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Five champions of good must destroy the red dragon tyrant Gildiss!

This is a fan project that uses the rules of Rangers of Shadow Deep By Joseph A.
McCullough. A miniature agnostic skirmish war –rpg like game.

Rangers of Shadow Deep is a solo and co-operative tabletop miniatures game, in which
players create their ranger, gather companions, and play through a series of missions in
their fight to hold back the darkness. If their rangers survive, they will grow in power and
ability, and be sent on more difficult, dangerous and intricate assignments.

—description by the publisher

There are some minor changes that the role of rangers is limited to the 5 champions that appear
to the video game. Monsters mostly are the ones that appear in the video game and the campaign
follows the 16 total stages until the final showdown with the red dragon Gildiss!

The beautiful lands that you call home have known a great prosperity under the just rule of the
King. The kingdom has amassed a great wealth and fame alas the red dragon, Gildiss, has
crushed peace under his iron tail. He must be stopped.

As champions of the kingdom you deliberately gather as much information you can from the
local tavern. The innkeeper informs you that the bard can give you some insight about the
current situation. As you approach the bard he immediately recognizes the huge heroic potential
within you.” I’ve heard that many villages are being decimated by rampaging monsters. The folk
of the Northern castle are especially in trouble”.

Without any hesitation our four champions The Elf, the wizard, the fighter, the cleric and the
dwarf take up the task to travel through the treacherous orc forest in order to find the tracks of
the dreadful dragon.

Arcade Mode: In order to have a feeling of the original arcade it is recommended to play with 3-
4 champions even in solo mode. Alternatively, the choice for companions in solo mode where
you control 1 champion (ranger) should be the rest champions with their basic stats but each
champion costs 35-40 RP and they cannot use heroic abilities.. So, For 1 ranger – champion use
maximum 3 other companions. For 2 champions just use 1 companion.

Normal Mode: IF you favor the rangers of shadow deep experience more then follow the normal
rules for Recruitment points (RP) and companions per the rules book.

Ravel the elf
Move Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
7 +2 +2 10 (+1) 4 19

BASIC EQUIPMENT : Bow, Quiver, Staff, light Armour, Rope

Acrobatics +2
Ancient Lore +2
Armoury 0
Climb +2
Leadership 0
Navigation +2
Perception +2
Pick Lock 0
Read Runes 0
Stealth +2
Strength 0
Survival 0
Swim +2
Track +2
Traps 0

Leger the wizard

Move Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
7 +2 +1 10 6 18


BASIC MAGICAL EQUIPMENT : Wizard’s staff, Wand, Focusing Crystal, Speellbook

BASIC EQUIPMENT : 2 Throwing Knife

Acrobatics 0
Ancient Lore +2
Armoury 0
Climb 0
Leadership 0
Navigation +2
Perception +2
Pick Lock 0
Read Runes +2
Stealth +2
Strength 0
Survival +2
Swim +2
Track +2
Traps 0

Derek the fighter

Move Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
7 +3 +1 11 (+2) 4 19

BASIC EQUIPMENT : Sword(Hand Weapon), Shield, light Armour, Rope, 2 Throwing Knife

Fighter SKILLS
Acrobatics +2
Ancient Lore 0
Armoury +2
Climb +2
Leadership +2
Navigation +2
Perception 0
Pick Lock 0
Read Runes 0
Stealth 0
Strength +2
Survival +2
Swim +2
Track 0
Traps 0

Aldo the cleric

Move Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 (5) +2 +1 10 (+3) 5 20


BASIC EQUIPMENT : Mace (Hand Weapon), Shield, Heavy Armour, Throwing Knife

BASIC MAGICAL EQUIPMENT : Holy Icon, Focusing Crystal

Acrobatics 0
Ancient Lore +2
Armoury +2
Climb 0
Leadership +2
Navigation 0
Perception +2
Pick Lock 0
Read Runes +2
Stealth 0
Strength +2
Survival +2
Swim 0
Track +2
Traps 0

Vargas the Dwarf

Move Fight Shoot Armor Will Health
6 (5) +3 +1 11 (+3) 4 19


BASIC EQUIPMENT : Axe (Hand Weapon), Shield, Heavy Armour, Rope, 2 Throwing Knife

Acrobatics 0
Ancient Lore 0
Armoury +2
Climb 0
Leadership 0
Navigation +2
Perception 0
Pick Lock +2
Read Runes +2
Stealth 0
Strength +2
Survival +2
Swim 0
Track +2
Traps +2


It has been less than a few days that the calamity Gildiss has brought to the kingdom. The
peaceful villagers from the different regions of the kingdom hurry up to find refuge at the capital.
The destruction and anarchy are starting to take their toll to the kingdom riches and well being.
The champions have to travel north immediately and confront the threat that the great dragon
opposes while the king’s soldiers have to deal with the raids from rampaging monsters and
beasts. The fastest route is through the orc forest that is infested by… you guessed it, ORCS! A
vile orc self-proclaimed King of the orcs rules this forest. Maybe it is time to put an end to his
cruel reign.

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 6+ orcs
 2 Werewolves with crossbow
 2 Survivors

This stage should be played on a 3’x3’ (90x90 cm) table. The champions (rangers) and
companions should all be placed within 3’’ (7,5 cm) of the table edge opposite the orc’s king
area. Place 6 clue markers, these should be placed 5’’ (12cm) away from the center of the map
and at least 3.5’’ (9 cm) between them. Roll for each clue marker separately, the same result is
ignored as each clue number is unique for this stage. The rest of the table should be covered with
trees in the place of forests and scattered rocks.
Die Roll Clue
1-3 Running rabbits. Make a track roll (TN10). If successful the champions know
the exact location of the Orc King. The Orc King has a -1 Fight for the rest of
the Stage.
4-6 Mutilated body. Make a Leadership roll (TN14). If successful see the outcome
and experience. If failed your figure feels despair and is at -1 Fight for the
next Hand-to-Hand Combat, after this the effect of despair ends.
7-9 Catch a rabbit. Make a traps roll (TN9). If successful note down that you can
ignore Hunger and Thirst for the next Stage.
10-12 Survivor. You have found a badly wounded but living villager. Treat this
figure as one of your companions with the following stats: Move 3, Fight +0,
Armour 10, Health 5.
13-15 Survivor. You have found a badly wounded but living villager. Treat this
figure as one of your companions with the following stats: Move 3, Fight +0,
Armour 10, Health 5.
16-18 Herbs. You find some herbs discarded by one of the villagers. Roll once on
the Herbs and Potions table to see what you have discovered. This may be
given to any member of the company after the stage.
19-20 Ambush! Replace the clue marker with an orc that is in combat with the figure
that moved in contact with the clue marker.
The target point for this scenario is the orc’s king area.

After placing their figures, the players should select one figure to make a Navigation Roll
(TN12). If successful the champions have found the path through the thick forest and can take 2
Rangers phase before the creature phase. The players should also pick one figure to make a
survival roll (TN12), if successful one figure may be given one dose of farlight leaf (Herbs and
potion section).

During the event phase of each turn, the players should draw one Event card. After the third
event card the Orc King is placed on the map at the center spot opposite the Champions –
Rangers starting area. Each event card is unique and not reshuffled to the deck.

This stage ends after eight turns have been played.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to the treasure token.
Red 2 Orcs. Place 2 orcs in the orc King area.
Red 3 Orc. Place an orc at the center of the map.
Red4 The Orc’s King flails take the champion by surprise. Choose a random
champion to make an acrobatics roll (TN8). If failed immediately take 3
damage. If successful you do not take any damage.
Red 5 Test of willpower. Make a will roll for a random champion and a will
roll for orc King. If you lose you may not activate the next turn.
Red 6 Orc. Place an orc at the center of the map.
Red 7 As you move through the forest you stumble upon a potion of Heroism.
Check Herbs and Potions table.
Red 8 The Orc’s King flails take the champion by surprise. Choose a random
champion to make an perception roll (TN9). If failed immediately take 2
damage. If successful you do not take any damage.
Red 9 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to the treasure token.


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 2. All figures that survived regain their
full Health. Each champion may make a die roll for Magic Item Table. Champions gain
experience points for the following achievements:

 +3 XP for each orc killed.

 +3 XP for each werewolf with crossbow killed.
 +6 XP for each clue marker uncovered.
 +5 XP for killing the orc King.
 +6 XP if you won the test of willpower with the orc king during the event phase.
 +6 XP if you were successful at the navigation roll.
 +15 XP if a survivor is found and lives to the end of the stage.


The journey is long and hard. The bad weather along the way is tenacious but at least you
reached the old castle ruins where you hope to find a temporary shelter from the bad weather.
While trying hard to dry your pants a hungry bellowing is heard from the depths of the old
castle. What is this new devilry you may wonder? “Well, let’s descent these stairs and find out”
you courageously yell to your companions.

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 2+ orcs
 4 orcs with shield
 1 Minotaur boss

This stage should be played on a 2’x2’ (60x60 cm) table. Place a marker along one table edge to
represent the bottom of the stairs. The champions (rangers) and companions should all be placed
within 2’’ (5 cm) of this marker. Use scatter terrain that is mostly walls and rocks. Check the
map for positioning the rocks and walls or use your imagination.

Three clue markers should be placed on the table. Each clue marker should be placed on the
center of the table, then moved 1-10” in a random direction. No clue marker should be within 4”
(10cm) of another clue marker. One orc with shield should be placed next to each clue marker.

Whenever a champion or companion moves in contact with a clue marker, its action ends
immediately, and it should roll on the clue marker table. Each result on the clue marker table
may only be obtained once. Once the roll has been made, remove the marker from the table.
Orc with shield
Orc with shield

Orc with shield

Orc with shield


Die Roll Clue
1-4 Running thief. Make a perception roll (TN8). If successful make a roll for
Herbs and Potion Table, immediately give the item to one of your companions
of your choosing.
5-8 It is a trap. Ice burst from the chest you just opened. Make a Traps roll
(TN11). If successful you avoid the trap otherwise you immediately suffer
9-12 Treasure. Treat the clue marker as a treasure token. If this token is being
carried by a hero at the end of the scenario – stage, you may roll to see what
treasure has been found.
13-16 Something strange is written on the walls of the castle as some kind of a map.
Make a Read runes roll (TN7). If successful you find a hidden stash of Gold
and jewels. Note them down for the outcome and experience of the stage
(check pg 48 of deluxe edition).
17-20 This was the armoury of the old castle. There are many broken and rusty items
that seem worthless. Make an armoury roll (TN13). If successful roll for the
weapons and armor table.
The champions suffer Hunger and Thirst for this stage. Unless they did catch a rabbit in the
previous stage (clue marker table). Otherwise a survival roll (TN 16) is required in order to avoid
the effects of Hunger and Thirst. The target point for this scenario is the centre of the map.
During the event phase of each turn, the players should draw one Event card. This stage lasts
eight turns.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) Thunderous charge. Move the minotaur with a double move (12)
towards the target point or the nearest opponent that can see.
Red 2 Orcs. Place 2 orcs at a random edge of the map.
Red 3 Orc. Place an orc at the center of the map.
Red4 Collapse. The minotaur ‘s hooves echo as a thunder across the old
castle. One of the buildings, determined randomly, collapses. Any
figure within 2’’ of the building, suffers an immediate +4 attack except
the minotaur.
Red 5 Thunderous charge. Move the minotaur with a double move (12)
towards the target point or the nearest opponent that can see.
Red 6 Orc. Place an orc at the center of the map.
Red 7 Collapse. The minotaur ‘s hooves echo as a thunder across the old
castle. One of the buildings, determined randomly, collapses. Any
figure within 2’’ of the building, suffers an immediate +4 attack except
the minotaur.
Red 8 Spell orb fire. Immediately you can make a free fireball attack per the
rules in the spell list.
Red 9 Terror. The hero with the lowest Will Stat on the table must make an
immediate will roll (TN16) or be overcome by fear. If the figure fails, it
may not activate next turn. If more than one figure ties for the lowest
Will stat, all eligible figures must make the roll.


