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a. Describe the different seasons in the Philippines;

b. Discuss appropriate activities for specific seasons of the Philippines.


At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

a. identify the different seasons in the Philippines accurately;

b. articulate the importance of learning weather changes in the Philippines through a role play;

c. demonstrate understanding of seasons in the Philippines through performing appropriate

activities during wet and dry seasons.


Topic: Weather patterns and seasons in the Philippines

Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, and pictures.

Vaues Integration: Cooperation, Responsible and Awareness

Time Allotment: 1 hour


Other Online Resources:



A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Good morning, everyone! Good morning, ma'am!

May we all stand for the prayer class (Students will stand)
May I request Jenelyn to lead the prayer (Jenelyn will lead the prayer)

2. Greetings

Again, Good morning class! Good morning, ma'am!

How are you today? We are good, teacher.

That's great!

3. Checking Attendance

Before I forgot, are there any absents today,

None, teacher!
Very good! All of you are present.

Before we proceed to our discussion, I have four

rules in my class: First, listen and be attentive.
Second, raise your right hand if you want to say
something. Third, don't make unnecessary noise
while I am talking in front and when your
classmate sharing his/her idea. And lastly,
respect each other.

Are we clear with our rules? Yes, teacher.

B. Review

Before we start our new lesson, may someone do

the recap on what we have discussed last

Yes, Genevie Last meeting ma'am we discussed about

Volcanic eruption teacher.
Very good!

What is Volcano?
A volcano is an opening in the earth's crust
through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases

What about Volcanic Eruption class?

Volcanic eruptions are partly driven by
pressure from dissolved gas, much as
escaping gases force the cork out of a bottle
of champagne.

I am glad that you still remember our last topic,

and it seems like you have learned a lot. Let's
proceed now with our new topic. But before that
let's have an activity.

C. Elicit

I have prepared an activity for you grade six

learners and we will be going to call it “Battle
of the Braincells with a twist”

May I request Clover to read the instructions for

your activity Instructions:

1. Divide the class into two teams.

2. Set up a relay course with designated

start and finish lines. This game is a
speed competition and both groups
have 2 minutes to finish the game.

3. Each group should have at least 5

representatives to unscrambled the
letters for station 1. Once you’ve
completed the challenge, move on to
the station 2 the final round.

4. The remaining member will stay at

station 2 to help the first member who
finished the challenge to wear

5. The first team to complete the tasks

wins the race.
This will be your permanent group until our
class will ends.

Are we clear with instructions class? Yes, teacher.

Group 2 has already finished our activity; I will
give the prize after our class. Those words you
arranged and those clothes you wore it has
something to do with our new topic

D. Engage

What have you noticed in your activity?

Yes, Sherlyn. A thing we used during sunny days teacher

Very good!

What else?

Yes, Verlaine A thing we used during rainy days teacher


What do you want to know about based on your

I want to know teacher what other activities
Yes, Ludy. appropriate activities during summer and
rainy days teacher.


What do you think our topic for today? About seasons in the Philippines teacher

Our topic for today is all about weather patterns

and seasons in the Philippines.

Before we proceed to your next activity. I would

like to present to you our Lesson Objectives for

May you please all read our Lesson Objectives.

At the end of the lesson, the learners are
expected to:

a. identify the different seasons in the

Philippines accurately;
b. articulate the importance of learning
weather changes in the Philippines through a
role play; and

c. demonstrate understanding of seasons in

the Philippines through performing
appropriate activities during wet and dry

E. Explore

I have prepared an activity for you class and I

named it 'Watch, Learn and Observe,' wherein
I will present one short video clip.

May you please read the instructions Bernadette. Instructions:

1. The class will be divided into two groups.

2. Write your observation based on the short

video clip presented by the teacher.
Afterwards, each group must answer the
guided questions.

3. Each group will be given one minute to

answer the guided questions.

4. Each group should have at least one

presenter to read what they wrote.

Did you all understand our instructions? Yes, teacher.

