Part 3 BJT AC Analysis (Small Signal)

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 Common-Emitter fixed-bias configuration

 Voltage divider bias

 CE Emitter bias
 Emitter-follower configuration
 Common-base configuration
 Collector-feedback configuration
 Hybrid equivalent circuit and model
Common-Emitter (CE) Fixed-Bias Configuration

The input (Vi) is applied to the base and the output (Vo) is from the collector.

The Common-Emitter is characterized as having high input impedance and low output
impedance with a high voltage and current gain.
Common-Emitter (CE) Fixed-Bias Configuration

Removing DC effects of VCC and Capacitors

Common-Emitter (CE) Fixed-Bias Configuration

re Model

Determine , re, and ro:

 and ro: look in the specification sheet for the transistor or test the transistor using a
curve tracer.
re: calculate re using dc analysis: r =e
Common-Emitter (CE) Fixed-Bias Configuration
Impedance Calculations

Input Impedance: Output Impedance:

Zi = R B || re Z o = R C || rO

Zi  re Zo  Rc
R B  10re ro  10 Rc
Common-Emitter (CE) Fixed-Bias Configuration
Gain Calculations
Voltage Gain (Av): Vo (R || r )
Av = =− C o
Vi re

Av = −
re ro  10R C

Current Gain (Ai): Io R B ro

Ai = =
Ii (ro + R C )(R B + re )

Ai  
ro  10R C , R B  10re

Current Gain from Voltage Gain: Zi

A i = −A v
Common-Emitter (CE) Fixed-Bias Configuration

Av =
VO = −βI b (R C || ro )
Vi = I bβre
− βI b (R C || ro )
Av =
I bβre
(R C || ro )
if ro =  or  10R C Av = −
Common-Emitter (CE) Fixed-Bias Configuration

The current gain is determined by applying the

current - divider rule to the input and output circuits
r βI I rβ
I o = o b and o = o
ro + R C I b ro + R C
Ib = and b =
R B + βre Ii R B + βre
I o  I o  I b   roβ  R B 
A i = =    =   
Ii  I b  Ii   ro + R C  R B + βre 
I roβR B
 Ai = o =
Ii (ro + R C )(R B + βre )
if ro  10R C and R B  10βre ,
Io r βR
 Ai =  o B =β
Ii (ro )(R B )
or we can use this equation too
 A i = −A v i
Common-Emitter (CE) Fixed-Bias Configuration

Phase Relationship

The phase relationship between input and output is 180 degrees. The negative sign used in
the voltage gain formulas indicates the inversion.
CE – Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration
CE – Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration

re Model

You still need to determine , re, and ro.

CE – Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration
Impedance Calculations

Input Impedance: Output Impedance:

R  = R1 || R2 = Zo = RC || ro
R1 + R2
Zi = R  || re Zo  RC
ro 10RC
CE – Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration

Gain Calculations
Voltage Gain (Av):

Vo − R C || ro Vo RC
Av = = Av = −
Vi re Vi re ro  10R C

Current Gain (Ai):

Io R ro βR 
Ai = = Io
Ai = 
Ii (ro + R C )(R  + re ) ro  10R C
Ii R  + re

Current Gain from Voltage Gain:

Io Zi
Ai =  A i = −A v
Ii ro  10R C , R   10re RC
CE – Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration

VO = −(β I b )(R C || ro )
Ib =
 Vi 
Vo = −β (R C || ro )
 βre 
− (R C || ro )
Av =
− RC
if ro =  or  10R C Av =
CE – Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration

since the network is so similar to that common

- emitter fixed - bias configuration, except for
the R' , the equation for the current gain will
have the same format.
R' = R 1 || R 2 = R B
Io βR' ro
Ai = =
I i (ro + R C )(R'+βre )
for ro  10R C ,
Io βR' ro
Ai = 
I i ro (R'+βre )

(R'+βre )
CE – Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration

And if R'  10 re ,

Io βR'
Ai = =
Ii R'
 Ai = 
as an option
 A i = −A V
CE – Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration

Phase Relationship
A CE amplifier configuration will always have a phase relationship between input and
output is 180 degrees. This is independent of the DC bias.
CE Emitter-Bias Configuration
Unbypassed RE
CE Emitter-Bias Configuration

re Model

Again you need to determine , re.

CE Emitter-Bias Configuration

Impedance Calculations

Input Impedance: Output Impedance:

Zb = re + ( + 1)R E Zo = R C
Z b   (re + R E ) Zi = R B || Zb
Z b  R E
R E  re
CE Emitter-Bias Configuration

Applying KVL to the input side :

Vi = I bβre + I e R E
Vi = I bβre + (β + 1)I b R E
 Zb = = βre + (β + 1)R E
since β is normally greater than 1,
 Z b  βre + βR E
since R E is much greater than re , eqn above can be reduced to
 Z b  βR E
CE Emitter-Bias Configuration
Gain Calculations
Voltage Gain (Av):
Av = =−
Vo R C Vi re + R E Zb =  (re + R E )
Av = =−
Vi Zb
or Vo RC
Av = −
Vi RE Zb  R E

Current Gain (Ai):

Io R B
Ai = =
Ii R B + Zb

Current Gain from Voltage Gain:

A i = −A v
CE Emitter-Bias Configuration

Ib =
Vo = −I o R C = −βI b R C
 Vi 
= − β R C
 Zb 
V − βR C
 AV = o =
Vi Zb
substituting Z b = β(re + R E ) gives
Vo − RC
 AV = =
Vi re + R E
and for the approximation Z b  βR E
Vo − R C
 AV = =
CE Emitter-Bias Configuration

The magnitude of R B is often too close to Zb to permit the approximation

I b = Ii . Applying the current - divider rule to the input circuit will result in :
R B Ii
Ib =
R B + Zb
Ii R B + Zb
I o = I b
Io Io Ib RB
 Ai = = =
Ii I b Ii R B + Zb
 A i = −A v
CE Emitter-Bias Configuration

Phase Relationship
A CE amplifier configuration will always have a phase relationship between input and
output is 180 degrees. This is independent of the DC bias.
CE Emitter-Bias Configuration

Bypassed RE

This is the same circuit as the CE fixed-bias configuration and therefore can be solved
using the same re model.
Emitter-Follower Configuration

You may recognize this as the Common-Collector configuration. Indeed they are the same
Note the input is on the base and the output is from the emitter.
Emitter-Follower Configuration

re Model

You still need to determine  and re.

