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2018학년도 11월 고1 전국연합학력평가 변형문제 [영어 영역]

영어 가르치는 부산의 문쌤
C.P : 010.2033.8318 // 카카오톡 ID : mchain // email : Moon English

제 3 교시

18. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 혹은 의미상 어색한 것은? 20. 다음 글의 뒤에 이어질 글의 순서를 바르게 나열하시오.
Dear Mr. John Smith, If you were at a social gathering in a large building and you
overheard someone say that “the roof is on fire,” what would be
I am a staff member at the Eastville Library, and I work
weekday afternoons. Each day, as school ① closes, dozens of your reaction? Until you knew more information, your first
students come to the library to do homework, use the inclination might be toward safety and survival.
library’s computers, or ② socialize in a safe place. Many of
these children would otherwise go home to empty houses, and (A) So once the additional facts are understood ― that the
the library is the one place that ③ provides a secure, person was referring to a song and not a real fire ― the
supervised alternative to being home alone. Your proposed
context is better understood and you are in a better
policy of closing libraries on Mondays as a cost cutting
position to judge and react.
measure could be ④ harmful to these children, and I’m certain
there are other ways to save money. I urge you and other city
council representatives to ⑤ develop the plan and to keep (B) But if you were to find out that this particular person was
libraries open! talking about a song called “The Roof Is on Fire,” your
Sincerely, feelings of threat and danger would be diminished.
Kyle Tucker
(C) All too often people react far too quickly and emotionally
over information without establishing context. It is so
important for us to identify context related to information
because if we fail to do so, we may judge and react too

21. (A)~(E)에서 어법상 혹은 의미상 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.

19. 다음 글을 통해 잘못 추론한 내용은?
Imagine that your body is a battery and the more energy this
Clara, an 11-year-old girl, sat in the back seat of her
battery can store, the more energy you will be able to have
mother’s car with the window down. The wind from outside
within a day. Every night when you sleep, this battery is
blew her brown hair across her ivory pale skin ― she sighed
recharged with as (A) [ much / more ] energy as you spent
deeply. She was sad about moving and was not smiling. Her
during the previous day. If you want to have a lot of energy
heart felt like it hurt. The fact that she had to leave everything
tomorrow, you need to spend a lot of energy today. Our brain
she knew broke her heart. Eleven years ― that was a long time
consumes only 20% of our energy, so it’s a must to supplement
to be in one place and build memories and make friends. She
thinking activities with walking and exercises that (B) [ spend
had been able to finish out the school year with her friends,
/ spends ] a lot of energy, so that your internal battery has (C)
which was nice, but she feared she would face the whole
[ more / less ] energy tomorrow. Your body stores as much
summer and the coming school year alone. Clara sighed heavily.
energy as you need: for thinking, for moving, for doing
exercises. The more active you are today, (D) [ the more / the
① Clara의 심정은 기쁨보다는 슬픔 쪽에 가까울 것이다.
less ] energy you spend today and the more energy you will
② 이 글에서 Clara는 어딘가로 이동하는 중이었다.
have to burn tomorrow. Exercising gives you more energy and
③ Clara는 현재의 장소를 옮기는 것을 원하지 않는다.
keeps you from feeling (E) [ awakened / exhausted ].
④ Clara의 친구들은 그녀의 상황에 대해 안타까워 한다.
* supplement: 보충하다
⑤ Clara는 새로운 장소에 대한 두려움을 느끼는 듯하다.
22. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 혹은 의미상 어색한 것은?
영어 영역
영어 가르치는 부산의 문쌤
C.P : 010.2033.8318 // 카카오톡 ID : mchain
// Blog :

24. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Moon English

When we read a number, we are more influenced by the The Number of Jobs Directly Created by Travel and Tourism
leftmost digit than by the rightmost, since that is the order in
which we read, and process, them. The number 799 feels
significantly less than 800 ① because we see the former as
7-something and the latter as 8-something, whereas 798 feels
pretty much like 799. Since the nineteenth century,
shopkeepers have taken advantage of ② this trick by choosing
prices ending in a 9, to give the impression that a product is
cheaper than it is. Surveys show that around a third to
two-thirds of all retail prices now end in a 9. Though we are
all experienced shoppers, we are still ③ fooled. In 2008,
The above graph shows the number of jobs directly created
researchers at the University of Southern Brittany ④
by travel and tourism in 2016 and 2017 for five regions. ① The
monitored a local pizza restaurant that was serving five types
number of jobs directly generated by travel and tourism in
of pizza at €8.00 each. When one of the pizzas was reduced in
North East Asia and South Asia was greater in 2017 than in
price to €7.99, its share of sales ⑤ fell from a third of the total
2016. ② Of the five regions, North East Asia showed the
to a half.
highest number in direct job creation by travel and tourism in
2017, with 30.49 million jobs. ③ In 2016, the number of jobs in
South Asia that travel and tourism directly contributed was the
largest of the five regions, but it ranked the second highest in
2017. ④ Though the number of jobs in North America directly
created by travel and tourism was lower in 2017 than in 2016,
it still exceeded 9 million in 2017. ⑤ In 2017, travel and
tourism directly contributed 5.71 million jobs in Latin America,
which was over five times less than those of Oceania in 2016.
23. (A)~(E)에서 어법상 혹은 의미상 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.
In a (A) [ competent / competitive ] environment, such as a
college admissions process or a job application situation, almost
everyone has strong qualifications. Almost everyone has facts
in their favor. But how valuable are facts alone? Think back to
25. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 혹은 의미상 어색한 표현을 고르시오.
the most recent lecture or presentation you attended. How
Born in 1867 in Cincinnati, Ohio, Charles Henry Turner was
many facts do you remember from (B) [ it / them ]? If you’re
an early pioneer in the field of insect behavior. His father
like most people, you can’t recall many, if any. Chances are
owned an extensive library ① where Turner became fascinated
good, (C) [ therefore / however ], that you remember stories,
with reading about the habits and behavior of insects.
anecdotes, and examples from the event, even if you can’t think
Proceeding with his study, Turner earned a doctorate degree in
of their exact context. The average person today is flooded
zoology, the first African American to do ② so. Even after
with facts and data, and we let most of this (D) [ pass /
receiving his degree, Turner was unable to get a teaching or
passing ] through our brains with minimal retention or reaction
research position at any major universities, possibly as a result
― (E) [ if / unless ] something makes the information stand
of racism. He ③ moved St. Louis and taught biology at Sumner
out in a meaningful way. That’s where story comes in.
High School, focusing on research there until 1922. Turner was
* retention: 기억
the first person to discover that insects are capable of learning,
④ illustrating that insects can alter behavior based on previous
experience. He died of cardiac disease in Chicago in 1923.
During his 33-year career, Turner published more than 70
papers. His last scientific paper ⑤ was published the year after
his death.
* cardiac: 심장의
26. Poetry in the Park에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용을 통해 잘못 추
영어 영역
27. Dinosaur Museum에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용을 통해 잘못 추
론한 것은? 론한 것은?

Dinosaur Museum
Poetry in the Park
Saturday, October 13, 11:00 a.m.― 6:00 p.m. Established in 1993, the Dinosaur Museum has
developed into the largest display of dinosaur and
This annual festival, now in its sixth year, is held with
the support of Riverside Public Library. prehistoric life in Canada.
◈ Poetry Workshop • 9:00 a.m. ― 5:00 p.m. (Monday ― Friday)
• Meet and talk with renowned poets about their poems. • 9:00 a.m. ― 3:00 p.m. (Saturday & Sunday)
Jane Kenny(11:30 a.m.), Michael Weil(12:30 p.m.)
• Learn how to express your feelings poetically.
• $4 for adults, $2 for students & children
◈ Poetry Contest
• Theme for this year’s contest is “Arrivals and Departures.”
• Paint a Dinosaur Egg!
• Only one poem per participant
At 10:00 a.m. every day, kids can paint a dinosaur egg
• Due by 3:00 p.m.
• The winners will be announced at 5:00 p.m. on the day to take home.
on site. • Dinosaur Quiz
At 2:00 p.m. during the weekend, one winner of our
For questions about the festival, dinosaur quiz will be given a real fossil as a prize.
please visit our website at • Guided Tours
The tours run at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. every day.
The tours are free and require no bookings. Just show up!
① 올해 1월부터 9월 사이에는 개최되지 않았다.
② Kenny와 Weil은 같은 시간에 행사를 시작하지 않는다.
• Food and pets are prohibited in the museum.
③ Workshop에서는 시에 대해 배울 기회가 제공된다.
• Please do not touch or climb on the exhibits.
④ Poetry Contest의 수상자는 작품 제출 후 적어도 2시간 이후에
⑤ Poetry Contest의 수상자는 온라인에 게시된다.
① 캐나다의 선사시대에 대해 알 수 있는 곳이다.
② 주중과 주말의 운영 시간이 다르다.
③ 매일 오전에 공룡알에 색칠할 수 있는 시간이 주어진다.
④ 공룡 퀴즈 우승자는 본인이 희망하는 진짜 화석을 얻을 수 있다.
⑤ 투어는 하루에 2번 진행되며, 투어 예약을 할 수는 없다.
28. 다음 글의 뒤에 이어질 문단을 바르게 배열하시오.
영어 영역
영어 가르치는 부산의 문쌤
C.P : 010.2033.8318 // 카카오톡 ID : mchain
// Blog :

