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The Gods and Goddesses of Greek & Roman Mythology and Plot Synopsis

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:
1. identify the various prominent figures in Greek and Roman mythology,
2. describe the Gods & Goddesses considering their role in Greek mythology and its
relevance to the present society,
3. and express one’s insight from the plot synopsis, and
4. evaluate the lesson that the myth implies.

II. Preliminaries : Let’s try if you can guess these known products or companies that
originate/ inspired its name or symbol from Greek mythology.
1 2 3 4

1. NIKE- is the gigantic shoe and sportswear company, nike is the name of the Greek
goddess of victory and the sign of “swoosh” inspired by Greek warriors as it gives them
great and enormous power.
2. Starbucks - is a well known global brand of coffee company. Its logo is a Twin Tailed
Siren from Greek mythology which were dangerous but beautiful sea creatures.
3. Dove - is a personal care brand owned by Unilever in UK. This was branded after
Aphrodite’s symbol (dove) the Greek goddess of beauty and love.
4. Mercury Drug Store – this pharmacy chain in the Philippines is named after Mercury
(Greek: Hermes) the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology , whose caduceus is
sometimes used as symbol of medicine.

Have you heard of any Greek or Roman Gods and Goddesses before? What is
mythology? What is the relevance of the Greek and Roman mythology to the
world literature?

III. Input :
World Literature: Greek and Roman

World literature has several major events that covers a wide range
of literary pieces. There are developments in the writing processes and
the historical events that happened in the field of literature that led to
the expansion of the love for reading, the love for literature, and the
love for the past in connection to the future. The Greek and Roman
mythology were the first to relay tales and their philosophers were
able to identify them wether: human versus human, human versus
nature, or human versus self. It started with Virgil’s Aeneidi which is
regarded to the preeminent epic of Rome. Homer is also credited as
the as author of the first Ancient Epics in the form of Iliad and Odyssey. These epics and
narrative poems were written that show incarnations of the rich oral traditions that
Greece has. The ancient literature of Greek and Roman clarifies, tells, and aids to
improve the evolution of human dealings. Literature in Rome talks about their culture
and accomplishments while literature in Greece did more than just tell mere stories. It is
said that the primary purpose of GrecoRoman literature is to provide the relationship
between the individual or the community and the reality of one’s existence. Through
these reasons, the birth of literary classics started.
Classical world is the term normally used for the civilization that took place in Ancient
Greece and was the foundation of the Romans. It is believed that the Greek and Roman
writers chronicled several myths in relation to stories about the gods and goddesses who
are somewhat always present in stories about the phases of life whether from childbirth,
weather, harvesting, or meeting and dealing with people. They would also disguise as
humans and display human qualities such as being jealous, being loved, being provoked
through anger, and being disposed to temptations.
One of the richest mythologies belongs to the ancient Greeks where
they worship several gods and goddesses. The Romans adopted many
of the Greek myths when it conquered majority of Europe. Both the
Greeks and Romans believed in the existence of gods and goddesses
and this belief was manifested in their literature.
Mythology (from the Greek: mythos for story-of-the-people and logos
for word or speech, so the spoken story the people) is defined as a
collection of myths or stories about a specific person, culture, religion,
or any group with shared beliefs.


1.Cronus (Saturn) -leader of the titans; father of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera,
Demeter, Hades, Hestia
2.Rhea (Ops) -mother of the Gods; wife of Cronus; the goddess of
3.Zeus (Jupiter) -the supreme god, ruler of the sky; has power over
the rain , thunder, and lighting
4. Hera (Juno) -wife of Zeus and queen of the gods; protector of
5.Poseidon (Neptune) -the god of the sea
6.Hades (Pluto/Dis) -the god of the underworld
7.Demeter (Ceres) -the goddess of the earth/agriculture
8.Pallas Athena (Minerva) -the goddess of wisdom; the battle goddess
9.Hestia (Vesta) -the goddess of the hearth/fire
10.Aphrodite (Venus) -the goddess of love and beauty
11.Apollo (Apollo) -the god of poetry, music, medicine, and light; the
most Greek among the gods
12.Hephaestus (Vulcan) -the god of fire and craftsmanship
13.Ares (Mars) -the god of war
14.Persephone (Proserpina) -the wife of Hades; the queen of the underworld
15.Hermes (Mercury) -the messenger of the gods
16.Eros (Cupid) -the god of love
17.Dionysus (Bacchus) -the god of wine, music, and fertility
18.Artemis (Diana) -the goddess of hunt and childbirth

Some of the gods and goddesses survived the classical era because they were
considered to be important in Greece and Rome. This is seen through the preservation of
the temples, theatres, and other well preserved objects with mythological scenes.



