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Miscellaneous Question DNA Till Mutations


1) Hydrogen bonds are formed between …… in proteins, and … in DNA.

A) Distant amino acids – Opposite nucleotides
B) Distant amino acids – Successive nucleotides
C) Successive amino acids – Successive nucleotides
D) Successive amino acids – Opposite nucleotides

2) In the opposite figure: The distance

between (X) and (Y) compared to the
distance between (Z) and (E) is ….
A) 1:1 B) 1:2 C) 2:1 D) Cannot be

3) From the following graph: Which of the

illustrated cells belong to the same organism?
A) Cells (Z) and (L) B) Cells (X) and (Y)
C) Cells (X) and (L) D) Cells (Y) and (Z)

4) Which of the following characteristics in the Watson and Crick model is

considered a cornerstone base (‫ )حجر اساس‬to understand the mechanism of DNA
A) Equal length of rungs B) Complementary base pairing
C) Antiparallel strands D) Double helix structure

5) The opposite diagram represents two different
types of cells in the same individual: Which model
best explains the functional difference between these

6) You have a picture of the surface scales formed on the skin of fish: The
protein covering these scales resembles ….
A) The protein forming skeletal muscles
B) The protein forming cattle horns
C) The protein forming tendons and ligaments
D) The protein forming bones

7) The corresponding figure illustrates the components of a nucleotide,
recognize each one, then answer:

In case of having 90 units of (D), 56 units of (B), 34 units of (C), 22 units of (A),
what is the maximum number of nucleotides that can be formed from them?
A) 22 B) 34 C) 56 D) 90

8) The opposite figure represents a nucleotide in the middle

of a DNA strand
Which part of this nucleotide binds with another nucleotide
in the opposite strand?
A) (A) B) (B) C) (C) D) (D)

9) Which of the following statements isn't correct about deoxyribonucleic acid?

A) It transfers the genetic information from the grandparents to the grandchildren
through parents.
B) lts presence site in Amoeba differs from bacteria.
C) Its amount is always related to the number of chromosomal sets.
D) Its amount is affected by the type of cellular division

10) Which of the following contain the weakest bonds in the DNA molecule?
A) Carbon atoms of the deoxyribose sugar.
B) Phosphate group (PO4) and carbon atom no. (5) in the nucleotide.
C) Phosphate group (PO4) and carbon atom no. (3) in the nucleotide bonded to it.
D) Nitrogen and hydrogen atoms of the two opposite nitrogenous bases.

11) The opposite graph represents the number of nucleotides in a fragment of

DNA strand, which of the following strands is
complementary to this fragment?

12) The columns represented in the opposite graph illustrate the components of
DNA molecule and their percentages, which of the following is correct?
A) (Z) and (L) represent adenine and thymine.
B) (X) and (M) represent sugar and phosphate.
C) (Y) and (Z) represent purines.
D) (X), (Y), (Z) and (M) represent nitrogenous

13) Which of the following graphs represents the division of a somatic cell in a
mouse skin correctly?

14) The nucleic acid sample contains 60% purines, which of the following is
expected to be the source of this nucleic acid?
A) Plasmids of prokaryotes. B) DNA of mitochondria.
C) DNA of eukaryotes. D) RNA of a virus.

15) The following figure represents a sequence of nucleotides

in one DNA strand, Study the figure then answer, what is the
arrangement of (1), (2), (3), (4) respectively as in figure?
A) 3l … T-G-C-A …5l B) 3l … A-G-C-T …5l
C) 5l … A-G-C-T …3l D) 5l … T-G-C-A …3l

16) Study the following figure then answer: What is the ratio between number
of rings of bases in the figure to the number of rungs in the double helix?
A) (3:1) B) (2:1)
C) (1:1) D) (1:3)


17) Identify the organism in front of you, then answer: Which of the following
distinguishes the DNA in structure (1) from that in structure (2)?
A) Contains linked hydroxyl groups
B) Consists of multiple turns and is complexed with proteins
C) Replicates before cell division
D) Can be labeled with radioactive sulphur

18) In which of the following organisms,

The shape of its genetic material doesn't change through different stages passed
by its cell?

19) The figure represents the structure of …

A) DNA molecule in pneumonia bacteria

B) Sugar-phosphate backbone in Escherichia coli
C) Sugar-phosphate backbone in an amoeba cell
D) Sugar-phosphate backbone in yeast plasmid

20) In front of you there are three types of
cells from three different living organisms,
study them well and then answer:
(1) Which of these forms represents a gonad
cell in the sponge animal?

(2) Which of these forms represents a uni-cellular fungus that reproduces

asexually by budding?

21) The opposite table represents the results of Plasmid Nucleosome

experiments on the cellular chemical analysis of (A) Present Present
various uni-cellular organisms. Study the figure well, (B) Present Absent
then answer: According to your study: What are the (C) Absent Present
organisms represented by the symbols (A), (B), (C), (D) Absent Absent
and (D)?

