Eucl Tast Rs 1 004 2 Sys Ds 6 Fem Reqs Structure Analysis

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DATE : 26/11/13
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01 23-09-2013 First Issue P. Bastia

02 26-11-2013 Section 8 Reduced Models Requirements Added M. Bellini


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1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Scope of the Document ............................................................................................................................ 5

1.2 Applicable and Reference Documents .................................................................................................... 5

1.2.1 Reference Documents ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.2 Applicable Documents ............................................................................................................................ 5

1.3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ...................................................................................................... 6

2. CODES ................................................................................................................................. 7

3. EUCLID MODEL REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 7

3.1 Main Subsystem Numbering Range ........................................................................................................ 7

3.2 Main Interfaces Numbering Range .......................................................................................................... 8

3.2.1 PLM / SVM Interface ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 SSH / SVM Interface ............................................................................................................................... 8

3.3 Reference Coordinate System ............................................................................................................... 10

3.3.1 Spacecraft Reference Frame ................................................................................................................ 10
3.3.2 Payload Module Reference Frame ....................................................................................................... 11

3.4 System Of Units ....................................................................................................................................... 11

4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 12

4.1 Model Identification ................................................................................................................................. 12

4.2 Coordinate System .................................................................................................................................. 12

4.3 Grid / Elements Rules ............................................................................................................................. 12

4.3.1 I/F Nodes & Force Recovery ................................................................................................................. 12
4.3.2 Grid / Element Generation Rules .......................................................................................................... 12
4.3.3 Elements Offset..................................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.4 Element / Material orientation ............................................................................................................... 14
4.3.5 Flat Plane Reference System ............................................................................................................... 15
4.3.6 Stiffness of Recovery CELAS elements................................................................................................ 15

4.4 Model Size ................................................................................................................................................ 15

4.5 Mass Distribution .................................................................................................................................... 16

4.6 Nastran Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 16

4.7 NLPARM & MATS1 Cards ....................................................................................................................... 17

4.8 Thermo Elastic and Moisture Analysis ................................................................................................. 17

4.9 Manuals & Error List ............................................................................................................................... 17

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5. DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................ 18
5.1 Model Files ............................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.1 NASTRAN Input Files ........................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.2 NASTRAN Bulk Data ............................................................................................................................ 19
5.1.3 Analysis Results .................................................................................................................................... 19

6. MODEL CHECKS ............................................................................................................... 19

6.1 Checks Before First Run ........................................................................................................................ 19
6.1.1 FE Model geometry Check ................................................................................................................... 20
6.1.2 Element Topology Check ...................................................................................................................... 20
6.1.3 Material Properties Check ..................................................................................................................... 21
6.1.4 Physical Properties Check .................................................................................................................... 21
6.1.5 Mass Distribution Check ....................................................................................................................... 21
6.1.6 Loads and Constraints Check ............................................................................................................... 22

6.2 First Run Model Check ........................................................................................................................... 22

6.2.1 Strain Energy Check Description .......................................................................................................... 22

6.3 Preliminary Model Runs ......................................................................................................................... 23

6.3.1 Static Analysis Check............................................................................................................................ 24 Checks of MSC.Nastran Static Analysis Output .......................................................................... 24
6.3.2 Thermo-elastic Analysis Check............................................................................................................. 27
6.3.3 Normal Mode Analysis Check ............................................................................................................... 27 Free-Free Analysis check .......................................................................................................... 27 Fixed-Free Analysis check ........................................................................................................ 27
6.3.4 Independent Check ............................................................................................................................... 28

6.4 Model Checks Summary ......................................................................................................................... 28

6.5 Check Documentation Summary ........................................................................................................... 30

6.6 FEM Check Conclusions and Recommendations................................................................................ 32

7. FEM DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................... 32

8. REDUCED MODEL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 37

8.1 Maximum Deviation ................................................................................................................................. 37

8.2 Minimum Node Set .................................................................................................................................. 37

8.3 Reduction Techniques ............................................................................................................................ 38

8.4 System of Units ....................................................................................................................................... 39

8.5 Maximum Size of Matrices ...................................................................................................................... 39

8.6 Reduced Matrices Format and delivery ............................................................................................... 39


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1.1 Scope of the Document

This document provides the guidelines for the preparation, description and quality assessment
checks to be applied to Finite Elements Models and Reduced Models to be exchanged between
the parties in the frame of EUCLID project.
The structure FE models shall follow the general guidelines defined herein. TAS-I shall approve
any non-conformance requirement.

The application of the requirements specified herein will allow full compatibility, integration and
homogeneous quality of the different item models and consequently correct analysis/verification
activities at system level

1.2 Applicable and Reference Documents

1.2.1 Reference Documents

RD [1] MSC Patran User Manual, MSC Software

RD [2] MSC.Nastran Quick Reference Guide Version from 2008r1, MSC Software
RD [3] MSC.Nastran Release Guide Version, MSC Software
RD [4] Practical Finite Element Modeling and Technique Using MSC/NASTRAN -
Supplement, RD [1] MSC Software
RD [5] A verification Procedure for MSC/NASTRAN Finite Element Models , NASA
Report 4675
RD [6] MSC.Nastran DMAP Module Dictionary Version, MSC Software
RD [7] MSC.Nastran Handbook for Non-Linear Analysis, MSC Software
RD [8] EUCL.ASFT.RS.3.024 Issue 1.0 Date 26/03/2013
DS-6 Mechanical FEM Requirements
RD [9] Craig, R.R.,Jr.,and Bampton , M.C.C. ”Coupling of Substructures for Dynamic
Analysis “, AIAA Journal, Vol.6,No.7,1968,pp.131-1319
RD [10] Tong, E.T., and Chang , C.C.J.“An efficient Procedure for data Recovery of a
Craig-Bampton Component”,MSC NASTRAN World User’s
RD [11] Fransen,S.H.J.A, “Mode Acceleration Method and OTM Generation”, TOS-
RD [12] Fransen,S.H.J.A, “An overview and Comparison of OTM Formulations on the basis
of the Mode Displacemnet Method and the Mode Acceleration Method”, MSC
Wordwide Aerospace Conference, Toulouse, April 2002
RD [13] Fransen,S.H.J.A and Bellini M., “Structural Verification of the Columbus Payload
Racks by means of Coupled Loads Analysis”, European

1.2.2 Applicable Documents

AD [1] ECSS-E-ST-32-03C
AD [2] EUCL-TAST-RS-1-001 EUCLID System Requirements Specification


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1.3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