30. 다음 글의 분위기로 가장 알맞은 것은?

Moon English

The belief that humans have morality and animals don’t is Albert Einstein once boarded a train from Philadelphia. The
such a longstanding assumption that it could well be called a conductor came around to punch the tickets and said, “Ticket,
habit of mind, and bad habits, as we all know, are extremely please.” Einstein reached into his vest pocket for the ticket, but
hard to break. did not find it. He checked his jacket pocket. No ticket. He
checked his brief case. But still, he could not find his ticket.
(A) The historical tendency, framed in the outdated dualism of The conductor, noting his obvious distress, kindly said, “I know
us versus them, is strong enough to make a lot of people who you are, Dr. Einstein. Don’t worry about your ticket.”
cling to the status quo. Denial of who animals are Several minutes later the conductor turned around from the
conveniently allows for maintaining false stereotypes about front of the traincar to see Einstein continuing to search under
the cognitive and emotional capacities of animals. his seat for the missing ticket. Quickly, he hurried back to
assure the gray-haired gentleman. “Dr. Einstein, Dr. Einstein, I
(B) A lot of people have caved in to this assumption because it know who you are!” he repeated. “Please don’t worry about
is easier to deny morality to animals than to deal with the your ticket.” Dr. Einstein slowly arose from his knees and
complex effects of the possibility that animals have moral addressed the young conductor. “Son, you don’t understand. I,
behavior. too, know who I am. What I don’t know is where I’m going.”

(C) Clearly a major paradigm shift is needed, because the lazy ① frightening ② stunning ③ miserable
acceptance of habits of mind has a strong influence on how ④ satisfying ⑤ humorous
animals are understood and treated.
* dualism: 이원론(二元論) ** status quo: 현재 상태

31. 다음 글의 뒤에 이어질 글의 순서를 바르게 나열하시오.

If you follow science news, you will have noticed that
cooperation among animals has become a hot topic in the mass
29. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 혹은 의미상 잘못된 부분은?
We notice repetition among confusion, and the opposite: we (A) Rats who had been helped previously by an unknown
notice a break in a repetitive pattern. But how do these partner were more likely to help others. Before this
arrangements make us ① feel? And what about “perfect” research was conducted, generalized reciprocity was
regularity and “perfect” chaos? Some repetition gives us a thought to be unique to humans.
sense of security, ② in that we know what is coming next. We
like some predictability. We arrange our lives in largely (B) They each provided help to an unfamiliar and unrelated
repetitive schedules. Randomness, in organization or in events, individual, based on their own previous experience of
is more challenging and more ③ frightening for most of us. having been helped by an unfamiliar rat. Rutte and
With “perfect” chaos we are frustrated by having to adapt and Taborsky trained rats in a cooperative task of pulling a
react again and again. But “perfect” regularity is perhaps even stick to obtain food for a partner.
more horrifying in ④ its monotony than randomness is. It
implies a cold, unfeeling, mechanical quality. Such perfect order (C) For example, in late 2007 the science media widely
does not exist in nature; there are too many forces working reported a study by Claudia Rutte and Michael Taborsky
against each other. Either extreme, therefore, ⑤ feeling suggesting that rats display what they call “generalized
threatening. reciprocity.”
32. (A)~(E)에서 어법상 혹은 의미상 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
영어 영역
34. 밑줄 친 부분 중 글의 흐름상 그 의미가 어색한 것은?
We have to recognize that there always exists in us the Interestingly, in nature, the more powerful species have a
strongest need to utilize all our attention. And this is quite narrower field of vision. The distinction between predator and
evident in the great amount of displeasure we feel any time the prey offers a clarifying example of this. The key feature that
entirety of our capacity for attention is not (A) [ putting / ① distinguishes predator species from prey species isn’t the
being put ] to use. When this is the case, we will seek to find presence of claws or any other feature related to biological
outlets for our unused attention. If we are playing a chess game weaponry. The key feature is the position of their eyes.
with a weaker opponent, we will seek to supplement this Predators evolved with eyes facing ② forward ― which allows
activity with (B) [ another / the other ]: such as watching TV, for binocular vision that offers accurate depth perception when
or listening to music, or playing another chess game at the pursuing prey. Prey, on the other hand, often have eyes facing
same time. Very often this reveals itself in (C) [ conscious / outward, ③ minimizing peripheral vision, which allows the
unconscious ] movements, such as playing with something in hunted to detect danger that may be approaching from any
one’s hands or (D) [ facing / pacing ] around the room; and if angle. Consistent with our place at the top of the food chain,
such an action also serves to increase pleasure or (E) [ attain / humans have eyes that face ④ forward. We have the ability to
relieve ] displeasure, all the better. gauge depth and pursue our goals, but we can also ⑤ miss
* supplement: 보충하다 important action on our periphery. [3점]
* depth perception: 거리 감각 ** periphery: 주변