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 3. All figures that survived regain their
full Health. Each champion may make a die roll for weapons and Armour Item Table.
Champions gain experience points for the following achievements:

 +3 XP for each orc killed.

 +6 XP for each clue marker uncovered.
 +8 XP for killing the Minotaur.
 +5 XP if the spell orb made at least 1 damage to an enemy.
 +6 XP if you were successful at the traps roll.
The harsh environment seems to be unnatural. A dreadful presence fills the air. As soon as you
start climbing the mountain a huge shadow flies by your head and a horrifying cry of challenge
echoes from the mountain peak. A great wyvern dominates these lands as if a twisted monstrous
tyrant managed to force all its malice to the nearby surroundings. “ Courage, courage for our
friends and families in the North” You seem to certify your companions that this will be a battle
that you will emerge victorious, but in truth you are trying not to show a hint of fear against the
new enemy. Good luck you whisper to yourself.

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 3+ orcs
 4 orcs with shield
 3 orc elite with shield
 1 Wyvern boss

This stage should be played on a 2’x2’ (60x60 cm) table. The table should be imagined to be at
about a 60-degree angle. The side of the table where the heroes start is the ‘Bottom” of the table,
while the opposite side is the “top”. A path 3’-4’ wide, should run down in the middle of the
table, representing the normal path for climbing the mountain. The path should wind slightly
from side to side. The rest of the table should be sparsely covered with rocks. The orcs on the
map should be placed mostly in cover from rocks.

The champions (rangers) and companions should all be placed within 2’’ (5 cm) of the “Bottom”
of the table.
The champions may move at their normal rate up and down the path without incurring any
penalties. However, if they ever attempt more than one move action in the same activation, they
must make a climb roll (TN8). If they fail, their activation immediately ends and they fall
towards the bottom of the table, moving a number of inches and suffering damage both equal to
the amount by which they failed.

Apart from the path, the rest of the table is treated as rough ground, with the same limitation on
attempting more than one move action in the same activation as above.

Any time a hero loses a combat in this stage, this figure must immediately make either a climb
roll (TN10) or an Acrobatics roll (TN10), or fall according to the same rules as above.

Any figure that can fly is assumed to automatically pass any climb or acrobatics Rolls.

This stage lasts a maximum of 10 turns. During the event phase of each turn, draw one Event

The target point for this scenario is the top point of the table.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) Treacherous path. Choose the hero that is at the most bottom edge of the
map and immediately follow the special rules for falling.
Red 2 Orcs. Place 2 orcs at the “bottom” of the map.
Red 3 Orc. Place an orc at the center of the map.
Red4 Wyvern’s fireball. Immediately you make a fireball attack per the rules
in the spell list. The champion can block the attack with an Armoury roll
Red 5 Strawberry. You can choose a hero to gain 2 points of lost Health.
Red 6 Orc elite with shield. Place an orc elite with shield at the center of the
Red 7 Fly away. If the wyvern is in combat move him up to his move value
away from the engaged hero in a random direction. Otherwise move the
wyvern towards the closest hero.
Red 8 Wyvern’s fireball. Immediately you make a fireball attack per the rules
in the spell list. The champion can block the attack with an Armoury roll
Red 9 Wyvern’s fireball. Immediately you make a fireball attack per the rules
in the spell list. The champion can block the attack with an Armoury roll
Red 10 Treasure drop. Place a treasure token at the top of the path.
Red Jack Treacherous path. Choose the hero that is at the most bottom edge of the
map and immediately follow the special rules for falling.
Red Queen Strawberry. You can choose a hero to gain 2 points of lost Health.
Red King Spell orb jewelry. All enemies except the boss on the table are
immediately killed and turned into jewels. You earn extra +10 XP for
each enemy turned into jewel
Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 4. All figures that survived regain their
full Health. Each champion finds Gold and jewels in the wyvern’s cave, thus earning extra +10
XP. Champions gain experience points for the following achievements:

 +3 XP for each orc killed.

 +3 XP for each orc with shield killed.
 +4 XP for each orc elite with shield killed
 +20 XP for killing the Wyvern.


After an epic battle with the horrific wyvern you finally descent the mountain through a cave.
The cave is dark, filled with moist and seems to take a toll on the champions. Even the air is
filled with foul fumes and stench of evil. It is said that a 3 headed Hydra has made this place it’s
den, if the battle with the wyvern was hard this one surely will test your might and strength.
Armed with determination to put a stop to the tyranny of Gildiss you move forward as an
unstoppable natural force of Justice!
For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 3+ orcs
 3+ orc elite with shield
 2 Werewolves with crossbow
 2 Survivors
 1 Hydra boss

This stage should be played on a 2.5’x2.5’ (75x75 cm) table. Use scatter terrain that is mostly
walls and rocks, approximately 8. The entrance and exit are the only ways a hero can leave the
map. The champions (rangers) and companions should all be placed within 2’’ (5 cm) of the
entrance of the cave. Use 2 archways/ portals or doors to represent the entrance and exit of the

Place 6 clue markers, these should be placed 3’’ (7, 5 cm) away from the edges of the table as
shown in the map and have at least 3” (7, 5 cm) distance between them. ?In the middle of the
distance between 2 clue markers place 1 orc as shown. The last orc is placed between 2 rocks. 1
orc elite with shield is places within 2” (5cm) from the edge of the table and the other is placed
in the middle of the 2 clue markers. Lastly, the Hydra remains within 2” (5cm) from the exit of
the cave until it is attacked (check special rules).

Place one treasure token 1” (2,5 cm) in front of the deployment zone of the heroes and 1 treasure
token next to the orc that is placed between the rocks.
Die Roll Clue
1-3 You discover some strange markings carved on the wall of the cave. Make a
read runes roll (TN12). If successful you learn that the Hydra has a weakness
to fire attacks. Fireball, burning mark etc cause an additional +1 damage to
the Hydra.
4-6 Strange flowers. You have found some strange white flowers of a type you do
not recognize make a perception roll (TN8). If successful these are a fireheart
green (check herbs table).
7-9 The hero finds a philter of fairy dust, which it may sprinkle upon his weapon
as a free action if he chooses.
10-12 Corpse. Next to it is an old scroll. Make an ancient roll (TN10). If successful
you learn about the ice powers of the Hydra. This Hero can ignore the ice
attacks of the Hydra.
13-15 You spot a gold chest at higher level of the cave. If you wish you can make a
climb roll (TN8). If successful treat the clue marker as a treasure token. If this
token is being carried by a hero at the end of the scenario – stage, you may
roll to see what treasure has been found. If you fail the roll you suffer falling
damage equal to the difference of failure.
16-18 The hero finds a philter of fairy dust, which it may sprinkle upon his weapon
as a free action if he chooses.
19-20 The hero finds the remains of a dead man. Clutched in his hand is an item.
Make a strength roll (TN8). If successful you remove an eagle-eye brooch
from the dead man’s hand. (Check magic item).

The champions suffer from Thirst and Hunger unless they succeed on a survival roll (TN14).
Furthermore, before the stage begins the champions must make a Will roll (TN12) or Navigation
roll (TN8) or suffer 2 points of damage from breathing in foul fumes.

Because of the darkness of the cave the maximum line of sight is 7” (17,5cm).

This stage lasts a maximum of 11 turns. During the event phase of each turn, draw one Event
Card. The target point for this scenario is the Exit of the cave.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) Green Blob. A slimy blob attaches itself to a random selected hero.
Make a stealth roll (TN8). If successful earn the XP. If you fail you
suffer 1 point of damage per turn and you cannot move until you are
successful in the succeeding turns.
Red 2 Mimic Treasure chest. Make a traps roll (TN6). If successful you earn
+10XP. If you fail you suffer 1 point of damage.
Red 3 Orc. Place an orc at the center of the map.
Red4 Dead body. You may make a perception roll (TN11) but then make a
traps roll (TN 8). If successful you make a magic item table roll. If you
fail traps roll then disease (TN9)
Red 5 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to the treasure token.
Red 6 Orc elite with shield. Place an orc elite with shield at the center of the
Red 7 Survivor. You have found a badly wounded but living ranger recruit.
Treat this figure as one of your companions with the following stats:
Move 3, Fight +0, Armour 10, Health 5.
Red 8 Mimic Treasure chest. Make a traps roll (TN6). If successful you earn
the XP. If you fail you suffer 1 point of damage.
Red 9 Green Blob. A slimy blob attaches itself to a random selected hero.
Make a stealth roll (TN8). If successful earn the XP. If you fail you
suffer 1 point of damage per turn and you cannot move until you are
successful in the succeeding turns.
Red 10 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to the treasure token.
Red Jack Survivor. You have found a badly wounded but living ranger recruit.
Treat this figure as one of your companions with the following stats:
Move 3, Fight +0, Armour 10, Health 5.
Red Queen Green Blob. A slimy blob attaches itself to a random selected hero.
Make a stealth roll (TN8). If successful earn the XP. If you fail you
suffer 1 point of damage per turn and you cannot move until you are
successful in the succeeding turns.
Red King Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to the treasure token.


The hydra in this scenario stays in front of the exit until it is attacked. Afterwards, roll a d20
during the creature phase and check the table in order to see the kind of the attack it will make.
Note down if you manage to avoid any of its attacks.


