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Question 2

2.1 In your own words, discuss the term classroom management. (2)

2.2. In your own words, discuss the four ways in which learners can work productively in a

Discussion guide
-Individual work
-Group work
-Inquiry learning
2.3 As a teacher, you are responsible for creating a positive learning environment that facilitates
learning. Create FIVE (5) strategies that you believe will help you create a positive learning
environment. Motivate how each strategy will contribute to a positive learning environment.
Answers structure:
2.3.1. Strategy
2.3.2. Strategy
2.3.3. Strategy
2.3.4. Strategy
2.3.5. Strategy
2.4. In your own words, discuss any THREE (3) aspects that a teacher should keep in mind when
planning tasks for learners.

2.1 Classroom management refers to the actions and strategies teachers use to create a positive,
productive learning environment in the classroom. It involves establishing clear expectations,
routines, and procedures for student behavior, as well as effectively managing time, materials, and

2.2 Learners can work productively in a classroom through:

* Individual work: This allows students to work independently and take responsibility for their own
learning. It can help students build self-confidence, time management skills, and a sense of
* Group work: This encourages collaboration and communication among students. It can help
students learn from one another, build social skills, and develop a sense of community in the
* Inquiry learning: This involves students actively exploring and investigating real-world problems
and questions. It can help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as a
deeper understanding of the material.
* Differentiation: This involves tailoring instruction and materials to meet the diverse needs and
abilities of students. It can help ensure that all students are challenged and engaged, and can lead to
increased motivation and achievement.

2.3 Five strategies for creating a positive learning environment include:

Strategy: Establishing clear expectations and consequences for student behavior.
Motivation: When students understand what is expected of them, they are more likely to behave
appropriately and take responsibility for their actions.

Strategy: Building positive relationships with students.
Motivation: When students feel valued and respected, they are more likely to be engaged and
motivated in the classroom.

Strategy: Providing students with opportunities for choice and autonomy.
Motivation: When students have some control over their learning, they are more likely to be
invested and motivated.

Strategy: Creating a physically and emotionally safe environment.
Motivation: When students feel safe and supported, they are more likely to take risks and engage in
the learning process.

Strategy: Incorporating students' interests and backgrounds into the classroom.
Motivation: When students see themselves reflected in the classroom, they are more likely to feel a
sense of belonging and engagement.

2.4 Three aspects that a teacher should keep in mind when planning tasks for learners include:

* Aligning tasks with the appropriate learning goals and standards

* Differentiating tasks to meet the diverse needs and abilities of students
* Incorporating opportunities for students to engage in authentic, real-world applications of the

1. Alignment with learning objectives: Teachers should ensure that the tasks they plan are aligned
with the learning objectives of the course or unit. This means that the tasks should be designed to
help students achieve the desired learning outcomes and should be assessed in a way that
accurately measures their understanding and skills.

2. Differentiation and inclusivity: Teachers should consider the diverse needs and abilities of their
students when planning tasks. This may involve providing different versions of the task or offering
additional support and resources to students who may need them. By differentiating tasks and
making them inclusive, teachers can ensure that all students have an opportunity to succeed and
demonstrate their learning.
3. Active learning and engagement: Teachers should aim to design tasks that are engaging and
promote active learning. This may involve using a variety of teaching methods, such as group work,
discussions, and hands-on activities, to help students learn and retain the material. By keeping
students actively engaged in the learning process, teachers can help to increase their motivation and
improve their understanding of the material.

Question 3( 36 )

Article 1: BELA Bill

Building better futures: The importance of

2024 school governing body elections
By North-West University PRESS RELEASES / 7 MARCH 2024

Prof Leenta Grobler, deputy director of the Business School at the North-West University,
explains why it is imperative that the 2024 school governing body elections must be
characterised by informed decisions.

“As we approach the 2024 school governing body (SGB) elections in South Africa, it is
essential to understand the profound impact these bodies have on the operation and culture
of our schools, and, ultimately, on the quality of the education our children receive.
Reflecting on my journey as a parent and my professional insights as the deputy director at
the NWU Business School, I have come to recognise the critical role of informed
participation in these elections.