Let's see if your observations are correct but
before that let us have first our discussion for
you to have a better understanding. Because the
activity you have done is related to what we will
discuss today.

F. Explain

Our topic for today is all about weather patterns

and seasons in the Philippines.
Who among you here knows what is weather?

Yes, Zcyger Weather teacher affects our everyday

activities in life
Yes, that's right!

What else? Any idea?

I want you to share your idea Jessa

Weather teacher is the condition we
experience every day.
Nice idea!

Let's define now what is weather?

Anyone who wants to read the definition of


Yes, Althea
Weather is the condition of atmosphere in a
particular place at a particular time. It affects
your day-to-day activities and determines
what activities you will do for the next day.
Weather change from time to time. For
example, the weather in Metro manila and the
rest of the Luzon was partly cloudy with isolated
light rains. This means that in the morning, the
weather in these places was not the same in the

The repeating condition over a period of time is

what we called weather pattern.

What agency in-charged of the releasing the


Yes, Richelle PAGASA teacher


The PAGASA or Philippine Atmospheric

Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration in-charge of observing,
recording and studying the weather.
Did you understand?

Yes, teacher.

There are some factors affect the changes of our


First factor affects the changes of our weather is


Anyone who wants to read?

Temperature is the hotness and coldness of
Yes, Rainer
the air around us. It defers from place to

Places that near in the equator receive the direct

rays of the sun that is why we experience high
temperature. The places that far away from the
equator receive less radiant and so they have low

What tool used by the scientist to measure

Thermometer teacher
Very good!

The tool used by scientist to measure

temperature is thermometer.
Air pressure is an indicator of weather. When
The next factor affects the changes of weather is a low-pressure system moves into an area, it
Air pressure. usually leads to cloudiness, wind, and
precipitation. High-pressure systems usually
Who would like to read the definition of Air lead to fair, calm weather.

Yes, Sayra

Okay, thank you Sayra

High pressure and low-pressure teacher
Air pressure can be classified into two the High
pressure and low pressure take a look at the

What are the two-air pressure?

When the sun directly hits the ground, it creates

warmer air that rises, leading to low-pressure
system. But when the does not directly hit the
ground, it keeps the air cooler, causing it to sink
and create a high-pressure system.

High pressure often brings warm air and Low

Barometer teacher
pressure often brings cold air and rain.

Who would like to share what tool used by the

scientist to measure Air pressure?

I want to hear your voice Zcyger

Very Good
8BRDVKir7RfkGbFko8 Humidity is the amount of water vapor or
moisture in the air.
The tool used by the scientist to measure Air
pressure is Barometer.

The third factor affect the changes of weather in

the Philippines is Humidity

Who would love to read?

Yes, Jyzzy

Hygrometer teacher
An indicator that Humidity is high your body
feels warm and sticky.

Do you know what instrument or tool used by

scientist to measure humidity?

The instrument used to measure humidity is

called Psychrometer or hygrometer.
Wind is a moving air. It is caused by the
The next factor is Wind unequal heating of Earth's surface.

Who wants to read?

Yes, Jenelyn.

When air heated it is rises and its density

decreases forms of low pressure. When the
cooler air becomes denser and moves below the
heated air it will cause high pressure. Wind Anemometer
moves from high pressure to low pressure.

Who among you here knows what tool used by

scientist to measure Wind?
I want you to recite Genevie


The tool used by the scientist to measure Wind

is Anemometer.
Fronts are the boundaries between two air
Let's move on to the fronts, who wants to read masses of different densities.
the definition of Fronts?

Yes, Samuel.

Front is classified into two the cold front and

warm front.
Warm air pushes the cold air teacher
What have you noticed about the picture?


A warm front form when a warm air mass

pushes into a cooler air mass.
I think it brings a storm teacher
What do you think will happen if warm air mass
replaced the cold air?
Yes, That’s right!

Warm fronts often bring stormy weather as the

warm air mass at the surface rises above the cool
air mass, making clouds and storms.

Cold air pushes the warm air

What have you noticed with this picture?

Very Good!

