Part 3 and 4 of Assistive Technology Assignment

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1. Background Information on Jean


The name of the kid is Jean, and she’s a very enthusiastic girl, full of curiosity and even more

courage, to find out what the world is about through all her senses. Television shows this, with

her being just about 8. She is very energetic, has no shyness and is verily a learner in the overt

sense. She appears that her engagements with them mostly are of hands-on experience and

exploring things. For instance, she was gleeful when she was using the assistive technology

gadgetry as compared to other children that were in the video.

It is evident from Jean's academic and learning profile that the two key elements of her education

are certainly accessibility and involvement. The video displays the possibility that Jean suffers

from a few barriers in mainstream schooling such as ‘intelligence processing difficulty’ or ‘non-

traditional educational phases’, for instance. These barriers may come in the form of issues with

hearing processes and/or finger manipulation, which would be a major limitation of her learning

in the classroom.

In a traditional curriculum setting, Joni may have issues with specific auditory instructions that

deal with verbal language on account of her impaired capability of processing verbal

information. Besides, the jobs that need fine motor movements as well, such as writing or

interaction with small objects, might require too much attention from her brain. The hurdles

would definitely reduce the success of Jean in which she has a chance to participate actively in

the learning process.

The technology assistive device featured in the video is designed to address not only Jean's but

also other people's skills compromised by neuropathy. The multi-sensory way of teaching is a

perfect match for the needs of those patients whose brain functions are significantly altered. The

Dragon consequently provides Jean better opportunities which is learning specific assignments

that are in accord with her, that in turn improves the quality of her work. The ease given by this

technology in mobility is highly advantageous. Natural spaces and classrooms of all settings

such as homes, and communities can all have Jean as a learner anywhere.

Benefiting from other resources such as strategies and assistive technology, the video furnishes

Jean with the tools for a successful learning process. Examples can be learning plans adapted to

individual cases, different types of differentiated instruction techniques and ongoing cooperation

between educators, therapists, and caregivers. Through an integrated process of Jean's learning

that involves assistive technology as well as holding the workshop that supports interventions,

her needs in learning can be effectively resolved.

The use of this described assistive technology has shown positive results and overcome some of

the challenges faced by this learner, but it might not completely address all of the learner’s

learning needs. For example, the tool-kit may not meet the needs which other critical social

abilities like social interaction or executive functioning skills may demand. What is crucial that

you should be informed of is that though assistive technology can be an extremely valuable one,

it is not a cure for all the learning difficulties and therefore, her comprehensive solution may

involve a bespoke blended approach that considers her individual learning needs.
2. Assistive Technology device and software highlighted each video


The assistive technology device demonstrating the video seems as a tactile learning system

aimed to provide Jean with a better chance to learn. This device consists of a system which

consists of a tactile interface and software that is interchangeable. This provides the child with a

new type of interface through which he/she engages with educational content through touch and


The main reason behind this educational system is to give Jean the opportunity to adapt to

learning through the multisensory method, to consider her individual differences and choice.

With its sensory features, through tactile and audio tones, this tool is targeted at helping Jean to

remember and understand the ideas in class well.

Jean would get along the system thoroughly if initial workshops are started and where she can be

tutored on the device's interface and mechanisms. Beyond that, professionals and caregivers

might be included by means of training for Jean during all her possible forms of using the device

in any classroom situations.

This tactile learning system itself is very strong in terms of its ability to respond to different

learning approaches, including learners such as Jean who mostly engage in tactile environment.

This digital device properly creates an interactive space for constant attendance and active

involvement of learners which is highly conducive to learning.

Some challenges of the haptic learning system are the gap in the classes of educational materials

made available and the adequacy of the system in supporting ongoing learning requirements as

education changes. Along with this, the haptic nature of the device may give cause for serious

problems between learners with particular sensory deficiencies.

The portability of the tactile learning system may differ from design to design in the nature of the

structural details and components. Mobiles could be lightweight and portable like some, whereas

others could be installed in place and frequently used in educational environments. With regards

to durability, the device usually takes the regular use in classroom environments into account

designwise, having firm constructions and quality materials.