CBAR MSC.Nastran simple beam element
CBEAM MSC.Nastran beam element
CELAS2 MSC.Nastran scalar spring element
CHEXA MSC.Nastran solid element
CONM2 MSC.Nastran CONcentrated Mass element, form 2
CoG Centre of Gravity
CoM Centre of Mass
CQUAD4 MSC.Nastran isoparametric membrane-bending linear quadrilateral plate element
CROD MSC.Nastran tension-compression-torsion element
CTRIA3 MSC.Nastran isoparametric membrane-bending linear triangular plate element
C.S. Coordinate System
DOF Degree Of Freedom
FE Finite Elements
FEM Finite Elements Method
GRID Defines the location of a geometric grid point
I-DEAS Integrated Design Engineering Analysis Software
I/F InterFace
EID Element Identification Number
PID Property Identification Number
ID Identification Number
I/F Interface
LC Load Case
LS Load Set
MM Mathematical Model
MPC MSC.Nastran Multi-Point Constraint equation
NASTRAN NASA STRuctural ANalysis
NSM Non Structural Mass
PBEAM Nastran simple BEAM ELEMENT Property
PLM Payload Module
PSHELL Nastran SHELL element Property
RBE1 MSC.Nastran Rigid Body Element form 1
RBE2 MSC.Nastran Rigid Body Element form 2
RBE3 MSC.Nastran Rigid Body Element form 3
RSPLINE MSC.Nastran multipoint constraint for interpolation of grid points displacements
SDRC Structural Dynamics Research Corporation
SESET MSC.Nastran SuperElement SET
SPC MSC.Nastran Single-Point Constraint
S.U. System OF Units
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBW To Be Written
TEMPD MSC.Nastran Default TEMPerature
w.r.t. With respect to
SSH Sunshields
S/S Subsystem
SVM Service Module


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This document is related to the FE models used whit MSC.Nastran.
All data in any delivered FEM shall be compatible whit MSC Nastran from version 2008r1


3.1 Main Subsystem Numbering Range

In the following table are specified the label ranges assigned to each sub-structure in order to
assure an immediate model assembly.
Label ranges are applicable to all entities. i.e. nodes, elements, properties, materials, coordinate
systems etc.

Subsystem Numbering Range

PLM 1 - 999999
SSH 1000001 - 1099999
SVM 1100001 - 1999999
Table 3-1 Main Subsystems label Range
For any subsystem, separate items (panels, rings, platforms …) are required to be numbered
with individual separate ranges, same range shall be used for nodes and elements and related
properties shall be in the same range as well.

No duplicate node or element identification numbers are allowed (in order to avoid problems
inside some Pre/Post processor software.

With reference to RD [8] PLM items shall be compliant with following numbering range:

Instrument / Equipment / Unit Numbering range

Baseplate & bipods 1 – 99 999
M1 100 000 – 149 999
M2 150 000 – 159 999
M3 160 000 – 169 999
FM1 170 000 – 179 999
FM2 180 000 – 189 999
FM3 190 000 – 199 999
Dichroic 200 000 – 209 999
Mirrors Baffles, Field Stop 210 000 – 239 999
M2 Mechanism 240 000 – 299 999
M2 Support Structure 300 000 – 399 999
Secondary Structures 400 000 – 499 999
NISP 500 000 – 599 999
NISP Radiator and supports 600 000 – 649 999
VIS 700 000 – 799 999
VIS Support Structure 650 000 – 699 999
VIS Radiator 800 000 – 849 999
Baffle 850 000 – 899 999
Table 3-2 PLM Items Label Range
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3.2 Main Interfaces Numbering Range

All model interfaces shall be modeled as independent points. The label of the main interfaces
shall be compliant with label ranges specified in the following sections.

3.2.1 PLM / SVM Interface

PLM is connected to SVM through 3 bipods. The 3x2 interface grids shall be numbered
according to following ranges and following figure:

GRID 1 to 6 PLM side

GRID 1100001 to 1100006 SVM side

Figure 3-1 PLM/SVM Interface Label Layout

3.2.2 SSH / SVM Interface

SSH interfaces with SVM through 2 lower attachment points and 4 struts for a total of 6 (TBC)
Interface grids shall be numbered according to following ranges and following figure:

GRID 1000001 to 1000006 SSH side

GRID 1100101 to 1100106 SVM side


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-----4 -----2

-----1 -----3


Figure 3-2 SSH/SVM Interface Label Layout


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3.3 Reference Coordinate System

The NASTRAN basic coordinate system (system 0) shall be coincident with EUCLID spacecraft
coordinate system defined in AD[2]:
The NASTRAN basic coordinate system shall not be used directly to define the model nodes
(i.e. CP and CD fields in GRID NASTRAN card shall not be blank or equal to 0), but dedicated
Spacecraft Reference Coordinate Systems (EUCLID coordinate system) shall be defined. Any
local coordinate system shall be defined w.r.t. EUCLID coordinate system.
Any substructure shall be modeled in its exact location respect spacecraft architecture.

3.3.1 Spacecraft Reference Frame

The Spacecraft Reference Frame (Osc, Xsc, Ysc, Zsc) is defined as follows:
Origin (Osc) at the geometrical center of the separation plane between the launcher
adapter and the Spacecraft (i.e. the point of intersection of the longitudinal launcher axis
and the separation plane.
+Zsc is coincident with the direction perpendicular to the launcher interface plane,
positive in the launcher direction.
+Xsc in the launcher interface plane, directed to a physical mark on the interface ring,
defining the average Sun direction, positive towards the Sun.
+Ysc is the remaining direction of the right-handed orthogonal triad

Figure 3-3 - Spacecraft Coordinate System


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3.3.2 Payload Module Reference Frame

The payload module reference frame is deduced from the spacecraft reference frame by a pure
translation from OSc to OPLM. OPLM is located along ZSc axis at the geometrical centre of the
interface feet between spacecraft and payload module.

Figure 3-4 Payload Module Reference Frame

3.4 System Of Units

The system of units which shall be used is the International Standard System (S.I.).

Newton (N) for force

Kilograms (kg) for mass
Meters (m) for length
Seconds (s) for time
Degrees Celsius (°C) for temperature

With the derived units:

E-modulus [Newton/meter²]
Density [kg/meter3]

The nodes and the coordinate systems shall be written in double precision (NASTRAN large
field format).


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4.1 Model Identification

Finite element model issue shall be taken under control with a unique identification number and
shall refer to a precise configuration and shall be in line in term of mass, inertia and C.o.G with
reference configuration.
Official delivered FEM shall be accompanied by its related FEM description.
Any intermediate change shall be taken under control up to next delivery and traced in
associated description.

4.2 Coordinate System

Cylindrical coordinate systems are preferred for cylindrical geometries
Spherical coordinate systems are preferred for spherical geometries
All NASTRAN cards using reference system (GRID, CONM, GRAV …) are not allowed to
be defined with default value “0”

4.3 Grid / Elements Rules

4.3.1 I/F Nodes & Force Recovery

I/F nodes shall be independent and with six DOFs each. The I/F nodes identification shall
be clearly documented.
If scalar springs (CELAS2) are introduced for force recovery purposes only (i.e. if such
scalar springs don't simulate actual structural parts with well-defined stiffness) they shall
not affect the original structural behavior. Precisely, frequencies with effective mass
larger than 5% shall be changed of 0.1% max. CELAS2 must be introduced only
between geometrically coincident nodes.