A cold front is defined as the transition zone

I think teacher it will bring hot temperature
where a cold air mass is replacing a warmer air

What do you think will happen if cold air

replaced the warm air?

Yes, that's right!

Cold fronts generally move from northwest to

southeast. The air behind a cold front is
noticeably colder and drier than the air ahead of Yes, teacher.

Did you understand class?

That's good.
So, we can proceed now with the two types of
seasons we have here in the Philippines.
Yes, teacher.

Are you aware that we only have two seasons

here in the Philippines?

Season teacher I think it is the weather

Very good! Let's define first what is season.
patterns experience of one country.

Do you know what is season?

The two seasons we experience here in the
Season is the period of the year that is usually
Philippines are the dry season and the rainy
characterized by a particular kind of weather.
season teacher.
What are the two seasons we experience here in
the Philippines?

The dry season takes place during the months

of December to May. This is characterized by
Now let us discuss first the Dry season. less and infrequent rainfall as well as dusty
Anyone who wants to read?

Yes, I want to hear your voice, Sayra.
During this season, some of the crops die due to
insufficient supply of water. The dry season is Yes, teacher
influenced by the Northeast Monsoon or
Hanging Amihan that brings cool and dry air.
Swimming teacher

Are we clear with dry season?

Eating cold food teacher
What are the appropriate activities during the
dry season?

Favorite of everyone

What else? Aside from swimming what

activities you usually do during summer?

Very good!

All the examples you mentioned are all correct.

The dry season is the best time for swimming,
flying kites, and biking. Drying of crops under
the sun is usually done during this time. People
wear loose and thin light-colored clothes as well
as shorts to feel comfortable during hot days. Yes, teacher.
Cold foods and beverages like halo-halo, ice
cream, and fruit shakes are usually served during
this season Dehydration and Heatstroke teacher

Did you understand class what is dry season?

What do you think will happen if we experience

too much heat?

Very good! Yes, teacher.

If we experience too much heat, it can lead to

various consequences such as dehydration, heat
exhaustion, and heatstroke among individuals
exposed to high temperatures for prolonged
period. The wet or rainy season takes place from
June to November. Wet season this is time we
Did you understand class? experience cold air and heavy rain teacher

Alright! Let's proceed now with wet season.

What is wet season?

May you please read Richelle

This is characterized by frequent rainfall, which

may bring flood to the lowlands. Typhoons often
hit the country during this season.

The frequent rainfall is influenced by the Yes, teacher.

Southwest Monsoon wind.

Did you understand class?

Movie marathon teacher

What are the appropriate activities during the
wet season?

Yes, Ludy

Very good!
Eating soup teacher
What else?

Yes, Jyzzylyn

That's good Sleep teacher

Another example everyone?

All your answers are correct!

The wet season affects the activities of people.

Farmers plant their crops during this season
because the abundance of rainwater makes their
crops grow quickly. People prefer to serve and
eat warm foods as well as wear thick and long-
sleeved clothes. During the wet season, people
do most of their activities indoors. When going
outdoors, they usually bring umbrellas and
raincoats. Yes, teacher.
Are we clear with the wet season everyone?

We will experience a flood teacher.

What do you think will happen if we experience
too much wet or rainy season?

Great Job!
Mosquitoes are everywhere teacher
What else? What will going to happen to us?
We are going to have a fever, teacher

Yes, that's right!

If we experience too much rainy season, it could

lead to flooding, landslides, crop damage, and
infrastructure problems due to excessive rainfall
and water accumulation. Additionally, it may
disrupt transportation and cause health concerns
such as dengue fever and malaria due to
increased breeding grounds for mosquitoes in Planting trees teacher.
stagnant water.

What will going to do to prevent this kind of

situation? What simple we should do?
Stop deforestation, teacher.

Nice idea!

What else?

Very good! Yes, teacher.

All your answers are correct. It seems like you

are ready for our next activity. Are you ready

Before we proceed to your next activity, I want

5 representatives to perform appropriate
activities during wet and dry seasons.

