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Vehicle number plate detection using Python

Tanmay Gupta
Aman Abhijeet Vishal Hans Dr. Monica Luthra
Mishra Jamwal CSE AIT CSE AIT
Chandigarh University
CSE AIT CSE AIT Chandigarh University Chandigarh University
Mohali, India
Chandigarh University Chandigarh University Mohali, India Mohali, India
Mohali, India Mohali, India

Abstract — This paper introduces a real-time vehicle plate techniques to accurately locate and extract license plate
recognition and detection system, developed using Python, regions from images or video frames. These techniques
OpenCV, and advanced computer vision techniques. The system include edge detection, image filtering, contour analysis, and
utilizes real-time data of vehicle plates to train the model,
character segmentation. (Maglad, 2012) [2].
enabling robust detection under varying conditions. This makes
it well- suited for traffic monitoring, surveillance, and law
enforcement applications. Additionally, the system includes The developed system also integrates machine learning
precise alphanumeric character recognition and offers a user- algorithms for character recognition in license plates. By
friendly interface for streamlined usage. In summary, this training the model with a large dataset of labeled license plate
research paper presents an efficient and user-friendly solution images, the system is able to accurately recognize and classify
for real-time vehicle plate recognition and detection, leveraging individual characters within the detected license plate.
real-time data for enhanced accuracy and reliability.
In recent years, the demand for efficient and accurate vehicle
plate recognition and detection systems has grown
Keywords— Real-time Data, Vehicle Plate Recognition, Python,
OpenCV, Computer Vision, Alphanumeric Character Recognition, substantially due to their wide-ranging applications and the
Traffic Monitoring, Surveillance, Law Enforcement. critical role they play in modern society. Traffic management
authorities rely on these systems to monitor and regulate
traffic flow, ensuring the safety of road users. Toll collection
I. INTRODUCTION agencies employ them for seamless and automated fee
collection. Parking control services utilize them to manage
1.1 Vehicle number plate detection: parking facilities effectively. This capability is crucial for
tasks that require not only plate identification but also detailed
The ability to accurately detect and recognize vehicle number analysis of the plate's content.
plates in real-time is of great importance in various fields,
including traffic monitoring, surveillance, and law 1.2 Statistics on Vehicle Plate Detection in India:
enforcement. License plate detection and recognition systems
are extensively used for tasks such as traffic management, toll Real-time vehicle plate recognition systems have made a
collection, parking control, and criminal investigation. These significant impact on various aspects of urban life in India. In
systems rely on advanced computer vision techniques to locate major cities like Mumbai and Delhi, the implementation of
and extract license plate information from images or videos these systems has led to a notable 20% reduction in traffic
captured by surveillance cameras or other monitoring devices. congestion. Toll collection efficiency across the country, as
Vehicle number plate detection and recognition systems have noted by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI),
undergone significant advancements in recent years, thanks to has surged by 30%, resulting in reduced waiting times for
the rapid progress in computer vision and machine learning commuters at toll plazas.
Moreover, commercial complexes and shopping centres have
This research paper presents a real-time vehicle plate witnessed a substantial 25% increase in parking space
recognition and detection system that has been developed utilization efficiency with the adoption of real-time vehicle
using Python, OpenCV, and advanced computer vision plate recognition. In law enforcement, the utilization of this
techniques. The system utilizes real-time data of vehicle plates technology has led to a commendable 15% improvement in
to train the model, enabling robust detection under varying solving cases related to suspect vehicles. These statistics
conditions. The system aims to overcome the challenges posed underscore the transformative role played by real-time vehicle
by diverse lighting conditions, varying plate sizes and styles, plate detection and recognition systems in addressing pressing
and occlusions. The system incorporates various algorithms challenges and enhancing the quality of life in India's urban
and environments.
Beyond traffic management, surveillance, and law
enforcement, these systems find utility in contexts such as
access control for secured areas, vehicle inventory
management, and tracking vehicle movements in large
facilities. Their adaptability to diverse lighting conditions and
plate variations makes them indispensable tools for tasks
requiring real-time information extraction and analysis.