“In past years, my engagement with SGB elections was minimal, driven more by familiar
names than an understanding of what the roles entailed. Like many parents, I was ensnared
by misconceptions that SGB positions were sought for personal gain rather than the
altruistic goal of enhancing educational standards. However, my perspective has shifted
significantly. No longer do I see these elections as mere formalities; instead, they represent
a vital opportunity for impactful governance in our schools.
“The reality is that SGBs are instrumental in shaping the educational environment – from
curriculum alignment and school policies to infrastructure management and staff
appointments. These responsibilities go far beyond the trivialities that rumours and
misconceptions often suggest. The SGB is the platform where concerns such as curriculum
issues, bullying and the respect between teachers and learners can be addressed effectively,
ensuring the best interests of the school and its learners are always a priority.
This year, more than ever, it is crucial that we move beyond personal acquaintances when
casting our votes. The pending Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill will
introduce changes that demand SGB members who are knowledgeable and capable of
navigating new governance landscapes. Our votes must support candidates who possess the
skills to implement good governance practices, akin to those outlined in the King IV
report, irrespective of whether such standards are mandated.

The centralising tendencies of the BELA Bill necessitate the election of SGB members
who are adept at legal work, policy analysis and advocacy. The emphasis should be on
electing individuals who can balance national legislation requirements with the unique
needs of their school communities, ensuring that every child’s right to a quality education
is upheld.
Drawing parallels between effective corporate governance and school governance reveals
the importance of principles such as ethics, accountability and stakeholder engagement.
Applying these principles within SGBs can significantly enhance the decision-making
process, ensuring that schools operate not only with transparency but with a clear focus on
delivering educational excellence.

Awareness and engagement are critical in ensuring a high turnout and an informed voting
process. As we navigate these elections, it is paramount that we utilise every available
platform to educate and mobilise our communities. The NWU Business School stands
ready to support, equip and train elected individuals, reinforcing the importance of
community involvement in school governance.

My vision for the future of school governance in South Africa is one where engagement
extends beyond the SGB elections. It envisions a community where every parent, educator
and stakeholder takes an active role in the continuous improvement of our educational
institutions. This collective effort can transform our schools into environments that not
only confront challenges, but also foster innovation and excellence.
As we edge closer to the 2024 SGB elections, let us recognise the power of our
participation. This is not merely an opportunity to vote, but a call to contribute to the
foundational aspects of our education system. Let us choose candidates who embody the
principles of effective governance, those who are prepared to advocate for the best interests
of our children and their future.
The forthcoming SGB elections are a crucial juncture in our journey towards educational
excellence. By participating actively and making informed choices, we can ensure that our
schools are led by individuals committed to fostering an environment where every learner
can thrive. Let us turn out in record numbers, fully informed and fully committed, to shape
the education landscape in South Africa positively.”

Article 1: Extracted from the Mail and Guardian online website as a website article
accessed on 20 April 2024.

3.1. Use your knowledge of the MySants reference guide to cite Article 1. You should provide an in-
text reference, as well as a bibliography reference.( 4 )
3.1. In-text reference: (North-West University, 2024)
Bibliography reference: North-West University. (2024). Building better futures: The importance of
2024 school governing body elections. Press Releases.
Retrieved from <

3.2. An SGB, or School Governing Body, is a group of elected individuals responsible for the
governance and management of a school. Its primary purpose is to ensure the successful operation
of the school by overseeing various aspects such as curriculum alignment, policy development,
infrastructure management, and staff appointments. The SGB acts as a link between the school,
parents, and community stakeholders, addressing concerns and ensuring the best interests of the
school and its learners are always prioritized.

3.3. The BELA Bill (Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill) will bring changes to SGBs by introducing
new governance landscapes that require SGB members to possess knowledge, skills, and expertise in
legal work, policy analysis, and advocacy. This shift is critical in addressing the centralising
tendencies of the BELA Bill and ensuring that national legislation requirements are balanced with the
unique needs of each school community to uphold every child's right to a quality education. The
importance of these changes lies in their potential to significantly enhance the decision-making
process, ensuring that schools operate with transparency and a clear focus on delivering educational
excellence. By electing SGB members with these skills, schools will be better equipped to address
various concerns, such as curriculum issues, bullying, and the relationship between teachers and
learners, fostering a more positive educational environment for all.

