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A justice delayed is a justice denied

A joyous morning to our excellent and respected Research Adviser,Dr. Rizaldy A.

Montero and to my fellow researchers!

I am honored to present to you my Action Research study titled “Assessment on the

Efficiency and Effectiveness of Katarungang Pambarangay and Its Role in Peace
and Order Situation of the Community”

Art. 3 Bill of Rights Section 16 provided that all persons shall have the right to a speedy
disposition of their cases before all judicial, quasi-judicial or administrative bodies. But
do all persons enjoy this constitutional right?

With the Philippine Judiciary System continuous struggles with the perennial

problem of case congestion and court delay, resulting from national and local

budgetary, as well as human resource constraints. In which, a large part of the

blame for the emergence of the problem of overuse, misuse, and abuse of courts is

those persons seeking redress of their grievances have gone directly to courts

when it would probably have been more beneficial for them to have availed of

means other than judicial for the resolution of their problems.

This research study focuses on the KP or Barangay Justice System

(BJS) as an alternative dispute resolution is an arbitration that functions within the

community level and has an objective of decongesting our existing courts as well as

making a speedy conciliation on cases that are concerned with family and

community levels.

through the implementation of the Katarungang Pambarangay, the Philippine

government has realized an estimated savings of P3,107,678,000 that were

determined as a result of the out-of-court settlement of a total of 327,124 disputes

lodged before barangay lupons or lupong tagapamayapa throughout the country.

Based on a report submitted by the Bureau of Local Government Supervision of the

Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG).Wherein, the estimated

government cost of adjudication per case is P9,500.00.

This paper aims to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of

Katarungang Pambarangay and its role in the peace and order situation of the

community. Furthermore, this would justify and support the concept that KP is not

an isolated form of conflict management and resolution institution, rather, it is rooted

in the Philippine Criminal Justice System by associating its place in the Local

Government Units that have the same objective of delivering judicious resolutions

based on the rule of law to ensure the life, liberty, and property security.

Moving on to the Background of the study

A community-based justice system exists in Western countries like the United

States of America, wherein every state follows a different kind of mediation process

or belief system. Elder Mediators have been chosen in various regions of Western

Countries precisely because of their existing knowledge of the specific conflicts and

their experiences in accommodating dispute resolution in their community, so that a

group or tribe can all benefit. The term is called western “collectivism” wherein the

conflict will not only have an effect on the parties involved but the whole tribe group

or community in which they are involved. The mediators also use “group pressure”

just like the mediator’s respectable position to convince the parties involved to settle

the case and restore harmony to the larger group.

In the Philippines, Katarungang Pambarangay is a time-honored tradition of

the Filipino people rooted in our historical background. The essential objective is to
achieve a peaceful and harmonious resolution of conflicts anchored on Filipino

values which we treasure most like: pakikisama (community spirit); Utang na Loob

(debt of gratitude) and kinship. In addition, relevant values such as

pakikipagkapwa-tao (human relation), pakikiisa (unifying spirit), generosity and

helpfulness, love and caring, respect, strong family and community ties, and other

sets of values that a majority of Filipinos endeavor most in their lives.

The Katarungang Pambarangay (Barangay Justice System) was governed

by Presidential Decree No. 1508 which was signed on June 11, 1978, and took

effect on December 20, 1978. Its real intent is to recognize the cultural heritage of

the Filipinos, where differences among people are not resolved through a formal or

adversarial manner, but using an effective problem-solving mechanism of

negotiation, mediation, or conciliation. Furthermore, PD 1508 covers cases

punishable by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days or a fine not exceeding

Two Hundred Pesos (P200.00).

Additionally, it was repealed by Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as

the Local Government Code of 1991, which embodies the same principles and

essence of PD 1508 in Sections 399-422, Chapter VII, Title I, Book III, and Section

515, Title 1, Book IV. However, the cases covered by the Katarungang

Pambarangay were expanded by increasing the authority of the lupon to settle

criminal offenses punishable by imprisonment of not exceeding one (1) year or a

fine not exceeding Five thousand pesos (P5,000).