Die Roll Result
1-3 Knock back. One head of the Hydra knockbacks a random adjacent hero 6”
back. If the hero stops on a terrain feature he immediately takes 1 damage. In
order to avoid this attack make an acrobatics roll (TN14).
4-6 Ice attack. One head of the Hydra shoots ice. A random hero takes poison. In
order to avoid it make a Traps roll (TN11).
7-9 Acid attack. One head of the Hydra spits acid. A random hero immediately
suffers -1 armor. In order to avoid it make a swimming roll (TN12).
10-12 Fire attack. One head of the Hydra shoots a fireball. A random hero is the
13-15 Stomp. The hydra makes a charge (move 10) and a stomp attack against a
visible hero or to the closest hero. This is a hand to hand combat.
16-18 Knock back. One head of the Hydra knockbacks a random adjacent hero 6”
back. If the hero stops on a terrain feature he immediately takes 1 damage. In
order to avoid this attack make an acrobatics roll (TN14).
19-20 Fire attack. One head of the Hydra shoots a fireball. A random hero is the


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 5. All figures that survived regain their
full Health. Each champion may make a die roll for Magic Item Table. If a survivor is found and
rescued you can use as free a companion Ranger recruit in the next stage. Champions gain
experience points for the following achievements:

 +3 XP for each orc killed.

 +4 XP for each orc elite with shield killed.
 +6 XP for each clue marker uncovered.
 +3 XP for each werewolf with crossbow killed.
 +10XP for Mimic Treasure chest.
 +4XP for each green blob that you had a successful stealth roll.
 +12 XP for killing the Hydra.
 +15 XP if a survivor is found and lives to the end of the stage.
 +5XP for each avoided Hydras attack.


You finally managed to escape from the Hydra’s den almost unscathed. Onwards to the north by
sea. Even in the deck of your ship the agents of Gildiss will not give you a respite. Flying
Harpies attack the crew and carry some skeleton warriors to fight you and although all these
seem manageable for the champions some creatures of the sea are trying to sink your ship by
damaging its sides with huge tridents.

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 3+ Harpies
 4+ Skeletons
 4 Sahuagins -Mermay

This stage should be played on narrow ledge of 6’’ (15cm) x 12” (30cm) as if it is the deck of
your ship. Place one treasure token in the middle of the table. Your heroes are randomly placed
from left to right and each has a distance of 3” (7.5cm) from each other. This rule represents the
ambush and chaos of battle that the agents of Gildiss are causing on the deck. The skeletons at
the left and right edge of the table are engaged with the hero assuming the battle has already

This stage continues until either all the evil creatures (except the harpies) or all the heroes are
killed. During the event phase of each turn, draw one Event Card. Event card Red 3 is reshuffled
in the deck until all skeletons and Sahuagins are killed, or you managed to kill 4 Harpies.

The creatures that appear during the event phase are randomly placed on the table next to a hero
and engage him/ her. The harpies will not engage the heroes but you can make a free attack
during the event phase against a harpy if you use a ranged weapon. Otherwise place the
appearing Harpy next to the table but outside the playing surface.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) 1 Harpy carries a skeleton. Engage a skeleton to a random hero.
Red 2 Trident attack. A random hero is engaged by a Sahuagin and suffers 2
damage. Avoid the damage with an acrobatics roll (TN8).
Red 3 1 Harpy dives down with its talons to tear the flesh of its victim. A
random hero suffers 1 damage. You can avoid this by naking an
acrobatics roll (TN12) or another Hero takes a leadership roll (TN10).
Red4 1 Harpy carries a skeleton. Engage a skeleton to a random hero.
Red 5 1 Harpy carries a skeleton. Engage a skeleton to a random hero.
Red 6 Engage 2 Sahuagins to a random hero.
Red 7 Trident attack. A random hero is engaged by a Sahuagin and suffers 2
damage. Avoid the damage with an acrobatics roll (TN8).
Red 8 1 Harpy carries a skeleton. Engage a skeleton to a random hero.


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 6. All figures that survived regain their
full Health. Champions gain experience points for the following achievements:

 +3 XP for each Harpy killed.

 +1 XP for each skeleton killed.
 +4 XP for each Sahuagin - Mermay killed.
 + 5 XP for each successful skill roll.


Alas, all your efforts to maintain your course for the shores of the northern lands where
sabotaged by the sea creatures. You have to hastily abandon the sinking ship and take a dive in
the waters; at least the shore seems close enough if you swim from now on. The cursed mermaids
will pursue you but in the dry land you hope to at least even the fighting odds.

Note that this stage is played in 3 scenarios that are played back to back. For this stage you will
probably need the following miniatures

 4+ Harpies
 4+ Orcs
 5+ orc elite with shield
 2 Werewolves with crossbow
 4+ Skeletons
 3+ Sahuagins –Mermay
 Minotaur Boss
 Cyclops Boss


Scenario I: Norde Isle
Through sheer determination and leadership skills you survived the onslaught of the sea
creatures. The last 1 mile of swimming and you will set foot upon dry land. At a distance you
glimpsed a huge shrine, maybe there you can find a temporary shelter. The last thought makes
you renew your swimming efforts but your heart is filled with despair as you hear the distant
Harpies cries.

This scenario is played on a 2’x2’ table (60x60 cm). All heroes must begin from the indicated
table edge within 2’’ (5cm) of the centre of this edge. The entire table within 8” (20cm) of the
table edge is considered deep water. It should contain the tip of 2 ancient ruins but is otherwise
empty. The rest of the table is covered with shallow water, which is rough ground. This portion
of the table should contain a good mixture of gnarled trees, rocks, and a few scattered ruins.
Three clue markers should be placed on the table. Each marker should be placed in the centre of
the table, then moved 1-10’’ in a random direction. No clue marker should be within 4” of
another clue marker. One orc should be placed next to each clue marker.


Die Roll Clue
1-4 Running thief. Make a perception roll (TN8). If successful earn +10XP.
5-8 Corpse. The corpse is wearing a diamond ring, you take it with you. Make an
ancient lore roll (TN 14). If successful you recognize this ring as a spell ring
(check magic item table).
9-12 Treasure. Treat the clue marker as a treasure token. If this token is being
carried by a hero at the end of the scenario, you may roll to see what treasure
has been found.
13-16 Spell orb Frog. Immediately kill 2 enemies of your choosing.
17-20 Bone Blade. Buried in the mud you find a strange sword that appears to be
made of bone. Make an armoury roll (TN6). If successful you can feel a
magic tingle about the blade and decide to keep it. Otherwise, you discard it
as junk. The bone blade gives +1 fight against skeletons to its wielder.
Whenever a hero moves into contact with a clue marker, its action immediately ends, and it
should roll on the clue marker table. Each result on the clue marker table may only be obtained
once. Once the roll has been made, remove the marker from the table.

There is no target point for this scenario. During the event phase of each turn, draw one Event
Card. This scenario lasts a maximum of ten turns.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) Sink Hole. Randomly select one hero. This hero has stepped in a sink
hole or become tangled is some underwater vines if in deep water.
Whenever this figure next activates, it must make a strength roll (TN12)
or be unable to move during its activation. This continues each turn until
the roll is successful. This figure gets +2 to the roll for each friendly
figure that is within 1”, but not in combat.
Red 2 1 Harpy dives down with its talons to tear the flesh of its victim. A
random hero is engaged by a Harpy.
Red 3 Orc. Place an orc at the center of the map.
Red4 1 Harpy dives down with its talons to tear the flesh of its victim. A
random hero is engaged by a Harpy.
Red 5 Trident attack. A random hero is engaged by a Sahuagin and suffers 2
damage. Avoid the damage with a swimming roll (TN8).
Red 6 Orc elite with shield. Place an orc elite with shield at the center of the
Red 7 1 Harpy dives down with its talons to tear the flesh of its victim. A
random hero is engaged by a Harpy.
Red 8 Randomly select one hero that is in deep water. Place a Sahuagin in
combat with that figure. If no figures are in deep water, place one orc
with shield in a randomly determined corner of shallow water table
Red 9 Sink Hole. Randomly select one hero. This hero has stepped in a sink
hole or become tangled is some underwater vines if in deep water.
Whenever this figure next activates, it must make a strength roll (TN12)
or be unable to move during its activation. This continues each turn until
the roll is successful. This figure gets +2 to the roll for each friendly
figure that is within 1”, but not in combat.
Red 10 Orc elite with shield. Place an orc elite with shield at the center of the
Red Jack Randomly select one hero that is in deep water. Place a Sahuagin in
combat with that figure. If no figures are in deep water, place one orc
with shield in a randomly determined corner of shallow water table
Red Queen Trident attack. A random hero is engaged by a Sahuagin and suffers 2
damage. Avoid the damage with a swimming roll (TN8).
Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 5 scenario II. All figures that survived
regain their half Health or + 6 Health whichever is more. Champions gain experience points for
the following achievements:

 +10 XP for finding the diamond ring.

 +10 XP for running thief and perception roll (TN8).
 +3 XP for each Harpy killed.
 +3 XP for each orc killed.
 +3XP for each orc with shield killed.
 +4 XP for each orc elite with shield killed.
 +1 XP for each skeleton killed.
 +4 XP for each Sahuagin - Mermay killed.


Scenario II: the SHRINE’S Courtyard
After the skirmish with the sea monsters, orcs and harpies you arrive at a beautiful yard that is
decorated with columns and statues of marble and unsettling peace. AS you move forward you
hear the sound of the hooves against the soft ground. “Brace yourselves” you give the command.
The last days have exhausted you but you need to press on as you know that the fate of the
kingdom is upon you. Only through your enormous willpower will the tyranny of the Gildiss end.

This scenario is played on a 22”x30” table (60x76 cm). All heroes must begin from the indicated
table edge within 2’’ (5cm) of the centre of this edge. The only exit from the courtyard is from
the opposite edge of the table where you should place a door. This door leads straight to the next
scenario in the tower of the Cyclops. The heroes cannot leave the table from the way they came
in as it is considered that they will be lost in the wilderness of the island. The table is covered in
ruins, columns, some statues; the edges of the table are blocked by impassable huge walls. For
the ruins it is optimal to use different levels that do not exceed 6” height. The treasure tokens are
placed in preference in the higher ground. Use 4 clue markers and place the orcs and skeletons
within 3” of them as shown on the map.
Die Roll Clue ruins
1-6 Grapes. You found some grapes that can at last satisfy your hunger. In the
next scenario you can choose a hero not to suffer from Hunger and thirst.
7-12 Hidden in the rags nearby you spot a peculiar bottle. You quickly recognize
this as a potion of healing.
12-17 Rotten apple. Maggots are dead nearby and you discover an eaten apple.
Although you know you should never consume such a finding the starvation
makes you eat it. You immediately become poisoned and suffer the effects but
in the next scenario you will not suffer from Hunger and Thirst.
18-20 Bottle of wine. You drink the wine and you feel strange. It does not seem to
have a taste and has no apparent effect. Immediately earn 30XP.
Die Roll Clue statues
1-5 A red painting of an eye catches your attention at the statue. Make an
Ancient Lore roll (TN8). If successful, you learn that in the shrine lives a
Cyclops. Note that information down.
6-12 Some ancient runes are carved in the marble. Make a Read runes roll (TN9).
If successful you have a free use of Hand of Fate for one hero during this
scenario. (check Heroic ability list).
13-17 You use your enormous muscles to push the statue and seal the hole where the
skeletons seem to emerge. Make a strength roll (TN 12). If successful you do
not place new skeletons from the events cards and you earn +3XP for each
event card that would place a skeleton during the event phase.
18-20 As you admire the statue you recognize a pattern to set a trap for the minotaur.
Make a perception roll(TN10). If successful, you can for once in the scenario
ignore the Minotaurs thunderous charge during the event phase. Finally, the
Minotaur suffers 5 damage as his charge made him trip.
Each Hero suffers from Hunger and Thirst twice (-4 Health). At the start of the scenario each
hero can attempt to regain 2 Health by passing a Survival Roll (TN12).

