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Ind1an History
North Indian Inscriptions Post-Mauryan Inscriptions
Mauryan inscriplions > Heliodorus's BesnagarGarud Pllar inscrnpton (Second
Ashokan Inscription half of 2nd century BC) This p1llar inscr1pthon is
situated in Besnagar village (Bhilsa distrct, Madhya
1. Till date 40 Ashokan inscriptions have been found. Pradesh). This inscribed pillar was erected in front of
2. In Ashokan inscriptions only Karuwaki among hus the Vishnu Temple by Heliodorus (an ambassador sent
queens and only Teevar among his children have been by Antiolcides (1 15 BC-110 BC), the Indo-Bactrian ruler,
mentioned. to the court of Bhagabhadra, the Shung king).
In Ashokan inscriptions the word Pasand' for In this inscription Heliodorus called himself
'Bhagwat' that confirms he was the follower of
Sampradaya i.e. community, 'Bambhan' for Brahmana Bhagwat religion. This pillar was surmounted by a
and 'Nigrath' for Nirgranth ie. Jain have used. sculpture of Garudand wasdedicated to the god Vishnu
Bhabru inscription is the only Ashokan inscription in It confirms the relig1ous impact of India on Greeks.
which Boustrophendon (Bailmutti i.e. writing like piss Dhanadeo's Avodhya Stone Inscription (1"Century BC):
ofan ox) scriptis used. This script is abidirectional script It is encarved on a stone-piece which is 1km away from
i.e. from right to left and left toright in alternate line. Ayodhyanagar in Basti district of Uttar Pradesh state.
In Yerragudi inscription (Andhra Pradesh) the matter It is written in Sanskrit language and Brahmi script It
of inscription is written in Brahmi script but right to left is the earliest available inscription written in Sanskrit
(Note-Brahmi script is written from left to right language. This was inscribed by Dhanadeo of Shung
direction only). dynasty. It contains the information about Pushyamitra
Shung, founderofShungdynasty, their capitalAyodhya,
6 In four Ashokan inscriptions found from Maski, Gurjara, Ashwamedha Yajnas performed twice by him, victory
Nittur & Udegolam, the word 'Ashoka' is used for him. over the Greek etc.
Bhabru inscription is the only Ashokan inscription in Kharavela's Hathigumpha Inscr1ption (! Century
whichMauryanking Ashokacalledhimself'Magadhiraj' BC) This inscription is inscribed on the upper part
i.e. Raja of Magadh. of Hathigumpha (Gumpha is an Odeshi synonym of
Ashokan Junagadh (Gimar) Major Rock Edict is the Hindi word Gupha i.e cave). It was inscribed by
Kharavela, the Cheti/Chedi or Mahameghavahan ruler
inscription on which later Saka ruler Rudradaman
(130-50 AD) and Gupta ruler Skandagupta (455-67 AD) of Kalinga. It is written in Prakrit language and Brahmi
script. It throws light on the life of Kharavela, his acts
inscribed their inscriptions. and the events of his reign vearby year (from coronation
4Ashokan Allahabad Pillar Edict is the inscription on to 13!h years of his rule). It described the Kalinga ruler
which the inscription of four persons are inscribed Kharavela and his queen as the patron of Jain religion.
Ashoka, Karuwaki,Samudragupta &Jehangir. Kharavela was a follower of Jain religion and he took up
i0 The first discOvered inscription of Ashoka is Meerut the title Bhikshuraj'. This inscription describes how he
Delhi Pillar Edict which was discovered in 1750 AD by invaded Magadh and made their ing Brihaspatimitra
Joseph Tiefenthaler an European Jesuit Missionary & (Shung dynasty) pav homage at his feet. He returned
Geographer. home (i.e. Kalinga)with thestatue and the foot-marks of
the first Jina (i.e. Rishabhadeva) which had been carried
Ashokan inscriptions are generally written in Brahmi
away three centuries ago by king Nanda. The important
script and Prakrit language. points among other details of the inscription are
12 Though Prakrit was the language used in Ashokan Extension of the old canal (excavated by king Nanda)
inscription, the script varied from region to region up to the capital Kalinga from Tanasuliya; Construction
Brahmi script in Eastern India, Kharosthi script in of Mahavijava palace; Construction of a large temple at
North-Western ndia and Greek & Aramaik scripts in Bhubaneshwar etc. In this inscription he called himself
Western India. 'Chakravarti' ruler. This is the first inscription in which
the word 'Bharatvarsha' is mentioned.
13. In Manshera & Shahbajgadhi (both in Pakistan) Nagagn1ka's NanaghatCave lnscription (Second half of
Inscription Kharos thi script (Script that is written from
right to left) is used. 1'Century BC): This inscription is found from acave
of Nanaghat in Poona (Pune) district of Maharashtra
14 In Shara-i-Kuna (Kandhar, Afghanistan) Inscription state. It is written in Prakrit language and Brahmi
Greek & Aramaik script is used. script. Itwas inscribed by Satavahanà ruler Shatakarni's
15. Devdatta Ramkrishna (D.R.) Bhandarkar has written a wife Nagagnika who was a daughter of Maharathi of
book 'Ashoka' (Published in 1925 AD) which is based Maharashtra. It throws light on the achievements of
only on the inscriptions of Ashoka. Shatakarni (20 BC...). In this Inscription Shatakarni is
Dasharatha's Nagarjuni Cave Inscription (220 B):This called 'Apratihatchakra' 'Dakshinadhipati , Dhan of
inscription is found in Nagarjuni hills situated in Jehanabad Simuk Vansha' etc. It mentions Yajnas (ie sacrifices)
district of Bihar state. This inscription is written in Prakrit Ashwamedha Yajna (2 times), Rajasuya Yajna,
language and Brahmi script. According to the inscription, Agnadheya Yajna etc--performed by Shatakarni. It
king Dasharatha (grandson of Ashoka) donated three caves contains the information that at the time of death of
namely Vapika, Gopika &Vadithika cave to Ajivika monks Shatakarniboth his sons--Shaktishri&Vedashri--were
so that they could reside in the rainy season. minor, so their mother Nagagnika held the power in
her hand as regent.
Sudarsana Lake. According tn
the Sularsana Lake which
Giautami Balashri's Nsik Cve
Pashasi nscripioN
Nasiknagar Chandragupta Maurya and existed
il41 AD): It is found fronn a cave on Satavahana provincial governor of

