of you guys.
Sbu: Khen....
Me: hello baba how can I help you
****I said ignoring him and attending to my customer. When I
was done with his order Sbu was done eating and he left. More
and more people left. Now it was getting quiet since people are
at work. I wiped all tables and then made myself cuppacino and
had it with chocolate cake. After eating and being on my phone
I took my dishes to the busy kitchen and then sat on my phone.
After a while it was lunch time and it started to get busy with
students flooding the place. It was soo busy that we didn't have
much tables to cater for all of them. Thank God some agreed to
take take aways. We had to give them free ice-cream for the
bribery to work out hey. After a long day of working, my shift
ended, I took enough take aways for my roomies and went
home. I arrived and took a quick shower then changed into my
pj's. We all ate with Tswalo telling us how her day with her
parents was and Ntando apologizing for her sex scenes. I
forgave her then we all went to sleep. *****
The following day
****damn it's been 6 months being in Russia and its hell for
me. But we've all gotten used to it. I shoot like a pro now, know
how to make grenades and know which bullet is the best. All of
that. Nathi knows more of IT, tracking and hacking into systems
and changing things. Muzi was isolated for 4 months for his bad
behavior. We are all a bit toned due to the training and
exercises. We haven't had pussy in months and we don't even
remember how it tastes. If I remember very well Zanele is
supposed to give birth soon. But we can't really contact anyone
we only hear from these stupid Russians. They only tell us what
Dad has said only. The food here has become boring too. This
feels like prison, I miss the outside world to be honest. Muzi
and Zanele's quick wedding didn't work out because the elders
said it was short notice so they'd have to get married after
Zanele had given birth and after we've come back from training.
Right now we are in a forest that can't be easily found. It's not
even on the map. Three more months and we outta here.
We were seated on the chairs outside listening to absolutely
nothing. It was quiet I swear I felt like going crazy****
Muzi: I've had enough of this. I want to go back home
Nathi: dude. I miss MaDlamini. I hope she hasn't moved on
Me: I hope Sani didn't too
Roger: Muzi your father says you are a father
Muzi: huh
**** he shed some tears. We congratulated him. He said our
clan names and thanked the ancestors for the baby****
Muzi: does he have a name
Roger: let me ask
****he took out his phone and dialed. He put the phone on
loudspeaker. My dad greeted, it was the first time we've heard
his voice in months****
Muzi: baba
Dad: boy
Muzi: it's Muzi
Dad: ohh sibakhulu, hlubi.... Uzwile indaba mfana(did you get
the news)
Muzi: yebo baba(yes dad)
Dad: umfana(it's a boy)
Muzi: u nalo igama(does he have a name?)
Dad: yes but Zanele wants you to give him his first name
Muzi: abaphansi bona? (what about the ancestors?)
Dad: abashongo lutho. Ba jabulele ingane kphela(they didn't say
anything. They are happy that there's a new member)
Muzi: okay his name is Mthokozisi
Dad: so it's Mthokozisi Musa Dlamini
Muzi: yebo. Ungibongele ku Zanele(thank Zanele for me)
Dad: ngizoyenza njalo(I'll do so)
Roger: congratulations man
Muzi: thanks
****Roger left. We kept making jokes of how Mthoko would
turn out to be. ****
Nathi: I pray he doesn't be a player like his father
Me: yeah and that he becomes like me
Nathi: Hayi no. Never he must be like me
Muzi: no no. It's better he becomes like Nkazi
Me: weeeh
Nathi: Hayi hayi
****we laughed. Roger called us for food. We ate then chilled
outside and watched the stars as we talked to the guards.
Manqoba: I just talked to Muzi and he says that child's name is
Mandisa: that's a nice name for little Mthoko
Khethiwe: wena Nana ka gogo... ( granny's child)
*****she said busy playing with the little member. Zanele
walked in limping and sat down****
Mandisa: makoti, the baby's name is Mthokozisi.
Zanele: Muzi chose it
Manqoba: yes
Zanele: okay. We will go to home affairs one day
Thando: mama kanti when are my brothers coming back
Mandisa: November sisi
Thando: yho haii why?
Mandisa: they have work sisi
Thando: Mxm. I miss them
Nkazi: but I'm here
Yezi: me too
Thando: I miss the others.
Manqoba: don't worry baby they'll be back before you know it
Thando: okay
Manqoba: let's go have Ice-cream
****they left the room.***
Khethiwe: how is December for your wedding sisi
Zanele: it's fine. Plus Mthoko will be 5 months old
Mandisa: perfect. Is your mother still coming
Zanele: no she said you're two so she'll only visit
Khethiwe: ohh okay. Don't worry sisi you'll make a good mother.
Plus Mandisa has more experience than me
Mandisa: you don't have to rub it in that I have 5 kids hauw sisi
****they laughed. Later on they had dinner over light
conversations and obviously obsessing over Mthoko. Later on
they all went to sleep but obviously they kept waking up
because of Mthoko's late night cries.
3 months later
****we are in October now and it's my birthday month. Yesss I
am turning 19 in two days. I am starting with my final
examinations next week Wednesday. Tswalo was due to give
birth last week and unfortunately she gave birth to a still born
baby. To say this week hasn't been hard for her and all of us
would be a lie. We had the little fella buried last week Sunday
and his father's side knew and paid for damages in August.
Tswalo is seeing a psychologist to help her heal. She's always
crying and is slowly being depressed. The baby's name is Xiluva
which means Flower. It was a girl. She was just like Tswalo and
very beautiful. It hurt to see my friend in pain. It hurt soo much
that I also can't really cope. I've stopped going to work
yesterday. They gave me a leave till I finish writing. I've been
taking care of Tswalo along with everyone's help*****
Thato: hey guys
****she said entering the half opened door. ***
Me: hey
Tswalo: Thato
Thato: how are you doing
Me: I'm better
Tswalo: I'm taking it day by day. It hurts that I lost Xiluva. I was
really looking forward to being a mother to her.
Me: don't take this the wrong way but God has a reason for all
of this. I am sorry friend
Tswalo: that's true but why did he choose my baby
Me: I don't know hey
Tswalo: anyway your birthday is coming up soon and you'll be
Me: yeah
Thato: kanti ha lena Wine kamo huh(don't you have wine in
here huh?)
*****she said shouting from the kitchen. Thato is a party bitch
and the main drunkard****
Me: no
Sipho: heyyyyy ladies
Us: hey
Thato: Sipho accompany me to Spar
Sipho: Hayi why?
Thato: these people don't have wine and I am thirsty
Sipho: haii I'm tired yho
Thato: Mxm. Where is your twin
Ntando: I'm here. Hey guys
Us: hey
Thato: awww Kazi Kazi
Ntando: what do you want?
Thato: please accompany me to Spar
Ntando: okay let's go
****I took out R60 for snacks. Actually everyone contributed
then they left.*****
Sipho: so guyssss
Tswalo: yhuuuu Sani there's a turn up at Joe's place
Me: Aii Tswalo
Tswalo: nah Dj hottie And 4K squad will be there.
Me: heh serious
Tswalo: yesss
Sipho: soo guysss!!!
Me: Sipho wa rasa( you're making noise)
Sipho: I'm trying to tell you my good news and you're busy with
your turn ups
Tswalo: this better be good
Sipho: yes. I have found me a man
*****we all screamed like crazy. We hugged him and laughed at
our stupidity afterwards****
Me: who is it
Sipho: I don't kiss and tell hunnay
Tswalo: how long as it been
Sipho: ahh just 3 weeks so we decided to give it a try
Me: I'm happy for you chomma
Tswalo: congratulations. You see why we need to go to that turn
Sipho: yasssssss
Me: what time does it start?
Tswalo: 6pm
Me: okay
****I've never went partying but damn I love those mapiano
songs and the vibe they have. So today's gonna be my first time.
Voice: koko(knock knock)
Tswalo: who's that manje
****I stood up and Ahhhh this guy is obsessed. Like does he
ever get a break from seeing Ntando. ****
Me: hello Kaone
Kaone: hey. Is Ntando here
Me: she went to Spar
Kaone: ohh okay. I'll wait for her
Me: okay you can come in
Kaone: thanks
****he walked in and damnz my friends can look at you to a
point where walking is even difficult. He sat down with their
looks wearing him. Sipho looked annoyed. ****
Sipho: what do you want?
Kaone: I came here for Ntando
Sipho: what do you want from my sister mara
Kaone: I love her
Sipho: Mxm how old are you?
Kaone: old enough you?
Sipho: Yeyi sundiqhela wena nx( don't start with me)
Kaone: listen here my guy. I am serious with your sister, I love
her and I'd like it if you'd respect me as much as I respect you.
Sipho: mxm
Tswalo: okay but how old are you
Kaone: 24
Tswalo: hmmm
Thato: ahaha
*****she laughed out loud. Meaning they were back****
Ntando: ndi funa uku nxila mna(I want to get drunk)
Thato: yesss girl
Ntando: I want my man to be surprised when I ride his dick like
a pro
****Sipho threw a death stare at Kaone who was hiding a smirk
but looked uncomfortable at the same time. Tswalo and I
wanted to laugh but we held ourselves****
Thato: but you're a virgin mos
Ntando: I don't mind losing my vjayjay over him. He looks good
down there
****this time we burst out of laughter. The two crazies
appeared and damn Ntando froze from where she was. Thato
later realised what's going on****
Ntando: K.. Baby
Kaone: hello Thato
Thato: hiii
Kaone: thank you for inviting me in. Masambe(let's go)
Sipho: Yeyi uze ulinge umshaye ngizokubulala Eva (if you dare
hit her, I'll kill you!)
Kaone: I'd never
*****the couple left then we all burst out of laughter*****
Me: Thato what did you feed my friend
Thato: haa nixs
Tswalo: anyway you two get ready there's a turn up in 2 hours
at Joe's place
Thato: ayy yebo ayy yebo
****she danced. Sipho joined her and they left. Tswalo went to
her room and I did too. I took a bath first then lotined and wore
a blue boyfriend Jean, a white vest crop top and white Nike Air
Force 1 sneakers. I layed my edges and then took a few selfies
and posted them on my WhatsApp status. I topped everything
off with my perfume and a necklace.*****
Thato: Hayi guys you're still not ready?
Ntando: I am
Me: me too
****I walked out the room and damnz my girls were looking
fire!!!! Ntando was wearing a short courful dress with white air
force sneakers and a weave. Thato was wearing a red short skirt
with a red matching crop top and block heals. I wonder where
she's going wearing those heels****
Tswalo: Haiibo where's Sipho?
****she was wearing a demin skirt, a blue crop top and a
demin jacket with white and blue sneakers and a weave. My
friend never leaves it behind. Sipho came in wearing all
Thato: Sipho this is not all black
Sipho: I know. I want to stand out
Ntando: haii. We ready?
Me: yesss.
****I said slowly while checking if everything's awesome*****
Thato: so what about all this
Me: let's leave it
Sipho: can't we go with them
Tswalo: no cooler boxes are allowed, they are sold inside so
nothing goes in.
Me: eish
Ntando: Hayi let's go then
****we arrived at the club and the line was long hey. We
waited and we paid R100 each at the door then we were in. The
club was full hey. We bought drinks and found a table to sit
Thato: I hope I find me some foreign dick
Me: Thato stop it hle
Thato: okay sorry. I have some webs down there. I last had sex
in grade 10 term 1
****we all laughed at her****
Tswalo: you even remember the time
Thato: yeah. I'll never forget that day
****she looked the other way. We chilled and had some drinks
till the music turned up and it was 23:00. Thato was the first
one to stand up and dance. I joined her and Ntando followed.
We danced like there was no tomorrow. Thato was the Centre
of attention. She was a good dancer and so she brought the
vibe along with the 4K squad. *****
Thato: ayy yebo aaaaalalallalala aaaaalalalla
*****she kept bringing in the vibe. *****
Thato: asilali (we're not sleeping)
Crowd: aybo(yes!)
Thato: asilali
Crowd: aybo
****she kept in bringing in the vibe. The people from the VIP
section came down and danced with us. Videos of Thato were
taken and she went viral in less than an hour. By 1:00 am we
were tired and Ntando was drunk, Sipho also. I requested an
uber for all of us. It was here in 10 minutes. We left the place
and forced ourselves into the car. We arrived at Thato's
apartment and went in. Omphile, her house mate was still up
watching a movie. ****
Thato: ohh heyyyyy
Me: hey
Omphile: hey
Me: they got sloshed
Omphile: I can see.
We all went to Thato's room. Sipho, Thato and Ntando slept on
the bed. Tswalo took the couch. I took a few of Thato's blankets
and laid them on the floor. *****
Omphile: you can sleep with me
Me: no thank you. I don't want to bother you
Omphile: come. I won't let you sleep on the floor while you're
****I chuckled. She locked the doors and then went into her
room. I followed her in and it was sooo neat.****
Omphile: I hope you don't mind, but I'd like us to pray
Me: okay. I'll just... Uhmm yeah
****I said attempting to walk out***
Omphile: no I said us. You can pray with me
Me: Uhmm I don't know how to pray
Omphile: okay then I'll pray for us
Me: okay thanks
*****she knelt down and closed her eyes. I did the same and
waited for her to pray*****
Omphile: Lord I come before thee, I am not alone, I come with
Khensani and her friends. Thank you for giving us this day, for
the gift if life, the blessing we receive, I ask that you grant us
many more blessings, thank you for your protection and for
keeping us safe. I pray you keep us safe and protected at all
times for you said that you shall never forsake us and I belive in
you oh father. I pray you bless them and help them in whatever
situations they may be going through. I pray that they may draw
closer to you. Fill them up with your holy spirit father. Forgive
our debts and debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver
us from evil. Make us courageous, fear you, kind, pure and may
you please grant us wisdom. This is my prayer tonight in the
wonderful name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Me: Amen
**** I had tears flowing down my cheeks. I wiped them quickly
and looked at her. This girl is soo God fearing and wonderful.
She's beautiful and has a good heart. *****
Omphile: I am a pastor's kid.
Me: hmmm
Omphile: I know you're probably wondering how I know how to
pray this much
Me: ohh. May God bless you
Omphile: thank you. Goodnight
Me: goodnight
*****she got into the covers. I took off my shoes and bra then
got into the covers too.
****I woke up with a small headache. I stood up and looked at
the bed while rubbing my eyes. I saw blood on Omphile's
sheets. I tried looking at myself behind and yep. Just yep! The
unwanted sister came to visit last night. I took off the sheet
from the bed and held it in my hands. I called for her to come.
She walked in and looked curious.*****
Me: hey
Phile: hey. Are you fine?
Me: I am on my periods and I messed up your sheets and pants.
Phile: ohh.... Uhmmm that's okay. We all go through this
Me: uhmm yeah. Thanks for letting me sleep on your bed with
you. I'll just go and wash your sheet.
Phile: okay. Wear this skirt
Me: no I don't want to mess it up
Phile: so you want to walk around with a blood stain
Me: okay bring it
****she opened her wardrobe and took out a black skirt and
gave it to me. She gave me a pad too. I went to the bathroom,
cleaned myself and put the pad on my panty and wore it. I wore
the skirt she gave me, I wore my shoes and left. *****
Me: okay Phile I'm going. I'll be back
Phile: sure.
****I walked to block F, where I live and unlocked the door. I
got in and closed the door. I started washing Phil's sheet and
skirt. I wore my own skirt. After hanging them on the washing
line I took a bath. I lotioned quickly and wore a new pad. I wore
2 tights and a black boob tube dress that hugs my figure. I
brushed my hair. I need to go to the salon soon. I tied the
straight up into a bun. I ate then drank a nurefon pill for the
period pains. I mean look at how much I've improved. I didn't
even know there were pills that actually help with period pains.
I took my phone and left the apartment. I locked it and then my
phone rang indicating its my aunt Silvia. The last time I saw and
talked to her was when we buried Tswalo's child. I answered the
call. *****
Me: hello ma
Silvia: Sani. How are you?
Me: I'm good thanks and you
Silvia: I'm fine. I am just checking up on you since you barely do
and barely come home
Me: sorry. I get so busy plus I told you I got a job
Silvia: Hayi how is Tswalo doing
Me: taking it day by day. How are you guys that side
Silvia: we are fine. Themba has grown soo much, Muhluri got a
new job and it's paying well. Rhandzo has just been Rhandzo.
Sharon has moved out. Vutomi went to Nigeria after you left
and her little sister is busy giving me stress.
Me: what stress
Silvia: dating stress
Me: do you want me to talk to her
Silvia: haii I don't think she'll listen to you. Rhandzo tried and
nothing. Hluri tried beating her and she's getting worse
Me: have you tried talking to her
Silvia: hey wena didn't I say we tried and failed nx!
Me: yho sorry. Okay I hear you
Silvia: are you going to come home on December
Me: yes
Silvia: good
****what the fuck! I said inside when I saw Sbusiso
approaching me.****
Me: okay I have to go now bye
Silvia: bye
*****I cut the call and went down the stairs. Yes I will just pass
him like I didn't see him. I looked at my phone doing absolutely
nothing. He grabbed my arm and stopped me. I looked at my
arm then at him. ****
Sbu: where are you going?
Me: it's non of your business. Now let me go
Sbu: Khensani don't annoy me
Me: Sbusiso leave me alone
****he let go of my arm and sighed****
Sbu: I'm sorry. I am just going through problems
Me: then don't dump them on me
****I went down the stairs. I went to the apartment where the
rest were and found Omphile cleaning. She just finished
Me: hey
Phile: ohh hey
Me: are they still asleep
Phile: Thato is awake and bathing.
Me: yho haii
Phile: you can go in.
Me: is it dry?
Phile: yeah
Me: okay thanks
****I went in. Well I tip toed and saw Thato wrapped in a blue
Thato: hey
Me: hey
****she went into her room. I sat down and logged into
Facebook. I passed through memes and then Tswalo walked in
with Sipho behind and Ntando too.****
Me: wait. Tswalo weren't you on the couch last night
Sipho: Mxm she came and squeezed herself on That's bed
Me: mara
Tswalo: Mxm. I'm going to bath
Sipho: yah me too.
Ntando: hmmm haii haii
Me: what
Ntando: I have a banging headache
Phile: take this
****she said handing her a green smoothie. Ntando took a sip
and made a funny face. I chuckled at her. She gulped it down
and gave it back to its owner. *****
Ntando: yerrrr haii I'm never drinking like that
****Phile and I laughed at her. Thato came in looking fresh.
Thato: my body is painful yho
Me: it's because you are trending
****I saw viewing this post of Thato dancing with the 4K
Thato: hmmm?
Me: you are on social media baby
Thato: show me
****I gave her my phone. She looked at her video and laughed.
She gave me my phone back and went to the kitchen****
Ntando: hmm hmm
Me: Ntando go bath, eat then sleep
Ntando: yah neh
Me: yeah. Go now
Thato: did you guys eat
Me: yeah I did
Phile: yeah
Thato: so I'm alone
Me: do you wanna ask Sipho and Tswalo
Thato: haii no
****I chuckled then continued being on my phone. Phile went
to her room. She later came back wearing a black below the
knee pencil skirt with a small slit, a white blouse and black block
heels. She had put on a little make up and let her braid loose.
She looked beautiful trust me. Thato and I looked at her as she
was looking for her watch****
Thato: Omphile o ya kae(where are you going?)
Phile: church
Thato: ohh
Phile: wanna come along?
Thato: with this hangover no thanks
Phile: lol. Sani
Me: uhmm eish. I don't know hey
Phile: come it will be fun
Me: okay. Let me go get ready
Thato: you're fine mos
****we both looked at her. She looked at the both of us and
raised her hand up in defeat****
Phile: okay let's go
****we left block B and went to the apartment. I went in and
found Tswalo playing music with the speaker and frying eggs.
Me: Tintswalo
Tswalo: hmm
Me: I am going to church. Wanna come along. The more the
Tswalo: yho I have a banging headache and you know how I feel
about church
Me: okay then
Tswalo: have fun guys
Me: let me change.
****I went j to my room and opened the wardrobe. I stood in
front of it not knowing what to wear. I saw something yellow
and took it out. It was a dress I bought from legit. It was a lacy
long sleeved dress with beautiful lace patterns and holding my
curves and body. It was a little bit above the knees. I wore black
block heels too and took a handbag and put all necessary stuff
in. I went to the kitchen and Phile looked impressed.****
Me: I am ready. Is this fine
Phile: fine. Damn girl you look hot. You are going to score
yourself a pastor
*****we laughed. I didn't think she could crack jokes there and
there. She requested an Uber and it was here in 5 minutes. We
went in and went to church. When we ariived it was full of cars.
I mean from an Uno to Range Rovers and Porsches. We walked
in and it was full. The ushers tied red ribbons on our wrist to
indicate that we are visitors. Apparently today is guest day at
the church. We sat I think at row no 7. The songs of praise were
just full filiing and amazing. Three guys came and sat next to
Phile, well by her left since I was seated on her right. On my
right was a young girl probably 16 or 17 judging by her looks.
The church was piling up more and more. Thank goodness there
are air conditioners in her or else someone would've fainted
because of the heat. I saw one of the guys seated on Phile's left
exchange with the one seated next to her. Then he stared
talking to her. I looked forward and then the pastor came on the
stage. The crowd's noises came down. He took the mic from the
choir conductor and stood there just quiet. ******
Pastor: I would like to greet the church in Jesus name Amen
Church: amen!
Pastor: let us have a short prayer before we start with today's
****he started praying. Well I only heard him thank God for the
day. I didn't hear the prayer because my concentration was on
these two people flirting while the pastor is praying.****
Pastor: amen!
Church: amen
Pastor: I'd like to greet the church again and our guests. I say
welcome to the house of the lord
Church: amen/ hallelujah/ yes lord!!!
*****the congregation went crazy. The noise died down when
the pastor said 'uhmm' wanting to continue*****
Pastor: I'd like to switch things up today. I'd like it if my wife Mrs
Ndaba comes up as always to talk to the church then after that
have our song service then my son Spha to come and preach
today. How's that?
*****to say the crowd went crazy would be an
understatement. A woman came on the stage and took the mic
from the pastor. I believe she is the pastor's wife, judging by the
way she's dressed, in a peach two piece and heels with a
dramatic hat. She stood by the mic and smiled. Her smile is soo
Mamfundisi: hallelujah!
Church: Amen
Mamfundisi: I greet you all in the name of Jesus Christ amen!
Church: amen!!
Mamfundisi: I'd like to welcome our guests with a verse from
the book of ISIAH 2 VS 3. It reads as follows. 'And many people
shall go and say, come ye and let us go up to the mountain of
the lord, to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us
of his ways, and we will walk in his paths, for out of zion shall go
forth the law, and the word of the lord from Jerusalem'
So with this said, I'd like to say welcome my fellow brothers and
sisters. Feel free to come everytime for this is a place of peace,
a place where you will learn more about God and his teachings.
Be welcomed be welcomed.
Church: amen!!
Mamfundisi: may God bless all of you. Amen
****she went down the stage to join her husband in the front
row. The choir sang two songs then asked the congregation to
sing. We sang our lungs out feeling the holy spirit take over. I
felt like I was at the right place. This church thing is nice. It's
also a place of hope. The guy seated next to Phile stood up and
went in front then up the stage. I wonder what he is going to do
there. The crowd went silent. He stood there quiet and looked
at us. He is tall and a bit buff. He is dark, but not to dark. He is
wearing a black suit with a white shirt and he is so handsome.
He cleared his throat.... ****
Guy: sanibonani(greetings)
****I laughed to myself as the crowd went crazy or rather, the
girls went crazy including the young lady next to me. This guy
smiled and chuckled a bit. ****
Guy: I greet the church in Jesus name amen!
Church: whooooo amen!!!
Guy: my name is Sphamandla Ndaba and I am Pastor Ndaba's
middle son. Some of you may not know me because I had been
gone to UCT for my degree and I am back now. I am 24 years
old and a qualified Engineer.
****the girls screamed once more. Phile looked annoyed but
mesmerized by this figure in front of us*****
Spha: so I'm sure you're wondering what I am going to preach
about or if I even know how to since I was at school, well I think
I can try copy my dad
****the church laughed****
Spha: I am going to ask one thing from you guys. Just a short
song only one stanza. Sis Nontobeko please lead us and sing o
****the lady led the song. I saw spha look at Phile who blushed
imensly. I minded my own business and listened to the song.
After that stanza Spha opened his Bible and pages through a
Spha: I would like today's topic to be about the youth of today.
But now I'd like to focus more on sin, materialism, substance
abuse and then in the afternoon talk about what you love the
most... If you want to know you'll be there. And I know you will
****the church laughed. ****
Spha: uhmm elders I'm sorry but if I am doing something wrong
educate me
Pastor: qhubeka mfana(continue boy)
****he started with a short prayer then started talking about
each heading he talked about and what the Bible says about
that. The elders were actually impressed with him and what he
said. The youth was rather quiet listening to him lecture about
our sinful ways, lives and manners. At 12:00 he was done. He
gave the youth words of encouragement****
Spha: ohh and I'd like to leave you with these little words,
Remember your creator in the days of your youth and you'll live
a happy life. Amen
Church: amen
*** he went down. One song was sang then the pastor went on
stage. Spha sat where his father was seated. *****
Pastor: I didn't know that my son Spha is powerful
*****some laughed and some shouted amen****
Pastor: uhmm Mandla. Thank you for the powerful words and
Spha: it's not me. The holy spirt was talking through me
****he shouted. His father laughed. The church screamed
amen! Including Phile who even forgot I existed. Well I also did
when Spha started preaching.... *****
Pastor: thank you soo much for coming and to our guests I hope
you enjoyed and there's still more yo come as Spha, Sizwe and
my beautiful daughter Sne will be conducting the afternoon
service. It's going to be lit!
****the crowd laughed and cheered on. Then songs were sang
as we went out***
Me: phile
Phile: Sani wasn't it just amazing
Me: I really enjoyed thank you for brining me here. The church
is wonderful
*****outside was just a commotion of people greeting each
other and all that. Spha came to us with another guy looking
like him****
Spha: hello ladies
Me: hello
Phile: pastor
****the guys chuckled****
Spha: I'm not a pastor yet but you can be my mamfundisi
****Phile blushed. I looked at the side and chuckled a bit. I
noticed the girls were giving us nasty eyes****
Spha: uhmm will you guys be here for the afternoon
Guy: you should be. It's going to be lit
****we laughed... He introduced himself as Sizwe. He was
wearing a wedding band on his ring finger. Then a lady
approached us wearing a pink dress looking like she's going to
attend a matric dance or red carpet function.****
Lady: hello I am Neli
Me: hello, I am Khensani
Lady: nice to meet you Khensi. I am Sizwe's wife
****she said with the biggest smile ever. I looked to my side
and Phile had dissapered and left me standing with this Sizwe
guy who was on his phone****
Sizwe: baby... Hauw manje uyephi uMandla( where has Mandla
gone to?)
Me: I don't know. They just dissapered
Lady: baby. Come I want you to meet some guests
****they left and left me standing there like a fool. I tried
calling Phile to know where she was and she didn't answer. One
thing I am not going to do is to look for her with soo many
people out here. I requested for a ride back to the apartment.
In 3 minutes it was here. I got in and went home. I got there
and first thing I did when I got in was to take off my heels.
Seems like no one is home. I texted Ntando asking her where
they are. She said she's with her boyfriend. I texted Tswalo and
she said they are at the restaurant opposite where I work. I
wore sandles and walked there. ******
******I woke up and did my hygiene process. My phone rang
and it was aunt Silvia, I wonder what she wanted today. I
answered it****
Me: morning ma
Silvia: happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy
birthday dear Khensi, happy birthday to you
*****I had the biggest smile ever. But then on this day I just
think of my mother and think that I killed her and she would've
been alive if it wasn't for me. ****
Me: thank you
Themba: hop hip holayyyyy
Me: what's he doing
Silvia: dancing and singing for you
****my smile grew larger****
Rhandzo: hello Sani. Happy birthday to you, enjoy your day and
I wish you many more years to come
Me: thank you sisi
Hluri: you have grown my little sister
Me: I won't be little forever
Hluri: you are still little
Rhandzo: so what are you going to do today
Me: nothing, probably study
Rhandzo: why don't you go out with your friends
Me: they are not home
Silvia: Sani don't do this to yourself
Me: I am only studying that's all. No damage
Silvia: Ayi okay then. Be safe
Me: you too
Silvia: bye
Themba: ta ta
Me: bye bye
****I arborted the call and cleared my room. I went out to the
kitchen, I made myself breakfast and ate. After eating, I washed
the dishes and then logged into Facebook and yep its really my
birthday. Facebook made me that stupid video of my pictures
and all of that. I liked the post and moved on. I went to
whatsapp and just a few of my contacts wished me a happy
birthday. I thanked them then switched off my data. There's no
one in here... Yesterday after church, I went to the restaurant
Tswalo was in and I only found her seated with Thato and 2
guys. So I just greeted them, bought a milkshake and left
because I wasn't about to become a spare wheel. So then I
guess they left with the guys or slept at Thato's place. *******
Voice: ko ko(knock knock)
Me: ke mang? (who is it?)
Voice: Phile
Me: hmmm
****I opened the door for her and she came in looking really
nice. I wonder where she's going. *****
Me: ohh you're still alive
Phile: yes. I looked for you yesterday at church and didn't see
you. I was worried till I saw your whatsapp stauts
Me: hmmm
Phile: why did you leave
Me: you dissappeared on me with pastor Bae akere
Phile: pastor what?....anyway I'm sorry hey
****she blushed. I take it she's in a relationship with
Me: so what happened
Phile: okay after looking for you, I had lunch with Spha and his
friends and siblings of course, then we went to the afternoon
lesson and it was more fun than the morning service. I wish you
had stayed longer to hear it. Then Spha dropped me off
Me: ohh I see. Seems like you had a great day
Phile: I did
Me: where are you going dressed like that
****she was wearing a white dress with white Nike shoes. She
had put a lil make up and had tied her braids in a nice way****
Phile: ohh me. Ahh well Mandela was going to take me out
Me: was
Phile: ohh yes he canceled. The church board is meeting so...
Me: hmmm
Phile: let's go to my apartment, everyone is there
Me: okay let's go
Phile: awoa wena apara nice. What if ra ya somewhere(dress
nicely, what if we go somewhere)
Me: aiike okay
****she followed me to my room and sat on the bed.****
Me: I don't know what to wear
Phile: what about this orange crop top and these black pants
with your black heels
Me: heels??
Phile: yes hauw.
Me: but you're wearing sneakers
Phile: yah. You'll wear heels.
Me: no I am wearing my white air force
Phile: okay then but they won't look nice with the pants
Me: then I'll wear a jean
Phile: okay
****she went on her phone. I wore my black boyfriend Jean,
the orange crop top and my sneakers. You're probably
wondering when I started liking crop tops. Well I still kind of
don't like them but because they look good on me, I wear them.
I brushed my hair and did edges. I applied an eyebrow pencil on
my lips and applied lip gloss. And well well well I looked
Phile: hmm that's nice
Me: see I told you
Phile: okay let's go
****we locked and left. We got to block B. Phile opened the
door and I followed.... ****
Voices: SURPRISE!!!
****I had my mouth covered with my hand. I looked at them
with the biggest smile ever. There were balloons stuck on the
wall written 'happy birthday Khensi' and 19 big balloons with
white, black and orange ones around in the room. So this why
this girl wanted me to dress up. Everyone was in white. Pure
white and I was supposed to be in orange and black but I ruined
it. Nah but my jeans are black so I ruined nothing. I had tears in
my eyes. They sang the birthday song to me. There was a chair
for me to sit on. I sat on it and I was given a drink. A drink by
Thato only means one thing, it's alcohol. I took a sip and yes I
was right. *****
Sipho: okay okay settle down everyone
****they all sat down. And by all I mean Thato, Phile, Ntando,
Tswalo, Kaone... Yes Ntando's boyfriend was also here,
Sphamandla and a guy that looked like him were also here with
a girl that was probably his sister. Wait there's also this gay
looking guy here who I am concluding it to be Sipho's boyfriend.
Sipho: uhmm may pastor Bae here open the party with a prayer
*****we all laughed. Spha stood up and led us in a short
Sipho: thank you pastor Bae. Uhmm we are all gathered here to
celebrate a birthday of a queen, our beautiful friend Khensani.
If you don't know who I am, I am Sipho your Mc for this
occasion. And the man who just prayed is Sphamandla Phile's
****Phile violently blushed. Everyone else laughed. *****
Sipho: okay okay moving on with our programme. Can we have
Tintswalo as the closest person to miss party come say a few
words. Wait wait wait. Asina DJ( we don't have a DJ)
****we laughed. Thato connected to the speakers and music
was blasting****
Sipho: okay Thato you're the DJ. Uhmm DJ let Tswalo speak
Ntando: let her dance her way to speak
Sipho: yebo. Azishe!!!
****picture junk park ka bo 2.... It started playing. Tswalo
danced and even did funny faces along. I laughed looking at this
crazy bestie of mine****
Tswalo: because you made me dance I'll speak in tsonga
****we laughed.****
Tswalo: mgani wa Mina. Ni ku rhandza.... (my friend. I love
Sipho: Hayi Tintswalo kanti you were serious Hayi speak english
*****everyone died of laughter. *****
Tswalo: you are a friend one needs and would ask for. I love you
for everything and love you more than everything. You've
always been with me through thick and thin and you never gave
up on me. You taught me a lot of things and reprimanded me
from a lot even though I barely listened. I am sorry for that and
anything bad I've done to you. I love you soo much friend and
happy birthday.
****I was crying right now. Music continued and starters were
served by the girl who I think is mandla's sister.****
Sipho: nice words from the best friend now can we have the
new roommate or rather her new friends to come and share a
few words. Thato you are also included so let someone else be
the dj****
**** zekhete zekhete.... They went crazy as the song blasted.
Thato as always was the dancer. The music stopped****
Thato: Sani sani. Not my roomie but my friend. Tswalo and I met
second week of varsity at the Cafe. I was just trying a new friend
and damn I scored myself a great one. I thank God for meeting
you, thank you for being there for me and everyone at large.
You are very kind hearted but you don't take bullshit and that's
what I also like about you. I'd say a lot but Sipho asked that we
keep it short so that's it. Happy birthday babe and I love you
****I smiled. Thato is a wonderful girl. Ntando looked at me
and smiled****
Ntando: Sani makes me and Tswalo breakfast everyday and she
doesn't complain. I love your food chomma and enjoy your
company as well
****I chuckled and everyone else laughed. ****
Ntando: Sani is always there for everyone. She is caring and is
beautiful inside out. We met when they both came in and she
gave me the biggest and brightest smile. Tswalo was too tired to
even notice me
****everyone laughed. Kaone was just staring at her****
Ntando: yah eyy so I knew that I'm going to keep her close, love
her and make her my friend. I did that with Tswalo also. I love
you Sani and pray that God blesses you and keeps you safe.
That's all
****she went to sit down. Sipho stood up and looked at me just
like his twin did. *****
Sipho: at first Sani was shocked to learn that I am gay. She
wasn't that comfortable with me but hid that. But she still made
me feel wanted, like I cared and at home. She never judged me
or said mean things about me. She's always supported me
through my decisions and many things. And yes she is the
mother of the sqaud. Always reprimanding us and making sure
we learn our lessons. I love you chomma and I wish you many
more years to come
****my cheeks hurt right now but it didn't matter. I had been
crying and Sipho's boyfriend has been taking me pictures.****
Sipho: Phile?
Phile: okay I can't dance so no song please
Sipho: even gospel is fine. Pastor Bae and his siblings will help
****everyone laughed. Phile stood up and stood next to
Phile: I don't know much about her but she's stubborn
****they laughed and Tswalo agreed.****
Phile: she refused to wear what we planned she'll be wearing
for her party and told me she wants sneakers. Yho I tried neh
but no she wanted what she wanted and I let her be. Anyway
Sani and I started talking one night just 2 days ago and she slept
with me because wow.
*****they chuckled****
Phile: she was sober and I wouldn't let a sober lady like her
sleep on the floor. So I prayed that night and we slept. The
following day, which was yesterday, we went to church and she
liked it. One thing I noticed about her is that she values time
and doesn't want someone to waste her time.
****hmm they agreed. ****
Phile: sani is sweet and kind. She's amazing and I want to be her
Me: yes
Phile: thank you. May God bless you and grant you with all your
heart disires.
Sipho: Whuuu Phile you talk like a mamfundisi(pastor's wife)
Spha: Yeyi Sipho leave my woman alone tuu
****everyone laughed*****
Sipho: it's that time black people like. Time to eat
****we laughed. Thato played music, well soft music this time
and we all ate having conversations. The lady who was serving
us came next to me****
Lady: hello sisi
Me: hello
Lady: I am Snenhlanhla, spha's little sister. I saw you yesterday
at church
Me: ohh. I Am Khensani
Sne: I know. I'd like to say Happy birthday and that you are
Me: thank you. You are also beautiful
****she left and her brother came with Spha****
Spha: hello Sani. Meet my brother Sphelele
Sphe: hello. Happy birthday
Me: thank you
Spha: I hope you don't mind that I invited them
Me: I don't, the more the merier
Sphe: yessss
****I chuckled. Then the photographer came****
Me: hello. You must be Sipho's man
****he blushed and nodded****
Guy: I am Kgotso
Me: nice to finally meet you Kgotso
Kgotso: nice to meet you too and happy birthday
Me: thank you
Kgotso: Sipho told me he needed a photographer so I hope you
don't mind
Me: no I don't
*****I smiled at him. He went to put his plate in the kitchen.
Kaone came and did the same wishing me a happy birthday and
asking if I mind that he's here....****
Sipho: okay okay Miss party please say a few words
Me: haaa
Tswalo: yes hauw. Speeech
Me: okay okay
****I stood up and took a deep breath. I looked at everyone in
the room****
Me: thank you all for coming and planing this surprise. Thank
you for spending this day with me. Thank you for the wishes
and love. Tswalo my bestie I love you and will always be there.
Actually I'll be there for everyone. Thato my drunkard and party
bitch I love you too. Ntando Mrs undercapert things I see you
and you'll soon be out of the carpet. Sipho I would never judge
you, this is who you are and I love you the way you are. Phile I'd
like to make memories with you and thank you for taking me to
church. Kaone, Kgotso, Sne and Sphe thank you for tagging
along and for the birthday wishes. Spha or pastor Bae rather... I
know you to be at a church board meeting and not here but
thanks for the meeting it was indeed fun.
****they all laughed. I looked at Phile who had tears in her
eyes... ****
Me: but on a serious note. Thank you for this. I appreciate it a
lot and I love you all.
Sipho: we all love you miss party. Thato let the party begin
****Thato played the music and we all started dancing. There
was no alcohol which is surprising but I drank some. I wonder
why they hid it.*****
*****time really travels fast. I mean it's already December....
Today's the 20th of December and yah... You know it, I'm back
in Giyani and I miss my friends. My birthday party was just
amazing but all those thoughts were disturbed by my exams
which I wrote pretty well. Just one paper which had me going
crazy but I passed. Thato went back to North west, Omphile
also went back home, Ntando and Sipho also went home to
KZN.... Speaking of KZN and the only people I know there,
there's nothing I've heard from them. Absolutely nothing.
Nhlaka was supposed to be back in November but no he didn't
come back or even call. I swear something is fishy there, or they
are in prison.****
Nkateko: Sani come eat
**** my thoughts were disturbed by Nkateko. I followed her to
the living room and ate the porridge she prepared.****
Themba: Sani
Me: hmm
****he just smiled. I swear this child loves me soo much I
wonder why. There was a car hoot heard. I looked outside and it
was a white BMWx5. Nkateko ran and opened the gate. The car
got in and it was Vutomi. Last saw her when little Xiluva was laid
to rest. She has gained weight and yep she's pregnant. *****
Tomi: Sani
Me: hi
Tomi: you look Good
Me: not better than you hey. I see you're expecting
Tomi: Ahh yesss it's a boy.
Tresure: hello
Me: hello
Nkateko: sesi I passed
Tomi: that's good. Sani
Me: yeah I also passed
Tomi: where's ma
Nkateko: at John's house
Tomi: ohh
Nkateko: she lives there now
Tomi: ohh
Rhandzo: Vutomi welcome
Tomi: thanks.
****we hot in and greetings were exchanged****
Tomi: this couch is going to hurt my back
Silvia: then why don't you buy us a new one. Why did you come
knowing very well our situation
****Tomi kept quiet and just sat. Nkateko brought her a pillow.
Tomi smiled to her and put it behind her back.she was wearing
Gucci sandles and a Versace martenity dress. ****
Silvia: Treasure how are you doing
Treasure: every tin is well ma
Silvia: ohh that's nice
Treasure: how are you guys
Silvia: we are fine and taking everyday as it is
Rhandzo: drinks and biscuits are served.
Silvia: where did you get these 100% juice
Treasure: we bought them ma
Silvia: hmm
Sharon: Yhuuu hello. I hear Nkateko telling me my children are
home and I just had to see them
Tomi: hello mama
Sharon: how far are you?
Tomi: 7 months
Sharon: hauw. Congratulations
Tomi: thank you ma
****I was on my phone sipping in this apple juice and minding
my own business. My phone rang and it was Nhlaka. I quickly
stood up and went outside to answer it.****
Me: h...hello
Nhlaka: Khensani
Me: Nhlaka
Nhlaka: where are you?
Me: at home
Nhlaka: Giyani?
Me: yes
Nhlaka: give me 5 minutes I'll be at Petros
Me: okay
*****I went back in and wore proper sandles, let my braids
loose and put on some perfume. To I walked in and looked at
me. I wore a red bucket hat to match the red crop top I was
wearing under my demin Jumpsuit. And yes I wore it with
sandles. I felt it was too hot for sneakers and anyway I'm not
going anywhere so flops are the way to go****
Me: what
Tomi: who is he
Me: the same person
Tomi: ohh you're still with him
Me: yes
Tomi: ohhh I see then.
Me: sure. Let me go
Sharon: go where
*** she asked as she heard me say that by the passage***
Me: to Tswalo's house
Sharon: your cousin is here to see us and you can't even stay
Me: I'll be back and she doesn't mind
Tomi: yah I don't
****I went out and walked to Petros. I saw people looking at
me as if I looked familiar. I arrived and saw a car that the young
boys were going crazy over. Nhlaka was there entertaining
them. He was driving a Porsche. He saw me and his eyes stuck
on me. *****
Me: hi
Nhlaka: hey
Boy1: is she your girlfriend
Boy2: she's pretty
Nhlaka: yes she's mine and thank you. You may go play now
****the boys ran to the veld where they play soccer and
played. Nhlaka opened his arms. He looked a bit different, he
had toned muscles now... I went closer to him and gave him a
hug, his muscline arms held he tightly. I tried pulling out and he
didn't let me. He put his neck on my head.****
Me: Nhlaka
Nhlaka: hmm
****he let go and looked at me deep in the eyes. I looked away.
He kissed my forehead and looked at me****
Nhlaka: how have you been
Me: where were you
Nhlaka: I asked you a question
****I kept quiet and looked at him. He sighed and opened the
door for me. I went in and he followed, closed the door and
sighed once more****
Nhlaka: I told I was going for business in Russia
Me: what type of business, that keeps you in Russia for a year
and where you don't have time for call, where you always
whispered and called for 3 seconds to tell me you love me.
Where you called me once in 3 damn months. What kind of a
business trip is that huh!
****he looked shocked then recovered. I am angry. He keeps
looking at me. He sighed****
Nhlaka: I'm sorry
Me: Nhlaka explain
****he raised his eyebrow then softened up and had his hands
on his thighs****
Nhlaka: I was in Russia for business and always had back to
back meetings. I had to work with the Russians and it's hard so I
had to be fully commited.
Me: I don't buy that story but you'll tell me the truth one day
when you're ready.
*****he kept quiet. He took my hands in his******
Nhlaka: I am sorry Sani. I love you soo much and I need you to
trust be, always be by my side no matter what and never leave
me. Okay
****I nodded. This guy seems to have some sort of agenda.
Why is he saying such... He smashed his lips on mine. I pulled
his bottom lip and that heated the kiss. He started massaging
one boob. He moved to my neck and I moaned. He unbuclked
the jumpsuit straps to have a better access to my boobs. He
slipped his hand inside my top. I felt his warm hands and felt so
good. I was already wet and felt that I wanted him in me
already. I remembered where we were and I stopped him****
Nhlaka: what's up
Me: look where we are
Nhlaka: ohh I see now
*****he kissed me again then perked my forehead. ****
Me: so you had time for Gym
Nhlaka: no I had to learn how to build using these hands so
Me: hmm
Nhlaka: how is school
Me: school is fine. I made new amazing friends.
****I smiled thinking about those fools.****
Nhlaka: hmm seems like you like it there
Me: yes I do. It's nice
Nhlaka: I'm glad you like it. So who are your new friends
Me: Thatohatsi, Siphokazi, Ntandokazi and Omphile
Nhlaka: are Ntando and Sipho males?
Me: Sipho is
Nhlaka: hmmm
Me: he's gay
Nhlaka: ohh
Me: yeah
Nhlaka: how is your family?
Me: fine yours
Nhlaka: it's also fine
Me: where is Muzi?
Nhlaka: home
Me: ohh Tswalo misses him
Nhlaka: he does. He'll be here tonight. Speak of the devil
*****he said seeing a car with the number plate Kayise GP
approach this one. It parked next to ours and Muzi came out of
the car wearing shades and looking hot. Don't get me wrong
but these guys came back looking damn hott!****
Nhlaka: poi
****he said opening the door and giving him a fist bump****
Muzi: hello Sani
Me: hey Muzi, how are you?
Muzi: good thank you. Where is my wife
****Nhlaka coughed a bit. Muzi gave him a death stare****
Me: at home
Muzi: okay then let me go see her
Nhlaka: sure. Same room or?
Muzi: I thought you said it was gay
Me: Mxm tsek
Muzi: nawe
Me: Ntlaka
Nhlaka: yes baby
Me: I need to go home. Tomi and her husband came to visit
****he smashed his lips on mine..... I pulled out and yho the
eyes of people were piercing us. ****
Nhlaka: no need to explain babe. I'll see you tomorrow. I love
Me: I love you too
Nhlaka: sure neh
Me: sure
Nhlaka: haii no let me drop you
Me: it's not far
Nhlaka: I know
****I went in and so did he. ****
Me: who's car is this?
Nhlaka: mine
Me: yours
Nhlaka: yes baby.
Me: wow that's nice. I also can't wait yo have my own money
and purchase a car like this
Nhlaka: which one do you like?
Me: Range Rover
Nhlaka: another one
Me: hmm I don't really know but a G-wagon or a Mercedes G63
would slap
Nhlaka: those are nice beasts you mentioned there
Me: I love beasts
Nhlaka: hmmm
*****this guy and the radio... A mapiano song Paradise was
playing. I sang along and even danced he looked shocked.
Me: you don't know this song
Nhlaka: no
Me: Ahhh where do you live mara... Ohhh you were in Russia so
you wouldn't know
Nhlaka: I guess I have more to learn
Me: yes
Nhlaka: okay bye.
Me: bye
****I climbed out and went home. I got there. Treasure was
seated with Hluri having beers. The ladies were inside just
talking and planning Vutomi's wedding which is to happen
when the baby is atleast 7 months old. So the wedding is next
year September. They left later on, I ate the take aways they
ordered then slept thereafter. ****
Zah: Muzi! Muzi!
Khethiwe: Zanele what's the noise for
Zah: I am looking for Muzi haven't you seen him
Khethiwe: no. Thando!
Thando: ma
Khethiwe: Noluthando
****she came looking grumpy as hell wearing her attitude.
Khethiwe left them standing there and went to her room. *****
Zah: where is your brother
Thando: I have 5
Zah: uMuzi
Thando: angaz(I don't know)
Zah: yho haii haii
Nkazi: auw sis yin(what's wrong?)
Zah: I am looking for Muzi. He left with the child's documents
and he's not answering his phone.
Nkazi: uhmm ask Nathi to track him
Zah: ohh yeah
****she went to the living room and found Yezi and Nathi on
their phones. ****
Zah: Nathi I need a favour
Nathi: hmmm
Zah: I need you to track Muzi
Nathi: why
Zah: I need Mthoko's documents and he promised to take me in
our honeymoon.
Yezi: honeymoon
Zah: yes, in New York
Yezi: New York
*** he chuckled. Zanele gave him a stinky eye and looked at
Nathi with pleading eyes. Nathi sighed and just tracked him. She
came closer and saw that it say Malamulele, Giyani.*****
Zah: where is he?
Nathi: but you saw
Zah: Ukuphi! (where is he?)
Nathi: Yeyi don't shout at me. I am not your husband yezwa nx
Zah: sorry
Nathi: nx
****he left the room.****
Zah: Yezi
Yezi: Aii angaz mina(I don't know)
****she sat down and sighed. The king and queen entered the
living room and sat next to each other. *****
Mandisa: uphi uNhlaka(where's Nhlaka?)
Yezi: uhmabile(he left)
Mandisa: Haiibo uyephi?(where did he go to?)
Yezi: Aii angaz mina(I don't know)
Mandisa: Zanele what's wrong
Zah: Muzi dissappeared on me and left with Mthoko's
Manqoba: did you call him
Zah: yes and he doesn't answer. I asked Nathi to track him and it
says he's in Giyani
Manqoba: what's he doing there
Zah: where is Giyani
Manqoba: Limpopo
Zah: so far
****she said. Mabqoba stood up and went where ever he
Mandisa: Nkanyezi
Yezi: mmmh
Mandisa: uthi nywee(you're saying mmmh)
Yezi: sorry ma
Mandisa: where are your brothers
Yezi: in Giyani
Mandisa: doing
Yezi: Hayi lapho Angaz, buza uNathi(I don't know, ask Nathi)
****the females sighed.... ******
Sani: So Muzi where were you guys?
Muzi: in Russia
Sani: I know that, I mean what were you doing there?
Muzi: business
Tswalo: what kind of business?
Muzi: are you guys ganging up on me
Sani: no we just want to know
****Nhlaka came back and it suddenly became quiet***
Nhlaka: did you order?
Muzi: yah
Nhlaka: okay.
****he sat down and noticed the awkwardness and
Nhlaka: okay what's going on here
Tswalo: nothing
Muzi: nothing why
Nhlaka: you are just quiet
Muzi: nah it's nothing
Nhlaka: baby
Sani: hmm
**** she looked at him and saw he was starring at the phone.
She put it in her sling bag. *****
Nhlaka: thank you
Waitress: there you go
Muzi: thank you
****the lady blushed. Tswalo gave her a stinky eye****
Tswalo: where is the cutlery
Waitress: uhmm sorry, I'll bring it now
Tswalo: nx
Muzi: Haiibo Baby
Tswalo: what?
Muzi: haiike
****he said looking at his buzzing phone. He stood up and
answered it.****
Nhlaka: Tswalo how is school
Tswalo: it's fine. How was work
Nhlaka: work
Tswalo: yes your Russian business
Nhlaka: ohh that. It was okay
Tswalo: hmmm
*****a frustrated Muzi came back to the table.****
Tswalo: Muzi what's wrong
Muzi: Nhlaka we need to go
Sani: go where
Muzi: Our parents are here around
Tswalo: what for?
Muzi: uhmm to meet the king here
Sani: ohh
Nhlaka: have my food later on okay
Sani: okay
*****Nhlaka took out 4 R200 notes and gave them to Sani,
then they left.****
Sani: what's wrong
Tswalo: Muzi thinks I'm cheating on him
Me: why
Tswalo: I kind of refused to have sex with him and he saw my
chats with Sipho
Me: why didn't you tell him Sipho is gay
Tswalo: he doesn't believe me
****Sani received a call from Omphile. She answered.****
Sani: Phile
Phile: hey girl, o sharp(you good?)
Sani: yes. You?
Phile: uhmm yeah. Where are you
Sani: Phile I'm home
Phile: like home home
Sani: no. At a restaurant in Masingita mall
Phile: okay where
Sani: Spur
Phile: sharp
Sani: sharp
Tswalo: who was that
Sani: Phile
Tswalo: ohh
Sani: Hayi Tswalo stop stressing. He'll come around.
Tswalo: I hope so.
Nhlaka and Muzi had used one car to get the girls so they left
together to the kingdom where Zanele, Thando and his parents
were. So he lied to Sani and Tswalo. Well just a little because his
parents were really here. Except for Khethiwe his mother. They
arrived and got in. Greetings were exchanged and drinks were
served. *****
Manqoba: boys
Nhlaka: Dlamini
Manganyi: what a pleasent surprise
Manqoba: Ahh yes we just thought to come thank you for your
allowance to build the mall here. Thank you so much
Manganyi: it was no problem. Thank you Dlamini
*****they kept on talking and making a few jokes there and
Mandisa: I'm sure the men want to talk about man things,
Salphina let's go
****Mandisa and the king's wife left. Muzi, Nhlaka and Zanele
also left. Thando had long been with the princess in her room.
Muzi: Zanele what do you want
Zah: what do I want? Really??
Muzi: come on not like that
Zah: like what huh! I am your wife Muzi for goodness sake. You
left with the car you gifted me and with Mthokozisi's
documents, you promised me that we'll go to New York for our
anniversary but no no no you chose to follow your brother here,
for what I don't know
****Nhlaka turned around and left. *****
Muzi: so you brought my parents along
Zah: no. I just told them that I am going to Limpopo and they
followed me saying they want to personally thank the king...
Muzi: manje uma u lana umtwana uno bani(so when you're
here, who is with the child?)
Zah: uma wakho(your mother)
Muzi: okay so you couldn't wait till I get home and take us to
our honeymoon
Zah: yes you promised me we will leave today. Plus I wanted to
keep my baby's things safe. And why did you leave with my car?
Muzi: it had enough petrol and I didn't want to stop a lot of
Zah: that's no excuse, you probably had to fill the tank again
because KZN to Limpopo is very far.
Muzi: okay. Ngiyaxolisa mama wengane yam( I'm sorry mother
of my child)
Zah: Mxm okay
Muzi: Zanele I don't think I've told you this before kodwa
ngiyakthanda yezwa maDlamini(.... but I love you maDlamini)
****Zanele blushed and then looked at her husband who was
facing down and smiling at her. He kissed her lips and grabbed
her body to his. She moaned in his mouth. She hasn't had a kiss
ever since their wedding which took place on 1 December and
it's the 21st. So you can imagine. Someone cleared their
throats. Muzi stoppes then perked her forehead and saw the
king and his dad looking at them with smiles.*****
Muzi: uhmm
Manganyi: Ayi na twisisa boy(I understand boy)
****Muzi chuckled and Zanele's been blushing.*****
Manqoba: Zanele call your mother, we are leaving
Manganyi: and the little sister
Manqoba: ohh yes my favorite
Nhlaka: wow
Manqoba: that's my only daughter so of course she's my
*****the wives and Thando came back after 10 minutes. *****
Manganyi: what took you soo long
Salphina: Ahhh papa we were just talking.
Manqoba: haii let's go then
****they left with Zanele and Muzi in her car and the rest in
the other car.*****
Zah: so anything fun to do here?
Muzi: not so sure. Why?
Zah: since we didn't go for our honeymoon, I was thinking that
we can spend the rest of the week here, that's if there are nice
things to do here
Muzi: no no no tomorrow we are going to New York yezwa baby
Zah: what about my things
Muzi: okay then we will go the day after that
Zah: Mthokozisi yena
Muzi: he'll stay with mom
Zah: okay, when will we be back?
Muzi: before New year
Zah: why
Muzi: we need to spend new year as a family. Plus we have a
little one now.
In the other car
Mandisa: yewena what were doing here
Nhlaka: I like this place and I came here for fresh air
Manqoba: and who is this fresh air
Mandisa: isn't there fresh air at home huh?
****they asked at the same time. Nhlaka sighed and kept his
hand under his chin, on his beard and his index finger slightly
under his nose. Thando was listening to music with her
headphones so she heard nothing*****
Nhlaka: yah there is fresh air at home but I wanted to be in a
different place. And baba fresh air isn't a person
****then it was silent. They arrived at the hotel and parked
their cars. Muzi wasn't seen anywhere. They didn't even bother
asking him where he went****
Manqoba: Nhlaka let's go talk
Nhlaka: okay
Manqoba: take me to your suite
Nhlaka: this way
Manqoba: you really love this girl
Nhlaka: baba
Manqoba: Nhlaka I don't shutter, who is she
Nhlaka: Khensani Maringa, 19 years, wits first year in Geology
****he had to blurt out before more questions came up****
Manqoba: so you followed her all the way
Nhlaka: yaaaah
Manqoba: what is Muzi doing here
Nhlaka: Aii I prefer you ask him
Manqoba: he's having an affair neh
Nhlaka: baba angazi(dad, I don't know)
Manqoba: haii ke okay.
***Nhlaka unlocked the door to his suite, they got in and sat
down on the couch****
Manqoba: Does she know who you are
Nhlaka: what do you mean?
Manqoba: you are a gangsta, a prince and you love skirts you
also sometimes loose your temper and beat some of them
****he sighed****
Nhlaka: I am not that person anymore, I have grown up dad.
She made me change. She's amazing okay
Manqoba: hmmm. So you think you are going to marry her?
Nhlaka: no I don't think I am going to marry her, I know I am.
Manqoba: hmm I see you're confident my boy
Nhlaka: yeah whatever
Manqoba: uNkazimulo ufuna ukushada(Nkazimulo wants to get
Nhlaka: wow already
Manqoba: yebo, uyamthanda uZinle (yes, he loves Zinhle)
Nhlaka: that's nice when?
Manqoba: he's sending lobola( dowry/bride price) on Easter
Nhlaka: ohh okay I see he is ready
****there was a knock on the door, Nhlaka stood up and
opened, Muzi got in and sat down on the couch with them****
Manqoba: ubuyaphi mfana? (where do you come from boy?)
Muzi: I took Zah out for Ice-cream
Nhlaka: just ice cream dude. Are you sure
****he said seeing the purple marks on Muzi's neck****
Muzi: haii Nhlaka don't!!
Manqoba: manje be uzo funan la( so what did you want here)
Muzi: ma said you're in his room so I came here
Manqoba: Muzi I am not stupid, my brother wasn't stupid
neither are you and you're not going to start now
Muzi: baba
*****the king interrupted****
Manqoba: you promised her heaven and Earth yet you are
cheating where Nhlaka is apparently dating
*****he interrupted him again*****
Muzi: baba
Manqoba: Muzikayise you need serious cleansing because this
is just absurd. Zanele loves you a lot, I don't know what you are
doing to these kids but you are a married man Muzi so act like
Muzi: yebo baba ngiyaxolisa(yes dad, I forgive)
Manqoba: don't disappoint your father than you already have
****Muzi was facing down and Nhlaka was on his phone
chatting to his girl. Manqoba stood up and approached the
Manqoba: ohh atleast wear your ring when approaching home
or your wife. Mxm
****he left. They both sighed****
Muzi: he's mad
Nhlaka: yes and disappointed. Dude focus on your wife and
child or else another man will come and enjoy that
Muzi: enjoy ini. Not with my wife nx
Nhlaka: then be a husband to her
Muzi: what about Tintswali
Nhlaka: Aii I don't know but make a plan. You can't be coming
here. Rather see her in Joburg only and here when we have real
Muzi: eish
Nhlaka: I hope you didn't try for another baby
Muzi: Cha. She said she's preventing
Nhlaka: hmm. Now go spend time with her
****Muzi stood up and opened the door. He froze for a while.
Nhlaka had already gone to the bathroom to take a shower. The
heat here was too much. Zanele and Muzi had their own mini
party in Nhlaka's suite. Nhlaka got out butt naked and went
back when he saw Zanele's back. He got dressed in there and
came back. Zanele was feeding Muzi strawberries while they sat
on the couch comfortably watching a movie. Muzi had rested
his head on Zanele's stomach and Zanele kept feeding him the
fruits and playing with his hair. Nhlaka took a picture of them
and then took his phone. *****
Nhlaka: Muzi I am taking your room
Muzi: why?
Nhlaka: you have made yourselves comfortable in mine so yeah.
Muzi: mii
****he said giving him the keys. He took them and approach
the door****
Nhlaka: I am going to your parents for now
Muzi: sho
****he left the room and went to his parents suite which they
shared with Thando. He knocked and Thando opened****
Mandisa: what do you want
Nhlaka: auw ma
Mandisa: is there enough fresh air in here
***Nhlaka kept quiet and looked at his dad who was on his
phone paying no attention to them but listening to
Mandisa: I asked you a question, or is the air so little and dirty
for you not to hear me?
Nhlaka: no. I came here to spend time with you but seems like
you don't need me here
Mandisa: I don't think the air in here will be enough for us since
you require fresh air
Nhlaka: Goodnight then
Manqoba: night son
Mandisa: you must be suffocating now, leave
Thando: can I go with him
Mandisa: go uyaphi sisi? (where are going?)
Thando: with him to his room
Mandisa: hehe you want to finish his air now. Go sisi go nx
**** Nhlaka tried so hard not to laugh. Thando looked at her
mom like she was crazy and their father was quiet and smiling
to himself thinking about his crazy wife. ****
Nhlaka: okay. Thando take your things
Mandisa: take things yani? Are you taking my daugte to your
Thando: ma. I am just spending time with my brother
Mandisa: I am not your age mate wena Thando. Go with him
and have your fresh air
Thando: baba
Manqoba: go with him baby
Thando: thank you
****they left the room and went to Muzi's suite. They got in
and watched a movie. Thando decided on Everything
Chapter 27 Continuation
****after my mother's drama, Thando I went to. Muzi's room
and chilled. Looks like Muzi had snacks so we took them and ate
while watching a movie she chose, I wonder why she chose to
watch everything everything. I've never watched the movie but
I've seen the trailer and it's about two young people who are in
love buy can't be next to each other because the girl has a weak
immune system which viruses and bacteria can go into easily
and kill her. So this is me, chilling with my little sister and
wondering why she chose this movie....argh let me just ask
Me: Thando why did you choose this movie?
Thando: because my friends have been talking about it and I
like the main character
Me: who is it
Thando: the girl with the curly hair
Me: ohh. But isn't this about people who are dating
Thando: haii uhmm
Me: Thando are you dating?
Thando: no no
Me: Noluthando I'll ask you one more time. Are you dating
Thando: no bhuti(brother) I am not
Me: it better be. Or else I'll kill you. I mean it
****she nodded. I am still skeptical about this but I'll let it slide.
We watched the movie till the end. After watching it, we slept.
She slept on the bed and I slept on the couch.
In the morning I woke up with the bed made and Thando wasn't
anywhere in the room. I called her phone and she told me she
went to mom's Room. I decided to call Sani and tell her to come
to the hotel, I want to spend time with her before I leave since
yesterday I ditched her. She agreed. I had breakfast and went to
shower. In 30 minutes my baby was here. The reception was
giving her problems so I went down and sort it out. We went up
to Muzi's suite which is mine now. She walked in and sat down
in the bed. I went closer to her and kissed her. I haven't had sex
in a long ass time and I am craving. I need it. I brushed her
boobs and she moaned. She was wearing a stylish white crop
top and a demon skirt with white flops. I wonder when she
started liking short stuff, I think I'll need to inspect her and her
res life. I unbuttoned the crop top and I was really loved her.
She wasn't wearing any bra which made it easier for me to play
with my babies. I played with them while she moaned. I took off
my t-shirt, I took off her skirt and tights. She looked hungry for
me but I don't think she's ready so I am not having her today. I
looked down to the lace panty she was wearing. My dick got
hard and was fighting to be free from the demin short I was
wearing. I took off her panty while looking at her in the eye. She
starred and gave in. I got on her and kissed her, I moved from
the lips to her neck. She was moaning which made me crazy. I
inserted my middle finger and wished it was my dick instead.
She was so warm and was ready for me. She was soo wet, I
rubbed her clit in circles and still managed to kiss her neck and
give her hikkies. She kept moaning louder and louder, I inserted
my index finger. She moaned and then I increased my pace. I
kissed her lips and she went even more crazier. I went faster
and faster, I knew she was gonna cum anytime soon because I
felt her body get tense and her orgasm build up*****
Me: cum for me baby
Sani: Nhlakaaaaaaa uhmmmmmm
****her legs shook uncontrollably and a river of cum had
arrived. I liked my fingers looking at her. I kissed her one more
time then pulled out. She had her eyes closed. I pressed both
her legs onto her stomach but with her legs apart. I went to her
honey pot and kissed her inner thighs first. I licked the cum and
applied pressure on her clit. She started going crazy again and
moaned my name.... I inserted two fingers and ate her up like I
depended on it. She was just so delicious I couldn't help it. She
kept holding my head. I let her be this time, I am not going to
stop her from enjoying having my tongue in her. *****
Sani: hmmm UHMMMM Nhlaka.... Ahhhh
Sani: Nhlaka Ahhhh Ahh!!
******she screamed as her oragsm was coming. She shook
again and screamed as she did. I stopped and just took a look at
her with my almost closed eyes. I went down again and
continued with my meal****
Sani: Hmmmm ahhhhh
Voice: Haiibo bhuti!!
****I got up as quick as I could and covered Sani who looked
scared as hell. I turned around to see Thando who stood there
shocked with a book and headsets on her neck*****
Me: Thando ufunan(what do you want)
Thando: I was here all along
Me: ini? (what)
Thando: I came back when you were bathing and sat at the
balcony and finished my book
Me: please try to unsee this, don't tell your parents please leave
Thando: sorry. Please unlock
****I got the key out of my pocket and threw it at her. She
unlocked and left the room. She threw the key back in. I locked
the door and placed it on the coffee table. Sani sat up and just
looked at me****
Me: I'm sorry I didn't think she was here
Sani: it's okay I understand. Who is she
Me: my little sister Noluthando
Sani: ohh
****we both kept quiet... I stood up and went to the shower, I
took a cold shower and got out to a dressed up Khensani who
was on her phone. *****
Me: so what did you do yesterday?
Sani: so my friend Omphile visited me because her and her
family were in the area for a church conference.
Me: ohh that's nice. Do you go yo church
Sani: not really. I went once and it was amazing, I think I'll start
going there every sunday
Me: that's nice. Anything you want to eat
Sani: no I'm not hungry you?
Me: for you yes
Sani: haii you want your parents to catch us now
****I laughed and she just chuckled. I looked at this beauty in
front of me. I just can't wait to make her wife. She looked at me
and smiled****
Sani: why are you looking at me like that
Me: you are beautiful baby
Sani: thank you, now why are you looking at me like that
Me: I am thinking how lucky I am to get a woman like you. I love
you mami
Sani: I love you too
***she blushed thereafter. I smiled and then sat down and
watched a movie. I think I've done enough of movie watching
Later on I toom her home then came back to pack. My parents
left 4 hours ago and they are already home. As for Muzi I don't
even know where he is. I packed my clothes and made sure
there's nothing I am leaving in the hotel room. After I was sure I
left and hit road. It was already 19:30. I chose to go to Joburg so
that I can get some rest then go to KZN. I arrived exactly at
00:15. I was already inside. I went straight to my room and it
the bed.
My alarm buzzed at 7:00 and I bathed and ate. After that I hit
the road again. I went to the nearest petrol station and got full
tank petrol then flew my Porsche to KZN****
*****I arrived in KZN at around 2pm. I got home and found
dad, Yezi and Thando only. It's now dinner time, Mom and
Khethiwe are still not back from their lunch with Aunt Samkele.
Nathi came back 30 minutes ago and hit the shower first, Nkazi
was apparently in the house with Zinhle.*****
Nobuhle: dinner is ready
Dad: thank you
****we went to the dining room and sat down. We washed our
hands then started eating. We ate in silence. After eating
everyone left the table and went where they went. The guys
and I went to the living room.****
Yezi: where is Muzi?
Me: I dont know. I last saw him in Limpopo
Nathi: he's in New york
Yezi: for his honeymoon?
Nathi: yes
Me: Nkazi I hear you want to get married
Nkazi: it's about time. I am not getting any younger.
Nathi: true ey
Me: how are things between you and maKhumalo
Nathi: Ahh well Nandi and I are fine hey
Nkazi: Nandi
Yezi: just fine
Me: is everything okay?
Nathi: nah I fucked up
Me: what did you do?
Nathi: eish
Nkazi: haii Nathi
Nathi: I cheated
Me: and?
Nathi: and she found out
Yezi: hmmm haii
Nkazi: how did she find out
Nathi: stupid call girl told her
Me: haii get rid of these call girls
Nathi: yeah I will. Now I am focused on getting my woman back
Nkazi: she'll forgive you but she'll never forget and trust you the
same way she did
Nathi: yah fuck
Me: hmmm
Dad: Nathi please look for your mother
Nathi: okay
*****he got his laptop and tapped there and there****
Nathi: last seen in Port Elizabeth
Dad: ini? (what?)
Nathi: at 19:00 which is 20 minutes ago. And her phone is off
Dad: try Khethiwe's phone
Nathi: uhmmmm. Last seen at 15:00 in Durban
Dad: Yeyi labafazi bangazongilinga(these women mustnt test
Nkazi: Hayi let's go look for them
Dad: we are going to PE
****he said angrily. We stood up and wore warm. I came back
down and met the others downstairs.****
Dad: Nkanyezi stay with Thando and Sihle
Yezi: okay
Sihle: Nkosi yam (my king)
****he said. Remember Sihle, my dad's right hand man... Yeah
him. ****
Dad: I am leaving with these ones. You and Nkanyezi are in
Sihle: what has happened?
Dad: the queens are lost
Sihle: hauw hauw hauw!
******he covered his mouth using his hands then recovered.
Dad: you have your weapon right
****Sihle nodded. We left in Dad's car. He insisted on driving. I
swear this guy is on a mission to kill us, he was too us. We
reached the airport and found our pilot waiting for us. Yep this
old man apparently has a private jet. We were surprised no lies.
We got in and flew. We arrived in PE and there was a car
already waiting for us. We got in and we were drove to a hotel.
We arrived and checked in. We asked for 2 rooms, Nathi and I
will be sharing and Nkazi and Dad in the other.****
Dad: Nathi you'll stay here and tell us if you've found something
Nathi: sure
Dad: the rest we are going to the warehouse
Me: what warehouse
Nkazi: our Eastern Cape warehouse.
Me: you have a warehouse in every province
Nkazi: we. We
Me: okay okay I get it. We have a warehouse in every province
Nkazi: yes. 3 in Capetown, 4 in Gauteng and 2 in KZN. But the
headquarters is in KZN.
Nathi: you guys are the real mafias
Nkazi: we!
Dad: Ayi shut up mahn!
*****he snapped. We got to the dark scary place. We got there
and found 4 men. 2 who were much older and 2 who were
Man1: Manqoba
Dad: Fish
Man1: Hayi hayi
Dad: boys meet Zweli aka Fish, his son Thami, Senzo and his son
Andile: sho
Thami: awe
Senzo: who are these Dlamini?
Dad: my sons, Nkazimulo, Nhlakanipho and Nkosinathi
Senzo: we finally meet them.
Nkazi: nice to meet you too
Dad: so what do you have for me?
Zweli: so looks like this is an enemy
Dad: ubani manje(who?)
Zweli: I don't know. What about that guy who has a thing for
Dad: Godloza wouldn't dare
Nkazi: why don't we tail him just to be sure
Andile: who is Godloza
Dad: long story son but he's some fucker who once kidnapped
my wife
Andile: ohh I see
Senzo: but why would he hold her hostage after so many years
Zweli: you don't know Godloza wena. He's crazy
Senzo: he's in a fucken wheelchair
Zweli: he's still crazy
*****its been 20 minutes listening to these people argue.
Nathi, dad and I have been quiet and listening. ****
Dad: okay find my wife.! I don't care who you look onto first
who's panty you'll find her in. Just find my wife!
*****he roared and stormed out. Zweli and Senzo also left.
Andile: this man still scares me
****we chuckled and had drinks.*****
Thami: so you guys are legit princes'
****we laughed and nodded****
Andile: yho haii then you are mafia leaders. Do the ancestors
agree mara
*****we burst out of laughter. Nkazi agreed. More jokes were
made by Andile and Nathi finally opening up and being himself.
We passed out on the couches, it was pretty late around 2am
and the old men weren't back and we haven't heard anything
from Nathi since we left the hotel. *****
*****It's the day after Nhlaka dropped me off home and I am
with Tswalo today. We are going out for lunch. Yeah I mean
lunch! I don't why but I am soo happy. I applied Vaseline on my
lips, took my mini side bag and walked to Tswalo's house. As I
was walking I heard people call me and saw some men drool. I
mean who wouldn't. I was wearing a blue skinny Jean with a
stylish long sleeved crop top and my white air force. I love these
shoes and I don't see myself getting rid of them. I loosened up
my braids. I arrived at Tswalo's place and found her locking the
door. She was wearing a short white dress with white air force
sneakers too. She had a weave on. We hugged then walked to
the taxi rank. Yeah hey.... We arrived at the busy corner and got
in the taxi taking us to the mall. We arrived and watched a
movie first, after the movie we went to have lunch at Wimpy.
The waiter arrived and served us****
Me: what's eating you up
Tswalo: nothing why
Me: you haven't been yourself since Muzi and Nhlaka bailed out
on our date
Tswalo: Sani. He hasn't called ever since or saw me, not even a
'hi' sms. Just nothing
Me: hmm?
Tswalo: yes. When I call its says he's unavailable. I don't know if
I should be worried or mad
Me: damn
Tswalo: when last did you talk TO Nhlaka?
Me: a day ago
We were at his hotel room you know, just having a couples time
then boom his little sister caught him muffing me
****Tswalo looked shocked but laughed so hard that everyone
in the restaurant looked at us. I laughed too. ****
Tswalo: what happened next
Me: she left then Nhlaka went to bath. We washed a movie
then I came back home
Tswalo: damn I wonder what little sister thinks of you
Me: mxm
****she laughed again then our drinks came. I took a dip if my
Tswalo: so that was the last time you talked to him
Me: yeahhhh. Well he sent me a text this morning
Tswalo: ohh that's better
Me: do you want me to ask Nhlaka where he is
Tswalo: yeah.
Me: I will
Tswalo: thanks friend
Me: my pleasure.
******we spent the rest of our day together and had fun! Later
we went to her house and her parents weren't home so we
slept there.*****
In Eastern Cape. Undisclosed location
****Mandisa felt like her head was hit by a train as she opened
her eyes. She met with an unfamiliar room and her eyes
widened remembering what happened. She looked around the
room as she sat up. There were 2 beds, an opened door of the
bathroom. She shook Khethiwe. Khethiwe woke up and held
her head as she felt the pain Mandisa felt when waking up.****
Khethiwe: Mandy where are we
Mandisa: I don't know. Where is Manqoba. He's supposed to
save us
Khethiwe: I wonder where we are
****they heard voices coming nearer. The door was unlocked
and opened. 3 men came in, 2 that Mandisa knew and one she
didn't know. Khethiwe knew no one****
Mandisa: wena(you)
Godloza: yebo yimina baby(yes it's me baby)
Mandisa: why?
Godloza: Mandisa we are meant to be can't you see. You are
mine okay. That man doesn't deserve you
Mandisa: and you do
Godloza: yes. You were mine from the beginning and he stole
me from you
Mandisa: I loved him, I still love him! Now take me back home
to my husband and children
Godloza: ungazong'hlanyela wena( don't act crazy on me)
Mandisa: Gadla I thought you were the sweeter one here kanti
Gadla: he's my brother. He asked for my help and I am helping
Khethiwe: Yeyi take us home nina yhooo
Gadla: home is far you are in Port Elizabeth now
Mandisa: Yeyi Godloza take me home man!!
****she got angry. He smiled at her and went closer to her he
got down to reach her. She looked at him dead in the eyes. He
slapped her across her face and she held her face. ****
Godloza: you don't raise your voice when talking to me. I am
not Manqoba nx!
Mandisa: voetsek Godloza( piss off)
Godloza: you've grown some balls Mandisa neh. And since from
when am I Godloza huh
Mandisa: that's your name right
Godloza: Yeyi Mandisa you call me Siya
Mandisa: not anymore
Khethiwe: hey I nina take us home
Godloza: Sipho thata lomuntu mahn( take this person)
Gadla: and where should I take her now?
Godloza: go have fun with her
Khethiwe: Yeyi. Ungangilingi tuu(don't test me!)
Godloza: Sipho
Gadla: Hayi bafo nginomfazi Mina phela, futhi ngifuna ukuyodla
ikhekhe lakhe elimnandi( no bro I have a wife and I want to eat
her delicious pussy)
Godloza: Hayi hamba Sipho(go)
*****Sipho left. The other guy took Khethiwe to the room
Mandisa: if you won't let me go please go. I need to rest
Godloza: okay. I'll bring you breakfast
****he left and locked the room. Mandisa tried looking for a
phone or something she can use to escape and found nothing.
Khethiwe in the other room has been crying for her husband
2 days later (24 December)
***it's been 2 days since mom was kidnapped and we still don't
know who it is. We are all stressed and frustrated. No one has
told Muzi yet because we don't want to disturb him. Dad went
back to KZN for a council meeting because he doesn't want to
be absent and tell them about the queen's disappearence.
Uncle Jabu called yesterday and told us Aunt Samke is okay but
she is still in shock and isn't talking to anyone. She's our only
hope now since we need the people who did this.*****
Nkazi: Nhlaka
Me: hmmmm
Nkazi: where is your mind
Me: nowhere why
Nkazi: exactly it's nowhere.... What's wrong
Me: nothing. I am worried about ma and mama
Nkazi: they'll be fine don't worry
Nathi: we are supposed to have Christmas with them not like
Nkazi: don't worry they are still alive.
Nathi: the fuck!!
Nkazi: what's up
Nathi: looks like mom is in a police station
Me: what how?
Nathi: I was hacking Godloza's car and it always reports to be at
the police station around this time till 9pm
Me: do you think that's where he could be hiding mom
Nathi: yeah
****Nkazi's phone rang
He answered.... Bathi continued tapping his laptop. I was on my
phone talking to Sani. It was around 5pm right now. She was
telling me about her day with her cousins and Tswalo of
Nkazi: guys
****we looked at him****
Nkazi: aunt Samke called and she says it was Godloza who took
them and they dropped her off at the hospital after hiting her
with a gun at the back of her neck.
Nathi: I knew it
Me: fuck! Did you tell the man
Nkazi: yes and he said he wants his wife and sister in law. Now
*****my phone rang and it was dad. I answered it and put it on
loud speaker. ****
Me: baba
Dad: put me on speaker
Me: already on speaker
Dad: good. Now this is how you'll work. Nathi look for him and
find him then all of you are going to the place and bring back
my wife and sister straight home. You'll decide who comes back
with them but they must come straight home. 2 of you must
remain and clean up your mess. I believe you know how to
Nkazi: yebo bab
Dad: good. Use your guns. I want my wife back!
****he dropped the call. We ordered food and ate. After eating
we got dressed and wore bullet proof vests under our shirts.
We were all in black. I wore black tracksuits with black addias
sneakers. I feel much more comfortable in those. We left the
room with one car and drove to the warehouse where we will
be meeting with Andile and Thami. We arrived and got in. They
were ready and getting our guns ready. We chilled and waited
till it was late. We all took guns and left for the police station in
2 cars. It was 22:00 when we left. We arrived and parked
outside the station.****
Me: who is going back home
Nathi: I will
Nkazi: no, I will. Nathi you need to stay here and track these
fools since they are home now. And Nhlaka you need to clean
Me: alone
Andile: we will also help
Me: sho
****I took out two guns and put silencers on them. They were
already filled with bullets.****
Nathi: okay they must be in a room which is 500m away from
the police station
Nkazi: huh
Nathi: that's probably what used to be the old station
Andile: okay so we just shoot
Nkazi: yes but only the ones around that room
Thami: less talking and more action
*****we got out and locked the cars. We went in the station
and walked where the old station was. There were 4 men
guarding the place outside. Nkazi and Andile took them out. We
got in and started walking slowing making sure not to make a
sound. There were 3 guys outside 2 rooms which is stupid if you
ask me. Nkazi, Thami and Andile had the three down. They
searched them while Nathi and I searched for anything. Nathi
went near the entrance to check the coast. They managed to
open one door and Khethiwe was sleeping peacefully. Andile
injected her for a deep sleep then they carried her to the car.
Nkazi stood outside it. We opened another door and did the
same with ma. After Nkazi left. Nathi went to the car to wipe
out cctv footages. We had the bodies picked up and threw them
in the car boot. We couldn't fit 7 bodies in the boot so we left 3
in the room. Thami went to get petrol in the car and poured it
all over the room. He lit up a match stick and let it burn. He lit
up another one when he was in front of the old station door
then left. Nathi wiped out all the footage and we left and drove
off to the nearest forest and had the hands of the 4 men cut.
Then burned them there. Andile came holding a black plastic
which smelled bad from his reaction****
Me: what's that
Andile: trash
Nathi: what for now?
Andile: to try mix the ashes
Nathi: okay.
**** we burned everything. This was my first job and to be
honest it was scary and still is. After they burned to ashes we
took their hands and wrapped them in a plastic. We drove to
the warehouse and took showers. When we were done Thami
wrapped the hands in a cooler bag with ice then in a huge box
and wrapped it up with wrap paper. ****
Nathi: you're sick man
Thami: he has to get this present
Andile: why wrap them in two boxes?
Thami: one for Godloza and another for his brother
Me: Aii. I just wanna sleep
Andile: you can go. We will continue tomorrow at 9:am
Me: sho. Give us a ride to the hotel
Andile: sho
**** we got the hotel and went back. I took my shoes, the
bullet proof vest, my pants then slept. Nathi also slept. Early in
the morning we bathed and ate. At 8 Andile and Thami were
here. ****
Me: sho pois
Thami: yess wena
Andile: Nathi location?
Nathi: he is KZN
Me: Haiibo kanjani manje(how is that possible)
Nathi: looks like he was already in KZN yesterday and his
brother was the one here
Me: Nathi let's go to KZN and deliver the package at his
Nathi: let's call dad first
**** he tried him and he didn't answer. We called Nkazi's
phone and he answered****
Nkazi: sho
Nathi: where is dad?
Nkazi: with mom in their room
Nathi: Godloza is KZN. So we want to deliver him a package so
we were just wondering where to deliver it
Nkazi: uhmm let me ask him. I'll call you
Nathi: sho
**** we awaited his call whole listening to Andile's maskandi
music. He called again after 15 minutes****
Me: what took you long?
Dad: voetsek wena(piss off)
Me: sorry
Dad: deliver it to him. Come back. Andile and Thami will deal
with Gadla
Me: are you sure
Dad: yes plus your mother wants you back. And Muzi is also on
his way
Me: who told him
Dad: uKhethiwe beka hlanya athi uyamfuna, umfounele athi
makabuye ngokushesha(Khethiwe was going crazy saying she
wants her son, she called him and told him to back asap)
Nathi: iyoh
Dad: haii I'll deal with him. Don't worry
Nathi: do you how crazy Muzi gets about his mother
Dad: it's fine I'll talk him. Just finish and kill Godloza
Me: sho. See you.
Andile: so airport?
Me: yes
**** we got out the car and went in the hotel and fetched our
bags then checked out. We then went in the car and then drove
to the airport. Nathi booked the nearest flight and it was leaving
in 40 minutes. Lucky aren't we... ****
Nathi: do how we gonna get the package in there
Andile: eish
Thami: it's all sorted. It will go through the very ssne way drug's
pass by
Nathi: cool
****we got out and went in. And yes we got our package then
boarded the plane. We arrived and got one of the drivers to
come fetch us do we found him waiting for us. ****
Me: Nkulu
Nkulu: sho Nathi
Nathi: I am Nathi not him
Nkulu: Aii sho Nathis
****we chuckled and talked there and there. We finally arrived
home. We got out and took the package with. I took it to my
room because there's no other place where it could be. I went
downstairs to greet. My little sister was soo happy to see us. I
gave her a big hug and talked to her for a while. I went to my
parents and knocked. My dad opened the door and let me
Dad: Boy
Mom: Nhlaka
Me: ma
Mom: come here
**** I went to her and embraced her in a hug. She cried and I
wiped her tears. She smiled when I did that****
Ma: where is Nathi
Nathi: here
***we both turned and saw him leaning by the door. Looks like
dad left the room. Nathi walked in and sat on ma's left, I was on
her right. She hugged him then smiled***
Ma: I'm glad you're safe
Me: I'm glad we could find you mommy
Nathi: I was worried as hell. We will make sure they pay
Muzi: that's a fact
**** we all looked towards the door and saw a mad Muzi
standing there****
Ma: thank you boys
Me: we love you ma
Ma: Muzi when did you get here
Muzi: in less than 5 minutes
Ma: your mother is in the garden
Muzi: okay
****he left. I also left and left Nathi with mom. I went to the
kitchen and found Nobuhle wiping the counters****
Me: Buhle can you please make me food. I am soo hungry
Voice: you missed mama huh..... I also missed you
**** Zanele walked in holding Mthoko who was Cleary happy
to see his mother. ****
Zah: hello
Me: hello
Zah: how are you feeling
Me: I am glad the moms are back
Zah: me too
Me: sorry you didn't get to enjoy your honeymoon
Zah: it's okay hey. Atleast we had 2 days to ourselves but I
missed Mthokozisi
Me: yeah hey. Thsnk you
****I said referring to Nobuhle who gave me a scrumptious
sandwich. I ate it then washed the plate and glass. After that I
went outside for fresh air. I went to the kraal and sat under a
tree and just looked at the cows in front of me. I heard
someone's footsteps. I looked and it was Muzi. I looked back at
the cows. ****
Muzi: so you weren't going to tell me
Me: I was. I just didn't want to disturb you
Muzi: disturb... Nhlaka my mother was kidnapped
Me: so was mine okay!
****I snapped. He kept quiet and then sighed****
Muzi: I'm sorry I still think you should've told me
Me: yeah sorry
Muzi: cool
Me: Tintswalo wants you
Muzi: damn. I'll call her
Me: do it now because your wife will be expecting to be with
you tonight. Anyway how was your honeymoon?
Muzi: it was great. I had fun
Me: I'm glad bro
Muzi: how was first job
Me: hectic and exhausting. We are still not done. Godloza needs
to be killed.
Muzi: is Gadla gone
Me: yes. Andile sent me a text saying he's gone.
Muzi: good. So when are we killing Godloza
Me: a week after his brother is buried
Muzi: okay. Let me call Tintswalo
Me: sho
****he left and went by the other side. I just looked at the cows
drowning in a pool of my own thoughts. Nathi joined me and
stayed quiet. No one said a thing. He was on his phone and I
was still drowning.... *****
It's the 25th of December and I haven't heard from Nhlaka and I
am worried. Anyway I woke up, cleaned with the help of
Appreciate and Shalati, while Nkatkeo and Salani prepared
breakfast. The two brides, Rhandzo and Mahalia were already
preparing lunch. After breakfast was eaten they helped each
others with chores and helped the brides with cooking. Vutomi
came a little early to spend Christmas with us. I went to bath
and wore a denim skirt with a white crop top and a demon
jacket. Shalati wore demon jeans and a simple orange t-shirt.
Orange reminds me of the birthday surprise my friends had
planned for me. I wore my flip flops and tied my braids into a
high bun and styled my edges. I asked Salani to take me pictures
outside. After taking pictures we went back to the house and
are. Nkatkeo the house dj played songs. We had a nice time just
as a family. Later on Vutomi left and then we just chilled
outside. Late at night we cleared the house then slept.****
The next day
****we all woke up and brushed our teeth. I changed into
yesterday's crop top and a fabric short. I made tea with a huge
tea pot enough for 9 people. Since the teapot wasn't that big, I
used another one enough 4 people and prepared the second
tea. I put 10 cups on one tray and 2 plates filled with scones
baked by Mahalia and Rhandzo. I put the suger tin and milk
with 10 teaspoons in each cup. The extra cup if for incase
someone comes in. Ohhh wait I forgot Themba and little
Dyondzo who is Mahalia and Pilot's baby girl. Dyondzo means
education.... Yeah I know right.... I put 2 plastic cups for them
and put them on the tray too. I placed the trays on the table
then waited for the tea to boil. The whole family was awake by
now. And it was a full noisy house. I can imagine how worse it'd
be if Joel and Joseph were here because they are the
problematic cousins. The tea was ready, and I poured it in my
cup, Themba's cup and Dyondzo's cup. I made their tea like
warm for them to be able to drink. So I went back to the kitchen
with my food and their cups of tea. I took another cup and
poured the tea into one cup to another and back to the cup. I
kept repeating the same thing and did the same for Dyondzo's
tea. When they were okay I gave them to drink. I went outside
to join the others to eat. *****
Shalati: how is your love life Sani
Me: it's fine why are you asking
Shalati: just asking. How is school
Me: it's fine and you
Shalati: it's fine too
Salani: this side is much more boring but fun to be with you
Appre: we should hang out more often you know
Shalati: mmmh I agree
Me: anything interesting to do today
Salani: I am tired yho maybe tomorrow
Me: yeah hey
Shalati: where is that girl that became popular from the sex
Me: who Ntsako
Shalati: yeah
Me: I don't know
Nkateko: she's still here
Me: auw serious
Nkateko: yes. She works at MrPrice
Me: hmm okay
Salani: I don't understand why you should make a sex tape
Appre: they do it for fame
Me: haii that's nonsense
Appre: true
*****after our boring conversations, Appreciate and Nkatkeo
washed the dishes. I went to bath and wore a denim skirt
jumpsuit then walked to Tswalo's place. I arrived and she
opened for me. I greeted her mother who was hanging curtains
on the washing line with the help of her husband. I also greeted
him and went in the house and made myself comfortable.
Tswalo: he called me and told me his mothers were kidnapped
Me: who?
Tswalo: Muzi
Me: mothers?
Tswalo: yeah well I was also shocked hey.
Me: Muzi's mothers?
Tswalo: ohhh you don't know
Me: know what?
Tswalo: Muzi and Nhlaka don't share the same mother
Me: so they are step brothers?
Tswalo: I guess so. So he said they were both kidnapped and
they only found them yesterday
Me: damn that's soo bad. That's why Nhlaka isn't talking to me
now. He's probably traumatized by this
Tswalo: yeah ayy. So why did you leave hour cousins
Me: I wanted to see you before you go see yours
Tswalo: ncoooo
Me: Mxm. You're my best friend fool
Tswalo: I love you too
*****her phone buzzed and mine too. It was a video call
between Sipho, Thato and Phile. Tswalo accepted the request
and I declined since we were under one roof. Sipho was with
her sister and the rest were alone. *****
Me: heyyyyyyyy
Phile: hiiii
Tswalo: bitches
Sipho: ohh you're together
Me: yeah
Thato: guys it's boring here in Lesotho
Me: woah you are in a whole country
Ntando: didn't you say you're going to North West
Thato: well I was then came here 2 days ago to visit my
maternal family
Phile: ohh. Well I am here at home back from church
Sipho: you look tired yho
Ntando: bheka ukuthi umubi kanjani(look who ugly she is)
Phile: Mxm voetsek
Ntando: Haaa she's from church but she's already swearing
****we laughed and Phile just ended up laughing with us.
Thato: ayyy yebo
****she screamed at the song in the background that Sipho
and Ntando were playing. *****
Me: Hayi switch off that thing nina
Sipho: it's not us, it's the tarven nextdoor
Thato: nextdoor yhooooo
Tswalo: haii Thato. Will you ever leave alcohol mara
Thato: haaaa no
Phile: guys can I go sleep
It was nice seeing your faces but I am super tired
Me: okay bye baby
Tswalo: rest baby rest!!
*****we laughed since there was a new trend 'rest' a few days
ago. Phile went off and now it was just the 5 of us. ****
Thato: SO I was thinking that next year March we go to Kruger
National Park
Tswalo: good idea. Just for a friends time out right?
Thato: yes
Me: with what money
Sipho: haa Sani you've been working the whole year you
obviously have money
Me: but they are my savings
Ntando: it won't cost you much. It will be a little.
Tswalo: come on Sani
Me: hmmm guys
Thato: Sani don't be a bore
Me: okay then March
Thato: yes. We will figure out a date together
Tswalo: what about Omphile
Sipho: I'll tell her
Thato: sorted
Mrs Maringa: girls I need a favor
Tswalo: yes
Mrs Maringa: I need you to wash the windows
Tswalo: iyoh
Mrs Maringa: Tintswalo I am just asking you for one thing
Me: we will do it ma
Tswalo: mxm
*****Tswalo's mom left. The friends laughed most especially at
Tswalo's reaction. ****
Sipho: bye go wash windows
Me: Mxm bye
Thato: bye. Let me scout for sotho men
Ntando: Ahh you want blankies
*****we laughed again. Tswalo dropped the call. We took 2
buckets, one each and started washing. After washing them we
were dead tired. We helped her hung back the curtains. Tswalo
accompanied me home after that. I got there and found Salani
and Rhandzo cooking. ****
Themba: Sani
Me: Themba
****he hugged my legs. Dyondzo ran to me and did the same.
Ohh how I love children****
Me: how are you
****no answer okay. I don't know why I asked especially in
English since they don't know it. They can't even talk properly.
They ran off to wherever they were playing with sand. I looked
at myself and yep I was dirty.****
Nkatkeo: Sani where were you
Me: Tintswalo why?
Nkateko: mhani Silvia was asking for you
Me: okay
*****I went inside the house and to the room after I found her
nowhere else. I knocked and she said come in.****
Me: mama
Silvia: Sani come sit
***I sat down. She looked like she's stressed about something.
She held my hands. Okay okay I started getting worried****
Me: what it is
Silvia: your father
Me: what about him
Sani: he's looking for you
Me: what for
Silvia: Khensani
Me: how does he know he has a child
Silvia: Sani... I.. I.. I
Me: where is he?
Silvia: He came here just after you left and I chased him out
Me: what did he exactly want?
Silvia: he said he wants you and for you to take his Surname
***I kept quiet. I was happy he was here, mad he was here...
Just feeling a bunch of emotions because this man left me and
now he's back after 19 years. A whole 19 years****
Silvia: I just thought I should tell you
Me: okay. I am going now
Silvia: okay. Sani
****I looked at her as I stood up***
Silvia: I love you. You'll always be my baby girl
****I felt tears build up. I nodded and left her room. Dinner
was ready. I sat outside and ate as the others talked about
normal conversations. Then they gossiped about family
members, basically their parents and all that. Late at night we
all to sleep. Well here is our sleeping arrangement. On Vutomi's
old bed sleeps Mahalia, and Dyondzo, on Nkatkeo's bed sleeps
Nkatkeo and Appreciate and on my bed sleeps Me and Shalati.
Salani sleeps with aunt Silvia since aunt Sharon lives at her
boyfriend's house during night time and lives her during
daylight. I don't understand why she does that. I tied my
headwarap and went inside the covers. I texted Nhlaka and
thank goodness he's online. We talked till it was late.****
5 days later
****so it's New year's eve and trust me, I cannot wait till I get
to Joburg. Not that I've had enough of this place but I miss my
friends and that place.*****
Silvia: Khensani I am talking to you
*****I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. ******
Me: hmmm
Silvia: I was saying what are you going to do about your father,
you know you can't avoid him
Me: he must go back to the whole he came from
*****she sighed. A white corolla quest parked in front of our
gate. I sat and looked at it.****
Silvia: Sani go open
Me: why? Who is it?
Silvia: Khensani where do you get all this disrespect
Me: sorry
****I stood up and got the keys to the gate. I walked slowly to
go open the gate. After I opened the car got in and parked next
to the front door. I closed the gate and walked towards them.
Silvia had already gotten them chairs. They sat down and
occupied the 3 chairs. They meaning a woman and two men
who all looked colored. I didn't pay much attention to them. I
greeted and went into the house to go look for Themba. His
parents went out for a picnic and all the cousins left 2 days ago,
you probably know where aunt Sharon is, Nkatkeo went to visit
her father's family as always so that's why it's just me, Silvia and
Themba. I got in my room and found this young fella on my
phone busy dialing people's numbers. Nah wait. It can't be. He
dialed Nhlaka's number and it looked like they had a pretty bad
conversation but still kept it going.*****
Me: Themba!
****he looked at me and got scared. I took my phone from him
and gave him a pointed finger warning. I put the phone in my
ear. ***
Me: hmm hello
Nhlaka: mami
Me: how are you?
Nhlaka: I'm good and you
Me: I'm good too.
Silvia: Khensani
Me: uhmmm I have to go
Nhlaka: it's okay. I'll call later
Me: sure
****he dropped the call. I got out the room and went to her.
Silvia: won't you make our guests tea?
*****I faked smiled and prepared tea for them. Themba came
into the kitchen crying. I went to him and he showed me a
scratch on his arm. I kissed it and said sorry. He smiled and
disappeared like he wasn't crying a second ago. The water
finished boiling. I put 1 teabag into each cup then put biscuits
on a side plate, put the sugar tin and milk then took the tray
outside. I used the extra chair as a table to put the tray... ****
Silvia: Khensani come join us
Me: okay
**** I went to the back and got a chair. I put it next to Silvia
then went in the house. I checked on Themba and found him
watching TV. I took my phone from the kitchen counter and
joined the elders outside. ****
Silvia: Sani. These are the Johnsons. This is Mark, Christopher
and his wife Zoe. Guys this is my niece Khensani.
****I smiled at them but not paying too much attention to
them. I saw the Christopher man look at me with teary eyes and
his wife looking numb or shocked, whatever... ****
Silvia: Chris this is her
Chris: I can see it. My Naomi
****okay this makes sense now. He is my father. But then why
this Naomi now****
Silvia: Sani. This is your father
Me: hmmm
Chris: I am your daddy Nana
Me: My father doesn't know me and my name is Khensani
Silvia: Khensani
Me: no. No! Where were you all these years huh?
Chris: I was still searching for you
Me: Ayi lies mahn!
****okay okay I was fuming now. He had tears flowing down his
eyes, his wife had her hand on his back and her eyes fixed on
me. I looked at her then at the Mark guy who then sighed. I also
started crying. I looked at my father with my blurt vision and
saw the resemblance we have and cried even more. His hair,
eye brows, nose and ears were his.****
Zoe: Sari
Me: Sani
****I said correcting her. She kept quiet then my so called dad
Chris: Sani I am sorry I found you at 19. I really wanted you to
be with me but then your mother wouldnt let me go with you,
only for her pass away 20 minutes after I left. I didn't even know
that until last week when I came here. I found out from your
aunts that she left us. I am sorry Naomi I really am
Me: who Naomi
Chris: its your other name. The name I gave you is Naomi
Me: ohh
Mark: if you don't mind we would like to apologise to the family
following your tradition of course
Silvia: uhmm but that will be Sani's decision
Me: what do they mean
Chris: we mean we would like to pay damages and for leaving
you to be raised by your aunts. We would also like it if you come
live with us
Me: where
Chris: well we moved here 2 years back, permanently and we
live in Midrand.
Me: who is we
Chris: Zoe and our 2 children
Me: I live at res
Chris: ohh where
Me: near Wits
Zoe: what are you studying
Me: Geology
Mark: that's nice
Me: who are you again
Mark: ohh I am your uncle Mark, I am Chris's brother
Chris: soo Sani
Me: Can I think about it
Chris: that's also okay.
Me: sure
****he stared at me. Mark was on his phone and Zoe was
talking to aunt Silvia. I went to whatsapp and found 54
messages from Nhlaka. I swear no one has time to harras my
phone like him. I got into his dm and told him what just
happened. He was recording a voice note, so I waited.... After 8
minutes it came through. This is a long voice note. I stood up
and went inside the house to the kitchen where I plugged
earphones into my ears and listened to his long vn. I took the
tray from outside and washed the dishes. After that I answered
Nhlaka and looked for Themba. When it's quiet I know he's
probably being naughty. I went to the living room where I last
saw him and he wasn't there. I went to my room and still
nothing. I went to Muhluri's room and he was playing with a
condom wrapper and sanitary pads. He was busy taking out the
cotton from the pads. I took him a picture then went to him and
looked at him. He opened his eyes and then smiled. I picked
him up and cleared the mess he made. He ran away from me. I
found him in the living room watching cartoons. I switched off
the TV and hit his hand. He cried loudly, I hit it again. Chris and
Zoe entered the room and Zoe stopped me from hitting this
mischievous person. But I was already done anyway. *****
Chris: Sani you can't hit the child like that
Me: you spare the rod you spoil the child
*****I left them there and went to the kitchen to get my
phone. I stood by the counter as I answered my contacts. Zoe
came in and gave me a smile. I put my phone on the counter
and looked at her. She was wearing a black pencil skirt, a white
vest and a black formal jacket with sandles. I wonder what the
occasion was for.****
Zoe: is he yours
Me: who
Zoe: the child
Me: no. He is my cousin's child
Zoe: ohh
Me: yeah
Zoe: so do you consider living with us
Me: I don't know. Maybe, he's my father after all and I want to
build a relationship with him
Zoe: ohh yeah that's nice. You know our children are going to
love you
Me: who are they
Zoe: Natasha and Nathan
Me: ohh okay. How old are they
Zoe: Natasha is 20 and Nathan is 16
*****damn I thought to myself. So my dad cheated on her
when she was pregnant and I was conceived. In all of that she
still remained in the marriage. No wait she didn't know till now,
but she's still here. She is strong I tell you*****
Zoe: you're probably wondering hey. Let me tell you the way it
is. He cheated on me and I found out last month that he has a
19 year old daughter in Limpopo. I didn't leave him because I
love him.
Me: ohh
Zoe: yeah. So how is school
Me: school is fine its....
***zzzz zzzz zzzz my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen and
it was Nhlaka. I smiled and looked at Zoe. She nodded then I
answered it****
Me: sauwbona Dlamini(hello)
Nhlaka: yebo sthandwa sam(yes my love)
Me: can you please call later I am busy here
Nhlaka: okay just make me a please call okay
Me: sure
Nhlaka: ngiyakthanda mamas(I love you)
Me: hmm nami
Nhlaka: nawe ini
Me: nami
Nhlaka: Sani khuluma phela(Sani talk)
Me: kuno muntu lana( there's someone here)
Nhlaka: Aii ke okay. I'll let it slide for now.
Me: okay bye
Nhlaka: bye
*****I dropped the call with a violent blush playing with my
cheeks. Zoe has been looking at me smiling too*****
Zoe: your man?
Me: uhmmm
Zoe: I won't tell him, don't worry
****I nodded. I don't know why I am trusting this woman but
anyway I already agreed****
Zoe: I see. Your dad also made me smile like that, he still does
Me: sounds like a good man
Zoe: he is amazing
Me: I'm glad
Zoe: don't worry too much sani you'll be fine with him.
Me: I hope so
Chris: ohh you're here
Zoe: yes
****he came to us and kissed his wife. I looked at them
blushing. Zoe looked shy and Chris looked proud of himself. I
wonder what went wrong because he looks like someone who
worships his wives ground and not like someone who'd
Chris: Sani we are going now. Thank you for welcoming us and
accepting us. I love you a lot my girl
Me: uhmm it's a pleasure
Chris: okay. Uhmm can I have your number
****I gave him my number and they invited me for lunch
tomorrow which I couldn't refuse because of Silvia. Chris and
Zoe had their little talk then Zoe came back to me while Mark
and Chris walked to the car.****
Zoe: Uhmm Sani change of plans. We were planning to go back
to Midrand since we left the kids there so if you don't mind can
you leave with us tomorrow and be with us
Me: what about school
Zoe: you'll go back to res
Silvia: that's even perfect. I'll help her pack. What time are you
going to fetch her
Zoe: probably by 7am. Just be ready at 7am
Me: okay
******she left and immediately Muhluri and his wife came
back. Hluri closed and locked the gate. Themba ran to his
mother and gave him a big hug. He didn't talk to me at all, he
was still sulking from the beating I gave him. Silvia told Muhluri
and Rhandzo about my father and all that. She and Mark agreed
that damages will be paid by the Easter holidays when everyone
will be here including Chris's family. Lol my family I mean. I
warmed up yesterday's left overs since they were enough for
today. I guess only Silvia, Themba and I are eating because Hluri
and his wife ate where they come from. After eating, I washed
the dishes and packed my clothes. After that I made Nhlaka a
please call and waited for his call, still nothing came through so
I went to sleep at 22:00 ****
**** Happy new year!!!!. It is a new year, fresh start new
blessing and all that.*****
Thando: baba I want to go for a vacation
Dad: when
Thando: tomorrow is also fine
Dad: okay
Thando: huh
Dad: I said okay. Where do you want to go?
Thando: uhmmm Paris
Dad: you know it's cold right
Thando: okay eish uhmm Mauritius
Dad: okay. When does school open
Thando: 12 Jan
Dad: okay so we leave on the 3rd and come back on the 10th
Thando: okay. Thank you baba
Dad: sure baby
****Thando left. Everyone looked at baba soo shocked***
Dad: Yeyi stop piercing me with your looks
Mom: so am I also counted in?
Dad: if course mkami(wifey)
Nathi: and us?
Dad: who is us?
Nathi: your children
Dad: Nkosinathi you are grown men mahn. Let me take my baby
to a vacation, I've been to busy lately for my baby and we need
some mommy, daddy and last born time
Nathi: ohh
Me: it's boring here honestly
Yezi: true.
Me: where is Nkazi
Dad: Upstairs with Zinhle
Mtho: alallapuuhkkii
Dad: yes boy boy he's upstairs
****we chuckled. Mthoko laughed too. Muzi smiled looking at
his son who was on his mother's laps. Zanele had lost all the
baby fat and she looked amazing for anyone not to see. Muzi
was slowly being attracted to her. Its starting to look like Zanele
is his chosen one****
Me: Aii Bafana let's go
Nathi: wait for me
Me: okay
Nkazi: where are you going?
Me: I don't know. We will see
Nathi: let's go to Durban
Yezi: sure.
Nathi: take something to change
****I went to my room and packed a bag of a few clothes and 1
pair of shoes. I took of the slippers I was wearing and wore
sandles. I shoved a pair of sunglasses in my bag and zipped it. I
took my car keys and went downstairs to get the car out of the
garage to the front door but facing the drive way. Nathi and Yezi
got out. They got into the car and we left. I was behind the
wheel, Nathi was seated with me and Yezi was behind me.
Nathi put on his hip-hop music and we all jamed to it. ****
Nathi: ey man My girl is in Durban let's go there
Yezi: no
Me: Bafana is right, no!
Nathi: come on her friends will be there
Me: eyy baba no
Yezi: if there will be friends I'm in
Me: hauw Yezi so you're turning against me
Yezi: nah I mean there are other women there right? So we
won't have to watch this fool busy loving her woman
Nathi: you don't have you watch, you greet then go and fetch
me later
Me: haii. Let's go then. Where to?
Nathi: Eyadini lounge
Me: sure
****we got there around 16:15 and found Nandi seated with 3
ladies and one guy.****
Nathi: MaKhumalo
****Nandi turned around with a huge smile on her face. She
frowned then quickly recovered. I went to hug her and Nathi
shook his head. Yezi chuckled lightly****
Nandi: Hayi mahn Nhlaka
*****she said hitting my shoulder and realizing who her man is.
We laughed at her and she laughed too, she went to her man
and hugged him. Nathi gave her a peck then they sat down.
While they were busy romancing, Yezi and I greeted the rest of
the people there. ****
Nandi: guys this is Nathi my boyfriend, Nhlaka his twin and
Nkanyezi, their brother. And guys this is Mpumi my best friend,
Nothile my other friend, Gugu and his boyfriend who are also
my friends.
Me: ohh hello
Them: hey.
Me: uhmm Yezi mii
****I said giving him the car keys and leaving. Nathi just looked
at me then shook his head. I don't know why but I didn't feel
like drinking and being there. So I requested a cab and went to
a hotel we agreed on staying in. I got there and layed on the
bed. I talked to Sani who was apparently in Joburg. This thing of
her father coming back really has her bad hey. I dialed her
number and it rang, she answered on the fourth ring****
Sani: Dlamini
Me: Uhmmm what's your new Surname now
Sani: hahaha that's not funny ey. It's Johnson
Me: ehhh you've turned white baby
Sani: tsek Nhlaka
Me: I'll take the disrespect for now.
Sani: sorry
Me: apology not accepted.
Sani: haaa
***I laughed and she did too****
Me: I'm joking baby. How is it there
Sani: not bad. I'm home alone for now, their children are visting
their Uncle who lives in Pretoria
Me: ohh so are you going to change your surname
Sani: argh I don't know and dad wants me to change it but after
he's done the necessary traditional customs
Me: ohh and how is the step mommy
Sani: she's okay hey. Not bad.
Me: that's good hey. I miss you
Sani: I miss you too
Me: I am soo bored here right now
Sani: isn't there anything you can do
Me: I am in Durban in the hotel room by myself because Nathi
and Yezi went to Eyadini
Sani: why didn't you go?
Me: I don't feel like it. All I want is you
Sani: Nhlaka you are dramatic
Me: I learnt from the best
Sani: wow and that's not me neh
****I laughed and she made silly threats****
Me: woah sorry babe
Sani: apology not accepted
Me: damn you keep getting me these days
Sani: I'm a better player than you baby.
Me: mxm
Sani: yeah yeah
****we talked for a while then ended the call when she said
her new parents are back. Yep she said it like that 'my new
parents are here'.... So then I just slept. I woke up when my
brothers came back, Yezi was drunk he threw himself on the
couch and dozed off. Nathi just took a shower then went into
the covers. I went to the other room which had a TV and
watched a 2 hour movie, when it finished I went to sleep. *****
****so we arrived here at 1pm and then my new parents went
to Mark's house. It's now almost 17:00 and they have arrived. I
am in the room and I am nervous about meeting my siblings.
Will they accept me? What if they hate me?.... As my head was
buzzing with questions there was a door knock.****
Me: come in
****Zoe opened the door and stood by the door frame****
Zoe: they are here. Come now
****I stood up from the bed and wore my slippers. She went
downstairs I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed myself. I
went downstairs and all eyes were on me. One thing about this
house is that the staircase is where everyone can see you. It
grabs people's attention fast. I finally arrived down and looked
at the huge white tiles. I sat down on the couch and kept my
eyes busy with the white fluffy carpet. Who chooses white for a
carpet? Aii Zoe does.****
Zoe: guys meet Khinsani
****the way I was so nervous I didn't have time to correct
Chris: I prefer calling Naomi which is the name I gave her
Me: hi
Girl: I am Natasha your sister
Me: Nice to meet you Tasha
Tasha: I already love you. See everyone calls me Nat and I hate
it, it sounds boyish but you called me Tasha which sounds way
better and girly
****I just smiled and nodded. Tasha looks like Zoe but has the
same hair type, eyebrows, nose and ears as mine. Same thing as
the boy. We all get these genes from Chris our father****
Guy: my name is Nathaniel
Me: Nice to meet you too Nathan
Nathan: likewise
Tasha: so your name is Kheensari
Me: Khensani which means to say thank you
Tasha: that's nice
Nathan: any other name
Me: Ntsuku and the apparent Naomi
Tasha: what does Ntsuku mean?
Me: gold
Nathan: I love these African name. They have nice meanings
Me: yep they do
Nathan: how old are you?
Tasha: Nathan mom already told us
Nathan: ohh yeah
****I just looked at them talk about me as if I wasn't there.
Didn't they have enough time to do that?...*****
Zoe: Naomi did you eat?
Me: no
Chris: why? Are you shy?
****I just nodded. Tasha stood up and left. She came back with
2 plates and gave one to me. I smiled at her and thanked her for
the food. She seems so warm, caring and loving, but I think it's
too quick to judge***
Tasha: mom said you're studying Geology at wits and it's your
second year this year, how is it?
****this mom did really spill the beans hey****
Me: it's actually hard but soo nice and interesting. What are you
Tasha: Medicine, it's my third year this year
Me: that's nice where
Tasha: Medunsa
Me: and you Nathan
Nathan: still in school doing grade 10
Me: ohh that's nice. Work hard and study smart
*****these two people can talk especially Tasha. She did all the
talking and I was doing all the listening, laughing and nodding,
Nathan was adding on to Tasha's notes and mocking her. She
told me her childhood stories, to America, to how she adjusted
to the life here, basically everything even about her Mckenzie
friends I don't even know. It was already 22:30 and I was tired
of listening to her comprehensions. Nathan was watching a
soccer match. Zoe and Chris long went to their bedroom. I
heard someone's footsteps approach us and it was Chris. I can't
call him dad I am not able to, probably I will be able to as time
goes by. He came in and smiled at us****
Chris: Nat give Sani a break. You'll talk to her tomorrow
Tasha: but dad we are still doing a sister catch up
Nathan: dad is right you are making noise
Tasha: shut up
****I felt like I was watching an American movie because they
talked like those people even the slang language and their
accent. *****
Chris: Nat Sani hasn't rested since she woke up at 4 to come
here and its 10pm. Let her rest
Tasha: but dad she's not tired
****I cleared my throat. She looked at me then at her dad****
Me: actually I am tired
Tasha: ohh okay. Let's sleep in my room then
Me: uhmmm
Tasha: okay yours then
Chris: No Natasha let her go please.
Tasha: okay then
Chris: Nathan go sleep you'll watch a repeat of that match
Nathan: just gimme 45 min
Chris: Nathaniel go sleep
****he switched off the TV and went upstairs. I also went
upstairs then Tasha followed. Great the door opposite mine is
her room. I went into mine and locked the door for incase she
creeps in the night. I don't fully trust her, she looks like one who
can spill all beans about you, just like her mother did.
I changed into my pj's. I called mhani Silvia to say goodnight.
What was I hoping for, she's asleep at this time so there was no
answer. I went into the covers and slept.****
**** waking up to these white walls and this and house is
strange. I made my bed then went to the bathroom and bathed.
After bathing I wore a short cute summer dress with flip flops
and loosened up my braids. I went downstairs and found
everyone already eating. I greeted them and sat down. The
table was filled with food, I took a slice of toast, eggs, bacon,
tomatoes and cheese. I made myself tea while they drank 100%
juice. After eating, the help cleared up and washed the dishes.
Zoe: Naomi, I think we should go out as girls for shopping
Chris: but I was hoping to spend time with her
Nathan: Naomi you gotta pick who you are spending time with
Tasha: well then I am going to see Zelda nextdoor
Zoe: so??
Me: uhmm I'll go with Chris, thank you
Zoe: Ahh well it's okay I understand. So now I have to cancel the
spa date I had for us
Tasha: wait spa? No mom take me
Zoe: alright then
Nathan: well then I'll just be here all by myself
Chris: you'll be fine right
Nathan: yes dad. Go enjoy
Chris: Naomi I am giving you 10 minutes to freshen up
Me: uhmm okay
****I went upstairs to my room and wore sandles. I sprayed my
braids then my body with perfume. I took my phone and went
downstairs. He was already exiting the door. He opened the
garage and got the car out. I went in and he drove off. *****
Chris: tell me about yourself
Me: why did you leave me?
***I didn't mean to say that, But I did anyway. He looked at me
looked back to the road ahead. ****
Chris: my business here was over and your aunts didn't want
me to leave with you
Me: so you just left. How did you feel knowing you left your
black child out in the wilderness
Chris: you weren't in the wilderness, you were with your aunts.
I felt bad and worried about you but I knew you were in the
right hands.
Me: so why you coming now?
Chris: I relalised my mistake and I want to fix things with you
before it's too late. I love you Naomi
Me: you do? Don't fool me Chris
Chris: I really do. I am sorry Naomi
Me: I thought my name is Khensani
Chris: you don't like the Naomi name
Me: Aii it's okay
Chris: okay so you don't have anything to say about yourself?
Me: no
Chris: are you dating
Me: why
Chris: I am just asking, if you are tell that boy if he breaks your
heart I'll kill him. And I am not joking
Me: okay I will when I start dating
****then it became silent. I wonder where we were going to. I
texted tswalo... ****
Phone text/convo
Me: guess what
Tswalo: what
Me: My dad came to fetch me and took me to his house where
he lives with his wife and 2 children
Tswalo: you lie. So he found you
Me: yep
Tswalo: how is he?
Me: he looks like me but then he is okay
Tswalo: how do you feel?
Me: I don't know. I feel like my mom should be in the picture. I
wish he was my mom's one and only or my dad only
Tswalo: who are his other children with the wife
Me: the wife is Zoe, first born is one year older and her name is
Natasha and the second born is Nathan a boy
Tswalo: wait so he cheated on his wife
Me: yep and I was convieved
Tswalo: damn so how is Zoe treating you?
Me: she's sweet and kind
Tswalo: I wonder how long that will last for
Me: I wonder too. How is Polokoane?
Tswalo: Ahh it's okay hey
Just the crazy annoying cousins.
Me: well you can't choose family
Tswalo: yeah. Anyway I have to wash the breakfast dishes
Me: okay. Talk later. I am spending time with Chris
Tswalo: who's that?
Me: my dad
Tswalo: ohh enjoy
Me: thank you. Have a nice day too
Tswalo: sure
End of convo
****my phone rang and it was Nhlaka I picked it up... ****
Me: hallo
Nhlaka: Sthandwa sam(my love)
Me: unjani(how are you?)
Nhlaka: I'm okay. You?
Me: I'm good too
Nhlaka: where are you?
Me: in the car
Nhlaka: going somewhere?
Me: yes, with my dad but I don't know where we are going
Nhlaka: ohh enjoy okay
Me: thank you. So what are you doing?
Nhlaka: I am having a late breakfast with my brothers
Me: so why did you call
Nhlaka: to hear your voice. Khensani I miss you
Me: yeah ayy. Same here
****he chuckled. ****
Nhlaka: shame you're scared of daddy
Me: Mxm piss off Nhlaka
Nhlaka: the day you say this to me face to face, you'll regret
Me: sorry
Nhlaka: haii. So you are having a daddy daughter day with
Me: yes and you are having a brother's day
Nhlaka: yes. Might as well have fun with them
Me: okay have fun then
Nhlaka: thanks you too.
Me: bye
Nhlaka: I love you
Me: I know and I do too
Nhlaka: say it
Me: Nhlaka mara
Nhlaka: say it
****I dropped the phone. We have reached our destination.
We were parked in front of a restaurant I've never heard of. We
got out and went in. We were given seats then our orders were
taken. ****
Chris: Naomi I heard your aunt tell me you work
Me: yes I do just for extra cash
Chris: where do you...
****my phone interrupted him. It was Nhlaka again. I picked it
Me: hi
Nhlaka: Haiibo Khensani
Me: I am busy at the moment please call again later
Nhlaka: Mxm.
***he hanged up. He's probably angry. I looked at my father
and he was looking at me intensely. It was as if he's studying
me. I wonder whats up****
Chris: as I was saying, where do you work
Me: at a restaurant near my apartment block and school
Chris: so you work as a waitress?
Me: yes. And you?
Chris: ohh I am a quantity surveyor
Me: okay that's nice
****our food came and we indulged it in silence....******

