2612976-Mechanical Project 1 - 4

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Objective: To configure the work envelope, Workspace/operation space for

an ABB IRB1200 for material handling operations.

Problem Statement- ABB’s IRB 1200 addresses the needs of the Material
Handling and Machine Tending industries for flexibility, ease-of-use,
compactness, and short cycle times while still maintaining large working
1) Configuring Work Envelope- frame B initially co-incident with frame A.
Frame B rotated about Zb= 45deg, furthermore the individual rotation is
scaled up by a factor of 3; rotated about XB= 60deg, however, the rotation is
not scaled for this operation.; rotated about YB= 15deg, the rotation is scaled
down by half for this operation. Finally, the origin [XA, YA, ZA] is translated
by T= [1,-5.5,10]^T. The entire movement is furthermore scaled by a factor of
2. Determine the work envelope Matrix. Briefly write down your inference
from the matrix. [10]

2) Configuring Workspace- The IRB is stationed at a certain configuration

space. Identify and state the dead links and active links. Attached below is a
picture representing the dimensions. Any other dim. If needed apart from the
ones stated, they need to be mentioned. (The entire setup doesn’t have any
prismatic joints)

A0=240mm, a2= 150mm, a3=100mm, a4=10mm

theta1=60deg, theta 2=120deg, theta 3=360deg

A DH matrix is expected for the conclusion. Requesting the mentees to follow
this format for the dh table.

Link a alpha d theta SF

{advice 1: kindly be a little cautious while resolving for alpha. One can use the
clock technique that I taught in the class for the same}.
{advice 2: requesting the mentees to show proper steps for marks.}

The entire setup is scaled by a sf of 10. [15]

3) Mentees are expected to use their creative liberty to explain the kind of
tool used as the end effector for this purpose as well as the actuation
systems that can probably be used for joint rotations. [ 10 ]

4) Derive safe safety factor (n) with the center of gravity at the geometric
center. Data assumptions if any need to be stated. Once derived mentees are
expected to calculate the ssf (n)for a starship mobile robot as pictorially
represented below. {the cog is located vertically at 27.7cm and horizontally at
28.45cm } [15]


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