Jenelyn, Genevie, Rainer, Joy, Verlaine, and

Jyzzy may you please come in front to
demonstrate what appropriate activities during
Due to the location of Philippines teacher
wet and dry seasons.

All of the activities that they demonstrate are

appropriate during wet and dry seasons.

But before that I have a question, why does the Because our country is surrounded by bodies
Philippines have only 2 seasons? of water
Yes, Zcyger.


What else?

Yes, Gretchen


The Philippines typically experiences two main

seasons: the wet season (or rainy season) and the
dry season. This is primarily due to its location Yes, teacher.
near the equator and its proximity to bodies of
water, particularly the Pacific Ocean.

Did you understand class?

I am glad that you are all understand our topic

today. Let’s proceed now with your activity.

G. Elaborate

For your next activity, this will be a group so

you should be cooperative to have a great
performance. Your activity entitled "Your
community is your responsibility"

Are you excited class? Yes, teacher

May all of you read the instructions of your

activity. Instructions:

1. Divide the class into two groups.

2. Each group will have the opportunity to

showcase their acting skills through a role

3. The role play should demonstrate

awareness of changes in the weather.

4. After the role play, the leading group will

deliver a message about prevention as a
conclusion to their performance.

5.Each group will be given 2 minutes to

finalize their performance and 1 minute to
perform the activity.
Are we clear with the instructions? Yes, teacher

Joy, may you read the criteria for your activity.


Creativity and Originality: 20%

Acting Skills: 20%

Awareness of Weather Changes: 20%

Message Delivery: 20%

Time Management: 10%

Overall Presentation: 10%

Total: 100%

Are we clear with the criteria? Yes, teacher.

Good to hear. I will give you 2 minutes to
finalize your performance and 1 minute to
perform it.

H. Generalization

Now, let's have a short recap. What is weather Weather is the condition of the atmosphere in
again? a particular place at a particular time.

What are the factors affecting the changes of

weather patterns of the Philippines? Temperature, teacher

Air pressure, teacher

Humidity, teacher

Wind, teacher

Fronts, teacher

What about season?

Season is the period of the year that is usually
characterized by a particular kind of weather
What are the two seasons we have experience
here in the Philippines?

The dry season and wet season teacher.

Great Job, everyone!

It seems like you have learned a lot from our

discussion and I sense that you are all ready to
our next activity. Are you ready class?

Yes, teacher.



Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and change the underlined word/s if it
is wrong. Write your answer in ¼ sheet of paper.

_______ 1. The two distinct seasons in the Philippines are the wet and dry seasons.

_________ 2. Weather Patterns are characterized by consistent and unchanging conditions over a
period of time.

_______ 3. High-pressure typically result cold air masses and low-pressure often lead to the
arrival of cold air.

_______ 4. Humidity is defined as the presence of water vapor or moisture in the air, and an
indication of high humidity is when one’s body feels warm and sticky.

_______ 5. Warm front typically bring high temperature as warm air rises over cooler air,
leading to cloud and formation and storms.

________6. The responsible for releasing the weather is Philippine Atmospheric Geological and
Astronomical Services Administration.

_______ 7. When cold front replaces a warm front, we will experience cold and dry air.
_______ 8. The dry months of the Philippines occurs from December to April.

_______ 9. The wet season are the harvesting period for farmers, especially for rice crops in our

_______ 10. Farmers are happy during dry season when their crops grow quickly and


Instructions: Design and create an illustration of the Earth and the Sun. Explain the concepts of
rotation and revolution of the Earth.

Illustration Criteria:

Accuracy (50%): The illustration accurately depicts the Earth and the Sun.

Clarity (30%): The illustration is clear and easy to understand, with distinct representations of
the Earth and the Sun.

Labeling (20%): Each celestial body is clearly labeled as "Earth" and "Sun" respectively.

Explanation of Concepts:

Rotation (50%): A clear explanation of rotation, detailing how the Earth spins on its axis causing
day and night.

Revolution (50%): A clearly explained the revolution, describing how the Earth orbits around the

Prepared by:

Justin Lei U. Alimento


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