4.3.2 Grid / Element Generation Rules

The use of field 8 (permanent SPC) and 9 (Superelement ID) of MSC.Nastran GRID card
shall be avoided
The definition of elements, coordinate systems and load orientation in the space shall be
made using vector components technique rather than grid points technique (e.g., use
cards CORD2C/R/S instead of CORD1C/R/S).
The elastic linear elements must be strongly preferred to the parabolic ones. This means
that CQUAD4,CTRIA3 shall be in general preferred. Use of CQUAD8, CTRIA6,CHEXA
20 shall be agreed with TAS-I.
The use of the constant strain elements, i.e. CTRIA3 and CTETRA 4, must be limited in
the FE model. This means that these elements shall be only a few percentage (i.e. 5% of
the total elements) of the overall FE model; in any case their use shall be limited to areas
far enough from the zones of stress field investigation in the FE model, and the user
must assess the correct load path through these areas
If automated solid elements FE model generation is to be used, which results in a
CTETRA 4 elements use, the user must provide :
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 detailed and well documented checks of the topology of these elements

 the use, in the areas of interest, of parabolic elements (CTETRA 10 ) instead of
the linear ones (CTETRA 4).

The following elements, from the MSC.Nastran elements library, have to be normally used
for the FE model creation :


The use of different elements type, taken from the entire MSC.Nastran element library, has
to be agreed with TAS-I (i.e. parabolic elements, CQUADR, CTRIAR, CTUBE, CBEND,

The following mathematical relation shall be used for the FE model creation :
MPC, RBE1, RBE2, RBE3, RSPLINE. If RBE3 and RSPLINE are used to connect dissimilar
meshes, the user shall assess the correct load path through the mesh joints and clearly
document the results of these assessments.

The following zero dimension elements can be used :


The use of different zero dimension elements, taken from the entire MSC.Nastran element
library, has to be agreed with TAS-I ( i. e. CELAS1,CONM1, CBUSH, etc…)

The elements used to create the FE model, must be suitable for the analysis to be
performed. I.e., if Non-Linear Static Analysis is foreseen, then no CBAR elements are to be
used, but only CBEAM elements.

To avoid possible over constrain, ill conditioning and erroneous load path, CELAS elements
shall be defined by Coincident Grids defined with collinear coordinate systems and referring
same output co-ordinate system

MPC definition has to be preferred for coincident grid points. The definition of MPC for not
coincident grid points, must be carefully done in order to avoid FE models over constraints

4.3.3 Elements Offset

Element offset can be used to simulate ribs, stiffeners, plate thickness variation, etc…,only
for Linear Static and Dynamic Analyses.
The use of element offset shall be avoided for analyses which require the calculation of
differential stiffness matrices (i.e. Non-Linear Static Analyses, Linear and Non-linear
Buckling Analysis : this means the use of MSC Nastran Solutions SOL 105 and SOL 106).
For Non-Linear Analysis, it is recommended the use of RBE2 to connect offset plate
elements or plate and beam elements.


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4.3.4 Element / Material orientation

The definition of elements, coordinate systems and load orientation in the space shall be
made using vector components technique rather than grid points technique (e.g., use cards
CORD2C/R/S instead of CORD1C/R/S).
Element co-ordinate systems shall be consistent where possible including the element
normal. Consistent element co-ordinate systems for elements on the same elementary
structure ensure:

 Consistent application of the direction of element pressure.

 Consistent interpretation of element forces.
 Consistent interpretation of element stresses.

Figure 4-1Check of Shell Elements Normal

All material orientation angles shall be defined using local co-ordinate system(s).
Defining material orientation angles with respect to element geometry is forbidden
(distorted elements can introduce errors in the material orientation angle definition, while the
local co-ordinate system permit precise definition of the material orientation angle).


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4.3.5 Flat Plane Reference System

To eliminate potential problems with the constraint and conditioning checks, local coordinate
systems shall be assigned to each flat plane within the FEM. The local co-ordinate system of
the flat plane shall be assigned as the displacement system for grids on that plane. This will
cause in the in plane rotational dof having a zero stiffness, reducing or eliminating the potential
of over constraint/mechanisms caused by low out of plane stiffness. The example FEM shown
in following Figure shows a typical shape where the use of a single coordinate system is
unacceptable and the use of coordinate systems on each plane is essential.

Figure 4-2 Local Coordinate System Definition

4.3.6 Stiffness of Recovery CELAS elements

Use of stiff CELAS elements is often required for force recovery purposes.
The stiffness of recovery CELAS elements shall be verified by comparison of frequencies and
effective modal masses obtained by running the model with and without supplementary
stiffness. The differenced on the eigenfrequencies of the two models should be negligible.
Suitable stiffness values achieving generally the requirement are K = 1010 N/m for translational
degree of freedom and 108 Nm/rad for rotational ones.
Additional 1 g check to confirm load in the CELAS equal to item mass should be performed to
verify stiffness suitability

4.4 Model Size

Model sizing and application of substructures techniques is left to industrial experience.

Nevertheless the sub-contractor should establish FE models detailed enough to fully
analyze and design structural elements.
Model shall be a full one: no symmetry assumptions to reduce size are allowed.
The maximum number of grid points shall be compatible with the assembly
representation and with the level of detail necessary for the requested evaluation. Huge
amount of grids will be agreed with TAS-I.


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4.5 Mass Distribution

The density field of the appropriate MAT card shall be used to define structural mass.
This should be representative of the material considered.
Non structural masses shall be spread over the structure via NSM field of property cards
or lumped via CONM2 cards with no offset. Variation of material mass density to simulate
distributed non-structural masses shall be avoided.
Lumped masses simulating equipments should be connected to the supporting structure
via RBE2 (better correlation with real panel behavior). RBE2 elements of finite length will
need to be replaced by stiff bar elements for thermal distortion analysis, or by RBE2 with
CTE (upon agreement with prime). RBE3 elements shall be used whenever RBE2 are
not deemed conservative w.r.t. analyses purposes.

