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3 AN INFORMAL EMAIL From: Sally Barnes [Barnes@hotmail.

To: Goran []
a Goran is a tude nt from C roatia w ho's Subject: Your trip
going to study English in the U K. He's
going to stay w ith a fami ly. Read the ema il
from M r Barne and com plete it w ith T hank you for your email. We're very happy that you're coming
ex pressio ns from the list . to stay with us this summer, and we're sure you're going to enjoy
your stay with us.
Best wishes Dear Goran What time are you arriving at Stansted airport? If you send us your
PS Looking forward to hearing from you flight number and arrival time, we can all meet you in Arrivals. Can
you send us your mobile number too?
b Read the ema il again and answer the Could you also give us some other information? What day are you
qu estio ns. going back to Croatia? Is there anything you can't eat or dri nk?
Do you want your own room , or do you prefer to share a room with
1 When is Gora n coming to the UK? another student? Is there anything special you would like to do or
see in the UK?
2 How is he travelling?
3 Who is going to meet him at the a irport? ----
4 Does Gora n have to sha re a room?
5 Does Lookin[Jjonvard to hearinBfrom you Sally Barnes
mean ... ? 4 I'm attaching a photo of the family, so you can
a I hope you write again soon. recog nize us at the airport!
b I'm going to write to you again soon.
6 DoesPS mea n ... ?
a This isn't very important information.
b I forgot to ay th is before.
7 Why does Mrs Barnes send Goran a

c Imagi ne you a re going to stay w ith M rs

Barnes. Answer her e mai l using your ow n
informatio n. Write three paragraphs . End
the email w ith Best IVishes a nd your na me.

Paragraph 1 Thank her for her email.

Paragraph 2 Say when you are arriving, etc.
Paragraph 3 Answer her other quest ions.

d C heck your e ma il for mis takes (g rammar,

punctuatio n, and s pelling).

~ p.23

Writing 113

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