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Hello, my name is Tiona Elias and I’ll be disscusing an traumatic experience that I went

through when I was younger, the three traumatic topics I will be talking about today is
depression, rape and my last topic will be about self growth.
My first topic in my film will include depression. Depression is important in my
film particularly because it is a major mood disorder that can affect a person’s mental
health. I was depressed in fifth grade because that was when I understood what rape was.
Depression was eating away my childhood more and more up until 8th grade. I intend to
show depression in my film by showing self harm with fake blood, makeup, pills and a
fake blade. It was the hardest year of my life. I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to fight my
My second topic will be based on rape. Having non consensual sex can have a big
impact on your life. You start having different views of life, such as self harm and not
feeling worthy in your own body. in the worst way possible. Rape is an important topic to
talk about in my film because it happened to me when I was younger. I could showcase it
by showing a boy bring a little girl into the room and place her on the end of the bed.
Then as he starts touching her the camera will slowly start turning away as she starts
screaming then it will go black.
My third and final topic is going to be about self growth. Self growth is an
amazing thing that can happen to anybody no matter what a person goes through or
hardships faced. A person could make it out of depression by talking to a loved one or a
therapist ; it feels like freedom in a way. It is important in my film because I get to show
how strong of a person it made me instead of letting depression get the worst of me. I
intend to show how happy I am now, trying my best in school and the end will be me
This film will be about healing my inner child. As a child I went through
something challenging. Rape and depression will forever be hard, but my outcome
will always be overpower the bad.

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