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1. What has been the situation of corruption in the Philippines?

Provide references to
prove your answer.

Corruption in the Philippines is a significant issue, with the country ranking 116th
out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) by Transparency
International. The Philippines scored 33 points out of 100 in the CPI, indicating a
perception of corruption across various sectors.


2. Which sectors is especially prone to corruption? Why do you think they were
identified as such?

Sectors prone to corruption in the Philippines include the private sector and
media sector. The private sector, in particular, has been identified as corrupt or
extremely corrupt by 32% of Filipinos according to the Global Corruption Barometer.
The media sector also faces concerns regarding bribery and corruption.


3. Who are perceived as the major actors why corruption takes place in our country?
What sort of programs should be implemented at once to lessen, if not totally eradicate
the occurrence of corruption in the Philippines?

Major actors contributing to corruption in the Philippines include political leaders,

law enforcement officials, and business leaders. To combat corruption effectively,
programs should focus on increasing government transparency, prosecuting and
punishing corrupt officials, and lifting the bank secrecy law for greater accountability.
Additionally, implementing compliance teams within companies to monitor adherence to
codes of conduct and investigate misconduct is recommended.


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