In other words, events do not take place in a vacuum.

From an economic perspective, a short-lived event can

become an innovative event if it generates goods and services
that can be sold to people, in particular to those from outside 35. (A)~(E)에서 어법상 혹은 의미상 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
the locality. The remarkable growth of art exhibitions, cultural Wouldn’t it be nice if you (A) [ can / could ] take your
festivals and sports competitions, for example, can be analysed customers by the hand and guide each one through your store
in this light. ( ① ) They are temporary activities that can while pointing out all the great products you would like them to
attract large numbers of outsiders to a locality, bringing in new consider (B) [ to buy / buying ]? Most people, however, would
sources of income. ( ② ) But even here, there is a two-way not particularly enjoy having a stranger grab their hand and
interaction between the event and the context. ( ③ ) The drag them (C) [ through / thorough ] a store. Rather, let the
existence of an infrastructure, a reputation, a history of an store do it for you. (D) [ Have / Having ] a central path that
activity for an area may have important effects on the economic leads shoppers through the store and lets them look at many
success or failure of an event. ( ④ ) They depend on an different departments or product areas. This path leads your
existing context which has been in the making for a long time. ( customers from the entrance through the store on the route you
⑤ ) The short-lived event, therefore, would be performed in want (E) [ them / themselves ] to take all the way to the
relation to this long-term context. checkout.
* infrastructure: 기반 시설
36. (A)~(E)에서 어법상 혹은 의미상 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
영어 영역
영어 가르치는 부산의 문쌤
C.P : 010.2033.8318 // 카카오톡 ID : mchain
// Blog :

38. (A)~(E)에서 어법상 혹은 의미상 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Moon English

Color can impact how you perceive weight. Dark colors look The way we communicate (A) [ to influence / influences ]
heavy, and bright colors look less so. Interior designers often our ability to build strong and healthy communities. Traditional
paint darker colors below brighter colors to put the viewer at ways of building communities have emphasized debate and
ease. Product displays work the same way. (A) [ Place / argument. (B) [ For example / In addition ], the United States
Placing ] bright-colored products higher and dark-colored has a strong tradition of using town hall meetings to deliberate
products lower, given that they are of similar size. This will important issues within communities. In these settings,
look more (B) [ stable / staple ] and allow customers to advocates for each side of the issue present arguments for
comfortably browse the products from top to bottom. In their positions, and public issues have been discussed in such
contrast, shelving dark-colored products on top can create the public forums. Yet for debate and argument to work well,
illusion that they might fall over, (C) [ which / what ] can be a people need to (C) [ come / object ] to such forums with
source of anxiety for some shoppers. Black and white, which similar assumptions and values. The shared assumptions and
have a brightness of 0% and 100%, (D) [ respectfully / values serve as a foundation for the discussion. However, as
respectively ], show the most dramatic difference in perceived society becomes more diverse, the likelihood that people share
weight. In fact, black is perceived to be twice as heavy as assumptions and values (D) [ accelerates / diminishes ]. As a
white. Carrying the same product in a black shopping bag, result, forms of communication such as argument and debate
versus a white one, feels (E) [ heavier / lighter ]. So, small but become polarized, which may drive communities apart as
expensive products like neckties and accessories are often sold opposed to (E) [ bring / bringing ] them together.
in dark-colored shopping bags or cases.