The Children of Rhea about How Zeus Rescued His Siblings


CRONOS – king of the titans POSEIDON- god of the sea

RHEA – queen of the titans HADES- god of the Underworld
AMALTHEA- a goat-nymph TYPHON- a monster
ZEUS- king of the god

The first rulers of the universe were the Titans, the offspring and descendants of
Uranus and Gaia. A race of giant immortals, they wielded enormous power, but did not
rule in harmony. The real trouble began when Cronos, the chief Titan, began to have
children with his wife Queen Rhea. Their offspring (the gods and goddesses) fought a
long and bitter war against the older Titans before finally achieving victory under their
leader Zeus.

Cronos, king of the Titans, took the Titaness Rhea as his queen. Soon the couple
began to have children. But there was a problem. Cronos had been told by an oracle
that one of his children would kill him. To prevent this, each time a baby was born;
Cronos took the child and swallowed it. This happened five times, so when she gave
birth for the sixth time, Rhea decided to deceive her husband. She hid her baby, Zeus,
and wrapped a stone in swaddling clothes. Cronos took the stone and swallowed it, and
Rhea secretly sent Zeus to Crete, where he was brought up by a faithful goat-nymph
called Amalthea and nourished on honey supplied by Cretan bees.

Amalthea died as Zeus was nearing adulthood, and he had her skin made into a
magically strong shield. Zeus had learned about his parentage and how his father had
treated his siblings, and now decided that he would return to Greece and take his

Back in Greece Zeus met Metis, a cunning Titaness who told him that it was not too
late to rescue his siblings. Metis gave Zeus a drug, which he in turn administered to
Cronos the Titan, causing him to vomit up his five other children: the gods Poseidon and
Hades, and the goddesses Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. Then Zeus freed the Cyclopes, a
race of one-eyed giants sent to the Underworld by Uranus and kept there by Cronos.
They also wanted to take their revenge on the Titans.
In Greek mythology, aside from the major gods and goddesses who lived in mount
Olympus, there were other gods and goddesses with minor roles or activities. They are
known as the lesser gods and goddesses. They live in caves, rivers, oceans, and in other
parts of the earth some were mentioned in plot synopsis.
Greek and Roman mythology has a lot of stories to tell that concern the nature of
the world and practices they are into. Though the only purpose of the Greek and Roman
writers of myths were certainly used for religious and educational and aesthetic function
of entertainment but some elements of myths were popular with a wide section in Greek
society through their common representation in art, whether that can be sculpture on
public buildings or scenes painted on pottery as evidences in this modern times. Even
people outside their country were inspired and amazed about it.

If you want to explore more about mythology stories kindly search and watch the
links below in youtube:
IV. Review :
Key points to remember…

1. World literature has several major events that covers a wide range of literary
2. The Greek and Roman mythology were the first to relay tales and their
philosophers were able to identify them whether: human versus human, human
versus nature, or human versus self.
3. Greek and Roman mythology has a lot of stories to tell that concern the nature of
the world and practices they are into. Though the only purpose of the Greek and
Roman writers of myths were certainly used for religious and educational and
aesthetic function of entertainment but some elements of myths were popular
with a wide section in Greek society through their common representation in art,
whether that can be sculpture on public buildings or scenes painted on pottery as
evidences in this modern times. Even people outside their country were inspired
and amazed about it.

V. Learning Task 1

1. Answer the following exercises.

1.1 Activity 1: Read and understand each question carefully. Encircle/ Click the
letter of your answer.
1.2 Activity 2: Answer the following questions comprehensibly. Elaborate your
2. For online students, please check posted google forms in the classwork portal in our
google classroom and answer the quiz there. Do not forget to click submit button
once done.
3. For modular students, please see and answer the attached learning task.
VI. References / Materials

Abarabar, MT. A., Estipona, MIB. P., Galvez, N. M. JR., Magbitang, VA. D., Ribo, L.M.
Language in Literature World Literature. Vibal Group, Inc.
Bautista, M.V. (2017). Learning English Language and World Literature . CAJ Publishing
Cruz, A. B., Granada, A.A., Magno, F.P. (2015). Breaking Ground through English World
Literature. Ephesians Publishing Inc.
Gonzales, C.T., Sim, A.T., Valencia, A. V., Bogornia, A.M., Yu, P.R. (2015). Essential
English Worktext in Literature and Language. Rex Book Store.
Mendez, E.L., Gabelo, N.C. (2015). Facets A Complete Integrated Worktext on
Communication Skills. Innovative Educational Materials, Inc.
Tagay, Brutas, Esteban. 2019. Journeying through Literature and Language 10. Don Bosco
Press, Inc.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Department Chair – JHS



School Director/ Principal

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