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FBQ The three (3) major religions in Christianity, Islam Islam, Christianity
Nigeria are

and African traditional


FBQ What was the concept of Post conflict

United Nations peace building construction
operations in Namibia?

FBQ The global struggle aimed at Feminism

addressing the oppression of
women and create gender
equality is called

FBQ In Chad, especially among the Cofono

Toubou society, the assembly
in which conflicts are resolved
was called

FBQ The Gikuyu

_elders of Kenya had it

impressed on them that their
primary responsibility to their
people was the prevention of
conflict between members of
their community and the
prevention of violent and
deadly conflicts

FBQ Peace
does not only mean absence of
conflict, crisis or war but also
presence of justice, equity and
social stability

FBQ A system of social organization Matriarchy

in which descent and
inheritance are treated through
the female line is called

FBQ What does the acronym ADR Alternative Dispute

Stands for? Resolution

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FBQ is Social justice

an act of pursuing a social
conduct based on justice,
impartiality, legitimacy, equity
and fairness in awarding what
is due

FBQ is Litigation
a process of conflict resolution
which involve institution of a
civil laws, legal and civil action
brought before a law court in
which a plaintiff seeks a legal
remedy or interpretation
usually for an offence

FBQ The process by which Socialization

knowledge, skills, ideas,
norms, values, traditions,
rulers, regulation etc are
transmitted from one
generation, group or individual
or people to another is referred
to as

FBQ is Communication
an act of sending and receiving
information and giving

FBQ WANEP is an acronym for West Africa Network

for Peace building

FBQ The acronym WIPNET stands Women in Peace

for building Network

FBQ Another phrase to describe the Period of false peace

latent stage of conflict is

FBQ Active Listening Techniques II Training and

is adopted from Facilitators Manual on
Conflict Management

FBQ Jay Slugs Tom from behind is Working through

adopted from Conflict

FBQ Ahimsa originated in Jainism

FBQ Ahimsa is translated to mean Non violence

FBQ What is the principle of peace The pursuit of peace

pushed by Ghandi ?

FBQ Which theory contends that Believers theorist

conflict could be prevented if
the right task are carried out?

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FBQ Which tradition concept of Gads

African palaver resolves
conflict through the
establishment of truth, just and
honourable verdict?

FBQ Moot as a concept of African Liberia

palaver is widely used for
conflict resolution in

FBQ is Adzo
a concept of African palaver
widely used to settle conflict in
the Beti society

FBQ Peace enforcement and Military

peacekeeping are parlances to

intervention in conflict

FBQ Which United Nations Resolution 1325

Resolution is specific on
women involvement?

FBQ Whose treaties signifies the Bryan Treaties Bryan

evolution of Conciliation?

FBQ Which sub ADR mechanism Transformation

deals with only relationship facilitation
transformation of disputant?

FBQ John Burton developed the Forces field

Analysis in 1951

FBQ The shape of a sphere in Negative peace

conflict mapping conventions

FBQ In conflict mapping Broken pact or alliance

conventions’ two strokes and a
dash’ depicts

FBQ The three underlying element Context

of ABC triangle in conflict
mapping are
Attitude,Behaviour and

FBQ In pre – colonial Africa, the True

administration of justice was
aimed at resolving conflicts
rather than pronouncing
judgement, true or false?

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FBQ ‘Religion and Region

_are deep in the Nigerian heart

and cannot be swept away by

FBQ Theory
_is defined to be ‘an
explanation of the relationship
between elements or variables’

FBQ Peace
_is defined as ‘a political
condition that ensures justice
and social stability through
formal and informal institutions,
practices and norms’

FBQ Having a Negative

perception about others is a

potential conflict trigger

FBQ Stereotype and suspicious

are products of assumptions

FBQ In International law

, the parties have the utmost
power and authority to request
a court to apply rules other
than those of ordinary laws,
and such requests or
authorizations are given to
arbitrators more frequently
than to courts

FBQ is Arbitration
pacific mechanism in the
management of conflict

FBQ Which conflict resolution Conciliation

technique is a combination of
inquiry and mediation?