4.6 Nastran Parameters

The use of each PARAMETER in the MSC.Nastran bulk data, shall be clearly justified
and documented.
PARAM, K6ROT,(real value)
This PARAM is used to add a stiffness value, proportional to the PARAM value, to the
normal rotation for CQUAD4 and CTRIA3 elements (it does not act for elements different
than shell elements). For the latest MSC.Nastran version.the default value for this
parameter is 100. The user shall account for this default value when this parameter is
This parameter is normally used to avoid possible grid point singularity in the FE model.
The grid point singularity is also removed by the PARAM, AUTOSPC, YES. However if
PARAM, AUTOSPC, YES fails to remove grid point singularity, than the use of the
K6ROT is recommended. In these cases it is a good practice to perform an analysis of
sensitivity of the FE model to the variation of the K6ROT value. Evidence of this
sensitivity analysis results shall be clearly documented. For Non-Linear Static Analyses
the use of the K6ROT is mandatory (for FE model with plate elements) and its value shall
range from 100.00 to 10000, 00 (see R.D. [8] para 11.7-23)
PARAM, SNORM, (real value) ( see R.D. [ 2 ] ).
This PARAM is used in order to generate a unique point normal for adjacent shell elements.
If this PARAM is used, a FE model sensitivity analysis to its value variation must be
performed and the results clearly documented.
The value YES of this PARAM is the default one for the latest MSC.Nastran version. It
removes grid point singularity, based on a threshold value, and its action is related to all
D.O.F. in the FE model, then it affects all elements in the FE model (shell, solid, beam,
etc.). In Non-Linear analysis however this PARAM has no action. Then, while for the shell
elements its action is replaced by the K6ROT, for other elements ( i. e. solid elements) the
user shall directly constrain the DOF potentially singular ( i.e. for solid elements the
MSC.Nastran 456 DOF ). This PARAM must be present if a Strain Energy Check is
performed at MSC.Nastran DOF set F level.


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PARAM, MAXRATIO,( real value ).

Different value than the default one (i.e. 1.E7 ,see R.D. [2] ), shall be agreed with TAS-I.
PARAM,WTMASS,( real value).
Use of PARAM WTMASS for mass adjustment is forbidden.
PARAM,BAILOUT,( integer value)
The default value for this PARAM is 0. The use of a different (i.e. negative) value of this
PARAM shall be avoided, unless transitory use foreseen only for modeling checkout.
The use of a negative value may lead to incorrect results.
PARAM,LGDISP,(integer value)
In Non-Linear Analyses the value of this PARAM shall be clearly explained and documented.
PARAMS affecting a set of data
Any input specification, which can affect the data of other models when merged, shall be
agreed with TAS-I. For example assigning a value of greater than 0 for PARAM,
COUPMASS invokes the creation of the coupled mass matrix which can lead to different
frequencies compared to the use of the lumped mass matrix.

4.7 NLPARM & MATS1 Cards

In Geometric Non-Linear Analysis, all data written in the MSC.Nastran bulk data NLPARM
card shall be completely explained and clearly documented.
In the Material Non-Linear analysis all data written in the MATS1 card shall be completely
explained and clearly documented.

4.8 Thermo Elastic and Moisture Analysis

Models to be subjected to thermo-elastic and moisture release analyses (either as stand-

alone sub-model or merged in the overall system model) shall not include rigid regions which
may prevent elongations.
Use of RBE2 elements with CTE has to be agreed by prime
Property cards shall report CTE and reference temperature
CBAR and CBEAM element shall not have offset

4.9 Manuals & Error List

The user shall carefully read the MSC Nastran User Manuals and shall take into account of
every warning message written on them for the preparation and the use of the FE model
(even if these warning message are not directly reported in this document).
The user shall carefully consult MSC NASTRAN Error List; this list provides information
about known errors found in the use of some elements, in performing some special
analyses, and so on. This consultation is recommended especially when the user has no
deep knowledge in the use of some elements or in performing some special analysis, in
order to verify limitations, warning or verified errors.
All of these eventual information, affecting the FE model , shall be clearly explained and


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Effort should be made in order to obtain, to the maximum extent, a unique model for several
analyses (modal, stress, thermo-elastic, moisture release, etc.).
Following sections report the data to be provided to prime contractor within FEM delivery.

5.1 Model Files

The model files to be delivered are:

- MSC. NASTRAN input files,

- MSC. NASTRAN bulk data,
- MSC. NASTRAN matrices, if needed/agreed,
- MSC. NASTRAN partitioning vector (for correlation of matrices values to dof) if
Note: The format of Nastran matrices and partitioning vector shall be agreed with
- Analysis Results ( i.e. Modal analysis with representative boundaries condition, .f06
summary of eigen-frequency listing etc),

All data files shall be in ASCII format. The model name, issue and date shall be clearly
specified. A brief summary of all delivered models and main changes between any model
and the subsequent one shall be delivered (a file HISTORY.TXT is suggested).
For the thermo elastic model, the complete set of data cards for the dedicated zero stress
check shall be delivered

5.1.1 NASTRAN Input Files

For all analyses type, the MSC.NASTRAN input files must contain :
- NASTRAN Statements, if relevant for the execution of the job ( i.e. if special System
Cell are used )
- File Management Section, if relevant for the execution of the job (i.e. Data Base
Initialization, files Assignment, etc.)
- Executive Control Section
- Case Control Section

NASTRAN input files are recommended to be separated from bulk data files.

The use of any MSC.NASTRAN DMAP Alter shall be done via agreement with the TAS-I
and in any case documented

The MSC-NASTRAN version shall be declared in the file header.

All the PARAM Cards required to run the model shall be included within NASTRAN input


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5.1.2 NASTRAN Bulk Data

NASTRAN bulk data files shall be delivered for all analysis types

Bulk data are recommended to be subdivided into several files, each containing specific
FEM data (i.e. basic geometry, properties, boundary conditions …) or specific structural
items (panels, ring, struts, brackets …)
As a minimum the filename structure shall include in the name the FEM identification and
nature of the content
File organization shall be briefly explained; e file INDEX.TXT is suggested. File breakdown
shall be included in Mathematical Model Description report as well.
Comments inside bulk data files (in English language) are highly recommended. In
particular, lumped masses, element section properties, materials, non structural mass are
recommended to be well detailed in the fem description and inside bulk data itself.

5.1.3 Analysis Results

F04 and F06 files shall be provided. Appropriate extract related to the model checks shall be
provided and reported in dedicated mathematical model description)


The purpose of this section is to provide a check procedure to FEM users, who perform
structural analyses. The checks suggested in this document are to be intended as a minimum
request in order to assess the FE models and the analyses results quality. The user can provide
additional checks if useful for a more complete assessment of the FE models and results

6.1 Checks Before First Run

At the FE generation step conclusion, before starting with first model Run the FE model needs
to be checked in order to assess :

the correctness of the FE model geometry

the correctness and the accuracy of the elements topology

the correctness of the physical properties description

the correctness of the material properties description;
the correctness of the mass distribution
the correctness of loads and constraints application.


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6.1.1 FE Model geometry Check

The model geometry correctness shall be assessed by performing dedicated checks. The Pre-
Post Processor software provides tools for performing these checks. The user shall accomplish
and document these checks by using the tools provided by the used Pre-Post software. As a
minimum the following checks are to be performed.