The cost of the complete sensory learning system for this purpose depends on concrete elements

such as different options to select, software add-ons, and overall system quality. Whilst an initial

stock of simple models will check the highest price range, the more advanced models which

come with additional features will take a more dominant position.

The learnability is brought to life by the interactive software coming along with the touch

learning tool which gives Jean access to different learning content that is related to his learning

goals. This software may include interactive lessons, games, and quizzes designed to reinforce

academic concepts in an engaging manner.

The expenditure on the software bundles in the tactile learning system will depend on either

licensing deal agreements or built-in features. In addition, continuous technical support and
training can be undertaken to gain maximum results in what the program can do to help Jean in

the learning process.

3. Assistive Technology Selection


Jean may need leveraging diverse levels of the help such as the tactile learning system

convenience that is based on either the personal capabilities or the familiarity level with the

device. He will be guided by the adults first who will redirect him to the interface and also how

to obtain educational data. Consequently, the more Jean gets to know the device, the higher the

level of independence she will reach in using it which will let minimal assistance of either kind

be provided to her for the troubled area or technical issues.

The video, for instance, does not depict the peculiar family concerns, or, the specific tastes and

preferences of the tactile learning system. But we can imagine that Jean's family will be given

access to inclusive educational tools and will be selective in receiving support to the activities

that would advance his/her learning experience. Jean's family, for instance, being the people

nearest to her, their experience provides the main input in designing the product to be user-

friendly and effective in calming an anxious 13-year old.

Jean requires the development of the fundamental concepts of cause and effect so that this

capability helps her while using the tactile learning system. This involves realizing that she is

daily doing some things, which are reacted to every time the device flashes. The motor domain is

great physical, if Jean should manage with several gross motor physical tasks, need for

coordination and control of larger muscle groups might be required. The delicate skills of fine
motor are a must here in order to accurately handle auxiliary detailed tactile components or to

operate the various controls of the device, thereby, the occupation of dexterity and hand-eye

coordination is required. Concerning the sensory factors, Jean uses visual, haptic, and auditory

feedback to interact with the sensor. Visual perception guards over the act of discriminating

visual cues and information that is presented on a device’s display. The sense of touch is

employed to filter tactile sensations produced by the equipment and the hearing sense is utilized

as a way to understand audio information coming through the device.

4. Assistive Technology Implementation


These can increase the level of engagement of Jennifer and assist her to better grasp concepts by

using the senses in this system, for example, cases where tactile experiences are involved and

getting audio feedback. It also will be suitable for visual-tactile learning style as its objectives

have been developed according to her learning needs and goals.

The teaching staff will be responsible for considering the device as a tool useful for not only the

core classes but also other cross-curricular learning areas that might benefit Jill. Such an

approach will go a long way towards promoting a respectful and inclusive learning environment

for her.

This instrument is included to chart Jean's growth in various ways, from sophistication measures

to the quality of activity. This kind of assessment can really shed light on what kind of learning

doctorate dissertation aid and support is required to make strategic decisions around the

adjustment process.

1. Background Information on Sam:


A 16 to 17 year old guy, named Sam, seems fascinated in technology, especially in new ideas

coming into the market. As the video shows a speech or language difficulty in which they have a

specific impairment could be a reason for Sam facing verbal communication problem. Though

this may be the case, the form of communication he wants to share with the world remains a

fundamental desire of his.

The key point is to show you that Sam's educational needs came down to communication. The

video gives the indication that didactic communication deficit can pester his class participation,

ideas expression and his approach to social activities. Being a school in a new country, I'm facing

these problems that may prevent me from having good academic performance and integrating

with other students.

The unique challenges that Sam faces in the traditional curriculum include his communication

problems, such as he experiences difficulty in reading and writing. Sam finds the usual course of

verbal communication, for example between class participants involving comments, meetings or

reporting orally extremely difficult. Nevertheless, what could be a complicating factor of tasks

that require a lot of written communication, for instance, essays or reports, is as well mentioned.

