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MULI, ALEXIS M. 04.24.

36368 ACT. #3
GEC 07

1. Define the concept of human being.

The concept of a human being is complex, challenging, and yet full of life on a
life-long journey. We can define them as the concepts of mortality, consciousness,
mind, life, and even death. It is what makes us human, or the qualities we have to be
human. As human beings, we're made to be unique compared to other beings, as we
have the capability to think rationally, speak, and also walk straight with our own two
feet. Our brains are much more advanced and developed than those of other creatures.
We each have our own traditions, culture, beliefs, and values that we have always
been practicing since ancient times. We are also bound by social rules and laws that
help us live peacefully and maintain harmony. However, being human means that we
are not made to be perfect. We make a lot of mistakes, from which we can always
learn. In conclusion, humans are imperfect yet special, as we are gifted to be more
developed, advanced, and special among other beings.

2. Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives

a. Smith (2012)

According to Smith (2012), science cannot define humanity due to varied

opinions and limited evidence. We cannot define humanity itself since everyone has
their own different perspectives, experiences, ideas, and opinions, even if we
scientifically define it. There’s also a lack of solid evidence to back up any theories
behind our humanity. As I have said previously, humanity is complex and unique. It is
understandable why Smith would say that science itself cannot fully understand or
explain humanity. We vary from each other as we view things differently. Obtaining
evidence is challenging as well due to a lack of resources and research. The lack of
research may be due to the limits of our technology to conduct a thorough study of
our humanity.

b. Blakemore and Greenfield (1987)

Blakemore and Greenfield (1987) highlighted that human intellect

distinguishes us from other creatures, enabling self-awareness and consciousness
necessary for accomplishing human tasks, discovering truths, and advancing as a
species. In other words, we are different from other creatures due to our intellect or
mind. We posses a unique and advanced brain than other beings, as we are able to
have consciousness and self-awareness. This help us to change and evolve
drastically than other living things. It is as if we are fast learners than any other
beings due to our technological advancements in a matter of time. Therefore, having
intellect distinguishes and separates us from animals. We are able to achieve more
things, assess and discover truths, create innovative inventions, and develop our
community unlike animals.
c. Martin Heidegger

Heidegger’s concept of "Dasein,” which means “being there,” focuses on the

“modes of existence” or the “who” of "Dasein." These terms emphasize our existence
in the world, how we were ‘Dasein’ and experience life as a ‘Dasein’. In simpler
terms, it emphasizes how we were being in the world, or how we exist in it, and the
experience we acquire just by existing. It is established by two main things: Dasein
exists in a world, and Dasein has a self. Dasein exists in a world, which means we live
in a world surrounded by people, objects, animals, and nature.We have a home in
which we co-exist together. On the other hand, Dasein has a self, which means that
we have our own identity as we exist in the world, which tells us who we are.

3. What is Human Flourishing?

Human flourishing refers to a state in which humans seek to improve and have
a better quality of life. It is in order to achieve maximum satisfaction and goals for our
well-being. It is essential for us because it makes us happy, healthy, and successful.
We seek opportunities to reach our full potential and lead fulfilling lives. It is the idea
of living our best life to the fullest as possible.

4. What is Aristotle's Viewpoint in human flourishing?

Aristotle believed that every person has a purpose in life, and it's our job to
figure out what that purpose is and strive to achieve it. He believed that we have a
natural curiosity to seek and understand the truth. As humans, we strive to become
better people with morality and act on our ideas accordingly.Aristotle thought that by
doing these things, we can achieve our goal of flourishing and happiness, or
eudaemonia (eudaimonia).

5. What is Eudaemonia?

It is a Greek word that might mean "happiness," “a life well lived,” or

“flourishing to humans." Overall, it refers to a life fulfilled with happiness,
contentment, and prosperity. It is our stage in life where we achieve to live a life at its
fullest by being good, healthy, and satisfied with our own well-being. We live with a
reason, finding our purpose in life to strive for our personal welfare and protection.

6. What is Epicurus Viewpoint?

According to Epicurus, balance and temperance are the key to happiness. It

means that we must be wise and be self-controlled at all times in order to be happy.
By living moderately makes it more enjoyable and maximizes satisfaction when we
experience happiness. He also agrees with hedonism, which values pleasure, but he
emphasizes the need of making smart decisions and using practical wisdom to balance
it and prevent pain for general well-being. In conclusion, happiness comes from
achieving a balance between pleasure and pain while making right decisions in life.

7. What is Nietche's Viewpoint?

For many philosophers, happiness could be a “constant state of well-being."
But for Neitche viewpoint on happiness, it suggest that happiness is an “ideal state of
laziness." Laziness for him is described as not having any worries or distress in life. It
means that being happy will lead to laziness, which is a state wherein we don’t
experience distress and no longer have anxiety in life. He believes that we will only
achieve true happiness when our lives are at ease because we no longer feel the
burden and pressure of life. It differs from other philosophers as the goal of happiness
according to Nietche is to be free of any worries and obstacles in life. Life will no
longer be challenging in a state of laziness.


⮚ Studocu. (n.d.). Module 3 Human Flourishing - HUMAN FLOURISHING Name:

Course and year Level: Instructor: Specific - StudOCU.



⮚ Memije-Cruz, L. (2019, July 13). Human flourishing in science and technology:

Technology as a Mode of Revealing [Slide show]. SlideShare.


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