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Unit 9: Grammar and vocabulary test A LEVEL 2

Grammar B Complete these sentences containing the

subjunctive with words from the box. Use
A Check (✓) the correct sentence in each pair.
some words more than once. There are four
In some cases both sentences are correct.
extra words.
0 a It is necessary that she sign this form. ✓
b It is necessary for her to sign this form. ✓ spend   ​
be  ​
that   ​
continue   ​
sees   ​
spends  ​
not   ​see   ​continues   ​
1 My
a  father insisted that my brother go
to college.
0 We demand that he apologize.
My father insisted my brother to go
to college.
9 I propose that he elected leader.
2 It is
a  essential for him to attend the meeting.
10 His symptoms are worrying. I insist that he
b It is essential that he attend the meeting. a doctor!

3 We
a  are demanding that the company 11 Surely it is better that he what time he
pay us compensation. has left with his family.
We are demanding the company to
pay us compensation. 12 For the reasons given, I consider him unsuitable and
recommend to the board that he be
4 They
a  suggested that she book the made a director.
table for slightly earlier.
They suggested booking the table
b  13 We requested that we not disturbed
for slightly earlier. for the duration.

5 I recommended
a  that he insure his luggage. 14 It is not essential that he to take the
I recommended insuring his luggage.
b  medicine long-term.

6 It is
a  important that he follow the doctor’s 15 The ads usually require that the candidates
instructions exactly. highly motivated and well-organized.
It is important for him to follow the doctor’s
instructions exactly.

7 The
a  rules require that he take reasonable
steps to acquire this information.
The rules require him to take reasonable
steps to acquire this information.

8 a They asked that he remove his hat.

b They asked him to remove his hat.

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masterMind LEVEL 2

C Rewrite these sentences using the D Correct the sentences that have mistakes.
subjunctive. Check (✓) the correct sentences. There is at
0 I asked the doctor when to take the tablets. least one correct sentence.
She recommended taking both in the morning. 0 It was necessary that he registered in person.
She recommended that I take both in the morning. It was necessary that he register in person.

16 The regulations require him to keep a record 25 We spoke to the police but they recommended that
of safety checks for a minimum of two years. we not press charges.
The regulations require

17 I asked my professor and she proposed approaching

26 Her boss insisted that she work extra hours.
the subject from a different angle.
She proposed
27 They asked that we don’t attend the first meeting.
18 He wanted to know my professional opinion and I
suggested trying another supplier.

28 They asked that we not reveal our identities.

19 I spoke to my lawyer and he recommended not
contacting her again.

29 They’re now saying that it is important that people

not spend too long sitting in one position.
20 The event is free of charge but they ask participants
to register online.

30 I asked my father what he would like for his birthday

and he insisted that I didn’t buy him anything.
21 It is essential for him to meet these requirements.

Score / 30

22 In order to be successful, it is vital for the lesson to

be stimulating as well as informative.

23 Sophie sought advice from the provider and they

recommended setting up a new email account.

24 The parents were consulted and they requested not

keeping the baby in the hospital any longer.

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masterMind LEVEL 2

Vocabulary C Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the options from the box. There are
A Are these sentences true or false? Write
three extra options.
T (true) or F (false).
0 Numeracy is the ability to read. F open-minded   ​
outlet   ​accuracy   ​
factor in   ​
numeracy   ​engage in   ​
1 Outcome always refers to a bad result of
outcome   ​
emerge   ​open-ended   ​
a situation.
imitate   ​literacy   ​
2 Someone who finds an outlet for an emotion
or a skill finds a way of dealing with it or 0 What’s clear from all the research is that young
showing it. children have an immense capacity
for learning, given the right environment.
3 An open-ended activity can only develop
in one particular way. 16 Children can be seen to
simple actions and expressions of others during play
4 If you engage in an activity, you are forced from as early as eight months of age.
to take part in it.
17 Sports, it is often said, provides a safe
5 If something emerges, it remains hidden, for aggression.
where it cannot be noticed.
18 Jake’s reading and writing skills are fine, but he
6 Literacy refers to basic skills in math. struggles with .

