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This Bestiary contains Stats and Special rules for all the monsters that can be encountered in the
missions – Stages. Also, experience point value (XP) that is earned by rangers- champions
whenever they or a companion slay a creature are provided for easy reference.

These vile creatures are among the most numerous in the game. Below are the stats for the
different types.

Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +2 +0 11 +0 10 Hand Weapon, Light armor

ORC with Shield XP 3

Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +2 +0 12 +0 10 Hand Weapon, Light armor,

ORC Elite with Shield XP 4

Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +2 +0 12 +1 12 Hand Weapon, Light armor,

ORC King XP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +3 +0 12 +0 14 Two-Handed Weapon, Large

This creature is most likely an anthropomorphous Hyena but it is known in the common
language as a Werewolf. Although a true werewolf would have no need of physical weapons

Werewolf with Crossbow XP 3

Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +1 +2 11 +0 10 Dagger, Crossbow, Quiver,
Light armor

A deadly combination of bulk and muscle, watch out for his unstoppable charge. Usually they
carry a huge broad axe. Horns: They are better at fighting multiple enemies at once. Figures
fighting against a Minotaur count as having one fewer supporting figure (minimum 0) in the
combat than they do.

Minotaur XP 8
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +4 +0 14 +2 16 Two-Handed Weapon, Large,
Horns, Animal

Giant dragon-like creatures, a wyvern stands 9 feet tall, with horns, claws and a pair of large
wings sprouting from their backs. Wyverns are horrific to look upon. Anyone who wishes to
move into combat with a Wyvern must first pass a will roll (TN10). If he fails he stops 2” away
and his activation ends. Wyverns are capable of flight and thus ignore all terrain penalties for
movement purposes.

Wyvern XP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +5 +0 14 +8 16 Large, Horrific (TN10), Flying,

A three headed Hydra is a deadly mythological creature which can destroy a whole army. Not
only is this creature a fearsome opponent, but it is partially immune to non- magic weapons.

If a three headed Hydra is struck with non-magic weapon, calculate damage normally and then
halve it, rounding down.

Hydra XP 12
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
5 +4 +3 14 +8 16 Large, Partially immunity to
non-magic weapons, Animal
The evil Gildiss hates to waste any potential resource – even the bones of the long deceased are
often used to further his aims. While not particularly fearsome individually, these animated
skeletons can prove deadly when encountered in larger numbers.

Skeleton XP 1
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +1 +0 1 +0 1 Undead
This large scavenger was thought to be extinct. The malice of a Harpy is only bested by its
voracious taste for flesh. Watch out its aerial dives protruding its sharp talons.

Harpy XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +0 +0 13 +0 4 Animal, Flying
Sahuagin- Mermay
There are no known scripts describing this sea creature. A mystery envelops its appearance. It is
an animal, a humanoid, a foul magic creature?

A Sahuagin is amphibious and never have to make Swimming Rolls, nor suffer any movement
penalties for being in water.

Sahuagin XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
4 +1 +0 12 +0 8 Two-Handed weapon,

A Cyclops is a one-eye huge monster. He seems to crave for brutality. Large boulders will be
shot from afar but he is also a beast in close combat. He has a really tough hide and the fact that
he is slow is his only weakness. Maybe you can take advantage of blinding him.

If a Cyclops is reduced to 9 Health or lower his fight becomes +2 and his shoot +0.

Boulders have a maximum range of 8’’ (20cm) and do +1damage.

Cyclops XP 15
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
4 +5 +2 14 +8 18 Large, Boulders, Monster
Giant Spider
These hairy arachnids are comparable to a cow in size. They possess only rudimentary
intelligence and have managed to infest the Trent woods. Now they will fiercely defend their
territory with an animalistic instinct.

Giant Spider XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +0 +0 8 +0 4 Animal, Poison, No movement
penalty for rough ground or
These creatures are among the elite servants of Gildiss. Although they appear animalistic they
are highly intelligent creatures that when accompanied by a commander are tactically lethal.
Lizard with spear XP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
5 +2 +0 12 +0 12 Spear + 2 damage

Lizard with Shield XP 5

Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
5 +2 +0 13 +0 12 Hand Weapon, Shield

Lizard commander with Shield XP 7

Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
5 +3 +0 13 +4 14 Hand Weapon, Shield, +1
damage, Command ability

Command ability: all lizards within 5” (12.5cm) receive +2 Will.

A Lizard commander is equipped with an expertly crafted sword that does +1 damage.

Black Archer
The Humans fighting for Gildiss are the embodiment of disgrace. They wear mostly black armor
and have the nerve to call themselves sons of the dragon. Probably cowards who dare not oppose
the tyranny of Gildiss and live only by their survival instinct. These humans deserve the full
wrath of our champions

Black archer XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +1 +1 11 +2 10 Hand weapon, Bow, Quiver,
Light armor
Drake Rider
The Drake rider is a mockery to the noble paladins of the Kingdom. Riding a fire breathing drake
and a polearm that causes tremendous damage is an enemy that can cause havoc. His light armor
is constructed by a new material that gives him protection without reducing his maneuverability;
it can block one attack without taking any damage.