Nathi: Nhlaka what's wrong with you
Me: I am pissed by Khensani. Firstly she dropped the call on me
then she tells me she's busy
Yezi: Haiibo what's the anger for
Me: mxm
Nathi: bro you need pussy
Me: maybe I do
Yezi: so what are we doing today
Nathi: let's go to Ushaka Marine
Me: no
Yezi: Nathi no.
Nathi: then where?
Yezi: let's just stay indoors then hit a club later on
Me: looks who's hungry for pussy
****we all laughed. *****
Nathi: I thought you were gay
Yezi: never
Me: what made you like pussy this much
Yezi: haii nex hauw(nothing)
Me: hmm. Anyway I like your idea.
Yezi: then deal
****we chilled and watched a horror movie then an action
movie. We went downstairs later on to get lunch, after eating
we sat for a while just having drinks. ****
Me: I wanna get drunk
Yezi: haii you're on your own
Nathi: true on that because I am going to my woman
Yezi: manje club?
Nathi: count me out
Yezi: yoh okay
Waitress: here is your drink sir
Me: thank you Delisile
Deli: my pleasure
****she blushed and left. I drank the liquid then went to where
they have a bar. She was the bartender now. I got there and
ordered a few shots and a glass of vodka. After 2 glasses of dry
Gin I felt tipsy. I looked for Yezi and he wasn't here. I chilled by
the bar till it was late. At 22:00 I called Yezi and he didn't answer
his phone. I had 2 last glasses then stood up. I felt so dizzy and
felt someone balance my weight. I looked at the person and it
was Deli.***
Me: thanks
Deli: you don't look like you'll manage to get to your room. Can
I take you there
Me: yes please
**** I dragged myself to the suite with her help****
Deli: what is your room number
Me: 112
Deli: 1..1...2 okay key?
Me: pocket
***she tried reaching out for my pocket and I moved making
her touch my dick. She quickly moved her hand and took out
the key from the pocket. She unlocked the door and walked me
in. I sat on the bed. She turned around and attempted to
Me: wait
Deli: what Can I help you with
Me: come here
****she came closer. I suddenly had energy and felt sober. I
walked to her and kissed her. She didn't protest or stop me. I
kissed her passionately. My hands traveled to her ass and I kept
squeezing it. She kept moaning in my mouth and that
influenced me to take her to the bed. I took off my clothes
looking at her till I was butt naked. I locked the door and took
off her uniform. Her pussy was shaved and already wet. I
inserted a finger and kissed her while fingering her. She moaned
in my mouth and I pulled out from the kiss. I applied pressure to
her clit and made her even more crazier. She came on my
fingers then I jerked my dick before inserting it in her. She
gasped a bit then started moaning again. I went crazy and
moved with a fast pace. She started screaming and grabbing the
sheets. I kept on going and going. I felt her body tense up and
her legs shake. I still continued till I also released my babies in
her. I collapsed on her.*****

****after lunch with daddy dearest. We just took a drive
getting to know each other. He's not such a bad person. I guess I
judged him early. We got home at 20:00 and told the rest about
our day. Then I went to bath and called mhani Silvia. *****
Silvia: Sani
Me: mhani(aunt/mom)
Silvia: how are you my baby
Me: I am fine.
Silvia: how is the family
Me: we are all fine. Their kids are friendly and welcoming
Silvia: I am glad. So what did you do today?
****I told her everything about my day with my father and the
things he told me. After our gossip session she handed the
phone to Hluri who kept interrogating me and then it was given
to Rhandzo who was missing me and happy that I was fitting in
well with my new family. Then they just had to pass it on to
Themba who was telling me he misses me and he loves me.
That's all he said for about 30 seconds. I dropped the call when
he said goodnight and wore my pjs. I went to Tasha's room just
so that she tells me about her day because I think she feels like I
am replacing her and I'm not. She just wasn't bubbly today
when Chris and I arrived. I knocked and she opened the door.
She smiled and let me in****
Me: Tasha are you okay
Tasha: yes I am why?
Me: you didn't seem bubbly today
Tasha: sit down
****I did as requested and waited for her to talk. She sighed..
Tasha: my boyfriend broke up with me
Me: ohh I am sorry. Did he say why
Tasha: he said he's found someone better
Me: ohh I am sorry hey
*****thank goodness it's not about Chris and about her
boyfriend. I listened to her narrate to me her love story, till the
break up part which is today. All I did was to nod. ****
Me: I am sorry. And he's not worth it Tasha don't waste time
crying over him. He clearly doesn't respect you and appreciate
Tasha: yeah you're right.
Me: yeah. Okay Goodnight then
Tasha: Goodnight
****I left her room and went to mine. I went inside the sheets
and dialed Nhlaka's number because he got angry. He didn't
answer it, I guess he's still angry so I'll let him be. I charged my
phone and went to sleep
3 months later
*****Ahh well it's been 3 months since I left the Johnson
household. The ceremony went well and I changed my Surname
so let me re introduce myself. My name is Khensani Ntsuku
Naomi Johnson. I love the name Naomi a lot, I won't lie. My
father told me more about my mother and the little he knows
since she was just a call girl to him. I am much more closer to
Nhlaka and damn its soo nice having him just 40 minutes away. I
started doing sleepovers ealry this month, it's May already, in
the mid May and it's getting cold, meaning the 1st semester
exams are on the way. Remember my lecture Sbusiso yeah see
that cow hasn't stopped harrasing me. It's even becoming
worse, he has keys to my apartment and I don't know how that
is possible. I told Nhlaka about it and he said he'll have it sorted,
we'll he only changed the locks only. ****
Nhlaka: what's keeping your mind busy?
Me: hmmm
****I said snapping out of my thoughts***
Nhlaka: are you okay
Me: yeah why?
Nhlaka: Khensani what's wrong? Is it that Sbusiso guy?
Me: no
Nhlaka: Khensani
Me: no
Nhlaka: hmm
Me: I am going to church are joining in
Nhlaka: since when do you go to church?
Me: since Phile introduced me to it
Nhlaka: uhmm nah you can go
Me: okay then
**** I went to shower then wore a nice royal blue figure
hugging dress with black block heels and a black bag. I styled
my egdes then brushed my hair into a high bun. I went
downstairs and everyone looked at me. Everyone meaning
Nhlaka, Nkazimulo, Nathi and Muzi his brothers..... He lives with
his brothers so yeah....*****
Muzi: yerrrr!
Me: ohh hi Muzi
Muzi: how are you?
Me: I'm good thank you, how are you?
Muzi: I'm good
Nkazi: where are you going?
Me: church
Nhlaka: like that
Me: yes
Nhlaka: you're not going anymore
Nathi: Nhlaka dude
Nhlaka: Khensani you are not going there like that
*****Mxm who does he think he is. My Uber ride was here, I
went upstairs took a small bag of my toiletries then went in. I
asked the driver to drop me off at the apartment instead of the
church. I got there and thee the bag on my bed. I went out,
locked and got in the Uber. I arrived at church and as always it
was packed. I sat at the 8th row. It was praise and worship time.
The songs are always uplifting.****
Pastor: amen
Church: amen!
Pastor: this week is Mandla's week. Son come up
****Mandla went up and as always the girls screamed. ****
Mandla: sainbonani(greetings)
Church: amen!
Mandla: bathi it's my week
*****the crowd laughed****
Mandla: uhmm let's close our eyes in prayer
****he prayed. After that he asked for a song. After the song
was sang he preached. He preached about faith, he quoted the
story of Jesus walking on water.... ****
Pastor: amen!!
Church: amen
Pastor: uhmm can we have 2 songs then have umamfundisi
here to say a few words, then we leave
Church: amen
Lady: Modimo re a go boka (lord we praise you) ......
****she started the song. The whole church sang. After that
song, they sang another song I didn't know. Then mamfundisi
came to the stage, this time wearing a khakhi 2 piece and a
dramatic hat as always.******
Mamfundisi: hallelujah!!
Church: amen
Mamfundisi: thank you all for coming today. I hope you will all
leave here with the biggest faith in God. Dear friends, God
exists he lives
*****the crowd went crazy. She closed in prayer then a song
was sang after that.*****
Me: Omphile!
Phile: Ahh Sani. It's been long
Me: stop exaggerating it's been only 2 weeks
Phile: and that's not long
Me: mxm
Sizwe: hello
Me: hi
Spha: hello Sani
Me: hey.
Spha: I see you came to church today
Me: yes it's been long and I missed being here. It was soo nice
Sizwe: will you be staying for lunch and the afternoon youth
Me: yes
Phile: Yay!
Neli: Spha you are being called by pastor Maphumulo
Spha: where?
Neli: he's with your dad.
Spha: sure
****he left and this Neli girl looked at me from head to toe.
Neli: hi
Me: hi
Neli: Sizwe let's go
Sizwe: go where
Neli: Sizwe
Sizwe: Hayi Neli go. I'll come when you've dished up for us
****she gave me that bad eye again and left. Phile was mute
just as I was. ****
Sizwe: come have lunch with us
Me: uhmm I don't want to intrude
Sizwe: you won't be. Come
Phile: uhmm are you sure?
Sizwe: yes let her come
Phile: okay then
****I smell a disaster coming my way. We walked to a gazebo
with chairs and people seated under it. It was obivously
mamfundisi and her friends. In the next gazebo was the pastor
and his friends. The last one was for the pastor's kids. Neli was
dishing up for all the males, with the help of Snenhlanhla and
one lady I didn't know. Phile got me a chair and we sat down.
They all dished up. Spha came and gave Phile a plate. She had
an extra spoon and insisted that we share the food. *****
Sizwe: Sani aren't you hungry
Phile: Ahh well I'm not really hungry, so we are sharing the food
Spha: haibo Phile uthe ulambile kimi mos( you said you're
Neli: haibo Sari sisi didn't you bring your own lunch
Sizwe: I insisted she stays
Neli: ohh you did
Sizwe: yes
*****I was mute all this time. Sizwe stood up and dished up a
plate. He came to me and gave me the plate. I took it and gave
him a brief smile. I forced the food into my mouth****
Neli: so you chose to dish up for her
Sizwe: Nelisiwe please. You are a child of God and I expect you
to act like one
Neli: so you want me to watch you flirt with this lady
Me: uhmm I will go
Neli: you better nx
Sizwe: she's not going anywhere
Neli: Sizwe are you really gonna defend this tramp you don't
even know over your wife
Sizwe: Nelisiwe we are at church. This isn't the place or time
Neli: okay then follow me home
Spha: Nelly Haiibo
Neli: Mandla don't interfere.
Me: uhmm I'll take your leave now. Thank you for the
wonderful service and hospitality.
Phile: uhmm Sani sorry.
Me: it's fine. I'll see you home.
****I stood up and left. I gave the food to Sphelele who
seemed very hungry. I requested and Uber and it was here in 5
minutes. I got in and went to my apartment. I arrived and no
one was home. I went to my bedroom, locked the door, took off
my clothes and slept on the covers. *******
Nathi: Hayi hayi Nkazi no that's cheating
Nkazi: haii no
Nathi: Ebaba go to jail
****I laughed. We were playing monopoly and Nkazi has been
cheating all along. *****
Muzi: Hayi I'm hungry mina
Me: let's order
Nathi: spurs?
Me: sure, let me go ask Sani what she wants to eat
Nathi: okay I'll wait
****I went upstairs to my room and she wasn't there. I went
into the bathroom and she wasn't there either. I looked for her
in 2 other guest rooms and nothing. I called her phone and it
rang unanswered. I went back to the room and sat on the bed. I
went to the bathroom again and noticed that her toiletries were
not here. I looked for her clothes and they were there.****
Nathi: uhmm love birds please make up your minds, we are
****I didn't even entertain him, he peeped through the
Me: just come in
Nathi: haaa
Me: Nathi get your black ass in! Because she left
Nathi: ufile(she's dead)
Me: what! No. She's gone.
Nathi: ohh you mean you made her leave
Me: it's not funny dude
Nathi: I'm not laughing either. But you shouldn't have because
you made her leave
Me: Nathi she was revealing a lot
Nathi: she was covered
Me: mxm
Nathi: go apologise tuu
Me: she's not answering my calss
Nathi: so you don't know where she went
Me: where is she
****he tapped his phone for a few minutes****
Nathi: at her place
Me: thanks man
Nathi: sure.
Me: let me go.
****I went to her apartment and knocked on the door when I
arrived. The door opened and it was Thato, one of her
Thato: hi twin, how can we help you
Me: I need to talk to Sani
Thato: Sani hasn't been here in 2 weeks
Me: she came back today
Thato: okay come in
****she let me in and went to sit down in the living room
where there was a full house of Sani's friends*****
Me: hello
Tswalo: Nhlaka
Sipho: how can we help you
Thato: he wants to talk to Sani
Tswalo: but she lives with you now
Me: she came back
Ntando: but we heard nothing and didn't even see her
Me: let me knock
****I knocked on her door and there was still no answer. I
called her phone and still nothing. Worse it was off this time.
Me: uhmm okay thank you, bye
Thato: better pray she's safe where she is
Me: I hope so
****I went into my car and dialed Nathi's phone. He
Nathi: and?
Me: she's not there, her friends don't even know where she
went. They don't even know she came back
Nathi: let me try it again
Me: sure
***I dropped the call and started the car. I drove to Spyrs and
got myself food since I let Nathi order for everyone excluding
me. After getting my food my phone rang and it was Nathi*****
Me: and??
Nathi: it's off so I can't track her
Me: fuck!!
****he dropped the call this time. I went back home and joined
the others as they ate. *****
Muzi: Nhlaka how is Tintswalo?
Me: fine. Why?
Muzi: just asking, she doesn't know I'm back from Cape Town
Nkazi: you're still dating that girl
Nathi: Muzi leave her alone
Muzi: I just can't. I love her
Nkazi: we will see who you really love when Zanele leaves your
black ass
Muzi: she wouldn't dare
Nathi: keep treating her like trash and you'll see. Zanele isn't
Muzi: mxm
Nkazi: and you know it's the truth
Muzi: what if I want another wife
Nathi: that's just making her leave you
Muzi: she wouldn't she's my princess
Me: Muzi you're sick
Muzi: no you guys just don't understand. I love them both okay
Nathi: choose one
Muzi: I can't.
Nkazi: haiike
Me: Muzi do what you want and don't come to me when things
Muzi: they wont
Nathi: your words, not ours
*****after eating we chilled and just talked. I received a call
from an unknown number. I answered it****
Me: hello
Person: hello is this Mr Nhlaka Dlamini
Me: yes, speaking
Person: De..Delisile Thwala
Me: okay, how can I assist you
Deli: Nhlaka can we meet
Me: what for?
Deli: something very important
Me: sisi don't waste my time
Deli: okay uhmm I'm pregnant
Me: and what does that have to do with me?
Deli: you are the father of my baby
****I laughed.****
Me: is this a prank of some sort or what?
Deli: if you don't believe me come see for yourself
Me: first of all I don't know you sisi
Deli: we had sex when you came to Hotel Giovani in Durban,
about 3 months ago. You were with your 2 brothers but you
stayed and we had sex
*****fuck! I cussed when I remembered that day.*****
Me: okay I'll send you the meeting details
Deli: okay where
Me: I'm in Joburg now
Deli: but I work in Durban
Me: just send me hour details, I'll book you a flight and find you
a place to sleep
Deli: okay thanks
Me: it better be mine
Deli: it is
****I sighed and aborted the call. All the guys looked at
Me: what
Nathi: is it mine
Nkazi: what did you do?
Me: I fucked up real bad
Nathi: what did you do bro?
Me: I'll tell you guys
Nathi: you know I'll find out
Me: Nathi it's okay, but you'll hear it from me
Muzi: haiike
Me: night
****I stood up and went to my room. My sheets smell like Sani.
I tried her phone once and there was still no answer. I took off
my clothes and got in the sheets. I booked a flight for this Deli
girl and sent her the details. Her flight boards in the afternoon.
After being on social media for 30 minutes I slept****
*****it's 3pm now and I am on my way to meet this Deli girl. I
told her to be in my office at half past three the latest. So
basically I was working out today so now I'm on my way to the
office. I arrived and parked my car in the underground parking. I
got in the elevator and went up to the receptionist. *****
Hello: Kate. Any messages
Kate: there's someone waiting for you by your office
Me: who
Kate: uhmm Delisile
Me: okay thank you. Make sure nobody disturbs me
Kate: yes sir
****I rushed to the elevator and up to 2 second floor. The door
opened and Muzi went in with Mbali, I went out without
greeting and rushed to my office. I found her standing at the
door. I remember this face now. Fuck! I messed up. *****
Me: hello, Deli right?
Deli: yes sir.
Me: come in
****I said after unlocking my door. I took off my helmet and put
it on the desk. She was seated uncomfortablely. ****
Me: I remember you now
Deli: I am almost 4 months pregnant
Me:okay. Are you sure it's mine
Deli: yes you're the only person I slept with in 2 years
Me: okay so you want the baby
Deli: I won't kill my baby, I came here to inform you of your
unborn baby, and if you don't want the baby then I'll take
responsibility for him or her
Me: no no I'll take responsibility
Deli: okay
Me: does your family know?
Deli: yes.
Me: oaky. How much is your salary?
Deli: R3500
Me: okay, I'll send you R5000 then R8000 when the baby is born
Deli: serious
Me: yes. It's my child afterall
Deli: thank you soo much
Me: take care of my child Delisile
Deli: I will. What about the damages?
Me: where are you from?
Deli: Durban
Me: I'll tell my family, then we will pay them soon
Deli: okay
Me: your family doesn't expect you to live with me right
Deli: no.
Me: good. I'll buy you an apartment and you'll live there with
someine you trust who can help you yezwa
****she nodded. ****
Me: nobody must know that the child you're carrying is mine
Deli: yes sir
Me: Nhlaka is the name
Deli: yes Nhlaka
Me: anything you want to eat?
*****she shook her head no. I sighed looking at this girl. Very
beautiful I tell you. She has smooth dark skin and brown
Me: Deli what does my baby want to eat?
Deli: I'm not hungry
Me: Don't starve my baby
Deli: okay Pizza then
Me: okay, I'll bring it up and then drop you off at the hotel
*****she nodded. I ordered 2 boxes of pizza and then got busy
with some work, while she was on her phone with her mom I
guess because of the 'yes ma'.... ****
Deli: uhmm Nhlaka
Me: yes
Deli: my parents want to meet you before you pay damages
Me: okay. I'll see them on Saturday
Deli: okay. How old are you?
Me: 23 turning 24 in 3 days
Deli: that's Saturday
Me: yes Saturday
Deli: ohh. I'm 20
Me: okay
Deli: what work do you do here?
Me: construction
Deli: and you're the boss?
Me: yes
Deli: ohh I see
Me: what's your Surname?
Deli: Thwala
Me: okay
*****the food came and we ate in silence. ****
Deli: thank you
Me: for?
Deli: food, plane ticket, hotel, money
Me: no sweat. You the mother of my child
Deli: I can finally study next year
****she said in almost a whisper****
Me: what did you say?
Deli: I want to go back to school and be a teacher.
Me: what's stopping you?
Deli: my parents don't afford it, I couldn't get a bursary
Me: ohh I see and how much did you save?
Deli: about 35k
Me: wow thats a lot
Deli: yah
Me: how about I pay for your fees
Deli: you are already helping with the baby, you promised me
an apartment so it's enough thank you
Me: okay if you say so
****knock off time I dropped at her off at a hotel then went
Muzi: Nhlaka who was that lady outside your office
Me: my baby momma
Muzi: mxm
**** I went upstairs and changed into shorts and a white vest
with flip flops. ****
Nkazi: what are we going to eat
Nathi: I cooked
Nkazi: you did
Me: is Nandi here
Nathi: guys I'm serious
Muzi: Nathi we aren't ready to die so please
Nathi: mxm
Me: let me taste this
**** I went to the kitchen and tasted his stew. The meat wasn't
yet ready but it tasted pretty good. His pap was also not ready.
Me: you're doing good. Who taught you how to cook
Nathi: I have 2 mothers, a girlfriend and many helpers at home
Me: aii
*****I went out and joined the rest of the guys****
Nkazi: and
Me: it's nice
Muzi: I don't think I trust the twins anymore
*****I chuckled. 30 minutes later Nathi said the food was
ready. So we dished up for ourselves and ate. *****
Nathi: I miss Sani's food
Nkazi: its nice hey
Me: yeah hey
Muzi: so she also cooked
Me: yep she insisted
Nathi: Nhlaka get married
Me: why? So that you make her your slave, no thank you
Nathi: yeah why not
Me: you have Nandi
*****after eating, I took a shower and went to sleep****
*****Tasha and I were in the library room writing our
assignments. Yes a library I said. There's a library in the house.
It's huge and not anyone in this house has read all the books in
here. So after I woke up from my afternoon nap, I took a small
bag of clothes and called my dad to get me. I missed all of them
and since I have no classes today and tomorrow I can spend
more time with them even though Nathan has school and the
parents have work. Tasha also doesn't have classes tomorrow
so we are spending the day together. ****
Me: haii I'm tired
Tasha: I am too, but I have to keep going, submission date is
next week friday
Me: mine is Wednesday and I have another one due Friday
Tasha: how far are you
Me: I need to conclude both of them and do touch ups only
Tasha: atleast, I'm just halfway done
Nathan: mom is calling you guys
Me: we're coming
****we went downstairs and ate. After eating we watched TV
as a family. What's intriguing is that they also watch South
African TV shows and series. So we were watching Gomora
when I received a text from Thato telling me Nhlaka was there
yesterday looking for me. I told her I was in the room but chose
not open the door. She didn't ask further. Thank God****
Nathan: who writes the script for Zodwa thou
*****we all laughed. He's saying this because of her
Me: it's cool neh
Nathan: it's funny
Me: that's why I like this series
Tasha: I like the Teddy guy
Me: well I like him too
Tasha: no you can't have him he's mine
Me: no no no he's always been mine
Dad: okay okay stop with the noise
Zoe: I am craving for ice cream
Nathan: we all want it ma, so make a plan
**** she stood up and left the living room. A few minutes later
she called Tasha to get the other bowls of ice cream. The cold
vanilla ice cream on my tongue is the great feeling. How I love
ice cream. *****
The following day
*****Tasha and I are on our way to the mall for a girls day out.
With daddys money of course. We arrived at the mall and went
to Factorie first. I got myself a few items then went to Cotton
on. After that we went to Nike Factory and bought 2 pairs of the
same Nike shoe just different colours. I also got tracksuits, 3 t-
shirts, 2 hoodies and 2 tights. Tasha got herself more clothes
than sneakers, actually she bought one sneaker and that was it.
We paid and left the shop****
Tasha: I'm hungry
Me: me too. Let's go Wimpy
*****we went in and ordered. The good came and we both
digged in in silence. ****
Lady: hello. I hope you don't mind but can I please have the
tomato sauce because it isn't avai on my table and they said it's
Tasha: sure
Lady: thank you
*****she took it and went to her table. After eating I had sips
of my drink and kept tapping on my phone. *****
Tasha: ohh no
Me: what
Tasha: don't look but here comes Josh and his new girl
Me: your ex
Tasha: yes
****Mxm I looked and they were looking at us. Tasha also
looked and regretted doing that I guess because she looked
sour. ****
Me: Tasha
Tasha: fucken betrayer
Me: who
Tasha: that girl, Fiona, she was my best friend
Me: and she's dating your ex
Tasha: she dated him before we even broke up.
Me: damn that's not nice
Tasha: are you done
Me: hmmm
Tasha: can we leave
Me: hmmm
*****I said finishing my drink. We called the waiter and asked
him for the hill. He gave it to us and we gave him a tip of R20 for
his service then ate those sweets we get and left****
Me: where to?
Tasha: home
Me: okay
*****she requested an Uber. While waiting for it I saw Muzi
walk by with a guy. He had a ring on his finger and it was quiet
shocking because it wasn't just any finger, it was on his ring
finger, meaning he's either engaged or married. But let me not
exaggerate maybe he's wearing it for decoration purposes. ****
Tasha: Naomi let's go
****I snapped out of my thoughts and stood up. We went
outside and looked for the ubers registration number. We got in
and greeted the driver when we got him. He didn't start a
conversation thank goodness. Not that I have a problem with
that I'm just tired and I don't want to be rude by not answering
the poor drivers talks or silly jokes. We got home and paid. The
heavy plastics were dumped on my bed. I took them and put
them in my wardrobe as they were and never bothered to pack
Tasha: Naomi!
Me: yes!
Tasha: I'll be back!
Me: where are you going?
Tasha: Josh is outside
Me: so you're going to him
****I said now opening the door to face her****
Tasha: yes. He wants us to talk and....
Me: Natasha go
Tasha: uhmm. Okay I'll be back before 7pm
Me: what should I say TO Chris and Zoe
Tasha: I went out with Ruth
Me: Ruth?
Tasha: yeah they know her
Me: hmm okay bye
Tasha: thanks sis. I love you
Me: I love you too
****she ran downstairs and last thing I heard was the door
being shut. I went downstairs to cook. When I switched off the
stove, I heard the door open and heard Zoe and Chris's voices. I
went to greet them and dished up for everyone. It was exactly
18: 57.****
Chris: where is Nat?
Me: out with Ruth
Zoe: ohh okay
Me: yeah
Nathan: Naomi your food is soo amazing
Me: thank you
Zoe: you're really good but it's overcooked
Chris: Naomi I think it's fine
****I gave them a brief smile and then ate my food. I washed
all the dishes and pots after eating. Natasha wasn't back yet and
now Chris is starting to go crazy. He called her multiple times
and there was no answer. I went to my room and got busy with
my phone. ***
*****Saturday is the day and it's my birthday. I am officially 24
years old. Sani doesn't know where I am, all she knows is that I
am very busy. I finally told my brothers what happened and
they vowed to keep quiet till I break the news to my parents.
Right now I'm in Durban on my way to Delia's house. I arrived at
the given address and called her to come out. She came out and
opened the gate. I parked my Porsche in their yard and got out
of the car. She led me in the house. I saw a young lady
preparing tea in the kitchen. We got to the living room and
there were elderly people and A lady I assume to be her
Me: sanibonani badala( greetins to you elders)
Man1: hlala phansi(sit down)
****okay.... I sat down and faced them in the eye. ****
Man2: who are you?
Me: Nhlakanipho Dlamini
Man1: where are you from?
Me: Empangeni
Man1: ohh so how do you know my daughter
****I looked at Deli and she looked down***
Me: we met almost 3 months ago at her workplace
Woman1: woah woah Delisile you fell pregnant by a stranger
****Deli started crying. I don't like this now. I read somewhere
that when the mother is stressed it also affects the baby and I
don't want my baby dying.****
Me: uhmm ma It's okay. Please don't shout at her, she's carrying
my baby which I am determined to take care of
Man1: do your parents know
Me: no
Man2: are you going to marry our daughter
Me: no. I have no intentions of doing so
****Deli raised her head up and looked at me and even cried
Woman2: are you staying for lunch
Me: I'd like to but I have a meeting to attend
Woman1: what do you do?
Me: I'm a civil engineer
Man1: where do you work at
Me: My own company, Vusimuzi properties
****they all looked like they were about to suck me dry. *****
Man2: that's good my boy. How old are you?
Me: 24
****they nodded, looking satisfied. ****
Man1: Hayi you may leave son
Me: thank you baba.
****I stood up and Deli accompanied me outside ****
Me: hey
Deli: hi
Me: are you fine
Deli: yes, you?
Me: yeah. Your family should a expect a letter on Tuesday.
Deli: okay.
Me: sure. I'll see you. Take care of my baby
Deli: I will
Me: ohh and resgin at your work. I'll take you to school.
Deli: you mean to say that I'll take myself
Me: okay then. Bye
Deli: bye
*****I got into my car and drove off home. I arrived when it
was almost dinner time because of some uncessary traffic. I got
in and went to my room. I took a shower and went downstairs
to eat. Nobody even saw me entering. I got to the living room
and greeted. They all turned their heads and looked
Dad: Nhlakanipho and then
Me: I am home.
Mom: happy birthday boy boy
Me: mom I'm 24
Mama: you're still a child
Zah: so you spent your birthday in the road
Me: yes
Thando: are you hungry? I cooked
Me: yes please sis
****she was full of energy. She dished up for me and gave me
food. I ate then she washed the dishes.****
Me: uhmm there's something I need to tell you
Mom: what is it?
Me: I really messed up
Dad: solution
Me: but I didn't say what I did mos
Dad: Nhlaka solution
Me: damages
Mom: wait you mean you impregnated someone out there
Me: yah
Mama: weeeh wena no Muzi are from the same cloth huh
Dad: who's this girl
Me: Delisile Thwala
Dad: from
Me: Durban
Mom: ujola naye( are you dating her?)
Me: qha(no)
Mom: Haiibo weeei Nhlakanipho
****she said with a shocked face. Zanele was quiet and
listening. Ma khethile stood up with Mthoko in her hands and
left with him. My dad kept a straight face and just looked at me.
Mom: let me call Samke
Dad: no it's fine, I'll call Jabu
Me: thank you
Mom: how far is the pregnancy
Me: almost 4 months now
Mom: who is this girl
Me: Delisile
Mom: I heard that. I mean is she your girlfriend or what
Me: no
Mom: Haiibo Nhlaka
Dad: Nhlakanipho uthin? (what are you saying)
Me: I was drunk
Dad: so you don't know her
Me: yes
Mom: tjoo
****she clapped her hands once in disbelief and left the room.
My father just shook his head and tapped something on his
phone. Zanele stood up and left.****
Dad: Nhlaka what happened my boy
Me: I was drunk and so I slept with her. When I woke up she
had left and there wasn't anything suspicious.
Dad: see why didn't want you guys to drink alcohol. Especially
Me: yes
Dad: leave that things please
Me: okay.
Dad: stand up let's go to the veld
Me: to do what?
Dad: let's go
****I followed him outside and walked silently to the open
filed. ****
Dad: I wish I had horses
Me: you afford them so why not
Dad: Mandisa doesn't want them
Me: ohh
Dad: so Jabu said we will send a letter on Monday
Me: cool
Dad: how much are you willing to pay
Me: not much. Maybe 10k
Dad: okay.
Me: why does it feel like this
Dad: like what?
Me: you know
Dad: Nhlaka don't please
*****I sighed and faced up with my hands in my pockets. I saw
a flashlight flick and it was Thando. She approached us in a
Me: oh hey princess
Thando: hey bhuti
Dad: what's the picture for?
Thando: you guys are the same
Me: we are all the same
Thando: yeah I know, but I mean more on the body structure,
voice, accent, behavior and dad's old pictures he looks exactly
like you and bhut'Nathi
Me: you think
Thando: no I know. I mean sometimes you call my name and I'd
think it's baba
****both baba and I chuckled. This is what I was talking about
just now. Me and this man are the same and I fear treating Sani
how my dad treated my mother. I need to hold on to my change
and do things differently. History cannot repeat itself. ****
Me: well I guess we're the same then
Thando: yeah.
Dad: Thando it's chilly. Go get me my gown
Me: me too please
Thando: okay
****she left. The suddenly started mooing loudly, the chickens
also went crazy. The chilly breeze became colder and colder.
The wind was on a mission to take off our clothes I see.*****
Sihle: Nkosi, uDladla u lana( chief, Dladla is here)
*****so Dladla is the family traditional healer. This strange
weather and animal going crazy thing only happens is he's here
with a serious issue. We went to the house and found Thando
holding everyone's gowns I think. She went back when she saw
Bab Dladla who looked kind of scary. My father sat down on his
throne chair. I followed and the women were seated on the
Dad: Dladla
Dladla: Nkosi, Dlamini, Sibakhulu. Jama ka
****he said our clan names and kept chanting.****
Dad: ngilalele( I'm listening)
Dladla: kuyamoshakala (it's getting bad)
Dad: ini? (What?)
Dladla: heeei heeeeei
Mom: Dladla khuluma
Dladla: bayeza bazomthatha(they are coming, they are going to
take her)
*****he said looking at Thando. My dad sat up and looked at
Dladla with a death stare.****
Dladla: heeei bayeza Dlamini. Zilungise bayeza( they are coming
Dlamini, prepare yourself, they are coming)
*****he stood and left. Just like that. Thando looked terrified
already. I saw a red light on my dad's chest. I looked out the
window and saw a figure standing from afar. I jumped to the
throne and got hit by the bullet meant for him. It hit my
stomach. I looked at him as he looked shocked. My mothers
screams were all I could hear.*******

*****today is Nhlaka's birthday and he isn't answering my calls
at all and that's pissing me off. I grabbed a glass and poured
water to drink. After I was satisfied with one sip I poured all the
water in the sink then the glass fell and broke. Tswalo came in
rushing and then stopped at her tracks. I took a brush and a
dustpan and seeped the little pieces of glass on the floor then
threw them into the bin. *****
Tswalo: are you fine?
Me: yes. It just slipped and fell
Tswalo: ohh okay
Ntando: I heard something break
Me: it was a glass
Ntando: ohh okay. Anyway it's Saturday so what are we doing
Tswalo: haii Ntando don't. You say this every weekend only for
you to spend it with your boyfriend just like how you were the
first one to pull out of our vacation to Kruger National Park,
then Phile also pulled out, then everyone ended up pulling out.
So please don't.
****she said and left. Ntando stood there by the counter with
the towel wrapped around her bare skin. She went to her room
and I tried Nhlaka's phone once again. He still didn't pick up my
calls. I decided to go to his place. Yes I'll go unannounced just to
see if he's okay. I even bought him a gift. I took it with and
requested for an Uber ride. It was here in 10 minutes and got
me at his place in 30 minutes. I knocked 4 times on the door
and it opened. It was his replica. I'm sure you're wondering how
I know the difference between the two? Well I just know my
man and that's it.****
Nathi: hey, what are you doing here
Me: I came here for Nhlaka
Nathi: what do you mean I am Nhlaka
Me: Nathi I've been contacting him, he's not answering his
phone. Where is he?
Nathi: eish. He went to KZN to fix some issues
Me: huh
Nathi: didn't he tell you?
Me: no
Nathi: oh well he's gone
Lady: Nathi who's there
Nathi: Sani
****the lady came closer and looked at me from my head to
my toe.*****
Nathi: she's Nhlaka's girl
Lady: ohh I see. I am Nandipha Nathi's girl
Me: nice to meet you
Nandi: likewise.
Me: since he's not here, please give him this gift when he
Nathi: sure I will
Me: and happy birthday to you
Nathi: thank you
****I gave him the gift bag and requested for an Uber. The
same driver came and we took off. I got home and just watched
TV with Tswalo. Ntando was probably out with her man. There
was a knock on the door and I went to open. It was Muzi,
shocking to see him here.***
Me: hey
Muzi: hey, is Tswalo in
Me: yes. Tintswalo Muzi is here
Muzi: are you fine?
Me: yes thank you, you?
Muzi: I'm good too
Tswalo: hey
Muzi: hey. Come let's go
Tswalo: okay wait
Me: I don't seem to be rude but can I leave you standing by the
Muzi: sure I don't mind
*****I went to the living room and watched tv or rather, it was
watching since my mind wasn't even here. It was onto people's
relationships and how happy they seem and then there's mine
with this guy who's gone awol on me.
Maybe I'm just overreacting hey. I heard Tswalo say bye. I
nodded and heard the door close. I locked it and then stuffed
myself with junk. Later when it was late I went to sleep. ******
Me: Nhlaka wait. Wait don't go!
Nhlaka: I'm not
*****he dissappeared into thin air. ****
Me: No Nhlaka wait Nhlaka!
Old man: he'll be back but he needs you
Me: me
Old man: yes. Come now and save him before he leaves
Me: what! Nhlaka!
**** the old man also disappeared and I screamed my lungs
out. I breathed heavily and woke up. I sat up immediately and
breathed thinking of what just happened. I am sure Nhlaka isn't
okay where he is. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen bare
foot to get a glass of water using a plastic cup. After drinking all
the water I put back the cup on the dish rack and went back to
In the morning I woke up and prayed. I barely do this but today I
decided to pray. I stood up after saying amen and made my bed.
I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Ntando and
Tswalo weren't home. I made breakfast for myself and ate. I
washed the dishes after that then went to bath. After that I
wore a long dress and a cardigan with white all stars. I wore a
doek over my head. I also don't know why but this is how I was
dressed in my dream and so I just wore the very same outfit.
The old scary man in my dream scared me. I don't know
whether to look for Nhlaka or stay home and study for my
coming examinations.
I decided to pack and leave for KZN. I don't even know where to
start. I went to the taxi rank in town and asked for a taxi going
to Empangeni. The taxi was almost full. I got in and waited for
20 minutes for it to get full. Finally it drove off
I paid then the taxi filled the gas. I slept on my way and I kept
seeing this old man's face telling me time is running out. We
arrived at 5. I got out the taxi with my small sports bag and
didn't know where to go from here. I asked the taxi driver if he
could take me to the Dlamini household.*****
Driver: what do you want there
Me: I need to go there, it's urgent
Driver: hmmm haii lentombi zase goli(these Joburg city girls)
*****he said shaking his head. I got into the taxi and waited for
him. He got in too and started it.****
Me: malin(how much?)
Driver: u20 landi nje(just R20)
Me: okay
*****I opened my bag and then searched for my purse. I took
out a R20 note and gave it to him. In 15 minutes we were in
front of a huge yard with a double storey, cattle, and urgh. This
house looked morden and rural at the same time. There were 3
Rondavel houses at the back of the main house. I saw them
when passing only to turn and it's the house. I looked at the
Me: is it here?
Driver: yes. This is the Dlamini household
Me: how many Dlaminis are here?
Driver: not many but this 1st preference of the Dlmaini
household. Anyone specific you are looking for?
Me: yes. Nhlakanipho Dlamini
Driver: then this is the place
Me: thank you
Driver: is he your boyfriend?
Me: yes
Driver: how old are you?
Me: 19
Driver: you are brave little girl
*****I kept quiet and got out. I shut the door and knocked on
the gate. There were guards all over the yard. One came near
the gate.****
Me: hello. I am Khensani and I am here for Nhlakanipho Dlamini
****the guard looked at me. He took out his phone and dialed
a number. 5 minutes later I was let in the house. It's soo
beautiful I tell you. One of the guards came to me****
Him: young lady do you know what you're doing here?
Me: yes
Him: let me rephrase do you know where you are?
Me: yes
Him: okay then this way.
*****this guy walks so fast. I was lead in the house where it
was just a hallway if portraits and all. We turned left where now
I saw the kitchen which was probably the size of the apartment
I live in. We passed the dinning room and went to the sitting
room. I saw Muzi, Nathi, Nkazi, a Man looking exactly like the
twins, but seated just how Nhlaka does, that must be their
father, I saw two women seated next to each other, one with a
toddler in her hands and the other just staring into space.****
Guard: Nkosi. Dlamini. Kune sivakashi(there is a visitor)
*****the man looked at me. And looked confused. He stood up
and went somewhere in the house. I was told to follow him. I
followed him. The room was quiet chilly and it had boring
furniture. There was a leather couch and a big leather chair
meters away from the couch and the chair had a leopard animal
skin on it. The man sat down on the chair and looked at
Me: sauwbona baba(grettings)
****he just looked at me. Okay I looked down***
Man: look at me when you speak
*****I quickly raised my head. I just saw Nhlaka in this man. I
couldn't help but cry thinking of my dream****
Me: I am Khensani Johnson from Gauteng. I came here to check
on Nhlakanipho my boyfriend because he's been missing from
me since his birthday.
Man: do your parents know you are here?
Me: no
Man: are you cheap?
****that broke my heart
I shook my head****
Man: you are because you come from where you come from
just because a man has been ignoring you. What did he feed
****the tears rolled down my face. *****
Man: young lady please respect yourself
****I kept quiet and sniffed. One of the women who was in the
living room came in. ****
Woman: ohh sorry for disturbing you but baba the doctor called
and said Nhlaka is out of surgery and we are able to see him
Man: uhmmm young lady. I'm sorry but we need to go
Woman: who are you sisi
Me: Khensani
Woman: where are you from?
Me: Joburg but I originate from Giyani in Limpopo
****the man looked at me and sighed. The woman seemed to
be studying me****
Man: she's his girlfriend
Woman: a heh!
****she clapped her hands once again in disbelief****
Woman: the nerve you have young lady
Me: I dreamt of him falling into a big pot if darkness. I was told
to save him before its too late
Woman: so you think we are stupid
Me: no ma. An old man comes to my dreams since last night
and has been telling me to save Nhlaka
Man: which old man?
Me: he looked like a traditional healer, wearing ancestorak
beads it's... Yess that's him
****I said pointing at his picture****
Woman: Haiibo
Man: come with us
****they stood up and I followed them outside. The brothers
had arrived already. Muzi started his car and took with him a
lady and one woman. Not the one who was scolding me.
Another one. Nhlaka's dad went into a car with that woman I
believe it's his wife. A young lady also got into the car. Nathi
came and got me. I drove with him and Nkazi.****
Nathi: Sani what are you doing here?
Me: I came here for Nhlaka
Nkazi: what happened
Me: I should be asking you that. I dreamt of him, falling into a
big pot of darkness. An old man who looks like a traditional
healer told me to save him before its too late.
Nathi: okay
****he sighed. We arrived at the hospital and got to his ward.
His parents went on first, then his brothers. There was a mini
debate on whether I go in or not. Finally they agreed I go in. I
got in and sat on the chair next to him. He looked like he had no
single scratch. I held his hand and just cried. I cried silently.****
Me: dear Father please bring him back. Please please he is my
one and only please. Nhlaka wake up do you can see how ugly I
look, you just can't leave me like this. You promised to always
be there for me so wake up. I came here all the way from
Joburg for you. Now wake up before your parents kick me out.
Nurse: hey sisi, visiting hours are over
Me: okay can I have 2 minutes please
*****she sighed then nodded. I kissed his hand then stood up
to kiss his lips and applied Vaseline on them. I left the room and
had everyone look at me.****
Me: thank you for allowing me to see him. I'll take your leave
Nathi: Sani you don't know this place so let me take you where
you want to go
Me: a BnB will be fine
****we left and he dropped me off at a BnB. He even paid for
my night there and left when he ensured my safety. I sat on the
bed just thinking about my day and cried myself to sleep*****
*****Sani woke up early, made the bed and went to the bath.
After bathing she took a cab to the hospital and pleaded with
the doctor to see Nhlaka. She was let in and he looked better
than the previous day. She sat down and held his hand. She
cried and her tear drops fell on his hand.****
Sani: Nhlaka please wake up. Please I cannot afford to loose
you. I love you a lot Nhlakanipho. You still need to meet the
Johnsons and my maternal family the proper way. We still need
to have our 6 children and wake up next to each other everyday
while my last name is yours. Please just wake up
Voice: so you think he's going to marry you
***she turned to see a lady in a long figure hugging dress and
in heels and and a long weave. She wiped her tears and stood
Thuli: who are you anyway?
Sani: his girlfriend
Thuli: askies. You do you know me
Sani: no
Thuli: I am his fiance
****Sani felt stabbed in the heart and looked at Nhlaka with
glassy eyes. *****
Thuli: ohhh my poor baby
****she watched her kiss her man lips and hold her hand and
look at him with fake pity.*****
Mandisa: Haiibo ntombi usase lana? (young lady, you're still
****Sani turned around and saw Nhlaka's parents looking at
her, with another extra woman who she concluded to be Mr
Dlamini's other wife, which Muzi's mother.****
Thuli: I told her to leave ma, but she doesnt want. I don't know
what she wants from him.
Manqoba: you may leave
****Sani left the room and saw all Nhlaka's brothers there by
the bench. She just passed them and Nathi followed her. She
couldn't even look at him because he looks like Nhlaka. She
kept walking till she reached the exit. She requested for a cab
and asked the cab driver to wait for her after she's at the BnB.
She took her small bag and checked out. She got into the Uber
and asked to be dropped off in Joburg.
Meanwhile back in the hospital Nhlaka's family were
surrounding him, all of them were silent. Mandisa and
Khethiwe were seated on chairs while the rest were standing.
Nhlaka slowly opened his eyes and then shut them. Nathi had a
feeling of relieve. He looked at his twin and saw him open his
Nathi: Nhlaka
**** everyone looked at him. He tried sitting up. His mother
didn't let him. Nkazi called a doctor. The doctor came and did all
the necessary things she had to do then left the family. Nhlaka
had already sat up. He looked at his family and saw how they
were glad that he's still alive.****
Nhlaka: how are you guys?
Mandisa: we were worried about you
Nhlaka: I'm fine
Manqoba: are you sure boy
Nhlaka: yes.
****after a while of talking, Nhlaka asked to be left with Mathi
only. Everyone else had to leave. He didn't even notice
Nhlaka: you good?
Nathi: yeah
Nhlaka: sorry
Nathi: there's nothing I can do. You're my twin, when you feel
pain I also feel it
Nhlaka: how is my woman holding up
Nathi: she was here
Nhlaka: what are you saying
Nathi: she left almost 30 minutes ago
**** Nhlaka sighed. ****
Nhlaka: why did she leave
Nathi: ma and Thuli made her leave
Nhlaka: when am I getting discharged. I need to go see her
Nathi: dude rest I'll go to her when I land tomorrow
Nhlaka: nah bro I want her
Nathi: Nhlaka don't be stubborn
Nhlaka: Mxm. Okay
****the driver is making things worse. He is playing love songs
and seems so happy while I am depressed here, depressed by
my own love life. He was playing Dangerously in love by
Beyonce. I closed my eyes and listened to the song****
Baby I love you,
You are my life,
My happiest moments
Were incomplete with you weren't by my side,
You're my relation and connection to the sun,
If you're next to me there's no darkness I could overcome,
You're are my Raindrop I am sea, if you weren't.....
****ehh ehh this guy literally screamed. I was listening to his
ugly voice. Yes I said ugly. He was piercing my poor ears. I even
forgot I was a bit depressed and just listened. The next song
was Best Part by Daniel Ceasear and H.E.R..... I love this song. I
also sang along and he kept quiet, I continued and sang till the
song ended. He looked at me using the small mirror. I looked
out the window****
Him: you sing beautifully
Me: thank you. Well I can't say the same about you.
***we both laughed and he stopped at a rest stop to fill up the
tank. He filled it up then went in to the bathroom. The pie in
there smelled amazing so then I got money and bought pie and
100% juice. I love 100% juices they are just amazing. He got a
sandwich then suggested we eat at the banks available there. I
was in no rush so then I agreed. We sat down and ate
Him: what's your name
Me: Khensani, yours
Him: Langa
Me: okay. Langa
Langa: how old are you?
Me: 19 and you?
Langa: 22
Me: ohh okay I see
****there was nothing interesting to say so we finished up
eating and went back into the car. We drove off and were in
Pinetown in an hour. I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes it was
a bit dark and it looked like we were in PTA. I went back to sleep
and then I felt someone shake me. I got up and it was Langa
telling me we have arrived. I sat up and indeed I was at the
apartments. I got out and thanked him. I went up stairs to the
apartment and heard many voices. I unlocked and locked the
door. I went to the kitchen and drank water. I passed all those
people and went to my room. None of them even noticed me
so I just went in and changed into my pj's. I drank sleeping pills
and dozed off****

*****I sipped my rooibos tea and looked outside. Nathi was
just looking at me as if I'm crazy. Muzi stayed back home to be
with his wife. Nkazi also stayed home to be with the family. One
of the pilots was seated with us making jokes that weren't even
funny. Nathi was just chuckling while busy with his phone. I just
wasn't interested ******
Me: Ebaba please dissappear
*****he stood up and left. Nathi looked at me****
Me: yin wena
Nathi: did you have to be mean
Me: Nathi don't irritate me
Nathi: what's wrong with you
Me: I need to talk to Sani
Nathi: mxm
*****we finally landed in OR Tambo international Airport and
found a car waiting for us. We went in and it dropped us home.
I took my car keys as soon as we arrived and drove to Sani's
apartment. I got there and bribed the security to let me in. I
parked my car and got to her room. It was locked. I had to go
down and beg the security for the keys which cost me an arm
and a leg. He gave me the keys and I went up again. I unlocked
the door then locked it. I opened her door and thankfully it was
unlocked. She was sleeping peacefully. I took off my clothes till I
was left with my boxers and joined her. This girl is definetly
scared of winter. She was already wearing warm pj's then had a
huge blanket on her. This blanket was like the ones I see on TV,
the home choice ones to be specific. I got into the covers and
pulled her next to me. I slept peacefully with my woman in my
The following day

****i know I drank sleeping pills last night. I know I'm still
sleepy, I know I'm still hurt for what Nhlaka did to me but I
swear, I swear there's someone behind me in my blankets on
my bed. I looked at the person's hands and these are a males
hands I tell you. I slowly turned around and got shocked. It was
Nhlakanipho. I blinked probably 7 times to ensure that I wasn't
dreaming and I wasn't. I moved his arms from my waist and got
put. I went to the bathroom, did my hygiene process then went
back to the room. He was seated on the bed, busy with his
phone. He looked at me. I looked at him too. He tapped the bed
indicating that I sit on it. I sat down and looked at him. This
man, my man is someone's fiance, a whole fiance.****
Nhlaka: how are you?
Me: fine you?
Nhlaka: I'm okay but then not okay regarding us
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: Nathi told me you were in KZN and came to see me in
Me: yeah I was
Nhlaka: why did you leave?
Me: your parents and fiance told me to
Nhlaka: do I look like I'm about to get married
Me: she kissed your lips
Nhlaka: I know. I heard you guys and felt her kiss
Me: so what's happening between you
Nhlaka: she's that girl who kept telling you to stay away from
Me: ohh
Nhlaka: so my parents want her to be mine and I am not
interested. I only love you Sani. You and only you
Me: I love you too
Nhlaka: Woza la keh baby(come here)
****he said patting his lap. I sat on his lap and faced him he
grabbed my waist and looked at me deep in the eye. I kissed
him and he followed my pace. We sat in bed the whole day and
all we did was to talk. When I heard the door close and the
house quiet, we ordered food and waited for it. It arrived and
we ate then spent the rest of the day in bed.****
Me: who is that other lady in the house?
Nhlaka: which one?
Me: the yellow bone one.
Nhlaka: she's Zah... Wait you even got to my house?
Me: yes
Nhlaka: how did you know where I lived?
Me: I asked a taxi driver to drop me off there and he did.
Nhlaka: ohh.
Me: you guys are rich neh
Nhlaka: why do you say so
Me: you own cattle, have a huge yard, a huge house, expensive
cars, have guards and.... Wait Nhlaka are you from royalty
****he sighed then nodded. I shot my eyes open and looked at
Nhlaka: I am a prince and my father is the King
Me: huh?
Nhlaka: that's why I was surprised on how you got into the
Me: when were you going to tell me that you're royalty
*****he kept quiet.****
Me: never I guess
Nhlaka: Sani it's not like that
Me: it's like what Nhlaka. You weren't
Nhlaka: I am scared okay
Me: of what
Nhlaka: scared that you'll leave me once you find out that I have
to marry Thuli before marrying you
****I felt my head spinning around. ****
Me: askies
Nhlaka: yes. They are forcing all of us to marry princesses as our
first wives
Me: who's taking the throne?
Nhlaka: Nkazi
Me: hmm. So that lady who kissed you will be your wife
Nhlaka: Khensani no. You'll be my only wife
Me: so you're gonna disobey your parents and ancestors
Nhlaka: Sani I don't Love her. I love you and only you
Me: but Nhlaka this is family we are taking about, not just a
family, a royal family
Nhlaka: Khensani I'll only marry you can we get that
****I kept quiet and he just sighed. We continued eating, after
that we sat in each other's arms, with our bodies tangled and in
pure silence. Nobody said a word to anyone.*****
The next day
****I woke up and Nhlaka was still with me. I shook him up so
we can clean my room. Yes I said we. I mean we are a couple so
he should help clean my room. He also contributed in the mess
so he has to just clean.****
Nhlaka: hmmm
Me: haii Nhlaka wake up. We need to clean
Nhlaka: what day is it?
Me: Wednesday and I've missed 2 days of classes so I can't miss
this one
Nhlaka: what time is it?
Me: 6:30 am
Nhlaka: hmm haii haii Khensani sleep
Me: no wena wake up we are cleaning this room.
Nhlaka: mxm
****he got up and made the bed. We cleaned the room, the
living room, bathroom and and kitchen. I've missed my days of
cleaning so it's only fair I clean on Ntando's day. Speaking of
Ntando, I miss my friends a lot, but I needed space from them
and to bond with my man who is apparently sulking right now.
After cleaning he went to my room while I prepared breakfast
for us. He ate then washed the dishes while I took a shower.
After bathing I also washed my hair since it was dirty. He blow
dried it and was actually good at it. I wore warm and tied a high
bun. It was now 8:30 am and my first class is at nine. ****
Nhlaka: let's go
*****I followed him and got to the car, where he took me to
school. He dropped me off and kissed me. I went to the
cafeteria just to get a cup of coffee. I got in and saw all my
friends in one table. After getting my hot beverage I joined
Tswalo: where were you?
Me: long story guys can I tell you later
Sipho: you better
Thato: when did you come back?
Me: Monday evening
Ntando: mara Mina ngasho ngathi u buyile lomuntu(I told you
that this person was back)
Me: how did you know?
Ntando: the noises in your room confirmed it, the 100% juice in
the fridge also confirmed it
Me: ohh I see
Tswalo: it's nine now. We gotta go.
**** I went to the lecture room and sat at the back. I have
missed one class atleast and apparently they weren't doing
anything much so I was lucky. After the long boring 2 hour
lecture I went to my next lecture which was an hour long and I
have missed out on this one. So then now I have to ask my
classmates for their notes and I barely talk to any of them I
asked a girl who is always quiet like me and is always seated in
the front row. Her name is Samantha and she's always writing
notes so I asked her and thankfully she gave them to me. I took
pictures then sat down as the lecture came in. He was late. He
looked at me and then switched on the projector. I don't know
why he's looking at me like that. Yes him, I mean Sbusiso
Remember my lecture who wanted me to the moon and back.
Yes that one. He gives me nasty looks I doubt I'll even pass.
After class it was lunch. A lot of student flooded out the room I
was still packing when I heard him clear his throat. I looked at
Sbu: why weren't you here the past 2 days
Me: I had problems to deal with and I couldn't come
Sbu: hmm you missed out
Me: I know
Sbu: and you don't see that as a problem
Me: no. Excuse me
****I said wanting to pass. He moved and made way for me to
pass. I went to the Cafe where I'll be meeting my friends for
lunch. Now Phile was also here. Earlier on she was in class
Me: hey guys
Them: hey
Sipho: so tell us
Me: can't I eat first
Thato: talk while eating
****I told them everything leaving some parts of course. *****
Thato: so you followed him girl
Phile: are you fine
Me: I am fine
Tswalo: did you just say that they are from Royalty
Me: yes
Tswalo: so Muzi is a prince
Me: they all are
Sipho: so who's this bitch busy kissing your man
Me: she said her name was Thuli
Thato: Mxm who does she think she is huh?
Phile: hmm there is drama coming your way mos
Me: yeah ey
****Tswalo was quiet. I guess she was still processing the
royalty thing. Thato and Sipho were busy coming up with plans
for Thuli. Phile looked worried for me and Ntando was just
laughing at Sipho and Thato's madness.*****
Me: anyway what did I miss?
Sipho: nothing much
Ntando: I mean we thought you just dissappeared
Tswalo: we were ready to open a missing person's case
Phile: Snai we were really worried
Me: I am sorry for keeping you guys worried. Thank you for
loving me and caring for me. I love you too
Sipho: so how is Bae?
Me: he says he's okay
Ntando: but
Me: he's trying to act like the bullets did nothing of him
Thato: did he tell you how he got shot?
Me: no he didn't. I also didn't ask
****we talked and catched up on each other's lives. We went
home all together and went our separate ways when we got to
the apartments. Everyone went where they live. I put my bag in
my room and heated up leftover food they had cooked the
previous day. We ate and kept ourselves busy with our
Tswalo: Muzi Muzi is wearing a ring in his ring finger
Me: hmm?
Tswalo: Khensani he is married
Me: it can't be
Ntando: to who?
Tswalo: A Zanele
Me: let me see this Zanele
*****she gave me her phone and it was the yellow bone lady
Nhlaka confirmed to be Zah. He didn't say she was Muzi's wife. I
looked at my friend who was now crying silently. She just let the
tears flow. Ntando was comforting her, by ribbing her back
gently. I read the picture caption and the lady said she's glad to
have a partner like Muzi in her life. ****
Me: Tswalo
Tswalo: hmmm?
Me: I saw him with the ring but didn't think he is married, I
thought it was for decoration
Tswalo: what when
Me: when I went to KZN
Tswalo: so I've been a side chick all along
Me: i:m sorry friend
Ntando: but why did he have to do this
****there was a knock on the door. Ntando went yo attend to it
then came back looking awkward. Nhlaka followed behind her
and Tswalo looked at me. I looked at her then at Nhlaka then
back at her. ***
Nhlaka: good day ladies
Ntando: hi
Me: hey. You can wait in my room I'll be there
Nhlaka: Tswalo are you okay
Ntando: she's okay
Tswalo: I'm fine
*****she said with a scratched voice. Nhlaka disappeared into
my room. I followed him. He patted the side of the bed. I sat
next to him and looked at him*****
Nhlaka: what's wrong
Me: Nhlaka please tell me the truth and do not lie to me please
Nhlaka: okay baby
Me: are you married?
Nhlaka: no
Me: okay. Is Muzi married
Nhlaka: no
Me: ohhh then why was he wearing a ring
Nhlaka: he was
Me: yes on his ring finger
Nhlaka: are you sure?
****I nodded looking at this man who is lying straight to my
Me: Nhlaka I asked you not to lie
Nhlaka: what makes you think I'm lying?
Me: this
****I said showing him the picture Tswalo showed me. He
sighed then ran his hand into his hair then looked down****
Nhlaka: that's his wife
Me: what
Nhlaka: he is married
Me: so he's still dating my friend and you are condoning it
Nhlaka: I am not okay. It's his life Sani
Me: are you doing the same with me, playing me
Nhlaka: Khensani don't piss me off
****I kept quiet he sighed.****
Nhlaka: Muzi told me to keep it as a secret and I did because it's
non of my business at the end of the day
Me: he is hurting my friend
Nhlaka: I am sorry
Me: why is he doing this
Nhlaka: Zanele is also a princess and since we are forced to
marry princessess he married her, so he doesn't love her. He
loves Tintswalo a lot
Me: so you're still going to marry the Thuli girl
Nhlaka: Khensani you can you please trust me for once please
****I sighed. He I'd too.****
Nhlaka: anyway I came here to ask you out but then it seems
like tonight just wont work
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: ngiyakthanda (I love you)
Me: Nami( me too)
****he just looked at me. I stood up and left the room I went to
comfort my friend. Nhlaka left 5 minutes later and just said bye
and walked out.*****
Ntando: you kicked him out
Me: I had to
Tswalo: what did he say
Me: he said....
Tswalo: nevermind I don't want to hear it.
****she said interrupting me. She stood up and went to her
room. Ntando went to hers and I catched up with my
*****after I left Sani's place I went home where I found Muzi
and Nathi eating. Muzi came back today afternoon I saw him at
work today. I dumped my weight on the couch*****
Nathi: and then wena, what's up
Me: Muzi's secrets threatening my relationship
Muzi: my secrets?
****he asked giving me a question look. I nodded***
Me: Tswalo knows you're married
Muzi: fuck! How
Me: Zanele posted a picture if you guys and by coincidence they
follow each other on Instagram. She also saw the ring on both
Zanele and your ring finger
Nathi: now man consider yourself side chick less
Muzi: damn Zanele mahn
Nathi: Yeyi don't blame the poor woman okay she's just happy
to be married to you
Me: little does she know of her husband's doings
Muzi: don't act holy wena. You have a baby coming your way
and little does Sani know about that nx.... Nywe Nywe Zanele
zanele. Leave my wife alone hauw. I'll deal with this nx!
****he said looking at me then left the room. I sighed thinking
about that. The letter was sent and we are to pay damages on
Nathi: this guy is dramatic
Me: yoh haii
Nathi: what will you do when Sani finds out about your child
out there
Me: she won't
Nathi: that's what Muzi said and look where we are now
Me: mxm
****I stood up and left the room too****
Nathi: hauw I said nothing wrong mos
****I ignored him and to my bedroom where I took a shower
then slept right after that. *******
3 years later
*****the past 3 years have been nothing but filled with
happiness. Nhlaka and I haven't had problems since the
encounter with his family and that's just amazing. I am 22 years
old now and I am graduating today, my family is as happy as me.
Nhlaka and Nathi seated there next to my family. Tswalo and
Muzi once ended things but they are back together now and
Tswalo says she doesn't mind a dating a married man. Damn
I've never been this happy.
My name was called accompanied by the number of
distinctions I had. I walked up to the stage. I could hear
Natasha's screaming and saw her jumping all over. My dad had
tears in his eyes and Zoe Ahh well she wasn't even clapping. I'll
tell you what happened one day. Nathan is at school. He is in
matric so he needs to be focused all the time. Nathi and Nhlaka
were whistling and Nhlaka was taking me pictures and videos
just like how Nkatkeo is right now. That one has grown hey.
She's doing her third year at the Limpopo University and she's
studying Business Management. Aunt Silvia was also crying. I
got down and other names were called. After the ceremony all
my friends had graduated and it was amazing to see how far
we've come. I'm soo proud of us.
I went out and we all made a group hug.****
Sipho: we did it babies
Ntando: I'm soo happy
Me: I am proud of us
Nhlaka: I am too
****I turned around and jumped on him. He sinned me around
then kissed me. I heard people clear their throats and it was
aunt Silvia and my dad. I quickly got down and looked
Silvia: Khensani
Me: ma
Nhlaka: avusheni ma(greetings ma)
Silvia: hi. I see you're still keeping my daughter to yourself
***Nhlaka chuckled and then looked at my dad who had a
serious face on him. *****
Dad: Naomi let's go
Me: but you promised that I'll spend the rest of the day with my
friends and tomorrow with you guys
Dad: no you want to be with this boy who will want to have you
for dinner
Me: dad! He won't. He's my boyfriend of 4 years. This year is
even the fifth one.
Dad: I don't care you are coming with me
Me: no I'm going with my friends
Nhlaka: Sani it's fine
Me: no it's not fine. We had an agreement
Natahsa: Naomi calm down
Me: mxm
***** I just left them standing there and went into Nathi's car
where he was seated in the driver's seat playing music****
Nathi: and then?
Me: haii
Nathi: okay I won't any further.
Nhlaka: Khensani Woza la(come here)
*****I got out and looked at this annoyed guy in front of me.
Nhlaka: go apologise to your father baby. I don't want to see
you guys fighting because of me. He loves you and he's looking
out for you. But I love you more and I am going to protect you.
Me: he must apologise first
Nhlaka: stop being stubborn and go apologise
Me: okay
****I sighed and went to his car.*****
Me: Dad
Dad: Naomi I am sorry for just bursting out. You can go out with
your friends as agreed
Me: thank you. I'm also sorry
Dad: it's okay. Go enjoy
Me: I will
****I went into Nathi's car and he drove off to their house.
These guys still share a house as old as they are. I changed from
my red dress into a boyfriend Jean, a black top and black Nike
sneakers. I am a loyal Nike customer. I must be given discounts
because wow. I syled my edges and let my braids loose. Okay I
don't know why I did that but hey, I did. I put on my perfume
and the necessary things into a small clutch bag and walked out
the room. I joined the twins as they were eating. They had
ordered Nandos food. I ate and then rinsed my mouth when I
was done.****
Nhlaka: Sani asambe(let's go)
Me: ngiyeza(I am coming)
**** I said going down the stairs. I got out the house. He was
talking to his twin****
Nathi: okay sure
Me: bye Nathi
Nathi: bye
****I got into the Porsche and he drove off to a club.*****
Me: Nhlaka it's early for us to be clubbing
Nhlaka: okay then where to
Me: Gold Reef City.
******he turned the wheels and off we went to Gold Reef. We
arrived and paid. We got in and started off with the big wheel.
We got in and it started moving slowly.****
Nhlaka: Khensani sthandwa sam (my love)
Me: hmm
Nhlaka: I love you a lot. I am sorry for past things I've done that
hurt you. I ask that you forgive me for them, I ask that you
always be by my side and never leave me no matter what. I ask
you always love me and support me at all times
Me: I promise you I will always love you and be with you. I love
you too Nhlaka
****he opened his arms for a hug and I gave him a hug. We
stayed like that in each other's arms. He kept kissing my
forehead. I kissed his lips and he responded deepening it more.
I pulled out and perked his lips. The ride was now over. We got
out and went to the next which was tower of terror. I swear this
one looks scary. We got in with other people. Nhlaka was by my
left. The ride just started of scary. I screamed my lungs out.
Nhlaka was also screaming. After the ride we got off. ****
Me: that was scary
Nhlaka: not that much
Me: stop lying I heard you scream
Nhlaka: I wasn't
Me: let's go see the photos
****we went in and this guy had his lungs out in the picture. I
laughed at him when looking at him. He took one picture and
paid for it then we moved to the next picture. *****
Nhlaka: let's go to anaconda
Me: why?
Nhlaka: are you scared
Me: no let's go
****okay so the line here wasn't bad. We got on it and it
started of okay till it stopped for a minute and just flew. We had
our shoes off because of how fast the ride was. One moment
we were upside down in less than a second we were tilted. I
swear I thought I was going to die. It finally stopped and we got
off and wore our shoes. I took my bag and felt dizzy. *****
Me: I need the toilet
Nhlaka: this way
*****he led me to the toilet. I got there and threw up. We
shouldn't have eaten. I flushed and fixed myself. I went out and
asked him to get me water. He gave me money and told me felt
like throwing up. I went to a shop and asked for 2 bottles of
water. I paid and turned around. He was seated on a bench busy
with his phone. The smile on his face is priceless. I got to him
and gave him one bottle. We both drank then chilled for a while
before going back to the rides. ****
Nhlaka' Sani pose
****I posed for pictures and he took me plenty. We asked
teenage girls to take us pictures and they agreed. Nhlaka gave
them R20 each and thanked them. We went on more rides and
more. When it was late we left and just talked about the rides in
the car. My phone rang and it was Tswalo*****
Tswalo: where are you
Me: hi. I'm with Nhlaka why?
Tswalo: we are on our way to club Venus. Meet us there at 10
Me: okay.
*****I told Nhlaka and he decided we go eat. He started the car
and drove to Mc Donalds. We ordered and ate. After eating it
was half past 9. We left and drove to the club. We got there at
22:15. I texted Tswalo and she said they were at the VIP section.
We paid and went to the VIP section. My friends are drunkards
trust me. The amount of booze on the table was a lot. I hugged
everyone including their boyfriends. Phile and Spha were also
here. They are engaged by the way. Sipho well is single now he
broke up with his boyfriend last year. Thato was dating a Xhosa
guy we are only meeting now. She didn't even want to tell us his
name. They've been dating for a year and a half now. He is quiet
handsome I tell you. Nathi also greeted everyone but him and
this guy fist bumped and hugged. Everyone looked at them.
They talked like old friends then sat down. Muzi was just sipping
on his drink. *****
Tswalo: you also know each other
Guy: yeah I told you we were varsity friends
Thato: Sani this is Luhle and Luhle this is my friend Sani and her
Luhle: nice to meet you Sani
Me: Likewise
****the guys stood up and went to the bar to talk.****
Me: Thato spit it out
*****she told us more about her boyfriend and as girls we
screamed and made noise. A group of guys who look like
blesses with pot bellys came our way*****
Guy1: hello ladies
Us: hi
Guy2: we were wondering if we could join you
Muzi: they have company
****the guys turned to be met by Muzi and Kaone's straight
faces. They looked at us once more and left. Muzi sat next to
Tswalo and they started kissing.*****
Me: get a room
Thato: Hayi sies nina
Muzi: picked Tswalo up and they left. Nhlaka and Luhle came
back and sat with us. The music in there was becoming more
addictive. I stood up and danced with Thato. Luhle also joined
his woman and Thato being Thato twerked for him. I moved and
sat on my man's lap. I looked around and didn't see Phile and
Spha. I wonder where they went. Tswalo and Muzi came back
and sat with us. We all watched Thato dance. Lihle has sat down
already. Thato being Thato had called up the whole crowd here.
She was brining in the vibe. I turned around to face Nhlaka and
kissed him. I listened to his heart beat. I closed my eyes and
that, well that was the last thing I remember doing. ******
*****early in the morning I woke up in an empty bed. I stood
up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed
my teeth. I put on my face mask and applied a generous
amount of Vaseline on my lips. I was in Nhlaka's t-shirt and my
panties only. I made the bed and went downstairs where I
found Nathi and a lady kissing. I cleared my throat and they
Me: hi.
Nathi: sani
Me: sorry to disturb but have you seen Nhlaka
Nathi: he's with Muzi outside
Me: okay thanks
****I went outside at the back and found them eating. I pulled
a chair and joined them*****
Muzi: how are you feeling
Me: I'm fine and you
Muzi: I'm fine
Tswalo: Sani isn't..that....ahh nevermind
Me: that's the twin
Nhlaka: what's up
Tswalo: Nathi is having his breakfast in the kitchen
Me: he means his girl
Nhlaka: ohh
Muzi: come eat Tswalo
*****she sat down and we ate. After eating we chilled a bit and
we were all on our phones. Nhlaka was smiling on his. I wonder
what he's smiling at lately. It's a Saturday today and so I need to
go and be with my family. I stood up and walked into the house.
Nobody didn't even notice that I left. I left with the dishes and
washed them. I heard moans and groans. This is probably Nathi
and his girl. I went into Nhlaka's room and went to take a
shower. After my bath I wore a red cargo pants with a white
stylish crop top and with my Nike airforce. I have clothes in his
room and at home. He had bought me these white shoes. I put
on a necklace he bought for me on our anniversary last year
and sprayed my perfume. I took my small clutch bag and took
my phone from the charger and went downstairs to the kitchen.
I found the lady drinking water.****
Lady: hey
Me: hey
Lady: my name is Nandipha
Me: hey Nandi, mine is Naomi
Nandi: ohh but I heard Nathi call you Sani
Me: that's also my name. Khensani
Nandi: ohh. You look good
Me: thank you
Nandi: going somewhere?
Me: yes home, to be with my family
Nandi: ohh okay enjoy.
Me: sure
Nandi: can I have your number?
****I gave her my number and got hers. I went out yo the back
where Nhlaka was on the phone and Muzi and Tswalo were not
in sight.****
Nhlaka: okay bye baby. I love you too okay
****I stopped at my tracks and felt a sting on my heart. He
turned around and the huge smile faded from his face.****
Nhlaka: Sani how long have you been standing here?
Me: Long enough to hear you confess your undying love to
another woman
*****he sighed. I looked at him with tears about to fall on my
Nhlaka: I am not cheating on you. This was my little sister
Me: really
Nhlaka: yes. I love you a lot and wouldn't risk losing you
Me: you're not lying right
Nhlaka: I'm not
Me: okay then
Nhlaka: come kiss me
*****I went closer and reached his face to kiss him. He
squeezed my ass and deepened the kiss. I pulled out and looked
into his brown eyes. He perked my lips and then we walked to
the front hand in hand. He took me pictures then we drove off.
See one thing about Nhlaka is that he likes the radio. It's always
playing in his car. I just listened to whatever they were talking
about. Then Micasa' song Mamela got on. I love that song. I
took Nhlaka a video driving while the song was playing. He also
did the same and I sang along to the song.****
Me: I love you man!
Nhlaka: I love you more baby!
****he ended the video and focused more on the road. He
parked one house from my dad's crib. He opened my door and
kissed my forehead. I went home and got to the door. I knocked
and opened the door same time. I found Natasha and Zoe in the
Me: hello
Tasha: hey sis
Zoe: your father isn't home yet
Me: okay where did he go
Tasha: went to go buy meat with Nathan
Me: okay
Tasha: so how was your day yesterday
Me: it was awesome
Nkateko: hey Sani
Me: ohh hi. Where is mhani?
Nkateko: she's coming down now now
Silvia: Sani
Me: hey mama
****I stood up from the high chair and hugged her
She kissed my cheeks****
Silvia: I am so proud of you baby
Me: thank you
Silvia: I know your mother is also proud of you
****I smiled and she wiped a tear I didn't know existed. *****
Zoe: you mean the protistute that made a baby with my
****we all looked at her. This woman hates me now. Well her
husband, my father has been spending more time with his
children and spoiling me as much as he is spoiling Tasha and
Nathan. So she hates me now and shows me everytime she gets
the time to. She never hides it. Even Silvia knows and doesn't
pay attention to her.*****
Silvia: maybe if you were treating him well and giving him some
he wouldn't have cheated. So shut up
Dad: we're home!
****Zoe left and bumped into Chris by the kitchen entrance.
Tasha helped with the plastic bags and unpacked the food. We
had braaied meet and enjoyed the rest our day.*****
*****it's been years since I made Deli pregnant. Well she gave
birth later in November that year and now my little princess is 2
turning 3 in November. It's Still April now so it's still far. Her
name is Thandolwenkosi and she lives with her mother in the
apartment I promised her. She's beautiful and looks like me. She
only has her mother's complexion which is a bit darker. My
parents love Thando and Mthokozisi who is 3 years old turning
4. Those two become a chaos when together. Thando visits
during holidays and I go visit her mostly twice every month. Deli
is doing her third year in education and will be finishing her
studies next year.
Nkazimulo and Zinhle are married. They got married 2 years
back and they are expecting a little bundle of joy, the next king.
Zee is 7 months pregnant. Zanele is also expecting. She's 4
months pregnant. Mom and maKhethiwe are the happiest
grandmothers of all times. Thando my little sister, is in varsity
and she's at University of Pretoria and studying Civil
Engineering. Yezi is done with his studies and an official
attorney of the high Court of South Africa. I am proud of him.
Actually everyone is.
After dropping Sani, I went to the airport where I was meeting a
client from Italy. He is a client for our underground business.
We shook hands and got in the car. I took him to the warehouse
where we will discussing new ways to get drugs into the
country. The Meeting went long as him and Nathi were arguing.
Nathi always likes to win arguments. He never lost debates at
school. He won the argument and a decision was made. Carlo
was a bit angry so he asked me to take him to the hotel. I took
him to the hotel and then went to Luhle's house. Luhle is my
varsity friend. I got there and rang the intercom. I was let in. I
got off and knocked on the door. He opened for me. We fist
bumped and sat outside. ****
Luhle: how are you man?
Me: never been better
Luhle: who would have ever thought that a whole Nhlaka would
be committed to one lady
Me: Mxm same as you
Luhle: I'm better my relationships lasted 3 months long yours
nje haii
*****we both laughed****
Me: they were relationships. I wasn't dating any of those girls
Luhle: haiike if you say so
Me: and you, who would thought that you'd be dating a crazy
girl like Thato
Luhle: love dude
Me: yeah hey
Luhle: I hear that Muzi is married
Me: yeah
Luhle: what about that lady
Me: his girl
Luhle: ohh
Me: he's doing double
Luhle: ohhh I see
Me: yeah
****we chilled and had few drinks. After that I went home
where Nathi and Nandi were watching a movie. I need to get
my own place. This place feels like 'the house'...... see those
shows like Geordie shore and Are you the one where everyone
lives in one house withoyt privacy. Now this is what this place
feels like. I need to get my own place honestly. I passed the love
birds and went to my room. I took a shower and texted Sani
who was having fun with her family. I slept after that.
My buzzing phone woke me up and it was Delisile. I wonder
what she wants at this time of the night. I answered the
Me: Dee
****I said still very much sleepy. It sounded as if she was crying.
I sat up****
Me: Deli yini(what's wrong?)
Deli: Nhlaka, they took her. They took her
Me: Deli calm down who took who?
Deli: they took my baby
Me: who!
Deli: I don't know. Just get here and find my baby
*****I got up and wore my clothes. I took a few guns and called
Nkazi that side. He picked up after I called 3 times****
Nkazi: yini wena(what)
Me: get up and go to Delia's house. Thando is missing
Nkazi: heh
Me: Nkazimulo my baby has been kidnapped okay
Nkazi: okay
****I dropped the call and called Muzi. He also answered after
a long time. He was in KZN. He left after dropping Tswalo off...
Muzi: hmmm
Me: Vuka uyofuna uThando(wake up and go look for Thando)
Muzi: Haiibo angithi nguwe o se goli( you're the one in Joburg
closer to her mos)
Me: not that one
Muzi: why. Isn't she with her mom
Me: she was kidnapped.
Muzi: what
Me: Muzi please find her
Muzi: sho
*****I went to Nathi's room and banged the door. He got up
annoyed and opened the door.****
Nathi: Hayi man Voetsek Nhlaka ufunan(what do you want?)
Me: I am going to KZN to go look for Thando. Deli said she is
Nathi: heh? Ngihamba nawe(I am going with you)
Me: no it's fine. Just stay here and take care of Sani
Nathi: and sit here and wait for results no I am going
Me: Nathi think about this mahn
Nathi: I did and I am coming with you. Book a flight.
****I booked it and luckly the first flight leaves in an hour. Nathi
got ready and said goodbye to Nandi. I called Sani and left her a
voice message that I'm leaving and if she needs anything in the
house, Nandi will be there. She can stay with her if she wants.
We took my car and went to the airport. We had no bags it was
just us. I left my guns in the car and we went into the plane. I
requested an Uber. It was there when we arrived. We got in and
went to Durban. I arrived at the apartment and got there. I
found Deli stating to space. I got her a sleeping pill and gave it
to her. She drank then went off in 10 minutes.****
Me: you can go sleep in her room
Nathi: Nhlaka let's both sleep
Me: who will look for Thando?
Nathi: I don't know how to trace her
****I sighed. We slept on the couch.**
*****I felt my body shake virgously only to find out that I was
waken up by Deli who looked horrible of you ask me. I got
Deli: when you're here asleep who is looking for my child. Did
she even sleep well
Me: Delisile it's still 4am so please, don't piss me off
****she kept quiet. Nathi came from the bathroom he sat
down and tapped a few things on Deli's laptop. I sat down too
and Deli just stood with her arms crossed.*****
Me: sit down and tell us what happened
****she sat down*****
Me: talk
Deli: we went to the mall for shopping, later we came back and
then ate. She went to sleep, when it was 01:15 which was the
time the movie I was watching ended, I went to check up on her
and she wasn't there. I looked for her everywhere and still
couldn't find her. Her baby bag was gone and some of her
Me: fuck okay.
Nathi: what clothes?
****she showed him a picture of the disappeared
Me: I need to eat
Deli: excuse me? Do you think our child ate huh?
Me: Delisile I need the energy please man
Deli: I'm not making food for you
Me: Nathi English breakfast yezwa
*****he nodded. I went to take a quick shower. I wore my
clothes and left with Nathi.*****
Me: call someone from your family to be with you
Deli: okay.
Me: Nathi anything?
Nathi: nothing
*****we ate in the car we rented. Muzi called, I connected the
phone to the car Bluetooth speaker.****
Me: Muzi
Muzi: there's no lead nothing man
Me: fuck!
Nkazi: what did Deli say
****I narrated her story****
Nkazi: this looks like an enemy to either you or Nathi
Me: who could it be
Muzi: never know
****I sighed. The call was dropped.****
Me: let's go home dude
Nathi: sure
****he started the car and took it back. We requested for an
Uber and went home. The ride home was long with Nathi on his
phone and well me... I was just thinking of who could've taken
my baby. We finally arrived. We paid in cash and got in. We
found them seated in the living room. ****
Dad: son
Me: hi
Mom: ohh my baby
*****I went into her arms and hugged her, I went to mama and
hugged her too. Yezi was also here, he works in Cape Town and
came here when he heard the news I guess. My father had
already asked the mafia to look for her.*****
Mom: Yezi tell Buhle to make us tea
Yezi: okay
****he told Nobuhle the house help and she brought in the
tray with a plate of scones****
Yezi: who baked?
Zah: Zee
Nkazi: auw siyabonga mama
****Zee blushed. My phone rang and it was Deli. I answered
my phone****
Me: Deli
Deli: where are you
Me: Deli what do you want?
Deli: my child! I want my child
Me' stop acting like Thando is your child alone. She's also mine
Deli: just bring my child back
Me: don't go psycho on me
Deli: mxm
****she hanged up on me. I took a deep breath. Everyone had
their eyes on me*****
Muzi: is everything okay?
Me: Muzi don't piss me off
Muzi: sorry
****it became silent****
Zee: baba why don't you go to bab'Dladla and see if he can't tell
you anything
Dad: good idea Makoti
*****he called him and he asked for me and dad to go to his
house. We arrived at this house and his wife directed us to the
hut. We took off our shoes and went in. He looked calm. Tooo
calm for my liking. We sat down and greeted.****
Dad: Dladla
Dladla: Dlamini
Dad: iphi ingane? (where is the child?)
Dladla: heeeei!
Dad: makhosi
*****he grunted for a while and all we had to do was clap for
him and say 'makhosi' or 'thokoza'. After a while he was done.
He looked at us and bowed his head****
Dladla: Nkosi, Dlamini, ingane I lahlekile le kude kude kwa
leyntaba (the child is far far away from these mountains)
****sure as hell, I was getting pissed by bab Dladla right now.
Me: Dladla ngicela ukhulume into ecacile(please say something
that's worth it)
Dad: Nhlaka wait. Dladla bathi'ni abaphansi? (what are the
ancestors saying?)
Dladla: heeei!! U phephile la ekhona, futhi uyanakekelwa (she's
safe where she is and she's taken care of)
*****I looked at Dladla with an annoyed look. He looked at me
and shook his head*****
Dladla: yehlisa mfanawam yehlisa(calm down my boy, calm
Me: ingane yam ayikho baba ngizo yehlisa kanjani ulaka yona
ingekho? (my child isbt here, how am I going to calm down
when she's not here?)
Dladla: hamba uyolala ndodana(go sleep son)
****Mxm this old. I stood up and left his hut. I wore my shoes
and got into the car. After 10 minutes my father also got out,
wore his shoes and went into the house. Mxm I started the car
and drove off. I went exactly behind the mountains. I know it
sounds crazy but I want my child. Behind the mountains were
farms and a village far far from the farms. I drove to the village
and arrived in an hour. Of course I barely knew anyone here
except for Londi . Yes the Londi that was supposed to marry
Nathi. This is her home and she's the only person I know here.
But I can't trust her so I better act like a normal person and look
for my child. I booked into a BnB and slept there. *****