Free nodes : no but exceptions

No nodes unconnected to elements shall be present in the FE model,
Nodes coincidence : no but exceptions
No coincident nodes shall be present in the model, unless justified ones (zero length
connection elements (RBE2, CELAS)
Elements coincidence: no but exceptions;
No coincident elements must be present in the model, unless justified ones;
Elements shrink.
This check, together with free edges, can help in identify missing elements;
Free edges.
The free edges of the model shall be only the expected model boundaries; this check shall
be performed to ensure that there are no missing element or unintentional “cuts” in the

6.1.2 Element Topology Check

The elements topology correctness shall be assessed by performing dedicated checks. The
Pre-Post Processor software provides tools for performing these checks. The user shall
accomplish and document these checks by using the tools provided by the used Pre-Post
software. The threshold values for these checks shall be agreed with TAS-I. As a minimum the
following checks are to be performed.

Elements distortion.
The FE model elements distortion must be limited deviation w.r.t. a target element shape
Elements warping.
The FE model warping must be limited deviation w.r.t. a flat layout
Elements interior angle.
The FE model interior angle for thin shell and solid elements must be carefully inspected, in
order to avoid the presence in the model of elements with poor accuracy.
Elements positive normal side.
All FE model positive normal side must be carefully inspected in order to avoid problem
when pressure is applied to the elements.
Elements triad.
For all FE model elements the orientation must be the expected ones
Spring elements.
In order to avoid Strain Energy problem in the FE model, all spring elements must connected
to coincident nodes with the same definition (CP) and the same Displacement (CD)
Coordinate System
Rigid elements.
All mathematical relations must be carefully evaluated in order to assess their correctness
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The previous topology checks are to be intended as checks sample. The user can perform a
more complete series of topology checks by using dedicated tools offered by the Pre/Post
commercial Software. For example, the MSC.Patran provides the “VERIFY“command (under
the Finite Elements Application), which is a very useful and complete tool for an element
topology check. The extensive use of this command (or equivalent one) is recommended in
order to perform the previous checks. For each element type, some check reference values are
provided which can guide in the check performance. A report of all of these checks must be
provided by the user in the mathematical model description report.

In addition, for what concern the element topology check the default NASTRAN threshold
values must be used. Any warning message related to previous check given by NASTRAN in
.f06 file shall put in evidence in the mathematical model description.

6.1.3 Material Properties Check

This check is intended to assess the correspondence between each element w.r.t. its real
material properties.

The FE model Material Properties shall be carefully inspected in order to assess their
correspondence to the design specification;
The FE model Material Orientation must be carefully inspected, in order to verify the correct
material angle for orthotropic and composite materials.

6.1.4 Physical Properties Check

This check is intended to assess the correspondence between each element w.r.t. its physical
description. A considerable attention has to be dedicated to beams orientation, beam section
properties (related to the specified orientation), and shells thickness.

The FE model Physical Properties shall carefully inspected in order to assess their
correspondence to the design specification.
Beam elements section geometry and inertia properties must be reported in the related
mathematical model description

6.1.5 Mass Distribution Check

This check should assess the correct location of all non-structural and concentrated masses in
the model, using suitable graphic tool.


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6.1.6 Loads and Constraints Check

These checks are intended to assess the exactness of the imposed boundary conditions and
the applied loads. Using a suitable graphic tool, the position of the imposed boundary conditions
should be accurately checked. The position and the direction of the external applied forces and
moments should be checked as well as the distributed loads positive direction.
Moreover, the following should be taken into account:
- Constraints: adequately set, using suitable reference systems if necessary;
- Point loads: adequately set, using suitable reference systems if necessary;
Pressure loads: adequately set along the expected positive normal direction

6.2 First Run Model Check

At this step the FE model has been completely generated and the previously described checks
have been performed and passed. A further check has to be performed in order to ensure that
no Strain Energy arises in the FE model due to rigid body motions. If Strain Energy is
evidenced, possible errors are to be related to:

- Wrong connection of spring elements (related to Strain Energy check at D.o.F. set G Level,
according to the MSC.Nastran terminology. See following definition)

- Over constraints due to inaccurate definition of mathematical relation among D.o.F. (i.e.
MPC, RBE1, RBE3, etc., related to check at D.o.F. set N Level, according to the
MSC.Nastran terminology. See following definition)

- Constraining of stiffened D.o.F. due to AUTOSPC option in MSC.NASTRAN (related to

check at D.o.F. Set F Level, according to the MSC.Nastran terminology. See following

The strain energy check is described in the following paragraphs.

6.2.1 Strain Energy Check Description

This check is intended for the MSC.Nastran code. The rigid body motions are obtained by
means of the MSC.Nastran DMAP module VECPLOT. They consist of a matrix that represents
the entire model motion if the point referenced by PARAM GRDPNT is given a unit translation,
according to the System Unit used, and rotation w.r.t. x,y,z axis parallel to the basic coordinate


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The check must be performed by removing SUPORT cards and constraint specified as SPC
cards or PS in the GRID card and by leaving the PARAM AUTOSPC,YES active in the bulk
data, for the following sets:

- G set (D.o.F. related to all structural nodes)

- N set (D.o.F. related to all structural nodes not constrained using d.o.f. mathematical
ralations i.e.MPC, RBEi)
- F set (D.o.F. related to all unconstrained structural nodes).

The check results consist of three matrices. The main diagonal terms of each matrix must be
inspected. See paragraph 6.4 for threshold values.

6.3 Preliminary Model Runs

After the previously defined checks, the model demonstrated to be correctly established from a
geometrical and physical point of view: it represents exactly the design concept as translated
into mathematical model. Now the checks are focussed towards the assessment of an adequate
mechanical representation. In the following, preliminary runs will be described: they are strongly
suggested to get reliability about the model behaviour. These checks are referred as:

- Static Analysis Check

- Thermo-elastic Analysis Check
- Normal Mode Analysis Check

The Static Analysis Check is performed for checking several properties of FE models:

- nodes displacements and rotations ;

- element forces and support reactions induced by unitary (1-g) gravity loading;
- mass, stiffness correctness and consistency of the constraints.
- load paths assessment, using element forces.

The thermo-elastic Analysis, as an Isothermal Expansion, is performed on a statically

determined interface. It is intended for the identification of "artificial" stiffness, caused by rigid
elements and bar offsets.

The Normal Mode Analysis is performed for the assessment of some FE model dynamic
characteristics :
- free-free and fixed-free analyses will be considered.
Potential mechanisms and dynamic characteristics can be shown carrying out these checks.

More details are given in the following paragraphs.


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6.3.1 Static Analysis Check

1-g Gravity Check

This check is to be executed by using the MSC.Nastran GRAV card. A unitary gravity load (1-g
acceleration) should be applied separately, along X, Y, Z directions.
At the end of this analysis the user shall perform the Output Checks explained below (see

Enforced Displacements Check

In order to perform this check, all Single-Point Constraints (Msc.Nastran SPC) which represent
a physical FE model grounding, must be released. Then a single-Point Constraint must be
applied to a single grid point in all six Degrees of Freedom. The check is then accomplished by
given unitary enforced displacement at each constrained DOF, one at a time. At the end of this
analysis, each of the six obtained results (i.e., one for each applied enforcement displacement),
must be carefully inspected. A visual (by means of a Post Processing software) and numerical
check of the FE model deformed shape must be accomplished. For example, if the model is
given a unitary displacement in the X direction, then all X displacements of the FE model grid
points must be equal to this unitary enforced displacement. Checks of MSC.Nastran Static Analysis Output

The MSC.NASTRAN output file contains very useful information to assess the run success, i.e.
the model reliability. The most important aspects will be briefly summarized in this paragraph.
These checks are listed as a procedure to be followed by the user.