To guide my research,I’m drawing upon a paradigm for conceptual framework

As defined, the independent variables are the perceived causes,

the dependent variables are the perceived effect,

and the intervening variables are the factors that affect the dependent


Paradigm of the Study

“Independent” “Intervening” “Dependent”

1. The Socio-
demographic profile of
*The study set out
the respondents as to; Observation, to establish the
Age, Gender, Civil Survey extent of efficiency
status, Occupation questionnaire, and effectiveness of
and Educational Interview,Interpretati the Katarungang
attainment. on of gathered data, Pambarangay in
Assessment on the terms of settlement
2. The extent of Efficiency and of disputes,
efficiency and Effectiveness of satisfaction of
effectiveness of the Katarungang clients, and
Katarungang Pambarangay and endorsement of
Pambarangay in terms its Role in the cases
of settlement of Peace and Order
disputes, the Situation in
satisfaction of clients, Santiago City. *To improve the
and endorsement of implementation of
cases in Santiago City. Katarungang
Pambarangay by
identifying the
degree of problems
3. The degree of the
met in terms of
problems met in the
barangay justice
resources, inter-
system in terms of
agency cooperation,
and indifference of
resources, inter-
agency cooperation,
and indifference of
*Enhance the
knowledge of the
regarding the
4. The role of
Pambarangay and
Pambarangay in
create a sense of
ensuring the peace
and order situation of
towards its role in
the community.
the peace and order
situation of the
5. The
recommendations to
solve the degree of
problems met in the

The purpose of this study is to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of

Katarungang Pambarangay and its role in the peace and order situation of the

community. Furthermore, it aims to determine the following:

1. To determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents as to age,

gender, civil status, occupation, and educational attainment.

2. To determine the extent of efficiency and effectiveness of the Katarungang

Pambarangay in terms of settlement of disputes, satisfaction of clients, and

endorsement of cases in the City of Santiago.

3. To determine the degree of the problems met in the barangay justice system in

terms of organizational resources, inter-agency cooperation, and indifference of


4. To determine the role of Katarungang Pambarangay in ensuring the peace and

order situation of the community.

5. To determine the recommendations to solve the degree of problems met in the

Katarungang Pambarangay.
Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of Katarungang

Pambarangay and its role in the peace and order situation of the community.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the Socio-Demographic Profile of the Katarungang Pambarangay members

and their clients as categorized by:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Civil status

d. Occupation

e. Educational attainment

2. What is the extent of efficiency and effectiveness of the Katarungang Pambarangay

in terms of:

2.1. settlement of disputes;

2.2. satisfaction of clients;

2.3. endorsement of cases

3. What is the degree of the problems met in the barangay justice system in terms of:

3.1. organizational resources;

3.2. inter-agency cooperation;

3.3. indifference of clients

4. What is the role of Katarungang Pambarangay in ensuring the peace and order

situation of the community?

5. What are the recommendations to solve the degree of problems met in the

Katarungang Pambarangay?


In terms of METHODOLOGY, I used the descriptive survey qualitative and

quantitative method design to organize, interpret, and report the present status of a


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this research study was conducted to the constituents of the

37 barangays of Santiago City with a total of One Hundred (100) respondents for the

calendar year 2023.

Scope and Delimitation

The researcher limited the respondents of the study to the officers and members

of the Barangay Justice System and constituents who filed cases in the barangay. Each

had been equally distributed and represented by respondents and randomly selected by

the researcher. The statement of the problem also serves to limit the scope of the

present study.

Locale of the Study

Data Gathering Instrument

Conveniently used as a research instrument for this study are observation, interviews

with the respondents, documentation, and questionnaire.

Observation. The researcher was able to gather first-hand and fresh information

through observation of the respondents and their environment.

Interviews. In order to arrive at an in-depth information from the respondents

which might not be included nor reflected in the survey questionnaires, the researcher

conducted interviews. Although the interviews were quite informal, the researcher was

be able to collect sample data that gave greater clarity on the responses of the


Documentation. The researcher collected information from books, journals,

magazines, unpublished thesis and dissertations.