22) In the following

table: Which of the DNA Inside the Inside the Inside the Inside
replication nucleus cytoplasm mitochondria the
following represents a
sites plastid
vascular cambium
(S) Yes No Yes Yes
(P) Yes Yes Yes No
A) (S) B) (P) (A) No Yes No No
C) (A) D) (L) (L) Yes No Yes No

23) In the following figure, at
which level of the illustrated
levels does DNA replication
begin in bacteria causing
pneumonia diseases?

24) In front of you are two methods, (X)

and (Y), of a biological process taking
place in living cells. Which of the
following represents the possibility of
their occurrence in organisms (1) and

Organism 1 Organism 2
A) X and Y X and Y
B) Y only X only
C) X only Y only
D) Y only X and Y

25) The diagram illustrates the stages of the

cell cycle, identify them, then deduce: How
many times does an amoeba cell go through
the M stage, assuming the release of 32 small
amoebae upon improved conditions?
A) 32 B) 16 C) 8 D) 5

26) Where could the shown structure be found in the yeast fungus?
A) In the nucleus only B) In the cytoplasm only
C) In the nucleus and cytoplasm D) In the nucleus and mitochondria

27) In the opposite figure, the nucleic acid (X) has.............. bonds.
A) Only hydrogen B) Covalent and hydrogen
C) Only covalent D) Hydrogen and disulfide

28) In the opposite figure, what results from adding the deoxyribonuclease
enzyme to organisms A and B?
A) The envelope of organism A degenerates
B) The entire cell of organism B degenerates
C) Structures X and Y degenerate D) Structures X and Z degenerate

29) What is the difference between (A) and (B) in the following figure?
A) Ability of replication B) Complication with histones
C) Building units D) Genetic content


30) The figure illustrates an experiment, in which pneumonia bacteria of strain S

were radioactively labeled, then heated and mixed with living strain R

Which of the following figures represents the result of this experiment?

31) Which of the following ceils cannot have the target substance for

32) In the opposite figure: Which part(s) can the bacteriophage
use to control the bacterial cell metabolism?
A) only 1 B) Only 2 C) 2, 5 D) 1 ,2

33) Study this figure, then identify:

1-What is the illustrated living
organism? Explain your answer

2-Mention the numbers

indicating the parts most
affected when the
deoxyribonuclease is added to
various sites in this cell?

34) The genetic material of both the phage and the pneumonia bacteria shares:
A) Its ends are joined together B) Uncomplicated with proteins
C) Ribose sugar enters in its structure D) Composed of a single strand of DNA

35) In this figure, what distinguishes (Y) from (X)?

A) The presence of sulfur
B) The presence of phosphorus
C) The presence of covalent bonds
D) The presence of disulfide bond

36) When mixing 800 bacterial cells of heat-killed strain (S) with 600 bacterial
cells of living strain (R), how many bacterial cells are expected to be formed
from living strain (S), due to the transformation?
A) 800 cells or more B) 1400 cell C) 600 cells or less D) 600 cells or more

37) Which of the following form(s) the viral coats inside the infected bacterial
A) The viral DNA and the bacterial amino acids
B) The viral amino acids only
C) The bacterial DNA and the viral amino acids
D) The bacterial amino acids only

38) Which of the following enzymes is affected by the substance that Avery
A) Deoxyribonuclease only
B) Deoxyribonuclease and ribonuclease
C) Deoxyribonuclease and proteolytic enzymes
D) Ribonuclease and proteolytic enzymes

39) Which of the following is correct when bacteria are in non-radioactive

medium during phage replication inside of them? (Knowing that: the phage has
been labelled with radioactive phosphorus and nitrogen)
A) The new phages may contain radioactive coat
B) The new phages cannot contain radioactive coat
C) The new phages cannot contain radioactive DNA
D) The new phages cannot contain any radioactive substance


40) In which of the following cells does process (X) occur at a higher rate?
A) Memory B-cell
B) Interleukin-activated B-cell
C) Neurosecretory cell
D) Liver cell in an adult

41) Which of the following represents the direction of enzymes action during
DNA replication?

42) The opposite figure represents the result of an
experiment where DNA strands were treated with
different enzymes in two test tubes:
What enzyme is used in cases (S) and (P) respectively?
A) Ligase enzyme, Deoxyribonuclease enzyme
B) Polymerase enzyme, Helicase enzyme
C) Polymerase enzyme, Ribonuclease enzyme
D) Polymerase enzyme, Deoxyribonuclease enzyme

43) In which of the following cells can the process shown in the following figure

44) In which of the following figures does the red strip work as a template
(3' - 5') for DNA polymerase?