Check for the correspondence between load vector resultant and the SPC force
This check is intended for the evaluation of the forces equilibrium of the model. The
correspondance is obtained if the difference between the resultant of applied loads and
the resultant of the constraints reactions is less than 1%.

Check for the consistency of working units.

This check is intended for evaluate the units consistency. The check can be performed
multiplying the mass given in GRID POINT WEIGHT GENERATOR by the gravity acceleration.
For unfailing units the computed values must be equal to the corresponding OLOAD

Check for maximum displacements.

Maximum rotations must not exceed 0.1 radians, otherwise, a mechanism could exist or non
linear behaviour is to taken into account. Maximum linear displacement must be reasonable, i.e.
consinstent with the expected behaviour of the structure under study. Unexpected linear
displacements should be related to a non linear behaviour of the structure.


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Check of Grid Point Singularity Table

This check allows to verify the internal reaction forces and moments (MSC.Nastran
SPCFORCES),which theoretically must be zero. The user shall verify that:

- Reaction forces at internal points : less than/equal 1.E-05 times the model weight;
- Reaction moments at internal points : less than/equal 1.E-03 times the model weight times
the unit length

Check of presence of Mechanism ( MAXRATIO Check )

This check is performed by inspecting the MAXRATIO value given in the .F06 MSC.Nastran
output file. The presence of mechanism in the model leads to stiffness matrix singularities,
involving two or more grid points. MSC.Nastran automatically checks for the presence of the
mechanisms, each time it performs the Stiffness Matrix Decomposition. During the composition
MSC.Nastran computes the ratio of each diagonal term of the Stiffness Matrix to the
corresponding term of the Factor Diagonal Matrix. If this ratio is grater than the value set by the
PARAM, MAXRATIO, a warning message is issued. This warning message must be carefully
inspected. A great value of MAXRATIO can be due to:

- the presence of a mechanism in the FE model. A mechanism is defined as a part of the

structure that is capable of rigid-body motion in one or more directions.
- a very high difference among the stiffness values which arrive to a grid point. This can
happens, for example, when a beam element is defined as very stiff in comparison with
other elements connected to the same grid point. In this case the user has to define a rigid
connection instead of the very stiff beam element.
- some of rigid body motions of the FE model is not constrained.

Check of the Residual Loads Vector Work ( EPSILON Check )

MSC.Nastran computes a Residual Forces by subtracting the applied load vector from the
product of the Stiffness Matrix times the computed displacements vector:

δP = Ku - P

δP = Residual Loads Vector

K = Stiffness Matrix
u = Computed Displacements
P = applied Loads Vector

Then the Residual Loads Vector Work is computed as:

δw = uT * δP

The Apllied Loads Vector work, is computed as :

w = uT * P


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MSC Nastran computes the following ratio, named and printed as EPSILON, (in the .F06 MSC
Nastran output file):

ε = ( uT*δP ) / ( uT*P )

Theoretically this value must be zero, but practically a value less than 1.E-08 is acceptable.
MSC.Nastran will flag values grater than 1.E-03.

Check of the Maximum Applied Load

In order to obtain this information the user shall use the PARAM, PRTMAXIM, YES in the Bulk
Data. For each Applied Load Vector, MSC.Nastran gives the maximum values for each direction
of the six MSC.Nastran Basic Coordinate System. These values can give a quick preview of the
correctness of the Applied Load.

Check of the Maximum Displacements

In order to obtain this information the user shall use the PARAM, PRTMAXIM, YES in the Bulk
Data. The maximum displacement is printed for each direction of the six MSC.Nastran basic
Coordinate System. These values can allow a quick assessment of the displacements

Check of the FE Model Mass Matrix

This Mass Matrix is computed by the MSC.Nastran GPWG DMAP module (Grid Point Weight
Generator). This check consists in the inspection of the values of the:

- FE model Masses in X, Y and Z direction.

The previous direction are those corresponding to a Cartesian Rectangular Coordinate System,
parallel to the MSC.Nastran Basic Coordinate System and having the origin in the grid point
specified wit the PARAM,GRDPNT, in the bulk data (if “ 0 “ is specified then the Coordinate
System is the MSC.Nastran Basic Coordinate System).

- FE model Mass Static and Inertia Moments

- FE model Centre of Gravity.

Diagonal terms of the centre of gravity matrix must be lower than 10-6 SI. The two other
terms (for each direction) must be equals

The previous information is given w.r.t. the Coordinate System resulting fro the PARAM,
GRDPNT value.

Mass figures shall be the same for axes X, Y and Z. The centre of gravity location should
correspond with unit level budget estimates or the appropriate ICD to within 5%. If this is not the
case differences shall be justified.


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6.3.2 Thermo-elastic Analysis Check

Isothermal Expansion Check

The isothermal expansion test must be run with a statically determined interface. This check
relates both the connectivity and the model stiffness matrices. The finite element models will be
loaded using the TEMPD card.
All materials data must be updated to the same thermal expansion coefficient (10-5 m/m/°C) and
the same reference temperature (20°C). A uniform temperature change (ΔT = 100°C) is applied
to the model isostatically constrained.
Maximum Rotations and maximum Von Mises Stresses shall be very low (e.g. maximum Von
Mises stress less than 0,01 MPa and maximum rotation less than 10‐7 rad, for an aluminium
alloy used as dummy material and a ΔT equal to 100 K).

The check indicates artificial stiffness introduced by rigid elements (they cannot expand) and
bar offsets. If this occurs, the user should release the suitable degrees of freedom.
Non rectangular shear panels and warped elements can produce unexpected results: all these
problems must be removed before subsequent analyses.

6.3.3 Normal Mode Analysis Check Free-Free Analysis check

The free-free analysis must be performed removing all SPC cards and SUPORT cards. A
normal mode analysis will issue the first six "rigid body" frequencies close to zero. The user
shall check that the ratio between the first flexible frequency and the maximum rigid body
frequency must be greater than 103. Stresses must be negligible all over the model. The user
must check that the total amount of the effective mass related to the 6 rigid body frequencies is
equal to 100% of the total model mass. Fixed-Free Analysis check

A normal mode analysis with fixed boundary condition (relevant original connected D.o.F.) shall
be performed: resulting frequencies and mode shapes (plots) must be presented.
Effective masses shall be also calculated and inspected, in order to asses the dynamic
behaviour of the FE model. The previous values can help in identifying local and global FE
model modes. Fixed-Free Analysis check: K6ROT sensitivity analysis

In order to asses the influence of the K6ROT value on the frequencies obtained with a fixed-free
analysis, two fixed-free analysis shall be performed: the first one with a K6ROT of value 1. and
the second with a K6ROT with a value of 1000000.
The user shall check that the differences among the frequencies of the two run are negligible.


