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Chapter 18


1) Why didn’t Mary wake up early the next morning?

A: Mary didn’t get up early the next morning as she had slept late the
night before and she was tired.

2) What did Colin dream about?

A: Colin dreamt that he was standing in a place filled with trembling little
green leaves and there were birds on nests everywhere and they looked
soft and still.

3) What happened when Dickon said “Nut” and “Shell”?

A: When he said “Nut” one squirrel leaped on to his right shoulder, and
when he said “Shell” an other squirrel leaped on to his left shoulder.

4) What did Dickon do to make sure that Mary could understand him?
A: Dickon often modified his Yorkshire dialect when he spoke to Mary so
that she could better understand him.

5) Why was Mary proud of herself?

A: Mary was proud because she made a long speech in Yorkshire that
she remembered very well.

6) Why did Mary say she will speak Yorkshire to Colin everyday?
A: Mary said she will speak Yorkshire to Colin everyday because Dickon
said if she did Colin would cheer up by laughing.

7) How did the garden look at night?

A: Every night it seemed as if Magicians were passing through it drawing
loveliness out of the earth and boughs with wands. It was hard to walk
away and leave it all.

8) What did the wind of the moor smell like?

A: The wind of the moor smelt like it was cool and warm and sweet all at
the same time.

9) What was the names of Dickon's pets?

A: Captain, Soot, Nut, Shell and Jump were Dickon's pets.
10) Who is Jump? Describe him.
A: Jump was a little shaggy moor pony with thick locks hanging over his
eyes and with a pretty face and a nuzzling velvet nose. He was rather
thin with living on moor grass, but he was as tough and wiry as if the the
muscle in his little legs had been made if steel spring.

11) Which three character are alike and why?

A: Ben Weatherstaff, Colin and Mary were alike since all three of them
were always sour.

12) How did Mary describe Dickon?

A: Mary said he has a turned up nose and he has a big mouth and his
clothes have patches all over them and he talks broad Yorkshire.

13) What was the secret Mary told Colin?

A: The secret Mary told Colin was that Dickon would come to see him
tomorrow morning and he’ll bring his creatures with him. But that’s not
all, Mary said that she found an entrance to the garden, it was under the
ivy on the wall.

14) Why did Mary lie about seeing the garden?

A: Mary lied about seeing the garden because she was afraid and she
couldn’t trust Colin at that time.

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