3.4. The SGB allows for participation and, as a concept, leans towards the democratic and distributed
leadership style, as well as the collegial management style.
Discuss how each of these leadership/management styles is applied through an SGB and the
potential benefits of applying this leadership/management style.
Please follow the numbering guide and leave spaces between each leadership style.
Suggested structure:
3.4.1. Application of democratic leadership style. (2 marks)
Benefits of democratic leadership style. (2 marks)
3.4.2. Application of distributed leadership style. (2 marks)
Benefits of distributed leadership style. (2 marks)
3.4.3. Application of collegial management style. (2 marks)
Benefits of collegial management style. (2 marks)

3.5. Identify THREE (3) problems that prevent School Governing Bodies (SGBs) from performing their
roles effectively in schools.
For each, identify which leadership approach(es), as determined by Kurt Lewin, the principal should
use to address the problem.
Please note that all answers should be sufficiently justified.
Suggested structure:
3.5.1 Problem 1. (2 marks)
Leadership approach(es) to solve the problem and justification. (2 marks)
3.5.2 Problem 2. (2 marks)
Leadership approach(es) to solve the problem and justification. (2 marks)
3.5.3 Problem 3. (2 marks)
Leadership approach(es) to solve the problem and justification. (2 marks)

3.4.1. Application of democratic leadership style in an SGB:

The democratic leadership style is applied in an SGB through decision-making processes that involve
all members in discussions and voting. This fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment among
SGB members, encouraging them to contribute their ideas and perspectives.

Benefits of democratic leadership style:

1. Enhanced collaboration: Encouraging participation from all members leads to a more diverse set
of ideas, which can result in better decision-making and problem-solving.
2. Increased engagement and commitment: SGB members are more likely to be engaged and
committed to the implementation of decisions they have helped shape.

3.4.2. Application of distributed leadership style in an SGB:

Distributed leadership style is applied in an SGB by sharing responsibilities, tasks, and decision-
making authority among members. This allows for leadership to be exercised at various levels,
leveraging the unique strengths and skills of each member.

Benefits of distributed leadership style:

1. Improved problem-solving: By distributing leadership, a broader range of perspectives and skill
sets can be utilized to address challenges.
2. Enhanced adaptability: Distributed leadership enables an SGB to be more responsive to changes in
the educational environment, as decision-making and problem-solving become more agile and

3.4.3. Application of collegial management style in an SGB:

The collegial management style is applied in an SGB by fostering a collaborative and supportive
environment where open communication, trust, and respect are valued. This approach encourages
consensus-building and shared decision-making, which strengthens the SGB's collective capacity.

Benefits of collegial management style:

1. Increased trust and collaboration: A collegial management style helps to build stronger
relationships among SGB members, fostering an environment of mutual support.
2. Enhanced professional learning: By engaging in open and honest discussions, SGB members can
learn from one another and develop their professional skills and knowledge.

3.5.1. Problem 1: Ineffective communication within the SGB.

Leadership approach(es) to solve the problem: The principal should use a consultative leadership
style, encouraging open communication, active listening, and two-way feedback to address this

A consultative leadership style promotes a culture of openness and transparency, ensuring that all
SGB members have an opportunity to share their thoughts, opinions, and concerns.

3.5.2. Problem 2: Lack of clear role definition and responsibilities within the SGB.
Leadership approach(es) to solve the problem: The principal should adopt a transformational
leadership style to clarify roles and expectations, while also inspiring and motivating SGB members
to achieve their objectives.

Transformational leadership can help to create a shared vision and inspire SGB members to work
towards a common goal, while also providing clear direction and guidance on individual roles and

Problem 3: Resistance to change or new initiatives within the SGB.

Leadership approach(es) to solve the problem: The principal should use a participative leadership
style, inviting SGB members to collaborate on the development and implementation of new
initiatives. This approach can help to build buy-in and support for change.

A participative leadership style enables the principal to leverage the collective wisdom and expertise
of the SGB, fostering a sense of ownership and shared responsibility for the success of new
initiatives. This approach can help to reduce resistance and increase the likelihood of successful

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