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Ardia Pramesti Cahyani


Please choose one of the topics below. Then, write an essay consisting of 3
paragraphs. Elaborate your own opinion with the references related to the
topic that you choose.

1. With the ongoing global supply chain disruptions and rising energy prices,
many countries are experiencing higher inflation rates. How do you think
these factors will impact the effectiveness of monetary policy in controlling
inflation, and what additional measures might central banks need to

2. Given the increasing use of digital currencies and the potential for them to
influence traditional monetary systems, how do you think the rise of
cryptocurrencies might affect central banks' ability to manage inflation and
ensure price stability in the economy?

The Impact of Cryptocurrencies on Central Banks' Ability to Manage
The rise of cryptocurrencies presents both opportunities and challenges for
central banks in managing inflation and ensuring price stability in the
economy. On one hand, the increasing use of digital currencies could
potentially disrupt traditional monetary systems, making it more challenging
for central banks to implement and control monetary policy.
Cryptocurrencies operate independently of central banks and governments,
which could limit the effectiveness of traditional monetary tools in
influencing inflation. Additionally, the decentralized nature of
cryptocurrencies may make it difficult for central banks to track and regulate
the flow of money, potentially impacting their ability to manage inflation.
Moreover, the emergence of cryptocurrencies may require central banks to
reconsider their approach to monetary policy and explore new measures to
maintain price stability. Central banks may need to adapt to the changing
financial landscape by developing regulatory frameworks for
cryptocurrencies and exploring the potential integration of digital currencies
into their monetary policy tools. Additionally, central banks may need to
enhance their monitoring and analysis of cryptocurrency-related activities to
better understand their impact on inflation dynamics. This could involve
collaborating with other regulatory bodies and international organizations to
develop coordinated strategies for managing the influence of
cryptocurrencies on inflation.
In conclusion, the rise of cryptocurrencies has the potential to significantly
impact central banks' ability to manage inflation and ensure price stability in
the economy. While cryptocurrencies may pose challenges to traditional
monetary policy, they also present opportunities for central banks to
innovate and adapt to the evolving financial environment. As digital
currencies continue to gain prominence, central banks will need to carefully
assess the implications of cryptocurrencies on inflation dynamics and
consider implementing new measures to effectively manage inflation in the
presence of these alternative forms of currency.
 Bordo, M. D., & Levin, A. T. (2017). Central bank digital currency and
the future of monetary policy. NBER Working Paper, 23711.
 Yermack, D. (2015). Is bitcoin a real currency? An economic appraisal.
Handbook of digital currency, 31-43.

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