45) In the opposite figure, which of the following represents (X) and (Y),
A) Phosphate group-hydroxyl group
B) Hydroxyl group-phosphate group
C) Hydroxyl group -hydroxyl group
D) Phosphate group -phosphate group

46) In the opposite figure, what

does enzyme (X) represent?
A) DNA polymerase enzyme
B) Deoxyribonuclease enzyme
C) Ligase enzyme
D) Reverse transcriptase enzyme

47) On crossing two plants where the chromosomal set of the first plant is (4n)
and the chromosomal set of the second plant is (6n), a plant of chromosomal set
(8n) is produced. What is the reason for that?
A) The crossing occurs between two different species of plants
B) The chromosomes of both plants are not reduced during the gametes
C) The chromosomes of the first plant are not reduced during the gametes
D) The chromosomes of the second plant are not reduced during the gametes

48) The genetic mutations lead to genetic changes when they are inherited
asexually more than being inherited sexually. What is the reason for that?
A) All mutations are inherited in case of asexual reproduction
B) All mutations are not inherited in case of sexual reproduction
C) Mutations are true in asexual reproduction and false in sexual reproduction
D) Mutations are false in asexual reproduction and true in sexual reproduction

49) The following figure represents

deoxyribonuclease enzyme mechanism of
action and the bond it breaks. Which of the
following enzymes can form the same type
of bond that deoxyribonuclease breaks?
A) Restriction enzymes
B) DNA polymerase
C) Ribonuclease D) Helicase enzyme

50) The X-ray image shows the left hand of an individual with the condition
“polydactyly." This condition occurs when the recessive d gene mutates into the
dominant D gene on the chromosomes inherited from one of the
parents, as shown in the opposite figure.

Considering this: Which of the following explains the individual's birth with this
genetic condition?
A) Gamete gene mutation B) Chromosomal number mutation
C) Somatic gene mutation D) Structural chromosomal mutation
51) The opposite figure illustrates the resulting cells from the second meiotic
division, study it well then answer: if (X) represents sex
chromosome, what is the result of fertilization ovum (Z) with sperm
A) Male Klinefelter B) Female turner
C) Male down syndrome D) Female down syndrome

52) The opposite figure illustrates the resulting cells from the first meiotic
division, study it well then answer: What type of defect occurred in step (X)?
A) Failure to form the separating membrane between the resulting cells.
B) Failure of chromatids to separate after the centromere division
C) Failure of homologous chromosome pairs to separate
D) Inhibition of DNA polymerase enzymes' activity

53) The opposite figure illustrates a mutation that occurred in chamomile

flowers, from which natural oils with medical benefits are extracted:
Considering this, classify the occurring mutation according to:
(A) Its site……………….

(B) Its origin…………………

(C) Its type………………….

(D) Its importance…………………….

54) Which of the following cell will form a true mutation when exposed to
A) Interstitial cells in male human
B) Interstitial cells in hydra
C) Cells forming funicle in plant
D) Sepals forming cells in plant

55) The table briefly shows the stages of the cell cycle. In a eukaryotic cell,
during which stage is DNA more liable to damage?
Stage Events
A) Stage (M) B) Stage (G1) M Mitotic division
C) Stage (S) D) Stage (G2) G1 Duplication of cell
S DNA replication
56) Which of the following mutations is not G2 Cell growth
A) Mutation in microspores.
B) Mutation in Sertoli cells.
C) Mutation in stem of a plant that reproduces vegetatively.
D) Mutation in egg cell.

57) What is the result of human using radioactive substances or chemical

compounds for treatment of plant cells and fungi to produce large quantities of
A) Repeating one gene many times in the same chromosome
B) Repeating genes because of increasing chromosomes numbers
C) Repeating nitrogenous bases in the same gene
D) Changing the protein resulted from translation

58) In the following figure if the two DNA strands are separated and then strand
(X) is damaged and then replication occurs without fixing the represented
damage, what is the probability of occurrence of mutation in the DNA molecule
which contains strand (X), after replication is finished?
A) 25%
B) 75%
C) 100%
D) 50%

59)”Parthenocarpy is a type of mutation like polyploidy as it produces seedless

fruits”,”Both produce large sized fruits”
A) Both statements are correct
B) Both statements are incorrect
C) The 1st statement is correct while the 2nd statement is incorrect
D) The 1st statement is incorrect while the 2nd statement is correct


1) A 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) C 8) D

9) C 10) D 11) D 12) B 13) B 14) D 15) B 16) A

17) B 18) C 19) C 20) 21) 22) D 23) D 24) D

1-A See
/2-C below

25) D 26) A 27) B 28) C 29) D 30) A 31) C 32) B

33) 34) B 35) B 36) C 37) A 38) C 39) B 40) B

41) C 42) D 43) D 44) C 45) C 46) C 47) D 48) A

49) B 50) A 51) A 52) C 53) 54) B 55) C 56) B

57) B 58) B 59) B

Question 21:
(A): Yeast fungus
(B): Escherichia coli bacteria
(C): Amoeba
(D): AIDs virus or any other virus

Question 33:
1- Yeast fungus: as it is unicellular eukaryotic organism and
contains plasmid
2- (1,3,6)

Question 53:
(A) Its site……………….
Answer: Somatic mutation
(B) Its origin…………………
Answer: Induced mutation
(C) Its type………………….
Answer: Chromosomal mutation
(D) Its importance…………………….
Answer: Desirable mutation


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