Whenever a hero moves into contact with a clue marker, its action immediately ends and it
should roll on the clue marker table. Each result on the clue marker table may only be obtained
once. Once the roll has been made, remove the marker from the table.

The clue marker table has 2 distinct findings for the clues near the statues and the clues near the
ruins. The first part is for the clues near the ruins and the second for the clues near the statues.
Note that each clue is unique and you reroll in case of previous found clue.

The exit door is the target point for this scenario. During the event phase of each turn, draw one
Event Card. This scenario lasts a maximum of ten turns.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) Thunderous charge. Move the minotaur with a double move (12)
towards the target point or the nearest opponent that can see.
Red 2 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the central statues of the map.
Red 3 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him at the central statues of the map
Red4 Collapse. The minotaur ‘s hooves echo as a thunder across the old
castle. One of the buildings, determined randomly, collapses. Any
figure within 2’’ of the building, suffers an immediate +4 attack except
the minotaur.
Red 5 Thunderous charge. Move the minotaur with a double move (12)
towards the target point or the nearest opponent that can see.
Red 6 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the central statues of the map.
Red 7 Collapse. The minotaur ‘s hooves echo as a thunder across the old
castle. One of the buildings, determined randomly, collapses. Any
figure within 2’’ of the building, suffers an immediate +4 attack except
the minotaur.
Red 8 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the central statues of the map.
Red 9 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him at the central statues of the map
Red 10 Thunderous charge. Move the minotaur with a double move (12)
towards the target point or the nearest opponent that can see.
Red Jack A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the central statues of the map.
Red Queen Werewolf with crossbow. Place him at the central statues of the map
Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 5 scenario III. All figures that survived
regain their half Health or + 6 Health whichever is more. Champions gain experience points for
the following achievements:

 +10 XP for successful Ancient Lore roll. Plus, you can ignore an event card in the
next scenario.
 +3 XP for each orc killed.
 +3XP for each orc with shield killed.
 +3XP for each Werewolf killed.
 +1XP for each skeleton killed.
 +8 XP for killing the Minotaur.


Scenario III: Wrath of the Cyclops
Exhausted and tired you salvage any equipment and rations you can find an press onwards to the
shrine. Entering the guarded door you meet huge stairs. It is obvious that these stairs are for a
larger than human footprint. You have to climb the stairs defeat the enemies that guard this
place and finally find a way out of this island, as soon as you are on track for the northern castle
the better chances of defeating the great dragon Gildiss.

This scenario is played on a 2’x2’ table (60x60 cm). The table should be imagined to be at about
a 60-degree angle for the first 8” (20cm). The side of the table where the heroes start is the
‘Bottom” of the table, while the opposite side is the “top”. The champions (rangers) and
companions should all be placed within 2’’ (5 cm) of the “Bottom” of the table. The stairs have a
full width of 2’ (60cm) by 8” (20cm).

The “top “of the table should contain 9 ancient columns and 4 scatter boulders that the heroes
can use as cover. The columns should have 4” (10cm) distance between them. The size of the
“top” is 2’ (60cm) by 16” (40 cm). Place 3 treasure tokens. The treasure on the stairs is placed
exactly in the middle of the stairs, one treasure token is placed between the first row of columns
and one is placed between the boulders. An orc elite with shield is placed next to each treasure. 5
orcs should be placed 3’ (7.5 cm) away from the starting position of the heroes and 2 skeletons at
the last row of the columns with a 4” (10cm) distance between them.

The champions may move up and down the stairs as if traversing rough ground. However, if they
ever attempt more than one move action in the same activation, they must make a climb roll
(TN8). If they fail, their activation immediately ends and they fall towards the bottom of the
table, moving a number of inches and suffering damage both equal to the amount by which they

Apart from the stairs, the rest of the table is treated as normal ground

Any time a figure that loses a combat in this stage, must immediately make either a climb roll
(TN11) or an Acrobatics roll (TN11), or fall according to the same rules as above. Any figure
that can fly is assumed to automatically pass any climb or acrobatics Rolls.

The Cyclops enters the game during the event phase 3. Place him on the center of the “Top” part
of the table. Note that the Thrown boulder event takes place even in the absence of the Cyclops
on the map.
This stage continues until the Cyclops or all the heroes are killed. During the event phase of each
turn, draw one Event Card. The target point for this scenario is the” top” edge of the table.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the stairs.
Red 2 Mimic Treasure chest. Make a traps roll (TN6). If successful you earn
+10XP. If you fail you suffer 1 point of damage.
Red 3 Orc. Place an orc at the center of the stairs.
Red4 Thrown Boulder. A random hero suffers a shoot attack by the Cyclops.
Red 5 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the stairs.
Red 6 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the center of the stairs.
Red 7 Orc with shield. Place an orc with shield at the top center of the stairs
Red 8 Mimic Treasure chest. Make a traps roll (TN6). If successful you earn
the XP. If you fail you suffer 1 point of damage.
Red 9 Orc. Place an orc at the center of the stairs.
Red 10 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the stairs.
Red Jack Thrown Boulder. A random hero suffers a shoot attack by the Cyclops.
Red Queen Orc with shield. Place an orc with shield at the center of the stairs.
Red King Thrown Boulder. A random hero suffers a shoot attack by the Cyclops.


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 7. All figures that survived regain their
full Health. Each champion may make a die roll for Magic Item Table. Champions gain
experience points for the following achievements:

 +3 XP for each orc killed.

 +3XP for each orc with shield killed.
 +4XP for each orc elite with shield killed.
 +1 XP for each skeleton killed.
 +15 XP for killing the Cyclops.
After escaping with your lives from the Cyclops you organize an uneventful trip the forest across
the sea. This is an ancient holy place, surely here a rest of body and soul will restore your will
and strength to fight the evil of Gildiss. As you enter the forest you realize that many trees are
dead and a stench of corruption fills the air. A glimpse of a giant moving Spider makes you
grasp the hilt of your weapons. Your duty is clear. Find the root of the corruption and deliver the
forest from the evil creatures that infest it.

This stage should be played on a 2.5’x2.5’ (75x75 cm) table. Place 5 clue markers on the table.
Place one clue marker in the center of the table and other four 8” (20cm) away from it in a
random direction. Re-roll the direction if this would place one clue marker within 4” of another.
The rest of the table should be covered in trees and a few dense patches of briar. Place 7 Giant
Spiders on the table. Three should be placed at the opposite edge of the map from the staring
edge of the champions with 8” (20 cm) distance between them. The other 4 should be placed
next to a clue marker. On the last remaining clue marker place a skeleton.

The orcs and lizards should be placed within 3” (7.5cm) from the side edges of the table and at
least 8” (20cm) away from the champions and Giant Spiders.

The players should place all their figures within 3” (7.5cm) of the table edge opposite the Giant
Spiders. After placing their figures, the players should select one figure to make a Track Roll
(TN12). If successful remove one Giant Spider from a clue marker of your choice. The players
should also pick one figure to make an Ancient Lore (TN12). If successful you found the heart of
the forest, the ancient Trent. Treat the first clue result as Tree Trent and earn +10XP.
Die Roll Clue
1-3 You discover some strange markings carved on a nearby tree. Make a read
runes roll (TN12). If successful you learn the ancient secret to cure poison.
One hero can immediately heal poison and is immune to poison for the rest of
the stage.
4-6 Strange flowers. You have found some strange white flowers of a type you do
not recognize make a perception roll (TN8). If successful these are a fireheart
green (check herbs table).
7-9 Spell orb Lighting. This is immediately used as a magic bolt. (Heroic Spell).
10-12 Corpse. The skeletal remains reanimate. Replace the clue with a skeleton.
13-15 Tree Trent. You spot a tree of tremendous height. This is the heart of the
forest. Immediately each champion may make a die roll for Magic Item Table.
16-18 This is a big apple. This can restore a hero to his full health and thus cure a
poison effect.
19-20 The hero spots something shining under a rock. Make a strength roll (TN8). If
successful you may choose to take a hand weapon, magic (5) or a bow, magic
The Giant Spiders can always sense intruders amongst the trees. They always count as having
line of sight to all warband members for the purposes of determining spider movement.

The table should be considered rough ground. The target point is the center of the map.

Whenever a hero moves into contact with a clue marker, it should roll on the clue marker table.
Each result on the clue marker table may only be obtained once. Once the roll has been made,
remove the marker from the table.

During the event phase of each turn, draw one Event Card. This scenario lasts a maximum of ten

This stage immediately ends if all the Giant Spiders are killed.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the table.
Red 2 Mimic Treasure chest. Make a traps roll (TN6). If successful you earn
+10XP. If you fail you suffer 1 point of damage.
Red 3 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to a random tree.
Red4 Lava Blob. A slimy blob attaches itself to a random selected hero. Make
a pick lock roll (TN8). If successful earn the XP. If you fail you suffer 2
points of damage per turn until you are successful in the succeeding
Red 5 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the table.
Red 6 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the center of the table.
Red 7 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to a random tree.
Red 8 Mimic Treasure chest. Make a traps roll (TN6). If successful you earn
the XP. If you fail you suffer 1 point of damage.
Red 9 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to a random tree.
Red 10 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the table.
Red Jack Lava Blob. A slimy blob attaches itself to a random selected hero. Make
a pick lock roll (TN8). If successful earn the XP. If you fail you suffer 2
points of damage per turn until you are successful in the succeeding
Red Queen Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to a random tree.
Red King Lava Blob. A slimy blob attaches itself to a random selected hero. Make
a pick lock roll (TN8). If successful earn the XP. If you fail you suffer 2
points of damage per turn until you are successful in the succeeding
Regardless of the outcome of this scenario, the heroes press on proceed to stage 8. This stage is
complete without the death of the player’s champion. If you didn’t manage to kill all the spiders
than in the nest stage you suffer disease without a way to avoid it, meaning -3 Health.
Champions gain experience points for the following achievements:

 +3XP for each orc with shield killed.

 +4XP for each orc elite with shield killed.
 +1 XP for each skeleton killed.
 +2 XP for each Giant Spider killed.
 +5 XP for each lizard killed.
 +4XP for each lava blob that you had a successful pick lock roll.


