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Academic Year: 2023-24 Sap ID: 60003210174

Department of Information Technology

COURSE CODE: DJ19ITL602 DATE: 26-04-24

COURSE NAME: Software Engineering Laboratory CLASS: T.Y.BTech

CO/LO Analyze real world problem using software engineering principles.
AIM / OBJECTIVE: Design test cases for testing the system

1. Identifying features to be tested

2. Identifying features not to be tested 3.
Defining test strategy/ies for their
4. Preparation test cases table.

Certainly! Let's break down each step for the testing process in detail.

1. Identifying Features to be Tested:

- Finance Management Module:

- Transaction management (input, processing, output)

- Budgeting functionalities

- Financial reporting accuracy and completeness

- Human Resources Module:

- Employee data management (addition, deletion, modification)

- Payroll processing accuracy

- Personnel administration workflows

- Inventory Management Module:

- Stock level optimization algorithms

- Inventory tracking and movement functionalities

- Supply chain visibility and accuracy

- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Module:

- Customer interaction management

- Sales process streamlining

- Long-term customer satisfaction tools

2. Identifying Features not to be Tested:

- Non-essential visual elements like color schemes or fonts (unless critical for usability)

- Non-functional requirements already verified in previous projects (if applicable)

- External interface elements not directly controlled by the ERP system

3. Defining Test Strategy/ies for the Project:

- Unit Testing:

- Conducted by developers to ensure individual modules function correctly.

- Integration Testing:

- Verifies that different modules integrate seamlessly and share data accurately.

- System Testing:

- Validates the entire ERP system against specified requirements.

- User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

- Involves end-users to ensure the system meets business needs and usability standards.

- Performance Testing:
- Checks system response times, scalability, and resource usage under varying loads.

- Security Testing:

- Assesses system vulnerabilities, data protection measures, and access controls.

- Regression Testing:

- Ensures new changes do not break existing functionalities.

4. Preparation Test Cases Table:

These test cases cover a range of functionalities and aspects crucial for ensuring the Managely
ERP system's reliability, performance, and security. Adjust the details and priorities as per your
project's specific requirements.

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