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Numbers Sheet Name Numbers Table Name

Sheet one MISSION

Table 1: Mission objective
Table 2: Priority opponent
Sub table 1
Monster queen table
Wasteland encounters
Type of encounter
Sheet two Hostile SCENARIO
Table 1b: scenario type
Table 2b: enemy type
Type of event
Enemy stats
Table 1
Table 2
Big monster type sub table
Big monster table
Excel Worksheet Name

Sheet one MISSION - Table 1_ Mi

Sheet one MISSION - Table 2_ Pr
Sheet one MISSION - Sub table 1
Sheet one MISSION - Monster que

Wasteland encounters - Type of

Sheet two Hostile SCENARIO - Ta

Sheet two Hostile SCENARIO - T1

Events - Type of event

Events - Storm

Enemy stats - Table 1

Enemy stats - Table 2
Enemy stats - Robots
Enemy stats - Big monster type
Enemy stats - Big monster table

Guns - Weapons
Table 1: Mission objective
Die roll Output Special rules Events Last scenario Last scenario

1 Bring [ST 1] to the Every humanoid starts 19 - Rough handling. D20 roll. SCEN1
villagers the mission with two The player who most 1-5 A successful TN 10 Set up heroes three
[Sub Table 1]. Every recently fired a gun or perception check shows inches from a point at
time a hero takes fought in close combat something suspicious the centre of the table,
damage, there is a rolls to check if one of about the village and 8 inches along. Four
chance the thing will their objectives broke. realise before it’s too raider bikers are placed
break. If the mission 20 - Brittle. Objectives late that this is a raider at the end of the table.
ends and nobody has have a double chance camp. You can set up Two more groups of
the objective, all XP of breaking for the rest an additional 6” from monsters are placed 10”
from the last scenario of the scenario. the starter point SCEN1 away from the heroes
don’t count. Every 6-15 Raiders in a random direction
objective that makes it surround the city. without going off the
to the end is +5 XP SCEN1 with a wall or board.
barrier of some sort
near the short edge of
the map. 16-20
Near the end of your
trek, you are ambushed.
Play a random
generated ambush

2 Escape the monster Priority opponents are 19 - What’s that over 1-7 - We gotta kill it. SCEN1
queen. Its got your Big Monsters. At round there… The heroes On a successful TN 8 Monster queen is set
scent… 9 at every scenario at make a TN 15 stealth check you can up in the centre of the
this mission, a Monster movement check. On a move the monster battlefield along with
Queen Spawns at a a success, the monster queen once before the one roll on the big
random point at the queen spawns on turn start of the scenario monster table. Place the
board’s edge, unless all 10, on a fail, it spawns SCEN1 heroes anywhere not
of the objectives have on turn 8. If these turns 8-12 - Run!! within 12 inches from
been fulfilled have already passed, Make a TN 15 the monster queen.
this effect takes place movement check, on a Duration :12 turns. +12
on the next scenario. success, play SCEN2, XP if you killed the
20 - Don’t go back on a fail, play SCEN1. monster Queen. +3 per
there! All movements 13-20 - other monster killed.
for the rest of the SCEN2.
scenario towards the Play this as SCEN2,
start point are halved. but you have managed
to draw the queen into a
position where there are
allies. Place two
riflemen at a point at
the short table edge.
+10 XP if you killed
the big monster Queen

3 Clear a village of None

[Result of table two]

4 Rescue hostages or Main opponents must

prisoners from raiders be raiders or mutants
or mutants

5 Kill the faulty robots Main opponent is

that are occupying a robots
farm, military base or
communication hotspot

6 Protect a caravan Each scenario has some

carrying lots of [ST 1] traders, six civilians
until it gets to a large and one man-at-arms
city that count as
companions. At the end
of the mission, +7 XP
per caravan member
still alive

7 Find spare array parts Fifty percent chance

and repair solar panels that each treasure has a
part and ten percent
chance any monster is
carrying one

Table 2: Priority opponent
1-3 Robots
4-8 Raiders
9-11 Mutants
12-14 Ghouls
14-16 Small monsters
17-18 Medium monsters
19 - 20 Big monsters

Sub table 1
Die roll Output Breakage chance

1-5 Weapons Five percent

6-15 Water purifier Ten percent
parts chance
16-20 Medicine Twenty percent

Monster queen table
Die roll Output Additional stats

1-5 Deathclaw queen +2 fight, +1 move,

+10 HP

6-10 Yau Guai alpha +2 fight, +8 HP

11-15 Huge Albino +3 fight, +1 move,
Radscorpion +15 HP

16-20 Gulper Devourer +1 fight, +2 move,

+8 HP

Type of encounter
Die roll Type of encounter

1-5 NPCs

6-10 Trading
11-15 Enemies
16-20 Wasteland

Table 1b: scenario type
Die roll Type Description

1 Ambush Monsters are split in three groups, each are placed D10 +10
inches in a random direction from the centre. Heroes are placed
in the centre. Ten turn duration. Survival. Clues are worth D20
XP. There are four and each is placed D20” from the corner.
One treasure is placed at a random point on the table edge

2 Escape Heroes are placed 6 inches from the short table edge. Treasures
are placed at a random point 24”, 36” and 42” from the starting
edge. Half of the enemies are placed in groups 24” along, and
the rest are placed at random points thereafter. +2 XP per enemy
killed and treasure recovered, and +4 per person that makes it
off the board.