The road to the castle is manned by the trusted servants of Gildiss. The most unsettling discovery
is that for the first time you discover that traitor humans cast in black armor are fighting against
your cause. “These filthy animals should be put to rest” you tell to your companions as you
spitting with disgust towards the mud.

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 4+ Lizards with sword

 2+ Lizards with spear
 2 Lizard commanders
 6+ Black archers
 2+ Skeletons
 Drake Rider Boss

This stage should be played on a 2’x2.5’ (60x 75 cm) table. A river should run parallel to one
table edge, about 6” (15cm) in from that edge. A small stone bridge should span the 1/3 of the
river. The rest of the table should be crowded by large rocks, broken siege engines, small trees
and shrubs. Near the bridge on the small side of the table as divided by the river at 6” (15 cm) set
up a small camp with fire, bedrolls, tents etc. Place one clue marker and one treasure token in or
near the camp. Place 2 lizards with spear in the camp. Place 2 lizards with shield and a lizard
commander at the end of the bridge opposite the deployment zone of the champions. Place 3
black archers adjacent to the river on the larger side of the table. There should be 8” (20 cm)
between each archer. Place the Drake rider at the centre of the opposite table edge from the
champions next to him place a treasure token. Place a clue marker and a black archer at 8”
(20cm) in from the left and right long sides of the table, it is recommended to place a broken
catapult nearby. Also, a clue marker and a treasure token are placed 8” (20cm) downwards away
from the camp.

Finally, place all the champions and their companions within 3” (7.5 cm) of the table edge near
the river.
Die Roll Clue
1-5 Scroll. You find a scroll covered in some ancient script. After the stage pick
one figure to make an Ancient Lore roll (TN9). If successful the figure
recognizes as orders for the Lizard’s deployment from the Lizard captain.
6-11 Keys. You find a set of Keys. After the stage, pick one figure to make a Pick
Lock Roll (TN8). If successful you recognize that these Keys can open the
side door of the castle in the next stage.
12-16 Map. You find a detailed map of the castle indoors. Note that down.
17-20 Trap kit crate. You find a crate full of used traps. The enemy probably used
them against the valiant defenders. Make a Traps roll (TN8). If Successful
you find one trap that you can use in the next stage.

Before the stage begins, the players should select one figure to make a Navigation Roll (TN12).
If successful, they may gain +1 action with all their heroes in their first activation.

The river is 7’’ (17.5 cm) wide. It is also deep, fast flowing and cold. Figures in the river make
Swimming rolls at -2.Crossing through the stone bridge has no penalty.

Whenever a hero moves into contact with a clue marker, it should roll on the clue marker table.
Each result on the clue marker table may only be obtained once. Once the roll has been made,
remove the marker from the table.

The 2 clue markers further away from the champions near the catapults read as follows: Crows
are feasting upon dead bodies, but as you approach they fly away with a shriek and disorient the
enemies. Make a Stealth Roll (TN12). If successful your next attack (of any kind) against a black
archer has a +4 bonus to the roll.

The enemies that are at the middle of the table and further away from the deployment zone of the
champions will not activate until after the event phase 3. The target point is the Treasure token
opposite the table edge from the champions.

During the event phase of each odd numbered turn (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9), draw one Event Card. This
scenario lasts a maximum of ten turns.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the bridge near the river from the champions
Red 2 Reinforcements. Place a Black Archer at the target point of the stage.
Red 3 Counter attack. Survivors of the onslaught join you to take some
revenge for their fallen comrades. A companion Archer and a
companion Man-at-arms are placed next to a champion.
Red4 Reinforcements. Place 2 Black Archers at the target point of the stage.
Red 5 Reinforcements. Place 2 Lizards with Shields at the target point of the
Red 6 Reinforcements. Place a Lizard Commander with 2 Lizards with Shields
at the target point of the stage.
Red 7 As you move through the dead bodies of the defenders you stumble
upon a potion of Heroism. Check Herbs and Potions table.
Red 8 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the bridge near the river from the champions


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 9. All figures that survived regain their
full Health. Champions gain experience points for the following achievements:

 +1 XP for each skeleton killed.

 +3XP for each Black Archer killed.
 +5 XP for each lizard killed.
 +7XP for each lizard Commander killed.
 + 20XP for Killing the Drake Rider.
 +8XP if the scroll was found and successfully deciphered.
 +5XP if the Keys were found and successfully identified.
 +15XP if the map was found.
 +5XP if the trap kit crate was found.


You reached the breached front gates of the castle; maybe all is not lost yet as you rush forward
and try to convince yourself that you are not too late. Even if the enemies have managed to kill
everyone in the castle, the time of retribution is nigh. Brace yourselves for a heavy fight of
survival as you trek your way to the end of the stage.

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures
 4+ Lizards with sword
 2+ Lizards with spear
 2 Lizard commanders
 2+ Orc elite with shield
 2+ orc with shield
 6+ Black archers
 2+ Skeletons
 2 Drake Rider Boss
 Black Knight Boss

This stage should be played on a 2.5’x2.5’ (75x 75 cm) table. A doorway should be placed in the
centre of one table edge to represent the Champions entry point. All heroes should begin within
3” of this doorway. A fountain sits at the centre of the table and contains a treasure token. Four
orcs are adjacent to it. There are 2 small towers one in the centre of each table edge
perpendicular to the edge containing the entry point. The towers have at least 6” height and have
a pair of stairs for easy access. A broken cart on fire occupies the far right corner and besides it is
a treasure token. A Drake rider is standing in each corner opposite the champion’s entry point. In
the middle of the table edge opposite the champion’s entry point place 3 companion Knights as
they make their last stand and at 5” (12.5 cm) away from them are 2 lizards with shields and 1
lizard commander.
Before the stage begins, the players should check if a map, keys, Scroll, trap kit was found in the
previous stage.

For the map found you can place your champions and their companions as a group to point of
interest of your choice on the table.

For the keys you can deploy at point of interest E.

For Scroll the 3 Knights activation happens during the Rangers phase.

For Trap Kit you can reduce at half the Health of one Drake rider. A Drake rider of your
choosing starts the game with 7 Health.
Note that this stage uses points of interests and not clue markers. These are points at which the
figures can interact once with the table. Whenever a figure is in base contact with a point of
interest, it should follow the instructions given for it in the point of interest table. You can take a
look in the Points of interest table before the stage begins.

The target point is the point of interest E. During the event phase of each turn, draw one Event
Card. When the event deck is finished there is no more event phase for the rest of the stage.
Finally, after the event phase 7 place the boss Black Knight at the centre of the table.

This stage continues until the Black Knight or all the heroes are killed

Point Result
A Spell orb Meteor. With a great cracking sound, several large stones tumble
from the highest of the castle. Select 3 enemies on the table and make a +1
magical elemental attack against each of them.
B A large cart sits quietly in the corner and is set ablaze. Make a strength roll
(TN12). You may make this roll once. If successful you roll the cart toward a
tower of your choice. The black archers on it are immediately set on fire –
killed and if reinforcements from event card arrive on this tower you just
ignore the card.
C Make a stealth roll (TN12). If successful you immediately slay all the black
archers on this tower. Earn the XP for each black archer killed this way.
D Make a Climb Roll (TN8) and Move Roll (TN14). If successful on both
immediately kill all the black archers from this tower.
E Make a Perception Roll (TN8). If successful you see a line of text written in
some sort of ancient language that has been hastily scrawled across the wall.
Make a Read Runes Roll (TN15). If successful you understand that these are
words of magical empowerment written by the dead arch mage of the castle.
You can change a combat die roll to 20, thus winning automatically and
dealing critical damage.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons in a random corner of the table.
Red 2 Reinforcements. Place a Black Archer at the target point of the stage.
Red 3 Counter attack. Survivors of the onslaught join you to take some
revenge for their fallen comrades. A companion Archer and a
companion Man-at-arms are placed next to a champion.
Red4 Reinforcements. Place 2 Black Archers at the tower with point of
interest D.
Red 5 Reinforcements. Place 2 Lizards with Spears at the target point of the
Red 6 Reinforcements. Place 2 Black Archers at the tower with point of
interest C.
Red 7 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons in a random corner of the table.


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 10. All figures that survived regain
their full Health. Add a free companion Knight for the next stages. Champions gain experience
points for the following achievements:

 +1 XP for each skeleton killed.

 +3XP for each Black Archer killed.
 +5 XP for each lizard killed.
 +7XP for each lizard Commander killed.
 +3XP for each orc with shield killed.
 +4XP for each orc elite with shield killed.
 + 20XP for Killing a Drake Rider.
 +16 XP for Killing the Black Knght.


A messenger of the King delivered you a letter that reports a vast enemy army waits you ahead in
the road for castle Garenos that was your next destination. You have to abort the mission since
although mighty you have no hope of surviving against a whole army of enemies. Despair and
frustration fills your heart as the scouting reports confirm that there is no alternative route for
the castle Garenos where you hoped to meet Gildiss and put an end to his tyranny. When all
seemed lost a survivor informs you about a secret underpass way for the castle Garenos but
warns you that it is considered deadly and haunted. With no other choice you venture in the dark
hall that is filled with undead monsters and unspeakable horrors.

Note that this stage is played in 2 scenarios that are played back to back. For this stage you will
probably need the following miniatures:

 6+ Skeletons
 4+ Mummies
 1 Sorcerer mini Boss
 8 Wraiths as Boss
Scenario I: Foul Monsters
You enter the dark halls and immediately the stench of rot and decay fills your lungs. Coughing
some blood on your hand you understand that you must move fast and quickly escape this foul
place before it takes a heavy toll on you and your courageous companions.

The table for this scenario is a series of three large rooms that the champions must pass in order
to confront the Wraiths. Each room is 1.5’x1.5’ 45,5 x 45,5 cm). Room A and B contain 2 doors,
entrance and door to the next room. Room C contains one door and a trapdoor leading further
down the underpass. The rest of the set-up for this scenario is determined by the Room cards
deck as explained in the special rules.

Before the scenario begins, the heroes all suffer Poison and 1 damage. Healing, Spells or magic
items that heal poison can be used now before they enter room A. The players must choose one
figure to make a Stealth Roll (TN10) and a Pick Roll (TN10). If either roll is failed, the players
will suffer the penalty in Room A as explained below.
Players should then place their figures within 1” (2.5cm) of the entrance door of Room A. Then
randomly draw one room card, which will tell them how to set up Room A. The card also tells
how many turns the players have to open the door to room B before they suffer a penalty in that
room as well. If there are no evil figures within 1” of the door to room B, a figure can open it
simply by moving into contact with it. As soon as the door to room B is open, draw a room card
for it as well and again when the door is opened for the final room C. Essentially, if the players
are slow the situation becomes dire. Note that opening a door to a new room changes nothing
about the rooms that are already set up on the table. The evil creatures in those rooms will
continue to follow their normal actions, and heroes may still check clue markers. Several of the
rooms contain clue markers. Whenever a hero moves into contact with a clue marker, its action
ends immediately, and it should roll on the clue marker table. Each result on the clue marker
table may only be obtained once. There is no target point in this scenario. Finally ignore the
event phase as there are no events during this scenario.