Next, communication difficulties can limit his peer communication and impose a barrier to

teamwork, which then can lead to poor academic efficiency.

The AAC device is Sam's means of communicating effectively. Therefore, the AAC device aims

to overcome the communication barriers Sam faces. The device does this through the use of text-

to-speech and symbol-based communication, Sam now expresses himself with ease and fully
participates in his academics and social life. He therefore involves Sam in the discussions despite

language obstacles by the AAC device that facilitates his involvement in the learning process and

the enhancement of his social inclusion.

The AAC device is so multifunctional that it can be used in many settings; this includes in the

classroom, social gatherings, and in various clubs or extracurricular activities. To mobile Sam

can carry it around with him throughout his day as he goes around his business which means that

he never runs out of communication support. Irrespective of the interactions with peers in the

class or amusement with the recreational activities outside the school, the AAC device allows

Sam to communicate efficiently and be part of the different settings of activities.

Apart from the AAC, auxiliary materials like communication boards or books also are applied to

help Sam along his communication development. Speech therapy programs and day-to-day

communication between teachers, therapists, and parents arise as companions to the AAC device

utilization. This comprehensive treatment guarantees an integrated and total approach to Sam’s

communication necessities. The teachers´ integration of multiple sources and talents will help

them to give comprehensive help to better Samʹs communication abilities and Samʹs overall

learning experience.

However, the AAC device does so well with Sam's communication difficulties; some other

problems, such as lack of social interaction and understanding of certain language concepts, may

still persist. Efforts to upgrade social pragmatics as well as to organize the provision of groups of

peers might be implicated in the formation of the Sam’s correct and persistent cognitive and

social development.
2. Describe the Assistive Technology device and software highlighted each video


The picture in the video describes a photo-speech device that will convey the user's intent

through a combination of pictures and text, and it is from the category of the augmentative and

alternative communication (AAC). An apparatus - it is an electronic speech aid with text-to-

speech ability and symbols, it is able to carry on communication through the computer-based or

mobile-based systems. From what has been mentioned above, the cathartic function of Sam’s

boon goes not only as an aid to him in not finding that of the hardest when he cannot put in

words what he wants to say but rather he typewrites or selects the text and then he hears the


The main objective of employing the AAC machine, then, was to fade the communication barrier

for speech disorder patients. The device provides Sam with means of self-expression that Indians

have been using in the past, through text-to-speech and symbol-based communication, and the

results are seen in the indicators on how they think, care about and desire.

Proposition of Sam efficiently utilizing the AAC device should be done by the training stage in

which he can fully learn to utilize its interface and what it provides him functionally is held

during his initial session. Training includes learning how to enter in a text, choose the symbols

and getting through the speech model menu. The other one is the setting of arguments of

communication in accordance with their taste is another freedom they enjoy to make their

communication very productive.

AAC device boasts of the fact that it is an advanced assistive technology with multiple functions

and options to offer and supports its different users with their diverse communicative needs.

Regardless of whether the communication is done through typed text, emoji-based languages or

pre-programmed phrases, the devices can adapt themselves to the numerous methods and

preferences of communication and therefore have the potential to make the user experience

better in terms of helping to better communicate with their communication partners.

Yet, despite the AAC machine being favorable in the way of helping to communicate with the

rest of the population through its vocabulary volume, user interface settings and other things,

there are limitations that need to be considered. The example attached to this sentence includes

the case when Sam has certain issues with the device itself (for example, he cannot find

something or set up a certain kind of menu etc) or is frustrated while using some units (e. g.

menus navigating). He might seek solutions somewhere and even abandon the device if does not

find any.