Emitter-Follower Configuration

Impedance Calculations

Input Impedance:

Zi = R B || Zb Z b   (re + R E )
Zb = re + ( + 1)R E Zb  R E
Emitter-Follower Configuration

Ib =
I e = (β + 1)I b = (β + 1)
subtituting for Zb gives
(β + 1)Vi
Ie =
βre + (β + 1)R E
= but (β + 1)  β
βre +R
 (β + 1) E

βr βr
and e  e = re
(β + 1) β
 Ie =
re + R E
Emitter-Follower Configuration
Impedance Calculations (cont’d)
Output Impedance:
Defining the output impedence for the emitter follower configuration
 Ie =
re + R E

Zo = R E || re Zo  re
R E r e
Emitter-Follower Configuration
Gain Calculations
Voltage Gain (Av):

Vo RE Vo
Av = = Av = 1
Vi R E + re Vi R E  re , R E + re  R E

Current Gain (Ai):

R B
Ai  −
R B + Zb
Current Gain from Voltage Gain:

A i = −A v
Emitter-Follower Configuration

R E Vi
Vo =
R E + re
Av = =
Vi R E + re
R E usually much greater than re ,
R E + re  R E
Av = 1
Emitter-Follower Configuration

R B Ii
Ib =
R B + Zb
Ii R B + Zb
I o = −I e = −(  + 1)I b
= −(  + 1)
Io Io Ib RB
Ai = = = −(  + 1)
Ii I b Ii R B + Zb
since (  + 1)   ,
R B
 Ai  −
R B + Zb
or A i = −A v
Emitter-Follower Configuration
Phase Relationship
A CC amplifier or Emitter Follower configuration has no phase shift between input and

Common-Base (CB) Configuration

The input (Vi) is applied to the emitter and the output (Vo) is from the collector.

The Common-Base is characterized as having low input impedance and high output
impedance with a current gain less than 1 and a very high voltage gain.
Common-Base (CB) Configuration

re Model

You will need to determine  and re.

Common-Base (CB) Configuration

Impedance Calculations

Input Impedance: Output Impedance:

Zi = R E || re Zo = R C
Common-Base (CB) Configuration
Gain Calculations
Voltage Gain (Av):

Vo R C R C
Av = = 
Vi re re

Current Gain (Ai):

A i = = −  −1
Common-Base (CB) Configuration

Vo = −I o R C = −(−I c R C )
= αIe R C
Ie = Ii
Ie = I o = −I e = −I i
 Vi  Io
Vo = α R C  A i = = − = −1
 re  Ii
 AV = =α 
Vi re re
Common-Base (CB) Configuration
Phase Relationship
A CB amplifier configuration has no phase shift between input and output.

The network has a dc feedback resistor for increased stability, yet the capacitor C3 will
shift portions of the feedback resistance to the input and output sections of the network
in the ac domain. The portion of RF shifted to the input or output side will be determined
by the desired ac input and output resistance levels.
Impedance Calculations

Substituting the re equivalent circuit into the ac equivalent network

Input Impedance: Output Impedance:
Zo = R C || R F2 || ro
Zi = R F1 || βre

Z o  RC || RF 2
Collector DC Feedback Configuration

R' = ro || R F2 || R C
Vo = −βI b R'
Ib =
Vo = −β R'
Vo r || R F2 || R C
Av = =− o
Vi re
for ro  10R C ,
Vo R || R C
Av = = − F2
Vi re
Collector DC Feedback Configuration

For the input side

R F Ii Ib RF
Ib = or =
R F + βre I i R F + βre
and for the output side using R' = ro || R F2
R' βI b Io R' β
Io = or =
R'+ R C I b R'+ R C
the current gain ,
I I I R' β R F1
Ai = o = o . b = .
I i I b I i R'+ R C R F + βre
Io R' βR F1
 Ai = =
I i (R'+ R C )(R F1 + βre )
since R F1 is usually much larger than βre , R F1 + βre  R F1
Io βR F1 (ro || R F2 )
Ai = 
I i R F1 (ro || R F2 + R C )
Io β
 Ai = 
Ii 1 + R C
ro || R F2
Io Z
or  A i = = −A V i
Approximate Hybrid Equivalent Circuit
The h-parameters can be derived from the re model:

hie = re hib = re

hfe =  hfb = -
hoe = 1/ro

The h-parameters are also found in the specification sheet for the transistor.
Approximate Common-Emitter Equivalent Circuit

Hybrid equivalent model re equivalent model

Approximate Common-Base Equivalent Circuit

Hybrid equivalent model re equivalent model


1. Check the DC bias voltages – if not correct check power supply, resistors, transistor.
Also check to ensure that the coupling capacitor between amplifier stages is OK.

2. Check the AC voltages – if not correct check transistor, capacitors and the loading effect
of the next stage.
Practical Applications

• Audio Mixer

• Preamplifier

• Random-Noise Generator

• Sound Modulated Light Source

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