FBQ Who was appointed as a Cardinal Antonio

mediator to facilitate the Samore
implementation of the Beagle
Channel Award?

FBQ In Mediation
_, the parties are expected to
maintain considerable control
over the process and the

FBQ Map of peace building

highlights the unique goals of activities
different approaches to peace

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FBQ What is the concept of peace co-operative projects

building programme that not
only contribute to economic
and social development but
also enhance the confidence
that is so fundamental to

FBQ is Pacifism
referred to as historical theory
or concept that rejects war as a
means of settling dispute.

FBQ An act of encoding and Communication

decoding information or
message and sending a
feedback is called

FBQ What does the alphabet ABC Content

stand for in conflict analytical
tool? Attitude, Behaviour and

FBQ Oath taking

was used and still being used
to establish truth and guilt,
discourage dishonesty attitude
and evil actions in traditional
and modern African societies

FBQ is Patriarchy
a system that gives or supports
male authority over women in
the areas of social, political,
economic, religion and
decision making processes

FBQ The system (concept) that Gender Equality/Equity

ensures that men and women
are valued and treated equally
is called

FBQ Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia and Horn of Africa

Ethiopia belong to the region
tagged the

FBQ is Early warming

a mechanism that aims at
identifying the threat of
outbreak of conflict or event
dangerous to human lives and

FBQ is Feminism sexism

the global struggle aimed at
addressing the oppression of

FBQ Most child soldiers got Press-ganging

forcefully enlisted into armed
forces through kidnapping,
conscription, raids and

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FBQ Chief M.K.O. Abiola, the Social Democratic

acclaimed winner of June 12 Party (SDP)
1993 election contested under
which party?

FBQ What does the acronym National Democractic

NABECO connotes? Coalition

FBQ Encouraging, clarifying, Active listening

validating, restating, and
summarizing are futures of


FBQ Ideological, religious and Values

philosophical differences are
examples of


FBQ is a product of disharmony, Conflict

disagreement, scarce
resources, injustice etc
between stakeholders

FBQ The major characteristics of Common Historical

any ethnic group are very Background, Culture
similar if not the same, are
geographical location, common
language, value systems


FBQ Alternative Dispute

_is now universally considered Resolution
and adopted as alternative to
adjudication because it saves
time; it is cost effective,
encourages stakeholders’
participation and takes into
consideration the needs of the
parties involved

FBQ The conflict history, stage(s) of Conflict Analysis

conflict, issues at hand and
power relations are to be
considered in the process of

FBQ Most definition of conflict two, Incompatibility

emphasize that conflict

parties who perceive some

kind of

between them interest

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FBQ Conflict theories can be viewed Traditional, Contemporary,

from two basic perspectives Contemporary Traditional


FBQ Which is the least structured of Conciliation

the four major conflict
resolution techniques?

FBQ The concept peace building An Agenda for Peace

was popularized by the former
United Nations Secretary –
General Boutros Boutros –
Ghali in his book titled

FBQ Small Arms Light weapons

are weapons of war/hostility
that are very simple to use,
small in size and easy to carry,
but have capacity to do grave
damage to lives and properties

FBQ United Nations was 1945

established in the year

FBQ The outbreak of Maitasini riots Religious

in Kano in 1980 and 1987
Kafanchan crisis in Kaduna
state were examples of


FBQ The amalgamation of the 1914

colony of Lagos, the
protectorates of Southern and
Northern Nigeria took place in
the year

FBQ Ordering, threatening, Communication

preaching, judging, prying,
diagnosing etc are examples of
road block to

FBQ The settlement of international International Court of

dispute between states usually Justice
takes place at

FBQ is Conflict mapping

a technique used to represent
a conflict graphically, placing
the parties in relation both to
the problems and to each other