ruler Gautamiputra
lt throws light
Maharashtra state. Shatakarni
inscribed in 141 AD by his
(l06-13(0 AD). It

mother Gautamni (130-154
the Sudarsana
Lake and
governor ofAshoka
time of Rudradaman.
(i.e. land grant) had been
oa donor. It contains the Guptagiven
to Samudragupta). gen
in the reign of Vashishthiputra sometimes Sudarsana became Dudarsana. SalotoSamudragupta' s Gaya Copper F
AD). Due to this
Known as
reason, this
inscription is
Pulmavi's Nasik Prashasti
throws light on victories
this lake from hissOWn pocket and } Rudradan
found from Gaya of Bihar state
taxon the public. The repairing had not copper plate inscription.
inscription is similar to the co
the supervision of Suvishakh, thework wa Chandragupta-lI's Udaygiri Insc
Inscription. This inscription and his devotion towards
of Gautamiputra he took up
to the inscription,'Saka-Yavan of Rudradaman. This is thefirst provin
the religion.'Khativa-dap-man-madanas',
the title of
Palhav-Nisudanam', 'Khakharat - Vas -
Yas-Patithapan-Karas' etc.
the first time Laxmi alongwith
Inseriptions of Gupla Period
Pradeshstate.The first cavewase
belonging to Sankanik region
and the second cave by Veerse
on two caves at Udaygiri hills no