3 Search and rescue Heroes are placed in the centre of the battlefield. Six clues are
placed. Four at random points at the battlefields edge. Two at
random points D6+3 inches from the heroes’ setup. Three
groups of enemies are placed at random clues. No clue may
have more than one set of enemies on it. A hero may spend an
action searching a clue. Roll a D6, on a 6, you found the lost
person. If this is the last clue, the lost person is here They have
the stats of a civilian. +10 XP if you fount the civilian and kept
it safe. +3 per clue searched. +2 per enemy killed. 12 turns

4 Defend settlement Heroes are set up within 6 inches from the short edge of the
table. Roll a D6, on a 5-6, raiders are the priority opponents for
this scenario, otherwise, roll on the table. Enemies are placed in
three groups within 3 inches of the 32 inch line. Enemies spawn
at random points along this line for the rest of the scenario.
Enemies main priority is to break through the line that you are
defending. If more than 5 enemies break through within 12
turns, you lose 30XP. +2 XP per enemy killed and enemy that
didn’t make it past the board edge in time, excluding enemies
that spawned within a turn of the scenario ending

5 Take prisoners Heroes are set up within 6 inches from the short edge of the
table. Enemies are placed in three groups along the table edge,
but no closer than 12” away from the heroes. On a successful
TN 10 stealth check, the heroes set up last. When an enemy
model is killed, roll a D6, on a 5-6, they are placed face down
and become an objective. +5 XP per prisoner taken within 12

Table 2b: enemy type
Die roll Enemies

1-3 Robots

4-7 Raiders

8-10 Ghouls

11-12 Small monsters

13-14 Medium monsters

15 Big monsters

16-20 Priority

Type of event
Die roll Output

1 -8 More of the same.

Roll on the monster
sub table. Place on
spawn point or
table edge

9-14 New monsters.

Roll on the table
for monsters and
roll on the sub
table. Place on
spawn point or
table edge
15-17 Wasteland table
18-19 Scenario specific
20 Mission specific

Die roll Output

Rad storm 1-5 Everyone takes strength check (TN8) or take 4 rad
Dust storm 6-8 Line of sight is reduced to 10ft

Fierce wind 9-11 Movement is reduced by 2

Debris 12-14 Every person is subject to a +3 shooting attack

Tresurrz 15-17 A treasure has been blown in. Place a treasure at a

random point
Scent 18-19 New monsters. Roll on the table for monsters and
roll on the sub table. Place on spawn point or table
EarthQuake 20 Everyone takes strength check (TN5) or cannot

Die roll Amount Type Armour HP F/S Will Movement

1-7 D6 Raider 11 10 +1/- 0 6

8-11 D6 Raider Scum 10 10 +1/+0 0 6

12-14 D4 Raider scout 10 11 +0/+1 0 6
15-16 D4 Raider biker 11 12 +2/- 0 9
17-19 D6 + 1 Raider Mongrel 11 6 +0/- 0 8
20 1 + D4 Raiders Raider boss 12 12 +2/+1 2 6

Die roll Amount Type Armour HP F/S Will Movement

1-10 D10 Feral Ghoul 10 8 +0/- Don’t take checks 6

11 -15 D6 Glowing one 10 10 +1/- Radiation Don’t take checks 6


16-20 D4 Feral Ghoul Reaver 12 10 +1/- Don’t take checks 6

Die roll Amount Type Armour HP F/S Will Movement

1-5 1 Sentry bot 12 15 +2/+2 SMG Don’t take checks 4

6-10 1 Protectron 11 10 +0/+0 - SELF Don’t take checks 6

under 3 HP

11-15 1 Securatron 11 12 +1/+2 SMG/ Don’t take checks 5

16-19 1 Mr Gutsy 12 12 +0/+1 Don’t take checks 8
20 1 Assaultron 13 20 +3/+3 laser Don’t take checks 6

Big monster type sub table
Die roll Big monster type Armour HP Fight Will Movement Special

1-3 Deathclaws 14 15 +4 Don’t take checks 6 Behemoth

4-8 Radscorpions 11 12 +1 Don’t take checks 6 Monster numbers

are doubled on big
enemies table

9-12 Yao guai 13 15 +3 Don’t take checks 6 Behemoth

13-15 Gulpers 12 14 +2 Don’t take checks 6 Gulpers deal plus
two damage

16-17 Gatorclaws 14 15 +3 Don’t take checks 6 Behemoth

18-20 Mirelurks 12 10 +1 Don’t take checks 6 Monster numbers
are doubled on big
enemies table

Big monster table
Die roll Amount Armour HP Fight Will Movement Special

1-4 2 young -1 -3 -1 Don’t take checks -1 -

5-10 1 adult - - - Don’t take checks - -

11-13 1 adult 1 young - - Don’t take checks - -
14-15 1 irradiated - +2 +2 damage Don’t take checks - -
16-17 4 baby -2 -6 -2 Don’t take checks -2 -
18-20 1 large - +3 +1 Don’t take checks - Behemoth

Behemoth means
there's a maximum
of +4 bonus when
ganging up on this

Name Damage Shoot Range Cost Notes

Shotgun +0 - under nine +0 - under nine +1 18 10 No penalty for

inches range +3 moving and

Rifle +2 +0 24 10 If you don't move,

no range penalties
to hit.

SMG +0 +0 16 10 If you don’t move,

you get three shots

Pistol +0 +0 6 5
Hand weapon +0 +0 fight Base 0
Two handed +0 +1 fight Base 5


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