Die Roll Clue
1-3 You fill the strong magic in the air. Make a Track Roll (TN10). If Successful
you recognize that this is magic from a Sorcerer or a Dark Wizard. Earn
4-6 Book of Secrets. You found a book that has some ancient scribes. Make an
Ancient Lore Roll (TN13) to decipher the book. If successful you can cure a
permanent injury to a figure of your choice. You earn +6XP regardless.
7-9 Magic Sword (2). Make an Armoury Roll (TN4). If successful you find a
magic sword with 2 uses remaining.
10-12 Hidden note. Make a Perception Roll (TN7). If successful you find a note
scrawled by the captain of the castle Garenos, before he was killed, warning
of the Great Draconian that is now in control of the castle. Your first attack
that damages the Great Draconian in the next Stage does an additional 2
points of elemental magic damage.
13-15 Book of Astronomy. You find a book of star charts. Any figure carrying this
book receives +1 to Navigation Rolls.
16-18 Make a Perception Roll(TN12). If successful you spot a Fireheart Green Herb.
You can take it and use it.
19-20 Among the scatter terrain and the trash you discover a potion. This is an
explosive cocktail. (check Herbs and Potions table).
Card Number Room
Red Ace This room is filled with crates, boxes, barrels. Two treasure tokens should be
placed in the corners opposite from the door which the heroes enter. Two
skeletons are in this room and Two Mummies. One skeleton should be
positioned adjacent to each treasure token. The mummies should be standing
together halfway between the two doorways (or the doorway and the
trapdoor for room C).
If the players have suffered the penalty for this room, replace the skeletons
with Mummies and place them in cover behind crates.
Players have until the end of fourth turn after they open the door to this room
to open the door to the next room, or they suffer the penalty in that room.
Red 2 This room is filled with chairs, a table, and an empty throne. Two corpses
are shackled to the wall opposite the doorway. In the centre of the room
place the throne and a wraith. Two skeletons are placed, one 3” away from
the wraith on a line running to the door through which the heroes are
entering. The other is 3” away on the opposite side of the wraith. Place a
clue marker near each corpse.
If the players have suffered the penalty for this room, place one more wraith
in contact with the throne.
Players have until the end of fourth turn after they open the door to this room
to open the door to the next room, or they suffer the penalty in that room.
Red 3 This room is filled with racks filled with weapons and armour. One clue
marker should be placed in each of the two corners opposite the door by
which the heroes entered. One Black Archer should be placed in the centre
of the wall running between the clue markers. Two skeletons should be
placed in the centre of the room.
If the players have suffered the penalty for this room, a red mist covers their
weapons. All heroes are at -1 fight while fighting in this room.
Players have until the end of fourth turn after they open the door to this room
to open the door to the next room, or they suffer the penalty in that room.
Red 4 This room contains some scatter furniture, bookcase and a large table in the
centre. Place a sorcerer next to the table. Place 2 skeletons 3”away from the
table, between the table and the door through which the heroes entered. If
the Sorcerer is still alive at the end of the third turn after the door to the
room is opened, he uses the teleportation Spell and escapes the table ( you
score no XP).
If the players have suffered the penalty for this room, place 2 Mummies next
to the Sorcerer.
Players have until the end of fifth turn after they open the door to this room
to open the door to the next room, or they suffer the penalty in that room.


This scenario continues until all the doors have been opened, and all evil models on the table
have been killed. Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to scenario 2. All figures that
survived regain 8 points of Health (or go back to their starting Health if they have lost 8 or less).
Champions gain experience points for the following achievements:

 +1 XP for each skeleton killed.

 +6XP for each Mummy killed.
 +3XP for each Wraith killed.
 +10XP for Killing a sorcerer.
 +12 XP for a successful Track Roll.
 +6XP for finding the book of secrets.
 +5XP for finding the hidden note.
 +3XP for finding the book of Astronomy.


Scenario II: Wraiths
You emerge from the trapdoor in a dunk and dark room. Shrieks coming from above your head
freeze your blood. You brace your weapons and muttering a prayer courageously throw
yourselves into the fray.

This scenario is played on a 1’x1’ (30x30 cm). In the centre of the table place a trapdoor and the
champions with half their companions. The rest companions enter the centre of the table when
they pass the Navigation Roll (TN5). Then take six tombstones and place them in a circle around
the center, about 8” (20x20cm) away. These tombstones should be numbered in some fashion
from 1-6, although it doesn’t matter which tombstone is assigned which number. Place several
small bits of terrain, such as fires, crates, barrels in between the tombstones.

Place 6 Wraiths on the table, one between each of the tombstones, so they form their own circle
centred on the centre of the table.
Before the scenario begins, all the heroes must make a Survival Roll (TN12). If it fails, it is
suffering from Hunger and begins the game at -2 Health. Additionally, pick a figure to make a
Traps Roll (TN16). If this is failed, a random heroic figure immediately suffers 5 points of

At the start of the champions- rangers turn during the 1st round, the players may select 2 different
figures to each make a Stealth Roll (TN15). If successful, the players may move 6” for each
figure that passed in any direction.

The first time a wraith is killed it is immediately resurrected near a random tombstone; cast 1d6
to determine the resurrection point. After the first resurrection read the following “The Wraith is
put out of its misery with a swift strike but something is amiss, you watch with disbelief his soul
flying towards a nearby tombstone and the wraith is reborn anew”. After this the heroes can
interact with the tombstones. These are points at which each figure can interact multiple times
during the same turn. When a figure is in base contact with a tombstone, it should follow the
instructions of how to destroy it given for it in the Tombstone table. Usually, there is a need for a
Skill Roll and if successful remove the tombstone from the table.
When a Wraith is killed and you roll for the random tombstone in order to resurrect it and the
said tombstone is destroyed, then the Wraith is permanently killed. This rule doesn’t apply for
the last Wraith and if 2 Wraiths are killed in the same turn.

There is no event phase for this scenario

Tombstone Table
Die Number Skill Roll to Destroy the Tombstone
1 Make A Strength Roll (TN16).
2 Make a Will Roll (TN15).
3 Make an Ancient Lore Roll (TN12).
4 Make a Traps Roll (TN10)
5 Make a Read Runes Roll (TN9)
6 Make a Pick Lock Roll (TN8)
This scenario continues until all the Wraiths are killed and there is no more a single tombstone
on the table. Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 11. All figures that
survived regain their full Health. Champions gain experience points for the following

 +3 XP for each Wraith killed.

 + 5XP for each Tombstone destroyed.


The fresh outdoor breeze soothes your hardships. You take a deep breath to fill your lungs with
oxygen. The beautiful landscape is a welcoming change from the dim lighted catacombs you just
crossed. For the first time during this quest you feel optimistic until you check your rations and
equipment… An evil laughter echoes the land. With horror you realize that all your equipment,
potions and rations are useless as they are rusty or rotten. Duty and honor calls once more and
you have to save Princess Mari from the clutches of the enemy.

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 4+ Lizards with sword

 2+ Lizards with spear
 2 Lizard commanders
 6+ Black archers
 4+ Skeletons
 Great Drakonian Boss

Some evil curse made all your equipment redundant. So all the heroes start the stage with only
their basic equipment and with no potions, nor herbs, nor magic items or weapons or any other
kind of treasure with similar effects.

This stage is played on a 2’x3’ table (60x90 cm), which is divided into three sections. The main
chamber should be 2’X2’ (60x60 cm) and contain large doorways on either of its table edges.
One of these serves as the entry point for the heroes. Three bodies, dangling from chains, should
be placed in a line 4” (10cm) in from the table edge opposite the heroes’ entry point and about 6”
(15cm) from one another. On the left side of the table, there should be a 2’ by 6” (60cm by
15cm) room that is completely separated from the rest of the table by a wall. The wall should
contain one locked door. On the right side of the table should be another 2’ by 6” are, although,
in this case, it is only separated from the rest of the table by a wall that is broken in the middle.
In this corner of this room, at the point furthest from the heroes’ entry area, place a treasure
token and next to it place two skeletons. The rest of the table should be sparsely covered in
rubble and rubbish. Place one Black archer in each corner of the main room. Finally, place 1
Lizard commander, 2 lizards with spear in front of the doorway opposite the entry point of the
Before the stage begins, all the heroes must make a Will Roll (TN10). If failed despair falls upon
the figure and starts the stage at half his starting Health.

The players should nominate to make either a Stealth Roll (TN12) or a Tracking Roll (TN10). If
the figure is successful then chose one Black archer and is immediately killed, place the heroic
figure in the corresponding corner. Either way, the players should place all of their figures within
3” (7,5cm) of the entry point.

The target point of this stage is the point of interest B. Heroes must save Princess Mari and Kill
the Great Draconian.

During the event phase of each turn, draw one Event Card. When the event deck is finished there
is no more event phase for the rest of the stage.

Note that this stage uses points of interests and not clue markers. These are points at which the
figures can interact once with the table. Whenever a figure is in base contact with a point of
interest, it should follow the instructions given for it in the point of interest table. You can take a
look in the Points of interest table before the stage begins.
Point Result
A The body dangling in this chain is dressed as one of the guards of the fort.
Make a Perception Roll (TN12). If successful: The guard wears a small
golden ring engraved with a heron. You decide to take it with you. Gain 8XP.
B The body of another of the fort’s guard. Make a Pick Lock Roll (TN18). If
successful you find through searching the dead corpse a Potion of restoration.
C This body appears different than the other two. In fact, on closer examination,
you recognize the livery as that of a royal messenger. Make a Perception Roll
(TN8). If successful you retrieve the messenger’s satchel and pull out a sealed
letter that has unfortunately become soaked in the messenger’s blood. At the
end of the Stage select one figure to make a Read Runes Roll (TN12). Gain
D The door to the side of the room is locked, though the lock is old and rusty.
Make either a Pick Roll (TN10) or a Strength Roll (TN14) to open it. You
may attempt these rolls as many times as you wish. If successful, you hear a
shuffling and snarling, and suddenly a pack of Lizards rushes forth. Place one
lizard with shield in each corner of the room. Place one treasure token in a
randomly determined corner of the room. In the edge opposite the door place
the Great Drakonian and adjacent to him the Princess Mari. Gain 3 XP.