FBQ Military rule is regarded as an Aberration, Coup d'etat undemocratic, coup

because their control of power
is forcefully carried out through

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MCQ The concept peace building Peacebuilding An Agenda for An Agenda for Peace United Nations C
was popularized by the former Programme Peacebuilding Peacebuilding
United Nations Secretary –
General Boutros Boutros –
Ghali in his book titled

MCQ ______________ are weapons Grenade Small arms/light Arms and ammunitions Armistices B
of war/hostility that are very weapons
simple to use, small in size and
easy to carry, but have
capacity to do grave damage
to lives and properties

MCQ United Nations was 1941 1945 1884 1885 B

established in the year_______

MCQ The outbreak of Maitaisina Ethnic Political and ethnic Religious Resource Control C
riots in Kano in 1980 and 1987
Kafanchan crisis in Kaduna
state were examples of ______

MCQ The amalgamation of the !914 1914 1960 1918 B

colony of Lagos, the
protectorates of Southern and
Northern Nigeria took place in
the year ___________

MCQ Ideological leaning, religions Value Religious Interest Civil unrest A

and culturally motivated types
of conflict are categorized
as____ based conflict

MCQ Which institution settle International Court of International International Arbitration Supreme Court A
international dispute between Justice Criminal Justice Pane

MCQ _______ is a technique used to Conflict Analysis Onion/doughnut Conflict Mapping Pyramid C
represent a conflict graphically,
placing the parties in relation
both to the problems and to
each other

MCQ Military rule is regarded as Dictatorship and Aberration and Coup Monarch and Overthrow and B
_____ because their control of Topple d’ etat dethronement oligarchy
power is forcefully carried out
through a ______

MCQ What does the acronym Economy Community Economy Committee Economy Communion of Educational A
ECOWAS stands for? of West African State of West African Western Asian Confederation of
State West African State

MCQ Feminism is a global struggle Women,inequality Female, abuse Men, discrimination Less-priviledge, A
aimed at addressing the balance
oppression of _____ and
create gender ________

MCQ Which of the following is not a Multi-ethnic Multi-cultural and Multi-racial Multi-linguistic C
conflict trigger among the religious
heterogeneous characteristics
of the Nigerian state?

MCQ ______ is not a conflict trigger. Disharmony Value differences Uneven distribution of Reconciliation D

MCQ Ethnic group consist of the Same / Similar Similar / Same value Similar / Same skin Same / Similar C
following characteristics except language systems colour culture
one. Pick the wrong option.

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MCQ The technique that is used to Mapping Resolution Analysis Transformation A

represent a conflict graphically
and examine the parties
relationship and affiliation to
both the problems and each
other or one another is known
as ______?

MCQ Which of the following is not It is cost effective It breaks relationship It encourages parties It saves time B
among the merits of Alternative participation
Dispute Resolution(ADR)?

MCQ Identify the option that does Encouraging, restating, Excusing, prying, Ordering, Judging, Lecturing, A
not constitute road block to clarifying threatening preaching diagnosing
communication among the

MCQ Peace is usually viewed from Primary and secondary Static and dynamic Pre-Colonial and colonial Traditional and B
two (2) major perspectives perspectives perspectives perspectives contemporary
namely _____ and ______. perspectives

MCQ The African Union (AU) 1993 1999 1998 1920 A

Summit held in Cairo
established a mechanism for
conflict prevention
management and resolution in
the year _____

MCQ Which of the following factors Assumptions Imaginations Values Perceptions B

is not associated with
communication in conflict

MCQ The ABC triangle in conflict Automatic Behaviour Altitude Behavior Attitude Behaviour and Alpha Betta and B
resolution means ______ Capability and Content Conten Cathode

MCQ ECOMOG is the peacekeeping East Africa North Africa West Germany West Africa D
outfit for ______.

MCQ When was the Muratorium on 1990 1998 1980 2000 B

Small Arms and light weapons
adopted by the ECOWAS?