*****Sunday is the day, I woke up and did my hygenie process. I
wore a long orange dress with black heels and a orange little
bag that had my Bible in. I went downstairs and ate breakfast
then left before people were even awake. I went to church and
it wasnt yet full. I went in and greeted the ushers. I sat down on
a bench and read my Bible. But by bit the church started getting
full. The choir made its way to the stage and started the song
service. I sang along and felt the holy spirit in me. I praised my
God and even had tears running down my face.****
Mamfundisi: hallelujah!
Church: Amen!
Mamfundisi: can you look at your neighnour righ now
****I looked at my neighnour and it was a guy. ****
Mamfundisi: tell your neighbor that everything is going to be
Church: everything is going to be fine
Mamfundisi: trust in the lord!
Church: trust in the lord
Mamfundisi: let us all pray, pray, let your heart out. Just pray!
Me: oh father lord in heaven. Thank you for this wonderful day,
thank you for the gift of life. I ask that you keep us safe, bless us
and grant us all that our heart desires. I pray that you protect
my loved ones and heal them father, heal them with whatever
that they may be going through. Forgive their sins oh lord for
they do not know what they are doing. Forgive me too lord, for I
am sinner and I sin on daily. This is my prayer in the wonderful
name of our lord and savior Jesus christ amen.
Mamfundisi: amen
**** the church settled down. Other were wiping their tears.
The pastor preached today and preached about trust and
honesty, and how they go together. After the service I got out
and greeted a few people I know, since I've been a regular for 2
years. I took out my phone for the first time today and saw
Nhlaka's missed call. I listened to the voice message and then
requested for an Uber to his place. I kept calling him and he
never answered. This emergency is serious hey.
When I arrived I knocked and Nandi opened the door****
Nandi: ohh hey
Me: hey
Nandi: they aren't here
Me: I know I received his voice message. He said I can stay here
and anyway I need some of my things
Nandi: ohh. Come in
****she let me in. I went to the sitting room and made myself
comfortable. She gave me a glass of juice and joined me. Looks
like she was watching a movie. *****
Me: so where are they?
Nandi: KZN
Me: what happened
Nandi: I don't know hey. They just left here in a hurry.
Me: ohh. I hope whatever it is isn't bad
Nandi: yeah. And you?
Me: me?
Nandi: where are you from?
Me: church
Nandi: ohh
**** we watched the movie till it ended. She cooked and all I
did was watch. After that we ate and I went to change. I wore a
Grey sweat pants with a white t-shirt, well Nhlaka's t-shirt to be
specific and his slippers. I went down and found Nandi on a
phone call.****
Nandi: Nathi
****I couldn't help but eavesdrop***
Nandi: Haiibo so you still haven't found her
Nandi: Ahh well she's here.
Nandi: okay. I won't
Nandi: bye. I love you too. I hope you find her
Me: find who
****oops I said that louder than intended. Nandi turned
around and shut her mouth.****
Me: what's wrong?
Nandi: eish a child has been kidnapped
Me: who's child?
Nandi: Nhl... Their family child
Me: ohh shame poor child.
Nandi: yeah so they went there to help find her
Me: ohh I get it now
Nandi: yeah. Want some?
****she asked referring to the ice cream. I agreed and she
made me some. We ate while talking*****
Me: how did you and Nathi meet
****she blushed. I also blushed.****
Nandi: we met where I work, in Charlotte Maxeke hospital. So
he was there with Nhlaka and he asked me my name when the
doctor was giving them results on how a patient was doing
Me: who
Nandi: Palesa
Me: who
Nandi: Nhlaka's ex maybe
Me: how long have you and Nathi been together
Nandi: this is the fourth year
Me: ohh okay. So what was the girl in for
Nandi: paitent confidentiality
Me: come on. It's not like I even know her
Nandi: she had an accident. Basically Nhlaka bumped into her
and brought her to hospital and so Nathi was with him. So I
accompanied the doctor to give them results since the doctor
was my crush and I liked being with him.
Me: does Nathi know?
Nandi: he'd kill me
Me: continue
Nandi: so after I told him my name. He charmed me then pissed
me off later on. Then he almost bumped into me with his car
and forced to take me home. I made him tea then we talked.
We watched a movie then boom I fell asleep. When I woke up
there was a note next to my bed
Me: woah so you woke up in bed
Nandi: yes. With pj's on
Ne: wow
Nandi: what about you
Me: he was in giyani for a project. So this day I go to my friends
house and her mom tells me she's at the shop. I get there and
find her talking to guys driving a car. I get there and greet them.
Nhlaka was seated at the back and he was staring at me. The
following day I was taking cow dung on the street when he ran
his car on my dung. I was pissed off. He apologised and helped
me pick it. I took him home and he watched me work on it.
After a while he took my number and left.
Nandi: wow what a romantic scene not mine where Nathi
almost killed me
****we laughed. After talking more about our relationships we
went to sleep. *****
2 days later

Me: she's finally asleep
Nathi: that's great
Muzi: I am tired
Me: I haven't had sleep for the past 4 days
****I looked at my little princess sleep peacefully in Muzi's
arms. We finally found her after searching for 4 full days with no
progress. Finally I've found her. We found her in Pinetown
where Gadla's sister is. She's been taking care of my baby, not
even knowing who the child is for. We had to kill Gadla's son
who was the one who kidnapped her.
...... My ringing phone snaps me out of my thoughts. It's an
unknown number ****
Me: hello
Person: hello is this Mr Nhlakanipho Dlamini
Me: speaking?
Person: I am Nompilo, Delisile's sister
Me: ohh hey sisi. Tell Deli not to worry. We have found Thando
****she burst out into tears and told her family.****
Me: why are you crying?
Nompilo: please come this side. You can leave Thando with your
Me: is everything okay
Nompilo: please come
****I sighed. She dropped the call. Muzi and Nathi were asleep.
Nkazi was on the wheel listening to his music. I also closed my
We arrived home and I woke up Muzi. He carried Thando and
we got in. My dad was still awake seated on the couch. He
stood up when he saw the little body in Muzi's arms. He kissed
her forehead. Muzi took her upstairs to maKhethiwe's room.
She'll know what to do when she wakes up. I threw my weight
in the couch and looked at my dad.****
Dad: is he dead?
Nkazi: yes
Dad: and the sister?
Nkazi: she may suffer a stroke
Dad: good. You can rest boys
Me: I need to hi to Durban. Delia's family called and it seems
like there's something important
Dad: you'll go tomorrow
Me: no I'm going noe
Nathi: I'm coming with you
****I went to my room and freshened up. I wore Grey tracksuit
pants and Grey hoodie. I took my car keys, wallet and phone
with. Nathi was eating in the kitchen. I joined him and ate 2
slices of bread with margarine and jam. After eating we took off.
He drove first and then when he got to Durban I took the
wheel. I called Nompilo's number and she answered. *****
Nompilo: hello
Me: where are you?
Nompilo: home
Me: are you asleep?
Nompilo: yes but baba and Bhuti are still awake
Me: okay we are on our way
Nompilo: okay let me inform them
Me: give me 20 minutes and I'll be there
Nompilo: okay
****her voice was scratchy. I went to the Thwala household
and found the gate already opened. There were about 7 cars
parked. I wonder what's happening. Nathi and I got off and
stood outside. Mr Thwala and his son who is Nkazis age got out.
We exchanged greetings. ****
Me: Thwala, Nompilo called me saying I should come
immediately. Is everything okay?
Thwala: thank you for finding my granddaughter son.
Me: she's my daughter, I'd do anything for her
Thwala: Deli took her life
Me: what do you mean
Zolani: Nhlaka Deli is no more
****I froze. I looked at these two people telling me that the
mother of my child has passed on****
Me: what happened?
Zolani: suicide
Me: wasnt she supposed to have a guardian!
Zolani: she did
Me: then how did all this happen
Zolani: she locked herself in the room and took her life
Me: what did she use?
Zolani: Ratex
*****I closed my eyes and sighed.*****
Zolani: take
****he said handing me an enevelope. I took it and it was
written 'Nhlakanipho'. I opened it and read it. It reads as follows
: Nhlaka iphi, father of my beautiful baby girl. I know we had
Thando under some circumstances, I may say. But I appreciate
you as the father of my child. You've cared for me and shown
me love. Not only me but you've shown me how much you love
Thando. I am sorry to do this to you, I really am but my life
hasn't been the best. I have been abused in my relationship
with my boyfriend. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd go
crazy and try to protect me, but I am not yours to protect,
Thando is and that's why I didn't say a word. I am sorry for
being selfish, please tell my child to forgive. Please forgive me
too, but I feel that this is for the best. I love you and
Nathi: Nhlaka
Me: hmmm
Thwala: what does it say son
Me: you can read it baba
****I gave it to him. Zolani gave me another one to read. As I
went through it, it was meant for her family. She asked them to
let Thando stay with my family because I am her only parent
now. She also apologised to them and mentioned that she was
infected with AIDS by her abusive boyfriend, she was depressed
and things became worse when she lost Thando. She decided it
was best to end her life since her only reason to be happy was
taken from her..... I gave Zolani the letter back, his father also
gave me mine and I gave it to Nathi to read.****
Thwala: the funeral is Saturday khona la(here)
Me: okay. I'll tell my family
Thwala: I am so sorry son
Me: I am sorry too baba.
Nathi: is there anything we can do to help?
Thwala: no thank you son. We have it under control
Nathi: okay. We can take your leave baba
*****we left and this time Nathi had to take the wheel again.
We went to a hotel and slept.
The following day we woke up and re freshened. We checked
out the hotel and went to the Thwala residence in yesterday's
clothes. I wanted to see Deli and bid farewell to her before she
is buried. We arrived at her home****
Nompilo: hi
Me: hi
Nompilo: who's Nhlaka here
Me: I am
Nompilo: okay. You guys can come in
****we went in and the house was full of ladies going up and
down. We went to the living room where the family elders were
seated having scones with tea for breakfast.****
Thwala: Dlamini
Me: Thwala
Men: yebo
Woman: did you boys eat
Me: no
Woman: eat first before you can talk about anything
Nathi: thank you ma.
****I looked at her. She gave us brief smile and left. She looked
hurt more than anyone in the room. She's her mother, sweet
and kind just like Deli. We had breakfast then the tray in front of
us was moved from the table.****
Me: Thwala. I would like to see her
****the men looked at each other and agreed. I stood up and
went outside. Zolani came and stared his car. I went in and he
drove off****
Zolani: who took Thando
Me: an old enemy
Zolani: so you caused my sisters death
Me: don't dare piss me off. I did nothing wrong
Zolani: they are your enemies
Me: my dad's enemies who wanted revenge
Zolani: where are they now?
Me: disappeared
Zolani: you didn't kill them right
****I kept quiet. He looked at me and looked shocked. He
looked back at the road ahead****
Zolani: who are you?
Me: Nhlakanipho
Zolani: I mean who are you
Me: someone you shouldn't mess with
Zolani: noted
Me: who was her boyfriend
Zolani: nx. That bastard. His name is Duduzane
Me: surname
Zolani: Duduzane Maphumulo
Me: hmmm
****there's nothing I can do to him. Because he's dead. He's
the very same bastard that kidnapped my child.****
Zolani: are you going to kill him?
****I kept quiet. This guy has a big mouth nx. He looked at
Me: Do I kill people
Zolani: I was just asking
Me: stop asking stupid questions. I don't kill people nx
****we arrived at the mortuary. It was cold in the freezers were
the mother rof my child was in. I touched her skin and it was
cold. She was really gone. I looked at her.****
Me: Can I have time alone with her
****they gave me privacy. I looked at her and sighed.****
Me: Dee. You should've said something you know.
****i sighed****
Me: I found him, Duduzane, he was Thando's abductor, he is
dead now. But you are too which isn't fair. You know Dee I wish
you didn't do this. I want you to also make memories with
Thando, see her go to school and do a lot.
****I sighed again****
Me: I read your letter and don't worry. I will take care if her and
tell her about a great person you were. I will teach her good
and always protect her. Thank you for the beautiful gift you've
given me. I will always appreciate you for her. Thank you
*****I left the room and went straight to the car. Zolani came
after 5 minutes and drove with total silence which is good
because if he said something I was going to kill him.
We arrived at the Thwala residence. I got out the car and went
to my replica who was making women blush. I got there and
they kept quiet.****
Me: let's go
Nathi: bye ladies
Nompilo: you're already leaving. Won't you stay for lunch
Nathi: ohh no thank you sisi. We have to tell them at home
Nompilo: ohh safe travels then
Nathi: thank you
****I got into the driver's seat and Nathi looked at me****
Me: Nathi ngena mahn(get in)
Nathi: let me drive
Me: no I want to drive
Nathi: Nhlaka
Me: I am leaving you here
****he got in. I drive off driving at 140km/h. We arrived home
in 45 minutes. It was already 12:15pm.****
Dad: boys
Me: baba
Dad: what was the emergency?
Me: let's go in
****we went in and called Nkazi, Muzi and the mothers. They
got here and sat*****
Me: Deli is gone
Ma: Haiibo what happened
Me: suicide
Mama: Nhlaka!
****she said closing her mouth. Mom looked shocked. My dad
was quiet. *****
Me: she asked me to take care of Thando, meaning she'll be
under my custody
Nkazi: when is the funeral?
Me: Saturday
Dad: so we leave in the ams
Me: that's also fine. Where is my princess
Mom: with Zinhle or Zanele I don't know
Muzi: both of them in the play room
Me: okay
****I left the room and went to the play room. My baby looked
so happy to be playing with her aunts. Only if she knew her
mother passed away. I sighed and went in****
Me: hello mommies
****they both looked at me and smiled including Thando. I
smiled at her. She ran to me and cried that I pick her up. I
picked her up and kissed her all over her tiny face. She kept
giggling and laughing.****
Zah: what's wrong?
Me: she's gone
Zee: who?
Me: Delisile is gone. She commited sucide
Zee: haiibo
Zah: what
Me: yeah. Can I go with her?
Zee: yes you can. Plus I'm tired
****I left with Thando to my room. I put her on my bed and
took off the hoodie. I tried entertaining her but I was too tired
for that. She slept finally after an hour of playing with her
around the room, which brought a smile on my face. I put her in
the blankets and slept too. ****
****it's been almost 4 days since Nhlaka left and there's
nothing we've heard. Yes I've been here since Sunday. I got a job
now, well not a job, my graduation programe. I started on
Monday and it was been going well. I haven't started with field
work yet, still learning on how the office work is done before
going to the mine.
I placed my bag on the coffee table and took off my heels. I sat
down feeling so tired. My phone rang....****
Me: Nhlaka
Nhlaka: you good?
Me: yes you
Nhlaka: yeah
Me: have you found the child
Nhlaka: uhmm yes
Me: that's great news. When are you coming back
Nhlaka: not anytime soon. Probably next week Tuesday
Me: ohh
Nhlaka: how's work
Me: it's tiring but so amazing
Nhlaka: that's great. Where are you now
Me: home
Nhlaka: home?
Me: your house
Nhlaka: ohh. Is Nandi still there?
Me: yes. She's just on her way I believe
Nhlaka: okay that's nice.
Me: you sound so down and tired what's wrong
Nhlaka: remember we found the little one so I am tired from
barely sleeping
Me: ohh. Get some rest my love. I love you
Nhlaka: I love you too
***he dropped the call. I went upstairs to my room and
changed into much comfortable clothes. Speaking of
comfortable, guess what I still have ghat 2008 government
water t-shirt I used to wear during high school. It is quite old
hey the material is even weak. I took off Nhlaka's t-shirt and
wore my favorite one. I went downstairs and started on dinner. I
cooked pap, tomato soup and steak. Just needed something
tangable and quick. Nandi came in looking exhausted. *****
Nandi: hey
Me: long day
Nandi: yoh. Thanks for cooking
Me: no problem
Nandi: let me change so I can tell you about crazy patients
****I chuckled. She left. She csme back after 40 minutes
smelling good and looking better than before. I was already
done cooking. I dished up and ate in the kitchen on the high
chairs. ****
Nandi: so Mr... Let's call him Mr A.
Me: who's Mr A?
Nandi: paitient
Me:ohh okay. Yeah?
Nandi: he refuses to eat, see visitors, see us nurses, bath or
even move a bone
Me: haibo what may be wrong with him
Nandi: haii that one has been bewitched
****I laughed. I didn't mean to but I did ***
Me: you can't say that
Nandi: Hayi he doesn't listen he is a job
Me: so Mr A was the problem?
Nandi: mmmh mmmh(as in no)
*****she was chewing. I put my plate in the sink and prepared
hot water in the kettle to wash dishes.*****
Nandi: Mrs B... See that one is like a mother in law
Me: haiibo
Nandi: the things she says and do to me. She acts like the
hospital is her house
****I laughed at her facial expression as she talked about this
Mrs B*****
Nandi: I feel sorry for her real daughter in law. Then there was
Mr C. This old man is actually nice but he's becoming.... haii let
me just tell you. So he compliments me and tells me he wants
me to be his daughter in law. Ah okay I laugh taking it as a joke.
But no, no Mr C decided to bring his son to ask me out. His son
already has a wedding band on his ring finger
****I laughed at her again. She had a nice day actually****
Nandi: it's not funny Sani. Because his son looks likes he's
cheating on the wife
Me: what a day you had
Nandi: Mxm yaz. Let me wash the dishes
*****she poured the hot water into the sink to mix with the
cold one and started washing the dishes.****
Me: Nhlaka called
Nandi: and
Me: the child has been found
Nandi: that's great news
Me: yeah hey.
Nandi: how was work
Me: fine. Just busy with office work. I'll onlu be going to the
mine on Friday just for a tour. I am starting my real job on
Nandi: atleast you're getting paid
Me: yeah hey
***** after she washed the dishes, we locked the doors and
closed all windows, then we watched TV and late at night we
went to sleep****
Dad: son how are you?
****I looked at him, then at the cows. This is my favorite spot in
the yard. Just looking at the animals in the kraal. I don't know
how to answer him, no wait, why would he ask such a
Dad: I am sorry
Me: it's fine. She's gone now, I can only make up to my
promises of taking care of Thando, I can't bring her back
Dad: did you love her
Me: she's the mother of my child dad. I don't know maybe I did
because she was a good mother to my child
Dad: I see. Who was her abusive boyfriend
Me: Duduzane
Dad: ohh good riddence to rubbish I must say
Me: please leave. I want to be alone
Dad: ohh okay
****I watched him walk away then a liutle figure come near
me. I wonder how she found me. I picked her up and she sat on
my lap. She heard the cows moo and she liked it soo much****
Thando: mooooo
*****I felt a hot slap across my face. I looked at her and she
smiled. This little devil. These little hands give painful slaps hey.
Thando: Dada mooo
Me: moooo
Thando: yay
****she clapped her little hands. I laughed at her. She also
laughed too hen got off me when she heard a song playing. She
just moved her legs and body. I laughed and smiled looking at
her dance. This child is going to be troublesome I tell you. I took
her a video dancing and sent it Deli. When the one Grey tick hit,
it hit me that she was gone. I sighed and watched all the videos
she would send to me of Thando doing silly things. Videos of
her bathing, trying to feed herself, running then falling,
sleeping, trying to dress up herself and all that.****
Zee: Haiibo Thando!!
****she shouted. I looked at Thando and she wanted to go into
the cow's kraal. I stood up and picked her from it. She cried
wanting to go. Zee came and hit her hand. She cried even more.
I gave Zinhle a look.***
Zee: hauw sorry but she must learn not to go there
Me: don't get used to hitting my child
****I picked up my spoilt brat and went into the house. When
she saw Nathi she got very excited. She doesn't know who her
father is. She reached her arms to Nathi. He picked her up and
went with her wherever. I sat in the Kitchen where Nobuhle was
cleaning stains caused by Mthokozisi. He was from his mother's
side, the Hlopes, now he's back home and With Thando here,
there will be chaos here.****
Buhle: do you want anything?
Me: no thank you, you?
Buhle: me
*****I wonder if Sani knows that the lost and found child is
mine. But if she knew she wouldn't have answered my calls. I
know her, she gets crazy when she finds out something, which
is why I should tell her the truth but I can't. I just can't ill lose
Muzi: Nhlaka!
Me: hmmm
Muzi: don't overthink or worry dude
Me: i"m fine
Muzi: yeah whatever
Me: what can I help you with
Muzi: nah just telling you that I am going yo Joburg to check on
the company
Me: Muzi it's still standing
Muzi: I want to be sure
Me: okay go
*****he left the room. I also left and went to my room and just
stayed here. Okay it's boring here, I went out and went outside
where Thando, Mthokozisi and Nathi were playing.*****
Thando: dada
****she ran to me and hugged my legs. Then she turned
around and saw Nathi and she ran to her. I figured it would be
better to leave before my child dies. I left and went back into
the house. I don't know what I'm doing in here. I went out again
but this time outside the gate. I walked not knowing where I am
planning to go. I walked and greeted people. Well I only did that
because they were bowing and showing respect. So then I kept
greeting. I found myself at the soccer field where young
teenage boys were playing soccer. This is where I also used to
play. The coach was seated on a camping chair looking at the
boys. I went there and sat on briks. He looked towards my
direction and got shocked. His name is Sambulo. He was my
team mate during our times.****
Sambulo: Nhlaka ndoda nguwe lo? (is this you man?)
Me: yah
Sambulo: it's been a while. How is Joburg
Me: it's fine
Everything is going well, the family is good and you?
Sambulo: everything is well too.
Me: so you work as a coach now
Sambulo: just part time, helping the boys. I am a teacher at the
secondary school.
Me: that's nice
Sambulo: yeah. I don't think I'll ever leave these streets
Me: home is where the heart is bro
Sambulo: Yeyi Yeyi haii mahn ioffside engaka mara( offside!)
****he said screaming to the boys. They continued
Sambulo: any wife, girlfriend, children
Me: girlfriend
Sambulo: no child nex nex
Me: ey dude
Sambulo: I get it.
****he doesn't get it. I kept quiet and listen to him tell me
about his wife and children.****
Sambulo: so my wife is pregnant again with our second bundle
of joy
Me: that's amazing
Sambulo: right
Me: when did you get married
Sambulo: 2 months after Muzi did
Me: so una 2 years ushadile (so you've been married for 2
Sambulo: yes
Me: wow that's nice
Sambulo: yeah
****he looked at his wrist watch and the time reported to be
5:05 pm.*****
Sambulo: boys! Let's go
*****the boys took the ball and gave it to him. It looked new,
meaning he bought it for them. The boys saw that I looked
familiar by the looks they were giving me.****
Sambulo: lo umtwana ye Nkosi(he's the kings son)
****they bowed. I stopped them and stood up. I fist bumped all
of them then left. I got home and found them setting the dinner
table. I just washed my hands and sat there. I went through my
text messages and replied to some of them. One by one the
family went in a sat down. We ate in silence, then ma decided
to clear her throat. The attention she wanted was given to
Ma: Nhlaka are you fine
Me: yes
Ma: don't do this to yourself, don't beat yourself for something
you not at fault for
Me: ma I said I'm fine
Ma: Nhlaka but
Dad: Mandisa myeke(leave him alone)
*****she sighed and continued eating. After eating I went
outside and stood next to one of the guards Wenzi. He was
smoking weed listening to music. I got there and sat next to
him. He didn't bother to look at who was seated next to him. He
passed the joint and I took it. I smoked it and coughed. He
looked at me and immediately stood up****
Wenzi: hauw Nhlaka
Me: sit down, I'm fine
****he sat down. I continued and got the hang of it. I watched
him roll another one. I also joined on that one. I felt drowsy and
stood up. I walked as slowly as I could. I went back in and went
upstairs to my room. I threw my weight on the bed and closed
my eyes.
3 days later (Saturday)
*****today is Saturday the day if the burial. We arrived here
7am and have been treated like kings and queens, Mxm what
am I saying, we are royalty anyway. Black was the only
dominating colour here. We went to the tent to start the
ceremony. To be honest I heard nothing. I saw that the people
were talking and making speeches and I heard non of them. At
10 am we went to the cemetery and she was laid to rest.
Nompilo and her mothers cries tore my heart. Later on the
funeral was over and people gathered at the Thwala household
and had food. I didn't feel hungry. After they ate. We stayed for
a while then decided to go back home. We got home around
dinner time and ate. Well I was forced to eat so I just ate. After
eating I went to sleep with my princess.*****
The following day
****I felt someone play with my face. I opened one eye and it
was Thando. I opened the other one and she smiled. Her smile
is beautiful, reminds me of Deli when she smiled. I got off and
put her on the floor. I made the bed then bathed her. After that
I took her to my parents room****
Dad: and then
Me: stay with her for now. I need to bath
Dad: Nhlaka take her to Khethiwe
Me: why
Dad: haii mahn
*****I laughed at him and took her to aunt Khethiwe's room.
She gladly welcomed her in her room. I went back to mine and
bathed. After that I went downstairs to have breakfast. I ate and
also fed Thando who was too energetic. After feeding her she
and Mthoko disappeared.*****
Nathi: Nhlaka mahn do you need a therapist
Me: no
Nathi: if you say so
Zee: Hayi mahn Nkazi khipa lengane yakho. Ngikhathele
mina(take out this child of yours. I am tired)
Nkazi: mara baby
Zee: take him out!
****they both entered the kitchen. Zinhle looked so annoyed
and Nkazi was definitely walking on egg shells. Zanele also came
in and sat on a chair.****
Zah: when is Muzi coming back?
Me: He didn't say
Zah: I don't understand this. Actually I am tired of this
Zee: what?
Zah: I am a married woman right? Now why should I stay here
while my husband is in Joburg. I mean I can go live with him
there right
Zee: that's a good question. Why vele?
Me: don't look at me, I'm not married
Nkazi: I'll buy you a house if that's what you want
Zee: really
Nkazi: yes
Zee: yessssss
****she leaped in joy and hugged her man. Nathi and I looked
at each other, wasn't she just angry like 2 minutes ago?.
Women I'll never understand this gender****
Zah: I wish Muzi would take me with, because here I am, being
a housewife and taking care of Mthoko and watching cows and
pigs all day. It's boring
Nathi: find a job
Zah: yes that's what I am planning to do, but not here, in Joburg
Zee: where are we going to live?
Nkazi: Durban
Zee: that's perfect. La Lucia right
Nkazi: that's also okay
Zee: I love so much
Nkazi: I love you too baby
*****Nathi and I laughed.***
Zee: is there anything funny
Nkazi: no baby these two are just crazy
Zee: let's go
*****the left holding hands. Zag stood up and took out a tub of
yogurt and a spoon. She opened it and mixed it****
Zah: do you guys want it?
Nathi: no thank you
Me: no thanks
Zah: hmmmm
****she said taking the first spoon. She looked so happy eating
the yogurt. I left her with Nathi and went outside to my favorite
spot. I dialed Sani's number*****
Sani: Dlamini
Me: hey babe
Sani: how are you feeling today
Me: I'm fine and you?
Sani: I'm good too
Me: what's all that noise
Sani: I'm at church and I am even late
Me: ohh sorry I'll call you later
Sani: sure.
****I dropped the call and got busy on my phone*****
Church: amen!!
Pastor: can we have a song for pastor Gumede
Lady: somandla uzugcin' impilo yam
****the church went crazy and sang along. I mean this song is
just amazing. I couldn't even hear my own voice when singing.
After the song. A young pastor came on the stage and as always
the young ladies went crazy. He preached and talked about the
three Hebrew boys. After the wonderful sermon. Mandla came
on the stage ****
Mandla: Amen church
Church: Amen
Mandla: I'd like to ask the church to be here in the afternoon as
I will be talking about marriage and I also have good news
Church: amen
Mandla: uhmm one more song please
****another song was sang then we got out for lunch. Did I
bring lunch today? No. Phile always brings lunch for me. I
haven't seen her since the graduation party. I dailed Nhlaka's
number... ****
Nhlaka: miss Johnson
Me: when are you coming back
Nhlaka: tomorrow. I need to get back to work. And I miss you
Me: I miss you too
Nhlaka: how was church?
Me: it was nice as always.
Nhlaka: are you staying or going home
Me: I am staying.
Nhlaka: ohh okay. This church thing must be nice
Me: yes one day I am going to drag you along
Nhlaka: hmmm haii
Me: I am going to drag you along
Nhlaka: heyi wena Mthoko!
****he shouted from the other side.*****
Nhlaka: babe I need to go and beat these kids. They just don't
Me: okay then bye
Nhlaka: I love you
Me: I love you too
****I dropped the call ****
Person: I love you too huh?
****I turned around and saw Sizwe in front of me. It's been a
while since I saw him***
Sizwe: so you're taken
Me: ever since you knew me
Sizwe: ohh
Me: where's your wife? She might be looking for you you know
Sizwe: mxm
Me: have you seen.... Ahhh nevermind
*****I said seeing Phile making my way. I hugged her and
kissed her cheek*****
Me: look at you
Phile: how are you doing?
Me: I'm good and you darling
Phile: I am good too. Sipho?
****I turned around and saw my circle dressed appropriately
for church. Phile looked shocked, I was too. ****
Me: since when do you guys come to church
Thato: since Jesus turned water into wine
****we all laughed. Thato is a character I tell you. Ntando came
with her boyfriend Kaone. These two are attached, they can't
survive 12 hours without seeing each other. Tswalo was also
here with Muzi who look uninterested.****
Tswalo: girl
Me: you guys look amazing, but you've missed the best part of
the day
Sipho: you know nothing girl
Phile: come let me get you seats. Anyone who's eating
Tswalo: we already ate. Just get us drinks
Thato: the holy wine please
Ntando: hauw Thato
****we laughed. Phile got us chairs, we sat down and talked. I
ate and they had drinks with a platter of fruits. We were seated
under Phil's gazebo. Sizwe who was seated under the gazebo
opposite ours has been eyeing me. Muzi could see this because
of the looks he's been giving me and Sizwe. My phone vibrated.
It was a whatsapp message from Muzi. I opened it***
°°°°°°°WhatsApp conversation°°°°°°
Muzi: what's going on between you and that guy
Me: nothing why
Muzi: why are you sharing looks
Me: I am not. He is
Muzi: I hope you aren't lying because if you are,Nhlaka is going
to kill you
Me: I said I am not
Muzi: better be so
°°°°°end of conversation°°°°°
****I ignored him. I looked at him and he did too. I looked back
at my friends who were making jokes.*****
Sipho: any gay pastor I can score myself with
Phile: no
Sipho: Mxm I need a gay church
Ntando: Sipho Hayi mahn. We are at church
****I chuckled and took a sip of my drink.****
Ntando: So I'll be meeting Kaone's parents next week Saturday
Me: thats nice
Kaone: it's about time I do right by her.
Sipho: finally
Chapter 45 Continuation
***okay lunch time was over now. We packed back the food
and then went into the church building. Sizer instead went up
the stage. Mandla was seated next to Phile there in the second
row. I was seated next to my friends on the 5th row. Sizwe
preached on marriage and how to keep it strong. He is married
yes, he has a child in the marriage yes. But he's not happy. It's
evident in his eyes, him luring me and all that. All of this shows
that he's not happy. After his nice words of encouragement
which Ntando was listening to attentively. The short sermon
ended with a prayer.
Sizwe: amen
Church: amen
Sizwe: can we have a song please
****a song was sang. Then Pastor Gumede senior went up.
Pastor: good afternoon church
Church: amen
Pastor: uhmm that was a beautiful short text from Siwe hey
Church: hmmm (as in yes)
Pastor: and there is another beautiful thing coming. You know
it's so nice to see our children happy and doing what's right.
Seeing them choosing flowers amongst the church in the church
is amazing. Seeing them love and respect God is wonderful.
Now brethren we have wonderful news, as Sphamandla our son
here, wants to say something. Woza mfana(come boy)
**** Spha stood up and went to the stage. He looked at all of
us just swinging his eyes left to right and right to left.
Pastor: son, this is a wonderful thing you're doing. I am proud of
Spha: thank you.
Pastor: young man the platform is yours
Spha: uhmm thank you. Good afternoon church!
Church: amen
Spha: you are probably wondering why pastor Gumede here is
saying such words
Church: hmmm
Spha: I see. Don't worry further because I will tell you
**** silence dominated the room. He sighed and opened his
Spha: 3 years back, I met this wonderful lady. At first to me she
was just a nice church lady, nothing much. But little by little I
was drawn to her. Everytime she was in here I felt her presence.
I still do and right now her eyes are on me and she looks like
she's about to kill me
****the church chuckled. I wonder what he's talking about****
Spha: so uhmm we started dating, well I know you don't like the
word dating, so we started being in courtship. Then 2 years
later I met her family and she met mine. So all in I am saying I
have found love. I am in love bazelwane
Church: Amen!
*****Well that were the elderly people and the guys. The girls
were just quiet.****
Spha: okay uhmmm I am going to pay lobola and get married to
Church: amen
Spha: Sthandwa Sam Woza Baku bone( my love come so that
they see you)
****spha went down the Stage and took Phile's hand with.
They walked up the stage with the church going crazy. I was
shocked. My friends next to me looked so happy.****
Spha: nangu ke. Omphile Modise well soon to be Mrs Ndaba
Church: amen
Spha: sthandwa Sam ngiyakthanda (my love, I love you)
****Phile was blushing****
Spha: I don't want to say a lot of things because I know how
much you're shy.
****we giggled. She blushed even more and had her eyes on
him. ****
Spha: Omphile from the day I opened my mouth to talk to you, I
knew you were the one. I felt it that you and I are going to go
far together. We are still at the beginning and we still have a
long way to go, but we will educate each other and find the way
together. Omphile Shanice Modise would you please make me a
man amongst men and be my wife
*****the church became loud as some were happy, some were
shocked and well me, well I was happy for my girl and hoping
she'd agree because Spha is a great guy. They're engaged
anyway well only the squad and Spha's siblings know, so I guess
he's making it official to everyone. Phile nodded her head
countless times with tears in her eyes. Spha slipped the ring and
kissed her hand. He stood up and then kissed her. They pulled
out and hugged each other.****
Pastor: isn't this such a great way to end the day
Church: amen!
Pastor: uhmm my children, I pray God blesses your union
Spha: thanks dad
Pastor: let's have a song
****a song was sang..... Now I see why these friends of mine
came to church.****
Me: how did you know that she's going to be proposed?
Sipho: pastor Bae called us
Me: wow and then there's me who want called or anything
Ntando: you were always scarce
Me: mxm whatever
****we waited for Phile and she showed up after an hour. ****
Me: congratulations
Phile: thank you. That's why you guys came huh?
Thato: don't label us as bad people, we came to church hauw
Me: wow
Tswalo: that's really a nice rock there
Me: lovely.
Phile: Spha chose the one I really liked
Me: ncaaaw
****Spha looked impressed with himself. After talking for a
while, I decided to go home. I found Nandi watching a movie. I
went to change and joined her.****
Me: Nandi who's looking after your place when you're here?
Nandi: I am renting it
Me: where are your belongings?
Nandi: Nathi took them somewhere
Me: ohh I see
Tswalo: hello
Nandi: hey
Muzi: Nandipha
Nandi: hi
Tswalo: why didn't you just come with us
Me: and listen to your love stories no thanks
Tswalo: mxm
*****Tintswalo is getting grumpier by the day and I don't like it
at all. After she left, I watched a movie with Nandi and kept
texting Nhlaka in between. Then later on I went to sleep*
5 days later (Friday)
Me: Nhlaka where are we going?
Nhlaka: you'll see. Just pack your bags
Me: atleast give me a hint, so I'll know what to grab
Nhlaka: get yourself a swimming costume and warm clothes too
Me: what. It's June man!
Nhlaka: I am aware.
Me: haii okay then
*****he left the room. I started packing my clothes then
packed for him too.
He came back on Monday but I got to see him on Tuesday. He's
been looking so stressed and down ever since he came back. I
just don't get it. When I ask him about it he tells me it's nothing
to worry about. But I am damn worried about him. I went
downstairs with the big suitcase and he was seated with his
Twin and Muzi.****
Me: hello
Them: hello
Lady: Muzi ngilambile(I'm hungry)
*****I turned around and it's his wife. I am sure of UT because
she has a ring on and she's the girl I've seen on Instagram with a
few of Muzi's pictures with her. She didn't even bother to greet
or even look my direction.****
Muzi: but you just ate
*****the lady started crying. Haiibo is this drama or she's really
hungry?.... Muzi stood up and calmed her down. He took her to
the kitchen.*****
Nhlaka: baby sit down
****I sat down and looked at these two lookalikes****
Nhlaka: that lady you just saw is Zanele, Zanele Dlamini. She is
Muzi's wife okay and she'll be here for a while now
Me: ohh so do I have to move out or walk on eggshells
Nhlaka: no you're aren't going anywhere
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: are you done packing?
Me: yes
Nhlaka: okay let's go then
****I wheeled the huge suitcase with my bag in my hands. He
took it and got outside where Nathi hit the drivers seat. We
climbed in at the back and let Nathi be our chauffeur. He drove
us to the airport and left. We boarded on a plane to New York. I
was soo happy but masking my facial expression with a frown.
Nhlaka: Sani what's wrong
Me: hmm hmmm
*****yes I said nothing. Because nothing is wrong, everything
is just right. We got on the plane and boom after taking pictures
to prove I'm in a plane.... I slept. I was woken up by Nhlaka who
looked fresh and handsome. I got up and went to bath. Then we
had breakfast after that.*****
Nhlaka: what do you want to do
Me: let's watch a movie
Nhlaka: sure
****we watched 365 and I put it on. Not knowing what's about
to come. We were on our dorm when watching the film.
Suddenly there were sex scenes....well a long sex scene. I felt
my panty getting wet.****
Nhlaka: Are you really going to watch this
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: Sani switch it off
Me: wait let me finish the movie
*****45 minutes later the movie was over. It broke my heart to
see Macimo broken. I never wanted it to end like this.... I love
happy endings and a movie that ends like this breaks my whole
Nhlaka: ohh you're done watching porn
Me: if wasn't porn Nhlaka, it was a movie
Nhlaka: so you liked the sex scene
Me: uhmmm. I mean the guy looks like he can give it to her
Nhlaka: hmmm
*****whooooo I shouldn't have said that. The look I got from
him. He stood up and left the dorm room. I sat up and slipped
my hand into my pants and into my panty. I was wet.
Nhlaka: Khensani
Me: hmmm
*****uhhhhh this felt so good. I was fingering myself. I had to, I
mean wouldn't you after watching a movie with sex scenes and
when your man doesn't seem interested in helping you. So I did
it, actually I'm doing it. I already had my pants and panty off
since it was disturbing me. I had my legs open and my finger
circling my clit.******
*****shit what is she doing. I locked the door and looked at her
play with herself.*****
Me: Khensani wenzani? (what are you doing?)
Sani: mmmh
****fuck! Her moans drove me crazy, her playing with herself
was enough to make my dick rise up. It's been a while since I've
been sexually active. Its also been a while since I touched Sani
and now I feel bad. She looked like she was about to orgasm. I
went to her moved her hand. She opened her eyes and looked
at me*****
Me: what the fuck are you doing!
Sani: why did you stop me! I was about to cum
Me: uthin(what are you saying?)
*****well I just said that because I was speechless. She looked
mad at me. I just sat in her and looked at her. She's beautiful,
very beautiful and her being naked doesn't help. It's soo sad
that in 4 years of being together I never even wanted to pop the
cherry. Not that I didn't want, it's just that I was thinking of her
and if she's ready.****
Sani: Nhlaka get off me
Me: hmmm
Sani: you're heavy!
*****I got off her. She pushed me away and went to take a
shower. I sat on the bed thinking about what just happened. I
mean is she that mad at me. I went to the bathroom and took
off my clothes. I got into the shower and cupped her boobs in
my hands. She moaned. She turned around and looked at me. I
kissed her and shoved my tongue in. She moaned in my mouth.
I went to her honey pot where she was wet. I inserted a finger
and then went in circles on her clit using my thumb. She pulled
out the kiss and moaned. I looked at her enjoying the pleasure
she was getting. I closed the tap because it wasn't making
things easier. I went down on my knees and put her left leg on
my shoulder. This was to give me access to her honey pot. I
licked her once and she held on my head. *****
Me: Sani touch something else please
*****she moved her hand on my head. I licked it and ate her
up. Her sweet moans were amazing to listen to. I made circles
using my tongue and fingered her. She started screaming and
moaned my name. I increased my pace. She came on me with
her legs shaking. I licked her clean then kissed her so that she
tastes herself. I opened the tap and bathed. After our shower
we got dressed then played a game.
Later on we arrived and checked into the hotel. We both slept
as we were tired and since it was also night time here.
In the morning I woke up and prepared myself for work, yes you
heard that right. I wore my Marin suit and took my bag with
Sani woke up and looked at me******
Sani: and then
Me: I have a meeting to attend to
Sani: on our getaway
Me: baby I'll be quick
Sani: then what should I do alone
Me: explore things then you'll tell me about them when you
come back
Sani: mxm
Me: I'm sorry. I love you
Sani: Nhlaka leave
****she said sulking. I got into the cab and told the driver
where I was going. I arrived and started with the meeting****
Rodriquez: no no I say give us a 30% increase
Carlos: no no you are crazy
Jason: I am the one who manages the shipment and
transportation so don't you think I also deserve an increase
Me: the fuck
Jason: then it's clear that Rod is mad
Rod: no I need money
Me: do prostitution or something, don't come here thinking you
are clever, I'll fuck you up
Carlos: my men, listen here there's no need to fight let's just
stick to how we work
Jason: I didn't call this meeting for us to argue.
Me: please hurry I need to leave
Jason: we were almost caught
Me: how
Rod: how the fuck did that happen
Jason: there are cops all over the place nowadays
Me: we might have a rotten potato
Carlos: Jay check your boys
Jason: I already did. I need you to check yours
Me: so you called me here for this nonsense. Fix this!
*****I was pissed. So I left my woman sulking for this.
Something he can't solve. I stood up and left. I went back to the
hotel where Sani was taking a shower. I ate and changed into
much more comfortable clothes. She came out and put her
lotion on. She was mad at me because she didn't even look at
me. I watched her dress up and wearing yellow. I also changed
from red to yellow. She must be mad thinking I'll let her leave
the room without us wearing matching outfits. She looked at
me and chuckled. I took the car keys of the car I rented and left
with her behind me. I opened the door for her. She got in and
put on her seatbealt. I closed the door and went to my side, got
in and put on the seatbealt. I decided to play amapiano which
lately she goes crazy over. This woman of mine likes these songs
hey. She started singing and doing hand gestures which she
thinks is dancing I guess. I took her to places we both have
never been. Well it's obvious because we are foreigners in this
land. We got lost many times but managed to get where we
wanted. We had lunch at McDonald's. We'll it's the only place
we trust for now. It's a lil different from the one back home.
Late at night I drove to what's known as New York city and
showed her the beautiful streets, lights and advertisements of
new York.*****
*****ahhh you see now, now I am happy. I mean wouldn't you
be. I am in New York, with my man doing what we love and
loving one another at it. Damn! I am soo happy. He got a call
and answered it while I got mesmerized****
Nhlaka: wow so now I'm wrong for leaving!
**** he sounded angry. I kept quiet and took pictures.****
Nhlaka: Nkazi then why don't you come here yourself and
Nhlaka: nxaaa voetsek! (piss off)
*****he dropped the call and shoved his phone into his pocket.
I looked at him. He looked up the sky and sighed. He does that
when he's stressed, that's something I've noticed.****
Nhlaka: sorry for spoiling our moment
Me: wanna talk about it?
Nhlaka: I'll tell you one day just not now
Me: ohh okay
Nhlaka: yeah. Let's go now
Me: okay.
***we got into the car and got lost again. It took us a whole 30
minutes to get back to the hotel. We had dinner when we
arrived and went straight to the room where we watched a
movie before sleeping. This time we watched fast and furious
Hobbs and shaw. This guy likes action movies. He was soo
happy and interested in the way they drive and the guns and
the fighting. After the movie we cuddled ourselves to sleep
after gossiping about people. Yes we gossip l, I mean which
couple doesn't gossip. If you don't then you're a boring couple.
***** we are in the plane right now flying back to South Africa
because of this guy's work. I am soo pissed at him for bringing
me along knowing very well he was here for work and not for
us. He has apologised for 50 times right now and I still won't
talk to him. We finally arrived in Mpumalanga and got into his
car which had a driver. We got to Kruger National Park. He must
be joking. We got there and checked in.****
Nhlaka: hauw Sani I said I'm sorry
Me: and don't you think I heard you
Nhlaka: why are you being like this
Me: why did you bring me along
Nhlaka: sani
Me: don't answer. This was probably an opportunity for me to
travel right
Nhlaka: Haiibo
Me: go to your meeting
Nhlaka: it's tomorrow
Me: mxm
****I threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes. I woke up at
around 9am and he wasn't here. He probably went to his
meeting. I made the bed and had breakfast all by myself. Then I
went back to the room and bathed, after, I wore a white free
short dress with white sneakers and with shades. I tied my
braids into a high bun. I also put lip gloss on my lips and went
outside. It's now 11:15 and Nhlaka isn't back yet. I need to take
pictures and he's not here. I went to the dining area and asked a
guy to take me pictures.****
Me: please take full body pictures
Guy: okay
****I posed for the pictures then asked for half. He took me
and then gave me my phone back. I thanked him and looked at
the pictures, the lighting was great, I looked beautiful and so
the picture was perfect. I heard someone clear their throat. I
didn't turn. The cologne hit my nostrils that's when I turned.
Before me stood a guy. Now this is the real definition of tall
dark and handsome. I swear this guy could make any girl melt. I
looked at him****
Me: Can I help you?
Guy: yes you can start by telling me your name
Me: who are you?
Guy: the name is Phumlani Maphumulo
Me: okay so how can I help you?
Phum: I think I already told you
Me: my name is Khensani
Phum: so doesn't she have a surname
Me: she does
Phum: I see but it looks like mine would sound better on her
**** I looked away. He smiled. Gosh I shouldn't be feeling like
this when I have a man. I looked back at him and he had a huge
smirk on his face.****
Phum: so you're here alone
Me: no I'm with my man
Phum: then where's your ring
Me: what ring?
Phum: you said you're here with your man but I don't see the
Me: I didn't say I was married I said I'm here with my man
Phum: I see. So where is he?
Me: out for a while
Phum: so he left you here in the wilderness
Me: do you have anything better to say
Phum: ohh ouch.... Who's this guy
Me: why do you want to know
Phum: I just want to know who's this stupid moron who'd leave
a beautiful lady like you by herself in the wilderness
Voice: that moron is right behind you
****since I was facing down I looked up and he looked calm. I
hate it when he's calm because he isn't really calm, he's angry.
Phum: you
****he laughed. Nhlaka looked pissed but went back to his
calm self. ****
Nhlaka: what do you want from my woman
Phum: her. Listen here man. Don't leave her like this because
next time we' ll take her while you watch
Nhlaka: I'd like to see you try
Phum: I will and I'll suceed
Nhlaka: suceed ya masimba. Nx! Lalela la angeke uze umthole.
(listen here, you won't get her)
Phum: nice meeting you hun
*****a punch flew across Phumlani's face and he immediately
beld. Nhlaka beat him up. Phumlani also hit him.****
Me: Nhlaka stop! Nhlaka!
****I grabbed him and tried stopping him. He was breathing
heavily. He got off Phum and wiped off his blood on his lips and
Me: Nhlaka look at me
****he did. Woah I regret saying that. That look was enough to
murder me. ****
Me: calm down. Let's go to the room
Nhlaka: uzonya wena nx! Speel Baie ver van my meisie(you'll
shit on yourself!..... play far from my girl)
****Phumlani stood up with the help of a waiter and left.
Nhlaka was already ahead of me marching to the room. I got
there... ****
Nhlaka: Vala umnyango(close the door)
****I closed her door and looked at him. He's angry.****
Nhlaka: sondela( come closer)
****I got closer to him but not too close. He looks scary for me
to get comfortable****
Nhlaka: usuya feba manje huh? ( are you a whore now?)
Me: no
Nhlaka: Khensani don't make me angry
Me: Nhlaka I did nothing I swear
***a hot slap flew across my face. I held my face and looked at
him. Another one flew in and I covered my whole face now. He
threw punches and I sinked to the floor. I cried and cried****
Me: Nhlaka please! I'm sorry! Nhlaka I'm sorry
***did he stop? No he didn't. It's like he couldn't hear me. He
kicked me and kicked me till I couldn't cry. I passed out and it
was lights out for me.*****
The following day
****beep, beep, beep was all I could hear. I slowly opened my
eyes and I was in the hospital. I looked around like a visitor
going to someone's house for the first time. A nurse came in
then turned around. Then a doctor entered and examined me.
Of course he asked me what happened and I told him I was
being beaten for a man. Wait why did I lie... Why! *****
Doc: okay then Mrs Dlamini i'll check up on you later.
*****why is he referring me as Mrs Dlamini. I lied on the bed
replaying yesterday's events. Someone came in. I looked at the
door and it was Nhlaka.****
Me: don't even enter.
****he sighed and stood by the door for a while. He walked
in... I started breathing heavily thinking he's probably going to
finish me off. He put a bag of toiletries, my phone and then left.
He looked hurt but no wait I am the hurt one here. He beat up
badly. I am bruised and luckily no ribs were broken. I called
Tswalo first and checked up on her, Natasha followed, I couldn't
tell them what happened. I don't know why but I just couldn't. I
got busy on my phone and ate when they brought food. I went
to sleep after having dinner and my medication****

**** I didn't mean to. I swear I didn't. Her look when I went to
see her at the hospital broke me even more. I took out all my
anger and frustrations on her. I didn't mean to. I called Nathi
and told him Sani is in hospital. He took the first flight to
Mpumalanga from Joburg so he might be here anytime
Nathi: Nhlaka, how is she?
Me: they say she's fine, they'll keep her for 2 days then
discharge her
Nathi: what happened
****I kept quiet and looked up.****
Nathi: Nhlaka you didn't right.
****I swallowed hard and never moved from my position. He
choked me and I punched his face. I held my neck while he held
his face. We were at the hotel outside where I was waiting for
Me: Nathi I didn't mean to
Nathi: what happened
Me: she was with this guy who wanted her, I got mad and lost
my temper, I fought with the guy. When we got to the room I
was mad at the thought of her with that guy or any other guy
and.... And...
Nathi: and then you beat her
Me: I didn't mean to
Nathi: Mxm. Who's this guy
Me: I don't know. That's what I need you to find out
Nathi: I'll do that tomorrow. I am tired
*****we went to sleep. The following day we went to the
hospital together. The doctor told us there's progress and that
she's okay but grumpy as hell. Well I don't blame her. We got to
the ward. I got in first then Nathi followed me.*****
Sani: what do you want?
****she asked looking at the both of us.****
Nathi: Hey Sani. Nhlaka told me what happened and I thought I
should come check up on you
Sani: you look like him
Nathi: yes but we aren't the same
Sani: get out!
Me: Sani
Sani: get the fuck out!
****I left and Nathi stayed. She didn't scream. I watched them
talk through the window. Sani cried and I couldn't watch
anymore it breaks my heart to know that I am the cause of her
pain and tears. A few minutes later Nathi got out****
Nathi: let's go
Me: what did she say?
Nathi: what can she say? She's hurt Nhlaka
Me: what did you tell her?
Nathi: where you get the behavior from
Me: and what did you say
Nathi: I said you get it from dad and from being builed at a
young age
Me: the whole truth
Nathi: yes.
****i followed him outside. He drove to spurs where we had
food. He ordered a takeaway. I didn't even ask who it's for. We
drove back to the hospital****
Nathi: mii(take)
***he said giving me the takeaway****
Nathi: give her food and listen to her.
Me: so I shouldn't say anything
Nathi: you should but not now. Now you must listen and
acknowledge your mistakes
Me: okay.
****I got out and went in. I got to her ward where she was
talking and laughing with the nurse. I knocked and cleared my
throat at the same time. She looked at me and smiled. The
nurse also blushed and left. I put the food on her laps.****
Sani: thanks
Me: my pleasure. How are you feeling?
Sani: why?
Me: I lost it, I'm sorry
Sani: so is this what is going to happen everytime you lose it
Me: no.
**** I sighed. I held her hand and looked at her in the eye*****
Me: I was builed a lot when I was young. As I grew older I learnt
to stand up for myself and Nathi. In high school we were the 'it'
boys. Everyone knew us and they all wanted to be friends with
us because we were cool and we'd fight anyone without losing.
So fighting became what I was good at. I am sorry for causing
pain to you. I ask the you forgive me. I will never repeat this in
my life.
Sani: did you go for therapy
Me: I did and became fine. I become like this when made really
angry. I am sorry for my behavior and actions
Sani: I forgive you Nhlaka but I am hurt by what you did. I need
you to go back to therapy if you need to. I need you to tell me
what's wrong in your life evertime. I am your woman Nhlaka
and I want to be involved in what happens in your life.
*****I just nodded. I bruried my head on her laps. I cried
silently. She was eating, I know this because. She was chewing
and licking her fingers. When she was done I wiped my tears
and stood up. I looked out the window and took deep breaths. I
went back to the bed and looked at her. Visiting hours were
over, so I had to leave. I kissed her forehead and left without
uttering a single word. Nathi was still where I left him. He was
on his phone. *****
Nathi: and
Me: we're fine
Nathi: atleast that's something
Me: I fucked up
Nathi: you always do.
Me: wow
Nathi: sorry but who is the one girl you dated and never hit her
Me: it was intentional
Nathi: maybe with Sani but what about the others
Me: It's not like I hit all of them
Nathi: whatever Nhlaka, all I am saying is control your temper
because Sani won't forgive your ass next time
Me: I hear you. Thanks
Nathi: sure
*****he opened the door for me and helped me out to the
plane. We got in and sat down. ******
Nhlaka: anything you'd like to eat
Me: no thank you
Nhlaka: are you sure?
Me: yes
*****we landed then he took me straight home. Meaning to
the Johnson's residence. I arrived and found Nathan playing
games with Natasha. Strange if you ask me.****
Me: hey guys
Them: hi
Me: Tasha
Tasha: Naomiii!!
****she screamed when she relaised it was me. We hugged
then I hugged Nathan. They both squuezed me and hurt me but
I had to act strong.****
Tasha: how was the baecation
Me: it was nice
Nathan: are you sure sis
Me: I am hey. I am hungry what's to eat
Nathan: make some for us too
Me: mxm. Where are your parents?
Tasha: they went to Uncle Mark's house, they'll be back soon
Me: ohh...
****speak of the devil. They both entered the house. My dad's
face beamed with joy and he had a huge smile on his phone
while Mrs Johnson didn't look happy to see me.****
Dad: Naomi when did you arrive
Me: just 5 minutes ago
Dad: ohh I see. Are you spending the night
Me: yes. The week actually
Dad: that's amazing
Zoe: did they kick you out where Hou live
Dad: Zoe
Me: no they didn't. I came here to see my Father and siblings
Dad: Nat and Nathan how are you guys
Them: cool
****well they went back to their game. I went to the kitchen
and started on making food. Zoe came into the kitchen and
boiled water.****
Zoe: you must be happy hey
Me: yes I am, do you have any problem?
Zoe: you are even disrespectful. First your mom takes my
husband and gives him an ugly South African child. Now you're
making yourself comfortable in my house and making yourself
friends with my children. Must be nice
****I kept quiet and continued chopping the onions which
weren't doing any justice to my eyes. I felt hot water on my skin
and I screamed. I looked at Zoe with my blurry vision and she
looked angry.*****
Nat: mom what the hell!
Tahsa: dad!
*****I went off.
The following day I woke up and yes I was in hospital. I wasn't
surprised at all. I looked at my left arm and boom I was
bandaged. I pressed a buzzer and a nurse came in shortly. She
gave me water to drink then went to call a doctor who checked
on me. After that I was given their tasteless food and ate. I went
to bath with the help of a nurse then later on slept again. I woke
up again a few hours later, just around 3pm and to my surprise
saw Nhlaka seated there. He had his head bowed on my left
hand. I moved two fingers and he immediately looked up. I
smiled at him. He stood up and perked my forehead. He looked
at me.****
Me: kiss me
***my man doesn't waste time. He smashed his lips on mine. I
just wanted to be kissed so I didn't respond to it. He pulled my
lower lip then pulled out and looked at me.****
Nhlaka: what happened?
Me: how did you know I was here?
Nhlaka: Khensani what happened?
Me: I got burned Nhlaka
Nhlaka: what!
Me: yes I got burned by water
Nhlaka: what were you doing
Me: the last thing I remember doing was cooking
Nhlaka: when did you start lying
Me: I'm not
Nhlaka: then why aren't you telling me the truth, who did this
to you
Me: Nhlaka I am not lying
Nhlaka: you are and I don't know when you started being like
Me: since you beat me and I had to lie to doctors who asked me
what happened
*****I said mumbling every word. Looks like he heard me. He
looked at me woth eyes fully of regret and hurt. I looked away.
He perked my forehead once again and left. Just like that he
left. Tasha went on followed by my friends, all of them.****
Me: hey guys
Sipho: how did you get in here?
Me: I got burned guys
Thato: what burned you?
Me: hot water
Tswalo: how?
****I looked at Natasha and she looked at me too.****
Voice: did she do it?
****I looked at the door and saw Nhlaka standing there with
his hands in his pockets. I shook my head no. He tilted his head
and pierced me with his looks. He took his phone which he
forgot on the bedside and left. All my friends looked at me****
Phile: Sani are you fine?
Me: yes
Ntando: like 100% fine
Me: excluding me burning yes I am fine
Sipho: so what burned you
Tasha: my mom
Tswalo: I am going to the police
Tasha: why
Tswalo: she burned my friend. Can you see where she is, how
she looks and think that her skin won't be the same anymore
****it became silence. I like how Tswalo can silence someone.
She hugged me, then one by one I hugged them*****
Me: it's fine, I'm fine guys
Tswalo: it's not Sani. It's not at all
Sipho: what was the reason
Me: I don't know because basically I did nothing.
****Tasha left. They gave her bad looks****
Ntando: you see that one. I don't trust her
Thato: play far from your family Sani. Not in a bad way but I
don't trust these people
****the rest nodded in agreement. Once they agree to what
Thato is saying, especially when she is serious then it's genuine
and real.*****
Sipho: so where are you going to live?
Ntando: she has a man
Tswalo: you mean the very same who left her like she meant
nothing to her
Me: I don't know, maybe go to a BnB
Thato: Haiibo Sani. Since when do you waste money
Me: it's not wasting money
Tswalo: try at Nhlaka's then if it doesn't work, I'll go be with you
at a BnB babes
Me: thanks
Sipho: when are you being discharged?
Me: maybe tomorrow, I don't know
Thato: tell us and we will all fetch you
Me: with? Because last time I checked you don't have cars
Ntando: Kaone has so why not
****we chuckled. After that they left. I asked my doctor to
report for me at my job because I am going to miss a day
tomorrow. I guess Thato was right when she said family can't be
fully trusted because my own dad didn't even come to see me
not even to see if I'm okay.****

****after I left Khensani with her friends I went home. I got
there and parked my car outside. I stood there and watched the
house. We need to sell it and share the money then buy our
own places because this place feels like 'a house'. I got in and
found Zanele cooking. I wonder where Muzi is because he
wouldn't be letting her do this at her pregnancy stage. I passed
without greeting and bumped into Nathi on my way up. I wasnt
looking and he was on his phone****
Nathi: what's wrong dude?
Me: Sani is in hospital
Nathi: what did you do
Me: it's not me. She burned
Nathi: what, how?
Me: she doesn't want to say, and that's what you will help me
find out
Nathi: Ayi okay
Me: thanks man
****I continued going up the stairs. When I got to my room I
took out my phone and dialed my mother's number. She
answered immediately****
Ma: mfana wami(my boy)
Me: hey ma. How are you?
Ma: I'm fine, how are you?
Me: I'm also fine. How is my little baby
Ma: you call this naughty child of yours a baby
Me: Haiibo what happened
Ma: she's busy playing with flour and water, if you see her now,
she looks baked. I don't know what to do to her anymore
*****I laughed at her.****
Me: give her the phone
Ma: okay let me go to her.....she's still bathing
Me: put me on speaker
Ma: you're on. Wena Toto say hello
Thando: hallo
Me: hello nana
Thando: hallo
Ma: ithi baba (say daddy)
Thando: baba
Me: unjani girl, (how are you?)
Thando: phila (I'm fine)
Me: bowenzani? (what were you doing?)
Ma: ithi bewudlala nge flour namanzi(say you were playing
woth flour and water)
****I chuckled. She is really pissed by the fsct that I have a
naughty baby. I wonder where Mthoko was when all of this
baking was happening. ****
Thando: buya nini wena baba? (when are you coming back?)
****okay I didn't expect that. Atleast now she knows who she's
talking to****
Me: Friday my love
Ma: manje manje (now now)
******she didn't just say that to her. I chuckled.****
Me: Goodnight, I love you
Thando: gooi nat I luv ooo
****that's her way of saying it. It melts my heart. I chuckled
and asked my mom to take off the loud speaker.****
Ma: haii lomtwana wakho wena (this child of yours)
Me: uphi umthoko itwin lakhe? (where is Mthoko, her twin?)
Ma: u no gogo wakhe ngaphandle (he's with his grandmother
somewhere outside)
Me: ohh okay. So how did Thando get mischievous alone?
Ma: they were outside with Khethiwe, they were seated on the
grass mat looking very tired and sleepy. I left them asleep, one
hour and 30 minutes later I find my kitchen in a mess and a
tokoloshi covered in flour, pouring water on herself
****I died of laughter. She laughed too****
Me: so my child is a tokoloshi now
Ma: Mxm, she's too naugty
Me: where's dad
Ma: in the room
Me: ohh okay. Let me go eat ma, bye
Ma: I love you
Me: I love you too ma
****she dropped the call. I got out my room and went
downstairs to eat. After eating, I washed the dishes because
Zanele cannot do anything alone. Nandi walked in hand in hand
with her man. They greeted me and left. They came back dome
minutes later when I was fine washing the dishes. I was having a
drink watching the 19:00 isizulu news.****
Me: Nandi
Nandi: Nhlaka
Me: how are you doing?
Nandi: good and yourself?
Me: I'm good.
**** Nathi gave me an envelope. I opened it and it was pictures
and information of what happened to Sani. I read and looked at
the pictures from a cctv footage they had in their house which
has burnt, well the kitchen only since they left the stove on. I
closed everything and drank my juice. Zanele walked in with
Muzi behind her. They sat down****
Zanele: hi
Nandi: hey
Muzi: unjani maKhumalo? (how are you maKhumalo?)
Nandi: I'm good and you
Muzi: Hayi I'm good.
Muzi: baby, this is Nandi, Nathi's woman and Nandi this is
Zah: his wife
Nandi: ohh that's nice. Nice to meet you
Zah: likewise
**** Nandi looked at Nathi and I. I focused on the news and
Nathi left the room. ****
Zah: do what to you do?
Nandi: I am a nurse and you?
Zah: housewife, but I studied Bcom in Accounting
Nandi: ohh that's nice. Do is this your first?
Zah: you mean the pregnancy?
Nandi: yes
Zah: no it's the second
Nandi: ohh that's even more nice
****Nathi went back in. We talked a bit more, or rather the
ladies talked and we did the listening. When it was late, I went
to sleep
6 months later
***** it's December now and I am back home in Limpopo.
After the incident with Zoe, I never saw her again and as for my
father, well he never came to see me and I also never saw him
ever since. I have been living with Nhlaka in his apartment. I call
it his because it's under his name, but he calls it ours because
we live together. Aunt Silvia thinks I live with Tswalo because
she doesn't understand this cohabitating thing. Phile is getting
married next week in Rusterburg so I'll leave for Joburg in 4
days so the following day we can go to the wedding. I am a
bridesmaid by the way.****
Themba: Sani
Me: hmmm
****I said looking at him. He has grown real quick. Adiola,
Vutomi's baby girl was also here and she's 2 years old. She's
Ahh well cute I guess. Vutomi has transformed the house into a
big family house. I have my own room now, so does Nkatkeo
and Aunt Sharon. It also has 3 spare bedrooms and a double
garage, which has Muhluri's car he bought a toyota corolla.****
Themba: Adi anga lavi ku tlanga na mina( Adi doesn't want to
play with me)
Me: Adi!
Adi: heeeh
Me: play with him. Themba go
****he happily ran to her and they ran after one another.****
Nkateko: where is your mind at
Me: nowhere. When are you finishing school?
Nkateko: next year. I can't wait
Me: that's nice baby girl
Vutomi: Sani how is work
Me: it's nice. I enjoy working at the mine honestly
Vutomi: that's nice
Silvia: Yeyi girls come wash the dishes
Vutomi: Nkatkeo go
Nkateko: Haaa mara
Me: you're the last born
****she left.****
Vutomi: me and you barely talk hey. How have you been
Me: fine and you?
***she sighed. She had teary eyes.****
Me: hey what's wrong?
*****I hugged her and she cried. This is the first time I am
seeing Vutomi cry. She's the 'I don't care type' and now that
something's bothering her I am becoming worried. I let cry till
she was satisfied. She wiped her tears and had messed up my t-
shirt. I took it off and wore a yellow one.****
Tomi: sorry about that
Me: it's okay what's wrong?
Tomi: Treasure is marrying another woman
****I opened my eyes. She sniffed and wiped her tears
Me: what! Why?
Tomi: I don't know. He said he loves the both of us.
Me: you love him neh
Tomi: yes. Sani why is he doing this to me. Am I not worth it I
gave him a beautiful daughter but still he does this. Sani I even
learnt how to cook and how to cook Nigerian food. I can even
tie my own doek now and still he does this.
Me: I am sorry sisi. I really am. So are you agreeing to this
Tomi: I love him Sani, I am going to stay
Me: okay. If that's your decision then it's okay
****she stood up and went inside. I sighed and got busy on my

*****we have 2 new editions to the family. Nkazi and Zee's son,
the future king, Malwande is 5 months old. Zah and Muzi's baby
girl, Thandeka is 4 months old. My little princess is 3 years old
and eldest grandchild is Mthokozisi who is now 4 years old.****
Thando: baba
Me: yes baby
Thando: why am I Thando and she's also Thando
****she asked pointing at her aunt, my little sister, who was
seated across us.****
Me: because you are the first girl grandchild and she was also
the first girl grandchild
Thando: uhnnn
****she looked confused.****
Mthoko: baba Nhlaka
Me: yes boy
Mthoko: where is Thando's mom
****are these two on a mission to murder me. Nathi came
Nathi: Toto, Mthoko let's go
Mthoko: where are we going daddy?
Nathi: for ice cream
Thando: Yay!
*****they left. I sighed and looked at Thando who was blushing
violently on her.****
Me: Noluthando who are talking to?
Thando: Haiibo bhuti
Me: Noluthando
Thando: my friend
Me: Noluthando are you dating
Thando: no
Me: hmmm you better be serious because if it's a lie I'm going
to kill you.
*****she stood up and left. Okay now I'm all alone. I stood up
and went outside where Nkazi was seated with his wife and
with his son in his hands. If I go there I'd be disturbing these
lovers so let me go somewhere. I turned around and went to
the poolside and there you go another couple. I went back in
the house and went to my room. That's it I must get married. I
will propose to Sani soon, I hope she agrees. I got busy on my
phone and boom the door opened. I didn't bother looking
that's how bored I was. I only turned when I felt like whoever
who came in is locking. I turned and my eyes opened in shock.
Before me stood Thulisile in a sexy number. I looked at her
make way to me. I stood up****
Me: how did you get in
Thuli: I am allowed in, incase you didn't know
Me: then what the fuck are you going here?
Thuli: I see you're bored, I mean all your brothers are busy with
their women and here you are looking so bored. Listen baby I
can make all your problems go away
Me: Thuli please leave
Thuli: come on Nhlaka don't act like you don't want it
****she came closer to me and touched my dick. I froze. I don't
remember the last time I had sex. Probably a very long time
ago. She took off my pants. She jerked my dick and it stood up.
She smiled to herself. She went down on her knees and took
the tip in her mouth. I closed my eyes then opened them she
took me in and started moving. I groaned out loud as she even
gaged and sucked on me. I held her head and moved back and
forward. I was about to release. I pulled out and released on
her face. She smiled and licked some of the cum near her face.
My phone rang and it was Sani. I wore my clothes, Thuli looked
confused ****
Me: get out
Thuli: Really
Me: get out Thulisile
****she unlocked the door and left. I sighed. Sani called again
and I answered.****
Me: hey baby
Sani: hi. Why didn't you answer
Me: I was taking a nap
Sani: ohh sorry for waking you up
Me: it's okay sthandwa sam
Sani: so, Phile is getting married in 5 days and I am inviting you
*****I chuckled. How is she inviting me to someone's
Me: Sani its not your wedding mos, so why am I being invited
Sani: Hayi wena you are my plus one
Me: Can I invite my little brother because you'll be a bridesmaid
and it won't be fun watching you with the bridal party all day
****she laughed****
Sani: that's okay
Me: great where is the wedding?
Sani: Rustenburg
Me: ohh should I fetch you
Sani: no I am leaving with my friends
Me: ohh okay that's fine.
Sani: okay that's all I wanted to tell you. Bye
Me: I love you
Sani: I love you too
*****I dropped the call and went downstairs. Finally Nkanyezi
came home. I bro hugged him.****
Me: Bafana how are you?
Yezi: I'm fine and you?
Me: I'm good too, how is cape town
Yezi: it's great hey. How is Joburg
Me: it's also great
Thando: Yezi
Yezi: yah wena
****they hugged and left together. Okay that's it! Why am I
being left out everywhere. I went to my usual spot, my favorite
place to be in the yard. I watched the cows moo and all the
other animals. I sank into a pool of my own thoughts. I thought
of Deli, Sani and how my life would have turned out to be. Since
no one wanted to me near me today, I ordered pizza and ate
alone. Yes alone. I don't know where everyone else was, not
even aunt Khethiwe. When it was late I went to sleep, because
wow.... ****
******wedding bells, wedding bells. We are at Phile's home in
Rustenburg for the wedding, we'll the wedding is tomorrow but
then we are having a Bachelorette party at the guest house we
Ntando: where is the food nina
Me: I don't know didn't you leave at home
Ntando: urgh then I'd have to go fetch it
****she took the car keys and left. Sipho came in with booze,
followed by Thato. Tswalo was the one in charge of the setup
and outfits and me, well I was told to guard our bride. Her sister
and other 2 friends were also bridesmaids, but her sister was
the maid of honor.****
Phile: where is my cake!
****she shouted. I went to her and grabbed her phone.****
Person: eish ausi kuku e wele tseleng
Me: get another one as soon as possible. Get one that looks like
the one before.
Person: eish okay.
Me: you'll pay for it
*****I dropped the call and looked at my frustrated and
stressed bride. She sighed. I sat on the bed and looked at
Me: Omphile don't worry okay everything will be fine and
Phile: I just don't want my big day to be ruined
Me: and it won't okay.... Don't worry
Phile: thanks
Me: pleasure baby!
*****I attacked her with a big hug.****
Phile: how is you and Nhlaka
Me: we're good hey
Phile: Sani what's going on?
Me: nothing, everything is fine
Phile: that's good. When last did you talk to your family
Me: I was with them just yesterday
Phile: you know who I am talking about Sani
Me: I don't know
Phile: don't you miss them
Me: sometimes
Phile: did you try looking for them
Me: no. They should be the ones looking for me. I was the one
on that hospital bed and not even, one of them came to check
up on me or even called me.
Phile: okay I see
Me: yeah
Thato: Khensani!
****I stood up and went out the room****
Me: Thato??
Thato: ohh there's someone outside asking for you
Me: me
Thato: yes
Me: who is it?
Thato: I don't know but I know the guy from Instagram and
from Kaone's posts...
Me: okay
*****i went outside and guess who was outside. It's that guy I
saw when I was with Nhlaka in Kruger National Park. He's the
guy Nhlaka beat up actually.*****
Me: how can I help you?
Phum: that's rude Sani
Me: mxm
Phum: Yhoo okay then can we talk. Please
Me: you have 5 minutes
Phum: great. Uhmm okay how are you?
Me: is this talking?
Phum: hauw ntokazi
Me: talk
Phum: okay I know we've met once but I really really like you.
Ever since that incident back in Mpumalanga I kept searching
for you and stalking you on your social media accounts. I really
like you Sani.
Me: but you know I have a boyfriend
Phum: you mean that guy?
Me: yes that guy
****he looked annoyed. He sighed and fixed his face****
Phum: Sani he doesn't deserve you
Me: why are you saying that
Phum: I don't have evidence now but that guy is dangerous to
you and your loved ones. He is not worthy of you
Me: listen. He is my man okay and I love him. He loves me too,
so please make things easier and stop stalking me. Leave me
alone and leave my man too.
***I tried leaving then he pulled my arm. I turned around and
looked at him****
Phum: listen. I am not going to give up on you
Me: I am not going to give myself to you. I hope that's clear
now let go of my hand
****he still held it, now even more tighter.****
Me: leave me alone.
Phum: I won't tiil you're mine and mine alone
Me: I won't be yours now you're hurting me
****he squeezed it even more tighter and came close to me. I
looked at him and man he was angry.****
Sipho: let go of her hand
****this guy didn't even turn to see who was talking****
Sipho: now!
Thato: yewena leave Sani alone nx. I do you a favor and you do
this. Voetsek!
****he let go and left. My arm was now redish-pink. I went in
the cottage and the two followed me.****
Sipho: Thato why did you let him in
Thato: he said he wanted to talk to her. He wouldn't stop
begging so I agreed. I'm sorry Sani
Me: it's fine
****I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat thinking
of what just happened.****
Ntando: Haiibo can we get started
****I stood up and left the bathroom. There were platters of
food stationed up and drinks. I dished up for myself and took
orange juice and sat down on the couch. The rest also did the
same and Ntando started the progamme.*****
Ntando: hello everyone. We are gathered here today for a
special occasion. And the reason for this gathering is non other
than Omphile who is getting married tomorrow. Uhmmm Phile
friendoo you've taken a big step in life and as your friends and
relatives we are wishing you a happy and long marriage with
Sphamandla. Okay uhmm can we start the progamme with a
song then have people who aren't in the progamme sat a few
words, if you're in the progamme shut up and you shall speak
****we all laughed. I wonder when has Ntando become such a
character. ****
Ntando: Dj Thato do your thing please
****Thato is always the DJ at our party's or events. She knows
how to use that sound system thing and she's killing it! Power
to Thato! *****
Sipho: ayy yebo ayy yebo
****we danced to That's mix. The music died down and then
Tswalo came to say a few words****
Tswalo: hello everyone. I am Tintswalo, Phil's friend. Phile and I
met in varsity, our first year to be exact. Well I was drunk hey.
We were all drunk except for Sani. All I knew was that we were
going to sleep at Thato's place hauw jiki jiki there's this light
skinned girl in the morning. She had made us some
babalaz(hangover) thing to drink
****I died of laughter because she looks drunk even now****
Sipho: Phile it looks like you'll have to make it again, look at her
****we laughed once more.****
Tswalo: friend, thank you for everything you've done, thank you
for being you. I wish you sweets in your life and the journey you
are about to embark on. I love you lotts friend
****she sat down. We clapped hands and laughed. Ntando, the
Mc stood up *****
Ntando: let's play a game now. So uhmm we ask Phile questions
about Sphamandla and if she's wrong you get a drink
Phile: haii you know I don't drink
Ntando: well then today you will
****we all laughed and forced Phile to sit on the golden chair
and the party began****
******all the friends had shared a few words to Phile, played
two more games then went to sleep. The following day they all
woke up and bathed. Well Phile could barely sleep, she was
stressed and didn't even have access to her phone. It was now
7am and they had all bathed. The girls were doing their make
up except for Phile, Ntando and Sani who were watching the
others get their hair and make up done****
Ntando: Phile what's wrong
Sani: stop stressing everything is going well. Even the cake is
Phile: that's great
Sani: yeah so relax baby girl
Ntando: future Mrs Ndaba
***Phile blushed and all her friends laughed.****
Phile's mom: girls hurry up phela
Oratile: ma it's just half 7 now mos. It's not like we are late
Phile's mom: you said we are starting at 10
Oratile: see 10 is very far
*****this woman was happy that her daughter was getting
married. She was ready to go. Impatience was her second name
at this stage. She left the room wearing her red two piece suit
with a huge dramatic hat. See pastors wives haii****
Hair lady: next
**** Ntando sat down on the chair and the lady started doing
what she is known for. Thato stood up and admired her
hairstyle. She took pictures and then lied on the bed. Tswalo
was also done with her hair, Sani sat down and they got busy
with hers. By 9:30 all the girls were ready and looking stunning
in their dusty pink dresses. They had pictures taken by the
photographer. Sipho was the MC of the progamme. The bridal
party and family got into the cars and went to the chapel were
the ring ceremony will be taking place. The bridal party got in
one by one then two liitlr girls entered throwing in petals all
over. The maid of honor helped them and then they finally
reached to the front. John Legend's this is why I love you played
and the doors opened. Phile walked in accompanied by her
father who looked so emotional. When they got yo the front
Spha took over. His brother, Sizwe gave him a cloth to wipe his
tears. He wiped them then looked at pastor Gumede senior
who was officiating the wedding****
Pastor: I now announce you husband and wife. Mr and Mrs
People: ululululu.
**** everyone clapped hands and ululated.****
Pastor: uhmm you know when this part most couples tend to
rush. Let me tell you a story about this other couple
Spha: hauw baba
****everyone laughed****
Pastor: I'm joking boy. You may kiss the bride
****Spha didn't waste time. He took off the veil and finally saw
her, he melted and smashed his lips on hers. Phile pulled out
and blushed. Pictures were taken at a beautiful venue then the
reception took place at a hall. Sani saw Nhlaka and Nkanyezi
and went to them. ****
Yezi: hey Sani
****he said it like Sunny****
Sani: Sani
*** they chuckled then hugged. Sani also hugged Nhlaka who
kissed her lips. Yezi cleared his throat then they stopped****
Nhlaka: you should've left
Yezi: ohh so it's like this now
Sani: come sit guys
Nhlaka: nah babe we aren't guests mos. We were not invited
Me: I am inviting you
Nhlaka: Yezi go, I need to talk to Sani
Sani: haiibo
Nhlaka: Woza mahn
****he held her hand and went to the car. They both got
Nhlaka: you look amazing my love
Sani: thank you. You're not bad too hey
Nhlaka: thanks
****he got closer to her and kissed her lips. His hand traveled
to her dress. He pulled it up and found a tight he used both
hands to pull it down. He was on top of Sani now. He swiped
her panty to the left and inserted his middle finger. He used his
thumb to circle her clit......lets not go too far now the rest is
history. There was no sex yet.
After making Sani orgasm 5 times Nhlaka used a tissue to wipe
her up. She got dressed and kissed him. He pulled out and
perked his forehead. She kissed him again, hungrily this time.
She was horny and she felt ready to have sex. She got on top of
him and nibbled on his neck*****
Nhlaka: mmmh Sani stop
*****did she? No she didn't she continued. He stopped her.
She sat up and looked at him with confusion all over his
Sani: what's wrong
Nhlaka: this is the wrong place
Sani: ohh yeah you're right. I'm sure they are even wondering
where I am now.
Nhlaka: yeah let's go in
****they fixed themselves up and got out. They arrived in the
hall and sat down. Sani sat down with her friends and Nhlaka
sat down next to his brother.****
Tswalo: did you have sex
Sani: no
Thato: then what were you guys doing
Sani: nothing, just talking
Them: hmmm
****later on food was served then the bride and groom said a
few words then a vote of thanks was said from a family
member. After that desert came flying out and the music
changed from soul to amapiano. Thato and Sani stood up and
danced to the songs. Thato can dance, and well Sani, she tries.
They opened a circle where people joined them and it became
even more fun. Little by little the elders started disappearing
and the catering company started clearing up. Nhlaka came
behind Sani then Ntando requested the dj plays work by
Rihanna. The song came up and the alcohol took in. She started
moving my body and shaked my ass on Nhlaka. He held her
waist and let her move her hips. Ntando was going crazy over
Kaone. He picked her up and they left because she was starting
to get out of control. More amapiano songs came by and by
now everyone had changed into much more comforting clothes
which made it easier to dance in. They danced till they

**** my woman is wasted. The last time I saw her this drunk
was 5 years back on her matric dance day. I picked her up and
went to the car. Yezi came in and took the wheel. We got to the
BnB and I took her to bed. She slept peacefully. I also took off
my clothes and slept.
The following day I felt someone touch my face. I opened one
eye and saw Sani. I closed it. I felt her hand travel down my abs
and then get to my dick. She touched it inside the boxers she
took off my boxers. I still kept my eyes closed. I want to see
what she's going to do. She moved from her initial position and
then I felt her lick the tip. I shot my eyes open. She smiled at me
and then took me in.****
Me: Sssss.... Sani what aaae... Are you doing?
Sani: mmh
****she continued gagging and swirling her tongue. I kept her
head on my crotch and let her do this. She is good I wonder
who taught her this. She sucked my balls too which made me go
crazy. She took my length which was popping pre cum and still
sucked on me. I groaned and groaned till I shot my juices in her.
Surprisingly she didn't have a funny expression and she
swallowed them. I got off the bed and made her stand up. I
kissed her made her lie on the bed. I looked at her honey pot
and went down on my head and ate her up till she came.****
Sani: Nhlaka
Me: hmmm
Sani: please
Me: are you sure?
*****I asked her. I hope she knows how much this hurts*****

