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Some Tools to Employ

Here are some tools you might have used to help lower the price:

1. Point out that your use of the photograph is of great publicity value to
Moffett studio.

2. Point out that the cost to Moffett is the same whether you make 100, 1,000,
or 3 million copies.

3. Point out that this is all profit to them. Getting $100 in 1912 would be worth
over $3,100 in 2013.

4. Point out that you have a limited budget.

While it is okay to ask for a lower price, especially with a good reason, one
potential danger if you push too hard is that you might get back a reply
something to the effect of: Let us think about that offer and we'll get back to
you next week. The problem is that you need their permission right away. And
if you reveal your desperation after first having hid it, they might feel you are
trying to take advantage of them and become a whole lot less cooperative.

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