MCQ What does ‘delusion theory’ of Conflict prevention is Conflict prevention Conflict prevention Conflict prevention D
conflict connote? realistic as an can only work in cannot work out in any is unrealistic and
approach developed world underdeveloped country will not work it is a
waste of time

MCQ ______ is not a stage of Latent stage Conflict stage Pacifist stage De-escalation stage C
conflict progression

MCQ Ordering, threatening, Conflict issues Barriers to Causes of Religious Conflict progression B
preaching, judging, prying, communication Conflict
diagnosing etc are examples of

MCQ _____________ is referred to Pacifism Realism Liberalism Naturalism A

as historical theory or concept
that rejects war as a means of
settling dispute.

MCQ The global struggle aimed at Gender quality Chauvenisim Feminism Gender inequality C
addressing the oppression of
women and create gender
equality is called

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MCQ ______ does not only mean War Peace Avoidance Confrontation B
absence of conflict, crisis or
war but also presence of
justice, equity and social

MCQ A system of social organization Maternity Matriarchy Lineage paternity B

in which descent and
inheritance are treated through
the female line is called

MCQ ________________ was used Code of Conduct Oath Taking Pledge of Allegiance Honesty B
and still being used to establish
truth and guilt, discourage
dishonesty attitude and evil
actions in traditional and
modern African societies

MCQ ______________ is an “act of Retributive Justice Punitive Justice Social Justice Restorative justice C
pursuing a social conduct
based on justice, impartiality,
legitimacy, equity and fairness
in awarding what is due”

MCQ ________________ is a Litigation Alternative Dispute Adjudication Arbitration A

“process of conflict resolution Resolution
which involve institution of a
civil laws, legal and civil action
brought before a law court in
which a plaintiff seeks a legal
remedy or interpretation
usually for an offence”.

MCQ The process by which Philosophy Socialization Oral traditions Anthropology B

knowledge, skills, ideas,
norms, values, traditions,
rulers, regulation etc are
transmitted from one
generation, group or individual
or people to another is referred
to as

MCQ _______ is an act of sending Interpersonal Communication Dialogue Gesture B

and receiving information and relationship
giving feedback

MCQ Which of the following is not a Creation of Collection and Seeking the service of a Decision making C
Mediation process? forum/adoption of sharing of lawyer process
problem information or data

MCQ Active listening techniques Encouraging Threatening Restating Clarifying/validating B

include all but one of the

MCQ The disagreements arising as Ethnic conflict Religious conflict Political conflict Environmental B
a result of differences in faith conflict
and belief between individuals,
groups or community is called

MCQ Which of the following options Land Perception Chieftaincy Family perception B
is not among the sources of
conflict in traditional societies?

MCQ Which of the following is not Provision of social Democratic Dependence on imported True C
among the factors necessary services empowerment goods and services federalism/Internally
for nation building? Gown Economic

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MCQ Civilian oversight and First principle Second principle Third principle Fourth principle D
legislative control of defense
matters is a fact of__________
of the re-educating program
and military professional

MCQ Which of the following is not an Demilitarization Demobilization, National Defence Social Development B
urgent requirement for the re-
professionalism of the military
in Nigeria?

MCQ Which of the following is the Issue based approach Actor based Problem solving Resource B
best approach to managing approach approach ownership
ethnic conflicts? approach

MCQ What could be the cure for Political stability Nepotism Modernisation Identity C
tribalism and the inherent
conflict nature of the multi-
ethnic African society?

MCQ _________ contended that John Burton Onigu Otite Otite Onigu and Olawale Sam Amoo A
ethnic conflicts are necessary Albert Isaac
for growth and development

MCQ Who defined ethnicity as “a Claude Ake Onigu Otite Nnolim O. John Burton C
social phenomenon associated
with interactions among
members of different ethnic

MCQ Which of the following is not Ordering Why and when? Lecturing Gisting D
road blocks to communication

MCQ What active listening technique Validating Clarifying Encoding Restating B

does the question “when did
this happen?” belong to

MCQ _________of persons is a key Values Assumptions Encoding and decoding Subjective D
factor in perception understanding

