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Sustainability Assessment Worksheet (Assignment 3)

Sustainability Assessment Worksheet

For this assignment, you will perform a cost analysis and a stakeholder analysis. You will then summarize your proposal plan to
improve the population health in Tupelo. This worksheet will prepare you to complete the population health improvement plan in
Task 2.

Part 1: Analysis

1. Cost analysis. Considering cost analysis, use the following tables to describe short-term and long-term costs and savings
associated with implementing your proposed chronic care initiative.

Pre-implementation Post-implementation
Financial Statements Cost Tracking Systems: Erect
Describe the types of financial tools
Analysis: it helps in analyzing expense management tools to
you would use to gather the financial
TCMC's historical financial scrutinize and keep tabs on the
data needed to determine the cost of
statements by through which expenses made during the
your strategies.
the financial trends were implementation stage of the
recorded, to realize the current chronic care project.
expenditure patterns, unveil
the focal budget cuts that Outcome Measurement Tools:
might result from the chronic Develop outcome measurement
care plan, and identify the tools such as patient health
baseline financial position outcome indicators, healthcare
before the implementation. utilization and cost to figure out
the effect of implementation of
Budgeting and Forecasting chronic care on the whole
Software: Establish a system quality of life.
of budget management and
forecasting to develop
accurate economic estimates
for the pilot phase.

Short term (Year 1) Long term (Years 3–5)

The first-year chronic care In the long-term (Years 3-5), it
strategy in the short run (Year is critical to continuously invest
1) would demand intensive in the program; this includes
upfront costs and these costs meeting the expectations
need to be taken into account towards the future sustainability
by the government (Barry et and performance (Barry et al.,
al., 2024). This entails the cost 2024). Example of this is who
incurred to train and educate goes to provide staffing
health staff as they need to be supplies, salaries, and other
trained and they have to learn compensation to care
Describe costs you must consider in new protocols, procedures, coordinators, nurses, and other
implementing (short term) and and technologies as a result of healthcare professionals.
sustaining (long term) your chronic care the chronic care management Beyond that, the ongoing
strategies. (Substance Abuse and Mental investment in the technical
Health Services maintenance and the updating of
Administration). Apart from the technologies is a prerequisite
that, technologies and to the upgrading of EHR
resourcing considerations need systems, as well as telehealth
to be addressed, including platforms, so that they become
acquisitions or upgrades of more efficient and comply with
electronic health records the lately updated health care
(EHR) and telehealth needs and regulations.
platforms for the effective
delivery of chronic care.
Positive Negative
Cost Savings: Institution of Initial Investment Costs:
chronic care strategies can Critical treatment of chronic
result in long-term cost conditions may imply
savings for TCMC through its considerable initial spending for
decreased hospital admission staff training, adoption of
and emergency department technology, development of the
visits to limit frequent use of caring coordination
healthcare by patients with infrastructure, and the particular
chronic mental health issues. program creation.
Operational Changes:
Revenue Generation: Augmenting chronic care
Patients who experience the interventions within TCMC's
benefits of the TCMC's current structure might be
Discuss, from a financial perspective,
initiative for chronic care will accompanied by certain part of
the positive and negative impacts of
probably bring more clients operational adjustments and
your new strategies on Tupelo City
the hospital hence a boost in workflow transformations,
Multispecialty Clinic (TCMC).
the revenue streams. thereby creating inconveniences
and disrupting productivity for a
Enhanced Reputation: period of time.
Accomplishing chronic care Reimbursement Challenges:
methods, TCMC may further Reimbursement may be an issue
develop its fame leading depending on the fact how the
health care agency offering payers operate now and their
all-round and personalized policies.
services to the mentally-
challenged residents.
2. Consider stakeholders. Using the table below, define a specific change that each stakeholder group will need to make, the
barriers to making this change, and how the change will benefit that stakeholder group. Some stakeholder groups have been
identified; add other groups you think are missing. (You can add a row by pressing “Enter” at the end of the table if needed.)

Barriers to this proposed change How the change

One change the stakeholder (e.g., equipment, training, benefits this
Stakeholder group group needs to make cultural, other) stakeholder group
Administrators Implementing new chronic care Financial constraints,
Administrators protocols resistance to change,
lack of resources
Doctors Adopting team-based care Lack of time for
Doctors approach training, skepticism
about efficacy
Nurses Utilizing technology for patient Training
monitoring requirements,
resistance to
Patients under 18 years Engaging in self-management Limited access to
Patients under 18
old education resources, lack of
years old
Patients 18–34 years old Participating in preventive care Perceived
Patients 18–34
programs invincibility, time
years old
Patients 35–64 years old Attending regular follow-up Work and family
Patients 35–64
appointments commitments,
years old
transportation issues
Patients 65 years Patients 65 years old or Adopting telehealth for remote Technological
old or older older consultations literacy, access to

3. Strategize an incentive plan. Based on your stakeholder analysis in step 2, propose a specific reward for inclusion in a robust
incentive plan for each stakeholder group (including any additional stakeholders you may have added in step 2).

