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În vorbirea directă avem dialogul. În vorbirea indirectă acest dialog este redat printr-o

Cele mai folosite verbe la vorbirea indirect sunt SAY și TELL. Însă mai pot fi întâlnite și
verbele: suggest + V-ing (She suggested going to the beach)
offer + infinitive (She offered to give me a lift)
remind + CD + infinitive (She reminded me to call her mother)

Regula de bază este aceea că verbele folosite în vorbirea directă se mută cu un timp în

Timpurile se transforma dupa cum urmeaza:

Present simple - past simple

“I need a new car” - She said she needed a new car.

Present continuous – past continuous

“He is sleeping” – He said he was sleeping

Present perfect – past perfect

“I’ve already seen this film” – She said she had already seen the film

Present perfect continuous – past perfect continuous

“I have been drinking” – He said he had been drinking

Simple past – past perfect sau simple past

“I got up late” – She said she had got up late
“I didn’t see Mike” – He said he didn’t see Mike.

Past continuous – past perfect continuous sau past continuous

“I was working at four o’clock” – He said he was working / had been working at four

Future (will) – Future in the past (would)

“I will call you tomorrow” – She said she would call you the following day

MODALELE se tansforma dupa cum urmeaza:

Can – could
May – might
Must – had to
TIME EXPRESSIONS (adverbele se transforma dupa cum urmeaza)

Now – then, at that time, immediately

Today, tonight – that day, that night
Yesterday – the day before, the previous day
Tomorrow – he next day, the following day
This week – that week
Last week – the week before, the previous week
Next week – the week after, the following week
Two days ago – two days before
Here – there

Reporting questions (intrebarile la vorbirea indirecta)

La vorbirea indirectă nu există interogativ deci:
- nu se pune does/did, care sunt auxiliare pentru forma
- nu se face inversiune intre subiect si auxiliar
- nu se pune semnul intrebarii

Wh – questions (întrebările care încep cu Wh)

When did you start acting, Melissa? Guy asked Melissa when she started acting.
(nu mai apare did)
What’s the time? I just asked what the time was. (subiectul
the time stă înaintea verbului was)
Which way is the post office? Someone wants to know which way the
post office is.


 In vorbirea indirecta folosim PRESENT SIMPLE atunci cand vorbim despre:

- Adevăruri general valabile
- Dacă verbul de la vorbirea indirectă este la prezent: Brenda says she is arriving
at 6.00.

 In vorbirea indirecta nu se transforma:

1. Conditionalele de tipul II si III

2. Modul subjonctiv: “I wish you were here” – He said he

wished he were there.

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