7 To imitate someone is to copy them. 19 We do what we can to ensure that the children
the activities, but no one is
B Complete the sentences in the following forced to take part.
exchanges with one word only.
20 There is no doubt at all that a smaller class size leads
Andrea: Would you (0) like to have dinner to better educational .
with us this evening?
21 She teaches adult .
Mario: I’m (8) but I have to work this Some of her students can scarcely write and a few
evening. can’t even read.

Elizabeth: You up (9) a drink this evening to 22 What from the research
celebrate Ollie’s birthday? is that children learn more through free-choice play
than structured group activities.
Jonathan:  that (10) fun! Where are you
meeting? 23 tasks are tasks to which
there is no single correct answer or where a range
Pasha:  to come swimming this afternoon, of answers is possible.
Hannah:  can I (11) a rain (12)
on that? I’m a bit busy.

Issac:  we’re meeting some friends after the
play for a glass of wine. (13) you
like to (14) us? We’d love to have
your company.
I’m sorry,
Emma:  Isaac. I’d love (15) but
I’m afraid I have to leave.

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masterMind LEVEL 2

D Complete the two texts with the correct

form of the words from the box.

sorry   ​
want   ​
to   ​
would   ​
like   ​sound   ​take   ​up

Tom: Hey, guys, you (0) up for a pizza this

evening? Celebrate the end of term?
Rebecca: Sure, (24) great! Count me in!
Sam: Oh, can I (25) a rain check? Sorry—
I have a cold and I’m not feeling so good.
Tom: Sure, no problem. I’m sorry to hear that, Sam.
Sam: Don’t worry—it’s nothing much—I just need
to rest.
Tom: Hey, Rebecca, (26) to meet there
at eight o’clock?
Rebecca: Sure. See you then!

David: (27) you like to join us for dinner on

the first night of the conference?
Kate: I’m (28) , David. I’d really
(29) to, but I’ve already arranged to
have dinner with some French colleagues that
Keira: Yes, David, I would love (30) ! Thank
you very much.

Score / 30

Total score / 60

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Unit 9: Grammar and vocabulary test B LEVEL 2

Vocabulary C Complete the sentences with the correct

A Complete the sentences in the following form of the options from the box. There are
exchanges with one word only. three extra options.
Joseph: Fiona, we’re meeting some friends after the
play for a glass of wine. (0) would you like open-minded   ​
outlet   ​accuracy   ​
factor in   ​
to (1) us? We’d love to have your numeracy   ​engage in   ​
outcome   ​
emerge   ​
company. open-ended   ​
imitate   ​literacy   ​

Fiona: I’m sorry, Joseph. I’d love (2) but

I’m afraid I have to leave. 0 What’s clear from all the research is that young
children have an immense capacity
for learning, given the right environment.
Hugh: Want to come swimming this afternoon, Anna?
Anna: Er, can I (3) a rain (4) 16 Children can be seen to
on that? I’m a bit busy. simple actions and expressions of others during play
from as early as eight months of age.
Fabio: Would you (5) to have dinner with
17 Sports, it is often said, provides a safe
us this evening?
for aggression.
Roberto: I’m (6) but I have to work this evening.
18 Anna’s reading and writing skills are fine, but she
Alison: You up (7) a drink this evening to struggles with .
celebrate Sam’s birthday?
19 We do what we can to ensure that the children
David: Sure, that (8) fun! Where are the activities, but no one is
you meeting? forced to take part.

B Are these sentences true or false? 20 There is no doubt at all that a smaller class size leads
Write T (true) or F (false). to better educational .
0 Numeracy is the ability to read. F
21 He teaches adult .
Some of his students can scarcely write and a few
9 If you engage in an activity, you are forced
can’t even read.
to take part in it.
22 What from the research
10 If something emerges, it remains hidden,
is that children learn more through free-choice play
where it cannot be noticed.
than structured group activities.
11 Literacy refers to basic skills in math.
23 tasks are tasks to which
12 To imitate someone is to copy them. there is no single correct answer or where a range
of answers is possible.
13 Outcome always refers to a bad result of
a situation.

