Impact of Leadership On Church Growth - Litrature Review

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Impact of Leadership on Church Growth: Literature Review

Sichei Chepkech Chemwotei

Department of Theology, Kenya Baptist Theological College

ON502: Academic Writing

Mr. Kenneth Koskey

19th March 2024


“Everything rises and falls on leadership,” are words spoken by a renowned

leadership expert written by John C. Maxwell. A good church leader will always be a

blessing to the church, while a bad church leader will be a curse. Researchers on church

growth have repeatedly shown that there is a close relationship between church growth and

leadership. They have indicated that leadership skills are needed in each ministry and that

effectiveness in each requires a set of specific leadership traits. Leaders who focus on growth

are found to be positive thinkers and can motivate their members to participate in mission and

evangelism (Wagner, 1984). They are also passionate about reaching the lost and leading by

example. (Rainer,2001). They thrive as team leaders and team builders who can delegate

responsibility and multiply membership (Bama, 1999). This present study discusses how

effective leaders are critical for church growth. The study focuses on the impact of leadership

on the growth of churches by reviewing the work of various writers. This paper will examine

the role of leaders in church growth, highlight key characteristics of effective leaders, and

explore how these leaders contribute to the success of their churches. The paper therefore will

present a review of various authors writing on the impact of church leadership on church

growth and offer constructive criticism on the same. The paper will then recommend some

steps and guidelines to assist leaders in reviving the churches that have plateaued or declined

in growth.

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