39. 다음 글을 바탕으로 볼 때 잘못 추론한 것은?

Some people believe that the social sciences are falling behind
the natural sciences. They maintain that not only does social
37. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 혹은 의미상 어색한 것은? science have no exact laws, but it also has failed to eliminate
Ethical and moral systems are different for every culture. great social evils such as racial discrimination, crime, poverty,
According to cultural relativism, all of these systems are and war. They suggest that social scientists have failed to
equally valid, and no system is better than another. The basis accomplish what might reasonably have been expected of them.
of cultural relativism is the notion ① that no true standards of Such critics are usually unaware of the real nature of social
good and evil actually exist. Therefore, judging whether science and of its special problems and basic limitations. For
something is right or wrong ② is based on individual societies’ example, they forget that the solution to a social problem
beliefs, and any moral or ethical opinions are affected by an requires not only knowledge but also the ability to influence
individual’s cultural perspective. There exists an inherent people. Even if social scientists discover the procedures that
logical inconsistency in cultural relativism, however. If one could reasonably be followed to achieve social improvement,
accepts the idea that there is no right or wrong, then there they are seldom in a position to control social action. For that
exists no way to make judgments in the first place. To deal matter, even dictators find that there are limits to their power
with this ③ inconsistency, cultural relativism creates to change society.
“tolerance.” However, with tolerance comes intolerance, ④ this
means that tolerance must imply some sort of ultimate good. ① 과거의 사회적인 문제가 오늘날에도 비슷하게 존재한다.
Thus, tolerance also goes against the very notion of cultural ② 사회 문제를 사회학자들의 무능함과 연결짓는 사람들이 있다.
relativism, and the boundaries of logic make cultural relativism ③ 글쓴이는 사회 문제를 바라보는 비평가들의 기준이 잘못되었다
⑤ impossible. 고 생각한다.
* tolerance: 관용 ④ 사회 문제는 지적인 능력 이외의 것이 동반되어 발생한다.
⑤ 과거 독재자들은 독재정치를 통해 사회 문제를 바로잡는데 성
40. (A)~(E)에서 어법상 혹은 의미상 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
영어 영역
[41 ~ 42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
We cannot predict the outcomes of sporting contests, which
vary from week to week. This heterogeneity is a feature of Plants are nature’s alchemists; they are expert at
sport. It is the uncertainty of the result and the quality of the transforming water, soil, and sunlight into an array of
contest that consumers find (A) [ attractive / attractively ]. precious substances. Many of these substances are beyond
For the sport marketer, this is problematic, as the quality of the ability of human beings ① to conceive.
the contest cannot be (B) [ guaranteed / unpredictable ], no
promises can be made in relations to the result and no (A) Plants also can’t change location or extend their
assurances can be given in respect of the performance of star reproductive range without help. Many other of the
players. Unlike consumer products, sport cannot and does not substances plants make draw other creatures to them by
display (C) [ consistency / inconsistency ] as a key feature of stirring and gratifying their desire. It is this fact of plants’
marketing strategies. The sport marketer therefore must (D) [ immobility that causes ② them to make chemicals.
rely on / avoid ] marketing strategies based solely on winning,
and must instead focus on (E) [ developing / reducing ] product (B) While we were perfecting consciousness and learning to
extensions such as the facility, parking, merchandise, walk on two feet, they were, by the same process of natural
souvenirs, food and beverages rather than on the core product selection, inventing photosynthesis (the astonishing trick of
(that is, the game itself). converting sunlight into food) and ③ perfect organic
* heterogeneity: 이질성(異質性) chemistry.

(C) Plants can’t move, which means they can’t escape the
creatures that feed on ④ themselves. A great many of the
chemicals plants produce are designed, by natural selection,
to compel other creatures to leave them alone: deadly
poisons, foul flavors, toxins to confuse the minds of

(D) As it turns out, many of the plants’ discoveries in

chemistry and physics have served us well. From plants
come chemical compounds that nourish and heal and delight
the senses. Why would they go to all this trouble? Why
should plants bother to devise the recipes for so many
complex molecules and then expend the energy ⑤ needed to
manufacture them?