Me: yes
Nhlaka: okay. This will hurt okay. If you can't take it anymore tell
me and I'll stop okay
****I nodded. He nibbled on my neck while making circles on
my clit making me relaxed and moan. When I was more than
wet he positioned his dick onto my entrance. He looked at me
and then at my honey pot
Nhlaka: you're so small baby. This is going to hurt
****I nodded. He tried pushing himself and it couldn't go in. He
was hard as rock and still. He tried a few more times even after
inserting two fingers. He tried again and I mouthed and o. I felt
tears about to fall down my face. I closed my eyes when he
moved. He stopped and moved slowly.****
Me: move!
Nhlaka: Sani are....
Me: move dammit
****he moved and I tried, I tried not to cry but I couldn't. It
hurt. He started increasing his pace and groaning. Pain and
pleasure was all I could feel now. We continued and then I
came. He continued till he also came and collapsed on me. He
was still inside me.****
Me: Nhlaka you're heavy
Nhlaka: hmmm
Me: Nhlaka mahn
****he moved and helped me to the bathroom where he
prepared the water with bathing salts for me. After bathing I
wore his t-shirt. He told me to stay in while he left. I bled, so I
believe he is going to buy me pads. I waited for him to come
back. He walked in holding a plastic from Clicks****
Me: Nhlaka Morning after pills
Nhlaka: what for
Me: I can't fall pregnant
Nhlaka: are you saying you don't want my baby
Me: Nhlaka I am not ready to be a mother
Nhlaka: mxm
****he threw the plastic on the bed and left. Just like that. I
took the pads and wore one. Since his shirt covers half of my
thighs, I wore a tight underneath and my Vans old skool
sneakers. I requested for an Uber to the BnB to get my things
and help the others pack and clear up. It arrived in 3 minutes. I
went in and got to the BnB. I greeted quickly and walked pass
Spha and Phumlani talking. Phumlani looked at me till I turned. I
can just feel it. I got in and it was clean****
Thato: hauw Sani
Me: hey guys. Sorry for not being here to help
Otatile: it's okay hun. There wasn't much to do anyway
Tswalo: I packed your things
Me: thanks a lot
Ntando: Sani is it me or you got some dick yesterday
Me: Haiibo why
Ntando: I mean you're glowing and the walk says it all to me
Me: mxm
Ntando: yho I was just joking Sani
Me: yeah whatever
****I took my things and requested again. I walked out the
room and waited for the Uber.****
Voice: a beautiful wedding wasnt it?
****I turned around and it was Phumlani. I ignored him. He
stood next to me****
Phum: you know if you were mine you wouldn't be so bitter
right now
Me: Ayi leave me alone wena
Phum: I'm sorry but I won't
Me: then I'll have to report you to the police
Phum: why won't you even spare 5 minutes
****I kept quiet thinking about the chances of me being
Phum: are you scared of him? Does he beat you too?
Me: Yeyi wena leave me alone nx!
****he grabbed my arm and looked at me dead in the
Phum: don't you ever talk to me like that
Me: or what
Phum: listen here. I will beat the shit out of you. I am not your
lousy boyfriend mna
Me: leave me alone
****he let go of my arm and left. I Sighed. The ride came. I got
in and went to Clicks first. I got some hair and body essentials
then I got morning afters and went to pick and pay to get some
water. I drank the pill and then took a ride back to
When I arrived I booked into a hotel then slept there.
*****I woke up early in the morning and catched a taxi back to
Giyani. I plugged in my headphones when the taxi drove off. I
fell asleep.****
Woman: hey baby
Me: who are you?
****I was seated next to this woman in a beautiful huge
mansion. We were having fruits and seated outside by the
Woman: it's me baby, I am your mother
Me: mom
Woman: yes baby
Me: are you always going to visit me
Mom: sometimes. Just to see how you're doing
Me: okay. Why did you die
Mom: It was my time baby. But I can see that Silvia is taking
good care of you
Me: she really is.
Mom: Ntsuku I'm not here to chit chat with you. I am here to
tell you that I give you my blessings in all the good decisions you
take. I love you my baby and congratulations with your children
and your husband.
Me: I'm not married mos
****she smiled and faded away. I yelled for her to come back. I
opened my eyes and here I was in the taxi. So that was a dream
huh! I switched on my phone and went on to Facebook. I ate
Mc Donalds I had bought before leaving. My phone rang, it was
Nandi so I answered it.****
Me: hello
Nandi: hey. I heard Nhlaka tell me you're around, so I was
hoping that we can go out
Me: Ahh well unfortunately I am not around. I left and I'm on
my to Giyani
Nandi: ohh. Ahh well that's okay. Safe travels
Me: thanks
*****we ended up talking about other things. Nandi is actually
a nice lady and I like her a lot. I went back to sleep after
listening music. I woke up again ****
Lady: khensi
****I looked at her and it was Tsakane. Remember her even if
you don't it's okay****
Me: hi
Tsakane: I didn't see you
Me: me too
Tsakane: how is Joburg?
Me: good and you?
Tsakane: Ahh well it's okay. I'm just out here hustling for my
Me: ohh where is he?
Tsakane: back home with ma.
Me: ohh okay
Tsakane: so what do you do?
Me: I am a Geologist at the Phadima diamond mine and you?
Tsakane: that's nice. I am working as a receptionist at Vusimuzi
****wow so she works for Nhlakanipho****
Me: ohh I know if it, how is it working there?
Tsakane: it's busy hey. I was hired as a second receptionist
because of how busy it gets
Me: that's nice
Tsakane: yeah even the salary is good
Me: that's great
Tsakane: my bosses though
Me: what about them?
Tsakane: they are soo hot Sani. I mean like yho especially the
founder and owner Mr Vusi
Me: Vusi
Tsakane: yeah he named the company after his name so he's Mr
Me: he doesn't have a Surname?
Tsakane: he does. It's Dlamini.
Me: ohh
Tsakane: he prefers being called Mr Vusi
Me: ohh I see
Tsakane: yeah. So as I was saying. They are soo hot
Me: they?
Tsakane: yes him and his brother
Me: ohh
Tsakane: they work together, his brother Mr Muzi is the main
architect and he owns 35% of the company's shares, meaning
Mr Vusi owns the rest.
**** she seems to know a lot about the company than I do. I
didn't even know that Muzi had shares****
Me: ohh I see. It must be nice working there
Tsakane: it is. But there's this girl I don't like. She acts like she's
married to one of the bosses
Me: what is she?
Tsakane: she's Mr Muzi's PA. You should see the way she throws
herself on him and Mr Vusi. She's always wearing short clothes
to try seduce them
Me: why does this Mr Muzi keep her
Tsakane: I don't know, maybe he fucks her. There are rumors
flying all over the office that she and the boss have history
Me: hauw, which boss?
Tsakane: Mr Vusi and it looks like now she wants to have Mr
Muzi. And worse, Mr Muzi is married and has 2 beautiful
****2 I thought he had one. I am soo interested in what she's
telling me****
Me: hauw. And then what about Mr Vusi
Tsakane: he's single that one. But yho the amount of girls that
throw themselves on him
Me: a lot
Tsakane: even clients
Me: do you have a crush on any of them?
Tsakane: no. I have a crush on the COO of the company. Mr
Me: hmmm you're even blushing
*****she blushed even more. She started telling me about her
crush. All I want is info about Nhlaka and Muzi not her crush.
But hey I'll just listen****
Tsakane: he's so caring, funny and kind. He calls me Mrs Me
****I giggled and she blushed. ****
Tsakane: any man in your life?
***I was hoping she wouldn't ask****
Me: yeah. He's amazing
***she blushed more than I did. If only she knew my man is her
boss. I don't think she would've said all that. Her phone
vibrated. She read the notification and screamed a little.****
Tsakane: guess what!
Me: what?
Tsakane: my Boss, Mr Vusi just gave me a bonus
Me: that's nice hey
Tsakane: he's the best. Whoever who's gonna marry him is
going to be lucky
Me: so what are the bonuses for?
Tsakane: for making a lot of profit in the company. He's
company has grown. He started it when he was just 20 years old
and it was built when he was 22 making it have 5 employees,
little by little it grew and look where it is now, it's well known all
over the country.
Me: that's amazing
Tsakane: let me show you his picture
Me: you have it in your phone
Tsakane: it's a group picture we all took at the closing party
Me: ohh
Tsakane: it's this one in the red t-shirt.
Me: this is?
Tsakane: Mr Vusi
Me: ohh I see
**** I said making myself dumb. This is my man who is angry at
me right now. She showed me Muzi and the PA girl.****
Tsakane: I wonder where the mother of his child is
Me: who?
Tsakane: Mr Vusi
Me: hmmm
****my heart beated faster. I looked at Tsakane with shock. I
wanted her to repeat what she said.****
Tsakane: he has a daughter.
Me: how do you know?
Tsakane: I saw their picture in his office on his desk. She's is
cute hey. So it looks like the mother abandoned her because I
never heard Mr Vusi speak of her or even post the mother, it's
always the child.
Me: he posts the child
*****I said more if a whisper. Why haven't I seen any of the
posts? He's hiding her from me. But why did he do this to
Me: how old is the child?
Tsakane: 3 I think
Me: hmmm
Tsakane: yeah hey. I wonder if he's ever going to get married.
And as for Mr Muzi there are rumors that he's cheating on his
wife. No one has seen him with his wife in the flesh, looks like
he's always with side chicks
****I wasn't listening anymore. All that flooded my mind was
that Nhlakanipho has a child out there*****
Tsakane: Ahh boss has a live interview
Me: hmm?
Tsakane: Mr Vusi has a live interview
Me: where
Tsakane: it's live on YouTube. I don't have data so I can't watch
Me: we can use my phone
****we went to YouTube and straight to Indaba the news
channel. Well this channel isn't an official TV news channel. Its a
channel for celebrities, uprising stars, business people and
Interviewer: hey guys, welcome back to Indaba the news. I am
your host Amanda and I'm here with my husband Fisokuhle aka
Kuhle. Today we are here with a business man who has a
construction company. This is who we plan on closing our year
with. He is non other than the owner of Vusimuzi properties,
Vusimuzi Dlamini
Nhlaka: thank you for welcoming me
Fiso: pleasure man. Do you prefer we call your Mr Dlamini, Vusi,
Muzi or another name
Nhlaka: I prefer you call me Vusi
Amanda: right. Vusi when and how did you start the company?
Nhlaka: I started Vusimuzi properties 8 years ago. It started off
like a joke. I remember telling my parents that I wanted to open
my own construction company, well they gave me their
blessings. I was 18 at that time, I didn't start off and built it. I
composed business proposals and motivation letters. I was
rejected everywhere. Mind you I was an 18 year old first year
student so who'd take me seriously. No one did except for my
family. So I asked them for capital and they loaned me money. I
started building houses with my brothers and other guys. We
did everything by ourselves then shared the money. I saved
mine, then when I was 19 years old, doing my second year I
decided to buy land. I took a loan and bought the land to build
my own company. I laid the bricks myself with the help of my
brothers. It started off as a small office with only five of us
working there. Now this is where it became tough, I had to pay
the loan, pay the employees and try grow the business. As time
went by I paid the loan and tried growing the business with
help of my family, which I'll forever be grateful for. When I was
24 it started growing and that's when I decided to re build the
company. 2 of the guys I started with are overseas with their
own companies I helped them just as they helped me. Today
Vusimuzi properties has employed over 50 people including
cleaners and security. Slowly but surely the company is growing.
Fiso: wow that's an amazing story. It must have been hard to be
a student, start a company, pay the loan and deal with your
own personal life
Nhlaka: it was hard indeed but look, everything is going well
now. I repaid my parents the money and now I can even give my
employees bonuses.
Amanda: that's wonderful Mr Vusi
Nhlaka: thank you
Fiso: so we asked our viewers at home to ask any questions.
Amanda: this one is from Dineo and she's asking if you do
internships because she's a graduate and she can't find a job
Nhlaka: uhmm well I haven't thought if that. Dineo, call my PA
Lesego on 011 222 2333 and set an appointment to see me next
year January.
Fiso: so does that mean you'll be starting and internship
Nhlaka: yes I will. For architects and Civil engineers the best 2
from both categories will be employed permanently.
Amanda: the next one is from me.
****they chuckled****
Nhlaka: ask away
Amanda: when are you going to settle down?
Nhlaka: very soon. I have this amazing woman in my life and I
am going to make her Mrs Dlamini. Don't worry I'll invite you
guys to the wedding
****they all laughed. I hope this woman isn't me because I am
not going to agree.****
Amanda: okay the next one is Lele. And he's asking what the
company actually does
Nhlaka: we build houses, malls actually name it all, including
bridges. We also do plumbing, and everything that has to do
with a building. Even interior design
Fiso: ohh that's great.
Amanda: well that's all from us. Thank you Mr Vusi for joining
Nhlaka: thank you
Fiso: well that's it guys. Meet us next year, same time same
place as we have the entrepreneur of the year with us, so
whoever who wins the nomination will be here next of next
week when we come back. Enjoy your holidays
Amanda: bye and happy new year. From me and hubby and the
crew of course
Fiso: bye!
****the live ended with a performance from Kabza de small
and Daliwonga. I switched it off. This guy didn't even tell me he
had an interview with Indaba news. To say I'm pissed right now
would be an understatement. He cheats, lied to me, broke
promises, left me to go to Russia for a year, has a child, beat me
up, broke my virginity, got angry that I am not ready for a child,
and he thinks I'll marry him. You know what i' m done. I am
tired of him.****
The following day
**** I woke up and cleaned then made breakfast for everyone.
Vutomi came in and switched on the kettle****
Me: hey
Tomi: hey
Me: are you good?
Tomi: well I am just fine.
Me: that's also okay
Tomi: I saw your man is trending
Me: he is?
****I asked uninterested***
Tomi: yes for his interview with Indaba news
Me: ohh I saw that
Tomi: are you okay?
Me: yeah you?
Tomi: well Treasure is serious he's getting married to Adowa
next month
Me: Adowa?
Tomi: the new wife. She's Nigerian. The whole family loves her.
He went to pay dowry 2 days ago, when you were at your
friends wedding
Me: ohh. I am sorry Tomi
Tomi: it is what it is
Nkateko: hey sis. Ohh hey Sani
Me: hey
Nkateko: did you see that your man is tending
Me: hmmm I know
*****the rest of the family woke up and ate. Including the kids.
After they ate, Tomi and Nkatkeo washed the dishes. I went to
bath and wore a red short dress with flip flops and went to go
buy airtime to be able to buy data, since it got finished
yesterday in the taxi when I was with Tsakane. I went out and
walked to Petros. I arrived and found men already drinking. I
got to the counter.****
Me: hello can I have R100 Telkom
Petros: you are rich now huh
****I laughed. He laughed too. Petros is a very kind a generous
man. I grew up in his eyes.***
Petros: do you remember when you used to come here crying
and buy using a 5c coin
*** I laughed and shake my head no. He laughs then gives me
the airtime. I give him the R100 note and he takes it****
Petros: you know the prices have increased airtime is no longer
the actual amount, it's one Rand extra for every airtime you buy
Me: ohh I didn't know. Let me go home and I'll come back
Petros: okay I'll wait for you
****I can't believe this. But i've come here many times with
short money and he has never asked for it. I'm sure I owe him
above R200. I wonder when he started wanting this money. I
went home and searched my purse. I had no coins. I loaded in
my airtime and changed it into data.****
Me: Tomi can you please borrow me R5 I'll give you
Tomi: I don't have coins
Me: mhani?
Silvia: I have 20c and 10c in a money box and I can't take out
the money
Me: okay thanks. Where is Nkatkeo?
Tomi: went out.
Me: ohh okay
*****Muhluri and his wife entered the house.****
Me: hey guys can any if you borrow me R5 I'll pay you back
Hluri: uhmmm
****he said taking out his wallet. Mxm he also had
Me: Aii thanks
Rhandzo: what do you need R5 for?
Me: I went to buy airtime at Petros and it wasn't enough so I
owe him
Hluri: ohh the prices have incre even for bread. Actually
Me: okay
****I went back to my room and took out a R20 note and went
back to the shop.****
Xinyori: Sani is this you?
*****he hasn't changed hey. I looked at him from head to toe.
He was smoking. Remember Xinyori, Tswalo's ex, her virgin
breaker? Yes that one who's girl was Ntsako a girl everyone
didn't like.****
Me: yes it's me
Nyori: you look good
Me: thank you and you...
Nyori: I know. I don't look better
****I kept quiet.****
Nyori: where are you headed to?
Me: Petros
Nyori: okay let's go. I need to buy bread for Ntsako
Me: the same one
Nyori: yes that one. We are married now.
Me: ohh
Noyri: and we have 2 beautiful daughters.
Me: that's nice. I've missed out mos
Nyori: Ahh well not really. How is Tintswalo
Me: she's okay. You didn't see her, she's home
Nyori: ohh no. I didn't. So how is joburg?
Me: it's okay
Nyori: what do you do?
Me: I work at a mine as a Gelogist
Nyori: whatever that is is nice. I always knew you'd be that girl
that succeeds in life. You and Tswalo and other girls but I
believed in mostly you and Tswalo
Me: thank you soo much
Nyori: I am sorry for being a pussy and treating Tswalo bad and
for breaking her heart
Me: that's okay now. You were long forgiven hey. Plus we are
grown now.
****we had arrived at Petros and I swear my eyes weren't
deceiving me. That's Nhlaka's car parked right there. Nyori
looked at it and whistled. I guess he likes it****
Nyori: now you see one day I want to see you passing me by the
street with a car like this
****I smiled at him. He has changed hey. Life really humbled
him. We walked in the shop and there he was taking to
Me: where do you work?
Nyori: I am a mechanic
Me: ohh I see and Ntsako?
Nyori: she works at the mall at Boxer
Me: ohh okay but that's good if you're both working
Petros: Sani I see you are back
Me: yes there you go
****I gave him the 5 Rand coin. He took it. Nyori bought a box
of cigarettes. Nhlaka's eyes were piercing me, I could just feel it.
Xinyori leaned on to my ear and started whispering****
Nyori: Sani that man is staring at you
Me: don't look at him
Nyori: you know him?
Me: yes
Nyori: your man?
Me: uhmm yeah
Nyori: let me leave. I don't like the way he's looking at me. It's
like he's going to kill me
Me: okay bye
Nyori: bye
****he left the shop. I didn't know whether to leave or
Petros: talk to him, give him a chance
Me: huh
Petros: come on he came to see you. He came yesterday and
told me that if you come and buy I must tell you that prices
have increased so that you can come back and see him
****I sighed. Nhlaka is smart I went to him and pulled a chair. I
sat down and then looked straight into his eyes I just want to
see where I missed all of this****
Nhlaka: hey
Me: hi
Nhlaka: how are you?
Me: I'm fine and you?
Nhlaka: I'm fine. I wanted to apologise for leaving you like that
and for the attitude that came with it. I understand that you are
not ready to be a mother. I am soo sorry sthandwa Sami.
Another thing, on Phile's wedding I was called by Indaba news
for an interview and I went there yesterday. I forgot to tell you
and I am sorry for that.
Me: I watched it
Nhlaka: ohh that's great. But baby I am really sorry
Me: can we talk in the car or somewhere else
Nhlaka: why?
Me: because I am about to create a scene
****he opened his eyes in shock. See Nhlaka doesn't know
what's coming his way. Last night I did my research and found
all these ladies even his baby momma who has passed away
unfortunately. He will know me very well*****
*****create a scene? What the fuck does she mean by that.
She stood up and went outside. I went to the counter and gave
Pettis 3 R200 notes.***
Me: thank you
Petros: I don't want your money, don't hurt her man. That girl is
my daughter
Me: okay I hear you, but please take it.
Petros: okay then
****I went out and unlocked the car. She got in and closed her
door. I went to the other side and started the car. I got in and
put my seatbealt on. She put hers too and then I changed the
radio to love songs.*****
Me: wanna talk?
Sani: let's start here. Who is Mbalenhle Ndlovu?
Me: huh?
Sani: who is Mbalenhle Ndlovu?
Me: she's Muzi's PA at work
Sani: and?
Me: Sani what's going on?
Sani: talk!
Me: okay. My ex girlfriend and fuck buddy
Sani: okay. Who is Thando?
Me: my sister as you know
Sani: hmm okay.
***** That's my man by Shavaun Marie played. Sani started
singing to it I wonder where the questions came from and how
the hell she knows about Mbali.****
I don't have a lucky number,
But I got a good charm
I don't have 9 lives but when I'm around you,
You make me feel invincible.
I don't have wings but,
I'm flying tonight, no crying cause you are my whole,
To me you are more than enough... Huuuuuh
Yeah that's my man,
That's my man
So many years, he's still got me,
Like that's my man...... X2
*****she sang. I listened to her beautiful voice as I drived to
nowhere basically. After the song was over she still sang for me.
I took a video and replayed the song. She sang for me and all I
did was to smile. I ended the video****
Me: I love you mami
Sani: I know
Me: Haiibo wena
Sani: who is Thando?
Me: I told you mos baby
Sani: hmm. Maybe you'll understand my question better if I
rephrase or ask a different question
Me: what are you saying Sani? And what's with all these
Sani: yaz mara wena uyangijwayela and gabi nakhona
Me: Haiibo what did I do?
Sani: Nhlakanipho who is Delisile Thwala?
**** I lost control of the car for a moment. I stopped at the side
of the road and looked at her. She looked serious. How the hell
did she find out about all these people****
Sani: I asked you a question
Me: how much do you know already?
Sani: why did you do this to me huh?
Me: I am sorry
Sani: you are sorry. Yeyi sorry ya masimba!
Me: Khensani calm down, let me explain
Sani: talk!
Me: Deli is...uhmm three years back when my brothers and I
went to Durban. I met her there. She was working at the hotel
we stayed in. We were drunk and so she accompanied me to my
suit. I kissed her and lost control. We had sex. The following day
when I woke up she wasn't there. So one day she called me and
told me she's pregnant. I didn't trust her because I didn't even
remember her since she was a one night stand. I met her and
remembered the face. 1 November she gave birth to our
daughter, Thandolwenkosi and she stayed with her mother.
Remember when Nathi and I had to go home in KZN because
there was a missing child?
****she nodded with tears in eyes. ****
Me: someone kidnapped her. They kidnapped my baby. When
we found her, Deli had already commited suicide. I am sorry
Sani. I didn't mean to. I was scared that you'll leave me. I am
still scared
****I let my tears flow. She looked at me. I quickly wiped my
Sani: did you love her?
Me: as the mother of my child, yes I did. She was a great person
and a great mother
****she cried even more. We stayed in the car for an hour after
that it was just silent. ****
Me: Sani please forgive me. I am really sorry for cheating, lying,
hitting you and for the pain I've caused you.
****she kept quiet just sniffing. It breaks my heart to see her
crying especially because of me. I hope she forgives me because
I am determined on making her my wife. ****
Sani: take me home
Me: are you sure?
Sani yes
Me: okay. Please forgive me baby and give me a chance
*****she kept quiet. Okay what was I expecting. I started the
car and made a u-turn. I dropped her off 2 houses away. Her
home as improved. I almost didn't recognize it. I saw her
neighbor's house to confirm the place*****
Sani: it had changed now
Me: I see
****she got off before I can say goodbye. She walked towards
her yard. I texted her on whatsapp telling her that I love her,
that I am leaving for KZN and I will see her next year, meaning I
am giving her space. I drove back to KZN*****
*****I switched off my phone after seeing Nhlaka's text
message. I changed into my pj's and laid in bed with my eyes
closed. He hurt me honestly. I cried silently thinking, I mean
thinking hard on whether to leave him or stay along. I know I
love this guy a lot. Yes he's hurt me but I am not letting him go. I
need him to go for therapy and get help. Yes that's what I'll tell
him. He must go for therapy. Yes then I'll give him a second
chance...I love him and care for him so yeah.... I'll just give him
another chance...... I dozed off.****
****i arrived in KZN and went straight to my room. I woke up
and did my hygenie process then I went downstairs for
Thando: daddy
Me: hello baby
Thando: you came back
Me: yes baby
Mthoko: baba where are my toys
Me: what toys?
Mthoko: you promised me toys
Me: ohhh we will go buy them later today okay
Thando: me too daddy I want dolly
Me: okay baby
Dad: Nhlaka are you okay?
Me: yebo baba
Mama: uhmm I have an announcement
****we all looked at her****
Mama: I am seeing someone and he wants to marry me
****okay no body expected this. Mom seemed to know
because she didn't look surprised.****
Mama: please say something
Ma: uhmm congrats sisi
Dad: who is this man
Muzi: there will be no wedding la
Nkazi: Muzi
Muzi: no. Who is this man?
Mama: Bandile Xulu
Dad: yho Khethiwe
Muzi: mama mara why
Mama: Muzi don't I deserve to be happy too. It's been years
since your father passed away. He's not coming back anymore
and I feel lonely. I also need someone
Nkazi: how long have you been seeing him?
Mama: 6 years
****we were all shocked excluding my mom of course****
Dad: yho does he know that you are a princess and a queen
Mama: he does
Muzi: so he makes you happy?
Mama: yes he does
Muzi: okay then. You have my blessing.
****he stood up and left the table. I stood up and followed
him. He ran up to his room and cried. I got in and went down to
reach him on the floor. I squeezed his shoulder. He wiped his
tears and looked at me.****
Me: Muzi don't do this. Did you see how happy she looked
Muzi: I am scared for her man
Me: she's old and she can make her own decisions. I am sure
baba Nqobi would let her go and wants her to be happy
Muzi: I love her man and all I want is to see her happy.
****knock knock. I went to the door and it was maKhethiwe. I
let her in. She also went down to reach her son. She hugged
him and he cried again. I left the room to give them privacy. I
went back down and it was cleared. I went to the kitchen and
made myself food.*****
Zee: hey
Me: hey
Zee: are you fine?
Me: yeah, you?
Zee: I'm okay
Me: come here
*****I said referring to little Malwande in her arms. ******
Zee: Finish eating first
Me: okay keh
Nathi: hey guys
Us: hey
Nathi: I am leaving neh
Me: where to?
Nathi: Nandi
Me: ohh okay
Nathi: I am going to meet her whole family
Me: ohh damn. And when is she coming here?
Nathi: prolly after the new year
*****I put my plate in the sink and washed it. I put in on the
dish rack and wiped my hands. Then I took Malwande from
Zihnle's arms. She left and I stayed with him in my arms. I went
to the living room and found Nathi telling everyone that he's
going to Nandi's place. I sat down next to Thando. ****
Dad: okay. Uhambe kahle (go well)
****Nathi stood up and left. Khethiwe and Muzi came
downstairs. ****
Muzi: uhmm Mommy, I give you my blessings to get married
and be happy. If you are not being treated well then come back
Dad: yes Khethiwe come back
Mama: I will. Don't worry he wouldn't hurt me
****she also stood up and left. Zanele and Nkanyezi walked in
and sat down*****
Dad: bring her here
****he said referring to Thandeka. Zah gave Thando to Dad.
Mom: twins when are you getting married?
Me: soon
Mom: ohh okay, then I guess we must meet these girls
Me: you will.
Dad: Thando what's wrong my baby
Thando: nothing
Mom: Baba I think Thando has something to tell you
Dad: I'm listening
****all our attention shifted to her. She looked scared and her
hands started shaking. She closed her eyes and cried.****
Me: why are you crying?
Muzi: baby take the kids somewhere else. Nawe Zee
****they stood up. Zah took Malwande from me and Zee took
Thandi from dad and they left.****
Nkazi: Noluthando yini baby?
Thando: ngiyaxolisa(I'm sorry)
Muzi: what is it my baby?
Thando: I'm pregnant
****it became silent. I can't believe this. She promised that she
wouldn't do this. No wait we also failed her as her brothers. We
live in Joburg but failed to protect her.****
Nkazi: phinda futhi (say it again)
Thando: I'm sorry
Me: Yeyi voetsek wena!
****she cried even more. Ma stood up and left the room.****
Muzi: who's the father?
Thando: my boyfriend
Nkazi: yho Noluthando
****he said throwing his back on the couch. Mom came in and
gave her water to drink. She drank then mom calmed her
Me: ma did you know?
Mom: yes. She told me the very first day she came here. I am a
mother of 5 and I can see a pregnant lady.
****Dad hasn't moved his scary eyes from Thando. She can't
even look at us in the eye.****
Muzi: what about school?
Me: Noluthando you are a princess
Nkazi: you can't just open your legs for whoever, you are fucken
royalty! You should be getting married to a prince
Me: who is this boy?
Thando: Kagiso Babedi
Dad: Thando
Thando: baba
Dad: go upstairs to your room my baby, sleep and don't stress
your baby
****we all looked at him. What is this man saying. Thando left
the room.****
Nkazi: and then
Dad: leave her alone
Muzi: so that next year she comes back with another baby
Me: when did you turn into a softie baba
Muzi: when it concerns his favorite he becomes too soft
Me: then I'll deal with her for you
Dad: Nhlakanipho don't you dare lay a finger on my daughter
Nkazi: baba but
Dad: no buts.
****he stood up and left. Yho I can't believe this man right now.
Yezi was seated quietly.****
Me: Nkanyezi you knew
Yezi: ya
Muzi: and you kept quiet
Yezi: she asked me to
Me: wow
****I stood up and left. I went outside to my favorite spot.
Mthoko and Thando came to me.****
Mthoko: baba why do like sitting here?
Me:I don't know boy. It's soo peaceful
Thando: baba I want my dolly
Me: oh yeah. Stay here
****they both nodded. I went into the house and up to my
room. I took my car keys, phone and wallet. I went downstairs
and found them waiting at the door. I went to the garage and
reversed the BMW X6. I got them in and buckled up. I drove out
with them and a car with 2 guards behind me. We got at the
mall in Durban and went to a toy shop. I swear these kids are
going to leave me bankrupt. I paid for all their toys and asked
the guards to take them to the car. I told them they'll find us at
RUSH. Yeah there is RUSH here of course. I paid for them, they
took off their shoes and got socks. They went to bump on those
crazy trampolines. They looked so happy. I took them videos
and pictures.****
Thando: baba come
Me: they don't want old people
****she just looked at me and went back to jumping.****
Lady: hey
Me: hey
Lady: Yolanda
Me: hi
Yoli: ohh so no name
Me: how can I help you sisi
Yoli: yho.
Me: sorry. I am not in the mood for anything else right now
except for...
****I shot my eyes at the kids. She smiled.****
Yoli: are they yours?
Me: yes.
Yoli: and where is their mother
Me: home.
Yoli: ohh okay. I was hoping that maybe we can become friends
Me: no thanks
Yoli: are you denying my request
Me: absolutely
****she looked shocked. She scoffed and left. Mxm bitch. I
looked at the time we signed up for. Okay 15 minutes left that's
good. After 10 minutes I called them and told them it's time to
leave. They obeyed for the first time and wore their shoes with
their rush socks. I took their socks and shoved him in my
pocket. ****
Mthoko: baba I'm hungry
Me: that's where we are going boy
****we went to McDonald's and ordered happy meals for
them. I had a McFeast with coke and large fries. They screamed
when they saw that their food comes with a toy. I had to force
the both of them to eat now because of their focus on the toys.
After eating we went back to the car. I dialed a number I haven't
dialed in a while. It rang then the person answered. *****
Nompilo: hello Nhlaka
Me: hey, how are you?
Nompilo: fine.
Me: are you guys home?
Nompilo: yes why?
Me: I am in Durban and I was wondering if I could bring Thando
to come see you guys
Nompilo: that would be gteat
Me: sure.
****I turned left and drove to her house. I arrived and found
her father and brother seated out having a drink. When Thando
realised where we were she screamed in joy. I unbuckled them
up and got them out of the car. Thando ran to her grandfather.
When she saw her aunt she ran to her too. Mthoko suddenly
became well behaved.****
Me: Thwala
Thwala: Dlamini
Me: Zolani
Zolani: Nhlaka
****this guy still doesn't like me. He blames me for Deli's
death. I passed them and greeted Nompilo.****
Me: is MA inside
Nompilo: yes. She's watching tv
Me: okay
****I went in and found her watching TV. Looking at this
woman right now breaks me. She's like Deli. I greeted and sat
Ma Thwala: hauw what brings you here
Me: I was around the area so I brought Thando here just to see
you guys
MaThwala: that's a nice thing of you to do, thank you. Where is
Me: busy with her aunt
Nompilo: hmm hmm she's with her brother and dad
Me: ohh okay
Nompilo: tea or....
Me: juice will be fine, thank you sisi
****she left. Thando and Mthoko came in and greeted. They
left and went wherever they went.****
MaThwala: look how happy and energetic she is. Thank you son
for taking good care of her
Me: always ma. She's my daughter. She is my number one
MaThwala: so what happens when you get married?
Me: she will live with me
MaThwala: okay. Doesn't she ask about her mother
Me: no she hasn't asked yet
Nompilo: there you go
Me: thanks
****I took a sip of the drink. I sat there for like 5 minutes then
went outside to sit with the men who were drinking beer.****
Thwala: thank you for bringing them
Me: pleasure
Zolani: who's the other kid for
Me: my brother
**** I sat there for almost 30 minutes then decided to leave. I
buckled them up and drove off. The guards were parked
outside. We left. The noise at the back died down, meaning
these two fellas went to sleep. I arrived home in 2 hours. I
parked the car in the garage then got Mthoko out first, then one
guard got Thando out. I took them to their room and took off
their shoes. I switched off the lights and went to my room and
*****its the new year and guess where I am right now. Just
take a guess. Nevermind, I am at my cousin's place, specifically
at Appreciate's place. This time we came to visit. Right now we
were washing pots and dishes, while some where cleaning the
house and the guys had just finished braaing the meat. It's so
busy here you might think that there is a function of some sort.
I went to bath playing ke Moeti by Lejwe la Motheo. This is a
nice song gospel song. After bathing I lotioned and wore a
yellow summer dress with white all star sneakers. I went out
and stopped playing my gospel songs. Nkatkeo connected the
speaker and played amapiano. You know it I went crazy. We
dished up for the elders then for ourselves. We ate outside
while listening yi the music and watching people pass by.*****
Appre: I am moving out in Feb
Joe: where are you going to live?
Shalati: Aprre has a boyfriend mos
Salani: haii you mean that guy of hers
Me: guys leave Appreciate's love life alone please.
Shalati: Mxm as if yours is even better
*****she mumbled that, but I heard her. I chose to ignore her
and get busy on my phone. Mxm who AM I kidding, my mind
went back to when I confronted Nhlaka. It hurt me to see him
cry. Yes he played and hurt me, but he is my man and I still love
him. He was wrong for cheating but then since there is a child
now in the picture, I guess I should start accepting this. I hope
the child won't be like her mother. Woah I don't even know how
the mother was. So wrong of me to judge the dead, that I didn't
even know. I hope this little Thando girl will be a good child.
Wait does this mean I forgive him and consider giving him a
chance?..... Well I guess so. Everyone deserves a second chance,
if he blows it up I am leaving and I mean it..... You know I
wonder what's going on with Tintswalo. We haven't been as
close as we were before. She is always grumpy and has this
attitude I don't know of. And I guess I am the only one seeing
this because I once talked to Thato about it and she sees
nothing wrong, like totally nothing wrong. She thinks that
maybe Tswalo is going through relationship problems, I also
think she is. I mean she's dating a married man, a man with a
wife a 2 kids. So I'd also be the way she is. Nah wait I wouldn't, I
would've left him as soon as I found out he has a wife. But love
is love and when it's strong, it's strong so I don't blame her for
staying and settling for being second best. Ahhh well Vutomi is
also in a polygamous situation. She hasn't really accepted that
her husband took another wife. It hurts her I can see that. It
also hurts me to see my cousin like that. I mean Vutomi has
always been the quiet, rude when talked to, lazy type of a
person, but after marrying Treasure she started changing. Like
she said she even learnt how to cook, who could've thought,
she changed herself for this guy who goes out and takes in
another person into their marriage. She is broken and now she's
using the child. Poor Adiola, I mean tomi keeps calling Treasure
telling him that Adiola misses him and all that.******
Nkateko: Sani!
Me: hmmm?
Nkateko: what are you drinking?
Me: juice as always
****she poured the juice for me. I thanked her and took a sip.
A red Mercedes Benz which's name I don't know passed by. The
guys made noise and even whistled. It is a nice car honestly. I
can imagine myself in my own beast one day. One that I
would've bought with my own money.****
Salani: Nkatkeo what happened to Sani's arm
Nkateko: I don't know. She doesn't want to tell anyone
Salani: hmm I wonder why because the last time I saw her she
had clear skin
****I took 2 sips of my drink and looked at them****
Joel: what happened to your left arm Sani?
Me: ohh I got burnt with water
Them: hmmm
Appre: anyway where is your Family
Me: kanti what are you guys?
Shalati: she means your dad's side
Me: Alive somewhere I think
Nkateko: hauw, when was the last time you saw them?
Me: I don't remember, now please stop asking me these
****they kept quiet and just looked at me****
Me: thank you
****I spent the rest of the day in my thoughts and listening to
these people gossip. That's it I wanna leave this place now.
Later on I went to change into my pj's which were basically a
vest and shorts. With flip flops instead, so that I can chill
outside. Limpopo is hot guys and this side is 2 times hot so I
can't really sleep when it's hot. I just keep turning and tossing
till someway somehow I sleep.
I went outside and sat on a chair and listened to the cool breeze
hit me. Nkateko came to me holding something in her hand.
Nkateko: Sani your phone has been ringing.
Me: thanks
****I took it from her and looked at who the caller was. Mxm
Nhlakanipho. Who actually thinks that he's clever since he's
name means that. I viwed his messages and he wrote
paragraphs apologizing and telling me he will start therapy next
week. Hmmm atleast he can see that he needs help from
professionals. I texted him back, telling him that I'll support him
and that I forgive him, and also that he has one chance to prove
himself or else I'll leave. I sent it and he immediately saw it. He
typed something then that thing disappeared. I mean the green
typing words you see on whatsapp to indicate that, the person
is typing.... He called me instead and I answered.****
Me: Dlamini
Nhlaka: Sthandwa sami(my love) unjani(how are you?)
Me: I'm okay you?
****he sighed.****
Nhlaka: I'll be fine baby. Thank you for the chance, thank you
for forgiving me, I swear you won't regret it
Me: I better not
Nhlaka: ngiyakthanda Mkami (I love you, my wife)
Me: we are not married
Nhlaka: I know, but soon soon you'll be Mrs Nhlakanipho
Vusimuzi Dlamini
Me: haii okay
****I giggled after say that.****
Voice: bhuti can we you come this side so that we could talk?
Nhlaka: okay let me finish this call
Me: hmmm
****I cleared my throat. He sighed****
Nhlaka: I have to go baby
Me: okay. Is everything okay
Nhlaka: I'll tell you after this family meeting
Me: okay bye. Greet Thando for me
****I cut the call. Wait did I just ask him to greet his child on
my behalf... Wow okay I guess the Sooner you accept some
situations the better. I went into the house to get the keys so
that I can lock the gate. I got the keys and went towards the
gate. The red Mercedes Benz we saw earlier on stopped at the
gate. I was about to lock when I saw Salani. ****
Me: and then
Salani: wait
Me: okay then
****two guys from the car got out, one of them had a cloth in
their hands and the other one had a gun. I shot my eyes out
and looked at them. ****
Guy1: it's either you be a good girl and come with us
**** he said pointing the gun on my thighs****
Guy1: or you choose to scream and do nonsense then we take
other measures, what do you prefer baby?
****the other guy poured something on the cloth and came
closer. I looked around and couldn't see Salani anywhere.
Nobody was outside at this time. It was 20:30. I looked at the
guys and pleaded with my eyes that they leave me alone. The
one with the cloth grabbed my head and made me inhale that
toxic liquid...... Boom it was lights out for me****
****I have decided to go for therapy so that I can become a
better man for myself, Sani, my family and my daughter. I
haven't told my family but my 2 best friends know, meaning
Nathi and Muzi.
After the call with Sani I went to the dining room where I found
the whole family including uncle Jabu and his wife. Ehhh uncle
Mqoqi was also here with his wife Fikile. Mqoqi and Jabu are
siblings, it's just Mqoqi has been living in the states so he only
knows that who and who got married and what happens. There
were also 2 men from the council. Zanele and Zinhle weren't
here. I sat down next to Nathi. ****
Dad: thank you for gracing us with your presence. We have a
huge problem which we don't know how to resolve.
Mr Gumbi: what is that Dlamini ?
****Mr Gumbi one of the council members asked. Just as dad
was about to answer. Bab'Dladla entered the room. Everyone
looked at him. He sat down on the floor next to dad.****
Dad: Dladla
Dladla: never call such meetings without me.
****Dad chuckled then nodded. He looked at Thando who was
seated next to Mom and Ma Khethiwe with her head bowed
Dad: firstly Khethiwe said she is ready to move on or rather she
wants to move on
Jabu: and?
Dad: so she is going to get married. We received a letter just 2
days ago from the Xulu family.
Jabu: who is she going to get married to?
Dad: Bandile Xulu
Mqoqi: but she's a queen
Dad: I know. Dladla told me the ancestors aprrove of their
relationship so I was just telling you guys that Khethiwe is no
longer going to be our queen
Mqoqi: is she marrying a king?
Dad: no
****the men sighed.****
Dad: so we need to come up with a date to let them pay lobola
and so we can notify the ancestors of Khethiwe's leave.
Mr Gumbi: well that's okay. Congrats Queen
Mr Ncube: yes congrats sisi
****Mama smiled. ****
Dad: okay now since we are done. There is something else.
UThando is pregnant
****the gasps in the room were enough to murder her.****
Mqoqi: Haiibo. Thando!
Samke: you're not even 21 yet mxm
Jabu: it's not about her even being 21, it's about her being a
princess and getting pregnant by a person nje
Dladla: heeeei....
**** he grunted. Everyone stopped talking and looked at him.
He shot his scary eyes at Thando who started shaking. Dad
stood up and looked at Dladla****
Dad: Dladla stop. What are you going to my baby
Dladla: heeeeei!
*****Thando finally stopped shaking. Dladla also stopped
grunting and looked at dad.****
Dad: yin? (what?)
Dladla: abaphansi ba yam dedela UThando. Anga thandana
naye lomfana (the ancestors let go of Thando. She can date this
Dad: kanjani manje!(how is that possible)
Dladla: Angaz Nami. Kodwa uzo dinga umsebenzi. (o don't know
but she'll need a ceremony)
Dad: okay
****Dladla left. Dad sighed and sat down. I mean everyone was
Jabu: tell your boyfriend to tell his family to pay damages. And
tell them not to bring peanuts because I am going to charge
them. He better be rich
Dad: he better nx
**** they both stood up and left. The council members also
stood up and uncle Mqoqi showed them out. He came back and
asked to see his wife. Aunt Fikile stood up and left****
Samke: yho!
****she clapped her hands once in disbelief. I mean wouldn't
Thando: I'm sorry I dissapointed you guys. I really am
Mandisa: Thando do you love this boy?
Thando: yes ma. I do
Mandisa: yho okay
****she also stood up and left. Samke just sat and watched
Thando still shocked. Khethiwe got a call. She stood up and
went out to attend to it.***
Nathi: wow
****lol I actually realised that we were all quiet. Nkazi seemed
to be in his own thoughts. Yezi looked sorry for Thando. Nathi
was shocked just as me and Muzi. Well he was on his
Me: ngisayolala(Goodnight)
Them: goodnight
****I went to the play room first and found them packing up
their toys. Thando came to me. We went upstairs to my room. I
went to hers and got her night dress which she wouldn't want
to sleep without. ****
Thando: Sofia
****she screamed when she saw me approach her with it. She
took it and tried dressing herself up. I went to my closet and
wore my boxers with a vest. I got to her and she was still
struggling to get dressed. I helped her take off her clothes.***
Thando: where are you taking me
Me: you are going to bath look at how dirty you are.
**** she sulked. I forced her to the bathroom and prepared
water for her. I bathed her till I was satisfied that she's clean. I
dried her up then put lotion on her and Vaseline on her face
and her tiny lips. She wore her slippers and sat on the toilet seat
watching me clean the bath tub. When I was done. I gave her
her tooth brush and took mine. We brushed our teeth then
went to the room. I got off the the excess pillows with her help
then got her in the covers. I took a book from the headboard
and opened it. She looked so adorable. Except for her hair
which was ugly, that no one took care of. Tomorrow we are
cutting it. I know she might hate me for this but I don't care. We
are cutting this hair. I opened Snow White's book and read it for
her. Halfway through the book she slept. I closed it and
switched off the room light and left the lamp lights on. I took
my phone and texted Sani goodnight. Okay last seen at 20:22.
Hmm guess she's already asleep. I also went to sleep. *
***** I wake up and I'm in an unfamiliar place. I remember last
night's events then panic. I am kidnapped. Ohh my word.! I
stand up and look around, there is a closet with a woman's
clothes, there is a bathroom with ladies things and there's food
next to the door. If whoever who kidnapped me thinks I'll eat
then they have another thing coming. I went back to the bed
and sat on it. The door unlocked and opened. Two men got in.
Me: you
Phum: yes me. How did you sleep?
Me: why are you doing this?
Phum: I want you to be mine baby. Sani can't you see that I love
Me: fuck off!
Phum: I understand you are still angry but don't swear or
disrespect me nx. Anyway good morning
****I kept quiet. The guy next to him was the one carrying a
gun when they kidnapped me****
Phum: and eat!
***he came closer to me, grabbed my head and kissed my
forehead. He left and they locked the door again. I sat there
rocking my legs. If I hadn't went out to lock the gate I wouldn't
be here. I heard my tummy grumbble and I decided to eat. It
was a full English breakfast with juice. I ate and finished all of it.
I went to go take a shower and wore my clothes. I had washed
my panty so I let it dry. There were books in this room I took
one and read. The key nob turned again. He came in and looked
at me. He got in and closed the door. I focused on my book. He
came and sat on the bed. He took the book in my hands and
closed it. I shot a death stare at him and he didn't look
Phum: I see you are starting to accept things. That's good baby
because you are mine and you are going to meet my family
Me: over my dead body
Phum: uyahlanya yezwa(you are crazy)
****he said with his hand on my neck. I tried moving away
from him. He looked down and smiled. His fingers ran through
my vigiana. I remembered that I hadn't wore my panty. I yanked
his hand off me.****
Me: Phumlani please leave me alone
Phum: I can't baby. Look at this pussy. I mean it so juicy. He took
one hand and clamped it to a belt which was hanging on a
chain. He did the same with my other one. I tried kicking him
but that didn't work. How didn't I notice the chains on the bed.
He also clamped my feet. Now I couldn't do anything. I closed
my eyes. ****
Phum: Ahhh fuck mahn Sani
****I felt his fingers on my honey pot. I started crying. This is it,
one thing I am scared of being raped. ***
Phum: no no no why are you crying baby. I won't do anything to
you okay. Well just for now because I have a meeting to go to.
Maybe we will have sex once I come back okay.
****he kissed my honey pot and licked it. I squeezed my eye
lids. He circled my clit using his tongue, he then inserted his
index finger in my honey pot and started fingering me. This isnt
nice at all. When he saw that I wasn't cuming for him. He took
out his finger, licked it and left. He locked the door afterwards. I
cried and cried till I even slept with chains on my hands and
Me: Mama where are you!
Mom: ohh my baby
Me: mama please help
Mom: I am sorry nana but I can't do anything while here
Me: mama please
Mom: stay strong nana
Me: ma! Ma!
*****she disappeared like she always does.****
Me: mama! Mama! Come back!
*****I shot my eyes open and woke up. The door opened and
Phum walked in.****
Phum: what's wrong baby?
****I just cried in front of him. He looked at me with worry. I
wonder why he's like this. He looks like a good guy. He's just
obbssed with me and he's taking it too far.****
Phum: don't cry baby should I get you something
****he sighed. When I couldn't stop crying. He unclampped
those chains and bets. He made me stand up. He held my arm
and took me downstairs. I think this is his house and I was
probably in the main bedroom because it smelled like him. He
took me to the kitchen.****
Phum: you can have anything you want
****he said opening the fridge and taking out a castle lite can
from it. I just sat down on the bar stools. A young lady came in
and looked at the both of us ****
Lady: uhmm Bhuti can we talk?
Phum: sure baby
Lady: just the two of us
Phum: I can't leave her here. Look at her she needs me
*****I didn't even bother looking at the lady. She sighed then
sat down on the barstool****
Lady: who is she
Phum: Phindile talk
Phindi: okay then. My friends have organised this trip to
Marutiaus and I want to go. So I was hoping that you borrow
me money
Phum: don't use the word borrow because you won't pay it
Phindi: hauw bhuti
Phum: how much?
Phindi: maybe 60k
Phum: ini. Uyanya! ( what!, you're crazy)
Phindi: okay 40
Phum: 30k
Phindi: 35k
Phum: 25
Phindi: okay 30
Phum: good girl. Is that all
Phindi: yeah whatever
Phum: no thank you?
Phindi: thank you big brother
Phum: pleasure baby. Now bye
Phindi: hi
****I know she's talking to me but I chose to ignore her. Phum
looked at me and cleared his throat.****
Phum: Phindi this is Khensani and Sani this is Phindile my little
Phindi: is she okay
Phum: yes. You may leave now
Phindi: okay bye
Voice: Phumlani baby
Phum: yho yho
Phindi: ayeye
****a lady came in and looked at all three of us.****
Lady: Phindile is this your friend
Phindi: no I found her with him
****she said pointing at Phumlani.****
Lady: Phumlani who is she?
Phum: Gugu calm down
Gugu: who is she?
Phum: a lady I... I...
Gugu: are you cheating on me Phumlani?
Phindile: uhmm bye
****she left. The Gugu lady took out a gun and pointed it at
Phumlani. I finally looked at her and got terrified.****
Gugu: now who the fuck is she?
Phum: a lady who was stranded so I took her in
Gugu: you are not lying to me right
Phum: no baby I am not.
Gugu: hmm. Hi stranded lady I am Gugulethu, Phumlani's
****I kept quiet and looked at them. She put her gun in the bag
she was carrying****
Gugu: she looks lost shame
Phum: yeah hey
Gugu: anyway I'm horny. Come satisfy me
****they left. I looked for ways to escape and found non.
Instead I all the doors of this house were locked and there were
guards outside. I just sat in the kitchen. Hours and hours
passed. I even slept and woke up. Right now it was day 2 of me
being here and it was 10:00 am. I wonder if anyone started
looking for me. I just wonder. I heard people's footsteps. I just
stared into space.****
Gugu: Hayi Phumlani!
Phum: yes
Gugu: come see this
****he walked in.****
Gugu: did she sleep here? Did she even sleep?
Phum: Sani
Gugu: you know her name?
Phum: I don't know it. I heard her have a nightmare calling that
Gugu: ohh. Shame man what do you think happened to her
Phum: I don't know
****the Gugu lady came to me and moved her hand on my
face. I made sure to sit still and not move. She jumped a bit
when I looked at her then back to the wall. ****
Gugu: Hayi Phumlani she's a zombie I swear
Phum: let me take her upstairs
Gugu: please. Wait don't touch her I don't want you to become
like her. Ask someone
Phum: okay.
****the gun who suffocated me with the cloth carried me to a
different room. See I knew I was in the master bedroom. He laid
me in the bed and left. I stretched my body and looked around.
The view from this room was nice hey. I heard the key nob
again. I sat on the bed and looked at the wall. Phum walked in
holding a tray of food.*****
Phum: Sani?
Gugu: Phumlani where are you?
Phum: eish eish. Coming!
****he shouted the coming part. He closed the door and
locked it. I am not going to eat. I had already eaten a lot in the
middle of the night. So no thanks to this food. He came back 2
hours later and saw that I hadn't touched the food. He sighed
and looked very worried. He took the tray and left locking the
door. A few minutes later he unlocked it and got in****
Phum: Sani what the fuck happened to you
****I kept quiet. He sat in front of me. I still maintained a
straight face. After 20 minutes of me looking like a dead person
he stood up and walked out. He didn't lock the door thank
Me: yerrr
****I said stretching. I heard moans and groans coming from
the master bedroom I guess. I got up and went downstairs to
the kitchen where I made myself food and extra food for the
following day. I put the 8 slices of bread spread with peanut
butter and jam in a plastic. I ate the mac and cheese then
washed the dishes and place them at their rightful places. I took
the plastic of food and went up to the room where I hid them
under the bed. That will do. I'll drink the bathroom water if I
need water, just like how I've been doing. I closed my eyes and
slept. In the middle of the night I heard footsteps coming this
way I woke up and sat in my initial position though I was damn
tired. Phumlani came in and closed the door. He looked shocked
to see that I was still the same person, in the same position****
Phum: Sani baby what is wrong with you huh?
****Mxm who's gonna answer him. I kept quiet as always. He
sighed and sat in front of me. Haiibo nigga leave I wanna sleep.
He sat there for a while then decided to leave. Mxm I threw my
back on the bed and went back to sleep****
****I woke up in the morning and went to take a shower. When
I got out Thando was waking up.****
Me: good morning sisi
Thando: guu morning Baba
Me: how are you?
Thando: good and you daddy
Me: good
Thando: let's go brush our teeth
Me: okay.
****we went to the bathroom and brushed our teeth. I didn't
do it earlier on because I knew she'd want to do it with me.
After brushing our teeth she went to the toilet. I went to the
room and made the bed while she did her business. When I was
done I moved my phone the charger. ****
Thando: baba I'm done
***I went to her and wiped her clean. I flushed then ran the
bathtub for her. I took off her clothes and got her in. She looked
happy today. I bathed her then got her dried up and lotined her.
She chose what she wanted to wear. ****
Me: you wanna match with daddy?
Thando: yes
Me: okay.
**** I took out blue shorts, a white Sofia t-shirt for and white
sneakers. I also took out a white cap for her. I was dressed in
blue denim shorts, a white t-shirt, white Nike Air Force and
topped up the look with a white cap. I got her dressed up. See
now my baby looked like me.****
Thando: dad we are 2
****I chuckled.***
Thando: we are like you and other baba
****I laughed this time. I took my car keys, phone and wallet
and got out with Thando jumping up and down. She saw
Mthoko and ran to him. They both ran downstairs. ****
Ma: I said no running mahn
Mthoko: sorry gogo
****I got downstairs followed by Zanele. We both sat down and
had breakfast.****
Dad: Khethiwe's ceremony will take place in February then the
next weekend the Xulu family will come pay lobola. Thando's
ceremony will take place next week Saturday. And the damages
will be paid the week after that. *****
Mom: okay that's clear myeni wam( my husband)
Dad: thank you
****we continued eating and when we were done. Thando and
I went into the car.****
Thando: baba what about Mthoko
Me: he is going to see his other khulu and gogo, so today it's me
and you.
Thando: okay.
*****I started the car and drove out. I played some hip hope
jamz. Thando was playing with her new favorite doll. Her name
is Molly. I wonder how she came up with that name. We arrived
at my barber and got in. I greeted everyone and sat down.
Thando knew what was about to happen. She stood near the
Me: baby come sit
Thando: you are going to cut my hair?
Me: no now come
Jik: why are you lying to the child
Me: haii Jik ndoda start with mine
****Jik started with my head. So Jik neh.... He's real name is
Jimmy. This Jik name was given to him because almost all his
clothes had Jik stains so he's called Jik now. He even named his
barber Jik. He ran the machine through Thando's hair. She
looked at me and screamed.***
Thando: baba
Me: Ahhh baby it was a mistake. Look now he has to do it all
over again
Thando: no
Me: haii Jik gunda le khanda(cut this hair)
****I kept Thando still and Jik cut her hair. He cut it till it
became a neat brush cut. Now Thando looks like me. ****
Me: don't cry baby. Look now you look like daddy
***she's angry. I chuckled and paid Jik. We left with her quiet
all the way.***
Me: let's go for ice cream
Thando: yassss
****Whuuu atleast. I went to McDonald's and got her a happy
meal then I got a regular big Mac. We sat down and had our
food. I took her pictures and videos. I asked one waitress to
take us a picture. She took us pictures. We even went outside
and posed for pictures with our fresh cuts and more with our
caps on. Mxm you'd swear she was a boy.****
Me: thank you
****I said taking my phone from her and giving her R200 nite.
She thanked me and we all went inside.***
Tando: daddy we are 2
Me: yes we are baby
****I laughed and finished eating. I wiped her mouth and thank
goodness her t-shirt is still white. We got out and went to a
park. I took her videos as she played on the swings. She was a
happy child. That's all I want for my baby to be happy. I
don't know what and how it happened but she came to me
crying. She was bleeding on her knee and had a bad cut. Blood
had made its way out. I picked her up and drove her to the
hospital. I got there and a nurse took her in. I signed all the
necessary paperwork and followed to the direction of the
nurse. I watched the nurse clean her wound and making jokes
so that she doesn't cry as she cleans that. I just sat there and
watched her make my baby smile. I wonder if Sani was here
what would she do. Speaking of Sani it's been a while since I
talked to her. I tried calling her phone and it was unavailable.
Ohh well then I'll check her after a while.*****
Nurse: you see you are a big girl
Thando: yaaaay!
****they high fived. I smiled looking at my baby girl. I took her
a picture. A doctor came in and checked on her.****
Doc: I'm sorry I was busy with another patient
Me: that's okay. Sister...
Nurse: Kamo
Me: yes she took care of it
Doc: thank you Kamo
Kamo: it's part of my job after all Doc
Doc: okay let me go check on my other paitents
Kamo: so what were you doing?
Thando: swinging then a boy pushed me and I fell
Me: sorry my princess you'll be fine okay
Thando: yes baba
Me: thank you
Kamo: my pleasure.
Me: let's go princess
Thando: baba I can walk
Me: ohh sorry
****she limped her way out. I took her video then catched up
with her. We got to the car and went back home. When we
arrived I found them preparing a braai. Thando went to my
Mom: and then
Me: too much fun I guess
Nathi: Thando uthin? (what are you saying?)
****he asked laughing at my poor child. I went near them****
Thando: me, you and baba are 3
****Nathi and dad laughed at her. She got confused as to why
they are laughing at her.***
Me: haii man why nihleka (why are you laughing)
Dad: why did you cut her hair. Look now she looks like you
****I laughed.***
Me: that's the aim. I'm joking her hair was damaged and no one
is there to do it so I got her a fresh cut
Nathi: haiike okay. Now we have a new twin
****I laughed. Thando came by and sat on dad's lap. I mean
Nathi: Haiibo baba ugogo ongaka( such an old granny)
Dad: ey leave her alone. This is my daughter
Me: wow!
Nkazi: she's old and about to become a mother
Dad: it doesn't matter. She will always be my daughter and my
Nathi: yah neh
Me: there is my favorite
***I said pointing at my daughter who thinks shes dancing to
the amapiano songs. They laughed. Nathi danced with her.... I
sometimes forget that he can dance.****
Nathi: baba can I invite Nandi for the whole day tomrrow
Dad: yes. You are serious about this girl neh
Nathi: I am. After all she's the future
Us: Mrs Dlamini
****we all laughed after saying that.****
Dad: and wena
****he asked looking at me. ****
Me: she knows about Thando and Deli. She was soo mad at me.
I think she still is
Dad: damn okay I see and what about the incident that
happened in Mpumalanga
Me: you told him
****I asked looking at Nathi. He agreed. I sighed and looked up
to the sky. ****
Me: I am going for therapy.
Dad: why did you do it?
Me: I didn't mean to. I got so angry, plus I was still dealing with
Deli's death
****I looked back at him****
Thando: wait so you hit her
Me: a guy was courting her, I got soo mad and beat him up.
When we got to the room the thoughts of her being with
another came up and that's how I lost control
Dad: yho Nhlaka. Bring back her trust
Me: I am working on that.
Ma: Yeyi Thando get off that man. He's mine sisi
Thando: Haiibo ma
Mom: suka! (get off)
****Thando got off and Dad was chuckling. Nkazi, Nathi and I
burst out****
Thando: mara Mandisa
Mom: you even have the nerve. Yeyi Manqoba I'll kill this child
of yours
****the drama. We laughed at her****
Mom: wena Nhlaka go to your child who wants to dye her hair
Me: Haiibo why
Nkazi: Zee dyed her hair pink
Me: and lemme guess. Thando is going crazy
Mom: it's good you know your daughter
**** I chuckled. I got a camp chair and sat next to Noluthando
and Nkazi. Nathi was the one braaing the meat. Mom was
seated on dad's lap. He was brushing her thighs.****
Nathi: mommy
Mom: yes
Nathi: I want to invite my girlfriend for lunch tomorrow
Mom: that's okay boy as long as you arent bringing in slay
Nathi: no it's actually the same girl I once brought here
Mom: ohh did I like her
****I chuckle Nkazi does too. Dad shakes his head no.****
Mom: aiike bring her and I'll see
Nathi: you do know that your opinion doesn't really matter right
Mom: whatever
****we laughed.****
Dad: Ayi Mina ngilambe ngiyafa( I am very hungry)
Nathi: dad be patient
Mom: Woza ngizoku Nika ukudla okumnandi ( come I'll give you
nice food)
****dad smiled. Then they both stood up.****
Nathi: please use condoms
Dad: voetsek! (piss off)
*****we all laughed. These two love sex mahn****
Thando: baba!
Dad: hmm!
Thando: Remember I am the last born!
****we all burst out. Dad turned *****
Dad: voetsek wena last born
****he ran towards ma
We all laughed.****
Nkazi: Aii those two
Me: I wonder how baba fell in love with such a dramatic woman
Nathi: just like someone else I know of
Me: who
Nathi: Nandipha
**** I laughed at him. We finally ate. We all ate outside as a
family. Nathi and Muzi were cracking jokes. ****
Thando: Hayi leave Nkanyezi alone
Me: mara
Thando: no leave him alone
Muzi: Ayi okay then
Yezi: I have an announcement to make
Dad: I hope it's not another baby
***we all lauged***
Me: I thought you wanted grandchildren
Dad: yes I do mara not like this
Yezi: baba there's no baby
Dad: okay then what is it
Yezi: I am opening a law firm
Us: huh?
Yezi: yes so I started drawing up the plans last if last year and I
have decided to make it official and buy a building for my
Me: are you serious boy
Yezi: yes
Dad: I need a file of your plans tomorrow on my desk
Yezi: yes sir
****I chuckle thinking about when I also started my company.
He did the same and even helped me. He's got to be the best
dad ever****
Mom: I am proud of you boy. I am actually proud of all my
Thando: except for me.
Mom: Thando you disappointed me yes, but I am glad that you
are taking responsibility and you are still going back to school.
Now I want you get that degree and make me proud.
Thando: I will.
****she started crying****
Dad: why are you crying baby
Thando: I am blessed to have a family like you. I love you all.
Us: we love you too nana
Mama: just don't disappoint us any more
Thando: I won't I promise.
Mom: as I was still saying. I am proud to go around have people
asking me about my children. The fact that I can answer them
with confidence makes me happy. I say this, my first born is
doing agriculture and his wife is an Accountant. Then I say my
second born meaning uMuzi is an Architect and his wife is a
doctor. She's a Gynecologist. Then I say my third borns, which
are is and Information Technologist and creates
Apps and new inventions. The other twin is an engineer and has
his own company, Vusimuzi properties. Google it for more info.
The next one is an attorney and now I can't wait to say he has
his law firm... Google it for more info. Then with Thando I just
tell them she's studying.
****she smiled. She really is proud hey. We all hugged her one
by one.****
Thando: what are you going to name the firm
Yezi: I don't know yet, maybe Nkanyezi attorneys
Me: I see you've been taking notes
**** they all chuckle. After our bonding session we cleared
everything and went to sleep. Thando was already asleep on my
bed. I took off my clothes and dialed Sani's number again. There
was no answer. I sent her multiple texts. What if she decided
she wants nothing to do with me. I sighed then got into the
****I feel tiny hands playing with my face. I open my eyes and
find Thando. I look the time and it's 7 am.****
Me: Thando sleep
Thando: is it night?
Me: yes
Thando: okay.
****she turned to the other side. I closed my eyes. After a
while I heard something break. I woke up and found Thando
trying to pick up the broken pieces of the glass she broke.****
Thando: move
****I picked up the big pieces.****
Me: go call sis Nobuhle
Thando: down
Me: go
****she left the room. Mxm this naughty child. I made the bed
then brushed my teeth, she'll see who's gonna brush her teeth
with. I prepared her bath water then got dressed in cotton
shorts and a vest. She came back in with Nobuhle.***
Nobuhle: what happened?
Me: she's making me mad. Please bath her, I have prepared
water for her.
Nobuhle: okay. Let's get you clean
****I went out and went to the laundry room downstairs. I got
the brush and that thing to take the dirt... I don't know what it's
called. To me it's a dust pan. So I went up ro my room and
cleaned the glass pieces. I went back down and thew it in the
bin. I put the brush and dust pan where they belong then went
back to my room. I took my phone and tried Sani's number
again. It rang....Yho atleast.****
Voice: hello
Me: hey where is Sani
Voice: Nhlaka. It's me Nkatkeo, Sani's little sister
Me: yes hello. Can I talk to Khensani
Nkateko: Sani is missing. She has been missing since new years
Me: what!
Nkateko: we've been looking for her and the last time everyone
saw her, she was going to lock the gate at night. We found her
phone outside the gate. We don't know where she is
****she cried. I closed my eyes****
Me: okay I'll find her
Nkateko: please
****I dropped the call. I turned around and now Nobuhle was
getting Thando dried up. I packed a bag of clothes.*****
Thando: daddy where are we going?
Me: not you. You are staying here and daddy is going
somewhere for a few days. I'll be back okay
Thando: baba sorry don't go
Me: why are you crying
Thando: heeeeeeee heeeeee
****she wailed out. Ohhh gosh this child. I went down on my
knees and hugged her naked self. She stopped crying. I kissed
her forehead. ****
Me: baby, baba is going out it's not neh
****she nodded. I wiped her tears. Nobuhle came with a new
bandage and clothes.****
Me: Thank you Buhle. Please watch her for me. I am going for a
few days okay
Nobuhle: okay
Me: bye baby. Now you must behave okay
Thando: yes baba
Me: a big girl doesn't cry yezwa
****she nodded. I kissed her forehead again and left. I got to
dad's study and took 2 guns and bullets. I heard the door
Dad: and then wena
Me: I have to go to Limpopo. Sani is missing
Dad: huh
Me: I called her phone and found out from her sister who
picked up the call that she's been missing for two days.
Dad: Haiibo. I hope you find her. Take Nathi with
Me: I can't he's bringing Nandi remember
Dad: ohh take Sihle
Me: he's your right hand man what if something happens to
you. I cant
Dad: I have 4 sons and many guards. Take one of them
Me: cool
Dad: safe travels son.
Me: thanks
****I got out and went to the kitchen. I found the other help,
Nothando. The Thando name is clearly taking the cup in this
Me: hey sisi
Nothando: hey are you hungry?
Me: yes please.
Nothando: what would you like to have
Me: can I have bread and peanut butter
Nothando: okay
****she made me the bread while I made myself coffee. I ate in
silence. Nathi came in and greeted.****
Me: sho
Nathi: what's up, where are you going
Me: Limpopo. Sani is missing.... Looks like she's kidnapped
Nathi: wait for me
Me: heyi you said you bringing Nandi here so don't. I'll take one
of the guards with. Actually two
Nathi: okay if you say so.
Me: yeah greet her for me anyway
Nathi: okay. I'll be proposinh to her after Thando's ceremonies
Me: that's good man.
Nathi: sure. Take care man
Me: sure
****I stood up and went to the garage. I unlocked the Porsche.
I got in and reversed it. Something tells me to drive but anther
is telling me to take a plane. I called Wenzi one of the guards.
He came I told him THAT I needed him. He called his brother
Thami and we went to their place. They got their clothes and all
they'll need. I decided to drive there. I went to the nearest
filling station and poured full tank petrol, then I drove off to
Giyani. I let Wenzi play his music****
Thami: who exactly are we looking for
Me: my woman
Them: ohh
****my phone rang and it was Nathi. I picked it up using the car
Bluetooth speaker. ****
Me: sho
Nathi: is there anything I can use to track her
Me: they said she left at night already wearing her pj's so I don't
think so.
Nathi: eish
Me: but I'll tell you if I get any info
Nathi: sure
*****I drove for hours and hours with no break. Finally we
arrived in Giyani. I went to the hotel I usually go to. We got to
the room and put our bags.****
Me: you can rest. I am also tired
Wenzi: sho boss
Me: I am going somewhere I'll be back soon
Thami: okay
*****I went to the car which was low on petrol. I drove to the
nearest filling station and poured another full tank. I called
Sani's number****
Nkateko: hello Nhlaka. Have you found her
Me: no I have just arrived in Giyani. I need you to tell me where
you are right now
****she gave me the address. I drove to the other village just
40km from Sani's village. I went to a tower which she directed
me to. When I got there I called her again.****
Nkateko: are you there?
Me: yes
Nkateko: okay then turn left and go staright until you see a
house painted in green, the house after it is where we are.
****I listened while driving. I reached the green house. Who
paints their house green. I parked at their gate and got out. It
was already 6pm. She came out*****
Me: how are you?
Nkateko: I am worried about her. Come in
Me: me okay. Let me lock the car
****I locked it and went in. There were a lot of people in the
house. They all looked at me.****
Me: greetings my name is Nhlakanipho Dlamini
Man: we know who you are now how can we help you
Woman: Muhluri Hayi man. He's here to help find Sani
Me: that's right
Woman: I am Sani aunt. Silvia
Me: nice to meet you ma, even though I wish it was under
different circumstances.
Lady: tea?
Me: no thanks. I am not here to stay. I just need information on
when last you saw her
Lady: there was a red car at the gate. She was talking to those
people and that was the last time I saw her.
Me: who found her phone
Nkateko: I did
Muhluri: Salani it's your fault
Silvia: don't point fingers.
Me: A red car. It's Registration number?
Guy: RR 65 something something GP
Me: okay thanks. I said taking notes. How do you know it?
Lady: it passed earlier on and we were cheering on it and
mesmerized by its beauty
Me: okay thank you. I'll find her, I promise
Silvia: please. Whether dead or alive please find her
Me: I will find her alive.
Lady: I came as soon as I heard where is she
***she said as she looked like she's been in a marathon****
Lady: Vusi
Me: hello...
Lady: Vutomi, Sani's sister
Me: ohh hey. Uhmm bye
****I left and went back to the hotel. I gave Nathi the details.
He called me and I answered****
Me: sho
Nathi: why is the number plate not full
Me: that's all Sani's cousins remember
Nathi: yho okay I'll try finding it
Me: thanks. How did the family react to Nandi
Nathi: mom was happy. She said I made a good choice
***I laugh and ge laughs too*****
Nathi: well your child is in love with Nandi
Me: she didn't cry for her right?
Nathi: you know you daughter very well man. She created a
scene yho
Me: that's my girl
Nathi: nxa voetsek wena
****I laughed.****
Nathi: let me find your woman man
Me: thanks
****immediately after Nathi's call dad called. I answered him
and told him what happened****
Dad: be strong son. You'll find her the same way you found your
mother and daughter
Me: yeah I will and I'll kill whoever did this
Dad: just don't do it in front of her. You'll make her run away
from you
Me: I won't.
Dad: stay put
Me: thanks. I hear Nathi tell me mom liked Nandi
Dad: yho you should've seen how she was. My love is dramatic
Me: and you love her
Dad: too much
****dad and I talked much more. I finally told him to drop the
call and he finally listened. I finally arrived at the hotel and got
to my room. I found Wenzi smoking weed. ****
Me: and then wena?
Wenzi: he kicked me out
Me: why
Wenzi: he wants to fuck a bitch
****I shook my head and chuckled. *****
Me: so you came here
Wenzi: yes
Me: and rolled your weed in here
Wenzi: yes and I smoked it in here and I still am
Me: you are very disrespectful
Wenzi: I am no different than you
Me: haiibo
Wenzi: yes. You know it's true.
Me: Mxm just give me
****I said snatching the weed from him. I finished the rest of it
with him telling me about Thami and what kind of a person he
is. *****
Me: he's still your brother
Wenzi: Hayi I don't like him
Me: then why did you bring him with
Wenzi: mxm
Me: you see. You love him
Wenzi: Mxm. Anyway do you have any pictures of madam boss
Me: madam boss?
Wenzi: your woman
Me: ohh. Yeah
Wenzi: lemme go print them out.
****I sent him 2 pictures of Sani.****
Me: you'll choose
Wenzi: sho boss. I am sleeping in here
Me: with?
Wenzi: you
Me: uyanya go get me food(you're crazy)
Wenzi: I figured you'd be hungry
See that tray over there, there is food
Me: thanks man
Wenzi: sho
Me: heyi wait
Wenzi: yah
Me: what is the time
Wenzi: 19:40
Me: which internment Cafe is open at this time
Wenzi: my bad
****he laughed. I shook my head****
Me: don't smoke weed if we are going to be looking for my
Wenzi: I won't. Sorry boss
Me: you're sleeping on the couch
Wenzi: hauw mara boss
Me: the floor then
Wenzi: the couch then
Me: good
****I ate my food while trying in all possible ways to find Sani. I
tracked my enemies first, all enemies from the underground
party to Godloza's family and non of them had her. But you may
never be sure. I spent the night tossing and turning thinking of
who could've possibly taken Sani. Finally I went to sleep. *****
*****I woke up and had my food. I ate 3 slices from the 8 slice
that I had hidden under the bed. I stretched my arms and
looked out the window. The door opened and fuck it was
Phumlani. I remained staring outside the window.****
Phum: Sani baby
****he got closer. He turned me around and smiled.****
Phum: you moved from the bed. But does this mean the
window will be your new position now?
Guy: boss we have visitors
Phum: who?
Guy: your parents
Phum: eish okay.
****he left and locked the door. Mxm. I spent the day in my
room in my thoughts about everything in my life including the
Johnsons. Yah neh life isn't about life sham. I don't know if what
I said makes sense but life is a table. I ate when I felt hungry
again. Later on I heard a few gun shots. I got up and looked out
the window. The guards looked dead. I wonder what's
happening. The door opened and I ran to the window where I
stood still. Phumlani picked me up and hid me in his room,
inside the closet. He took out a gun and went out. Doo Doo was
all I could hear. I heard footsteps in the room. I peeped and saw
Nhlaka. I thought I was dreaming. I opened the closet. He
quickly turned and looked at me. He had a gun in his hands. I
wonder where he got it from. Well that's the last thing on my
mind. I ran to him and hugged him.****
Nhlaka: I'm here now. Don't cry
****I nodded. He carried me on his back and walked out with
me. One bullet flew and hit Nhlaka' arm****
Nhlaka: Khensani get off and go to the car. I got off and went to
the car. Outside were dead bodies of the guards. I got in and
heard more gunshots. Two guys came my way and came inside
the car.****
Guy1: hey I am Wenzi and this is my brother Thani. We are the
royal guards
****I nodded. Nhlaka came back pressing his shoulder. He got
in the passenger seat and Thami drove off. ****
Thami: where to?
Nhlaka: home
Wenzi: what about your wound
Nhlaka: I'm fine don't worry
*****Thami flew the Porsche to KZN. By the time we arrived it
was 11pm. Thami drove to the hospital and got Nhlaka help. I
also checked in for anything. I was found to be fine and Nhlaka
was set free after they cleaned the wound and took out the
bullet. It was now 00:10. Thami drove to the royal house and
parked the car outside then he and his brother left with
Nhlaka's car. We walked into the house. This is my second time
being here. It started raining. Nhlaka led me upstairs to his
room. I found a little girl on his bed who looked exactly like him.
She even had short hair. I looked at him and he looked
Nhlaka: this is her
**** I nodded. I sat on the bed. He went into a room I figured
was the bathroom. I heard water running. He came out can
looked at me. I stood up and went in the bathroom. He closed
the tap and tested the water.****
Nhlaka: I'll give you privacy
****he left. I took off my clothes and got into the bathtub. I let
the warm water get married to my skin. I took the cloth he gave
him and used it to bath. I got out when I was done. I wore the
gown that was on top of the washing basket then washed the
bathtub. I lotioned using his lotion then wore the gown again. I
opened the door and found him on his phone. I got closer to
him and stood in front of him****
Nhlaka: you can wear that to sleep
****he said referring to his t-shirt on the bed. I went back to
the bathroom and wore it. I came out and sat on the bed****
Nhlaka: are you hungry?
****I shook my head no****
Nhlaka: do you want to sleep here or should I get you a room
Me: don't leave me
****he nodded. He took off his clothes till he was left with his
boxers. He switched off the room light then got me in the
covers. He got on the other side since his daughter was in the
middle. I closed my eyes and slept for dear life.
The following day I woke up and found Nhlaka's daughter
looking at me. I wonder what she thinks of me and why the hell
she's piercing me like this. She looks like her dad right now.
She's just a bit darker.****
Thando: hello
Me: hello
Thando: who are you?
Me: Sani
Thando: why are you here?
*****how the hell should I answer that. I kept quiet and looked
at her.****
Thando: I am Thandolwenkosi
Me: nice. How old are you?
Thando: 4
Me: good.
Thando: you know my dad?
Me: yes
Thando: hmmm I love him
****she said smiling. I smiled at her too. Nhlaka woke up and
rubbed his eyes. He looked us and smiled.****
Me: what
Nhlaka: I can get used to waking up like this
Thando: guu morning baba
Nhlaka: good morning baby, how are you
Thando: fine. Let's go brush our teeth.
Nhlaka: okay baby.
Thando: come uhmm
Nhlaka: mommy
****I shot a death stare at Nhlakanipho***
Nhlaka: she's aunty Sani
Thando: okay mama Sani let's go
****we all went to the bathroom. Nhlaka got me a new
toothbrush. We all brushed our teeth. Nhlaka went to go do the
bed. I stayed with his girl I her singing. She just like her father,
such bad singers. Nhlaka bathed her while I watched. He is good
with children. He is a good father I must say. After her bath. He
chose her clothes and she wore them. He told her to go down
for breakfast.******
Me: she's beautiful
Nhlaka: thank you. I am sorry you had to meet her like this. I am
sorry for hiding her and cheating
Me: it's okay. I accept her Nhlaka.
Nhlaka: I love you
****I smiled at him****
Me: thank you for saving me
Nhlaka: it's my job to protect you. Now tomorrow we are going
back to Limpopo back to your family okay
Me: I don't want
Nhlaka: your aunt and brothers are worried about you
Me: fine but you'll bring me back
Nhlaka: okay then. Let's take a shower
Me: to together
****he looked at me intensely then sighed.****
Nhlaka: did he force himself on you
*****I nodded. Then tears started flowing. Nhlaka looked
angry. The last time I saw him like this I landed in hospital****
Me: he muffed me
Nhlaka: I'm so sorry that I wasn't there my love
Me: it's not your fault
Nhlaka: but I should've protected you
Me: you wouldn't have known
Nhlaka: but still
Me: how did you find me
Nhlaka: I went to your cousins house and they told me you
were last seen talking to guys driving a red mecerdes Benz.
They gave me the first 4 numbers of the car and since the car is
brand new and there aren't a lot of people who have that car it
was easy to find. Nathi found you.
Me: ohh thank you
Nhlaka: there's no need
Me: where do you get a gun from
Nhlaka: Sani some things are better yet not asked
****I nodded. If he thinks I'll forget about this he's mad. I went
into the bathroom and he followed me. We both got into the
shower and showered. Thank goodness he let me bath myself.
After that I dried myself up and put on his lotion. He gave me
his long t-shirt to wear. I wore it and waited for him to give me
his pants.****
Me: aren't you going to give me pants
Nhlaka: you want to wear pants at your in-laws who happen to
be royalty
****I rolled my eyes at him. We went downstairs and the whole
family looked at us. His mother looked shocked.****
King: hi welcome Khensani
****he knows my name. I almost fainted. I greeted him and
everyone else. I sat down next to Nhlaka and this young lady
Queen: Nhlakanipho and his father what's going on
Dad: I'll tell you. Just welcome Khensani, Nhlakanipho's woman
Queen: welcome young lady
Me: thank you ma
Lady: yeah that, call her ma
Me: okay
Lady: by the way I am Thando. Noluthando
Me: nice to meet you
Lady: I am Zinhle. Nkazimulo's wife
Zah: I know I was rude the first time we met. I apologise for that
but I am Zanele, Muzi's wife
Me: nice to meet you all
Muzi: and this is my mother, Khethiwe, we call her mama
Me: ohh nice to meet you mama
****she smiled at me. Everyone then ate in silence. After eating
the helpers cleared the table.****
Nhlaka: come
Me: where to?
Nhlaka: outside. I want us to talk
Me: okay
****I followed him outside and he sat on a bench in front of
the kraal.****
Nhlaka: this is my favorite spot in the whole yard
Me: I see that's nice
Nhlaka: baby I want us to talk. Tell me what you want
Me: I want us to go for therapy. I am not okay and I know I need
professional help.
Nhlaka: anything more baby
Me: I want you to stop hiding things from me, stop lying to me
and stop everything bad that you've been doing
Nhlaka: I hear you
Me: good. That's all for now
Nhlaka: okay.
Me: how does your dad know me
Nhlaka: I always tell him about you.
Me: huh
Nhlaka: yes he knows I want to marry you
****I kept quiet and looked at the cows. Nhlaka also starred
into space. Now it makes sense why this is his favorite spot. I
mean this is where he seems much more calm and where he
can think clearly. We say there till it was lunch time. We ate
then after eating he showed me places he grew up in as a kid.
He told me his childhood stories that were funny. When it was
late we both went home. He asked Zanele to change the
bandage. She did that and then we had dinner. After dinner we
all went to the sitting room where TV was watched. Yezi was
carrying a beautiful adorable baby girl and Nkazi was carrying a
baby boy. They looked the same age so I guess both wives were
pregnant at the same time. When it was late Nhlaka took my
hand in his and stood up which forced me to also stand up****
Nhlaka: Goodnight.
Them: goodnight
Nhlaka: Zee please force Thando to sleep in her room
****everyone laughed.****
King: Nhlaka don't make babies in my house
Nhlaka: Haiibo baba. I won't I just don't want a crowded bed
****they laughed again. We left the room and went upstairs to
his room. When we got there I just got into the covers and slept
I wake up and he's not here. I look all around the room and still,
there's no sign of him. I look at the time and sigh. It's quarter to
9. I make the bed then go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.
I change into a dress I found in the room. I wear a headwrap
and go downstairs. I arrive and find everyone seated on the
breakfast table. I cleared my throat, all eyes looked at me.
Me: m.. Morning
Them: morning
****I pull a chair and sit next to Nhlaka. I dish up for myself and
start eating .*****
King: Sani
*****I raise my head to look at him. I just see an older version
of Nhlaka.****
Me: yebo baba
King: I like the sound if that
****Nhlaka clears his throat. Everyone laughs.... Including the
King: we have a ceremony happening on the second week of
February and you are invited
Me: thank you baba. What is the occasion?
King: Khethiwe is getting married
Queen: it's just lobola
King: that's marriage
Me: ohh thank you, I'll definitely be here
King: that's good
Zah: so Sani. What do you do?
Me: I am a Geologist working at Phadima Diamond mine.
Zah: that's nice. I am a gynecologist
Me: I see. Power to women
Zee: and I am an accountant
Me: ohh that's nice
Thando: I'm still studying so....
****I smile at her and she chuckled. I look back at my food and
continue eating. I feel Nhlaka's hand on my thigh. I brush it off. I
feel my dress getting high and his hand on my bare thigh. He
starts brushing it and squeezing it a bit. I look at him and he's
laughing at the conversation as if he's not making me wet.****
Nkazi: no I'm telling you
King: who told you that
Nkazi: babomcane
Mama: stop lying wena.
Nkazi: no but mama he told me there were mine to drink
Ma: haii Nkazi you just liked alcohol
Nkazi: but he gave me the permission to drink it anyway
****they laugh again. Just me, Thando and the wives who are
lost. Yezi is on his phone busy blushing.*****
Ma: baba remember when Nhlaka and Muzi used to let the
cows go out
****they all laugh.*****
Nhlaka: hauw ma Mina? (me?)
Ma: yes wena no Muzi (you and Muzi)
King: and they thought we were keeping them imprisoned
Nhlaka: come on you guys not infront of my woman
*****Mxm his hand was busy busy on my panty. I was already
wet and wanted him inside me. Eating wasn't even easy to do. I
took the cup of hot tea and took a sip.****
Me: mmmmh
*****everyone looked at me. The cup slipped and fell on my
thighs. I jumped and it fell and broke. I looked at everyone then
went down to pick up the broken pieces.*****
Nhlaka: Mami leave them
Mama: leave it, Nobuhle will clean it up
Nhlaka: come let's get you changed.
****we went up the stairs. My thighs were burning. I went to
the bathroom and got his body cloth. I put it in cold water and
then put it on my thighs which were burning.****
Nhlaka: sorry
****mxm I took off my clothes then went into the shower and
got it. I put on a shower cap and opened the taps. As the water
hit my body, I felt someone coming in. He held me by my waist
and turned me around. He kissed me and I followed. He
grabbed my ass and deepend the kiss. I could feel his erection
on my stomach. I know what's about to happen. Flashes of
Phumlani eating me came up and I wanted Nhlaka to stop. But
my body betrayed me and gave in. He pulled out and pinned me
to the wall he went down on his knees and lifted my right leg
and put it on his shoulder then he dug in. I held his head and
moaned as loud as I could. My legs shook and I lost balance. He
held me tightly and continued eating me. When he was satisfied
he stood up and kissed me making me taste myself.****
Nhlaka: let's get dried up
****he closed the taps and we got out. I took off the shower
cap and dried myseld using the towel. He also did the same. He
picked me up and kissed me till we reached his bed. He laid me
down and shoved his middle finger in. His thumb circled my clit
and his finger did the things. He planted soft wet kisses on my
neck and sucked on my neck. Not too long I reached another
orgasm and my legs shook. He licked his lips and smiled, looking
impressed with himself. He widened the space between my legs
and looked at me straight in the eye. I felt his member come in
and my mouth formed an O. I closed my eyes and he stopped
Nhlaka: vula amehlo(open your eyes)
***I opened them. His eyes were smaller than usual he
thrusted deep and I screamed. He kept on going and going. The
pleasure I got from him was just amazing. The way he moved
his hips was amazing too. He pulled out and told me to to do a
chest down ass up position, which is a doggy style. I did that. He
went in and held my waist. He moved in too deep inside me and
moved with a faster pace. My screams and moans were all you
could hear. He fastened his pace and groaned louder. I reached
my orgasm and felt my whole body shake. I screamed his name
multiple times saying things that Aliens would probably
understand. He still continued then groaned loud. He finally
filled my honey pot with his juices. I collapsed on the bed and
he also did on top of me. He kissed my neck as I tried catching
my breath.****
Nhlaka: let's go bath
****we went to the bathroom and took a shower. I washed his
back while he washed his front and the same with me. He
picked me up and pinned me on the wall. He licked my nipples
and sucked my boobs. I felt his member go in again....... And
Ahhh well as they say, the rest is history.*****
*****after the steamy session we had we went downstairs and
found the boys in the living room. I got there and sat down****
Nkazi: wena Nhlaka
Me: hmmm
Nkazi: you're in trouble
Me: for?
Nathi: fucking Sani
Me: I didn't do such
Nkazi: lies
Muzi: not when she was screaming your name like that
Me: Mxm leave us alone
Yezi: but did you have to do it here though
Me: Yes. I missed her a lot.
Nkazi: Hayi mara. What position did you have her in to get her
screaming like that
Me: it's just my dick man. She loves it. It makes her go crazy
****they laughed. I heard someone clear their throat. I looked
to the entrance and it was Sani.****
Me: baby
Sani: I'm ready
Me: okay let's go say bye to the elders
****I stood up and went to my parents room. I knocked in the
door. It opened and dad appeared. ****
Dad: what
Me: uhmm Sani is here to say goodbye
Dad: ohh you're already leaving
Sani: yes baba. Thank you for having me here. My aunt would
flip she finds out that I spent the night at my boyfriend's place
Dad: ohh okay. Love!
Mom: yes my love.
*****Mom appeared wearing a very short dress. I've never
seen mom in such a short thing before. I looked at dad and he
had a huge smug in his face after seeing ma.****
Sani: ma. I am leaving. Thank you for welcoming me into your
home. I am leaving now.
Mom: ohh okay no problem ntombi. Travel safely
Sani: thank you ma and baba
Dad: sharp sharp.
****he quickly closed the door. Haii these two.... We went
downstairs and said goodbye to the kids and the ladies. We got
into the car, with Menzi driving us to the airport. We got there
and got into a flight. We arrived after 2 hours then got a cab to
take us to her cousin's place. I called Sani's phone and told her
cousins that I have found her.*****
Me: baby say nothing about being in KZN okay
Sani: I won't
Me: good.
*****we finally arrived. We got out and opened the gate. Sani
started walking slow and started shaking a bit. I held her hand
and walked in with her. Nkatkeo saw us and screamed as she
ran to her sister.****
Nkateko: Sesi!!
****Sani just stood as still as a statue. The others came out
from the house and ambushed her with hugs and kisses. Tears
started flowing on her cheeks as her aunt came to hug her,
being Tha last. She cried in her arms. They led her into the
house. We all gathered in the living room****
Muhluri: thank you man
Nhlaka: my pleasure
Silvia: where was she? Who took her?
Me: she was in Polokwane and a man named Phumlani who has
a crush on Khensani
Muhluri: so he kidnapped her just like that. Nx!
Silvia: I hope justice will be served
Me: it will ma
***Sani looked at me with her red eyes and I just look around. I
think she knows that Phumlani is dead and that I am the one
who killed him. ****
Me: I am not here to stay, so if I may take your leave
Sani: Can I go with him
Vutomi: but Sani you've just arrived
Sani: I know. I just want to go
Muhluri: okay you can go
Sani: thank you. Let me pack
***she dissapered into the hallway. ****
Muhluri: I see she likes you. Take car of her
Me: I will
Silvia: thank you son. I don't know how to repay you
Me: just accept my lobola request the day it comes
**** they all laugh. They stop when they notice that I am not
laughing. This isn't a joke****
Nkateko: are you serious
Me: yes. I have nothing but good intentions for Khensani
Silvia: but she's young yo get married
Me: that would be her choice.
**** Sani came holding a sports bag and a toiletry bag. She
gave them hugs on more time then we got out ****
Me: do you need anything?
Sani: food
Me: okay baby
****we got into the cab and went to the hotel. I paid the driver
his money then checked into the hotel. I'm sure the whole staff
knows me. I am a regular customer here. We arrived at the
room and ordered food for Sani. She ate as soon as it arrived. I
also ate up. After eating she took off her clothes and got into
the covers. I also took off my clothes and joined her. I switched
off the lights.****
Me: Sani
Sani: hmmm
Me: did you think if going for therapy?
Sani: yeah. I'll go as soon as I go to Joburg
Me: we can leave tomorrow. I want you to start it as soon as
possible. When are you free?
Sani: I'll tell you when I get to work
Me: okay. Goodnight
Sani: night
Me: ngiyakthanda Mami (I love you)
Sani: nam ngiyakthanda Dlamini (I love you too Dlamini)
****I smiled and hugged her from behind. I kissed the back of
her neck and drifted off to sleep*****
5 weeks later
**** the past 5 weeks have been okay. Just okay. My
relationship with Nhlaka has grown stronger and we are both
attending therapy
My therapist, Dr Mawela is an amazing woman. Well she said I
have maid a lot of progress and that she might let me go.
Nhlaka still has 2 more weeks to go I think.... I have been in
contact with my family and everything is fine. Work. Well work
is work hey. I mean since Life is a table then I guess work is a
Right now I am seated on this purple couch in Dr Mawela's
DrM: so let's go back to the past few months, what do you think
has changed about yourself
Me: well I feel like I am much more stronger, that I have healed
from my past experiences and I have also forgiven the people
who made me feel like that and most importantly I have learnt
to love myself more
DrM: okay.... So what are you looking forward to now
Me: I am looking forward to living a happy life, having healthy
relationships and growing internally and externally.
DrM: that's good. Sani, I have to let you go now. I feel that you
are okay now and in the right state to not need me anymore
Me: thank you soo much Dr
DrM: I don't know how many times I told you to call me Kim
Me: Doc sounds perfect
****she laughed. I stand up and go to the window. I sighed and
turned to her.****
Me: goodbye Old Sani. Hello new Sani
DrM: I think I like this new Sani
Me: I love her
DrM: that's good.
Me: thank you Doc. See you oneday
DrM: hopefully not as a patient
Me: no probably as a friend, if you don't mind
****she smiled at me. I hugged her and left the office. Today is
Friday meaning the weekend is starting. I requested an Uber
and went home. Home meaning Nhlaka's apartment. I arrived
and found him in the kitchen. I went to him and hugged him
from behind. He turned around and kissed me. I pulled out and
looked at what he's cooking****
Me: we are leaving right, now why are you cooking
Nhlaka: I can't travel with an empty stomach
Me: okay thank you for cooking
Nhlaka: my pleasure baby
*****I went upstairs and took off my heels. I actually took off
the whole outfit and wore a yellow floral dress with a matching
headwrap. I wore black sandles and packed our bag for
maKhethiwe's lobola negotiations. I still don't under why she's
getting married when she's the queen's second wife. After
packing, I went downstairs and got water. I watched him cook
while I was busy on my phone*****
Nhlaka: done
****he said switching off the stove. He dished up for me and
him. He cooked very little food and I was really hungry.****
Me: it smells so good
Nhlaka: thank you. And it tastes better
Me: hmmmmm
****I said agreeing to that. I took the second bite and damn. I
couldn't get enough of this food. He cooked simple macaroni
and mince with cheese.****
Me: Dlamini this is good
Nhlaka: hmm I'm giving you 10 orgasms for that
Me: Haiibo
****we both burst out in laughter and continued eating.****
Nhlaka: did you pack me clothes
Me: yep
Nhlaka: then you wonder why I love you
Me: mxm
Nhlaka: Sani it's finished hauw
****I laughed. I gave him my plate and he washed the dishes. I
stood up and helped him wash. After doing that he took his
USB, car keys, phone and I took the bags and we left using the
BMW. He played gospel songs and we both sang along.
Speaking of Gospel. It's been a while since I saw my friends but
except for Mrs Ndaba, I mean Phile because I see her every
Sunday at church. Nhlaka still doesn't go to church but he
listens to the songs.****
Me: Dlamini
Nhlaka: hmmm
Me: please stop by Spurs I am craving for their burger
Nhlaka: mara Sani you can see that we are in the middle of
Me: okay keh
Nhlaka: don't sulk
Me: I am not
*****we drove for hours and hours. I ended up sleeping and
woke up when I was hungry. I opened my eyes and met with a
paperbag of food. I smiled to myself.****
Nhlaka: hmm are you that hungry
Me: Yhoo you have no idea. Thanks
****I said opening it and eating what's inside. After eating I
realise that it has gotten darker. We arrived at the palace and
parked inside. There were women going up and down the
palace and two groups of men seated under trees. We got out
the car and went inside the house.****
Thando: mama baba!
****she tan to Nhlaka and I and tried to hug us both. I am
happy to see her and I know she is too.****
Me: hello Toto, have you been behaving
Thando: yes mommy
Mothoko: hello mama Sani and baba
****we greeted him too. They ran to wherever. We went into
the house and found ma and Khethiwe in the kitchen, with 2
other women I didn't know. We got in and I became shy same
Ma: hello Makoti
Me: sanibonani bo mama( greetings to you women)
Them: yebo ntombi
Nhlaka: baby letha phela(bring)
****he said referring to the sports bag I had in my hands. He
took it and went upstairs now I am standing here awarkadly
with all these women staring at me.****
Woman: who is she?
Ma: Nhlaka's girlfriend
Woman: ohh, so girlfriends are now allowed
Ma: no. But this one and Nandi are, I mean the bits are
determined to marry them so why not
Woman: wena uzo shawa ngabaphansi (you'll be punished by
the ancestors)
Woman2: Hayi Thula wena Fikile
Fikile: Mxm. You know it's the truth
Ma: umakoti ba se sitting room (the wives are in the sitting
Fikile: ba yenzani lapho( what are they doing there?)
Woman2: they are princesses so why should they work
Fikile: Haiibo Samkele!
*****Zanele walked in and smiled when she spotted me. She
came and gave me a hug. She took a tub of yogurt and left with
me behind her.****
Me: can I ask
Zah: yah
Me: how many wives does the king have?
Zah: one
Me: hmm
Zah: Aunt Samkele is uncle Jabu's wife, who is the king's cousin.
The same with Aunt Fikile, she's uncle Mqoqi's wife
Me: ohhh okay I see. Then what about Khethiwe
Zah: she's my mother in law. She's Muzi:s mother. His father
passed away when he was young so she continued living here
Me: ohh okay
Zah: yeah
****we got to where the other ladies were. I greeted them and
sat down****
Zee: how are you?
Me: I am fine thanks and you?
Zee: I'm good.
Thuli: what is she doing here?
Lady: who is she?
Zee: Nhlaka's girl.
Lady: Haiibo.
****I looked at them. Thuli looked disgusted and this lady I
didn't even know looked shocked. She looked at Thuli and
clapped her hands once in disbelief****
Zee: Londi why are you shocked?
Londi: I mean Nhlaka really left princess Thuli for this
****she said giving me a bad look.****
Zee: yes he did that.
Zah: I don't know why you're acting surprised because Nhlaka
and Nathi never liked any of you guys
Londi: mxm
Thuli: I am the princess here, in fact we all are
****it became silent after she said that. I felt someone touch
my shoulders and kiss my neck. I turned around to look at him
and smashed my lips on his. I pulled out and looked at Thuli
who looked pissed off. She stood up and left, swaying her ass
left and right.****
Nhlaka: hmm what did I do to deserve that
Me: you've been the best. I'm hungry anyway
Nhlaka: Sani you just ate 2 hours ago
Me: you see, it's 2 hours ago.
Nhlaka: okay let's go get you some food. Hi Londi
Londi: hi
****I stood up and we left. We got into the kitchen and luckily
the women were gone. He made me a sandwich. I ate with him
watching me and smiling.*****
Me: what?
Nhlaka: hmm hmm. I just can't wait to make you my wife
****I blushed and continued eating. When I was done Nobuhle
washed the dishes and I followed Nhlaka.****
*****I can't contain my happiness right now, well that's if what
my mom said is true. She said Sani is pregnant. I've been
looking at her and noticing how much food she's been
consuming, her morning sickness and it adds up. She is carrying
my baby. I went to the guys as she followed me. I got there and
she sat on my laps.****
Nkazi: hauw tsonga queen
Sani: hello you guys
Nathi: how are you?
Sani: I'm good thank you how are you?
Nathi: I'm good.
Muzi: where is my wife?
Me: by the pool
Muzi: okay
****he stood up and left. I don't understand how he can love
both Tintswalo and his wife soo much. I guess this polygamy
thing is for him. I sat on the chair he was seated on. The guys
were having beer and Nhlaka wasn't having any of that****
Nkazi: so when are you going to be an official makoti if the
Sani: me
Nkazi: yes you
Me: soon
Nkazi: that's good
Nathi: Sani I need a favor
Sani: shoot
Nathi: I've been planing to propose to Nandi, but I don't know
how go do that can you please help me
*****Sani squeekled in joy and agreed. They made plans on
how they are going to do it. Thando came to me and sat on my
laps. This one is such a daddy's girl.****
Thando: baba, I want ice cream
Me: Haiibo toto you didn't eat. You must eat first then you'll get
ice cream
Thando: but baba
Nathi: toto go play
*****she sulked and got off my thighs. She went to her
grandfather. It looks like she's crying. I shook my head and
looked to my left. Sani has disappeared.****
Me: where's Khensani?
Nkazi: she said she's tired
Yezi: are you sure your girl is okay?
Me: what do you mean
Nkazi: she's glowing these days
Me: I give it to her good
****they laughed. Later on food was served, we ate and then
went into the house since it was becoming chilly outside. I went
upstairs to check on Sani and I found her on her phone.****
Me: hello mami
Sani: Dlamini
Me: do you have any idea of how much that turns me on
Sani: no. I think you should show me
****I smiled and locked the door. I stripped naked. I opened
the covers and this naughty girl was already naked. I just took
off her panty and felt her. She was already wet. Fuck, how much
I love it when she's ready for me. I positioned my dick on her
and then thrusted into her. She gasped. I felt her pussy walls
grab my dick. I stopped for 3 seconds or so then started moving.
Her warm pussy was all it took to drive me crazy. I covered her
mouth to try reduce the noise level because I know my baby is a
screamer. I took one pillow and put it on her mouth. I increased
my pace and felt her getting from warm to hot.*****
Me: Ahhhh fuck. This is too soon!
****I hit her g-spot and she came. Her body shook and she also
squirter. It's been a while since she did that. I still continued and
spilled my juices into her. I catched my breath and she did too. I
went to the bathroom and got a wet cloth. I wiped her and
myself with it then washed it. When I went back to the room
she was already asleep. I switched off the lights and joined
**** I wake up and go straight to the bathroom. I vomited
again. I think I should go visit a doctor because I am definitely
sick. This happens every morning, I vomit and not only that,
Nhlaka's perfume makes me nauseous too. I did my business
and when I was done I took a quick shower then got dressed in
a long dress and a head wrap. Today aunt Khethiwe is getting
married, well they are paying lobola for her. Tomorrow is
valentine's day and I don't know what to do for Nhlaka. I went
out the room and went downstairs. I greeted everyone and had
breakfast. After eating Nhlaka came down and planted a kiss on
my cheeks.****
Me: hey
Nhlaka: hey
Me: how are you?
Nhlaka: fine. I'm just horny
Me: Haiibo Nhlaka
Nhlaka: I'll be quick I swear
Ma: Nhlaka we are needed in the throne room
Nhlaka: okay. Come
Me: me
Nhlaka: yes
****I followed him to a room down the passage. There were a
few chairs, the throne and straw mats. Women sat on the mats
and the men sat on chairs. The king, Queen and Nkazi sat on
the throne chairs. I stood by the entrance and saw a snake on
the king's throne. I looked at it and started breathing heavily.
Fikile: Yeyi Ntombi you don't look at the King like that
Samke: what is she even doing here
Nhlaka: Sani are you fine
****the snake got down the throne and approached me. It was
a black cobra snake. I swear this thing is poisonous. It passed
between the women and non of them looked scared. I went
Nhlaka: Sani what's wrong
Me: there's a snake!
****everyone looked around. They looked at me as if I was
Nhlaka: baby where is that snake
Me: between Aunt Fikile and aunt Samkele
****they both jumped and looked around*****
Fikile: iyahlanya lentombi(this girl is crazy)
****the snake lifted its head and looked at me. I stepped back
and let out a tear. It started moving again making its way to
Ma: describe it
Me: it's black and big, tooo big. It's even looking at me. Are you
guys witches because non of you can see it. Can you?
****I asked looking at Nhlaka and he shook his head****
Me: yhiiii yhiiii Nhlaka!
King: calm down Ntombi
Me: calm down! Calm down!
King: it's an.....
****someone wearing beaded jwellary looking scary entered
the room. It suddenly became quiet. The snake also turned to
him. He nodded to it and then it made its way to me even
faster. I ran and it followed me*****
Man: Dlamini, Jama ka Sjadu, Fakade, Lusibakhulu!
****the snake looked at me one more time. By this time I was
on the wall and it was near my leg. It turned around and went
back to the kings throne.****
King: what you saw was the ancestral snake. It only reveals itself
when it approves a girl. Meaning you are Nhlaka's chosen one.
The ancestors have long approved you.
Ma: mii
****this traditional man gave me something to drink. I drank it
and felt like puking. After a while I started feeling better. The
king and queen chuckled.****
Man: Dlamini se be fikile ba kwa Xulu ( the Xulu's have arrived)
King: ohh okay. Masambeni. (let's go)
****all the men left the room. I also left and went upstairs to
Nhlaka's room. The door swung open and he went in with Nathi
behind him*****
Nathi: are you fine?
Me: yes. Now why didn't you see the snake?
Nathi: only women well the chosen ones can see it. Well don't
worry because this was the first and last time you've seen it
Me: at least. I'm hungry
Nhlaka: what do you want to eat
Me: skop and pap
Nhlaka: are you sure
Me: yes
*****he goes out and I'm left with Nathi.****
Nathi: so when last did you see your family
Me: January
Nathi: I mean the Johnsons
Me: since the day Zoe left me hospitalized. Why?
Nathi: just asking. Would you like to see them again
Me: no. If they cared about me they would've atleast visited me
in hospital or just called to check how I was doing.
Nathi: ohh okay.
Me: what is it?
Nhlaka: there's something you need to know?
Me: what is it?
Nhlaka: your father passed away
Me: huh
*****I asked feeling a little drowsy. I looked at him and he
wasn't joking.****
Me: when?
Nathi: 2 days ago
Me: what caused his death
Nathi: looks like him and Zoe were in a fight and then Zoe
stabbed him multiple times
Me: she did what!
Nathi: yeah.
Me: where is Natasha and Nathan
Nathi: they weren't home when the incident happened
Me: when is the funeral
Nathi: next week in America
Me: okay
Nhlaka: baby here is your skop
Me: I'm not hungry
Nhlaka: Haiibo why
Nathi: I told her man
Nhlaka: you did what?
Nathi: I didn't shutter right ?
Nhlaka: why did you do that. Nx voetsek
Nathi: she is supposed to know
Nhlaka: I wasn't going to hid it from her, I was waiting for the
day to end stupid!
Nathi: well whatever, I already told her!
Nhlaka: and that's why she can't eat now. Are you trying to
starve her
Nathi: Mxm whatever
Nhlaka: leave before I kill you
Nathi: you wouldn't
Nhlaka: Nosinathi hamba! (leave!)
Me: shut up mahn!
*** they both looked at me. Nathi left and closed the door
behind him****
Me: i'm sorry but you're making noise.
Nhlaka: sorry. I am sorry for your loss as well
Me: it's okay
Nhlaka: you want a hug
Me: I want to go to the funeral
Nhlaka: it's in the states
Me: I don't care. I want to go
Nhlaka: okay then feed my babies
Me: what babies?
Nhlaka: I am just assuming that you're pregnant
Me: hmmm
****no wait. Fuck I might be pregnant. I mean I don't
remember using protection with Nhlaka last night. But it's too
early to say I'm pregnant****
Nhlaka: eat now
*****I ate the meal and wiped my plate clean. Now all I needed
was a drink and by a drink I mean some booze. I went
downstairs with the plate. I opened the fridge when I got to the
kitchen and took out a can of Brutal fruit. Nhlaka came in and
snatched it from me****
Me: what's your problem
Nhlaka: you want to get drunk at your in-laws?
Me: Mxm whatever
Nhlaka: where do you think you are going to
Me: outside
*****he grabbed my arm and made me look at him. Mxm he
put his cologne on. I moved from him and ran to the sink where
I vomited all that I had eaten. I quickly washed the sink and
drank water.****
Nhlaka: what's wrong with you?
Me: I think I'm sick
Nhlaka: hmmm haii haii
Me: let me go outside
Nhlaka: maybe you need vitamin D
Me: yeah from the sun hey
Nhlaka: what?
Me: we get vitamin D from the sun right?
Nhlaka: ohh eish nawe you're too educated I mean vitamin D
Me: what are you saying?
Nhlaka: vitamin Dick
**** I looked at him defeated and laughed. He came closer to
me the colongue smelt even worse. I pushed him from me****
Me: change your colongue please its the one making me sick.
Nhlaka: haiibo
Me: I'm serious
****I left him standing there and went to his room. Later on I
heard people singing and rejoicing. I went out to see what's
happening. Ohh the negotiations had ended and now Khethiwe
was no longer a Mrs Dlamini. I watched as young ladies, men
and women danced. We served food to the people and then
ate. I had a small portion of food though. After eating the Xulu's
asked to leave with their bride. They left with her and we were
left to do the packing and clearing up. I helped the helpers
clean. By the time we were done I was soo tired and it was
21:25. Nhlaka came in and raised an eyebrow at me****
Me: ohh hey
Nhlaka: Buhle who told her to work?
Nobuhle: no one. She offered and insisted on helping us
Nhlaka: ohh okay.
****he looked at me. I shrugged and left the dinning room. I
went to upstairs and dumped into someone I didn't see since
the day started. She hugged me and her dad behind me****
Thando: Goodnight
Me: goodnight Toto
Thando: baba can I also be with mama
Nhlaka: why?
Thando: you are with her everyday. I also want her
Nhlaka: Aii okay then toto
Thando: yessssss. Can I sleep with her
Nhlaka: no
Thando: baba
Nhlaka: no
****she looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I looked at Nhlaka
and he had a disapproving look****
Me: come sleep with us
Thando: yaaaay
Nhlaka: Mxm you're such a bore
Me: she's just a child hauw
****we went to his room and I got Thando bathed. She was soo
dirty and her feet were black. I had to scrub her to ensure she
was clean. After bathing her I got her lotioned and dressed. I
changed into my nightie and climbed on the bed. I had her in
the middle and I. Was on the other end. Nhlaka came in and got
in on the other side.****
Thando: guuu night mama, guu night baba
Me: goodnight
Nhlaka: goodnight sisi
Thando: I love you
Nhlaka: I love you too toto
Me: I love you too
****do I love her? Yes I do. I mean I cannot hate an innocent
child. She did nothing wrong to me so I can't hate her, plus she's
cute, respectful and just so adorable. I closed my eyes and ran
my thoughts through my father. I finally dozed off*****
Mom: Sani baby
Me: mama
Mom: yes it's me
Me: why did he die
Mom: I don't know. I am sorry that you are an orphan my baby
but there are people who love you.
Me: did she kill him dilberately?
Mom: yes. She wants his money
Me: why are you looking at me like this
Mom: you are going to make a good mother and a great wife
Me: maybe when I have kids
Mom: give them nice names anyway
Me: who?
Mom: you deserve all good things coming your way. I love you
Me: ma wait. Why do you keep doing this
Mom: bye
*****she gave me a brief smile and vanished like she always
does. I wonder why she keeps congratulating me on babies and
telling me I'll make a good mother and all that......******
*****Nhlaka woke up and waited for Sani to wake up so he
could have his morning glory. Sani turned to look at him. He
now focused on her face and looked at her facial features. She
looks so beautiful he thought. Her eyes opened and he she
smiled. She perked his lips and they both sat up.****
Sani: what time is it?
Nhlaka: 09:30
Sani: what and I'm still in bed
Nhlaka: don't worry everyone is tired and nobody is expecting
you to be up so early
Sani: it's 09: 30
Nhlaka: so?
Sani: what kind of a person is your family going to think I am
Nhlaka: you are my woman so their opinions don't matter
Sani: okay where is Thando?
Nhlaka: in her room?
Sani: so she woke up early?
Nhlaka: no I just moved her
Sani: Haaa why
Nhlaka: I need privacy with my woman on valentine's day
****she blushed. Then got off the bed****
Sani: okay then let me go prepare breakfast
Nhlaka: for??
Sani: for you
Nhlaka: the real breakfast starts here
***he kicked his lips and kissed her. She moaned as the kiss felt
hot. He pushed her onto the bed and got on her. He sucked her
boobs and made her want more. He took off his boxers and
looked at her. He loved seeing her hungry for sex. His dick hot
freed from the boxer as it was already hard and dripping pre
cum. He positioned it on her entrance, she was already wet. He
teased her with it by putting in the tip then taking it out. He did
that for a couple of time and she was getting more more
frustrated. He liked seeing her like this. He wanted her to beg
him. He traveled his dick on her pussy lips and made circles on
her clit using it. She moaned out his name and threw her back
on the bed. He did this till she had an orgasm and came.*****
Nhlaka: open you eyes
****she opened them. Nhlaka wanted to see when she's being
pleasure by him, he wanted to see her eyes roll from the
extreme pleasure he was about to grant her. He positioned
himself and entered as slowly as he could. He groaned when
her pussy walls hugged his dick then started moving. It was soo
warm and that made him crazy. What made Sani crazy was that
it hit all the right corners and spots. He held her neck, but not
too tight and increased his pace. Their moans were in sync. He
kept hitting the G-spot... Her toes curled up she looked tense,
her body felt tense. Nhlaka knew she was about to cum. He
pulled out and jerked off while she catched her breath and
watched in disappointment. He came all over her stomach. She
had glassy eyes. He picked her up and took her to the
bathroom. ****
Sani: Nhlaka why did you do that to me
Nhlaka: sorry baby, don't cry
Sani: I wanted to cum
Nhlaka: baby don't cry.
****they got into the shower with Sani snnifing. Nhlaka picked
Sani up and entered her again without notice. She gasped and
accepted the huge member in her tiny self. He pinned her on
the wall and ducked her till he felt his legs get weaker and
weaker. His sweat dripped on Sani and hers on the tile. The
shower room was steamy and hot. As his legs got weaker he
knew he was about to cum. He went on faster making her
moans the only thing audible in the room. Finally he released
and pulled out. They both catched their breaths and then had
an innocent shower. After getting themselves clean they
lotioned and got dressed. By the time they went downstairs it
was around 10:45. They got downstairs and went straight to the
kitchen. They found Zah, Zee and Thuli. Lindi came in behind
Thuli: so she slept here
Nhlaka: hello ladies
Sani: hello
Zah and Zee: hey
Thuli: Nhlaka you slept with her
Nhlaka: what do you want to eat sthandwa Sam? (my love)
Sani: porridge
Nhlaka: at this time?
Sani: Nhlaka you asked me what I wanted to eat right so why
are you complaining now
Nhlaka: no I'm not complaining baby. Zah was there porridge
for breakfast?
Zah: yeah but it got finished
Nhlaka: okay then.
****he opened the cupboard and took out the packet. He
cooked her porridge while she sat down busy with her phone.
Nhlaka made himself a sandwich while checking over the
Thuli: wow so you even cook for her. Wow Nhlaka you have
been Bewitched!
Nhlaka: ukhuluma nami or ngami? (are you talking to me or
about me?)
Thuli: nawe (with you)
Nhlaka: okay ungithshele Uma sewuqedile (tell me when you're
Thuli: Nhlaka what did I do to you mara. Why do you hate me
this much? Is it because I don't speak Venda?
Nhlaka: who's Venda here
Thuli: your skank
Nhlaka: Thulisile don't fuck with me. This is my woman, her
name is Khensani, she is Tsonga and if you have a fucken
problem with her get out and fuck off!
Thuli: so you're going to defend her
Nhlaka: Thuli don't make me angry yezwa
Thuli: or what
Nhlaka: you don't want to break a few bones sisi so I
recommend you leave
Thuli: you are you going to beat me Nhlaka. What kind of a
monster does that to women
****Nhlaka walked as slow as ever to Thuli. Sani held his hand
before he reached her. He looked at her and she shook her head
no. He looked back at Thuli, if looks could kill Thuli would be
dead by now. She looked scared and her breathing was the
evidence of that. *****
Sani: Nhlaka she's not worth it. Anyway I'm super hungry
*****Nhlaka turned back and made his lady some food. When
the porridge was ready he gave it to her to eat. She let it cool
down then ate. After they ate they washed the dishes together
and even packed them. The four ladies were still in there
looking at them. ****
Nhlaka: change your shoes we are going out. Please bring my
wallet, phone and the BMW keys with.
Sani: okay
****she left the room. Nhlaka sat where she was seated and
had a glass of water. Nkazi got on and asked for his wife. Zee
stood up and left.****
Nhlaka: where is Muzi?
Zah: he left
Nhlaka: where did he go to?
Zah: I don't know but he said he'll be back tomorrow
Nhlaka: hmmm
**** Sani came down looking even more prettier. She handed
Nhlaka all the things he had asked for and he took them and
stood up. They went to the garage and got into the car.****
Sani: so where are we going to
Nhlaka: you'll see. It's a surprise
Sani: okay then
****Nhlaka drove to a park and then called someone. After his
short call he took Sani's hand in his and lead the way. They got
to a private place where a picnic was set up. Red and white
dominated the green grass. There was food and snacks on the
blanket. *****
Sani: Nhlaka
Nhlaka: yes baby
Sani: is this for me?
Nhlaka: yes my love.
Sani: thank you soo much. It's so beautiful baby
Nhlaka: I know. My pleasure
Sani: so can we start eating
Nhlaka: you ate at home mos
Sani: it wasn't nice because of the people that were present
****he chuckled and helped her sit down he also sat down and
fed her a strawberry and she did the same. A guy came and
took them pictures. He left after that and the couple layed in
each other's arms and Sani kept feeding her cravings. She ate all
the different kind of fruit. She also drank the 1litre juice by
herself. Nhlaka didn't mind he just wanted her to enjoy and by
the looks if it she was enjoying.****
Nhlaka: baby I have something for you
Sani: again
Nhlaka: yes
****he took out a black velvet long box and gave it to her. She
opened it and met with a necklace, not just any necklace a
diamond necklace. She knew more about diamonds since she
works in a diamond mine. She looked at him with glassy eyes
and attacked him with a hug. He chuckled. She kissed him and
then pulled out. She gave him the necklace for him to put it on
her neck. He took it and put it around her neck. She held the
diamond and smiled to herself****
Sani: but baby you didn't have to
Nhlaka: I wanted to. I will always shower you with gifts baby. I
love you
Sani: I love you too.
Nhlaka: and there is another one
*****she sulked a bit. She felt bad for not getting him anything
while he got her many gifts and a nice surprise.****
Nhlaka: baby what's wrong?
Sani: I didn't buy you a gift. Well I didn't get the time to and
now I feel bad that you bought me two gifts and gave me a
beautiful surprise
Nhlaka: that's okay my love. I love you okay.
Sani: okay.
Nhlaka: now I want you to wear this everytime, everywhere you
go, whenever okay. Take this as a bracelet of love. Okay baby.
Even when we fight or have an argument keep it on okay
Sani: I promise I'll keep it on
Nhlaka: Thank you
****he opened it and put it around her wrist. He kissed her
again then they took a walk around the park. They took pictures
by the waterfall and river. When it was getting dark they packed
up and left. They arrived home and Sani went to the sitting
room while Nhlaka parked the car. When she got there she
found the king, Queen and all their children except for Nathi
and Muzi. Even the grandchildren were in there. Sani got in and
greeted everyone****
Mandisa: hauw makoti I thought you had already left
Sani: ohh no ma
Mandisa: what time did you wake up at?
Sani: at... At 9
Manqoba: and what were you doing all that time
Sani: uhmm nothing much baba
*****the king chuckled and shook his head. ****
Mandisa: Zanele where is your husband?
Zah: he didn't say where he's going but he said he'll be back
Mandisa: hmmm are you happy mara wena
Yezi: ma
Mandisa: what I'm just asking. I mean her husband is always
out. Look today is valentine's day and here is she looking like a
single woman.
Manqoba: Mandisa please
Mandisa: Ayi sorry keh
Zee: so Sani how was your day?
Sani: my day was nice and yours?
Zee: it was nice too
Mandisa: what made it nice?
Sani: Nhlaka and I went out for a picnic and he gifted me the
diamonds I am wearing
Yezi: hmm he has money neh. Those things cost a lot of money.
Zee: it's soo pretty
****Zah stood up and left the room. Nhlaka came in and sat
where she was seated.****
Mandisa: Nhlaka I see your woman has had an amazing day
Nhlaka: huh?
Mandisa: I mean we can see the rocks on her wrists and neck
Nhlaka: ohh those are gifts. There's still more to come, just
watch and see
****they laughed. Nhlaka looked at Sani who blushed****
Manqoba: young love
****everyone laughed****
Nhlaka: well young love is going to bed now.
Manqoba: already
Nhlaka: after the fun day we had we need to rest
****they stood up and left. Little Thando looked at them and
sulked because she woke up in her room, she asked to spend
the ady with Sani and Nhlaka hijacked her. So she was sad that
Sani was gone and that her father was the cause of that. The
pair went up the stairs and got to the room. When the door
opened Sani covered her mouth and turned around TO Nhlaka
who was behind her. He just chuckled. After she took a snap she
hugged him and thanked him. On the bed were white and red
roses. They made a heart and inside it was a heart shaped box if
chocolates. There were car keys on the box of chocolates. Sani
took them and handed them to Nhlaka.****
Nhlaka: it's yours
Sani: N.. Nhlaka you bought me a car?
Nhlaka: yes just a little something to start with
Sani: but I can't drive
Nhlaka: I'll teach you so that you pass at driving school
Sani: but Nhlaka you didn't have to
Nhlaka: yes I didn't but I wanted to
****she couldn't control her tears. The little something was an
Audi. She knew this because she looked at the car keys. She sat
on the bed and cried. Nhlaka took her a picture and squated in
front of her****
Nhlaka: Mami why are you crying
Sani: you bought me a whole car
Nhlaka: yes I did and it's under your name. I bought it cash. It's
all yours baby.
Sani: where is it
Nhlaka: it's still at the car dealership in Joburg you'll see it on
Sani: thank you soo much
Nhlaka: thank you to you too baby
*****she kissed him then pulled out. They went yi the
bathroom and took an innocent shower. After that they sat in
bed and gossiped while eating the chocolates. When they
were satisfied they went to sleep.
2 months later
****I woke up just 2 hours ago and I feel so tired. In the past 2
months I have done my learners and also hit my driver's license.
My car has been here grabbing dust, but not everyday because
sometimes Nhlaka would use it when he went to work. He
bought me and Audi A5. I mean it's big and nice for a first car.
My family still doesn't know. My other family neh... I went to
the states with Nathi and Nhlaka. They allowed for me to bury
him then boom the family lawyer asks me to stay along when
he will be reading the will. I found that he gave his SA house to
me, his company and R500 000 to me. He gave Natasha and
Nathan same things but in the states. I liked that he shared his
assets fairly among his children. His wife Zoey got the house
they lived in only and everything in it including the cars only.
She was mad that I got the SA businesses. Well the first one is a
restaurant and the other one is a company which manufactures
electrical appliances..... I think I should ask Nathi to be the CEO
of the company because he knows and does inventions so I
guess electrical applainces won't be a train smash.
I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed how my body has
changed. I have gained a little weight and my stomach has
gotten a bit harder. I don't know if this is weight gain or what.
The vomiting has stopped. I have been too busy to go to the
doctor but I think I should go today to see what's wrong with
me. What if the vomiting led to this rapid weight gain? ****
Me: that's it I am going to the hospital
**** I said to myself then got dressed into a Jean and long
oversized t-shirt. Today was Friday and I'll be going to work later
on. I'll be at the mine and not at the office. I took my car keys,
phone and bag. I went downstairs and hit to the garage where I
started my baby. I got in and drove off to the hospital. I got
there and lucky for me the doctor had one patient then was
free. I was let in after 20 minutes of waiting.****
Me: morning doc
Doc: morning Miss Johnson. I am doctor Ramalepe
Me: nice to meet you
Doc: how nice if you're here
****I sighed. She laughed and let me sit on the bed.****
Me: I have been vomiting and experiencing nausea the past 2
months then it suddenly stopped but the nausea hasn't. I am
gaining weight and so I just came to see what's wrong with me.
Doc: hmmm what kind of Food have you been eating?
****I tell her basically everything she asks me even my daily
routine except for some personal information. She gives me a
small cup-like. I look at her***
Doc: go pee in it then bring it to me
Me: okay.
****I go pee in the small thingi then washed my hands after
that. I give it to her and then look around her office. I look
outside the window and she's busy with something. I stand and
think more of the companies and how I'm going to keep them
running. I hear the doctor call my name. I turn and she has a
smile on her face****
Doc: you like zoning out
Me: how long as it been
Doc: 15 minutes now
Me: wow. Sorry I didn't mean to
Doc: no need to apologise. I have tested you for pregnancy and
well, congratulations miss Johnson
Me: hmmm?
Doc: you are 13 weeks pregnant
Me: huh
****she nodded. I couldn't believe what she said. I looked at
her and her smile was just beautiful. I held my stomach and it
felt hard. She led me to a bed and let me lie on it.****
Doc: this will be cold okay
Me: hliii
****I said as I felt the cold gel on my stomach. She moved that
thing and there was a baby. I looked carefully at the screen and
saw the baby. She let me hear the heartbeat. I couldn't control
my tears. I am just 23 years old. I don't know if I am ready to be
a mother, I am not even married and my family would be
dissapointed. She wiped the cold gel and got me 3 copies of the
baby. I took them with and left. I paid through cellphone
banking and cried in my car. I was thinking how Nhlaka would
digest these news. What if he thinks I am trying to trap him.
When I was tired of crying I went home and called in sick at
work. I also submitted a doctor's note as proof then I slept.
Later on I felt someone shake me. I opened my eyes and it was
Nhlaka. He was wearing casual clothes, meaning he's back from
work and it might be around 5pm.****
Nhlaka: hey are you okay?
Me: hey
Nhlaka: did you go to work?
Me: no. I called in sick
Nhlaka: why?
Me: I wasn't feeling well and I went to the doctor and found out
Nhlaka: what is it?
Me: you need to sit down for this
****I sat up. He sat on the bed and looked at me waiting to
listen to what I am about to tell him***
Me: I found out that... That I am pregnant
****he looked at me and said nothing. I looked down and the
tears made their way again.****
Nhlaka: auw Dlamini, Jama Ka Sjadu, hauw hauw
****he was reciting his clan names while dancing and rejoycing.
He's happy, that's good that's really good.****
Nhlaka: so it was true. Damn thank you soo much baby
Me: what's true? You knew?
Nhlaka: not really. Ma once told me you're pregnant and so I
told her she was just seeing things
Me: ohh. Well we are going to be parents
Nhlaka: thank you baby. How far is the pregnancy?
Me: 13 weeks
Nhlaka: and how long is that?
Me: I don't really know
Nhlaka: I am marrying you wena soon soon
Me: do it after I give birth please
Nhlaka: I am paying lobola next week and we are having the
traditional wedding the week after that. The following one we
will rest then the last week of May we are getting married
Me: I am not getting married in winter
Nhlaka: okay then I pay lobola and we do the traditional
wedding only
Me: that's better
Nhlaka: I need to go to KZN and tell the family. Entlek let's go
Me: HAIIBO Nhlakanipho!
Nhlaka: you know what we are leaving now. Please pack for me
while I sort out the flights
**** Mxm where did I pick this guy from mara. I packed our bag
and then he came to tell me that our flight leaves in an hour.
We rushed to the airport with Nathi being our driver. We
arrived and got into the plane.****
Me: I'm hungry
****he called the hostess and asked for food. She came with it.
This isnt what I want but then it's food hey so yeah. I ate and
finished both plates. Nhlaka said he wasn't hungry. If happiness
is making him do such then he is crazy. We finally arrived in KZN
at King Shaka international Airport. He hired a driver and we
went to a hotel and slept there.
The following day we woke up and took a shower. We ate
breakfast then Nhlaka got us a cab to Empangeni. The Uber
driver was slow plus there was traffic so we arrived here later
than we thought. When we got there there were guards outside
as always. We got in and they took the bags in Nhlaka's hands,
well Wenzi did.****
Wenzi: hauw what brings you here in the middle of the year
Nhlaka: serious business
Wenzi: ohh
Nhlaka: where is Dlamini?
Wenzi: inside.
Nhlaka: sho
****he took the bags from him and then we got in. We went
straight to his room, put the bags on the bed then went back
downstairs. We went to the sitting room and found the queen
and king watching fast and furious. I mean imagine a whole king
watching that. They were surprised to see us. ****
King: Nhlakanipho and Miss Johnson
Me: sanibonani( greetings)
Queen: what brings you here?
Nhlaka: how are you ma? We are amazing thank you for asking
Queen: Mxm I'll slap you wena
King: sit down
*****I didn't even realise that I was still on my feet. I sat down
next to Nhlaka on a two seater couch.****
King: so??
Nhlaka: I want you to ask Malume Jabu to send a letter to the
Maluleke family.
King: Maluleke ?
Nhlaka: yes that's Sani's maternal family. Her partenal family
left for the states so the only family she has are the ones who
raised her.
Queen: so you are getting married to her
Nhlaka: yes ma. I love her and we are expecting
Queen: so she is really pregnant
Nhlaka: yes. You were right
Queen: of course I was. I am always right. I mean I have 5
children so I know a pregnant lady when I see one.
*****the king rolled his eyes. I almost laughed but then I just
smiled. *****
King: so you are going to pay damages and dowry?
Nhlaka: yes but only her aunt must know that the rest of the
money if for damages
King: what do you mean?
Nhlaka: I mean that if they ask for 60k give them 80k so that her
aunt knows that 20k is for damages
King: Nhlakanipho we are going to tell them that you didn't pull
out or use protection
****Nhlaka chuckled and his mom gave her husband a bad eye
and I just giggled****
King: be ready to pay boy.
Queen: this is a big step you are taking my children. But I hope
the ancestors and God helps you through your journey
Me: thank you ma
Queen: how far are you?
Me: 13 weeks
Queen: okay still in the first trimester I see. How is work?
Me: it's fine ma and you?
Queen: what work when I am a housewive and work to satisfy
my man in bed only
****Nhlaka chocked on his drink and I just giggled obivously
shocked by what she said. The king shook his head in a huge
Queen: Thando is somewhere in the house alone. Shame hey
she's alone since Mthoko and the Young ones left
****well Zanele and Zinhle moved out and they live with their
husband's, so toto is just the only kid in the house and she
probably gets bored****
Me: let me go see her
****I went to the playroom and she was having a tea party with
her toys. I took her a picture then went to play with her. She
literally screamed and jumped on me.****
Toto: mama!
Me: hello baby
Toto: I missed you
Me: I missed you too baby
Toto: take me with you
Me: I will talk to daddy okay
****she nodded. We played with her dolls then packed them
when we were hungry. I had pap, chakalaka and meat. We took
a walk outside the palace with 2 guards guarding us of course
then went back home when we got tired of walking. The rents
went to Khethiwe's house for dinner so I guess it was just
Nhlaka, Toto and I. The palace was quiet and felt empty without
Mthoko and the other people. Toto prayed for the food then we