Karas', 'Satavahana - Kula Tri-Sanmudra-Toya-Pita Samudragupta's P'rayag (Allahabad(minister of peace and war) of
He also took up the title of waters of three
Inscription (360 AD) : This pillar insch inscription throwslight on victo
Vahanai.e, one whose horses drank the inside the fortat Allahabad andnoti
seas in the East, West and South
(identified as the Bay tinits on
by Chandragupta-II.
Pravag(Kosambi).ThePrashasti(.eeulom Chadra's Meharauli (Delhi) Iro
Indian Sea).
of Bengal, the Arabian Sea & the
Mathura Stone Pillar Inscription of Huwishka's Time
scomposed by Harishena the Mahasan concernedCinta
with the king namec
ruler Chandragupta
(the minister of peace and war) of Sarm
(106 AD):It is inscribed on the pillar found from a red
well near Chaurasi Jain Temple at Mathura in Mathura
iswritten in Sanskrit lanyudge and brahm is found from Damodarpur
district ofUttar Pradesh state. Atpresent this inscription earlierpart of the inscription 1S composedin Northern Bengal. Damodarpu
It is written i
is conserved in Mathura Museum. It is written in Prakrit
the later part of the inscription is in pns Brahmi script. This inscriptior
language and Brahmi script. It was inscribed by a donor light on the coronation of 5amudragupta,h Bengal was a part of Kumarg
namely Sarakman of Kushan's ruler Huwishka's time. in all directions and his personality. The light on state organisation an
It states achief who deposited money as a'Akshaynivi" sentence running into 33 lines in it. The c of Gupta period.
(i.e. permanent amount whose interest only can be gh lineAnnouncement of Chandragupta Kumargupta-I's Mandsore S
spend not the principal) to a guild of floor millers for that Samundragupta willbe his successorj inscribed on a stone-piece of a
the maintenance of 100Brahmanas out of the monthly by "Tulyakulajas' due to coronation of Sa river in Mandsore of Madhya
commerce and i
interest on it. The last line of this inscription states Content of 13th line-Victory over A on decline of
that the pious fruit of this grant firstlv goes to the king Nagasena, annexation of Pataliputra; Con Period. This inscription descr
weavers migrated from Lat
Huwishka it displays the respect to the king in the 18th line-Samudragupta described as Dashpur (Mandsore) due to th
minds of general people. only ally was valour (Parakrama) througi They settled in Dashpur (Mar
Ushabhadata's Nasik Cave Inscription (1 Century AD) of his own arm', 'whose body is coverel there a temple dedicated tog
:It is inscribed in Dhasami cave of PanduLena in Nasik marks caused by various weapons;Conte Skandagupta's Girnar/Junaga
city of Maharashtra state. Itis written in Prakritlanguage lineVictory over 12 rulers of Dakshinapat light on theprovincial admini
and Brahmi script. It was inscribed by Ushabhadata, of 21 line--defeating of 9 rulers of Nag It describes the appointment
son-in-law of Kshaharat strap ruler of Nasik Nahpan. Kosambi; Content of 22nd line- Victory o Governor) and the qualities
It defines the boundries of Nahpan state. It contains Subordination accepted by 5 states of Ea contains the information th
Lake was damage
the information about the guild system of that time. region; Content of 24th Jine Subordinati Sudarsana
repaired by Chakrapalita [t
According to the inscription, Ushabhdata deposited by Kider-Kushan ruler LDevaputra Shaahi S
of the city) of Girnar city anc
3,000 Kahapana (Karshapana) as a 'Akshayanivi' Saka ruler Rudrasena-III, Saka-Murund Sune'Gopta' of Saurashtra. In this
(i.e, permanent amount) in which 2,000 Kahapana to (Sri Lankan) king Meghavarna, Jawa, is described as'Kalyankari Ra
weaver's guild of Govardhana and 1,000 Kahapana
other weavers' guild. The interest of this amount can islands; Content of 27th line- -Samudragup
expert in and Chakrapalita as 'Adarsh
as Kaviraja' because he was sO city protector).
be spend for clothes and other things of Bhikshus who Co Skandagupta's Bhitari Pillar
Narad and Tunmbaru were ashamed; Patront situatedo
resided in the DhasamiCave of Pandu Lena. line- described as on a pillar which is
Rudradaman's Junagadh/Girnar Incription (150 AD):
Itis inscribed on astone-piece which is situated at Girnar
Content of 29th-30th line -Samudragupl in Ghazipur district of
Maharajadhi in Sanskrit language and Bra
Uttar P
as 'Lichchhawi Dauhitra', pillar, the con
hills near Junagadh city of Gujarat state. It is written Prachir(wall the erection of
in Sanskrit language and Brahmi script. It is the first (incarnation) of Vishnu', which the statue of Bhagwan
long Sanskrit inscription of India. It was inscribed by Dharma' (religion) etc. : nths was
established and
Eran Inscription from Bhitari village for
Saka ruler Rudradaman. According to the inscription,
Rudradaman defeated various kings and annexed their
Samudragupta s is called
Sarvarajoch Skandagupta. It contains the
According toths Srigupta to
Skandagupta). I
states--Akara (East Malwa), Avanti (West Malwa). uprooter of all kings). states of Huns.
Anupa, Anart (North Kathiawar), Saurashtra (South
Was married with Datta Devi. It Skandagupta's Indore Copp
(i.e. Eran) was his Swabhoganagar(iePlate
contains the information at
Kathiawar), Subhra (the region on the Sabarmati). concerrned w
Maru (Marwar), Kuccha (Cutch), Sindhu (East of the Samudraguptas Nalanda Copper
monastery) (i.e. community
It is found from a Vihar' (i.e. Sanskrit
lower Indus), Suvira (West ofthe lower Indus), Kukura. of Bihar state. It is writtenplateinscriptini
Aparant (North Konkan) && Nisbada (West Vindhva ins
&Aravali). From this inscription we get the history Brahmi script. This copper on

nature contains the conditions

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