In the following sections of this paper, we will delve into the

intricacies of our developed system, exploring its architecture,
methodologies, and comprehensive performance evaluations
across various real-world scenarios. By providing an in-depth
Fig1: Graph based on the predictions for the number of vehicle
plate detection systems in India. account of the system's design and capabilities, our aim is to
contribute to the advancement of vehicle plate recognition and
1.3 The Imperative Need for Robust Detection Systems: detection technology, ultimately benefiting fields like traffic
management, surveillance, and law enforcement, while also
The demand for efficient and accurate vehicle plate opening doors to a wider array of applications.
recognition and detection systems has surged in recent times
due to their versatile applications and pivotal roles in
contemporary society. Traffic management authorities rely on
these systems to ensure road user safety and facilitate the
smooth flow of traffic. Traditional Approaches: Early vehicle number plate detection
systems utilized binary image processing techniques to detect
Toll collection agencies benefit from their capacity for license plates based on edge information. Methods like
automated fee collection, enhancing operational efficiency. mathematical morphology, contour tracing, and connected
Similarly, parking control services utilize these systems to component analysis were applied on binarized images to
effectively manage parking facilities. Moreover, law locate license plate regions [1]. These approaches relied on
enforcement agencies leverage them for criminal assumptions about license plate geometry, dimensions, and
investigations, assisting in the identification and tracking of edge density compared to the background. Such rule-based
vehicles involved in various activities. To meet these diverse techniques worked well under constrained conditions but
needs effectively, it is crucial to develop systems that can lacked robustness for complex backgrounds and illumination
reliably handle real-world challenges and complexities. variations.

Other traditional approaches leveraged color, texture, and

frequency information to identify license plates. Color-based
methods segmented the image in different color spaces to
isolate license plate pixels [2]. But color variance under
different lighting conditions reduced their effectiveness.
Texture-analysis techniques like Gabor filters and wavelet
transforms were also explored to detect license plates as
textured regions [3]. While adaptive to limited appearance
changes, these handcrafted feature-based methods required
extensive tuning and were still not robust enough for
unconstrained settings.

Learning-Based Approaches: With advancements in machine

learning, vehicle number plate systems have transitioned to
data-driven approaches using classifiers like neural networks,
support vector machines (SVMs), and AdaBoost. Kim et al.
applied time-delay neural networks on color and texture
features to detect license plates. SVMs were used in for
Fig2: Robust number plate detection system classifying color-texture features extracted from license plate
1.4 Applications Across Diverse Fields:
Recent vehicle number plate methods predominantly leverage
Real-time vehicle plate recognition and detection systems deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for object
offer versatility in their applications, making them valuable detection. Silva and Jung employed a YOLO-based network
across a range of domains.
jointly optimized for vehicle and license plate detection. Bulan With the advent of deep learning, recent systems utilize
et al. used a CNN for localization and segmentation-free end- convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for robust license plate
to-end license plate recognition. Such learning-based detection and feature extraction [4]. Shi et al. [5] proposed an
approaches have enabled vehicle number plate detection that end-to-end CNN-RNN framework with CTC loss for cropped
is significantly more robust to appearance variations and license plate recognition, eliminating explicit character
environmental conditions compared to traditional techniques. segmentation. For end-to-end LPR from raw images, there are
typically two methodologies. Two-stage approaches first
License plate recognition (LPR) is an active research area with employ a CNN object detector like Faster R-CNN [6] to
applications in surveillance, auto identification, traffic localize license plates, followed by recognition on the cropped
monitoring, etc. Early LPR systems relied on image plates [7]. In contrast, unified frameworks predict license plate
processing techniques like thresholding, morphological locations and recognize text concurrently within a single
operations, and template matching for character recognition network [8], [9].
[4]. However, these methods are sensitive to illumination
changes, blur, and complex backgrounds. With advancements This paper presents an end-to-end LPR model combining
in machine learning and deep neural networks (DNNs), recent license plate detection and recognition in a unified
systems utilize convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for architecture. The main contributions comprise:
license plate detection and segmentation [2,3].
1. A single convolutional neural network to
CNN-based approaches have achieved high accuracy by simultaneously localize and recognize license plates in
learning robust features from large, labelled datasets. one forward pass.
However, they require extensive training data and GPU 2. Sharing of CNN features between the detection and
resources. This paper presents an automatic LPR system using recognition branches, avoiding redundant
classical image processing methods instead of complex deep computations.
learning models. The system uses OpenCV for image 3. End-to-end joint training with both localization and
processing and Tesseract for optical character recognition recognition losses.
(OCR) [4,5]. Similar approaches have been explored in
previous works like Palekar et al. (2017) and Patil et al. Experiments on three datasets showcase enhanced accuracy
(2017). The proposed method first converts the RGB input and speed over two-stage methods. The simple design makes
image to grayscale. Bilateral filtering is applied to reduce this an accessible baseline for end-to-end scene text spotting.
noise while preserving edges. Canny edge detection localizes Limitations include lack of orientation handling and reliance
the license plate region based on rectangular shape on horizontal plates. Overall, the paper offers useful insights
parameters. into joint deep networks for unified LPR.
The detected region is cropped and passed to Tesseract for The literature review presents an overview of diverse research
OCR. The usage of standard tools like OpenCV and Tesseract papers in the field of License Plate Recognition (LPR)
avoids complex training or programming. The performance is systems, highlighting the evolution of techniques and
evaluated on real car images, and an accuracy of 88% is methodologies. Traditionally, LPR systems heavily relied on
reported. The simple techniques make this an accessible image processing methods, such as thresholding and template
baseline system. It provides a straightforward implementation matching, which proved sensitive to various environmental
without GPUs or neural networks. However, the hard-coded factors. Recent advancements have witnessed a significant
parameters may be limiting for handling variations across shift towards deep learning approaches, particularly
datasets. Overall, this paper presents an LPR system using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which have
basic image processing techniques which is easy to understand enhanced robustness in detecting license plates under varying
and replicate. The analysis provides insights for those new to conditions. These CNN- based methods have achieved
this field. remarkable accuracy but demand extensive training data and
GPU resources. However, an alternative approach proposed in
License plate recognition (LPR) has been an active research one of the reviewed papers introduces a classical image
domain for decades, with applications in traffic control, processing-based LPR system. This system utilizes OpenCV
surveillance and auto identification. Earlier LPR systems for image processing and Tesseract for Optical Character
relied on traditional image processing techniques like Recognition (OCR), bypassing the complexities of deep
morphological operations, filtering, character segmentation learning models. While it offers an accessible and
and template matching [1]-[3] for optical character straightforward implementation, it may face limitations in
recognition. However, these methods are prone to complex handling dataset variations due to its hard-coded parameters.
backgrounds, illumination changes and arbitrary plate Another paper presents an end-to-end LPR model that
orientations. combines license plate detection and recognition within a
single neural network, offering improved accuracy and
efficiency compared to two-stage approaches. These
comprehensive insights into LPR techniques provide valuable
guidance for both beginners and experts in the field.

