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(Petitioner is in custody)

The Court of Special Judge Excise-2,
Sastrinager P.S. Case No.-286/ 2024
Special case no.-1324/2024
Sashi Thakur …………Accused
The humble regular bail
petition filed U/S- 439 on
behalf of the petitioner
Sashi Thakur S/O- Binay
Thakur, R/O-Tehta, Newari,
P.S-Tehta, District-
1. That this petition is being preferred for
grant of bail to the petitioner above named in
connection with Sastrinager P.S. Case No.-
286/ 2024, instituted for the alleged offences
under sections 37(c) of the Bihar Excise Act &
341/323/504/506 of IPC.
2. That the petitioner has not moved any bail
application either anticipatory or regular
before this humble court or before the Hon’ble
High Court Patna in this matter at any earlier
3. That the petitioner earlier convicted in
Phulwarisarif P. S. Case No.-1006/23 offences
under section 37 of the Bihar Excise Act .
4. That the prosecution story is as follows:-
The allegation on the petitioner is that he
was howling in the state of drunkenness hence
the instant F.I.R.
5. That the petitioner is innocent.
6. That nothing has been recovered from the
possession of the petitioner.
7. That the petitioner is in custody since
8. That all the section of IPC are bailable.
9. That the petitioner is the only bread earner
of his family.
10. That the petitioner is man of means having
hearth and home of his own so there is no
chance of his absconding or tampering with any
11. That the petitioner is ready to abide by any
condition, if imposed by this hon’ble court.
It is therefore, prayed
that your honour may
graciously be pleased
to enlarge the
petitioner on bail for
the ends of Justice.
And for this, the petitioner shall ever pray.

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