41. 위 글의 뒤에 이어질 글의 순서를 바르게 나열하시오.

42. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 잘못된 부분을 2개 찾으시오.

① ② ③ ④ ⑤
[43 ~ 45] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
영어 영역
영어 가르치는 부산의 문쌤
C.P : 010.2033.8318 // 카카오톡 ID : mchain
// Blog : Moon English

Rangan opened his cycle shop early in the morning.

Yesterday he could not attend to business as he was (A) [
lain / laid ] up with high fever, but today he made it up to the
shop to earn money for his family. Shouting to the tea boy in
the next shop for a strong cup of tea, he lined up all the
bicycles to be repaired outside. He took a sip of the tea, (B)
[ thinking / thought ] about the order in which he had to go
ahead with his job. Rangan’s thoughts were disturbed by an
old man walking with his bicycle towards his shop. The old
man was wearing an old turban on his head. His hands and
face were covered in wrinkles. In a gloomy tone, he said,
“Would you please replace the tire? I’ll pay you this
evening.” Feeling sympathy for him, Rangan fixed the
bicycle. He even treated the old man to a cup of tea. The old
man thanked Rangan and left. Rangan worked hard to finish
what he had to do. It was already late evening but there was
no sign of the old man. Doubts filled him. What if the old man
does not return with the money? He regretted (C) [ to fix /
fixing ] up the old man’s bicycle. Suddenly he lost all hope
and he could wait no longer. He locked up his shop later than
usual and cursed (D) [ him / himself ] for getting tricked by
an old man. At home, Rangan was confused. Washing his
greasy hands, he heard a knock at his door. It was the old
man and the tea boy. The old man said, “Your shop was
closed when I returned. ⓐ Luckily, I saw this boy in front of
the shop.” Handing over the money to Rangan, he continued,
“Thanks for your (E) [ hospitality / hostility ].” Rangan
grinned at the kind words the old man spoke to him. The fact
that he had suspected the old man pained his heart.

43. (A)~(E) 중 어법상 혹은 의미상 알맞은 것을 찾아 쓰시오.

(A) _____________(B) _____________(C) _____________
(D) _____________(E) _____________

44. 위 글의 내용을 통해 추론할 수 없는 것은?

① Rangan과 노인이 처음 만난 곳은 Rangan의 가게이다.
② 노인은 Rangan의 가게에서 돈을 지불하지 않았다.
③ 노인을 만난 날 Rangan은 평소보다 더 많은 시간을 일했다.
④ 찻집 소년이 아니었다면 노인은 Rangan의 집 위치를 몰랐을 것
⑤ 노인은 Rangan의 가족에게 감사함을 표현했다.

45. 위 글에서 노인이 밑줄 친 ⓐ처럼 말한 이유는?

① 찻집 소년에게 물건을 구매할 수 있게 되어서
② Rangan에게 돈을 전해 달라고 부탁하기 위해서
③ 자신의 자전거의 행방을 알기 위해서
④ Rangan을 만날 수 있는 방법을 알게 되어서
⑤ 찻집 소년과 Rangan의 관계를 알 수 있어서 ※ 확인 사항
답안지의 해당란에 필요한 내용을 정확히 기입(표기)했는지 확인하시오.
영어 영역 9
18. ⑤ develop ⇒ cancel
19. ④
20. B-A-C
21. (A) much (B) spend (C) more (D) the more (E) exhausted
22. ⑤ fell ⇒ rose
23. (A) competitive (B) it (C) however (D) pass (E) unless
24. ⑤ less ⇒ more
25. ③ moved ⇒ moved to[into]
26. ⑤
27. ④
28. B-A-C
29. ⑤ feeling ⇒ feels
30. ⑤
31. C-B-A
32. (A) being put (B) another (C) unconscious (D) pacing (E)
33. ④
34. ③ minimizing ⇒ maximizing
35. (A) could (B) buying (C) through (D) Have (E) them
36. (A) Place (B) stable (C) which (D)respectively (E) heavier
37. ④ this ⇒ which
38. (A) influences (B) For example (C)come (D) diminishes (E)
39. ⑤
40. (A) attractive (B) guaranteed (C) consistency (D) avoid (E)
41. B-D-C-A
42. ③ perfect ⇒ perfecting, ④ themselves ⇒ them
43. (A) laid (B) thinking (C) fixing (D) himself (E) hospitality
44. ⑤
45. ④

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