Indonesia Is A Country Who Have Diversity Among Culture

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indonesia is a country who have diversity among culture,ethnicity , custom, language and religion.

Indonesia territory is one of factor that create many religion. Indonesia recognize six religion major
groups namely islam, protestan kristianity, chatolicism, hinduiesm, budhiesm, Konghucu.

Religion diversity in Indonesia has positive and negative value. Positiver value of existence religius
diversity is Indonesian people will learn how to have an attitude tolerance, namely an attitude of
respecting differences. From diversity religius that exist in Indonesia people will learn to realize the
motto bhineka tunggal ika which reverse to an attitude of Tolerance.

Negative value of existence religius diversity is frone to spliting because of an attitude of feeling the
most correct to the religion of believe held. But this can be overcome by growing an attitude respect for
differences in each in Indonesia society

To keep harmony and avoid dispute between religius comunity, the society need to put the values of

Especially the first principle. Indonesia can be a developed country if the society hold on unity and

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