Exposición Ingles

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Exposición Ingles

Hello my name is Rodrigo and i´m goingo to explain in this exhibiton some of my life,
some about my family, a description about my two villages, a brief introduction about
football and some of my football stage. First of all, my name is Rodrigo and my
surnames are Serrano and Martínez.
I start my student career in the kindergarten `The Peace´, afterward I study in the school
C.E.I.P Primo de Rivera but they changed this name for C.E.I.P `The Peace´ until
twelve years old. I study all the E.S.O and Bachillerato in the high school I.E.S
`Santiago Grisolía´. And now I’m studying in the University of Castilla-La Mancha in a
primary education degree. About of me, I have eighteen yaers old and I measure
approximately one hundred ninety centimeters. I have two scars, one of this is between
my eyes and the other under the gut because I have had apendicitis surgery.
About of my family I have one father and one mother whoses names are Veridiano and
Raquel, I love both but I prefer spend time with my father because I have the same
tastes and when I stay with him the time flies. I have two brothers whoses names are
Alvaro and Alejandro, Alvaro has fifteen years old and Alejandro has twenty years old,
both brothers are smaller than me in height. My dad has fifty-five years old and my
mum has fifty yeras old. In my family have a loto f problems just like in other familys
but we always love each other.
I have two villages whoses names are Saelices for my mother and Montalbo for my
father. First of all, I talking about Saelices, this is my favourite village because when I
was little I always went there. In this village you can visit Segobriga what is a roman
city in ruins with a lot of sites to visit for example the roman fórum,etc.
Saelices have 2 parties one in may and one in september, both parties are in honor for
the virgin but in my opinion I prefer the party for may because is more sentimental than
the partie for september and people dance to the virgin and Christ.
However, Montalbo I dont have the same feeling because I dont spend the same time in
both villages. Instead, last summer I worked in the swimming pool as a lifeguard and I
have made good friends in there. In Montalbo you can visit ``The Mirador´´ and you
can see the lagoon of El Hito. The partie of Montalbo is in September and the people
dance to Christ too.
Nevertheless, I’m not going to expand on this too much and I’m going to talk about
Football for me is not just a sport but it’s my life, because thanks of my dad I found the
sport that has change my life. It’s not just about kicking a ball but It is the feeling that
value that makes you want to continue top lay this sport.
Finally, Throughout these years and I have realized that I play for whatever team I play,
I will always play football. I played in E.M.F Cuenca for all my life but this year I go to
U.B Conquense because There was a lot of promise for the things we could do with the
team. The last year I have played in the Balona Conquense 5 matches, and I liked play
football in a high category. This year with all my teammates we have achieved ascend to
the highest youth category.

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