Questionnaire. The questionnaire is a set of questions arranged in sequence and

designed to be self-administered. The instrument was used on the presumption that the

Respondents were literate clearly motivated and willing to participate. Those illiterate or

no formal education respondents were guided and assisted by the researcher.

The reasons of the researcher in utilizing the questionnaire were:

1. It was a less expensive procedure, requiring fewer skills to administer, and

could be administered to a large number of respondents;

2. It ensures some amount of uniformity from one measurement situation to

another because of its standardized wording, order of questions and

instructions for responses;

3. In completing the questionnaire, respondents had confidence in their

anonymity so that they would feel more comfortable expressing their views;


4. It exerted less pressure on the respondents to provide immediate responses.

The questionnaire was divided into two parts:

Part I. Dealt with questions that were designed to establish a profile of each respondent.

This includes information on the socio–demographic profile, such as age, gender, civil

status, occupation, and educational attainment.

Part II. Dealt with information proper:

A. Dealt with the extent of efficiency and effectiveness of the Katarungang

Pambarangay in terms of settlement of disputes, satisfaction of clients, and

endorsement of cases in the City of Santiago.

B. Dealt with the degree of the problems met in the barangay justice system in

terms of organizational resources, inter-agency cooperation, and indifference of


C. Dealt with the role of Katarungang Pambarangay in ensuring the peace and

order situation of the community.

The respondent’s profile, simple frequency, and percentage count was used.

Data Gathering Procedure

The questionnaire was created using suitable questions modified from related

research and individual questions formed by the researchers. Likert scale was used to

determine if the respondent agreed or disagreed in a statement. The data gathered from
this research instrument were tallied and computed for interpretation according to the

frequency of items checked by the respondents. Along with the primary data, the

researcher also made use of secondary resources in the form of published articles and

literature to support the survey results.

Statistical Treatment

The researcher used the frequency distribution, weighted mean, and rank in
tallying and tabulating data.

V. Results and Findings of the Study

VI. Conclusion

Based on the tabulated responses of the respondents from the questionnaire

anchored by the interviews, the researcher revealed the following findings and


1. In terms of age, it was found that majority of the respondents belong to the age

bracket of 34 and above with a frequency of 56 or 56 percent in view of the fact

that this age bracket is mostly the respondents who are officials or members of

the Katarungang Pambarangay and clients who filed cases in the Barangay


2. In terms of gender, it was determined that 51 percent of respondents are male

while there are 30 percent of female and the remaining 19 percent are part of

the LGBTQ+ community.

3. In terms of occupation, it was figured out that most of the respondents were

mostly government employees with a frequency of 53 or 53 percent. While

there were 22 percent of Private employees. Followed by the Self-employed

with 16 percent and the least, Unemployed with 9 percent.

4. In terms of educational attainment, almost half of the respondents were

College graduates with 47 percent. Secondly, High School graduates with 21

percent while College undergraduates had 18 percent and only 14 percent

were Elementary graduates.

5. In terms of the extent of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Katarungang

Pambarangay highlighting the settlements of disputes, the indicator “Initiating

mediation or conciliation conferences on time and date conducive to both

parties” attained the first rank since the members or officers of the

Katarungang Pambarangay create a schedule of mediation or conciliation

conferences on time and date favorable to the complainees and complainants.

In addition, they take into consideration the personal life and work of their


6. In terms of the extent of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Katarungang

Pambarangay focusing on the satisfaction of clients, item no. 2 “Providing both

parties with an equal opportunity to present evidence relative with the disputes

in question” topped the ranking. The result implies that the clients are satisfied

and see that the Lupon Tagapamayapa is not biased and possesses fairness

which is fundamental in the Barangay Justice System.

7. In terms of the extent of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Katarungang

Pambarangay particularly on the endorsement of cases, item no. 1 “Recording

of minor cases referred to the attention of the Lupon and Pangkat by the Local
Police” had the highest weighted mean of 4.21 and interpreted as agree ranked

first because the officials and members of the Katarungang Pambarangay are

keeping records of minor cases referred to them by the Local Police.