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6.3.4 Independent Check

A quick hand evaluation of the structure deflection should be carried out, where possible.
Results must be compared to a corresponding MSC.Nastran run results.

6.4 Model Checks Summary

The list of checks, to be performed to achieve mathematical model reliability is summarized in
the following:


- Geometry and Element Topology check

- Physical and Material properties check
- Mass distribution check
- Constraints and loads check


- Strain Energy Check


- Static Analysis Checks

- MSC.Nastran Static Analysis Output Checks
- Thermo-elastic Analysis Checks
- Normal Mode Analysis Checks


A summary is hereafter reported to list the numerical values related to the above reported
checks and to be verified:

a) Geometry and Element Topology Check



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b) Strain Energy Check

c) Check of MSC.NASTRAN Static Analysis Output



d) I-g Gravity Load Check



e) Dynamic Analysis Check




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6.5 Check Documentation Summary

The model delivery shall be supplied with exhaustive check documentation in order to certify the
mathematical model reliability. Such documentation should constitute part of the mathematical
model description document. The following information must be specified:

For each check, an indication about its performing or not (with detailed explanation);

All useful remarks i.e. check results, comment, etc.

Model plots.

The following table is given as guidelines for generating a checklist. The user shall provide a
checklist as complete as possible, with all checks activities performed and documented.


free Are in the model nodes unconnected to elements?
nodes Are in the model nodes with same coordinates?
free Model boundaries are the expected ones?
elements Are in the model elements with same connections?
elements Are in the model missing elements?
elements Are the elements deviating too much from a target
distortion element shape?
elements Are the elements deviating too much from a planar
warping disposition?
interior Are thin shell elements interior angles ok?
shade Have the elements correct positive normal side?
elements Have the elements correct orientation?

spring Are spring elements connecting coincident nodes?

rigid Are rigid elements correctly written?
material Have the elements a correct material description?


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material Have the elements a correct material orientation?
restraints Are in the model all the restraints adequately set,
check using suitable reference systems if necessary?
point Are all the point loads in the model adequately set
loads using suitable reference systems if necessary?
pressure Are in the model all the pressure loads adequately
loads set along the expected positive normal direction?
physical Are in the model all physical properties adequately
properties set for all elements (beams orientation and section
check properties, shells thickness)?
mass Are in the model all the concentrated masses
distribution adequately set in the right locations?
strain Has the G-set output matrix the expected main
energy diagonal terms? Quote maximum value.
check Has the N-set output matrix the expected main
diagonal terms? Quote maximum value.
Has the F-set output matrix the expected main
diagonal terms? Quote maximum value.
gravity Quote the MAXRATIO value.
loading Is weight calculated using SPC forces equal to the
check value give in WEIGHT GENERATOR?
Is center of gravity ok?
Are moments of inertia ok?
Are principal moments of inertia ok?
Vector resultant check: is the equilibrium achieved?
Have all displacements and rotations expected
thermal Are in the model elements with unexpected
check distortion?
free-free Quote the maximum rigid body frequency (should be
dynamic < 0.005).
analysis Are stresses negligible in the whole model?
normal Quote the lowest frequencies.
mode Supply first modes plots.

Tab. 11.3.2 - Type and Question Check List (cont'd)


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6.6 FEM Check Conclusions and Recommendations

The check procedure as presented in this document defines a method to get the assurance that
the FE has been correctly established. This check procedure is considered quite essential to
confirm that the FE is fully reliable and ready for further analyses. The results obtained in the
check procedure must be shown and commented.
FE plots should be used to enhance the understanding of the check results.
The presented checks are mainly applicable for MSC-Nastran program. It is however obvious to
extend the applicability of the checklist for other used software in which the instructions are
defined accordingly.

This check procedure is considered quite exhaustive within the structural design analyses,
which are usually performed. It is however recommended to increase the quantity and quality of
checks as necessary, in order to enhance the reliability of the FE tool.


This section provides guideline for FEM description preparation.

The FEM description report shall be written in English, shall be written with short and simple
sentences and description shall be supported by pictures and sketches.
A suggested table of contents is reported in the following table. Main content expected for each
section is described in the following as well.


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1.1 Scope of the Document
1.2 Applicable and Reference Documents
1.2.1 Reference Documents
1.2.2 Applicable Documents
1.3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
2.1 General Description of the Structure
2.2 General Assumptions and Idealisations
2.3 Units
2.4 Coordinate Systems
2.5 Numbering of Nodes and Elements
2.6 Mathematical Model Summary
2.7 Mathematical Model Management
3.1 Structural Item #1
3.1.1 Description of Structural Item #1
3.1.2 Assumptions and Idealisations of Item #1
3.1.3 Numbering of Nodes and Elements of Item #1
3.1.4 Item #1 Interfaces
3.1.5 Item #1 Properties and Material
3.1.6 Item #1 Analysis Peculiar Parameters
3.2 Structural Item #k
3.2.1 Description of Structural Item #k
3.2.2 Assumptions and Idealisations of Item #k
3.2.3 Numbering of Nodes and Elements of Item #k
3.2.4 Item #k Interfaces
3.2.5 Item #k Properties and Material
3.2.6 Item #k Analysis Peculiar Parameters
5.1 Loads
5.2 Constraints
Table 7-1 FEM Description Report Table of Contents


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Scope of the Document

The scope of the document shall contain as minimum the identification of the project and the
project phase whose the mathematical model is referred to, the identification of the modeled
structural part, the purpose of the mathematical model, end a brief description of the document

Applicable and Reference Documents

Reference Documents
This section shall contain the list od reference documents

Applicable Documents
This section shall contain the list od reference documents

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

This section shall contain the list of all the acronyms and abbreviations used in the document


General Description of the Structure

The purpose of the general description of the structure is to describe the analyzed structure and
to define the terminology. The structural components shall be named, CAD plots and Drawings (
better if officially released) can be used to clarify the description. Official Drawings shall be
always reported in the Applicable Document list.

Assumptions and Idealisations

The most important assumptions in modelling have to be declared. Based upon these
assumptions the model will be able:

- To study the needed behaviours of the structure;

- To give the requested outputs;
- To evidentiate the load paths.

The assumption explains also the idealizations used:

- The types of elements;

- The rigid bodies used;
- The external/internal constraints;
- Equivalent properties and/or materials

A general plot of the model is required.

The Unit System of measures and the used unit symbols shall be specified. The Units for Mass,
Force, Length and Time shall be explicated


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Coordinate Systems
The description of all the Coordinate Systems of the model is collected in this paragraph.
For each coordinate system the following information have to be indicated:

- The label number;

- The type (rectangular, cylindrical, spherical);
- The NASTRAN card used to define it;
- A brief description to explain the use of the Coordinate System ( i.e. the structure items using
the Coordinate System )

Numbering of Nodes and Elements

If the Nodes and Elements are numbered following a specific philosophy, this logic shall be
explained. If a specific logic has not been used in numbering the entities, this shall be
explicitly declared. In any case the numbering global ranges shall be indicated.