Stakeholder group Incentive plan item Details/description of implementation

Administrators Performance bonuses based Financial rewards for meeting or exceeding targets for patient
on improved patient health indicators, such as reduced hospital readmission rates
outcomes or increased preventive screenings.
Doctors Continuing education credits Encouragement for doctors to engage in ongoing learning and
or stipends for participation skill development related to collaborative care practices.
in team-based care training
Nurses Recognition program for Acknowledgment and rewards for nurses who demonstrate
outstanding patient care exceptional skill in utilizing technology for patient monitoring
coordination and facilitating seamless communication among healthcare
Patients under 18 Wellness incentives such as Motivation for young patients to actively participate in self-
years old gift cards for achieving management education and adopt healthier lifestyles.
health goals
Patients 18–34 Discounted gym Incentives to encourage young adults to participate in
years old memberships or healthy preventive care programs and engage in regular health
meal vouchers screenings.
Patients 35–64 Flexible appointment Rewards for middle-aged patients who prioritize attending
years old scheduling options or follow-up appointments and actively manage their chronic
priority access to specialists conditions.
Patients 65 years Telehealth support kits Assistance for elderly patients in adopting telehealth services
old or older including devices and for remote consultations, ensuring they have the necessary
technical assistance tools and support for accessing healthcare from home.
4. Evaluate the cultural competency of TCMC. What strategies do you recommend for improving cultural competency to
ensure the initiative’s success?

To improve cultural competency, TCMC should:

 Integrate cultural sensitivity training for employees to deepen knowledge and concerns of the patients with
different characters.
 Hire bilingual staff and utilize interpreter services to make the communication between the non-English-
speaking patients and the staff smooth.
 Design educational materials and outreach programs in line with the cultural beliefs and likes of the
barometer community.

Part 2: Planning

As an administrator at Tupelo City Multispecialty Center (TCMC), you are responsible for developing a plan to improve the
population health in Tupelo. Within this proposal, you should address the concerns of various stakeholders in the implementation,
financial considerations, and feasibility of a population health model for improving patient care for patients with chronic mental
health issues. This proposal could be the model for a larger-scale population health initiative in your area.
1. Write an executive summary. Summarize the findings and recommendations in the chronic care initiative proposal.

Chronic care initiative of mental health issues in thus patients suffering from psychiatric disorders of Tupelo is the
one which readiness the patient and decrease the cost of healthcare of the same (Barry et al., 2024). The Tyneside
Mental Clinic (TMC) is looking to advance mental health care through the use of integrated local care version,
treatment protocols standardization, and community outreach measures, which of course will accomplish more
access to mental health services and putting health and wellness in the center of mental health care.

2. Create a target population profile. Based on your analysis from this assignment and Assignments 1 and 2, describe the target
population. Include the following points:
 disease frequency
 available health services
 resource availability
 health behaviors and beliefs
 health expectations

 Disease frequency: With heavy rates of the mental disorders such as the depression and the anxiety, it is
likely to have an impact on the student’s physical health as well.

 Available health services: While awareness about mental health is critical, yet at the same time barriers of
access to such resources, especially in the rural areas.

 Resource availability: A source of extra funding and a system for care management of chronic care along
with being a requirement.

 Health behaviors and beliefs: The issue of stigma around mental illness, and the scant information about
existing treatment plans.

 Health expectations: The need for people-oriented care, which not only considers physical but also
mental health matters.

3. Describe the critical healthcare risks for the target population.

 Lack of access to mental health services

 Stigma surrounding mental illness
 High rates of untreated mental health disorders

4. Describe key opportunities for improving the health outcomes of this patient population.
 Implement integrated care models
 Enhance community outreach and education programs
 Foster partnerships with community organizations

5. From a cultural perspective, describe what assistance or motivation may help the target population transition from an
illness-based or disease care–based model to a health-promotion or wellness-based model, based on your evaluation.

From the cultural viewpoint the fight for changing the target group behavioral patterns from ‘disease caring’ or
‘illness-centered medicine’ to ‘health promotion’ or ‘wellness adopted’ models can be achieved through offering
culturally specific educational and information programs. Individualizing educational assets like public health
materials and treatment guidelines to consider for people the beliefs, traditions and culture of a community will result
in the increased uptake of preventive care practices (Barry et al., 2024). Also, getting community professionals,
figures of credibility, and other power-houses in the promotion of health advocates would result to the rebuilding and
reinforcing of trust in the community hence the community becomes participative and people’s health would be better.

6. Discuss the tools and process (i.e., an outline of the steps) you would use to calculate the costs of moving from the
current care model for addressing mental health to a wellness-based model.

For calculating expenses of transition from the existing mental-health care model to a well-being-based approach, we
will use the cost accounting methods like tracking costs of staff training, infrastructural upgrades and program
development (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Furthermore, the additional work of a detailed evaluation
of the financial repercussions associated with the implementation, taking into account the cost of entry and the return
on investment stemming from a healthier population and a drop in health care utilization will enable to see the
financial implications of the transition in a better manner.
 Barry, M. M., Kuosmanen, T., Keppler, T., Dowling, K., & Harte, P. (2024). Priority actions for promoting population mental

health and wellbeing. Mental Health & Prevention, 33, 200312.

 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Mental Health By the Numbers. Retrieved from
 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: National Mental Health Services Survey (N-MHSS). Retrieved
 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-
SSATS). Retrieved from
Confidential and Proprietary Information. © Western Governors University. All Rights Reserved.

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