14 Someone who finds an outlet for an emotion

or a skill finds a way of dealing with it or
showing it.

15 An open-ended activity can only develop

in one particular way.
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masterMind LEVEL 2

D Complete the two texts with the correct Grammar

form of the words from the box. A Complete these sentences containing the
subjunctive with words from the box. Use
sorry   ​want   ​to   ​
would   ​
some words more than once. There are four
like   ​sound   ​take   ​up
extra words.

Lisa: Hey, guys, you (0) up for a pizza this spend   ​be   ​that   ​continue   ​

sees   ​
evening? Celebrate the end of term? spends   ​not   ​
see   ​continues   ​

Jamie: Sure, (24) great! Count me in! 0 We demand that he apologize.

Izzy: Oh, can I (25) a rain check? Sorry— 1 For the reasons given, I consider her unsuitable
I have a cold and I’m not feeling so good. and recommend to the board that she
be made a director.
Lisa: Sure, no problem. I’m sorry to hear that, Izzy.
2 We requested that we not disturbed
Izzy: Don’t worry—it’s nothing much—I just need to rest. for the duration.
Lisa: Hey, Jamie, (26) to meet there at 3 It is not essential that he to take the
eight o’clock? medicine long-term.
Jamie: Sure. See you then! 4 The ads usually require that the candidates
highly motivated and well-organized.
Sandra: (27) you like to join us for dinner
5 I propose that she elected leader.
on the first night of the conference?
6 Her symptoms are worrying. I insist that she
Leon: I’m (28) , Sandra. I’d really
a doctor!
(29) to, but I’ve already arranged to
have dinner with some Spanish colleagues that 7 Surely it is better that she what time
evening. she has left with her family.
Karla: Yes, Sandra, I would love (30) !
Thank you very much. B Check (✓) the correct sentence in each pair.
In some cases both sentences are correct.
Score / 30 ✓
0 It is
a  necessary that she sign this form.
b It is necessary for her to sign this form. ✓

8 a I recommended that he insure his luggage.

b I recommended insuring his luggage.

9 a Itis important that she follow the doctor’s

instructions exactly.
It is important for her to follow the doctor’s
instructions exactly.

10 a The rules require that she take reasonable

steps to acquire this information.
b The rules require her to take reasonable
steps to acquire this information.

11 a  They asked that he remove his hat.

b They asked him to remove his hat.

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masterMind LEVEL 2

12 a  My mother insisted that my brother go 21 It is essential for her to meet these requirements.
to college.
b My mother insisted my brother to go
to college.
22 In order to be successful, it is vital for the lesson to
13 a  It is essential for her to attend the meeting. be stimulating as well as informative.
b It is essential that she attend the meeting.

14 a  We are demanding that the company pay us

compensation. 23 Alison sought advice from the provider and they
b We are demanding the company to pay us recommended setting up a new email account.

15 a  They suggested that he book the table for

slightly earlier. 24 The parents were consulted and they requested not
b They suggested booking the table for keeping the baby in the hospital any longer.
slightly earlier.

C Rewrite these sentences using the

subjunctive. D Correct the sentences that have mistakes.
Check (✓) the correct sentences. There is at
0 I asked the doctor when to take the tablets.
least one correct sentence.
She recommended taking both in the morning.
She recommended that I take both in the morning. 0 It was necessary that she registered in person.
It was necessary that she register in person.

16 The regulations require her to keep a record of

25 We spoke to the police but they recommended that
safety checks for a minimum of two years.
we not press charges.
The regulations require
26 His boss insisted that he work extra hours.
17 I asked my professor and he proposed approaching
the subject from a different angle.
He proposed
27 They asked that we don’t attend the first meeting.

18 She wanted to know my professional opinion and

I suggested trying another supplier. 28 They asked that we not reveal our identities.

