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ASM553 Office Concept

administrative operation system (Universiti Teknologi MARA)

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3 JULY 2020

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1 Acknowledgement 1
2 Introduction 2
3 Part A

i. Draw the present flow chart of the selected AOS 3–4

ii. Identify the responsible person for each step 5

iii. Assess the information activities performed in this AOS 6

iv. Draw the new flow chart 7–8

v. Identify the officer responsible for each activity 9

4 Part B

i. Details description of each of these elements: office layout, office 10 – 11

environment, furniture, and equipment

ii. Design the office layout, office environment and office furniture 12

iii. Describe the interrelationships among tasks, equipment, and 13

workflow of employees in the department in which the AOS operates

5 Opinion and conclusion 14
6 References 15
7 Appendices 16 – 17

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First of all, I want to thank Allah for giving me a chance to accomplish this

assignment. This assignment gives me a lot of information. The completion of this

assignment could not be done without the help and encouragement from these few people. I

am far more than grateful to have been given these people for this subject.

I would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave me the

possibility to complete this assignment. A special thanks to my Administrative Operation

System (ASM553) lecturer, Madam Noor Azzah Binti Said for her kindness gives me

guidance and help to make this assignment. Without her I cannot successfully finish this


Lastly, not to forget my other friends who were involved directly or indirectly in giving

opinions especially when either of us did not understand certain parts of this assignment.

And also, to my parents who give support and inspiration to encourage me to finish this


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The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC), a statutory body reporting to the Minister

of Finance, was established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993. It

is the sole regulatory agency for the regulation and development of capital markets. The SC

has direct responsibility for supervising and monitoring the activities of market institutions,

including the exchanges, and clearing houses, and regulating all persons licensed under the

Capital Markets and Services Act 2007. Based on the SCA, the SC reports to the Minister of

Finance and our accounts are tabled in Parliament annually.

In SC, there are 760 employees. Their mission is to promote and maintain fair,

efficient, secure, and transparent securities and derivatives markets and facilitate the orderly

development of an innovative and competitive capital market. For their vision, they want to

drive the development and strategic positioning of the capital market and lay a strong

foundation for further growth thereafter. Their objective is to be the preferred fund-raising

centre for Malaysian companies, to promote an effective investment management industry

and a more conducive environment for investors, to enhance the competitive position and

efficiency of market institutions, to develop a strong and competitive environment for

intermediation services, to ensure a stronger and more facilitative regulatory regime and to

establish Malaysia as an international Islamic capital market centre.

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Draw the present flow chart of the selected Administrative Operation System

Mailing Unit Chairman office Special Assistant

Received mail
from mailing unit

Open and
the letters

Scan the letters

for backups

Take action
Key in the for the
data into letters

Make a copy of

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Sent to particular

Original letter
sent to chairman

Make a copy of

Sent to particular

Filing the

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Identify the responsible person for each step

Based on the flowchart, there are few people who are responsible for handling the

external mail for this company. First of all, the mailing unit is responsible for receiving the

external mail in this company. After that, from step 2 which is received the letters from the

mailing unit until step 5 which is key in the data of the letters is handled by the clerk in the

chairman office. Once it is done, a special assistant in the company will be responsible in

step 6 where he/she need to go through and take action for those letter and after that the

clerk in the chairman’s office will take back the letters for step 7 until step 12 which is, he/she

needs to file all the letters in the filing room.

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Assess the information activities performed in this AOS

The Security Commission Malaysia has 12 steps for its business to manage

an external mail. Those steps are very necessary for Chairman Office workers to

observe before taking any action for the mail.

First of all, any external mail in this company will be sent and handled by the

mailing unit in the company. Second step is receiving mail from the mailing unit.

Staff from the mailing unit will send all the letters to the chairman’s office form them

to take action. After that is open and stamps the letters. When the letters have been

delivered, the clerk in the chairman’s office will open and stamp all the letters.

Once they have done opening and stamping the letters, they need to scan the

letters and key in the data into a system called Chairman Office Mailing Tracking

System for a backup. Fifth step is taking action for the letters. The clerk needs to

send the letters to a special assistant in the company to take action for the letters.

After he/she done taking action to that letters, he/she need to give the letters

to clerk in chairman office to make a copy of letters and sent it to particular

department such as IT department and HR department by hand. The original letters

will be sent to the chairman for his action.

Once the chairman has gone through the letters, he will take action on those

letters and the clerk will make another copy of the letters that has been checked by

the chairman and send it again to the particular department. And the last steps are

filing the letters. The original letters will be filed in the filing room which is located in

the chairman’s office.

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Draw the new flow chart


Mailing Unit Chairman office Special Assistant

Received mail
from mailing unit

Open and
the letters

Scan the letters

for backups
Take action
for the

Key in the
data into
Email to

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Make a copy of Original letter

letters sent to chairman

Email to

Filing the


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Identify the officer responsible for each activity

Based on the flowchart, this company's external mail is managed by few people who

are responsible. Firstly, in this business, the mailing unit is responsible for receiving the

external mail. After that, from step 2 which received the letters until step 4 which is key in

the letter details will be managed by the clerk in the chairman 's office. When done, a

special assistant in this company will be responsible in step 5 where he/she need to go

through and take action for those letters and after that the clerk in the chairman 's office will

take back the letters for step 8 until step 10 which is, he / she will have to file all the letters in

the filing space.


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Detail description of each of these elements: office layout, office environment,

furniture, and equipment.

