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Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria

Bishop Epifanio B. Surban Street, Dumaguete City

College of Allied Health Sciences

Dear Respondents,
We are conducting a survey to investigate the “Practices and Awareness among BSRT students
on Proper Waste Management” Your best and honesty responses to the following questions are much
appreciated. Please note that all information provided will be used strictly for academic purposes and will
be kept confidential.


Name (optional): __________________________ Sex: Female Male

Age: _____ Year Level: ___________

PART 2: Questionnaire
Please put check mark to indicate your level of agreement with each statement by selecting the appropriate
option on the scale below:

Strongly Aware Not Aware Strongly

Aware Not Aware
Proper Waste Management Awareness
1. Waste Management Awareness understand the environmental
impact of improper waste disposal.
2. I am familiar with the waste management rules and guidelines at
our school and as well as RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000.
3. I know the correct practices for waste segregation and recycling in
our home.
4. I know where to throw my waste material/s in school.
Participation in Proper Waste Management
5. I participate in recycling programs or activities in our community.
6. I separate my waste into recyclables and non-recyclables in our
7. I actively promote waste management practices among my peers.
Barriers to Proper Waste Management
8. There are adequate waste management facilities at school.
9. I find it challenging to follow waste management practices
10. There is a lack of awareness among students about proper waste
Proper Waste Management Education and Training
11. I have received formal education or training on waste management.

12. The school provides enough information and guidance on waste

Waste Management Practices Always Moderately Rarely Never
Practiced Practiced Practiced Practiced
13. Segregation
14. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
15. Proper Disposal

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