Princess Mari: Treat this figure as one of your companions with the following stats: Move 3, Fight +0, Armour 10,
Health 5. The heroes can receive damage instead of Princess Mari if they are at least 3” away from her. Remember
that the Princess has to survive.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons in a random corner of the table.
Red 2 Reinforcements. Place a Black Archer at the target point of the stage.
Red 3 Reinforcements. Place a Lizard commander and a Lizard with spear at
the target point of the stage.
Red4 Without warning the entire world begins to shake, and the heroes realize
they have been caught in an unnatural earthquake. Every hero must
make a Move Roll (TN16) or miss their next activation.
Red 5 Drakonian Shield Charge. From nowhere a huge figure rushes towards a
random selected hero. This Hero must make an Armour Roll (TN16). If
it fails then it receives 4 damage.
Red 6 Drakonian Shield Charge. From nowhere a huge figure rushes towards a
random selected hero. This Hero must make an Armour Roll (TN16). If
it fails then it receives 4 damage.
Red 7 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the target point of the table.
Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 11. All figures that survived regain
their full Health. Add a free companion Knight for the next stages. Champions gain experience
points for the following achievements:

 +1 XP for each skeleton killed.

 +3XP for each Black Archer killed.
 +5 XP for each lizard killed.
 +7XP for each lizard Commander killed.
 + 50XP for Killing the Great Drakonian.
 +10 XP for saving Prince Mari.


As the Great Drakonian is stricken down by your final lethal blow, an evil smirk in its face
makes your skin crawl. “The true Lieutenant of Gildiss its not me, I am amere servant of his
greatness, the Dark Mag…” suddenly a lighting storm falls from the sky and completely
incinerates the Great Drakonian. Before you blink only ashes remain. Princess Mari then said
to the heroes. “You saved me. But the Northern castle has fallen to monsters. Will you lend us
your aid?” Of course, you take care of the remnants of the great Drakonian forces in the fort
and after equipping yourselves you start the short journey to the castle Garenos.

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 3+ Werewolves
 6+ Skeletons
 1 Drake Rider
 2 Black Knights Boss

This stage is played on a 2.5’x2.5’ table (75x75 cm).Two opposite corners of the table have
smashed walls. One of these corners serves as the entry point for the heroes. In the corner to the
left of the entry point there is a small ledge, all that really remains of the second story, standing
4” (10cm) above the ground. The corner to the right contains a small room 4”x4” (10x10cm)
with a single door. In the centre of the room place 1 Drake rider. Two Royal Knights are place in
the gap of the smashed wall opposite the heroes’ entry point. Finally, you can place some scatter
terrain such as barrels and crates near the centre of the tab le to create more interesting fights.

All the heroes should be placed within 3” (7,5cm) from the entry point.

The heroes may only exit the table through the open section directly opposite their entry point.
The target point of this scenario is the centre of the table. During the event phase of each turn,
draw one Event Card. The Royal knights are treated as Black Knight.

All that remains from the second story is a small ledge of planking, upon which rests a treasure
token. An Acrobatics Roll (TN12) or Climb Roll (TN8) is needed to get up to the ledge.

The small room has a simple door with no lock. As soon as the players open the door (which
requires an action) place a table in the centre of the small room and upon it a treasure token.
Also, place 4 skeletons in the four corners of the room. As soon as a hero stands adjacent to the
treasure token, it must make a Traps Roll (TN8). If it fails a needle shoots into its hand- it takes 3
points of damage and is poisoned.

The stage lasts for 14 turns.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the table.
Red 2 Mimic Treasure chest. Make a traps roll (TN6). If successful you earn
+10XP. If you fail you suffer 1 point of damage.
Red 3 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him upon the small ledge of planking.
Red4 The Royal Knights move so fast that you blink and you miss them. Both
Royal Knights receive an extra activation during the Creature’s phase in
the upcoming turn.
Red 5 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the table.
Red 6 Running thief. Make a perception roll (TN8). If successful earn +10XP.
Red 7 2 Werewolves with crossbow. Place them upon the small ledge of
Red 8 As you move through the dead bodies of the defenders you stumble
upon a potion of Heroism. Check Herbs and Potions table.
Red 9 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him to a random corner of the table
Red 10 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the table.
Red Jack Running thief. Make a perception roll (TN8). If successful earn +10XP.
Red Queen A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the center of the table.
Red King As you move through the dead bodies of the defenders you stumble
upon a potion of Heroism. Check Herbs and Potions table.


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 12. All figures that survived regain
their full Health. Each champion may make a die roll for Magic Item Table. Champions gain
experience points for the following achievements:

 +1 XP for each skeleton killed.

 +3XP for each Werewolf killed.
 +20 XP for killing the Drake Rider.
 +16 XP for each Royal Knight killed.


The Royal Knights were just the bodyguards of the powerful human being only known as Dark
Wizard. This inhuman wizard is responsible for the suffering of many of your countrymen. This
Wizard is the true Lieutenant of the forces of Gildiss. Since you do not know the exact location of
the dragon’s lair you believe that you can extract this information by the wizard. In any case,
you will bring this wretched filth to justice.

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 4+ Lizards with sword

 2+ Lizards with spear
 2 Lizard commanders
 6+ Imps
 Sorcerer Boss
 Dark Wizard Boss

This stage is played on a 2.5’x2.5’ table (75x75 cm).The table is divided into a main room,
which is 2.5’x2’ (75x60cm) and two smaller rooms, each 6”x1’ (15x30,5cm) that are behind two
closed doors. One corner of the main room contains a staircase. Along the wall between the stairs
and the smaller room is a bookcase. In front of the wall opposite the stairs sits a desk, with a
wardrobe behind and to the right of it. Place a Sorcerer in the front of the door of the first small
room in the right of the stairs. Place 6 Imps around the desk. Place a Lizard commander, 2
lizards with shields and 2 Lizards with Spears.

All Heroes should be set up within 3” (7,5cm) of the staircase.

During the event phase of each turn, draw one Event Card. The stage lasts for 15 turns or until
the Dark Wizard is killed.

When a hero moves adjacent to the bookcase it sees that is full of books. The figure may take
one as a free action and carry it even if it has no item slots currently available. It can spend an
action to carry up to 1d6 more books but it must have the additional item slots to carry the extra
books. After the stage choose one figure to make Read Runes Roll (TN10) or Ancient Lore Roll
(TN11) for each book separately. If successful, for every success each champion either gains
10XP or can select one companion to receive one progression point.

When a hero moves adjacent to the desk it spots an amulet. The figure may make a Perception
Roll (TN9). If successful, it recognizes that the amulet is truly a gemstone of Spellfire (Check
Magic Item Table).

When a hero moves adjacent to the Wardrobe he may spend an action to open it. Make a Traps
Roll (TN11). If it fails a poisonous dart is triggered from the side wall. You can make a Move
Roll (TN 18) or Acrobatics Roll TN (15). If successful in either roll you avoid the Trap and earn
4XP. If you fail then the hero is poisoned per the standard rules. Either way make an Armoury
Roll (TN9). If successful, you find a Hand Weapon or staff, elemental strike (3). The champion
can choose one.
The Sorcerer will use his teleport Spell the first time he receives damage. The Dark Wizard will
appear in the centre of the first small room the heroes manage to open. When the Dark Wizard
first receives damage, he completely ignores it and is teleported to the other small room and in
his place you put 4 Imps. In the next small room place the Dark Wizard in the center along with
a Lizard commander and 2 Lizards with sword.

The small rooms are separated from the main room by a closed door. You make a Pick Roll
(TN8) or Strength Roll (TN12) to open the door behind the Sorcerer. A Pick Lock Roll (TN10)
or Strength Roll (TN14) is required for the second door.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) Select a random hero on the table. That figure sees a glowing rune. That
figure must make either a Perception Roll (TN14) or Read Runes Roll
(TN10). If successful it recognizes the rune as a trap and avoids it. If
not, the figure suffers an immediate +3 magic attack as do any other
figures within 2” of it. If the trap is avoided, gain 4XP.
Red 2 The players hear a deep laugh and turn just in time to see the apparition
of the Dark Wizard. Every Hero makes a Will Roll (TN10) or misses its
Red 3 A set of chains dangling from the ceiling suddenly lashes out and
snatches one of the heroes from the floor. Select a random hero on the
table. That figure must make an immediate Move Roll (TN20) or be
bound in the chains. Once bound, the figure may make one attempt each
turn to make a Strength Roll (TN20) to escape. It gets +4 to this roll for
every friendly figure that is adjacent. Otherwise, it remains bound until
the end of stage. Evil creatures ignore bound heroes. If the hero escapes
the chains, or dodges it to begin with, gain 4XP. Note that if the last
hero is bound and it cannot escape then the creatures target him with -4
fight for the hero.
Red4 What light there is suddenly dims, and the heroes feel the crushing
weight of hopelessness descend upon them. For the rest of the stage all
heroes suffer -3 to all Will Rolls.
Red 5 A great peal of thunder echoes all around. In the next second a bolt of
lightning streaks down from the sky. Select a random hero. That figure
suffers a +5 elemental magic shooting attack. Surely a work of the Dark
Red 6 Running thief. Make a perception roll (TN8). If successful earn +10XP.
Red 7 A horrific howl echoes around, sending shivers down the spines of the
heroes. Every hero must make a Will Roll (TN10). If it fails, it receives
a maximum of one action during its next activation.
Red 8 Frenzy. Something in the air causes all evil creatures on the table to go
berserk For the next turn, all evil figures receive +2 Fight..
Red 9 A violent storm kicks up. Line of sight is reduced to 10” (25cm) for the
rest of the stage. All heroes must make a Will Roll (TN8) or suffer 2
points of damage.
Red 10 Place two Lizards with Spear at the staircase.
Red Jack The Heroes hear a few soft ticks, and then suddenly little bolts of fire
burst from the ceiling. Every Heroic figure must make a Fight Roll
(TN12). Champions may add their leadership Skill for this roll. Every
companion within 6” of a Champion can also add the champion’s
Leadership Skill to their roll. If they fail, they immediately take 1 point
of damage.
Red Queen Frenzy. Something in the air causes all evil creatures on the table to go
berserk For the next turn, all evil figures receive +2 Fight.
Red King Choose one hero. That figure should make a Perception Roll (TN9). If
successful it finds a magic weapon of its choice.
Black Ace Spell orb Lighting. This is immediately used as a magic bolt. (Heroic
Black 2 The ongoing battle against the forces of evil seems doomed, but the
Gods are with you this day. For the next turn every heroic figure may
re-roll one die. (Champions and companions).
Black 3 Place two Lizards with Spear at the staircase.
Black 4 The Heroes hear a few soft ticks, and then suddenly little bolts of fire
burst from the ceiling. Every Heroic figure must make a Fight Roll
(TN12). Champions may add their leadership Skill for this roll, and for
every companion within 6”. If they fail, they immediately take 1 point
of damage.


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 13. All figures that survived regain
their full Health. Each champion may make 2 dice roll for Treasure Table. Champions gain
experience points for the following achievements:

 +1 XP for each Imp killed.