While experimenting with various devices, Jeff felt like his small AAC device was the most

practical and durable to meet all his everyday needs. It was easy to tell by touching that this

device was very lightweight and durable, which allowed him to literally put the device in his

pocket. Weightless and portable forms of these systems makes them adaptable and instantly

swappable into different settings such as at school, home and in the community. As well as all of

the above, thick and dense metallic structure improves your patience and when you have to make

conscious decisions even in the hardest of situations.

The price of AAC devices is determined by the electronic and prosthetic devices' features,

functionalities, and a wide variety of customizing options in programming the number of

characters or speech synthesis devices. If the most basic ones of these product lines are less

expensive, more technically progressed variants with high performance and options for custom

use could be relatively more expensive.

The software application that is accompanying the AAC device has a user interface that is

friendly and allows users to personalize their communication layouts, choose vocabulary from a

given zone and also adjust some settings that regulate the efficient flow of communication. Aside

from that the app is going to offer extra motives like report generation, tracking data usage,

progress of communications and feed information to caregivers and users as well.

3. Assistive Technology Selection


In order to use the AAC device appropriately, Sam will need to have different kinds of levels of

assistance, taking into consideration his intellectual capabilities, as well as the level of familiarity

they have with this device. First of all, it might be quite convenient to get help or encouragement

from teachers or caregivers to use the internet effectively, select symbols, key writing or endow

it with communication options. As donning that device progresses Sam may become more adept

at using those devices, after which technical aids may be required only when troubleshooting is

The video highlights particular family issues and liking of the AAC device, but there is no

mention of them as specific concerns. Nevertheless, it may be likened to the case where Sam's

relatives could be more concerned about the availability of appropriate communication tools for

him and support the projects that focus on his social and communication skills. It would follow

that the question of whether the tool can be used and is customized to the student's preferences or

whether it integrates into his/her everyday life will be clarified through consultation with Sam's

family and educators.

In the cognitive area, Sam has to learn about the essential concepts of cause and effect so that he

can communicate with the AT device successfully. This entails understanding the interplay

between what a person does and what the device then produces, for instance, composing a

sentence or asking questions with symbols on the device. In this sense, aside from the gross

motor category, Sam would require the ability to coordinate and control bigger muscle groups

while interacting with the machine device by operating the controls or buttons (duller

strength)Small motor skills constitute a foundation for the search on touch screens or any other

input tool such as keyboards, and thus require fineness of touch and accuracy. Sam utilizes the

universality of visualization and understanding symbols and text, as well as the tactile perception

of touch-screens or other physical controls in this area. He also uses his aural processing skill to

comprehend spoken language that the device might produce.

4. Assistive Technology Implementation

The AAC device is used for instruction and learning to help Sam and his communication skills in

both academic and social situations. Educators give a chance to characters in such a way that

Sam is supposed to use the AAC to communicate himself during lessons. This also enables him

to actively engage in classroom participation and other peer interactions, so that he will have

greater involvement and success in his academics. Moreover, it can also be a means of delivering

instructional material as well as assessment points on the web so that it is no problem for Sam

with regard to accessibility and shall promote inclusive settings.

Proper AAC device application in an educational setting can be facilitated in the lesson planning

procedure, different disciplines being taken into account. Here they develop learning exercises

which are supplemented with the expressions of Syd's comprehension, aspirations, and thoughts

by communicating through the AAC system. This device is integrated exactly into instructional

materials, assessments as well as interaction-rich activities with a purpose to have Sam's

communication abilities in line with curriculum targets and for completion of the learning


The AAC device may be used during the periodical evaluation or the assessment of his

communication capabilities and academic outcomes. Teachers watch over Sam's use of the

device, measuring all the indicators of his involvement along with those of his cooperation and

communication abilities throughout the different academic and social circumstances. They

examine the data collected from the communicator through the device, for instance, performance

metrics and call logs, to assess how well Sam communicates by detecting where improvement

may occur and then reinforcement of those areas through teaching. In addition, the instructional

staff could employ an AAC device to conduct alternative assessments such portfolio reviews or
project presentations that can help Sam demonstrate knowledge and communication skills that

would be tested during formal classroom quizzes and exams.

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