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Nama : M.

Alif Iqbal P

Kelas : 9-4

Absen : 19

What happened to the plague situation covid-19 the community must stay home

until the virus goes away or the situation improves and how to prevent this virus is

wash your hands after handling something or use a hand sanitizer,wear a mask when

sick and want to travel outside the home,stay at home, keep a distance when


My opinion as a student is that with this plague -19 the virus is easily

transmitted through the eyes, nose or mouth. so we must be vigilant with this virus

while maintaining cleanliness always for example washing hands at any time, not

touching the eyes and nose and obey government advice if you are told to stay at


the activities that I do while at home are doing assignments given by the

teacher, playing cellphone,eating and praying.An interesting experience from me is

that I can feel quality time with my family, the best way to deal with this outbreak

is to obey what the government has suggested and keep it clean.

the hope of all Indonesians that this virus can quickly disappear and everything

returns to normal.

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