dug in. After eating we watched a movie, frozen to be specific
then Nhlaka took Toto to bed when she passed out on the
couch. I also went to sleep. I felt him join me soon afterwards.*
2 months later
****I woke up just 2 hours ago and I feel so tired. In the past 2
months I have done my learners and also hit my driver's license.
My car has been here grabbing dust, but not everyday because
sometimes Nhlaka would use it when he went to work. He
bought me and Audi A5. I mean it's big and nice for a first car.
My family still doesn't know. My other family neh... I went to
the states with Nathi and Nhlaka. They allowed for me to bury
him then boom the family lawyer asks me to stay along when
he will be reading the will. I found that he gave his SA house to
me, his company and R500 000 to me. He gave Natasha and
Nathan same things but in the states. I liked that he shared his
assets fairly among his children. His wife Zoey got the house
they lived in only and everything in it including the cars only.
She was mad that I got the SA businesses. Well the first one is a
restaurant and the other one is a company which manufactures
electrical appliances..... I think I should ask Nathi to be the CEO
of the company because he knows and does inventions so I
guess electrical applainces won't be a train smash.
I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed how my body has
changed. I have gained a little weight and my stomach has
gotten a bit harder. I don't know if this is weight gain or what.
The vomiting has stopped. I have been too busy to go to the
doctor but I think I should go today to see what's wrong with
me. What if the vomiting led to this rapid weight gain? ****
Me: that's it I am going to the hospital
**** I said to myself then got dressed into a Jean and long
oversized t-shirt. Today was Friday and I'll be going to work later
on. I'll be at the mine and not at the office. I took my car keys,
phone and bag. I went downstairs and hit to the garage where I
started my baby. I got in and drove off to the hospital. I got
there and lucky for me the doctor had one patient then was
free. I was let in after 20 minutes of waiting.****
Me: morning doc
Doc: morning Miss Johnson. I am doctor Ramalepe
Me: nice to meet you
Doc: how nice if you're here
****I sighed. She laughed and let me sit on the bed.****
Me: I have been vomiting and experiencing nausea the past 2
months then it suddenly stopped but the nausea hasn't. I am
gaining weight and so I just came to see what's wrong with me.
Doc: hmmm what kind of Food have you been eating?
****I tell her basically everything she asks me even my daily
routine except for some personal information. She gives me a
small cup-like. I look at her***
Doc: go pee in it then bring it to me
Me: okay.
****I go pee in the small thingi then washed my hands after
that. I give it to her and then look around her office. I look
outside the window and she's busy with something. I stand and
think more of the companies and how I'm going to keep them
running. I hear the doctor call my name. I turn and she has a
smile on her face****
Doc: you like zoning out
Me: how long as it been
Doc: 15 minutes now
Me: wow. Sorry I didn't mean to
Doc: no need to apologise. I have tested you for pregnancy and
well, congratulations miss Johnson
Me: hmmm?
Doc: you are 13 weeks pregnant
Me: huh
****she nodded. I couldn't believe what she said. I looked at
her and her smile was just beautiful. I held my stomach and it
felt hard. She led me to a bed and let me lie on it.****
Doc: this will be cold okay
Me: hliii
****I said as I felt the cold gel on my stomach. She moved that
thing and there was a baby. I looked carefully at the screen and
saw the baby. She let me hear the heartbeat. I couldn't control
my tears. I am just 23 years old. I don't know if I am ready to be
a mother, I am not even married and my family would be
dissapointed. She wiped the cold gel and got me 3 copies of the
baby. I took them with and left. I paid through cellphone
banking and cried in my car. I was thinking how Nhlaka would
digest these news. What if he thinks I am trying to trap him.
When I was tired of crying I went home and called in sick at
work. I also submitted a doctor's note as proof then I slept.
Later on I felt someone shake me. I opened my eyes and it was
Nhlaka. He was wearing casual clothes, meaning he's back from
work and it might be around 5pm.****
Nhlaka: hey are you okay?
Me: hey
Nhlaka: did you go to work?
Me: no. I called in sick
Nhlaka: why?
Me: I wasn't feeling well and I went to the doctor and found out
Nhlaka: what is it?
Me: you need to sit down for this
****I sat up. He sat on the bed and looked at me waiting to
listen to what I am about to tell him***
Me: I found out that... That I am pregnant
****he looked at me and said nothing. I looked down and the
tears made their way again.****
Nhlaka: auw Dlamini, Jama Ka Sjadu, hauw hauw
****he was reciting his clan names while dancing and rejoycing.
He's happy, that's good that's really good.****
Nhlaka: so it was true. Damn thank you soo much baby
Me: what's true? You knew?
Nhlaka: not really. Ma once told me you're pregnant and so I
told her she was just seeing things
Me: ohh. Well we are going to be parents
Nhlaka: thank you baby. How far is the pregnancy?
Me: 13 weeks
Nhlaka: and how long is that?
Me: I don't really know
Nhlaka: I am marrying you wena soon soon
Me: do it after I give birth please
Nhlaka: I am paying lobola next week and we are having the
traditional wedding the week after that. The following one we
will rest then the last week of May we are getting married
Me: I am not getting married in winter
Nhlaka: okay then I pay lobola and we do the traditional
wedding only
Me: that's better
Nhlaka: I need to go to KZN and tell the family. Entlek let's go
Me: HAIIBO Nhlakanipho!
Nhlaka: you know what we are leaving now. Please pack for me
while I sort out the flights
**** Mxm where did I pick this guy from mara. I packed our bag
and then he came to tell me that our flight leaves in an hour.
We rushed to the airport with Nathi being our driver. We
arrived and got into the plane.****
Me: I'm hungry
****he called the hostess and asked for food. She came with it.
This isnt what I want but then it's food hey so yeah. I ate and
finished both plates. Nhlaka said he wasn't hungry. If happiness
is making him do such then he is crazy. We finally arrived in KZN
at King Shaka international Airport. He hired a driver and we
went to a hotel and slept there.
The following day we woke up and took a shower. We ate
breakfast then Nhlaka got us a cab to Empangeni. The Uber
driver was slow plus there was traffic so we arrived here later
than we thought. When we got there there were guards outside
as always. We got in and they took the bags in Nhlaka's hands,
well Wenzi did.****
Wenzi: hauw what brings you here in the middle of the year
Nhlaka: serious business
Wenzi: ohh
Nhlaka: where is Dlamini?
Wenzi: inside.
Nhlaka: sho
****he took the bags from him and then we got in. We went
straight to his room, put the bags on the bed then went back
downstairs. We went to the sitting room and found the queen
and king watching fast and furious. I mean imagine a whole king
watching that. They were surprised to see us. ****
King: Nhlakanipho and Miss Johnson
Me: sanibonani( greetings)
Queen: what brings you here?
Nhlaka: how are you ma? We are amazing thank you for asking
Queen: Mxm I'll slap you wena
King: sit down
*****I didn't even realise that I was still on my feet. I sat down
next to Nhlaka on a two seater couch.****
King: so??
Nhlaka: I want you to ask Malume Jabu to send a letter to the
Maluleke family.
King: Maluleke ?
Nhlaka: yes that's Sani's maternal family. Her partenal family
left for the states so the only family she has are the ones who
raised her.
Queen: so you are getting married to her
Nhlaka: yes ma. I love her and we are expecting
Queen: so she is really pregnant
Nhlaka: yes. You were right
Queen: of course I was. I am always right. I mean I have 5
children so I know a pregnant lady when I see one.
*****the king rolled his eyes. I almost laughed but then I just
smiled. *****
King: so you are going to pay damages and dowry?
Nhlaka: yes but only her aunt must know that the rest of the
money if for damages
King: what do you mean?
Nhlaka: I mean that if they ask for 60k give them 80k so that her
aunt knows that 20k is for damages
King: Nhlakanipho we are going to tell them that you didn't pull
out or use protection
****Nhlaka chuckled and his mom gave her husband a bad eye
and I just giggled****
King: be ready to pay boy.
Queen: this is a big step you are taking my children. But I hope
the ancestors and God helps you through your journey
Me: thank you ma
Queen: how far are you?
Me: 13 weeks
Queen: okay still in the first trimester I see. How is work?
Me: it's fine ma and you?
Queen: what work when I am a housewive and work to satisfy
my man in bed only
****Nhlaka chocked on his drink and I just giggled obivously
shocked by what she said. The king shook his head in a huge
Queen: Thando is somewhere in the house alone. Shame hey
she's alone since Mthoko and the Young ones left
****well Zanele and Zinhle moved out and they live with their
husband's, so toto is just the only kid in the house and she
probably gets bored****
Me: let me go see her
****I went to the playroom and she was having a tea party with
her toys. I took her a picture then went to play with her. She
literally screamed and jumped on me.****
Toto: mama!
Me: hello baby
Toto: I missed you
Me: I missed you too baby
Toto: take me with you
Me: I will talk to daddy okay
****she nodded. We played with her dolls then packed them
when we were hungry. I had pap, chakalaka and meat. We took
a walk outside the palace with 2 guards guarding us of course
then went back home when we got tired of walking. The rents
went to Khethiwe's house for dinner so I guess it was just
Nhlaka, Toto and I. The palace was quiet and felt empty without
Mthoko and the other people. Toto prayed for the food then we
dug in. After eating we watched a movie, frozen to be specific
then Nhlaka took Toto to bed when she passed out on the
couch. I also went to sleep. I felt him join me soon afterwards.*
***** I have told my family about the pregnancy and they had
received a letter from the Dlamini's and they accepted it
meaning today they are paying lobola for me. I was seated with
Tintswalo, Nkatkeo and Appreciate. I was wearing a Xitsonga
dress with different colors and white all star sbeakers with a
matching head wrap on top. The door opened and aunt Sharon
came in. It's been a while since we saw this one.****
Sharon: Sani they are calling you. Come
****I wore the blanket and went to the sitting room. I sat down
on the floor. Uncle Godson asked me if I knew the people. I took
a sneak peek and saw Nhlaka's father. I nodded my head then I
was told to leave. I walked back to the room with the help of
Sharon. After a while ululations were heard, meaning the
negotiations went well. The door opened Silvia and other aunts
came in. They told me that I should respect my in laws, what
not to do and all that****
Aunt Tawanda: Sani now that you are a married woman you
must behave differently
Aunt Hazel: yes you must carry yourself with respect and dignity
because whatever you do out there, people will be looking at
the Dlamini household and ours. You've never disappointed us
and we hope that that doesn't change
Aunt Akani: yes baby and remember to always give your
husband sex no matter how tired you are. You must give it to
him on a silver platter or else....
****I kept nodding my head, even though some of the things
they said were just utter nonsense****
Silvia: go dish up for your husband then your in laws
Aunt Akani: remember to down on your knees
****I nodded. We all left the room. I dished up food for Nhlaka.
I went outside and looked for him using my eyes. I spotted him
under the biggest tree in the yard seated with his brothers and
Luhle, Thato's boyfriend. I went to them with the tray in my
hand. I kneeled down in front of him and gave him his food. The
huge smirk on his face was pissing me off because here I was on
my knees for him****
Nathi: hauw hauw makoti
Nhlaka: she could be kneeling for other reasons but since we're
here I'll let it slide
****I chuckled and his brothers laughed. I stood up and got the
others their food followed by Nkatkeo. Then we went to serve
the king and queen with the aunts and uncles. After that I
dished up my own food and sat next to my husband. Hmmmm
the sound of that.****
Nhlaka: umuhle mama(you're beautiful)
Me: thank you
Nathi: auw Mrs Dlamini
Me: yes sir
****everyone laughed. Tswalo and Muzi kept stealing glances
at one another. The wives joined us and now it was tense
between Tswalo and Muzi****
Nhlaka: do you need anything baby
Me: no thank you.
****I gathered their plates and took them to the stoep where
they will be washed. Tswalo and I got a dish of drinks and went
around serving groups. We took the last one to the guys.****
Zah: this side is hot hey
Muzi: very.
****Tswalo kept looking AT Muzi and Zanele with a broken
Me: drinks are served.
Nhlaka: come let's go
Me: where to?
Nhlaka: I don't want them over working you, you are carrying a
Dlamini baby
Me: drama. Don't worry
****we were whispering at this moment. We didn't want
everyone to know that I'm expecting. So not even my friends
Nhlaka: thank goodness I am taking you home
Me: home where?
Nhlaka: Joburg for now. After the wedding during June holidays
you are expected to fullfil your wifely duties just for 2 weeks
Me: are you serious
Nhlaka: yes
Me: okay then.
Nkateko: mhani is calling you?
Me: okay
****I stood up and Tswalo followed behind me. Basically she
was my bodyguard for the day. We got into the room and I
found her done packing for me. She packed every little thing if
Me: thank you but you didn't have to
Silvia: are you sure?
****I know what she's talking about. She thinks it's early for me
to get married. I think I am ready plus I love Nhlaka so why
Silvia: you're still 23
Me: I'll be turning 24 in October mos
Silvia: yes but baby
Me: I'll be fine ma
Silvia: if they don't take care if you. Just come back home and I'll
accept you with warm arms okay
Me: yes ma. Thanks
Vutomi: I hope he doesn't take another wife
****I looked at her. The way she said it, she looked hurt by
what Treasure did to her***
Silvia: he mustn't. I'd kill him.
Vutomi: I would too
****I smiled at them. Aunt Silvia gave me my xibelani and told
me we had to dance outside. I took off my dress and wore a
white golf t-shirt with the xibelani and a tight underneath. I kept
the head wrap on. Vutomi, Tswalo, Nkatkeo, Shalati, Appreciate
and Salani were going to help me dance. We got out and
Xitsonga music was already playing. We danced. They opened
up a circle for me and that's when DJ Mfundhisi ft Salani Nilaku
Mama played. That song could make me dance anywhere. I
moved my waist and the xibelani moved. I moved my legs too
and just went with the flow, after a while the girls joined me
and well the whole crowd was cheering on and dancing. Nhlaka
had a huge smile when I danced for him****
Nkateko: tshina tshina ayyyyyyyyy!
****she kept us hyped up. I danced till I got tired. The next
song sho madjozi's kona played. We also danced to it. After
dancing, Mxm what am I saying once you start its hard to stop. I
drank water and danced again. I felt tired then remembered
that I was pregnant. I stopped dancing and cheered the girls up
using a whistle. When we were tired we took pictures then
went inside and changed back into the clothes we were
wearing. They covered me in a blanket. We got outside followed
by my luggage. I said my Goodbyes to all my family members. I
went to the aunts and also hugged them goodbye.****
Aunt Akani: don't forget always give him the cookie. You must
even give him in the car
****I burst out of laughter and then hugged aunt Silvia who
was crying. I also cried then got into the car. The car took off.
Nhlaka took off the blanket and smashed his lips on mine. I
pulled out and catched my breath. ****
Nhlaka: damn you tsonga girl
***I chuckled. He smiled and then copied the way we danced. I
laughed at him****
Me: Nhlaka stop
Nhlaka: damn you know how to shake your ass damn!
Me: its not really shaking ass it's moving the hips
Nhlaka: well you're good baby. That Xibelani moved in a crazy
Me: thank you baby
Nhlaka: why am I seeing you in it now
Me: I don't know hey
Nhlaka: but then you didn't hurt my baby right
Me: no I didn't
Nhlaka: that's great
Me: how much did you pay
Nhlaka: no I am not telling you that
Me: mara
Nhlaka: almost a million for you baby
Me: such a lot of money
Nhlaka: yes I had to thank the Maluleke ancestors and your
aunts for raising such a wonderful woman for me
****I blushed. He kissed my forehead. I layed my head on his
shoulder then slept*****
*****she is mine. She's traditionally Mrs Nhlakanipho Dlamini.
Damn she looks cuter when asleep. I literally went crazy when
she danced in the Xibelani. I swear this Tsonga culture is nice. 6
hours passed by and we were home now. Everyone went to the
house..... remember the house where my brothers and I used to
live in, well we didn't sell it, we just bought ouylrselves knew
places. So now the whole family went to it. I carried Sani in my
arms and went straight to the room that used to be mine. I
layed her on the bed and went out to get our luggage. I took it
to my room and she was awake.****
Me: hello sleepy head
Sani: hi what time is it?
Me: uhmm it's 23:30
Sani: I'm hungry
Me: okay let's go get you guys fed
****we went downstairs and she made herself food. I sat on
the bar stool and watched her make herself food. She sat down
and ate.****
Me: Mrs Dlamini
Sani: are you ever going to stop saying that?
Me: no. Anyway you are expected to wake up early and prepare
breakfast for the whole family
Sani: ohh okay. Me: don't worry I'll help you
Sani: thanks
Me: of course baby
****she finished eating. We went back upstairs and slept. She
set an alarm for 06:00. It was now 00:20.****
Me: Goodnight baby
Sani: goodnight
*****I closed my eyes and I dozed off just like that.***
*****the arlam rang. I quickly switched it off making sure not
to wake up Nhlaka. I went to the bathroom and washed my
face, I also brushed my teeth and changed into a long dress that
covers my shoulders and a head wrap. I wore my slippers and
then went downstairs. I got to the kitchen and opened the
cupboards. There wasn't any food and I am expected to make
breakfast. I just cleaned downstairs. By 7:50 I was done. I went
to the room and took Nhlaka's car keys and drove to the nearest
shop. I bought eggs, tomatoes, cheese, flour and all ingredients
needed for baking. I also bought bread, milk, sugar....
Actually I bought groceries. After that I went back home and
started on breakfast. By 09:00 I had put the cup cake dough in
the oven. At 10:00 when everyone woke up I was done. They
woke up late, but I am not surprised. We had a long day
yesterday. The wives got in and greeted me.****
Zah: what can we help with?
Me: I'm done, but thanks for the offer
Zah: ohh I see
Zee: Hayi I'm still tired yho
Ma: Bo makoti
Us: morning ma
Ma: hmm it smells great here. Can we eat already
****she said and left. Zee and Zah helped me carry the food to
the table and set it up. After that the whole family came
downstairs except for my husband. I went upstairs to go call him
and we both opened the door at the same time****
Nhlaka: MaDlamini
Me: Dlamini
Nhlaka: why didn't you wake me up
Me: you were sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to disturb
Nhlaka: Aii okay.
****we got downstairs and sat down****
Baba: where does all this food come from
Me: I bought it
Ma: when
Me: not so long ago
Nhlaka: you mean you drove out alone
Me: yes
Nhlaka: why didn't you wake me up
Me: I didn't want to disturb anyone.
****he gave me one disapproving look and died in****
Ma: Makoti thank you for breakfast. You it shows that Nhlaka
married the right woman. Look she even went out just to get us
Nkazi: is it me or she also cleaned?
****everyone looked around. Nhlaka raised an eyebrow at me.
I just smiled and continued chewing. After I swallowed I said my
thank yous****
Baba: your cakes are nice makoti
Me: thank you baba
Ma: Manqoba!
Baba: not nicer than yours hauw. You are the best wena
****everyone laughed. Ma blushed.****
Muzi: I am going to take a second wife
**** everyone shot their eyes at him. Zanele looked like she's
seen a ghost.****
Ma: ini! (what!)
Baba: you didn't have to ruin this moment yazi
Nhlaka: Muzi yin mara(what is it?)
Muzi: sorry but I just had to say it.
Zah: Muzi uthini? (what are you saying?)
Muzi: Zanele I love you, but I also love her and I want to do
good by her.
Zah: Muzikayise don't test me!
Muzi: I am sorry
Zah: is she worth losing your marriage and kids
Muzi: losing? What the fuck do you mean. You are not leaving
me Zanele and not with my children
Zah: test me wena and bring that side chick of yours. You
undermine and disrespect me wena nx! Awungazi tuu! (you
don't know me!)
****she stood up and left. Everyone looked at Muzi.****
Muzi: sorry for ruining the moment. Sani the food was since
thank you sisi.
****he also stood up and left. Ma clapped her hand once and
shook her head. The rest of us just kept quiet. Zinhle and I
washed the dishes and cleared the table. I went upstairs to the
room and heard voices. I stood at the door and listened.****
Muzi: I love her
Nhlaka: do you think Tswalo would want to become a second
Muzi: she stayed along knowing very well that I was a married
man so she will. I don't have my favorites or whatsoever. I love
both of them and I want them to be in my life. I am tired of
sneaking around. 5 years is enough honestly. I need to make her
my wife.
Nhlaka: do that after I get married.
Muzi: In June I am paying lobola for her. I want her to be Mrs
Nhlaka: so you want 2 Mrs Me
Muzi: yes. Anyway what do you think if opening a branch here
in KZN?
Nhlaka: uhmm yeah I have been thinking of it. I will see man
****I opened the door. They both looked at me. I passed them
and went to the bathroom. I got into the bathtub after taking
off my clothes and let the water hit my skin. I soaked in it for 5
minutes then decided to start bathing. When I was done and
wrapped in the towel the door opened and Nhlaka came in. He
also took off his clothes.****
Nhlaka: please wash my back
Me: okay.
****he got in. I washed his back... ****
Nhlaka: Muzi apologised for ruining your moment
Me: it's okay. I am just worried about Zanele
Nhlaka: yeah hey. Please join me
Me: I just bathed
Nhlaka: you didn't lotion
Me: so?
Nhlaka: you can still come in
Me:in your dirty water, no thanks
Nhlaka: mxm
**** I lotioned, wore matching bra and panty. Then I wore a red
dress with a red head warp and a denim jacket. Today is Sunday
and I might as well go to church looking simple. I wore sandles
and waited for Nhlaka on the bed while I was on my phone
viewing people's posts and their statuses. Nkatkeo had sent me
pictures and videos of us dancing. I thanked her and told her to
tell Mhani Silvia that I'll call her later. Nhlaka came out and got
dressed. ****
Nhlaka: going somewhere?
Me: church
****knock knock. Nhlaka opened the door. It was his father. He
got out and closed the door. He came back 10 minutes after and
called me outside. I got out the room and went outside. I found
his parents, Zanele, Nkazi, Zee and Yezi outside. I said my
Goodbyes to all of them since they were going back to KZN,
except for Yezi who was going to Cape Town. After they left. I
took my bag that contained my stuff and Nhlaka drove me to
Nhlaka: what time will you be out?
Me: maybe 2...i'll call you
Nhlaka: cool cause there's something we need to do?
Me: which is?
Nhlaka: I need to punish you
Me: what for? What did I do?
Nhlaka: for not waking me up and asking me to take to the
Me: Haiibo mara
Nhlaka: and for that
***I kept quiet and looked outside the window. We got to
church. I got out the car and went inside. I sat at the 6th row
and listened to the sermon. Today mamfundisi was the one
preaching. Well it looked like woman's day because Phile was
the one welcoming the guests and giving us the verse of the
day. Neli, Sizwe's wife was the coordinator of the day. After the
wonderful sermon by mamfundisi. Neli came up to say a few
words then a song was sang. After that we all went outside, it
was now 13:30. I arrived late though***
Phile: Sani
Me: Mrs Ndaba
**** she blushed.***
Me: how are you?
Phile: I am good hey. You are glowing girl, why does it seem like
you're getting some
Me: well he gives it to me so good so....
**** we both laughed. Sphamandla came and greeted me****
Me: mfundisi
Spha: Mrs Dlamini
Phile: what?
Me: I am lobolad friend
Phile: what!
*****she screamed a little. She hugged me and I laughed at the
way she was acting****
Phile: you are married to him girl
Me: yes mam
Phile: I am soo happy for you damn girl!
Me: thank you bubu!
Phile: I guess you'll be rocking Ntando's lobola on Saturday
Me: this Saturday
Phile: yes
Me: I wasn't told
Phile: she's still going to tell you
Me: anyway I can't come. I have my membeso on saturday
Phile: damn!
Me: yeah
Phile: it's not nice when dates clash
Me: tell her to change the date to Sunday
Phile: lol her family has decided
Me: I know. It's okay if you guys can't come.
Phile: no I'll be there.
Me: thank you. Let me call Nhlaka
*****Phile left. I dialed my husband's number. He answered
Me: I'm done
Nhlaka: I'm on my way
Me: I'm hungry
Nhlaka: what should I get you?
Me: Mc Donald's with a 1.5 litre of Luiqi fruit
Nhlaka: okay baby. I'll see you then
Me: sure
Voice: I heard you're marrried now
*****I turned around and saw Sizwe. ****
Me: I am
Sizwe: I see. So you love him
Me: too much
Sizwe: Sani why are you doing this to me
Me: I don't like you
Sizwe: but I do
Me: you are Married
Sizwe: on paper
Me: she's still your wife, you have kids together
Sizwe: but it means nothing when I'm in love with you
Me: delete those feelings. I am a married woman
Sizwe: but there's no ring no change of surname
Me: I am still married as much as you are
Sizwe: Sani don't this to me. Please give me a chance
Me: thank goodness your wife is here
Neli: and then?
Sizwe: what?
Neli: what are you guys doing here together?
Sizwe: just talking
Neli: about?
Sizwe: Haii Nelisiwe
Neli: answer me
Sizwe: Nelisiwe please. I am not in the mood to fight
Neli: no one is fighting.
Sizwe: please go dish up
Neli: dish up? While you confess your stupid undying love to her
Sizwe: Siwe don't make me angry
Neli: I should be the angry one here. You've never seen me with
a guy doing things I am not supposed to be doing
Sizwe: we are just talking
*****my phone vibrated in my hand. It was Nhlaka. I looked
around with my eyes and saw him. I went to him and left these
two arguing. I got into the car and put on the seatbealt***
Nhlaka: are you okay?
Me: yes
Nhlaka: how was church?
Me: nice as always
Nhlaka: that's nice. Uhmm I figured that it would better we go
to Mc Donald's together so that you choose whatever you want
to have
Me: Yay! Thank you
Nhlaka: sure. Now kiss me
****the robot light turned red. I kissed his lips and even teased
him using my tongue. I pulled out then the robot went
Nhlaka: fuck!
Me: what is it?
Nhlaka: look what you made me do. And you're gonna pay for
Me: but I'm hungry
Nhlaka: I punish you first then you'll get your food
Me: are you really going to starve your child?
*****I asked giving him puppy dog eyes. ****
Nhlaka: Mxm. But after this I ripping your pussy
Me: I am pregnant don't forget
Nhlaka: I won't. But I'll still be ripping it apart
Me: okay.
****we got the Mc Donald's then ordered. I ordered a large Mc
feast meal and their nuggets. We ate while planning our
membeso and writing all the important stuff that need to be
bought. After eating we went home, and by home meaning at
the apartment. We got out. I went straight to the bedroom and
Mama: I am happy for you my baby
Me: thank you mama, am I making the right choice
Mama: you are old Khensani if it wasn't the right choice I
would've warned you
Me: yeah hey.
Mama: how are the boys treating you
Me: boys?
Mama: yes.
Me: they are fine
Mama: that's good. Remember Khensani I love you lot baby.
Respect your husband, be loyal and trust him okay. Don't be
afraid or worried, I along with the Dlamini ancestors will guide
Me: thank you mama. I love you too
*****she smiled and faded away.... *
Portia: Sani my baby
Sani: mama, two nights in a row what's wrong
Portia: I am just here to tell you to take care of yourself, watch
over yourself and your boys and your life are in danger.
Me: what should I do mama
Portia: watch over yourself. Don't just trust anybody. Ntiso will
be there for you as much as your husband.
Me: who's Ntiso mama?
*****Portia faded away. Sani called for her, she didn't come
In the morning she woke up and found Nhlaka looking at him.
She perked his lips and he smiled*****
Nhlaka: morning maDlamini
Sani: morning
Nhlaka: I've been thinking
Sani: and?
Nhlaka: and I think that Thando must come live with us
Sani: Toto?
Nhlaka: yes. I mean it's not fair that she lives with old people
while her parents are out here somewhere
Sani: hmmm
Nhlaka: is that a yes?
Sani: yeah it's fine.
Nhlaka: great. I'll find her a school, then she'll come after the
Sani: sure. What do you want for breakfast?
Nhlaka: you
Sani: I'm serious
Nhlaka: I am too
Sani: Mxm. I want weetbix
Nhlaka: okay I want anything
Sani: sure
****she got out of the bed and went to the bathroom where
she brushed her teeth and washed her face. She went
downstairs in her silky night dress and went to the kicten to
prepare breakfast. Nhlaka came in when she was done. She
made weetbix for the both of them. ****
Nhlaka: are you going to work today
Sani: yep I have to be at the mine. Last week I didn't go so this
week I'll be there today and tomorrow.
Nhlaka: okay. Thank you for breakfast mama. Let me go bath
Sani: wait for me
****after eating she got to the room. Nhlaka had already
chosen her an outfit for the day. She got to the bathroom and
stripped naked. She got inside the bathtub where she and her
husband had an innocent bath. They got dried up and Nhlaka
washed the bathtub. They got lotion and wore their clothes.
Nhlaka wore a Grey suit with a black shirt and black shoes,
while Sani wore a black power suit with a black blouse and
black heels. They both looked amazing. Sani tied her hair into a
bun. They put on their perfume and took their work bags then
went downstairs. *****
Nhlaka: I am taking you to work
Sani: okay then
Nhlaka: after you madam
****he said, Sani walked out the house and stood outside while
Nhlaka locked from the inside. The garage door opened and a
Blue BMW pulled out. Nhlaka got out and opened the door for
his queen. She got in and put on her seatbealt. Nhlaka also got
in and drove out. As always the radio was on and they were
both listening to it since the news were playing.****
Nhlaka: Hayi man fusek!
***he shouted at the taxi driver who drove when the robot had
turned red and Nhlaka's way was green. The driver stopped the
car, Nhlaka also stopped it. ****
Sani: Dlamini myeke! (leave him alone)
Nhlaka: ye wena fusek! Did you buy your license
Taxi driver: fusek wena
***Sani got out and went to where the driver and Sani were.
She paused and got the shock of her life. The driver and Nhlaka
were still swearing at each other and their cars caused traffic.
The taxi passengers were complaining. ****
Sani: Nhlaka!
*** Nhlaka turned around after taking pictures of the taxi
number plate and the taxi license. The driver also looked at the
Sani and got the shock of his life. ****
Nhlaka: what's wrong is the baby okay?
Sani: let's go
Tazi driver: sisi why Ufana negani yam (why do you look like my
Nhlaka: wait? Why nina ni fana? ( why are you two alike?)
****he asked as confusion took over their faces. ****
Taxi passengers: driver si ba late phela
Taxi driver: CAN I have your number so we can talk
Sani: are you thinking what I am thinking?
Taxi driver: I think I am. Let me take your number
****he took out his phone and Sani called out her number.
After that the taxi driver got into his siyaya and drove off.
Nhlaka and Sani got into their car and drove off in silence****
Nhlaka: are you okay?
Sani: why does he look like me exactly there's no filter, the only
difference is that I am a female and he's a male
Nhlaka: you think he could be your brother
Sani: Twin brother
Nhlaka: twin?
Sani: my mother only had one child, well one pregnancy I mean
so this could mean that he's my twin
Nhlaka: do DNA tests first just to be sure.
Sani: yeah
Nhlaka: anyway you have a disrespectful brother
**** Sani huffed out a laugh. They arrived at Phadima Diamond
offices. Nhlaka got out and opened her door. She got out and
fixed her attire. He kissed her and got back in. She got in and
passed by reception greeting her and then went up to her
office. She was still a minor Geologist so she had no P.A. She put
her bags on the table and sat on her chair in her mini
Palesa: hey girl
Sani: hey
Palesa: I saw you come out of a BMW is that your man
Sani: yeah
Palesa: damn girl he's amazing
Sani: I know
Palesa: ohh. So where did you get him from? Is he rich? If he is
can you hook me up with his friends?
Sani: 1 I didn't get him. He approached me. 2 he's not yet there.
3 he doesn't have friends. 4 I am trying to start with work
please leave
Palesa: yho okay. I was just trying to make a friend. You don't
associate yourself with anyone in the company and do I was just
hoping that you would like a friend
Sani: thanks but I don't need or want a friend. If I did I would've
made friends the first week I started work. So no thanks
*****Palesa turned and left. She clicked her tongue thinking of
how mean Sani was to her. Sani worked out some paper work in
the office then called Nhlaka around lunch time****
Nhlaka: maDlamini
Sani: baba
Nhlaka: hmm haii haii ya bona manje( you see now)
Sani: what?
Nhlaka: you're making me horny
Sani: yho haii Nhlaka. I need you to take me to the mine site
since you didn't let me take my car.
Nhlaka: now or?
Sani: come now so that we can have lunch. I am hungry
Nhlaka: okay. I'll be there in 30 max
Sani: sure
****Sani finished up with the paper work and her weekly
report since tomorrow after working from the site she needs to
go home to Limpopo and prepare for the membeso. Knock
knock. She looked at her door and her husband stood there
holding a box of chocolates. Sani smiled and stood up to give
him a hug. They kissed and then left for Wimpy. They ordered
and ate their food****
Nhlaka: baby I am thinking of opening another branch in KZN
next year
Sani: that's good baby. I think that's a great idea. Do you have
enough funds for it
Nhlaka: yes. I am talking of millions my love
Me: how much are we talking about?
Nhlaka: 30 maybe
Sani: that's a lot Nhlakanipho.
Nhlaka: yes my love. So I am opening a branch in KZN and in
Cape town the year after that
Sani: that's good
Nhlaka: then we buy a house in..... actually we should do house
Sani: when?
Nhlaka: anytime baby. So did your rude brother of a taxi driver
Sani: no. But I think he will
Nhlaka: are you done?
Sani: yes
*****Nhlaka settled the bill. They left and played gospel songs
in the car. They specifically played spirit of praise songs. They
arrived at the site and Sani got out. As soon as she entered she
was given a helmet and an overall. She only wore that orange
and green thing..... See the one that looks like the traffic polices
uniform? Yeah that. Mind you she was still wearing her
Voice: miss Johnson
****she turned around and saw one of the miners Thabo
looking soo happy and dirty. He was followed by many more
Sani: yes Thabo
Thabo: look what I've found.
Sani: what?
Thabo: a very huge diamond
****Sani took it and looked at it from an angle. It was yet the
biggest diamond they have ever got at the mine. She went to
the boss's office at the site and told her. She was soo happy. She
also took a look at it and saw that it was a massive rock.*****
Mrs Gobbler: this is huge
Sani: I know right
Mrs Gobbler: take this where it's supposed to be. Never lose it
****she said to security. The miners were so happy. ****
Mrs Gobler: this means that the mine is going to get a lot of
money. Thank you guys for doing a great job. I promise to
reward you
****the miners looked so happy. They danced and cheered
Mrs Gobler: everyone can go home now. You'll come back
tomorrow and work half day. We will spend the rest of the day
*****the miners got crazy and continued with their singing. She
went to her office and tried to find out what kind of diamond
did we get and how much they can get from it. This diamond
really costs millions. It could get them R150 000 000. Imagine
soo much money. After working and checking the soil and
checking where the miners were mining, she took her bags and
called Nhlaka. This thing of calling him is boring me honestly
she thought to herself. He didn't answer his phone. She called
his office's phone and his P.A answered****
P.A: Vusimuzi properties, Mr Dlamini's personal assistant how
may I assist you
Sani: good day. Is Mr Dlamini in?
P.A: yes but he's in a meeting now, can I take a message
Sani: ohh okay tell him that Sani went home.
P.A: uhmm is that sll mam
Sani: yes
P.A: and who's Sani?
Sani: he will. Just make sure you tell him.
P.A: okay ma'am. Thank you
****Sani dropped the call and then requested for an Uber. The
ride came. She got in and got a phone call. It was a private
number, she answered it****
Sani: hello
Person: hey it's Yandisa, the taxi driver
Sani: ohh hey Yanda
Yanda: are you free?
Sani: yes I am
Yanda: can we talk?
Sani: sure. I will send you my adress
Yanda: sho
*****Sani sent him her address and informed Nhlaka about the
meet up with Yanda through a text. I changed into more
comfortable clothes. I wore a tight and Nhlaka's t-shirt. I heard
the estate security call me up.****
Sani: hauw Bee
Bee: hello Mam. Uhmm our phone isn't working and there's a
man in a polo GTI saying he's coming to you
Sani: name?
Bee: Yandisa
Sani: let him in
Bee: yes mam. He called another security using their brick
phones. 2 minutes later I saw a red polo GTI appear. He parked
outside the garage and got out. I swear he doesn't look like a
taxi driver.****
Yanda: hey uhmm
Sani: Sani, Khensani
Yanda: yes Sani
Sani: come in
****they got and sat down in the sitting room. Sani went to the
kitchen and got juice and glasses. She also got a already made
fruit salad and placed 3 dishing bowls with spoons in them. She
sat down****
Sani: help yourself
Yanda: thank you Sani. Uhmm you have a beautiful home
Sani: thank you
Yanda: I'd like to apologise for the encounter in the morning
Me: you must change your driving ways. I forgive you
Yanda: thank you sisi.
Me: so who are you and where are you from
Yanda: before we go to far I think we need to have DNA tests
Sani: I agree with you
Yanda: but anyway. I am Yandisa Simelane, 23 years of age. I am
a taxi owner and driver. I am a pastor's kid I guess. And you?
Me: I am Khensani Mal... Uhmm Johnson. I am 23 years old. I
am a geologist and my parents are both deceased.
Yanda: so if we're siblings you mean we are orphans.
Sani: yes. Let me tell you. I was born in Giyani and that's were I
am from. Mom died shortly after giving birth to me and dad had
left for the USA. So then I was raised by my aunts, Silvia and
Sharon but Silvia did most of the raising part while Sharon
treated me badly. When I was doing my first year, my father
Chris Johnson came and apologised. I accepted him into my life
and took his Surname. I lived with him here in Sa part time
while living at res. Then one day his wife started disliking me. I
think she was threatened that her husband included me in
almost everything. They had 2 children together, Natasha who
is 24 and Nathan who is 20 years old. One day Zoe, dad's wife
poured me with boiled water. I went to hospital and that was
the last time I heard from everyone. Only Natasha came to see
me and she only came once after that I never saw any of them
again. Till earlier this year, in February I heard about my father's
death. It is said that him and Zoe were in a fight which resulted
in Zoe stabbing him multiple times and then he died. So I went
to the states where they moved apparently a year after the
water incident. We buried him. Then the family lawyer asked
me to stay, I found out that I was given everything he owned in
South Africa. And so that's it
Yanda: damn. So I basically grew up in the Simelane's home. I
grew up in Pinetown in KZN. I remember my mother mention
that I was born in Giyani. Well she wasn't telling me. I heard her
argue with my father and so yeah... My mother Yolanda is half
coloured and my father is a black man. Well all my siblings look
like my father and I look like nobody. I brushed it off since my
mom was half coloured, but now, now Sani. Now that I am
seeing you and we look exactly the same means you might be
my twin sister.
Sani: you mentioned that I look like your child
Yanda: yes. I had a child when I was in grade 12. I impregnated
my girlfriend Amahle and so we have a beautiful daughter
Esihle. She is 6 years old. I thought she looked like me but no
she looks like you. See?
*****he showed her a picture of Esihle. Sani cried as she saw a
photocopy of her. She nodded. The door opened and Nhlaka
walked in. He sat down. ****
Nhlaka: hello Yandisa Simelane, son of a pastor and a nurse
Yanda: hello uhmm....why do you know so much about me
Nhlaka: I Google every soul that enters my house and talks to
my wife especially you disrepectful piece of trash
Yanda: wife?
Nhlaka: yes wife
Yanda: uhmm sorry man for what happened earlier on
Nhlaka: Mxm. Drive like a normal person.
****he dished up the fruit salad for himself. The other two also
remembered and dished it up too.****
Sani: Dlamini look
*****she said handing Nhlaka Yanda's phone. Nhlaka looked at
the little girl and back at Sani. He looked at Yanda***
Nhlaka: your daughter?
Yanda: yes
Nhlaka: damn! Why is she a younger version of my wife?
Yanda: I guess Sani and I are really twins. I don't even think a
DNA test is needed.
Sani: but we must just make it.
Yanda: thank you for allowing to meet me and for welcoming
me in your beautiful home.
Sani: my pleasure
Yanda: so since you're married where's the ring?
Sani: ohh. I don't know hey but he paid lobola and Saturday is
my membeso. You should come so that you meet the family
Yanda: don't you think it's too early for that
Sani: uhmm okay but you must come
Yanda: I will. Can I bring Esihle and Amahle?
Sani: of course
Nhlaka: Eshile Amahle?
Yanda: my girlfriend and daughter
Nhlaka: ohh okay. And as for the ring it will be on her finger
before you notice
Yanda: hmm. Anyway thanks again. I'll take your leave
Sani: travel safely
Yanda: hug?
Nhlaka: who's woman?
Yanda: my sister
Nhlaka: Mxm.
****he went upstairs to change. The two hugged and then Sani
led Yanda to the door. ******
Yanda: you are pregnant right
Sani: yes how did you know?
Yanda:I don't know. I could just feel it. Goodbye Sani
Sani: bye Yanda
*****he drove off and Sani went inside. She finished eating the
fruits while thinking about the whole situation. Nhlaka joined
her. Later on she had told Nhlaka about what Yanda had told
her. They had dinner prepared by Nhlaka then went to sleep.
Portia: I see you've found him
Sani: yes mama. We look the same
Portia: of course baby. Take care of yourselves
*****she disappeared like she always does*
*****Yandisa Simelane. That's his name, but his real name is
Ntiso Maluleke or Johnson I guess since our father is a black
American. He is very handsome I must say. I dialed aunt Silvia's
number, she answered on the fifth ring****
Silvia: Sani my baby
Me: hello ma. Uhmm I have something important to tell you
Silvia: yes?
Me: I think I've found my twin
Silvia: what twin
Me: mhani mom was pregnant with twins and well the other
one was stolen from her in the hospital
Silvia: ohh yes I remember. Sani ohh my word!!
****she started crying. I cried too.*****
Me: he looks like me
Silvia: it's a boy?
Me: yes. How did he get stolen
Silvia: we think the nurse did that
Me: did dad know that there was another one?
Silvia: no baby. He knew about you only
Me: ohh okay
Silvia: where did you see him
Me: Nhlaka and I were on our way to work so they almost had
an accident. He was the driver of the taxi, then later on he came
to my house then we talked. He even showed me his daughter
and ma, I look like her exactly.****
Silvia: ohh yes baby God will never fail us. What's his name?
Me: Yandisa Simelane
Silvia: so he's Zulu
Me: yes. He even has a girlfriend and a child
Silvia: is he coming to the membeso or you think it's too early
Me: he'll be coming but I will not introduce him to you guys
because it's still early. So I thought I should tell you
Silvia: ohh okay. What time will you be here?
Me: expect me around 2pm
Silvia: okay.
Me: bye
Silvia: bye
****I dropped the call. I felt someone kiss my shoulder, I turned
around and kissed his lips.****
Me: good morning
Nhlaka: good morning my love
Me: how are you?
Nhlaka: happy
Me: that's nice baby
Nhlaka: how are you?
Me: happy, glad that I finally found my twin
Nhlaka: you knew you had a twin?
Me: not really. My mother visits me in my dreams sometimes,
so years back she asked me to look for my brother and so I
haven't seen him, so now I finally found him
Nhlaka: ohh I see baby.
Me: yep. Let's bath I need to go to the mine
Nhlaka: yeah I need to meet my family and discuss a few things
Me: sure
*****we went into the shower and had an innocent shower.
We got loitioned then I hit dressed in a Jean and a black top and
sneakers. Just a casual friday. I took my bag and went
downstairs. I had breakfast then drove to work. I arrived at the
site and went to my office.****
Mrs Gobbler: morning miss Johnson
Me: morning
Mrs Gobbler: what are you doing here, I thought you said that
you're getting married
Me: well I am finishing this week's work and it's not really a
wedding ceremony but a gifting ceremony between the two
Mrs Gobbler: ohh I see
Me: the wedding is next week in KZN. You are invited
Mrs Gobbler: I will definitely come
****I gave her a warm smile. She left. I continued working until
it was 11pm. I stood up and told Mrs Gobbler's P.A that I left
since Mrs Gobbler was in meeting. I hot to my car, put on my
seat belt and drove off home. I got there and took things I'd
need then went to Tswalo's apartment. Yep she has an
apartment, well Muzi bought it for her since his wife moved this
side permanently. So I got there and she was ready.****
Me: hey baby
Tswalo: Sani
Me: how are you?
Tswalo: good and you?
Me: I'm fantastic, but I'm hungry
Tswalo: sit down and join me
Me: thank you
****I sat down and we ate.****
Tswalo: so how does it feel getting married to him
Me: it's amazing. I really love him
Tswalo: and what about the child?
Me: we are going to live with her when school opens for term 3
Tswalo: ohh. Will you be able to live with another woman's kid
Me: yes. She's sweet, adorable and a very cute child. Her
mother isn't alive so there won't be any baby mama drama
Tswalo: ohh okay I see
Me: and you, what's up with you and Muzi?
Tswalo: he told me he wants to make me his second wife
Me: do you want to?
****I asked because Muzi seems happy with his wife when they
are together and he really loves her.****
Tswalo: I love the man Sani. I'd agree even if he had more wives
Me: what if after you, 2 years later he decides to take another
Tswalo: what can I say Sani. I live him. Yes he'd be crazy and
crossing the line but I am never leaving him
Me: okay I see girl. Can we go
****I asked throwing the paperbags into the bin. She agreed. I
took her small luggage bag and put it in the boot. We still had to
fetch Thato because Luhle, her man will be coming on Saturday
with Nhlaka and his family. We got to Luhle's apartment and my
husband's car was there. Tswalo and I got out, we knocked,
Thato opened the door. We hugged then she let us in. She went
upstairs and we went to the sitting room and found Nhlaka,
Nathi, Nandi, Luhle, Yezi and a girl I don't know having drinks.
They looked at us the moment we walked in****
Nhlaka: wifey
Nandi: Mrs Dlamini
Me: husbee. Future Mrs Dlamini
****Nandi laughed.****
Luhle: Sani and Mrs Muzi
****I greeted him back, Tswalo just smiled at him. I went to
Nhlaka and sat on his lap. He looked at me. I planted a wet kiss
in his lips. Someone threw a cushion on us. We stopped and
everyone else was laughing****
Nathi: fusek nina
Nhlaka: haii wena. I last saw her on the morning hauw
Thato: let's go
Luhle: Thato can we talk
Thato: okay.
****the two disappeared.****
Yezi: uhmm Sunny this is my girl Olothando Gongela
Me: ohh hey Olo. I am Khensani
Olo: nice meeting the beautiful bride
****I smiled at her. I kissed my man once again then felt his
erection. I stopped. He looked at me***
Me: sorry
Nhlaka: it's fine. On Sunday I'll be ripping it off
****he said for my ears. I blushed and had a sip of his juice.
Tswalo just sat there on her phone****
Tswalo: so what do you do Olo?
Olo: I am a chef
Nandi: ohh yesss ma'am!
Yezi: her food guys Mxm!!
****we chuckled and well the girl blushed. Suddenly we heard
people moaning and Thato screaming Luhle's name****
Nhlaka: damn are they really fucking
Nathi: yes
****we talked a bit more then they came by. They smelled a bit
more fresh.****
Tswalo: really guys
Luhle: sorry but when am I going to eat again.
Me: sies
***they all laughed. We took That's luggage and left. I was on
the wheel****
Me: Thato mara you just had to waste our 30 mins
Thato: sorry girls but I'm addicted
Me: sies
Tswalo: Mxm dobt say that Sani. You also love Nhlaka's dick
Me: don't talk about my man's dick please you know nothing
Thato: hmmm
****we laughed. I played some piano songs. Thato took opened
her little cooler box and took out bottles of Savanah and brutal
fruit. She gave one to Tswalo then another one to me.****
Me: I am driving guys
Tswalo: okay madam
Me: so does this mean I'll be driving all the way
Thato: yes ma'am.
Me: Thato but
Thato: okay okay i'll have one bottle
Me: thanks
****if they knew how tired and sleepy I get they wouldn't fully
trust me to be on the wheel. We got to the sign saying Giyani
and damn we still had many more kilometers to go. Thato took
the wheel and I went at the back. I got on my phone and
chatted to whoever that was online. Then when I was sure that
Thato isn't going to kill us I slept. I felt someone shake me****
Me: hmmm
Tswalo: some Yanda guy is calling
Me: bring it
****I woke up and took it from her. I put the phone on my
Me: hello
Yanda: hey sisi
Me: how are you?
Yanda: Ahh well not really okay. I confronted my parents and
well my mother confirmed that she stole me. My dad got crazy
and left the house. My siblings were disappointed at my mom.
Me: damn. I'm sorry hey. I told my aunt about you and she's
going to be happy to meet you
Yanda: I thought we said it's early for meet ups
Me: it's just her
Yanda: okay. But people might see our resemblence
Me: true
Yanda: sounds like you're in the car..... On your way to Giyani
Me: yes.
Yanda: okay let me not disturb you, drive safely
Me: I'm not the one driving
Yanda: okay then. So what time does the ceremony start at
Me: be there at 10am
Yanda: okay. Let me leave now. I'll book a BnB
Me: okay no problem
Yanda: bye sisi
Me: are you gonna call me sisi
Yanda: yes
****I chuckled then arboted the call. Tswalo gave me a look
taht says who's that****
Thato: Sunny girl are you already cheating
Me: no. Why would I do that.
Tswalo: then who were you talking to
Me: someone you'll meet soon enough
Tswalo: hmmm
Me: yeah.
Tswalo: turn left
*****I looked around and we were in Malamulele, our home
village. The gravel and bumpy road says it all. We passed by
Petros then drove a little more. Tswalo got off at her place. I
directed Thato to where I lived. The gate was wide open. There
was Muhluri, Vutomi, Joel, my relative and my uncle's cars.
Thato switched off the ignition and got out. She stretched her
body. It was 17:10. I also got out and took out our luggage in
the car. We got in and greeted. I went to my room and put the
luggage there.****
Tomi: hey makoti
Me: Mrs Emeka
****she smiled a little.****
Me: Tomi this is my friend Thato and Thato this is my
cousin/sister Vutomi
Thato: nice meeting you girl
Tomi: likewise. Where is Tintswalo?
Me: at her parents house
Tomi: okay. Are you guys hungry?
Me: Thato?
Thato: of course
****we went to the kitchen and got food.****
Aunt Akani: Sani Sani
Me: hey aunty. Uhmm this is my friend Thatohatsi
Thato: hello aunty
Aunt Akani: hope you girls are good.
Me: we are
Aunt Akani: so Sani did you take my advice
****I cleared my throat. I thought she was going to laugh but
no she was serious. I nodded my head and she smiled ****
Aunt Akani: Thato are you married?
Thato: no ma
Aunt Akani: do you have a man?
Thato: uhmm yes
Aunt Akani: good then I must give you this advice. Always give
your man some cake. Anywhere anytime, no matter how tired
you are satisfy your man or else he'll look for it somewhere else
Thato: yes ma I hear you
****aunt left. Thato burst out in laughter*****
Thato: damn I think I like her a lot
Me: yeah she's the cool aunt. Aunt Silvia is the mother aunt,
Aunt Hazel is the always do things this way typa aunt and aunt
Tawanda is the, well just normal I guess, then Sharon is the
devil aunt
Tomi: you know she's my mom right
Me: yeah. Sorry but you know it's true
Tomi: yeah. Whatever
Nkateko: Sani
Me: hey. Thato this is Nkateko and Teko this is Thatohatsi my
friend, and Thato this is Nkatkeo, Vutomi's little sister
Thato: ohh hey
Nkateko: hey. Anyway did you see your dress for tomorrow girl
Me: has it arrived?
Vutomi: it's in Silvia's room
Me: let's go
******we went to Silvia's room and I got to see my dress. It
was a beautiful mermaid tsonga dress, much more colourful
and prettier than the lobola dress. I tried it on and it fit me like
a glove. I took it off then we exited Silvia's room. I wonder
where she is. I haven't seen her anywhere around the house.
Later on, I ate again then went to my room. Silvia said I was not
to leave the room unless I am told so. I must have a follower
and someone to accompany me to the toilet. So then I just
stayed in my room. Nhlaka called just to check up on me and
say goodnight. After the short call of 40 seconds I went to
***** Aunt Hazel woke us up at 4am. Imagine 4am how can she
do that to me. So we did family rituals which weren't a lot then
by 7am we were done. We were seated in my room, well my
cousin's and friends were bathing, getting dressed some were
checking out my deco outside, which Vutomi planned. She
planned the memulo and she was dramatic enough to have a
tent, for who I don't know. The gifts were stacked up in aunt
Silvia's room with the list of names and who gets what. They
brought me food and I ate. I ended up eating Tswalo's food
because she said she ate at her home. After eating I decided to
go bath, and yes I had to have a follower with me, today my
follower was Nkateko. We got to the bathroom and she bathed.
I sat on the toilet seat and watched her bath.*****
Nkateko: Sani Sani makoti makoti makoti
Me: I am tired
Nkateko: you won't be tired till you see your man
****I blushed. She looked at me and laughed***
Nkateko: you love him neh
Me: a lot.
Nkateko: I see. Come on now
Me: sies in your dirty water, wash the tub man
*****she chuckled then washed the tub. I poured water and
then took off my clothes. I got in and let the water hit my skin. I
closed my eyes as it felt great to be in the bathtub. I opened my
eyes and saw Nkateko looking at me intensely.*****
Me: what
Nkateko: hmm
Me: why are you looking at me like that? You are making me
Nkateko: sorry. Sani are you pregnant
*****I looked at her and she was shocked. One thing about
Nkateko is that you see every emotion. ****
Me: don't tell anyone
Nkateko: Haaa you are really pregnant
Me: yes
*****at this point we were whispering. I took my body cloth
and applied soap on it then washed my body.*****
Nkateko: how long
Me: 3 months
Nkateko: does Silvia know
Me: why Silvia?
Nkateko: she's the only elder you trust. I also trust her more
than my mom
Me: when did you start growing up?
Nkateko: I don't know hey. So does she?
Me: yes she knows
Nkateko: your man and his family?
Me: they know
Nkateko: ohh okay. So aren't you scared
Me: no I feel happy to have someone growing inside me
Nkateko: hmmmm
Me: how did you know
Nkateko: I know Sani, I've lived with you for many years. I know
you have a tiny waist, flat stomach and huge curves and a big
ass. So seeing your stomach like that.....
Me: hmm I see
Nkateko: how did your man react?
Me: he was happy. He jumped up and down
Nkateko: thats good. When did you find out
Me: I kept having morning sickness, well I didn't know it was
morning sickness I kept thinking they maybe it was bile or
maybe it was food poisoning then one day I went to the doctor
then boom I am going to be a mother
Nkateko: so I am going to be an aunt again
Me: yes kiddo
Nkateko: you know I am 22 right
Me: you are still kiddo to me
****I said drying myself. She was loitioning. After that I washed
the bathtub and put on some lotion. I wore my gown and then
we got out and went to my room.****
Thato: Sani ke half 8 hape waitsi ( it's half past 8)
Me: okay okay
****I got dressed in my dress and shoes then aunt Tawanda the
queen of headwraps helped put mine on. The make up lady, did
my make up. I heard noises outside and people dancing. It was
almost 9 now. The aunts got in my room, crowding it, which
resulted in my friends and cousins leaving me alone for them to
talk to me. Then they left the room, my friends got in and made
sure I looked pretty.****
Tswalo: they are here
Me: serious
Tswalo: yes.
****I heard people singing and just noises. 10 minutes later I
was out the room. They sang for me and I walked around a little
bit, dancing too. Then the ceremony began. They started with
my family. They gave aunt Silvia, Muhluri, Vutomi, Nkateko,
uncle Godson and uncle Eliot blankets, hats and jackets. Then
they were next. Nhlaka's uncles and aunts were given blankets.
His parents and all his siblings were also included on the list.
Then last but not least. Nhlaka was to lay down on a mat. I took
a dish with a cloth and pretended to be washing his face as an
indication that I'll take care of him. Then I covered him in a
My cousins were waiting for that moment so that they could
beat him using tree branches. They hit me a little. He stood up
and ran. I laughed at him, everyone else also laughed. He came
back again. Now I was hungry. The gifts were taken away and
everyone was all over the place. I saw aunt Silvia talking to
Yanda outside the gate. I went up to them*****
Me: mhani!
Silvia: hmmm
*****they were both in tears. Amahle was comforting her man
and the little girl was.... Aii I don't know. I went to aunt Silvia
and hugged her. Then I hugged Yanda. Her girl looked so
shocked. I hugged her too then aunt Silvia left****
Me: hey
Amahle: you are beautiful
Me: thank you. You are beautiful too
Amahle: you look like the mother of my child
****I laughed and they also laughed.****
Me: hey brother
Yanda: hey sisi.
Amahle: ohh sorry where are my manners I am Amahle.
Me: don't worry sisi I know who you are. Where is my little
Amahle: she ran into the yard
Me: ohh okay. Thank you guys for coming
Nkateko: Sani your man is looking for you
Me: okay tell him I'm coming
Nkateko: who are you? Why do you guys look alike?
Me: Nkateko go in. I'll explain later
Nkateko: okay
Me: that's my cousin Nkateko.
Yanda: making it our cousin
Me: yes
****I chuckled and went inside. I went inside the house first
and got to Nkateko. ****
Nkateko: Sani who is that?
Me: I said I'll tell you hauw. Wena just make sure they get a 5
star treatment from you. They must get food, desert and drinks.
Nkateko: okay
Me: good. Where is he?
Nkateko: last saw him with his brothers
Me: okay
****I went into the tent and there he was, talking to his
brothers. He shot his eyes at me and came near me. He held my
arm and walked me to the front where no one could see us
from the outside. His brothers got out and closed the tent.****
Nhlaka: where were you?
Me: hello to you to
Nhlaka: HI. Where were you?
Me: outside welcoming Yanda
Nhlaka: ohh he's here
Me: yes
Nhlaka: okay. You look very beautiful my wife, but you'd look
even more beautiful in your Zulu attire
Me: yes and I need to get dressed
Nhlaka: hmm wait a minute sisi
Me: Nhlaka mara
****he attacked me with a kiss. Hmmmm, I moaned. He shoved
his tongue and made me wet. I pulled out and ran to the
entrance of the tent****
Nhlaka: this is not over, I'll get you
****I stuck out my tongue at him and then got out, hurrying
inside the house. I got there and took off my clothes. Nhlaka's
mother, aunt Khethiwe, aunt Fikile and aunt Samkele came in
the room****
Fikile: hauw makoti
Khethiwe: umuhle yho( you are beautiful)
Me: Ngiyabonga (thank you)
Samke: we brought you your Zulu attire. We will only dress you
up, when you get to the palace we will give you the family rules
and instructions
****I nodded my head. Nhlaka's mother was rather quiet. The
aunts gave me a beautiful yellow dress with leopard prints and
beads. I got dressed then they put on the hat on my head. They
pinned a few R200 notes on the hat.****
Samke: Dlamini! Jama ka Sjadu! Lililili!
*****I just smiled to myself. We got out the room singing. I was
also given the beaded spear. I was to dance for my husband
now. I danced for him and well I tried. He also danced and
damn he was good. He sat down next to me. He was wearing a
yellow t-shirt, with black pants and those zulu traditional
sandles. Ge sat on the chair and I sat on the grass mat next to
him. We watched as people danced. Then it was time to eat.
The tent was now useful I guess because the sun in Giyani is
very hot and well you cannot keep royalty under the sun.
People went in the tent, not everyone but the important guests
and family members only. I dished up for my husband and I and
then served him the food. Vutomi had hired a catering company
but Giyani is Giyani, all the women from around came with their
3 legged pots and cooked for the community. I dont understand
why it's so full but then what can I say.****
Nhlaka: can this day be over already
Me: why
Nhlaka: I just want you in my arms. I want to Bury my head
between your thighs
*****I swallowed hard and looked at him. He also looked at me
and maintained a serious face. I took another spoonful of my
food and looked away from him. I felt his hand on my thigh.
Thank goodness this dress is too long for him to start brushing
my bare skin****
Nhlaka: why is your dress long?
Me: I don't know. You better ask your aunts
Nhlaka: mxm
****I saw Phile and her husband, Yanda who people were
giving stares seated on the same table. Thato, Nandi, Olothando
and Tswalo were also on the same table. On the other one I saw
the Dlamini brothers seated together with their wives.****
Me: desert?
Nhlaka: no
Me: okay. Drink?
Nhlaka: yes please
Me: okay
**** I asked Appreciate to get us drinks and desert for me. She
did that and I ate. Later on a vote of thanks speech was made
then people started dancing. Nhlaka and I moved from our
table to greet people. I went to my friend's table*****
Spha: Mrs Dlamini
Me: pastor and Mrs Ndaba. I'm glad you made it
Phile: of course ma'am
Olo: you are soo beautiful
Me: thank you
Nandi: sister wife
Me: sister wife
****shes been teasing me and calling me that because one day
some people got confused because of the twins. They saw me
with my man and saw her with Nathi and thought we are sister
wives. The twins were dressed in the same attire that day so I
wouldn't blame the poor people. *****
Me: are you guys okay?
Them: yes
Nhlaka: Ndaba and madam, MaKhumalo, Olo, Mrs Ncube to be,
another Mrs Dlamini to be and Yanda and madam
****he said going around the table greeting them one by one.
We went on to the next table greeting people and thanking
them for coming. Then when people started disappearing I
helped clear up then by 21:00 I took my belongings, left Thato
with my keys and left with Nhlaka. We got to the hotel and got
to his room. I took a quick shower in which he joined me in.
After the shower we went to bed as naked as we were. ******
1 week later
****Today is the couple's traditional wedding which is
happening in KZN at the palace. It is now 11 am and they had
just finished doing the family rituals. Sani was then welcomed
into the family and given all the rules. Nhlaka was also told how
to behave as a married man, what to do and what not to
Mandisa: her new name is Nomalanga
****they wrapped it up and then Sani got dressed in her
xibelani just to show the people where she's from. She's
supposed to dance around the yard but since it's too huge she'll
dance outside and in the front yard. She danced to the Xitsonga
songs then 20 minutes later she went back into the house to
change to her isizulu attire since she's a zulu bride. She wore
the full attire with beads decorating her even more. The royal
family had their leopard skins on them. The queen had two on
her, one was for Sani and the other was hers. Sani got out and
saw her husband in a full zulu attire. He also had he's leopard
skin on him. He approached Sani they danced and danced then
went into the yard. Into the huge tent they went in, they sat on
their chairs and drank water.****
Nhlaka: damn Sani
Sani: yes Dlamini
****Nhlaka was just mesmerized by the beauty of his wife in a
full zulu attire. She looked amazingly beautiful.****
Sipho: Sanibonani bakwa Dlamini(greetings)
*****the crowd cheered and greeted back****
Sipho: I am Siphokazi, the bride's friend and she chose me to be
the MC today. So can we start the ceremony with an opening
from the Dlamini representative.
****Jabu stood up and went near the mic****
Jabu: Sanibonani. Mina ngime lana phambi'kwenu ngingu
Jabulani umalume ka Nhlakanipho. Sithanda ukubonga sibakwa
Dlamini ukuthi nize lana uku ba nathi ngalolusuku lomendo ka
Nhlakanipho no Khensani. Ngicela sonke sijabule, sidle, sisuthe,
sidanse. Si yani amukela kwa Dlamini siyabonga! Dlamini!
(greetings. The one standing in front of you is Jabulani,
Nhlakanipho's uncle. As the Dlamini family we'd like to thank
you all for coming and being with us on Nhlakanipho and
Khensani's wedding. Can we all be happy, eat, be full and
dance. We welcome you at the palace thank you)
Everyone: Dlamini!
Sipho: siyabonga malume okwamanje sicela uAunti wakwa
makoti azothi fa fa kancane( thank you uncle. For now can we
have the bride's aunt so that she can say a few words)
*****a song was played and Aunt Akani came to the front. She
and Hazel are the only aunts that came to witness the
Akani: uhmm I'll speak English. I am Akani Maluleke, Khensani's
aunt. Khensani has been a very good girl growing up. She never
gave us problems and Sani that's how I want it to be. Don't give
your in-laws any problems my child. When you have problems
in your marriage don't tell your friends, talk to your God my
dear child. Don't even come to us because we might give you
the wrong advice.
****sani kept nodding her head. This was the first time aunt
Akani made sense to her****
Akani: Sani always submit to your husband no matter now tired
you are. I repeat for the 5th time, no matter how tired you are
keep him satisfied.
****too soon, Sani thought to herself. Nhlaka was
Akani: to you son. Please keep our daughter happy, don't hurt
her because if you do, we are going to have a huge fight
****Nhlaka nodded his head. Dj played a song.***
Sipho: thank you Aunty. Can we have the Aunty from the
groom's side. Dj!
****the dj played a song then aunt Fikile and Sankele came
Fikile: bekezela mntana muntu bekezela e mendweni... x2
****she sang for Sani. What the song basically says is that she
must be strong in her marriage.*****
Samke: umakoti ngowethu
People: siyavuma
Fikile: u ngowethu ngempela
People: siyavuma
Samke: uzosi washela usiphekele
People: siyavuma
Everyone: ohh siwelele siwelele siyavuma
*****they sang that one for her as well.*****
Fikile: Nhlakanipho ukethe kahle mfana, nakekela umfazi
wakho, Sani, qha au suyena u Sani. Igama lakhe ngu Nomalanga
( Nhlakanipho you chose well. Take care of your wife, Sani, no
no she's not Sani, her name is Nomalanga)
People: lililil ulululu
Fikile: Noma, uNhlaka aka buzwa ukuthi ubuyaphi, Noma ku
ngaba ebsuku kangkakanani. Kumele e buye endlini e fudumele
Hayi emfazini o ne scefe. ( you mustn't ask where he is from, no
matter how late it is. He must come home to a warm house and
not an annoying wife)
Samke: Dlamini! Jama ka Sjadu! Fakade! Ngxib'inyoba! Salothi!
Ondlebentle zombini! iziz elimnyama nekomo zalo!
****she said and everyone cheered on. The royals went crazy
and cheered on the most. She dressed Sani the leopard skin.
Everyone cheered on. After that the aunts went to sit
Sipho: Haiibo Haiibo hauw!!
*****he said dancing to the maskandi song. Everyone laughed
but he knew how to dance.****
Sipho: iskathi sa khona, iskathi ensithandayo sokudla (it's the
time,the time you like, eating time!)
****everyone laughed. The dj played a soft song.****
Sipho: sicela uNoluthando Dlamini asibongele ukudla
****she looked shocked. She stood up and everyone bowed to
her. She got to the mic where Sipho also bowed.****
Thando: uhmm ngiyazi ukuthi ngibizelwe uku bonga ukudla
kodwa ke Mina ke Ngicela uku halalisela ubhuti wami no
Nomalanga ngo suku lwabo oluhle . Nginifisela konke okuhle
emshadweni wenu. Nginithanda kakhulu (I know I was asked to
bless the food but I'd like to congratulate my brother and
Nomalanga on their beautiful day. I wish you nothing but the
best on your marriage.)
Sipho: thandaza keh (then pray)
****everyone laughed. Thando blessed the food then went to
Sipho: okay keh. This is how it will work. Abangekho e tendeni
bazo thola ukudla le (the ones who are not in the tent will dish
up there)
****he said pointing at the food station a bit far from the
Sipho: bese keh Nina e ni lana so zo sebenza kanje. Ku zo qala
uNhlaka no Noma, bese ku landele bakwa Dlamini, bese Bakwa
Maluleke, bese keh Nina abanye se no nga landela. Siyezwana!
(then you guys in here this is how we'll work. Noma and Nhlaka
will start, followed by the Dlaminis, then the Maluleke's then
the rest can follow after them. Are we clear!)
Everyone: yebo! (yes!)
Sipho: dankoooo Dj!
****the dj Played platform 1 songs. The elders went crazy and
started singing. Sani stood up and dished up for herself and her
husband. She gave him his food then sat down. They both
Nhlaka: are you tired already
Sani: yho beyond measure. This pregnancy is making me tired
Nhlaka: hold on baby.
Sani: yeah yeah.
Nhlaka: look at you MaDlamini
Sani: Dlamini
Nhlaka: haii no shame I made the right choice lana
Sani: Haaa lol
Nhlaka: so you heard your aunt's advice right
Sani: yes I did. She said you must treat me well
Nhlaka: haii not that part
Sani: Mxm tsek
Nhlaka: hmmm I'm adding on to your punishment
Sani: Haiibo which one?
Nhlaka: still remember after we paid lobola for you and you
cleaned the house, didn't wake me up and you drive yourself to
the shops.
Sani: Haaa that was 3 weeks ago
Nhlaka: I don't care.
Sani: youre not being fair wena
Nhlaka: hmm we will see about that
Ntando: Sani
Sani: Ntando!
****they hugged. She hugged all of her friends including their
partners. Nhlaka also gave them hugs.****
Luhle: Haaa A Zulu bride
Sani: ehe
****they laughed then talked a bit more and took pictures.
Nathi: MaDlamini
Sani: yebo Dlamini
Nhlaka: Hayi hayi
Nathi: why are you jealous man
Sani: he doesn't want me to call anyone else using the surname
Nathi: it's mine too mos.
Sani: Nathi I need me an energy drink
Nhlaka: you wanna kill my baby
Nathi: baby?
Nhlaka: eish. We were gonna tell you guys after this day. USani
is pregnant
Nathi: ehhh wow congrats mommy
Sani: thank you.
Nathi: so you think an energy drink is good?
Sani: no but one can't hurt right. I need me some energy. I am
already tired
Nathi: okay
Nhlaka: I hope you not gonna kill my baby
Sani: Nhlaka really
Nhlaka: I swear I'll kill you if you kill my baby
Sani: wow mxm
****she stood up****
Nhlaka: where are you going?
Sani: to my friends hauw
****she went to greet a few of her colleagues and her boss.
Then she went to another table where Yanda and his family
were seated.****
Amahle: look at you Queen
Sani: hey mahle. Yanda
Yanda: sisi
Sani: come let's take a picture
*****they asked the camera man to take them pictures. Then
she sat down with them. Esihle came running to her had and
then a flood of the little royals came running too.*****
Esihle: aunty
Sani: hello Sihle
Toto: mama
Sani: hello Toto
Mthoko: mama Sani
Sani: hello Mthoko
****she was tired of greeting them one by one. They left and
ran to where ever. Sani went table to table thanking people for
coming. When Nhlaka saw what she's doing he also stood up
and greeted everyone. They even thanked almost everyone
outside the tent. Nhlaka grabbed Sanis hand and took her
outside where there were less people. He pinned her on Nathi's
Nhlaka: what's wrong with you?
Sani: me?
Nhlaka: Khensani
Sani: no Nhlaka. You told me you'd kill me if our baby died.
Meaning even if I were to have a miscarriage you'd blame me. If
I have a car accident you'd still blame me.
Nhlaka: no no Sani I'm sorry sthandwa Sam. Please don't cry I
didn't mean it like that. I am just worried about the baby's
health and I want nothing to go wrong.
Sani: then don't say such because it hurts me
Nhlaka: ngiyaxolisa mama(I am sorry mommy)
Sani: okay kiss me
*****he didn't waste time. He smashed his lips on her and
kissed her like she commanded. He pulled out and wiped her
tears. Luckily she wasn't wearing makeup so wiping the tears
wasn't a big issue.*****
Nhlaka: I don't know when was the last time I told you this
kodwa I love you
Sani: I love you too
****Nhlaka kissed her forehead then walked with her hand in
hand into the yard. They went to their seat. Nathi came to them
with an energy drink in his hand. He put it on the table*****
Nathi: where were you guys? I hope you weren't trying to feed
the baby your juices
Sani: sies
Nhlaka: Hayi fusek wena we were greeting people
Nathi: hmm
Sipho: uhmmm hello! Hello!
*****everyone brought their attention to him****
Sipho: thank you for the attention. We are closing the
ceremony, can we have a vote of thanks from the bride and
groom then one family member which is Nkazimulo Dlamini. Dj!
****the dj played a song. Nhlaka and Sani got to the mic and
stood there hand in hand. Everyone bowed then looked up to
Nhlaka: uhmmm I am Dlamini Nhlakanipho Vusimuzi. Prince of
KwaDlamini kingdom and this is my queen, princess Khensani,
Ntsuku, Naomi, Nomalanga Dlamini
****everyone cheered****
Nhlaka: thank you for gracing us with your presence and
celebrating this wonderful day with us. It means a lot to us.
Siyabonga Dlamini!
Everyone: Dlamini!
Nhlaka: over to you sthandwa sam
Sani: igama lam uNomalanga Dlamini. Dlamini, Jama Ka Sjadu,
Fakade, Ngxib'inoboya, Salothi, ondlebentle zombini, iZiZi
elimnyama neekomo zalo, Lusibakhulu!
****Nhlaka had a huge smile on his face. Sani felt warm and as
for the royals, they were cheering and crazy beyond
Everyone: ulululu ilili
Sani: siyabonga ukuthi ne ze lana ukusicasa nokuba Nathi
ngalolusuku olumnandi. Inkosi ini busise. Siyabonga. Dlamini! (
thank you for being her and for supporting us on our beautiful
day. May the lord bless you. Thank you. Dlamini!)
Everyone: Dlamini!
****they sat down. Nhlaka kissed her hand and smiled at her.
Nkazimulo stood up with his wife and they did the vote of
thanks. Later on they talked to people and more and more
people started leaving. Sani went into the palace and sat with
the wives for a moment as they talked about the beautiful
Mandisa: go rest Sani
Sani: thank you ma. Ni laleni kahle( sleep well)
****she went upstairs to Nhlaka's room, took off her clothes,
wore Nhlaka's t-shirt and went to sleep. *****
3 months later
*****it's been 3 months since your girl got married. After the
traditional wedding we went to home affairs and signed. So
yeah I am officially Mrs Dlamini. So a lot has happened in the
past 3 months. A lot I may say. Toto moved in with us and she's
a naughty fella I must say. Nathi finally proposed to Nandi and
paid lobola. We are just waiting for the wedding, which will be
in September. Mine will be once I give birth because wow I look
like a hippo. I have gained weight and this tummy is big for one
baby unless this baby is one big baby. Yanda has met the whole
family, he's welcoming ceremony was last week and he's a
Johnson.....meaning the Johnson's had to come and witness for
their selves. So about my dad's assets I have decided to give
Yanda the restaurant and he gladly accepted it. So yeah the
electronic company is mine.*****
Toto: mama
Me: hello baby
Toto: baba is calling you
Me: okay
****you see Nhlaka neh. I don't know if it's the hormones or
what but he's been pissing me off lately. I wonder what he
wants from me now. I slowly went down the stairs and got to
the sitting room****
Nhlaka: hey mami
Me: hi
Nhlaka: are you comfortable
Me: huh?
Nhlaka: in the clothes you're wearing?
Me: yes
Nhlaka: you have your phone?
Me: yes why?
Nhlaka: asambe.(let's go)
Me: kuphi?
Nhlaka: we are taking Toto to Muzi's place then we go spend
the day
Me: beke le beke?
Nhlaka: yes my love. Weekend in weekend out
****well Nhlaka always takes me out every weekend.
Sometimes we go with Thando and sometimes we leave her
behind. He switched off the TV and then went to the garage
using the door inside. I went upstairs and packed a bag for
Thando. We went downstairs and I took a bottle if water. I also
took my shades and we locked. We got in the car and put on
your seat belts.****
Toto: mama we are going to Mthoko
Me: yes
Toto: yess!
****him and Mthokozisi are still close and naughty as ever
when they are together. We got to Muzi' s house and parked at
the driveway. We knocked and Zah opened the door with
Thandeka behind her. ****
Zah: ohh hey
Toto: mama Zazi
****Zah hugged her. I wonder who taught Thando to call
people the way she does. I mean what is Zazi. She hugged
Thandeka and they left. We got in and went to the sitting room
where Muzi, Nandi and Nathi were seated.****
Muzi: bafo no sisi
Me: hello everyone
Them: hi
Nandi: so where are you guys going this weekend?
Nhlaka: Angaz we will see
****I looked at him. He just smiled and the rest laughed.****
Nhlaka: let's go my love
Zah: hauw one drink nyana?
Nhlaka: I have made bookings so we need to go.
Nandi: ohh that's nice
Nhlaka: yeah and I think imma need your man to take us to the
Nathi: sho
Nandi: airport? Haii let's go, Zah we will be back
Zah: sure. Have fun you two
Me: thanks
****we got into the car and drive off****
Nandi: you look tired
Me: you have no idea yho this pregnancy is killing me. Just look
at my feet
Nandi: don't worry just a few more months
Me: 3 months is a lot. I want the baby out
Nandi: so you don't know the gender?
Me: this little fella has been hiding so we don't know
Nandi: what are you hoping for
Me: a boy and Nhlaka wants another girl
Nandi: wow. Nathi wants a boy for a first child and I want a girl
Me: we should swap
****she laughed.***
Me: Nhlaka please play me my favorite songs
Nhlaka: okay love
****he played some amapiano songs. I sang to them and Nandi
danced. I wonder why she's so hyper active today.*****
Nathi: yho Nandi sit down mahn
Nandi: ayy yebo!!!
Nathi: Nandipha!
Nandi: Nathi why are you spoiling my mood?
Nathi: u yenza umsindo( you are making noise)
Nandi: Mxm.. Nywe nywe
Nathi: what was that?
Nandi: nothing sorry
Nathi: thought as much
*****I laughed at Nandi. She sulked and got onto her phone.
She piped her eyes out****
Me: and then wena?
Nandi: girl when was the last time you were on your socials
Me: 2 weeks back why?
Nandi: clearly. You just missing out shame
Me: Nandipha talk!
Nandi: just some celebrity gossip girl
Me: ohh okay
****we got to the airport. Nhlaka took our luggage. 20 minutes
later we arrived in Mpumalanga. We got to the BnB and slept.
The following day we woke up and had a sweet morning glory.
We bathed after that. I wore a above the knee yellow maternity
dress with sunglasses. I let my braids loose and wore flops.
Nhlaka wore a yellow beach short, a white shirt and flops. He
topped up his look with sunglasses. We got out the room and
had breakfast. I swear this place is beautiful. ****
Nhlaka: you like it?
Me: a lot. Thank you for brining me here
Nhlaka: I know how much you love nature baby. So nature
reserves are for you always
Me: thank you
Nhlaka: finish up we need to see places
Me: like?
Nhlaka: Sadie waterfalls
Me: serious
Nhlaka: yes
****I squeekled with joy. He took out his phone and called
Muzi so that he could talk to Toto. He put the call on
Toto: baba, mama
Us: hello
Toto: how are you?
Us: we are fine and you?
Toto: I'm fine
Me: that's good baby. You must behave okay
Toto: yes mommy. Bye!
Nhlaka: bye
Me: let's go
Nhlaka: you done?
Me: yes sir
*****we went to the nature reserve and got to the waterfall.
We took pictures and I must say I am in love with this
Me: I've seen this place on Google only
Nhlaka: now you're seeing it live baby
Me: thank you soo much
****I kissed him. We went on to other places and had fun. He
kept receiving calls and ignored them to a point where he
switched off his phone. We went back to the BnB and got a spa
treatment. After the wonderful massage we went to the rooms
and slept.
The following day which was Sunday we woke up and ate then
took a shower.****
Me: what time are we leaving?
Nhlaka: 3pm
Me: okay so what do we do today?
Nhlaka: we are going to God's window
Me: serious?
Nhlaka: yes baby
****I got dressed in a jumpsuit and a red t-shirt. He wore a red
t-shirt and blue jeans. We wore the Air max sneakers. We got to
God's window. I swear getting up that mountain 6 months
pregnant is no joke. Then you say I don't exercise Yeyi this is
enough exercise. We took pictures and chilled as I took in the
beauty of nature.*****
Me: I'm hungry
Nhlaka: I thought you'd never say that. Come let's go
Me: help me up
****he helped me up and we went to the rented car. He drove
to the nearest Spur since that's what I've been craving. I
ordered their burger with a shake and damn that was just good.
I noticed people give us weird stares. I brushed them off but
damn everyone is looking at us and to their phones****
Me: Nhlaka why are they looking at us like this?
Nhlaka: I don't know. Wanna go?
Me: yes please.
Nhlaka: okay let me call the waiter
****the waiter came. He shook his head at me and then
brought the bill. I took all the little sweets and had one. I threw
the rest in the pocket of my jumpsuit. Nhlaka paid then we left
the place. We got to the BnB and took our things. We checked
out and got a cab to the airport. Nhlaka called Nathi and told
him to get ready to fetch us.****
Me: baby have you seen my phone?
Nhlaka: uhmm no
Me: I can't find it
Nhlaka: look carefully
Me: what if I left it behind
Nhlaka: no you had it with. Just search for it
Me: help me
***** we looked for it even in the luggage and nothing. It
wasn't there.****
Me: Nhlaka please call it
Driver: uhmm you have arrived
Nhlaka: thank you man.
****we got off and went inside. 10 minutes later we got into
the flight.****
Me: so you don't want to call it?
Nhlaka: we are in the plane
Me: mxm
****I slept. I felt someone shake me. I opened my eyes and it
was Nhlaka telling me to sit up straight because we are landing.
I did just that and then we landed. We got to the pick up point
and saw the Porsche. We got inside and found Nandipha with
Nathi seated in the front. I greeted them****
Nandi: are you fine baby?
Me: I lost my phone
Nandi: haiibo
Me: imagine
Nandi: did you try calling it?
Me: your husband refused
Nhlaka: I didn't refuse
Me: you didn't agree
Nhlaka: Sani we were in the plane
Me: I asked you to call it before that
Nhlaka: yes but we were already at the airport
Me: Nandi please call it and if it's not here Nathi please trace it
Nhlaka: Haiibo tracking it?
Me: it's my phone
Nhlaka: I'll buy you a new one
Me: why does it look like you're convinced that it's lost
Nhlaka: are you accusing me of something
Me: should I?
Nhlaka: wow
Me: Nandi?
Nandi: it's ringing
Me: then where is.....
****I saw Nhlaka's pocket light up. I looked at him****
Nhlaka: yini? (what?)
Me: why are you hiding my phone?
Nhlaka: Sani
Me: bring it
Nhlaka: Haiibo Sani
Me: Haiibo Haiibo with whose phone. Letha Nhlakanipho tuu!
(bring it!)
****he took it out and gave it to me. The amount of missed
calls I had were a lot. I gave him a death stare and looked at the
missed calls. They were from a number I didn't know most were
the 011 numbers.****
Me: what were you doing with it?
Nhlaka: can we get home first
****I went through my apps and all my social media apps
weren't there****
Me: where is my Facebook, Twitter, whatsapp and Instagram?
Where are they?
****he kept quiet. I shot a death stare at him. We got home
and Nhlaka told the two to leave with his car. He even asked
them to live with Toto. I wonder why. I packed her school
uniform and gave it to Nandi. They left immediately****
Me: care to explain
Nhlaka: Sani aren't you tired?
****my phone rang. He looked at me. It was another unknown
number. I answered it****
Me: hello
Person: hi is this Khensani Dlamini
Me: speaking?
Person: Unathi from Indaba news. We were asking that you
come do an interview and tell us your side of the story
Me: story?
Unathi: yes. All the social media trends about you and your
Me: listen here sisi stay out of people's business yezwa! Los Dai
goetes nx!
*****I dropped the call and downloaded my socials. I logged in
and the way I was tagged wasn't funny. I got to one post and
people's comments. I went through all of them. I saw a picture
of Nhlaka and a lady who's name is Nompilo. I know for sure
that this man is Nhlaka. The post was written all sorts of lovey
dovey things. She had made a live and in it she mentioned that I
was a gold digger, that I stole her man and all that. She even
said she's pregnant with his child. I felt a stab right on my heart.
I felt my stomach get painful. I screamed. Nhlaka rushed to
Nhlaka: baby. What's wrong?
Me: I'm fine leave me alone wena!
Nhlaka: Sani but
Me: leave!
*****Its not me. I didnt cheat. She better believe me. I didn't
do it.
I looked at her in pain. I got her a glass of water, instead she
threw it at me. It broke, so I picked up the pieces and threw
them in the bin.****
Sani: mara Nhlakanipho why don't you respect me huh?
Me: Khensani lets talk
Sani: did you sleep with her, wait who's Nompilo?
Me: let's go sit down baby
****she left the room and I followed her to the sitting
Me: is the baby fine?
Sani: ayy talk tuu
Me: okay. Nompilo is Deli's sister
****her eyes grew larger. She looked at me dead in the eye.
The next thing, cushions flew on me.****
Sani: fuck you Nhlakanipho!
Me: Sani I didn't do it. Sit the fuck down!
Sani: don't shout at me!
Me: then sit the fuck down and listen to me
****she started sniffing then sat down. I sat down too****
Me: I am confused just as you are. I don't know why the fuck
she's posting our picture and writing all these comments. Sani I
didn't make anyone anyone pregnant let alone fuck anyone you
need to believe me baby. I didn't do it.
Sani: then why would she lie
Me: Sani I don't know. She probably has a thing for me but baby
I didn't do it and I wouldn't okay. She's Deli's younger sister.
That would be disrespecting her
Sani: why do I believe you
Me: because it's true. I didn't do it
Sani: then why were you hiding my phone?
Me: I just wanted you to rest my love. I didn't want these stupid
things to ruin your day
Sani: so what do we do now?
Me: I'll get Yezi to sue her
Sani: that's too easy. I'll go to Indaba news
Me: Sani
Sani: it's final Dlamini. I am going, you can come if you want
****I sighed. She stood up and went to the bedroom. I picked
up the cushions and placed them on the couches. Then I
followed her up. She had her clothes off. I felt my dick become
hard, but I must forget about it.****
Sani: how old is she?
Me: I don't know Deli was..... uhmm same age as you so I don't
Sani: hmm okay. Call Nathi for me. I need every possible
information of her
Me: why?
Sani: I am trying to save my marriage
Me: it's not broken because here I am with you, by your side
Sani: yes but some bitch is out there wanting to break it
Me: okay
Sani: borrow me your phone
Me: why?
Sani: I want to call my baby
Me: Sani
Sani: fine I wanted her number okay. So please
Me: don't say or do anything stupid
Sani: I won't.
****I gave it to her. She gave it back. ****
Me: so you decided against it
Sani: yeah.
Me: okay
Sani: massage my legs
Me: okay
****I took some of her oils and massaged her swollen legs. She
has gotten pretty big. Her curves and ass are much more bigger
not forgetting the boobs. I am not complaining I love her like
this. I think I should get her pregnant every year.*****
In Durban
Mom: Nompilo mara yin huh?
Me: mara ma
Mom: no mahn! Now how the hell do you expect Nhlaka to
bring Thando. Why are you so stupid. You want your sister to
turn in her grave
Me: I am doing this for her
Nomzamo: by claiming you're in a relationship with her baby
Me: wena don't even say a word. You know very well that the
baby you're carrying isn't my brother's child nx
Zolani: what!
Me: good now stay out of my business and fix yours
Nomzamo: how could you say that
Zolani: Nompilo what is going on?
Me: ask your dear wife
Mom: yewena we are not done here
Me: I am
****I left and went to my room. Who the hell do they think
they are, if Nhlaka can't be mine then this Sani can't have him
too. I know you must think I am crazy but no he was my sister's
man. I mean she even gave him a beautiful child. So I am just
protecting and keeping what was once my sisters. I went onto
social media and saw that Sani will be live in 2 hours on Indaba
news. Good so she's no longer hiding.****
Mom: yaz Thwala bamthakathile uNompilo shame. Ngigeza
izandla zam shame (you know Thwala, they bewitched Nompilo.
I give up on her)
****she made noise telling my sick father. He started getting
worse after Zolani got married last year. I believe Nomzamo is
bewitching him and mom will be next. I don't trust her at all nor
do I like her. I wonder what my brother saw in her. I know
Delisile wouldn't like her too.*****
Dad: Hayi. Nompilo is old she knows the consequences of what
she's doing
Mom: Thwala we might not see Thando anymore. You want her
not to know her maternal family?
Dad: Nhlaka is a good boy he wouldn't do that
Mom: why are you so relaxed
Dad: Like I said. Nompilo is old
****atleast dad gets it. I wore a short purple dress with heels. I
brushed my Brazilian weave and wore my shades. Damn I look
good. I got out and heard people shouting as I passed by
Zolani's room. I just lied to stop that witch from interfering in
my business. Of course the child she's carrying is Zolani's child. I
got into my car and drove out to Rivonia, my Indian friend. I got
to the restaurant in Umhlanga where we are meeting.****
Riv: girl!
Me: hey baby
Riv: so it's true you and Nhlaka were are item
Me: uhmm yeah but I am not here for that. I want us to catch
Riv: ohh okay. So let me tell you about my trip to New Delhi
Me: I'm listening
*****she started telling me about her trip to India. My mind
was on Sani and the interview happening in an hour.*****
***** she got dressed in a black and white maternity dress. She
wore slippers and topped up the look with shades. Her braids
were tied into a high bun. She put on her perfume and Vaseline.
She took her handbag from the dressing table and looked at
Sani: let's go
Me: you look beautiful my love
Sani: I know. Let's go now
Me: okay.
*****I took the car keys and went downstairs helping her with
the stairs. I used the garage door and she went to the kitchen
she appeared holding a bottle of water in her hands. I opened
the door for her. She got in, I closed it and went to the driver's
side. I got in, put in my seat belt and drove off. I changed the
radio and played Joyus celebration songs. She sang along. I love
listening to her beautiful voice. It soothes my soul. She should
sing more often. I should be at work but I decided on going with
her to Indaba news*****
Sani: please buy me ice-cream when we get back
Me: cravings?
Sani: yes
Me: don't worry I will
Sani: thank you
Me: my pleasure baby.
****we arrived at Indaba news. I parked the car and the media
was already here. A security guard pushed them out of the way.
We got in and we were led into the Radio station. We greeted
them and sat down. Sani opened her water bottle and helped
Amanda: action!
Fiso: hello everyone at home. We are live in the studio of
course. I am Fisokuhle aka Kuhle, your host and of course I am
not alone. I am with my Co host Amanda, my lovely wife.
Amanda: hello everyone. It's great to be back. I'm sure you've
seen this week's trend and we'll we have brought it to you guys
Fiso: meaning we have non other than Mr and Mrs Dlamini with
us here. Mr Dlamini better know as Mr Vusi of Vusimuzi
properties and his wife, thank you for gracing us with your
Me: not a pleasant visit but a pleasure
Amanda: uhmm yes. In the past few days it's been trending that
you have snatched Mr Vusi from Nompilo who claims to be her
woman and that she's pregnant, what can you say about this
Sani: first of all who is Nompilo?
Amanda: uhmm you don't know her, well she is the owner of a
small upcoming events business, Nompilo Thwala. She says you
have stolen her man. She even has pictures with your husband.
****Sani looked annoyed. I swear if looks could kill. Everyone in
this studio would be dead****
Sani: so what interest would I have in knowing her? Listen I
didn't steal anyone's man. For the record Vusi approached me
and not the other way around. The picture means nothing to
Fiso: so you believe that your man didn't cheat
Sani: yes. He didn't.
Fiso: what about the baby she says she's carrying?
Sani: baby. It's not my husband's child. He didn't cheat
Amanda: you really have trust in him don't you?
Sani: yes. I mean do you trust your man?
Amanda: yes
Sani: and you believe that he wouldn't cheat?
Amanda: yes. He's never
Sani: never say never sisi. Now I need you and your stupid
trends including your Nompilo to stop poking your nose in
people's lives okay. There's nothing interesting in my life and
Vusi's. Stop what you're doing because it's not funny.
Fiso: what about you raising a child that's not yours
****I pulled her hand and squeezed it. She sighed and looked
at them intensely.*****
Sani: am I the first woman to do that?
Amanda: no, but doesn't that tell you that your husband might
have really cheated on you
Sani: no it doesn't. I love that child as my own. She is my child
and I have no problem raising her. I will continue taking care of
her till my last breath
Amanda: okay. Uhmm let's take a break. Questions will be asked
after the short break
Me: are you fine?
Sani: yeah
Me: don't you want to go?
Sani: already started, might as well finish it
****she said and gulped down her water.****
Fiso: uhmm we are back and we still have Mr and Mrs Dlamini.
If you weren't here where were you?
****where were you my foot! I thought to myself****
Amanda: uhmm here's one comment from Brenda " these rich
housewives think they are the it, Nompilo sisi I understand
what you're going through I also had someone bewitch my
man. So fight for your man sisi"
Me: Brenda sisi there's nothing to fight for. She was never mine,
I was never hers so why must she embrass herself and create
uncessary drama?
Sani: are we done?
Fiso: uhmm one last question Sani.
Sani: I'm listening
Fiso: so then what if it's true that Nompilo is pregnant with
Vusi's child. What are you going to do?
Sani: what if what if. Heyi she's not pregnant with my husband's
child! Finish and klaar. Let's not go to far. Clearly you had no
gossip and you chose to poke the Dlaminis. Listen here your
gossip is wack because there is no proof in all the things you are
saying about my husband. I repeat my husband did not cheat!
Me: Baby calm down
**** I squeezed her hand again. She was angry and pissed
Amanda: uhmm we didn't mean to get you angry Mrs Dlamini
but we were just asking
Sani: ask for a lawyer to represent you guys.
Fiso: are you taking us to court
Sani: yes for defamation of character along with your Nompilo!
Me: that's it. Let's go my love
****we stood up and left. We got outside and the media was
still there. We hit into the car and drove to the nearest Mc
Donalds to get her a Mc flurry. We went through the drive thru.
Me: you were so good baby. I am proud of you
Sani: thanks.
Me: I'll deal with Nompilo
Sani: and kill her?
Me: I don't kill people
Sani: you don't?
Me: Sani I don't kill people. I am a changed man okay
Sani: whatever. Thanks
****she said when I gave her her Mc flurry. I drove home.****
Sani: are you still going to let Thando visit her family
Me: I don't know
Sani: don't do that to them. They are not Nompilo. Let her see
her family
Me: I'll see
Sani: hmm okay
Me: I love you
Sani: I know, I just don't like the drama that comes woth you.
Nhlaka it's a lot for me
Me: I know, I am sorry baby.
Sani: I love you too
****we got home and watched a movie.***
****Mxm defamation of character. Does she even know what it
means. Mxm where did Nhlaka even get this Sani of his.****
Mom: Nompilo what have you done huh? How are you going to
afford a lawyer
Nomzamo: the same way she affords her Brazilian weaves
Me: shut up.
Zolani: are you back to your whoring ways?
Me: I stopped living that life okay. And I will afford a lawyer
****Mxm who am I fooling. I don't even have atleast R5000 in
my name. This isn't how I planned things. I wanted the Sani lady
to leave Nhlaka so that I can get to him. Now, now I need a plan
Mom: Deli must be turning in her grave
****I gave her a death stare.****
Me: don't talk about her.
Mom: I am ashamed of saying I am your mother Nompilo you
have failed me and your father
Me: I don't live my life to impress you and your husband
Mom: then leave my house. Phuma! (get out!)
Me: you can't do that to me
Zolani: you can't disrespect mom and dad like this
Me: get a DNA test wena mx. Ma you can't do this to me where
will I go
Mom: Nompilo get out!
Me: so I do one thing and you kick me out. You did nothing with
Deli when she got herself pregnant by a man she barely knew
huh... When she got pregnant in high school by your boyfriend
and you made her do an abortion, you didn't kick her out for
getting pregnant right?
Zolani: what boyfriend
Me: hmmm ma? Your man Thomas?
Dad: what!
Me: tell him ma. Tell dad how you cheated on him then let your
boyfriend almost rape my sister and also how you aborted you
boyfriend's child
Dad: Anele what is she talking about
Mom: I... I don't know
Dad: Anele!
Me: so are you still kicking me out?
Mom: Nompilo
****she had tears in her eyes.****
Dad: Anele talk!
Mom: okay okay. Remember when we fought in our marriage
and almost had a divorce, I cheated on you, then.... then he
started being interested in Deli. Deli somehow got pregnant by
him, I made her do an arbotion. For doing that Thomas
punished me by making me pregnant, I also aborted the baby
then strangled Thomas to death
Zolani: haaaa ma you killed a person
Nomzamo: baba!!
Me: baba!
**** we got to him. He looked like death was coming his way.
Zolani got the car and rushed him to hospital. He was admitted.
I got a call from Amanda from Indaba news.****
Me: hello
Amanda: listen here wena. You are going to pay for costing us
our jobs yezwa. You will pay
Me: I didn't ask you guys to call in Sani
Amanda: she is taking the whole studio to court because of you.
You will pay!
****she dropped the call. I sighed and dropped my weight on
the bench. We've been here for an hour and the doctors
haven't said anything about dad. I didn't mean to disclose such
information especially regarding his health but this family sees
me as the black sheep. I don't get it*****
Yezi: how much do you want?
Me: I don't care about the money. Whatever amount you want,
I'll use the money to pay my employees bonuses
****him and Nathi laughed.****
Me: I am serious.
Nathi: you are brave Sani
Me: I stand for myself
Yezi: how is R500 000?
Me: that's okay. Like I said I want to pay my employees bonuses
Yezi: okay
Nathi: wena Yezi tell me? This Olo girl you like her?
Yezi: I don't like her, I love her
Nhlaka: hauw, how long have you been together?
Yezi: 3 years now
Nathi: hmm I see. Thank you Sani
****he said standing up to take his plate to the kitchen.****
Nhlaka: baby where's your phone?
Me: I don't know why?
Nhlaka: I have missed calls from your aunt. I think she wants to
talk to you
Me: ohh. I don't know where it is
Nhlaka: mii take mine
Me: thank you
**** I stood up and took his phone. I went outside and dialed
her number.****
Silvia: Dlamini
Me: mhani it's me
Silvia: ohh my baby are you fine. Nkateko told me what
Me: that one talks too much, don't worry ma I'm fine
Silvia: ohh okay. Your marriage isn't falling apart right?
Me: still standing ma
Silvia: that's good. There will always be people who will try to
break it. Keep it burning and strong. Fight for it my baby
Me: I will ma
Silvia: that's good. Keep your man happy
Me: I will.
****she dropped the calling saying she needs to cook. I got
inside the house and called my phone. It rang in the kitchen
inside the cupboard. I swear stress can make you put things
where they aren't supposed to be. I switched it on and the
amount if missed calls were a lot. I called Tswalo then made it a
conference call to call all my friends. They answered****
Me: hey guys
Tswalo: Sani are you fine?
Me: yes
Sipho: you know I'm in Durban right. I mean I can go fix that
bitch for you
Me: no need
Thato: I would've pointed a gun on her forehead shame
****we all laughed****
Ntando: Sani I know this is non of my business but isn't this
Nompilo girl Nhlaka's baby momma sister
Me: she is
Phile: please pray for that girl. She has demons I swear
Sipho: preach mamfundisi preach!
****we laughed. Phile went off saying she's on duty at
Thato: damn she's psyco
Tswalo: she needs you Thato
Thato: why me?
Ntando: you are the psychologist here
Thato: Yeyi nna I'd beat the shit out if her craziness.
****I laughed at her. I like how these people can make me feel
better. Nhlaka came in, I gave him his phone****
Nhlaka: I am going out with them. I'll be back okay
****I nodded. He kissed my forehead****
Nhlaka: Toto is coming back today
Me: should I cook?
Nhlaka: uhmm no. Rest
Me: okay
Tswalo: Sani!
Me: why the noise now?
Tswalo: we are talking to you
Me: what were you saying?
Sipho: we were planning this bitches downfall
Me: I'm listening
Thato: we drug her and sell her to the mafia
Ntando: where do you know the mafaia from wena?
Sipho: this is not a movie wena. We beat her
Tswalo: we sell her for human trafficking
Me: Tintswalo you know how much I hate that
Ntando: we drug her
Thato: we kidnap her
Me: if Phile was still on she would've prayed for your evil souls
Sipho: she would've agreed
Me: no not mamfundisi
****they laughed. I listened to them repeatedly making
Tswalo: but I am serious. Let's kidnap her
Me: I am not going to make myself a part of it.
Sipho: yho Sani why are you like this
Me: Hayi hayi I want nothing to do with crime
Ntando: haiike let me go back to work
Me: bye guys
Them: bye
****I ended the call and went to the sitting room. Being at
home is super boring. This baby must come out so that I can go
back to work. I love working at the mine. I heard a door knock. I
opened the door and it was Zanele. What an unexpected
Me: Zah
Zah: Sani. How are you hunny?
Me: I am good and you?
Zah: I'm fine. I got us some wine
Me: I have a condition
Zah: I got you a non alcoholic
Me: ohh great. Let me get us glases
Zah: sure
****this is unusual. I am not that close to her and I am
surprised as to what she's doing her. I got us huge red wine
glasses. I gave her one and poured the non alcoholic for
Me: so what brings you here?
Zah: just checking up on you after the..... You know the drama
Me: ohh thanks.
Zah: the media will always be on our tails shame
Me: yeah
Zah: just like how I'll be famous soon
Me: famous
Zah: uhmm yeah
****she looked around the house. She closed her eyes. When
she opened them there were tears.****
Me: hey what's wrong?
Zah: Muzi wants a second wife
****I knew this day would come. I don't know how to comfort
her, I mean the second wife is clearly my best friend. I got closer
to her and embraced her in a hug. She cried harder****
Zah: he's said he'll propose to her today
Me: so how will you be famous
****ooops that wasnt meant for her ears. I guess she heard
me. She pulled out from the hug and took the wine glass and
gulped it down at one go. She poured another glass.****
Zah: he said he'll do it publicly
Me: ohh. I am sorry hey
Zah: nobody hurts me the way Muzi does. He hurts me so bad.
And I fucken love him.
Me: what does he do?
Zah: he cheats. I give him beautiful children, I cook for him, I
give him my pussy on a silver platter, I abide by his rules, I listen
to him, I respect him. Sani what am I doing that's wrong
Me: I don't know love. Don't blame yourself
Zah: then who must I blame if he goes out to look for another
wife while I am still alive. When he addressed this in front of his
parents I thought he wasn't serious, but no he is.
Me: I am really sorry
Zah: but you see his new wife yena shame
****she laughed in an evil way.*****
Me: what about her?
Zah: She won't survive the marriage. I'll make sure of that. No
one is going to take my husband from me and thinks I'm going
to watch them
Me: Zanele don't do anything stupid
****I said. I mean I am scared for my friend.****
Zah: I am not promising anyone anything. He can't marry
another woman while I give him everything he just can't!
****I just kept quiet. I need to tell Tswalo because wow. We
talked about what rich housewives would talk about, designer
bags and shoes. Later on she left saying she needs to fetch her
kids from school. 30 minutes after she left Nandi came with
Toto: mama!
Me: Toto
Toto: I missed you mama
Me: me too baby. Go change your uniform
****she ran upstairs****
Me: no running
Toto: sorry
Nandi: hey sister wife
Me: how are you?
Nandi: I'm fine love you?
Me: I am good.
Nandi: are you sure?
Me: yes
****we got into the living room****
Nandi: Sani don't tell me you've been drinking
Me: no it wasn't me. It was Zanele, she was here. I drank the
non alcoholic one
Nandi: ohh that's good because Nhlaka was gonna go crazy
Me: lol yeah
Nandi: and Zanele what did she want?
Me: she wasn't okay, and she needed someone to talk to I guess
Nandi: wanna disclose the information while I pour us a glass of
****I laughed at her and nodded my head. See Nandi is the
best, she's the only one, apart from Tswalo that I can tell
anything and know that she wouldn't disclose it or judge me.
One of the reasons why I love her. I trust her.*****
Me: Muzi wants another wife
Nandi: yho
Me: yep and he said he's gonna propose to her today
Nandi: Haaa. You lie wena
Me: no
Nandi: let me guess, the new wife will be Tswalo
Me: yep
Nandi: heh Zanele is gonna flip shame
Me: she has already started making threats and planning
Nandi: yah neh. Muzi thou
Toto: mama can I watch Sofia?
Me: yes baby
****I went with her to the sitting room since Nandi and I were
in the kitchen. I switched on the TV for her and put in Disney
Channel. I didn't even care if Sofia was playing or not. I went
back to the kitchen and made her fruit salad then took it to her.
Nandi: I love how you treat her like your own
Me: she has done nothing wrong. Yes Nhlaka might have
cheated on me but the child has done nothing wrong so me
hating her would be evil. I love her anyway plus she doesn't give
me any problems, that's a bonus.
Nandi: yep, such a great child
Me: so when you asked me about my socials, why didn't you tell
me about the Nompilo trend
Nandi: eish. I wanted to tell you, but Nhlaka sent a text telling
me not to tell you. Me: yahhh neh
*****I swear no one is as loyal as Nandi. I believe she knows
more than I do. She probably knows all the family secrets. She
knew about Thando, she knows about most things in the family
before me. Nhlaka and Nathi must trust her as much as I do.
Nandi: well let me get going girl and cook for my man
Me: okay. Thanks for staying with Thando
Nandi: no problem sister wife. I got your back hunnay. Your
children are my children and mine will be yours too
Me: I love you sister wife
Nandi: I love you too.
*****she left. I went to the living room and joined Toto. She
started telling me about her day and about her friend
Nothando. She tells me of how everyone calls them the
Thandos. Later on Nhlaka came back holding a takeaway****
Toto: baba!
Nhlaka: hello sisi
Toto: I missed you
Nhlaka: me too baby. How was school?
Toto: it was nice. Thando and I were sharing everything today
Nhlaka: who is Thando?
Toto: my friend baba
Nhlaka: ohh okay. I bought food for us let's eat
Me: thank you baba
Nhlaka: 10 orgasms for that.
****he said whispering. I smiled at him. We ate then helped
Toto with her homework. At 19:00 we put her to sleep then had
3 rounds of pleasure. After the 3 rounds I was soo tired so I
slept while he cleaned us.*****
*****I woke up and went downstairs. I found Nhlaka and Toto
having breakfast, ready to start their day.****
Me: good morning
Toto: morning mama
Nhlaka: morning mama
Toto: copy cat
Me: how are you guys?
Nhlaka: good and you
Me: still tired
Nhlaka: that's good.
Me: huh
Nhlaka: that means I did a good job
Me: mxm
Toto: mama Thando and I are sharing our juice
Me: who is this Thando mara?
Toto: my friend
Nhlaka: take another juice and give it to Thando
Thando: thank you
****she said and put it in her bag. I smiled at her. Nhlaka kissed
my forehead and left with Thando.****
Me: what should I do now?
****I asked myself. I mean it gets soo lonely and boring in here.
I called Nandi****
Nandi: girl I know you are bored. I am taking you shopping
Me: witchcraft
Nandi: lol I am still on my way
Me: let me bath
Nandi: nah give me 5 minutes I'll be here
Me: okay.
****I made myself food and indeed she was here in 5 minutes.
I opened for her and let her in. *****
Me: want some?
Nandi: no thanks I'll have the drink
Me: okay baby. Why you here so early
Nandi: I'll go
Me: jokes hauw.
Nandi: I am not in for duty today so I decided to spend the day
with you
Me: ohh thank you
Nandi: sure. So any plans with Nompilo
Me: I am suing Indaba the news and as for Nompilo, Nkanyezi
said there isn't much money so I might clean it and buy clothes
or food for orphans, well depending on how much she has
Nandi: damn you are a good person. I'd drink it or take me to a
Me: that's how you are vele
****we both laughed. She helped me wash the dishes. We
went upstairs to the master bedroom. I got into the bathroom.
She turned and left. I opened the tap and filled half the tub with
warm water. She came in with a glass of wine.****
Me: and where does that come from?
Nandi: I came with it
Me: why are you drinking this much these days
Nandi: it's just nice
Me: Nandipha I know you
Nandi: It's just Nathi and I
Me: wanna talk about it?
Nandi: no. It hurts me so bad
Me: okay baby. If you wanna talk I am here okay
Nandi: thanks. You have a big belly for one baby
Me: I guess the baby is big
Nandi: I think it's twins
Me: nah let's not get ahead
Nandi: yeah but I am the nurse here
Me: general nurse
Nandi: still I have worked with pregnant woman you know
Me: Nandi it's one baby
Nandi: if it's two you owe me a vacation
Me: and if it's one you owe me one
Nandi: yeah whatever
Me: please wash my back
Nandi: sure
****she gently washed it. After bathing I lotioned and got
dressed in a warm knitted dress and boots. I let my braids loose
and took my handbag. We left using Nandi's car. Her phone
rang. *****
Nandi: bab'Dlamini
Nathi: sthandwa Sam (my love)
****her phone was connected to the Bluetooth speaker, so I
could hear everything.*****
Nathi: why does it sound like you're driving?
Nandi: yes I am, I am with Sani and we are going to the mall
Nathi: ohh. I need a favour
Nandi: yes?
Nathi: I have a meeting about to start and I forgot a very
important file at home. Please get it for me
Nandi: sure
*****he cut the call. She turned right and drove to the
direction of their house. Nandi took the file and then drove to
Nathi's workplace. Nandi called him to come out. He came out
looking dashing in his maron suit. *****
Nathi: hello mommy
Me: hello
Nandi: mii
****she said handing him the file. He took it and kissed her
Nathi: thank you. Have fun
Us: thank you
****we arrived at the mall and the first shop we went to was a
baby shop.****
Me: isn't it early to be in here
Nandi: no. I mean.....
Voice: Sani
****I turned around and looked at this lady happy to see
Me: hi do I know you
Lady: yes. I am Amu. Amukelani Mabunda from school in Giyani
Me: the one from the Accounting class, Bianca's bestie
Amu: yesss. Look at you shinning. How have you been?
Me: good thanks and you?
Amu: never been better
Me: I'm glad
Amu: I'm glad I saw you. I need to go now
Me: okay bye.
****she turned around and left. I searched for Nandi with my
eyes and found her already at the till. I waited for her at the
entrance of the shop. She got out looking so happy.****
Me: and then?
Nandi: it's for my niece
Me: nephew
Nandi: yes both if them
Me: Aii let's go buy clothes
Nandi: sure
*****her phone beeped. She smiled.****
Nandi: we are using the money Nathi sent me
Me: that's great atleast nothing will happen to my money
Nandi: as if it ever moves
Me: it does
Nandi: Mxm I'm sure you have over a million in your personal
Me: mxm
**** we shopped and bought from a hair pin to lingerie and
shoes, basically everything.*****
Me: how much did Nathi send
Nandi: maybe 50k
Me: for shopping?
Nandi: girl I give it to him on a silver platter
Me: too much info Nandi
Nandi: you hungry?
Me: yes. Can we put these in the car
Nandi: sure
****we put our bags in the boot and separated them using
Nandi's jacket. I just don't wanna swap anything by mistake. We
walked back in and went to wimpy. We ordered and ate. After
eating she paid.*****
Nandi: let's go to the spa. My treat
Me: you and husbee are clearly spoiling me hey
Nandi: yes mommy. Now let's go.
Me: of course
****we arrived at Naledi beauty palour. I like this Naledi lady.
Her business offers a hair salon, a nail salon, a massage and a
little lingerie shop. We started with our hair while doing our
nails at the same time. Actually Nandi did her hair since I
already have braids. I did brown with a touch of black and white
nails. After the session we went on to the massage and took a
shower first. I laid on my back while Nandi laid in her
Nandi: hmmm this is amazing
Me: I know right. We should come here everytime we need to
relax. Even the music is soothing.
Nandi: hmm yeah
****after the relaxing massage. Nandi drove to her house. We
got there and I helped her carry her bags in the house. We put
them on the floor in her closet then went back
Me: I am tired
Nandi: me too. Drink?
Me: yes please
**** she disappeared into her kitchen. I switched on the TV and
went to Box office to search for a movie. I know hey, I am way
too comfortable in this house just as much as she is. I think it's
because we have lived together under one roof so we have no
problems. She came back holding a bottle of wine, 2 wine
glasses, a bottle of luqi fruit cranberry juice and a packet of salt
and vinegar chips. ****
Me: get yourself another packet
Nandi: they were yours from the start
Me: good. What are we watching?
Nandi: anything
Me: okay then
**** I decided on Charlie's Angels, an action movie. I poured
myself a glass of juice. I opened the packet of lays and helped
Me: hmm Nhlaka would be so happy to see ladies in guns
Nandi: you don't like them?
Me: yes. They kill people. I don't like violence
Nandi: me too. If you could see the number of people that get
admitted in hospital mainly because of stab wounds, gunshots.
That's a lot.
Me: yeah hey
****we continued watching the movie, I fell asleep on the
couch. The next thing I fell someone shake me. I opened my
eyes and closed them after I saw who it was****
Nhlaka: let's go
Me: hmm?
Nhlaka: Khensani vuka! (wake up!)
****he sounded pissed. I opened my eyes and sat up. Nandi
wasn't anywhere near me. Instead there were 4 wine bottles.
All of them were empty. I took my bag with and got to the car. I
opened the door for myself and he got in afterwards.*****
Nhlaka: yin lezinto e ni zenzayo wena no Nandi? (what are the
things you and Nandi do?)
**** I chose to remain quiet. I mean I just woke up dude. I need
to reboot hauw. He looked at me once and sighed. He started
the car and drove home. I got in and found a woman, probably
in her mid 40s in the kitchen washing pots. Nhlaka came in from
parking the car in the garage.****
Me: hello ma
Woman: ohh hello madam. I am Joyce Modiba, uhmm Mr
Dlamini hired me yesterday to start work today.
Me: ohh. Please be welcomed. Call me Sani
Joyce: okay madam eerrr I mean mam Sani
Me: uhmm okay. So how long do you work here?
Joyce: from 8 to 5
Me: hmmm everyday?
Joyce: weekdays only
Me: ohh okay. Whats your duty?
Joyce: cleaning, ironing and cooking
Me: ohh okay uhmm. I'll be the one cleaning the main bedroom
and iron for my husband
Joyce: does that mean you're going to cut off my salary?
Me: no. How much is it?
Joyce: R6000
Me: no I'm not ma.
Joyce: thank you.
Me: what have you cooked?
Joyce: just pap, chakalaka and meat
Me: okay ma
Nhlaka: uhmm baby I see you've met Joyce, our helper. Ma
Joyce, this is my wife MaDlamini
Joyce: she's a very good person
****I smiled and left. I heard noises as I passed through the
corridor. I got to the room and found her playing with Molly.
Me: Thando
Toto: ma
Me: how are you?
Toto: fine
Me: sorry mama forgot to fetch you today
Toto: okay
****I sighed and went to the room where I found Nhlaka on the
phone opening his laptop bag. I went to the bathroom and took
a shower. After that I loitioned then wore my panty. Nhlaka
walked in as I looked at myself in the mirror*****
Nhlaka: did you drink?
Me: no. Who did you talk to about needing a helper?
Nhlaka: huh? So you don't like her
Me: I do. I have no problem with her or having a helper. My
problem is with you not telling me you hired someone
Nhlaka: I'm sorry
Me: where did you find her?
Nhlaka: I heard one of my employees cry yo another telling her
about how hard it is for her family and her aunt. She says her
cousin doesn't care about it and she is the only one working
and it's pulling a strain on her so I told her to bring her aunt.
Me: hmm that's a nice thing of you to do
Nhlaka: now where are you going?
Me: to eat
****I called Toto and we went downstairs where we had
maJoyce's food. After eating I washed the dishes.*****
Me: Thando!
Toto: ma
Me: homework?
Toto: baba helped me with it
Me: ohh okay
Nhlaka: so you say you didn't touch the bottles right
Me: Dlamini don't piss me off
Nhlaka: now where do you think you are going to?
Me: to bed
*****he followed me upstairs.****
Me: Goodnight toto
Toto: goodnight
****I closed her bedroom door and went to the main bedroom.
I wore my head wrap and then removed all the unecessary
pillows from the bed and got in.****
Nhlaka: wow!
*****Mxm I ignored him and shortly went to sleep after he got
****Sani has been ignoring me for 3 days now, not really
ignoring but she's not really talking to me either. I just wonder
what's wrong with her. I packed my bags and left the office.
Since my P.A said I was clear for the rest of day, I thought that I
should go home and talk to my wife. I arrived and parked the
car in the garage. I got inside and found maJoyce wiping the
kitchen counters. ****
Me: hey ma
Joyce: Dlamini son
Me: how are you?
Joyce: I'm good
Me: you know ma I was thinking that since its Friday you can
take the rest of the day off
Joyce: serious?
Me: yes ma. I'll request an Uber for you
Joyce: thank you son
*****I smiled at her. I waited for her to be ready then
requested. Good it was gonna be here in 5 minutes. I stood with
her outside making sure it's the correct one****
Joyce: son I don't mean to interfere, but are you and maDlamini
Me: no ma. Why?
Joyce: no nothing Son. I am just worried about her
Me: ohh but thanks ma
Joyce: thank you
****she got into the car and it left. I went back inside the house
and locked all the doors. I went upstairs and opened the
bedroom door. I heard singing in the bathroom. I took my
clothes listening to her sweet voice. I opened the bathroom
door. She jumped a little****
Sani: damn Nhlaka you
Want to give me a heart attack!
Me: I'm sorry.
****she sighed. I urinated and watched her try to apply lotion
on her legs. I washed my hands and dried them****
Me: let me help you
Sani: why are you back early?
Me: had one meeting today so yeah
Sani: hmmm
****she moaned as I rubbed between her thighs. I touched her
honey pot and inserted a finger.*****
Sani: mmmmh
Me: okay let's take it to the room
****we got to the room. I kissed her sweet lips. When I felt like
she was hungry enough I pulled out and laid her on the bed. I
spread out her legs and went down to indulge in her.*****
Sani: hmmm Nhlaka
****nothing drives me crazy like the sound of her moans. I
licked her pussy lips. I held her legs to prevent her from moving
too much. I placed my tongue on her clit and inserted the index
finger. I added the middle finger and increased the pressure on
the clit****
Sani: hmmm Nhlaakaaaaa!
***** When I was satisfied I kissed neck, planting soft wet
kisses and leaving red marks on her. I played with her boobs and
sucked on them too. This was a hard thing to do since we have
company. So I stopped and just inserted my dick which was
already popping with veins. I went on slowly and it was warm. I
closed my eyes and started moving. I felt her pussy walls hug
my dick and I paused. I moved and fuck! It was soo good. I
couldn't control myself. I moved so quick and came at the same
time as she did. I pulled out and laid next to her. We both
catched our breaths.****
Sani: that was quick
Me: I wasn't gonna last inside you baby
Sani: yoo hot
Me: shut up
***she laughed *****
Me: baby why weren't you talking to me?
Sani: I was still mad at you for saying I drank.
****she must be joking. I apologise for that.****
Me: ohh I'm sorry baby. Am I forgiven
Sani: yes but I need great food
Me: wow
Sani: your children are hungry
Me: Haiibo I just fed them their siblings mos
Sani: sies wena.
****I laughed at her. I stood up and went to the shower. She
followed me and got in. We showered together and then got
dressed. I decided to order food for her.****
Me: let me go fetch Toto
Sani: okay
****I took the car keys and went to fetch Thando. I got to her
school and found her seated with her friends. She hugged them
when she saw the car. I got out and opened the door for her.
She got in and then I buckled her seat belt. I got to my side and
drove off***
Me: how was school today baby
Toto: it was fine. Today Thando wasn't my friend
Me: why?
Toto: I don't know. She didnt want to play with me
Me: ohh sorry baby. There's someone I know who will play with
Toto: who?
Me: Thandi and Mthoko
Toto: yesss. Am I going to them
Me: uhmm well you are going to KZN to aunt Zee's place
Toto: now?
Me: yes baby
Toto: yessss
Me: yes baby.
****we got home and my lovey wife had packed a bag for
Thando. I took it and put it in the car. Thando, my little sister
came with Mthoko and Thandeka.****
Me: put your things in my car. You'll get yours when you come
Thando: hello to you too
Me: Aii suka
Sani: hey sisi
Thando: hey sisi
Toto: Aunty Thando!
Thando: Thando!
Sani: tell me why they share a name again
****I laughed and they also laughed.****
Mthoko: hello mama Sani, hello baba hello Toto
Me: hello boy
Sani: I packed food for you guys. Travel safely
Me: take care of these children yezwa
Thando: mara this isn't fair
Me: Thando please man
Thando: fine. But you owe me
Me: how much?
Thando: 20k
Me: keep on dreaming
Sani: Thando he'll give you. Go now
Thando: thank you sisi. Atleast I know someone cares about me
****she said in a high pitch so that I hear. I laughed and
buckled all the kids up. I got and drove to the airport. Then I
went to Nathi's house and picked them up. We were going on a
vacation. Nkazi and Zee won't be able to go with us this time
that's why we took the kids to them.****
Nandi: where are we going husbee?
****I know she's referring to me. We didn't tell either of the
ladies where we are going.****
Me: I'm not saying anything
Nandi: Mxm. I don't like you guys
Nathi: hmmm we will see
****we got home where I found Muzi's car. We got in. I took
our luggage and took it to the car. *****
Muzi: we ready
Sani: yep
Zah: yah
Nandi: let's go already
Nathi: shame
****we got in the cars and left. We arrived at the airport. In 15
minutes we were in the flight.****
Nandi: why the Northern cape though?
Zah: why Kleinsee?
Sani: are there people living there nje?
Me: what do you mean?
Sani: Northern cape to me is a desert shame
****we laughed. ****
Sani: it feels like there are no people
Nathi: well there are people
*****we arrived and damn this place is beautiful. I have started
liking nature. Sani was even walking ahead of us admiring the
geographical features. We got to our rooms and rested****
Sani: this is a beautiful surprise thank you
Me: I'm glad you like sthandwa Sam. I love you
Sani: I love you more
Me: Goodnight then
Sani: Toto?
Me: we will call her tomorrow
Sani: okay. Night
Me: mbaaa?
****she perked my lips and closed her eyes.******
In Muzi's room
Zah: so you didn't propose?
Muzi: I couldn't find the perfect surprise for her. Zah don't hurt
Zah: hurt myself. Why would I fucken do that. No wait actually I
am. I am hurting myself by staying when you do nothing but
hurt me
Muzi: hauw Zanele but
Zah: no Muzi! NO! I am tired of you. Ek is kak genoeg(I am shit
Muzi: Zah I love her as much as I love you
Zah: no Muzi you dont love me. You don't. Yazin I am going back
to KZN. I can't be acting happy knowing very well that my
husband will be adding another person to our marriage. You
know what I am done! I want out of this marriage Muzikayise. I
am done!
Muzi: you don't mean that
Zah: I do. I want a divorce and full custody of my children
Muzi: you're crazy
Zah: I might be. But you will sign and let me have the kids to
myself. You'll make new babies angithi
Muzi: Zanele where do you think you're going?
Zah: back home where I am respected, loved and appreciated
Muzi: Zanele come on. We came here to enjoy and now you
doing this
Zah: goodbye Muzi
****she wheeled her suitcase and called in for an Uber. It
arrived and she went to the airport where she took the next
flight to Johannesburg. Muzi made a call to his father who
picked up on the fifth ring****
Manqoba: Muzi
Muzi: baba
Manqoba: what's wrong?
Muzi: Zanele wants a divorce
Manqoba: why?
Muzi: I guess I messed up big time. I told her I wanted to take
anther wife
Manqoba: haii okay I hear you. Let me sleep and we will talk
tomorrow okay
Muzi: okay dad
Mandisa: who is that baba?
Manqoba: Muzi
Mandisa: ohh.
****he dropped the call and called Nathi's phone.****
Nathi: sho
Muzi: please bring yourself and Nhlaka to my room
Nathi: ehh okay
Muzi: sho
****10 minutes later there was a knock on the door. He opened
for them. They came in looking at him suspiciously.****
Nhlaka: what's up
Muzi: Zanele just left
Nathi: what do you mean left
Muzi: I mean she went back to KZN. Well she wants a divorce
Nathi: hauw
Nhlaka: damn and the kids?
Muzi: she wants full custody
Nhlaka: Muzi don't do it
Muzi: Nhlaka you know me very well to be telling me that.
Thandeka and Mthokozisi are my children if course I am going
to fight
Nathi: what about Tintswalo?
Muzi: I'm still going to make her mine. I am not backing out.
Nathi: you know that she's pregnant right
Muzi: huh? Nathi: yes she is. And she's going to tell you sooner
or later. Nhlaka: Muzi don't stress her with all of this. We don't
want her losing the baby
Muzi: she won't. Right now I need to leave. You'll make up a
story to tell your wives where Zah and I went
Nathi: sho
Nhlaka: I don't even know what I'm gonna say.
Nathi: let's tell them that they felt like spending quality time
together. Muzi: will that even work?
Nhlaka: worth a try.
Muzi: okay I'm gone
Nhlaka: where to?
Muzi: I'm fetching Tintswalo and we're going home
Nathi: the palace?
Muzi: yep
Nhlaka: okay Goodluck bro
Muzi: thanks.
****they went back to their rooms and Muzi left and took the
last flight of the day to Johannesburg.***
3 weeks later
*****it's Saturday today, and it is Tswalo's welcoming
ceremony. Yes you heard that well, welcoming ceremony.
Meaning she is married to Muzi and she's now Tintswalo
Dlamini. Damn it's about time. Everyone was at the Dlamini
palace getting ready for the day. Zah wasn't there for any of the
ceremonies and I wonder if she'll be here today. This pregnancy,
I swear this big baby is going to kill me. I am in my 7th month,
approaching my 8th one. The doctors say it in weeks and I
swear, I don't understand that. So it's the last week of
September and it ls that short holiday week. Meaning school is
closed and will be open on Monday.*****
Nhlaka: baby
Me: hmm
Nhlaka: come let's go
Me: please help me here
Nhlaka: sure
****he helped me stand up, wear his flip flops because mine
weren't fitting anymore. I honestly didn't like the way I looked,
because I look like a hippo. We got downstairs to the dinning
room where everyone was eating****
Nhlaka: good morning
Me: good morning
Them: morning
Mandisa: so Tintswalo When are you planning on having your
Tswalo: uhmm I am not sure ma
Nandi: you and Muzi ruined mine
****everyone looked at her.****
Nandi: what? Did I say anything wrong?
Nathi: Nandi
Nkazi: how did they ruin it?
Nandi: they chose to have their ceremonies and I wanted the
attention to me on me
Nathi: Nandi how is Saturday for the wedding
Nandi: it's okay I guess
Nhlaka: huh?
Nathi: cool. Dad please send invitations to eveyone, Nandi and I
are getting married
Mandisa: Wena Sani?
Me: after I give birth
Zee: so you all want white weddings?
Nandi: yes.
Voice: must be nice
*****we all turned to the entrance and saw Zanele. She looked
nothing like the Zanele I knew. She was wearing a black pencil
skirt, heels and a black top. She had a weave on and her make
up, was to die for. Tswalo looked a bit scared and well Muzi,
Muzi was just seated there looking at this goddess in front of
Mandisa: Zanele sit down
Zah: good morning.
*****she went to Muzi and kissed the living daylights out of
him. She sat next to Yezi since her space was occupied by
Tswalo. Tswalo looked like she was going to burst out of tears
any moment. I guess Zanele is back with fire and full force.****
Zee: Zanele why black?
Zah: black goes on well with everything. And it's just a
welcoming ceremony of my sister wive so why not black
Mandisa: don't start bewitching sisi.
Zah: I don't have the time and energy for that. Anyway can I
please be excused. Muzi hour kids are here.
Muzi: thank you
Zah: is the room I know of to be ours still ours?
Muzi: yeah
Zah: great. May I be excused
Mandisa: go
****Zanele stood up and left. The king also stood up with Nkazi
and left****
Mandisa: yho let me go fetch Fikile and Samke at the airport
*****yho here comes the aunts. I finished eating and stayed at
the table. The helpers cleared it and got me water to drink.
After drinking, I stood up and went outside. I sat down where
Nhlaka likes to sit at. I still wonder why he likes this spot so
much. I mean all you can see are the cows and goats. I guess he
is weird.****
Nhlaka: baby
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: come we have to get ready sthandwa sam
Me: okay
****he helped me up and walked with me inside the house. We
got to our room****
Me: I am horny
Nhlaka: you need help baby
Me: yes please.
Nhlaka: take off your clothes
****he commanded while he locked the door. He looked at me
as I took off my clothes. He took off his clothes too while
looking at me. He touched my boobs and then planted a kiss on
my lips. He rubbed my pussy lips with his fingers****
Nhlaka: you're already wet
Me: just satisfy me
Nhlaka: with pleasure
****he went down and used his mouth to pleasure me. I
couldn't even hold his head because of this big belly. He went
on and on till I ended up screaming a bit. He circled my clit even
more. 5 seconds later my legs vibrated. He inserted his dick and
I mouthed an O. He thrusted in to me and that's all I wanted. He
went on deep and faster. It felt soo hot, I felt I was being ripped.
My screams and moans probably fell on deaf ears because he
fucked me. I felt my body tense up. He groaned a liitle louder,
meaning he's about to cum. He went on faster and faster and
we both released at the same time. I closed my eyes and dozed
*****fuck that was good. I shook her a little and she was gone.
Ohh well I pulled out and walked to the bathroom. I got a towel
and made it damp. I used it to wipe her and then I covered her
in a sheet and went to take a shower. After the shower I got
dressed in a Jean, a t-shirt and sneakers. I got out the room and
went downstairs.****
Nandi: Nhlaka where is Sani?
Me: upstairs sleeping why?
Nandi: sleeping?
Me: yes. She's tired
Nandi: from?
Me: you don't wanna hear it
Nandi: Mxm sies
****I laughed at her. She laughed too and left****
Me: where is your man?
Nandi: somewhere with Yezi
Me: sho
****Thando, my little sister approached me.****
Me: hey
Thando: how are you?
Me: hood and you?
Thando: I'm good
Me: how is my niece?
Thando: she's behaving. And how is my nephew
Me: misbehaving
Thando: Haiibo why do you say so
Me: she's not giving my wife peace
Thando: Ahh well just a few more weeks and he'll be out
Me: yep. Where is your man?
Thando: he's still there
Me: good. Because if he fucks up one thing. I'll kill him
Thando: why do you sound like you mean it
Me: I am not joking Thando
Fikile: Uhmm hello Thando and you
Me: It's Nhlaka ma
Fikile: yes you
Samke: hi Nhlaka.
Me: how are you ma?
Samke: tired. Where is makoti?
Thando: in her room
Fikile: Thando come with us
****they left altogether.****
Ma: hey son
Me: ma
Ma: we barely ever talk. How are you doing?
Me: I am good ma. And you?
Ma: I'm good too. It's nice to see the family grow. I mean it's
nice seeing pregnant ladies out here
****we laughed. I pulled a chair for her. She sat down and took
my hand in hers.****
Ma: Nhlakanipho I Love you
Me: I love you too ma
Dad: love where is makoti
Ma: Fikile and Samke are going to fetch her
Dad: okay. Dladla is here
Ma: yhuuuu okay
Me: let me go wake up Sani
Dad: what did you do to her
Me: nothinh
Ma: then why is she asleep
Nhlaka did you?
Me: no no I am not discussing my bedroom info with you guyss
Dad: yah neh. Dlamini
****I laughed and ran upstairs. I got it and found the bed
empty. She was showering I guess. She got out wrapped in a
towel. She wore her panty and a long purple maternity dress.
She took her little blanket and wore it over her shoulders. She
wore her head wrap and she looked like a wife. She wore my
flip flops. *****
Me: done?
Sani: done
Me: you look beautiful baby
Sani: thank you. Thank you for the dick too Dlamini
Me: it's a pleasure baby
Sani: let's go
****we went out to the rondavels and got in. Women were one
side and men were also one side. She sat down on the mat with
the help of Nandi. The welcoming ceremony was officially done
and Dladla cast out any evil eye on each and every one of
Dladla: ni nga hamba(you may leave)
****we all stood up and left the rondaval. We went into the
house and when Sani was relaxed I left.****
Nathi: ohh so you regret your decision now?
Muzi: no I don't. I love them both
Yezi: I'm guessing you talking about Zanele. I didn't know she
could be so hot
Nkazi: Muzi you were doing a very bad job with taking care of
her, man you gotta stop. Even with Tswalo, man take care of her
Muzi: fuck!
****he said when he saw Zanele approach us with the kids
beside her.*****
Nathi: yes fuck
****they laughed at him. He scratched his head.****
Zah: there you go.
Mthoko: baba! Baba Nkazi! Baba Nathi! Baba Nhlaka! Baba Yezi!
*****he said fist pumping all of us. Thandeka just went into her
daddy's arms. Zanele smiled at them and left****
Mthoko: baba why don't we live with you anymore?
Muzi: you will boy don't worry.
****I felt sorry for him. As I was about to leave Toto came
running looking angry with tears flowing her cheeks and hit
Nathi: Haiibo Thando!
****Whuuu she hit him again. Mthoko also hit her. Nathi
stopped the fight. Yho these kids wanna see us old already.****
Me: Thando let's go!
****Nathi let her go. She followed behind me till we got to
another tree.****
Me: Toto why are you fighting with your brother
Toto: he left me alone, playing alone so I am hitting him
because of that
Me: yho okay baby but you mustnt hit him or anyone else.
Violence doesn't solve anything baby okay. I'm sorry neh
*****she nodded. Damn I like how she knows that family must
stick with one another but I don't want her to be violent.*****
Toto: where is mommy?
Me: inside
****she went inside the house. I went back to the tree where
the guys were at. We chilled till late and got into the house
around 2am. We were all drunk. I got to the room and found
Sani asleep. I just took off my shoes and threw myself on the
bed. I was out the moment I closed my eyes.*****

