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Title: A portrait of a lady

Artist: Juan Luna (1857-1899)

Medium: Oil on canvas

Juan Luna’s the portrait of a lady is a very significant piece during its era, as it was
made pre revolution of the Philippines and has sparked popularity for its uniqueness as for
its art style it is considered a masterpiece for many.

In the painting its basic semiotic plane observes the use of complimentary colors was
used, as the colors contrasted each other making the painting appear bright, thus making
the painting appear very natural looking and realistic. the stroke of the painting conveys the
emotions of Juan Luna as the strokes looks very delicate. the stroke of the brush creates a
very fine texture in which makes the painting look very realistic. the portrait is mostly
associated with the color brown especially on the skin, giving the thought that the subject is
tanned which or in which Filipinos call mestiza. the portrait depicts a young woman on a
gown falling off, in a well-lit room in which may depict that the woman is an upper class.
Juan Luna made the face of the woman in a very realistic manner the nose, ears, eyes,
mouth and hair were made very finely as well as the skin was made to resemble a very life-
like appearance due to the textures, this elicits that Much effort was made in the making of
the portrait in which comprises the iconic plane also, the dress that the subject is wearing in
the portrait seems to be well stitched and well designed as it seems very fancy or in lined to
luxury, the shadows and the color of the dress made the portrait give a sense of depth and
realism. the light of the painting is very well concerned with the light direction of the lamp
making, or it was depicted in very realistic manner it gives the painting much depth of field.
the portrait seems to be set on a well-lit room and in the point of view in the painting it
suggests that the artist used a one-point perspective, in this method, Juan Luna gave the
work a sense of dimensionality where in the portrait seems like a mix of 3d and 2d. the
contextual plane of the painting reflects the social context of its time, which was the late
19th century. During this period, the Philippines was under Spanish colonial rule, and the
upper class was dominated by Spanish and mestizo (mixed-race) families. as seen in the
portrait the young woman seems to be slightly undressed this may be since men were the
more dominant during the reign of Spaniards as women didn’t have high power. the reign of
the Spanish colony and their catholic beliefs the role of the woman became attached to the
home, her duty was to become an obedient and respectful daughter, a good wife and
mother. as the ideal woman for the Spaniards is someone who is overly religious,
submissive, and obedient. the typical “Maria Clara”. The painting also portrays the cultural
context of its era, particularly the influence of European art on Filipino artists. Juan Luna was
a distinguished figure in Filipino art during the late 19th century, and he trained in Europe,
where he was exposed to the styles and techniques of European art. "Portrait of a Lady"
reflects the influence of European art styles, particularly the Realistic and Academic styles.
the painting was made earlier before the political disorder that occurred during the late
19th century in the Philippines, where the country was in a state of war as Philippine
revolution started, Filipinos were beginning to assert their desire for independence from
Spanish colonial rule. the Philippines was under Spanish colonial rule during the late 19th
century, and the painting reflects the social and cultural structures that were put in place by
the colonizers. As for the evaluative plane the painting embeds Juan Luna’s mastery in arts,
with the use of traditional techniques to create a very realistic image. the artwork is
composed beautifully especially by paying attention to detail that in which contributes on
the overall aesthetic of the painting.

In conclusion, the painting presents a high degree of realism making the painting
very fascinating, especially by paying attention to the woman's face, textures of the dress
and the lighting of the scene. the portrait is considered to be very aesthetically pleasing as
color composition made a very harmonic and very appealing image to the viewers. the
portrait also represents the influence of European art among Filipino artists and the socio-
political context during the time of the artist, the work of Luna significantly helped establish
a sense of cultural identity and nationalism among the Filipino people during the Spanish

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