Homework 10 PDF

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Alumno: Daniel Romero Torres.


Complete the sentences with too or enough.

1-Can I open the window? It’s_____too___________hot.

2-Please can you turn up the CD player? It isn’t loud_____ enough. ___

3- My ladder isn’t long __enough_______. Can I borrow your ladder?

4- Can you read that again, Jane? This reading isn’t good ___ enough_______ .

5- My bag is __too ______ small. I can’t fit all these books in it.

6-Can you speak up, please? Your voice is__ too_____ quiet.

7-Today’s homework is___too________ easy. My five-year-old sister can do it!8

8-Could you all stop talking, please? It’s not quiet__ enough_______ .

9-Can I switch the heating on? It’s ______ too __________ cold.

10-This computer is old and slow. It’s not fast ____ enough_____ .

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