Lease Agreement-Wps Office

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This Agreement is made this 29th day of March, 2021.


ORFO ORTESE (hereinafter referred to as the Leasor) of Ortese Gwarche

residence, Mbausa, Mbagbam-Ute, Vandeikya Local Government Area, Benue


MR. AMASEKAVEN GWAJIME (hereinafter referred to as the Leasee) of

Tse Gwajime Akighir residence, Mbausa, Mbagbam-Ute, Vandeikya Local
Government Area, Benue State.

That I, ORFO ORTESE has agreed to give out (Lease) my portion of land
located along Tse Gwajime Road, close to the late Ijirkaa Aboshin's land as
collateral to Mr. AMASEKAVEN Gwajime at the sum of One Hundred and
Twenty Thousand Naira (N120,000.00).

It is agreed in good faith by both parties that Mr. Amasekaven Gwajime will be
farming on the land within two (2) years (starting from 29th March 2021 to
29th March, 2023) and within the said two years, the money will be paid back
to him (Mr. Amasekaven Gwajime) without deduction and interest; but if the
money is not paid within the aforementioned two years stated above, the Leasee
(Mr. Amasekaven Gwajime) will continue to farm (cultivate) the land until the
day the money will be completely paid.
_______________________ ______________________
(Lessor) (Leasee)


Witness to Lessor: Witness to Leasee:

1. Name: Ange Terfa 1. Name: Agber Terhemba

Address: Ange Ibier Residence Address: NKST Church Kusu,

Mbausa, Mbagbam-Ute. Mbagbam-Ute

Sign & date:………………………. Sign & date:…………………

2.Name: Orfo Tertsegha (son). 2. Name: Igbawua Tavershima

Address: Ortese Gwarche Residence. Address: NKST Church Ibier,

Mbausa, Mbagbam-Ute. Mbausa, Mbagbam-Ute

Sign & date:………………………. Sign & date:…………………

Oriv. D.I. Noon JP
(Orivangeli, Katekisema u Ibier)
Witness to both the Lessor and Leasee

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