MCQ Identify the sequence of the Negotiation to Mediation to Negotiation to conciliation Negotiation to D
Alternative Dispute Processes mediation to negotiation to to facilitation to mediation conciliation to
conciliation to conciliation to to arbitration facilitation to
facilitation to arbitration facilitation to arbitration to
arbitration mediation

MCQ The concept of empowerment Arbitration Court adjudication Transformative facilitation Alternative dispute C
and recognition is associated Resolution
with _________

MCQ The dispute over the 2years 5years 8 years 1year C

ownership of Bakassi between
Nigeria and Cameroon took the
ICJ ______ to deliver its ruling

MCQ Why are states or nations not Principle of reciprocity Optimal clause Method of augmenting its Practically B
enthusiastic in subscribing to competence impossible to
International Court of Justice? charge the system

MCQ Who defined arbitration as HYBILC Moore Albert Brownlie C

“formal mandate, and upon the
invitation of the disputing
parties, hears the issues in the
conflict and discusses them
with each side in a formal legal

MCQ _______ is a pacific Arbitration Alternative dispute Transformative facilitation Neutral Third party A
mechanism in the Resolution
management of conflict

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MCQ What does the acronym IDPs International Internally Displaced Internal Distanced People International B
stand for? Department of Peace Persons Disarmament for

MCQ The biological difference(s) Gender Incompatibility Sex Matriarchy C

between a male and a female
is referred to as ________

MCQ Field Theory is the brain child Kurt Lewin Karl Marx Abraham Thomas Thomas Hobbes A
of ________________

MCQ VAT as a register in peace and Verbal Administrative Value Added Tax Value Arbitration Verbal Aggressive D
conflict studies means Technique Technique Theory

MCQ What are the two peace Ahimsa and Jainism and Ahimsa Arthasativa and Gupta Kumar and A
principles identified by the Satiyagraha Satiyagraha
Indian leader Matiatima

MCQ Stages of conflict comprises of Latent/formation stage Pacifist stage Conflict stage Escalation/de- B
the followings except one. escalation stage
Choose the incorrect option.

MCQ Conflict analytical tools The ABC triangle Conflict mapping Doughnut/Onion Force-field analysis B
comprises of the following analytical tool
except one. Pick the incorrect

MCQ _______ is not part of conflict Negotiation Mediation Peace keeping Arbitration C
resolution technique

MCQ ______ is not located in the Sudan Ethiopia Somalia/Eritrea Ghana D

Horn of Africa?

MCQ What is the full meaning of the Internal Criminal Internal Court International Court Judge International Court B
acronym ICT? Justice Justice of Justice

MCQ Which of the following is not a Indoctrination Kidnapping/raids Conscription Press-ganging A

medium of forceful enlistment
of child soldier into the armed

MCQ ________ is not a component Compromise Message/information Sender/encoder/feedback Decoder/receiver A

of communication

MCQ _______ is not African Ritual Message/information Oath taking/use of Blood covenant B
traditional approaches to treaties/socialization marriage
conflict prevention
management and resolution

MCQ The merits of Alternative Its saves time It is cost effective It breaks relationship It encourages A
Dispute Resolution (ADR) parties’ participation
include all but one of the

MCQ Which of the following is not a Impartiality Fairness/just Equity Nepotism D

premise whereby Social justice
pursues social conduct?

MCQ Nigerian society is made up of Multi – ethnic Multi-religious Multi- racial Multi-linguistic C
the following heterogeneous
characteristics of a plural
society. Choose the wrong

MCQ _______ is not part of the Portability/concealment High logistic support Low cost/wide availability Military/police/civil A
characteristics of small arms. required use

MCQ Which of The following is not a Reconciliation Discomfort Injustice Disharmony A

product of conflict?

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MCQ ____ does not affect Perception Values Communication style Encouragement D

MCQ Which of the following is not a Psychological needs Information Inter group conflict Values and A
cause of conflict? management resources

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