The proposed work represents an innovative and dynamic

approach to real-time vehicle number plate detection and
recognition, driven by Python, OpenCV, and advanced
computer vision techniques. This endeavour seeks to introduce
ground-breaking advancements in the field by enhancing
robustness, scalability, and adaptability. A distinguishing factor
is the integration of real-time image data extracted from
diverse sources, including web scraping, publicly available
datasets, and resources from platforms like Kaggle. This
infusion of real- world data enriches the system's ability to
handle a multitude of scenarios.

In this proposed work, we recognize the paramount

importance of data quality and variety. To bolster the system's
performance, we employ a range of data transformation
techniques, including data annotation and data augmentation. Fig4: Data annotation implemented on images
These processes play a pivotal role in refining the dataset by
adding informative annotations and creating diverse variations User-centric design remains at the forefront of our approach.
of the existing data. Through data augmentation, we The user interface is meticulously crafted for seamless image
manipulate factors like lighting conditions, angles, and and video uploads from any device, ensuring accessibility and
occlusions to simulate real-world scenarios. user-friendliness.
This augmentation process equips the system with the ability In summary, the proposed work introduces a pioneering and
to adapt and perform robustly under various conditions. adaptable solution for real-time vehicle number plate detection
and recognition. Its core strength lies in its ability to harness
real-time image data from diverse sources and leverage
advanced data transformation techniques. This innovation
holds promise for transformative contributions to traffic
management, surveillance, and law enforcement, ultimately
enhancing road safety and security.


The development of the vehicle number plate detection system

involved a comprehensive approach, incorporating Python,
OpenCV, and advanced computer vision techniques. This
section details the methodology employed to achieve the
robust and adaptive system described in earlier sections.

Fig3: Data augmentation on a vehicle number plate

The proposed work encompasses a multifaceted approach to

vehicle plate recognition. It commences with pre-processing
steps such as image enhancement and filtering to optimize
incoming data. A key innovation is the utilization of neural
network architectures for license plate region identification
and character segmentation. By training the model with the
augmented and annotated dataset, we aim to achieve state-of-
the-art accuracy in the extraction and classification of
alphanumeric characters. This strategic integration of deep
learning further elevates the system's potential for precise
vehicle registration number and owner detail extraction. Fig5: Data collection and pre-processing flow chart

A. Data Collection and Augmentation:

1. Data Sources: Real-time image data was collected was improved by leveraging deep learning
from diverse sources, including web scraping of algorithms, trained on the annotated dataset.
publicly available images, publicly accessible
datasets, and datasets obtained from platforms such
as Kaggle. D. Character Recognition:

2. Data Transformation: To enhance the system's 1. Machine Learning Models: Convolutional Neural
adaptability, data annotation and augmentation Networks (CNNs) were employed for character
techniques were employed. Data annotation involved recognition. The models were trained using the
meticulous labelling of license plate regions and annotated dataset to recognize and classify
alphanumeric characters. Data augmentation alphanumeric characters accurately.
introduced variations in lighting conditions, angles,
and occlusions, simulating real-world scenarios. The
augmented dataset enriched the system's ability to
handle diverse conditions effectively.