 +5 XP for each lizard killed.
 +7 XP for each lizard Commander killed.
 +10 XP for Killing the Sorcerer.
 +40 XP for Killing the Dark Wizard Boss.
 +10 XP for stopping the running Thief.
 +4 XP for each trap avoided.
 +10 XP for each Book found and deciphered.
The Dark Wizard is no more! His defeat scattered the Human remains of Gildiss forces. Great
minor victories for our champions but the stakes are high. You must locate the den of Gildiss and
put a final end to his tyranny. Alas, his last lair was a cave in the woods but now it seems
deserted. You equip yourselves with hope that you may find some clues or tracks in his late
residence and in the process completely annihilate the monstrous army of Gildiss.

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 2+ Lizards with sword

 2+ Lizards with spear
 2 Lizard commanders
 2+ Werewolves
 4 Sahuagins - Mermay
 Wyvern Boss

This stage is played on a 2.5’x3’ table (75x90 cm). One of the Short edges should be designated
as the Hero edge. The long table edge to the left of the hero edge is occupied by a river. All of
the table within 6” (15cm) is considered part of the river, at the middle of the river there is a
small island with a treasure token on it. The river is shallow and a Hero can swim freely. You
will need 6 clue markers to place on the table. At the shores of the river place 4 clue markers,
none should be closer than 8” (20cm) to one another. Next to each clue marker near the river
place 1 Sahuagin for a total of 4. Furthermore place one clue marker at the long table edge to the
right of the heroes’ edge at 8” (20cm) away from the heroes edge and next to it a treasure token
and a Lizard with Sword. On the opposite short edge from the Heroes place a Wyvern along 2
Lizards with Spear in the middle section of this specific edge. The last clue marker is placed 8”
(20cm) away to the left of the wyvern and 8” (20cm) inside the long table edge. The rest of the
table should contain scattered trees and rocks. Recommended 6 trees and 6 rocks.

The Heroes should be placed at their edge but with a distance of at least 4” (10cm) between
them. This represents the fact that they are scattered around to find some clues.
Die Roll Clue
1-3 Treasure. Treat the clue marker as a treasure token. If this token is being
carried by a hero at the end of the stage, you may roll to see what treasure has
been found.
4-6 Helpful Gnome. A little humanoid creature informs you about the
whereabouts of Gildiss. You can pass the Navigation Roll for the next stage.
7-9 Helpful Gnome Leader. The information given to you by the leader is of
outmost importance. You may pass a failed Survival Roll for the next Stage.
10-12 Mimic Treasure chest. Make a traps roll (TN9). If successful you earn the
12XP. If you fail you suffer 1 point of damage.
13-15 Helpful Gnome. A little humanoid creature gives you a fishglass. (Magic Item
16-18 Herbs. You find some herbs. Roll once on the Herbs and Potions table to see
what you have discovered. This may be given to any member of the company
after the stage.
19-20 The hero spots something shining under a rock. Make a strength roll (TN10).
If successful you may choose to take a hand weapon, magic (5) or a bow,
magic (5)
The heroes may only exit the table through directly opposite their edge. There is a penalty in the
next stage if the clues are not gathered. The target point of this scenario is the centre of the table.
During the event phase of each odd turn (1,3,5,7,9…), draw one Event Card. The Stage lasts for
14 turns.

The Wyvern’s breath of this Stage is chilling and can freeze his opponent on spot. When the
Wyvern wins a fight the Hero has to make an Acrobatics Roll (TN14) or Move Roll (TN18). If it
fails, it receives a maximum of one action during its next activation.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) Place two Lizards with Spear at the Wyvern’s table edge.
Red 2 Fly away. If the wyvern is in combat move him up to his move value
away from the engaged hero in a random direction. Otherwise move the
wyvern towards the closest hero.
Red 3 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to a random tree.
Red4 Place 2 Lizards Commanders and 2 Lizards with Swords at the centre of
the table.
Red 5 Place 2 Lizards Commanders and 2 Lizards with Swords at the centre of
the table.
Red 6 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to a random tree.
Red 7 Fly away. If the wyvern is in combat move him up to his move value
away from the engaged hero in a random direction. Otherwise move the
wyvern towards the closest hero.
Red 8 Werewolf with crossbow. Place him next to a random tree.


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 15. All figures that survived regain
their full Health. Champions gain experience points for the following achievements:

 +5 XP for each lizard killed.

 +7 XP for each lizard Commander killed.
 +3 XP for each Werewolf killed.
 +3 XP for each Sahuagin Killed.
 +12 XP for a Mimic Treasure chest.
 +10 XP for each Helpful Gnome found.
 +20 XP for Killing the Wyvern Boss.
“Thank you. Now I can live in peace. If you ‘re looking for Gildiss, I think you should go tot this
cavern”. Said the Gnome leader as he bids you farewell. You have to pass through the
underground labyrinth in order to reach the den of the dragon. Who knows what new
monstrosities might guard this passage?

For this stage you will probably need the following miniatures

 6 Mummies
 4+ Skeletons
 2 Cyclops Boss

This stage is played on a 2’x2’ table (60x60 cm). Use some walls to divide the table accordingly
to the map below. The numbers are used for the randomly placed heroes (see special rules). Place
2 Cyclops near the exit door. At each corner of the table edge where the exit door is, place a
treasure token. Place 2 Mummies in the opening gaps of the areas numbered 1-5, 11-15, and 16-
20. Place 2 skeletons in the opening gap of the area numbered 6-10.
Before the Stage starts each Hero suffers from Hunger and Thirst for each clue marker that did
not find in the previous stage.

The heroes must choose one figure to make a Navigation Roll (TN18). If successful they can
move freely only once per activation. If you fail the roll then each time you move a hero his
movement is randomly determined as it is lost in the vast labyrinth.

A Survival Roll (TN15) is required for each hero in order to start in the entrance. If failed the
hero is randomly placed on the table, determined by the roll of 2d20.

The only way for a hero to exit the stage is through the exit door. A hero reaching the exit door
should make a Perception Roll (TN15) in order to see the door and thus escape from the

The target point of this stage is the point where the most heroes are gathered on the table if
possible, otherwise the hero nearer the exit door.

The monster always have clear line of sight to the heroes, especially for the event cards. Heroes
have a maximum line of sight 4” (10cm), exception is the use of special magic item or spells.

The Stage lasts until all the heroes have found the exit door and escaped or all the events cards
are drawn, in which case the heroes lose the campaign. Note that even if one hero has escaped
the Stage you can roll for each hero who failed to do so on the Survival table.

During the event phase of each turn, draw one Event Card.

Card Number Event
Red Ace (1) A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the table.
Red 2 Lava Blob. A slimy blob attaches itself to a random selected hero. Make
a pick lock roll (TN8). If successful earn the XP. If you fail you suffer 2
points of damage per turn until you are successful in the succeeding
Red 3 Mimic Treasure chest. Make a traps roll (TN6). If successful you earn
+10XP. If you fail you suffer 1 point of damage.
Red4 Thrown Boulder. A random hero suffers a shoot attack by the Cyclops.
Red 5 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the table.
Red 6 Lava Blob. A slimy blob attaches itself to a random selected hero. Make
a pick lock roll (TN8). If successful earn the XP. If you fail you suffer 2
points of damage per turn until you are successful in the succeeding
Red 7 Thrown Boulder. A random hero suffers a shoot attack by the Cyclops.
Red 8 Lava Blob. A slimy blob attaches itself to a random selected hero. Make
a pick lock roll (TN8). If successful earn the XP. If you fail you suffer 2
points of damage per turn until you are successful in the succeeding
Red 9 Thrown Boulder. A random hero suffers a shoot attack by the Cyclops.
Red 10 A skeleton throws a spear to the nearest hero. This is a shooting attack
of +2. Place 2 skeletons at the centre of the table.
Red Jack Thrown Boulder. A random hero suffers a shoot attack by the Cyclops.
Red Queen Lava Blob. A slimy blob attaches itself to a random selected hero. Make
a pick lock roll (TN8). If successful earn the XP. If you fail you suffer 2
points of damage per turn until you are successful in the succeeding
Red King Thrown Boulder. A random hero suffers a shoot attack by the Cyclops.


Assuming the champions have survived, proceed to stage 16. All figures that survived regain 8
points of Health (or go back to their starting Health if they have lost 8 or less). Champions gain
experience points for the following achievements:

 +6 XP for each Mummy killed.

 +1 XP for each Skeleton killed.
 +4XP for each lava blob that you had a successful pick lock roll.
 +15 XP for each Cyclops Boss Killed.


At last after all those adventures you reached the cave of Gildiss. Now you have cornered the
beast and you can kill it, a word of warning though, a cornered beast is always more lethal.
Beware its fiery breath and enormous teeth and claws. As you approach your target a mighty
voice is echoed across the whole cave. “You mere human think that can defeat the mighty
Gildiss? Well, come on then! I’ll charbroil your bones” said the almighty dragon.

For this stage you will need

 Dragon Gildiss Boss

This stage is played on a 1’x1’ (30x30 cm). This is a plain table without special obstacles, just
for fun place treasure chests and coins on the table that have no special rules. Place the heroes on
a table edge and in the opposite edge place the Dragon Gildiss.

SPECIAL RULES The game ends with the defeat of all heroes or if the Dragon is killed.

The Dragon in this stage rolls a d20 during the creature phase and check the table in order to see
the kind of the attack it will make. It will make the Hand-to-Hand combat in addition to the
following special attack according to the roll of a d20.

Die Roll Result
1-3 Knock back. Gildiss knockbacks with his huge mass a random adjacent hero
6” back. The hero immediately takes 2 damage. In order to avoid this attack
make an Acrobatics Roll (TN16).
4-6 Fiery Breath. The closest hero, or random if multiple in base contact suffers 3
damage. In order to avoid this attack make an Armoury Roll (TN16).
7-9 Dragon’s Gaze. A random hero suffers the spell Weakness that lasts until the
next creature’s phase.
10-12 Grab. The dragon grabs the closest hero or random if multiple in base contact
and throws him towards a random table edge. The hero takes damage to half
the distance in inches moved, round up. In order to avoid this attack make a
Climb Roll (TN16).
13-15 Smash. The Dragon tries to crash you under his mighty feet. The closest hero,
or random if multiple in base contact suffers 4 damage. In order to avoid this
attack make a Strength Roll (TN16).
16-18 Dragon’s Voice. The strong voice of Gildiss almost paralyses his victims. A
random hero makes a Will Roll (TN16). If it fails he loses his activation.
19-20 Fire attack. Gildiss shoots 2 fireballs. 2 random heroes are the target.


Assuming the champions have survived read the following: “Although the heroes received many
wounds, they were finally able to defeat the red dragon. Now their country will know peace
again. Standing in the cavern of Gildiss’ treasure hoard they were nearly blinded by the sparkle
of gold. As they stood looking at their hard won haul, they could see new adventures reflected in
each precious gem”. THE END.

Congratulations you have successfully finished the campaign, I really hoped you liked it and
enjoyed the nostalgia of this old video game.

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