Mathematical Model Summary

The MM summary is a synthetic information on the model of the following type:

Type of card Total number

[…] N3

Mathematical Model Management

In principle the mathematical model is organized into several files (see section 5.1).
The file organization breckdown (in table format) shall be reported in this section.
Each file shall be listed with a synthetic description of its content.


This section includes the detailed description of the MM. The entire chapter is divided in
paragraphs. Each paragraph refers to a specific structural item that has been defined in the
General Description of the Structure.
The paragraph referring to any Structural Item shall be organized as following

Structural Item #K

The description is a brief definition of the structural item, with reference to the General
Description of the Structure and the Applicable Documents. A figure or drawing, that shows the
physical structural item “k”, shall be included.

Assumptions and Idealisations

Any assumption related to item K modeling shall be explaine, in addition details of item
idealization shall be detailed indicating:
- The type of the utilized elements;
- The number of nodes and elements;
- The rigid connections;


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ISSUE : 02 Page : 36 / 40

- The interface with other items.

A figure reproducing the idealized Item “k” shall be inserted to permit a direct comparison
between the idealized structure and the physical one.

Numbering of Nodes and Elements

The label range of nodes and elements has to be declared. If logic has been used in numbering
the different parts of the Item, this has to be noted. Finally one or several plots of the Item
model have to be included, labeling nodes, elements etc…..

Interfaces between item K and any other item shall be indicated and described in term of
simulation choices, connection elements description and I/F grids and elements label.

Properties and Materials

Properties and materials of the structural item shall be described.The NASTRAN cards shall be
reproduced and a comment shall be added, if necessary.

Analysis Peculiar Parameters

Any particular parameter values whose setting is deemed critical for the outputs reliability has to
be highlighted and briefly commented (i.e. damping coefficient in the frequency response
analysis, “large mass” value in the free-free transient analysis …)

This section shall include:
- model mass breakdown summary table
- reference to mass budget issue to which the model is in accordance with
- Structural masses (based on material density)
- Lumped Masses
- Distributed non structural masses
- Total mass and C.o.G pposition
- Output from Nastran Grid Point Weight Generator

This section shall report the description off all the load sets included in the model.

Any constraint set used in the model shall be clearly described

This section shall report description, results and compliant verification off all mathematical
model checks performed in accordance with section 6.


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Any conclusion related to mathematical model shall be addressed in this section.
In particular, any limitation of the model shall be clearly identified.
Future implementation aimed to mathematical model improvement shall be reported.

The appendices are optional and can be provided if useful in giving additional information.


The requirements defined herein shall apply to reduced models (when requested).

8.1 Maximum Deviation

The reduced model shall be compared to the non-reduced model and the discrepancies
justified. The checks will compare the output generated by the reduced model with the one
generated by the non-reduced model, under the same prescribed load and interface conditions.
In practice the following parameters are compared: rigid body mass and inertia properties,
modal properties (including effective modal masses), and structural response of selected
parameters under static and dynamic loads. In this way evidence is provided that the structural
matrices (mass, stiffness and damping) and the output transformation matrices are correct
The maximum deviation of the reduced model results with respect to the full FEM model ones
shall not exceed the value reported in the following table.

FEM full/reduced model results Max deviation

Frequencies with effective mass 10% 3%

Frequencies with effective mass 10% 5%
Effective mass for frequencies 100 Hz 3%
Effective mass for frequencies 100 Hz 10%

Table 8.1.1 – FEM full /reduced model max. deviations

8.2 Minimum Node Set

The following Grids/DOF shall be included in the reduced model and shall be clearly
documented (via engineering drawings and/or FEM model plots):

1) All I/F Grids/DOF (to other FEMs);

2) All application Grids/DOF for internal and external forcing functions;
3) Lumped mass Grids (only significant values of masses) ;
4) All Grids connecting internal elastic elements (CELAS) to force recovery purposes;
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ISSUE : 02 Page : 38 / 40

5) All locations needed to demonstrate structural strength, stiffness and life integrity,
functionality and clearance;
7) All locations needed for the computation of the relative linear displacements
8) All Grids needed to sketch the geometrical external profile.

In any case this list has to be agreed with TAS-I

This list of Grids can be reduced, if the delivery of Output Transformation Matrices is agreed
with TAS-I. The list shall be provided, completed by coordinate and coordinate systems
information and plots, showing their position

8.3 Reduction Techniques

The models reduced have to be generated in Craig Bampton format (RD[9], RD[10], RD[11],
RD[12], RD[13]).
Considering a substructure FE-model having J interface DOF’s and I internal DOF’s, the mass
and the stiffness matrices , in Craig Bampton format are

 M jj M ji   K jj 0 ji 
M cb   K cb  
 M ij M ii   0ij Kii 

In addition to the Craig-Bampton mass and stiffness matrices, output transformation matrices
(OTM’s) can be generated, using the mode acceleration method, in order to recover
accelerations, displacements, loads and element forces.
For net accelerations and acceleration an unique OTM ( called ATM) shall be delivered, to
recover the parameters, as follows:

 x 
a  ATM   j 
 qi 


a is the vector in of the accelerations

ATM  is the transformation matrix due to modal accelerations (the terms of
which are dimensionally compatible with the remainder of the

x j is the vector of boundary dof accelerations

qi is the vector of modal dof accelerations
xj is the vector of boundary dof displacements

For loads, element forces, displacements and relative displacements, two OTM (generically
called OTM1 and OTM2) will be delivered, to recover the parameters, as follows


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ISSUE : 02 Page : 39 / 40

x j 
Fe   [OTM 1]     OTM 2 x j 
 qi 

Fe is the vector of the elements forces

OTM 1 is the transformation matrix due to modal accelerations (the terms of
which are dimensionally compatible with the remainder of the
OTM 2 is the transformation matrix due to modal displacements (the terms of
which are dimensionally compatible with the remainder of the
x j is the vector of boundary dof accelerations
qi is the vector of modal dof accelerations
xj is the vector of boundary dof displacements

The list of parameters introduced in the OTM shall be delivered, with indications of the
coordinate systems. A detailed description and plots to support this description will be provided
as well.

8.4 System of Units

The model and the OTM shall be consistent with the system of units indicated in paragraph 3.4.

8.5 Maximum Size of Matrices

The maximum size of the stiffness and mass matrix shall not exceed 400 x 400. The total
number of restitution parameters will be 700 (maximum size ).

8.6 Reduced Matrices Format and delivery

The format of the reduced matrices must be the following FORTRAN Format Specification :


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Template 83230326-DOC-TAS-EN/002
2013, Thales Alenia Space

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