Meanwhile in Muzi's room

**** he got into his room as drunk as he was and found Tswalo
asleep. He turned around and went to his other room. He knew
she'd be there. He opened the door and found her crying softly.
He felt his break. He took off his clothes and got into the bed.
She raised her head up and looked at him.***
Zah: Muzi get out. Muzi: ssshhhh
Zah: Muzi you are drunk
Muzi: Yes I am. Why are you crying?
Zah: I'm not. What is your wife going to say?
Muzi: you are my wife
Zah: you know who I am talking about Muzi
Muzi: she's asleep. Zanele I am sorry baby. Please come back
Zah: no Muzi you keep hurting me. Now I have to share you
with another woman. No I can't
Muzi: ssshhhh baby. Please Zanele please
Zah: Muzi but why?
Muzi: she was my girlfriend before I married you. She has
always been the one I've loved. But Zanele after we got married
I learnt to love you too. I care for you and her. Please baby
Zah: so you love her more than me
Muzi: no. Zanele I love you baby and that's all matters.
Zah: then you must choose
Muzi: Zanele don't do this to me. I choose the both of you
Zah: then fuck out!
****she said and started beating him. He held her hands and
she cried in his bare chest. He comforted her. He held her chin
up and smashed his lips on her. She moaned in his mouth. It's
been a while since they have been intimate and she missed it.
She let him take off her night dress and then took his large
member into her mouth. She gaged, chocked and spit on it. He
released and she swallowed it all. He wen on his knees and ate
her up. She felt at home, no wait what felt home was Muzi's
dick when he inserted it in her. She moaned. He looked at her
deep in the eyes and moved slowly. He wanted her to forgive
him. He was making love to her and she was drowning into his
world. She finally came. Muzi came shortly afterwards and then
pulled out. He hit a towel to clean them up and then he kissed
her forehead.****
Yezi: Sani I've sued Indaba the News. The only person left is
Me: how much does she have
Yezi: R4000
Nathi: didn't they say she had a business
Yezi: that was a lie man
Me: take it all. I'll take it to an orphanage so that they buy food
for the kids for the month.
Yezi: okay so you don't want a cent
Me: no
Nhlaka: you're a good person baby
Me: thank you
Yezi: okay then let me get going
Me: bye. Greet Olothando
Yezi: sure
****he said in a smiled. He's in love and that's nice. Everybody
is going crazy over Nandi's short notice wedding. But as long as
she's happy we are also happy. She came in looking
Nhlaka: and how was your day?
Nandi: yho my dress is a dream man
Zah: yep a whole dream
Me: and your dresses?
Zee: beautiful I must say. You'll see them.
Me: okay then.
Nhlaka: let me leave you ladies
Nandi: girl I am soo tired and I wanna sleep right now
Me: you realise it's still 5pm right?
Nandi: yep and I'm going to bed
Zah: heh ungathi umithi wena( looks like you're pregnant)
Nandi: nope
****she stood up and left. I stood up and followed her.****
Me: Nandipha
Nandi: hmmm
Me: talk to me sisi. There's something wrong and I wanna know
what it is
Nandi: I'm fine Sani don't worry
Me: you do know that I get more worried right?
****she exhaled loudly. She sat on the bed. I sat next to
Nandi: remember when I told you that it's about Nathi and me
Me: yes. Does he beat you? Is he cheating?
Nandi: no no and no. None of that
Me: okay. Sorry for being foward
Nandi: it's okay. Uhmmm Nathi and I have never used a condom
Me: uhmm yeah and?
Nandi: Sani youre not getting it right?
****she had tears in her eyes. I looked at her with my head
tilted. Ohhh fuck! I hugged her and she cried loudly. She finally
came down****
Nandi: we've been trying and nothing Sani
Me: did you go check
Nandi: the doctors said nothing is wrong with any of us. It hurts
so bad Sani
Me: ohhh no I am sorry baby. How does Nathi feel
Nandi: he tells me that we are going to be pregnant one day. He
is sad I know. He just won't tell me or say it but I know
Me: I am really sorry baby.
Nandi: it's fine. Let me sleep
Me: sure baby. Rest okay.
Nandi: thanks.
Me: I love you
Nandi: I love you too sister wife
Me: yho when you talk about sister wives you're talking about
something else
****she laughed. I left and closed the door. I bumped into
Me: ohh hey. Are you fine?
Tswalo: yes and you?
Me: I'm good
Tswalo: anyways have you seen Muzi?
Me: uhmm no why?
Tswalo: he wasn't with me in the morning meaning he didn't
sleep in there and I haven't seen him since the day started.
Me: Tswalo, you are married to a polygamous man. He was
probably with Zanele
Tswalo: ohh yeah
Me: yeah. And right now he's probably with the guys outside.
Tswalo: sure.
*****I went back downstairs to the ladies. I found them
Zee: serious??
Zah: yes girl he gave me multiple orgasms. I mean the whole
Zee: hmmm that must have been nice
Zah: nice! No Zee it was amazing
Zee: you'll never forget it?
Zah: no. I mean the best one was this morning when I told him I
am leaving his ass. He fucked the brains out of me and now girl I
am thinking straight. I am not leaving my man at all.
Me: wow
Zah: Sani. That man is great. No wonder your friend is attracted.
I don't blame her
Zee: but still Zah
Zah: yeah whatever the thing is I have Muzi's heart. I mean if I
leave him he'd be depressed. I am everything to him
Zee: how are you his everything when he was able to cheat?
****Zah took a sip if the wine and kept quiet. I stood up and
left since it was now awkward. I went to the kitchen were ma
and aunt Samke were seated. I greeted them and poured myself
a glass of orange juice ****
Ma: Noma
Me: ma
Ma: when are you due?
Me: just a few more weeks, probably 5
Ma: hmm. Every royal child should be born here, in the royal
Samke: meaning you should be here to give birth
Me: ohh okay. I'll be here ma
Ma: good. So how is Nhlaka treating you?
Me: good
Ma: that's good.
Samke: how is he in bed?
****whoosh wtf! I think this was a bad idea. I should've just
went outside or somewhere else*****
Me: Ma with all due respect I don't think it's appropriate for me
to be discussing my bedroom news with you guys or anyone
****they looked at each other and nodded their heads. Then
they laughed at me****
Ma: we just wanted to hear your reply. It's good that you know
you shouldn't tell anyone about your marital issues or
problems. Not everyone is happy for you and not everyone
wants to see you succeed and last long in your marriage
Samke: take care of your family and your husband will take care
of you. Always put your family first sisi no matter what. Love
your man and children
Me: thank you bo mama
Ma: it's a pleasure
Voice: where is she!
Samke: Nathi why the noise?
****she asked as she walked out the room. Nhlaka got in. Ma
and I laughed because aunt Smake couldn't see the difference
between Nathi and Nhlaka. I don't blame her though these
people are the same.****
Ma: Nhlakanipho
Nhlaka: mom. And mommy
Me: hey there. What's the noise for?
Nhlaka: I missed you that's all
Me: you do realise that you were basically with me the whole
day right?
Nhlaka: yes and now I can't get over you
Me: haii join us then
Ma: join who? I'm not going to sit with a young couple mna.
Where is my man?
Nhlaka: outside with Sihle
Ma: Aii okay
Me: so you missed me?.
Nhlaka: yes.
Me: hmm good because your baby is hungry
Nhlaka: hauw Sani mara
Me: we are hungry
Nhlaka: okay what for?
Me: a simple McDonald's meal. Buy two big macs. Get me juice
Nhlaka: let's go
Me: okay
*****he went upstairs and took his car keys. I waited for him
and washed the glass. He came down and drove off*****
Me: how does your suit fit you?
Nhlaka: I didn't fit, I was with you all day remember
Me: ohh yeah and how do you know if it will fit you
Nhlaka: Nathi did that for me
Me: so you're telling me you guys are the same size
Nhlaka: yes
Me: you have the same everything
****he looked at me.****
Nhlaka: you are dirty minded sies!
Ne: Haiibo I was just asking
Nhlaka: and I am not going to engage in such
Me: that's okay
Nhlaka: great. How is Tswalo settling in
Me: I think she's not okay hey. She's been isolating herself since
Zanele came back
Nhlaka: ohh okay. Make her feel welcomed
Me: will do
Nhlaka: cool.
Me: your mom said something about all royals being born at
the royal house?
Nhlaka: yes babe all royals must be born at the royal house
Me: ohh okay
Nhlaka: I love you
Me: ehhh baba you're not going to kill me right
Nhlaka: no why?
Me: why would you just say I love you out of nowhere
especially driving?
****he chuckled and held his hand in mine while he used his
right hand to drive****
Nhlaka: I am just reminding you sthandwa Sam. I wouldn't kill
you or baby. I love you Khensani
Me: hmm that's good. I love you too
Nhlaka: let's get you fed
Me: I'd like to eat in
Nhlaka: that's cool
****we got in and ordered. We sat down and I jammed to the
gqom song that was playing. I mean this is KZN so if course
gqom still lives somewhere around here. *****
Waiter: there you go
Nhlaka: thanks
****I smiled at him. He smiled at me too and couldn't stop
staring. He almost fell and I burst out of laughter. I couldn't hold
myself I just had to. Nhlaka chuckled *****
Nhlaka: that's what happens when you stare at what's bit yours
for too long man
Man: eish sorry
Nhlaka: Aii go
****I had tears in my eyes from laughing. Poor guy I shouldn't
have done that. ****
Nhlaka: I think you hurt him with that laugh more than the
table did to his leg
Me: can we eat?
Nhlaka: sure. So how are you maDlamini?
Me: I am good baba. I mean my husband has been treating me
good. My children are happy, the family is alright so that makes
me fine
Nhlaka: that's good. I'm glad to hear that
Me: same here. And you? How are you?
Nhlaka: I am fine. Nothing is stressing me out like the KZN
Me: don't worry sthandwa Sam. It will also be a success you
Nhlaka: yep. Wena you are my number one supporter
Me: I am the one wearing the ring, do of course honey
Nhlaka: Mxm and you still wonder why I chose you
Me: hmmm
****I said while chewing this simple yet wonderful burger. I
closed my eyes and enjoyed it. ***
Nhlaka: yho I wish I was the burger
Me: why?
Nhlaka: because it is making my wife moan while I am right in
front of her
Me: yeah but you're not inside me
Nhlaka: hehe heyi wena! Khuzeka njalo(be ware)
Me: or what?
Nhlaka: I'll forget you're pregnant sisi and have you flipped over
in different positions on my bed with my dick buried deep
inside you.
****I swallowed hard. I felt my panties get wet and my coochie
feel warm. How does he do that. How does he manage to make
me wet from just talking*****
Nhlaka: you know my dick is all yours right?
Me: hmm?
Nhlaka: staring is rude baby.
Me: ohh sorry
Nhlaka: let's go home.
Me: okay let me finish this burger please
Nhlaka: cool
****I finished eating and then we drone home listening to soft
songs. We arrived and the first person we saw was Toto. I gave
her the fries to share with Mthoko and we'll for the first time in
forever they agreed to share. Nhlaka and I walked into the living
room, hand in hand and sat down next to each other. We found
them disscusssing the wedding. Tswalo was just there seated
quietly next to Muzi and Zanele was next to Thando on her
Nandi: no no I don't want these flowers
Zee: Nandi think about this they match with....
Nkazi: Zinhle let her make the decision babe
Zee: okay
Nandi: I want white roses
Nathi: then white roses it is. Anything for my baby
Muzi: yho safa
****they laughed. I laid my head on Nhlaka's chest. He kept
taking us videos and all we did was smile at each other.****
Muzi: Zah can we talk, nawe Tswalo
Zah: me and her in one room without all these people?
Muzi: Zanele please
****they stood up and left the room. 20 minutes later Zanele
and Muzi returned.****
Me: where is Tswalo
Muzi: upstairs
Nhlaka: Sani leave her
****he whispered****
Me: you told me to make her feel welcomed. So I want to know
what happened
Nhlakaz: okay but bottom line. Don't interfere
Me: I won't
****I went upstairs to her room and found her in the bathroom
preparing water to bath****
Me: and then what happened down there
Tswalo: knock knock, come in, ohh hey Tswalo......
Me: sorry
Tswalo: nothing. He was telling us how to behave and that we
shouldn't be acting awkward and he told Zah that he'll be
sleeping with me tonight
Me: ohh okay. So you're getting ready for him
Tswalo: yes
Me: okay let me not disturb you and go sleep
Tswalo: goodnight
Me: goodnight
*****I left her room and closed the door. Then I went to my
room and found Nhlaka already in his boxers.****
Me: you were going to sleep without me
Nhlaka: you caught me. I am tired baby
Me: me too yho
*****I took my clothes and wore my night dress. I placed my
comfortable pillow on the bed to support my back, got into bed,
and slept.*****
*****today is Saturday the wedding day and damn we all look
good. I am the best man of course and the rest are groomsmen
including Wenzi the guard. He is part of the bridal party
because Nandi's bridesmaids are 4 and we had 3 so someone
had to fill it up. We are now standing at the altar waiting for the
ladies at this beautiful venue. First came in Nandi's cousin,
Namhla, Yezi met with her halfway then they both came up.
Next was Zee, Nkazi also met his wife halfway, next was Zah and
Muzi, then Nandi's collegue and Wenzi. The door opened again
and it was Nandi's little sister Nomsa. I went to her and held her
arm. We walked to the altar. 2 minutes later the door opened
again. Thando and Mthoko walked in scattering petals all over
the ground. Then the door open wide enough for her dress.
Nathi looked at her with teary eyes. I saw one tear go down his
face. Muzi gave him something to wipe his tears. Nandi kept on
walking by her father's side. Nathi walked to them. Her father
whispered something into his ear. He nodded his head and
walked with her forward. We sat down and watched the
ceremony. They did their vows and exchanged rings which were
on me. ****
Pastor: Nandi are you sure that this is your husband
Nandi: yes
**** everyone laughed. They kissed and got out the chapel. We
followed behind and took pictures. I looked for my wife using
my eyes and found her with Tswalo. ****
Me: hey guys. Tswalo may I steal her
Tswalo: yes you can
Me: thanks
****I pulled her to a beautiful fountain and smashed my lips on
her. She moaned and pulled out.****
Me: I miss you
Sani: you do know that I'm here right
Me: yeah I do. I just miss being inside you
Sani: Yeyi get away from me wena sies
Me: you look beautiful my love
Sani: you mean to say that I look like a hippo that walks like a
Me: no. Why are you mocking yourself?
Sani: you started it
*** I got closer to her and touched her belly. The baby kicked.
She smiled. I kissed her one more time. We took family pictures
and then people got in the hall.****
Nathi: ni ready (are you guys ready)
Us: yebo
****the doors opened and we got in dancing to a amapiano
song I do t even know. People cheered and took us videos. I saw
Sani dancing and singing to it. This person is truly a fan. We
danced till we reached the open floor for dancing. Each ang
every one of us had to show off a dancing style. I went in first
and just made a vosho and the cheetah dance. Everyone went
in and danced. Then we went to our table were we sat down
and waited for the programme to start. The programme went
down fast with speeches from aunts, uncles, friends,
colleagues, neighbours and parents. ****
MC: uhmm okay can we have Nhlaka to come and say a few
words since he is the twin here, then after that you can go eat
***people chuckled. The Dj played a song. I stood up and went
to Sani. She gave me a questioning look but I just pulled out my
hand for her. She took it and stood up. We went to the front.
Nandi had the biggest smile in the room and Nathi was just
laughing at anything and everything.*****
Me: uhmm hello everyone. I am Nhlaka, Nathi's brother
Nathi: Twin bafo. You must say twin
****everyone laughed.*****
Me: okay I am his twin brother. And this is my wife. Okay so
Nathi and I met in the womb of that beautiful woman seated
****I said pointing at ma. Everyone laughed. Ma shook her
head laughing and dad just shook it****
Me: Nathi is a good person, fun to be around, a little bit quiet,
he is smart especially with technology. He is a loving gent, kind
and caring. I know this because he loves Nandi and he takes
good care of him. Twin please continue doing that, continue
taking care of Nandi and showering her with all she needs. And
to you Nandi, whom the aunts said you are Nosibusiso, Nosi sisi
welcome to the family, even if you are already part of it, you are
now adding on to my sister collection. I love you both! Give us
many many many many uhmmmm haii you know
****everybody laughed. Nathi smiled at the last part and Nandi
had a faint smile. I know they are having problems in having
children but since Nathi told me that non of them have
problems then they have a chance.****
Me: Sani khuluma( speak)
Sani: uhmm hello everyone. I am Khensani Dlamini, Nhlaka's
wife and Nandi is my sister in the family, but I call her my sister
wife since our husband's look the same
****I chuckled and so did everyone else***
Sani: uhmm Nathi man, take care of Nandi, love her, respect her
and Nandi submit to your husband sisi, take care of him and
he'll do even more. I love you guys soo much. May God bless
jou guys and your union.
****claps and cheers were heard amongst the guests. We sat
down next to each other since it looked like the person seated
there had left ****
Sani: Haiibo where is Tswalo?
Me: was she seated here?
Sani: yes
Me: call her
****She tried calling her and there was no reply. I stood up to
go dish up for her and myself when Yezi told me it's our turn. I
filled up my plate and hers with what we both like then gave
her her plate. She gladly appreciated it. *****
Sani: hmmm Dlamini she's not answering
Me: okay let me tell Muzi okay. He is her husband and he'll find
her. Don't worry okay. Just eat and be happy
Sani: okay.
*****we continued eating, after eating I stood up and went
straight to Muzi. I tapped his shoulder and signaled that we
should go outside. He followed me outside.****
Muzi: sho
Me: your wife is missing
Muzi: Tswalo?
Me: yes.
Muzi: no mahn did you look for her?
Me: Muzi I have a pregnant wife that needs my attention there
and there so of course I couldn't. Go look for your wife before
this wedding turns into a disaster.
Muzi: okay what about Zanele?
Me: she'll be fine
Muzi: thanks man
****I went back in and went to Nathi. I hugged Nandi****
Me: you are beautiful Nosibusiso
Nandi: thank you
Me: Ntwana yam(my nigga/my man)
Nathi: sho boy
Me: I need a favor
Nathi: shoot
Me: Tswalo is nowhere to be found. Please track her phone so
that we atleast know where she is
Nathi: okay. I don't have my phone with
Me: that's why I am your best man
****I gave him his phone. He did what he had to do.****
Nathi: she's still in the building
Me: great. Thanks
Nathi: cool
****I moved from the stage and called Muzi's phone.****
Muzi: Nhlaka
Me: did you find her?
Muzi: not yet
Me: okay she's still somewhere around this place okay.
Muzi: sho, thanks man
Me: sho
MC: where are the single ladies?
**** the single ladies went to the dance floor and gathered all
up. Nandi stood up and took her bouquet. She she waited for
the countdown and then threw it in the air. It was caught by her
cousin Namhla. Her and Nandi screamed with joy. They took
pictures then the single men were called. The gents went there
and Nandi was given a chair. Nathi went down with the biggest
smug ever and took out the gutter using his teeth. Then he
waited for the countdown and threw it. Luhle, That's boyfriend
catched it. They also took pictures then the dance floor was
open for everybody.****
MC: there is still desert everybody, there is sweet stuff
****people settled down.****
Voice: so youre not single hey
Me: excuse me?
****I said looking at her. It was Nandi's colleague. I don't even
know her name****
Her: I mean I didn't see you with the single men
Me: that's because I am not single. I am married
Her: ohh
Me: yes, didn't you see me with my wife, we made a speech
before we ate
Her: ohh I was outside
Me: makes sense
Her: uhmm yeah, my name is Dineo and you?.
Me: Vusmuzi
Dineo: owner of Vusmuzi properties?
Me: yes
****she gasped. She had a sip of her drink ****
Dineo: so where is your wife?
Voice: right behind you
****we both turned and there she was with her belly about to
poke me. I placed my head on it and felt a kick. I felt another
one at the same time. I mean could this mean we have twins.
We need to go to the doctor before I get too excited.****
Me: felt that?
Sani: listen here wena this man is mine, if you think your slutty
ways can score you this guy then forget
Dineo: Mxm you elephant. Zip your mans pants because he
wants all of this
****she said pointing at her ass which wasn't even bigger than
my wife's ass. Sani clicked her tongue. Dineo left with her drink
and went outside. Sani gave me a death stare.****
Me: hmm hmm don't look at me like that
Sani: mxm
****she sat down and took the glass of wine that was on the
table. I snatched it from her hand and gave her a death stare.
She returned it****
Me: Khensani don't test me
Sani: ohh but it's okay when you do
Me: let's go outside
****I helped her stand up. We got outside and there were
people and I need privacy. I dragged her to where the guys
changed. I locked the door****
Sani: what? You were flirting with her right under my nose
Me: I was? How long were you standing there?
Sani: I heard everything from the moment where she asked why
you weren't with the single men
Me: and that's flirting?
Sani: mxm
Me: Khensani no one is going to take me away from you or the
other way around. I am yours and you are mine okay. Don't
worry about these girls, I am not cheating on you, I won't even
do that.
Sani: I'm sorry for acting up but Nhlaka...
Me: ssshh I understand baby. I'd also react the same way you
Sani: no you wouldn't. You'd kill the guy
Me: but I am no murderer baby
****she laughed and I chuckled. She knows. I know she knows
that I've killed people and she probably knows about your
underground business too. *****
Sani: I know Nhlaka.
Me: how?
Sani: you know your study has some things right? Remember
when you saved me from Phumlani, you had a gun with and you
killed everyone. You cleaned the evidence. No one even knows
where he disappeared to. Plus Nandi seems to know everything
and so since she trusts me amongst all the wives she told me.
Me: ohh and how does that make you feel?
Sani: Nhlaka I hate violence. I need you to stop
Me: I did
*****lies I didn't. I am not a break and leave till our child
grows. Am I going to tell her that, hell no! ****
Sani: okay. I love you soo much Nhlaka iphi. I don't want to lose
you to thus gangasterism
Me: you won't.
**** I got closer to her and kissed her. I took off her dress that
was too sexy even if she's pregnant. I unziped my pants and
took it down. I took off my underwear. My dick sprung out. She
looked at it and licked her lips. She laid on the bed and opened
her legs. I inserted my dick........ And you know what they say,
the rest was history. After our wonderful session. We took a
shower and then went out to join the others.****
Nandi: where were you guys
Me: you don't wanna hear it
Nandi: Hayi sies! Sies
****Sani laughed at her. I walked with her hand in hand
greeting some guests and everyone else. Muzi came with
Tswalo hand in hand*****
Zah: Muzi where were you?
Muzi: I'll tell you about it
Nkazi: uhmm is everything okay?
Muzi: yeah it is
Sani: Tswalo can we talk?
****they went down the hall and sat on the chairs. Zah gave
Muzi a questioning look. I swear this polygamy thing is hard
work. I am not going to do this to myself or my wife.
1 week later
*****there is a new edition to the family, Sanelisiwe
September. I mean Thando's boyfriend is Xhosa so yeah, don't
be surprised. My beautiful wife is due to give birth to our son
next week. Yes you got that, son! I mean Sani is so happy that
we have a son, but who wouldn't be. Thando is happy that she'll
have a baby brother and she'll finally have a younger sibling.
The company, ahh well the KZN branch will officially be up and
running next year. Sani's company, which she visits once in a
month, it's also going well and we'll the employees were happy
to hear that they will get bonuses. She gave the restaurant to
Yanda, her twin brother who will be joining us for dinner later
on. I am very happy I won't lie, I mean I have a beautiful and
wonderful wife,a beautiful daughter, a son on his way, a
company and a happy family. Wouldn't you be happy?*****
Sani: babe please help me with the shoes
Me: sure
****I helped her wear my flip flops. She stood up and I helped
her walk down the stairs. Thando came running to us, she had
an envelope in her hand and she looked.... Yho her hair was a
mess, her shorts were dirty her t-shirt had stains, and her white
shoes weren't that white anymore. Thapelo, the driver I hired
for Sani and to guard her walked in with Thando's bag which
was also dirty. He put it on the kitchen counter and left. ****
Sani: Thandolwenkosi!
Toto: mama teacher said I passed
Me: why wasn't there a parents meeting, how did you get your
report sisi
Toto: mii (take)
****I took the envelope and it was a school newsletter to the
parents meeting. Aha exactly what I thought of.****
Sani: Toto why are you so dirty?
Toto: I was playing with Nothando
Sani: Hayi man, look you've got sand in your hair, Hayi
tomorrow we are going to the salon, I just can't deal with this
Me: Thando go change
Sani: Hayi hayi go bath. I am coming now now
Me: up the stairs again?
Sani: I'll manage
Me: sure
****I took Toto's bag from the counter and opened it, just for
inspections. It had her maths book, reading book and colours.
She also had her lunch box with. I took it out and threw it in the
skin, then I took her bag and went to her room.****
Sani: mara Thando what do you play huh?
Toto: swing
Sani: yho wena
Toto: kodwa mama I said teacher said I passed
Sani: that's good my baby. I am proud of you
****I turned and walked out, closing the door. I went to the
guest room, which I had turned into a study room
1 week later
***** we are in KZN right now, it's the 9th of October and we
are just awaiting the birth of our son. We left Toto in Joburg
with Nathi and Nandi. They will be here on Friday.*****
Dad: Nhlaka
Me: baba
Dad: how are you?
Me: good you?
Dad: happy. I mean the family is growing
Me: that's nice
Dad: yes. How is the business
Me: which one?
Dad: all of them
Me: company is going well, the branch is almost finished and I'll
be launching it in January. Rod is late with the shipment again.
Carlos is getting on my nerves. He wants his package and he
refuses to understand that Rod has issues
Dad: Nhlaka whatever it is, please fix it. I want my money
Me: yes sir
Dad: great. How's your marriage
Me: going good. All is well. Weekend I'll be taking Thando to go
visit Durban
Dad: ohh
Me: yeah, maThwala asked me to, she said her husband is sick
and wanted to see her
Dad: ohh okay. I am hoping this won't confuse Thando. I mean
she already knows Sani to be her mom
Me: I hope so too.
Ma: Manqoba
Dad: hmmm
****we both turned to her. She was wearing a two piece suit
and heels. Dad looked her like it was the first time he saw her
Dad: hauw hauw wamuhle bo sthandwa Sam! ( you're beautiful
my love)
Ma: Ngiyabonga( thank you)
Dad: uyaphi? (where are you going?)
Ma: we're going out, just to spend some time together
Dad: ohh okay, let me also look the part
Ma: sure. You'll find me here
Dad: sure
*****dad disappeared into the house. Ma sat down next to me
on the chair.****
Me: you look beautiful first lady
Ma: ohh yess I do. Thank you
Me: my pleasure ma
Ma: how are you?
Me: good ma. I am very happy
Ma: aren't you nervous about being a father
Me: I am a fathee
Ma: I know, I mean, this is your first time you're actually going
to be there to here when the baby is born, the first time you're
going to hear the late nighy cries and have the stress
Me: ohh well I am nervous but I know I can do it
Ma: that's good. Don't leave all the child responsibilities to your
wife, share them with her. She also needs to look beautiful and
rest okay
Me: yes ma
Dad: let's go love
Ma: bye son
Me: have fun
Dad: aren't you're going to tell me that I look handsome
Me: no, bye bye man
Dad: I wonder why you're my son
Me: Haiibo wena
****Ichuckled and got inside the house. Sani was seated there
wearing a summer dress. She was reading a pregnancy
magazine eating a fruit salad. *****
Me: hey Nomalanga
Sani: hey Vusimuzi
Me: how are you baby?
Sani: fine. I can't wait to mee him
Me: same here love. What are you reading
Sani: this page on how to take care of a new born
Me: don't stress love, you got ma, she'll help you. You'll be good
at this, actually we are going to be good at this. Don't worry
okay. I'll be with you ever step of the way.
Sani: thank you
Me: I am doing my duty as a husband and a father
Sani: speaking of being a father, have you talked to Toto?
Me: yes and she's happy to be with Nathi and Nandi
Sani: only because they are spoiling her
Me: yep
Sani: Hayi. What do you think the problem is
Me: I don't know babe, I told Nathi to go to bab'Dladla and ask
him to consult for them
Sani: yeah good idea yaz
Me: yeah

