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Francisco, Janna Charleze D.

Art Appreciation

Filipino vs Western Concept

Filipino Concept

The Filipino concept of art is primarily concerned with the community and the preservation of
Philippine cultural traditions. The art does not limit itself to specific elements and is adaptable
in terms of material, technical, and formal needs. Equality of involvement in the artistic and
creative process, on which the emphasis is placed rather than the finished result.

Western Concept
The Western concept of art is largely concerned with the status of a person and the distinction
of the piece of art. An artist is someone who is academic, which means only schooled people
can be an artist. The goal of art is determined by whether it is a major art, created by an artist
and primarily concerned with the form of beauty, or a minor art, created by artisans and
concerned with the functionality and usefulness of human-made objects.
Traditions are coming together and harmonizing with each other.

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