8. In terms of the degree of problems met in the Barangay Justice System

significantly on the organizational resources, the indicator “Non-appropriation

of funds to be utilized by the Lupon and Pangkat with the performance

functions” with a weighted mean of 4.52 indicates a qualitative description of

strongly agree ranked first due to inadequate technical knowledge in managing

the Barangay Budget. The results imply that Barangay officials must continue

to attend capacity training such as the Grassroots Renewal and Empowerment

for Accountable and Transparent (GREAT) Barangays program of the

Department of Interior and Local Government which will run until 2025. Enable

to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness in development planning, budget

and finance, and performance management.

9. In terms of the degree of problems met in the Barangay Justice System notably

on the inter-agency cooperation, the indicator “Non-cooperation of other

barangay councils in disputes involving their constituent/s” with a weighted

mean of 3.29 and denotes a qualitative description of neutral ranked first by

reason of uncompensated services. The members of Lupon do not receive any

incentive or honoraria. Besides, there are conflicts of schedule with their work

on the conduct of mediation or conciliation conferences.

10. In terms of the degree of problems met in the Barangay Justice System

regarding the indifference of clients, it sets out that item no. 2 “Ignoring of
summons and non-appearance to conferences” had the highest weighted

mean of 4.69 and entails a qualitative description of strongly agree ranked first

due to lack of cooperation from either party – complainee and complainant.

11. In terms of the role of Katarungang Pambarangay in ensuring the peace and

order situation of the community, item no. 1 “The members of the community

are living in harmony and peace with respect to the Katarungang

Pambarangay.” with a weighted mean of 3.77 and signifies a qualitative

description of agree ranked first by reason of majority of the residents in

Santiago City are well off and believe that the Barangay Justice System foster

peace and order which resulted to lesser conflict among their neighbors.

Finally, the researcher of this study concludes that there is a need to sustainably

improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Katarungang Pambarangay in Santiago

City in terms of settlement of disputes, satisfaction of clients, and endorsement of


Moreover, the Katarungang Pambarangay will be strengthen by resolving the

degree of problems met highlighting the organizational resources, inter-agency

cooperation, and indifference of clients. Additionally, enhance the knowledge of the

community regarding the Katarungang Pambarangay and create a sense of realization

towards its role in the peace and order situation of the community.
VII. Recommendation

Based on the findings and conclusions drawn from the study, the researcher

would like to recommend the following:

1. Conduct continuous intensified information dissemination on the basics of the

Law on dispute settlements to arouse peoples’ consciousness on the

objectives of the Katarungang Pambarangay –motivating them to realize its

importance and role in the peace and order situation of the community.

2. Allot funds to suffice the required equipment to ensure an effective procedure

during conference.

3. Conduct orientation to the complainants and complainees regarding the legal

consequences of ignoring summons and non-appearance to mediation and

conciliation conferences.

4. Create a Monitoring and Evaluation Committee for Lupon Tagapamaya /

Katarungang Pambarangay to assess their annual performance and distinguish

points for improvement.

5. Hire support staff to do the legwork of recording the process of mediation or

conciliation to ease the workload of the lupon members and fulfill their primary

duties and responsibilities more effectively.

6. Strengthen the relations and coordination with the local police in the community

for speedier referral of cases under the jurisdiction of the Barangay Justice

7. The Local Government should provide in-service – training, seminars,

workshops, and mentoring for Lupon Tagapamayapa to be more effective and

efficient in settling disputes.

8. The Department of Interior and Local Government should look into the

improvement of dispute settlements and the updating of the existing system’s

policies of the Local Government Code of 1991 in providing a more effective

and efficient delivering speedier and quality justice through non-adversarial for

the security and welfare of the community.

9. Enhancement of the Incentive Awards System Intervention Program to

motivate the Lupon Tagapamayapa Members in serving the community and

reducing higher court dockets.

10. The barangay-level government should appoint members of the Katarungan

Pambarangay with good reputations and committed to providing public service.

11. The national government down to the municipal government should take part in

addressing the needs of the Katarungan Pambarangay for greater success.

Your feedback and insights are invaluable to me and I look forward to incorporate them
into my action research. Thank you!

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