*****been 3 days since we got here and well being royalty
must be nice. I mean there are helpers all over and I don't do a
thing. But out of all of them I like Buhle a lot, Nobuhle started
working here like probably 5 years ago making her the second
experienced helper here, the first one is maGugu. She's the
oldest here and has 10 years working for this family. Nhlaka
stood up and went out, I saw Zee come in with Zah****
Me: ohh hey guys
Zee: hey mommy to be
Zah: Mrs Nhlaka
Me: hey Mrs Nkazi and Mrs Muzi
Zah: his first lady baby
Me: ohh yes ma'am!
Zee: how are you feeling?
Me: nervous
Zee: you'll be fine girl
Zah: I am here to assist with the birth
Me: thank you guys so much
Zee: and well I am going to be your support system here
Me: thank you guys.
Zee: let me call Nkazi
Me: Zah who did you come with?
****I asked as Zinhle walked out. Zanele sat down and
Zah: alone
Me: ohh and you're not calling Muzi
Zah: I'll text him.
Me: what's wrong? Trouble in paradise
Zah: it's no longer paradise. I mean there's another person in
our marriage, it's soo hard Sani. We need to include her in our
decisions. Everything also needs to run past her. I just can't take
it anymore. I can't it's a lot
Me: I am sorry man
Zah: why couldn't your friend find her own man
*****whoosh and what do I say huh. I kept quiet and she
Zah: I know she was his first but I wore the ring first
Me: hav eyou guys tried working your differences out?
Zah: haven't seen her since the wedding
Me: ohh
Zah: yep. Muzi is buying her a house
Me: ohh
Zah: yep, a house in the same neighborhood as ours. Imagine
Me: he probably want the kids not to play far
Zah: haii. You're hungry?
Me: nope
Zah: okay I am going to grab myself something to eat
Me: sure
****she left and once again it became quiet. I went back to
reading the magazine. There are a lot of interesting things
Thando: hey sis
Me:hey mommy, how are you?
Thando: I'm not fine. I am going to be starting with my exams
soon and now I have Sane to take care of
Me: can't you write them online?
Thando: no. I am stressed Sani
Zee: hey Thando
Thando: hey sisi
Zee: what's wrong?
Thando: I am writing exams in like 2 weeks and I am stressed
because I have to take care of Sanelisiwe
Zee: don't worry baby, just ask ma to take one helper with and
she'll take care of the baby while you go write. You're not the
first woman to do that and definitely not the last
Thando: that might work. Thank you sisi
Zee: sure baby girl
Zah: are you guys sure that you don't want anything to eat.
Buhle cooked this amazing samp with stew. Hmmmm guys
Thando: Hayi I am joining you
Zee:me too, Sani?
Me: no thanks guys
*****they went to dish up food. I took my cellphone and dailed
Silvia's number. She answered on the 3rd ring****
Me: ma
Silvia: hello baby, how are you
Me: nervous ma
Silvia: don't be baby. You are going to make a good mother
Me: you think?
Silvia: yes baby
Me: thanks ma. I appreciate it
Silvia: Goodluck my baby. I love you okay
Me: I love you too. Please greet everyone for me
Silvia: I will. Goodluck baby and congratulations as well
Me: thank you ma, bye
Silvia: bye
****the ladies got in. The aroma of the good got to me, but I
wasn't hungry after eating a huge meal, like an hour ago. So
yeah I'll have the samp later. ****
Thando: sisi are you sure you don't want this?
Me: smells great. But I am not hungry
Zah: well then you're missing out
Nhlaka: Hayi hayi why is everyone eating except for my wife?
Baby are they starving you?
Thando:haii haii she said she doesn't want food
Me: Nhlaka I'm not hungry
Nhlaka: are you sure?
Me: yes I am
****the moniter rang and Thando closed her eyes*****
Nhlaka: it's fine sit down I'll get him
Thando: thank you soo much bro
Nhlaka: sure.
**** Nhlaka left the room. He came back in with the little boy
in his arms. He sat next to me. I looked at this cutie. He was
adorable and then I wondered what our son would look like. I
hope he looks like his father because then he'd be very
The ladies finally finished eating. Thando breastfed her baby
and well Nhlaka had his head placed on the belly and kept
singing softly. I couldn't really hear what he was saying but he
was really singing. I saw a flash. I looked up to see Zanele taking
us a picture. My phone beeped and she had sent me the
Me: thanks girl
Zah: you guys look cute right now
Me: thanks
Thando: Ahhh wena nca nca mush mush
****she said as she burped her baby. We all smiled at her.
Zanele took her a picture. *****
Thando: haibo what?
Nhlaka: you're a natural at this lil sis
Thando: thanks, ma taught me well
Ma: of course I mean I am the one with 5 kids afterall
Nhlaka: ohh you're back
Ma: yes
Baba: love!
Ma: sitting room
*****he walked in and went straight to Thando. He took
Sanelisiwe from her arms and held him. Ma aslo sat next to her
husband and they crowded the little soul.****
Thando: yho I can finally rest
Ma: Ahhh woah sisi this man is mine and we are not going to
sleep with your son
Thando: mara ma
Ma: no sisi
Thando: baba
Baba: Hayi Thando, my wife last gave birth uhmmm, how old
are you again?
Thando: Mxm. You'll bring her to the room
****she left. We all laughed at her.***
Me: I am sleepy too
Zee: you're not eating?
Me: no I am fine guys
Nhlaka: let me answer this first baby
****he stood up and left.****
Ma: Haiibo you didn't eat?
Me: I last ate around 4pm. I had a very heavy meal
Ma: hmm okay. So you're not hungry at all or it's just stress?
Me: I am not hungry ma
Ma: hmm okay
****I stood up and felt warm liquid. Shit I peed on myself. I saw
Ma and Zanele pop their eyes out.****
Me: I am sorry ma I didn't mean to Ahhhh!
****I felt a pain on my stomach. Ma stood up and went
somewhere. Zanele helped me sit down and calm down. The
pain went away.****
Me: did my water break?
Zah: yes it did. You are in labor. Let's go to the labor room
Me: okay Ahhhh! Ahhhh!
*****Nhlaka came in rushing to me. I held on his shirt tightly.
He and Zah helped me go to the labor room. 60 minutes later I
was still in excruciating pain and this baby didn't want to come
out. A whole hour and this person didn't want to come out****
Me: huuuu huuuu Ahhhh! Zanele! Zanele mkiphe! (take him
Zah: he's not that far, he's near
Nhlaka: baby calm down okay
Me: calm down! Calm down Nhlaka! Wa penga huh! (you're
Nhlaka: no baby
Me: you out him in here! Take him out! Nhlaka!
Nhlaka: Sani baby please calm down
Me: it hurts Nhlaka it hurts Ahhhh! This is the last time I am
doing this!
Zah: they all say that love
Me: fuck you!
Ma: makoti have some water
Me: no I want this baby out! Noowwww!
*****yho never shaim I am not having another baby. This hurts.
I screamed in pain. Another hour passed by and it was now
00:30. Bab' Dladla's wife came in and smiled at me. I smiled at
her weakly. There is something about this woman.... Well I'd tell
you about it if I wasn't in pain.****
Me: Hmmmm Ahhhh! Mkipheni! (take him out!)
Zah: hang in there mommy okay. Just hang in there
Me: huuuu huuu Ahhh! NHLAKANIPHO! Ahhhh! Huuu huuu!
*****I screamed trying to calm down as well.****
Zah: there we go. Here you are little one. Okay Sani I'm gonna
need you to push hard okay
Me: fuck okay.... Ahhhhhhhhh!
Zah: come on mommy
*****she slapped my thigh painful. I screamed and felt my
viagina getting wider and wider. I tightened my hand on
Nhlaka's hand.****
Ma: woza mfana(come boy)
Me: Nhlakaaaa!
*****I heard cries. I sighed and smiled in relief. I looked at
Nhlaka. He kissed my forehead***
Zah: Good job mommy
Me: Nhlaka! Ahhhh
Zah: ohhh fuck!
Nhlaka: what is it?
Zah: theres another one
Nhlaka: huh?
Zah: okay Sani push!
Me: Ahhhh!!
****I pushed soo hard. This is draining me *****
Zah: okay the head is out. I need one strong push from you
okay! Let's go mommy push!!
Nhlaka: hey mommy, meet Siphosenkosi and Sphesihle
****Sani sat up and smiled. Nhlaka gave her the girl. She smiled
to herself. The twins were the same. They both had Sani's eyes,
and lips, everything else was Nhlaka's.****
Sani: she's so pretty
Nhlaka: like her mom
Sani: thank you
Nhlaka: no thank you mommy for a wonderful gift like this.
Sani: so we actually had twins
Nandi: mara Mina ngasho yaz( but I I said this you know)
Sani: Nandi!
Nandi: hey sister wife, ohhhh ncooo wena
****she said taking Sphe from her. Nhlaka gave Sani Sipho. She
admired her a lot and noticed that Sipho is much heavier than
Sphe. ****
Nathi: hey guys
Nhlaka: sho boy
Nathi: hello baby girl
Nandi: muhle neh(she's pretty right?)
Nathi: kakhulu, Ufana nam yaz(a lot, she looks, like me)
****everyone laughed. Nandi got herself a chair to sit on. Nathi
then took Sipho from Sani****
Sani: haybo you guys I am only seeing them now mos
Nandi: ohh sorry but we just couldn't wait to see them
Nhlaka: babe
Sani: hmmm
Nhlaka: thank you soo much my love
Sani: they are beautiful Nhlaka
Nhlaka: of course my love.
****he leaned in to kiss her. He pulled out and left the room.
Mandisa and Olwethu, maDladla walked in the room. Ma Dladla
looked at Nandi. ***
Olwethu: Nandi put that child down and follow me
Nandi: ma?
Olwethu: we need to see Dladla now, Nathi give the child to
Mandisa, Nandi give the child to the mother
****they stood up and did as told.****
Mandisa: Nomalanga, how are you feeling
Sani: I'm fine ma, I'm glad my babies are fine and healthy
Mandisa: I'm glad to, thank you for this
Sani: it's a pleasure ma
Mandisa: who gave them their names?
Sani: I thought you guys did, I don't know Nhlaka probably did
Mandisa: hmm. You must give them a second name a Zulu one,
no child in the royal family will have an English name
Sani: ohh.
Nhlaka: ohh hey ma
Mandisa: hi. I was just telling Sani that she needs to give the
twins smother name
Nhlaka: ohh yeah, any names?
Sani: probably Lethokuhle and Lethukukhanya
Nhlaka: and lemme guess, Sphe takes the khanya name
Sani: yes
Mandisa: I like them makoti. I like them a lot. Alright then let
me leave you guys for a while
Sani: ma, how am I going to breastfeed her
Ma: ohh that's actually what I came here for
****she showed her how to breastfeed and carry the baby.
Nhlaka was also listening attentively and taking notes with so
much concentration. After the beastfeeding session Ma left the
little family. Nhlaka gave Sani Sipho and then took them a
picture. Sani admired both her babies who were just too cute.
Nhlaka Sani's aunt she answered on the fifth ring****
Silvia: Dlamini
Nhlaka: hello ma, how are you?
Silvia: I'm fine is everything okay boy?
Nhlaka: yes everything is okay. I was calling to tell you that Sani
gave birth to two beautiful babies
Silvia: huh! Ayioooo!
Nhlaka: yes ma, she gave birth to twins, a girl and boy
Silvia: ohh Thank you God. What are their names?
Nhlaka: the girl is Sphesihle Lethukukhanya and the boy is
Siphosenkosi Lethokuhle
Silvia: hauw Zulu names only?
Nhlaka: uhmm yes ma, the children are royalty so only zulu
names for them
Silvia: where is Sani?
Nhlaka: here, let me give her the phone
****he put the phone on Sani's ear since she was breast
feeding both babies.*****
Sani: hey ma
Silvia: Ahhh my baby how are you doing?
Sani: I'm tired but happy
Silvia: your husband tells me you have twins
Sani: yes ma. It came as a surprise to all of us
Silvia: ohh and I hear that they were given Zulu names only
Sani: ma, please don't fight this
Silvia: haii okay. But I'm glad they are healthy and that you are
okay. Are the Dlaminis treating you well?
Sani: yes ma
Silvia: that's good
Sani: yes ma
Later that day
**** Sani just learnt how to bath the babies, actually both her
and Nhlaka did. After bathing them up, they put them to sleep
togther in a cot, in their room****
Sani: how long do I have to be here for?
Nhlaka: 6 months
Sani: haiibo
Nhlaka: please
Sani: 3
Nhlaka: 4
Sani: 2
Nhlaka: haibo Sani
Sani: 2
Nhlaka: okay 3 keh
Sani: better
Nhlaka: why do you want to leave early?
Sani: ma Joyce is available right
Nhlaka: yes but Sani these are two babies
Sani: Dlamini let's not argue, I am leaving in 3 months
Nhlaka: Aii okay
Sani: take the monitor with you
****she told him as she left the room. She walked very slowly
downstairs, where the rest of the family were. Nathi and Nandi
also walked in*****
Manqoba: ohh you're here
Mandisa: what's wrong?
Nathi: uhmm ma Dladla had a vision of Nandi, and uhmm she
saw a very thing
Mandisa: what is it?
Nathi: Nandi was bewitched not to have children. They closed
her womb
****Nandi started crying. Zah comforted her since she was
seated next to her.****
Nathi: so when Ma Dladla walked into the room and saw Nandi
holding the baby she saw the cause of our problems
Manqoba: who is the cause
Nathi: Nandi's step mother
Manqoba: Nandipha
Nandi: baba?
Manqoba: what should we do to her?
****she shrugged her shoulders.****
Nathi: So I guess that's why we couldn't receive children
Mandisa: Mxm some people are evil, why would someone do
Nathi: can we please be excused
Zah: so is everything fine now?
Nathi: yes, babDladla opened the womb and cleansed us
Manqoba: you may leave
Nathi: thank you, goodnight
****they stood up and left the room, with Nandi looking like
she was struck by lightning. *****
Mandisa: Thando did you breastfeed you child
Thando: yes ma
Manqoba: love, let's go
****him and his wife stood up then left.*****
Nhlaka: Zah when are you planning to go back to your house
Zah: are you kicking me out?
Nhlaka: no I am not I was just asking. Your husband wants you
Zah: well I'll go back when Sani is okay
Nhlaka: she's okay
Zah: I mean down there
Nhlaka: no need. That's where I feast so I'll take care of it
Thando: bhuti sies
Nhlaka: you know better than to say sies wena
Zah: haiike I'll stay for the rest of week till I am sure. I am the
doctor here
Nhlaka: Aii okay then, atleast talk to your husband
Sani: Nhlaka haii
Nhlaka: sorry keh
*****Muzi and Tswalo were seated on the couch in Tswalo's
new house. They were watching a movie.*****
Tswalo: yise
Muzi: hmm?
Tswalo: aren't you going to your house
Muzi: isn't this my house?
Tswalo: you know what I mean
Muzi: she's not there
Tswalo: ohh till when?
Muzi: angaz
Tswalo: Muzi don't do....
Muzi: do you really want to talk about another woman?
Tswalo: we share the same dick so why not
Muzi: mxm
Tswalo: you had a fight right? And I was the cause of it?
Muzi: it's just that Zah hasn't adjusted to this
Tswalo: wow. Yaz your barbie wife is starting to tick me off
Muzi: So Vele vele Tintswalo we are going to talk about her?
Tswalo: mxm. So does this mean I have to stay with her kids
Muzi: our kids Tswalo. As long as I produced a seed, the kids are
both yours. You are their mother. And yes we are going to stay
with them until Zah comes back
Tswalo: wow. What kind of mother just dissapers like this
without thinking of their children
Muzi: she needs to clear her head
Tswalo: and who does she think she's leaving the kids with, me?
Hehe haii your wife Muzikayise your wife!
Muzi: so you're saying you won't live with my kids and take care
of them
Tswalo: no that's not what I'm saying, all I'm saying is that she
shouldn't just disappear on her kids
Muzi: yho haii I can't sit here and listen to this
Tswalo: ohhh so she's right huh?
Muzi: no she's not okay!
Tswalo: then talk to her!
Muzi: she's ignoring me
Tswalo: Mxm nywe nywe argh man! Handle your wife Muzi nya
nya ignoring me!
Muzi: Tswalo I get it you're mad at me but don't talk and
disrespect me like that
Tswalo: why not huh? You can't man up to your wife right.
Muzi: Tintswalo don't piss me off
Tswalo: or what heh! You're gonna disappear just like she did
Mthoko: baba what is going on?
Muzi: nothing boy. Go to your room
Mthoko: okay, but Thandi is crying for mommy
Tswalo: I'm coming
Mthoko: not you, my mommy
Muzi: Mthokozisi go to your room!
****the little one ran up the stairs. Muzi walked to Tswalo who
then walked back when she saw that Muzi was angry. He got to
her and pinned her on the wall.****
Muzi: usithathaphi isbindi sokungidelela? ( where do you get
the nerve to disrespect me?)
Tswalo: so.. Sorry
Muzi: you no longer listen huh?
Tswalo: I do
Muzi: lalela la wena. uZanele is my wife yezwa, I am your
husband, you will never talk to me the way you did yezwa!
Tswalo: ye....yebo
Muzi: or else you'll know a side of me that I don't want to
unleash. Nx!
****he moved from her and walked towards the stairs****
Tswalo: so what youre gonna hit me next time?
*****Muzi turned around. He looked at her for a second or two
then ran upstairs to his kids.****
Muzi: hey Thandi ka baba, daddy's little girl
Thandi: baba mama
Muzi: I know baby, mama will be back soon okay
Mthoko: why is mama Tswalo shouting?
Muzi: uhmm uhmm boy
Thandi: baba mama buya nini? (when is mom coming back?)
Muzi: soon baby girl. Okay let's get you guys in bed.
****he got them into bed and kissed them goodnight. ****
Mthoko: baba
Muzi: hmmm?
Mthoko: mama reads us a story every night
Muzi: well she's not here mos, how do you sleep if she's not
Mthoko: whoever who is looking after us reads for us
Muzi: Yhoo okay. What about Snow white
Mthoko: we read it yesterday
Muzi: okay Beauty and the Beast
Mthoko: yesss
Thandi: yesss
***she said imitating what her elder brother was doing which
was the clapping of hands. Muzi opened the fairy-tale book and
read the story yo them, mid way through the book they slept.
He closed the book then switched off the light. He went to the
room with the hope that Tswalo is still downstairs. To his
disappointment she was in the room****
Tswalo: are they asleep?
Muzi: please move
Tswalo: Muzi are you going to ignore me now?
****yes I am!, did he say that out loud of course not, he got
changed into his pj's and got into bed with his phone in his
Tswalo: so you are
Muzi: hello, when are you coming back?
Tswalo: so you're calling her while I am here
Muzi: Zanele you have a husband and children, you know
Thandi was crying for you like 20 minutes ago. Come back
Tswalo: Muzi get out
Muzi: askies?
**** he asked diverting the question to both of his wives.****
Tswalo: get out
Muzi: Zanele there are helpers that said who can take care of
Tswalo: what about Sani, what is wrong with Sani
Muzi: Tintswalo shut up! And wena Zanele you better be here
by tomorrow nx
****he got off the call and got out of bed. He gave Tswalo a
death stare then left the room to go sleep in the guest
*****my honey pot hurts so bad. Yes I had to tell you about it
first because it's what's hurting me right now. I just finished
bathing and damn the stitches aren't doing any justice to me.
Walking hurts, sitting hours, it's just not nice. I wrapped my
body in a towel and wore my slippers. I heard a baby cry and
went to attend to whoever it was, ohh and it had to be Sphe. I
picked her up and gave her my boob to suck on. She sucked on
it, then closed her eyes. She should sleep. She must sleep
because Nhlaka and I spent the whole night attending to these
people. And right now Nhlaka is outside with his twin brother
discussing whatever. I got a call from Puleng, she's the CEO of
Johnson's electronics. I answered the call.****
Me: hello
Puleng: boss lady
Me: is everything okay
Puleng: it's not, one of our software engineers, passed away,
today morning around 8am
Me: cause of death?
Puleng: car accident
Me: ohh that's sad. Uhmm okay you know what yo do right
Puleng: yes mam
****she dropped the call. I looked at this beautiful baby girl of
mine. The door opened and Nandi walked in. That's when I
realised that I'm actually naked.*****
Me: hey Aunty
Nandi: hey mommy, how are you feeling
Me: tired, very tired
Nandi: you'll get the hang of it
Me: and you?
Nandi: fine. Atleast now we know what the problem was and
now Nathi and I can have our own children
Me: that woman is evil
Nandi: yes she is.
Me: please help me with her. I need to get dressed
Nandi: sure
***she picked up Sphe while I went to get dressed. I wore my
panties and a long purple free dress. I wore the slippers and
applied my face lotion on. I applied Vaseline on my lips then
went back to the room. Nandi watched Sphe sleep peacefully.
Sipho decided go cry. I went to him and picked him up, Sphe
also started crying. Ohh my word, I sat down with Sipho sucking
on my breast.*****
Me: let's go downstairs
Nandi: okay
*****I walked as slow as a tortoise till we reached downstairs.
Can someone tell me why this royal house had to be updated
and made a double storey because wow! We got downstairs
and went to the sitting room where we usually don't sit
Nandi: when are you going yo back to work
Me: Mrs Gobbler gave me a 9 month mertanity leave, so when
these people are 6 months old I'll go back to work.
Nandi: ohh okay.
Me: and you?
Nandi: I'll go back on the 22nd meaning I must leave on the
Me: ohh okay. When do we do birth certificates?
Nandi: uhmm you should ask ma, since we are royalty now,
there's no need for long lines and stuff. You just pass and get
the procedure done and come back home
Me: hmmm okay
****my phone rang again. I answered it, it was Peter from
Me: Peter?
Peter: Miss Johnson, uhmm I mean Mrs Dlamini
****he pounced it as Tlamini***
Me: yes Peter, how can I assist you?
Peter: we have a huge problem, it looks like 3 million Rands was
stolen from the company's account
Me: what! How?
Peter: we don't know ma'am. It looks like someone hacked into
it and transferred money
Me: no! 3 million you said?
Peter: yes ma'am
Me: okay send me everything from the company's finances.
Peter: okay ma'am
Me: fuck!
******I said dropping the call. Nhlaka walked in.*****
Nandi: what is it?
Me: someone hacked into the company's account and stole 3
million. My money gone just like that huh!
Nhlaka: what!
Me: yho
Nhlaka: no man let me call Nhlaka, maybe he can figure this out
Me: Nhlaka please fix this for me and get my money, all of it
Nhlaka: I will baby
Me: Nhlaka now! My company is sinking
****he left the room. I placed Sipho on the couch just like
Nandi did with Sphe. I made sure their necks were
Nandi: who would do this?
Me: I wish I knew, anyway I'm hungry, should I make you food?
Nandi: Hayi Sani, Nobuhle is here mos
Me: aiike okay
*****she called in Nobuhle. She came in looking very pretty in
her blonde and black braids, her jeans, a red top with red and
black sneakers.****
Nandi: hauw uyaphi? (where are you going?)
Buhle: town
Nandi: ohh sorry for disturbing you then, youay leave sisi. I just
wanted someone who will make food for Sani since she's
hungry but it's fine you can go
Buhle: are you sure, I mean I don't want to get fired
Me: no, go sisi and enjoy town
Buhle: thanks bye
Me: bye
****she walked out****
Nandi: did you see her ass in those jeans Aii no our men are
gone. I laughed at her.****
Me: Ayi Nandipha
Nandi: no like serious
Nhlaka: baby uhmm Nathi and I are leaving
Nandi: where to?
Nhlaka: we have a lead on the hacker
Me: so quick
Nhlaka: Nathi is very good at what he does
Nandi: and where is this lead?
Nhlaka: Bloemfontein
Me: Free State, so someone from Free State stole myoney huh a
whole Free State
Nhlaka: yeah so we need to go
Me: okay drive safely
Nandi: where is Nathi?
Nhlaka: your room
Nandi: sure
*****Nandi left the room. Nhlaka went to the couch Nandi was
seated on and looked at Sphe, he kissed her cheek. He's lucky
she didn't wake up or else someone would've died in this room
, he came to mine and kissed Sipho too who opened his eyes a
little them closed them again.*****
Me: uyabona mara (you see?)
****he smashed his lips on mine. He shoved his tongue into my
mouth and made me moan. He grabbed me and pinned me to
his body. He squeezed my ass and then pulled out.****
Nhlaka: ngiyakthanda Mami ( I love you mommy)
Me: nam ngiyakthanda daddy (I love you too daddy)
Nhlaka: fuck! When are you gonna get better down there?
Me: Hayi hayi Nhlaka
****he chuckled. He kissed my forehead. *****
Me: when can Toto go back to school?
Nhlaka: shot! Uhmm We'll go with her
Me: you are going to Free State
Nhlaka: uhmm I'll ask Muzi
Me: mmh mmmh Muzi is dealing with his own problems tuu
Nhlaka: so what do you suggest I do?
Me: let Nathi stay in Free State while you get Toto to Tswalo. I
text her and tell her
Nhlaka: okay keh
Me: bye now
Nhlaka: sure
Me: don't forget to pack a bag
Nhlaka: I won't
Me: Nhlakanipho
****he turned around with an eyebrow raised*****
Me: don't kill anyone.
Nhlaka: Sssss.....
****he just nodded and decided to shut his mouth. He left and
Toto walked in. She came to say goodbye to me and her
younger siblings then she ran out. Nandi came back in.****
Me: Please watch them while I make food, you want anything?
Nandi: a glass of juice please
Me: sure.
*****I went to the kitchen and made myself a simple meal.
Well actually I ate leftover food that were here and poured
Nandi her juice. I went back to the living room and place it on
the coffee table. I ate my food quietly since both Nandi and I
were on our phones. I saw a post of Nompilo on Instagram on a
yatch, I wonder why I can see her posts. I went to her page and
tapped on unfollow. I continued going through people's posts
and liking some of them. When I was bored of Instagram, I went
to Pintrest and just viewed the pictures it had. I received an
email from the company, I went into my inbox and it was Peter. I
opened it and it was all the documents I had asked for, now I
need Zee, the accountant to work this for me. I texted her and
she said she'll come during the weekend. I went on to whatsapp
and received messages from my cousins and family. I replied
them and also got some from my friends who have created a
group chat. They talked about making a baby shower for Tswalo
and Ntando, ohh then I noticed it was another group chat were
both Ntando and Tswalo weren't members. Anyway on that
note, Luhle and Thato are also getting married soon, Phile is
also expecting and it's been 5 months, she didn't have a baby
shower because she didn't want it and she still refuses to have
it. Sipho, Ahh well he's just happy that I named Sipho using half
his name. He is seeing a white guy named Sam. And well he's
happy so I am happy. All my friends have grown and stopped
playing, they are working now, getting married, securing the
bag and having children. I guess we are growing up. When I
think of it, it's been a while since we saw one another. I texted
Tswalo telling her about Toto, she happily agreed and that's
Zanele walked in the room with Sanelisiwe in her arms. She sat
on another couch and let him sleep. She didn't even greet or
say a word. I guess she figured out that we'd like it to remain
quiet. She also got on her phone. I stood up and took the plate I
was eating on to the kitchen. I washed it along with the glass
Nandi was drinking from, then I poured myself mageu in the
very same glass and went to sit down. ******
Voive: hauw kwathula kwathi tuu (it's soo quiet)
****we all looked to the entrance and saw maKhethiwe. I
smiled. She made her way in and went to Zanele first. She
picked up Sanelisiwe who was awake but quiet.*****
Mama: Awww wena Sane sane. Hello makoti
Zah: sauwbona mama (hello mama)
Mama: Nandi, qha qha ungu Nosibusiso manje, unjani kodwa
sisi? (Nandi, no no you are Nosibusiso now, how are you?)
Nandi: ngiyaphila mama, Nina ninjani? (I'm good mama, how
are you?)
Mama: ngiyaphila nam mtanam(I'm good too my child)
*****she gave Sanelisiwe back to Zah then gently picked up
Sphe and walked towards me.****
Mama: auwsemuhle mtanaka Nhlaka (you're so pretty Nhlaka's
*****she said to Sphe as she sat down next to me.*****
Mama: Nomalanga
Me: yebo mama
Mama: bahle abantawana bakho sisi(your children are
Me: Ngiyabonga mama(thank you mama)
Mama: lo wubani? ( who is this?)
Me: Sphesihle Lethukukhanya and this one here is Siphosethu
Mama: nice names
Me: thanks mama
Mama: manje nathula?(why are you guys quiet?)
Nandi: we don't want to make noise for them
Mama: hmm. Mii(take)
*****she said to Nandi. Nandi took Sphe and put her on the
couch like she did. She picked up Sipho and sat down. Later on
we moved to the sitting room where the TV is. We found
bab'Xulu, Ma and Baba in there having tea. We greeted them
and sat down. After 30 minutes maKhethiwe and her husband
left. Baba and ma accompanied them outside and then came
back in. A helper moved the tray from the coffee table to the
kitchen. Baba came in first and took Sphe from Nandi's arms.
We had dinner later on and I took a Nandi to sleep with me in
the guest room because we both respect our bedrooms. So we
took the cot and placed it on there.****
Me: did you check on them
Nandi: No let me call Nathi
Me: okay
****I called Nhlaka and he answered on the third ring****
Nhlaka: hey Mami, I'm driving
Me: where to?
Nhlaka: to Muzi's house
Me: ohh okay, what time did you land?
Nhlaka:. Not so long ago, after dropping her off I'll take the next
flight back to Bloem which is in an hour
Me: ohh okay. Travel safely. Where is Toto?
Nhlaka: she's asleep
Me: okay bye
Nhlaka: I love you
Me: I love you too.
*****i dropped the call and got into bed. Nandi switched off
the lights and also got in bed.*****
5 months later
***** been 5 months since the twins were born and well they
have grown and making progress. Nhlaka went back to work the
week after he got the person who stole my money. It was some
stupid enemy of my father's, so we got it back with interest
meaning we got 4 million. Isn't that good news. On my birthday
which was on the 19th of October, Nhlaka made me a mini
party because I was still taking care of the babies and I still
couldn't walk properly. It was small but it meant a lot to me.
Today is a Saturday and I am seated with my husband and his
yonger brother, Nkanyezi. They are busy talking about their
businesses and I am listening because I also have one. We all
heard people talk, with their voices getting near and near as
they walked *****
Nandi: hey family!
Yezi: hey sis
Me: you're happy hey
Nandi: yes ma'am
Nathi: Nandi behave yourself, hello guys
Us: hi
Me: I was about to make us drinks anything you want guys?
Nathi: a cold beer will do
Nhlaka: yes ma'm
Yezi: make them 2 each
Me: okay, wine Nandi?
Nandi: uhmm let me just come and help you
**** we got to the kitchen. She hugged me and squeezed the
life out of me***
Me: Nandi
Nandi: ohh sorry
Me: yhooo what was that for
Nandi: Finally Sani I'm pregnant
Me: huh!
Nandi: ssshh we don't want people to know hauw
Me: how long as it been?
Nandi: 4 months
Me: Haaa you sneaky girl. That's why you've been glowing and
wearing baggy clothes
****she blushed. I smiled at her and hugged her and then felt
the stomach. I am so happy that she's happy.****
Me: I am happy for you sister wife
Nandi: I am too. Let's get those people drinks
Me: sure.
*****we got a dish where we put ice then their bottles, we put
in extra, just incase. I picked it up and took it to them. Nandi
had poured us juice, we sat outside with the babies because I
don't trust the guys with them when they are drinking*****
Nandi: imagine our kids looking the same
Me: hauw Nandi
****I laughed. She had a huge smile on her face. I saw Tswalo
and Zanele approach us. Tswalo's tummy is big now since she's
in her 8th month of pregnancy. They sat down. ****
Me: hey guys, you didn't say that you're coming
Tswalo: well I didn't know
Zah: Muzi just got us into the car
Me: in one car
Zah: yeah
Me: ohh okay, drinks?
Zah: wine please
Tswalo: juice
Me: cool
*****I went into the house and found little people in the
Thando: no Mthoko you'll finish my juice
Mthoko: it's not yours
Thandi: share share
Thando: no!
Mthoko: ohhh Thando ohhhh, I'm no longer going to play with
Thando: Haaa okay okay
Me: and then!
****they all got startled and looked at me. They kept quiet. I
gave them juice is plastic cups, acomapned by snacks. They said
their thank yous and went to Thando's room. I took glasses and
placed them on a tray, I took it to the ladies then went back in
to get the bottle of wine and juice. I got there and poured
Tswalo juice while Zanele poured the wine. It became quiet
which was strange. ****
Nandi: where are kids?
Zah: here
Nandi: ohh
Zah: I was thinking that maybe we should go out on a girls trip
as the wives. What do you think?
Me: good idea
Nandi: yep, but when
Zah: uhmm probably next week, when school is closed so that
these little brats can be with their fathers
Nandi: hmmm yeah for like a week or?
Me: do you think the Dlamini men are going to agree?
Zah: let's make it a weekend, but leave on a Thursday so that
we can have fun
Tswalo: I hear you guys, but then the inlwas expect us to be
home on Easter
Zah: yes but we will go the week before
Me: it's actually the week after Zah
Zah: yes that one
Tswalo: I don't think I'll tag along
Nandi: why?
Tswalo: I am due in a few weeks and I'll have to take care of the
baby right
Me: ohh I think we should move the date
Zah: okay September holidays
Nandi: yeah it's fine I guess
Zah: cool so then we have 6 months, a whole six months.
Tswalo's baby will be 6 months old and won't require much
attention. Plus Thandi and Malwande will be 2 years old and
they are old, I'm sure Muzi will be able to handle them you see
Tswalo: yeah
Me: okay it's final then, September it is
Nandi: time travels fast hey
Me: yep it does.
*****after chilling and talking for a while, we decided to cook.
We all went to the kitchen and cooked, well Zanele and I cooked
while the other two had the twins in their arms. When we were
done we called the children first so that they could eat. They sat
down and had their food. Then Zah dished up for herself and
Muzi, Tswalo dished up for herself only. Nandi dished up for
Nathi, I dished up for Nhlaka and Yezi. We took the food to
them accompanied by water. They washed their hands and ate.
We ate in the kitchen. When they were done Nhlaka came in
with their dishes and aced them in the sink. He took Sphe from
my arms since I was unable to eat properly now.****
Me: thanks
Nhlaka: sure baby. Sipho Woza nawe
****he gladly went to his father. He left with both of them in
his arms. ****
Zah: but how is it having twins like your mother in law
****we all laughed****
Tswalo: like her mother also, because she's also a twin
Nandi: yah a twin to that taxi driver mxm
Voice: that taxi driver is right behind you
****I turned around and jumped on him its been a whole since
I saw him
Actually I last saw him when I was pregnant. ****
Yanda: yeah yeah I missed you too. Look at you
Me: look at you
****he smiled and kissed my cheek. Nhlaka came in***
Nhlaka: Mxm kanti it's you
Yanda: yeah so?
Nhlaka: mxm
****he went back to the sitting room, the ladies laughed.
Nhlaka and his drama, no actually both him and Yanda's drama
is funny.****
Me: where is Esihle and Amahle?
Yanda: I left them at home. Actually I was around and thought I
should come say hi
Me: that's soo sweet of you, are you hungry?
Yanda: yes of course. Uhmmm hi ladies
Them: hey
*****Yanda dished up for himself and went to sit with the guys.
I washed the dishes with the help of Nandi who also got the
kids dishes, the kids which were playing outside now. I heard
laughs and new voices. I turned around and saw Thato and
Me: who said there's a party here?
Thato: haii wena
Luhle: hello ladies
Us: hey
Thato: anyway I am inviting you all to my wedding which will be
on Easter
Tswalo: congratulations friend
Me: Thato has grown guyss
*****Thato and Tswalo laughed.*****
Tswalo: gone are those days of groove
Thato: ehhh mang? Sesi nna ka javia le Monna waka watseba.
Ke sa tlo ya mjaivong nna(who? Sis I dance, my man even
knows. I'm still going to go to groove)
***we laughed ****
Me: you don't change neh
Thato: haii for who
Nandi: yesss girl
Me: hmm konje you two are same whatsapp group
Tswalo: yeah but Nandi doesn't get sloshed like Thato
Thato: I'm not bad hauw
Me: hmm haii. Help yourself with a drink
Thato: yesss Atleast you have wine. Hape you Dlamini wives are
always pregnant, like one after the other I don't get it
****we all laughed. ****
Zah: Ahh well I guess the men like to score at almost the same
Thato: yah neh, I mean look Sani gave birth, Tswalo is gonna
give birth soon. Jiki jiki you'll hear that someone is pregnant.
****we laughed again****
Zah: lol yeah you're right, it was me, then me and Zee, then Sani
now Tswalo
Thato: wabona(you see?). Nandi wena
Nandi: hmmm?
Thato: aren't you joining the train of being preggies?
Tswalo: HaiiThato hauw, she'll join when she's ready
Thato: anyway why did you also refuse to have a baby shower
Zah: Tswalo refused?
Thato: yes
Me: Royalty stuff Thato
Thato: ohh shoot, I forget that I have Princess friends
Me: the real princess is Zah
Zah: haiibo
Nandi: yep. She and Zee are the real princesses, they grew up
with a gold spoon laba
Me: then you and Tswalo in a silver one, then there's me in a
plastic spoon
Tswalo: mxm
Me: so you see Thato who the real princesses are here?
Thato: Mxm. Fact remains you are all princesses here
Thandi: mama!
Zah: yebo! (yes)
*****the little girl came in and went straight to her mom. Her
mom put her on her laps. She had her thumb in her mouth. She
was sucking on it.*****
Nandi: such a mommy's girl shame
Zah: Ahh well she also goes crazy when she sees her dad
Thato: sorry to ask but how do you guys work it out?
Me: Thato!
Nandi: Hayi I also want to know
Tswalo: we dont
Zah: it doesn't work
****they both said at the same time. It became quiet. What an
awkward moment, thanks to Thatohatsi.****
Zah: we are still trying to work it out
Tswalo: it's not easy
Thato: ohh sorry for the question guyss
Zah: sure baby girl.
Thato: so.... haii haii nevermind
Me: please
Tswalo: Thato our marital affairs stay between us
Thato: yep. I got that
Me: anything better to talk about
Nhlaka: Sani can I have a moment
****I stood up and followed him upstairs to our room. I got
Nhlaka: close the door, and lock it
****O. K. A. Y. I did as I was told to do.*****
Nhlaka: come here
*****I didn't move. Something about his commanding voice
reminds me of the day, I hate thinking about this day but it was
when he beat me up. I forgave him yes, but such, such is never
forgotten. He came closer with tiny eyes. He attacked me with
Me: hmmmm
*** I moaned in his mouth. His hands touched my breast. I
immediately stopped him. He gave me a questioning look****
Me: the milk Nhlaka. I didn't pump it out
Nhlaka: k
****I think he said okay, but from his low deep voice 'k' was all I
could here. He picked me up and placed me on the bed. Since I
was wearing a dress he had an easy access to me. He took off
his pants and underwear. His dick sprung out free. He got down
and took off my panties. I was already wet from the kissing and
wanting him badly. He stood and looked at me. I felt his finger
circling my clit. I moaned in pleasure. ****
Nhlaka: ngiyakthanda Khensani (I love you)
Me: nam... Nam...Nhlaka
Nhlaka: look at me
*****I looked at him. He went in without any warning. He
trusted deep in me with my eyes still on his. He hit the right
spot and now I couldn't keep my eyes open. I closed them and
took in all the good he gave unto me. Moaning and screaming
his name was all I mastered while he mastered making me
feel pleasured in all kinds of ways. I reached my orgasm and he
came later on. All he said was "Fuck!". After Cumming he pulled
out and went to the bathroom. He came back and wiped me
clean. I wore my panty. He got dressed too.****
Nhlaka: Sani
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: uhmm nah nothing
Me: sure
****I don't know why I feel used. I feel like he just treated me
like a whore. He didn't even groan or say anything, all he said
was fuck when he came. Nothing else. I am so disappointed at
him, but his game was good. It's always good. I got downstairs
and found the ladies outside. I poured myself wine and joined
Nandi: where were you?
Me: Nhlaka and I were talking
Zah: just talking?
Me: yeah just talking
****I saw Muzi come out. He stood and watched us.****
Zah: is it time to go?
Muzi: yeah
Me: ohh bye ladies. See you soon
Nandi: of course on Easter
Me: yep
Nathi: honey let's also get going
Nandi: okay
****we all stood up and hugged one another.*****
Nandi: I know you had Sex up there, but my question is why
don't you look happy
****she said whispering in my ear while hugging me. I pulled
out from the hug and smiled at her.*****
Me: it's nothing don't worry
Nandi: hmm
****after a long goodbye session they all left, including Yanda,
Thato and Luhle. I cleared up the mess in the kitchen while
Nhlaka and Yezi cleared the one in the sitting room. Yezi was
going to do a sleep over here. When I was done I went upstairs
to the twins room and found Sipho awake. I pumped the milk
and then decided to breastfeed him using another boob. When
Sphe woke up I also did the same. An hour later they both went
to sleep. I took the monitor and went to my room. I got in and
went to the bathroom. I bathed and got dressed in my night
dress. Nhlaka came in and went straight to the bathroom
without saying a word to me. What is wrong with this man!? Or
maybe I'm just overreacting. I got into the sheets after
removing all the decorating pillows. He finished bathing and I
was on my phone. He got dressed and got in the sheets
Nhlaka: you forgot your head wrap
Me: ohh snap. Thanks
****I stood up and got my head wrap. I switched off the room
light and got back in bed.***
Me: Toto?
Nhlaka: I got her in bed
Me: ohh thanks
****nothing, just like that. He kept quiet and got on his phone.
Ohh well okay. I switched off mine and placed the monitor on
the headboard. I closed my eyes and slept. Well not
immediately of course, my mind kept itself busy on what's
bothering Nhlaka and well I just couldn't find an answer.
Eventually I slept.
*****I woke up around 6am and went to the office where I
worked on some drug dealings, since it's my specialty. I sat and
worked till 10pm. I switched off my laptop and stood up. The
door opened and my wife came in. ****
Sani: hey
Me: hey
Sani: uhmm did you eat?
Me: no, I started working since 7
Sani: ohh okay
Me: yeah
Sani: so you're hungry?
Me: yeah sure
Sani: okay let me make something for you
Me: where are the kids
Sani: in the sitting room
Me: okay
Sani: okay
**** what a weird conversation. My phone rang and it was
Me: sho
Muzi: Nathi has been arrested
Me: what!
Muzi: he's at Midrand
Me: did you call Nkanyezi?
Muzi: he's the first person I called hauw.
Me: eish eish, let me bath and leave.
***I went to the room and bathed while Sani prepared food for
me. I got dressed in a black Jean, black Nike T-shirt and black
Addias sneakers. I wore my watch and took my phone with. I
got downstairs to the sitting room and ate. There was a harsh
knock on the door.*****
Sani: I'll get it
****I finished my food and washed my hands in the small bowl
she uses for washing hands. She appreaed with 3 policemen.
Two in uniform and 1 without it. The one without it is Detective
Mampondo. He's always on my tail ever since Rodriquez once
messed up with my deal and the police almost caught us.
I drank my juice while looking at them****
Sani: Thando go to your room.
*****Toto went to her room.*****
Me: officers how can I help you?
Mampondo: must be nice huh? Having a nice meal cooked by
your wife in your house with your children neh, while my
brother is dead and his wife and kids are suffering.
Me: excuse me, what are you talking about
Mampondo: Nhlakanipho Dlamini you are under arrest for the
murder of Phenyo Mampondo and for attempted murder of
Refilwe Mampondo and for drug smuggling, you have the right
to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in
the court of law, you have the right to a lawyer, if you cannot
afford one the state will provide you with one
Sani: huh! Mirini? ( what did you say!?)
Mampondo: Zondo, arrest him
Me: can you not do this in front of my wife
Mampondo: so it was better when you killed my brother infront
if his wife? Azishe!
****I kept quiet and watched them handcuff me. I looked at
Sani and she had tears in her eyes. The twins don't know what's
happening but their eyes were on us.****
Sani: leave my husband alone
Mampondo: ma'am please step aside, we are doing our job, it's
not our fault that you married such an evil bastard
Sani: Nhlaka!
Me: tell Nkanyezi and baba
****I said being dragged out of my own house. I got into the
van, well at the back of it and sat down. There we go, the
murder of Phenyo. Phenyo Mampondo was a gangsta, a well
known one for that fact. He tried to fuck with me and steal my
business, when his drug dealing didn't workout he decided to
kill two of my men and steal from me. Of course I had to do
something, I just had to, so I killed him too, and I didn't kill him
in front of his wife, that was a total lie. As for attempted murder
of his daughter, I just wanted to scare him a bit so that he sees
what I do to people who steal from me and fuck with me. But
he didn't get the message and killed two of my men, that's
when I decided to kill him. As for the drug smuggling, I know I
am being charged because they might not have evidence. I am
good at what I do and I never leave anything thing lying around.
We arrived at the police station and I was brought in. I took off
my watch as I was told to. I had nothing else. They pushed me
in a cell where there were 2 guys****
*****murder! Murder! Drugs! Drugs! That's all that ran
through my mind. I called Nkanyezi immediately after they took
Nhlaka. He said he's already at the police station talking to
Nathi and Muzi who were also arrested. I called ma****
Ma: hauw Makoti, how are you?
Me: uhmm Ma are you home?
Ma: yes baby what's wrong
Me: is baba home?
Ma: yes
Me: uhmm okay, uhmm Nhlaka has been arrested
Ma: ini! (what!). Manqoba uSani nangu uthi uNhlaka
uboshiwe(Manqoba, Sani says that Nhlaka has been arrested)
Baba: Haiibo! Makoti
Me: hello baba.
Baba: calm down sisi. Tell me what happened
Me: baba the police came in and asked for Nhlaka, he was
eating in the sitting room so I took them to him. They arrested
him for the murder of Ma.... Uhmmm Ma something and
attempted murder and drug smuggling.
Baba: eish. Where is he?
Me: they took him to Midrand
Baba: okay sisi. Calm down okay. Call Nandi or someone to your
house. You can't be alone
Me: okay baba
****after I dropped the call. There was a knock on the door. I
opened the door and met with crying Nandi. She came in and I
closed the door.****
Nandi: Hi, uhmm sorry for just coming
Me: No need
****I hugged her and she cried even more. After she was done.
I called ma Joyce and asked her to come and look after the kids
because I just couldn't. Thank God she agreed and said she'll be
here in an hour*****
Me: Nhlaka was also arrested
Nandi: huh!
Me: for murder, attempted murder and drugs
Nandi: Nathi was arrested for stealing millions, being an
accomplice in a murder
Me: eish
Nandi: Sani
Me: hmm?
Nandi: do you think they did it?
**** I swallowed hard.****
Me: Nandi you knew them more than I did
Nandi: Nathi promised me that he stopped
Me: Nhlaka also said that
Nandi: should we call the other wives?
Me: no, I think we shouldn't
Nandi: mmmh yeah
Me: I called baba and Ma Joyce will be here in an hour, when
she comes we find a way to get our husbands out if that jail cell
Nandi: okay. I'm hungry
Me: the kitchen is yours. Nandi don't stress a lot, you know too
much stress can make you lose the baby?
Nandi: yeah. I'm the nurse here
Me: Mxm whatever, let me get the twins cleaned
****I went to the sitting room and took them upstairs to get
them cleaned. Nandi came and helped me with Sipho while I
bathed Sphe. When they were clean we back downstairs and I
made them something solid to eat. If I am going to introduce
them to solid food, I might start now. I heard a knock on the
door, I opened it with Sphe in my arms and it was maJoyce.
Me: hi ma, i'm glad you could make it
Joyce: what's wrong baby?
Me: uhmm we are dealing with family matters that are stressing
me so I was wondering if you could come help look after the
kids while I sort them out
Joyce: ohh okay mtanam
Me: eerrr and ma
Joyce: yes
Me: if the police ever come please tell them you know nothing
because I am sure you know nothing
Joyce: what would the police want here
Me: it's a joke ma. The kids are in the sitting room
Joyce: ohh okay
****Sani you talk too much. I sighed and went finished feeding
Sphe, I washed all the dishes when I was done. I got dressed in
a yellow above the knee dress and wore heels. I wore my
sunglasses and applied Vaseline in my lips. I grabbed my bag
and placed all necessary things. I got out holding Nhlaka's car
keys. ****
Nandi: look at you, looking like you're attending a wedding
Me: let's go. Ma we are out, we will be back
Joyce: okay
Me: thank you again ma
Joyce: it's fine baby, go fix your problems
****I smiled at her and reversed the car from the garage. Nandi
also got into hers and we drove to the police station. We arrived
and went straight to the reception****
Officer: good day ladies, how can I help you
Me: we are here to see our husbands
Officer: husbands
Me: The Dlaminis
Officer: eerrr okay let me check first. Please take a seat while I
****I decided to stand. Nandi sat down. I saw Zanele walk in
wearing a red dress with her 12 inch weave and glasses. This
woman looked good. ****
Me: Zanele
Zah: Sani, Nandi
Nandi: hi
Me: where is Tswalo?
Zah: hospital
Me: what!
Nandi: why?
Zah: she was with Muzi when they arrested him and so she
panicked and that triggered the baby, so I was called to check
up on her.
Me: damn!
Officer: uhmm only Nkosinathi is available, Nhlaka and the
other one are in for questioning
Me: I don't mind waiting. Can she see Nathi?
Officer: this way
****he led her to where Nathi was. I sat down, Zah joined me
Zah: Muzi didn't do it
Me: who are you saying did it?
Zah: are you saying he did it?
Me: did I say he did it?
Zah: it looks like you are
Me: Zanele these people are in there together, charged for
serious crimes. They are together in there so you saying Muzi
didn't do it is just pinning the whole thing on the twins. They all
didn't do it, if one is found guilty then they are all good as
charged. Meaning you will visit him in long high walls, in prison
sisi. So please don't pin this on anyone, they did nothing. They
are being framed or whatever
****she kept quiet. I wore my sunglasses and awaited the cop.
He came by****
Officer: you may follow me to see them, please sign the register
****we signed the paper and followed him. He stopped and
opened a door****
Officer: Muzikayise is in here
****Zanele went in. We walked about 12 steps then he opened
another door. In there, there was Yezi and Nhlaka. I got in and
stood by the door which the officer had closed. Nhlaka stood up
and came to me. He tried hugging me but I stopped him using
my hand. ****
Me: Did you do it?
Nhlaka: Sani
Me: Nhlaka
Nhlaka: can I just kiss you
Me: why
****I said it in a whisper. He came closer and hugged me. He
whispered in my ear****
Nhlaka: there is a camera in here and a microphone. They are
listening to us and can see everything we are doing
Me: ohh but did you do it?
Nhlaka: I had to
Me: Nhlaka no, you promised me that you stopped. You
promised me that you'll never kill another man ever
Nhlaka: I know baby I am sorry. Listen here I am going to sneak
a list if what needs to be gathered in the house okay. The police
are going to come and search the house, I need you to give all
those things to my dad. Okay baby
****I nodded. I was in tears right now.****
Nhlaka: no don't cry honey. I am just visiting here.
Me: N.. Nhlaka
Nhlaka: hmmm. Listen baby I love you a lot okay. I am sorry
baby but I'm gonna need you to stick to the story Yezi is going to
tell you okay baby
****I nodded again. All of that was said in whispers, I don't
even Think Yezi could hear us. ****
Nhlaka: I love you
Me: I love you too
Nhlaka: kiss me
****he wiped my tears using his thumbs and kissed me. He
opened my bag and slipped some things inside it. He broke the
kiss and perked my forehead.****
Me: hi Yezi
Yezi: sisi. Are you guys down romancing at a police station
Nhlaka: tsek
*****I sat down and listened to what they had to say. When
Yezi left, I stayed for a while.*****
Me: so you're spending the night here
Nhlaka: looks like it
Me: I need you to come back home. I can't let this be your
Nhlaka: it won't.
Me: I am leaving now, I told Joyce I'd be home soon. I called her
and asked her to look after the kids and it's Sunday which is
Nhlaka: thank her for me. Tell her I'll give her a bonus
Me: get out of here first
Nhlaka: yes ma'am. You look beautiful by the way
Me: thank you baba
****I stood up and got out. I went to the reception and found
the ladies.****
Me: I am going home
Nandi: yeah me too
Zah: let me go check on Tswalo
Me: greet her for us and tell her to always think if the baby,
anyway you ate the doctor here
Zah: I will. Take care guys
Nandi: sure
****I got into the Porsche and drove home. I took out the list
Nhlaka gave me and it said where what was in the house. I read
it and there were a list of stuff to kill people. I got inside after
parking the car in the garage. I started in our bedroom and got
about 5 guns where he had hidden them. I went to Toto's room
and found another two. Why would he hide guns in a child's
room. I went to the office and got the burner phones, some
cocaine, it was one block, got a few more bullets and 3 guns. He
had a safe. He had a fucken safe! I opened it using the code
which was my birth date. There were documents and cash
stacked in there. There were around 7 grenades. I also took
them and put them in the black garbage plastic bag. I searched
for more stuff that were on the list and gathered them in the
plastic. Then I cleaned the office using gloves just as he asked
me to. After all that work I placed the plastic in his car
Baba: is that all?
Me: from the list, yes that's all baba
Baba: okay. How are you?
Me: fine. I want him out of there baba. I want all of them out
Baba: don't worry, they will be out.
Me: I'd offer you a room, but we still haven't furnished our
Baba: it's okay, I'll book into a BnB
Me: okay, thanks baba
Baba: thank you makoti. Bye
Me: aren't you going to eat
Baba: I'd love to, but I am fine thank you
Me: okay baba
Toto: khulu!
Baba: Toto!
****she hugged him. He picked her up and attacked her with
kisses all over her face. She giggled and that made me smile.
After they talked she got down and went into the house. Yezi's
car pulled up and he talked to his father first. I got into the
house and dished up the food ma Joyce cooked. She decided to
stay the night and sleep in Thando's bed, with her. I don't mind
and I need someone to watch the kids so it's a bonus for me.
Yezi got in and found food awaiting him. He smiled at me and
washed his hands.****
Yezi: how did you know?
Me: Dlamini men are the same. Just sit down and eat
Yezi: thank you
****I joined him and ate.****
Yezi: uhmm so if the police ask you where Nhlaka was on the
7th of February, try make yourself to remember then tell them
he was with you in the house with the kids.
Me: okay and what evidence do I bring in?
Yezi: eeerrrr Sani you know he was home right?
Me: yes but left at night
Yezi: there's no way they could master that. They have no
tangible evidence against them okay. He was with you all day
Me: okay.
Yezi: good now remember to act very well, did you clean the
Me: if you mean the guns and all that, yes I did
Yezi: great then. We won't have a problem and they won't find
Me: I hope so
Yezi: don't stress they'll be out
Me: they must.
Yezi: they will
****we continued eating. When he was done he did a final
search and then left after finding a silencer gun and another
block of cocaine***
Me: where did you find that?
Yezi: your room, in his closet
Me: ohh okay thanks
Yezi: sure
****he left. I locked the door and did some cleaning making
sure there's nothing fishy. I swear I'm going to kill Nhlaka when
he comes out of that jail cell. When I was tired I went to my
bedroom with the twins. I changed their nappy and bathed
them. I pumped out their milk and let them sleep. I got in too
when I was done and decided to sleep. ****
The following day
****Joyce and I were seated in the sitting room watching T, or
rather it was watching me because I wasn't interested. Ma
Joyce laughed out loud and startled me. She was watching a
comedy movie. Toto was at school and so it was kind of
peaceful today. There was a harsh knock on the door. I stood up
and opened the door. Before me stood Detective Mampondo
and 4 officers which I remember one to be Zondo since he was
here when they arrested my husband. *****
Me: yah
Mampondo: nywah nywah. We have a search warrant to search
this house
Me: who's house? What for?
Mampondo: this is our job Mrs Dlamini
Me: your job in my house
Mampondo: step aside please. Zondo upstairs, nawe, you too
downstairs with me
****he said ordering the officers. Ma Joyce was confused. She
took the twins and went outside. I took my phone from the
charger and went outside too, where I sat with Sipho on my
laps, while Sphe was on Joyce's laps. ****
Joyce: so you weren't joking
Me: no
Joyce: what happened?
Me: I'd rather not talk about it.
Mampondo: care to answer a few questions Mrs Dlamini
Me: okay.
Mampondo: was your husband here on the 7th of February, this
Me: uhmm 7. Let me check the calender
Mampondo: sure
Me: uhmm, wait let me check my phone as well, you never
know hey
****I went to my gallery and found 2 pictures taken on the 7th,
it was a picture of Nhlaka with Toto and another of the twins
and I with Nhlaka's shadow appearing****
Me: yes he was here
****I showed him the picture with a smile. He said "mmmmh".
He asked me a few more questions and then went back in.****
Joyce: what is going on? Is Nhlaka arrested
Me: ma Joyce please, please don't mention this to anyone
Joyce: okay. Sorry
Me: it's fine
****2 hours passed by as they searched the house. They left
when they found nothing*****
Me: Mxm look at the house now
Joyce: I'll clean and clear up
Me: let me go do it upstairs.
*****ugh the house is in a mess. I cleared up and put things
where they belonged. When I was done it was already 13:30,
meaning it's afterschool. I got into my car and fetched Toto. She
got into the car looking better today.***
Me: are you fine?
Toto: no mama
Me: why baby?
Toto: Nothando wasn't at school today
Me: ohh sorry baby, who did you play with
Toto: no one
Me: ohh okay. Let's go home and you'll get ice cream okay
Toto: yesss!
****she got too exited. I started the car and drove home. We
arrived and she changed. I dished up Ice cream for her and gave
it to her. I got her homework from her school bag and did it
with her. After that she watched TV while having a little fruit
salad. ****
Joyce: Sani, I am going home. Will you be fine?
Me: yes ma, thanks once again.
Joyce: pleasure. Get your man out of jail sisi
**** I gave her a brief smile and she left. My phone rang and it
was an unknown number. I answered it***
Me: hello?
Person: baby?
Me: Nhlaka?
Nhlaka: yes baby
****he was whispering****
Me: and then where did you get a phone?
Nhlaka: we will discuss that later. How are you?
Me: don't ask me that question wena. I can't even see you
because I am occupied with your kids.
Nhlaka: sorry
Me: the police came snd found nothing
Nhlaka: that's good
Me: did you eat?
Nhlaka: no. They are starving us
Me: what! That's against your rights
Nhlaka: I'll be fine, don't worry
Me: as if I won't.
Nhlaka: I need to go now, Goodnight, I love you, kiss my kids for
Me: Toto keeps asking where you are
Nhlaka: just tell her a lie, I'll be home soon
Me: bye
Nhlaka: sharp
****he dropped the call. Suddenly the number disappeared on
my call log and I swear I didn't delete it. How does it just get
deleted like that?.
I fed the kids, then I read Toto a bedtime story and listened to
her pre-school drama. I took the twins with me when Toto
slept. I closed all the windows and locked all the doors. When
that was done I got into bed and slept with by babies next to
me. ****
Mom: baby
Me: mama?
Mom: yes baby
Me: am I still going to see him
Mom: he is found innocent.
Me: ma?
Mom: take care of yourself baby. Take care if your family.
Me: is something going to happen ma?
Mom: and don't worry your husband will be fine.
Me: ma!
*****she slowly dissapered like she does all the time. I woke up
panting as I saw blood blood all over my dress, in the dream. I
went to drink water, then went back to sleep.*****
The following day
*****it's been 3 days since Nhlaka was arrested, he spent 2
nights in that cold cell. I lotioned and wore a blue skinny Jean
with shirt and sunglasses. I brushed my hair and tied it into a
high bun. I applied Vaseline on my lips and wore my white block
heels. I went downstairs and took my bag that was on the
couch. ****
Me: ma, I am out
Joyce: okay baby.
****I got into my car and tied a scarf around my neck. I wore
my watch and drove to Midrand Police Station. I arrived and
was taken to where my husband was. He looked, argh okay I
guess but his clothes were dirty. I still hugged him though. He's
my man and I love him the way he is so why not?
I kissed his lips, he returned the kiss and then broke it. ****
Me: hey
Nhlaka: hey. You look amazing baby
Me: you're getting worse
Nhlaka: Haiibo just 2 days nyana
Me: this isnt funny Dlamini
Nhlaka: I am not laughing either.
Me: let's go
***** we were going home because he has a bail hearing
tomorrow. He got into the car. I drove us home. He went into
the shower first and got clean. After that I gave him good to eat.
After eating he played with the twins and watched them. Ma
Joyce left and went to go buy groceries. Later on I fetched Toto,
she, her siblings and her father bonded. I let ma Joyce leave
early. I cooked and then fed my family. After eating. I pumped
out the milk, Nhlaka got all the kids cleaned and then tucked
them in bed. He read them a bedtime story and then came into
our room. He went back to the kids room to put the bottles
there. He came back in and took off his clothes. He got into the
sheets while I put on my head wrap. I also joined him and tried
sleeping. Who am I fooling l couldn't sleep****
Me: Nhlaka
Nhlaka: hmm?
Me: you can't sleep
Nhlaka: no, sorry am I disturbing you?
Me: no, I also can't sleep. I need to know who I am sleeping
with Nhlaka. You promised me you wouldn't touch a gun or kill
anyone, now what is this?
Nhlaka: Sani
****he immediately sighed after saying that. He turned to look
at the ceiling, I also did the same. He held my hand in his. ****
Nhlaka: I promise you Sani I did stop. But but Phenyo kept
poking me
Me: so you killed him? Dlamini you are a murderer ?
Nhlaka: No I am not. I just don't like being pushed too far
Me: so what now?
Nhlaka: they didn't get any evidence right, they only have
Refilwe as the witness
Me: so you'll be arrested for attempted murder
****he kept quiet. ****
Me: Nhlakanipho
****he still remained quiet. ****
Me: so you almost killed her
Nhlaka: Sani
Me: mxm
Nhlaka: I'm sorry
Me: you have children Nhlakanipho 3 children!
Nhlaka: I know
Me: Mxm. You better get bail, pray you do nx!
****I untangled my hand from his and turned the other way
around. He exhaled loudly. The next thing I felt hands hug me. I
tried to get them off but he was too strong for me so I ended up
leaving him**
*****Sani and her husband woke up in the morning and got
ready, preparing for Nhlaka's bail hearing. Nhlaka asked Zanele
to fetch Toto and take her to school since she and her cousins
are in the same school.
Sani wore a bright yellow dress with sandles, because she felt
like she wouldn't handle heels. She added on a cute yet
dramatic hat. Nhlaka wore a blue suit and they left for the court
of law, with an escort of police vans. They arrived and went in,
luckily the arrest didn't reach the media or else there would've
been a commotion outside and well well things weren't going
to go smooth. They went into the court room. Nhlaka was
somewhere with his brothers. 10 minutes later they walked in,
all three of them dressed in suits, Yezi wearing a gown on his
suit. Sani was seated next to the other wives. The judge
appeared. They stood up and welcomed her. She sat down and
they sat down too. The court case started. One by one the
crimes they were accused for were mentioned. Due to not
enough evidence, they were all granted bail on different
amounts. Muzi's bail was R35 000. Nathi's amount was 40 000
and Nhlaka was the highest. It was a ridiculous R60 000. After
the judge granted them bail, there was a comotion in the room.
The wives remained quiet. They were relieved and happy that
their husbands' are free. The money to them wouldn't be such
a problem, even though they asked for such huge insane
amounts. *****
Judge: Order!
****silence then dominated the room. The judge said a few
things. Sani didn't even hear what she said, she was just happy
that her husband was granted bail and was set free and cleared
of all charges. They stood up once again when the judge did and
left after she disappeared. Sani went outside and waited for her
husband. He got out and Sani threw herseld at him. He gladly
took her body into his and embraced her in a hug. He kissed his
forehead. They left soon after and paid the bail money. To
Nhlaka's account, it didn't feel like money had left the account.
He was become rich day by day. They arrived home and found
ma Joyce sleeping with the twins. They went upstairs to their
room without disturbing them****
Nhlaka: thank you
Sani: for?
Nhlaka: for always being by my side
****she gave him a small smile and took off her clothes. She
decided to wear shorts and a long t-shirt. She basically wore
Nhlaka's t-shirt. She wore her sleepers and then pumped out
milk. When that was over she went over to the study where
Nhlaka was. She knocked and opened the door almost the same
time. Nhlaka looked at her and then back to his laptop. He then
closed it and pushed it a bit further from the table.****
Sani: Who are you?
Nhlaka: askies?
Sani: why do you still have those guns Nhlakanipho?
Nhlaka: Ssss
Sani: Sssss hmm? Nhlaka you had 3 guns in here, 5 in our
bedroom, you had grenades in the house, and 2 in.... Nhlaka
you hid 2 fucken guns in the child's bedroom! What if she found
them! Huh!
Nhlaka: baby calm down
Sani: calm down! Calm down! Yey don't test me wena dont
Nhlaka: Sani I know you're angry right now but you won't talk to
me like that!
****he also raised his voice. She tilted her head and walked to
him slowly. Nhlaka swallowed hard, not only because she
looked intimidating and scary by the way she was walking to
him but also because of how sexy his wife was. ****
Sani: Nhlaka just tell me why you had guns, grenades, and those
other stuff in here
Nhlaka: for safety.
Sani: I thought you stopped with that
Nhlaka: I did. Why don't you believe me?
Sani: believe Nhlaka? Believe! Then why the fuck did I find
blocks of cocaine in here huh?
****he opened his mouth and closed it rather. She laughed a
bit and then became serious.****
Sani: now listen to me Nhlaka. I am not going to repeat this to
you. Stop that life of yours or else I am taking my kids with and
leaving, including Toto. She's mine
****he nodded. His mind wasn't here anymore. All he saw was
Sani who looked very sexy. He was growing hard at the sight of
her. He was imagining her naked, with him on her, fucking her
brains out, with his ears hearing nothing else except for her
sweet moans. His eyes thinned at the thought. Sani was already
lecturing about how Nhlaka's other life isn't safe for her and the
kids. What she did was worse. She turned around and had her
but in front of Nhlaka's face. He couldn't even keep up with a
word she said.****
Sani: I hope I am clear Dlamini. I am going to prepare lunch.
***she took her first few steps, that's when it clicked to Nhlaka
that she's leaving. He stood up and in a flash he was at the door.
He locked the door.****
Sani: and then??
Nhlaka: I'm sorry baby
Sani: I know you are, but Nhlaka I am tired, I am tired! I mean....
*****she couldn't even finish her sentence as Nhlaka attacked
her with a kiss. She moaned in his mouth. The kiss was so soft,
not rushed and passionate. His plum lips on hers doing
wonderful things with their tongues dancing with one another.
Nhlaka got his hands under the t-shirt and got access to her
boobs. He played with them and earned a moan from Sani. He
decided it was time to pick her up and put her on the table. He
did this not breaking the kiss. He took off her t-shirt then
continued with the kiss. Sani was already wet yearning for his
huge dick in her. She unbuttoned Nhlaka's shirt and took if off.
Nhlaka then moved to her neck. He planted wet and soft kisses
which made her want more. She unbuckled the belt on his
trousers and unzipped them. She pulled them down along with
his underwear. His dick sprung out free. She played with it in
her hands. Nhlaka looked at her in the eye and smashed his lips
on her. He pulled out and helped her out of the shorts she was
wearing. He took them off with her panty. Now this is what he
liked, seeing her naked in front of his eyes. His hand reached
down. He kept his eyes on her and entered his middle finger. He
liked that she was always wet and ready for him. *****
Sani: ahhhh
Nhlaka: you like it?
*****That made Sani want him even more. She nodded. Nhlaka
added another finger****
Nhlaka: say it
Sani: Ahh yesss.... Uhmmm
Nhlaka: yes what?
Sani: Yessssiii I like uhmmm Nhlaka. I like it
****Nhlaka then upped his pace and soon Sani felt her orgasm
bluilding up. Nhlaka decided to place his thumb on her clit. She
stopped playing with his dick and touched the sides of the
table. She moaned his name, making sure not to make too
much noise. She came all over his fingers. He took them out and
licked them. Sani looked at him do all this. She pushed him to
his chair. He completely took off his trousers and was also stark
naked. She went down on her knees and held the dick in her
hand. She licked the tip and did that continuously. She played
with his balls using another hand then took all of him inside her
mouth. She did as she remembered from watching porn when
she was still in varsity. It's not something she did everytime,
only when she felt horny and Nhlaka wasn't there. She gaged
and went even faster. ****
Nhlaka: Ssss.... SANI
****Sani looked at her, her eyes had tears building up. Nhlaka
looked at her too while she did an amazing job. He held her hair
up in a fist and fucked her mouth. The gaging sounds weren't
making things any easier. Sani looked like she was going to die
anytime soon. Nhlaka saw that and gave her time to breath. In
less than 5 seconds he continued and we'll she also did her
thing. She felt his sperms shooting in her mouth. She swallowed
them. Nhlaka pulled out and some of the cum was on her face
and boobs. She licked her lips and swiped some of it on her
boobs using her finger and licked it as if it didn't have a bitter
taste. Nhlaka liked the sight of that. He liked seeing her sweet
wife get dirty and nasty in bed for him. He liked that she was
becoming naughty for him. They stood up. He picked her up and
placed her on the table with her legs wide open so that he gets
access to them. He kissed her while playing with her boobs. She
moaned. He slipped his manhood into her vagina. Her walls
hugged his dick and that made him crazy. He pulled out of the
kiss ***
Nhlaka: Fuck! You're tight baby!
****he moved and thrusted deep into her making her go crazy.
He picked up his pace and made her go even crazier.****
Nhlaka: fuck I won't last!
Sani: N.. Nhlakaaaaa! Uhhhhh!
****Nhlaka increased his pace. Sani had her nails on his back.
He was good, no wait he was amazing. She knew that with him
hitting the same right spot over and over again she wouldn't be
able to cope. Their moans started to be in sync with one
another. Nhlaka felt his legs feel a bit weak while Sani felt her
body getting tense. ****
Sani: uhmmm! Nhlakaaaa
Nhlaka: Ahhh fuck! Cum with me baby!
Sani: uhmmmm Ahhhh!
Nhlaka: don't hold it in baby, cum with me... Ahhhh!
Sani: Nhla a a a a a a kaaaaaa!
****they both came at the same time. Her whole body vibrated
and her legs shook. Nhlaka just spilled his cum in her and stayed
like that. After Sani's body relaxed. They were both catching
their breaths. ****
Nhlaka: I am sorry baby.
Sani: I love you Nhlaka
Nhlaka: I love you too baby
****he pulled out. His dick was coated with their juices. He
kissed her forehead and they wiped using Nhlaka's shirt. They
went to their room and got refreshed. When they got
downstairs they found ma Joyce awake making the twins
Sani: hello ma
Nhlaka: ma
Joyce: hello my children. When did you arrive
Nhlaka: not long
Joyce: ohh okay. Uhmm I was just making the kids food.
Sani: uhmm I forgot their bottles upstairs, let me get them.
****she went upstairs. Ma Joyce shook her head and gave
Nhlaka a disapproving look.****
Nhlaka: my charges were clear. I am innocent ma
Joyce: ohh
****her face changed to relief. ****
Joyce: those are great news son. These police never find real
criminals these days huh. Anyone they see is a suspect. Mxaaa!
****she said and left with two small bowls. He followed her
and picked up his baby girl. She smiled when she saw her
father's face. Nhlaka sat her down and fed her the soft porridge
in the small bowl. Ma Joyce fed Sipho. Sani walked in the living
room and saw that what Nhlaka was doing was wrong. He gave
her baby big spoons and that wasn't right.****
Sani: haii Dlamini, you are going to kill my baby?
Nhlaka: how is she going to die when she's eating
Sani: you are doing it wrong
Nhlaka: please teach me.
****Sani took Sphe from his arm who cried. Sani took her back
to her father's arms and she kept quiet. Nhlaka had a huge
smug on his face when his daughter created drama.****
Sani: okay. This is how you do it.....
****she tried to feed Sphe but she wouldn't bulge. So she had
to give Nhlaka the spoon Nhlaka fed her listening attentively to
what his wife said. Ma Joyce on the other side on the room was
smiling at these two. After feeding Sphe, she gave him his water
bottle to drink and then gave him to Sani, since Nhlaka was still
feeding the other twin. After the feeding school. Nhlaka fetched
Toto at school while Sani cooked. After all that, ma Joyce left
and Nhlaka helped his daughter with her homework. She told
them about her day like she always does and then went to
sleep. The parents bathed the twins and made sure they slept.
They went to their room and got into bed with nothing than
their underwear on. They gossiped about people and talked
about anything else under the moon and stars. ****
2 weeks later
****there's a new addition to the Dlamini family and it's
Mpendulo. Tswalo gave birth last week and since I went back to
work I will only be able to see the child probably when I am
back on track with my work. *****
Mrs Gobbler: good day Mrs Dlamini
****I looked up to her and she had a huge smile on her face. I
smiled at her too and she walked into the container. I was
working from the mine, since its Friday.*****
Mrs Gobbler: it's good to have you back
Me: well it's good to be back
****she laughed and then took a seat.****
Mrs Gobbler: uhmm so I have decided what to do with the huge
diamond we found
Me: and?
Mrs Gobbler: I think it should be the heart of this mine
Me: we already have one. Which is one of the rarest diamonds.
If we want to make money we should have an auction for this
Mrs Gobbler: you sound just like my husband
Me: I don't know, I guess we are right
Mrs Gobbler: I'll consider that. Anyway how is the baby?
Me: they are doing well and they have grown too quick hey
Mrs Gobbler: they?
Me: ohh yes. I had twins. Surprise!
Mrs Gobbler: wow. I am really surprised
****I smiled while clicking my laptop. She stood up and went to
the door.****
Mrs Gobbler: let me not disturb you further more
Me: thank you.
****she left. I spent the rest of the day working. I asked Nandi
to fetch Toto from school for me, because Nhlaka went to Cape
Town to help Yezi with something. His words not mine. He left
yesterday. Lunch time came and passed, soon enough it was
knock off time. I packed my bags and switched off my laptop
and put it into my laptop bag. As I was closing the bag I got a
call from Nhlaka. I answered it as soon as I had the bag zipped
Me: Dlamini
Nhlaka: sauw bona mama (hello mommy)
Me: how are you?
Nhlaka: good and you?
Me: tired. Just knocked off, in fact I am only locking my office
Nhlaka: were you at the mine?
Me: yes. You know Fridays are mine site days
Nhlaka: yeah. Uhmmm Sani I was just checking up on you. I
need to go
Me: okay.
Nhlaka: I'll call you before I sleep
Me: sure.
Nhlaka: I love you
Me: I love you too
****I aborted the call and unlocked my car. I got in and drove to
the mall where I ordered a Spurs takeaway and then went home
with it. I arrived and found ma Joyce and Nandi talking to each
other in the sitting room. I didn't greet so I passed and went
straight to my room. It's not like they heard or saw me coming
in. I changed into a black leggings and one of Nhlaka's t-shirt. I
tied my braids into a messy bun. I didn't care how they looked
as long as they were out of my face. I went downstairs to wash
the dishes that were in the sink, which were mainly my
lunchbox and traveling mug. I went back upstairs to check up on
Toto. I got in her room and found her playing alone with her
dolls. *****
Me: Thando
****she looked at me. I went down on my knees to reach her
level. I hugged her and she accepted it. She kissed my cheek.
Me: how are you baby?
Toto: fine
Me: good. Did you do your homework
Toto: yes, Mama Nandi helped me with it
Me: great. What did you learn today
Toto: uhmm a new song and maths
Me: what were you doing in maths
Toto: no mama let me teach you the new song
Me: okay
**** she started singing the song she was taught. After the
singing session which took longer than I had expected, I went
downstairs and found ma Joyce on her way out.****
Me: auw ma, you're already leaving?
Joyce: hauw Sani, you're home?
Me: uhmm got back not long ago
Joyce: ohh okay. Yes I am going home. Thembisa needs me
Me: okay ma. Safe travels
Joyce: thank you. Your sister is in the sitting room
Me: okay thank you
Joyce: bye
Me: bye
*****I went to the sitting room. Nandi was watching TV and my
babies were also watching it. Of course they can't understand
what's going on but the level of their concentration was a
Nandi: sister wife
Me: hey
Nandi: you good?
Me: yep.
Nandi: when are you going to see Mpe
Me: soon, probably in the next two weeks because next
weekend I am going to Giyani. I miss my family and well I am
going to see how they are doing
Nandi: ohh I see. It's been long since I saw mine.
Me: ohh dont you miss them?
Nandi: I do. I'll see them one day.
Me: that's good.
Nandi: anything you got to eat
Me: Hayi Hayi Nandi
Nandi: hauw mara Sani
Me: you're lucky I got takeaways
Nandi: good. Very good
****she said standing up, 10 minutes later she came in with
Toto behind her. She gave me a damp cloth and a plate filled
with food. She gave Toto hers too and then had her plate. We
ate while watching skeem saam. By the te it ended we were
done eating. Toto decided to play with her twin siblings. Nandi
looked for a movie to watch and decided on 6 underground. It's
an action/thriller movie and we'll its nice. The only part I didn't
like was the blood and seeing people die. I know it's a movie
but there's always a little voice at the back of my mind telling
me it also happens in real life. By the time the movie ended it
was around 21:25*****
Me: Nandi it's pretty late. Isn't Nathi freaking out
Nandi: can he freak out when he's in Namibia
Me: Namibia?
Nandi: yes. He left on Tuesday and he'll back on Monday
Me: ohh that's why you're still here at this time.
Nandi: anyways I am crashing here
Me: you do know that we don't have space right
Nandi: what's stooping you guys from moving into your new
Me: I need Nhlaka to come back. It is ready and furnished. I
have everything for it
Nandi: Hayi.
Me: you'll sleep in Toto's room. She'll sleep with me
Nandi: no it's okay. Look I am crowding you guys. I'll drive home
Me: haii haii and if something happens to you? You want the
Dlamini and Khumalo families to kill me
Nandi: come on
Me: no you are sleeping here Nandipha
Nandi: Yhooo okay.
Me: let's get these two clean and then take them to bed
****we took the twins and bathed them. After bathing them
we took them to bed. Toto also did the same and went to sleep
on my room. Nandi and I went back downstairs. My phone rang
and it was Nhlaka again. I answered it ****
Me: hi
Nhlaka: are you asleep?
Me: no, I am about to watch a movie
Nhlaka: ohh okay. Did close all windows and lock the doors
Me: I did
Nhlaka: okay where is Toto?
Me: she's asleep
Nhlaka: ohh okay. And I am sure that Sphe and Sipho are also
Me: yes they are
Nhlaka: ohh okay. I am going to sleep now. Goodnight my love
Me: sleep well baby. I love you roo
***I smiled to myself. He dropped the call. Nandi smiled at me
and wiggled her eyebrows. I laughed and joined her. She
already had brought snacks for us to eat h another movie. ****
Nandi: now what to watch
Me: uhmmm romance?
Nandi: sorry I wanna watch action movies
Me: iyoh
Nandi: yep.. Uhmmm... Nah.. Pssss..
****she kept mumbling that while searching for a movie. She
decided we watch a horror film. The grudge. Okay okay I am
okay with horror films. They arent my favorite or my least
favorite as well. As long as I can be able to sleep at night then I
am cool with horror movies.****
Nandi: Weeeeeh yaz abelungu abezwa shame. Nawe uzibonile
ukuthi bathi ku na ma hem-hem wokuthi indlu I haunted kodwa
nawe u ya Hamba uyo hlala kuyo. Haii shame! Bathanda uku
bukwa shame! ( you know, white people don't listen. You saw
that there are rumors about the house being haunted but you
still go and live in it. Haiii shame! They like to be seen)
*****I burst out if laughter. The expression on her face says it
all. ****
Nandi: Hayi sisi buka buka...... aha nazo.... hehe dlala kgokgo (
sis watch, watch. Yesss there we go, here we go. Here comes
the monster)
Me: Nandi stop
****I said laughing. She took a bowl and filled it with carribean
lays chips. I filled mine with salt and vinegar chips. We
continued watching the movie. After watching the movie went
to bed.*****
*****Cape Town has me too busy at the moment. I mean my
shipment has arrived and now I need to get it to my safe and
hide it before we can get it in the streets. Since Nkazi did a little
bit of accounting and finance, he is the one responsible of
money laundering and getting the money into my company,
without being suspected.
After my Goodnight call with my wife, I chilled with Andile and
Thami. They are also part of the gang. Nkanyezi also came in.
Me: why are you late?
Yezi: I have a woman to satisfy
Me: who?
Yezi: Olothando
Andile: kanti royalty also does vat en sit(cohabitation)?
Yezi: fusek wena (piss off)
Andile: I was just asking
Thami: let's get going guys
**** we drove to the habour where the ship had arrived. We
had our containers transported to the warehouse and then had
the money in 10 bags, probably about 40 million. Yes that
much, I mean we have been in this business for too long so of
course we make money. Ricardo, one of Rodriquezs' men took
the bags and left with them. The rule is, once the bag is in your
hands, you are on your own. Meaning if someone tries to mug
him, he's on his own. If someone steals my drugs then I need to
deal with it alone. We went to the warehouse and packed the
coke nicely. We already had 20 top buyers. We called them in so
that they take it in as soon as possible. They came by and left
bags of money. Now the money in bags was taken by Nkazi so
that he cooks my company's books and also get himself, Andile
and Thami a share. And of course, money to pay the others
which is +/- R5 000, per week. Imagine, that's how much they
make in a week. Meaning in a month they earn +/- R 20 000. It
also depends on how long you've been working for us and how
much work you produce.
After working and distributing the merchandise, I went back to
the hotel to go lay my head, since it was 03:45 am. ****
****Today is Friday and here I am in the car with my family on
our way to Giyani. Nhlaka insisted on coming along and driving
me. The twins and Toto were asleep since it was around 8pm.
We left Midrand at 6pm and we still have about 3 more hours to
go, considering the fact that Nhlaka drives fast. ****
Nhlaka: you know Tswalo is sad that you couldn't come this
Me: Haiibo, what for when I am visiting my family?
Nhlaka: haii I don't know, I was just telling you
Me: it's not like she also came immediately when we had the
twins mos.
Nhlaka: yeah. Don't get mad I was just telling you
Me: mxaaaai
Nhlaka: anyway Nkanyezi said he's getting married
Me: is it a tend that all Dlamini boys get married at almost the
same time?
Nhlaka: haiibo
Me: no don't get me wrong but I mean Muzi got married
because of a circumstance, then Nkazi got married because it
was the right age, jiki jiki we get married and then Nathi also
gets married, Muzi marries Tswalo in the middle of Nandi's
wedding preparations. In less than a year your little brother also
wants to get married
Nhlaka: yho. So are you saying he mustnt get married?
Me: no that's not what I'm saying. It's a good thing ghat he
wants to do right by his girl but isn't he rushing this? Nhlaka he
is only 25
Nhlaka: turning 26
Me: yeah whatever but what about the girl? How old is she?
Nhlaka: Sani you, Nandi, Zah and Tswalo got married at a young
Me: not Tswalo. She just got married 10 months ago. I got
married at the age of 23, and you were 27. Imagine if Nkanyezi
is 25 then how old is this girl
Nhlaka: Sani these people love each other, let them be happy
Me: who said I am not happy?
****he looked at me and back at the road ahead****
Nhlaka: Sani are you okay?
Me: yes
Nhlaka: then why are you getting worked up over Nkanyezi's
Me: I am not. I am just worried that they are taking such a huge
step at their age. Do they know that marriage isn't pap en vleis?
Nhlaka: I guess they'll figure it out together
****it became silent. I opened a bottle of coke and took a sip.
Nhlaka kept his focus on the road. ****
Nhlaka: Khensani do you regret marrying me
*****I coughed out loud since I was still sipping on this drink. I
shot my eyes at him.*****
Me: where does this come from?
Nhlaka: you. You keep saying negative things about marriage, so
I am just asking if you regret marrying me
Me: I dont
Nhlaka: ohh you don't?
Me: yes I don't
Nhlaka: hmmm so do you regret getting married at a young
Me: Nhlaka.....
Nhlaka: answer me
Me: I don't know
Nhlaka: ohh you don't know
****I kept quiet. I closed the bottle and threw it at my legs. I
closed my eyes and listened to the Rnb music that was playing.
In 3 and a half hours we were in Giyani. I had my eyes opened
when I felt the bumpy gravel road. ****
Nhlaka: we are here
Me: yep
*****we went to a BnB and checked in. Nhlaka carried Toto and
I carried both the twins. We put them to bed and then took our
bags inside. Nhlaka came in holding a takeaway from
McDonald's. I heard my stomach grumble. I changed into my
night dress and ate the meal with him. We ate in pure silence.
After eating I watched some TV so that I wait for the food to
digest a bit. If I don't I end up feeling nauseaous and I might end
up vomiting. He sat in bed holding his phone while I watched a
Nhlaka: Sani we need to talk
Me: we do?
Nhlaka: Sani can we please talk
****I stood up from the couch and went into the covers. He
finished typing whatever and put his phone on the
Nhlaka: what's wrong baby?
Me: nothing
Nhlaka: no it can't just be nothing. Something is wrong baby
and you don't want to talk
Me: then why make me talk?
****he raised his eyebrow at me.****
Me: what?
Nhlaka: Khensani uqale mini uku khuluma Nami kanjalo? (when
did you start talking to me like that?)
****I kept quiet. He still had that look on me. I couldn't even
look at him in the eye*****
Nhlaka: ohhh so you can't talk now?
Me: I can.
Nhlaka: then answer me
Me: I am sorry of you think I am disrespecting you but I am not
Nhlaka: and you call that an apology
Me: it is
****he exhaled loudly and kept quiet. He had his head up
looking at the ceiling. *****
Nhlaka: Sani are you happy?
Me: yes
Nhlaka: no I mean are you happy in our marriage?
*****I kept quiet and looked at him. He looked so sad. What
did I do? Did I cause this damage on his face? He looked
Nhlaka: I guess I got my answer
Me: I... Nhla....
****I shut my mouth thereafter. I didnt know what to say, how
to say it and what I feared the most was how he was going to
take it in. He looked the other way and switched off the lamp
light. I also switched off mine and looked the other way. He got
out bed and went to the bathroom, he switched off the TV and
went back in.
What am I doing? ******
**** I am hurt. I really am hurt. My wife isn't happy and she
probably doesn't love me anymore. She is already tired and we
haven't been married for a year. Am I that bad? Am I a
I couldn't sleep, I kept my mind busy lingering around all those
thoughts. Finally I slept but it wasn't enough because it was
morning and I had to drive Sani and the kids to their family.
Sani: morning
Me: hello
Sani: what time are we leaving?
Me: as soon as you're ready
Sani: okay.
****she got out and stretched. She went to the bathroom and
showered. The kids woke up, I went to attend them. I bathed
Toto first then Sipho. Sani walked in and bathed Sphe. When
they were clean enough I went to shower. After my shower that
was filled with nothing but thoughts, I got loitioned and went
into the room where I got dressed into a Jean, blue Daniel
Hector t-shirt and black Adidas sneakers. Sani was wearing a red
t-shirt and blue jeans with black Nike airforce 1. She had the
kids dressed in red too.****
Sani: auw Nhlaka we are wearing red, aren't you going to
Me: no
****I went out the room and the food I ordered last night for
breakfast was brought in. I thanked the young lady and then
ate. After eating I fed the twins. When everyone was done and
ready. I had the twins in my arms and got out with them. I
opened the car and got them in their car seats. Toto sat
between them. I got into the driver's seat and waited for Sani.
She got in wearing sunglasses. She gave me mine. I took them
and wore them. I started the car and drove to her home.
Muhluri opened the gate and we drove in. Sani opened the
door and went straight to her aunts' arms. I got all the kids out
the car and had the twins in my arms.***
Muhluri: sbari (brother in law)
Me: hello
*****he took Sphe from my arms and sat on a chair under the
tree. There were two chairs there. So I went straight to Sani's
aunt and greeted her.****
Silvia: are you treating my baby girl good?
Me: yes ma
Silvia: good. Always keep her happy
*****I nodded. That was the best I could do because it looks
like Sani isn't happy. Rhandzo, Muhluri's wife came out with a
tray of tea and scones. I'll only have one since we ate.****
Rhandzo: hello. Nice to see you guys here
Me: it is indeed.
Rhandzo: Themba tana la! (come here!)
*****she yelled for her son to hear her. He came by and
greeted me, then he ran to where Toto was. Rhandzo took
Sipho from me after placing the tray on another chair. She came
back again and took Sphe. She had given Sipho to aunt Silvia
and skept Sphe to herself. She was pregnant.*****
Muhluri: Rhandzo won't you hurt the baby?
Rhandzo: no
**** I shook my head in chuckles. She was fascinated on how
Sphe could be this cute, actually on how all the kids could be so
cute. Muhluri and I spoke about anything under the sun till
there was a car outside the gate. Muhluri opened the gate and
in came in Vutomi and her husband with her child. They got off
and Vutomi grated us then went to the ladies, the husband
who's name I forgot grated the ladies first then came to
Muhluri: Treasure
Treasure: Hluri and uhmmm prince
****I chuckled and then we fist bumped. He poured himself tea
since there was an extra mug there. He had the first scone, and
the next and the next in 10 minutes. ****
Muhluri: why do you look hungry man?
Treasure: eish I didant eat bros
***he said in his Nigerian accent.****
Muhluri: ehh why? Is Vutomi starving you?
Treasure: no, Adowa starved me and kicked me out this
morning, so I remembered Tomi telling me that she's going to
visit her family. When I got to her house she was ready to leave
so I had to bath and drive her.
Me: damn man
Hluri: Hayi this polygamy thing of yours, I don't like it one bit.
It's hurting my sister's feelings
Treasure: I love them both bros
Muhluri: whatever happens I don't want to see Tomi cry
because of you.
Treasure: no more bros. She won't cry
Muhluri: she better not. Including you Dlamini, my little sister
must never cry because of you.
Me: she won't. But she will in bed of course
Muhluri: voetsek
****Treasure and I laughed. Sani came to move the tray in front
of us. I looked away as she took it. I swear this woman will be
death of me. She left shortly. *****
Muhluri: let's go to Petros and have a few drinks
Treasure: sure
****we left using Treaure's car to go to Petros. There were
people already drinking. We sat down and called the waiter. The
young boy came****
Treasure: can I have 2 castle lites
Muhluri: haii 2 is small. Let's have 4 each
Boy: castle lite?
Me: 2 savanna and 2 brutal fruit.
Boy: okay
Muhluri: 8 castle lites
Boy: 8 castle lites, 2 savanna and 2 brutal fruits
Me: yes
Boy: no meat
Me: bring it
Boy: with pap or alone
Treasure: with small pap.
Boy: okay
****he left. He brought the drinks first and then the food came
in later. Treasure and Muhluri shared the pap. I ate the meat
only. I wasn't in the mood for food. I just wanted to drink. After
the four bottles. I went to the bar and checked what they
Me: uhmm sistas can I have a bottle of Vodka with lemonade
Lady: okay, that is adding to your bill
Me: it's fine
****she gave me the bottles. I sat down and she came with
three glasses containing ice and lemons. That's good. I mixed
the drinks and drank. Treasure joined in and Muhluri sticked to
his castle lite. More and more bottles came up with meat.
When it was getting late we paid, well Treasure and I shared the
bill and got into the car and let Muhluri drive since he was
sober than Treasure and I. We arrived and found the ladies in
the house. We got on and went to the sitting room where they
were watching this Moja what what Channel. My babies got so
happy when they saw me. I didn't want to hold them while
smelling alcohol. We sat down then 20 minutes later I decided it
was time for us to leave. *****
Me: ma, it was nice seeing you guys, but now we have to leave
Silvia: thank you for bringing them to me. You have beautiful
children Dlamini
Me: thank you ma
****she smiled. I stood up****
Me: let's go. Toto say bye to gogo
Toto: bye gogo, bye malume bye aunty bye Themba
****she said bidding goodbye to everyone. We got to the car
and they got in. I took one twin and buckled him or her into the
car seat. I felt so drunk. I didnt even know which baby I had
with me. I got into the passenger seat and waited for Sani to
come in. She opened the door and scrunched her
Sani: Nhlaka?
Me: go that side
****she came into the driver's seat. She started the car and
drove off. I passed out right there and then. *
*****he is drunk! He is fucken drunk! I arrived at the BnB and
got the kids out. I took them to the room and got them changed
into their pyjamas. I locked them in and went back to the car. I
got there and opened the passenger door. He was fast asleep. I
shook him, he didn't move. I shook him again. He opened his
Nhlaka: hmmm
Me: wake up and go to sleep
Nhlaka: hmmm
*****gosh this man. I closed the door and left him in there. I
mean I cannot carry him. I am not strong enough. I went back
to the room and unlocked the door. Then I got changed into my
night dress and got onto my phone. I had 12 unread messages
from my friends group chat.******
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° CHAT CONVO°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Thato: guysss!
Sipho: yes madam Mokoena
Phile: Sipho she's married hauw
Thato: it's Mrs Gongela to you
Tswalo: Thato Gongela. It sounds... Hmmmmm it's sounds nice
Thato: I know hey
Ntando: so Thato what did you want to tell us?
Thato: guess who's pregnant!!
Sipho: what!!
Phile: congratulations Thato. See children are a blessing from
God. I am glad that God blessed you with a child. That is so
wonderful. Hallelujah Praise the lord friend!!
Thato: thank you guyss
Ntando: Yhooo mamfundisi Omphile
****those were the 12 messages.****

Tswalo: 😹

Phile: mxm😑
Thato: don't do that to Phile hauw
Sipho: where is Sunny
Me: here
Phile: ohh hey baby. How are you doing?
Me: good
Thato: where are you guys now because I want us to go
somewhere as friends. It's been a while and we've been too
busy for one another
Ntando: true babes. We need a getaway shame
Tswalo: please do it after my maternity leave
Sipho: we will do it after Phil's leave because madam will be
due soon right?
Phile: yes, I can't wait to meet him
Me: who baby Jesus?