Office layout

Office layout means the systematic arrangement of office equipment, machines and

furniture and providing adequate space to office personnel for regular performance of work

with efficiency. An organization’s productivity is also influenced by the nature of the work

environments and the employees. Well-designed layout will generally have a positive

impact, and poorly designed layout is certain to have a negative impact.

Office layouts determine whether space is used in an efficient and cost-effective

manner and affects how much satisfaction employees derive from their jobs. Furthermore,

layout has an impact on the impression people get of the work areas. The following major

operational and economic advantages result in an effective layout since it provides effective

allocation and use of floor space. It will also create a pleasant working environment.

Efficient layout will facilitate efficient workflow and provides efficient, productive work areas

The office layout that is used by Chairman Office in The Securities Commission

Malaysia is open office concept. The open office concept based on the nature of the

relationship between employees and his or her job duties which is more consistent with

office ergonomic. Ergonomics helps ensure that the employees’ tasks, tools and equipment,

and physical environment closely match their individual needs.

Open office planning is based on the cybernetics of the organization, which means

that information flows or processes are considered when designing layout. Open office

concepts also can help to improve office productivity by increasing efficiency of workflow. It

also helps to improve communications and morale among workers.


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Office Environment

The physical environment in which employees work often affects their productivity

and job satisfaction. The office environment defines how its employees react to situations.

Each company and department have different working environments. The environment of

the office is multifaceted. A few factors, including lighting, color scheme acoustics and

condition of the air affect the environment.

As for The Securities Commission Malaysia, they emphasize lighting, noise control

and air conditioning to prevent stress among the office workers to get a safe office

environment for workers. The SC also provides fluorescent lighting systems for their

company. Fluorescent lighting is the most common type of the light source in office

buildings. The illumination that fluorescent lighting produces closely resembles that of

natural light. The fluorescent lamp also does not produce as much heat as traditional


Color is another element of the office environment that impacts significantly on

humans. Though most employees are aware of the physical impact of color, many are not

aware of its psychological impact on their productivity. Color in an office provides not only

an aesthetic value, but also a functional value.

Lastly, the air in which employees work also impacts on their physical and

psychological well-being. Air quality is a major concern because in fact, employees spend

90 percent of their working hours indoors.

Furniture and equipment

The Securities Commission Malaysia prioritizes the cost concept of the equipment,

safety features and the cost of running the equipment. With quality of furniture and

equipment, it will help employees to improve their job satisfaction and feel more comfortable

when completing their work or tasks. SC also provides full office equipment such as


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computers, printers, photostats and much more. It will make it easier for workers to do their

jobs with all that equipment.

Design the office layout, office environment and office furniture.


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Describe the interrelationships among tasks, equipment, and workflow of employees

in the department in which the AOS operates (or department of the officer in charge of

the systems).

In Securities Commission Malaysia, each employee has their tasks which need to be

completed within a given period of time or by a deadline to work towards job-related

objectives. Equipment is assets for every company that are used for office function to

manage a system or to perform a task.

For the Securities Commission, the employees in the chairman office as shown in the

workflow process need to accomplish their task in handling external mail for this company.

In order to complete their task, companies need to provide a photocopy machine and

machine. This is because their work requirement is to scan the letters, key in the data and

email the letters. Other than that, the employees also need a shelf or cabinet to file all the

original letters.

In this office, the company also provides a filling room to file all the documents

related to the company. As a communication center, the filling room has a significant impact

on the efficiency with which information moves in and out of the organization. The room

should be located near the receiving area of the building and be centrally located as much

as possible. Special provision may also need to be made for fire protection, proper

atmospheric conditions, and security to prevent unauthorized entry of individuals.


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Based on my observation towards this company after looking at their office layout

and environment, I think they have provided an efficient and productive work area for their

employees. With this kind of office layout and environment, it helps to bring people together

and helps enhance faster learning and faster communication. The environment in this

company is also good because the company uses fluorescent lighting systems which do not

produce more heat. Furthermore, by providing good air conditioning, it makes their

employees feel comfortable and helps them to increase their job satisfaction.

For future expansion, I think SC needs to expand the office layout because they need

more employees in order for the company grow. The company also will have positive a

impact on their client because the layout and environment are comfortable and help work

effectively and efficiently among employees.

Next, I think this company has facilitate an efficient workflow because when we look

at step 3, the clerk has to open and stamp the letters one by one. The main purpose of this

step is to make a record of the date when they received the letters for future reference. By

looking at the flow process, I think this company makes a good decision on handling mail

which they and their employees do not have to worry about if any incident happens.

In addition, this company's furniture and equipment facilitates work performed by

employees because SC provides their employees with good quality and ergonomic design of

the furniture and equipment to improve their work productivity.

For automated offices, I think this company has facilitated work efficiency and

effectiveness in organizational communication because it can reduce time for employees to

complete their work and it also can reduce space to file their document. In addition, an

automated office also improves the quality of work for their employees because it can help

them to have some information on how to use automated systems instead of using manual

systems. It also can help the company to have a backup of the letters if they key in the data

using a system.


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Impecca Build. (2018, december). Retrieved from Office Layout Ideas:

McGrath, V. (2019, January). The Difference between Furniture & Office Equipment

Classifications. Retrieved from


Quible, Z. K. (2014). Administrative Office Management. Pearson.

Radzi, M. (2020). How company handle workflow for handling external mail . (F. Nabilah,


Securities Commission Malaysia . (n.d.). About the SC. Retrieved from Securities

Commission Web Site:


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