Spellcaster Fireball: This is a spell that is a free action during the Drake’s Rider activation.

Drake Rider XP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
8 +2 +0 13 +6 14 Polearm +2 Damage, Light
armor Blocking (1), Spellcaster

Black Knight
The Black Knight is an arrogant fallen knight of the Kingdom. He believes himself to be the best
swordsman of the Kingdom. Although a Knight with Heavy armor he is quite agile. His cocky
fighting style is his greatest strength but his arrogance should be his downfall.

Nimble: He can take a maximum of 2 damage per fight lost.

Sweep: When he wins a fight he causes damage to all the figures that where in combat with him.

Black Knight XP 16
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +3 +0 13 +6 6 Hand weapon, sweep, Heavy
armor Blocking (1), Nimble
Using the blackest of Magic horrific, undead monstrosities from ages past come back to life. So
Horrific is the appearance of a Mummy that any hero wishing to move into combat with it must
first pass a Will Roll (TN8). If it fails, it moves to within 2” (5cm) (or stays where it is) and its
activation ends. Finally, watch out for a choke hold as it causes Disease (TN14).
Mummy XP 6
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
4 +4 +0 11 +6 16 Undead, Disease (TN14),
Horrific (TN8)
A wraith is a violent form of semi ethereal undead. In form it resembles a robbed human with
long grasping arms and skeletal face. Unlike most undead which float or glide, a Wraith truly
seem to fly, often horizontal to the ground with its arms stretched out. Wraith ignores all terrain
for movement purposes as it can fly over or through everything in tis way. Because, a wraith is
semi ethereal, non-magic weapons do only half damage, rounding down, against it. Whenever a
wraith is reduced to 0 Health, it lends out a horrendous, paralyzing shriek. Any figure in combat
with the Wraith make an immediate Will Roll (TN12) or lose its next activation.

Wraith XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +1 +0 10 +10 10 Undead, Flying, Half Damage
from Non-Magical Weapons,
Death Scream

There are many Humans that prefer to serve the tyrant than be crushed under his cruel feet. Some
of them even learn some magic tricks in their vain effort to impress the huge Dragon, alas the
fools are simply pawns for Gildiss. A few named sorcerer manage to study the art of dark magic
under the tutelage of the Dark Wizard and thus they are quite dangerous although not without the
weakness of mortal flesh.

Sorcerer XP 10
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +1 +0 11 +5 12 Unarmed, Spellcaster, Quick
cast, Fireball, magic Bolt,

Great Drakonian
Great Drakonian is the lieutenant of Gildiss. He enforces his will upon the conquered lands, with
his brute strength and unparalleled strategic mind. Watch out his sword’s giant reach and brutal
blows. This is truly a nightmare manifest that is horrific to face in combat. Hubris: A distorted
sense of supremacy urges the Great Drakonian to seek the most formidable adversaries in
combat, or this is a strategic elimination of the most capable and inspiring hero in the field? The
Great Drakonian always targets the hero with the most current Health.

Anyone who wishes to move into combat with a Great Drakonian must first pass a will roll
(TN12). If he fails he stops 2” away and his activation ends. Its magic sword can hit from range
8” (20cm) away a hero.

If a Great Drakonian is struck with non-magic weapon, calculate damage normally and then
halve it, rounding down.

Great Drakonian XP 50
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +5 +0 16 +8 16 Large, Horrific (TN12), Flying,
Magic sword with giant reach,
Hubris, Partially immunity to
non-magic weapons, Animal

This little flying creature is a magical creation of the Dark Wizard. While not overly dangerous
individually, they usually attack in small groups.

Imp XP 1
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
8 +1 +0 12 +3 1 Flying, Animal
Dark Wizard
A master of mystical arts under the tutelage of the Great Dragon Gildiss. He is an evil human
that cares not about his kin. The ruthlessness and his cunning made him rise at the top of the
ranks of Gildiss forces. HE must not be underestimated.
Dark Wizard XP 40
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +2 +0 11 +12 12 Unarmed, Spellcaster, Quick
cast, Burning Mark, Weakness,
Fireball, magic Bolt
The Red Dragon Gildiss is more than a mindless tyrranical animal. Its malice and cunning are
both equal legendary. Gildiss might is horrific to look upon. Anyone who wishes to move into
combat with Gildiss must first pass a will roll (TN12). If he fails he stops 2” away and his
activation ends.

If Gildiss is struck with non-magic weapon, calculate damage normally and then halve it,
rounding down.

Since Gildiss is a magical creature damage from spells is halved.

Gildiss is capable of flight and thus ignore all terrain penalties for movement purposes.

Gildiss XP --
Move Fight Shoot Armour Wil Health Notes
6 +6 +0 14 +9 16 Large, Horrific (TN12), Flying,
Animal, Partially immunity to
non-magic weapons, Partially
immunity to Spells.

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