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nós cristãos temos de dizer a verdade: não podemos enganar os homossexuais, que os seus atos são

Que podem ser felizes! Nunca serão felizes, violando as regras básicas da natureza: os órgãos do sistema
digestivo não têm ligação com o sistema reprodutor. Não foram concebidos para obter prazer sexual.
Portanto temos de os avisar para o perigo em que vivem, doenças, traumas, depressão.... Não é por acaso
que as taxas de suicídio são maiores, e a esperança média de vida menor, vejam as estatísticas em muitos
Existem muitos testemunhos de irmãos homossexuais conseguiram superar a homossexualidade, em
alguns casos é possível....

há 11 horas
U ll never be truly happy through homosexuality, my dear bro!

Callum Morton Hüseyin

há 11 horas
I'm delighted to inform you that people had been happy with their homosexuality, and bisexuality, and
queerness for several thousand years before Christianity, and we will continue to be so for thousands of
years after Christianity has been forgotten.

Its so sad that you are involved in what is essentially an abusive brainwashing organisation, and I really
hope that one day you are able to understand that your beliefs, words and actions while disgustingly
wicked do not define you, that you have the potential to be a decent human being, even if you aren't able
to be right now.

have a lovely evening and good luck with leaving the insane cult that you are part of.

há 10 horas
No bro... In Norway, a several years ago, they found that homo behavior reduce the average life 'span'
more than cigars. Of course u r a decent human being.,I don t want to jujde u. I m not "perfect"
I m to far from perfection. But i found, at the age of 46 ,that... my previous behavior and believings were
my worse enemies.
And I found that my friends were not really happy like they believe... Why do they need alcohol and grass
all the time?
It’s not about religion, it’s about TRUTH

Callum Morton Hüseyin

há 9 horas
Actually the studies about gay people living shorter lives have been traced to a discredited study by Paul
Cameron. There another one that right wing extremists like to misuse, from a Canadian team, who issued
their own response pointing out that their study did not show that at all.
It’s actually a fairly common conspiracy theory among the right wing and religious hardline communities
online, but has widely been debunked by sociologists.

The increased drug use was found by Meyer in 2003 in a landmark study to not be caused be
homosexuality, but rather by the constant homophobia of the society. I.e it isn’t being gay that makes
someone likely to drink or take drugs, it’s assholes bullying them.

In fact this is born out by evidence from Hatzenburhler 2014 study which found that the more
homophobic a society was, the more mental issues the lgbt people living there had. The % of
homosexuals is constant across a population, so it isn’t the sexuality that is causing it, it’s the prejudicial

I.e if you are gay in a society that doesn’t discriminate- you don’t have the high risk of health problems
that you would if you lived in a society were you were regularly discriminated against
Which is totally unsurprising!

Furthermore- undergoing any attempt to change one’s sexuality (called SOCE- sexual orientation change
efforts) has been found to have an even greater negative effect. Not only does it not work, it actually hurts
an LGBT person.
I’m so sorry to hear you had a bad time, and if you want to talk about it, I really recommend you have
psychotherapy, in which you can explore your feelings, rather than be told that they weren’t ok- because
what science tells us, is that you are hurting yourself

It must be really tough to live in a community where you regularly hear that you are going to hell if you
love another man, or that there is something wrong with you. I want you to know that there is nothing
wrong with your homosexual feelings, there will be no punishment, and you can live as good a life as

há 12 minutos
thanx bro for ur 'deep' answers!!!
i m not angry with anyone! i love everybody!!! i love myself!´
i dont care about ideologies, right or left!
maybe i m boring u, but be careful with these studies. will not be biased?
christians, gays, right or left, can get the false results of any "studies"

Callum Morton Hüseyin

há 6 minutos
That’s why we do peer review, and we make sure that studies have been checked properly

All the studies I have listed are completely true- they have been fully checked

há alguns segundos
i had study a lot, and most of gay's problems, do not result of homophobia (that it s real)
Most all gay relations are instable (maybe rich and celebraties sell a good image)
Homo practices leads to helth problems. Anus tissues are to fragile, they r not as muscled vagines.
Study anatomy...

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