Thato: 😹 Sani
Ntando: Haiibo Sani
Phile: fusek Sani
Sipho: hauw you can swear now?
Tswalo: leave Phile alone guys
Phile: thank you!
Me: whatever guys
Thato: how is the little one anyway Tswalo? And you Ntando
Ntando: good good. We are growing this side
Tswalo: Mpe is restless yho. I am tired 24/7
Me: aren't the helpers and ma helping?
Tswalo: yep but at the end of the day the baby is mine
Tswalo: nazo there he goes again, bye guyss
Sipho: bye
Ntando: I am going to sleep now guys
Phile: don't forget to pray guysss I love you all and know that
God loves you all.
Me: thank you Mrs Ndaba
Ntando: amen
Thato: hallelujah
°°°°°°°°°°end of convo°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
*****I replied to a few texts and then went to instagram where
I viewed stories and a few posts. I didn't lock the door, hopefully
that drunkard out there will sober up and come in here. I
wonder why he decided to get drunk because Nhlaka stopped
drinking a lot. He knows he has a limit. A phone rang. It wasn't
mine so it has to be Nhlaka's phone. I saw light on the floor. I
got out of bed and picked it up. Who is Anele? I answered the
Me: hello
Anele: hello uhmm who is this?
Me: who did you call?
Anele: I called Nhlakanipho's phone. You must be his wife, I am
Anele Thwala, Delisile's mother
Me: ohh. Uhmm hi. Yes I am his wife.
Anele: uhmm can I talk to him
Me: he's asleep. Can I take a message?
Anele: uhmm yes. Please tell him that Tswala passed away
today around 10am.
Me: ohhh I will. My condolences to you and your family
Anele: thank you sisi.
****she aborted the call. I sighed deeply. Another call came
through and it was a Mbali. Now who is Mbali?I answered the
call ****
Mbali: Vusi thank God you answered, please don't cut my call,
uhmm okay I'll be quick. This about me and you. I know I did
you wrong when we were younger but please, I have grown
now please give me the chance. I love you soo much. I know
you are married but I don't mind being the second wife as long
as I'm with you.
Mbali: Vusi, Nhlaka please say something
Me: unfortunately it's not Vusi sisi
Mbali: who are you?
Me: Mrs Dlamini
****she dropped the call. Wow! Having to deal with why
Nhlaka is sad, now we have a death situation at Nompilo's
family, now I have a Mbali to deal with, what's next?. Will I ever
be happy mara? Haii*****
The following day
I opened my eyes and met with his face. I sighed and got out of
bed. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I heard
cries and walked into their room. Toto was fast asleep. Sipho
was the crying one disturbing his sisters. I picked him up and
took him to the bathroom. I placed him on the mat and I got
into the bathtub. After bathing I bathed him too and then went
back to their room to get him dressed. Toto then woke up. I
wonder why Sphe isn't awake yet. I am worried now. That's it! I
woke her up and whooooo she's alive. I guess she's the
Toto: morning mama
Me: morning baby. Go brush your teeth
****she went into the bathroom. I switched on the TV and left
it on the cartoons channel. I took Sphe to my room where I
bathed in her in the ensuit bathroom. When she was clean I
took us a picture and took her a picture wearing nothing than a
towel. My baby girl is very cute. Her and Toto look alike, the
only difference is that Toto is darker and has a few features of
her mother, which are just her body and eyes. I got Sphe
Toto: mama someone is knocking
Me: okay baby
****I went to go open the door and found that it was breakfast.
I gladly took it in and Toto ate. I got Sphe dressed then fed her,
after feeding her I fed Sipho then ate. Toto took out her outfit. I
helped her bath while I placed the twins in the bathroom.
Nhlaka was still not awake. *****
Toto: mama you know I can bath myself
Me: yes I know but you don't do it nicely
Toto: but my friends bath themselves
Me: Thando please
****she sulked and kept quiet. After getting her bathed. I
loitioned her and she wore her clothes. Thats something I knew
she was good at, desssing herself up. I left her with her siblings
and went to check on Nhlaka. I opened the door and he wasn't
in bed. I heard the shower run. I packed out luggage and took
out an outfit for him. I went to the kids room and packed
everything. I took our bags to the car and then went up to the
Nhlaka: hi
Me: hey. Are you fine?
Nhlaka: yeah
***he grabbed a plate and started shoving his mouth.****
Me: Nhlaka, Anele called
Nhlaka: you answered my phone
Me: what was I supposed to do?
Nhlaka: what did she want?
Me: she told me that bab' Thwala has passed away
Nhlaka: huh?
Me: uhmm yeah around 10am yesterday
Nhlaka: when is the funeral
Me: uhmm I don't know
Nhlaka: okay
Me: you're going?
Nhlaka: yes
Me: you are
Nhlaka: Haiibo Sani. Weren't you the one telling me not to let
Toto not to see her family
Me: but that's not seeing her family
Nhlaka: so I shouldn't Bury Toto's grandfather?
Me: no that's not what I'm saying
Nhlaka: then what are you saying? Actually Khensani what is
wrong with you these days. Why are you always picking a fight
with me?
Me: I am not okay
Nhlaka: Mxm. Let's go
****he took Sipho and walked towards the door. ****
Me: Mbali also called asking for a chance with you
Nhlaka: okay
****he walked out. Just like that. Wow this man is
unbelievable. *****
Nompilo: friend atleast Nhlaka will be here, now my plan will
Rivonia: what plan?
Nompilo: girl!! Come on. I mean since his wife doesn't like Deli
and the idea of coming here, she won't come. Plus I know
Nhlaka will want to come and be with us when we lay my
father, ohh may his soul rest in peace. Okay okay so as I was
saying so I have gotten myself a little herb that will make him
Rivonia: heh!
Nompilo: yes Riv listen hauw. So all I need to do is pour it in his
food and damn baby girl he will be mine.
Rivonia: so you think he'll be yours
Nompilo: yes he will. Riv I paid R6000 for this herb at the most
recommended traditional healer so yes it will work and he'll be
mine and mine alone.
Rivonia: well goodluck on that girl
Nompilo: yes ma'am. Look soon soom you'll be addressing me
as Mrs Nompilo Dlamini
****her friend laughed at her. After their silly talk. Nompilo got
out her room and went to join her mother on the
Anele: where are you from?
Nompilo: my room. Anyway is Nhlaka coming
Anele: Nompilo don't start
Nompilo: ma I am not starting anything. I will have a chance to
apologise to him nicely
Anele: Nompilo Thwala I want to Bury my husband in peace
Nomzamo: Nompilo we are mourning can we not fight or argue
Nompilo: aish konje wena
Anele: Nompilo!
Nompilo: mxm
*****someone's phone rang. It was Anele's phone. No Zamo
being the daughter in law was responsible for all her calls. She
answered it****
Nomzamo: Nhlaka?
Anele: put him on loud speaker
****Nomzamo did as she was told****
Nhlaka: uhmm hello can I speak to ma
Anele: Nhlaka
Nhlaka: hi ma. I heard the news today. My deepest condolences
to the family.
Nomzamo: thank you
Nhlaka: what happened?
Nomzamo: he had heart attack and we'll he couldn't make it
Nhlaka: eish I am sorry. When is the funeral?
Anele: Saturday at 08am
Nhlaka: okay ma
Anele: come with your wife Dlamini and Thando if you can. You
can take her to her mother's grave
Nhlaka: uhmm I'll decide on that ma. I will see you soon.
*****he quickly dropped the call*****
Nompilo: ma his wife really?
Anele: yes, I don't trust you anymore
Nompilo: mxm
****she stood up and went to her room*****
Nompilo: if she thinks her coming her will stop me, she must
think again. Nx
****she said before making a phone call. ******
**** today is Thursday and I am on my way to the office. I was
listening to gospel songs, specifically spirit of praise 7 songs. I
changed the album to spirit of praise 4 and listened to one of
my favorite songs 'Udumo' by Omega and Benjamin
Udumo malube kuwe x2
Udumo malube kuwe x2
<<then the choir sings>>
Udumo malube kuwe x2
Udumo malube kuwe...... X2
Thoriso e be ho wena x4
Thoriso e be ho wena x4
Re a boka, reeee aaaa boka
Thoriso e be ho wena........ X2
Re a boka, reeee aaaa boka
Thoriso e be ho wena....... X2
*****I sang as loudly as I could taken by the whole spirit. This
song basically means that the glory must be to God and that we
thank him. I turned right to enter Phadima diamond mine. I
barked the basement parking and then the next song comes in.
Okay okay I wonder what happened with my albums. I guess my
USB switched things up because Bophelo ke wena by Lejwe la
motheo played.****
Bophelo ke wena fela
Epa batho ha ba tsebe
Ba lahlehetswe ke tsela
Ba felositswe ke sebe
*****That was one part of the song I'd sing along to. Instead of
getting out of the car I sat and listened to this song. It basically
means that God is life, but people don't know, their lives are
strayed, they are sinning.
After my early morning clap and tap I got out and wore my
heels. I cannot drive in heels so I wear flats. I opened my boot
and took out my bags. I locked the car and walked inside. I saw
people give me stares and all that. Well I guess it's because I am
looking very beautiful today in my Yellow dress and the cute
heel. Plus I am happy which must be a bonus to the stares. I
greeted the receptionist and went up to my office. I got there
and switched on my pc. I connected my laptop to it and then
went to the kitchen to get some coffee.*****
Voice: hauw you no longer come to church vele?
****I turned around and it was Sizwe. This guy neh. Since I'm in
a jolly good mood I will be nice to him****
Me: hello Mr Ndaba
Sizwe: Sani
Me: Haiibo after so much respect you use my name
Sizwe: ohh sorry I didn't know
Me: I'm just joking.
Sizwe: haaaa lol Mrs Dlamini. You must be carrying a huge
weight on your shoulders using that Surname hey?
Me: no why
Sizwe: hmm hmm (as in no)
*****he shook his head no. Haiike I wonder what he's talking
about. *****
Sizwe: so you work here?
Me: yes, and you? What are you doing here?
Sizwe: I am the new mining engineer
Me: ohh you are
Sizwe: yes, but i'll be formally introduced tomorrow you see
Me: hmmm okay. Welcome then. I need to go work
Sizwe: okay.
****I left him and went inside the lift. Palesa was in there
popping some gum. Isn't it too early for that though?****
Palesa: yah Mrs Dlamini
Me: Miss Phala
Palesa: Mxm. Atleast I am single wabo.
Me: what are you trying to say?
Palesa: I mean it's better to be single than to be married to your
husband who is always on newspapers. I mean yes he is very
hot and all that but girl, Hayi no
Me: what newspapers?
Palesa: Bathong wena you don't know the latest news about
the person you wake up to. Haii hehe!
****she walked out laughing. I also stepped out if the elevator
and walked to my office. This is probably why people are giving
me strange looks. I sat down and logged into social media. I
used my laptop. Wait I don't even know where my phone is****
Mrs Gobbler: good morning Mrs Dlamini, I hope you're good.
Just a reminder of the meeting we have at 10am sharp. I wasn't
sure if you received my email.
Me: good morning Gob. Uhmm I didn't but thanks for the
Mrs Gobbler: we need to get you a P. A honestly. I think it's
about time
Me: ohh thank you Gob
Mrs Gobbler: sure. I will talk to HR about this
Me: thank you.
****she left. Growing up, reading the history books I thought
all white people weren't nice, till I met Mrs Gobbler. She is
forever smiling and sweet. She treats everyone with respect and
with equality. Even the cleaners. They have good benefits, you'd
think they have high paying jobs.
I went back to my social media accounts. My eyes were the size
of tennis balls. Nhlaka's arrest was revealed, how I don't know.
Now this is going to ruin his reputation. Wait that's not all, my
company, Johnsons electronics was also mentioned including
the CJays, which is the restaurant Yanda now owns. My dad
named it under his name. Christopher Johnson. I guess Nhlaka
his my phone to prevent me from seeing this, but now since I
saw it I am not okay. I am going through so much for this.
Nhlaka and I haven't talked about what happened back in
Limpopo and now this. I can't. I took a sip of my drink and
logged off my social media accounts. I needed to prepare
myself for the meeting.
09:50 am struck and I went straight to the boardroom upstairs
in fifth floor where the meeting was taking place. I arrived and
the P.As were finishing with their set up. They also gave me
looks and stares. Mrs Gobbler entered followed by Mangers and
Sizwe. Okay the meeting started, it was nothing much about
more about the land and slope elements, anything about the
earth's crust l, rock structure which were my specialty and
Sizwe's too since he will be the new mining engineer. I honestly
thought he did nothing than to be a pastors kid. But here we
are. ****
Hazel: that will be all. If you have any questions from here, you
can just send them to Violet, my P.A and I'll get back to you
Mrs Gobbler: thank you Hazel. I am satisfied
****the other shareholders and managers nodded their heads
in agreement. ******
Mrs Gobbler: before everyone leaves. I'd like to introduce this
man to you, some of you may have met him already. He is Sizwe
Ndaba and he'll be joining us as the new mining engineer since
Michael is retiring.
****people welcomed him and gave him handshakes. I went
out and went to my office. I got there and it was around 11:15.
Hazel really had a presentation made up there. She took a lot of
time. I worked on some paper work and then decided to call
Nhlaka. This whole issue is burning me and I can't keep still.
Nhlaka: hello
Me: Dlamini, it's me
Nhlaka: ohh what's up baby?
Me: I think I forgot my phone there, or did you take it
Nhlaka: I am sorry
Me: it's fine
Nhlaka: no it's not fine. Can we talk when we get home
Me: okay. What should I cook?
Nhlaka: don't. I'll take Toto to Zanele's house since she'll have
some comapny
Me: what about your 2 musketeers
Nhlaka: those are your kids wena
Me: haii haii
****we laughed. Then it became quiet. ****
Nhlaka: Sani
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: I'll see you at home
Me: okay bye
Nhlaka: I am sorry you're having a bad day
Me: me too
*****I ended the call and exhaled. Lunch time came and I
decided to have food from the restaurant next door. After
ordering my food I decided to eat in my car. I played my gospel
music without any disturbances. After lunch time I went back
up and called the mine workers just to ask them about the
progress, there isn't much progress from last week and
hopefully that won't sadden Mrs Gobbler, because I have never
seen her angry, she's always happy and smiling, when
something is wrong, she's just sad but never angry. Now the
angry one is her husband. He doesn't work here but he is one of
the majority shareholders so he has a say. He is the angriest
mean looking person on earth. He yells and shouts at literally
everything. I wonder how Cindy, Mrs Gobbler got married to
that man.
At 16:45 I packed my bags and switched off my laptop and PC. I
walked out the office locking the door. I walked to the elevator.
Thank goodness I was alone this time. I got out when it opened
and I was at the reception, what the fuck! I thought I had
pressed the basement parking. William, from finance walked in
with Lindiwe a lady from here. I don't know what exactly she
does but I know she works here. I look at them and they look
suspicious to me. I don't know why but they look like they are
too close or something. I know I should be minding my own
business but I can't help it. I mean William was holding Lindi's
bag in his hands, they are wearing matching outfits and William
has a purple lipstick mark on his shirt and guess who has a
purple lipstick on. Yes Lindiwe, so ofcourse these people are
sleeping togther. The elevator opened and I got out. I went to
my car and threw my bags at the back. I stared the engine and
then played Joyus celebration songs to try uplift my mood. The
traffic back home was insane. I took some shortcuts to beat the
traffic and so I made it home at 18:40. I parked my car in the
garage and then got my bags I almost died when I turned
because Nhlaka stood before him with the most weird smile
Me: are you trying to kill me?
Nhlaka: sorry. Let me help you with your bags
Me: thanks. Did you eat? I am hungry
Nhlaka: I didn't. I was waiting for you
Me: ohh okay then let's go eat
Nhlaka: aren't you going to get comfortable first?
Me: no I am hungry
Nhlaka: okay
***we went into the house. We still haven't moved out. I don't
know why but I guess we have been too busy for that.****
Nhlaka: I was thinking we move out tomorrow
Me: you know I don't like last minute things
Nhlaka: okay next week then
Me: better
Nhlaka: burger or meat
Me: burger
Nhlaka: cool
****he dished up for me. We both ate in silence. After eating I
went upstairs and he washed the dishes. I got to the room and
changed into a tight and his t-shirt. I wore my slippers and tied
my braids into a messy bun. I went to the kids room and there
wasn't anyone. ****
Me: Nhlaka where are the twins?
Nhlaka: with Thando at Muzi's house
Me: ohh. That's nice
Nhlaka: very. Drink?
Me: yes please
****he poured me wine while he poured himself whisky. I gave
him a stern look. He knows I don't like it when he drinks a
Nhlaka: I won't
Me: you better not
Nhlaka: let's go sit down
****we sat on the couches.*****
Nhlaka: can I start
Me: sure
Nhlaka: okay. Uhmmm MaDlamini wami, I'd like to apologise for
all the pain, humiliation and all that you've been through. I
know we have been through this road but baby I mean it. God
knows I never mean to hurt you. Baby I am not perfect and you
know that. I know I must learn from my mistakes and all that
but I am baby. Please be patient with me
Me: I hear you Dlamini. Honestly I am tired of your actions
Nhlaka. Your actions make me tired, I can't be running up the
same road with you. I just can't. You are too old for me to do
that. I am young Nhlaka for all this. These problems are
weighing a lot my shoulders.
Nhlaka: I am here to carry them with you
Me: I know baby, but sometimes you are the problem
****he took a sip of his drink.****
Me: I am happy in our marriage, I don't regret marrying you
Dlamini. I love you a lot. I knew what I was doing when I said
yes. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and I
still do. But that doesn't mean I will take any bullshit that gets
thrown at me. I will not allow that.
Nhlaka: I am glad to hear that.
Me: let's talk about the Thwalas
Nhlaka: so since the funeral is on Saturday, I decided to leave
for KZN tomorrow and go with my family, then I'll come back on
Sunday morning to spend time with you
Me: so you're leaving me?
Nhlaka: I thought you didn't want to go since we are going to....
Me: yes I don't like Nompilo and all that. But I am going with
you there. I will be by your side at all times. Remember don't
serve me bullshit.
Nhlaka: I definitely wont
Me: good. So we will leave altogether with the kids and come
back togther
Nhlaka: thanks
Me: cool. Now Mbali
Nhlaka: okay. So Mbalenhle Ndolvu is my high-school girlfriend.
We dated till she slept with Nathi. I know Nathi and I look the
same but back in high school I wanted to be known and
recognized. So I'd always wear a cap, even though it was against
the school rules. Plus I liked wearing black sneakers because
school shoes weren't my thing. So how didn't she see that it
wasn't me?
*****this sounds like he was a well known player and fuck boy
at his school*****
Nhlaka: so yeah then after that she went on spreading romours
about me. Then we moved on from that. In garde 11 we got
back togther, but I wasn't serious. So to me she was just my fuck
girl. Then she did the worst thing. Just a week after my
grandmother passed away she told me she was pregnant. I just
didn't get how because I was always careful. Okay and she was
really pregnant. I went home and told them what I did only to
find out from bab'Dladla that the child isn't mine. Luckily we
hadn't went to pay damages, but her family had already
reported it. She then aborted the baby and started being known
as the village prostitute. Now Muzi had hired her as his P.A. So
she still thinks she has a chance with me
Me: damn. You were a player mos wena
****he chuckled.****
Nhlaka: those were the days love, but now I have grown and
taking life serious with one and wonderful lady who is now my
****I blushed. He smiled too and kissed my hand.*****
Nhlaka: and uhmm baby as for drugs and all
Me: yes?
Nhlaka: I have stopped but I can't hide the guns.
Me: why not?
Nhlaka: Sani we are not safe. Firstly we are royalty, secondly we
are business people, thirdly we are well known. We need all the
protection we can get
Me: OKAY Nhlaka I hear you but not guns. I don't want guns
near my children
Nhlaka: I hear you. Can we promise each other that there will
be no more secrets and lies?
Me: yes.
Nhlaka: thank you
Me: so what happened?
Nhlaka: with?
Me: how did the arrest get out there?
Nhlaka: I don't know baby. That's what Nathi is working on. But
all that has been removed on social media. We will sue whoever
who did this
Me: and you know what to do with the money right?
Nhlaka: no what?
Me: Bathong Nhlaka, haven't you been taking notes. We pay
the employees bonuses
****he laughed. I laughed too and gulped down the wine. I
took the bottle and drank from it.*****
Nhlaka: you'll pay yours baby. I'll give you the money
Me: no actually I'll use it for a vacation I owe Nandi
Nhlaka: you owe her a vacation?
Me: yes. She said I was pregnant with twins and I told her it was
one. So whoever who lost owed the other a vacation
Nhlaka: ohh well atleast it won't be coming out of your pocket
Me: yess sir
****I passed him the bottle. He drank from it too. That's all we
did, passing th bottle and having talks, also remincising about
our favorite moments togther. We got another bottle and kept
***** here we are in Durban, dressed in pure black, seated on
the chairs infront attending Mr Xolani Thwala's funeral. I can't
believe I am here but nazo! The little Nompilo lady is here busy
crying hysterically. I don't know if this real or it's just drama but
to me it's drama. She wants to be seen. Nandi who is on my
side was on her phone and well I was just observing the things
happening here and paying attention to the programme. At
11am we had laid Mr Thwala to rest. We went back to eat. A
gazebo tent was pitched for the royal family. So they sat under
it. It was basically Nandi and her husband, Nkazi and her wife,
Zanele, the king and queen. Zinhle, Zanele and I went to the car
to dish up for the family. Royalty can't go eating anywhere so
we had cooked food so that we eat here. After dishing up I took
2 plates with and gave one to my mother in law and father in
law. I went back to the car and got 2 more plates for my
husband and I. I saw Nompilo get to him first. She bowed and
greeted the king and queen. With lust full eyes, she looked at
my husband. I know he's a snack but she shouldn't. I got there
and she was offering my husband a plate of food.****
King: thank you young lady, but we cannot eat the food
Nompilo: ohh but there isn't anything wrong with it
Ma: ntombi we can't, thank you though
****she looked at me and then walked away. I gave Nhlaka his
Nhlaka: thanks babe
Me: sure
****we ate, after eating Zah, Zee and I took the dishes and
cleared up everything in the boot.*****
Zah: aren't you worried that, that girl will ruin your marriage
Me: she won't suceed
Zah: hmm if you say so
Zee: why is she even trying to get herself close to Nhlaka.
Someone needs to put her in her place.
Zah: I agree with you
Me: what are you going to do to her?
Zah: scare her a bit
Me: huh
Zee: let's go
Nandi: go where?
****she said putting her plate in the plastic****
Zee: we are going to sort out that Nompilo
Nandi: ohh. And lemme guess you 2 are going to do the talking
and action. Sani is going to stay quiet
Zee: no we do everything all together
Nandi: okay let's go
Zah: no stay here pregnant lady
Zee: so that the Dlamini ask her where we went, no. Let's go
wena mommy.
****I followed them to the house. We got inside and then to
the kitchen. A woman in her sixties smiled to us.****
Woman: hello you must be the royal wives. I am Anele
****okay now I know who she is. She is Deli and Nompilo's
mother. The maternal grandmother to Toto.****
Nandi: hello ma, can we kindly speak to Nompilo
Anele: what is it about
****Zee gave her an usual scary facial expression. Poor woman,
imagine going through the death of your husband then you
need to deal with Zinhle's threatening looks. She nodded and
went to the sitting room first. There were picture frames all
over, some of Deli and some of Toto when she was still staying
with her mom. I know her because shes my baby now and well
she looks like her father but with her mom's dark skin colour.
She led us through the passage to a room on the left. She
knocked and opened at almost the same time. There was
Nompilo and an Indian girl.***
Anele: Mpilo, the royal wives are here for you
Zah: Thank you ma. You can go relax
****Anele left. We all got in, Zee closed the door and stood in
front of it.*****
Nompilo: what do you want?
****she said looking at me first then to the rest of the
Zah: to talk
Her friend: uhmm I'll just leave
Nandi: you're not going anywhere hlala phansi sisi( sit down)
Nompilo: what do you want?
Me: what the hell do you want from my husband wena?
Nompilo: him, I want nothing from him. I want him. He's mine
he's supposed to be mine. He was never yours and he'll never
Nandi: you are insane. He is the father of your niece. He had a
child with your sister
Nompilo: and I protecting what was once my sister's. She took it
all from us.
****shocked is an understatement of what I am feeling now.
This girl is insane honestly****
Zah: I don't think we are audible enough neh.
****she went closer to her. She looked at us and then looked
frightened. Zah took out and okapi knife and pointed it at her. I
wonder where she got that from. Nandi was also shocked. Zee
wasn't. Instead she was smiling.***
Me: if this is how you want to co operate with us then it's fine.
Now what the hell do you want from my husband
Nompilo: I said I want him
Me: then stay away from him
****Zah pressed the knife on her neck. Her Indian friend had
her phone out and it looked like she wanted to call
Nandi: Yeyi fusek wena ( piss off) don't even think about it or
else you'll leave this place in a body bag, or would you prefer
we lay you to rest right here?
****the Indian girl shook her head no. ****
Nandi: good girl
Me: I hope we were clear. Now we are going to walk out that
door. Any funny business we will have people finishing you off.
Zah: uzonya wena(you'll shit on yourself)
****she said moving the sharp knife on Nompilo's neck. Zee
opened the door. We fixed ourselves and walked out. We
walked out the house looking like we just fired a bom!. It was
like we were a cast of the fast and furious movie. We walked to
the gazebo where our husbands were.****
Nhlaka: where were you guys
Zah: in the house
Nathi: for?
Zee: just
**** we sat down and helped ourselves to the the drinks they
were having.*****
Riv: Nompilo what the fuck!
****she said after those ladies left. I shot a glare at her. She
kept quiet but still kept her annoyed facial expression.*****
Me: what! He's mine hauw
Riv: no no he's not, he's married with 3 kids, did you get that, 3
kids and married to that lady. A business woman, a woman with
the same goals as his
Me: so are you calling me stupid and saying that I can't get a
degree or open a business
Riv: no but look at where you are and where she is. Nompilo
leave the man alone. Get your own man
Me: did you get your own man. Didn't you also get someones
Riv: this is different. It was an arranged marriage okay. And I am
still not happy in it because my dear husband is cheating. He
doesn't even touch me or look at me for than 20 seconds. So it's
not the same at all. As your friend, I am advising you to leave
that man alone. He doesn't even want you
Me: he must! He will!
***I said standing up. I am getting frustrated. Nhlaka must be
mine. He must. No one is gonna stop me. Not even Sani and the
Dlamini wives. Nothing will stand in my way. Nothing at all!
Riv: Nompilo are you even listening to me?
Me: Rivonnia Shut up man!
Riv: No I won't. I've been quiet for too many times. Now I am
speaking up and telling you to leave that man alone. Get your
own man. You will get hurt.
****she said. I looked out the window and saw the wives and
the Dlamini brothers chilling, having some drinks and even
laughing. Nhlaka can't even keep his eyes off Sani. His eyes are
supposed to be on mine. He has too look at me like that. I am
the one who is supposed to be seated in that group, next to
him. I am supposed to carry his children and not her. Who does
she think she is huh? Coming from Limpopo thinking she knows
Zulu Natal. I will show her who I am and what I am made of. She
probably bewitched him. Limpopo is full of witchcraft, I won't
be surprised if Nhlaka dies and then she gets rich. She's a witch
that stole Nhlaka from me.*****
Riv: I am going to get a drink, want one?
Me: yeah
****she left. I took a very small bottle and looked at it. I sat
down and kept drowning in my thoughts. The door opened and
Riv came in.****
Riv: what's that?
Me: the love potion
Riv: and how are you going to use it, because royalty doesn't
drink or eat everywhere
Me: I don't know Riv, I just dont
Riv: they even have guards. Just give up
Me: I am not my sister. I won't give up for this man. I won't even
give up my life. Deli did that and gave up her life, well I won't let
happen. I will have a plan B
Riv: and that is?
Me: you'll see.
Riv: yho!
****she opened the can of Brutal fruit. I opened mine and took
a sip. Good thing, it's cold. I took another sip, still looking
outside my window where the Dlamini were*****
***** we left shortly after having drinks. In the car was Nathi,
Zah, my wife and Nandi. In the other one were my parents, with
Nkazi and Zee. Then the last car were the gaurds. We drive
following each other. I was seated in the front and Nathi was
the one driving. The ladies were at the back. They were all on
their phones. *****
Me: hauw what's so interesting about the phone?
Nathi: heyi Nami I wonder
Nandi: socail media
Nathu: hauw okay
Me: Sani
Sani: hmmm?
Me: are you okay?
Sani: hmmm (as in yes)
*****hayike okay. I looked back to the front and changed
Nathi's hip hop music. I played Rnb instead. Finally we arrived
home. We parked the cars and then went inside. I went straight
to the room and took a shower. When I was done I wrapped my
lower body with the towel and then went out to go to the
closet. Sani walked in and then closed the door. She took off her
heels and then placed them in the closet. Then she took off her
clothes and walked into the bathroom naked. I followed her. I
had to. She got into the shower, I took off my towel ready to get
in and then my stupid phone decided to disturb the moment. I
answered the phone since it was Lesego, my P.A.*****
Me: Lesego
Lesego: hello boss. I am sorry to disturb you but I had to. One of
the houses in Firerich estate collapsed.
Me: what! How the fuck did that happen?
Lesego: I don't have all the details yet. But it seems as if it fell
due to the foundation not being....
Me: eyi eyi Lesego don't seems and thinks here! Argh mahn!
Lesego: I'm sorry sir, but I was just telling you.
Me: is there anyone who got hurt?
Lesego: yes, only one. Uhmm his name is.... Uhmmm Lizwe
Me: okay thanks.
****I dropped the call and called my architect, Kate Van Gelder.
She better have a good explanation for this.****
Kate: hello boss
Me: what the fuck happened Kate! Do you know how much
money we lost. Those houses are worth 12 million. That's not
even a house. Its a mansion!
Kate: sir. The foundation wasn't laid correctly, there was also a
fault in the....
Me: Kate fix this! Fix it. When I come there I want to find the
grounds men rebuilding the house. Find whoever who did this.
Kate: I'm on it sir
Me: good.
*****I dropped the call and exhaled loudly. In my life of
construction and building houses or even bridges, none of them
have ever fell. Someone is definitely sabotaging me*****
Continuation of 91
*****I looked up to the ceiling then closed my eyes. I threw
the phone in my hands on the bed. I felt hands touch my back.
I opened my eyes but didn't looked down to her. She was
behind me.*****
Sani: I heard you shouting. You're angry, what is wrong?
****I sighed and turned around to look at her. She looked so
cute with a worried expression. Damn! My wife is very
beautiful. She had a towel on. ****
Me: one of the houses in Firerich estate collapsed
Sani: Haiibo. How is that possible now?
Me: I don't know.
Sani: maybe it was a mistake baby
Me: this has never happened in my career of building Sani.
Sani: I don't know baby
Me: I think someone is trying to sabotage me
Sani: you think?
Me: hmm ( as in yes)
Sani: but who?
Me: that's what I need to find out
Sani: yeah. Damn sorry baby
Me: it's okay my love. I will find the people who did this
Sani: yep you definitely will
****she yawned. I looked at her all the way from her hair to
her toes. The towel kept slipping off her body a little. I pulled
her to me then pulled the towel off her. My dick was touching
her stomach. She had her eyes on me. I kissed her forehead
then picked her up and placed her on the dressing table. I
looked at her and kissed her lips slowly. She moaned and
kissed me back. I played with her boobs and then included my
tongue in the kiss. The kiss wasn't too fast, it was slow, filled
with hunger, love and passion. I wanted to make love to her. I
want to remind her of how much I love her. I played with one
boob and then inserted a finger in her. She pulled out the kiss.
She was already dripping wet. She is always ready for me. I
fingered her. Watching her eyes roll and her lips pull apart
with nothing but her sweet moans escaping her mouth is
amazing. I watched her close her eyes and moan louder as she
was near her orgasm. I pulled out and she shot her eyes at me.
I licked my fingers and watched her look at me with
frustration. I know she's going to hate me for denying her an
orgasm. I also don't know why I did that but here we are.****
Sani: why did you do that?
Me: shhhh.
****I said inserting my fingers into her mouth. She licked
them and did what she'd normally do when sucking my dick. I
positioned my dick on her entrance. I played with it around
her honey pot. I placed it on her clit, with it popping pre cum. I
made circles on her clit****
Sani: Nhlaaaakkaaaaaa ple... ase
Me: hmm baby? Please what?
Sani: hmmm. Please fuck me!
Me: no no baby that's not on the menu. I am going to make
love to you
Sani: Ahhh please.... hmmmm
****she closed her eyes and I saw that another orgasm was
building up. I let her have it. She moaned out loud. Without
any warning I slipped my dick in her and her pussy walls
hugged my dick*****
Me: fuck!
Sani: hmmmm
*****we both said at the same time. She was soo warm and
that made my dick go crazy. I moved slowly as if I just broke
her hymen. I held her hands in mine and thrusted deep into
her in a slow motion.*****
Me: Sani open your eyes
****she opened her eyes. She couldn't hold it. She wanted to
close her eyes and enjoy all this I am doing to her.****
Me: I love you a lot
Sani: Ahhh Nhlaaaa... I.... Love... Ahhh love
Me: yes baby. Say it for me
Sani: I love.... Love you too.. Ahhh daddy
Me: yess fuck! Call me daddy baby. I am your daddy
Sani: Ahhh Yessss Daddy
Me: Ahh fuck! Yes daddys girl
****she couldn't keep her eyes open. I pulled her close to me
and stayed in that position. She started moaning out loud. All I
heard were her moans, nothing else, just her sweet moans. I
felt my own orgasm and I thrusted deep and increased my
pace. She kept screaming my name like it was the only name
she knew. I went faster and faster. She screamed my name
once more and her legs vibrated. I didn't stop, I continued and
came shortly. I kissed her shoulder and then catched my
breath. I pulled out. My dick was coated in our juices. She got
off and slowly walked to the shower. I followed her and we
both got into the shower and took a 5 minutes shower. We got
out and then loitioned. No one said a word to one another.
She looked so drained. She then wore my t-shirt with no
underwear and went to bed. That's good because I am still
going to have her later on. So she better get all the rest she
needs. I went out after getting dressed and went to the
playroom where I found the kids playing. They all hugged me
when they saw me. I kissed all of their foreheads.****
Toto: baba where is mama?
Me: she's asleep baby
Mothoko: why is everyone sleeping?
Me: we are tired boy.
Malwande: baba baba
Me: yes boy
Malwande: moto yam! (my car!)
****he said showing me a toy car. I smiled at him. Toto and
Thandeka were playing with dolls and having a tea party.
While the boys were playing with cars. I left and went to the
other sitting room. I found Nobuhle watching TV seated with
the twins. ****
Me: hey
Buhle: hello bhuti
Me: how are you?
Buhle: good.
Me: did they give you any problems?
Buhle: no
Me: that's good.
****I sat with her and the twins for like 30 minutes then went
to the room where I joined my wife in bed.**
****I opened my eyes and it was dark. I closed the curtains and
then went downstairs to the kitchen. I found Nathi and
Nhlaka: hey sleepy head
Me: hey
****they continued talking. I dished up leftovers and then heat
them up in the microwave. I took them out and joined them on
the bar stools. I ate while listening to them. ****
Nathi: Nhlaka you need to fire her
Nhlaka: Muzi will do that
Me: fire who?
Nathi: Mbalenhle
Me: Ndolvu?
Nathi: yes you know her?
Me: yes. And why are you firing her?
Nhlaka: she spread the news about the arrest
Me: ohh good riddance then
Nathi: well said ma'am.
Me: where is my friend
Nhlaka: everyone is asleep babe. It's half past 10
Me: ohh how long have I been asleep?
Nhlaka: 5 hours, hopefully you slept enough
Me: why
Nhlaka: we still have some things to do
Nathi: Hayi Hayi let me leave
****Nhlaka laughed at him. Nathi had a funny expression. I also
laughed. Nathi left after eating****
Nhlaka: who's gonna wash this?
Nathi: you
Nhlaka: voetsek Nathi (piss off)
Nathi: nawe nja( you too dog)
Me: and did you find the cause of the collapsed house?
Nhlaka: no, not yet. Atleast one problem is solved
****not all of them though... I said in my mind. I mean Nompilo
is a huge problem on her own. I still can't believe I threatened
her and told her to stay away grom Nhlaka. I mean growing up
I'd had always told myself that I'd never fight for a man, but
here I am. But Nhlaka isn't just any man. He is my husband, the
father of my children and my first.
Nhlaka waved his hand in front of my face. I looked at him. ****
Me: hmmm?
Nhlaka: what's on your mind baby?
Me: nothing much, just thinking of how much we've been going
through and still are
Nhlaka: ohh yeah hey. Don't worry too much. I will fix things
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka: juice?
Me: yes please
**** he opened the fridge and took out a jar of juice. He got
two glasses and poured for me and him. He put the jar back and
then sat next to me. ****
Me: when are we going to America
Nhlaka: what for?
Me: actually I want to go there
Nhlaka: why?
Me: I want to visit my father's grave. A lot has happened
Nhlaka. I want to go talk to him.
Nhlaka: what about your mom?
Me: already did that last week when we were in Giyani
Nhlaka: ohh. Uhmm when do you want to go?
Me: probably in December
Nhlaka: you know it's cold that side right
Me: uhmm okay June then
Nhlaka: okay. That's better baby
Me: thanks
Nhlaka: don't thank me baby. You have every right to go visit
your father
Me: yeah
****I finished eating and then drank the juice. Nhlaka washed
the dishes. I stood up and went to check on my kids. It's been a
while since I saw them. I went into the kids room and kissed
each and every one of their foreheads. After seeing that all the
kids are fine. I closed the room and went back down stairs
where I rinsed the glass. I switched off the lights and then went
upstairs. I got to the room and unplugged my phone from the
charger. I went on to whatsapp and answered my friends who
were planning the holiday. Then answered aunt Silvia's texts.
She's probably asleep and will see them tomorrow. Or in 35
minutes since it's thirty-five minutes to 12. I replied to all the
ones who in wanted to reply to and also viewed their stautses.
Nhlaka walked in and then locked the door. He took off his
clothes till he was naked. He got closer to me and grabbed my
phone from my hands and threw it somewhere. I didn't care
about how it looked like or if it even cracked. All that mattered
to me was this hot sexy man in front of me. He looked at me
with eyes full of lust. I grabbed his dick and shoved it into my
mouth. I swirled my tongue around his shaft. I watched him
look at me losing his power. He kept groaning. He placed his
hand on my head, and ohh well, I know what's about to
happen. He thrusted deep into my throat. I had tears building
up and I looked like I was going to die. I pinched his thigh, he
looked at me and pulled out. I breathed in and out and then
sucked his balls while giving him a hand job. I went back to the
shaft and licked it all around. He kept looking at me. It's as if he
is begging me to suck him. I took my time with it. I enjoyed
playing with it in my mouth. Once I fully placed it into my
mouth he held my head, holding my hair into a fist and fucking
my mouth. He came shortly and groaned loudly. I swallowed
every bit of his cum. He pulled out and then kissed my
forehead. I took off my t-shirt, or his t-shirt rather and then
watched him look at me. He came closer to me and kissed me.
In less than a second, after we broke the kiss his head was
between my thighs.
He kissed them till he reached the honey pot. I felt his tongue
on my clit and his finger inside me. All of this was enough to
make me cum. I came in just a short time. He licked his fingers
then kissed me. I flipped us over and I was taking charge now. I
inserted his dick inside and it slowly went in. I definitely don't
know what I am doing but here I am. I looked at him and he had
those small eyes of his. I placed my hands on his chest and
started moving my waist. I did this in a slow circular motion. He
was looking at me. I also looked at him. I decided to pick up the
pace. I went on faster bumping on him feeling him inside me
and feeling every sensation. He kept playing with my boobs
while I rode him. I felt my orgasm build up. I couldn't keep up.
He took charge and fucked me...****
Me: Ahhh Nhlakaaaaa!
*****I came. He pulled us over and made me do the ass up,
chest down position, also known as doggy style. I did as told. He
came in with no warning and it felt deeper. I believe this
position is painful. He held my waist in a way that I couldn't
escape him. He thrusted deep and fast. The mix of pain and
pleasure was amazing. My screams were probably the only
thing audiable in the house. He went on too fast, I could here
our bodies slapping against each other.*****
Nhlaka: Ahhh fuck!
Me: ahhh
****I screamed when he spanked me. Another one came in
and he still fucked me hard. He groaned loudly and came. He
stayed inside me then pulled out. I laid on my back, feeling soo
tired and trying to catch my breath. He pulled my left leg up and
placed it on his shoulder. He moved my right leg in a way that
he fits between my thighs. He went in again and fucked me. Our
moans were in sync. My honey pot felt too hot. Nhlaka's sweat
was dropping on me and mine on the sheets. Then he pulled
the right leg too and placed it on his shoulder. He fucked the life
and brains out of me. I felt another orgasm build up*****
Me: Nhlaka... Kaaaa . I'm c.... cuming
Nhlaka: cum.... Cum for me baby
Me: yeahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh!
Nhlaka: Ahhh fuck!
****he cursed as he spilled his juices in me. He fell on top of
me and we both catched our breaths. He pulled out and got a
towel to dry us up. I immediately slept******
The following day
*****i woke up around 09:30am which is late. I made the bed
and then went to bath. I wore a long red dress with slippers and
a headwrap. I went downstairs to the playroom and all the kids
came to hug me. I hugged them and then went to the kitchen.
Walking is a bit of a problem right now because Nhlaka really
did a number on me. He woke me up around 4am and the deed
went on. My honey pot hurts and my legs can't do a long
distance walk. I made myself food and then ate. I wonder where
everyone else is. I got a text from Nhlaka telling me to get ready
and pack our bags. I finished eating and packed the kids bags
first. Then I packed our bag and took all of them to the car. I
went back into the house and saw Zah and Muzi walking to the
door. They were laughing and carrying their luggage. *****
Me: hey
Muzi: Mrs Nhlaka
Zah: hey girl
Me: how are you guys doing?
Zah: I'm good wena?
Me: I'm good too.
Muzi: where is Nhlaka
Me: I don't know.
****Ahh well. I went to Tswalo's room and knocked*****
Tswalo: come in
****I opened the door and went in. She was packing
Mpendulo's clean clothes. I sat on the bed and watched her fold
the clothes.****
Tswalo: How are you?
Me: I am good thank you, how are you?
Tswalo: I'm fine.
Me: where is Mpe?
Tswalo: with his dad
Me: huh?
Tswalo: with Muzi
Me: but Muzi left with Zah
Tswalo: he what?
Me: uhmm he left
Tswalo: for Joburg?
Me: I don't know
****she took her phone and dialed a number. ****
Tswalo: you left?
****she looked heartbroken. My friend isn't happy and I don't
know why she had to marry him. She dropped the call and
damn she looked sad. She had glassy eyes. She sat on the
Me: you know I am hear right
***she nodded. I hugged her and she cried. Her sobs broke my
heart. I wonder why she agreed to be the second wife in the
first place. She wiped her tears and then finished off packing
Mpe's clothes. *****
Sani: how are things between you and Nhlaka
Me: things are fine hey,just a few things I can deal with
Tswalo: that's good
Me: let me find Mpendulo so that I can be able to leave, I'll see
you when you see me
Tswalo: sure. Drive safely
Me: thank you.
****I got out her room and went outside to the porch. Nobuhle
and Asanda, were seated with the younger kids.*****
Sphe: ahhhkdjydiiiiii
****she said whatever she said in her baby language. Her huge
smile indicated that my baby was happy to see me. I picked her
up and kissed her all over her face. She laughed and then I
placed her on the grass. I picked up Sipho next and kissed all
over his face too. He also laughed. I tried putting him on the
floor but he refused. Aii okay I took him with to the house. I
bumped into my husband on my way in. *****
Me: hey
Nhlaka: hey baby
Me: what time are we leaving?
Nhlaka: now
Me: okay go get Sphe. I am looking Mpe, any idea where he
could be?
Nhlaka: with ma and baba
Me: okay
*****I went to the suiting room where my parents in law were
seated. I walked in and greeted. Sipho extended his arms to his
grandfather, ohh well then I let him go to him. I took Mpe and
held him in my arms. This hurts this baby looks like both Tswalo
and Muzi. He reminds me of Xiluva though she looked more like
Tswalo than her father.
After staying with her for 20 minutes, Nhlaka walked in and we
said our goodbyes to the elders and everyone else then left
***** today is Tuesday. When we arrived on Sunday very late,
we decided to skip work on Monday because we were tired. But
Toto didn't skip school of course. I stayed with maJoyce and the
Nhlaka had his phone in his hand while I was getting my hair
done. I tied it into a high bun. I brushed the hairline then place
a pin for decoration purposes. Nhlaka chuckled then threw his
phone on the bed. I took a mascara and applied it on my
eyelashes. ****
Nhlaka: baby
Me: huuuuh
***I said with my mouth open since I was busy with the
mascara. *****
Nhlaka: guess who Nathi thinks made the house collapse?
Me: who baby
Nhlaka: Nandi's ex boyfriend
Me: Haiibo why would he do that to you
Nhlaka: baby he probably doesbt know who is who
Me: yes you look alike but the company says Vusmuzi not
Nhlaka: yeah but a stupid person wouldn't know
Me: so what's going to happen
Nhlaka: I am going to the site today later on after my meeting
with the minister
Me: minister
Nhlaka: uhmmm yeah, I didn't tell you? Ohh damn baby I forgot
to tell you but I have a meeting with the minster to build
bridges in North west
Me: ohh okay. Goodluck baby
Nhlaka: thank you my love, you going alone or?
Me: yeah I am using my car
Nhlaka: you'll drop off Toto right?
Me: yes
Nhlaka: okay. You look amazing in a power suit.
Me: thank you babe. You look handsome in that suit too and
those shoes baby
****I said fanning my face. We both laughed. He took his bag, I
wore my slippers. He came closer to me and pulled me to him.
He smelled soo good****
Nhlaka: see you
Me: see you, you're fetching Toto today
Nhlaka: Haaa why?
Me: I'll be back late. I am going to catch up with Phile
Nhlaka: can't you do that on friday
Me: no, weekend is reserved for us remember
Nhlaka: okay then, I'll cook
Me: hauw wena cook? Haii you're gonna kill us
Nhlaka: hauw baby I won't, I know how to cook
Me: probably forgot
Nhlaka: Mxm, uzobona wena
Me: hmm we will see
***** he perked my forehead and then my lips. I applied
Vaseline on my lips and then used the eyebrow pencil/eyeliner
and then traced around my lips. Haii I also put a little bit of lip
gloss. I took my bag, carried my shoes in my hands and then
grabbed my car keys too. I went downstairs and found Toto
ready to go. By ready I mean she already had her bag on and
was waiting by the door.*****
Toto: mama I don't want to be late
Me: ohh sorry baby.
Joyce: hello Toto, hello Mrs Dlamini
Me: hello ma
Toto: hello gogo
Me: the twins are asleep right now in their room.
Joyce: okay
Me: and uhmm there will be a moving truck coming by to take
some of the furniture, we are moving out
Joyce: ohh okay. Where to?
Me: Firetich estate. Don't worry ma I will increase your salary if
you're worried about transport
Joyce: ohh thank you soo much
Toto: mama!
Me: Thando don't shout hauw
Joyce: okay then have a nice day.
Me: thank you, you too ma
****I went to the garage and reversed my Audi. I think it's time
I buy myself a car. Yes I love this one and I am not going to sell
it. It was a gift from my husband so I am not gonna sell it at all. I
closed the garage using the remote. Toto got in. I helped her
put her seatbealt on. I played gospel songs. We arrived at her
school and she got out. I gave her R5. That's enough honestly
for a child in garde R, I don't think I should be giving her money
because she has everything in her bag. She has 2 different types
of fruit, her lunch, bottle of water, juice, cheese curls and a
danone. So I see no reason for her to get money. But let's see
what she'll do with it. She kissed my cheek and got out the car.
She walked to the front gate. I drove out and made my way to
the office using shortcuts because the traffic is too bad. I was
going to my company by the way.
I arrived and passed by the receptionist. She greeted me and
then I went into the elevator. I went straight up to my office and
it was clean. I set up my PC and laptop. I asked my managers to
send me all that they have done in the past 3 months. Usually
I'd come by every month to check if everything is still okay.
Lately I have been busy, I didn't have time to check the books or
anything. I started with Finance, but since I know nothing about
money I sent it to Ntando and asked if she could help since she
studied Chattered Accounting. I continued working and around
12 I was tired. I will resume tomorrow morning. Of course
there's no way one could finish 3 months paperwork in a day. I
need the whole week for this. Just as I was about to stand up,
the door opened. I looked up to the door then my twin
appeared holding a paperbag. *****
Me: hey bro
Yanda: sisi. It's been long since I saw you. I missed you
Me: how did you know that I was here?
Yanda: I am a taxi driver sisi
Me: whatever
Yanda: I got you food
Me: argh thank you soo much
Yanda: sure. Uhmm I have news too
Me: good or bad
Yanda: good
Me: and?
Yanda: Amahle is pregnant
Me: we are having another bundle of joy?
Yanda: yes and it's a boy
Me: you already know the gender? Wassup?
Yanda: eish, she's 6 months pregnant
Me: it wasn't long since I saw her, why didn't I see
Yanda: eish sisi we also didn't know
Me: huh?
****I asked opening the food getting ready to eat. The chicken
and Greek salad kept calling my name. *****
Yanda: eish sisi. You see that TV programme that one of
Me: uhmmm ' I didn't know I was pregnant '?
Yanda: ehe that one.
Me: ohhh is the baby okay?
Yanda: yah but the doctors are worried because Amahle doesn't
have symptoms of pregnancy
Me: yho, anyway I was thinking of going to America
Yanda: for?
Me: to visit dad' s grave
Yanda: ohh okay
Me: wanna come with?
Yanda: Hayi Sani I don't know hey. I mean the man doesn't
know me, I also don't know him
Me: ohh, well I thought you'd like to come with
Yanda: when we're you planning to go?
Me: June
Yanda: uhmm eish Amahle will be due soon
Me: I understand Yandisa
Yanda: why the full name now
Me: hmm mmh nex
Yanda: sure. How is the company going
Me: not so sure. I see money coming in and out, I've lost track
of what's happening. That's why I decided to work on the books
Yanda: ohh that's good.
Me: and you? How's the restaurant?
Yanda: good. Remember when I said we are planning to open a
branch in Joburg?
Me: yeah
Yanda: I'd like it if you become part of it
Me: really?
Yanda: yes
Me: but why?
Yanda: Sani it was under your name, you gave me the business,
so I see it fit that you atleast be part of it
Me: I did all that because you are my brother and I love you
Yanda: I love you too sis
Me: okay so I'll be part of it how?
Yanda: you own it
Me: no no no Yanda. It's yours and your familys. If you want you
can give to Amahle.
Yanda: she's already managing the current one
Me: then hire a manager for the next one, but making sure the
staff knows who's boss.
Yanda: will do.
Me: it's a good thing that you are expanding the business
Yanda: yeah hey.
Me: thank you for lunch bro. I need to go to work
Yanda: yah neh, so do you get paid twice
Me: three times
Yanda: haiibo
Me: Phadima Diamonds pays me, Johnson electronics pays me
as well and my husband gives me an allowance
Yanda: of how much
Me: let's say it's half a million
Yanda: Haaa every month
Me: no. Sometimes it's 250k and sometimes 100k, depends on
how he is I guess
Yanda: when did he send 500k
Me: on my birthday
Yanda: wow
Me: yep
Yanda: are you still happy
Me: yes I am
Yanda: good thing sis. If he ever hurts you I'll kill him
Me: don't
*** I switched off my laptop and PC then packed my bag. I took
out my slippers and wore them. I walked out the office with
Yanda. I passed by the kitchen to have a glass of water. After
gulping down 2 glasses I left. I got to the car and drove to
Phadima diamond mine. I arrived and wore the heels again.
Fiona: you look stunning Mrs Dlamini
Me: thank you Mrs Davids
****I was wearing a orange figure hugging dress with nude
heels and an orange bag. I went up to my office and switched
on my laptop and PC. I worked on some paperwork regarding
the auction that will be taking place in August. I really love
Geology, but not the office work. I enjoy being outside doing
feild work at the mine site.
After working I switched off the electronics and then got ready
to leave the office. I stapled the papers and then walked out to
Mrs Gobbler's office. Her P.A wasn't there. I knocked on the
door ***
Mrs Gobbler: come in
****I opened the door and ohhhh gosh, did the husband have
to be here though. I mean he's always grumpy marn!*****
Me: afternoon. I brought these papers you asked for
Mrs Gobbler: thank you Sani
Me: I will take your leave now. Bye
Mrs Gobbler: bye
****I walked out and closed the door. Then I passed by my
office to get my bags. I bumped into a manly chest when I went
in. I looked up and it was Sizwe****
Me: what were you doing in here?
Sizwe: uhmm hello to you Sani
Me: Mrs Dlamini
Sizwe: ohh yes that, are you fine?
Me: yes I am, telle what you were doing in my office?
Sizwe: I just came by to leave those documents you asked for
Me: okay thanks
Sizwe: why are you harsh
Me: I am not
****I took my things including the file he brought. I walked out
my office and locked the door. ****
Sizwe: are you sure you're fine?
Me: yes thanks
***** I got out and drove to Phile's house. She opened the gate
and I drove in. I got out barefooted since I cannot drive in heels.
I wore my sleepers and then walked to the door. She opened
the door and I embraced her with a huge hug.****
Phile: its been long
Me: I know hey. How are you?
Phile: I'm good. Drink?
Me: yes please
Phile: stop acting formal mahn
Me: okay juice
****we laughed. We sat on the bar stools in the kitchen since
she was cooking****
Phile: how have you been though
Me: it hasn't been easy, but I am fine. Taking it day by day
Phile: yeah I mean being accused of being criminals isn't a nice
Me: hmmmm
****I said taking a sip of my drink. We talked about a lot of stuff
and catched up a lot. Sphamandla came in and greeted us. He
left shortly after that. I saw this as my cue to leave.****
Me: thank you babe, but I'm gonna have to love and leave you
Phile: see you
Me: when I see you
*****we hugged. She accompanied me to the car and then I
drove out. Indeed Nhlaka cooked. I found him by the stove
wearing my apron. Toto was busy with maths. I placed my bag
on the counter and greeted Toto first. I hugged her and then
went to my husband.****
Nhlaka: hey wifey
Me: where are the twins?
Nhlaka: asleep.
Me: at this time? What did you do to my babies?
Nhlaka: nothing
Me: hmmm
Nhlaka : dinner will be ready in a few
Me: okay, thank you soo much baby
Nhlaka: always my love
****I went upstairs to check on the twins and they were asleep.
I got to the main bedroom and changed into something more
comfortable. The deco in the room was gone, so were a lot of
things. I went back downstairs and helped Toto with her
homework. Just simple 3+4 and all that. When we were done
we ate. I heard cried through the monitor. Nhlaka stood up and
came back with both of them. After feeding them and watching
TV in an empty room we went to sleep.
****I opened my eyes to the most wonderful sight. My wife,
my beautiful wife. I unwarped my arms from her and went to
the bathroom. I did my business and then brushed my teeth.
Today is Wednesday another day of work and of offically
moving out. I got into the shower and cleaned myself. I
loitioned and then wore a vest and boxers. I went downstairs
and prepared breakfast for my wife and I. I made simple jungle
oats with a fruit salad on the side and juice. I walked up the
stairs with the tray and gave placed it by her bedside. I'm sure
you're wondering why she isn't awake as yet. Well that's
because I woke up extra early. I wrote her a note and then got
dressed into a maron suit with a black shirt and black formal
shoes. I wore a black tie and kept it formal. I took my bag and
then went downstairs to eat. After eating I went to the garage
and started my car. I drove out leaving for work. I arrived at the
office and got in. I worked on some paperwork till 8am. There
was a knock on the door. ****
Me: come in
Lesego: uhmm morning boss. You're early or am I late?
Me: if you came in now you're late, but if you came in 15
minutes ago or so then you're on time.
Lesego: uhmmm
Me: I am early. I needed to get work done
Lesego: ohh okay. Coffee?
Me: yes please, black with no sugar
Lesego: anything else.
Me: no thanks. But wait, I need to know my schedule
Lesego: you are fully booked for the day boss. Your only free
times are lunch time and an hour before knock off time.
Me: yho why did you do this to me?
Lesego: I want to be free on Friday, don't you want to rest, and
check on the construction and everything else since the house
in Firerich collapsed?
Me: that's why you're my personal assistant. You're going with
Lesego: okay then
Me: the coffee
****she went out. I switched on my laptop and looked for
nature resorts where I can take my wife to. She has been
through a lot. She needs this break honestly. The last time we
did this was when she was pregnant with the twins. My phone
rang and it was wifey. That's what I have saved her number to.
Me: wifey
Sani: where did you disappear to?
Me: work
Sani: busy day?
Me: you don't wanna know
Sani: ohh well after all that work of yours you must come
straight home. I'll cook you a nice meal and give you a massage
Me: finally
Sani: haii don't say that hauw, you're making me a bad person
Me: no I am not. It's the truth. When was the last time I
received a massage from you?
Sani: Hayi bye bye.
Me: see you
Sani: pap right?
Me: hmmm?
Sani: will pap be fine?
Me: yes baby
Sani: sure. Have a great day
Me: you too. Wait!
Sani: yes
Me: how are my babies?
Sani: they are fine, Toto was over exitcted that they are going
on a school trip. The twins are just, haii you know
Me: the trip is today?
Sani: Nhlaka!
Me: I'm sorry babe. I forgot
Sani: haii
Me: it's not like she knows that I forgot
Sani: still
Me: haii okay then. Bye
Sani: sharp
****I dropped the call. Lesego walked in with 2 cups of coffee.
She gave me mine and I took a sip. Just the way I like it, but Sani
makes the best coffee though. *****
Me: thank you
Lesego: pleasure. So the first meeting is with Kate
Me: good
Lesego: but you know it's not her fault
****I gave her a stern look and she looked at her iPad. 10
minutes later we went to the boardroom and found Kate with
her P.A in there. Muzi shortly came in. He greeted and sat
down. ****
Me: good morning Miss Van Gelder and Miss Makoea
Them: morning
****Lesego also greeted. We sat down and the meeting
started. Lesego took all the important information was going to
print out the minutes of the meeting. ****
Kate: so due to all the mentioned the house collapsed
Muzi: Kate how didn't you see this?
Kate: With all due respect I am not a builder, I am an architect
Muzi: so you want us to take you to the field
Me: Dlamini, she's right. It's not her fault afterall. She draws the
plans of the houses, not build the houses
Kate: Thank you Mr Vusi. Now since we have that out of the
way, can we talk about the actual meeting
Muzi: don't give us that attitude
Kate: my apologies, but can we please continue. I need to go to
Sandton to check on the building
Me: please continue
Kate: thank you..... So.....
****she started her presentation. It was good. Very good. See
Kate was hired 2 years after the company was registered and
ofiical. She has been one of the best employees. I trust her a lot
and that's why I stand up for her. Her and Muzi kind of have a
beef that nobody except them knows of. Muzi doesn't even
want to tell me why.
When she was done we shook hands and she left. Muzi also
Me: who's next
Lesego: uhmm Alicia King
Me: okay
****Alicia walked in with her P.A she is the project manager.
She is not white, Kate and Jane are probably the only white
people in the company. Please don't get me wrong. I am not
racists. Let me just say we only had two applications from white
people which are Kate and Jane and we gladly accepted them.
They don't earn a salary higher than whoever....i stand for
equality in this company. Alicia sat down and we exchanged
greetings. And of course before we talk about anything else, the
first thing I wanna know is how the house collapsed. I wonder
why Muzi left because he is the head architect and he should be
here since he's a shareholder.****
Alicia: the builders didn't do a good job on the foundation and
they added too much sand.
Me: what for when there is enough cement and all that they
Alicia: I wish I also knew.
Me: you wish? Find out Alicia, I need answers!
****she kept quiet. I calmed down a bit. I swear this is making
me crazy. After 5 minutes of nothing but pure silence she
started with her presentation. Hers was short because there
was nothing much she could tell me. I already had an update
with her last week. After she left it was 10am.****
Lesego: before you ask, Hlatswayo is next
Me: what about him?
Lesego: he requested a meeting with you
Me: ohh okay then, what time does he come in?
Lesego: half past to past 11. Then you get a little break, then a
meeting with Muzi. After that it's lunch, we go out for lunch
with the minister of transport and discuss the bridges we will be
building. After lunch you have one last meeting with HR and
Miss Ndlovu
Me: Weeeh haii haii Lesego that's a lot
Lesego: don't worry we will be done
Me: and what about tomorrow?
Lesego: uhmmm just 2,if someone calls I'll squeeze them in.
Me: who am I seeing?
Lesego: it's just Kgotso Phakade and few interns who will be
Me: interview?
Lesego: hauw mara Mr Vusi you asked me to find interns and
HR did that. You said you needed new people since the
company is growing and everyone can't handle everything
alone. You said you wanted 5 candidates for Architect, 5 for civil
engineering and 2 for electrical engineering.
Me: wow. A lot has been going on, I even forgot
Lesego: that's why you need to rest on friday
Me: haii if anyone wants a meeting, he/she must see me on
Monday. I am tired
****she chuckled. She tapped on her iPad and I took out my
phone. Luthando Hlatswayo walked in with his gay P.A Andile.
We exchanged greetings.****
Me: Hlatswayo what brings you in here? What did you call me
here for
Luthando: we need a strategy to deal with finances, marketing
and the loss of clients and collapsing houses
Me: and?
Luthando: okay. So by the look of things Vusmuzi properties
****i listened to every single word he said and he was making
sense. Luthando was there when I layed the first brick to the
foundation of the company. And he's a good critical thinker
that's why I decided to make him the company COO. He has
been one of my right hand men and has been giving me the
best advice. After the meeting I had with him, we agreed to
pass this by the shareholders which are Muzi and my father. I
regard him as a shareholder because he raised the capital and
also helped with a lot of things.
I went to my office to take a little break, just like how Lesego
said. After my little break I went to Muzi's office with Lesego
behind me. I knocked****
Muzi: ngena(come in)
****I opened the door. Lesego walked in and I got in too. I
closed the door and saw a condom wrapper. I ignored it and
took a seat.****
Muzi: right, before we start, Lesego I believe you know that I do
not have a P.A so I'd like that you make a copy of the minutes
and email them to me
Me: even the meetings you weren't in?
Muzi: it was just one
Me: with the project manager. Muzi we are running a business
Muzi: I know
****Lesego cleared her throat. We both kept quiet. Muzi said
his piece and I said mine. After the meeting Lesego left,
preparing for our meeting with the minister, which isn't a big
deal since we are signing the contract. *****
Muzi: and then?
Me: condom?
Muzi: where?
Me: behind the door. On the floor
Muzi: Haiibo sies. You think someone had sex in my office
Me: don't you lock?
Muzi: aren't people supposed to clean?
Me: Muzi you're not fucking people in here right?
Muzi: no. I have 2 wives, why do I need another pussy
Me: hmm good. Anyway I am planning a house warming party
next week
Muzi: finally moved out?
Me: yeah today
Muzi: ohh that's nice
Me: sure.
Muzi: but I won't be available. I am going to see my wife and
Me: going alone?
Muzi: Zah said I should Mthoko and Thandeka with
Me: ohh okay then
****I walked out and went to my office. I grabbed my wallet,
phone and car keys. Lesego got into the passenger seat and I
drove out.****
Lesego: nice car boss
Me: It's not the first time you're in here
Lesego: I know, but everytime feels like the first time
****I chuckled. I switched on the radio. We arrived at Yanda's
restaurant and waited for the minister. He walked in surrounded
by bodyguards. We shook hands and then ordered drinks. We
finalised the deal and signed the contract. When all that was
done we talked about cars to families and all that. Of course I
didn't dish out much about my family. Just mentioned my wife
and three kids. *****
Mr Shabangu: it was nice having lunch with you here, but duty
Me: thank you for the opportunity.
Mr Shabangu: pleasure. Do a good Job Dlamini
Me: I will
****he left. His bodyguards followed him out.****
Lesego: finally
Me: yeah why were you nervous?
Lesego: hello! This is Mr Shabangu, a whole minister
Me: you are very dramatic. Let's go
Lesego: sure
****I paid for the meal and then drove back to the office. I had
an hour break to myself, after it I went to Hr's office where
Muzi, Mbali and other officials came for Mbali's hearing. So she
was stealing from the company and we caught her. Muzi and I
were planning to fire her but we thought that she'd take us to
CCMA because we'd be firing her for defamation of character.
So Nathi digged up some things and found out about her shady
dealings in my company. She didn't steal much, just a few
thousands. I wonder why Kgotso from finance didn't see this.
Good thing I have a meeting with him tomorrow. After the
disciplinary hearing she was fired and a weight was off our
shoulders. Now we must get Muzi a gay P.A. I don't trust him
that much but he deserves a gay P.A. After the meeting I
packed my bags and drove home before knock out time.*****
***** I woke up to a tray of breakfast. I sat up and read the
note beside the food. Nhlaka had gone to work early because
he has a busy day. Ohh well, I got up and brushed my teeth. I
ate my breakfast and then applied my facial skin care mask. I
went to the kids room and woke Toto up. She quickly got up and
was soo energetic. She has a school trip and she's soo excited
because they are going to the Zoo. This is her first trip so I am
not surprised. She brushed her teeth and went downstairs
where I found her bowl of oats. She ate while I prepared lunch
for her. I didn't have too much junk for her because she's a
child. After packing everything in her lunch bag I went upstairs
and found Sipho awake. I swear Sphe is the sleeper. Shes always
the last to wake up and she sleeps most of the time. I took him
to the room where I made the bed and cleared the room. I
placed him on my back using a towel and went back downstairs.
Toto had finished her breakfast and she wanted to bath. Okay
then I bathed her and helped her lotion. She dressed herself
and even looked at herself in the mirror. This child really has self
love. Her hair! Ohh my word. She has big her and it gets tiring
to maintain. I'd plait her but sometimes I want her to feel girly. I
don't blame Nhlaka for cutting her hair. I sat on her bed and she
sat on a small chair. I opened her a line and decided to make
her two pony tails. She agreed with me. After the hair session, I
washed my hair and checked for anything wrong with her and
found nothing. She went downstairs to watch kids news while I
took a bath keeping an eye on Sipho. Sipho is the naughty one
here, but when he's with Sphe it becomes a chaos. These
people are tiring, I wonder how ma Joyce deals with them
because wow!
After getting cleaned I loitioned and got dressed into a peach
figure hugging dress. I wore nude heels again and a fur throw
on my shoulders. I decided on wearing a weave since I had
plaited my hair to be able to sleep for the night. The struggle
with Afro hair is too much! So I wore a Peruvian weave I bought
when with Tswalo a year ago. This is my second time wearing it.
I styled my edges and then applied Vaseline on my lips and my
eyeliner around the lips. I put on my perfume. When I was
satisfied with everything I took my work bag and walked out
with Sipho in my arm. I heard a cry as I passed by the passage. I
went in and Sphe got quiet. I placed Sipho in the cot with her
and got out to open for ma Joyce. I guess Sphe won't cry when
she's with her twin. Ma Joyce followed me to the room.****
Joyce: how are you?
Me: I am good ma, how about you?
Joyce: good. Where is Mr Vusi?
Me: work
Joyce: ohh. So do you ever visit him?
Me: visit him?
Jouce: yes like go visit him at his workplace in nothing but a
Me: Haiibo ma
****we both laughed.****
Me: I cant
Joyce: you can
Me: I have 2 jobs ma
Joyce: it's not like they need you everyday at the mine. Even if
it's just for an hour
Me: where do you know all this?
Joyce: I watch tv
**** I laughed again. I found the twins playing with each others
hands. I took them a picture. This is a nice sight to watch. I took
my bag which I had left in here and kissed their small lips. Sipho
wanted to eat me. Shame my baby is hungry.****
Me: ma he's hungry
Joyce: he's always hungry. Where does he get his large
Me: I don't know. Maybe from his father
****I chuckled. I wiped Sioho's salavia on my cheek and then
said my goodbyes to Ma Joyce. ****
Me: Toto asambe(let's go)
Toto: yesss!
*****she switched off the TV and got up from the floor. I went
to the garage and reversed my car. She got in and then I drove
off. I made sure to have the receipt so, just for proof of
payment. We arrived at the school and I went through to her
class. ****
Me: where is your class?
Toto: yellow!
Me: okay
****I walked to the yellow class and there it was written, garde
R. I knocked and the teacher greeted me with a smile. She
looked young, probably my age. *****
Toto: Miss Mosa
Me: Musa
Mosa: Mosa Thabethe
Me: ohh I see
Mosa: most of them couldn't pronounce the surname so I guess
the name will do
Me: ohh okay.
Mosa: you must be this young lady's mother
Me: yes I am. Uhmm here is the reciept for the trip. You're
going with them right?
Mosa: yes I am
Me: thank you
Mosa: it's a pleasure Mrs Dlamini
****I smiled to her and gave her the receipt. I hugged my baby
goodbye and she kissed my cheek. I walked out and drove to
work. I went into the office and got started with paperwork.
Mrs Gobbler came in to remind of the meeting we have for the
plans of mining and the auction. The meeting starts at 08:30 am
and it's now 08:10. I called my husband talked to him for a
while. After the call I got out and made my way to the
boardroom where there were personal assistants preparing the
boardroom for the meeting. Mrs Gobbler and her husband
walked in, Sizwe walked in, Hazel and a few more people also
walked in and the meeting began.
After the meeting was over I stood up and walked out. I felt
someone grab my arm. I turned around and it was Sizwe.****
Me: and then wena?
****he let go of my arm.****
Sizwe: damn! You're beautiful
Me: thanks. Now how may I assist you?
Sizwe: uhmm let's have lunch
Me: sorry I'll be out
Sizwe: ohh uhmm where to if you don't mind me asking
Me: I do
****I walked away from him. I arrived into my office and
started coming up with ways of mining. What annoys me is that
Sizwe also has to be part of this because he is the mining
engineer and I am the Geologist. Now I have to work closely
with him. I sent Nandi a text asking her to fetch Toto for me
since she lives closer to her school and we live a bit further
now. She agreed and then I went back to working****
Sizwe: hey uhmm you busy
Me: I have an hour why?
Sizwe: we need to work
Me: have a seat
Sizwe: cam we go to the mine tomorrow?
Me: sure.
Sizwe: okay so from my research, you haven't mined too deep
and far from the mine.
Me: it's not our land. And yes we have prevented going to deep
because we have lost miners. They lose their lives
Sizwe: but isn't where the diamond is
Me: we do not know for sure, we were taking chances and lost
4 of our miners. We need something new, a new strategy Ndaba
Sizwe: yho
****he sighed. He sat back on the chair and looked
Me: clearly you didn't do much research
Sizwe: I see
Me: great so go do your research and get back to me.
Sizwe: yes ma'am
***he left. Honestly I wish he becomes like this. Civil. This is
how it should be not him busy trying to make himself my friend,
After doing my own research and found nothing I took my bag
and car keys and then left to my company. I arrived and ordered
lunch. The receptionist, brought it up. I thanked her and then
had my lunch. After eating I decided to continue checking the
company's book. And I'll still have to conclude things tomorrow.
When it was 15:30, I took my things and went home. I arrived
and it was empty. Then I remembered that we moved. I turned
back and drove to Fireruch estate which was 45 minutes away. I
arrived to our house far from the other houses. I passed by the
house that collapsed and it didn't look like anything happened. I
got to the house and knocked. MaJoyce opened with Sipho in
her arms. He got too excited when he saw me and pulled his
arms out. I took him in my arms and walked in holding my bag
in the other. She was asleep in the living room ***
Me: hey ma
Joyce: you're early today
Me: was done so I decided to come back and cook for my
Joyce: hmm that's good.
Me: yeah and what do you think?
Joyce: you have a beautiful home. I went into every room and it
is amazing. This isn't a house, it's a mansion
Me: Ahh well its a little big but I love it
Joyce: I love it too, well done
Me: thank you ma. Let me change and then cook
Joyce: should I defrost anything or chop
Me: uhmm just defrost the chicken, I'll do everything else, I just
need you to watch these 2 people while I cook, when I'm done
I'll request an Uber for you
Joyce: okay then
****I went upstairs going in room by room. The first 7 rooms
were bedrooms. The last room was the main bedroom. I walked
in and it was huge. I swear it's the size of the whole house I
grew up in back in Giyani. There was a huge bed, an open closet
for him and me. An ensuit bathroom which was to die for and
damn Nhlaka really did a number on this one. My clothes and
everything was already packed. I changed into a Jean and a t-
shirt. I wore my slippers and then took my phone with
downstairs. I connected the speakers and played some gospel
music. Ma Joyce sat with me in the kitchen while I cooked.
There was a buzzer. I went to the phone inside and
Me: hello
Nandi: vula(open)
Me: mommy why are you driving?
Nandi: vula phela hauw (open)
****I opened the gate and she drove in. Toto flew out her car
looking as dirty as ever. I am not surprised, this child is always
dirty. She greeted me and walked into the house.****
Me: ma please bath her
Joyce: okay
***I heard her laugh. I hugged the pregnant woman****
Me: thank you for fetching her.
Nandi: always baby
Me: wanna stay
Nandi: your house is beautiful from the outside, but for now I
gotta run home before Nathi finds out that I drive out****
Me: I thought I asked you to call an uber
Nandi: I wanted to drive. I missed this
Me: go home then, drive safely okay
Nandi: will do. Thanks
Me: bye mommy
Nandi: bye sister wife
****she got into her car and left. An hour later ma Joyce left.
Nhlaka had arrived and was bathing. After his shower he came
downstairs. I dished up for everyone and the twins were asleep.
I wonder how many times they nap. It's a lot mahn****
Nhlaka: and you like it?
Me: like!? You just be joking. Nhlaka this house is a dream. I
love it!
Nhlaka: I love you
Me: thank you, I love you more
Nhlaka: my pleasure baby. You deserve this house
Me: thank you. Toto do you like the new house?
Toto: yes it's big. I get lost
****Nhlaka and I laughed.****
Me: don't worry you'll get the hang of it
Nhlaka: how was the school trip
Toto: nice
Me: she'll tell us tomorrow morning. She looks tired.
Nhlaka: lets go to bed sisi
****they left the dining table and went upstairs. I woke up the
twins by force and fed them. I had changed their nappies an
hour ago so I guess I'll change them at night. I breastfeeded
both of them and Sphe shortly slept. I placed Sipho on my back
and rocked him to sleep while I cleared my big kitchen.
After washing the dishes he was finally asleep. I took him to his
room which he shares with his sisters. I placed him in his cot
and he slept. I took the monitor and switched off the lights. I
got to the room and found Nhlaka already in bed. *****
Me: so you were going to leave me just like that
Nhlaka: eish you caught me. Sorry baby I am just exhausted
Me: wanna tell me about your day?
****I asked changing into my night dress. I had already gotten
the weave off my head. I wore my head wrap and then got into
Nhlaka: I had too many back to back meetings
Me: ohh man why?
Nhlaka: Miss Maleka did that to me. She said she wants to rest
in Friday so I must let her
Me: ohh atleast she's thoughtful
Nhlaka: yeah. And you how was your day
Me: Ahhh well.....
****I told him about my day. He also told me more about his
day. I didn't even massage him as I was also tired. He took a
remote from his bedside and switched off the lights.****
Me: hebana technology?
****he chuckled. I chuckled too****
Nhlaka: you know it
Me: Goodnight my love
Nhlaka: ngiyakthanda MaDlamini (I love you Ma Dlamini)
Me: nam ngiyakthanda (I love you too)
Nhlaka: Ahhh Fuck! Ahh baby!
****I was out of breath. He collapsed on me and we both
catched our breaths. I pulled him off me once I felt better. He
got off and pulled out with his dick coated in our juices. He
walked butt naked to the bathroom. Still not used to this place.
No wait, I can't believe that this mansion is my house. It's all
I followed my husband into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth
and then got into the bathtub with him. We got cleaned up and
then lotioned. ****
Nhlaka: colour
Me: yho Nhlaka my legs hurt and I'm tired
Nhlaka: that's good
Me: good
Nhlaka: yes baby this means that I know my job
Me: Mxm.
Nhlaka: colour
Me: blue
Nhlaka: white shirt or?
Me: white, black shoes, blue and black tie. Brush your haircut
Nhlaka: yes baby
*** we both got dressed into blue outfits. I wore a blue
jumpsuit with black block heels. I wore a black jacket on top
and then sat down to do my hair.****
Nhlaka: let me help you baby
Me: Ngiyabonga Dlamini (thank you Dlamini)
****he helped me do my hair and even style my edges. I took
him videos of him doing my hair. After the hair making process I
looked so pretty. I applied Vaseline and then the eyeliner.
Nhlaka took me pictures in our room and then we got
Toto: mama!
*****Nhlaka and I looked at each other. We forgot we had kids.
And it's late. I bathed Thando and helped her get ready for
school. Nhlaka made her breakfast and then I did her hair. I tied
her one ponytail and then looked at her to see if there are any
problems. When I was satisfied we got downstairs. Ma Joyce
arrived. I greeted her and then we left. We left using one car.
Toto: mama mama
Me: hmm?
Toto: we saw a big big cow
Me: a cow at a zoo
Toto: yes a big one
Nhlaka: what did it look like?
Toto: baba it was a big cow. It was brown
Me: haii I wonder what a cow was doing in a zoo
Toto: I also saw a snake
Me: you know what a snake is
Toto: yes mommy, a yellow one
Nhlaka: did you touch it?
Toto: no
Nhlaka: haaaa
Me: haii Nhlaka
****we arrived at Toto's school while listening to her tell us
about her trip. ***
Me: Thandolwenkosi Dlamini please come back clean today
Toto: yes mama
Me: I am serious Thando. If you come dirty you'll get a beating
****she closed the door and ran to the gate. Nhlaka drove off
and dropped me off at work. ****
Nhlaka: I'll fetch you at 5pm
Me: when are you free?
Nhlaka: uhmmm at 3 I think
Me: okay then see you later baby
Nhlaka: I love you baby
Me: I love you too
****I went into the building and passed by the receptionist. I
passed further more and went to my office. I unlocked the door
and then sat there on my phone. I talked to my friends and we
checked up on them. There was a knock on the door. I looked
up to see Sizwe standing by the door***
Sizwe: morning Mrs Dlamini
Me: hey
Sizwe: you look beautiful today
Me: thanks. Wanna leave now?
Sizwe: I have a meeting. Uhmm let's do 10am.
Me: cool I'm leaving at lunch
Sizwe: okay then 9:30
Me: sure
****he left. I stood up and closed the door. I have no
paperwork to do so I decided on doing my research on
strategies to mine.****
*****when 9:30am struck, Sizwe was already at the door
waiting for me****
Me: why are you standing there?
Sizwe: I am waiting for you. Aren't we leaving together?
Me: no. I'll catch you there
Sizwe: uhmm okay
****he left. I requested for a ride. It was here in 5 minutes. I
arrived at the mine and paid the driver. I went up to my
container office that I need to share with Sizwe now, just
because he is the mining engineer.*****
Sizwe: so you decided to take an uber
Me: yes. Morning Thabiso
Thabiso: Morning boss
Me: how are you?
Thabiso: I'm good and you?
Me: great. This is Sizwe the new Mining engineer
Thabiso: ohh. Morning uhmm Mr
Sizwe: Mr Ndaba
Thabiso: yes yes sir
Me: Ndaba this is Thabiso, the miners supervisor
Sizwe: ohh, so we will be working with him
Me: correct.
Sizwe: okay then let's go to the office and get started.
Lesego: good morning boss
Me: morning Miss Maleka
Lesego: uhmm meeting with Kgosto 11am sharp.
Me: good. Let's go to the boardroom for the interviews
Lesego: okay
****she followed me to the boardroom where the interviews
will be held. I found HR there with Muzi. I greeted them and
then sat down. Lesego had suddenly disappeared. She came in
with bottles of water and files. ****
Me: Muzi get a P.A fast, look now Lesego has to do 2 jobs.
Muzi: but it's benefiting all of us
Me: you're not paying her extra
Muzi: sorry Lesego
Lesego: should I call in the first one
Me: yes please. I am tired
Jane: already
Me: yes Jane. I can't wait for Friday to come
Muzi: same man
Jane: your lives are busy
Me: you don't wanna know Mrs Knowles
**** by 10:45 we were done and I was tired. By the looks of it.
This year I'll be hiring 2 civil engineers, 2 architects and 2
electrical engineers. After the meeting I went to my office. I got
myself finger foods from the kitchen and went back into my
office. I ate while doing some work. There was a knock on the
Me: come in
****the door opened and Kgotso entered. I closed my laptop
and sat up straight. He sat down****
Kgotso: uhmm Lesego isn't out there and it's time for our
**** we talked about the company's finances and how they are
managed. Then he gave me files on how much money is leaving
the company, how much the company is making and even
managed to crack that Mbali has been stealing from the
Me: good job Kgotso.
Kgotso: it's my job afterall
Me: go have lunch man
****he stood up and left. It was around 12pm and it's lunch
time. Since my wife and I didn't have time to make lunch I
ordered food from the Cafe downstairs. It came up to my office.
I ate and then finished up working on the plans of the bridges
we are going to build in North west.
Lunch time passed and by now I was on my phone, busy on my
social media. I had my jacket off and my tie loosened up. There
was a knock on the door.****
Me: come in
****I didn't even look up at whoever who was knocking. I
heard the door lock and I quickly looked up. She catwalked to
me and looked at me hungrily. I watched her strip naked. She
pushed my chair a little bit further and then went down on her
knees. She unbuckled my belt and then took me in her. I
watched her do miracles in my dick. When I felt my orgasm I
fucked her mouth and shot my juices in her. She swallowed
them all. That alone is a turn on. She sat on me and inserted my
dick in her. She started moving as slow as ever. I sucked her
boobs while she moved. She moved faster, twerking on my dick.
I filled her skin with love bites. She was starting to lose control, I
took over and fucked her. Her body lost control and she shook
uncontrollably. Her moans and my groans were probably the
only thing audible in the office. Thank goodness the office is
sound proofed. Even if it wasn't, I wouldn't mind. I stood up
with her and fucked her on my desk. I rubbed her clit to make
matters worse. We both came at the same time. I didn't end
there. Of course I am not going to end there. I am going to fuck
her till she can't walk. I turned her around and took off my
shoes and pants. I sat on my chair and adjusted it. I licked her
pussy and it was as sweet as ever. She always smells good and
the taste is amazing. I ate her up like I never had lunch. This is
definitely the best dessert ever. She came again. I stopped
eating her and inserted my hard dick in her and bent her back. I
moved in fast pace and that made me lose my senses. She was
so hot, all I could feel was heat, all I could hear were the sound
of our bodies slapping and her moans. My name was all she
mastered. At that moment that was the only word she knew.
I held her waist and fucked her hard with my hand on her hair
till we both came togther. I stayed in her and she fell onto the
table. ****
Me: fuck! That was good
****she didn't even say a word. I guess I did a number on her. I
kissed her lips and Ahh well I guess no matter how tired we
think we are we can't get over one another. She sat on the table
and I fucked her one more time. After the crazy session we both
catched our breaths. I got a damp cloth and got us cleaned. She
wore her clothes and slept on the couch in my office.
Who's the man! I'm the man. I took her a picture and then
decided on booking a nature reserve for my wife. I think we
should go to Northern Cape again. My wife loves nature and
well that's what I'll be doing for her. I received a call from Nkazi.
It's been a while since I talked to him****
Me: bafo (bro)
Nkazi: sho, you good?
Me: very, you?
Nkazi: I'm good too.
Me: what's up
Nkazi: ey man ubaba uyagula(dad is sick)
Me: huh?
Nkazi: eish
Me: ungathi eish(don't say eish), what happened? What's
wrong with him?
Nkazi: udokotela bathi unekinga ye nhliziyo (the doctor says he
has a heart problem)
Me: what about bab'Dladla?
Nkazi: hes not available
Me: what? He went to the mountain?
Nkazi: yes.
Me: how is ma doing?
Nkazi: she's not fine
Me: let me call her
Nkazi: sure. I couldn't get hold of Thando, please tell her
Me: I will
****after our call I immediately called mom. She answered****
Ma: hello boy
Me: ma, Nkazi was just telling me about dad, is he fine?
Baba: heyi I'm fine. Your mother and brother are overreacting
Me: Haiibo
Ma: you know how hot headed your father is
Me: baba you have heart problems what's fine about that?
Baba: Yeyi I don't have heart problems till Dladla says so.
Me: ma when is he coming back?
Ma: nextweek
Me: when did he leave?
Ma: Sunday
Me: yho
Baba: how are you there?
Me: fine, everything is fine. We finally moved into our new
Ma: we will be coming there weekend to see a doctor from
Me: how can you not trust KZN doctors?
Ma: I do I just want to make sure
Me: haiike okay then. Let me go
Baba: sharp
Ma: bye
Me: bye
*****I aborted the call. I sighed. I had my head up looking at
the ceiling. I threw my back at my chair.**
**** I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar place.
I yawn, he turns to look at me and he smiles. Then he looks up
to the ceiling with his hands in his pockets. I know this posture
and look. My husband isn't okay. I stood up from the couch and
walked over to him. I hugged him from behind. He didn't turn or
look at me. ****
Me: Dlamini what's wrong?
Nhlaka: Dad is sick
Me: huh? What's wrong with him?
Nhlaka: heart problems
Me: did he have a heart attack?
Nhlaka: Angaz baby
****I kept quiet. He doesn't want to say much and I respect
Nhlaka: let's go fetch Thando
Me: okay
****I unwrapped my arms from his waist and wore my shoes. I
fixed myself and took my bag and then we walked out. We got
into the car and drove to Thando's school in silence. She came
running looking a bit better today. She listened to me and took
my threats seriously which is good. Ma Joyce cannot deal with
brown school socks and shirts. She leaves the house with a
white shirt and comes back with a brown, green, red and.... You
know what, a rainbow shirt. Her hair is always dirty, whether
plaited or not. It still has sand and grass. Toto and her friends
are probably the dirtiest kids in school. I got out and opened
the door for her.*****
Girls: hello mama Thando!
****I looked to the benches where I saw 4 girls seated there.
They waved at me and I waved back. One of them is surely
Toto: that's Nothando, Masego and Lesego, they are twins
Me: ohh that's nice, do they look the same?
Toto: yes
Me: so how do you know who is who?
Toto: I don't know
Me: I don't blame you
****Nhlaka didn't even say a word. He probably didn't even
greet the child. He drove us home. I went straight to the
bedroom when I arrived. Nhlaka got in and changed into
comfortable clothes. I also did the same and went downstairs. I
found him holdingSphe in his arms. ****
Me: what should I cook?
Nhlaka: anything
Joyce: bye, ohh hi Mrs Dlamini
Me: hi ma, uhmm bye. See you tomorrow
Joyce: bye
****she left. I started making food. I made beef stew and
helped Toto with her homeworks while cooking. I chopped the
onions and green pepper. I boiled carotts with the meat
because carrots take time to be soft. I started with the pap. I
placed Sipho on my back and wrapped him with a blanket
because he was starting to be a problem. He's busy crawling in
the kitchen. Mxm having him on my back is also not a good
idea. He keeps pulling my hair. *****
Me: Sipho haii haii
Nhlaka: let me help you
**** he said entering the kitchen. He took Sipho from me and
placed him on his back. I helped him and then took him a
picture. He looked weird. I mean it's weird to see a man
carrying children or a child like this.*****
Toto: mama done!
Me: good. Pack your bag, bring your lunchbox and water bottle.
****she ran upstairs. I seasoned the stew with spices and
herbs. I dished up for my little family when I was done. I boiled
potatoes in a small pot. I dished up for myself, Toto and my
husband. I called them to eat. After eating, Nhlaka washed the
dishes while I fed Sphesihle. After eating this heavy chubby
baby girl of mine looked happy. She was smiling and saying a
Toto: uthin lo? (what is she saying?)
Me: uthi usuthi(she's saying she's full)
Toto: ohh
****she chuckled. She played with her little sister. I took Sipho
from Nhlaka's back and fed him too. After feeding him, Toto, the
twins and I watched TV and then later on, I read them a
bedtime story. I went to the office where Nhlaka was. I
Nhlaka: ngena(come in)
****I opened the door and walked in. Wow this office is wow.
It's my first time in here since we moved in and I must say, I am
taken back by my own house. There was a portrait of him on
the wall and mine on the other side of the wall. ****
Nhlaka: you like it?
Me: I love it Nhlaka, when and how did you get this done?
Nhlaka: I am a man of many talents
Me: you can't draw
Nhlaka: says who?
Me: me
Nhlaka: haii
Me: okay you can but not these. You can draw house plans
****he chuckled lightly. I waked over to him. He tapped his lap.
I sat on it and gave him a kiss.****
Nhlaka: I am fine baby
Me: no you're not
Nhlaka: I am just worried about Baba
Me: see, you're not fine. Baba will be fine. I'm sure bab'Dladla
will find a way to help
Nhlaka: what if he leaves us
Me: no no don't say that
Nhlaka: Nkazi is worried even more
Me: he's scared?
Nhlaka: we all are and the old man is acting like he's okay
Me: I should check up on ma
Nhlaka: yeah
Me: should we go to KZN?
Nhlaka: I had booked a weekend for us
Me: ohh, so are we canceling?
Nhlaka: yes
Me: okay. So what time do we leave
Nhlaka: as soon as we knock out. We leave by plane
Me: okay
Nhlaka: I should just buy a jet
Me: it's expensive
Nhlaka: I can afford it
Me: woah okay okay
****we chuckled lightly.*****
Nhlaka: let's go sleep
****we walked to our room and had our clothes changed. Then
we changed into our pj's and went into bed. We talked and
gossiped about people.******
Mandisa: Manqoba kodwa.... (but...)
Manqoba: Mandisa I'm fine
Mandisa: kodwa angifuni uku lahlekelwa nguwe ( but I don't
want to lose you)
Manqoba: ngiyakthanda Mkami.(i love you wifey)
Mandisa: ngiyakthanda nam Dlamini kodwa ngicela ulalale
udokotela (I love you too Dlamini but can you please listen to
the doctor)
Manqoba: qha Mandisa, Mina ngizolinda uDladla (no Mandisa,
I'll wait for Dladla)
Mandisa: Ave unenkani yho( you are so stubborn)
Manqoba: akuna ndaba ungithanda ngi nje (it doesn't matter,
you love me lik this)
Mandisa: mxaaai
Manqoba: o kwatile? ( are you angry?)
Mandisa: mxm
****she walked out the living room and went upstairs to her
room, the king shortly followed her.*****
Mandisa: drink the painkillers
Manqoba: no. I will wait for Dladla
Mandisa: Manqoba this isn't going to help, you're going to die.
Imagine your grandkids not knowing you
Manqoba: then you'll take care of the family
Mandisa: Nkazi is the next king
Manqoba: then you give him the throne.
Mandisa: Manqoba mara
****she had tears in her eyes. She feared losing her husband
and it was evident, in her eyes, the way she looked and talked.
Manqoba look a look at her and was broken by the sight. He
pulled her to him and gave her a warm hug.*****
Mandisa: hmmm mmh
Manqoba: Mkami Ngiyaxolisa Uma ngikuthusa kodwa ngi funa
uDladla ezongitshela kahle kahle ukuthi kwenzakalani ngam.
Angisho ukuthi angethembi odokotela kodwa ngifuna uDladla e
zo si tshela( wifey I am sorry if I am scaring you buy I want
Dladla to tell me what's wrong with me. I am not saying that I
don't trust the doctors but I want Dladla to tell us)
Mandisa: ngiyakuzwa Dlamini kodwa keh Mina uyangithusa.
Ngicela uphuze amaphilisi keh (I hear you Dlamini but you're
scaring me. Please drink the pills)
Manqoba: okay keh, ngizo qala ksasa(I will start tomorrow)
Mandisa: Ngiyabonga (thank you)
Manqoba: anything for you my love
****he kissed his wife's lips like it was the first time he did that.
Everytime he kissed her or made love to her it felt like it was the
first time he was doing it. It was as if she was made for him, no
actually she was made for him. They got into bed and talked
about their children****
Mandisa: kodwa Mina uNhlaka uyangithusa (but Nhlaka is
scaring me)
Manqoba: ngoba? (why?)
Mandisa: Ufana nawe nqo(he's like you)
****Manqoba sighed. He knew what his wife was saying.
Nhlaka was indeed like him. He had his father's personality and
probably 5% of his mom's personality.*****
Manqoba: I talked to him and he is not going to turn out like me
Mandisa: that's good. I don't want Sani to have problems.
Actually I want non of the wives to have problems
Manqoba: Tintswalo and Zanele seem to have problems
Mandisa: angithi Muzi doesbt like peace
Manqoba: yah neh, anyway when last did you check up on
Mandisa: 2 days ago. She's fine and happy in her marriage
Manqoba: mmmh
Mandisa: haybo don't be like that
Manqoba: like what?
Mandisa you know what I am talking about. I know you don't
approve of Bandile Xulu
Manqoba: yes I don't, but there's nothing I can do. She is an
adult plus her husband passed away years ago
****the thought of his brother always made the king
emotional. He lost his brother due to starting the mafia
business. He was killed and then that gave Manqoba the power
to rule the whole operation. He was shot 12 times and of
course he died on the spot. The whole kingdom was shocked as
to what had happened to the prince.*****
Mandisa: you miss him?
Manqoba: Mandisa it's been years
Mandisa: I know, you do miss him hey
Manqoba: he was my best friend
Mandisa: he was a good man
Manqoba: yes he was
****after having another long conversation the old couple
retired to sleep. Manqoba felt like he was being strangled. He
got up and felt like his breathing pipe was closed. He couldn't
breath. He shook his wife who got up slowly from her
Mandisa: hmmm
Manqoba: huuuuuh huuuuh
****he was struggling to breath. Mandisa shot her eyes open
and switched on the lights. Her husband looked like he was
going to die soon. She called Wenzi and Thami to come get him.
He also called Sihle and then changed into respectful clothes.
She was a mess though and that was the least of her worries.
She called Nkazi and told him about what happened. The king
was admitted into hospital.
Nkazi as the eldest was to inform the others about their father.
He called of all of his siblings but didn't reach Nhlaka and
Nkanyezi who was in Cape Town. *****
****I opened my eyes and my wife wasn't in bed. I got up and
made the bed, I went to the bathroom and got cleaned. I
lotioned and got dressed in black jeans, black Pollo t-shirt and
black nikey shoes.****
Sani: hauw Dlamini you're already awake?
Me: yebo mommy
Sani: ohh, okay then breakfast is ready
Me: thank you, and what's for breakfast?
Sani: porridge
Me: okay
****I heard her steps fading. I put on my cologne and then
packed my bag which I then took downstairs. Sphe clapped her
hands when she saw me. Such a happy baby. Sipho was on his
mother's back as always. He is very troublesome. ***
Toto: morning baba
Me: morning nana
Toto: mama go bath
Me: I am taking you to school today
Toto: ohh, can I watch Sofia pleaseeeeee
Sani: no, rather watch kids news
Toto: it's not nice
Sani: then play with Sphesihle
***there was a knock on the door. I went and opened****
Joyce: good morning son
Me: good morning ma, how are you?
Joyce: I am good.
Me: kitchen
****she went to the kitchen. I decided to get the car out of the
garage. I've been having this car for too long, I think it's time I
get a new one. After reversing it I went back into the house and
had my breakfast. Sani left with Sipho to go bath. After eating
Toto and I left for her school.
After dropping her off at school I drove to work. I arrived 10
minutes late because of traffic, but since I don't have any
meetings it wasn't a problem. I passed by the receptionist and
went straight to my office. Lesego was standing with Hlatswayo
and woah, they're kissing. I smiled and then cleared my throat.
They stopped and looked at me. Lesego hid her face with
embarrassment. Luthando just kept quiet.****
Me: uhmm good morning
Luthando: morning
Me: Miss Maleka
Luthando: Soon to be Hlatswayo
***I raised an eyebrow at him. This fool was smiling and Lesego
was quiet.****
Me: can I get black coffee please, no sugar
Luthando: can I get
Lesego: hayi
****Luthando and I laughed. I got into the office and he
followed me****
Me: my P.A dawg, like seriously
Luthando: yes hau. I'm in love bro
Me: wow. How long has it been?
Luthando: just 3 months
Me: ohh okay I see
Luthando: and wena, how is wifey and kids?
Me: great.
Luthando: awesome. Kanti when is Andile coming
Me: for
Luthando: I need to run some things past you
Me: your girl didn't say anything about a meeting
Luthando: don't take it as a meeting
Me: Luthando Hlatswayo I want to rest hauw. I want to go to
the sites today
Luthando: don't worry you'll go
Lesego: coffee for 3
Andile: knock knock
Me: come in
****they sat down and we started talking about marketing
strategies for the company. When we were done I went to the
site where I checked on the progress of the houses we are
building in Centurion.
After I was satisfied with the progress I went to Luhlelo's work
place. He works at the bank as a chattered accountant. We had
lunch at Wimpy****
Me: how are you man?
Luhle: good man. All is well. I mean Thato is pregnant
Me: that's good. You scored
Luhle: of course I had to, she's my wife
Me: you enjoying having a loud, crazy wife
Luhle: fsek wena
****we chuckled. He took a sip of his drink and I did the same
Luhle: I love her more than anything man
Me: that's good.
Luhle: how are your kids?
Me: growing
Luhle: how is the relationship between Thando and Sani?
Me: Maan I don't know if it was meant to be or what but it's too
strong. Sometimes I wonder how my baby is going to react
when she finds out that Sani isn't her real mother
Luhle: yeah hey. Do you think Deli would be happy
Me: I don't know mahn, probably because we are taking care of
Thando the way I promised I would
****my phone rang. I looked at it and it was Nkazimulo. I
answered it.****
Me: mefthu(bro)
Nkazi: baba is in hospital
Me: huh!
Nkazi: we was admitted last night around 9pm
Me: same thing?
Nkazi: yes. He refuses to take medicines so the nurses keep
sedating him.
Me: he's still waiting for Dladla neh?
Nkazi: yes and Dladla will only be back next week Friday from
the mountain
Me: eish what is the old man doing at a mountain for 2 weeks?
Nkazi: I don't know but let's hope he'll give us answers we seek
Me: hopefully. I'll see you later on
Nkazi: sure. Call Thando, I can't reach her
Me: I will go to her
*****he dropped the call and I sighed heavily. I took a sip of the
coke and stood up. ***
Me: man it was nice seeing you buy I need to go now. Thanks
Luhle: sho boy
Me: and you're paying
Luhle: sho
****I walked out and got into my car. I tried calling Thando's
phone and it rang unanswered. I drove to her apartment and I
was let in ****
Security: she has a visitor
Me: who is it?
Security: her boyfriend
Me: okay then let me go.
Security: okay
****I parked at the visitors parking and went out. I went to her
floor and knocked on the door. There was loud music playing. I
knocked again and decided to open the door. The sight shocked
me. *****
Me: Thando!
*****she jumped and stopped what she was doing. I got out
and closed the door. I took out phone frustrated from what I
just saw. I can't believe I saw that.****
Thando: bhuti(brother)
Me: are you guys done?
Thando: you can come in
****I walked in and rushed to the guy. I held him by his neck
and pinned him on the wall.****
Thando: bhuti myeke( leave him alone)
Me: who the fuck are you huh!?
Thando: bhuti Nhlaka ngiyak'cela myeke. Uzombulala.
Ngiyak'cela bhuti (brother Nhlaka please leave him alone.
You're going to kill him. Please)
*****I let go. He coughed out loud trying to catch his breath.
Thando helped him up. *****
Me: Noluthando what the fuck is this!
Thando: he's my boyfriend bhuti
Me: boyfriend! Boyfriend yokunuka sies!
Thando: babe are you okay? Hey hey Brian
Me: Thando
Brian: I'm fine babe
Me: Thando!
Thando: what!
Me: is that how you talk to me huh? Ngoba wena sewugwinya
Isende e le pink ucabanga ukuthi ungangidelela? (just because
you suck a pink dick you think you can disrespect me)
Thando: Nhlaka you're not my father
Me: hell I am your brother and you are my little sisiter. Is he the
reason why you never answer your phone?
Thando: no
Me: then you better do so. We are going home to see baba,
he's in hospital. I am pretty sure you didn't even know that
Thando: huh? Baba?
Me: Mxm sies!
Thando: what is wrong with baba
Me: he has heart problems. We are going home today.
Thando: I'll come tomorrow
Brian: I'll take you
Me: nyall nyake you nywe nywe take you where. This is my little
sister wena and she's a princess so if she wants to go, she go
first class
Thando: bhuti. I'll go with Brian
Me: Mxm. Uziphathe kahle Thando, ungumama phela (take care
of yourself, you're a mother)
Thando: sharp
Me: wena Brian, if you ever hurt my little sister in whatsoever
way, I'll kill you. I mean it
****he nodded. Then I left.****
*****after bathing I got dressed into a black Jean, a black top,
black denim jacket and black and white Nike Jordan shoes. I
took my small bag and left the house after saying goodbye to
my babies and MaJoyce. I got to the mine and wore my coat.
We are going to be working with chemicals trying to find ways
of new mining which, Sizwe came up with. He suggested we
bom the ground to make the mining process easier for miners.
Mr and Mrs Gobbler agreed and now as the Geologist I am
trying to find chemicals that will do the job.
Sizwe walked in with Mrs Gobbler. Mrs Gobbler was smiling and
looked very happy.*****
Me: good morning
Gob: good morning. What are you doing?
Me: the explosion
Sizwe: no need. Gob and already did it
Me: ohh and when will it go off?
Sizwe: in 3 hours
Me: ohh okay, so can we please check where the mining can
take place?
Gob: sure, let's take my car
****I took my phone and got out of the office. I got into the car
and the back. In front was Thabiso and Sizwe. We got there and
got out. We planned and strategized on how we are going to
work things out. We felt the ground shake a bit. *****
Me: what is happening
Gob: do you think it's an earthquake?
Sizwe: no no no!
Gob: what!
Sizwe: the bom is going to explode
Thabiso: what!
Me: let's go
*****we hurriedly took our belongings and rushed to the car.
One bom went off, the second one followed, the third one went
in front of the car while Sizwe was trying to drive fast, the
fourth one hit on Gob's side.
The next thing we were underground. It was very dark. I
coughed out loud. Thabiso looked dead. No wait actually,
everyone looked dead. It can't be hey. I shook Gob and she
didn't move, I shook everyone else and none of them moved. I
switched on my phone and it was now 2pm. There was no way
we could escape. Gob moved slowly. She woke up and then
struggled to breath. *****
Me: Gob
Gob: Ssss.....saniiii
Me: breath with your mouth
*****she tried breathing and got the hang of it****
Gob: what the fuck happened?
Me: I also want to know
Gob: bloody fucken Ndaba
****Ndaba got up and he had bruises on his face.****
Gob: Ndaba
Sizwe: boss I swear it was supposed to go off in 3 hours
Me: then what happened?
Sizwe: I don't know okay
Me: who came up with the explosive
Sizwe: me
Me: ahhh
Sizwe: what do you mean ahh
Me: we were supposed to do it togther
Sizwe: but Gob said mine was fine so there was no need
Me: you're still wrong
Gob: this isn't helping, you can't keep fighting we need
Me: ask Thabiso how many miners were already here
Sizwe: ebaba
Me: shake him
Gob: I can't breathe
Me: no no
Gob: I am asthma
Me: what!
Gob: huuuuuuu huuuuh
****I shot my eyes out. She was trying to breathe and she was
Sizwe: he's not breathing
Me: what do you mean he's not breathing?
Sizwe: Khensani he's fucken dead!
Me: don't talk to me like that! Are you sure he's dead
Sizwe: yes
Me: you see. That's why anga lavi ku bom, it's because people
die. Uyabona manje! (that's why I didn't want boms.... You see
Sizwe: it was worth a try
Me: didn't we have to just dig our way in
Sizwe: well that takes forever
Me: atleast families are fed and nobody dies!
Sizwe: Gob?
****I looked to my right and her head had bowed down. I held
her pulse, she was still alive but it wasn't guaranteed that she'll
Me: no no Gobbler Cindy!
Sizwe: fuck my wife, I can't leave my wife
Me: you should've thought of that nx!
Sizwe: Sani pointing fingers at me won't help
Me: Cindy come in you just can't die like this. Cindy!
Sizwe: there's no network
Me: of course there isn't any. We are underground Sizwe. You
put us underground. Sizwe Ndaba you better pray Gob doesn't
die. I don't want to lose my job
Sizwe: she won't die.
Me: how sure are you that Thabiso is gone
Sizwe: he hasn't been breathing. He is dead
Me: mxm
****we stayed in car helpless. Our phones were no of use. I
can't believe that this is me seated in a car, underground with 2
dead bodies. I kept checking Gob's pulse and it was becoming
weaker. Hours and hours passed by. I couldn't breath nicely too.
I guess this is it. It's over!
****I get home and my wife isn't back yet. I already fetched
Toto and have her change. I packed our clothes but honestly
Sani does a good job at it than me. Ma Joyce left and it was
soon 7pm. It's unusual for her not to be here at this time. I
called her work place and there was no answer. I called
Nathi: twin
Me: man my wife is missing?
Nathi: ehh wena
****he laughed. I am getting more frustrated*****
Me: Nkosinathi she's not home yet and we're supposed to go to
Nathi: let me track her.
Me: thanks
Nathi: stay on the line. Anyway is Thando answering your calls
Me: Mxm that one
Nathi: ehh and then?
Me: she was avoiding everyone because she's dating a white
man now
Nathi: ini!
Me: exactly
Nathi: Mina ngizomshaya (I'm going to beat her)
Me: do it before Nkazi does it
Nathi: yho yah neh, who did she take after
Me: probably your father
Nathi: and you
Me: Mxm. Fsek where is my wife
Nathi: wait hauw
Me: okay. How is preggy mommy
Nathi: she's fine, I'm the one who isn't fine
Me: hauw why?
Nathi: she's stressing me. I am tired man
Me: welcome man. Fatherhood is the best yet worse experience
Nathi: yho, uhmm she's at work, at the mine
Me: at this time?
Nandi: Nathi! Nathi!
Nathi: baby yini?
Nandi: Nathi come see this
Nathi: Nandi if it's that wedding show of yours I don't
Nandi: it's the fucken news! About the mine where Sani works
****I switched on the TV the moment I heard that.***
Nathi: uhmmm boy
Me: I am watching.
News presenter: it is believed that there are atleast 4 people in
the car. It is said that the people are the mine owner, the
geologist, mining engineer and one miner.
****I felt my head spin and get dizzy.****
Nandi: yho shame I wonder if Sani will still have her job
Nathi: Nandi baby
Nandi: hmmm
Nathi: I'm on the phone with Nhlaka and he said Sani didn't
come back from work
Nandi: huh?
Nathi: we aren't sure, but she might also be stuck
Nandi: no Nathi!
Nathi: baby calm down. Let's go to Nhlaka's house
*****I dropped the call. I got up and called Sani' s phone, there
was no answer. I called my mother's phone and she
Me: ma
Ma: hey boy
Me: how are you?
Ma: fine.
Me: uhmm I can't be able to come, Sani went missing
Ma: ini! (what!?)
Me: bathi there was an explosion and it caught up with her at
the mine
Ma: hau nkosiyam bo! Hauw hauw. ( ohh my God!)
Me: yeah and Nathi can't come too
Ma: kulungile mfana. Ubaba wakho uryt manje kodwa
usase'bhedlela (it's okay boy. Your father is okay but still in
Me: that's good. Bye ma
Ma: I'll pray for you
Me: thanks.
****I dropped the call. I heated the food maJoyce made and
fed the twins. Thando also ate. She asked to watch cartoons and
I didn't mind.
I heard footsteps of people. I turned back and it was Nathi with
Nandi behind****
Toto: baba! Mama Nice nice!
****she ran to Nandi and Nathi. They hugged her. Nandi sat
down. It looks like she was crying. Nathi sat down too****
Me: mommy please watch them for us
Nandi: of course they are my childreb
Nathi: don't stress yourself okay
****we stood up and walked out. We got into the car and put
our seatbealts on****
Nandi: Nhlaka
****I looked at her. She was standing at the door with her belly
pointing at us.****
Nandi: come back with her
Me: I will
Nandi: alive
****I nodded. This is heavy on me. Nathi kept looking at
Nathi: I wonder what happened
Me: please shut up for now
Nathi: cool
****we drove to the mine in silence. We arrived at 20:30. I saw
my wife's car parked there and it sunk in, she was trapped
underground. There was a white angry man ordering the
miners. I passed by the security and police officers****
Officer: sir sir you can't pass
Me: Yeyi fusek wena! My wife is also in that car and you're busy
telling me that I can't pass!
White man: your wife? Who?
Me: Khensani Dlamini
White man: the geologist?
Me: yes
White man: she better pray my wife comes out alive or else I
am going to skin her alive
Me: skin who!
White man: that fucken stupid Geologist and engineer
Me: what did you call my wife?
White man: stupid. I swear on my wife, if she dies your wife will
lose her job
Me: we will see about that. Nx!
Nathi: Nhlaka calm down
Me: Nkosinathi don't you dare piss me off, I am calm
Nathi: okay okay. Don't worry they'll find her
Me: they have to. Don't the cars have trackers
Nathi: let me ask
Me: cool
**** there was a sudden commotion. I went to go see what
was happening. A man probably in his 40s had passed away.
They found another one dead. ****
Nathi: don't lose hope man
Me: Nathi the people found are dead man
Nathi: no man. She's alive
Me: she's fucken underground man
Nathi: Nhlaka she's your chosen wife, the ancestors wouldn't do
you like that
Me: maybe they are punishing me for putting her through a lot
Nathi: no no Nhlaka that's in the past
Me: you never know. Man
Nathi: Nhlaka she will make it
Me: I won't cope man. I just won't lose a father and a wife
Nathi: we aren't losing any of them
Me: what am I going to tell my children and Sani's family
Nathi: Nhlaka get those negative thoughts out please
White man: dig! Fucken dig! I want my wife alive!
Nathi: Yhooo lomlungu uya rasa mahn! (this white person is
making noise)
Me: Mina uyangdina. Ngizomshaya (he's annoying me. I am
going to beat him)
Nathi: don't. Eish eish
Me: what?
Nathi: Nandi is calling
Me: answer her
Nathi: yho
Me: calm her down, we don't want her losing the baby.
****he went to the side and answered his phone. Mine also
rang and it was Silvia Sani's aunt.*****
Me: hello ma
Silvia: Dlamini where is my daughter
Me: uhmm she hasn't been found yet ma
Silvia: yhiiiiiiii!
****she broke out in a cry. I closed my eyes. I looked up and
dropped the call. They found another dead body. I sat butt flat
on the ground and cried. I let my tears out.****
Nathi: Nhlaka I found the car
Me: okay
Nathi: man are you crying
****he joined me and pat my back. He stood up. I also stood
up. It was probably around 21:30. They found the car and there
were more rocks and sand where they think it was. I saw the
white man turn even more pink. But he didn't go crazy and
shout, instead he watched as they moved the huge rocks. I
think he is also starting to lose hope.
They finished digging at 22:15. A black car appeared. The white
man stood up and helped. I also went in by force. I got a spade
and helped dig out the car. When we could reach the door, they
were jamed. The Jaws if life people came and assisted. The
paramedics also came and got the people out. I stood up
straight and watched as they took out one male who was
declared dead. Another one was out and he was alive but his
pulse was weak. A white woman was pulled out next and the
white man rushed to her side. The white went on his knees and
screamed. He cried out loud! Everyone else watch while
forensic, the police and paramedics got busy. They pulled out
another one and it was my wife. I rushed to her and was
stopped. She had bruises all over. She looked lifeless. The
paramedics did whatever they were doing. She didn't want to
breathe. They kept looking at each other and shaking their
heads no****
Me: Yeyi fusek. No no! Sani breathe. Sani baby breathe, you
have children Sani. Come back for your children!
Nathi: Sani come on
****I decided to help my wife and she didn't breathe. This can't
be happening, it can't be. Nathi got a call and he answered it. I
watched as they covered my wife in a foil. I sat on the ground
and cried. ****
Nathi: Nhlakanipho
Me: hmm?
Nathi: he's gone
Me: hmm?
Nathi: Ubaba is gone.
*****I felt my head get dizzy. I couldn't function anymore. I
closed my eyes and let all the tears out.****
Nathi: uphi u Sani? (where is Sani? )
****I didn't even answer him. This must be a dream****
Me: baba what are you doing here
Baba: what are you doing here? This is the ancestors place
Me: am I dead
Baba: must be because I am. My ancestors want me to be with
them. But then if you're meant to be with my son then why are
you here
Me: huh
Baba: tell Nkazi to take care of the family and the kingdom. Tell
my wife not to worry because I will always be with her. And tell
my children that I love them. And you, just remain strong.
Dladla: hauw hauw makoti wenzani la? (daughter in law, what
are you doing here?)
****I looked at him. He looked shocked to see me. He shook his
head and looked at the old man he was with. This old man
looked exactly like Nkazimulo, unfiltered.*****
Dladla: buyela makoti buyela emhlabeni! (go back to earth)
****I saw them fade away.
I breathed out. I was in a bag. I moved and tried pushing out.
The bag opened. I couldn't open my eyes though, it was hard
for me to that. I heard sounds and voices. I fell into a deep sleep
Me: ma ma!
Portia: baby
Me: it's been long
Portia: look at you my baby. You are beautiful and glowing
Me: yes I am
Portia: how are the children
Me: good. Why am I here
Portia: I should be asking you that. Sani don't give up, fight my
baby, fight!
Me: what for
Portia: Sani fight! I love you
Me: ma! Ma don't go!
****she disappeared. I felt my head bang and I was out! *****
*****I received a call from a hospital. That's what true caller is
telling me. Now why would a hospital call me. I answered it
Me: hello
Person: hello is this Mr Nhlakanipho Vusmuzi Dlamini?
Me: speaking?
Person: Dr Msimango, we have had a patient come in last night
from the forensic department and they said she is apparently
alive. We believe of this female to be your wife
Me: huh! Ini
Dr Msimango: yes. She is still unconscious for how but she's
okay. Could you please come to the hospital
Me: I'm on my way
Nathi: and then?
Me: I'm going to the hospital, the doctor says Sani was brought
from the forensics department last night.
Nathi: Nhlaka don't do that to yourself
Me: Nathi why would they just call me if theres nothing
Nathi: I am coming with
Me: no stay here and watch over the kids and your wife
Nathi: Nandi will be fine
Me: no I will be fine. Stay here
*****on my way out a car stopped and hooted. I also stop and
reversed. I opened my window and the person did that too. It
was Thando and her white boyfriend that I already don't like at
all. *****
Me: Noluthando
Thando: bhuti where are you going?
Me: Thando go home, Nathi and Nandi are there
Thando: I am worried about you, please don't do anything
Me: see you
****I drove out the estate and went to the hospital. I arrived
and signed the necessary paperwork. I was taken to the ward
where my supposed wife was.
I stopped on my tracks once the door was opened. There she
was lying with an oxygen tank and bandages on her face. Small
bandages thou. I wiped a tear I didn't know existed. I went
closer to the bed and touched her face. It was real, this is her.
She isn't gone afterall. She didn't leave me. What I feel now is
unexplainable. I love this woman more than myself or life itself.
Seeing the paramedics cover her up tore me apart. A part of me
died but now knowing that she still needed paitence and she'll
arise made me feel better. I feel alive once again.
I sat on the chair and held her hand. I placed my head on her
hand and let the tears flow. I love this woman. I wouldn't
survive without her. She's my world, my life and my
The following day
****I felt something move under my head. I lifted my head up
and looked at her. She smiled at me. It was a faint smile but I
know it was the biggest she could give me****
Me: baby
Sani: hey
Me: I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry I gave up and thought
you were dead
Sani: it's okay my love. It's not your fault
Me: I love you Khensani
Sani: I love you more Nhlakanipho
Me: what time is it
Sani: it's 2pm
Me: huh? So I was asleep all this time
Sani: yes.
Me: why didn't you wake me up
Sani: it felt like you hadn't had sleep for days so I let you rest
Me: how are you feeling?
Sani: fine. Just triggered by everything
Me: Baba didn't make it
Sani: he didn't?
Me: no he didn't.
Sani: how do you feel?
Me: I don't know. This is a lot to take in. My heart is broken. I
thought you also left me. I was beyond broken, but with you by
my side I know we will go through this
Sani: I am sorry babe
Me: I am sorry too.
Sani: when do we leave
Me: the funeral is in a few days. But you need to rest
Sani: no, I need to go home
Me: okay then I'll ask the doctor to discharge you
Sani: thank you, who's with the kids
Me: Nandi and Nathi
Sani: okay
Me: let me get the doctor
Sani: Nhlaka
Me: hmmm
Sani: how is Gob doing
****I looked at her and I could see the curiosity. I don't think I
want to tell her. I looked up to the ceiling and had my hands in
my pocket. I heard sniffs. I looked at her and she was
Me: I'm sorry
*****I left the room and looked for the doctor. 20 minutes later
we left the hospital and in 30 minutes we were home. I parked
the car and carried her inside.****
Sani: babe
Me: hmmm
Sani: bath okay
Me: i will
Sani: when last did you bath
Me: the last time you saw me
Nandi: Khensani! Yho! Yho
Nathi: Nandi! Nandipha!
Nandi baby calm down
*****Nathi tried calming her down. Nandi was shocked beyond
measure. ****
Sani: what's wrong
Me: don't forget that you were declared dead
Sani: ohh.
****she looked scared herself. I walked to the room where she
said I must take a bath. I bumped into Thando ****
Thando: bhuti (brother)
Me: hmmm
Thando: I am sorry
Me: me too. Thando this isn't the time, go greet your sister.
Tomorrow we leave for KZN okay
Thando: okay, my sister who
Me: my wife
Thando: bhut but your wife passed away
Me: Noluthando go see for yourself
****I walked away from her and went into my room. I heard a
scream and ohh well I am not going back downstairs. I got into
the bathroom and got cleaned. When I was fresh I got dressed
and then went downstairs. ****
*****so I am known as the female Jesus, the one who rose
from the dead. I guess I am a ghost or the walking dead mos. I
looked at Thando crying while on the floor. Nathi took Nandi to
the room to go sleep. Thando my baby girl was happy to see
me. She probably didn't know anything.****
Me: Toto go play in your room. I'll come see you okay?
Toto: okay mommy
Nathi: sisi
Me: heyy. Is she fine
Nathi: she'll be fine
Thando: sisi
Me: I am alive Thando
Thando: kodwa you were.... You were
Me: I know, but I wasn't that was false
Nathi: but
Nhlaka: Nathi let's talk
*****the twins disappeared. I sat down in the living room with
Me: how are you?
Thando: sad, my dad is gone and I thought you left us too. My
heart is in pain. Honestly I love my dad and I don't understand
why the ancestors had to take him now
Me: all things happen for a reason. He is watching over you and
he loves you soo much
Thando: you think he'd still love me if he found out that I am in
love with a white man
Me: what
Thando: ohh I thought that maybe Nhlaka told you because he
saw us... Uhmmm yeah
Me: what?
Thando: doing the deed
Me: haaaa. My husband witnessed that?
Thando: yeah and so he almost killed Brian. He actually chocked
Me: ohh sorry to your man. But why a white man?
Thando: I love him. He makes me happy
Me: that's all that matters. So where is Sanelisiwe's father?
Thando: he disappeared since Sane was born
Me: what! And why didn't you say anything
Thando: Ahh well I am better off without him. I don't need him
in my life
Me: ohh he's still the father of your baby
Thando: sperm donor
Me: haiibo
****I cracked out a laugh. I sighed. She stood up and left. She
came back with Sanelisiwe. I stood up and made food for
everyone, looking at them they haven't been eating. I am
worried about the kids now. I went to Toto's room and she was
asleep. O woke her up. *****
Toto: mama
Me: did you eat?
Toto: no
Me: okay come downstairs I am making food okay
Toto: okay. Mommy
Me: hmmm
Toto: I love you
Me: I love you too nana
****we went downstairs. I dished up for her and her aunt. I
took up 2 plates to Nhlaka's office. I knocked and opened the
door. He stood up and carried it for me. He placed it on the
Me: where are my babies?
Nathi: with Nandi
Me: okay. I want to feed them
Nathi: you can go
Nhlaka: did you cook?
Me: yes
Nhlaka: hauw baby you didn't have to
Me: I had to. Let me get the twins
***** I walked out and went in every room looking for Nandi. I
opened the next door and there she was. She looked so
peaceful asleep. I carried both Sphe and Sipho. They are heavy
mind you. I went downstairs with them. Sipho was wide awake
while Sphe was asleep. This baby loves sleep like no one else. I
fed Sipho and let Sphe sleep. After feeding Sipho I woke her up
and fed her by force. When she was finished I made sure they
had water to drink. Thando ate after feeding her son. I also
joined her and ate. We ate while she told me about her white
boyfriend. Nandi walked in.****
Nandi: ohh there you are
**** she was referring to the twins. She looked at me and then
walked to me ****
Nandi: you're alive
Me: I am. Are you hungry? I cooked
Nandi: you're alive
Me: yes I am
Nandi: ohh my God!
Me: Nandi don't stress the baby
Nandi: I am soo glad you're alive. I thought I lost you forever
Me: you didn't
Nandi: your aunt and cousin called and said they're on their way
Me: ohh I'm glad
Nandi: Your brother too
Me: okay.
Nandi: ohh my God I am so glad
Me: go eat
****she left the room. As Nandi had said, later on Aunt Silvia,
Vutomi, Nkateko and Yanda were here. I have them rooms to
sleep in after we talked and bonded. They were also shocked
and I once again became 'the walking dead'. Late at night I went
to sleep.
101 The Ending
4 days later
****we are in KZN now and the king was just buried yesterday.
The house is still full of family members and we are still in
greive. Ma looks horrible. I won't lie to you, she is the most
beautiful yet horrible looking woman in the room right now. We
were seated on the couch in the huge living room. Baba's one
man couch is empty and no one is seated on it. Ever since we
arrived here everyone has been looking at me like I'm a ghost.
The fact that I was reported dead and now I am suddenly alive
triggered them. Even Ma was shocked to see me. She actually
Bab'Dladla had to come back for the funeral. He didn't return to
the mountain. Yesterday him and I had a small talk about my
dream or my death, whatever that was. He told me, I am
chosen for Nhlaka for a reason. The old man I saw in my dream
is the late king's father. He is their grandfather, the one who
looks exactly like Nkazi. *****
Nandi: Sani
Me: hmmm?
****I looked at her. She was a bit better now. She stood up and
left the room. I followed her so that we could go talk in
Nandi: I need Zanele, I am in pain
Me: ohh damn. How far are you again?
Nandi: 7 months I think or 6 I don't know anymore
****I got my phone out to call her because I am definetly not
about to look for Zanele around the house. She answered her
phone ****
Me: Zah where are you?
Zah: in my room why?
Me: Nandi says she's in pain. She need you
Nandi: Ahhhh... Nathi... Sssssani
Me: Nandi breathe okay. Breathe
*****I called Nhlaka's number. He answered after I called for 2
times. Zah walked in with Zinhle and helped Nandi walk into the
maternity room or the hospital room, whatever that is. Or the
room where we all gave birth I should rather say. I stayed by the
open passage****
Nhlaka: babe
Me: you with Nathi
Nhlaka: yeah why
Me: Nandi is pain and she's screaming for him
Nhlaka: ohh damn we're coming
****they arrive in less than a minute. Nathi just rushed to that
labour room. Nhlaka stayed with me. I looked at him and he
looked at me. No one said a word, we just stared at each other,
no smiles, just straight faces. I have seen my husband sad,
angry, happy, worried, stressed, tired but not this hurt. He looks
pained. It's as if his dad died with a part of him. It even hurts to
look at him because all you can see is Baba's copy. Ma cries a lot
when she sees the twins. It becomes worse once Nhlaka stands
in that position he likes being in wjen stressed or worried, the
head up, hands in pocket position. I mean everyone noticed
that Baba also had this position once he was worried.
My husband is hurt. We are all hurt and pained by this, but
what can we do huh? ****
Nhlaka: I love you
Me: I love you more
Nhlaka: thank you
Me: for?
Nhlaka: for being with me all the time. For never leaving my
side. Khensani I almost died the day you were stuck at the
mine.... I....
****he had tears forming in his eyes. His voice was breaking. I
pulled him up to our room and locked the door. He sat on the
bed, I joined him too and we still hadn't taken each other's eyes
off one another****
Nhlaka: I love you soo much it will hurt me soo bad to lose you.
I'd rather die first than you because I know that you're a strong
woman. I am weak, I wouldn't survive, I'd actually follow you
but I know you'd still kill me for leaving our children alone. I
don't know if I ever told you this but you are a kind hearted
person Sani. You're a good person, caring, loving, sweet,
amazing mother, amazing wife and my sexy queen.
****we both giggled. He became serious again. Tears were also
starting to form in my eyes.****
Nhlaka: you are very special my love. You are unique, you're
resilient, you're strong, your braveness makes me feel small
sometimes. I am glad to have a great support system like you. I
know I've treated you like shit before and all that but baby you
are worth more than that. I am happy you gave me another
chance to be with you. Thank you for giving us the chance to be
this happy. I have never been any happier woth you and our
little family.
You accepted me with all my flaws, mistakes and imperfections.
You always teach me lessons I will never forget. You made me
the man I am today and that's what makes you good in
everything you do, whether you can do it or not. The level of
your confidence is on another level. I love your vibe and your
personality. This is why I lowered my royalty standards and
helped you with the cow dung. I knew I wasn't doing that for
free. I knew that you'd be my wife.
I've already said this but thank you for accepting me with all my
burdens and everything. It wasn't easy I know but you make
every task seem easy to carry. You accepted my daughter even
when you knew how she was conceived. You treated her like
your baby and loved her like your own. You never mistreated
her and you never mistreated anyone in fact. And baby this is
why God will keep blessing you, it's because of the good heart
you have. No matter how many times people try to bring you
down please don't let them. Fight. You're a fighter baby and you
also know that. Believe in yourself in all that you do.
Take care of yourself and family. You're doing a lot for me and
the kids. I will always appreciate all the things you are doing for
us. I will show appreciation in action. You shall see wena my
love. I love you soo much MaDlamini wam.
****my tears could probably fill a tank. Knowing that you are
appreciated by someone is the best feeling ever. He hugged my
head and let me cry. It's been a while since I had cried and to
think that I have been through a lot is amazing. ****
Nhlaka: don't cry baby
****I stopped and looked up to him. He let his tears flow. This
is probably the fourth time I am seeing him cry. Last night was
worse. We didn't sleep, he cried almost all night. His father's
death took a strain on him.****
Me: should I also say something
Nhlaka: save that for your wedding
****I laughed and he laughed too****
Nhlaka: yaz we didn't get married
Me: we are married
Nhlaka: yeah I know, but I mean the white wedding
Me: I don't want it anymore. This is enough. I am happy
Nhlaka: are you sure baby?
Me: yes I am
Nhlaka: okay then
Me: so Mr Dlamini.
Nhlaka: hmmm
Me: the first time you told me I was beautiful I didn't believe it.
I thought that you were joking or you were just teasing you
know, but until our relationship grew and you told this almost
everyday. I started believing it and had self confidence. I started
loving myself and believing that I was indeed beautiful. Thank
you for that.
When you left for Russia just a few weeks of us dating, it hurt
me. I felt like I knew that we werent going to last. But when you
came back and I saw you came back forever I started believing
in love again.
You were always there for me and with me. I also thank you for
that, because I am the woman I am because of you. You have
been the best pillar of strength, my best friend, my number one
supporter and motivation. You kept me going most of the times,
especially when I felt like giving up. You never let me go mo
matter how many times we fought, you still fought for us.
I appreciate your efforts and everything you do for me and the
kids. You are the best father and husband. I am glad I met you.
You are also a good person baby. The red flags don't make you a
bad person. You have changed and I appreciate that because
you did that for me. Thank you soo Dlamini. I do not regret
agreeing to be your girlfriend, or letting you help me with the
Yes there were times were you hurt me real bad, but because of
the love I have for you, because I care for you, and also because
you accepted and acknowledged your mistakes and alsed for
forgiveness I forgave you and gave you or us another chance.
I love you soo much more than the words Dlamini and I am glad
God brought you into my life even though you come with
unnecessary stress. I still love you
Nhlaka: Mina stress
Me: yes you
Nhlaka: I am sorry
Me: it's okay baby
****he perked my lips. We stayed in that position till it was
5 months later
*****it's been 5 months since the death of baba. We are in
October now and the twins will be one this year. No one makes
me mad like Sipho. He is one hell of a busy baby.
Nandi gave birth 3 months ago and she gave birth to a cute
baby girl. They named her Mandisa. Ma was soo happy that
finally a baby girl was named after her. Nhlaka had to attend
some therapy sessions so that he comes better and well he's
good which also makes us good.
Nkazimulo has been crowned king of Kwa Dlamini with his
queen, Zinhle by his side. And ohh well the queen is pregnant
again and they are expecting their little bundle of joy.
Muzi, Tswalo and Zanele are doing fine I guess. I mean
Thandiwe is now 2 years old and Mpendulo is 7 months old.
Tswalo is a stay at home mom taking care of Mpendulo and
Thandiwe since Zah found a job.
Noluthando has informed the family of her white boyfriend and
by the looks of it no one is approvung their relationship. Ma
doesn't even want to hear a word about it.
Nkanyezi is living his life in Cape Town cohabbiting with her
Xhosa girlfriend of course.
And well my varsity friends are still good and happy, which
makes me happy. This is just an update on how who and who is.
And me, well I am very much happy. My husband keeps spoiling
me with gifts, spa treatments and all that since I only work at
my company. Mr Gobbler had me and Sizwe fired because Mrs
Gobbler had passed away. That hurt me because I adored her a
lot. So since I lost my job I didn't bother looking for another
one. So instead I decided to focus on my company which is
doing well, with the help from my husband we are following in
millions. Nhlaka: baby
Me: hmmm. Nhlaka: Haiibo Earth to you
Me: you look soo hot, where are you going?
Nhlaka: we are going out for dinner
****he didn't need to say more. I went upstairs and got fresh. I
wore a red body hugging dress that had a slit with red bottoms.
I let my black braids loose and put on a necklace he bought for
me just before we got married. I went downstairs and there he
was looking handsome in his black tuxedo. We went to the
fancy restaurant where he had booked in for us. *****
Me: Nhlaka this is beautiful
Nhlaka: you are kore beautiful baby
****I blushed and giggled like a teenager in love. We had a
dance and had food after that. We left and went to a 5 star
hotel where there was a heart shaped bed on the rooftop, there
were candles also and roses. *****
Me: Nhlaka
Nhlaka: you like hmm?
Me: I love it! I love you!
Nhlaka: I love you MaDlamini

…………………………..THE END………………………
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