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Speech 1
Types of Women’s
Time Datum Utterances
Language Features
Wow, I just want to say, first
Avoidance of strong
0:42-0:44 1 of all want to say thank you
swear word
for having me out.
I'm a little nervous, because
0:50-0:55 2 you know this is something Lexical hedge or filler
you know, awards are great.
But this is something that
really means something, and
0:55-0:58 3 Intensifier
it's something that really
means something to me.
And so, I'm gonna make it
0:59-1:03 4 Lexical hedge or filler
1:04-1:05 5 I'm gonna make it sweet. Empty adjective
But you know I was talking to
1:05-1:07 6 Lexical hedge or filler
Osa actually.
You know thank you for what
1:07-1:16 7 Lexical hedge or filler
you do.
And I was just like, are you
Rising intonation on
1:16-1:18 8 kidding me? Thank you for
what you do?
But something she said she
said, you know it's rare that
there's a place where young
1:23-1:31 9 Intensifier
people can speak and have
voice and people will actually
And I think that kind of
1:33-1:34 10 Lexical hedge or filler
struck a chord with me.
Because I am a young person,
1:35-1:37 11 Tag question
And, you know, I always say
1:40-1:55 12 that I would much rather be Lexical hedge or filler
known for the content of my
character and the kind of
person that I am than the last
project that I did, or the last
movie that I did or the last
music that I put out.
And I think it's so important
1:56-2:00 13 Lexical hedge or filler
when what I’ve learned.
And being here tonight is so
special to me because I'm
2:01-2:06 14 around like-minded people Intensifier
and like-minded young
You know, what I'm saying
2:06-2:08 15 Lexical hedge or filler
like I'm around my peers.
Young people like both of
yourselves who are so
2:08-2:16 16 courageous and and so Empty adjective
beautiful in your own way
and are not afraid.
2:18 17 To be exactly who you are. Intensifier
And so you know, to know
18 your purpose and to know
2:24-2:31 Lexical hedge or filler
who you are at such a young
age is hard and it's difficult.
And sometimes when you get
there you realize that your
2:44-2:51 19 purpose is not to stand on it
anymore but to get off, and let
somebody else stand on it.
So, so that's what I want to
continue to do and continue
2:54-3:05 20 to push, and to every student Lexical hedge or filler
that's here, I just want you to
know that I admire you.
3:05-3:08 21 You know what I mean. Lexical hedge or filler
3:08-3:12 22 This award is really for us. Intensifier
3:12 23 For us, right? Tag question
Because we are the game
3:13-3:14 24 Emphatic stress
3:14-3:16 We are the ones who are
25 Intensifier
literally changing the game.
3:20 26 We are not playing, okay? Rising intonation on
It is not a game with these Rising intonation on
3:26-3:28 27
Millennials, all right? declarative
And I think that's great, a
3:29-3:30 28 Lexical hedge or filler
game changer.
3:30-3:33 29 That's so powerful. Empty adjective.
So powerful, right? game Rising intonation on
3:33-3:36 30
changer. declarative
We're the ones who are going
to and I say it over and over
3:36-3:39 31 Emphatic stress
again and it's over used, but
we are the future!
Please understand the power
3:49-3:51 32 Super polite form
of your voice.
Please understand that you
3:51-3:57 33 have the capacity to literally Super polite form
change the world.
And, you know, I'm like will
4:06-4:07 34 Lexical hedge or filler
do that.
Should I post that? and I'm Rising intonation on
4:07-4:08 35
like YES! declarative
4:10 36 Absolutely, I should have! Intensifier
(Audience applause) Thank
4:14 37 Super polite form
And so, honestly, I'm just here
to say that I appreciate you
and I thank you and
4:38-4:47 38 Lexical hedge or filler
everybody in this room for
continuing to not only
cultivate those young minds.
And let's continue to make
Rising intonation on
4:58-5:02 39 some change and change the
game, all right?
Speech 2
Types of Women’s
Time Datum Utterances
Language Features
5:07 40 I'm so nervous right now. Intensifier
This is, she is you know the
5:09-5:11 41 Lexical hedge or filler
She is a young woman who is
5:11-5:13 42 educated she's beautiful she's Empty adjective
Wow, what a room! What a Avoidance of strong
5:18-5:21 43
room to be in. swear word
There's not much I can say
but thank you for allowing
5:22-5:26 44 Super polite form
me to be here amongst you, in
your presence.
For showing us that we are
worth it, that we are proud
and it is okay to be proud of
5:37-5:48 45 Emphatic stress
who we are of our bodies of
the way we look of the way
we feel.
5:48 46 It's beautiful. Empty adjective
And I want you to know all
5:55-5:57 47 you ladies up there, you are Emphatic stress
the leaders!
6:00 48 We are the future! Emphatic stress
We need you, we need every
6:00-6:05 49 single one of you in this Emphatic stress
room, you are needed.
6:08 50 This is the time. Emphatic stress
6:08-6:11 51 So please continue to do so. Super polite form
I appreciate you, I love you, I
thank you, I support you, I'm
6:11-6:16 52 Super polite form
with you, we are all with you,
in this room tonight.
6:30 53 To women! Emphatic stress
Speech 3
Types of Women’s
Time Datum Utterances
Language Features
I'm incredibly grateful to be
up here in front of all of you
6:35-6:39 54 Intensifier
beautiful, beautiful people
I feel like sometimes, I go and
I go and I go and I think a lot
of us can relate to this but
7:03-7:16 55 you go so hard and Intensifier
sometimes you forget to just
kind of stop and and take in
moments like this.
You know, and just be happy
7:29-7:32 56 Lexical hedge or filler
and just be alive for a second.
This is happening, pretty
7:39-7:41 58 Empty adjective
7:42 57 That’s happening, you know! Lexical hedge or filler
So thank you guys so much
and thank you in any way for
allowing me to use my
7:42-7:55 59 Super polite form
platform to connect with
people and to hopefully make
a positive impact in their life.
And please, everyone tonight,
7:56-7:57 60 Super polite form
enjoy it, look around!

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