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Bài viết dạng mix vẫn chia thành 4 phần như sau:
+ INTRODUCTION: Viết câu mơ ̉ bài như thường lẹ ̂ bằng
cách paraphrase (viết lại câu hỏi của đê ̀ bài bằng tư ̀ ngư ̃ của
chính bạn). Với câu hỏi dạng bài mix, sẽ dê ̃ hơn nếu viết tầm 2
câu ví dụ: "The first chart illustrates... The second chart
+ OVERVIEW: Viết 1-2 câu mô tả những đặc điểm chính, nổi
bật. Thường mỗi chart , tìm một đặc điểm nổi bật đê ̉ mô tả
+ BODY 1: Mô tả những đặc điểm chính của chart 1
+ BODY 2: Mô tả những đặc điểm chính của chart 2.
Lưu ý là chỉ cần mô tả riêng rẽ từng chart. Không cần phải có
sư ̣ so sánh hay kết nối gì giữa chart 1 và chart 2

Task 1 plan:
paraphrase task heading
summary paragraph – 2 key features: [1] bar chart:
increasing C02 emissions – cars, vans and trucks [2]
linegraph: increase in the number of road vehicles
paragraph 3: bar chart details: compare C02 emissions
in 2000 from cars, vans and trucks. Contrast with low
figure for buses. Compare predicted 2020 emissions from
cars, vans and trucks. Contrast again with low figure for
paragraph 4: give number of road vehicles in 2000
and note trend 2000- 2015. Give 2015 figure. Give
projected figure for 2020.
The bar chart compares the amount of CO2 emissions
produced by four types of vehicles. The line graph shows
the number of vehicles. Both diagrams refer to England and
Wales for the period 2000 to 2020.
Overall, the chart indicates a rise in the emission of CO2
from cars, vans and trucks between these years. The graph
shows that the number of vehicles on the road is expected
to continue to increase sharply.
In 2000, CO2 emissions from cars was the highest figure at
20 tons. The emissions from trucks and vans was similar, at
15 and 13 tons respectively, whereas the emissions from
buses totalled just 9 tons. By 2020, a rise in car emissions
to over 25 tons of CO2 is forecast, with a smaller rise in
emissions from trucks and vans. It is predicted that trucks
will produce about 23 tons and vans will emit 15 tons. In
contrast, the figure for CO2 emissions from buses will
continue to be the lowest amount, remaining stable at 9
The number of road vehicles was 20 million in 2000. This
increased rapidly to 50 million by 2015 and is expected to
increase to 55 million by 2020.
199 words
The diagrams below give information on transport
and car use in Edmonton. Summarise the information
by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Task 1 plan:
- Paraphrase task heading: one sentence for the pie
chart and one sentence for the table.
- Summary paragraph – key feature.
[1] pie chart: travel by car is the highest percentage
[2] table: people use their cars to commute to work more
than for any other reason.
- Compare proportions shown in pie chart.
- Compare reasons why people use their cars.
The pie chart shows four modes of transport in Edmonton
and the percentage use of each by people living in the city.
The table illustrates the reasons why the residents of
Edmonton use their cars.
Overall, cars are used in preference to other means of
transport. The principal reason why people use their cars in
the city is commuting to work.
It is clear from the percentages shown in the pie chart, that
travel by car is the highest figure, at 45%. This is followed
by LRT at 35%, while travel by bus or taxi each represent
only 10%.
The table compares five reasons why people use their cars
in Edmonton. The reasons given relate mainly to work,
with a figure of 55% for commuting and 45% for business.
However, taking children to school is also high on the list,
at 40%. Using the car for shopping is recorded at 15% and
the same figure is given for leisure activities.
160 words.

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