29 They’re now saying that it is important that people

19 I spoke to my lawyer and she recommended not not spend too long sitting in one position.
contacting him again.

30 I asked my mother what she would like for her birthday

and she insisted that I didn’t buy her anything.
20 The event is free of charge but they ask participants
to register online.

Score / 30

Total score / 60

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UNIT 9: Skills test LEVEL 2

Listening Reading
Listen to this excerpt from a radio program. Read this letter to a newspaper by nursery
Choose true (T) or false (F). school manager, Melissa Turner. Choose the
best ending for each sentence.
0 The speaker says that when adults play with
babies, babies mimic adults, and vice versa. T/F 0 Melissa Turner’s letter is a reaction to an article
in a newspaper proposing
1 The reasons for a baby’s excitement at A that schools in her country be more like those
seeing their parent imitating them are fully in Scandinavia.
understood. T/F
B a form of education for young children that she
disapproves of.
2 Experiments suggest that the excitement
described has to do with making a connection C a better use of play.
with another person. T/F
1 It is evidently Melissa Turner’s opinion that formal
3 Experiments with toys suggest that babies lessons for young children are
learn about cause and effect more quickly A cruel.
when they try things out on their own first. T/F B morally wrong.
C inappropriate and unhelpful.
4 The speaker states that parents and caregivers
are not entirely responsible for the way that the 2 Turner claims that the positive points of play for
baby’s brain develops. T/F young children
A cannot be doubted.
5 The speaker seems to suggest that we should B have very recently been proven.
radically change the way that we play
C have been overstated.
with babies. T/F
3 Turner seems to be in favor
A of all forms of play.
B of physical play rather than other forms.
C of play for children over the age of two.

4 Turner says that play encourages in children

A self-control, empathy, and self-expression.
B self-esteem and self-expression.
C empathy and intelligence.

5 Turner explicitly states that the Scandinavian

educational system
A is based on research of childhood development.
B has proven benefits in later life.
C is less structured and formal.

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masterMind LEVEL 2

I am responding to the article on early childhood

education by Elizabeth Harley in Saturday 24th’s Complete the following sentences using the
edition of the paper. Ms. Harley is evidently of the subjunctive.
opinion that education for the under-fives should • It was necessary …
more closely resemble schooling for the older child. • … asked that …
She would like to see the adoption of a structured
• … recommended that …
approach to learning in which children as young as
• … demand that …
three are pushed into formal lessons to which they
are not suited and the principles of reading and • It is essential …
writing drilled into them.
As the manager of a nursery school, with some twenty
years’ experience in the profession, I feel compelled
to say that I could not disagree more. It is not for
nothing that the phrase “Learning through play” has
long been the mantra of good childhood education.
The developmental and educational benefits of play
for young children are undeniable, having been
proven in countless studies over the past twenty
years. For anyone still in any doubt over this issue,
may I reiterate just some of those advantages:
First, play—both free and adult-guided—teaches
young children to be aware of their peers’ feelings,
an essential requirement for life, I think we would all
agree. At the same time, as a result of play, children
learn to control their emotions, again a skill that
will serve them well through life. (Repeated studies
have demonstrated that the invaluable qualities
of empathy and self-control emerge through play
far more readily than through any other childhood
Additionally, activities such as play fighting offer
a “safe” outlet for the emotions of anger and
aggression. Play is very often physical in a way
that structured learning cannot ever be. It is now
recommended that children over the age of two
engage in “moderate physical activity” for a minimum
of an hour a day. There is overwhelming evidence that
active children turn into active adults, thus reducing in
later life the risk of obesity, heart disease, and other
serious and life-threatening conditions.
Ms. Harley will find a great deal of opposition to her
proposals from within the profession. Indeed, many
respected educators already assert that children
start formal education too early, comparing current
practices unfavorably with Scandinavian countries,
where schooling does not start until the age of
seven. In these countries, educational outcomes are
significantly better than they are here and standards
of literacy and numeracy among the adult population
are very much higher.
Melissa Turner

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