Reviewer For Final Examination2023 2024

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Reviewer for final Examination vertical (relief) positions of features

represented. Portrays terrain features in a

Topographic maps- types of Map (usually measurable way (usually through use of
at 1:12,550 scale, sometimes up to 1:5,000) contour lines), as well as the horizontal
Plastic topographic map- a topographic positions of the features represented.
map printed in plastic and
molded into a three-dimensional form. Planimetric Map- is a map that presents
only the horizontal positions for the features
Photomosaic- it is an assembly of aerial represented. It is distinguished from a
photographs to form a composite picture; topographic map by the omission of relief,
This is an assembly of aerial photographs normally represented by contour lines.
that is commonly called a mosaic in Sometimes, it is called a line map.
topographic usage. Mosaics are useful
when time does not permit the compilation Grid square Coordinates- It is the military
of a more accurate map. grid reference of a point consist of the
numbers and letters indicating in which of
Terrain Model- A scale model of the terrain these areas the point lies, plus the
showing features, and in large scale models coordinates locating the point to the desired
showing industrial and cultural shapes. It position within the 100,000-meter square.
provides a means for visualizing the terrain
for planning or indoctrination purposes and Reconnaissance Patrol- It provide timely
for briefing operations. and accurate information on the enemy and
terrain. They confirm the squad leader's plan
Plastic relief photomap- a photomap before it is executed.
printed in plastic and molded
into a three-dimensional form. Combat Patrol- it is conducted to destroy or
capture enemy soldiers or equipment;
Joint Operations Graphics -Maps based destroy installations, facilities, or key points;
on the format of standard 1:250,000 or, harass enemy forces.
medium-scale military topographic maps
that contain additional information needed Tracking Patrol- They gather information
in joint air-ground operations. about the enemy unit, the route, and the
surrounding terrain as they track.
Photo Map- a map reproduction of Polar plot- a method of locating or plotting
photograph or photo mosaic upon which an unknown position from a known point by
grid lines, marginal data, giving a direction and a distant along that
place names and boundaries may be direction line.
Artillery- It is M-2 compass is a special-
The most common unit of measurement is purpose instrument designed for accuracy.
the degree of (1 Degree – 60 Minutes)- is
the most Common using measurement of the Lensatic- it is the most common and
degree to Minutes simplest instrument for measuring direction
Topographic map- two-dimensional map Protractor- This can be used to determine
which presents the horizontal (flat) and azimuth when a compass is not available.
Compass- It contains a north-seeking Administrative cases- Are those that result in
arrow and a dial in degrees. the decision not involving penal sanction and
may take such mild discipline or instructive
forms as admonition, reprimand and the like.
Cover- It is Protects the floating dial. It
contains the sighting wire (front sight) and Punitive Cases- Are those that result in
two luminous judgment of fine, hard labor, deprivation of
sighting slots or dots used for night liberty or combination of those whenever guilt of
navigation. those involved are proven. Those are usually
higher command level and matters.
Marksmanship- The basic in training the
soldier to employ successfully the pistol or COLONEL RAMIL B ANOYO INF (GSC) PA –
the rifle in combat. 4RCDG GROUP COMMANDER

M16 Rifle- It is developed as the AR-15 by

American engineer Eugene Stoner of
ArmaLite Inc. in the late 1950s.
Troop Leading Procedure- Are the dynamic
process by which a commander receives a
mission, plans it and executes it and it is
modified to meet the mission, situation and
available time.

Receive the mission- A mission may be

received in the form of either a written or oral
warning order, operation order (OPORD), or
fragmentary order (FRAGO).

Issue the best warning order- possible with

the information at hand and update it as needed
with additional warning orders and lets units
prepare for combat as soon as possible after
being alerted of an upcoming mission.

Make a tentative plan- The leader uses the

commander’s estimate of the situation to analyze
METT-T information, develop and analyze a
COA, compare courses of action, and make a
decision that produces a tentative plan and are
the basis for the OPORD.

Military Justice System- it is designed to

enforce discipline and administer justice in the
military service and is composed of four
components, namely: Investigation,
Prosecution, Trial or Adjudication and Judgment
or Decision.
Parts of M16 Rifle

M16 Rifle
1. Upper receiver group
2. Lower receiver group

Three squad formation

1. Squad file
2. Squad column
3. Squad line

Basic knot tying

1. Overhand knot
2. Figure of 8
3. Square knot
4. Double figure of 8
5. Clove hitch
6. Taut line hitch
7. Bowline
8. Round turn two half hitch
9. Fisherman knot
10. Half hitch
11. Sheet bend
12. Double overhand

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