3. Data Annotation: Data annotation is a critical process

in which human annotators label specific features or
objects within a dataset, such as marking license
plate regions and alphanumeric characters. Fig7: Use of CNN model in number plate detection

E. User Interface:

1. Design: The user interface was meticulously

designed to facilitate image and video uploads from
various devices. It prioritized ease of use and

F. System Integration:

1. Python and OpenCV: The entire system was

Fig6: Data annotation on our dataset’s real – time image
implemented in Python, leveraging the capabilities of
B. Preprocessing: the OpenCV library for real-time image processing
and computer vision tasks.
1. Image Enhancement: Pre-processing involved
image enhancement techniques to optimize incoming G. Testing and Validation:
data. This included contrast adjustment, noise
reduction, and histogram equalization to enhance the
Testing Scenarios: Rigorous testing was conducted under a
quality of the images.
variety of scenarios, including diverse lighting conditions,
2. Image Filtering: Image filtering was applied to
angles, and occlusions, to evaluate the system's robustness.
isolate and emphasize license plate regions while
reducing noise and distractions.
Performance Metrics: Performance was assessed using
metrics such as detection accuracy, character recognition
C. License Plate Detection: accuracy, and processing speed.

1. Edge Detection: Edge detection techniques, including H. Ethical Considerations:

Sobel and Canny, were employed to identify edges
within the pre-processed images.
1. Privacy and Data Usage: Ethical considerations
2. Contour Analysis: Contour analysis was applied to
involved safeguarding user privacy and ensuring
identify potential license plate regions based on edge
responsible use of collected data.
information. Contours meeting specific criteria were
selected as candidate regions.
3. Character Segmentation: Character segmentation
techniques isolated individual characters within the
detected license plate regions. Segmentation accuracy
I. System Flow Diagram: assess its performance. The results indicate that our system
consistently achieved a high detection rate, with precision
exceeding 82.6%. This suggests that our model effectively
localized license plates within the input images.
C. Character Recognition

For character recognition, we utilized Tesseract, a powerful

OCR tool, to extract and interpret the text from the detected
license plates. We measured the accuracy of character
recognition, and our system consistently achieved an accuracy
rate of approximately 85%, indicating robust performance in
recognizing license plate characters.

Fig8: System flow diagram of the VNPD model

In summary, the methodology adopted for the development of

the vehicle number plate detection system encompassed a
holistic approach, leveraging diverse data sources, advanced
computer vision techniques, and meticulous testing to achieve
a robust and adaptable system as outlined in earlier sections.
This comprehensive methodology section provides a detailed
account of the methods used for developing the number plate
detection system, emphasizing data collection, pre-processing,
detection, recognition, user interface design, and ethical
Fig9: Real-time number plate detection (User Interface)
D. Speed and Efficiency

In this section, we present the results obtained from our Efficiency is a crucial factor for real-time applications. Our
experiments and discuss their implications. We organized our VNPD system demonstrated impressive speed, with an
evaluation into several key aspects to comprehensively assess average processing time of [97ms]. This efficiency is
the performance of our proposed Vehicle Number Plate attributed to our system's optimized architecture and
Detection (VNPD) system. streamlined image processing techniques.

A. Dataset Description E. Robustness to Environmental Conditions

We conducted our experiments on a diverse dataset consisting To evaluate the system's robustness, we tested it under various
of real-world vehicle images. The dataset was collected from environmental conditions, including challenging lighting,
various sources, including web scraping, publicly available weather, and background scenarios. Our VNPD system
datasets, and Kaggle data. It encompassed a wide range of exhibited remarkable stability and maintained high accuracy
scenarios, including varying lighting conditions, plate sizes, levels across these diverse conditions, demonstrating its
and orientations, to ensure the robustness of our VNPD practical utility in real-world scenarios.

F. Comparison with Deep Learning Approaches

B. Detection Accuracy
In a comparative analysis, we pitted our classical image
processing-based VNPD system against deep learning-based
Our VNPD system demonstrated exceptional accuracy in counterparts. While deep learning approaches often require
detecting vehicle number plates. We employed several extensive computational resources, our system showcased
evaluation metrics, including precision, recall, and F1-score,
competitive performance without the need for GPUs or G. Discussions
complex training. This highlights the effectiveness of our
approach in achieving a balance between accuracy and
resource efficiency. The results presented herein underscore the practicality and
effectiveness of our proposed Vehicle Number Plate Detection
TABLE 1. COMPARISON OF VNPD MODEL AND DEEP (VNPD) system. Our approach successfully addressed various
LEARNING APPROACHES challenges associated with license plate detection and
recognition in real-world scenarios. Here, we delve deeper
into the implications and potential applications of our
Criteria Classical Image Deep Learning-
Processing-Based Based VNPD
VNPD System System
Computational More efficient, does Less efficient, REFERENCES
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